The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 28, 1900, Image 2

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JOS. Ai C. BRANT, Editor ind PrnprMinN
mTlt-U'ttlJTlON HAT KM,
rwlT month
Tbrw moutlnu... -..
Most people refuse to got excited
over the announced discovery of a
new couuterfet hundred dollar bill
If it were a countofeit one dollar
Jdl now, things would be different.
KK f.t tlmt th
United States is rapidly displacing
Great Britian as arbiter of the
world's trade. England's imports
now largely exceed her exerts in
both quantity and value. Unless
she can reverse this, her decline
and fall are meviianio, tier grvnv
.... S S.I . I. I
ness in the past having rested entire
ly on her ability to manufacture
for the rest of the world. .
ft ft
Secretary Wilson of tho Agri
cultural department announces
that frown Alaska will in all prob
ability produce more wheal at
non.e time not very far distant thnu
the two Pakotas have ever done
We may yet see an immense popu
lation living up there.
ft ft : '
It is at least wot thy of attention
oi-the British to note that the an
nouncement that the gold mine
must pay the cost of the war was
followed bv a renewal of hostilities
in South Africa., The gold mine
owners may prefer Boer rule after
. v ft ft ft
Waldersee took a seven room
house to China with him, but he
left the Ten Command ments bold rid
considering them as nearly uselei
rubbish in the times-of war.
ft ft ft
The missionaries and nativ
Christians in China are now said
to have "indemnified" themselves by
joining the looting Ohl tempora
Oh! mores!
' - . ft
Agulnaldo has decreased in tin
portance somehow Bince the censor
Bhip was removed and the country
allowed to learn the true situation
in the Philippines. It is impowdh
to understand why the J'residen
was anxious for so lone to keep the
occurrences out there from becom
ing known on this side of the ocean
ft ft ft
Americans offer locomotives for
service in India at $0300 each to
be delivered in six months, ine
British bid is $7720; time required
nine months.. As a matter
" course tne contract conies to' this
ft ft ft
The amended llay-Pauncefott
treaty allows the United States to
use its forces fordefense' along the
Nicaragua Canal, and that covers
all contingencies.
ft ft ft
It is at Gibraltei". Malta and on
the high seas that England defends
the Suez CanaM. The planting of
forts along the work would be
child's play.
ft ft ft
Beyond any question the Ameri
can people will defend any canal
they undertake to build and the
fact might as well be embodied in
a treaty touching tho enterprise,
ft ft ft
Score one for Independence grit!
At the opening of bids last Satur
day for bonds to theaiuountof $13,
000 with which to refund the debt
of School District No, 20, of this
city, the Independence National
Bank was far and away the best
bidder, offering a premium of $021
IOr lilt! 1UI. I lie uuuus nit; ij tun
twenty years, with the privilege of
redemption after ten years, and
draw five per cent. The money
that will be paid in interest charges
will not have to be sent out of the
state as would be the case if a
foreign institution had been suc
cessful therefore our people Bhould
be proud of the fact that we have
out when we need help. The fol-
lowing is a list of the bidders and
bids: Morris & Whitehead, Portland,
a premium of $202.25; E. E. Ap
person, McMinnville, $455; llu
dolph, Klebolt & Co., Cincinnati,
$526; II. Hirschberg, Independence,
The Bhip subsidy bill has been
. practicilly killed for this session,
at least. Whether- the principle
is right or wrong, the impression
is very general that the pending
bill was drawn by, with and for the
advantage of, a single line and that
it should be scotched if not killed,
ft ft ft
It is incomprehensible that the
British seem unable to understand
that under our system, the senate
is of equal power with the execu
tive in making treaties. It is only
kings and emperors who can bind
their countries in foreign affairs
without any regard for the people.
W V w
It had been repeatedly started
that when the British pressed them
too closely at home the Boer? would
"trek" to other quarters but it was
Bcarcely on their en-miys' program
to have them head for Cape Town.
Our Re riving Mcrclmnt Marine.
The opening remark of Mr.
Clement A. GrtHCom, President of
tho Society ol Naval Architect
and Marine Engineer,
at the
annual meeting of that body In this
city the other day, and the annual
report of Mr. Eugene T. Cnambor-
ain, commissioner of navigation,
make it char that this country is
on the verge of an enormous devel
nement In .shipbuilding promises
to bo one of our distinctively na
tional industries. Mr. Chamber'
.. . . 4
ain pointed out that the current
ar "will record much the largest
mount of steel shipbuilding in our
history " dtotu presented tigures
showing the rank of this country
iii the wean carrying industry of
the world and indications are of
the reappearance of the American
tlag upon the hijih seas m the ex
tension of trade, Japan, the newest
of the civilized nations, has passed
us in tho tonnage of steam vowels
engaged in tho world's commerce.
Mr. Chamberlain makes an
elaborate argument for tho passage
of a Shipping Subsidy law. Ho cal
culates that in five years this eoun
try would be carrying its own com
merce on the seas. He thinks that
n the first yeaf of the operation of
such a law the cot would be f I,
tOO.OOO and that the maximum an
nual cost of 10,000,000 would prol;
ably lie 'reached in UHM, after which
there would be a decrease iu the
sum to be paid out.
Whenever this matter of sub
sidies to revive tlie shipping Indus
tur of the United States is mention
ed in a way to command genera'
attention some ono usually arise
1i point out tne true soiuuon is 10
be found in a policy of free ships
that is, tho policy of giving Amer,
ioan registry and its national pnv
ileges to ships made and purchased
in other countries. Advocates of
that policy point to Oreat Britian
and her commanding position in
the ocean carrying trade.
If tho United States, by the
nature of events, were compelled to
be ome distinctively a maritime
nation or see its people starv
through the absolute prostration ol
their industries, and if in addition
the United States, through great
international movements, involv
ing a vast civil war within tl
borders of our greatest rival, Bhoul
secure practically a monopoly
the shipbuilding industry, building
not ouly their own vessels but also
those nearly every other nation
this country too might well favor a
iuplicv of.lrce shis." Every naiion
that thi8T country could induce to
believe in that doctrine would mean
so much more gain for itself. It
would build the ships of other
Those who believe that a policy
of free ships would restore our flag
to the seas in ocean carrying trade
ignor the fact that it costs far more
to operate a ship under the Ameri
can flag than under the flag of any
other nation. Mr. Chamberlain
points out not only that a Bhip
cotting $275,000 in tho United
States may be built in Great
Britian for $214,000 but that the
monthly wages on the American
vessel are as $1,200 to $000 on the
British ship. There lies the chief
justification of the Shipping Sub
gidy bill. It jsrecinely similar
to tho underlying principle of the
protective f arriff; that is tho neod
of developing American industries
and of securing for American work
men a reasonable prospect of
higher wages than are paid in
other countries.
American citizens who desire to
engago in the ocean carrying trade
may do so if they wish by operat
ing vessels under foreign flags.
Some American money is already
invested in this way, as a com
mercial enterprise. The object is
simply money making. But the
desire. for the restoration of the
Ameican flag to the high .seas
rests on a deeper sentiment and has
more powerful influences behind it
than mere money making. A pro
found national sentiment is in
volved. The commercial indepen
pence of a nation is not complete
until it does itsown ocean carrying.
Tjhe retention at home, for invest
ment and development here, ofthe
vasl sum, amounting in the case of
the United States to hundreds of
millions of dollars a year, paid to
other nations for carrying our com
merce, makes a powerful business
argument for a Shipping Subsidy
bill; but stronger even than that
is the great national argument that
no nation occupy a place ofsuprom-
acy or of equality with others until
it builds and does not buy its own
ships. Even if it could operate
ships bought abroad as cheaply as
other nations operate them, the
policy of free Bhips would still be
inadvisable. Our shipyards in such
a case would become simply -re
pairing stations. Our vessels would
be purchased abroad and the aged
cast-offs of a foreign made merchant
marine would be our lot. Thore
would be lost to the world the de
velopement of American ingenuity
in a great industry. The host of
klndred industries Involved In ship
building would suffer incalculably.
This question of tho passage of a
Shipping Subsidy bill is not a ques-
on whether the country shall
undertake the task of incrcaing the
business of a few shipbuilders and
making them rich.1 It is not a ques-
on ofahenefiting theseacost at the
expense of the rest of the country
and of adding to tho wealth and
business of a few seaports. It is a
question of developing trade that is
f the most far-reaching conso'
quonces. 1 his matter reaenoa deep
into the Interior and affects direct
y tho farmer thousands of miles in'
and and Workingmun in every part
of tho country. A htuadred Indus
tries are concerned in various ways.
icre is a vital relation twtwecn
tho farmer of tho Central West, the
iron ore miner of the north,' the
umberman 'Worth and South and
restoration of the American Hag to
the commerce of the ocean. ; ,
The hand of duttinv ixjints to'
ward tho sea. Let the flag ; go up
not on ships bought and brought
rom other .countries but ' on ships
made here- front truck to keelson.
Let thahammot s ring and lot every
. .. i i : ..!.. .i...
rivei unveii , uinnu yri-un ; w
allacy of the free ship policy and
make stanch and tight , the truer
policy of the ' restoration of our
merchant marine by wise and
prompt legislation.?. Y. Sun.
The commissioner of tho general
land ollico held that a person who
has resided upon land prior to tho
location of railroad scrip thereon,
and has continued to live upon and
improve tho land until such is sur
veyed, will have his claim recog
ntoed when he goes to the land
otllce and makes affidavit showing
settlement. His filing .will 1m) re
ceived and the railroad company
will have to contest his right to the
land in order to hold it, thus throw
ing the burden of proof upn the
railroad company, y Under tho law
prior to October I, 1000, whenever
a jierson holding this scrip presents
it to any land ollico and offers to
file it upon auy land, tho local of
ficers are compelled to accept it if
the land is unsurveyed, but when
the survey is made and the occupier
of the land offers his filing within
ninety days, and proves by affidavit
his prior settlement, ho is riven a
prior right to the land, no matter
how muny scrip filings there may
be upm it, and, the scrip holder
in order to establish his claim, will
have toMnitiate a contest. ..
.... A few. thousand poodmaHmen
can. worry the world's greatest em
pire, and add hundreds of millions
to its expenditures.
Buffalo reports that in spite of
some damauo inflicted by two
Btorms the great Pan-American Ex
position will open on time, May 1
next. '.-
ft ft ft
If the Panama Canal is a good
thing why do not its owners go
ahead and finish it? The lobby
they havo posted in Washington
looks like a gold-brick affair.
ft ft 4
An anti-Nicaragua Canal lobby
is at work in Washington, and it
needs close watching. Its schem
ing in behalf of the colossal Panama
fizzle betrays its character.
This picture ivthe trade mark of
vSCOTT'S EMULSION, mid is on
every bottle of. SCOTT'S EMUI
SION in the World, which, now
amounts to many millions yearly,
This great business has grown to
such vast proportions, '
Ffsf;-Becatise the , proprietors
have always been most careful in
selecting the various ingredients
used in its composition, namely
the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the
purest Hypophosphites.
Secoif:-Becatise they have,, so
skillfully , combined the various
ingredients that the best possible
results are obtained by its use.
TAroVBecause it has made so
many sickly, delicate children
strong and healthy, given health
and rosy cheeks to so many pale
anaemic girls, and healed the lungs
and restored to full health, so many
thousands in the first stages of
If you hiive not tried It, nend for free lample,
iu agreennie lame win mrnriae you.
40915 Pearl Street, New York,
fob sad f 1.00; all druggist.
West Hide and Paolflo Homes! ead
I' I' M
I far
J Urn liH
3 i mmymrimmfJi''
on year, $3.
.,' Washington', 1). (3., Dr
Itcpri'seiitative Brick, of Indl
has offered a resolution prov
for an investigation by a conini
of the House, of the disgriJofjl
charge alleging a conspiracy ailong
U. 8. Court officials to gi t holft of
the profits of mining pcopertiiH in
Cape Nome, through placing ffiera
in the hands of receivers sppoiAted
by tho U. H. Court on trmnpt v iip
The proposition to settle tho (Jen
u Apportionment question Jy- a
caucus of tho House majorityJhad
to be abandoned, because of t Is di
versity of opinion among tliotom
hers, and the mailer will probably
be fought out on the floor of the
House, after tho Census comn lttee
reports its bill, which is likof to
provide for an Increase In the
House membership, whioh willre
vent the hiss of members by Uny
state. Uepresentouve Hopkins,
chairman of the Census committee,
has introduced a bill of his 4wn
nxina the memltcrHliiu olthe liaise
. . . ..... . . r
ui 'XK7. Um undent number, wllch
uives the following states one Filii-
ber less than they now have Midi
unn," Kansas, Kentucky, M(ne
Nebraska, Ohio, South ' Cartiliu
Virginia, and gives Illinois, Ljuis
lana, New Jersey, New York, Jiin'
n'esota and West Virginia one itiore
member each than thiy now havo
and Texas two additional memW.
Senator Allen has proposed an
intendment to . the Ship Subsidy
bill now before tho Senate, iroviil
ing for the payment of a bounty on
all agricultural products expoiktd.
Senator Manna bus abandoned Ul
hope of etting tho bill through the
Senate before the holidays, - utd
will bo very well satisfied to ge, it
through at all. There are s jns
indicating that the interests tliat
ore after getting more reductUis
n tho Hovenue Kuduotion bill, by
tho Senate are quietly exerung
their influence to defeat' the hip
subsidy bill, because they regnru its
assage as a formidable bar to uy
further revenue reduction. " :
delegate Wilcox, of Hawaii, was
sworn in as a member of the House
without objection, although several
rotCHts against seating him d
teen sent from Hawaii to Elections
Committee No, 1. None of tins,
towever, were sufficiently substan
tiated to base any action on, but
they may lie at any time the prtper
evidence Is brought forward. Vlr
Wilcox doesn't talk in Washing,on
as ho has been credited with Wk-
ngin Hawaii. Jlcsays that wlile
he favored thti restoration u
queen before Hawaii was fornuilly
annexed, he is nJMian Amerin
citizen and that he, and other iia
waiians, are entirely satisfied sith
existing conditions, having leaned
by experierce that they ejoy
greater privileges than under'llio
royal regime. j
With one' exception striking out
the clause abolishing one-sixth ind
ono-eighth beer barrelsthe. reve
nue reduction bill was passed by
tho Houso just as reported bytthe
Ways and Means committee. I An
attempt to get tho beer tux fufher
reduced was made, but it was t'ted
down. Tho brewers, however, hive
not given up. Thcp will try itjain
in tho Senate. II
The Senate of tho United Slites
continues to block all attempt! to
amend the Constitution so as t re
quire senators to be elected by the
people. Doublk'HS .the pnent
method is most ngeeublo to t! use
who depend on their wealth ra ler
than other qualifications for I'eir
election. Given a wealthy asptilnt
with a willincneBS to spend, if is
easy to arrive at tho conclupn
that legiolativo elections,, thrtiigh
corrupt secret caucus methods, Mil
brine him surer results tl an the
alternative of currying a stale lec
tion. The people of Oregon would,
for example, enow Mr. Corbctt un
dor a perfect avalanche of yivive
ballots if be were to be voted ptM
as the popular choice for Seu'ator
in a general election, just as they
submerged his candidate for the
legislature in Multnomah county
last June. In fact, he would hard
ly count on more than his own vote
if he were running before the people
of the state for the office.
Yet, not daunted by the fact that
he is not vanted not discouraged
by not having the members of tho
legislature from his own county to
support him; ignoring every con
sideration save that ho desires ,ilio
place. and is rich enough togel':t,
he presses himself persistently, for
ward and claims that he i ueliT&lly
making projrrcps toward suedes,
Ho buses his hopes ' on the secret
legislative caucus and thinks t)f he
enn -ret enough members to enter a
caucus with the understanding that
thev are to be bound by tho refeult,
he may win in "pile of the
of the people of Oregon.
Thiss is an object hwon fori
citizens of this state, and pets'
with diBtinefncFg the. need
amendment to the CoiiBt'!tti
meantime it will he interestinU to
note the era dual conversion here
tHUK roii
KM MM filMMtlt Ul
nK. t'linuiiii no in
JiifiotM drni.
It wqiili'Ki; tmnrnni,
Ulca UaiLif at rnion.
It Upon aw) I'lMtiMH
inn nww ruiw.
Allan liillaiiiiiiiktlidi.
I1miI ml I'rutwin the Mcmliran. lt.if till
Smw ul TmI rniil Snifll, Uiy Hiw. IMI cn.K A
UriiiiiilnUi or h mllt VrM Wn, IBd'tiw ny ttmn.
nLl UUOIUEIW, M Wunut Btfwt, w I uiv,
and there of metnlH-rs of the Legis
lature, nnd to bear their explana
tions of how tlwy reach tho con
clusion that they may safely brave
tho wrath of tho people at home
and go into a secret caucus to select
a senator, Many who would not
daro to vote for Corbctt openly will
be seen favoring the caucus, know
Ing that once in caucus the eye of
their constituents cannot follow
tholr vote. But under existing cir
cumstances, considering the un
popular Candida to V great wealth
and his equally ureal desire to have
a fecret caucus, each and every
member of the legislature $b rf.alks
in favor of such a caucus is aurc-
ly a marked man though he de'
liberntely voted for Mr. Corbett in
open r cation. The secret caucus is
not wanted by honest and uncor
ruptible members. It is the rich
man's exNdieut
The Penobscot tribe of Indians,
which numbered 215 in iHSO.imiow
about 400 strong,' '-Maine appro
priates annually $KtXX) for their
benefit. The idea that the riduuau
has b( en exterminated is not sup
ported by tho facts. , ,
ft ft ft
The writers who find, at the time
Krugor left the Transvaal, that the
departure of the Boer President
meant tho practical end of the war,
can hear of something to their
(dis) advantage by calling at any
of the British camps in South Africa.
Influenza is raging in the Russian
capital. That isn't so bad, though
Many uussian names can be pro'
nounced all tho better for an oc
companying sneczo.
ft ft ft
If Croker doesen't look
will he Astwrsiscd by
out, he
V. B. Lund Olflo. Orun CUy, Oregon,
NolW la hori'fiv ulvtia tliul tlm icvliuwinif
Umnvil rcltlrr lli lllvit liulliwlil lila 1 11 11 li
to iiiukD II (in I prmil In nniiiirl uf lil claim,
nud llml MlU jirtwi will b, until brluru tliu
Oiling ( li ik i.l tiU Cniiity, Mt nulla, Ore
Mi, oil JUliunr 11 iiv.i, v 11 .
njantln Harrinaton.'i. is. .Nu.iiaqo
Inr III urtllal Ul Miulloll 17, T. ,, U
I10 nam lh rulinwlng wltiinnimi lo prove
ul l'l ln.. n:
111a umit uii'iu rviuiii! iiiinu an a cultivnuun
toward HlllUMln. of It. woo. Oreim: Alliert
l 11, of IUh'u, ilr'guli; Wllilaiu Kiviiy, of
mx'oi.iiri'giiui unnti imii,oi kiicu, t'rogua,
Notice fur I'lililleatlun.
Flret iub. Ike U. l.t mb. rub. ID.
United Statu I-aitd Oltle, Oregon City,
Ort'gim, lM'WinliiT 4, l'.KI
Nullr In horehy glvi'it that t roiiinlianp
wltli Hie pruvUlniiaof Ui i!t (it ('iinr,.' ul
Juuiig, l.h.iililli'd Aii a-t for tin. nc ul
gun, St'Vaila, and Wanliliigloii Tvrrlturjr," at
tlmlirr lainl Iu tho lli' ul I nllltiiin. Ore.
ruivuuiui 111 an inu ruuuu i,ana n,NK u mi
of AugiuH. IhiiJ, riillli A, llurrell, n( ItiTry
t'oiinly of Marlon. Hutu uf tirton, Ima llili
ituy Ifinl tu tlila uitlac IiIm aworn mnU'iiivut
lion .rj. 111 tiiwiuililn No. N tl. ruimn Nu H wiMt.
No. VKfi. lor III mirriiaM! ol iiivmw or w
hiiii win oner pnHii 111 mifiw tutu nm lain
aouiiii 1 morn vaiiiiuiu lor itatnnwrorii on
IIihu for Kgrlt'tilliirHl iiurixtaiw. and to numb.
Ilali III cluliii ti auld lumt iiuloro Ilia Ki'gl Inr
nil KiH'uivor or una niur nt tirfgon t'lly
iircgoii, on rauircmy, mi' XKi uay ol ruiiruar
Sugar l,uf, Orcgnui John I.noiw, of fuviir
Hi! imiiKH aa wnut'ina! 11. W. Haiicnift. of
l,or, ou'Kiin; AumliMin JoiiBK, uf rurilau
Oreumii Ullivv Mmlili. ul 1'iirtlitiid. tlrtnion.
Any and ill! iH rnoimulalmliig advurnvly til
alioviMli'ncrilwd IhuiU aru ruiiii'td to illi
tliHlrulalum In thl ulllc un ur before aald iid
day uf rliruary, Ml.
vnAf. n. miionr.n,
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dallas. Oregon.
, Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
' NOTE: We hive a nrdt olus dry kiln whioh enitlileH tin to give you thor
oiiRhly dry lufiitiert
50UTH and EAST
Shasta Route.
Train livi iniliipundoiioe for Portland and
way atatlnna il fciili p. in. ,
Leave lor CurvmlUal 11:00
Lv Portland
Lv Albany. ..i... ....
Ar A ki luiiil
11 HiiorHincmtn......
" Han 1'raiiclHUO...
" Duiivur,..,
i" Kamai Ulty....
" (JIllOHIfl)
" 1,01 Ample
" K.l l'utii..- ,.
Fort Worth
' City of Mexico.
" Houston i
" New Orliima.,..
" WiihliiKton ...
" New York
H:R0 a. m.
12:110 p. in.
, 12 Hit . in.
, him p. Ill,
p. in.
,, fiM it. m.
. 11:110 it. m.
. 7:'Jfia. m..
. 7: lf a m.
7:00 p, m.
10:5(1 p. in
ll::m ii. in.
4::U'i it, in,
S:lDa in,
ll:45n, m
11:001. m
7 25 a. in
D:I10 a, in
7:00 am
11:00 p. m
H::ui a, m
U:55 a, m
4:00 a. m
1:'J0 p. m.
(1:00 p. m.
(l:SU a. ni.
l):5i a. m.
4:00 a. m.
U:) p. m.
11:12 a. m.
12:411 p. m.
0:25 p. m
H:I2 a, in
12:M p. m
Pullman and Tourlxt cur on both train
CI Hlr cum Htti'iuiiiuiito If) Ouiton and Kl I ao
and tourlNt cur to Clilrngo, Ht. Loul, New
UrieaiiK aim wasn'ogton,
. ,
Connoctlnii at Hun PrnnclHno with Bi'vcra
aleiunnlilp linen for Honolulu, Jiipnn, China
rniilppiiHw, i.enirai anu oouin America,
fee Mr. (J. A, Wilcox at Independence sta
tion, or addroiui
General PassenKer Agent Portland, Or,
o' timcliir to deliver and oollpct In Oregon lor
old oMnlillHlivd nmuiilaotuilnK wliolenale
houHe, Jitoo a year, mini poy. HonuMty more
tiian experience required, our reternnce, an
bank In miv dir. Kiiclono aoU-addrlisHei
ttnmped envelope. Miiiiufiioturera, Tlilrd
r toor, m tiearboru 8t.,OUtoaao,
farrlc a Fine Line of -
x 1H)()KH, CU1AHS,
HobiiiHon & Co.
Itnlepptidenee, Ori'g'in.
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
MlnHt, . . Independence, Or,
G. L. Hawkins
Inderxadeacc, On,
. GRi:;iiE
Head . stones
Hot and Cold Baths at all
For Draying
, -
....Call on.... - t
Orders for hauling
executed promptly
and at rtyiaonublo
rates. ' '
i) a m
Hull iJilm. .'n'r.
Ki. Witrtli, imiahw,
KaiiMia City, HI.
lnil,l'lW'ni;o and
i p. in.
Hall I.alto, lM)'nvr. Kl
t) p m'
iv.trtli.ilmnlta kail.
a. t il y, Mt. liiiula, i
t hlcHio an. imk
Walla tVailn, lwia. i-
:OU p m
lj)n.p'aof, k
.....u.ll. Hi I',
'. t
' tuliilli,Mllwaiiliw, (
a. m.
Culimnu and ham.
All iilllnif Uitlua auh-
Jivl Uii'hnniin
Ynr ..n Kiiu'i)
Hallaevvry &daya
Coliiinlila llivvr
To Aaliirla nd Way
l4tiidliix. AVIIIamrtloaiiil
Vninhlll lUlrar.
Orripin (1iy. lmvum,
and Way-I.miillii
WlllMinott Itlnr.
t'ortlniid to furvallla
and Wur.lrfiiiilliiKa
Hnaliii Itlver.
Hlniirlit to lwuiiin.
Y.x Hunday
0 p in
10 P in
:! p. m.
and t-'r..
p. m.
Hiitl f'rl.
I7vTT.- m"
lin, dully
i :).. it. in,
a. iii. Wlllamixi HWvr i:Mu
f X. und'y Kx.Knnd'y
Orog.m Oily, Nwtior, KhIimii, Ind.
jMjtcl'tn-e A Wny 1 Jiiutiniia. atvaiuvr Mmluc
Ifavca I'orllmid uu Mon, Wid, and Friday,
N-av InilciH'iidi'iii'i! Tin1, Thiua, ai, at
.'.'.Hi . M. Kir. Knlll lavt ludrii'ildurt.t
Kor I'nrilimd ,1 way liinillnm, Mon, Vt nt,
Krl, HAM. K.-r t'orvullia A ttv iHiirtlnua
Tiip. Thum, Hal, 8;iW V M.
For nill InHirinalliin call on O. K, N, Am,
Al,. Ill'.KIl'IN, ii(li'M'nd('iii't, or addrvaa
Uouontl l'awiiiKr AKfiit
I p. in.
4 n. m.
7 . m.
ud HaU
8 a. in.
nd Hut.
Grove's Tasteless Ghill Tonic.
The formula is plainly printed on every bottle- hence you
know just what you arc taking when you take Grove's. Imitators,
do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy
their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains
Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless,
form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the
molnrU nf nf rVi p Kv.tcm . . A n v reliable drufp-ist will tell you that
niuiui in
Chill Tonic3 are
that Grove's is
are not .experimenting
and excellence havin
only Chill Cure
UnUcd States
C. 0. GalMeatJ?g
i Staple and Fancy Bocenes.
4 opera llous block, rtaln
k Wi I:
n 1 ..t' Ifi.rlit
ysu'J'i utjiHif u v iii""
2 Our K'i.mU aro liret-clang, trtir iriccn n low ar the y
Jt lmveat'-till ftlifv of L'o?U connifltired. v '
ft - All kindrt uf country jiroduw kmglitat U e O
ft HidicHt Market Trice, - : '
ft . ' J,
A Share if Taw Patrchiss Rssysslfillf " SoIfcffiiTV-
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one Bonding sketch and di gnription of
any invention" will promptly receive our opinion free concerning fhc patent
aliility of mme. "How t obtain a patent went upon retjuent. Taknu
MH'ttrtil through na advertised for vale at d'ur etpentte. .
rutenta taken out' through ui receive special notice, without rihargo, in
TtiB Patent Itmxw, an illutratel and widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturer and Inventor.
Send for sample ropy FREE. Addres, -
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Dulfdino, - WASHINGTON, D. C.
Maai Sled Ranges.
n i
-am mi
The most extensive line of Cutlery consist
ing of Pocket Knives, Scissors and
Slicitiv, Razors, Plated ware
to he found in Polk
S ' - " County, at
I R, ii VADE & CO., 1
E A. J; Goodman, Mgr. 2
A Few Suggestions to Buyers of
In the hardware line.
Useful Presents are always Appreciated.
Tool Chests
Single Shot Gnu
Pocket Knil'o
Small Wheelbarrow
Meat Chopper
Set of IS 17 Kegel's' Knives, Forks or Spoons. Nickel Copper
Tea KMefQiffe Pot or Te.i Pot Cobbler's OutQt; .
Ontnilo AVarc Bread Box Sewiug Machine
Kitchen Grind Stone Kitchen Meat Saw etc.
Persons buying any of the above articles for
Cash, will be Riven a io per cent reduction if
they mention this advertisement.
J&&i-i& MAKES g MAKES V--?'
w v - - . OO
Original and that all other
superior to
An analysis of other chill tonics shows
all others in every respect. You
when you
Innrr hren established.. Urove s is the
sold throughout
'throughout the entire
No Cure, No Pay, Price. 50c
Street, Independence 5
Vr'ioou ffilrfl F.flHV Sidlintr ty.
......... j wf -
Boy's A.x Boy's 8;iw and Bnck
.22 cul. Iii (to Bracket Saw Outfit
Small Brass Lantern Toy Sad Iron
Express Wagon Hnntiitg Coat
Oluiss Shears ' Carving Set
Oregon y
. '
so-canea i asteicss.
ill nr. . 1 . .
take ' Grove s its superiority
malarial sections of