The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 01, 1901, Image 2

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JOS, A, C. BRANT, Kdllt mid ruMMier,
(Tr) AlVN('t
Tbrac uioiitln... ......
. w
, Milliliter Wu'b sou is an Ameri
can school loy, a compliment to
Uncle Sam that is acceptable and
A couunitte will have to be ap
pointed to discipline the professors
who are seixin'g their playthings
and quitting the hack yard of the
Iceland Stanford University.
It is altogether probable that the
- army canteen will reappear on one
of tho side streets.
Count Roni de Castellane is the
most expensive piece of briiva-brac
the Goulds have ever accumulated.
"Many Klondike miners who
came south last fall to spend the
winter," says an Oregon paper,
"have become resitive under the re
straints of civilation and are now
on their return north." There is
no place like home, even if it is a
bunk in a glacier with only a six
hours' allowance of daylight.
The Arlington Independent urgvs
the discontinuance of the practice
some papers have of carrying
"dead" advertisements. That's
right, Bro Hicks; but why stop
there? Why do you give up fire
columns of your space every week to
the patent coucern and only get al
lowed a dollar and a half? Why
not cut down the diseased tree in
stead of lopping off a limb?
Can it be that the name of Super
intendent Mills, of West Point, has
anything to do with tho prize fight
in there?
ft ft ft
Kentucky - resents the assertion
of a college professor that no one
ever dies from snake bite, as being
an underhanded attempt to dis
credit her well known snake bite
remedy output.
A woman suffragist wants to cure
men of smoking by teaching them
to embroider and do drawn work.
What next?
"Virtue is its own reward !" From
the speeches of acceptance by Messrs
Clark and Quay,
ft ft ft
An Englishman aged 77 has died
of whooping cough. He must have
been in his second childhood.
It's worth remembering that the
armyiill does not abolish the can
teen at all it merely, prohibits the
sale of liquor therein. As a club
room and bar for the sale of non
intoxicants, the canteen still has a
flourishing life before it.
ft ft
A contract between the owner of
a farm and an occupant, by which
each furnishes part of the seed, im
plements and stock and providing
for division of the products or of
the proceeds thereof, is held in
Shrum v. Simpson (Ind.) 4!) L. II.
A. 792, not to constitute a partner
ship so as to make the occupant a
surviving partner on the death of
the owner.
Senator Muikey has introducud a
resolution for a constitutional
amendment providing that the state
printer's office come under the jur
isdiction of the legislature and thus
could he disposed of if deemed best.
At present the state printer is a
fixture by reason of the constitu
tion and can snap his fingers at the
legislature. It is doubtful if the
amendment will carry as the Ore
gon people do not like to monkey
with the constitution. In the mean
time the state printer will get richer
and richer.
ft ft
The two senators from several
western Btates are said to be about
to join issues over the distribution
of patronage. Why don't they adopt
the New York and Pennsylvania
fashion and let one senator own the
other and be done with it.
ft ft ft
It is a little hard to see just what
can be done to Mrs. Naton. In
Kansas, saloons are as much
against the law as burglary is and
apparently their owners can be
treated as much as burglars can by
private citizens.
ft ft ft
Very little headway seems to
have been made by the British in
South Africa in the past few weeks.
The Boer invasion of Cape Colony
is evidently just as portentous as it
ueemed to be in the earlier days of
the past month. All the traps
which have been laid for the Boers
have been skillfully evaded thus
far. The British re-enforcements
which have been rushed into the
'menaced region have been powerless
to either eject the invaders or to
capture them. This circumstance
takes away something of the
warmth of the reception given in
England to the returning soldiers
fud their chiefs.
Senator Clem, of Linn county,
has introduced a bill, whk'li, if en
acted into a law, will strike at the
vitals of the liquor trailie. His bill
"Any person who shall in any
saloon, or place where liquors are
sold, give or. treat another to any
drink or other quantity of spirit
uous, malt or vinous liquors with
intent that the same shall be drunk
or consumed by tho person so treat
ed, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof shall
be punished by a tine of not lens
than HO nor more than MO or by
imprisonment in the county jail of
the county where such offense is
committed, not less than five nor
more than 25 days."
Senator Clem has another bill
intended to discourage tho drinking
of liquors. It requires venders of
malt, spirituous or liquors or keep
ers of any pool or billiard room or
saloon to keep the windows and
doors of their respective places of
business unobstructed by screens,
blinds, paint or other articles, and
to prohibit lounging inside of said
The Boers are probably on their
last legs but they're uncommonly
lively legs.
Will KM ward VII continue to set
the styles or will he now abandon
this arduous duty to someone else?
ft ft, ft
Mr. PettigrewV successor has been
elected by a vote of 13 to 113.
There's a hoodoo for von.
The men who are heaping coals
of fire upon tho head .of Senator
Clark should rememWr that he is
red-headed to liegin with.
ft "ft ft
The love and esteem in which
the name of Queen Victoria is held
throughout tho world is a fresh
proof that virtue, as even Voltaire
said, has an immortal hold upon
the human heart.
A little while hence how ltntcr
ial William of (iermaiiy will enjoy
giving points from the storehouse
of his riper experionee to his royal
"I'nclo Ned" on how to act as a
real, simon-pure sovereign,
ft ft ft
Pettigrew is spending his last
days in tho senate filibustering and
in raking up old slanders on other
senators. When ho can no longer
make himself a nuisance in an offi
cial capacity ho will drop into ob
ft ft ft
A speaker on the present condi
tion oi me ueniocraiic parly says a
cat and a dog may repose peace
fully on a rug, "but lie them to
gether, and see if they .would not
A lew castor ou plants growtn
in your front yard will, it is sait
keen away mosquitos. We don't
guarantee this but as the plants are
cheap, easy to grow and not un
sightly nor unpleasant, it, might In
worth tryiny next summer,
ft ft ft
Those good jioople who denounce
congress for kMIing the cantei
should have acted in time. Thous
ands of petili;ns against that in
stitution were sent to evey member
of each house, while, aside from the
war department, not one petition
in its fuvor was submitted.
According to all reportB a mini
Keeord of the legislature
J'Assfl) TI1K ItolsK.
3, by Whitney To construct
bridgo across Willamette river, levy
tolls. Passed January 21.
18, by Colvig Fixing tho time
for holding court hi First Judicial
District. Jan. 21.
127, by Black To incorporate
Mrytlo Point. Jan. 25.
111?, by Hawkins -To amend Pal
las incorporation act. Jan. 22.
224, by Story Kelativo to Port
land tax levy. Jan. 28.
1, by Mays, providing for a popu
lar expression of choice as to sena
Unship. Jan. 25.
(i, by Kelly, service by summons
in foreclosure suits. Jan. 25.
8, by Wehrung, authorising State
Board of Agriculture to issuo li
censes. Jan. 2S.
0, by Masters, relative to jurors
and witnesses' 'fees in Douglas
county, Jan. 25.
12, by Muikey, to reduce Interest
on school fund loans. Jan. 2H.
15, by Brownell, ijiiieiidiiig judg
ment debtor law. Jan. 28.
ID, by Steiwer, relative to ship
ment of sheep by express. Jan. 28.
t'o, by Porter, to lower salary of
Clackamas county judge. Jan. 23.
101, by Daly, to amend Curvallis
incorporation act. Jan. 23,
102, by Smith of linker, to incor
porate Sumpter. Jan. 23,
101, by Smith of Multnomah,
authorizing Portage Commissioners
to remove incline and sell hind.
lit), by Smith of Yamhill, to
amend Sheridan charter, Jan. 21.
r.vxsn) iiotu imt'HKs.
S B 14, by Marsters, to incorpor
ate Canyonville.
S It 18, by Adams, to amend Sil
verton incorporation act.
S B 22, by Wade, to amend Klgin
incorporation act.
S 11 21, by Wade, to amend Sum
inerville incorporation act.
S B 71, bv Smith of linker, to ig
corjMirale linker city.
S B 113, by Sweek, to authorize
Portland to levy special tax.
11 B D!2, by McOrecr, to Incor
porate Al)teIoK'.
House 'joint resolution of 1KSH),
relative to submission of initiative
and referendum.
II B 2t-3, by the ways and means
committee, to appropriate money
for lefislative expenses, and defic
WAsiimiTO letter.
tier oi missionaries in unna nave
disgraced their cloth by looting
even more determinedly than the
unchristian soldiers The facts can
easily he ascertained, it woul
seem, and the missionary boards
owe it to their people to investigate
them and publish the results un
ft ft ft
The retirement of Senator Cham
ler is an illustration of tho fact that
nowadays individuality is at a din
count, especially in politics. This
is the age of organization, and any
one who continually kicks over the
traces, as Chandler did, is certain
to be set aBido sooner or later.
Linn county people want the
legislature to give back to that
county a strip of. territory whicl
they claim was by mistake attached
to Lane county. A mass meeting
of Lane county citizens held in
Eugene Thursday evening passed
strong resolutions against grant
ing to Linn county one foot of Lane
county territory." Iho strip in
dispute embraces the Blue Itivcr
r ' -
The supremo court of Pcnnsyl
vania has held that a bicycle rider
turning a corner on tho right sido
f the street, in accordance with a
rule fixed by ordinance, is not re
quired to keep out of the way of a
heavily laden wagon which he
meets, unless some apparent neces
sity is shown therefor. The infer
ence is that it is tho duty of the
leavily laden wagon to dodge the
flying bicycle.
MSii! m (tail, I r,
sioNK.n ii v Tin: oovkknoh.
S B i), by Marsters, to anient.
Hoseburg ineororption act.
S B 14, by Marsters, to iticorpor
ate Canyonville.
S B 19, by Brownell, to pay ex
penseg of Indian war veterans to
Washington City. Signed Jan. 2
S B 71, by Smith of Baker, to in
corporate Baker City. .
S B Hi), by Brownell, to submit
initiative and referendum. Jan. 25,
S B 113, by Sweek, to authorize
Portland to levy a special tax
Jan. 25.
We must seriously object to th
bill that recently pawl the senate
to pension the father of the late
Senator Davis simply Ijccauao he
was the father of his son. No
doubt, Senator Davis was a great
man, but if this sort of thing is
once started no one can tell where
it will end.
9 ft
The most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby, all
dimples and joy. The most
pitiful thing is that same baby,
thin and in pain. And the
mother does not know that
ittle fat makes all the differ
Dimples and joy have gone,
and left hollows and fear; the
at, that was comfort and
Color and curve-all but pity
and love-is gone.
The little one ccts no fat
rom her food. There is some
thing wrong; it is cither her food
or food-mill. She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what
he had stored in that plump
ittlc body of hers; and that is
gone, one is starving tor tat;
it is death, be quick I
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the fat she can
ake; it will save her.
The (feimine htii this picture on
it, take tin other.
If you hnve not tried It,, until
for free untnple, Its agreeable
taste will surprise- you.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
60c. and $1.00
all druggists.
Washington, D. C, Jan., 21.
The army reorganization bill
now in the hands of a conference
committee, but so anxious Is the
adniistratuxi to see it finished that
the conferees on tho part of tho
house, will accept the bill an-it
passed the senate, and it will go to
the president at once. The war de
partment has arranged to open re
cruiting olllces all over tho county,
so as to procure the men provided
fir in the bill, as ru idly ns pomd
ble, ltccruiling will also go on
actively In the Philippines, the bill
ant homing the enlistment of
natives in tho discretion of the presi
dent up to 12.0(H).
The senatorial program, 'will, un
til further notice, bu the ship sub
sidy bill, which has been so amend
ed that it now has the support of
practically all of the Republican
senators, the regular appropriation
bills, and I he revenue reduction bill,
which Senator Aldrich says will bo
reported this week. The action of
the Republican caucus in deciding
not to tuke up the Nicaragua canal
bill until the government of Great lupH.rted tlu-o,
Britain acts on the llay-Puuncefote
treaty has xlielvcd the canal bill
for a time.
An important, although short
dialogue occurred on the floor of the
senate, when Senator Spooner ex
pressed the opinion that the time
had nt yet count for congress to
legislate for the Philippines. Sen
ator Teller asked: "When will we
be ready to legislate"? Senator
Spooner replied: "The Senator can
aunwer that tpiestiun as easily as
he can ask it. I do not undertake
tossy when we shall be ready to
legislate for the Philippines. 1 do
nut think we shall be ready until
we have sent a joint committee of
In til Iti t! Intro
ahiiulil bu elMnlUiwuk
Elj's Cream Halm
ftmUHWMontbMtnd lifli
ll dluMwd nininliran.
It sum i slurfh nil drltM
twny u!tl k III bend
C'rio rtnlin It (ilvod Into th nostrils, itirmila
em th Ufuhrui "d I tWln-4. lisilsf tlm
HimIIsM ml curs fulkm. It It n-il dryliid di
nnl prodiM MiMMlutf. Lark Slst, Kl wot t lru(-.
gists li ntsll Ti lil SU, 10 mull ) mall.
Kit IMOTUKHS. W WttiM Hlrwl.N.w York.
versation between Mr. Gear, who
when a candidate for Congress was
asked to attend the uncling of a
temperance society, the president fo
which was a Quaker, for the pur
pose of being catechised, The (Jun
ker said to Mr. Gear: "Wo learn
that thett dost not bi-long to nny
temperance society mid that thee
dost take a drink when it pleased
thee." Without a moment's hesi
tation Mr. Gear 'replied: "that is
true." The (Junker then said;
"Thett art very fntnk, and thy
frankness Is more to hccommtidd
than thy habit We do not think
then ought to drink, but if thou
hadst lied to us,' we WQtild not have
Thee will now re
ceive our votes. Senator Dolliver
added: "And Mr. Gear did get their
votes and bo never forgot tho in
cident and its moral,"
ft ft
About the only thing in the Pat
Crowe case that in looking up seems
to be the reward offered for his de
livery in Omaha, th ad or alive,
Seitlp ItiMiiilli-s.
This is the Kvening Telegram's
f tcetiotis Idea of extending the pro
tecting inlliieiteo of the scalp boun
ty: "Senator Kultou has introduced
a bill to extend tho scalp-bounty
law to sea lions, seals, sheldrakes,
shags and cormorants. This is no
Congress to investigate the situa- doubt good as far as it goes, but it
lion of the people in the-Island,"
Senator Teller "When shall we do
that?" Senator Sjooner-"I hope
that we will provide fur such a
ctMiimittiH) before this sssioit comes
to an end. I have undertaken,
myself, to frame a resolution provi
ding for such a committee.'' Tho
m'gniikiiiieo of Mr. Spooiier's re
murks lie in their having made it
plain that the majority in the Sen
ate have no Philippine program for
this session. This is in line with
the action of tl republican caucus
ought to b ttitx nded by indefinite
extension. Tin-re are skunk", for
instance, and slugs, and snail, and
S. S. S. generally. And then there
is the sea-serieiit, the uio-t deadly
and terrible monster of all; it is
horrihle to think of thousands of
our people, many of them beauli
fill young ladies and innocent chi
ren, visiling llic coast every sum
iner and being constantly suhjocU
to the .awful danger of a visit along
the beaches of u band of roaring
devouring sea -serpents. There
Polk County Bank
J.H.Httii ir. I'. i l t!'IO I I..
'ri'.l,li-nl, t ir.rn-Wi Ml,
IHtl. I'lMHII., U-kot.
Paid Capital , .$30,000.00
f. H. liawley, P. L. ('hiiii.MI, f, M.
Kiiiiiiiuii, J. H, V, liiitler, Jotiil .
II , Hlinii, K. H. I'oftcll,
Joxepli Cntvi-ii,
Transact a General Banking
anil Exchange Business.
The Independence.
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
, nihm.Mssso. Amum nnsok,
f!O.MM!t V( C(MI.tll
0. V !KVi.t,Cutlr,
II Uli-fr'hlirhr l W m B f Hllllth
A A "Unit M W HtJ-wiirt
Utimn.,r; limn, um.lis, hill. liuuiild, rum.
-iii! ufllHriiil, dotKMlt rlrd
1 '"'I I -!- tlhl lukjtil t cWk, paid
un III, 'l-""H,
The Hntel Gail
IDallao, Ore.
Has lecn refitted and renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing is new. (hod sample room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Kalen, 1.00 to f'2.00.
Special rates by the v-k.
lecturing against Philippine legis-' should also bo a mtip bounty on
Went Kltle ami Paolflo Homestead,
one year, $1
latiou at this scMMion.
Irrigation of the arid lands in
tho W ent has a strong supporter in
the person of Secretary Hitchcock.
He submitted a letter, strongly fav
nring legislation iroviding for pule
lio irrigation, to the I (oust oinmit
tee on public lands, which is now
considering the question, in which
he says that what are now desert
lands can bo changed into an acre
age capable of supporting a popu
lation of .ri(),(KK),00 people' by proper
irrigation In support of his con
tention, ho cites the wonderful
suet-el's ol irrigation in hjjvnl in
the last few yearsa success which
saved that cotinliy from hopi-lcss
Tho prediction' in this paper that
the Army bill would receive tho
votes of other Senators than repub-j
lican, was correct. Four democrat
ic f-eniuors uniisav, ot Ky
Mel.aurin, of S, 0,, Morgan of Ala.,
and Sullivan of Miss,, voted for the
bill, One republican Wellington,
voted against tho bill, and Senator
Hoar, who was paired against it,
would ali-ti have done so had be
been present when the vote was
Mr. (!. Kdward Kid ler, assistant
superintendent of (he Division of
Foods and their accessories of the
Pan American Kxposition at Puff
alo, is in Washington, conferring
with Mr. T. 1!. (ialloway, director
of Plant Industry Department of
giieulltne, about the exhibition
of tropical tries and shrubs from
Uncle Sit iji'h hot bouses. Mr. Fill
er says of the intentions of his
iiiitu-h of the Exposition: "It is
the desire of Director General l!u-
chanan, and Superintendent Taylor
to have the food exhibit show every
thing from the tree to the table.
All of tho plants, trees, vines, and
tfie like, from which , teas, coffees,
and spices are produced, will he
shown growing, ami the different
stages, from crude to linishcd pro
ducts exhibited. There will be a
magnificent conservatory contain
ing all varieties of spices grown' in
'un America, while the general
food display will ho on a larger
scale than at tho World's Fair.
South ami Central America coun
tries will be represented by exlreni-
y large exhibits of their food pro
ducts, and, I intend to show the
pcoplo of tho U. S. how they may
add to their bill of fare somo vory
tasty dishes prepared by their
neighbors to the southward. In
this connection, lam preparing' a
iccial exhibit of red pepper shbw-
ng tho different methods, of produc
tion and consumption pf that spice.
Senatorial eulogies of tho lut
Senator Gear have revived" a himi:
her of stories of his Iiwi)kn?SH,
Sonator Dolliver to'd of thistion"
all salmon escaping from the down
river nct-t; only a few year ag
some of them came up into tl
Willamette valley and duvasled the
country, swallowing eulve an
sheep by thousands. At least
was o reported up on the Long
"As to 'cormorants' the bill coul
well bo amended by making
'more definite and certain;' though
it might be useless to suggest that
a bounty lie paid for the scalps of
the cormorants of olheinlilom who
prey upon tho public."
Niitleftif TeaelirrV Ihiniilnat int.
Nuiti-n l lii' iwy rlvi-ii t'-nt llii mini
ii'i",i.iii)'ii'ii. n( i',ii.; i on a y uii liul i i
I , ic ii ' n r ri-iiiiuiiiMiu nf p ,i,itiilfc ii,.- fciiiu-
e i'i. t eiO'iiv ii tnv :
j Cn,,' (,ti'iniiia mi W(,tl,ir,uv, llii,-:i ')
I (m i," ii. in. mul run ,inii,,( mi, i humility
j i-i-iiriimy h, nil cun-i, e in.
I WuhMwHui" - IViiiiinn','ii. li.iHirv. mn 'lln
ttW-'!1 ii, !u' ii' ii :. . inn .un' -hi
I'm iikihy 'W iltn'ii k. i.ihH'.i--, ilemv i
tt-nrliniK, h'leuitiH , Im' k-nii iiti, ii','!-'
Itti-riiltm-. I',, 1 1 nuirl 11 iiimiii.
l llli,Y- l'iiliM(V, ivi, il'liy, pIivmibI
Kt-uiiplir. i.iiiuini n I it,,, i-, kciimi Ihv.
r-AI, mul iiMuuiy, iaiiM' te-iiinii ...mill
ml IiHuii.t, )Hiyn-, iyi'limn-;v,
t I, Wf-jtllH,
Sii'rltili-iicli-iii ni Si li,Miii
WANTKI).('iiitil, n-ilHlilD iw-rwin In
vt'rv iMiiuiy In rip--i'W lnw ittuii ,iiiv of
Kllllll ItllHUi'llll ri'UllllM'Mi; " UilllllT " T ) t!ll!'
iiyiinii. wevKiy; f.i i-r Hii.v itii..iuir;v nri
Mini nil te"i"' HiriOKlit, I,iiiii- llili-, iti liinii
Mliiry, no (imitnltiuii; nufin v i'Ul tui-ti
Hiitiirilny mul opt-unc minify inlviini ! t-m-ii
wrt-k, SI'A.Mi.OUl 1IOI ill, Hit luiulnirn
HI., t liliie,
.Slu-iiir Sale fer Tuxes,
RJoTICK l lii-rcliy iilvmi, itml t,y vlrhm of
IW H uumilll In inn illl'ii'lrU Ix-llill ml. nl
I li ('ninny l imit i, lln- mhIii nl tin-K ilt Mr
I mik i-niiiiiy, (imiiiiiittil iik in. In I'nhtct (hr
ll'l I II, I llfll I i ., i ,., n I ii , l un i inviiuy Iiim-n 1". it-
tliiiyt'ur IMM. Hlili-h wiiriiinl luitlii, li,-il lull,,.
Iil nl uiiiiilil mul .l.-lliiii' nt luxeM lur tlx-
yi-iir r in mini i nin miii i , iuki not i.nv
liiK lici il iiIiIi-, iiftiir iIIIIk. nl n.iri-li, In ilm
nny pii'Minul iruii-rl,v wuliln mini muni y 1,111
nf W ii li'li ' .i inn k o th. Inim ii i-1 1 in ! 1 1 r un
tllllll ll, I llllVH Iff 1 1 1 X It llltl llll,llll( UiH
in ilii il li ul nrniwrly, vm:
W 1 1 nf I . ti No. 1 mul Ni). 8, lllnt-k N. 2, nf
rill! 4 AIIIIIIIIlll 111 IIIIIN I m!l'tt'H!IIMI,'Ht 111
I'nllt tMiunly, oi-i-Kiin, iih Un- ii-,,km-iv nl Inili,.
u-iiili'nmi Vt iili r iul Klivirln I ,t,( lit. i ') 1 1 1 hi i y
Utllllit llllll- llpH'iu iinnunnt-ll mi nil hi lli'l-in'.
iiii iil lux inn.
Nmv. On i-iilnrn, If Mini ili'llnnm-nt Htnlu.
bulimy Mini oi-linul In M". Din mil piilil un in-
In, lorn (Siliu'iluy, llin i'il tiny nf ii-liiiniry, A It.
C ll. Hi Un- In nil' nl nm, u', Im-k p in,. I Mill nil
Mint tiny mul "I hu Id 1111111- ill Hit, ilmn- nf
i-iitinlv t-mii I Imti'.ti III H11I1I ' ilk ( 1 1 1 1 1 v , , -1 1
lit. inilillti HiinlHiii, h I, i i-L l'ii I'd,' 11 1 j, Ll- In
llin In lif-il lilililt'i- lur mill n l nin iiliuvi- ili'.
nillit-il Intnl. nr nu tiutnli llii-i-iul' hs inuy tin
ncnCMHiify i iMtll'.jy I lit tnnu 11I tlnn lliuiiii-fit,
Hl-Vl'tllJ-SIX Hull h.i-l I 'JI7ll.M Dillllirs IIIX H-
H'MmhI i0ii"l "IHtl 1 iiilt'ii'iiilnni-ii Witlnr iiiiiI
Kl- In Until I'liiuimiiy, In ,'iUil I'nlK i-iiitttlv
lui- Ilm yi-iir IHW, Iniinlliei- Willi hwi-uIiik imhIh
nil,, iivifvm
j. a. v.vNiiUHiii-'.n,
Hhi'i-lll uf I'nlK Ciiiiltly, Ori-jjnn,
DtUod IXwemlim-illM,, l-4-r.t
Not Ice Tor I'lilillcnllnii.
First pull, Dec. U. I.hsI pub. Kuli. 10.
Uliltticl Bliilfii I.iiinl Ollli-u, Ori'Kiin I'lly,
Ort'unu, Oi'injiiilii-rO, l'.KIO.
Nnlli'ti In hnriiliy tdvmi Unit In (imnplliini-ii
Willi mi) pruviHinn 111 liiii iu-i. 111 i nimn's ,
Juno ft, ihh. mill 1 Intl ' An nnl fur Ilm tnilu uf
tlmln-r IiuiiIk Iii tlm 8l.iil.i-it nf ('nllfiirnlit, or,,.
ou, Ntiviul, Hiul WHNliiiiKitin Ttirrlini v," hs
i'XIiiiiiiiiii in mi nie I'uiiiui i.niiii nm tun ny iu-1
tit AuUUH. 1MB. Hi! Ii A. Cin-i-i ll, nf Hurry,
llouiily nf Minimi, NUlo nf Oi-ii'nn, Iiiih IhlM
ilny II 1 i'il In IliU nllii'f Ii Im Hwin n Hlitii-iniiiil
Nii. 411.12. (nl' Hit) iiuifluini nl IhtiHW '4 uf st'ti.
Hull Iti, in liiwnslup Nt). M H, t-iuiKH Nu 8 went,
it il will iiiiur pniui in Hiniw Hint Ilm Inuil
hiiiiuIO In iiiui'h vhIiiiIiIii lur llHMinlii'rnr mnut)
Hum lur iiKi'liMiiiiinil piirpn.WM, null In uslnli.
IIkIi 1 1 1 h -in tin in mini litnil iiiilnru I liti iii-k! Inr
mul Kin-ill vtr nf thin nilli-ii nt iirmmi i'lly,
lli-i'gtiii, nil fKliirUiiy, llin 2 lil ilny nl Kuliruiirv,
llu inittitw n wl(tifMM'; II, W, llntitiriil'l, of
rsuniir I,'iiUi Omit'in; Julia I.iipiih, uf Sukiii-
liunl, Oi'cK"i AliriHllllll Jilinw, nl I'nrl In ml,
in-K"ii; llllt-y Hntlili, ef I'tirilHiul, Orfoii.
Any hiiiIhM Hi'MiniH tiliilinliiH iitlvi-rntily Ilm
itliuVti'iU-Hiirllititl IhiiiIh nru rnipiiiNU-il In lllti
tlxilr olitliim In this tiHItio on ur liol'nru Himl ul
tiny ul l'liruiiiy, I'.tOi.
..," ' ; Ki-Ki"tiir
fl! urMltt-r 111 ili'llvt-r mul millcct In lireiriiit fur
o'd oHiiIHIhIiuiI 1111111UIH11III1I11K wholi'.-iilo
tiinmn. illill 11 ji'iir, Hiirn pny. llnni-Hly inni-ti
tliiin expi'ikiiii'ii itiiiuln tl, our i-i-fiuuin ti, any
toitutt -tu nny t-lly. t-iii'liiv.i hi-I 1-ittOl rcNNiMt
jitiitniwi iivnini MHiiiifatjtiiriii-H, xiiirti ' One Year, (in advance)
the; city book store
CiiiTit-i 8 I lur Line of
1100K8, CKlAKiS,
TOI5 A ('CO.
Hubiiison it Co.
IiilcH!m)riiee, Ort'K'iti.
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
ttHli"Mii(fi-iief, Ore.
-- .S
jr r
r - - j v
Opera House block, Haiti Street, Independence
Mh fl MB M iflT
0to gMl at Kiglit PricCs Make Eay Selling. ?K
S (,ll' W'xl at'" liivt-cusH, our priceH as low a the
jiS ItiwcvJ iiualitv of gmwl consiiloro'l. -'
t ' All kliuls ' of, country iroluci bought at the M
UiplK'Kt Markot l'rice. . w.
I J Share of -fair Mimy foipMi Solicited. Z
n"l -
Keir the next thirty days we will
jivtf ton ht cent, off on all cast
Ut atinfr ami Air Tight Stoves.
IR1 II fll- A ,
i.;, WMUt & UU 3
A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 2
Mhl Ht.
, t.,'t',,-.ur-1
G. L Hawkins
InJcpcndcnvC.Orc, '
Monuments and
Head Atones
Are you looking:
for a brush?
Not wiih (lerniany hut a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a1 silver-polishing
IhhhIi. I have a good all-bristle hair for -5o. Tuoth brushes, 5c up.
Prescription Druggist
v. j
m iio im shop
E. T. HENKLE, PropKator
Hot and Cold Baths at all
'i ii v!TfJ Rs,
0m JT
A Han Slips Up
Uu It evt-. ' timt' ihst lie jukes luub
dry work outride of tlie 8a Km Siettm
Laundry I o Ih i lone up. .He findg "that
tir.d ' -ling" Hxllng over him when tie
note the ditlVrenee In the exquiKlv':'tilor,
nutl tie mil ful llnii-li, fHj iiifj uothlngof the
jjnt tl eimtlitimi in whieli your linens are
returned by the
Salem Steam Laundry. ;
Phone 411 ISO Liberty (
Por Drayiutf.
....Cull tin,..,
Orders for hauling
' executed promptly
mid nt reiiMunable :
In r ,i'lrr,ii,' V' ', t nt-n m ilimi
Our feo returned if wc fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. -
Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in
The Patent Kkcokd, an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors. . '
Send for sample copy FREE. . Address,
(Patent Attorneys,) -Essns
Buittl'ma, - WASHINGTON, D. C.
Diirinp the jmst few days th
(ii'iinhit: 1ms liennl h nuinber of re-
nililieiins from different tmrts of
tlio country express in very foreibh
uiigtiiigo their belief regarding in-
ilutuiees tliat liavo htvu brought to
bear on Mr, liutt which have in
duced him to vote on the senatorial
juostion just the uppesite from
what he said ho would do if ho was
elected. Some of these assertions
would not look well in print and
the (Iraphio has no accusations of
this kind to niako, but tho least it
can say is this, that along with
many of the staunchest Republi
cans of Yamhill county it has been
eceived by Mr, Butt. -New herg
Kathryn Kidder strongly urges
young girls not to go on tho slago,
even if they have to get married as
an alternative. How awful the
stiiL'O must be. '
9 v-
Wet Side
Weekly Orcgonlan
(.ante Laws of Orotron.
1 1 in lawful to kill tler-r aiid elk from
July 15 to November 1 of eiieli jenr,
but" It is lllil;ivvHtl lo Mil iIihim Ht uny
lliueftir the lihtes, hams ami horns,
"nil it Is also unlawful lit, any time to
kill a spotted lawn nr to chase a deer
Willi (ltlH.
hi . . , , , ,
i ne open season 10 kiii sliver grey
,iuirt-iM is i rom tieiouei l lojiinuary 1.
the open season for China pheasants,
itroiirtc, native jiliens.-tuls mul (malls Ih
inn iiiiiin iirt oi ticioiifi-itiiti iNovemlK'r.
Hunters are iiot allowed lo shoot from
a pniilUi highway or to enter an v stand
lug or gmwiiit; grain not bis own fur
the uii -ptiHe of rei-ovHitig or taking any
K-tiiie, or to go upon any premises fur
the purpose of hunting or to allow his
'(opt to tin mo without the consent' of
pie tuv;iier or Ilm person In charge, The
pnv IuiIiIiIm the killinir of lueksnine ex.
eept from the (lint day of September
utiiii tin- tiny oi I'eiiruiiry following.
I rout may be taken from April 1 to
November I of each vear. Dunks mnt
be killed from September 1 iinl .l Murcii
lo ful low i ii ur.
The penalty fir the viuliilion nf anv
nf the iriivlslons of ibe law proteehinr
Uiiliie in a line tif nut less limn Jil., of
more IIiiiii iji'.'o, t-I r will) the ens'
of the i'i'"si Ciillun nf by. linn hi the
eoiiuly I ill niii less ilmn ven davs
inn mine ) htui 1(!0 iluvs, "
The piiiiisbim-iii heme so eVVie few
will take the chances of killing game
OIt of MMiHIHi: ..
Soclt'tlea and lotlgwof IntUipttidenpe mcut
oiid rui.tows' halu '
HO. V. w lBt. 9tl and 6th Monday. I). b.'
H.,2ni1muMth Mnntltty.
T o. 0 F. Knertmpmpin, and and 1th Tusrtav.
i lttliek-h,lstHiid3dTutdiiy. SiUiordlnnfe
IihIko, Thursday.
OK I'.-Weduesday,
WO. W.-lHt,8iln.l5th Friday. W. Circle,
2nd and 4th Kridny.
FIlAJ'likNAL UNION Snd and 4th Satmday.
WlttTTAKItR HA bit, 1
MA('(UltKES2nd and 4lU Monday,
Bbt'K LOIHIK- un first Saturday on or he-
I'tll'l lull niniiii ami l.uin u,....l,u ll..u.-,.,H
('liapliir meots ou.tlrat Friday after full"
IliOi'tl, ... ,.
EAHTKHN 8TAK-Second and fourth Tu8,
T. ft. Huntlwy
U. II .IH tlillM.ill
W. KliklHiid
J. A: MUla
I.ovt .liliu'S
t ', L, Sicrliti)t
I. "tnokKin'
K.T. lli-Hkle...,
iiiitt'... .
w . Irvine....,
V,.i U ,
1 1.A D j
i " i
t Uoenri!t'(
' jMarnlntl
ti-M Trt-as'irtf
Tin- oily cium il meets on Ilm flint mul inir.t
IU(l:,Va. - '.'
Do'yofu need J'
vn ,m ;Tp pleased