The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 28, 1900, Image 1

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    , " r
j : . C
. ', ,-'.'. .........
An Advortisonriont
Whbn bring ratarnt I proof lhai
(I ia in tb rglt plae Tb WEST.
I&2 bnngt a vera,
The Best Newspaper
It tbe oo thai give tbe moat and
freshest newt. Compart tba WEST
BIDE with any piper ia Polk county.
$1.50 PER TEAR.
Five Centi Per Copy.
NO. 943.
i j.n I,. TO.,rtrTit.-J.A.-, ..,. . . . , .... - ---. - T - H . ,n ,n, ,
Ii5 Of I Villi
From A!l Parts of the New Work!
tnd the Old.
r .CwnpNMv Rtvtiw of Km Import! hap.
; JnntJbv, ftajtWetkma
3 I r Ctanawetd form. '
Conger wat instruct' lo sign tit
not. ' " - ,
another hitch Id tht Chine
- . "ftlotte.
Vil's i-t,'' '' "'' ' ' "''' ' v"
: K' Vx pt are being concentrated is
N uhr Cape Colony.
! - ... '. ...... ... . .
hwa r ntcu q war oilier . AMamufS3
4 to mu"orce Kitchener at ouoe. r
. Niclnlai Darnell, a ploueer of East
ern Oregon, ia dead, aged 63 year.
"Senator McBride baa asked for large
appropriation for custom service
launch at Astoria. , .
The Booth-Kelly Lomr Company
will olianife its keaiqaartera from ta
iunw to Kuuene, Or.
Oovernor Ueeruka raciflo Northwest
ttaWa to join Orvgou in celebratiou of
. , .. Lewia and Clarke ceutonuial.
A mob at Gulf Tort, Mis. lynched
a negro. It now appears that be wa
r the wrong man. ; V
The anpreme court of Ohio hai dla
miised five oaaea brought under the
trust laws of that state.
.v : It ia probahle that the president will
visit Portland and the Pugat sound
clues on bis trip in May.
State of Washington paysll,800
ugar bounty to local sugar beet Ia0
tory lor Spokaue county crop.
The striking telegraph operators on
the Santa Fe bave piven up the fitiht.
Their places bave been filled by n
Orer 1,000 Cbrlntiiius are reported to
hae been massacred by Turks. . The
Turkish authorities show the clinost
The controller of the ourreucy has
appointed a receiver for the American
National Bank of Ilaltimore. It is
thought that depositors will be paid in
lull. ,
A dispatch from Ti-n Tsin says:
"Prince Cbing .asserts tlmt KtiJieror
Kwang Hsu, unaccompanied liv the
Empress Dowager, left Siuan Fu-DevT
cerober 19, bound for Ptkin." J
( ine aead body of Peter p.-'joiinson
was fonnd in a water ditch ou Turk!
. avenne, PnyaJIn. The ..unpttoa
i tha Jol5w 'isn2rurt.r :nw
was onat le lo rescue himsalf
, , ' A coal mine uuiJtr the cltr of l ttts
t tiaveti in, allcaiux pa -fol rim prlic.Tj
; . of the town to fail into the initio, j
It is fearsd othdr section will also
. sink. ' 'i. ;
All tha ministers at Pekin have
signed the joint note.
England is alarmed over the Boer
Invasion of Cape Colony.
The senate committee made many
changes in the army bill.
Ine Morans, of Seattle, will not get
tne contract (or new wanhip.
Speaker Henderson i opposed to en
. largement of the Portland j oitofflce.
The river and harbor bill will not be
madejrablic until after the holi.'ars.
Martin ' Stickel, the self-confessed
Ctle Kock asiassin, will be haugeil.
"- ( A company has been organized in
Iowa to bnild a Dab cannery in Alaska.
Anna E. Smith, was appointed pose
minstress at Camas valley, Or., vice
II. Allison, resigned.
Thomas Parker, a native of England,
was frozen to death near the miutb of
White river. Klondike.
Samples of two dangerous countei felt
ailver coins bave been obtained fiora
Portland and Sopkaue. -
A collision occurred on the Siimpter
Baker City road in which two locomo
tives were elizhtlv damaaed.
Memorial service were held at the
Oregon university in honor of Honry
Villard, one of the college 'e greatest
It is announced tl at the total tax
able property in the city of Salem,
Or., will be approximately $230,000
less than last year.
A pitched battle is imminent be
tween the British nnder Ceneral Cle
ments, who has bceu reinforced, and
wte-Boew-end?- General Delurey.
The cleaiiug house banks at Tacoma,
bave decided ilat aftor JanuHry 1,
tbey will ac pt panadian silver at par.
Hviu it ' iins been taken at t?T)er
. cent discount.
All 'attempta to float the British
, ;aaaoir..Jim.rar-Captain Ynle, from Sa
vannah via Norfolk for Bremen, ashore
on the coast of Holland, near Petton,
have been unsuccessful.
f TL; -steamer Sarah Dixon collided
with the breakwater neai Mount Coffin,
on the Lower Columbia, and now. restt
ln l5 feet of water. This is the steam
er's second experience nnder water.
The salmon output in the Northwest
exceeds that of all former years.
In Prussia an income tax is levied
on all wbtsd income exceeds $220 a
, An agreement has been reached set
ting aside $20,833 a month for Count
ess Castellaue, Jay Gould's daugter.
II. M. Hanua, brother of the sena
tor, gave a Cleveland hospital Northern
Pacific preferred stock valued at $82,
000. ,
Thirteen colored women whose ages
range from 8ft to 75, are attending
night school in Jersey City, N. J., and
taking their firtt lessons in reading. ,
An Alabama geologist who has been
prospecting in the neighborhood of De
cat ui, says he has found unmistakable
traoes of gold and phosphate within
IS miles of the city named. "
The gross earnings of 143 representa
tive railroads for the first nine months
of this year amount to the sum of
4888,991.000. This is $80,000,000
more than the same roads earned for
j$he corresponding time in 1893.
A oeauierj- will be founded at Ka
geue, Or. "
Piluce Tuaa and Prince Chung have
been arretted.
New Zaalaud will send mora troops
to South Africa.
Ya Ilsieu was ordered to return to
Siuan Fa to be executed.
Two men were killed at the remit of
a ei plosion in an Idaho miue, . .
The adavure gimrvl of y Eastern shep
bnyera have arrived at lleppuer.
The foreign ministers believe China
will accept the terms of the note.
Fifty-two Polea nave been arretted
in Vienna (or alleged political conspi
Fire i Can Claire, Wis., destroyed
half tie business section. The toes la
The Weston, Or.. st1ioorwm'aW'Tna;aout''rmrnu' and dispatchers; fete
legislature to grant normal g aduatee men ami clerks. No attempt was made
diplomat nuder (oimer couditiuus. j to molest them, and, although rain fell
, . .. . . a great part of the day, the two curs
Ah linmtnnMiiltil attninnt was niaile I .". "
. , " . . ,t, l i
blow np a hotel in Okhihoma terri
torv. A ouspeat bat been arrested.
Two noted Chicago sckeutiats declare
after loiitf experimeula, that the beat
lug ot the heart la caused by oommou
ait In the blood.
Jamea Patterson, for the past four
years city treasurer of Aberdeen,
Wash., is dead at bit home iu that
city, aged 87 yeara. '
A shooting affray oooorred at Burke, j country 80 miles uorth, Including the
Idaho and as a result Pearley Gordon lir bin cities of 8erantou, Wilkes
and Charles Keck are In the hospital , l". PUMon ami CarUindale.
suffwiug from sliot wounds. The strikers met tonight and a p.
; pointed committee to man the differ.
Alfred llarmsworth, editor and pro- mi tiwm stations. They are to
prleVir of the London Daily Mall, pre-' w,tcb fur meu who It is rumored have
diets a complete revolution in Journal- )wa r(H;,0ited in Philadelphia to take
ixm duiiug the coming century.
John Tutor, a full 'blooded Indian,
living in Indian territory, while tnlox- i
irated. shot and killed
three men ano
wounded a boy. lie was captured.
A serious race wr is expected at
Vmentville. a small ludlaua town.
The trouble was caused by two negroes
.-ettititr intoxlcaU-d and trying to In
timidate all the whites they met.
A Fr-ncb detachment Ot HHi men on
.1.-1. f.... Ti.. T.ln tn llnnrf Tail.
' .7 , "1" ... I,"' ..h.r ..!
., Small VlllaUO. OlIO OlllCer
waa killed and another wounded. The
French burujul'flie village.
Wabtflay, Indlrai;olit manager for
tjMrrTik Mauuli ctt.rlug Company, of
WiuslKMO. 111., e-xl a jromiueut IhiwI-
tr whs arrcs'o.i ou it 'muni -im..- prulened by & B. Klnehart,
ident ot the company. Mr. ttlue-
ts that the alleged shoitage
S wyj, 8,000. '
the Ku'.diug genius of the
. I,. Vfa 1 tli'.Ufci.i. jowt 'jer
littiitt 'Irt
Ms new tn bus exterien rd her fiVl
bli'z d ol tlie vi.
The Japanese minister of communi
cation has resinned.
Spokane has decided to hold a min
eral fair during: 1002.
Oregon has pHid out nearly $100,000
in scalp bonuties duriuu 1899.
Public attention in Germany is oo
copied with crime in high circles.
Kitcheuer rojKirts that Boer Invasion
into Cape Colouy has beeu cbeckel
Germany wants the sultan to pay its
bill before Luyiug au American war
ship. Rebels are scattered In the pro
vinces of Panay and Cebu, Philippine
England will buy' 50,000' horses and
mules iu the United States for army in
Swth Africa.
Delay iu negotiations has caused
great change of sentiments as regards
China in Japan.
A tornado did great damage in Ala
bama. News is meager, owing to all
wires being down.
II. I'holps Whitmarsb has been ap
pointed governor of the province of
lienguet, Philippine islands.
Forty-five iu-nrgouts were killed and
one American wounded in an encounter
uear Guuobatan, Philippine islands.
E. II. Southern, the well known ac
tor, who ha been laid up for some time
by an accident, ia entirely recovered.
A large portion of the Pbilppines
must be abandoned unless the relief of
the army ia immediate, says Secretary
The police are working on the case
of Lonii, the Portland burglar recently
arreated. It is thought that a charge
of murder will be laid at his door.
Fire which started in a Pennsylvania j
coal mine 42 years agois nnder control,
and it is si i 1 that the next two years
will see it extinguished. The fire has
couiiumed about 85 acres of the finest
coal land iu tlio anthracite region,
Frank II. Morris auditor of the war
Icpartmeut, was shot and killed by
iainnel MacDouald, a postofllce depart
nent clerk. ' Fancied grievances and
iquor were the causes that led np to
rhe shooting. MacDouald afterward
nhot himself and will uot recover.
King Victor of Italy had a narrow
escape from drowning while viewing
he flood In Koine.
Since the repeal of the Colorado law
irovi iiug for Capital punishment there
tave been 73 murders iu Denver and
Horseshoes Weighing au ounce each
nd just a triile linger than a silver
ollar were turned out in a California
bop for a Shetland pony six months
old. ; '
A furniture dealer In Providence, R.
'., offers to provide the minister mar
riage feast and wed ling tiip to young
ouples patronizing him for household
The famous old, race horse Robert J.,
bo went a mile iu 2:01 against
time, and went a mile in a race In
2:02, was sold at a recent horse sale
for $625. 7 .
The New York Central railroad will
pend $2,600,000 in improving its har
bor property at Boston. Tha plan in
cludes the largest grain elevator on the
Atlnutlo coatt.
Every E nploye of the Scranton
' Street Railway.
Compsay Says It Is Not la eTosUlea te Gnat
lttcmst-7-Nciotlslloas Undsr Way
fer Spttdy Sstllement
Ooranton, Pa., Dao 89. Kvery cr
of the 800 car and barn employe cf
the Rirautou Hallway Company otyt.
the strike order, which went Into t fleet
at 6 o'clock this morntns, ; and at a
I consequence ci!y two eara wete ran
i In all ot the Laikawana valley today,
iThaaa lam wr mannail t KunarintcB.
,siium nail a passeuter.
The tied-up relou extends from
Pittaton to Forest City, a dit.uie of
0 miles, and iucludea BS miles of
j track, on whioh are ruu (iMiuarlly BO
cars. The men of the VVyomfiig Yel
lleylVactiou Company, 0 irntlutr .all
j the lines st ntli of Pittaton as far a
, Nautlcoe, tlireatt u to go ou a strike.
W ltli both compauiea tied np there
would be a toUl cessation of stieet
car trallic on a busy stretch of
their places. They will distribute
card lo Rtraiiuera, notifying them of
j public has been issued, asktug that the
car lie not patronised.
The men demand 20 cents an hour
for old employe i and 1& to I7 for
now men. They also demand a 10
liour day, Tbe onmpany, In its answer
to tne grievanoe committee, says it Is
not In a position to afford any increase
M uw pn'ivut nine. i rtrni-
dent Chirk arrived toniahl and stated
the road would be operated with new
men If tha old men rauuot be secured.
What tht Company Offers,
YVilkeabarra, Pa., Deo. SB. The em
ployes of the Wilkesbarre A Wyomlnit
Valley Electric Hailwav Company ami
the olliciul of the company n et In
conference today to talk over certain
grievances which the submitted
to th empnnjTJl:hf employes de
unit led ;0 cents an hour for every
hour work-."? an I iii r;o' noors. .Pres
ident i ' . -r K id In ' itd to be fair
';!.' Wuu'.' tHtt, aimdJLF?j
too h v;t'Jjr, nn I , e mian could
' not aiT'nd t )'iaut lh .. At a com-fi.i-omise
lro' tt-ut I;:, offered thi-
uiu 16 touts an nonr, but no reduction
in the hours. 'The conductors and
motormen rofuso I to accept this offer
Indian Outbreak Feared.
Seattle, D.o. 20. Advices have
been received from Sitka, Alaska, ittr
lug that that towu is in a condition of
suppressed excitement, fearing au out
break of ludiaus. The United 8:aios
marines stationed there are nuder arms,
and the marshal and dep uiies are tak
ing every precaution to protect the
whitaa iu case of trouble. The aspect of
affairs is very serious at Sitka, as the
Indians are hy far the strongest numeric
ally. There are 50 marines command
ed by Captain Pendleton at Sitka.
' Sympathetic Strike.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Deo. 26. Two
hundred and fifty girls employed at the
Wyoming Valley lace mills, iu this
city, have notified the n a ingement that
they will not report for work tomor
row. They go out iu sympathy with
the weavers of the mill, who have beeu
out on a strike for nine mouths. 'J be
failure of the girls to report for work
will neceeHita,te the total suspension of
the plaut.
Struck and Killed by Cart.
St. raul. Deo. 20. Charles M. Mil
ler, assistant engineer ou the, Montana
division of the Great Northern railway,
was struck and killed by an electric
car in this city. Miller's headquarters
were at Willistcn, N. D., and he was
on a visit to relatives in tuts city. a.
F. Miller, for many years chief engi
neer of the Great Northern system ,
was a brother of the deceased.
Strike Declared Off.
Muncie, Ind.. Dec. 20. The strike
of the snappers in the Trust window.
glass planta in Mnncie, which threaten
ed to close all the Western plants, was
called off tonight. The workmen met
and decided not to retain to work na-le-s
they received the sums pay as be
fore. The then offered
terma which were accepted by the uu n.
Attorney -General Griggs has con
cluded his argument iu the Porto Bico
Mirdtr Can Decision Reverted.
South Bend, Deo. 24. Judge Elliot
has reserved his, decision on the motion
made fur a new trial of Manuel Gates,
convicted of murdeiing William Bee
son. The counsel for the deleudant in
troduced as new evidence the aflidavit
of J. 8. Stout, to the effect that he
heard cries of distress coming from
the launch Leonora, of which Beeson
was captaiu, - at a point ou the river
two miles below where Gates ia cup
posed to have attacked Beeuou. i
Chile Accepts American Cart.
Santiago de Chile, Dm. 20. The
government of Chile, wh ah reoeutly
invited tinders for 4uu Height cars,
!isys accepted 800 from Dosche & Co.,
and 100 from W. li. Grace & Co., all
of American manufacture.
Rantom Wat Paid.
Omaha, Deo. 24. Edward Cudahy
Jr., who was kidnapped Tuesday even
ing, and held 88 hours for a ransom of
$25,000 in gold, which the. young
man's father unhesitatingly pa'.d, haa
been returned to bis family.
l. LvMiy) rM VMmVI .
Sack It tht Report KKcnsatr fma f.
torU-BrHlA Sarrewidia Thsm.
London, Dec. 26. The war vCm
haa received the following ditpt'
from LorJ Klichoner, dated Prete ' i,
Dao. S4i "At far at It It possible f.r
ma to form an opinion from lenor'j ot
ofHoon on tba ir-. 1 think the f t
movement into Cape Colony haa I ,i
checked.. Of Ct two forces that en
tered the oolony, tht Eastern It tl
north ol tnt Kootspansberg ra: '
while tht one that entered wast i
peart to bave bees turned in the tl
ton of Biltitowa and Prietka.
troopt art getting aroond both be.
and a tpsclal column la also a
wiaod which wilt be dlspatofct j '
i''us are t el svtiuUJ. " 1 llixiu U.tveT
not rm?tjl4 B Atoh asfiotaurd ia
Co!cny at ht at nt tnfonuHtlt.i w.
v i- p. i t f ittj ikmo ol tut cownutu,
w h t. . . tl U ?i . Lpui umt 1 tUlb
Iiu much interratcd by the Very Ud
'Dewut i hi the neUh'whood of
Senekal. (ioiicrul French, 111 imii inac
tion with (ienural Clcmeuta, atUckrd
a force nnder lleyert nth of Magallea'
Berg. Tim Boers broke away In a
southwesterly direction toward Po
tchetroom, anil were followed ,by
Genera! Gordon with a column of
French's force. Yesterday evening
about S o'clock Clements' foroe wat
engaged south of Ollpbaut't Nek, bat
1 do not yet know the result." t,
A later dispatch from Lord Kltohtnet
datqd at Pretoria, aaysi "The western
column of Boers occupied Britstown
and cut the railway south ot He Aar
Juintton. The enemy is being fol
lowed up. General French baa been In
contact for two dayt with tht com
maudoes of Bayers and Dularey, south
of the Magalies' Burg. He is pursu
ing them. The enemy have lost 'con
siderably, and Commandant Kreut and
and others have been cpturud, Gen
eral Culvllle engaged two separata
oommansdoa DeccmmW 21 near
VUdkfoutnin, with slight lossoa, the
enemy retiring,"
Recently Organised Party Has Been formal-
ly Launched.
Manila, Dee. 2d. The recently or-
gaulxed autonomy party vat la um bod
today at a meeting attem e I by virtu
ally all the loyal Flllpluo leaders In
Manila. Tha de -la ration of principles
waa read and after some discussion
adopted by a vote of 123, lesa than
halfadosen declining to vote Alt
eluued au endorsement of the platform;,
including Senor 1 'aim no, one ofths
most influential of the former inmr-1
gent leaders, whose real atrtmJ
lowaru American authority es ieii
much questioned.
To principal ditcnjslon '.:.
redrennj to.lba ornaQixati-li of th.
Coveramentof th tnyr "A ;.vui.tT
20 inembert was eluuted togeihsr wi'.ri
An executive ooinmllh e, , iucl i.'iun
f-'enot Arellano, chief justice of the
sipromo court; Frank 11. Boorne,
Honor Amrlosos Firea, a former insor
gent; General Senor Florentiuo Torres,
attorney-general of the Philippines,
St n r Jose Near, pn aoutlug attorney,
and Senor To in as Del ltosirio. The
smallest number of votes received by
any candidate was 80.
Jspaneu Minister Resign. '
Yokohama. Deo. 26. llosht Torn.
minTstcr of communication, and for-1
merly Japanese minister to the Uulted
States, has resigned his portfolio in
consequence of the persistent allega
tion of his Implication in financial
scandals, lie will be succeeded by
Mr. Hara, ex-minister to Corea. It is
Atsiutlilan tliu !, A hIh IM 1 1 o nl I,a '
vnniuiv vaitioj vtJU ninuilltj VI HitJ 1 V
cabinet will be affected.
Large Deal In Coal Lands.
Falrmount, W. Va., Deo. 26. The
largest coal deal ever made in Harrison
county will be consummated in a few
days. The territory comprises 13,000
acres, or 19 square miles, lying r rem ml
Salem. The purchasers are: James E.
Bron, of Unlontovn, aud
Alfred J.
will pay
Cochran, of Dawson, who
$842,000 for the entire tract.
Killed In a Triinwreck.
Texarkana, Ark , Deo,
Texas & Paclilo passenger train ot the
Laredo & Fort Worth was partially
wrecked 10 miles westi, of here today,
The engine struck a cow, jumped the
track and turned over. One of the fire
men, Ed Catterson, was killed. En
gineer Cubbity waa badly scalded. No
one else was seriously hurt.
Roumanla Declined Runlan '
London, Deo. ,26. "Russia offered "'
Roumanla a loan on lO.OOO.COO," savs, . Retard From Prison,
the Vienna correspondent of (he Dally Montreal, Deo. 27. James Baxter,
Express, "to assist her in the b mm- "fr,"Wly of Chicago, and lately of New
oial crisis! but the offer was f cliua.l, S; , who wns sentenced here some
because there were condition's attach- tl e aiio to five vears in the neniten-
ed undermining Roumanian indepeud
nece." .
Railroad Will B Extended.
It has been learned from reliable
sources that the Nevada-California rail
way will be extended from Termo,
Cal., to Lakeview, Oregon, in the near
A Schooner Bottom Up.
Empire City,- Or., Dec. 26. The
sohooner Gem, which arrived bcrc
from San Francisco this evening, (after
a hard struggle with the wind and
waves, sighted a vessel bottoiji up
about 80 miles west of Cape 4 ago.
The vessel was paintod white, auj
a clean bottom. The schooner lv"
whioh also arrivod todayreportH see
ing considerable lumber afloat Decem
ber 21, but did not sight the sonooucr
bottom np.
Robbed by Footpadt,
Mitchell. S. D., Dec 20. N. J.
Neilsen. treasurer of the Workmen's
lodge of thie city, was held up by foot
pads at midnight last night, bound and
gagged, his pockets rifled of $250, end
left lying in an alley to ficeze.
When fonnd by a night watchmau,
Neilsen't hands and feet were badly
frozen and he wat unconscious. The
money taken from his pockets was
funda he had collected as treasurer of
the lodge, and whioh he was preparing
to turn over to hit suooessor. There
isao clew to, tho perpetrators of tbe
-rr.iyt Believe She Will Con
; ; vu&t Powers' Demands.
" .
.' Tata sad Chun j Taken Into Custody
1 iHha brtti
me Hwsrwr -iu nsisn urocrce to
Slnsn Pu to Bs Exscuttd.
lion, Deo. 27. The Hhanghat
(jspundent pf the btandard tele
'fhe goveinmenthas arretted Prince
b and Prince Chang on the bordert
it hbau St tud' ihen l provtnoes.
II sum has t c V oKlsred t return
i fs.t aii Fu forUi iUh, to b eiecatea,
via Inferrcl .rom tl.
tbditi Impei lei autUotttUs are po
pa; (,' collide tlio demand f the
jet' mn for the punishment of the
WtJgatChi of the trouble in China."
Recording to a newt agency'ldla-
t'atch 'Hum Pekin dated Dec. 26, the
iMgn ministers there are unanimous
ly of tlia bpluiou that China will ao
cw, l the ouudliious Imposed by the
lotut uote of tho powers within a
n iuih. The note wat started on Its
iy to the dowager em prose and the
en porot immediately after its presen
tation, bat ceinniooication is slow, and
it probably will not reach thou until
;' .
'Vl-Admlil Allexoff." tayt the
ti Petersbarg corroiponilent of the
Jl uee. "hat Issued orilr-r to the men
tgdet bit command In China to make
dif alad lists of the Chinese property
twney, cattle, provisions, etc., taken
bt them, and 'where such property now
li" The oorrospoudt'ut also sayt that
diuchmaata of Bosnian in hoiitheru
ai l SontheatteTii Mauubuila continue
tti work of exterminating disorganized
tilueae troops and brigands.
A dupalob from Pekin to a news
ttC bore (1ati-(l Dec. 16. sava mis
nartee ttatt that Boxer 85 mile east
Pekts killed 12 Catholics and burned
ekht In the temples.
T Petklea of Caps Colony It Hanging ki
' s : Balants.
London, Deo. 27. Tht peltion of
Oiie Colon Is bunclna In thkalance.
Aeoording to the Morning I'ost't - ! I
Tjwo correspondent everytnl
n, &md
nxju the qiiatt ty ol amm
te Botaoaaiou oi tne aisioyai u;.
100 of whom have joined the
j ,, ,rt 4
irs in the -, Phillipstown district
ti. I l eigetlo measures have boon
t - n t- at' an tht Invasion, bat there
I O'ltntl ' 0!
j .......... ..u
" i iony
onably danger that parties
U KOI -UitunraW UuUi mM,i4.
and gradually rale the
v?' le Ca In rebellion. Kelnforce
tents can arriveyfione too toon,
'Stifri dlapatchet from Cape
Iiwd state that the raiders are dolu
Ittle harm, and are being rapidly ei
ilosod by Lord Kltdiener's combine
ton. Iord Kitchener ia iu the heart
iff the disaffected districts. He has
tie advantage of being personally ao
toaiuted with local conditions. Last
flarch he supervised the suppression
S tbe ri"lug which occurred then, lie
b bringing down thonsauds of troops
fm the North.
I The Standard's Cape Town corra
tioudout say the loyalists demand
tint mnitlal law shall bo proclaimed
iroughout Cape Colony, but adds:
Such a step is now impossible, owing
i the lack ol auftlcieut troops to en-
ftrce It." '
tubed That Waihington So Honor Spokane,
I Seattle and Tacoma.
Seattle, Deo. 27. A committee of
offioera of the National Guard of the
auto of Washington has completed a
rivislon of the state military oode,
vdilch is to be presented to the legis
hture next month for formal accept
aloe. This oode makes tho guard con
ftjnn in all respects to similar organ
iiitfouH in the regular servioe. The
strength of the guaid is to be cousid
ejably lnrceased, aud examinations
fqr commissions made much more
(Special appropriations to build three
aunories, at Spokane, Tacoma and Se
attle, will be asked for. It is also
hoped to secure a small appropriation
for installing- a battery and moderniz
iag some equipments said to be out of
Shry for his connection with the Bank
Ville Marie frauds, has been released
on "conditional pardon" from St. Vin
cent de Paul penitentiary, His wife
aud friends bave beeu working incet.
8nutly for his pardon on account of ill
health, ever since his conviction. He
ia suffering from dropsy and bis condi
tion is serious,
. Peru Buys a War Vessel.
New York, Dec 27. A dispatch to
the Ilciuld, from Lima, Peru, says: It
is m ported that Senor Cervajal, kov
eminent commissioner, has purchased
a war vessel in France. The British
cruiser Amphiou has arrived there.
t '
V Large Shipment of Peach Trees.
A shipment of 100,000 voung peach
tr .ee from Georgia nurseries, bonnd
for Cape polony and Natul, South A f-
n ia, hits been made.
Residence Burned.
pr., Dec 27. The residence
of Elinor Keoley, in South Salem, was
bt'.rued a
out 8 0 clock this morning,
si-, m aftu
Mr, Seeley had left for Port-
latad. Ti
e origin of the fire is uu-
The house wat valued at
Moo, wi
$800 Insurance. The con
worth about $800. Bart of I
te.nts we
w jiioh w
s saved. It t. 0t known
w 'nether
there was insurant nn thn
oi n tents.,
As the house was a hlf
nii.le onti
Ida the city limits, and nn
witter aiiiply was near, the fire depart-
Hi 'lit dii
not go ont.
The List Is 0rewn on tht Washington Coast
-Wheat Ship Carl tht Latest,
Port Townsend, Wash., Deo. 27.
Each tug boat arriving from Capa Flat
tery brings fresh newt of marina dis
asters along the coast, and when the
full returns are In the damage by the
recent succession of gales will be the
latest In the history of shipping along
the Paoiflo Coast. - 1
The Gorman ship Carl, wheat laden
from Tacoma, Dec. 5, for Europe, was
towed to Port Angeles this morulug by
the tug Boyden in a waterlogged con
dition, After passing out of the Straits
of Faca, the Carl encountered aiiale
which oontluued several dayt, and wat
to roughly bandied by the element
that the stanchions of the bulwarks
were pulled out, and at the gteat waves
swept her decks the water poured In so
wXrVh. Z 7i " .IT. Z9 l'iKlotboCoquUt Lee. -aorolear.
The oaiyo of wheat be-i . t
a me aatonttsl, and so rapidly did the I Arlington wareboas it taid to
.inw Mmt it Loa.oe r-t5-ry "tain goO.OOO Iwabela of wheat. :
. .f xrti iTraoi'tMttr.j,;" t'uf "mkkt 'truafr
rtwl krvled U Cap Flattery,' and
at ptokal f ad towed to Pert An -
geles, from where the will be taken to
the EMioiiualt, B. C, dry dock. The
three-masted tabooner Beporter, which
tailed from Gray's Harbofor Hono
lulu Deo. S, wat towed In here this
tvenlng with her deck load gone and
oaterlorrged. The first day out from
Gray'a Harbor the Benortet sprung a
leak, and at tbe tamo time a heavy fog
set iu, preventing bar from returning
to port.' Men were placed at the
puinpt, and tbe gale increased, caus
ing the leak to increase, which necessi
tated tho deck load being thrown over
board. When 20 miles north of Cape
Flattery she wat flying signals of dl
tress, and a steamer, thought to lie the
Centennial, remained by tba ichoouer
over night, but the gale increased to,
tueh au extent that the steamer bad all
.U. 1 .1 .! I ...1. . I... i . if r
im iuuiu uu iv luut nut mi nvrstiii, ana
leitner. ine captain oi tne no porter ,
then boaded his vessel for tne Straits of Material for construction of the Cor
Fooa and succeeded in reaching here vallis-Ktng'a Valley telephone line hai
with all pumps working. The captain ."rived at Corvallls.
has sailed the coast since 187S, and
says tbe six Itorms be experienced
since leaving Gray't Harbor Deo. 6
were tbe severest tie, ever witnessed
during the past 2ff years.
The Revolutionary Commit!- Addrtuei
President McKlnlcy.
Boston, Deo. 27. At the oonventlon
of the repieventatlvet of tbe Armenian
revolution, the following resolution
"l adopted aud telegraphed to Preai
iltat MoKinley:
? "The committee of the
Armenian '
Revolutionary Federation of this coun
try, In their annual convention assem
bled In Boston, unanimously congratu
late yo upon your re-election to the
presidency of the United State, and
tTtar-4cvlttnt t. M-h
met H aa( 1 1 Wkrita ftan . wjswm4tfkivot t f . m t '
BSV TV ( eavwiw W IP tJS0 Oaw ) Wtl e 0
powerful hand doe not com to tha
rescue of such a nation which hat been
tbe champion of clvillation for coatur
lea in Asia Miuor.
"in the" present complicated tittia
tiou of European diplomacy, the Unit-
cd States is the only nation that has
been uuselflsh and neutial 1l Oriental
affairs, aud yet a friend for suffering1
races; the only nation that can ter
rorize the great assassin and his blood
thirsty fanatic to save the remainder
ot their victims from imminent blood
shed. "Our fathers and brothers gave their
live (or the take of our couutry, and
we are all ready to fall In their places,
but in this utmost strucgle we have
not the right to expect assistance from
this great republic, which fouudod its
existence upon revolution, aud which
bas the Inheritance of liberty from
Washington aud Lincoln?
"Please accept onr sincere wishes
and assurance of our highest regard."
Four Mexican Officers tnd Thirty Men Killed
From Ambuth.
El Paso, Tex., Deo. 27. Mexican
troops lu Sonora, Mexico, were reoeut
ly attacked by a band of Yaqul In
dians. Fpur otlicers aud about 80
men were killed outright, and Colonel
Francisco Peiuad, one of the lending
o Ulcer? of the army, waa shot through
the stomach and seriously wounded.
C. V. Light, of Guyamaa, who was
there when the report was made to
General Torres, gave the news out
here. He says the soldiers were cross
ing the country, and were fired upon
from ambush near Lamisn, about 60
miles from General Torres' headquart
ers. The severe pries censorship has
kept tbe news from the general public
Colonel Peinado, the wounded 'officer,
Is one of the moBt popular officers in
the army. ' ' ,'.-.. ' " i
Investigating Western Narbort, ; h ;
Seattle. Deo 27. Captain M
Moellor, an official of ths North Ger-
man Llnvd Stcamshijp Company, is
now iu Seattle on a tour of inspection ,
of western ports. He hits visited Port
land, Tacoma and San Francisco,
and ia to report the result of his iu
vestlgtlou to tha company.
Record of the Plague.
Calcutta, Deo. 27. Lord Curzon, of
Keddlnston, viceroy of India, in
the oourso of a speech today said that
since the appearance of the bubonic
plague in 1898, 25,000 deaths from
the disease have occurred iu the
Mysore province.
New Organization Formed.
An organisation for the employment .
of all idle labor is being formed in Bos
ton nnder the title of the Workers'
Co-operative aasooiutiou.
Suicide of a Prisoner,
New York, Deo. 27. Obracht Rei-
bon, a pi lsouer charged with attempt
ed felouioua assault, ooimnitted suicide
in hi? cell In the West Twentieth
street station house last night by hang
lug himself with his handkerohief.
Capc-to-Carlo Telegraph Line.
London, Deo. 27. A dispatch
Durban to a news agenoy here an
nounces that the Cape to-Cairo tele
graph line is now in operation to a
point 50 miles north of Kasanga, and
100 miles beyond the southern end of
Lake Tanganyika.
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ments of the Many Industrie Though
out Our Thriving Commonwealth. .
Ashland will try to secure several
rural mail runted.
The national bank recently organized
at Ashland will open February 2.
1 . .,...!., . ....... I. I.. 1..
charter to the legit Utu re for a;a!. '
1 A Khion lma kflkd soveral
L.i-ai.1. ...'.w
wswgef TV mm snfvi tWTtBU 4 0
i Tht Boseburg marshal bat received
direction to purchase 100 dog licence
tans, . ..
! H. L. Kyte, of Merlin, was recently
granted a patent ou an improved type
case. .
I There wat five Inches of mow on
the railroad at the summit of tbe Siakl
youa. .7 v -,
I Work hat begnn on construction of
the Corvallls-Kiiig't Valley telepffbue
Hue. ' , . v-
It is probable that a matting plant
will be erected at the Iron Dyke early
in the spring. ,
A ml,mi11111,,h ..,it ,. . . o,
years old which catobe rata aud mice
gn(0ijf everv day
Samuel Kunx bat been appointed
postmaster at Bethany, Or.,
'vice Ui-
rich Gerbor, resigned.
The safety deposit boxes and vault
door of the now Canyon City bank
bave arrived and are in place. '
Shiep at Long irJek are command
ing top prices. As high as $150 per
head ha beeu offered for lambs.
J. C. Miller, of Glencoe, brought in
the champion turnip of tbe season, th
vegetable weighing 24 H pounds.
' K. C. Goodwin, of Wheeler' county,
lias again gone into the sheep business,
I aud haa bought 2,000 bead near Izee.
J. P. Siinpiou has about 4.000.000
feet of logs ready to float down tbe
Luckiamute as soon as there it sulli
eient water for driviug.
?f JKa local telephone "1ne between
Central point and
Eagle foiul; bar
MMMMat wwm Warn, i cjuxiVfifflr
A. E. Starr, a Raker oonoty mlnina
man, disappeared 'November J4.,iie
left " the Malleu cabto, in the Green-!
burd district, and bat not beeu beard
of since. (
The public drinking fountain which1
will be erected iu the city park at En
gcu iu memoiy of Company C, Second
Oregon volunteers, will arrive about
January 1,
M. S. Barnes, proprietor of the Bakei
City-Cornucopia stajie line has made
au asxiyuiiiciit to P. Basi-he, of Baker
City, It is thonght that the creditor
will lect-lve payment iu full.
The committee ou improvement ol
the McKenzie road has filed its reKrt.
The total expenditures have been
$4,847.95. Collections from all
sources fur the improvement amount
to $4,819.80.
Judge Burke, who has a bond on the
mines at Copper Butte, east of Union,
is pnshiug development work as rapid
ly as possible. ..Three shifts are now
employed. Tlia jdiowing is said to be
excellent. ,, v'
Hector McDonald"1 shipped a carload
of large steers from Elgin. Out'
weighed l.HOO pounds aud anothei
1,900. They were weighed just aftei
being driveu over 30 miles of rougb
muddy roads ami had undoubtedly lost
over 100 pounds each. ;
Reduction of 2'; toua of ore from the
old ButtevPle Bonanza, now knowu ai
the Paul Kruger property, iu the
Quartzb.irg district, has just been
completed, says the Trairie City
Miner, , The clean-up was 11 poundi
of amalgam, estimated to be wortfc
over $1,000.
Joe Muyos met with a painful acci
dent at lionuey'a wood camp at Wyeth.
He was dislodging a - jam in tht
thane when a stick pf wood came along
unexpectedly and crushed two of 1m
flngers.7 The ludex finger on one hand
bad tu be amputated at the first joint,
and the middle linger was badly lucer
i ted.
Lincoln couuty court at its recent
jessiou ordered the repairing of tlu
Liridne over Depot slouch ou the New
port-Tole.lo wajjou road, commonly
called the "Duucon bridge." Tht
approaches to the bridge are still it
fairly good condition, but the spar
across the stream will be pulled dowr
and replaced;
Link Vanderpool, of Silver creek
Harney county, recently sold 130 year-
Hug heifers to Gilchrist Bros., of Crook
oouuty. -'
; It is tepored that a great many sheer,
wil be herded this winter in the
doBert lying south of Wagontire Bntte,
Ilareny oouuty. Ihey are now camp
lug at the nearest watering placet
waiting until tbe fall of suow will per
in it them to push into the desert.
Among the number ia one band recent
ly driven up from California.
The school enrollment at Marshfield
numbers 315 pupils.
i Development of the proupects west
ot the towu ot North Powder, in Union
' county, gives assurance that minei
will be opened there of permanent
, value. A nnmbei of claims are being
opened there with paying results.
The ore is generally rich in sold and
, . , . -. . ... u . . j 1 1 1 i . -
Some OI It COIltrttu.l ui is uouoniu iu
be paying quantities of copper. The
distriot 1b designated as Klkdale. A
lot of machinery is now being placed
on some of the properties in the new
distriot for reducing tlia ores.
Good Advice From Most Line of Trade, bat
Failures Wert More Numerous. I v
Bradetreets says: Seasonable condi
tions inle iu trade at present, flail
lay trade activity it widespread, and
comparison with previous years are
favorable at meet markets, with tbe
possible exception of some parts of
the Northwest, where the spring wheat
shortage and unseasonable weather
bave checked distribution. Notably
cheerful reports come, too, from West
ern jobbers, who bave been called on
for reas(rting orders, and a bo report
collection good. Ojuletness in whole
sale lines is usual at this period, bat
it i to i be noted that specially good
advices come from the iron and steel,
hardware, groceries, fancy goods, toys
aud confectionery trades, while a dis
tinctly cheerful tone la found In shoes,
leather aud lumber, although Eastern
shipment of tbe first named are still
considerably amaltar "than last year.
Industrial tine' are -taltly well em
pfcryed, d oHtheinna taw and fat fe
tween, Priori iSs, few changes, -i.o
't staples being steady, but it might ":
be noted that moit farm product an
slightly higher than last week, and
well above 1899.' " '
Wheat, Including floor, shipment
for the week aggregated 4,123,950
buafiels, against 4,785,577 bushel last
week. "From Jnly 1 to date tbi season
wheat export are 90,140,803 bushels.
Business failure In the United
States for the week number 260, as
agaiust 267 last week, 211 iu this
week a year ago, 212 in 1898 and 280
iu 1897.
Canadian failures for tbe week num
bered 28, against ft last week and 29
in this week a year ago, 84 In 1898,
tnd SO in 1897.
Seattle Market .
Onions, new yellow, 22)ic. '
Lettuce, hot bousa, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, new. $16.
Beets, per sack, 85c$l.
, Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
Squash li'o.
Carrots, per sack, 60c -Parsnips,
per sack, $1.00(31.25.
Cncnmbers 4060o.
Cabbage, native and California.,
2o per pounds.
Butter Creamery, 80o; dairy, 189
22o; ranch, 16c18o pound. - '
Cheese 14c.
Eggs-r Ranch, 40c; Eastern 25c.
Poultry 1 2c; dreeaed, 14c; spring,
18816c turkey; 18c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11 .00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,' '
. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked. $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
f.20.': ,.,,.
Flour Patent, per barrel, TJ.30;
blended straight,. tJ.JoV CeliloruU,
buckwheat floury 18.00, irra-
ham. per narret, eo.eer moot woeiu
hour. $8.25; rye flow, $8.)4.00.
Millstufft Bran, per ton, $14.00?.
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Food Chopped feed, $12.00 per ton;'
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beel
steers, price 7jc; cows, 7c; mutton
7?4! pork, 7c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9(
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13,;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt aides,
8 So. . ..
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6464tfo;
Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 67o per
Flour Best grades, $3.40, graham,
Oats Choice white, 45c; choice
gray, 42o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $18.50 brew
ing, $16.50 per ton.
Millstnffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $17; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy,$12 12.50; clover,$7
(g 9.50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 5065o;
store, 82,'gc.
Eggs SOo per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 ?s'c;
Yonug America, l4o; new cheese 10c
per pound. - ;..
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50
8.00 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,)
$2.003.50; geese, $0.008.60 doz;
ducks, $4.00 6.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 1 lo per pound.
Potatoes 50(8 OOo per sack; sweete,
I)s0 per ponno.
Vegetables Beets, $1;- turnips, 76o;
per eaok; garllo, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lH'o per pound; parsnips, 86e;
onions, $1.75; carrots, 75o.
Hops New crop, 12lo per
Wool Valley, 1814o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1013o; mohair, 25.v
per ponnd, t
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethert
aud ewes, 8)a'c; dressed mutton, 6
7o per pound.
Hogs Gross, ohoice heavy, $5.75;
light and ' feeders, $5.00; dressed,
Sf5.00d6.26 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $-3.504.00;
cows, $3.00 3. 50; dressed beef, 60
7o per pound. '" ; :. ,.
Veal Large, 66'c; small, 7
1 1 per pound.
San Francisco Market
Wool Spring Nevada, ll 18o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1617c; Northern, 910c
, Hops Crop, 1900, 1315o.
Butter Fancy creamery 26 26 o;
do seconds, 25c; fancy dairy, 22
23o; do seconds, 21 o per pound.
Eggs Store 80o; fanoy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $16.50
19.80; bran, $18.00(318.50.
Hay Wheat $S13; wheat and
at $9.00 12.50; best barley $9.50
Ifalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw,
47)so per bale.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,60o $1;
-falinas Burbauks, 85o$1.15; rivei
Burbanks, 8075o; sweets, 8586cV '
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valenoia, '
$2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
5.00; California lemons 75o$1.50;
do choice $ per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66o pet