The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 11, 1901, Image 1

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    An Advertisement
Whs-h brtn.- retards It proof ha
tt t in tbe rgl t place, lb WEST
feIPE bring n were.
The Best Newspaper
la tbe odd that give f be nmt and
freshest news. Compare tbe WE8T
SIDE with an paper in Polk county.
$1.50 PER TEAR.
1Nl)tflM2Nnl(:Nyii ViM.K mir"iv nnkim. T7.""
' ' ' M,un, miuAi, uANUAUY Jl, HUM.
' I vsi B.nniH avaa anr-aar rj mm m m jm r-i
3 i
(V t
us or i m
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Compxhiulv R lcw at IN Important Mai,
pcnlryi i ths Put Wk in
Comksutd Form.
riiilip p. Armour, th great pork
packer, i (lend.
Portugal i sending relntoteeuiente
to Loureuco Ma runes.
tight nmu met death by suffocation
la a Minneapolis homl lire.
David J. Schuebly, tli oldest news
paper man iu the Northwest, ia dead
An etYrt is beitig made to revise th
lus;tu-tuiut agreeuieut about Mau
An agreement restricting opera t ion
o( allied troop ha been tuaile by Vou
Fight hundred colliery employe of
Pennsylvania coal aud irou uuues ara
on a strike.
Claim desired envoys to delay sign
iug joint note, but wm informed bjr
thetn ttiat tins wm impossible.
Samuel S. White, a pioneer of 1846,
and Oregon' first probata judge, died
at his home in PortUud. ila waa 81)
year old.
Id au affray at Altgelwrg, Hungary,
between' striking miner and gend
armes, there were seven of the former
killed and 40 wounded.
The following Washington post-
othcea have been discontinued: Dub
man. Spokane county; tireeu Hivor,
KiuK county, and Laurel, Whatcom
Cbailea W. Norton, a witchman,
was iufUutiy killed at Tacouia, by
betug crushed between two car, llo
leaves a widow and three children at
Mount Pleasant, la.
Severe cold weather hug uddeuly
evt iu throughout Kurope. The cold
wave ia accompanied by a gale which
has wrecked several vessel and caued
heavy lo of life and property.
The coal miner' itnke at Pioton,
Nova Scotiu, baa lxeu settled. Kvery
demand of the men wa conceded.
' Tbe manager sought to biud the men
not to ask (or a further increase for IS
tnionth, bat failed.
t Governor Allen, of Porto Rico, baa
just returned to the capital after an
extensive visit to the town in the
-western part of the itlaud. He visited
places where do governor of Porto Kico
"-has visited before, Kvery where be
t "" -1 j-j ' -- ' , .
i, The ItMAib aeoiid-'6la cruiser Am
phiou bu arrived at Panama.
The envoys were urpriteJ by the
prompt acceptance of the note.
A moveuieut in on foot looking
toward Canadian independence.
Great changes are aid to be planned
for the C, M. & St. P. railway.
Governor Geor announce the ap
point meut of Oregon's text hook com
mission. A Ru'aso-Chinese agreement give
Russia protection of one Manohurian
The semi-annual itate'uent of Ore
gon's atate treasurer show nearly $1.-
700,000 cash on hand.
The trunnport Meade, which carried
a large amount of specie from San
Francisco, has arrived at Manila.
Variety of European pruned which
ripen two week earlier than present
crop ia to be introduced in Oregon.
A bill will he introduced at the com
ing Oreogn legislature making life im
prisonment the penalty for kidnaping.
It is unelrestood that at the conclu
aion of operation in South Africa,
Lord Kitchener will become command-er-in-chief
iu India.
United State Consul Wildman, at
Hong Kong, ha been granted a leave
of absence and will return to the
United State immediately for the
benelit of his health.
The Boer invasion of Cape Colony
lias not yet been stopped. On the
other hand the burgher seem to be
gaining grouirl daily aud are at pres
ent hulf way to the Cape.
The new Argentine-Chilean agree
ment, in regard to the frontier settle
ment, ha .been signed and the presi
dents of Argentine and Chile have ex
changed friendly telegrams of congrat
ulation. The war department has authorized
enlistments at Vancouver barrack,
Washington, for service in new regi
ments to be sent to the Philippine is
land. Recruits will be sent to the
Presidio at San Francisco for assign
ment to regiments.
The f team hip Thomas Brooks, with
the Cuban oiliclal on board, has ar
rived at Port Antonio, Jamaica. The
ollicials will inquire into the British
methods of colonial government and
adopt the desirable features into the
Cuban government.
"' " ' .
LATER NEWS. ALMMJ1M UAMt tlC DECLINE TO SIGN. iiA uam7 Ta7a'..,lwl :
J J A . mmMwmm vessels. mt. Ml c mi n mie business has been
i vlxrilnll llvllL I InL ChWii Envnvi Miv Nh! Anni i ikJIIli llllkl III ll II III I. 1 1 II Jl I II I1 1 l II II 111 V X I . ,
hJtm. i v' lwwp "? Typ' Mori - vRlWII JIHIL HLJ
i i . i iif iii i.nniiriirif n i t
cam pi I
In Bohemia 63 nobles own the bulk
of the country. None of their estate
Is less than 12,000 acres.
Lord Salisbury's favorite dog is a
great boarhound, which is named
Pharaoh, because "he will not let the
people go."
Careful inquiries made in Polynes
ian islands, in New Guinea, and West
Africa, indicate that typhoid fever
dte not occur in those region, bat
seem to be a by-product of civilization.
In the sixteenth century it was cus
tomary in Germany to get op at S
o'clock, dine at 1J, sup at 6 and go to
bed at 8.
A business man of Fort Worth,
Texas, has brought suit for ffi.OOO
damages against the publishers of a
city directory for having described
(him as colored.
Italian macaroni is no longer mad
'by band, bnt by machinery. Accord
ing to the British consul at Naples,
aliout 70,000 cases of macaroni are
annually exported to England, and
400,000 to tba United States.
Hie transport Sherman was damaged
la a typhoon.
Pevetal Filipino iuaurgeut
have been captured,
The em press dowagar opposes the
iguiug of tli uote.
A lenient justice almost oaussd a
lyuching at llillsboro, Or.
The Chluom treaty negotiation are
to be removed from Pckiu to Washing
ton or F.urope. '
A French mail steamer, with W peo
ple on board, is iu a dangerous post
tioa near Marseilles.
A bill is to be introduced In congress
ranlng the salary of keepers of life
saving station to flOQ per mouth.
A bill ha been introduced iu th
Missouri legislature providing for tins
punishtneut of kidnaping by banning,
Fight men were killed aud several
injured a the result of a collision uu
the Monongahsla division of the Haiti
mora A Ohio railway iu West Vir
ginia. The Northern Pacific railway has
sold all its lands iu North Dakota,
amounting to 1,400,000 acres, to a
srudicate of New York and Fastnrn
capitalists. Ksuvhe will be estab
lished. Plr Kdward Pponoe Syme. chinf sec
retary of the government of llurmsh
since 1HU0, and a member of the lngis-
Ufiva i-nimntl (it India, almt himself iu !
the head, lis is lingering betweeu
life and death.
Manuel dates, who was convicted of
murdering Captain Dreson at South
Bend, Wash., has been granted a new j
trial. This will make the third hear-1
ing in the matter. Iu the two previous
trials Otsen, an employe of Gatss was :
Terrible Holocaust At Rochester,
New York.
Terrible Disaster Threatens
French Steamer,
rntv Svn Ptnoni Ptrlihtd and Twmly
rivt Were lnuriil, Sums Fatally
-Blm Started In HoiplUL
ChWii Envoys My Not Ajm lo
Pimm' Dmundi,
Mill, Jmi, l),-Tlilitlliiriiiiiinuri'(i.
Itii'iits liltiutii'iil lurnui'li nntluii wnru
inwuitsi in l'rliica CIiIiih, 'Hwhii
iiIomb to I'rlnmi (!ilnu Hiiil Id llmij
Cliiinn say thill llixy hum riifc llimil tn
Igu, vvtm ll limy lint tMr
wlllimtt rsgmil tu tlis Istiitt unlcri iii
thii court. Otfu'ra ny Hint tlmy will
uut ilt It, xml llnil 11 would Ihi Iiii-
pullts fur (lis Chinese Hpiisut M.lllioil Kusiti, Wlh f,',v ?,,, ,i
Ins si irn to sot l..r ttnis.4ivt. . j .' "TiT
llis tnirt thai tin I'IiIiium uumt 1ms
liisiruotml tlis Chlimm envoy to uluu
til I'lllll lints ll iiollllrmsil. 'I lia I'nnrt
B, Tills rslnrrsil to llit olwutlniii ol tliiutli.
I'rlnoi CIiIiih liiliirmni!
Rochester, N, V Jan.
morning ut 1 o'clock fir hroks out Iu im vbwuvi
Kims invsterlmis uuuw in th bo. , ouur t)m Uwni k Ut, au.t a
pita sect on of U Itwilwsitr thplmu; w,,ly tim th. wirt I. umM
Asylum, In llubtisll paik, and a? lwr- hortl
v.u. . "". w vomami sun i'0un yon Ws i srars tsfi Hint
C l frty, Stisndtd Nw Mr.
cillltii Cannot Rt Rsstht d.
Mamlllei, Jm, io. A Utrllili
(tl'ir tiirHiwi ib, IMn llmi,r
Illicit, Inini Din, wliluh itiiinlml
futsidij iiiu tin tout iihi tin v,
"I Fuiainsn, during I vloluul
aiorm, witti 01) psitfiiyurt and
works lire, iu IHHti, wlisu thur wrs
81 victims.
The Haines were discovered by two onum.
young mu, w , Usrk stid v. vmitiK,
who happened to be pus-lng tlis tm
iiulltloiii em. on mini lis (Kiiinillnl ovnrlmr. llmmiMn ii.min. i ....
allli l iroiii, No eipedlltous, lie , nn lirr cciiiiyj i fmi mil
aaanrta, are ssnt uut without Slsillal ilnmn lum n iiimli vml.nln nml
Wlmro thsrs srs 'ftus uMihvs Iiiu riMny iml.i !i I.,
lilowlslifd or iII.uhU, th truoin srs th Mmih Him limi mmM tnn
llllt til It. IM. I, lu ..I .It ., I. I. i , , .
in i-iari, - '", ' " -""" .'""' hi snrnwi m, im mug ii
i . 7 . . I'"'"""" '"""ii". II" l'"'l"" '111 bluwhii ImnloM villi uu
t be nearest tt alarm bi mid iul In ,(,.,, , lf,1(1111 , , ( ,
1,:'! 'h' ..b,"....,Ur,.,r,, -Wt P-r .W Hismlvll A,r,,,J,IW,
polio puriHises, with svlua ul iiiJ (lie shores iirlbll iu
tlai neetsasrjf protection to Ufa am) rionvora to OitiiiniiinioaLn wltli tlioae oil
iruiarly. ;m Ihi ihli, wlildi , tumtiliif
lii-uvlly ii tin ishi break over liar.
REGULATIONS CHANfiFn i '" H but eaoli linn
i the line lulli slmrt
lli'si'Ailmliiil IIiimiii, mviI prafsct
rii'iiini, lias liilwinlmd to Tnu
aNoiui plicated, but he was discharged.
K annas City has a smallpox scare.
their atteiitinu toward anineliii! tlis
nurnos, attwudants ami clilldrnu. They
proceeded to batter in the door, when
a terrltlo etilol(iii was heard Iu tlis
other end of tlis building.
In a few niomnnts the entire ball ul
lbs building In which the )ii.tal wm
situated was a mass ul flames. Tlitt Dutks and Rcspomiblllllss of Offktr In Chsras ni ti
and .,,;, ind frsiitUuir.,; S ta " ' 1 M - !"U "? "I( W
beard from the psulo-.trlckeo w'l'l"tn, Jsn. .-On the two "! IraivaitHaur liiiiinMllaUly to tiw
ri.aii I I,l,l. Ilieililat loll nl Oiimli,rii,i.lir.i:.i,.,.l ,lm'
and ttrn..,e id..n,..,i o.i,. .i,. ..on..'. I.ttdliigton. ih ., ,(,. .r ),. As darkneM tnll the aiitliorltlea srert
smoke and bore out ie.ire.ol Inanimate '"sM amen.lmeui m tin lly '"'M n Ilia ihors and Ihs I
. . - : i i., .1 - .
forms iu their .run. All tlis reaued ",HU"I," rel.tlug o mlllUry Imii.. " ' ' 1 """"I "it
j were unconscious, ins.iy were dsfl, '"' "I whb'h Is more '" " " "'i wnm
! Iu the hospital were only tsu .mull cl""ry 10 H' 'IUm sml re.,n. I"'""' N mm
icblldreii and tao women stteu.lsiii.. "' prtn.-iiNl oihe.r, f''"!1 ' ' aramaii dascrll tlia puai-
I All are believed to hsv ix.rl.hed. A ,,,,s, vli., the m.ter ol the vessel alilp as ht.ieln.a. Illipni.
I telephone mewa v . to all th nA ""' quarlarmaator. U '" Hid ill on Urd
hospitals for smtitilsocee, slid a. fs.t Th qrlermsstrr list siiirrme l di, itniiililiilliiiiiiMli.
: as they arrived on tlis loeu. thev wer cll"r'i" "' '" I" P"'. ' IM,''W " 'M""1,
J. M. Cleaves, president Of the Ohio j arm haok to the hospitals. When " Ultwls the uimeme.ilsol .!, .hi,, ' 1 mm
of Sau Francisco, called on I Known that the lira was ex- " V" snowier, in eiiH'iitmii -i ...
Nash, ol Ohio, to make ar- mld t.i I ho main bulbliug s general 1 '""" ol the w.r ile.sitsient. " "" ,
i... ..... i.. . im. nturHtH i,m- ii.ii i ,.m ... .1.. , tin nm iwii ir i I iiu du
ii u"uiiii( iu uu Willi .
th u.vlgmtnu th .hip when under ,,I"'III",K lln hiiwy oldli.
.. Then the ma.tnr of the triwl u " nrar rarainan nua to onniut-
Doctor are invsdlug many large of
fices, buildings slid places where pen
pie congregate aud are vaccinating
people bv the dosn. All employes of
the street railways have been similarly
ol Holland Tvoi Win! More ol
Thirs Comlruclrd
W II...I. . .
new Kim, Jan. HI. A moilal tn
tin imrniii fioin Wus h nutun .av.
Notwlllistllllilllig ths advr rannrk
oj m miuni u ooiietructiou,
"" til mo llnlliiml (nliiriailnn
mi will iniiki i itnniir alTort to at
ti'li n rtnicn linoiit to Him navsl sp-
i'"l"i"iuiii mil'g 20 addl
llotntl Vassals ol this typ.
rrassca now n.a live siikinrlm, boaU
In aarvloa, Ktjiht y,m lu
W, mil two lnt Msy, slid tlx
tor luui oiiiia tor sight mora,
toliil ul HI), The United
Htslsi lis 0111 Iu e.miinlio.luu and
"own timlur wnstmcllua, sufllolsut, In
Hio 0ilulun o th bosrd, for axperl
ififatMl piirpfistm mrl to dsmoustratt
wlurt tbajfar valua wiU b lor war pur
Hiaia, In Ktiglati.l tin tiltnlrslty continues
looiHia siiliinurlns bouts, snd Is niak
Inn no eaporliueuts, though It is re
isirtml Hint anno iro oontsmplMted.
Hnilii Inn lined up the iwi, sub
stiHrtrisj txmt with which numerous
Mprlnionu hava biiea nisds without
sllogether iMtln'sctory rmults, Itus
li Italy ami JiipMure wstdilng th
" ol other nations Iu submarine
wla, Tin qiieatlou la being studied
l tloiniiny, whoro on host Is being
ooii.tru.tcil lor iiperlineut. The
Dolled Htatea aud Pmno srs ths only
powers which sra building submarine
boat lleeta,
llwlt'll will bo given by th senate
and Iiiiomi uaial comnilttoes lu regsrd
to His "Imreaas ol thonsvy" to be
lad at this mailnn, n, t men In
If'ixlKd In Hit llulland best will ask
olllwrs slm hava sHken Isvnrsbly of
Hi" llolland'i perlormsmaa to appesr
ls their views, Th dupert-
' ' oro tnsi ir connrMs deter-
iiihans to aiitlmrlts addltiunal aubins
'Ins Ikiiiu tu Invmitori b elvcn so
'Wrtnsliy to enter tin competition
tjniKHB conirtota,
nngement for a reception to the gov
ernor on the occstion of the launch
ing of the battleship Ohio, on the Pa
cific eoaat. The governor expects to
witness the launching.
A German expedition In the north
ern district 01 1 nua, near fe nai
Kong, encountered a force of 8,000.
After being re iu forced thev si tacked
the Chinese, detesting them aud driv
ing them out of the valley. The Her
mans lost one killed aud four wound
ed, while the Chinese loss Is estimated
at 200.
Spain and France , are having snaw
MaoAruaar r,i: "Kuriapkuna ',
iplno re beta to O . :
Twenty-seven p ,-ed in an o-phan
home Ore iu Kochi ier, N. Y.
A British detachment loet heavily
In a fight with lioor near Liudley.
Plans are on foot for annexing the
Idaho "panhandle" to Washington.
Tbe Morana, of Seattle, have been
awarded a contract lor battleship.
Tbe first municipal election was
held at Boguuis, Philippine islands.
The Thirty-seventh regiment was
reviewed at Maulla prior to its return.
Maitial law hat been porolalmed in
several more districts in Cape Colony,
Fred T. Dulwis was nominated for
senator by the luslouists at hoiku,
The Oregon so pre ins conrt has de
cided that a loan of a tavings and loan
society can be collected.
France is experimenting with sub
marine boats, rieveral roceut tests
are reported aa entirely satisfactory.
After satisfactorily filling the pre
liminary stages, Count Lamsdorl has
been definitely appointed minister ol
foreigu affair for Kusala.
Theodore Colwell, employed at the
Tacoma melter, wa terribly burned
about the face, hands, arms and neck,
by falling into a pot of bolliug slag
while at work. Although badly
burned it ia thought be will recover.
P.epresentative Kabn, of Calilornia,
has introduced a bill continuing tu
force for 20 years after May 6, 11)02, a
laws prohibiting and regulating the
coming of C'hinei-e persons and periom.
of Chinese descent into the united
During tbe absentia of William Chi-
dester, of Marietta, O., ihoinas,
9-year old aon, shot aud killed
sister, age. I 14.
He apparently
alarm was scut In, islliuu nut ths en
tire department. Dm lh nut fought
from every available ixilut. but the
No reason is knowu
does not realize the
enormity of his crime, and fought for
the posse'iion of the gun when a nnlgh
bor arrived. The paronts are pros
trated, and the mother may die.
Silk manufacturers of New Jersey are
endeavoring to have a bill parsed by
congress reqniriug a label on "dyna
mited" or weighted silks, liy the pro
cess ot weighting lnierior goons are
made as beavv as first clans goods and
bill of thii nature wonld protect
those manufacturers who una pure dyes
and also the purchaser, who would be
able to tell what was being bought.
Five hundred motur carriages per
year is the average output of a Paris
firm for tbe paat five years.
The Esikmos of Alaska make water
proof boots and shirts of the skin ol
the salmon.
In the Boston high sohools the girls
outnumber the boyrj by 1,000 or so, but
in the primary and grammar schools
the hoys outnumber the girls by nearly
A twentieth of Scotland' area 11
forest laud, seven-tenths Is mountain,
heath and lake, and only oue-quartor
cultivated land.
Edison is very fond of children. He
(Vllghts to show them the wonders of
bia workshops, and to mystify them
with his magic To them he ia the
real wizard ha ia so often called.
A competent referee ha
.',., UUt 1110 T ' ' " " 1 , . , II 1 .1 H.
building were doomed. Most of tlis i ,uPr"n oiuniuand, snd la ths only "'" " 11 I'UlilM md
ruinate knew
until sroueed
though one woman ttatu.1 that the
heard su explosion befurs site tmellud
The scenes about the building wlills
the lire was at its height were heart
reudiug lu ilia extreme, ( used wo
men were rnuulug sbuui trying tu iiud
out whether certaiu little oun bad
been taksu Irmu lbs building lu Mis
ty, while others wore looking for their
frleuds. All who were I mooed had
nulling sbout ttset Ursa , Pn to Rtiav order, to hie '' " ' ' ' l"i'
iv Young sml Clark ;auiMsnusaaiaa. This liaa lieeu Use gen- """"" 1 111 W w
. t II ! Illl in IiiiIliiu. l a Ia A I.I ...... -L
ri .yiisiu 01 operalleK ote " , " " '"""I"ini
sy.tem fot inoiiiht isst, but tr "" M,M allt'l th dooiiiml
tseinato liuva b.n ...m. 1... , Vruel Ii auruuild,
stuuding sa to ihe r-il.tivs suihorltr nl' Tho i'a.aln ol Ihalliikla ta one ol
thsiiitarteriust.c .ml il,. .i,i'. om si the mil ol Marseille.
Or sl ses, and iha uew ngulHtloii ' rorssa lo OrD lot
were i.ausil to prevent the wi..i,in. Vtn
01 sny Dinner rtuiiiil on Ihe matter by
th perwua dlrettlr 00u.etn.1d
...Liu uu uut tiimr Uigi..
Polioemen, cttUent and flreme
iu the work of reacua,
Four little chlblreu bad been forgot
ten 00 tbe fonrth flisir, until a woman
screamed out that tbey lied been led
bcbliid. Instantly a il.u vnluntnnre
starttl lor th stulrway,' Two were
allowed to go to th rescue, and in s
moment it seemed sgos they re
turned with the bsbti iu their anna,
A cheer went up Irmu ths crowd,
which was huahmt ss tliecbll 'rvo were
Sfen to be uucouaoluns, They wer
removed to tbe bouse ol a neighbor
acroe the street.
Miss Comelieux, one of th attend
ants, was resuced from a third story
window by a fireman. Wheu part
way clown the ladder ths llr.uunii slip
ped and full to tho grouud. Until were
terribly Injured, thuugh they will re
cover. There were 109 children in ths asy
lum ut the time, and a corps of about
80 numes aud attendants, Klxtnen ol
tbe dead are at tbe city morgue, sev
eral are at tho ho.pitala and aom wer
left at tba home of Mr, Helm. The
Injured cniisint clilully of children who
weie more or lues overenms by amoks.
It is lmpoanihle to get the unmet of the
injured at this time.
The hospital building was entirely
doetroyed, and tbe uinlii building dam
aged, entailing a total Inns ol about
$;IO,()t)0, The building wore boated
by steam, and tho fire win caused by
the exploeion of au engine bollor.
Orders for Chinese Troops,
Shanghai, Jan. 0. It ia reported
from 81 nun Fu that the emprots dow
ager has ordered (icnorul Feng Tee
Teal, commander of tbe province ol Fu
Yuu Nan, to proceed with lilt army tu
the Yaiigtsa valley, aud (mm that
section to inovo northward, Ills force
is said to contiHt of 15,000 men, armud
with modern weapons.
Northwest Pensions,
Washington, Jan. B. The follow
ing Northwest pensions have been
granted: Oregon Original widow's,
Mary K. liurnsldo, Hellwood, liS;
Washington Original, Kii(joiie 11,
Wood. Westport, IdahoOriginal,
liazon Squire, LewitiMn, $12.
Biscuit Factory Burned.
Galventon, Tex., Jan, 0. The fial
veslon factory of the National Iliaouit
Company and a grain elevator belong
ing to the JorekuHoh-DaviHou Company
were burned tonight. The lots is
Norton Gets Ilia Traveling Papera,
Washington, Jan. 0. TI10 Turkish
government hus furnished Dr, Tlinmaa
Nortou, who was appointed United
States onriHul at Iliirpont, what are
known as traveling papnrs, conttltut
ing a safe conduct to enable the doctor
to proceed to his post. There Is rea
son to beliovo that this action lorocatts
a coiripliaiioe by the Turkish govern
tnniit with the roquoHt of the state de
partment for a regular exequatur for
Dr. Norton,
Colombis snd Venezuela May Fight.
Kingston, Jan. 0. Lottors received
here from Panama say the relation
between Colombia and Venezuela are
much strained in cousequenoe of the
hitter's connivance with and the as
sistance being given to the revolution
ists In the former couutry, The activ
ity of the rebels, it is added, onlv re-
reported strain Colombia from taking warlike
that the services of a New York lawyer measures against Venezuela, and even
in a case for which the disciple ol now Colombian troont are beintr moved
Blackttone put in a bill for $17,000, j to the border. The rebels are tti 11 re
were actually worth no mora than oeiving large Bawdies of arms and
f 300. ammunition through Venezuela,
Ths Shsmua Sllihlly Dimited (HI Us CmiI
Hun Fratifleco, Jan, 10. The Dolt'
Herm of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
The Traaiporl Ini.lli Estouetan filth Wind
and Hitvy Stti.
" York, Jan. lo.-Ths United
Malta Irau.nirt IiilmiII. 1,... u
. . t"iti c?aw
", 1'urtu Hlco, Deosmlier 27, and
"'im, January 1, retched this port
,fi slier tempemuoue voysg.
Hr it) boors tin WM imrfetwi
; enonii.m test, stirred by high
ldi llrsl Iron, in, nrlb ,u,i Mler
' the oo,het.t snd osat. Doors
! fiMt lltjhlsj m inisahod, ladders
w.r broken tndtht lirit wst dsm
'd. Tho htuibeloerlng user was
arne,l away au I the mwd snd diu-
IU SlIlUlll fen,. S.U.J..J .1. .
' '"""i ins iiirniture i
A Brief Review of th Growth sad Improve
ntenta of ths Many Industries Through
Old Our Thrlvlnl Commonwulth.
Grants Pss 1 oonslderlug (dan for
nutter lire protection,
Hi burns postollloa ha received a
number of couibluatlou boxes.
Ths new depot at La (irsnde is
ready to be painted and furnished
Muety Da 11 os hava made their
homes west of Kngene alnoa last lull
Leonard Llngron lost three fingers at
Mineral last week in a shot guu acci
dent. '
Construction of the new hospital at
faker City will begin In the early
Colonel J, T. Grarson has bought the
Lust Cliauct uilue, iu Cable Cove, lor
Two carlosdi of 1 lining machinery
for th Cornucopia mine ha arrived
at Haksr City,
Uiilnc Davis, who wa seriously in
jured recently at the Coo Uay Jetty,
Is re ovoring,
J. P. Abbott a farmer of Wasco
county hss llnlabod the most up-to-date
resldeuct In the county.
Plsutsr being drawn for a uumbci
of modern n aldeuces at liakor City to
be erected iu the spring.
Ths discovery of two new veins of
copper at the C.reenback mine, (nave
crook dl.trlot, is announced,
Th Illton n mud ol mines near
Qnartihuig, (iraut county, has been
sold to a Calilornia syndicate.
Cashier la Misting.
,.wiiiulm, HL
,;.twell, Jr., tih'W'.Sf
County bsuk, lorn been iiililiin since
Mmnlsy last, snd the t.iie bank ei.tii-e.1 Mates fliiiiiun m
luer Is Koing over tlis Imnka, Wlirtlior ; caught till tjpliwll oil the coast ot
there la s thortsgs lu ShoisnH't so.: Jnn uu Doceuilwr IH, The wave
count, be know 11 until ihe .1.: hoik. i liljli lint tin linrrlcane deck
sinluer hat lliilshed hit work. A. M .; w aa flooded, One ol llie it lllrbata
Fowler, proshleiil ol the hsnk, ssld! wua isiaalttHl luti kttiilllngwuod and an-1
Hint the stockholder had iiilwIM "tli'T had to la out adrift. All the
$'.'1,000 "10 cover any shortage thii! amdimo on llio port elila wen ilota
mllihtbs found," He nnlt-.r. to In, ami Ibenxilol Hie talilnsai laken
know nothing ol tbe mi.mug ca.l.lor's ldily ami pllsl up imiid ilia
wliereiilmuit. aaisokoalack. Tin aaili ol the slate- Fowler duclarcd that anr Moms were atovu lu and tonaof water
thortsk'O found would have uo eflert ismied In slid shnoat IIIIihI the rouini,
on the .tumllng of Ihe hank,
wna opened today sa unnal. Nhottll
wm shout 115 years ol t.tud Imd
been In the employ ol the hunk Im
ativorid years. The lliiy County hank
ia one ol the oldmt lu the .title, Ii
hits s capital ol $50,000, and depualtn
I'liwt lirlnads wta organised snd
Knrbd stdsilll; tudllni out the wster.
nl the barrels lu ths hold broke
ssay Imm their Itsteninitt, spilling
tlitdr compute tnd ohoklug the bilge
'"'I1! op 10 thai the pumpa could not
J, It Duff wm hurled with great vlo
Icire ainilnsl 1 rluilr, niiulnlii a frao
bus ol tines rlln, and svma ol Ihe
lioiiiia ol Ilia tllit ImnJ, htilile eereia
Cai'tuin Onint, on the liild(e, see
Hearty welcome lo President DIil
1'uelils, Met., Jan, 0,-l'ri.iliuit
Diss has been wcloomed here with
reiusikiililo dl.pliiy ol popular eiiihual-
s Covernnr Martlnea today ee-
toiuled s welcome on the purt ol the
late nl I'minls, snd rmilileiit Dim
loriuiilly opened the new eclinuls sml
p.'nul law courtt, A eardeu iuriy was
given in hit lioimr this evening, snd
no ouy council iiHiiiuetii.ii the pn-e
dent suit a dlbtiiiguliiliuil party
Brown Foj In London,
London, Jan. O.-A choking brown
log enveloped Loudon lor tevorsl hours
this morning, ciuiflng grout luoou
vonleiice. There were nuiiiy cnlllalima
lu the streets and several oimunltloa,
TI10HH11111I1 ol outdoor workers were
compelled to aunpeud their liilmrs, the
railroads expeibmoed delay lu twin
arrivals, snd river tntlllo was com
plutoly stopped.
y lliu typhoon, which ihe
ottlrert ol tho Sliiiruinii ileolin waa Ihe
woitt tliey aver eiittliiucod,
Inventory sol tnmllil,
Waelilimtmi, Jan. 10.- The annrome w-
Contemplate Moving lo America,
Ft. Petersburg, Jan. 9. Tho Molo
kanen, a loot uumhorltig 40,000, win in
luundera romoved lu IH40 from vnrlous
porta ol IIuhhIii tu tho Cniiwos, nml
whose dolegiitoa Imvii just brought
glowing reporlt train tho Dnukholiom,
or Huttiiiu CJuakors, in Cumids, con
teinplutoonilgriitlngto America. The
soot nooured stiito Isnds from the Cmi
chhui almost rout l-ee, but recently
tho IUisbIiiii govoriimei't niiiioniicoil
that tho rents would ho three or four
fold. Now they nro petitioning the
government to mature former milcmii
Colorado Strikers' Demands Granted,
La Fayette, Colo,, Jsn, 0, The
Northern Coal Com puny la the on
large company owning mliiet In this
diHtrlot tlmt has not hh yet grin tod
the extra 10 cents per ton demanded
by the men who struck Bovernl days
ago, All the other conipmilea today
pouted notlcoH conceding the denmnds
of the strikers, hut no action tins yet
iiotm tuKon on mo notices nml 110 meet
injj hua boon culled by tho minora,
No Orders to Minister at Caracas.
Wiudilngton, Jan. O.-It 1b suld
the estate department ollliiiiils tlmt 110
ordort Jie.vo boon sent to Mlulator
Loomls ut CHracan, oonteinphitliig the
nseofUuited dtutot niorlues In the
existing difficulties over tho rlvul
asphalt , oompnny coiiceriis, The de
partment la uniting a cnroful inquiry
Into the controversy, and If the results
warrant inch notion representations on
tlis;iuhjoctwlll be made to the Vena
luelau govoinment with a view to se
curing an immediate settlement ot the
court deiiiluil the cm ol the Liver,
pool & London (ilota liiinrancit'oin.
pany va, Ki'iirimy & Wysn, Involving
the vallilliy of a clause In a lire Insur
anco pollcjr reipdilng the inureil to
keep an Inventory ol hli eAecta In 1
lire pruol uompartiiieut, aud holding
Ihe pulley veld 11 this sere not dime,
Kearney It Wyso won hardware deal
era lu Arilinere, 1, I and lost thclt
Inveutcry Tlia circuit court ol email
lot tho Miilitn circuit ilecMod that
this oi'ciirrunco dlil uut Invalidate tlia
Icy, and tin aiiiieinecoutlalllniied
this opinion,
Fatal Tenement Mouse fin.
New York, Jim, IU, Four llvei
wore loit in 1 (lro In the hve-ilury!
Iii'lck leiiemont liiiuao at IIM tat Duo
Hundred nml Thirteenth atioot, oucu-
pled by 1 tu I luiis, loulght, Tin vic
tims ' hI1 holonnwl to one tally, tin
51 urn, 'limy lived ou tho nith lloor
ami tho hoilloa wuro lonnd liy llreiiwn
after the lliunoa had In en uxtliigulihtd,
They had lierni iiirfncnlod,'
Oil Tank Exploded,
Ryrnmiao, Iiid,, Jn, 10. Thai n
ploalou ol 1111 oil tank yoitmliiy itartod
11 lihiio whloli dutroyoil iiiuuh ol Ihi
lesineai portion ol tlio city , . Lon,
The Medlord bank presented to its
ou. tenners and friends iu Jackson coun
ty, 700 buaktklu money ponohtus.
The men who carried out the dead
Chinaman that suooumbed near Can
uon beach received $50 for the work.
A portion of Pete Peterson '1 dike, ou
Ilayue sloogh, Coos county, washed
out. The damage 1 estimated at
Coustsnce Duffy is held in 100
bond, to await th neit term of court
for having aseaulted John Tolon at
The mad from Miami bridtre tc
helug broken or ruined, Ths tibial Osribaldi Is obstrncted with drill logs,
siariinani on l( gp, juk lf aud it is possible to get by them only
lr wrackarl. - at low tld. ; , , ,
. Ur lio'.uiutUvsv, JimrTstriuitt ,M.-ir-g Ju. .. -1
Ths iuiiiia gut out of order snd re- j was abut la th linger and the other in
Inieil to wetk lu tlis .li.r hnM a ' .1.. I.rh,
Paul ltonco killed a cougar neat
Paid Mountain, Polk county, for
which hs reoeived $30 bounty from ths
Llve.tock Aaeooiation.
Joe Petors, aobut 00 years old, who
lived about three mile south of Lo
tine, Wullow county, wa found dead
near bis cabin several day ago.
Tom MoEwen states that a three
foot body ol ore averaging f.M hut
been encountered iu the sbalt of the
Suow oreek property at a depth of 6f
Dan Yager, who has a group ol
pronging claims at old Center, about
sil miles from Sumptc-r, on the Uran
ite road, bsa gouo to Moutaua to buy
mining equipment,
The Granite Hill mine located in
Louse Creek district, and owned by
Messrs. Hull, Mougniu aud Itooth, is
being operated on full time, with pros
pects of a good run.
Mrs. Captain Geary of Corvallb
made a compn.mise with the insurance
oompnny lu which her huabiiiHl wa.
insured, accepting $3,000 iu lieu ol
the claim of $5,000.
In a drunken brawl an old man
Dinned Aldrich stabbed Henry Ziim
wait severely aevoial times iu the back
snd shouldeis. The wounds aie uoi
considered dangerous.
A barn belonging to John Keith, ol
the Lewis nud Clark river, Clatsop
comity, was blown over recently
Four head of stock were burled in the
rutus hut nouo were injured.
Sidewalks nearly two miles long
leading to the church are contemplated
at St. Louis. For this and other im
provements on tho church properly the
parish expects to use about 100,000 feel
of lumber.
A new ooal mining town, three milea
aouthoaet ol Wilkesou, by the name of
Another Rochester Fire, llillsboro, hua been platted by Andre
lUicheeter, N, Y Jan, 10. The nl- 11111 BUtl J0"Bl,n fluKVl''er- lm
Mi building ol tho Kasbnan kodak, PlHt contain! m acres, a logging roao
works wai destroyed by lira today. ! rrom wimeson runs near toe new
Two llrumoti, Edward Murphy aiid j towuslte.
(lwr(i F, Long, were killed by the The Crowell ranch of 800 acres, ncai
luiMi ol tho burning chemicals, snd Jacksonville, Inn been sold to O. J
ono other, Ueurgo Klttllugor, wai so j Kulps, of Grants Pass, lor $8,000. it
wlonaly Injured he probably will die. 1 consists ol 20 acres In apples, 80 acres
In prunes, 10 acres in nlfnlia, and 80
aorea in new sown whoat. The pur
chasers are recently 'roin Iown.
Compellior Purthaied.
Medlord, Or,, Jtn. 10. Tha Rogns
River vallay telephone today patted
Into tlia control o tha Kunsot Tele
phone 4 Telegrsph Company. All the
tleilniuai on the lormar line wer to
ilay taken out liy the latter snd hmkVn
) with the at. Tho Kogue Klver
valley lint cisiueoted th towns of
droit1. I'... u.,11,,,4 ..
knocked down, h 1 11 IJered iw Itijiiry, ,u, ,
(Ineol l,. 4llgl,.s, held by nil. p:iyN m,lnm fof ktoM"
.ups,rt.,waa tbnu wm t he deck m, ,, w ,ltloul)tv(sIv 'JL
wtti. groat orce, inner uiiooi ,ia ,0 hmi , ;
sua done by llm typhoon, which the ii,,.. -r. ..... : ' ;
......... ,.v, ji.iii uunu uuw. 1111
will lens tlia towna ol Woodvlll snd
l'l(le Folut without my telephone
I'lmtiNtliin, It Is understood tlmt the
lino from Hock I'olut to (irsnt'i Pass
not be torn down, there being no
forAldiloNsvljallon in Alaska.
WmIiIiiuIiiu, Jau. 10. It Is ths sell
er! understanding that the delegatmna
irein Ilia three coast atiftei will unite
In an effort to aneiiro id appropriation
and fog algnnl atatloni along the Alaa-
kan coast, at polnta which have proven
tlauiioat ilangoMiii obstacle to usvi-
gatleu, Bonntor 1'erklns, this aesainn.
ai In Hie past, Ii 1 prime mnvor In
inattora pertaining to navigation lu
Alaska, snd he baa Introduced a hill
making ancli an appropriation. This
Is 1 timanre which la to be taken up
ami pushed by the conct senators snd
representative!, Tho) will set nnlted-.
lv on this aalijeot, aud will follow the
load ol tba California senator.
The Are itmteil by tho coutaet ol ea
cniilng nitrate acid with the wooden
Rutin, Mailt,, Jan, 10, A masked
man entered tho (Jheiiiiiiieou roitiiu
runt early thii morning, anil, backed
by 11 big revolver, prooeeilod logo
through the cash reglator, Out ol the
w.iltera, piiniltig from a private room,
threw it angnr bowl at tho robber, It
nilssod him nud iniaihod theilnnln
tho cigar cine, The robber ihotonoi
nud dlsappuarod, having obtained only
uhout if I'll iu silver aud overlooking In
nit iiiisto aeverai imiidiediuiillli,
Salt of a Mexican Mine,
- St, Louli, Jim, 10. A apodal from
Oaxiion, Men., aayai The fan
gold mine, iltiiatod near Oaotlan, itate
of. Onxiioa, lias just been told to a
Now York syndicate lor 1U0,
J, Blunt FuHaett la anld to be ono ol the
important Wltntu Disappears. jhn Colter. alias "Soottv." hue
Now York, Jan, 10. Thomas J. ' boon held in $1,000 bonds to answer at
Mhinock, the newspaper mun who the next torin of omirt on the charge of
made the original charges, against robbing Thomas L, Kd wards, of Mil
NoriM Davis, Dean aud Moterslmll, of ton, of $100. Colter snatched a purse
u hospital, whloli led to their from Edwards at peunioton.
U,. ImM U .... ...I... .1 ....
...uik m.u, w nunu tue nuuuii ui 1118 iri, t!n,.rt unA Snnrta.nrsnn miaou
itiry on tho olmrge ol having : M , Kaaarn nrnn i,va ,, i,ltn
lunrderod patlout, Inn dlinppeiired, I D, tha i10niiB1Iiell ,or the
mail contraots, The reason given was
that the contract was taken at too low
a rate, and running expenses could
not ho made,
I all efforts ol (he authorities to
U,Ho him have beon futile It Is said
that Mhmoek bought a ticket for
Southern Callforuli, Friday laat, ,
Car Shops Burned,
Princeton, Iml Jan. 10, The oar
building department ol the Southern
rlilllwny ihopi wai burned today.
Lobs, $50,000.
Arksnisi Bnk FinU
Paragodld, Ark,, Jan, 10, Tho
Qreeue Connly Bank oloied Ihdoori
today, Xo ititoment has been Iwued
sad no oaufi li assigned,
fiev. Leopold Dellman, pastor of St.
Marv's Catholic church, of Astoria,
fell while walking on the street last
evening and sustained a severe fracture
of the right arm below tbe elbow.
Hi right hip was also badly bruised,
but he waa not dangerously injured.
James Esllnger and Henry Lawrence,
have unoovered a 20-foot ledge on the
Brown Bear, an extension of the In
diana, on the enat fork of Dixie oreek,
The ore contains ohal
Olhtr Poweri Have Say About Cyprus,
Bt, Fotoralmri, Jan, 10,-Dlsouaslng
th project ol an exchange of Gorman
Hint Mien for Cyprus, the Novoe 1
Vremyii iiwt: "Uudei existing treaties, 1
tho other powers must be consulted Grant oountv.
about Cyprus, aud Hul lo, will never oonvrites. horseflesh and neaoock ooo-
coniont to Germany scouring i foothold per, and samples as high as $60 in gold
tnd oopper,
lu tho bit Enat."
Cenildcrablc Movement In Iron and
Wheat Market Batter.
Dradstreet ay: Trada baa bvn
quiet in all linos, luteraat ImjIiik con
centrate'l largely lu atock-takiug al
coulemplatioo of ISsOO reaulttt. Cere
al and provision faava advanced tbia
week, while stock Lava decliuod, but
tha upward iriovemeutf Iih Loeu owe of
thosa familiar of lata, a abort ssellirtg
with ansall fluctuation, limited boar
ish desire to bAg profit. Failure
show the usual larga crop of email dia
astrs, a feature of tha turn of tbe year,
but tha result for 1000 aa a whole ara
not all discouraging.
Cotton 1 rather rju let an.! unchanged
on tha week, whila cotton good ara
without much movsmeut except to
slightly weaker quotation for gray
cloth at Bostoa.
Wool Is dull and rather easy. Out
side of tha United State, however, tha
situation i a stromr one. .Manufac
turer will only buy against order and
except in plain dreaa woolen nothing
special is doing.
Lumber is rather qniet, but it i to
he noted that white pine stock are
slightly smaller than laat year. War
Is reported broken in robber goods and .
quotation have certainly been cot,
Sugar prlcea are also lower.
The feature of the week in iron and
steel ha been tba large aale of steel
rail reported from Chicago, 25,000
tons being reported sold in one lot.
13esxewer iron producer have re
duced wage 15 per cent. Export trade
la still quiet.
Wheat (including floor) shipments
for th week aggregate 8,014,301 bush
els, against 8,668,165 last week.
lioslneaa failure for (he week Dum
ber 266 in the United States, against
113 last week.
Seattle Market.
Onion, new yellow, 2 (3. 2 He.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potato, new. $18.
lieeu, per sack, 85c (3 $1.
Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
' Rquaah U4C.
Carrot, per sack, 60c
Parenips, per aack, $1.00(31.25.
Celery 6O0 do.
Cabbage, native and California,
Ho per pounds.
butter Creamery, 8O0; dairy, 18
?2c; ranch, 16c 18o pound.
Cheese 14c.
Kggs Ranch, 29c; Eastern 25c.
Poultry 12c; dreeeed, 14c; spring,
l8Ol8.Se turkey. 18c.
Hay Paget Sound timothy, $14.00;
choice Eastern Washington tiuuothy,
Com Whole, $34.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25."
Barley Itolled or "ground, per ton,
blended VttalintaT $3.8of California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour. $6.00; gra
bs ui, per barrel, $3.35; whole wheat
flour, $3.26; rye flour, $3.60(34.00.
Millatuffa Bran, per ton. $14.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Freak Meat Choice dressed beef
iteera, price 7)c; cow, 7c; mutton
74; pork, 74'c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 11 (3
llama Large, 11 ?c; email, 11;
breakfast bacon, 13?c; dry aalt sides,
68c per
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla.
Valley, aominal; Blueatem,
Flour Beat grade, $3.40; graham.
Oat Choice white, 43o; choice
gray, 4 10 per Dusnei.
barley reed barley, 915.60 brew
ing, $16.50 per ton.
Millstuffa Bran, $15.50 ton; mid
dlings, $21; short, $17; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy,$12(i 12.60; clover,$7
uj 9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60 65c;
store, 82, Sc.
F.ggs 27 So per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 .Sc;
Voting America, 14o; new cheaee 10c
por pound.
Poultry Chicken, mixed, $3.60
3.50 per docen; hens, $4.60; springs,
$2.00(93.60; geese, $6.00 9.00 doz;
ducks, $4.00(36.00 per doxen; turkeys.
live, 12o per pound.
Potatoes 50(3500 per sack; eweete,
1 So per pouna.
Vegetables Beeta, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garllo, 7o per pound; cab
bago, ISo per pound; parsnips, 85c;
ouiona, $1.76; carrots, 75o.
Hops New crop, 18(3 14o per
Wool Valley, 13U4o per pound;
F,astern Oregon, 10(3 12c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8 .So; dressed mutton, 6 a
7o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.75;
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,
$5.00(96.35 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.604.00;
cows, $3.0033.50; dressed beef, 6
To per pound. ,-
Veal Large, 8S'7o; email, 8j&
8. So per pound.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll13o pet
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1517o; Northern, 910o'.
Hops Crop, 1900, 18 Jl5a'o.
Butter Fancy creamery 26o;
do seconds, 22o; fancy dairy, SO
do seconds, 18o per pound.
Eggs Store, 25o; fancy ranch,
Millstuffa Middlings, $16.50
19.50; bran, $14.00(314.60.
Hay AVheat $918; wheat and
oat $9.00(313.60; beat barley $9.60
alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw,
8647tjo per bale.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,60o$l;
Sallniu BurbanlcB, 85o(g!$1.15; river
Buibanka, 8065o; sweets, 85 85c.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$3.75(38.26; Mexican limes, $4. OOO
6.00; California lemons 75o$1.50;
do oholce $1.752.00 per box.
Tropical Fruita Bananas, $1.60(3
1.60 per bnnoh; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 6Q6)o per
t "