The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 22, 1901, Image 1

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    . Mrtl oil
An Advertisement
Which brtnga return U proof that
it to in tu nglt pi to To WEST
8IDE bring ad wort.
The Best Newspaper
J tba OM that gltrt lh moil ud
fro beast nn. Compart tba WES?
JIDE with any paper in Folk count.
r.: t:
$1.50 PER TEAR.
Flva Cents Per Copy.
0. 051.
ntffi or it ii
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comp-thenslv Review of IS Important Ka&
pcnm$t of th Put Week In a
Condensed Form.
A rebel gnrdeou wai captured on the
Cavlt coast.
Demirted Kilinluvva war landed t
Guam, January 13.
Tub) Armaud SHvetre, the French
poet and oil tic, it dead.
Tim natioual convention of butter
makers U in wmw in St. Fool.
Congar aa beu luntructed to protest
again! tha pwposed expedition. '
A saloon raid Mt Millwood, Ku.. re-
suited la th killing of a womau.
London i enveloped iu douse log
which has caused many sccldeuts.
Employes of two Manila companies
nave beeu arrested f ir aiding the rvb-
The foreign envoy gave China eight
day iu which to issue iatifaclury
Minister Wu will apeak in Cleve-
land, ., ou "Washlugtou aud Coufu-
Seven boditi of the OS entombed
miner at Union., U. C. have beeu
taken out.
Influenia i raging at Christian!.
ileririk Isner, th Norwegian poet, in
ill of tb malady.
Steamship Almond Brauch collided
with the Morrison street bridge, at
Portland, Dr., seriously daunting the
Order will be binned by General
Otta today directing the imiiiedlHte en
listment of meu for the new Tweuty
ninth Infantry.
The opening sesinu of the 10th con
tinental cougres of the .Natioual So
ciety of the Daughter of the American
Kevolutiou waa held at Washington.
Sixty peach growers of Cataah
Island, Ohio, bare formed a combina
tion to tight the San Jose icale. The
association will spray the tree with
crude oil.
It it believed Whitelaw Held I to
be named envoy extiaordinary of the
United State at the coronation of King
Edward VII, which n ill probably take
(dace in Jnue.
All of the big silk thread manofac
taring concern iu the United State
are to be consolidated, The motiev la
be furuixlied by the Coate Thread
Company. Tha catiiuliaatitiu will be
The condition of Empress Frederick
continue unchanged.
Purchase of 500 cavalry home to
Oregon baa been ordered by the war
department. .
A provincial government in iu course
of formation iu Tarlac, a northern Lu
aod province.
General Chaffee is not to join iu tin
German expedition iu China under
Von Waldersee.
Fire rinitroyed the Union liatlway
Company' barn at hi wood. It. I
and 30 Uolley car, caueing a loan of
Governor lio'cr baaappdnted (
Meade Kin fry, as an additional judg
for King coontv, Wash., to arie until
the next election.
Eight alleged lloxnr leader, after
trial by officer of Clmtig Chi Tung,
the viceroy of Ilanko, have been tie
capitated at thaf pluce.
William r. Hill, for over 50 vear
prominent New Kug'xtid newi-paper
editor, in dead of grip, at the home ol
hi son-in-law iu Deuver, Col.
The schooner Alice, which was in
the Nome trade Inst vear, ran ou the
rocks near the Weit Point lighthouse,
while en ronte to Seattle from San
Pedro. The full extant of the damage
is not known. She was towed to I'oit
Fire destroyed the Pvthiau opera
house, the Second National bank build
ing and the bnildiug occupied bv the
Southern F.xpree Company, at Jack
son, Tenn., causing a Iocs of (100,000.
Jt is believed two lives were lost in
the falling of the opera house wulls.
The bank of Omaha, at Omaha, Tex.,
has been r6"bled of $H,0II0 iu cash and
paper amounting to $2,000. The rob
bers made their escape npou a hand
car. The lone., occupant of the buuk
was decoyed from town by bogua tele
grams, and remained away from Oma
tin on the night of the robberv.
A verdict for $ 1 ,500 (or the plaintiff
was rendered in the circuit court iu
the cae of J. J. Decker vs, the O. H.
& N. Co., at The Dalles, Oregon,
llecker, iu June last, while driving
across the railroad track four milei
west of town, was struck by an engine,
and sustained severe injuries for which
suit for $2,500 was drought.
The Taft commission code require
voter in the Philippines to own real
estate worth 500 pesos.
Ashea VVaba, an actress, who attend
ed the matinee at the Crescent the
ater, in New Orleans, waa fined $15
for refusing to remove her hat, in vio
lation of the high hat law.
The choir of the Messiah Episcopal
church in New York went on a strike
because the minister- accused them of
According to the latest municipal
figure New York city is vrowiug iu
population at the rate of 1)0,000 a year.
Kegistar Howe, of Brooklyn, will
give his surplus fees, $50,0000 for an
equestrian statue of Washington for
Indiana occupying reservation in
New York state look with anything but
favor on the proposal to make them
full citizen of the republic.
The will of Marcus Daly leave one
third of the estate valued at $20,000,
000 to hi widow, the remainder to bt
divided among four children.
Dolngi f Important tt the Slatt Capital-.
Bill Paittd.
To Pitvtnt Hobolna.,
A bill to preveut pertoni bting
their v. ou rallmad train wa pnrd
hv the house Monday. The bill waa
introduced by I'oorman, at the request
of railway employe and manager. It
i a oopr ol the law uow iu force lit
Alabama, and i designed to put a
top tu th tramp nuisance. Tha result
of such law iu Alabama wai ihowu by
Mi. IVorman to be far reach I mi iu it
effect, putting a atop to car robbing.
The bill wa passed, there being no
negative vote. ' j
" 1 1
Paiwd by tha Stnat.
Tha aenato passed the following bill
Monday Mount bill 11, to authorise
olerk of chiHd district and county
judge to bid in property dd for taxe
aud Ut direct tha manner iu which
such property may be disposed o(; ton.
ate tilt '.".', to rcgalateaurety oontpan
iea; by Seuutor booth, fixing the salar
ies of the county treasurer of the state;
senate bill ?37, to auihoriie the capi
tol building comuilsalouer toooustruct
a ditch in order to aecur water for
the atate institutions.
To Pay Stat Taxtt Twlca I Yiar. -.Senate
bill 223 pasted by tha
euate Moudav. It pauvldva that state
taxes ahall be payable by the counties
iu two seml auuual iusUllmeuta. This
change in the law 1 proposed in order
to harmonise with the new law which
make taxe payable iu the countie
Tha Sanatoria! Vota.
The vote for senator Monday stood:
II. W. Corbett, S3; Itluger Hermann,
jS; K I). Inmau, 26, George II. Wil
liam. I; V. K. S. Wood, 1; absent, 3.
Two Railroad Bills Killed.
The house after spending nearly an
other half day in consideration of rail
road bill. diHsed of two more Wed
nexiiay. Due of tnese measure wa
I'oonian'a fellow servant bill. It wa
debated at length, and although even
its opiouent admitted it had good
poluts, It wa defeated by a vote of 81
to The other railroad bill which
wan disH)sed of, and which met a sim
ilai fate, was the bill of tlairl to tlx
tne liability of railroad corporations
tor injuries Hut IU vote were cast
iu lavor of thi bill.
No Holiday at Salem.
Washington' birthday, February 33,
is a letial holiday, but It i not a legls-
lativa holiday unless the legislature by
specific act choosrt to make it so
luaiuiiuch a Wmlilnnton'a birthday
happen thi year to fall ou the 40th
lay of the sum ton (the usual day of
slue die adjournment) It la probable
that buaiueaa will be proceeded with
iutiuh a usual. The constitution of
the state does uot limit the sessions to
40 davs, but does limit the total com
tiwia tlou of escli membttr to $130 at
$:) per dav; therefore, few legtalatora
can be expected to be o self-sacnBu'
log a to work long lor uothiug. ,
Billt Paurd.
seuate Wednesday passed
The seuate Wednesday passed the
following bills: Seuate bill 70, to cor
rect the description ol the boundary of
Wheeler county; senate bill UH, to
protect hotel anil boarding bouse keep,
ers; by Hunt, regolatiug street rail
way iu Portland; seuate bill 73, to
enact the Torren system ol registrar
t iii ol land titles; seuate bill 173, to
rt'gulate insurance companies; soiiate
bill 81, to provide for the election of
roal supervisors; senate bill 137, to
create the ollice ol county auditor of
Multnomah county; senate hill 217, to
amend the charier of Sherwood; senate
bill 3 HI, to fix the salary of prosecnt
li g attorney in the Seventh judicial
The house Wednesday passed bill
us follows: house bill 37, providing
tor a uniform system of mine bell sig
mils; house b'll 14(1, making it a crime
to remove or interfere with miuing lo
cation mark; house bill 137, regulat
ing the supply of water for irrigation
Tha Senatorial Vota.
The joint vote for senator Wednes
day was: H. W. Corbett, 82; (finger
Hermann, 29; Georite II. Williams,
I; K. D Inmau, Democrat, 26; W. K.
Hobertsou, Democrat, 1; absent, 1.
Oregon Notes.
The Robin saw mill, six miles east
of Union ha been leased by a man
from the Fast.
Eugene veterans of the Spanish and
Philippine wars are planning to organ
ize a local association.
A paper li being circulated at New
berg soliciting subscriptions to stock
(or the purpose ol operating a cannery.
' Tom Gilliam's log drive, consist
lug of 4,000,000 (eet, 1 stranded in
the Mohawk waiting (or a (reshet. It
is consigned to the liooth-Kelly mill
at Coburg.
Hurbed wire telephone lines are com-
iiij; back into fashion in morrow coun
ty. The latest is one between the
ranch of C. I". Jnnea, near Eight-Mile
postoffice and Heppner, via O. E.
Karnswurth a ranch on Khea cieek
aud the public road to Hardinau
The recorder and clerk of Washing
ton county collected $21 1.80 in lees
last month.
It is announced from Hariisbnrg
that David Busey ha sold hi farm on
Lake ('reek to Mr. llusbee, from Wash
ington. The consideration is said to
have been $7,000.
'I he Heppner Milling Company last
neek ttliipix'd a lot of seond-hand ma
chinery to Portland. A soon a the
water open up aagln the mill will be
run to its full capacity day and night.
Work will soon commence on the
new brewery at Baker City.
The Peniand Land & Livestock Com
pany has completed the construction ol
private telephone line between its
ranches, eight mile southeast of Hep
pner and the city. Moat of the dis
tance a barbed wire fence is used.
Major L. D. Forrest ha received
from the Corvallla and Salem mill
contract for 4,000,000 feet of log to
be delivered at the mcuth of the Mo
Kenzie river the latter part of June.
Several camp will, he started up by
tha contractor at once,
! Sixty-Five Miners Are Entombed
! No Hope for Them.
Only Exit It tha Mouth of In Shaft. Which li
niUd With Huj Volum of Smoka
Ralltf Maaiuraa Have Bajun,
Vancouver, II. C' Feb. 18. Nlxty
Ave niluera are imprisoned lu No. (I
; (halt of the Cumberland coal lulu on
j Vaucouver island. The ouly axil 1
the 'moutli of the shall which 1 flllad
j yllh a huge volum of llama, Thara
W conaldwrod to U no jHisslbllity (ol
! the uulorluuate tu escape.
Daiaila of Dliatlar Maajir.
Detail ol the disaster are mnagei,
The Cumberland iiilnu is near the vil
lage ol Uuiou, about tli) mile north
ol tli town of Naualnio. Thi only
telegraphic communication fioin Un
ion is by a tingle goverumeut wire,
aud little I kuown of the tragedy In
the mine except that a terrible explo
sion ooVrred iu No. o shaft of tli
Cumberland about II o'clock thli
morning. Following the explosion th
haft caught tire, and the 05 miliars
who were working half a lull from
the riiti uce were caught In Ja death
trap. A relief party from No. 0 hft
made a brave but full! attempt at a
rescue. They were headed off by th
Are aud could not reach the Imprisoned
men, The attempt at rescue wa mad
i through No. 6 shaft, but the llauiea
pteveuted any dvelupuiul of the (air.
iloua ventura.
The Cumberland mine la one of th
piopertle of the Union Colliery Com
pany, iltuated near Comox aud
reached Iron- Union bay by the private
colliery railway crossing th Trent
river ou which the fueiuorable bridge
disaster occurred a veur or two ago,
It ha been singularly fortunate here
tofore lu Imuiuuity from disaster and
was couuted au eseclally ( mill to
work iu by reason of the character ol
the formation lu which the coal it
(omul there, and the manner In which
It had been opem-d up. No, 6 shaft,
the scene of the disaster, was bottomed
In October, 1HUH, at a depth of 814
feet. It is well constructed aud tins-!
bered, with a mod wall, the pit hot-j
torn being timbered with 13x18 sawn
bulks, built solidly together, IU font
wide and 13 feet high. The shaft I
lia-ated closa to th iallway,,and th
ventilation of tha rnlue Is efTeoied by a
14x.1(oot Outhal (an, which, whenrna
to It full rapacity, gives 85, 001) cubic
(eet of air circulation pur minute,
Th air enter by tha haulage slope
and is divided Into sepnrat splits, tha
main split being at the point whore
Vn. 2 off t)i mutn ahirt !
part of III air going down each slop.
Further down each of thnso slopes th
air t again split, aud sent t th wo'rk-
tnga east ami west of tha resiectlve
A second explosion oonurreJ in No.
5 shall tonight, but it had been ex
pected, and all the men had left th
workings. There were no casualties.
This explosion prevents any (urthoi
off rts I I iik inaie to renoue the n
tombed miners through No. 6 shaft.
Killed by Tiajer.
Indlaiinpolla, Ind., Feb, 18. Albert
Nells ui, aged 15, employed aa an ani
mal keeper at the Zoological garden,
iu this city, . as killed by a Bengal
tiger today. He entered the litior't
caiie and was attacked by the beast.
A terrible struggle followed iu which
Neilouwas torn in a hundred places.
Bed hot Irons were thrust Into thi
blood thirsty animal, but not until
even bullets had been tired Into its
body did it release its bold on its vic
tim. Nnllson was drugved from tht
caito more deal than alive, and wta
hurried to the city hospital, where lit
died as he wai being curried In, Tht
tiger was not fatally wounded, Neil
son had been employed by the Zoo
company turns years, lie Wat 1b
charge of the lion's cubs, and It t sup
posed opened the timer's cage by mil
take. Generali to Retire Today. .
Washington, Feb. 18. Generali J.
II. Wilson, Fit.liUKh Lee and Theo
dore Schwan will be retired tomorrow,
the last named on his own appllcaion.
Colonel A. S. Daggett, Fourteenth in
fautry, will be promoted to a brigadier
generalship, succeeding Schwan, and
will be retired immediately.
May Arreit Without a Warrant.
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 18. In the suit
of John B. Bennett against Secret Serv
ice Agenta Flynn and Berrlinan and
Deputy United States Marshal W, S,
Blnlr, who were charged with mallei'
lout trespass assault and battery in
connection with the arrest of the plain'
tiff, Judge W. M. Achln, in the Unit
ed Stale court, bunded down an im
portant opinion. He makes a prece
dent In deciding that United Statti
marshals or their deputies can inak
arrests in emergency cases without
Found Dead on the Desert.
. Tucson, Arl Feb. 18. Oaorga
Whnatley a well-known mining man
and two Mexican miners were louud
dead In their tent, one mile from thi
mining camp of Schultz, 110 mile from
Tucson. When found the parties had
been dead for several days. Indica
tions point to death from charcoal
(utnes. Some believe that the men wert
poisoned. The body of one o' the
Mexicans was being consumed by fir
when the remains were discovered.
' Indians (o Move Back to Old Home.
Taooma, Feb. 18. Alaska advlcei
state that the Taku Indians of Jnneao,
are going to move in a body back to
the old village whence they cam.
When the white settlers found gold al
Joneua and established a camp there,
the Indiana deserted their village which
they had founded 200 yean before,
and flocked to Juneau, where thty have
lived ever since. They are now to re
torn at the growth of Juneau ha lea
ened the area of the lands alottad to
their use. Their old home li ala
nearer tbair flthing ground!.
For lh Publication of Unlvinlly Bulletin
320 Studtnti Hv Bttn Arnitid.
St. i'eteriburg, Feb. 20, lha tulo
later of tha interior, M. Slplagulne, on
Saturdar ordered the suppression lot
three month of (he Novostl Dnja,
Mivoow newspaper, which ha violated
the prohibition against tha publication
ofuulversity bulletin. A secret cir
cular ha been issued romludln all
h unwspaier that the prohibition U
now effective.
. Information hat been received htra
that 830 student have been arretted in
Moeoow, presumably tha whole at
senibly which obstructed th laolur
among the student. Eighteen stu
dents were arrested here, but ware (ub
sequent ly released. Pending a decis
ion In their case, bowaver, they war
forbidden to re-enter th university.
Sixteen additional arrest were subse
quently made. I he forestry Institute,
narby,halda meeting and declared
... w
th lustltut closed until the sentences
aagtuat tha student should be rvvokvd
aud military law repealed.
The institute of railway engineers,
by a vote of 230 to 100, declared for
obstruction. The military aud me. 1 1
oal academy students met, with tha
permission of General Kouroptkiu, tha
Minister of war, tha Utter merely
warnlug them that he could no l pre
vent th operation of military law It
obstructions tactic wra adopted
Of the MOO who were present at tha
meeting only 180 favored obstruction
LEFT $70 000,000.
Muntint,ton't Eitat Nat Since liwreaied $10,
000,000-Pava $700,000 Inherilarue Tea
4ew torn, reu. 30. r.xeeulor o
the estato of Colli P. lluntlutttou
have deposited with the controller
certttled check lor 1700,000, to cover
the amouut of tha Inheritance tax
which will be collected bv the state
The deposit Indicate the worth of tha
eatateat the tun ol the testator' death
to have lieeu approximately $70,000,
000, which ha uow lawn iucrwasad
about one-seventh, making the present
worth $S0, 000, 000.
The six of the check Indicate that
the Huntluiitou rstate In value will
; more than double the estimate placed
upon It at tha time of the death of the
California pioneer. Owing to the" rise
j In railroad securities during. tha last
s six' months, the lluntingtou estate is
! now worth almost, if not quite, $10,
,000,000 more than it ws w lieu tba
; will was offered for probate. A the
t Inheritance tax is based upon the vain
I st the time of the death of the testa
tor, the estate would now seem tu tw
worth approximately $H(1, 000.000.
No ncomsU) Idea as to how the Hun
tlngton million are Invested has yet
beeu wade by tha executor.
Tinnetict Netro'a Jurort tianaid Him Ml
Conluied, Implicating Olheri,
Dyersburg, Tenn., Feb. 20, An un
knosrn man broke into the remdence
of Dr. Arnold, a prominent physicien
here, yesterday, and struck Miss ElUa
Arnold on the head and side with a
bat bet. She laiuted without sowing
tha assailant, who became frightened
and lied. Bloodhounds followed the
trail from the younn lady's room to the
house of a negro named Fred King,
where a hatchet was found In a bureau
drawer, King and two other neyroea
were arrested but the latter were re
leased. A mob formed and would
have lynched King but (or the plead
nigs ot nr. Arnold, wno ineiste.1 upou
having better - evidence of guilt. A
mob formed today and took King from
the jail and tried him befoie a jury
elected from the mob. lie conduced,
Implicating several other negroes, aud
was then hanged. Another negro
named Beebe ha been captured,
charged with complicity in the assanlt,
and probab'y will meet the aame (ate,
Danlih Government Will Not Sell Ul Danish
Wait Indies.
London, Feb. 20. "The Danish gov'
eminent," say the Copenhagen corre-
pondeut o( the Dally Mall, "has sud
denly broken off all dealings with the
United, States regardig the tale of the
Danish West Indies. This li due to a
satisfactory offer made by the Danish
East Asian Steamship Company to as
sist aud in the future to administer the
islands. Tha American goverumeut
ha been notifiod at to this decision."
The Copeuhngbeu correspondent ol
the Time says:
"From a competent inurce, I learn
that the Danish West Indiei will not
be sold during the present parliament
ary session, The syndicate will form
n new trans-Atlantic steamship com
pany and nndertake other commercial
enterprises In connection with the
islands, whose exoellent port! will be,
It It presumed, Invaluable when the
Nicaragua canal is finished.
'The negotiations are still uncom
pleted, but they will be settled before
October, and the negotiations with the
United States will then be oropped.
Skajwty to Dawson.
Tacoma, Feb, 20. Advice have
been received her that the White Past
& Yukon road have purohased the
property ol the Canadian Development
Company, to take efToot April 1. By
thli extensive acquisition of property
the railroad company practically ex
tendi Its line from tikagwny to Daw
sou This practically gives the White
Past Railroad Company the control of
all the waterway to the interior, aa it
also controls tha Atlln route,
Shot By Footpads.
rittsbntg, Pa., Feb. 20. M. Heo
ko, of thli city, wa shot while defend
ing himself from being robbed by three
negro highwaymen "at McKee'i Rock,
near here, shortly after midnight, and
he died thli morning. Two negroei
were arretted and are being held on
For Incipient Consumptives.
New York It building a state boapi
tal in the Adirondaoki, to cost $100,
000, where patienti with Incipient
comumptlon will be treated.
Chaffee Is Not to Join the Gcr
man Expedition.
Stale Department May Try I Dlaauad Bsrlla
Authorities rrom Undertaking Thli Cam.
palp Chlneie Art t Blame,
Wathlngton, Fab. fO.-Th Unltad
cUtet lovaroinaut It facing a aerlout
oriels In Chiua, owing to the announce
ment of the purpose ol Field Marihal
Count von Waldersea to begin anoth
er offanslv campaign. General Chaf
fee hat been invited to Join in th x-
jwdltlon, which Is to b mobiliaed on a
! V-W '' than anything att.mpt.d
I fMan. .Imia lat, aalllatul aa tat at litkUain
in China inc th allied army began
th march to Peklu. Th general a
Informed th war department today,
and tha olholal of tha state depart
ment bav been advised of th kitua-
tlou. .
Thli German movement I viewed
with absolute dismay her, (or it i
fssrsd thai It require an immediate
(Uoialon bv th United Slate govern
ment ol it wholo Un of policy toward
the Chlues question. General Cbaffna
will be told that be I not to partici
pate in thi campaign. II ha been
kepiug th American force In I'ekin
ver alnc the city wa pactliad, tltnply
a a Ugatlou guard, and th German
government I fully aware thai th
Dulled Htatn government purposely
deprived tha American contingent In
Chiua of it offensive military char
acter Hid withdrew it (rom th control
of General von Waldersea in order to
hasten peac negotiation and prevent,
so r a It could, the continuance of
military movements against th Chi
nose, which were baneful In their
effect npou the peoi movement. So
our goverumeut, not having changed
lu policy, cannot do otherwise than to
cause General Chaffee to refrain (mm
any participation In military move
menu o long a the present peaceful
oondtltona continue.
But another vrv serious point under
oousideraliou la. lot whether Chaffee
ahall join the German movement, but
whether It I not the duty of our gov
ernment to exercL all proper (Tort
to dissuade th Herman government
(rom undertaking thi campaign.
The Cnineaa government it on fortu
nately delaying the ac negotiations
In an exasperatln- (ashlon, aud I not
responding In proper spirit to the effort
of th U ulted Stat government.
Word ha Just come from Minister
Cougar which confirms the pre ad
vice rltlv to the Chlnesa dedica
tion to aoced to the demand of t?
minister In the matter of capital pun
ishment of tha leader implicated In
th. Ifc'xer movement. Mr. Conger'
message gavtlttol understood that
tha Chinese government had agreed to
ill t'rlnce Tosn and without
oapltal sentences; to recommend sul
old to Prtnc Cnwanii; death lor Yn
llslen and Chao Chi Chj; imprison
ment and degradation from oflice (or
Chi Haul and Hsu Cheng )n. Ill
said an edict has already been issued
to execute these sentences.
A visit from the Japanese minister
to the state department served to give
color to the story tint our government
Is casting about to ascertain how far
the other power party to tha Chinese
question would Indorse this proposed
campaign It Is impossible to secure
exact tnlormatiou on inn suujeci. i no
whole subject, it It said. Is to come be
fore the cabinet meeting tomorrow,
when tha course to be pursued by th
United States government will be do-
It it said unequivocally by competent
authority that th American military
foice under no circumstance will
participate with the German In the
proposed expedition, and, although It
cannot be learned that General Chaffee
has yet received Instruction to that
effect, he undoubtedly will have threm
very shortly. The United States gov
ernment stand steadfastly by tha prin
ciple! laid down tu Secretary Hay t
letter of July 8 last.
Collision at Sea.
laindon, Feb. 20. The Russian bark
Hoppot, Captain Lludblom, which
tailed from Hull February 14 for Sa
pelo, hat been towed Into Grimsby
with bows seriously damage! by col
lision on the night of February 15,
with the steamer Homer, from LI baa.
The Homer disappeared after the col
lision, aud It believed to have found
ered, with the lots of 10 lives.
Mexican Mine Flooded.
Phoenix, Ana., Feb. 20. Particu
lar have been ' received her of the
Hooding of the Santa Kitit mine, iu tho
Biumtnte mouutitfiis, 200 miles south of
Hermostllo. Four miner were
drowned and their bodies have been
recovered. The flood wai caused by
the opening of a vein by a blast. The
main tunnel wai Hooded, and while
luinera in the upper end escaped, the
worken In the lower end were caged
like rati in a trap. Miners outside
made desperate efforts to rescue their
fellows, but without avail.
Strikers Riot In France.
Chaloni Sur Hoane, France, Feb. 20.
Striklug motal workers marched
through the town today, compelling
other factorial to close, forcing open
the doors and bringing out workmen,
until the ttrlken numbered about 800
men. The gendarmes and troops were
summoned and the riotera were dis
persed with tlxed bayonets, after the
reading ot the usual proclamation,
Fllty arrests wrea mad. Nobody wa
seriously injured.
Four Fireman Killed,
New Haven, Conn., Feb. 20. Fotfr
men were killed and one fatally injured
in a fire that destroyed an nnocoopied
factory on Westchester avenue thli
morning. The Are wai discovered at
1:80, and, ai the building ii iltuated
over a mile from the center ot the city,
had gained considerable headway be
fore the department readied tha icene.
Before the men had been at work five
mtnutei th front wall tell, burying a
number of them in tba mini. Th
fir loti ii oot known. Th flamei
wart ooafinid to th one building.
Saloon Smashing In Kansas With Paul Results
-Haiders Were Masked Men.
Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 81. Twen
ty tuaaked farmer, armed with allot
gun, attempted to raid a saloon at !
Millwood, a small plana 14 mile mirth '
of bar, last night, aud iu th male '
that followed, Mr, Kos Hudson, wile
of th bartender, wa Instautly killed,
her head bolng completely blown off.
William Webb, onto I tha raider, wai
shot In the arm, aud two or three oth
er were illghtly hurt. One hundred
hot were fired, Tha town it in a
(ever of excllemeut, and further trou
ble la xpcted.
Th saloon wai run by Mr. Michael
Lochuer. She had beeu warned to
close th place by Monday, but lefusad.
At 10 o'oloci last ulgb'l 20 mn, all
armsidand wearing handkerchief for j i.umj, d, i(8IlU o( T,m0l,.
mask, approached tha aaloon. Two ol ',,; (mp.B,, nd William Webb,
the nnmbnr entered and orderedlrlnk.i VAt0 Lur(mw Bnil Victoria Coeota.
mrieu.i er.i i u.i.on na.i scarcely eat t
glasses on th bar when tha wan gave
th ilgnal. immediately th door wa
bunt open and the masked men mailed
Into tha place. Hall a doten shotgun
were rsleod to the celling and tired,
apparently to warn tha aaloon keeper
that they meant bualunsa, while two
men approached Hudson with Uveled
gum, Hudaou grabbed th barrels ot
both gout for an lustant and then fell
to the floor. The gum were discharged ieii, neai.cnargairo.noue.iriK -
laid ika u.H KKJ Ik., I..... a 1. -
.... wan uu . iruui nwau
piercing th. .hive.
Mn. Hudson rushed to the icena
irorn in uvmg room in me rsr ami
tood in th doorway. She had barely
reached the spot when a gun wa level-
ed at the ipot ami discharged. The ; vldl)t Au,,r9 b.d irevlusly been u
shot struck her In tha forehead above .,.,.,1 n.i,.
the ayes, and she fell mortally wound-
ed. Huilson rushed to hi wife' tide
to admlutsur to her, but h died bo-
toi h could carry her to another
Hlm' . . . , ,,,,. ,
Munug m. siKHniog uniiaiu veoo.
one of the raiders, waa accldenully ;
shot to tha arm, and two or three olh- j
ers were wounded slightly. A few i
nior shot were fired, but the mob, .
alarmed at tna killing of Mrs. Hudson,
qubkly left the place without stopping
to destroy the liquors and fixture.
Anticipating the attack, Hudson had (
gathered about him 10 armed meu. :
.tampeiM. and this fact and the kill-
IngofMr. Hudeon, probably prevent-
d a bloody riot. ,
The affray lasted but a tew mlnutas,
and the detail were not learned until
... . i s a a i
tiha morning, the raider having gone
quietly to tlieir home. I be member
ot the party are all believed to be
youeg farmer who liv near Mill-
wood. Sheriff Kvei hardy went Iroin
her to Millwood today aud arrested
lour fsrmers, who have been lodged In
the county jail here. Tomorrow the
county attorney aay ha will rile a com
plaint aaginst them of murler in the
Hist degree. Back of the alleged laid
there is said to have existed a feud o
long standing.
Man Who Killed Another Alleges tt Was Done
in Sell Delensa.
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 21. A tpe -
oial (rom Greenwood. II. C. slates
that .lame F. McGfll de Itlverri la in
jsil charged wth the murder ol Harry
Boa and, who wa killed at Denoro
last night. De Biverre I a French
Canadian who was tormerly a civil
engluerr in the serivce ol the Crow's
Nest Pass railway. He has lately been
made the victim of several practical
jokes at the leuoro mining vamp
De HI ver re killed How and with a (our
inch casekuife, aud while De Hlverre
admits that it was hit hand that gave
the fatal blow, he deolaret it was tn
sell-detauso aud circumstantial evi
dence in a measure confirms this view,
lor Kowand had beeu drinking, and
not finding tulliolcnt excitement lu jok
tng the little Frenchman, attempted to
hold hitn over a rod hot stove. It was
then that the knife was used. De
Kivene subsequently surrendered to
the provincial police. The deceased
waa formerly a railway paymaster In
the East. v y
Laborer Had Mil Skull Crushed.' ' ,
St. Helen. Or., Feb. 21 Yester
day morulng Oliver Melville, an em
ploye ot Day, Bell St Caution' logging
camp, back of Goble ou the line of the
Gobi & Nehalem railroad, bad hi
sknll crushed by a timber, wbioh was
moved by the tooling ot the block on
one ol the donkey engine which it
used (or hauling - log. Deceased was
S3 year of age aud leave a wife and
child. He wa a new man and had
j just gone to work iu the morning.
; The ooioner was summoned and a juiy
empaneled. The verdict exonerates all
; connected with the woik and states
that "death wai from purely accidental
causes." '
, Shot Brutal Father,
Fort Way u, lnd., Feb. $!. Beisie
Slater, aged 1 5, shot and probably fa
tally injured her father to save her
mother from death at his hands, The
; little girl wai taken to the police sta
tion and after an inquiry wai let go.
Slater oame home in the evening,
threw hit wile on a bed and proceeded
to choke her. The little girl secured
a revolver aud fired a ballet into her
father'i back, inflicting a dangerous
Rochester Bank Falls,
Kochester, N. Y Feb. 21. The
Genesee National Savings & Loan As
sociation, with olllces iu this city, hai
gone into the hands of receivers. The
linbilitos, which are about $200,000,
are more than double the assets. The
receivership was established upon a
petition of State Superintendent ot
llanki Kilburu. John H. Bosworth,
who it the treasurer of the association,
waa named as receiver, giving bonds iu
$30,000. ' . . ,
Failure In Delaware.
Wilmington, Del., Feb. 21. The
Delaware Conatmotion Company, of
this city, hat patted into the hnndi ot
receiver. The llabllitioi are about
$75,000; estimated assets, $00,000.
Govirnor of Yukon District Resign.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21. The iteam
er Farallon bring advlcei from Skag
way itating that William Ogilvie'i
resignation at governor of tha Yukon
diitriot ii annouueed in a diipatoh to
the Skagway New.
ii If fllfill
Employes of Manila Companies
Under Arrest
Btlglaa Consnl, Who Was Alio Suspected, Mastb
ly Lett f w Europe-Rebel Garrison
Captured on Cavlte Coast
Manila, Feb. St. Captain Jonea, of
th Kltfhth Infantry, ha been arrested
at a town ou the bay province of La-
truiia. ktitrMiitj drtnn. and Mitral
,ilnployed by th Philippine Trading
i Company, on charge t similar to those
brought aitattat D. M. Carman, tha
j American contractor, namely, furnish
iug th insurgent srlth supplies. The
I Tabscaleria Company, the richest cor-
! poratliin in the Philippines, la accused
of aiding the iusurgeuta often and
actively. Tha men arrested are proinl-
uent and the evideuc against tbeui is
j very strong.
M. llrixbolterman, a Belgian, con-
.nw1, mi,h i.nilpp,ne
Company, ha been i
' nlla. and M. Edward
i Un b, ,urt
rrestea at .a
Andre, the Bel
manager of the
: i.i.hi,,,,!,,. Tr.,tin.. f.,.,..,.n- l...titv
J , M,u,u lth hu (HIlUy( 00 ,,,,
1 .,, l-...... th. .,.MI,1Br. i,,t.
j ....i' i Knhiivle mith inn men nt
t- .i..i. ...i....... .1,.
, ,MMlt ,,; Ultl on Cm
umt T,rn,( ldi inUud.
captured a small retnil garrison. Con-
:....(.. ui. ,...,. .Umtt . ...onntaln
trail, Colonel Schuyler waa attacked
by rebela cf Trtaa' command. After
a sharp fight th enemy wer beaten
and scattered. One American wa-.
killed and one wa wounded.
The Uulted Statea transport Hose
crans has returned her from Guam,
after lauding there the Filipino prison-
... U'tm h.v. I.Mn Haitfirfjul tn tliaC
j jn J2( Th) y ,IC!iient
! The nrt.ou Is calle.1 tha I'reaidlo. It
u mi,,.lut mH ..,,. nrf .t,i. m,.
! iii it.i.,i
1 v"w asa iHMssjfiBsmtt
i Th. nf,,,..i. nf th. ,nrh nt the
lloug Kong hank here, have announced
that Boas, the Englishman in their
employ, who wrote a letter published
in au Australian paper, criticising the
Philippine oommitsiiin. American o di
cers aud American policy iu general,
ha been ordered to proceed lo Houg
Kong. The British commuoitv here
1 well pleased that tha man ha beeu
nut away.
Geueral MacAithur'a reception at
Ms hi cm exoeed anything lu tha Span
ish regime, The palace was beautiful-
j ly decorated and brilliantly illuoii-
! listed. Thousauda of persons attended
. ,rim) srtT( Mvy otliciai. consular.
I clerical, buaiueaa and social circles,
1 American and foreign. The Filipino
population wai wen represents
General Barry was master of ceremon
ies. General MacArtbnr and the ladies
ot the L'uiled Mites coinmisiinu re
ceived the gucit. Dauciug followed
the reception. The Ulijluos were
especially pleased at being accorded a
privilega never before afforded them,
and General MacArthur't tact and
courtesy were greatly appreciated.
Aihury Park, N. J., Man In Jail Incommunicado
for a Term of Flvt Months.
New York, Feb 21. H. O. Bullis,
of Ashbury Park, N. .)., after having
endured imprisonment (or more than
five mouths iu Maracaibo, Venezuela,
hat returned home to piess a claim lor
$30,000 damage through the United
-lutes government against the South
American republic.
Mr, Bullis was appointed mechani
cal and electrical engineer of the Mara
caiWi Electric Light Comp.iny two
yean ago. In a political uprising be
waa compelled to climb a telegraph
pole aud reek protection under an
American ting, which he tied to the
The police last Anngst found a quan
tity of ammunition in the electric plant
with which Mr. Bullis was connected,
and he was arrested, charged, at he
supposed, with being iu league with the
i evolutionists. He declared his inno
cence, but repeated appeals to. the
American consul wera unheeded. The
authorities, believing he had no friends,
caused his removal to a military prison,
where he wai kept five mouths incom
mnuicado, Mr. Bullis smuggled a let
ter to the American minister and in 24
hours afterwards the Yenesnehinu gov
erumeut complied with a percm pi on
demand (or bis release.
Contract for Yukon Boat.
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb.' 31. Jainea
Reese & Sons have jtift taken a con
tract to build (or the Canadian Devel
opment Compnuy a $100,000 tow aud
passenger craft to ply on the Yukon
river. The purchasing company is a
Chicago interest, of which W. II. Isou
is one of the chief executives.
' Girl's Battle With t Negro.
Kansas, City, Feb. 21. While kneel
ing at her father's grave at Elmwood
cemetery today, Dora Deiell, 19 years
old, waa assaulted by a negro. She
fought her assailant desperately, the
two struggling for nearly half au hour.
The negro was Dually frightened away
by the appioaoh of a white man.
When the man reached Misi Dirndl
the was in a dead faint. . Tonight she
ii iu a serious condition. The negro
esoaped. '"
Tilley Will Return,
Washington, Feb. 21. The regular
trera of the service of Commander Ben-
jaiinn F. Tilley, the commandant of
the naval nation at lutuilla, Samoa.
will toon expire, and he will come
home on leave ol absence. It i proba
ble that the navy department, how
ever, will give him an additional as
signment to the command of the ita
tion, at he i willing to return there,
and hit administration of affair hai
given much tatiefaottion to the native
of th island nnder his charge.
Trad Advice An Reported to be Mor
Bradstreet'l lay: Trade advice, are
rather mor cheerful. This applies a.
much ai to current retail business
which baa bean enlarged with wintry
weather a tt doei to th opening
pring trad which finds stimulation
in the general confidence (elt a to the
general outlook for the year. Price
show exceptional strength, all thing
considered, tha on weak spot being raw
cotton which abare the rather usual
tone manifested by the cotton growera
and yarn market. Foreign demand
(or our breadstuff ha been rather bol
ter. Specially cheerful raporU com
from th tho and leather, th lumber
anil th iron trade, tho strength of
prlcet of the latter having been in
creased by the talk of peudng consall
datlon although tha volume ol business
ia restricted from the same cause.
Failures r entailer than of late and
current railroad earning ihow large
gain over good return ol a year ago.
Despite th check- given to busiues
by th talk of consolidations, a full
volume ot trad ia doing st all leading
iron markets, and the adavnee in
these column last week are firmly
held, Bessemer pig 1 still selling at
$13.35 at valley furnaces, equivalent
to $14 at Pittsobrg ami tales of 10,000
tout ar reported. Immediate deliver
ies ol (teel billet (till cot 50 cent to
$1 mor than pool price $19.75. Chi
cago reports manufacturers' price list
withdrawn pending the consolidation!
but that billet are $2 a too higher on
sale of 20,000 ton.
Wheat, inculding (lour shipments,
for the week agrgegate 4,814,878 bush
els, against 4,997,813 last week.
Fa I lues for the week In th United
State numbered 220 asaguinst 850 last
Canadian (allures numbered 89,
agalnat 84 last week.
Seattle Market
Onions, new yellow. $3,60 8.
Lettuce, bot house. $1 60 per case.
PoUtoe, new. $18.
BeeU, per tack, $1.
Turnips, per lack, 75o.
Squash 2c.
Carrot, per sack. 75c
Parsnips, per tack, $1.25(31.50,
Celery GOo do.
Cabbage, native and California,
2 c per pounds.
Butter Creamery, 25c; dairy, 1501
18o; ranch, 16cfc)lSo pound.
Cheese 14o.
Fggs Knch. 20c; F'astern 20c.
Poultry 13c; dressed, native chick
ens, 13Hc;tuikey, 15c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $15.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
$19.00. ' .-
Corn Whole, $38.00: cracked. $34;
(eed meal, $34. v i i -
Barley Rolled or. groond, per ana,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.40;
blended straight. $3.25; California,
$3.36; buckwheat flour, $8.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.35: whole wheat
dour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.80(1(4.00.
Millstuffa Bran, per ton, $15.00;
aborts, per ton, $16.00.
F'eed Chopped teed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $33; oil cake meal,
per ton, $29.00.
Freah Meats Choioe dressed beof
steers, price 8c; cowt, 7 He; mutton
7 .'a; pork, 8c; trimmed, 10c; veal, 10c.
llama Large, IIJ4C; imall, ll,l;
breakfast bacon, 13?4c; dry salt sides,
8, Sc.
Portland Market
Wheat Walla Walla. 660; Valley,
nominal; Blnestem, 66)u0 per bushel.
Flour Beit grades, $3.40; graham,
Oata Choice white, 45o; choice
gray, 43o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.50 brew
ing, $16.50 per ton.
Mills tuffs Bran, $16.00 ton; mid
dling!, $21.60; shone, $18.60; chop,
$16 per ton.
Hay Ttmothy,$123 12.60; clover,$7
9.60; Oregon wild hay, $t)7perton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c;
tore, 27)vC
Eggs 17 Ho perdoren.
Cheeee Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60
per doxen; bens, 95.00; springs,
2.003.60; geese, $6.007.OO doa;
ducks, $5.00(36.00 per doxen; turkeys.
live, 1 lo per pound.
Potatoes 46($60o per sack; sweets.
$1,65 per lOOpouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, 140 per pound; parsnips, S5c;
onions, $22.25; carrots, 75o.
Hops New crop, 1214o per
Wool Valley, 1314o per pound,
Eaatern Oregon, 1012o; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, boat sheep, wethera
$4 '76; ewes, $4.50; dressed mutton,
6 H' (3 7o per pound.
Ilogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.25;
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed.
6(j7c per pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.504.75;
oowi, $4.004.60; dressed beef, 6
7o per pound.
Veal Large, 77 So; email, 8H9
9o per pound.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll13o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1617o; Northern, 9310o.
Hopi Crop, 1900, 1520o.
Butter Fancy creamery 2lc;
do leoonds, 17c; fancy dairy, 19
do seoonds, 14o per pound.
Eggs Store, 83o; fancy ranch,
Mlllatuffi Middlings, '' $17.00
20.00; bran, $15.00 16.00. .
Hay Wheat $918s; wheat and
oat $9.00 13.50; best barley $9.50
alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw,
8547t)'o per bale.
Totatoes Oregon Burbanki, $1;
Salinas Burbanks, 75o$1.05; river
Burbanks, 8560o; sweets, 60$1.00.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.7633.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.50;
do choice $1.762.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
S.60 per bnnoh; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66to pel