The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 01, 1901, Image 3

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Tltphen, N. 14t.
Ktitl V V. FRHUUAUY 1, 1901
KM;itrs or i vtiiiAs,
Wnlno-tlay evening. Member will take
due noi a ml mtvimi ihiiielem'orilliialy
nl in Kuijiiin are. Invited to attend tthea
imuwuioui, v, u f kaiimi.i . t;.
IVurt Imletteihleitc Nu. 80, Forest
e rs f America, meet every Tuesday
It Allln, dcutlsl, CwiMMr bUtok
Buy your mill feed t th Collin mill
lirau, i7 per um; hurts 18 per ton
Ho did you like the dry Sunday?
Those dwiirinn ihwt will profit by
crtitum on J. L. Stockton befunt going
ltluin incubator ' r the beat
Call ami see them. F. E. Clumber.
Xewlio" Ueriiioele, Um dandruff
eure, K. T. Heukle tiie barber, keeist it
Look up R. M. Wade A CV reduction
stove tale.
We can leave our old lantern at hottit
o( nihu noV (or k hr while m the
moon ie setting larger and atronger and
will I lull Sunday night.
A new line of ealieoe, pervalea, eto.
juat received by J. L. Mockton.
At Kobinon'-chool book and
school upptie.
West Hide ami Weekly 8UUwnin,
omyr, $2.
Call and aee the new nam pie book of
gentlemen clothing at J, L. Stockton.
Granulated bone and ovater ahella
for your chicken. F. K. Chamber.
Order a nice dressed chicken, from
Palmer Bros, for your Sunday dinner.
Already the F.nulish partridge lately
put out on the O'Brien farm are paring
off but they gather agnin in the evening
in the woods where tucy weie turned
The travelling men all ay "J. L,
Stockton' store would tie an honor to
Salem, Atbauy, Corvalii or f.ugene.-
II vou are deeirmia of haviiw a utee ttoek
here give bun your patronage.
Are you in the play?
Trv Moore, the barber, north aide of
'C" street, opposite Kjiox' grocery
store, for a hair cut or shave,
R. M. Wade A Co, will be in the lead
on bicycle this seaaou, their stock baa
begun to arrive. ,
For school supplies aud school books,
go to Robinson's.
For special rate nt Lipplneott'
Magine to subscriber of the Wwt
(SitK, call at the oltlee.
J. L. Stockton has Iwught and will
receive, shortly, the finest line of carpet
ruga, window shades, portiere and lace
cuuaiiia evr brought to Independence.
Full line of poultry supplies at F. E.
Fresh oysters, clams, crab, flab, etc.,
at 1'almer liros.
J.S. Moore, the barber on C street,
no handlee Newbro's Herpleide. the
famous riaudrutr cure, endorsed by all
the leading bartier of Porilaud and all
cities iu the east. Give it a trial aod
save your hair.
The weather continues cold and clear
and the steamboat men fear that there
wou't be any water in the river before
long if the good weather continue.
iJLL Stockton will receive over 100
cast s of men' women's aud children
shoes,1 ranging in price from 60c to V.
Mano'a green bone mill at F. E.
The WiMT Sid club with the Ran
Francisco Examiner.
Don't forget the entertainment by the
(i. A. R. post at the auditorium on Lin
coln's birthday.
Palmer Bros, pay cash for eggs, poul
try, etc. Call and see us.
Baled I ay ami baled straw for sale.
Inquire ol Henry Hill.
A large line of calicoes and outing
fl.inni'is at 5c a yard at J. L. Stockton's.
Mr and Mis. B. F. Whiteaker return
ed from Portiajid Friday where they
have lieen visiting their sons, Professors
W. H.aud A.J. Wliiteaker, for five or
six days. While there they had the
pleasure of attending one of the lectures
and demonstration given by the profes
sors at their institute, which was highly
interesting and instructive, teaching
and demonstrating the wonderful power
of the great law of agreement in curing
We are laying in the largest stock of
goods lor spring trade that we have ever
liml at prices mat win piease an
Yours lor busineas,
J. L. Stockton.
Grass seed of all kinds at F. E. Cham
bers. You would be surprised to see the
git'Ht vaiiuivuf airtight heater displayed
on the flour'at K. M. Wado & C'o's. If
yuu need anything I is that line don't
overlook Ilium-
The Southern Pacific bridge gang fin
ished work on the company's ware
houses here Tuesday and the car used
by them taken towards Portland. The
warehouses are now in flue shape for
the handling of all kinds of produce,
particularly hops.
New no' Herpicide," Ui dandruff
en ,n E. i'. Heiiklf's burlier shop, 10
vVnwi in ! lent arid Vu want a good
tie-il d m't ! rnf.t to go to Wrong's
It ' mi i h ii I, i.eie f very llilujj the niur
kel iU- it -a oe had.
L-'e's Lm'- Kiikr will destroy the ver
min on your oullry; U works while
tln-y sleep. Get a can at F. E, Cham
bers. On the 3:30 trip of the Independence
& Monmouth motor Monday, a car in
the train jumped the track at Collius'
switch, blocking the track for over six
hours, caui-ing the omission of the Air
he trip. The car was loaded with twen
ty five tons of wheat and was being side
nicked when it went off. The train
was three hours late on the Dallas trip
This signature U on every box of the genuine
Laxative Brorao-Quinine Taweu
ths remedy that cnrea cold t f
A Family Library
The Best in Current Literature
$2.60 per year; 25ct. a copy,
i,.)(,i..cuti ' .ii BJilUo uuU tlie VVtoi
On Sunday, Mark the two year old
ton of Mr, and Mr. J. I,.' Manna, fell
down stair and brok Ms collar- lone.
et. Hill', returned missionary from
Japan, will preach in the Baptist church
Sunday morning and evening. ' .
Mr. Rlrhard Madison and ton went
south yesterday to Join Mr, Madison at
Rumor ha it that our genial Frank
Skinner is going to take a helpmate
Mr. W. It. Kelly will open board-
ing house in the building lately vacated
by Mr. Charle Allen,
If the weather w had ilurlig the first
of the week continues, we will oon I
picking strawberries.
Invitation are out for the marriage of
Mr. Otit Welch and Miss Myra Brooks
to take place on Tuesday, February fith.
Mr. C. 8. King of Silvetton, Wash.,
and Mr. W. H. - Wheeler, of Everett,
Wash., are visiting their parent in lu-
dependence, Mr. and Mrs. It, M. Lines.
Mr, and Mr, A. J, Goodman are now
at Lot Angeles, California, taking a sun
bath every day and doubtless wishing
fur little Oregon weather for change.
Representative Hawkln and Simp
ton came home Friday evening to spend
the usual Sunday receta of the legisla
ture. Mr. Henderson Murphy returned last
Saturday from a month' visit with her
daughter at Dayton, Wash., and Sher
man county this state.
Colonel Holt, the tenieranec lecturer
held forth to good audience at the
Christian church during the week.
Mr. Oliver Jonet, who ha been quite
tick for over two weeks, is now able to
be np,
John N. Frest, of Jefferson, Marion
county, who ha been visiting hi cousin
J. M, Tetherow, returned to hi home
Mr. Nellie Lambertson, of Portland
state commander of the Lady Mace
bees, made tne tent In this city an olll
citl visit on Monday afternoon. Mrs
Lambertson is now un'i tour of otllcial
visits and started for Corvallls on Tues
Mr. Ethel Dorris, daughter of J. W.
Ballingei, leave this week for Boise,
Idaho, to be united in marriage on Sun
day, Jan. 27, to lr. Samuel Mulkev, i
former dentist of Independence, now
located at Hailey, Idaho. Yamhill Re
Miss Lula Robertson entertained a few
friends at her home last Friday evening.
Refreshment were served and an enjoy
able time had. Those present were the
Misses Kate and Grace Jones, Grace
Damon, Arline Lines, Lulu Ruhertson;
Messrs. Claude Pengra, Louis Brant,
Glenn Butler.
On Wednesday J. B. Slump of Mon
mouth, lent a aheep to Corvulli for the
Oregon Agricultural College.'
The household good of Walter Roy
were on Wednesday sent to the depot
for shipment to Tacoma, where Walter
has Job.
The city Marshal ha been Instructed
to "gel away" with the pigeon nuisance.
Andy get your gun.
Owing to the depreciation of valuation
by the county court, of city property,
whereby the same was reduced twenty
per cent, the city council on Tuesday
evening levied an eight mill lax for city
purpose during the year 1001,
The "Talkp with Chinese Women,"
by Lily Howard, in the New Lippincott
magazine, have led to a revised impres
sion of the lowliest womanhood in the
Celestial Empire. The February num
ber give a pathetic interview with "A h
Lat" which every American mother
should read.
Mulbeiry Bend ia New York's Little
Italy and Henry Wilton Thomas is it
laureate. His story in the Febrimry
New 'Lippincott, called "A Bloodless
Vendetta," is brimful of the humor and
romance of that picturesque quarter.
The men folks at the runch were aw
ful glad to see Mrs. Murphy back as
they had been having all kinds of
bachelors' grub and cooking during her
The saloon men say they don't mind
opposition nor do they particularly ob
ject to closing on Sunday, the same as
any other business, but they do object
to anybody selling liquor by the drink
or bottle wiiiiout paying me regular
license so to do-
Edward Fuller, a member of trie
Southern Pacific bridge gang, had the
forefinger of his right hand badly mushed
Monday while assisting in hanging one
of the new heavy doors to the company's
warehonse. He got his finger jammed
between the door and the wall, tearing
the nail off and bruising the nnger
The O'Brien boys say that the English
partridices lately turned out on their
farm are as chipper and spry as can lie
and seemingly contented and happy.
They can be seen occasionally and are
fully recuperated from the had effects of
their long journeys across the Atlantic
ocean and this continent.
The freight train from Portland to
Dullas on Wednesday night went off the
truck at Smithfield about 8 miles north
of Dallas, wrecking three cars, the
cause is supposed to he that the rails
spread. Our motor went from Dallas
and rendered some assiHtance, The, loco
motive and a flatcar at one end and the
caboose at tho other end of the train,
siayed on the track.
Puke Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if ll
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.
Bottled beer for
family uho to
be had at
Hop Soli m
CHy Ceiiiicll.
The council met in adjourned eeaslon
with all preaeu t,
It was ordered a new walk be built on
the north tide of C stieet on lot ft block
A resolution declining the plitcone
that hover over Stockton' store a nui
sance, was pasaed, and Marshal Tupper
directed to do away with them. ;
H. M. Lines was elected city recorder
vice J. D. Irvine resigned.
It appearing to the council that an K
mill lax la neeeasary, tne same was or
dered levied, The aiuoiint of taxable
property I 20i.87.
Some discussion wa had as to the
indebtedness of the oil r ! it being pro.
posed to issue 4 per cent IkuuIs in
lieu of 6 per cent warrant,
Bill of J. W. Klrkland 1 for drawing
ordinance, ordered paid.
A fanners' Inatltute, under the ana
pices of the Oiegon Agricultural college,
Is to lie held at Wells on Tuesday, Fi b,
8, There will be addresses by W, F,
Hobnail, G, W, IVniiian, IV, Jus.
Withycomlie, Geo, Armstrong, Mr.
Geo. Liiideman, Prof, Kent, Prof. Coote,
with music and recitations thrown in.
The Institute opens at 10 a. m, and ex
tendi through the evening,
. The follow ing haa it application in
this community, a in every other for
that mailer t "Put your buy at work if
h ii not in school. It there ia nothing
else (or hlui to do put him to whitewash
ing the back feme, keep the lawn in
order and let him cut the winter supply
of wood, Anything Is better thau loaf
ing aruund about town at the head of a
cigarette stump, learning all evil aud
contracting All the vice that the devil
keeps alloat to ealch idler. No honest
labor will hurt the boy. But the t v 1 1
habits he may contract ou the li reels
may kill his soul aud poison hi morn!
nature so as to make him a detriment to
the community In which he lives and
how down hla gray headed parents with
shame, if the fitthuis ami mothers of
today would learn the ituHitsiice of their son to lie industrious and
keep them off the streets, the coming
gimeration would he better off."
Was), Ih jtintmn It omf,
An I'm irr hum m mors,
Atlff limiii wslrusiHl Urwy
I'ruiii lnruS hrallirn lr;
An, lliuli I'm 1'i-slv tirrtl.
'Hi.-.- t l- l ttl o.MUOn
In kn.iuiit I 4 In Niki Yurh
Tu ltt) erlt'linitl4i.
Maftliv, I tHil the iinl-(.I!.
uu. I Vo tM i. .
An 1ii !,t l jiii 0t HK
I'll I.- I .. 'I.. 1 1 my lr!i
r I'wlut k lu tlir rite,
. II r- I Weill It, I1 lil lUlUiiO
Urtt l tV luro uf Ktni.lrr l
Al r'dnit m.
Ib.r t;k t,ll !,I t ttnisipil
'i.'.jl :.l bNhj? Ilie wlrwpl
A'isitin Irr f 'la Owner.
U W Wflix ll, ftwt.
I ,-l,ljr KlU roltrtt
.r dill tit r. rtsiu.n
A'",3lrhlH t.f (ll In Iwr
U-enlit iMfsr, ys rplrhrsllon,
An !"! I h.'lil tin. ttie,
lltsiil llw h"in an lar.l lU drumt,
I rwinlafl lit mw thry tle.
"Hr. llw t' uerln lli w (ni"
An I''- lliite fakia run uii ner t'tik
U(-,h a rMit)t i)i -tt triui"n,
An I t. n.fe mj uml'tfrll n ycllrd
At Pv mjr' e!rl.r! Ion.
I iHJb'I huy i sj'itd brli.
A I k-pt i l. nr S (he graw,
TtifiWili I (will s tri-nt ilullsi
To a?1'' thp a-tniUal a-;
Hut I iln'l l-((rai!f tho m,,nji,
PVr h' r'ain.r.1 tu W rrlatU'n,
1HI li ll:.! I tth) '"I'l Ht llrlftl
Tj Ihs Mi'wi-y el hrtin.
T's.!' tjiill t M il K"iflf
Ktikw) (vslixt i lv'..j' ilay;
ft I H, tan u hit him m,
ftnl a v!.v tw rfirw hla pa)-,
P' t hi Allnaii'lla Iralnln
A i hi ifinri;niini "rtliKaOim
PI :. I . 1 1 In li.-.rrtrrp
Wild lln? l'.'i- rrlkrti. .
i rnvc I milt a 'Mt. aquarp
V. I 'i f i hl.'shttHi ill'tua:
IVf j' I si:i an in,' a hial an mltk
li 6.. f vtMte l-h,,
Aa it a , iiir ii tmr ill'ry
K.r li lunw pnralh:n
H " Vn" IVcN- tiU'Vt v H'tf'hilMI
r .' Ih iJi'W. fi 1 l.u'htn,
.'.-, mil IMaln HiUr.
There ia a roihI deal of buncoinlic
in (ho a8rti(n that tlm army hill
gives the tirenMont power to contnl
the izo of tho army by increasing
it 50,(KX) when he wishes. As a
matter of fact, tho hill created an
army of 100,000 ami merely ivw
the president power to rodueo it if
ho seen fit. This is a very different
It t reported that the clam is in
danger of extermination. Wo hope
not, Who would winti to pans the
summer on a clamlens coast? A'
shore whereon no merry digger
gcekB hin unforooioua prey would
seem lonely. The . table will he
inhoHpitahlo which iH ungraced hy
dishes in which the clam holda the
place of honor. Tho lobster has its
sturdy protectors. Khali tho clam
lack defenders?
it it a
Mr. A. JC, (jehhardt, secretary of
tho Oregon Kish and (lame Asso
ciation, has taken pains to group
in ono hill all existing game and
trout laws, and it has been intro
duced in tho legislature with the
indorsement of sportsmen. It is
house bill 110. It is an orderly
arrango'iiont that is sadly needed,
for acts relating to game protection
are scattered confusedly throughout
many volumes of codes and session
laws. Neither Mr. Gebhardt nor
tho association which he represents
Becks to dictate what shall he game
law. They leavo to the Judgment
of the legislature what shall he
close season, duties of tho game
warden and penalties, All they
ask is that tho harmony of the hill
and its orderly nrrangenient shall
not he disturbed. It is a small
favor they ask, and it should he
granted. This idea of codifying
laws hearing on general subjects is
a good one, and should he applied
to mining, horticulture, national
guard and many other topics.
WhM Club.
The wlilst club met at the residence
of Mr, and Mia 1 Damon last Friday
evening. The first pi lie weie won by
Mrs. J. H. Ompor nml Mr. 0. W. Kutch.
The ladies consolation bsdii wai rapt
ured bv Mrs. Kutch. while Mr. J.
Cooner cotilinued In possession of the
gentleman's insignia. ' This evening
the club will meet with Mr. and Mrs
Abslrart of Instruuien' Filed In Polk
(minir Jhh. 2'. m an, iiioi.
A Nelson, referee, to V, M Young, Its
ft, 0, 7, S, hlk II, Paileisotis adJ Didep
August Hieeht to D A Crllchlow, 10
L (' and J 11 Alexander to Moore (let
ty, part of blk 8 ti and 3 e, Ilium 1st
N J Frink to Alice Myp, o see 1.1 1
0rtl w-l.
Alice Mver to II R Ursttt, 40 sec 8 t
Id rtl w-tl00.
J C Wagner to W J Wagner, ll 6 idk
Leveus adtl Dallas
J C Wagner to l(uiry sml T A Wag'
iter, s.w J r Kimsey l I o tp 7 t o w
- II.
J C Wagner tu Mary Wagner, ftOxlOO
feet East Dlls-l.
OtlOHKCoto Mary A Pi ire, 80
sec 11 lp 10s r7 wf-HK).
ImCieole Academic Institute to Alonso
Brown, small triangular tract on east
aide academy grounds, Pallas f 100.
1tilleJ lle to M f, tlsyes, IlHi sec
'20 lp 8 1 r 8 wriH'elpt for patent.
R A fttewitit t F T Slevsrt, tila Eliat
Dow M and 8 0 Clodtylter lo Hattle
Mnore, It 1, 2, and e S, liidep fruit
farm I'.t'iO,
II Howe lo Mrs M C Turnldge, S'.'Ox
4 K) t J II Lewis d I e K )mIIu-I:'0.
IC A Mewuri to f u March, Nia sec
10, J", is, lp 7 s is H A 1 w, and w
mill ?ikh).
Hiate uf Oregon to F II Manth, l'20a
see 111, (p 7 r 7 w 1."i0.
At the residence of and by Bev. J. R,
Baldwin, Mr. Robert V. (irlgshy and
Miss Ida My Hartman uu Monday
"A Stiiiiiner's Fanry,M
ln Wednesday night, February lUh,
this bright spnrkling -otneily will lie pre'
sented by home taient under the direc
tion of Percy H.l vin, bile uf the Mc
I'oy Co, Those taking pail are Misses
t'ora Snell, Edna llurneit, Blanche ("le-
lutid; Messrs, Riant, tioodiitan, Haw
kins, Dr. Allln and Mr. I,cviii.
It is a beautiful play, full uf laughs,
and w uii a hart interest that never fails
lo touch the audience.
The piece ha U'cu presented by Mr.
Iivin in ninny town in Oregon and he
has some Very flattering letter ami
feat on sbIb at Locke' drug store
Moni'av. Popular prices-25, Si & oOct.
The county bridge connecting "New"
and "Old TuW i being rebuilt. New
3 inch 'hiking I put uu In plii'-e of the
q old laer and now the bridge ought
to Isnl many years, .
lrfit Kriday T. W. Itrunk received at
bis rsnch near Kola the finest Colawuld
buck in the state. It is three year old
and came direct from Kugland where it
bal been winning tlrst at all the
shows. Mr. Ilriink has flock of 73
C'utswold ewes and takes pru'e in them,
lie is naturally elated over this latest
addition tu his (lock, which wss much
admired hy all who mw him.
The Woodmen ve a very pleasing
phoiinruiili and stereoiiii'on entertain
ment at the opera houe on Monday
evening to a large audience.
The chief engineer at the water and
light plant tins moved the whiallc so as
lo bring them in closer touch with the
euwineer on watch In cane of necessity.
These ultlrial are always doing some
thing to belter the walur aud light "cr
view, COIWlVVOOK uiken on subscription
at the WEST Hi 1K ollice,
Kunday was a dry day In Indejieml-
ence, so lit r as the saiuuns were con
cerned. Of their own volition the pro
prietors dosed their places of business,'
front and rear, and refiihcd to sell any
gomln ulilioiigli iinjHirtiltit'd to do so. In
the evening some of them went to the
auditorium to hour Col. Holt apeak on
tcinpeiuiici). The saloon keepers in In-
dopi'iiih'iicc ate not -the wont Hellish tucii
in ttfwn.
There is no better medicine for the
ImlneH limn OhitinlM'rliiiii'a Oough Uiiui
eily, lis pleiisuiit taste and pro nut uud
effectual cures make it a favorite with
mothers ami small children, ll (ju'ckly
cured their coughs and iojIm, preventing
pneumonia or other serious eonse
ioeiiies. It sIho cures croup and bus
been lined ill tens of thoiihHllds of cases
without a single failure so fur as we have
liccii ii I ile to learn. It not only clues
i roup, hut Vi hen given uu soon as the
erotipy eolith appears, will pievetit. the
iitliu K, In ciiHCH (if whooping cough it
liiiirl.'S the lough iiiiiciiB, milking it
nnsier lo i xporule, and lensens the sever
ity and ficijueiicv of the piiroxyntns of
couching, IIiiih depriving Hint diHeiiHe of
ill (Iiiiiiji'I'oiih coiihi -qiieuces, Kor sale by
Kiikliuid Drug Co.
In OregiuT,
Milliims of acres of the beet lauds left
in the gilt of the government are In
Oregon, Soil that. yields from three to
live harvests of wheat for one seeding
in Oregon. Over 20,(100,0)10 acres of for
ests, that produce troiii 23,000 tu 2i0,000
feet of timber to tho acre in Oregon.
1'nHtuicn that turn out 250-pound sheep
and 22IK) pound cattle in Oregon, More
than 14,000 square miles of mineral
hinds, rich us the richest in Colorado,
California or tho Klondike In Oregon.
A climate that ia unsurpassed no win
ter colli, no summer hear, no hlizzardH,
no drouths and no crop failures in
Oiegon, ...
Oregon is reached directly and quickly
by the New York Central lines and their
immediate connect ions.
A copy of "Round the World viu New
York and Niagara Fulls," will he sent
free, post-paid, on receipt of a postage
slump hy (iuorge Ii. Daniels, 0, P. A.,
New York Central Uniln.od, Grand Cen
tral Station, New York. '
Notice. ''T-'"'''
The Klrnt National Hunk nniKlependeuee,
Onyoli, localeil lit IniliipHiiilenra la tile State
nl'OrsieHi, In elimiiiK up llx iillnlrH. All note
liuliliii'H nml uUieiv, oredl Kii n nl Iho hvnovih
l ton , n Uiei'er'ni'M liereliy ii'illlled to present
th iioti-4 mill oilier cairns uitalnit iUu umi.
vtutlnu for luiymeut. ii tt. Ueoi'SU. '
uauiu ueceuiuer a, iwu, t remaeuvi
! How! Thl T
WllTr- ( n II ''Hi' Sit 1,' -r C.rr-(1 fi,f
v. ,i. . ' ,l '' cuSjii, m nttpil iii
lli: 1,11: (I,
K, J. I'll N"V S C(i , f.t.... 1'uio.ln, O
H'aiiuiii t',l,,ivf .mm.1 ii .1. li
. -n hp ir . I m ,e ,i. iij ,i
irv ,.i,isli-ii f,it
ttn i IIP ' , hlf, n o l' (
i mil- miiii'p 1 i- fi, ,..
ie i i b. I , e ii m
H'.(h; js
JVm l,-i : M. .iir , r(:, ,s.. ..Liiirtn o,
" u " Mtstiiiu .x niMll4dll 11
i ' 111 Hill, it,
mkm nl r.M'i i f ni k ucnv,ei.
I"! ' 'I" J IIINIH , IP i l, i ., .', . M S
uu ,v n i e ti ,,,i. en ; ;e i" uu ii, hniil
llUU't I' KllllH PHI. I , ,
NcIhhiI Iteport,
The following Is the roll of honor of
the Monmouth public schtsil (or the
month beginning iKc. 17, 11M0, and end
log Jan. 11, tOil t ' -
Firat grade-I.illle IWdwell, Mildred
HiHotid grade-hloyd Waller, Velm
Third grade-IVan P.aughmarl, Kdna
liridwell, Mary lleiisou, lirena Dsnlil.
I'ourth grado-Allieriu I'urt, Hugh
Smith, Whileomb, Jean lied well,
Lester Murphy, KouglaH Crow Icy, Tho.
I'ettll, Maud OihIhoii, Nancy Uoae, John
Hint, Iira Craven, (dim Moott, Flor
ence llellley, Mary Murphy,
Fifth grade-Luella Paniel, Pavid
Campbell, (.lay lord mI fn-y. Warren
Allen, llattiM (lerteit, Holomou Ta) lor,
Huth gradeAgnes 'Campbell, Fern
duller, Catherine Campbell, , limb
St' retail grade deasie OvtrholUer,
Viola (iuynii,
Eighth gmde (lolda Allen, Norma
I hi it ltd.
Nilielll gmde- I'aunie Zieitler,
llertha I.e.MsBleiii, Secretary.
Drylntr prepnrudoiia sluuilr devU
ipdry catarrh j tliv dry tip tha seurfiliiuifi,
nicb suiieru to Ilia ntriulirane ami ilocom.
puna, catisinu a fur mora aerlmia trnubln than
the ordinary form o( cntuiTli, Avoid nil dry
ing Iiihnlmit, fumes, aniiikea and tnulls
and use that which eleatmea, aoothm and
eals. Jy I'rsam Jialui U sm li rnidy
and will our catarrh or cold in ths band
wily and pUs'mntiy. A trial sua will he
limtltx! for 10 cent. All ilrut-ilMU lull tha
(We, sise. I'.ly Jlrotlisra, M Warmn Hi, , K V,
The llnliu onres wiilumt puin, tlut tn-t
irriUle or callus snenxing. Il spreads !ii!f
over an irrlintud and angry aurfnc, relies.
g fiiimoihaUiiy tlm Hiiiliti inilmiiiiHiUiin.
Wilb i:h-'s Crisiii iiiilm you aw artuatl
afctilioit Naiwl Catarrh and iiuy Fever.
On spiral, Jitdue l!i line lies eoiiflrnu d
the deciolon of Jimllce ,1. 1 Irvine i f
this eily, In the case of 15, I, Ferguson
gainst Mrs. Ollie M. I'vem, Justice
Irvine deehled In favor cd Mrs, livers
nd plaln'iff api'alel,
"( think ( would go erase with psln
were it not lor t haniherlaiir Pain
Halm," writes Mr. V. II. Hlaph-ton,
llermlne, Prt, "I have been alllicied
llh rlii'iimniinni for seveia vears and
have tried renn-iJies without nnmlar.
hut Pain Halm Is h bei medicine I
have got hold of." One application re
lieve the Mtin, For sale by Kirklaud
)rug Co,
An Impurtanl Factor In TraHM-onll-
neiilal Iritet, ! '
No mm in rrossing the ,r?tntineiil can
afford to cut Salt I-aka City from his
mute. Tin at tract Ions of the place, in-
cludingilm Mormon Temple, Taberna
cle ami clliireh llntitutioii's, the Viieitt
Salt Lake deader and denser than the
ld Se in the Holy Land the pictur
esque eiiviroamenl of 0i Warm Sulphur
ml Jloi Springs, are gresler to the
squat yard than any locality ou the
American coniiuent.
Tho Hlo Grande Western railway, con-
necling on the essl with the IVnver &
Rio (irattde and Colorado and Midland
railways and on the west with the
Southern Pacllio (Central route) and
Ori'tpm Short Line, is the only trmiscon-
tinental line passing diiectly through
Salt Lake City. The route through Sslt
l.nke City via the Rio (irnmle Weniern
railway is famous all the year round.
On account of the equable climate of
Utah and Colorado il is Jut ns popular
In w inter as in summer.
For pamphlets descriptive of the
iieitt Salt Lake Route" apply to J. 1.
Mausliidd, General Agent, 2'iU. Wash
ington, Portland ; or Ceo. W, lluiuti,
(i. P. A., Salt bake City.
Th bt Prescription for Malaria
('bills ami Fever. I a bottle of Urove'a
Tastele ClilH Tonlu. It l simply Iron
ami quinine Ju a tiu eless fortu. No
cure, no pay, rrice, o()o.
The Florence Sanutnrliini,
Salem, Oregon. '
A flral-olnssi private hospital for the
treat men t of chronic and surgical.
Unlit during (he punt year eaieeially
for tho purpose for which It is used.
diivelileiilly . located williln lour
iK'ks or the liUHlnesa part or the CUV,
The most modern furnishing and Int
ent npplliui'1's throiigliotit thebttlldluK
lleuleil nv not water; ugnieii ny gus
uud electricity. Here tbesiek eau have
the comforts of an ' eh giint, private
nine, wilb all the advantages of a
lierul hoxpllut.. OuUldo physlchitm
brltiirlng In nallenti treated with the
greatest courtesy, mid asilnled In opera-
(MIS f reqlli'Hleil.
For tena.i ami uiitner iniormaiion
write or apply personally to
li. i aim v IUUII r, nl . II.,
" Siupnrliileiidenl.
Visitor welcomed from 2 to 4 P, M.
VANTKI'. upalilo, rnltalile permn In
everv e.iiuniy to rcprenist tarx" cniiipniiy of
soilil lliiani'lai ri'iaitiil inn; C :i:iu -mliirv iierycar,
piiyaole wenaty;. .l i"'f o.v aii-niiiieiy ioe
anil all expoum; !' alirlil,, liiiiii.ile,.(lt!lhilti
mttttry, no I'iiiiiiiiInIiiii; iilnrv tmlil ea Ii
Hftiniilay ami rupense nintiev inlvaneeil e.ieh
week. Hl ANliAKO llol'HK, lir.l pearlioru
., t'lllCHKIl,
To the Deiif. ,
A rich liulv cured of her deiifiiesH
unit noises Id the-head by Dr. Nioliol
sotil Arlillehd Kar Drtiins, gave Jill), IKK)
to lila Itistliitte, so t hat (leaf people un
able lo procure the eardrums ituiy have
them free, Address No. i:il31e, The
Nicholson ' Institute, 7H0, Eighth
Avenue, New York, U. H. A. '
neler lo ilnllvsr nml eolleiit In Orexon fur old
mtalilhlied in niHaetiii lni wholesale liimse
!io n ear, smtipay. llomty mora than ex.
pevleiuia I'cipiiicil, Our reference, any Imnk
lu any el y. Knelosii Hell-aililiDiHtuI stHiopeil
elivelnpe. M.iiinl.irl nrer-i, Third H'l'ir,.:i;il
DearlniMiflt., (.'liliiiiKii.
' Tlu-lCQ-H-Weck Ktlitluii ,
The prosldeulittl onni)algn la over
but the world goes on Just, the same
ami it is full of, new. . To learn this
news, Just as It Is promptly uud lm
partially all you have' to do Is to
loolc In the columns of the Thrlce a
Week erttiloti t,f Hie New York World
which comes to the sulmorlber 150 limes
a yeur,-
The Thrleo-it-Week World's diligent
a ft puhllsher of llrat news, tins given
ll 'circulation wherever the .IfingllHh
langn;u's is npoken und ymt wuut It,
Tli Jbrlciva-Week World's ' regular
stibseriptloii (iricu la only' $1 per year.
Wv nfl'er tills nnequtilerj new'spaper
iid,llie.Wit rtiDH tomalie'r tine year
for $2 , -v . (
Tlui wgiiliii snbsortptlou price of the
twopuporsla (2 60.
The Creamery.
The Indeiiendenea creamery Is grad
ually Imptoving In ojianlity of it out
put Tuesday morning The Wi.sf Suns
reprf-seiiatlve saw a four bumired
pound lump uf bulter taken horn the
churn. This is so far the banner churn
ing. ' The farmers are becoming llttl
mors uthulMtifi over the creamery
since they have found mil how much
(etter It is fur them to carry their milk
and cream to the creamery than to make
Inferior , butter themselves for which
them is slow sale, while the creamery
article alway brings the highest price.
Mr, Fldridge, the manat'er, say that
every mouth now lie ha new customer
and the older ones are adding to their
milk and cream account, lle also says
that Polk county has the best winter
roads he has ever seen iu Oregon, and
he ha traveled over a large portion' of
An Editor's Life Hitvcil hy ( luiiiibi r
lulu's ( ongh iienicily.
During lh earlv part of (Molar IHfNl,
I eonlracli-d a had cold which settled on
my luriusaiid was iiculecicd until 1 fear
ed that connum pi hut had spts'iited in an
Incipient stale, 1 was coimtautlv cough
ing and trying to ex pel something which
( could tint. 1 Ikuainn alarmed aud after
giving the local doctor a trial bought
Untie of Chaiiiherlaiirs Cough uemedy
ami the result was immediaie Improve
ment, and after I had usx three bottles
iny I n lien were r endued lo their healthy !
state, U.S. Kowahos, Publiaber of The
Review, VVvaiit, 111, For sale bv Kirk-
land Onig Co. j
ditllus ufcn.
The l'lulincr Woolen mills will testime
rqa-raiions Wednesday, after an idleness
of over fhe ueuiths. VV'imiI in large
quantities Is being shipped to the mill
preparatoiy tii the slait. Order are on
baud for a six mouths' nithi-und-day
A movement is on foot lo manufacture
caskets at the organ facility bete,' w hen
It i installed in bit new quarters. Hem
lock lumlicr will be ci?-, fur this pur
iKise, This timber can la obtained in
ttllllii'l IllilllniU'ii qtitlilities iu the
inoiiiiUina west of this place.
V. S (irani, state nm-cior fur ilie
Ameriian AugmaO'mt Aoi iiitioil, Sat
urday, reeehed ftom California four full
bloisled Angora g'litls. There goat were
bred ftom iinpiiiteil sli k, and are pro
nounced a good us any in America,
They arrived in good condition, but
seem to suffer somewhat from the chill
of lit lis climate.
Plans are on foot la build ioggit g
railroad from the Thfrston l!n.' saw
mill, lu ltillii, to the timber west of
here. The plan is to build six mile to
the nesrest Isnly of gsuj saw limtK'r,
then to extend the road as the limbel is
ciiiisuineii for a distance of 15 miles, or
to the summit of the Coast range, H. F,
Williams, cashier of the l'allas City
bank, it the protuotoi , and It ia under
sUhsI that Portland cupiul will be em
ployed. This proji-ct will dispense with
the present systtou uf flood-dam.
The (rl K. Kicks 1IM)1 Almanac.
Whatever may U said of the s-len-llfio
causes upon w iiu li I ho lUv. Irl It
t licks has his yeat ly forecaats of storm
and weather, It la a remnrkihlo fact
that sisciflo warnings of every great
storm, tbsid, cold wave and drouth
have Is-eii plainly primed lu his now
famous Aliinmau for many years. The
latest startling proof ol this fact was
the (leslruelloii of (lalvvMnii, Texas, ou
the very day nauuot by Prof. Hick lu
Ida lws) Aliuanao, a one of di-asier by
storm along the gulf (uiasU, The PMil
Almanae, hy far the finest, moat com
plete and beautiful yet published, la
HOW ready. This remarkable honk of
near 200 pages, splendidly illustrated
with chiri and half-tone, gie a a
premium to every auhscrltier who paya
tine dollar a year fur Hicfe' Journal,
Word aud Work. The A"noe alone
Uaent prepaid for only liV. Order from
Word ami Work Pubiislii'itt uoinpjiity
i-HH iHK'llat street, St l,otli', Mu,
Notice lu Water ( onsiiiiier.
It is neither honest nor Illimitable for
water consumers lo allow their bibbs I o
run in freezing weather, and hereafter
any parly or parlies allowing or permit
ting such waste upon their premises
w ill have the same charged up at meter
rales. Protect your pipes at your own
exjauise not ours,
Independence At Monmouth
tf Water and Klecttio I-iglil Co.
I ! lu Iitvaiuttim.
Tli!(ierli'ni'i(f !.'. A. Snnw.l'o. In obtain
tun inure than '.nun ii-ui'ii.. f n liivenliira liua
(Mislili-it lln in In lii'i'iuillv titi.iier ninny uif,it-
lliiii i'i'Ihuiik In Kin pr i.hmiimi nl inlelleeiiiiil
prnpi riy, Tmo they ll vu ilmie In piimplilui
Ill'KtlllK lirll-llv f I'lllUKl "linen mill d'li'lKII
pulrlil-, Willi riKt in' hiiu! Hint linw to pro 'lire
llieiii: Inliti' inn k., iP'-lmi- riivinn. Iiili'limc-
InelllS, llvtUillilli III limtlill pnOMIl elites, ell).
Tula pninplilel will Ho m et tree tiiHiiyone1
wrllllis lo O. A. anew & I'll., W iililiiston, U.C
Suiillieiii Calirniiiln.
Nolahleuiiiong the deHures airorded
hy the HIiiimIu Itotite Ii the winter trip
to Hoiilhern ('Hhrnriila ami Arizona
Renewed acltiililleii( j with this see
t Ion will ever levelo fienli polnln of
InlertH and udded aourre uf enjoy
nieiit, tinder Iih sunny Hkles, in the
variety of its hnliiatriea, In its (irolillc
S'egetatlon and nnioiig Us utiiiihetless
reaorla of mountain, shore, valley and
The two daily Simula trnlns from
I'orilttnd t' 1'allfomlri have heeti re
eetttly etiiipied with the inoM, approv
ed ptitern of ainudiird nod lotirinl
Hleepiug emu; luit tin' low ra'ts i f fme
will si ill emit hum In elleel,
JIHiMilaleil guides la the whiter re
aorta of Culil'iit'iilii tiwd ArUouu limy be
hud on aptille ilion lo
I'ortlund, Oiegon,
W. G. Sharman,
flClI Tlll .
Main Street, Independence
Buy Watches of
Jeweler sad Optician. '.,
Iwi steiptei" Company .
I)ry iStcck always ou
NOf': -Wa fnve a lie) H:t-
ougbly tt i y Intnl...".
f'li!tng"!il.lo wathcr hctwocn two seasons encour-iig.-s
yiiti r chronic Iro'ihlcM anl inllicU upon you
much )( tty riickiicf H. i'wUr ward it off. JO cenl
niiht lucvi'iit it when .fi" wouMu't euro it.
Coim1 U us ttrlnvc your jimscriptiuns lillcd, and
fur cvcryUiin kept in u well regulated drug store.
DavIJson Ci Hedges, Prop '.
Clnr, Cigarette, Tobacc s
ft i', J
Firat Clas 5ot(a Fountain In eo:--nootion.
The Castle
Ket Jih
convl inLly tiu bum
; PK-nrtiiieiit o.'
1 h i
Al83 the famous Hjp Gold Dirr.
-.1:1). QALU, Proprietor.
Kutch's Barber Shop.
Iutleandeiiep Orey i;i
OfhVe and Rt l(teiioe Corner Ihillr. :id
Monmouth Sint-in,
1 S 0 K I ' E N I ) I ; N C E .
Dan P. Stouffer.
Main Si m't Dul'as ()i"''"Mi
t no eotnttir
Leuws Portland dmly exeepl ,v'!"t-
duv at 7 a. in.
I'his is the (iretit Scenic Hon''!. All
toiml admit I hut the soenrrv on die
Middle (lolmnhia Is not exeelled for
lieauty and Kiandeur in the I'oaeil
Stalea. Full iitforumtum hy addict
Ing or enllltifl mi
C. (. THAYKK, AA.,
Tel. 01-1.
Portltiud, Or
aiivtlilnir veil Invent ortrfiprovPi atin (r ti
PROTECTION. Hi-nil mmlol, sketeh,orpUoU ,
Tiir friu OTiimlnutlou unit Hdvlt-e, '
Ttttont Lftwyors. Washington, D.C.
TnaDt Marks
navRiaura &&
Nlnvonn onillii n akoleh mill rteorliitlin nwy
qnleklv iiaeei-l um eiir opinion fine wliether an
Invimliiin In iirtilmlily patuntiitili'. Cimmiiinlm.
lloiwMirletlyoiiiiilitiMitliil. lUiiiltHiokiin I'Htouia
unt fron, oliliwt nui'iii v for mM'iirniH iwtems,
PiiUmia titkeii iliniiwh Miinii t:o, rocelvs
qxirliil ixiMi'H, w It limit I'lmriio, m i no
Scientific Jlincricriii
A hnniliioiiiolv tllintriitmt weekly. I.nmest clr
iiiiImi 1,111 nl' niir nt'lMiihtln lourniil, 'I'ornia, f 1 a
four months, U 6olilbyiill nowailenlerj.'eW YOS'K
Bond yonr hnslne direct to Wulitni;ton,
anvea llino, oiiat leiN, nutter aervieu.
Hy one oIoh to V. (. Fabint Offlct. FRRG tir-llmln
ry mmlliallim. tntiaa. Atly'f fi-e not ilite liatli i' .tent
ACTUAL r.XI'EHIUNi'R. Book "How to obulu Futaif,.
.to., iit tttt, PutentN brooarnit throunh S. U. Blugfvi
rtcolvo tpoolal notfo. without uliarg. In ti
Ulutram awatlily-
Elmnth yaar tormi, (1. a yT.
i , i aL. f 'iLawa . " mm m 7
lirniii-h uilli-n. ir r n.. wnnninuiim. i. i .
Ciars, Oregon. v i !
. . M A fl U FACTU ' R 3 Oi."..
, n!o ('cilnr Sliinle.
' I '-t
J'OII t ,.
Shasta Route.
: . :'. m. T,(5 n n".
. : , in. 1: ) p. m
) 1 e. in.
-. J .'. !. i."
: . ii. hi. s.eit ,o
:S. m. :'.'i. w
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i. il' i ; I . ,11
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III).-- o,i . ...
i' (J t"-H. ,
New Wrf
o i-
"' '- ,11 (Illtrf ,0, ,?y.
i ,i r.iiiil,
Loui,, New
0 I , ll! -co w lih V A
- if in, iiiii, J, itii, CUiua
r .el Mmih AluS lea.
nie i
hi u
ee.Vn:. A. W ruvX at Ittdnpendeoet at.'e-
C. H . M I'.KHAM,
(.,)f.i p; -'(?mcr Ajisiit, Fe l and. Or.
CoiTPt'trd lo rt.ilf.
liuvi1 Inli-ipnfl-"lira
loi- .Mimiiifiiilli
ml A ' e.
4 -
I KTr Aliila for
M ana eat b tod
.liMlrpeuileura, ,
' 0 00 a.m.
. w.ttO p. iu.
J...J h. ia. jf
S If, m. '
Lrnvra luiiirnil-
I i.ivi- IhilliM far
fii.l..r l,i,ii,.nill, nwil,,..
and It
ion p.m.
8 1.0 -
1 f t- Mona-nnlli
fori il),'-.ilu-4.
:4TbT m. ' ,
I (b in. J
.0 n. u.
S 43 an." 1
U.IK p. iu.
I.aari 1ihiiii1
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M fi. m.
I loo a.m.
T D t to.
Mi ii nt Hill,
liirAlrll. i
7 .10 h in,
3:. Ill p. li
l.e Mini in in Hi
fur UhIIiik.
'.'O a. m.
"v p. in
,, T!f s MEOU IS
I mm liHli'peiiilenoe
' I Luke, ,)eiivfr.
t'i. Wonli, Omulin
Khu.m I'liy, St.
I.'e-i, t hpns(i) null
'iv-K '
4 $0 ; in
Sri'i f 1 c Di-nve , Kt
W i ,i mu i .Kn
m t l y, m, ' miis,
I lilciito am KaM.
8 40 U.
vm Hun
'St I'mt
i ii ii
!- .... ..'0
Wiitln tVal'ti, Lew,.;
iO(. spniimie, M
of. in t. !,
I'u '.. ii.Ai u .-ii ;m,
I'll . .1) Hill l-'v,
7 a. in.
l-i oin I'or.'.uiil.
ll '.
i f. ra.
.i i; in-
4 n in.
Ks.Bund y
il v
a i'i
and Kri,
HI'-. :
S.l'l "
'..O.I I ,
m Wc
i'. I. hi t.
I, 'It'll'
li ...
' l"-, '
U lll '
nnelle t;'vci'.
1; ) n. m.
Mon., Wert
unit H'n.
I v. I ewla
9 a. in.
...nt -I.- ,',..'
il H m !. I" .
-iial.e V t ,
sitiHiiun'a to J'oillttiiil . riini lnilnieiiileni'e
Jloiloo !eavos (n vntli for Portland Mondays
Wvdnt'.'aY . t Kridari nt a m, pa-aing
liiili'n'iiileui-i at 0 a in. Kel u niun, leaves
I'lirtiHiul Tue-dnya, ThurMlfij's end Walur
ilays, pnsshin I ndeiK-adeiiee at pm
linlli h-iiveH Indenendeuee for Portlund Toes-it-
.v. Tlnusitnvs iihI Sntnnliiya HI 8 a lu.
Ktitu.titiiK ciivos 1'iinlanS fni'liiilieiidnoe
iMiiiiiliiya, ml i'-Uhvs nml l-'i tdflv at Ba nt
arriving; a I linltieiultitiioat 0 p in.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Steamers lltona anil Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00 a. m., for
For Freight or Passage apt
ply on boardthe boat, or to
the aReut
Imlepeudence . . Oregon
pf t
I Oil ...
vin Hunt
Bit)B,oae Yearva.i4a.
l j'a,
- y