The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 08, 1901, Image 4

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" l
aastfttjittttiit a mwmmmm
E stood on the brink of tbe preci
pice end looked over. Three huu-
ired foot below blui ine e orua.e
on the somber rock.
The man's muscles tenatoned sud he
drew a deep breath. What u easy
way to eud It all! Just one Wile step
those rocks below were no buugers;
they would make no uils:ake over their
work, aud the sea would tell no tales
and then-then he would be away rrom
It all, aud would never have to bear the
agouy of heariug that she was married
to Everett.
Married to Everett-married to Ever
ett! The words clanged lu his ears.
He groaued aloud aud beut hastily
over the edce.
A mist came before his eyes and his
breath rose in a choking heave to his
throat; the grouud rocked slckeulugly
beueath him, aud for oue dlxxy second
he thought he was falling-falling
down that lntermluable space
Then the mist passed, the ground
stunned rocklug and he gasped with
relief to Bud himself still staudiug safe
aud souud on Arm earth.
He turned away with a scornful
laugh at his owu weakness. ,
Home again, he Bung himself Into an
easy-chair aud lit his pipe, resolved to
give way no longer to morbid uuag
He picked up a magaxtne, but hts
thoughts tlew off at a taugeut to the
dance which was to take place thai
rrv evening, to which he had been
He bad vowed not to see her again
till he could settle ouce for all the dem
on of unrest within him. and a crowded
balltoom was the last place for iuipas
iloned avowals.
He thought how cool and beantlful
she would look In her white muslin.
with her fluffy golden balr fram ng her
sweet little face. Perhaps
be would go. after all. Then a second
figure rose up to spoil the picture
handsome. bamy-go-luckj Everett,
with a merry word for everyone,
dancing untiring attendance on the fas-
coating hostess aud uever leaving her
side for a moment.
How dared he take possession of her
tn that way! And how could she put
up with It, unless
His pipe-mankind's universal baby
bottle for once failed utterly In Its
mission of soothing. He tossed It an
grdy across the table and burled his
face In his bands, lost in a whirl of uils-
arable conjectures.
wat fun, ill Ihla, for th mt (riant,
but I don't btlicve uy of tia could
compute',' If we tried, the deep-down
Joy It M the bootblack!," Chicago ,
Inter Ocean. j
stooping figure waa to death o near
that one touch-Just one little motion
of the foot and he would lose bis bal
auce and so speeding, tpeedlug down
those smiling cliffs and be burled to
pieces ou those cruel rocks beneathl
His breath came quickly.
Suppose It had happened accidental
Iv? Even as he thought he knew ue
was a coward. Even then he was
thluklng of his own skin. Suppose a
sudden uolse made the man start! Al
most unconsciously he opened his lips,
and a harsh "Hallo!" broke from him,
Everett's nerves were atcel. lie
turned his sunny face aud aiulled over
his shoulder.
"Hallo, old man!" he responded amla
Fraser came and stood dumbly beside
hhu, holding his hands tightly together
behind him to hide their ehakiug. He
had forgotteu Everett was a sa.lor.
He watched him furtively leaning
down further aud further, till It seemed
Impossible be could retain bis balauce;
and the waves below reached up hun
gry white arms to catch him, aud fell
back again with a murmuring thunder
of anger at their failure.
A little further. Fraser caught his
You'll be over In a minute!" be said
Everett laughed easily.
"Not I!" be said confidently. "But, t
say. old chap, you might Just haug on
to my legs for a minute, will you? I
want to reach that great bit Just there,
aud It's Just beyond me."
The waving pink bloom nodded Im
pudently up at them Just out of reach.
Kraser stood luotlouless, molsteulug his
dry lips.
Everett looked around.
"D'you mind, old man 7" he said.
And mechanically the other stretched
out his hand aud obeyed.
Now now! oue movement of bis tin
gers-just the opening of his hand
He fought the thought back, gasping
for breath.
Everett leaned still farther. He half
glanced back.
"They're for Dolly, you know," be
said, "to wear this evening."
The lingers opeued aa If by some iud
denly pressed spring. There was a sud
deu cry. and then then something
weut rolling, rol.tng. striking aud
bouuding slckenlugty down that steep
Telephonic communication haa been
established between lit. Michael auu
Nome by nteaua of a temporary ub
marine cable. The toll la t'2 for ten
It baa teen demonstrate! by actual
experiment, observes Scieue and In
dustry, that mauy of our wild forest
planta produce needs that when ouneu
lu the earth leialu vitality for ten to
thirty year.
Recently an Institution was opened
In Belgium for the alleged cure of tu
berculoma by the exclusive raw meat
diet. After trial of a few mouths the
exnerluiout waa abandoned, a It was
found that there was no effleacy In the
Ulchet cure. " '
Varloua scientific department Id En
),,, i rMwmiv tiild a eonl'ereuce in
which they sought to obtain govern
ment power for protecting the delicate
luatrumeut lu the Kew aud Given
wlcb obsorvatorlea from any luuguetlc
dlsturbaucea that arise from the work
tng of eloctrle trauiwaya aud railway
lu their vicinity,
The bumming noise produced by .the
bit and tiles exoresse a musical no
tation Thua the common bouse By
ofteu produce the souud V. In order
to do thi the creature must vlbrute
lu wing ai.lit) time a mluut or 333
times a aecoud. The honey be ire
queutly produce the souud A. aud
vibrate It wings iM.400 time a min
ute or 440 time a aecoud. la tbt way
one can ascertain the number of vlbra
tlou the little creature are produc-
luir with their wing by Budiug out
what uote they are humming.
The Hcv. J, M. Raeou, F. U. 8., pro
pose to make a balloou ascent during
one of the thick, Impenetrable fog
which vllt London during the winter
month. He propose to asceud to the
higher Uuilta of the fog and to expbir
cleutlflealiy It constitution. He a w
propoav to dlacbarge small cartridge
of guueotton at great belgbta. In order
to ascertain whether me eoueuas.oo
will dislodge or disperse the fog lu any
way. He ha carried out everal ex
pertinent with similar cartridge for
,snili-al miroosc. at varying am
Mr. K. N. Buxton, tn dlculng the
question of the preservation of bg
game in Africa, point out the great
difficulty of protecting elephants, on
account of the high market value of
their tusk, aud then avers that per
sonally be I opposed to the destruc
tlon of elephauts at alt. on the f round
that, valuable as they are for their
Ivory, they might be still more valuable
na n-eleht carriers. The Idea or em
ploying elephants a domestic animal
of burden Is uot new, aud many have
testified to the patient and effect!
manner In which they apply their enor
mous strength In the service of man.
An age aa great aa 6,000 yeara ha
! sometime been ascribed to the giant
I tree of California. Prof. Cbarle K.
Besaey. of the University of Nebraska.
Chlaete Arm Ha d la H Ovetflowl
Inti Asiatic Knit t,
Recent luvtlgatton have shown
that wbtl the whit emigration to Si
beria haa been considerable, It has been
neither permanent nor betielteiul. lu
18lfJ, according to recent consular re
port. It amounted to 22U.IKM soul, but
In the first sit mouths of the lame year
rrtach Peasant h lirew a Prist el
tlCKM)) i rla4.
Before tbe closing of tb Pari ex
potlifon the last groat lottery connect
d with tbta ttupendou bow wn
drawn for, the winner of which, a poor
ocas ut. found himself the richer by
half million fraues-ihnt I. ltw.0J0.
'Ihe drawing for this great prise wa
Axed for H UU o'clock III the afternoou.
At 2 o'clock the gnat hall wa deusely
.y.-kud with a mixed but auxUu
crowd. Duke, duchesses, eouun
niiiinL liualnc men of
all diMit rlntloii. workmen lu their holl-
d.iy attire, work wen In their working
rraakef lchleoB HI ftarly laeltr lleee4 CaMlac
a, stavlaa Hovla Leaatl 1 t Ukaia r faataasa.
A set of vrtaiMD goggle on a bull The advantage of canal or navifa
combination at rare a It la b'aarre, ble channel through tbe utntnu ei
i.ut iii. I. lust exaVtlt what JohO An Panama la so obvious turn h is bvi
icbuts, of tow Townblp. Pa, rao priitig to Ond tb Idea of nch a water
,.. -.I... At whan be went out av waa seriously considered In tbt
to take a look at hi black and white Mri, day of KpaoUli couquet la the
bovine, Dexter. Tbe bull wa inueoiro world.
tar hia nw ornament to fvy oi the year va the ramoua von.,
mtu.i,i.mi. bora, who wanted to dew WD ibeu Id Mexico (or New Spain),
A Phenomenal Success ! CabtU-WM onatrate tb generally rece.veo sui mree snips on a w h -
the thtrlke ucceT Caldy-lt waa. that gnythlng refl renaer a - jimuwa in cuarg vi ....v
if,),.. k-i.. .t wMk wa auo atratwroua. paaveora. i oe espvuiuuH w. . -
m a tuni vMwwaaa i - - - - . - . . . . . .
caded In Ittln' back our loba.-Puck. When Dexter woke up tbe next worn. rortouet one, a two or in au.p. w
" " I . . .1 k. .1 as jlaaidila'A ..a .(.. . M, M . at ml HllVfti
Mistress tevrely-lf aucb a thing tng be aaw every.u.ui u- - - --7--"':
ay eaaeas
over mm returned pcuulle. to Hun- j,,, ttlrv. work won In their working mistres.,r-ii - - . .,m, n Hij P(,mt d dlJ 00. W cgrr, out B, nt0B.
sla. having failed to Bud a livelihood. cotbe.-all went to make up a vivid 'j T ,"7.h tb. conclusion that every object he WoD ot returning by way of tbe city of
n. ln.ih work fer gaxed on bad onac-oiintably b"ea V,Uan.a, on the PaclBc lde. and tuenc
another avrvant
would; there' easily enough work rer
two of u.-Tll lilt.
She-Have you read that continued
tory lu tbe paperT lie-Not all of it
Bhe-llow far did you get! u-i nu-
Those who remained are deaciibed a Hmi muiisiuIoiihI picture,
pauperlaed by their piiviiege and do omi iwusaut told the writer that n
lug little or nothing to develop the couu- imj traveled !iiK) mile In order to be In
try, Ou tbe other baud, the Chinese are in, U time to see tbe "draw" for tbe
everywhere overrunning the land. At ,vt fortune, and to make sure mat
th white man either olijectt to work .11 fuiri ituue.
altogether or n-qulre excessive wages, A, xWk of half-past 2 o'clock the Ubed the "synopsis of preceding cuap-
Cblues labor baa become a necessity, committee, compoaed of tui'ti of lire ter."-Urookl)D Lire.
On all Ihe public work It Is employed. ,ront-jibie character-men of tbe high Q0if iUj chess: Fool-I suppose
iMiiig pnm les tuan uau m prat or ,,M, atnndliig-BUHl III. ine general 1 tou gr, willing to aumlt tnai goir is au
white labor. secretary of tbe bnuk. M. Houxel, pre- intellectual pastime? Huuker-Yea, Id
In the wake or the workman comes v.,,(i,
the Chinese peddler, aud eveu the Cbl- t,,f,ire the "drawing" he explained
nose inerchant. The movement la fed , the people that the Brat would win
by an Immigration and colonisation nisiUM) franca, tb second and third
tb Bve following l.tum
scheme founded by the Chinese govern
ment In Manchuria aud Mongolia, which
has proved fur more successful than
the almllnr ltusslnn orgtiulsution In Si
beria. At oue time It was thought Hint,
owlug to the futility with which the
Uusslaua consorted with Asiatics, the
result of this Immigration would lie Hie
Slnvlalng of the Chinese. It now seem
more probable that the Chinese will ab
sorb the Wave. A very distinguished
Uusstan traveler told me last year that
on the frontier the liussnin ewomsia
had already forgotteu their owu tongue,
while In Irkutsh a pigeon ltusslnn i
freely spoken. "In short." ho added,
"while we Uusslans have tceu medita
ting th political conquest of China,
the Chines have begun the economic
conquest of Siberia." The worst of It
la that Itussla baa no remedy at hand,
for ahe cannot exclude Chinese Immi
gration without compromising the eco
nomic progress of Sllierla and abandon
ing her friendly polity at Peklu.-Port-ulghtly
Maeklntsts or 1hU Conntrr Have No
I- qiala la Any Hlhrr t an I.
One of tbe greatest obstacles to Ihe
general Introduction of American ma
chiue tools Into continental Europe l
the Ignorance of the average European
machinist. This Is especially true of
the higher classes of machine tools.
Th Intelligence which enable an
American mechanic to understand and
operate a machine seems to be dor
mant or entirely wanting In hi Eu-roiw-an
brother. The American Manu
facturer quotes Ihe sales manager or
to.iHKl franca.
friinea. aud UW other W franc each.
The upreme moment ba arrived.
Two bov are each placed In-fore n
wheel, tbe boy on the rlght'glvlng the
aerlea, the one on the left giving the
number. Ther are 3:'o aerba of ID.OOU
number each.
The silence la painful. The fneee of
the people lu tbe ball art all auxloua.
and lu many casea quite drawn,
The wheel are turned. Tbe boy
each take a number. The prlxe-the
fortunela decided.
No. SKW of tbe alxteentb rle Im
won. aud the owner of thl come into
iHissesslou of Wh),(S0 francs.
"No, '.'MO, wimier of the Brat prlxe!"
Is called out. A cry from the center of
tbe hull -at weird, unnatural cry-and
the possessor of ticket No, '.'ftllt) fall
back, etnggera, and I carried away
senselesa. II la a poor peasant, who
for yeara ha never earned tuoro than
20 franca a week. Now?
It la Interesting to learn that the win
ner of tbe great prise for IHiiH-a worn-
anbaa not yet been paid. Thl ludy
won the ftoo.tMS franc prlxe. but had
cut off a amall portion of her ticket
Now tbe law regulating these lotter
ies I that the ticket must be presented
Intact. Should It be mutilated In the
slightest the winner Is barred from re
ceiving the prlxe until thirty year
have elapsed.
bout th tame sense that chess I an
athletic game,-Boston Trausciipl
"What kind of a man la this John
Bmlth?" "Oh. be' the klud tuat
thinks he cau hold ou to bis umbrella
transformed Into rarmlue he became Ima the Isthmus. Ilia view wat that
furloua. lie noticed that bit cattle coin- tt anama be "might unlade the cloves
and merchandise that be baa, mat to
lu cartwt It might be carried acrose the
tilalu fouer leagues, to tb rtvr
4'hagre, which they sty It navigable,
gunning out Into th North Bet not far
.from Nombr de Dlos. where the tblpi
ride which come out of Spalne."
In hit "Discoveries of tbe World"
(published In 15."5 tnd translated by
lltkluyt and published In England Id
HHU), Antonio Ualvano, governor of
Terns te In the Moluccas, tayt of 8save
dra: "If be had lived he meant to hart
opened the land of Castllla de Oro and
by having his name eugraved on th -n"ululul ,m) u ,Hkeu ou the new color,
haodle."-Ncw York Evening World ,ong,r srr,n.
Simrisman (to rimiin. wuo 1 iii n,. inMu-siit bid wd ' r""'"
brought down a alugle bird all dayi- h orcv.uing tiut. and then be Imk-bih mlgbr-fctv Uon done In four place-
Do you know i-ora rrrauam nmnu- a iyi,,, lunatic. To cap in conn
Oh. dear, yes; I've often shot at hi h, iMW n WIU nMr , Urn cbe to
n-d fence, and that tbe milk mam wa
t) !
house. Sportsman-Ever bit in-run
Lucky lllugles: "Bluglea It a lucky
man; bit lime goee right on whether he
la waking or tleeplug. akk or well
"What I Mingle' business?" "Watch
maker."-Columbua (Ohio) Btat Jour
A tclentlst at work: "How did you
rania in Im a urofessloual lieggar?" "I
ain't uo professional beggar. I'm em
played to git up statistlca on bow many
heartless people they la lu tbia town
Chicago Kccord.
Home growu lustre: "Then you dou't
bauk much ou ancestral pride?" "No;
It la more to a mau'a credit to start
from nowber and be somebody than to
start from somewhere aud be uobody.
-ludluitapolls Journal.
The exact truth exacted: Caller-
You look like a good and truthful girl;
tell me-1 your mlstresa realty ouw
Domestic-She Is, ma'am. Callcr-
Uio.ra? Domeatlc At the elbow.
ma'am.-Chlcago Tribune.
Well. Borua," is Id Naggua, Ihe em
Inent literary critic. "I ee you begun
tbe new ceutury right." "llow' iliir'
asked Borus, the struggling author. I
dou't understand," "lou U.iin t wrue
any porin altotit lt."-Cblcago 1 rlbune.
A Bubetdy Detlued: "I see so much lu
the newspaper about subsidies. What
does a subsidy meau. Johnr' "A sub-
a red tirL who carried a red bui k.t
and tbrce k'gged atool or tne same
Now. be wa lmply a pent np voua
no In cow sklu. and th troutne in-asn
iitftnely, from the Uulfe of Ht. Michael
to Crabs, which Is tweuty five league.
or from Panama to Nombre de Dlo,
lielng seventeen leagues distance; of
through Zaquator, a river of Nic
aragua, which sprlngeth out of a laka
three or fouer leagues from the South
Hea, and falleth Into tb North Bea;
Caas of CuoaaiMpitttrt Cera I
dour 'irtmnt.
Consumption, that scourge of Eastern
Massachusetts, Ithode Islaud, Cuuueci;
... ... . . . . . 1 . . , ....... .. . ittt
. .. . ............... .. . ..... ...... ..ub u .... .. U l..Pu,fc lilttf 1I1MI I VlrtW IN m'ii,,rM I H I. 1 U.I
one or tne leaning mnnuiecwncs i vm, new, . .mj, j,.,, -
mn.iiin- i.w.l. In this couutrv at say- some of Its terrors of late, Itecent bug- dollar for going to see your uiouu-r ..
I,,.. Dsn exiM'timcuts uave snowu tuni cuu- teti or usviog uvw wiuw . . Ana machine In a shun on suutPtlou almost always is ueveioiH-ti na 1 iienver r-ews.
. ... I... 1 .1. I ... . I I i ...MM. I.M.
it,, niinant an tinlex t ie maker a result or overcrow 111 ua ami u an. mo couaoiing: ijnit"""-
has tent with It from th works an ex- lake a boy of slightly Inherited ten- jU,t Ueked a member of the hunt, who
nert to break the dunderheads Into the dcucy to consumption aud put him at WM fu0wlng too iioely-Ou, I'm so
. 11. ..Ill ...,l.,.l,lu a. a 1. . It .II.Ih'I bust Vnill
using of It the chances are three to
For an Instant the white face was up : rPCllrtg thla estimate as very much ex-
turned, j aggetuted. He says that be once
"All right, old chapl know-accl- ! )Unted with reat care tbe rings of
Hi thoughts new back to that dance 1 dent!" Boated up brokenly, aud Krowta 0f a tree felled In 1M3. and
.t . It.. hl.l.iAiia atinil ami thaa I . . . ... . rm ... Jl.. .
one week ago one week to crowaeu mere w a ii 1 which wa ruiiy n or vt teei id uiamo-
with hopes' and fear that it seemed a waves ciuieueo greeuiij i .uc,
llfot'tue ' osulxable prey aud drew It under. Ami
lie remembered those two dances, the swooping seagulls shrieked wildly
Uie music, the scent of flowers in the aud circled upward,
co-iservalory. and. more distinctly than Eraser stood as If turned to stone,
a!! the laughing face of Dolly. gaalng with distended eyeballs at the
TUc'i thM few overheard words gurgling eddies where tbat-tbat thing
rushed through his brain. He clinched had uisappeareu.
Murueren .nurui-ivi. uiuviv.
The waves lashed It at him. the sea
gulls shrieked It. the whole living aud
Inanimate world Bung the awful woru
at bun.
He stood paralyzed. Had he done It
he? What bad he done? Ue uem nis
hands vaguely and piteously out before
him, asking them mutely. Murderer:
Murderer! Murderer! Yet. It wat true
his fists and his face flushed at the rec
ollection. He had drifted from the bail
room to tbe conservatory. Would she
consent? That was tbe quesUon that
throbbed In his brain. Should he say
the words that would decide his future
life and hers? He had puffed at a ci
garette, and stared at the thin wisps
of blue smoke. Would his hopes fade
Into nothingness as that fragrant
smoke faded and vanished Into air?
And then be heard people talking. Ue
recognized the voice of Everett, awl
then Dolly's. They were seated on the
opposite side of the conservatory, and
had not seen bim as he sat almost con
cealed behind a. tangle of palm leaves.
"Dolly." Everett was saying, "you
must say 'Yes. My w hole life depends
upon It. We have been chums so long.
Say you will and make me tbe happiest
man in England not to speak of Scot
land, Ireland and Wales. Say 'Yes!' 1
know what you want to say that we
ought to be getting back again. And
there are all those loathsome people
u ho want dances. Confound 'em. You
will? I knew you would "
Eraser bad sat there, almost unable
to mo.e. He did not know bow Ion
Tlip music from the ba.lroom Boated
out into the conservatory, mingling
with the laughter and chatter of the
guests. All hope, all interest lu life
wa gone snatched from him by those
few overheard words. People were
asking for him. What did It matter;
nothing mattered now. A voice aroused
hiui. Ue looked up. aud saw Everett
before hitu Everett, who was his
rriend: who was now bis rival hl
'ilailo. Eraser, old man, you eeem to
be ten tat boms deep In the blue dumps
wiini'a thp matter now? Come ani
have a smoke wlih me. I've been look
Ins tor you half the evening."
And that all happened a week ago. A
nsoii the most miserable in his life.
And now he was trying to forget bcr
What a fool he was!
The thought of that steep drop down
tc the sea kept recurring to his m nd
airain and again with a fatal
tlon nut It away from his as he would
Through all his brood:ngs Its somber
invitation stood out dear aud distinct
He could see even now the Jagged
-nr.l. im-kinz below, drilling with
snrav. looking for their prey.
At last he got up. It was no good
Maying in. Inaction was torture to, in hia ni'csent frame of mind. He
would try and walk it off.
He started off rapidly, without any
definite aim or Intention, but uneon
sciously Ifls steps turned toward the
coast, and presently he found himself
mifo in ci re ascondinz the steep little
path he had traversed that morning,
A he neared the summit he per
celved that there was a man's figure
before him, stooping perilously over the
dangerous edge, evidently gathering
some ulant from the cliff below
It was a foolhardy thing to do, and
pviclentlv bespoke a strong brain.
A little nearer, and he stopped short
i.,,ntiv The stooping figure was
mi 1 1. 1' j - -Evprett.
All his love and bate surged up with
i.t. nvoiwtt. the man who bad
U m. -
ter, to that lit ttump erve as 1110
floor of a dancing pavilion. The rings
mini Itered 1.147. and that number
would represeut the age of the tree In
year. Prof. Betsey add that he
gravely doubts whether auy of the ex
isting tree approach the age of 2.000
Giant Uii a Llttla Fun on ilia Own Ac
count with llonlblacWa.
Sometimes," said the old circus man,
"tbe greatest of all giant would have
a little fun on his own account; meblie
with the bootblacks. I don't suppose
11,,. 1 oiivihlni? ever feszed a boothlark.
-true! His hands told uim-hia hamlx nrobai,y ,e'j offer to black the boot
that be had opened, (iod! They were 1 . , ul ai) t tuurci, ueple and
blood-red-stalncd with blood! The I wltn gu(M,g ai as tle meeting bouse
grass was red-the sky-tne very sea j lf one cme ng way. jUti ayhow, the
was blood! ! hootblacks used to offer to black the
He flung up his hands with an awful ,,., .i10p- wi,en tLsa great man took
cry and sprang blindly over that fatal ; ; . a)lt through the town. Just at
I say. old fellow, do wake up ami
stoD having the horrors! You don 1
one that the perfect mechanism will
be a wreck Inside of forty-eight hour,
after the power It applied to It. Ac
customed to work with toots that are
crude and simple, compared with the
Ingenious tnd Intricate American lu-
tentlons. the operating machinists or
Europe are slow lo comprehend the
latter and often do them a lot of dam
age !y stupiu iinniiiiiia. 1 iM-Fr !
are so well recognlxed by our machine
tool builder that when giving an cMi
mate on any considerable amount .r
work care I bad to add enough to the
price to cover the sending 01 a man.
or men. to Install the machines and
stay with them until they have proved
their merits."
know how beastly awful you look!"
Eraser opened bis eyes slowly and
stared In blank terror at the handsome
tanned face looking down at hlra. He
wondered vaguely whether he was
dreaming now or had Just awoke from
a red nightmare. Tbe voice went on:
"I only looked In to say ta ta. I've
had a telegram calling me back to Ire
land Immediately. Old Chris Murdoch
lias relented and consented to our be
ing publicly engaged. And all through
Dolly, too-bless her little heart! Sties
Meg's dearest friend, you know, and
she's been moving heaven and earth
10 soften the old chap's heart." He
waived an airy good-by. "Ta-ta!" he
said merrily.
Kraser eiized sneechlessly at him, the
tears still standing thick on o,s while ; Jljat own were iure to be right around
they would offer to black any man't.
"Soraetimea the giant would look
down on the boy and then at hit own
shoes, and then back up against the
Kldewall of some building somewhere,
where there was room and no awnings
In the way. and get his shoe Hacked
Tbe giant alway considered It a tort
of Joke on tbe boys to accept their of
fer, but the boys never appeared to be
put out by It; on the contrary, they
were always ready, as they would have
been, as I said. If he had been twice as
big. And It was more fun than you
could shake a stick at to see the way
they went at It, and the giant enjoyed
this at much at anybody.
"Of course, no one box would tupport
the giant's foot, unless he balanced It
on It very carefully, and the boy that
eot the Job always, Invariably, called
In other boys all the bootblacks In
Everett turned back, half-laughlng.
"I wish yon wouldn't lpok at me as
though 1 were a ghost:" he protested.
So loug!"
Hhe Waited.
Even a Scotchman cannot always be
Humorous, If he would. Like other peo
ple, however, he is sometimes funny
.vithout meaning to be. The Scottish
American thinks that the mes.sage sent
hy a young man in Peeblesshire to hi
uniting bride may have kept her from
tvorryiug over his non-appearance, but
that she must, after all. have received
it Willi mixeu leeuugs.
The bride elect lived In a village some
ilistance from the home of William the
bridegroom. The wedding was to he
at her home. On the eventful day the
young man started for the station, but
on the way met the village grocer, who
talked so entertainingly that William
missed his train.
Naturally he was In what Is known
as a "state or iiiuiu. sometiiing must
be done, and done at once. So he sent
the following telegram:
"Don't marry till 1 come. William."
If the bride elect knew her William,
she probably knew bow he felt when
he sent the message, and forgave the
mental confusion which resulted lu
what she must have looked upon as a
needless request
work ou a farm sud he will probably Norryt I do Imp It tUdn 1 nun youi
e.oim. th dines himself aud have I m,.-. .iii-ti a aeutle thing, and could
healthy children. If he goes to work lu nlv have done It In tbe merest piay
1 - w
a bank or dry good stole he la almost . know.- Punch
certalu to coutract Ihe disease. uuies T0,,a-"Tht boy of Jones It older , d rf)1 BOga( dropped from ... ...nllll, rH1n for to lone
be I very careful In bis out of door ,na, , ii, i.u't be? Browoe-I ., ,w,.tv,, eye. Mr AniH-hutt ha .,,. 1. to have been dei
hour lo seek outdoor pursuit. ,on't n,iutt to, Why? Towue-I saw Iin-rP4 a reward for the arrest of ''ie
Tbcse fact suggest what I known a B(U oia .kutiug to day, and he never bloody-minded hoy.
With a tnort be mad a pa at a traw whereupon doe talle great bark and
tack that was the color of t brick- era y era. Tbe other place la from To-
yard, but failed lo knock I'. Into th eoantepec. th river of Vera Crut In
next county, though be bad tbe supreme the Bay of Honduras, which also might
satisfaction of witnessing the termini t opened in a ttraignt. wuicn. u
antics of red chickens, red geese and er then they might alle from
red duck In their wild endeavor to get th. Cuaile Into lb Maluco under
out of hi wy. th xodalke In a temperate climate, la
Without stopping to enjoy hi " less time and with mucn lease aangir,
faction In having turned a peacerui ltian to tade about tne t ape or ion
barnyard Into a cyclnne-twept pralrl Hperansa or by the Htralght of Magi
he butted up against th weatherboard- !, r t,f the northwest."
Ing of lb barn, making th red spun- ,
l&lrwS. ' ,',MU Vlrsinl TonkU U Is
iWf& jF ' for vr Year.
IKI After lying fifteen month In tat
JfeH al ,u home of the parent, little u-
. .i.M.1 .. 1 1 11
Klnlt TOIlkin, youngrai vuiiu u. .
Tonx n. or uswego.
N. Y, was consign
ed to the tomb. Eor
fifteen month th
body lay In It pur
white casket In th
same room which
the child occupied
when alive. Vio
lets, her favorlt
flower, were visi
ble everywhere.
All these long
mouth the family
- .1...... !..(
VINOlMA lOMklM. wo auuui ..:,.
dally task lu the tame old accustomed
It Is seldom that death la regarded in
tbe light In which It Is looked upou by
the Toukln family. Instead of feeling
It a gruesome, awrui tmng mat uie
in tits
limine. It seema to have been deemed s
ter fly like straw in a whirlwind, and
accelerating the flight of th red headed
girl Into a bright red epring bous.
Next the panela of the red fence tuc-
CUmtUHl 10 ine mnuua uu-i.-a--. -
meadow with red gran waa crosaeo.
and Mr. Bull found himseir on ine nana
of a stream, the waler of which waa aa
red aa blood.
Here, after an hour of unspoken mis
ery, the poor bull sank down exhaust
the outdoor treatment of phthisis. Dr
V, W. Burton Fanning report that sue
cess follow Its use lu a very large per
ceittuge of (Bses, even where there Is
considerable lesion of the lungs. Tbe
fever Is reduced. In some cases yielding
wholly lu a mouth, lu other pcrsM
lug for several mouth. Appetite liu-
once tried lo see bow uear be could go
to the danger sign without falling iu.-
Phllndelphla Pres.
t'teiek: "You d.du l submit qu'etly
to the.r gngglug ) )',,uT B"kl'"
11,. .,m,..-r. utio bad hurried to III
u-eii as soon a the robbery wk over.
No!" gaH the victim; "I chewed tu
proves, sleeplessues vauisiies aim 0f course, but w hat good did lliat
uigtit sweat uepari 11 me pnui-ui ao,r,i, ago Tribune.
hpra. and I've often seen Bve boot
blacking boxes under one of the giant'
feet at one time, and live boy at work
on that one shoe. They'd get the giant
to raise that foot, and then they'd put
four boxes under the sole and one by
Itself under the heel. And then they'd
get at It. The boy with the heel box
would stay at that end and black the
heel and rear end of the shoe. The
boys, one on each tide, with the two
boxes under the sole nearest the stian
of the shoe, would work on the tides
nf the shoe from tbe shank up, and
thp two bovs with the boxes at th
forward end, one of. these always be
ing the boy that had struck the Job,
would bang away on the upper.
"With so many of 'em at It at once
they'd make a fairly quick Job of it,
notwithstanding the sle of the glnnt't
shoes, and when they'd got through
the four boys that had been called In
would shoulder their kltt and ttep
away, unconcerned as could be, and
the boy that had got the Job would
shoulder bis kit and wait for his pay.
Three cents was the price of a shine
In those days this was before the war
and I don't doubt the boy would have
taken 3 cents for this Job and never
said boo. But there was not anything
mean or small about the giant. He
didn't give the boy 3 cents and pass
on, nor 3 cents to bother blm a little,
I and then give him a quarter; but he'd
Just hand blm down five pastes to the
What It higher and handsomer when
the head It off? A pillow.
When It a lady't trm not a iauj s
arm? When It is a i.iue unrei
What It that which catt have mat
nothing else has? Kittens.
When may a chair be said to a si ne
you? When It cau l bear you.
What sort of countenance is wexinni
. ... . .1... 1. t.. 1, .1
to an suctioueerr one mai .umu
What does s lamp post become wneu
the lamp la removed I A tamp i gmer.
Where waa Napoleon going when tie
was 3l year old? Into hi fortieth.
What letter In the alphabet is most
useful to a deaf woman? A. because
It make her hear.
Why It a clock a symbol of modesty?
Because It covers Its face with lit
hand and run down Its own works.
What nation doet a criminal dread
moat? Condemnation.
Why wat the first day of Adam's life
the longest ever known? Because It
bad no Kve.
What did the spider do when he came
out of the arm iook a oy son wew
to Ha
A frtend of the baron's went to an
evening pnrty at Frankfort, where he
expected to meet Herr von Kndowlu,
who waa somewhat Inclined to pie as
a scientist. On his way he saw a bnrn
burning, stopped his carriage, asulslcd
rhe people, aud waited till the Barnes
were nearly extinguished.
When he arrived at his friend's house
he found Herr von Itadowitx, who had
kept out of doors literally all the time,
winter and summer, Of course a dry,
warm, sunny climate has usuully It
advantages for such a purpose, but
there are reasons why a radical change
of climate la not always advisable.
Huch resorts as are found lu Cornwall,
England; or Atlantic City, or Houth-
amptoii. U. I., lu this country, probably
answer quite a well a Ihe Ulvlera or
Of course the open air treatment does
not lu any way mean that the patleut
burnt live an active life out of doors.
This would be a great mistake, except
bs a prophylactic In mild cases, as nil
the vital powers are needed to throw
off the disease, aud too much exercise
lower the vitality of the slek. The
preferred plan I to put the sick Into
"What do you flud lu thai stupid old
naner lo keep you so busy?" petulantly
aaked Mr. Yoimgeouple. "I ws Jllut
looking at Hi money market, he au
iwered. "Oh, do they bav a money
markait A r there ever any bar-
galnsr-lndlanapolla Press.
Bobbery: Clt!en-My hoti at No.
iiiniTlH I'ueasy street was robbed
last utubt!" Police Captain (to clerki-
Btnlth, please look In your book ana
see If t permit was Issued to anybody
to rob the premises at No. 4.UIU.115 m
easy ttreet. last night."-Puck.
Mr. Hobhtlc-Well. Willie, your sister
haa alven herself to m for a uirisi
mas present; what do you inina or
that? WIIHe-Huh! 1 nai 1 wuai so
dn fur Mr. Brown last year, an" h
gev her back before Easier; l bet you 11
Orandd.iDBhter of Abraham I.lnciln
ril from vr tat UnncJ.
Mrs .Jessie U Beck with, daughter of
Hubert T. Mucoln. of itiicago. aim
granddaughter of President Mncolu,
who In IH1T married Warren Beckwlth.
a baaeball and football player at Iowa
Wesleyan I'nlverslty. ha . been di
vorced from her husband. At the time
Mis Lincoln met Beckwlth be was
beautiful thought. Dally the mother
brought her work tnd sal beside th
collln, Dally, It Is said, a tray coina.n- -Ing
the tliiug of which the child wat
most fond was carried to her room to
e returned with the remark that "Vir
ginia doesu't care for anything to-day."
Animals Their Own Doctor.
Almost everybody Ima seen dogs and
cata eat grass, but few Hrsous ar
aware of the extent to which the lower
animals administer to their own medl
enl and aurglcal necessities. At time
open tents; in summer and In pleasant o b Philadelphia Itecord.
weather lake their beds and hammocks
out of doors. A moveable wind shelter
which enn be turned as required Is a
valuable adjunct to the treatment.
Klcebinir rooms must always have
their windows fully open In winter and
summer, according to Dr. Burton Fan
ulng. Ho long as the patient Is proper
ly clothed he need Hot fear or
cold. Consumptive patients are less
"Man. said the up to uuie uuum-ii,
ta but a mixture of arrogance, tobae-
sv a till foot ball tatlhtlc." "Woman."
v wi pm
answered the eud of Ihe century num.
"la no more than a compound of vanity
cosmetics, and golf poses." And then
they were married.-Del ro't Free Press.
Walker-The bride wa quite a popu
!,. .t.tff ami eat eat tlieillcllllll blnilt a
plylug on the Iowa Wesleyan football (,nM,,)cii tne jog selecting ear grass,
aud tlie cni mowing innnrun tor
valerian, inaruin and catmint They
vary thla treatment with au occasional
dose of ashes or cinder Just as th
crocodile Ilxard and some birds swal
low gravel aud stones to counteract a
fit of Indigestion. Both practice per
aotial cleatillues at a preventive, and
their unfailing bnblt of licking bruises,
cuts or wounds to keep them In the
condition most favorable to healing Is
a familiar characteristic.
The elephant uset its trunk cleverly
In dressing wounds, and by thla means
applies water, mud or dust to the In
Jury. Blr Samuel Baker saw an ele
phant plaster up a bullet wound with
mud and frequently observed th
readiness with which small sores wer
attended to In this way to prevent
being fly blown. Fleree cnrnlvorout
animal, when trapped, frequently act
aa aiirceona and bite through a limb
eleven. Bhe wat then vltltiug her t0 fwe themselves, and the anlt licks
grandfather. Senator Harlan, aud It It arA reKulnrty resorted to by deer and
said asked for an Introduction. Mr. 0nM, 10ri,Vornus animals to keep
Inr girl, wasn't she? Watklnson-Ye. L,m.0n ,red to break up the courtship, themselves In health.
Indeed; the Evening racrmeer arm ... bl), n ViUl( am1 (r, ouminatetl in an
1 l..,l.,.ul I lit ft vl'llllllaT nnil I HI P' l ft . i 1 at , I V All I til 1 1 I SMI III M II
liable .0 nasal i catarrh man are con - . ,,, , ""'" iooo MM lxinM Holomon'. Judgment.
. peop,e.-ew ,o.a . of "n,j Ver. half a column , l e dghter return.-d borne. Beck- The Independence Beige suys a mag-
Quenched. Journal. ,onR un,ier the heading "Among Those " " ,,, , prlvuIe w borate recently found himself lu an
nowledge of any sort being built ; All)0 ii -8t. Uul Post Dl- ' " ' ' r ,,,,rtl,h lott.a Volunteer, embarrassing situation. Two young
,U,dy and research, the pretender Vankeo Hu. U H. A, , S In women each claimed .0 1, the mother
possession generally lias a sunn - '-' T" V. .,, Prlma t)0nnn (after the first act) 7" . n..,-uiih had an- of nu Infant of six nmntiis. 1 tie magis-
r.!rr:;,n s -sintsa j-sr-.s-ss atMEn
has tills to say on Its opening page 11 n
der 'Topic of the Day":
"Eveu those who are not actively In
terested In matters connected with the
turf must, during the past few mouths,
have awakened to the fact that a very
bitter controversy Is lu progress con
coming Ihe respective merits of lCn
Kllsh and American race horse trainers
Nor can the Impnrtlnl observer have
reached any other conclusion but that,
hysterics! The Malinger (In aurprlsei
I dldu't hear any noise, , The Prima
Donna-You didn't? Why, they en
cored thnt upslurt of a contralto four
Htrauger-Whnt It the population of
Chicago now? Chlcngosn-Two million
and a half! Stranger (nstouuded)-
on the groundi
support. Beckwlth la now a brakeman
on the Burlington road and Uvea at
Creston, lows.
,1 It I .1 ,,:,!. ,V, .nl1. I la
stolen his love from hlm-tbe man who
had made his lire a uiaua nuu ,
" . . , maA tat IVIinti unn'ln AlaplnBlta a (AC-rat It IB
waste. A thousand nevus m - -
loose within blm. How very near iw aiways win icmog eu-.-..
Archbishop's Apt iletort
The archbishop of Dublin recently show, one for each boy
performed a marriasi In tbe family of "Of course, be couldn't have done
wealthy insn distiller. After tbe anything that would give tne noys
breakfast tbe distiller thanked the more pleasure. And the whole busl
archbishop effusively for bis share of nc8g was a great experience for them.
the proceedings and said to blm at he They got passes to the show, and they
took his leave, "The Iord be with eot them from the glnnt, and they were
easily the star bootblacks in the town,
for they bad Just successfully com
pleted the greatest Job In tbelr line
that anybody baa evsr neara ox. 11
previously taken a party to the top of Judging by results, there s a grant deal
he building to see what he supposed to be said on the tide of the Americans,
to be the aurora borenlls, learnedly dl- A horsey-looking Individual who was
Iliy fCHOW traveler lor minis uinuu
after leaving Liverpool street the other
day, and who was evidently on his way
to Newmarket, provided me with $
ready-made explanation. It teems to
me worth quoting. American train
ers,' said be, 'are successful, uot be
cauet they have any patent or secret
method of dealing with their hor.os,
nor because they are cleverer or more
. vltMtt All FBI llllt 111 111 til V
Thing the X-ltay Can't Roe. Knowledge..... -""-
,.- ..... , ,.nHini. M,tn... ni,i liecause inej mum..
XilKfV MIC ll,.J tlllllKEI fllfUll, . , .,
X-ray. which teem to puzzle even the Juat the d,ff?re" ?e"
Ria-nne Rri.iii .i.a ima Enicllsb and the American mcchnn.c.
alway energy there
latlng on terrestrial magnetism, elec
tricity, et cetera.
"Have you seen the beautiful auro
ra?" be said lo Stockman's friend.
"Certainly!" was the reply. "1 vHs
there myself. It will soon be out,"
During the explanation which fol
lowed Herr von Radowltz quietly stole
scientists. Slgnor Hiigultl, who hat
been making experiments with them at
Rome, says that the visibility of a sub
stance to the eye Is no criterion of
Its visibility to the X-rays, The rays
cannot see through glass, which Is
transparent to the eye, whereat alum
inum, which it opaque to the eye, Is
transparent to the X-rnyt. The rays
can tee a splinter of glass In the hand,
but not a splinter of wood. Most Inks
are transparent to the X-rays, Includ
ing printer's Ink, but tome of them
are opaque. The raye can tee through
a postofllce directory, but if fl paper
with words written on It be put In the
middle of the directory the raya will
reveal these words and nothing behind
them. .'..I-.'
you have It In a phrase. Early and late
tiiov are exercising or ibi.ui.ib men
No trouble It too great for
11"! CTVSW " " -
thorn to take. Waking or sleeping,
they have but one thought, and that
hht Is "horse."' Thla doet not
annnd very sensational, but to one con
versant with tbe American character It
la at least reasonable.
A wlBe old tiller of the soil speaking
of the relative value of gralnt sayt
grains of common tente are tbe most
Few men have sufficient confidence In
their own ysraclty to bellsv all thay
An Ideal Kitchen.
The electrical kitchen It uot ouly ad
mirable, says Alnslee's Magaalue, It Is
ideal In Its amillcatlon of heat. It duel
Why, I thought It was only about one not gU,al 0Xygen; It does not foul the
million six hundred thousand? Chi- u , Bteauy; it enn be directed to
Oh. that was several weeks .... , 0(),tm a,i a,lct of the thing
ago, when the Inst census was iiikcu.
Town Topics.
Klrat ICmano pallon Iceroe.
The llrst emancipation proclamation
1. ..,1.1 n i,n nn tho gravestone at Con
cord of John Jack, native of Africa, cooking lie done when the fire Is In the wl young farmer of the Germnn type
to be cooked, for It doet not depend
upou the combustion of fuel or the con
nection of hot air, but upon the resist
ance of Iron to electrical current. In
stead of having to plan so that the
knife, and. placing the child on ms
table In front of him, declared his In
tention of dividing It and giving a half
to each of the vociferous claimants.
"Dou't do thnt!" they shrieked; "keep
tbe baby yourself." nnd Immediately
fled from the courthouse. The magis
trate, It la said, hits solved the diffi
culty In which he was placed by pro
visionally adopting the child.
Had HI Own CJIrl.
One of the churches In a little West
ern town Is so fortunate na to have a
young woman as Its pastor. She was
called to the door or the parsonage one
day, and saw there a much-embarrass-
who died In 1773, aged (10. It begins
"God wills us free; man wills us slaves.
I will as God wills; Hod's will be done.
Though boru In a land of slavery, he
was born free. Though be lived lu a
land of liberty, be lived n slave, till by
range, the electrical kitchen It ready at ..rPy gAld der minister llfed In dls
any hour of the day or night to nuke or 10ue," he snld.
Yes." replied the fair pastor.
"Veil m I I vant to kit men-It!"
"To get married? Very well, I can
marry you," said the mlnlatresa, en
cournglngly. nh. but I got a girl alreaty," was
broil, set the stewpnn to slr..llng or the
hot water urn to bubbling, to brew the
5 o'clock tea; to temper the chill of the
square bed or warm the toes under the
bit honest though stolen labor be ao desk; to beat the curling iron or the,-,,,! the source of slavery which smoothing Iron, all these appliances
gave him his freedom." The rest of the being connected by a flexible wire cord the disconcerting reply .-Broklyn Mfe.
epitaph which must hnve been written to a socket In the wall whence conies
by a forerunner of Weudell Phillips, It the energy. It Is nn exemplification of
equnlly biting. - the wholesale principle; Instead of a
twrtinnnd cntmney ruiukuik m a no
mendous sncrlflce of coal, there need
be but one big Are, whose heat It, turned
into motion, that Into electricity, and
that, in turn, back to heat again.
Why the Diamond Glomus.
The diamond Is full of phosphorus.
This quality has been known for cen
turies, and still there are many who do
not kuow It, Thnt Is tbe reason often
that gleams of light are seen Issuing
from tbe stone In tbe dark. To this
quality alone attachea a great deal of
yalue. The most phosphorescent stone
Is the one that Is the best cut. If there
It phosphorus In the stone It la greatly
enhanced by proper cutting, so that Its
tclntlllatlng faculties are Increased.
Time Is a Bis that wears, but makt
ao noli.
A Prolific Mother.
The London Lancet tells of an Eng
lishwoman who bad become tbe moth
er of nineteen children lu tweuty
years of married life. She never had
It Is said that time will tell-yet peo
plt are constantly taking you what
tint It It.
Ijondon'a Chlel" Magistrate.
The city of London Invests Its chief
magistrate with the most extraordinary
powers and prerogatives. He Is not only
chief criminal and civil Judge of the
city, but likewise generalissimo of the
city militia and admiral of the port of
London. But before entering upon bis
twelve months' term of office It com
pels him to sign a bond of $1,000,000 for
the safekeeping of the Jewels forming
part of his Insignia of office.
It's as easy to get wool from a hy
draulic ram aa It is to get Information
from a bank teller.
It Is not tbe correct thing In polite to
titty to return tbt vltltt of a physician.