7 Y THEWEST-JSIDE- ,, Talaphona, No. 141, . FlilDAY, FK.nia AHV ' iU, w v KMoiirs or win r HO M Kit lntlHiR Nil. i M KKVS KVKUV tVHhitilay vwninit. Momlwr ulll iAi 1il Itiitu-v ami iiiiumi thi-m-i'lv,' a.Yiitdiitiily. V IkI 1 1 tin Klllulilitan lnvil.'.t to Mttii.t u ki.-ti l.i Ciinvi'iiliMil, K. X. W II SON .'. O. ' J. W. KK'rt AKISiN, K Couit Imlcm-iuli'iu'tt N NO. KVIh! n of AuutIoh, niti evory l'u"il;iv evening at 8 o'olook. W, It Allln, diiitit, Cooper l.l.H'k. Buy your mill fil at th Collins null Mran, $17 por Ion; dlmri flS pur ton. Palmer Hrua. liavo a Imv nttt iiicm of Kiiarnntetul pure Plymouth Kink ecits, (or hatching pnrpue, Mary Imil it little eaK -it wns no verv lean, that everywhere tlmt Maty went it himlly couM he noon; but Mdiy tl pair of pints which Im put wit hiu net hose, am now the ol i to ii.inlv Keen wherever Mary kh. When you want a phykthi,i I mlM awl centU eaav t tnkt hii'I ilisuii( lu efloet, m ('liiuiilnrlii,nV NoiiihWi and Liver Tahleta VtUv I'm Sniiipl tVw. Kvery hnx gonrnnteetl. 'For an I e by Kirklatnl In-tnr Civ lVtttliiina inoiilihtors iue the U't. Cull and nee them, F. K. 'hnnt)Miei. Annull baud of Uuirimjjlihnsl Cuts wold sheep for le. Entitle ol 0. VV. Leonard, Monniumh, Newhn.'a .Heipi.'i.lo, iltunlrult cure, K. TMralllf j,.?, bbor; keoiw u lXm't forget to clean hoime this spring, And when you do so, go to J. I., Stuck ton' and get your luoe curtains and cur pets. He h the lineal lino iu I'olk Couuty. Iook up tt. M. Vad A Co 'a reduction stove ale, At Uolinfiou 'a -school hooks and chool supplies. West Side and Weekly (Statesman, on year, $2. Granulated hone and ovstcr she!! for your chickens. F. K. Chambers. Oriler a nice dressed chicken, from Palmer Bros, for your Sunday dinner, i Oh lay! Wiieu you want to unite that baby of yours look irettv. t;o to J. i L. Stovknm'a and mt onw o( t'h.u... .t...,.lv I white dresses for it. An exchange remarks, in laine type, that Philip Armour left tifty millions. That's nothing remarkable. A man died in Salem one day luet week iud led the world. Kirkland, the druii-ir, will refund you your money If you re not siiiMted after using Chauitn'rlniu's Stomach and Liver Taole's. They eure disorder f the stomach, lilllonnc-.s, (Hmstipailoii and headache. Price i cents. Samples free. For school supplies rtiid school hooks, go to KohuiifouV. t.'..- :.. I .. . . v .... i ... ror npeciai rate u l.ipincou s Maijajtllie to suhaerihera of tlie WksI Hum, call at the oillce. Full line of poultry supplies at F. K. Chain'oera. Fresh oysters, clams, crabs, tih, etc., at Palmer Bros. New laces and embroideries by tin cart load just received at J. I-. Stock ta'$. Mann's green laine mill at F. E. Chambers. !'s"livitr Bros, pay cash for etfgH, poul try, etCi Call and see us. Grass seed of sli kinds at F. K. Cham bers. Try Moore, the Imrla-r, north fide of "C" street, ophite Knox'a growry store, for a hair cut or shave. More wheat is destroyed in the fields by too much water than from msad. Every wheat field should be thoroughly drained, for if not there s a liability of theplantsl.cinglhrownoutofthegro,indlU ,tmuy Bll. ,.,,, ,lllWll ,, rjVl., on whenever a freezing ami tiiawimroccuis. I t(l(, ji , , 1 1 J. L. Stockton has just received a lot j T(m Hpeend services at the I'nited Of dress goods including silk flannels. .... o,,...,,,. ,.. .,, henriettas fancy snitingH, silks, f i I k muslins, and anvthiiikt else von want to i niako you look pretty. ; iug. II ,.M. Wade. v Co. will be in the le:,d on bicycles tins season, the:r stock lias I begun to arrive. j Newbro's Ileipicide, the .daudrulT cure, at E. T. Hcnkle's barber shop, 10 cents. When In Salem and you want a good meal don't forget to go to Strong's Jtestaurant, whwe everything the mar ket affords can be hud. Lee's Lice Killer will destroy the ver min on your poultry; it works while they sleep. Get a can at F. K, Chain Iters. CORDWOOP taken on subscription at the WEST HIDE office. This signature Is on every ho of tho ftennino Laxative Bromc-Quininc Tawcts the remedy that rnre a col.I In one day You would he surprised to see the great varietv of air tight heater displayed on the floor'at It. M. Wa le k. CoV If you need anything in that hue don't overlook them. J. H. Moore, the barber on (' street, now bundles Newbro's terioe;.e, tbe famous diiridruft' i tire', eiiil.irsed by' it'l the leadif))? biirhers'of Ponhiod and all cities in the eint. (jive it h trial ami save your hair. It is said that Mr. Lines w iii open up next week in his new store a line of wall paper, window curlixiiiH anil shades ami poles, also all kinks of moldings for picture frames and do general furniture repairing. Decidedly one of the greatest acquisi tions to Salem's business institutions during recent years is that of the Flor ence Sanatorium, projected and estab lished by Dr. It. Cartwrigbt, one ol Salem's most successful physicians and surgeons. In all of its appointments the Sanatorium is a nioded of modern methods. Its equipment in of tho latest Aiid best and the architectural design ol ittse building is such that comfort and and convenience blend with beauty, so that the structure is as well an orna iment to the city UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The" Best In Current Literature 12 Completi Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COP NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF jUppluUOl,!,'), .Mug.lAlUe uii lUo Whsa felPB, one vewr 3.!i5, Washington V lint Inlay. Totrtorrow en-la the U'ihIhIivo regular aeainn. F. A. Dun'.y in conlluml to his home wiili the grip, ' ' ' II. M. Lillet spent a few days In Tort- Inn. I on liimines the past week; Martha Waidilnuloii social toiiiulit at Odd Fi-llotts' hall. Frank Whiteaker i eouttnej to Ida '), iK'illjJ ipiile ill. The river stopped rising on Monday and went down faaler than it came up. M. L, iKiriia came down from iOn'ene on fucud.iy lor a short visit. Tho doit pidnoner ijot 0. K, Fddriile'i do last Satuiday lilnht. Mr. and .Mrs. J. V,. Ilubhard went to S.len on Wednesday. Mrs. i, L, Hawkins and sou Heriuauii spent Vivilnesdsy at Salem. Mr. Kinit and sister Miss Kdiih t.iues visiiett in ralein tliiruiti a part of tlie past -week, retiiiiiinn Saturday eveuini!. Kov Irvine, who slatted tha Mitchell County news, is in the eity having ar rived her Saturday. The Folk County Teaehem' Assoeia Won will meet at Independence tuinur rviw. " ' t apt. Skinner eontemplates luosint; his family to l.ehanon, tiivuiK up the old home to Rift sou Friiuk. Mayor Siooktou vient to Salem on Wednesday for a katk in on the leuisla lure. W. F. Coiuiiay, hnvtutf tiuished his receivership of the Moscow hank, was expected home last evening. Mrs. S. K, Uaen, on Satunlay hint i:ave a birthday party for her daughter Mildred, and Miss VI Iveed. Mrs. (i. V. Kutch went to Corvallis on Wednesday intending to visit with Mrs, Frank Lilly tho balance of the weeV. Claude Skinner came up from Tort laud on Tuesiiy to attend the marriage of his brother Flank and returned on Thursday. Mrs. Kiiiiua SI;iickleford Wolnccdav from lii'idas arrived on Minnesota, Mrs. J. U, ' ''H Mr. Hlld CU-land, old time Irn-mls. There is a hklthood of a liumhe'r of people going down to Salem tomorrow to see the end of the legislature, as the jO. C. T. company's lonl will, if desired, wait at Salem until midnight. F.mit Waldtiian, thu genial traveling man, was a visitor in Independence on Tuesday, tie sitttivs makes it ft oiiit to hunt np old fneihls anl this tune he didn't miss the Writ Sum. Mr. K. It. Jamison, of Monmouth, ar rived I'ruin Carringtoii, Missouri, on Tuesday. He spent the winter there and says the weather was tine, still he was glud to gel home again. Owen lU'aiu, representing the Albany Athletic Club, wa in this city Saturday ami made airingvmeiits for our team of basket bail players to go to Albany to meet a team there at an early date, Mr. iiitdiop, president of the Oratori cal Society of Monmouth, was in town last Sat onlay to see atamt arranging (or a eeial car from here to Corvallii at the lime ol the oratorical contests on the SU of Match. I. II. Murphy lias closet! his shoe shop mid expects to leave here some time next month for tytass Valley, Sher man county. Tlie family will remain here am' Mr. Murphy will return in the summer. Mr. ami Mrs. A. ,1. titshniin arrived j from California on Wednesday morning ! looking fren and happy after their six ' weeks vacal on. Thev not off the train present on account of sickness of the , pastor. Keguinr service Sunday even- Af .r rv f ,u , , s','t'in, Mr, Slia Kton feels that lie is do- UU ni.-eiy lor iieiepenuence. in mci the West Side store is equal to any and superior to many Salem houses in the quality of its goods, Zed lioseudorf had a very attractive display in his show windows during the week. Mrs.-Nation was there with her famous hatchet ; a pair of Aguinaldo's running shoes, and other articles, aji eicMt and modern. The window was the center of attraction and was viewed with much interest. The school board of district No. -1) has called a meeting for Monday at 7 :'!() p. in. for the purpose of electing a director lor tlie three year term and a clerk for one year. If it were not for the ptibli cufiou of this by the newspapers very few people would know il as people don't stop to rend posted notices as they used to. The board ought to be up to date and print, their notices so patrons of the school would know what, was go ing on. , The names of thirty-out) utatcs have ht.'on bestowed upon Uncle Sum's fighting shipH. Thin state his no reason to complain, with a ii rut-class battlc-liif named Ore . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DRY lake LuxtUlve Itromo Quinine Tablets All dnixgtsts refund the money if II fails to cure. E.W. drove's signature la on each box. Hoc. West Side -tl AND Weekly Oregonian i)ne Year, (In advance) - - $a.oo . TUG PUREST AND BEST i kittled boer for family uso to be had at El - GJLLE'2 CSSTLE SAM, Independence. Hi kid Beer CUy OmieM. . Council nnttln regular session onTues day evening with the mayor, the mar shal, the rucorder and all thu council men present. The lluaiice commutes reported haV' lug Investigated the imilter in regard to bonding (he eity to the amount of MH for the purpimn of redeeming outstand lug warrants. The commutes recom mended that bids be advertised for lu the Oregonlau, bonds to be lu amount ol fliHI each and to become due m a cer tain date iu till I, on or before. The marshal was directed to put new sidewalk lu front of oily hull to cones pond with Jrtiei son's walk now done. The street connnlilee was sulhoiised to receive bids to repair Jail. f Committee on Hie and water grunted further time to make a report, Wlllsfdllb., The whisi club met at the residence of Ir, snd Mrs, lluller last Friday eve. liiug as the guests of Mr II. lliischbetg, who did the honors lu a graceful and appropriate manner. The evening was enjoyable, ami much skill displayed in an endeavor to w in the tlr.it and escape the Isiohy prise. The tortuiihte and unfortunate ones weie; Mr, and Mrs. J. K. kirkland; Mrs Connawav and Mr. Uaniou. This week the club meets with Mr. ami Mis. J Iv. Kirkland, Ihe Tax i.ey, The tax levy for Folk couti'y this year amounts to U mills and U segregated as follows: Stjite lax,,,,,. , , 6.7 mills Scalp bulimy I " County I -1.8 " Schtail 5 " fit v Independence 8 " Special, school dial. No. 2V, , . , IU " Total il mills Tins county's tax is A mills higher than last year hut as the valuation is I'D per cent loer the taxpayeri will pay no mote; iu fact they will pay alsiiit IO,lssi less to the state than thev did in I Married SKINNFIi-lllI.TII!UA.M-On Wed nesday, February i'D, nt the residence ol the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hiltibraud, bU'UI ten miles south of Independence, Mr, Frank M. Skinner and Miss Pauline lliliihraud, Th young folks will live iu Independence and ke,.p house. The Itiiiliiikfion koute is carrying many tourists just now, A lew days ago the road brought inio Molilalia II) cars containing "u passengers Ismnd for Washington and Oregon jHiiuts, These came from various points in I'.uilingtou territory, as far east ast 'hicno. Matiatfcr Lines ol tue telephone svs tern expects to move the nlli;o into ilui risiin lately used by P. II Murphy, This w ill make a much more convenient ) place as there is more room and the force won't la crowded. The Dallas Iteutiger savsthat Senators Simon and .Mcllride and Congressman Tongue have rceoin mended C O Cosd as the nest Dallaa postmaiiter. The'e is not among us a more capable or worthy man for the position. He will give uni versal satisfaction. On lat Friday an amendment to the city charter was minsluced in the legis lature by Representative Hawkins al lowing the city lo make its own sscs tneiit and collect the city tax instead of the present wsv whereby the eollecljng is done by the couuty sheriff. M. (i. Flyiin has a tine timber claim near Falls City, lie tells the Wrar Sinn that he is about to arrange for the build ing of a saw- mill on this property which is at the head of lireay creek. The mill j will cut :tb,0RI feet daily. There is an j abundance of yellow lir and some cedar, j Mr Fly nn expects to find a nnirket for his lumber along the lines of the ern Pacific, outh-1 Fph Young has been trniiiiug for u pom ion iu a circus tine day lasl week, while Mrs. Young was away from home, Kih got his pruning saw and started to trim up the big trees about the houne, Through some miscalculation he sawed off the limb on w hich he was standing and took a tumble, lo fulling, he changed ends and dropped head tirst until near the ground when one foot caught iu u crotch and held him un.cii ded. How to get out of Ibis fix wus a conundrum. Finally a bright ides stl lick Kph J if he could sw ing until be reached the trunk ol the tree ho could get free. He made a long swing itud landed on his buck at the loot of the tree, ilia trousers were nearly stripped off and he was badly shaken up. It is a safe bet that Mrs Young will not leave Fph at home alone again any mote. One of the beauties and charms of an editor's lile is in his deaddieadiug il on all occasions. No one wdio has never tasted the sweets of that, bliss can be.' n to hike in its glory and Its hapiiinem-. He does worth of iiilverliaing lor a railroad, gets a "pass" for n year, rides fi.'i worth ami it looked upon, us a dead head or a half-blow n (lend beat. He puffs a concei t troupe $1(1 woiih and getw $1 in "complliiientiiiies" nnil is ''pu-scd free." ' If the hnJI is crowded he is be grudged the room he occupies, for if his coinpliiiiunliii ics were paying tickets I he troupe would he so much iu poeket. lie blows and puffs a church festival free to any extent, ami does ihe poster limiting at half ralH, and rarely gets a "thank you" for it. It goes us part of his duty as an editor. Ho does more work for the town and community than all thr rest of thu population put together mid gets cussed for it while the iniin w ho donates il few dollars to a 4lh of July, a baseball club or a church, is gratefully remem bered. Oh, it's a sweet tiling to be an editor; ho "pusses free" you know I A few young men of this place, tiring of loullng around town, last week decided to do some prospecting and accordingly mined with u shovel and a gold pun de cided to tackle it bur mil more than a mile from the river bridge, The II rat pun brought several colors to light and alter going a little deeper they found plenty of coitus and a few coarse pieces of gold, one weighing 2i grains, Tlie hoys feel sure they have found a rich bar and us soon us the water subsides a little will prepare to work it out, Lebanon Criterion, Tho beat Prescription tor Malaria Chills and Ki-ver, wit bottle of Orovc's TiiNloleHs CTTT11 Toole, f 1 1 simply Iron and quinine, in a tu-neleis form, Mo cure,, uo pay. Price, 6()o, I.mlgn Jftiles, Homer Lodge ,JSo. i1, Kiilght of I'y thnis, inet Wednesday evening and con fci red (dm Mint rank. -The woik was elk and Impressively done and next Wcdinwdsv svenjilg the joilge will give thu second rank on the sums candidate, The Sah'in trip h Independence K, of P'a was declared off Its fhe bovg didn't feel like buying one of Ihe O. It. tit N, company's slitiinhouti. The company only wanted $75 to make Dim sped' tut trip, . , Secret societies ought not to complain if ibev see no mention In the Wmr Hina of their doings, A Hiinter as to what Is going on will always find an attentive ear. So when you have auvthinu of Interest don't k p it to yourself, but tell the Wgsr Sttm. tin Monday evrtilug Prof, John 1. Meaklu, head camp lecturer of the Woislinen of the World, gave his lecture "1'iail prints, Onward null I'liwanl." The hull was well llllsd by an apprecia live audience and the sneaker held their attention foV over three hours. The In- lependi'lice lodge of Wtssliueil ought to hit iMiigtstulaied r having brought such a Hue speaker and geutleiuaii here. The stale ininp, Modern WtSHluien, which met at Salem urgauh.vd by elect iug ihe-follnw ing regular olllceut State venetable consul, li l! llurckhart, Al bany ; hsuki-r, II llolviu, Ashland; clerk U McMurphy, Kugeiie; escort, C W Meadows, I'oillanii; watchinan, 1 K Kenton, AUi-a ; dulegates lu head camp, J W Simmons, Oswald West, M A Mil ler and S A lliilin. The. next meeting of the stale camp will U held at The Dalles. ' A seciet order In West Virginia broke the neck uf a hew memlsr dining the initiation ceremony Thank to modem science, the man is said to 1st "doing well," Vet it might bit proper to sub stitute a broken leg or even a fractured skull for the present reitiireiiteul, w hicli is apt to Ih fatal. Here III Independence not i long ago, during "drgiee Work" in one ol the lodges, one ol the "team" itot his pitol (loaded with blank carl ridges) loo chaie to h candidates anat omy and Ihe wad in the gun torn a hole in the piMir fellow's fleshiest pari so that he was unable to sit sitarely on a chair for many weeks, Iiupi'ioliig Stock. Along the line ol suggestion that the t sr Suns has la-en making In regard lo the advisahiMty of the limner here lu impiove their herds of slock by Intro ducing tlie better clusses uf animals from the eastern stales, we learn that Mr Ilnschlterg, who i heavily interest ed in slot k and lauds iu this coiinlT, has alioiit decided to have a couple of tine blooded bulls sent here Iroiii the I.sdd farm ' in Wanhington county. . Mr, Iliisi'liberg's i'lea Is lo encourage the farmers and to that end he will have the animals brought to this point. He thinks jimt now of bringing in stin k of the Hereford and Jerey bleed. Drew in d. Ira Del!, sou of Captain llell, of the steamer Kulh, watchman on the Isist, was drowned shout 10 utiles above In dependence, alstut f) o'cha-k Saturday morning. On the way up alter leaving independence thu boat struck a susg. It was thought that arhaps a hole hud been made iu the bow, and Watchman Jloll, taking a Janteru, went dow n into the hold to examine the bout. Finding a li-nk he went alsiv and not i lied two hands w ho Immediately dressed. They found Hell's lantern on the Moor of the holt), but Hell was not to he found. Thu indications were thai on his way back to the hold in the dark he stum hied against a pile of wood, falling off into the river, probably lie'ug pulled at once under the boat, lie could not swim. Il Was t datk lo hunt for him at the time, Cell was it young mini alaml 2H years of ago j and resided with bis lather In Portland. He wan unmarried. VYIuil i would you do If taken with colic or cholera nimbus when your j phyHleiaii s away from home ami the drug stores are closed? After one such emergency you will always keep Cham berlalu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iteniedy In your home; but why wait until the horse Is stolen before locking tho stable? For sale by tlie Kirkland Drug Co. Semi Me Their Names, ThoiiMiimU of Kuatcru tcoplo will take advantage of the cheap rates tolbt) Northwest lu e fleet every Tuesday from February I- to April !10 They are ihe lowest In years. If you have nny friends w lioare talk ing Uf coining West, send inn their iiiniies mid I will have our representa tives look them up IiiiiiIhIi tlieui with advertising mutter reserve berths- see that they have a ipiick ami comfortable trip. A. C. Siua.noN, (ieueriil Agent, H t l-;i() Ilui llngton Konle, Portland' Inquiry is often made as lo how to re move warts from cows and horses. It is said that a mixture of salt and castor oil rubbed frehly on warts every oilier day for a short tune, will eniiiely remove theui without sores or pain. Don't net discouraged, but Keep putting iljm from 10 to .'10 days. Warts will disappear, imd you will wonder when. Iu Oregon. Millions of acres of the best lands left iu thu gift of the government are In Oregon. Soil that yitdds from three to live harvests of wheat (or onu seeding iu Oregon. Over 2(1,000,000 acres ol for ests, that produce Irom 25,000 to 250,000 feet of timber to the acre in Oregon. Pastures that turn out tjoO-poiind sheep anil 2200 pound cuttle iu Oregon. More than 11,01)0 , square miles of mineral lands, rich as the richest in Colorado, California or the Klondike in Oregon, A cliinnte thul, is unsurpassed -no win ter cold, no summer heat, no blizzards, no drouths and no crop failures in (begun. ' Oregon is reached directly and quickly by t he New York Central lines and their immediate connections, A copv of "Hound the World via New York and Niagara KiiIIh," will he sent free, post-paid, on receipt of a postage stamp by Oeorgo II. Daniels, O. P. A., New Yoik Central Railroad, Grand Cen tral Station, Nuw York. NoTiee. The I'li'sl. Niitlniiiil Hank of Ind penitence, Oi'i'uoli, Uiealeil ill liulupimileniai In Ihe HI. tie oi l ll'ivon, In elnsilis; lip Us lllb'lM. All mile linlili'i'M unit orlicrn, 'ereilllorn ol tin, iisMiieie Hon, aie Inci'tiliii'ii lit-riiliy lnitllleil to present the inii h am! other eiaiins iikuIuhI, l.lio usi elation I'ur p.iyai' iil . J. b. Oooi'KH, lat4 UeoeuilwriM,tXk . fissiilont, i IH.it. Mrs Harriet Hintletl died hu Thursday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs; Adams, nt thy .ago ojKIl years au; l mouths, IM'iwuhI had Iwhjii lli for i long lime, She was the mother of , Mr. J, B, Mouib. Thu funeral look place on rridity, iniermeut being lu the Odd Fellow's ccmeteiy, Despite ihs storm of wind and lain, a giaslly number of friends attended. Airs. Ituiilett was born near Savannah (iu,, and came to Oregon in 1875, having conte here from Iowa, and had lived in I'olk county for lbs past 7 years. Shu was' pensioner of thu government, her husband having been in the lllackliawk war,' lit sides Mrs. Mary V. Adams and Mr, Joint N, Moore, two oilier children survive deceased) they are Owen M lUrtlett, of this clly, and Mrs. Klla M Kelly, a resident of Ml. Ayr, Ringgold county, Iowa llulhii (.mil Muiw n' Smci'i ss. The goal show at I'allus last Thursday was a great viieeess, iKilwillistiiuding the disiigieeahle weather, Cain Kill more oi less all dav, bin a huge ciowd til visit or and evluhiiois lliionged the building from IrtoVlock uiiiil night The exhibit was fa I in advance of that of any fonuer show, In the (jiniliu of the stock ns well Ms ill MUliiheis, A considerable Uitinlier ol the goitta w hich took,, premiuni.) were sold, minium in price liom (II to lt)(). Twenty-five thoiouj-libieds were on exhibition end colilcriiiig t( i gener ally lrevd that next jest's shoW: uilisl have larger buildings, and lu all roha tnliiy rlieep, poultry, tmg, and Mii.ib'y laltluand hoists, will lm made a part of tint show, The coiiimiiiee on premiums were! Albeit Voiikuio, of SneridallJ lieorge llouk, ol l'iugenc, and J. W. Uraig, of Maclav, a hcliiHd Itcpurl. The following Is the roll of honor if the Monmouth public school for the mouth beginning Jan. II, Phi), ami end ing Febiiluiy X, p.KII j Third grade, - Alien Ilvdwoll, Itrena Daniel. Fourth grade, -Delia layers, Lester Murphy, Douglas Crow ley, Clelus lluller, Fifth griVle. David Campbell, Ilertha Ohms, Clay horn Taylor, tiliylord thai frey, Warieti Aflen, Marie Sinalf, llerths Cramer, Sixth grade. Catherine Campbell, Lthel Mack, Ralph Lucas, Seventh grade,-llessie Overholliter. .F.lghth grade,-Holds Allen, Llsie Pitney, Norma Daniel, Daisy Davis. Ninth grade, Fannin Zicgler, Clara Ireland, ' I'sttTiH I.r.Msstiliia, Secretary. l-'orly'su 11, Ti itudn weie sold at utic lion ai the stock yards at Kansas City, Mo., at an average of $170 a hi ad. The highest price paid was f.ilH), for cow, Perfection Maid, which was bought by the Kansas Stale Agricultural college at Manhattan, Leonora, a heifer, also owned by Steele Hroa., sold 'or $SSI 3IHII.V Ht WNS r between aSX H,ir: ami nKKVFU. w Tim lneieae iu trainw-oiitlnental truvel by way of Halt Lake City It) win. settieuce of the scenic ami other attratv lions of (he route bus recently Justified the Hio (irandrt Western lUllway In connection with tho Denver ami lilo tiiaude and Colorado Mbllaiid rail roads says the Salt Lake Tribune, In elablUhtig a triple dally fast passen- ger service between Ogdeii an iVnver All of I hew trains are equipped with lljo latest applbuices, liuprovetiieiits and cam. This road now oierate throtigli sttvpera la-lweeu Chlcngo, Og deii and Sun l''ranescn, also a perfect dining car service. Send c ponWigf for literature, rat-s or other luforiimtloti. Vot pamphlets descriptive of the "OreabSult Lake Koine" apply toJ.D. Manstield, tfeneiai Agent, i's'I Wash- inglon, Portland.' or lieo. W, Ileiiita, A. ti. J A., Salt Lake City Orchestra Ihincc. A delightful time was had at ihcojiera house Saturday evening ihe occasion be- iug a dance by the orchestra club. The music war. goisl and everyone enjoyed a good lime. The next dance will be given on Saturday evening, March 2d. Tlie Florence Sanatorium, Stile iu, Oregon. A llrat-oli"H private bospllnl for the treatment of chronic and surgical. Itiilli during the past year l-Hpeclallv for the purpoxu for which It Is tiseil. Conveniently located within four blocks of the business part of the clly. The moat modem rui'iilxbings and . lut eal apiilluii' i's throughout the building Heated by hot water; lighted by gas mid electricity. Here the sick can have the comforts of an elegant private home, with all the advantages of a general, hospital. Outside physicians bringing 111 pullcuU treated will) tlie greatest courtesy, and assisted In opera tions if iviilesled, For let on iiiul further Information write or apply personally lo j, it. CAItl WUK1HT, M, I), Hiipiiiiiileiideiil. Vldtois welcomed from 2 to 4 1. M. WASTHilt.l'apalilH, relmiiln prrociu in every tu. mi t.v to represeel laran eiimpan.v oi Bull, I rliiuin-lai I'l'intiulton; Slim Mihiry pi t.M'iil', paynlile weakly; S.I per ilny uliMiliiiely 'moc anil a lupi'ii-i'.; M i iiIkIi!, ImiiiiUIiIh, iletlnlli. Nullity, nn comitilN.inii' Hillary puttl en li Miiiiniliiy nnil tupt'iinc lie Hie. ...i vioireil t-iielt wnli. : KI'.VNIiAKLt lltiPHIi;, il.: lieailmrn Kt,, CIlieiIKO, ! ; To (he Dour. A rich lady cured of her deafness and noises in tho head by Dr. Nichol son's Artillchd Kur Di'inns, gave $10,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people un able lo procure tho eardrums may have them free. Address No. Ii51!)4-c, The Nicholson Institute, ,780, Eighth Avenue, New York, U. 8, A. WANTHH-APTIVK MAM Or OOOiiniAlt acler to ilsllvar anil cnlleiiUa (iremui for old eKtalillnlliit inaiiiiliuiliii'liiK wIioIuhhIii Iiou.hii f.KHia year, Hurn pay. Honesty mora lliant-x. perluiiiia ri'iiilreti. Our reference, uny honk in any clly. KiicIimu afU'-aihlruHHctt staitipeil etivelnps. Maniilaeliirtii's, Tliltil floor, Hill Dcarliorn Ht., Clilcax". 'THE KKV YORK WORLD 'J'hrl .Vmk KiliUon Tho , prcHlilniitltd cumimlgii In over lint tint world goes on Just the same and it Is full of tiews. To learn this news, just us it Is promptly and lm partially all that you have' to do in to look in the columns of the Thrlce ii- VVeek edition of the New York World N hicli comes to the subscriber 15(1 times a year. The Thrice-u-Weck World's diligence lot a publisher of tlrst news hii given It circulation wherever the Kngllsli hiiigmige Is spoken and you want it, 'I'lm Thrice n-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1 per .y ear. We 'oiler tins inieiiiuTed newspaper and the 'Ww rfnm together one yeur for W..,- , . ' Tho iegulur subscription price of the two papers Is $2,60, How's This t ' Wtoiriu1 tine leiSrsi Hoi ma llwsol for aiitr .(; I iu. ,M uiut ciiioioi tin eurril liy llall'a t S a ih I on,. ' V J.I lie.MCV CO., I'ni., ToIimIo, (. . Wn, tiis uh.. .. m i) nuvKkiiowil I-, h Diaa Iti'yfiar iiR la i l fiti ,'iiiel liivu lili r. (.ol iv k,i,,, j ,.. i rt all imkIsji 4sita Ion nil lluaueliiliy nlile hi our imh olitiK. Ih.ti. mail.i hy nn'trfflliT. IVbitCIou, jMjU..a-b utisi i, Toleitii, 0. W ail Ml Mit. KlN t MOIV , ttliole.ullltliUS tjmln.Tnb'ila,, II. Hull uin.i 0 Cum u 1 1W01 Itilv as'ly, tel., Inn ill'1'.'ll y iiiil it,,) Iiliio,) a .nl iiiiieiiini iii-- fnei-11 nl Hip ftvtum, i 7.S- H-r iul In. fiolt li all ilriiumia, I i.ii,,iil.o. Ion. llall'a l-i. inl'v till r ilia U .l. It Is a Very coininoii error among far innia to keep hens until they become, too old for profit. Many am kept much be yond the profitable stsge, Mo.t hens will lay as many eggs the second sum mer as at any tliutt but after that they are doubtful layers and should twills- Kised of, In many Instances whole flocks are allowed to run without killing off the old ones" the result of which Is few eggs lu proportion to tint number of hens and nnue disease in tlie thick, Old hun usually become buy and fat, A good pin ii Is to keep enough pullets for laying and sell the old fal hens. Mitsui Cutarrli pii"iily yields to treat ment ly J'.ly s ( ream imlui, which is ugre. uUy sroiniitli). It in roocivud through tho liosli'ils, cleanses mi l heals tlm whole stir. fact over which it diffuse itm.lf. Druggists II tho fUc. si.": Jtml si.o by mini, jo cents. Tst it and you are sure to coiitiuus thu treatment. AlllHMIIH'I'IIH'lll, To socoiiiino'liiUi thorn who are partial to tin um of nU'tu).i-r In iipplyinu liiiuiils into Ihs unanl ii.hi.'iis for cit'iri)utl truu- tiln, thn proprieliirs prepars Crmuii liahn kt liuiiiil lonn. whirl! will ixi Uiuwtt as J.ly's 1 .i. i ti 1.1 Ci.-iun i;,iltn. Piicn including tho Spraying tulw I 7Sesnfs, lrttf;f;ist or by iiisii. net liquid form emmiin tne iiina- iclual jirupurties of the solid preparation. .Medio, rl (,'alus it IS. So much disHatisfaction was rtianlfect ed wllh Jhn census returns for Medford, as given by the government cintineralor that a new census was taken by the Med lord Mail, with the result that gain nf ti)H in the jMipulatiou of the city was made. The June census gave 17111, while the new census gives the city 2I(M) which sntiiles it(u a place in the '.IXsl and over list. Danger of Colds ami Latirlppe. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe Is their resulting In pneumo nia, If resonnhlM care Is lined however and Chainberluiii's Cough Remedy t. ken, all danger will Is- avoided. A lifting the tens of thousand who have used this ren edy for them' djseaaea we have yet to learn of a sliigleen iculUlig iu pneumonia, w hich show coiicluaively that It Is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of lu grlpta in les time than any other treatment. It Is safe and pleasant to take. For sale by the Kirkland Drug Co. Last Saturday the river was i ver ten feet altove low water, having risen ball that amount the previous night. The Jones ferry was unable to cross and was tied Up will of the way of the flood. The Irl It. Hicks IU01 Almanac. Whatever may be said of the aclen title causes upon which tho Hev. Irl K iiicks itaa nis yearly lorecasisor storm and weather, It U a reiuarkablu fact I lia t SH'ltlo waiulngs of every great storm, ins nl, coui wave and drouth liavo been plainly printed lu his now fwiiouf Almanac for many years. The latest ktartliug proof of this fact was tlie ileal nrel loo or (iulveston, Texas, ou the very day named by Prof. Hicks lu hi lissi Almanac, as one of illas(er by storm along the gulf coasU. The l'Hll Almanac, by far the finest, nuwl com plela ami beautiful vet published, Is now retoly. This remarkable book of near 200 pages, splendidly illuatraled wllh charts mid half-lonea, goes aa a premium to every subscriber who pays one dollar a year for Hicks' Journal, Word and Works. The Ainmuac alone la sent prepaid for only 2 ic Order from Wont and Works Puhllihlug c iinpany 22111 laoeiint street. St Louis, Mo. Notice to Waler ('utiitiiiicrs. It is neither honest nor honorable for water consumers to allow their bibbs to run in fre.ing weather, and hereafter any party or parlies allow ing or permit ting such waste upon their premises will have the same charged up at meter rules. Tinted your pipes at your own expense not ours. IndeH-ntlence A Monmouth tf Water and Klecuio Light Co. I"re Ut liivriiiin a. Tiivxpcrti.-Mi-e ef ", A. MnowtkCo. In obtain ing morn Hunt ;si,ihk pnii nn for Inventora itaa I'liiililmt Hum lo lu-lptiitly answer iiiatty ipiea lion, relalliiii to liie pnili uliuu of Inlelleeliinl properly. 'I Int. tliuy have done la a pamphlet IrcitlltiK tirtt-lly tit bulled Hlalea aunt loreifln pali'til-, wllh cost ul -aine ami Imw io pro-urn lln'iii; I rail,' ma-ln, ilesitiiH, eairnla, I nl rl line iiieiilM, ilenlalona in li-a,llu( paleiu eaarn, eUi. 'I" li 1 w in i I I ot w ill lie imi I I ree lit auvoitc wrtiliui to (J. A. Snow i Co., Wtulilnglon, i.C Sunlliein Cullforiilii. ' Notable among the pleasure n Horded by ihe Shasta Route, is the winter trip to Soul hern California ami Arlouu Renewed acipmlriteuce with this sec. lion will ever develop fresli points of liilereti and ttdded sources of enjoy ment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of Its Industries, In its prolific vegetal ion aud among Iih uumbeiless resorts of inoiintiilu, shore, vullry and plain. ' The two ibiilv Sliasiu trains from Porilufid to ' 'iili'foi ni.'i hnvtt been re cently cipiliped with the inoit npprov-. etl pattern of nt-itnl-ird '.'ntid loiirist sleeping ciiia, but the low fules of fare wlU slill continue In fleet. Illustrated guides to thy winter re sorls of Ciillfoi'tihi Hi-id Al i.onu may lie had on application to C. 11. .MARK HAM, O. P. A., JVrllnml, Oregon. W. 0. Shannan, IRW TAILOR Main Street, Independence Buy Watches of 0. A. KRAMER CO Jewelers aad Opticians, ' "'' '-. ..'"Sii.n-. ' , Thurston Lumber Company, Dallas, Oregon. - ... i''';;.t',"";',-"i;,MANUyACTU(lgpit or;; LUMBER OF ALL KINDS ' Dry tftock alwnyn on Hand, also Cedar Shingles. ' ' N OTIC: -We hv a first-class dry kiln which ensblea us Ut ! otighly dry iuuits-r. j 44 DOCTOR UP'; Cbangcablo weather between iwo seasons encour age your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you much petty nick new. JJetter ward it off. 10 cents might prevent it when $10 wouldn't euro it. ('oiiio to us to have your prencriptions filled, and for everything kept in r, well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS - AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES ! J'b KIRKLAND THE ARCADE. Davidson & Hedges, Props. Cigars, Cjgarm, Tebaecoa Confectionary. and first Class Soda Fountain In con nection. The Castle Keep tntiNlitutTy on lmtnl a Hue assortnuufc of Whiskies, VVi,nes, Brandies, Cigars, Also the famous Hop Gold Beer. EI). GALl;, Proprietor. CLEAN SHAVE A.DA- STYLISH RAIR CUT IS Wl.tT Voll OKT WUKM VOU I'.tTKONIZK Kutch's Barber Shop. Iiidi'jH'iiih'ni'tt Oregon E.L.Ketchum,M.D Onh ami lUnhletice Corner feullroad Motimouth Htret'ta, INDEPENDENCE, OR Dun P. Stouffer. Insurance and .....Collection. Titles Examined. CHARGES REASONABLE. .Miiin SlriM't IktMitH, Oregon REGULATOR LINE PORTLAND . TO THE DALLES By the commodious ftteanier REGULATOR Leavca Portlnnd dally excent Bun- day at 7 a. iu. ; i I hla Id the Great 8ceulo Route. All tourmtH admit that the soouery on the M Uhl 1c Cohnuhln la not excelled for ta'uuty and grandeur In the United Siatca. Full Information by aihlreaa lug or enllliiK on ' 0. U. THAYER, Agt., Tel. 014. Portland, Or anvllilng von Invent ortniprorej alao erl CAVEAT.tr ADE-M ARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PH01ECTI0N. Hvnil modol, nki'U'h, or photo, for (Yea eiaminniinn and sdvire. BOOK ON PATENTS fi-e before patent. ft M ORIafwMur O afwaA to VlHf 0111 WW OX 11 rattrnt Lawyers. Washington, D.C. ,vvvvvvvvvvvvvvayvvvt 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks a,- M-f Uioiuno 'fftll COPYRIOHT AC Anrnno anndlng a akotoh end deaorlptlon mf' quliiklr lumiriiihi our opltilou free wliniliar an InvHiiiInn la prnlinlily pamitahla. Coninuinlra tloiiaatrlctlymiiillilBiillal. lliuntboolton Cateuti nl fniB. Oldnat airnimy fur aoi'iirlnn imtonta. I'alniita iHkim tlmiuuh Miiini A to. reoelre qwrlul nut it e, without olmrue. In tha Scientific American. A hnitaomlr lllwatmtod weakly. l.anraat dr. onliitlitn nf hut atiliuitltlo lonrtlAl. 'lurnia, fit a roiir; rnur raoiiT.ua, f L. sum nyau newaui'inera. 36 1 Broadway. NoUl Yflflf j. iiuir i via Hrnnon omon. tra a' t.. WMninuinn. n. u. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, i COPYRICHTS and DESIGNS. Send your business direct to Wnahlngton, saves lime, costs his, bettor servlvu, - My oHra ck ta tj. I. ratant OlSoa. FREE praHmla ary .lamlnntliin. naita. Atty'a tea not dna until patent laarnnrad. l'BKBONAL ATTENTION llIVKN-.n Vtian jAOTWAI.i;XPliKrr.N!K. Book "HovrtooMalnrl.nt.," J alo., aent fraa. P&tenta prorar.il throoih B. 8. Bltinra INVENTIVE AGE w.Miuu. Miiaa, u an. utiuwtiKH mtmuiiy wcatn yarvenni, 91. yenr. Sa.IAIWMBaiUWalMAarllMQTON, O.C.I aAVVAajavivaaayajaajaaJaa WaV4d. r m DRUG CO. SOUTH and EAST , -via-SOUTHERN PACIFIC COJ Shasta Route. ' Train Imvm lntepeo1ono for Portland and way aimiciiia ai i:m p. iu. lor Curvallt at I ISO I. Portland....;.... I.v A I lain r Ar Aablaud , Hirami!ni43 " Bu Kraucuwo.... " Onilen " Denver KaiMMCIly " LIjIohko I SO a. m. Vi m p. m. , 12JHa.m. , hiu p. m. 7:14 p. m. ,. S:4Sa.m. . Mi m. . 7ifta. m. . 7:&a.m. T-ff) p. m. 10:.'i0 p. in UXm.m. 4:&ia. m. S;14a n ll:iSa.m a. m Ta.m 80 a. m Mkl 6:U0 p. m 6:SUa, m :a.m V0 1. m t-:a p. b : a. m lztap. m !a AuKdliai.,. Kl Paaaa Karl Worth , Ity of Muxlco Hoiiaion Nuw Orlcaiu ,. WMhlndUin Stw Vurk l:'p. m. t it) p. m. :sua. m. f J a. m. 4KJa.m. :2 p. m. B:W a. m. ViMf.ta. Pullman and Ton rial can on both train! C lr c.raHinraiiienUiUiOKiliinand El faM and Uaurlal car Ui Clilcao, Bt. IaOUia, JeT urlcana and Waabloflon. ConnwtlnK at Han Pnnielaoo with mam t-umhi lintia tot lionululu, Japan, Ctilna iM.lllt.t.l..... I'.,t.ul .n.l U.....U A ... , KeaMn.f. A. Wilcox at lndenandeiuw Hi. Hon, oraddrvaa C. H. HARKHAM, General Paaaenft-er Aguul Portland, Or. , MOTOB LINK TIME TABLE Corrected to data. Vtmrmt Indrptinl- Uim Airlla tor ence lor Munmnulh M saa o t h aad ud Airlla. 4 7iW a. a. 3: SO a, an. Indapaadaaoa, S:Oa a. m. fcMa.au Loavaa Iadpad- I.aya Uatlaa for iaM fur Monmouth loauaota aad la- deaeaiiiMcai. .... . and Dallam, UiOOa.a. TitS p. m. ' 1.-0 p. aa. llW Lr Maaaaala Laavaa Moninoolh tor laaaaaadaaea. ; tS a. aa. . ; liMaa. ' 1.4 aa... . 0.aa a. . .. p. at. LaavM IndvMind- for Airlla. 7:S0 a. m. 9:S0 f. m. Lcavva Monmouth for trallaa. lt:0 a. m. 7:30 p.m. noa rbr Honmoatk- . ioa p. nu ShojtLihe UhlONPACIHC! AMD liart TIIIESCHEOULES. I ArrlTe or From Inaupeuaenoa from Hwclal Kt- Worth. Omaha, trOOam KanaM (';ty, St. 80p.m vlllunu l'i'. Chicago and WPm lngton tMV- Mpm VSorlhOrnahaKan- gio am, vlalfunt. "y. H- t"l. HtPaul Walla Walla, Lewla- Fast Malt ton, Hpokane, Mln- . li.tH) a iu neapults. Hi, Pant, 7 a. m. via lHiliitli.Mllwaiikee, BtHikane Ohlcaito and Kant. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. 1 From Portland. . a all tailing datoa tub a n m J0' to ohange . pm Kor oanKrauciiVxi- P-m. - Sails every 6dayi JS Columbia Rlrar " m ? Steamara. P-m. SatKrdHy To Atria and Way- 111 p ni Laudiuns. Ta m WlllameMo and rne'xn'ur '"h' ltlvBr" jj" audSaU Oregon City. Dayton, dftt aud Way-Landlngg rrk , WUIametta Rlrar. 4:90 p.m. TS' rtlajidtoCorvat... aud W'ayUuidlngs ana in, K'i't1'."' "8naka"RIer. Lv. LewU 5:,a.m. ton, daily l' II' ttlparlato LewUton. 9 a. ni. Siciamera to Portland from Indepeodanoa MiUoi leaves Oorvallla for Portland Mondays "tuinmnHiiiiii rnoHys noa m, paamna IndeHiidvnpa at 9 a in. Keturniuc, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, pausing, ludependenoeai 8am Kuth leaves Independence for Portland Tuea- unya, iniirsuni'8 aim Hainrdayt at Sam. Humming leaves Portland lor Independence Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at S m arriving at Indepeuduuoe at 8 p m. Al HERREN, Agent, independence, Ore. Steamers Altona and Pomona Will leave Independence avMY Mr, Sunday excepted, at 7:00 a. m., for , SALEM, OREGON CITY, PORTLAND. For Freight oi Passage ap ply on boardtbe boat, or to theageut J E, HUBBARD, XndepQ(lenoe . OraQtk v