The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 21, 1900, Image 2

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J 08. A. C. BRANT, EllUr and ftnprhitor.
fwelv mnnth
Three iiiti , ,
. W
It won't ba long now until wo
can begin ewearing off for the next
For a man in private life, Mark
Twain certainly manages to keep
his narue' before the public. And
ha doos it bo nicely too.
In the mini of one part of the
average family at the present time
the full Christmas stocking is hold
ing the edge on the full dinner pail
more Daitie-Biups nd armed
cruisers are to be built for Uncle
Sam, whose varied interests demand
an efficient navy as well as an u(H
cient army,
The Hon. Eugene Vox Debs ad
wVr mta that he as overwhelmingly
defeated, out he is unable to invent
as many excuses for the slaughter
of Col. Bryan.
A public discussion is to bo held
in Manila of the new tariff bill. If
Aguinaldo has anything to say let
him drop in and say it, or else for
ever after hold his peace.
Gen. Mercer has withdrawn some
of the fire from his sjeech about in
vading Great Britain. The distin
guished French officer seems to lack
the convictions of his courage.
The prospective war between Por
tugal and Holland will not last
long enough to enable Carl Schurz
to ascertain which side he ought to
be on in order to be inconsistent.
If the London authorities want
to find the Filipino junta in Hong
Kong they ought to engage the ser
vices of the English spy who dogged
the pro-Boer footsteps of Webster
Davis last summer.
Jerry Simpson was given up by
congress and in retaliatian has
given up politics. Result he is
making money and becoming a
Pity the poor starving brewers.
Their business is in an awful con
dition. They only increased their
output by three million barrels dur-
I. ,.r
The Baker "Republican is of the
opinion that Oregon "need3 a man."
True enough; but it has no use for
a senatorial funeral. It wants
live man.
ft ft ft
The canteen provicion incorpor
ated in the army bill by the house
will almost certainly become a law,
although three fourths of the mem
bers of both house and senate are
opposed to it, and think it exceed
ingly ill advised. Who says that
public opinion docs not make it
self felt in this country
Washington city's finances are
in the hands of congress. Taxes
are levied and collected, but not
one cent can be spent without the
approval of congress. The result is
that the capital city of the nation
is suffering from an epidemic of
typhoid fever, which the physicians
testify is due entirely to the filthy
condition of the water supply. Yet
congress will not appropriate the
city's own money for a system of
ft ft
The last Republican convention
in Multnomah county indorsed
Senator Simon as "Multnomah
county's representative in the Unit
ed Stales senate." That is correct.
Simon represents Multnomah coun
ty, McBride represents Oregon,
Multiiomah included. Should Cor
bett be elected, Multnomah county
wouldjbaye two representatives in
Print fur Counties.
The State Board of Agriculture
has ordered that be set apart
for prizes for displays of the agri
cultural and horticultural products
of the various counties, variety and
quality to bo considered in distri
buting prixes. The county making
the best exhibit will receive 1250
and a silver cup valued at $100
second priie, 1200; third, $150
fourth, $100; fifth, $75; sixth, $50
The prizes are established at thi
time in order that every county
may have ample time to arrange
for its exhibit at the fair. By tak
ing up the matter m time, it woul
be just like finding $250 and a $100
silver cup for Polk county to semi
a county exhibit to the next stato
Now it seems that Governor Pin
gree's pardons of the "generals" are
void because the proper routine was
not followed. The country will re
joice to hear this. Anyone less
worthy of pardon than the men
who plundered the state and robbed
the soldiers in war times would bo
hard to find.
The battle for the Oregon sena
tornhip to succeed McBride is tak
ing form, and suites of rooms are
already engaged at Hotel Willam
ette for at least three aspirants, and
for twenty days .on and after Fri
day, January 11. The legislature
meets on Monday the 11th. Ex-
Senator Cjrbett will be hero and
take personal charge of his candi
dacy.' He will make an open light
for the honor, and cast aside all
the manipulating and secret meth
ods of the past. McBride is ex
pected to bo here, as well -as Mit
chell and Fuiton. Governor Goer
says in the most emphatic manner
that he will not allow his name to
be sprung as a candidate under any
circumstances. Salem Journal.
ft ft ft
Now the Kaiser has realized the
mareh of the world, and has decreed
that English must be taught in the
German gymnasia. This means
that Germans must learn to siwak
bngliBh almost as well as they uo
ft ft ft
Some of the opposition orators,
who started in to fight for free silver
and then switched to imperialism
and next to trusts, are now making
the department stores the chief sub
ject of their argumeut. This is
pretty "small potatoes" for a great
national party to feed on. The
origin of tho department store may
ha tr&nxi in lh rural liut !..).. li
a.t.u. u.OVW IRi A I ,
bt'rr:"-WHrbo found in evorv FoA&&tfT
the United States senate instead of
General Chaffee may not have
acted entirely in accordance with
etiquette when he sent that letter
to Waldersee, but he- spoke the
truth straight from the shoulder in
it, all the same. The conduct of
' the allies in China has been un
worthy of the most barbarous peo
ple in the world.
ft ft ft
Wisconsin is discussing a law to
require candidates for matrimony
to submit to a medical examination
first. Wisconsin does not stop to
consider that the desire to marry
may alone constitute proof of in
sanity. ft ft ft
Chairman Ray of the judiciary
Committee is about to take the first
steps toward securing an amend
. ment to the constitution giving the
government power over marriage
and divorce. It is to be hoped that
he will succeed, though the road
will undoubtedly be long and
rocky. The divorce laws of many
states are a stench in the nostrils of
the world.
today. The postmaster who sells
postage stamps deals also, as a rule,
in dry goods and wet goods, in
hardware and soft ware, in glue and
groceries. The country store was
the prototype of the department
store. The only difference between
the two now is that the city depart
ment store ha a separate counter
for every separate class of goods,
while the country store-keeper, over
the same counter, sells his customer
anything, from a jug of molasses to
package of Tins. Where shall we
draw the line on tho department
stores? If we wipe out the big one
in the city, what will become of the
ittle one in the country?
ft ft
To the Point.
Recent shipments of livestock
from Independence are: T. J. Fryer,
200 head of choice mutton sheep;
Gray, 200; Lee Brown, 500; W.
W. Percival, 1200; and also two
cars of fat tioirs. The hoes were
very choice, bringing the same price
as Eastern Oregon hogs. They
averaged about 300 lbs. live weight
for which the farmers were paid A
cents per pound. It mav bo a
revelation to the Willamette farmer
to learn that the Eastern Oregon
hog pells at a quarter to a half cent
per pound higher than the valley
ing. The explanation of this is
that the valley farmer persists in
selling his hogs half finished while
the Eastern Oregon farmer is never
ready to sel! until his hogs are well
fattened. And yet there are some
very choice hogs in shipment that
had not been fed on wheat. They
were raised on a rotation of crops
and finished on corn, which leaves
the grower a nice margin.
As it saves the t xpense of har
vesting the grain there certainly
should be more stock raised in the
Willamette valley. They are bring-
ng long prices and we surely can
compete with favored localities
with our mild and even climate.
Still mutton sheep and hogs are
selling as high here as in Chicago,
where the farmers of the eastern
states market their stock. They
have to prepare for long cold win
ters, not like our valley farmers
who never expect to have to feed,
or if so there are rare occasions.
More , livestock and less wheat
should be the motto of the Willam
ette valley farmer. Rambler.
West Side.
Weekly Oregonian
One Year, (In advance) - Sa.oo
ashington, D. C, Deo 10.
Tho Senate did not take up the
Nicaragua Canal bill today, in ao
cordanco with the resolution adoj
ieu ai mo last session, because,
with the vote of tho many friends
of tho Canal hill, tho Ship Subsidy
bill was hist week made tho regular
order of tho Sunn to. The friends o;
the Canal bill will wait until the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty is acted
upon before pushing that measure.
They say that they have the votes
pledged t) pass it whenever they
get ready, and that there is no neei
to runh it now.
When Congress is good it is very
good, and it has bwn very good
indeed since this session opened
There has not been tho slightest
wrangle on tho floor of either Sen
atoor House, although iho latter
debated and pushed the AiliiiiiUni
lion Army Reorganization bill
providing for a regular army of
from 58,000 to 100, 000. men, in the
President's diHcretion, which under
ordinary circumstances might have
been expected to Jiava- aroused thj
minority. Doubtless tho failure of
tho minority caucus to agree ujRn
a party policy had something to do
with the calmness of the debate.
Congress is likely to find itself
volvod in a financial disoiiHiiion
shortly, in connection with an ad
ministration bill providing a sys
tem of coinage for tho Philippines,
where the Mexican dollar, commer
cial value, 50 centH, is the jxijmlar
unit of value, under U. S. control,
as ii was under Spuuish control.
No bill has yet been introduced in
Congress on tho subject, but from
talk at a Cabinet meeting, one is
ikely to bo that will provide for
the purchase of silver bullion to be
coined into pesos, or Phillinine
lollars, each to contain alw'ut fifty
cents worth of silver, or a little loss
than our standard silver dollar.
That the agitation by the dairy
interest was effective was shown by
tho largo vote, UK! to 12 by which
the Grout bill for a tax of ten cents
a jKiunu on oieomargenne, wa
i . i .... .
passed oy Uio House. 1 ho pnncipu
argument advanced for tho bill is
that it was necessary to protect the
the dairy interests of tho country
A far-reaching measure has la-en
introduced by Representative Tay
lor, of Ohio, and referred to tho
house judiciary committee. Mr,
Taylor's primary object was to pro
hihit jtolygamy, but in proposing a
constitutional amendment for uni
form laws on marriage and divorce
nyuut flirt h Thtv r.iu.
may be pushed at this session, but
it is not likely to get through, ow
ing to the short timo in which to
reach any sort of an agreement
among those who hold widely di
vergent opinions, not only on the
question of marriage and divorce
but on the question of tho wisdom
of a federal 1 iw to deal with them
States rights are involved in the
Tho senate committee on military
affairs today began tho considera
tion of the army re-organization
bill, passed by the house last week.
The house, with a view to expedit
ing the measure, made its bill a
substitute for one passed by the
senate at the last session. The idea
being that tho senate would order
tho bill sent to Conference. Sen
ator Hawley, chairman of the Coi
mitteo, says thorn will bo no conf.
once on the bill as it now ttanrs;
that his committee will cousiderit,
grant hearings if necessary nd
then make a report in the imiul
way. Tho temperance people uo
working hard to get tho ihit-fotUl
anti-canteen amendment inseied
in tho bill by such nn ovenvhe'ui
ing majority of tho IIouso, keptin
tho Senate, hut their success 1 vtry
doubtful. It is openly chared
that many members of tho llolw
voted for tho amendment beca ho
tho W. C. T. U. happened to be in
session in Washington, and wth
tho hope and expectation that he
Senate would cut it out. ,
Representative Hepburn of Iova
1 1 IU ItifM tlWM
thuuld Ix elMuliiMrt. .
TAj't Cream Dulm
r ImmM, tooUiwi x4 hfkla
lh 4!wMd bmhiiIhuii.
It ear cat 1 li
iwnf t uil lit IU bowl
t'rvoid Itolm U tloI Into th tiwtrlli, )"!
ortr tit Membrane 4 l hw'l. IWItf to lui
moil lata tutltotirefollowi. It It bt drying tl-.r
knt prodUM irwuluu. Ut'f KUo, oul t Ut'if
(Ulna tr null I Trial SIm, 10 enu by amll.
tl.t DHOTUKIIS.M Warrvu Huaol, New Yo4
The German newspapers are ask
ing ioiiio very pertinent questions
about the ship subsidy bill thai
congress is expected to pass. Among
other thing they want to know
why a nation ns rich and enter
prising as wo are. aim naving, as
author of tho ffioaragua Canal bilfl' hoy say, the cheapest coal, steel
That cough
You have used all
sorts of cough reme
dies but it does not
yield; it is too deep
seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
it is more liable, to
produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri
ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body.
will do this when everything
else fails. There is no doubt
about it. It nourishes
strengthens, builds up and
makes the body strong and
healthy, not only to throw
off this hard cough, but to
fortify the system against
further attacks. If you are
run down or emaciated you
should certainly take this
nourishing food medicine.
- , oc. and fi.oo, all druggists,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmiiu, New York.
now lieforo tho Nmato, has doubts
of the value of jadilieal oratory in
his diMlrict. lie said: "four years
ago I mado sixty or seventy speech
es, and I pulled through with about
six hundred majority, Two year
ago, I mado six or seven speeches
and received three thousand major
ity. In tho campaign just closed,
w tm sua, -aim-tHuntj inutte aim
speeenos ami my majority was five
Tho investigation of the eluet'oit
of Senator Chirk, of Montana, cost
tho Senate about I25,(KX), of which
Mr. Clark drew Ull.lOas witm-os
fees and mileage,
When tho House Committee on
Ways and Meuns added a reduction
of twenty-live cents a barrel in tho
tax on Ikht, bafore reporting tho
revenue reduction bill to the
t made the total reduction UO.OtX),
000 which ii about 25 per cent
greater than the Administration
wishes it to be, Tho bill will be
nit through tho ltono during tho
iresenl week.
A shrewd Portland man who has
observed tho products and the mar
kets of tho country has w ritten a
ong article telling of a number of
ndustries that ought to be made
more profitable in Oregon. He
says that both our soil and our cli
mate aro peculiarly adapted to flux
raising. He thinks our wheat crops
would bo larger and better if more
attention were given to proper sum
mer fallowing, and says a greater
percent of it ought to he mado into
Hour before export, llo sees no
good reason for so much oats and
hurley products being imported
while our own state can produco
such Buperior articles. There ought
to be several starch factories to
utilize our immense crops of poU
for bruising in so many hog tuM
poultry products, and all tho sugar
and butter we need could bo made
within tho borders of our own stato.
iVid machinery in tho world, should
ttve to pay our own citizens to
niil ships and make money out of
Iti'.ng them. That is what a good
cans would like to
liioiigo Journal.
imly Americ
fij,V too Chi
LuaVfir Sciio
t Iim Cms iiiy Trc
J'"to, will rwh
tarries Flue MiuMif-
Uobinsoii & Co.
IiiiltHtin)itiieu, . Oregon
limil IIiiiiiIh Wniiled. '
itmircr of I'ullt Cmuitv
mm, will reovlv mtiiM Hilajt'-1
i i(.sinrilv. IWttmber !KI, 10OO, "
.7 . . ... I ' . , , i I . . I.l
11) OIlH k I'. IU., IHf lOIHH" IHimi, H I'M
liwat Amomit el ImiimIs to !' iwoed,
iiooo; ,lnu of Untie, Jmitmry 3d, 1101 ;
iiawililn in twimtv yeiim, with tlif
i.rfriliiL'M ii( tmvliiif lite amim in ten
vi.! ilmw inieieat lit U ! '
0 If rtwnt per Annum: iniereat pityitlili'
Afijiminimlly ; imrHHM of iiu To pay
off tin iireaeiil (mntlnl imleliH'ilxeM el
l:iMH now ilutt hikI lu-UI y Ulair A te
NV York, HL'uliisl MhmiI Iilriet No,
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans,
Independence, Ore,
G. L. Hawkins
Independence, Ore.
Main HL
UJL.allr. l
ii1.,iii.nileni'K. folk County. Oregon,
riitiiM cheek of 10 ei.l ( l.l'l,
tn on Any well known Imnk in Uro
PAVaIiIu l the exler of I lie uieler
il . in list iicrtiiiiiwnv eioli Mil it
ttiilee lliBt llm Aiieif (tulul lilililer will
coukily with It tat IikI Tin. riiilil i te-erf-i
lo rejiwt any aih! nil biln.
K V. UAt.ToS,
i'utitity Treurer of folk
-f2-T-2t Omi'iy, Oregon.
(J. 8. Land OttUv, City, OnKoit.
iM-iTlnlu-r I, l!Ii
Nnle la lirply vltn llml tlm lollowiun,
illicit ftiltlvr l"n llld mil lrt oi hi. loli-itlioii
If nmki) lllml mik( III tllM ( til t'laliii,
alicl tlmi aniil jmn will In iiihI twlurv On'
liiti.ity ( It-ra il I'ulli Ciiiinty, at 1imM,iib Jttiiiiary li, lino, vie,
Banl.mln Harrington, H. K. No. 11060,
lr tlitt .Norllifaat ul MWIIOU 17, I . ,, ll n
lln ua'iicNt the IiiIIiiwIii itiii t to piovii rtniliUmi'tititHin mul t'litUvatlou
4 mo i inn. I, n:
KUwanl riiiiuiMiil. ol llmvo, (lrtiiiii AHm tI
(Dill, of IWtHi,; Wllilnto Ki-rny. ul
itorvo, Orrm; ihviiI imh.o: iiikwi, (iri'ami
....- : :
West Hide and Pacific Eomeetoftd.
lone year, f 2.
There iH considerahlo intertt
heing aroUHod over tho elaiius fre
quently made in tho Btreetn that
money in heing freely imed in tho
interest of one of tho candidates in
the coming senatorial election.
That large wealth is interested there
can he no question. If men having
reputations as boodlera oro intonat
ing themselves in thosueceHs of any
wealthy aspirant for Hint high oflico
let their comings and goings he
closely watched by all honorable
men. Should they ho seen inter
viewing members of tho legislature,
let imiuiry bo mado as to their bus
iness. Let tho legislators he given
to understand that bribery and
corruption will not bo tolerated.
Oregon needs a representative in
tho senate who can accomplish
something for the slate, and who
has some interest in affairs aside
from "personal vindication" or re
venge on political enemies. The
stato of Oregon has nothing to do
with private (lilliculties, and no
man has tho right even to ask the
legislature to help remove tho blot
ches from his moral cscutoheon..
It is work Oregon needs and' not a
social light in the giddy whirl of
tho fashionable set at tho Nation's
Capital. Wealthy entertainers can
but political connections, provided
they spend money enough. Oro
gon is not in need of social distinc
tion. She wants a senator who
already has, and who can secure,
committee assignments where sub
stantial benefits can be secured in
the way of appropi iatins and favor
able legislation. Lot it ho soon to
that the right man is , selected.
Money does not make the man any
more than does tne coat.
Thomas A. Edison has just per
icted an invention which is des
tined to multiply many times the
physical forces of tho industrial
world. It is a device for the utili
zation of all tho energy stored in
coal. When it is said that practi
cally all physical energy i3 derived
from coal, and that as now con
sumed coal yields no more than 10
per cent, of its energy, often much
ess, the remaining 00 per cent, and
more being lost, it will bo under
stood how valuable such an inven
tion is Ind what its possibilities are
for industrial development. Mr.
EdiBon accomplishes this liberation
of coal energy by means of com-
pressed, tdsi
Nut Ire for I'tiblUallon.
rirnt (ititi. live. II. Ul ub. Fob, 16,
, United HUlva l.aml Oltltw. Oriitu Cliy.
Ori'ilim, IXfi'tolHiri, l w.
: SolltHi la hrt'ly Klvi'll that In ouin,l,Hiiif
ailll thn r ivialoti. of lha avt of t'oiitr'i ol
Juno a. Ihi'h. riitlllvd ' An ant lor Iliu u. of
Uml't lamb In thit Statu (if Cnlllurttta, Oro.
Him, INuvail'i, and wuiuiiAiuti irrrltury, a
hUmIi i tn all tin' I'lilillu l,aiu1 xtatW't by ai t
Hi Auitual 4. t"'i, I'll I tt A. (iirri-ll, of Kerry,
Ciiiiiii .V of iMarlini, Slalu of Or, tfcin, hiia thin
uiiv llli-.l In Hit" I'lll. p lila .worn tntiiui'ut
Ho. ill.!, fur thi! fmrrhnii uf ilivHW of w.,-.
amlLl'lll oltt.r iiniof U allow l toil tho Inii'l
iiiuk ,1 la mora valn.lili. for tl uiuImt irr .i.iiio
ttmiki j r KKrlmilliiral ptirMtMa, ami to uUb.
UaliLJ rluim loaattt laml Iwfuro tlm Hi-ui-lur
mill iT-ifi'lvur of thta nflti-it Hi UrcKon I'My,
'tiict4r ' " ' v!
" lie hi m-a a WIIiimi: II . W., o(
Huaar . o(, urrifoir, Jului l.ui'Ka, ol Hnifur
liaf. Uii t'in; Auruimm Jonra, i f 1'orllauil,
lirwoii: Hiti-y nnuin, ui rortmnu. un-gon.
I Any aiiit nil prrMiuaolahuliiA ailvt rncly llm
Aim v.'-.ii. Tiix'il are riHii..U'ii to ni
llhclr olalun in thla uflii'ooii or U foru auliJ i ll
y ol l-Bljroary, r,il,
SUM'kltoMerH' Sollee.
Notice i liertiliy ulvfii thut tlio unniuil
i)tiO('ti() o tho atoi'klitilili-ra o( 1 1 to inilo
ijx't'dcni'tt hiiiI Moniiiiitilli JUilwity Com
Winy will lie hold At Iitili'poiiilotiuo, Oio
lin, on Moinliiy, Dwembfr Slut. ISKKI,
iii the hour of 1(1 o'clock A. M., for the
iJiiction of ilinifturi hiuI oHicor it ml
HHIIHIICtltlll of Hlll'll OlhlT l)IIHIIll'H UA
(tmy ltifnlly comu boloro aid inccliiin
J Dtilfd Noveiiiln'r 1(1, 1IMK).
1) VV. Hkvhh, 8oeretnry.
i Wot klinlilcr' Notice.
, j otice Ih herohy lvtn t lint the annual
rntH'tintf of tho Atockliolilnm of th folk
C j;nty Lund ('oinpiuiy will be hold at
In'l'liidcrice, Oregon, on Montlnv,
h.W'iiiber .'ilHt, Woo, At tho hour of it)
o,Juck A. M., for the election of iliroot-
And olhcers and inintmction of hucIi
nr buHincm h limy leiially conm be-
f( h said iiici'tlnn.
Jfated uvellllH'r 1(1, 1100.
I). W, Mcauh, l'eretHry.
7 tmrr
C.. Caibfeatl7S;
h iit i n pa-Aim IN- ltm
P Staple and Fancy tarij
t0IICS ;
Opera Mow blk.laln Street, Independence.
$J Oood numU at ItiKlit I'rices Mflko Kay Selling.
jl Our ar lirrit-dasH, our prict'H a low a the '
lowest quality WA vonn'ulercd.
itS All kinds of country proiluco bought at the
AS Ilidicst Market Prico. : '
!v I Shirs of four hmm Bsspsolfollj Solicifell
rc- J V
C. T. HENKte, Proprl4tor
Hot and Cold Baths at nil
For Dray In;
....Call on....
Ortlt?ru fir liauliug
t'xt'ctitcd jirmiijitly
and at miaonable
u a
g IS a ni
At lam I"
U:tU in,'
8.-UU m
a i tn
Kk Mumlay
H p in
to in
7 . m.
ami HU
(la. ni.
mul HhI.
,'i A. n. nt,
Hull l.nk. .li'iivrr. !
Kt. Worth, timiihii,
Kmii.ui. City, HI, j 4 ). in.
Ionia, I'lihavo ami (
Kt. !
Hall I.ntto. llcnvi-r.Kt j
VViiilh.Uiimlia.Kaii- 7 a
a. I tty, Hi. IuIm, '
t liltaK'i all. Kuot. j
Wall Walla, mif i
TiW;3illa'. Ht, PhiiI, j II a. in.
iiihitli,,llUiki.i., j
t'hliiiao ami Knl, j '
All anlllnil lian a villi- ;
JmiI lurliMiiito 4 p. in.
r or -Mil r ihir'Ihwj
nulla vvry 6ilaya
Colomlila Klvar
Hlranuira. 4 i. Ill
T Aaiorla ami Way- Kx.Huml'y
lllumi ll" ami
Yamhill Itltura,
Orricoii City, ihtvtoii, ! Mon.VwI,
u,,,l VV.v.ljimlllua i ami rn.
WlllrtMi.tln Klvr.
fori liuul t Corvallw
mul vVay.UiiHliiixH
KoHka ltlvnr.
Htnurlii lo Ijawlaton.
4::W p. ni.
Mini ..Wad
am! Krl.
I.v. ft wla
II a. m.
A, in. Wlllaini'tla Itlmr 4 :) p. m .
Kx.-iind'y . Ki.Mutni'y-
Orpiinn City, Srwlwrg, HhIhiii, Imln.
ln'iitli'iiia Way Ijoiiliniia, KtoBiiK-r Moiloo
loavaa I'lirllnii'l on Mini, Weil, mul Krlilay.
1,1'avca liiilcit.inlitii-u Thpk, Tlmra, Mai, at
(l;:H. M. hir. Itnlli Iwivca liiili.piudtni':
fur I'liriland A way Inmltuifa, Mon, Wiul,
Krt, A A! , K.r CorvnlUa A whv luiiditiKa
Tiiiw, 'I'liura, Hat, fc I'.M.
Ktir Hill Innirniallon pull on O. It, A N. Agt,
All, IlKKRiiJi, ludi''a, or nddrpsa
Unnrul l'Bsw'uitnr AkouI
POKT1.AN1.) Oil
a arMini, aa a i i I
Our fee retunictl if wo fail. Any ono ncnfling sketch and descripfion of
any Invention will jiromj.tljr retx-ivo our opinion free concerning tbo ptumv
ttliillty of mmo. How to obtain ft paU-.tit" mil upon roo,aet. I'Maua
tiwurod through nn avertixod for mtlo nt our exene.
1'uU'iiU Uk.-n out through un roccive social notice, without chargea
Tub I'ate.vt Rkcoho, an illimtratcJ and witluly circuhjtod Jouraal, connulted
by SlaiiufMlurcro and Investvs.
Send for Kftjiiplu copy FREE. Addrmw, ."
(Patent Attorneys,)
Zvntts Building, - WASHINGTON, D. C.
Barlui Steel Ranges.
e most extensive lino of Cutlery consist
ing of iVkct Knives, Scissors and
Shears, Razors, Plated ware
to lo found in Polk
County, at
1 ;ADE & COirl
A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 2
A Tew Suggestions to Buyers of xx
In tho hardware line.
Useful Presents are always Appreciated.
Boy'H Ax
.i!2cal. liiflo
Boy's Saw ami Buck
Bracket Saw Outfit
ITiiurston Lumber Company,
Dallas. Oregon.
Dry Stock always on Hand, also 'Cedar Shingles.
If 1')TE: We have a tlrst-clasM dry kiln wblolt enables ut to (jive you thor
t y'H Vry lumber.
Shasta Route.
' Train leaven Inclupontlonce fur Portland and
waymnttntiH M :";
Luavo lor (Jorvullld at 11:00 t
Lv film
Ar Aotliliincl
" aoniinulito
" Hojn FranclHdO..
' Oon
" DiJhVBr.
'' Ktf,iinfts Ulty .
8:na.m. 7:00 p.m.
l!i:30 p. ra. 10:' p.
. 12 itl a. in. Jl:;)u. m
, f:tH) p. ni. 4::lfH. ill.
7: If) p, in. 8:16 a m.
, 5:45 a.m. 11:45 ll. m
. 9:011 a, m, ti;00 a. ni
, 7:2ft a. m. . 7:a" a. in
, 7:46 a in. :80 a. m
7:'H) a. m
(1:00 p. m
(l::to a, in
tc'i'i a. m
4 :t)0 a. in
tifffi p. m
(1:12 a. ra
12:4il p. lu
Ptillmftu and Toiirlut roir on Imth trains
CI uflroamHaiiraniuntnloOitrtiHi and Kl l'fto
and tiiurlHt Kiirx to Chicago, 81. Louis, New
OrU annand Washington.
Cc unootltiK at Han Kronclsco with sevora
dlmimnlilp lino" for Honolulu, Jiipan, Ulilua
PhljUpplnos.Oentral and South Amorloa. .
sieMB. a. A. Wilcox t Independence 5ta
tH,oraddroBa iT ,.
General l'aaBonKor Attont I'ortluud, Or.
IM Anirflon 1:L0 p, m.
KV I'aito (1:00 1). in.
JCiBrt Worth H:;)0a. m.
Vi.y of Mexloo..... I.m.
" HutiHton ... , 4:00a, ni.
Wpw urloaim n:ai p. in.
11:42 a. in.
12:4a p. III.
" .Vanhlnnton ,
" Mew Vork...,
0' otor to deliver and collect In Oregon for
olutjenUihllHliud inauiifttiiliirliiK wlioleale
hmfn (tlNHi a year, sure pay. HoneHl y more
thantexperlune 'equlrnd, Our reference, any
lianW In any olty. iJnolose self-addivnMed
tamped envelope, Munufacturors, Third
M, m Vewrboru 8t.,CWoatio.
A llitrd Illow.
'Judge Alfred F. Sears, of tho
Portland circuit bench, struck a de
cisive and timely blow last Monday
at tho unjust operations of Savings
& Loan Associations which have
conducted bu-incss that is littlo less
than robbery of honest, unsuspect
ing poor people, Judge Sears set
aside the bond, mortgage, contract
and several other documents with
which a poor man's home was plas
tered so that it would have been al
most impossible for him to ever
"pay out." ' It was proven in the
case at bar that tho agents of the
association represented to the man
that he would be all clear when 84
payments should have been made,
though of course if he had been
ablo to figure out the several docu
ments which he had to sign he
would have known better, and the
association relied upon thoso docu
montsclaiming that the mau Bhould
have known what he was signing;
but tho court held that the man did
not have an equal chanco with the
makers of those documents, which
would require an accomplished ex
pert to interpret, and the man had
a right to rely upon the represents
Tool Chests '
Single Shot dim
rock H Knife Small Brass. Lantern Tov Satl Iron
Small Wheelbarrow Express Wngou Hunting Coat
Meat Chopper Cluss Shears Carving Set
tst't of 1817 Kogers' Knives, Forks or Spoons. Xickel Copper
Tea Kettle, Coll'eo Tot or Tea Pot Cobbler's Outfit
Granite Wure Bread Box Sewing Machine
Kitchen Grind Stone Kitchen Meat Saw etc.
Persons buying any of the above articles for
Cash, will be given a 10 per cent reduction if
they mention this advertisement.
"' . rr"-". y.T,.r.. I '"In in i r-l THrr.ii ni iiwmr
tions of the agents. '
Tho case decided was only one of
several depending upon the result
in this ono and i8 likelv to cause
great commotion
Loan Association
in Building &
circlos. States-
The TneotiiaSlreet-Railway Company,
on whose line a terrible accident occur.
rod lust Fourth of July, catihinir the
death or injury of many people, has
made settlement -with all claimants, at
a total coHt, of about $100,000, thus avoid
ing liilKitt ion, and Bhowinu (he reason
aljIeiieBH aud wisdon of all parties concerned.
Steamers jyiooa and Pomona
Will leave Independence
EVE Ft Y DAY, Sunday
excepted, at 7:00 a. in., for
For Freight or Passage ap
' lily on boardthe boat, or to '
the a Kent ,
Independence . i Oregon.
to -
By the commodious
Leaves Portland dally except Suu
oav at 7 a m.
This Is the Great Scenic Route. All
tourists admit that the soeuery on the
Middle Columbia Is not excelled fur
beauty and Kiaudeur hi th TTnitori
States. Full Information hv
Ing or calling on
C. G. THAYER, Agt,
Tel. 614. Portland. Or
- -
Wis taiy aii read "Stable . V
Special Attention to Commercial Men. ,:
I. W. DICKINSON, Proprietor.
- , i . . i
South of tattle Palace Ilotnl, '
Railroad Street, Independence. Oregon,
-4 --jN