The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 21, 1900, Image 1

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    I I
An Advertisement o
Whtoh bring return U proof that
H ia ia th rgl t pW Tt WES?
BIDJB bring m were.
The Best Newspaper
In tb on that give tbe moat and
freabeat dwi. Compare the WEST
SIDE frith any paper in folk county.
$1.50 PER TEAR.
Flv Centf Per Copy.
NO. 942.
ii inn i r inn
m or i nil
From All Parts of (he New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Rtvkw of Dm Important (tap.
penlngt ol th Put Wck In
Condenitd Form.
Tb war le venue bill bus beeu passed
by the house.
Railway telegrapher threaten to
boycott the Santa Fa.
Lord Kitchener has called (or all
available Eugllsh troop.
rnifi. d h. awakened to the new
enouCi in mitti Africa.
J CV.onel "liilKtlrt expedntonTaifSV
to fini Ui Chine treasue.
. At Rookyorf, hid., two negroo, who
bed murdered white nun wer
The German training ihip Guelscnan
(onndered nwr liibraltar and 100 were
A Urge Boxer force is ald to be
approaching Pekiug with the intention
ot attacking it.
The senate cannot considered the
army and appropriation bills until
after the holidays.
John Addison Torter, McKlnley's
former private secretary, died at his
borne in Putnam, Coun.
The British admiralty is arranging
to test various inventions for steering
torpedoes and submarine boats.
The Oregon Historical Society pro
pose to hold a great fair in 1905, in
commemoration of the Lewis and
Clark expedition to the Pacific coast
100 years ago.
As result of a mysterious poisoning
ease at the Forsyth ' mines, near Mar
ietta, Ohio, four persons are dead, four
dying and two other serirously ill.
Five unknown men who asked the
marshal of Brighton, 111., for shelter,
In the calaboose, locked him up anp
then broke into a bank and two
Telephoning without wires was sue
cesafully accomplished by transmit
ting the voice across the Mississippi
river, at Minneapolis, a distauce.of
over 1,000 feet.
Advices from Ho Ilo report that the
American troop have beeu northward
and westward for several days and
that detachments of Hie""Pifri," TT$T)
toeuth u I Twmty-tixth tegmenta !
have been active uear their stivioua. j
llie insurgents losses cl nriu if tho bvtj
10 'lays tli' ia h.-tve 'en killed. '
(even woitii'"'"' '' tnkea primmer, j
Th. -...ii-i
and iii-e wounded.
The powers have agreed to the joint
J-t.U,. - -
I The Japanese gave Admiral Beards
f lee a reception.
Chicago police will prevent the Gans
McGovern fight.
Santa Fe strikeis wish their differ
ences arbitrated.
Five persons were killed in a train
wreck in Montana.
Fire in Pekln destroyed the quar
of a number of oflicers.
Kitchener rpeorts a ruuni'K fight be
tween Dewtt and Knox.
Gompers will be -elected president
Of the Federatior of Labor. ,
The Sanr 'e repudiates its relation
ith re telegraphers onion.
The American fleet in North China
waters is rednced to two vessels.
The Irish Nationalist convention de
clared for the abolition of landlordism.
Fnll particulars have been received
ot the tyboon which recently swept the
coast of China, causing a heavy loss to
life and shipping.
There are more than 40 cases of
mallpoz in St. George's hospital, Kan-
City. Only one death from the
disease has occurred.
The city election at Astoila, resulted
in a sweeping victory for the Citizens'
ticket, every candidate being elected
by large majorities.
Jospepb Benoit, a stage carpenter at
the Grand Opeia house, Salem, Or ,
fell from a scaffold, breaking several
ribs and bruising his face and body
badly. The accident was caused by
the breaking of a board upon which h
was standing.
The Lakeview and Ager stuge was
robbed about two miles from Lake
view, Or. A lone highwayman accom
plished the Job. No passengers were
arxwrd of tba ctag. U'wo mail sacks'
were rifled and a considerable amount
of registered mail taken. Officers are
now workng on the case.
The will of the late Senator Davis,
-wbo died November 27, was filed for'
probate by Mrs. Anna M. Davis, the j
widow. The will, made during the1
senator's last illness, leaves all hi
state to Mrs. Davis. The estate i
trained at $25,000 in personal and
940,000 in real property.
Twenty-five terra cotta statues in
the Boston museum of fine arts prove
to be bogus. I
To the naked eye not more than
6,000 stars are ordinarily ivsihle. A
owerful telescope will reveal 6,000,00
tars at once. i
In China anyone who writes an im
moral book is punished with 100 blows
of the heavy bamboo and banishment
for life. Anyone who rear's it is also
punished. I
There are 40 islands in the Scilly
isles, with a total area of 65 square
Finnish immigration, which reached
a high-water mark last year, is likely
to show a great falling off this year.
The funnels of the steamer Oceanic
:are of snob gigantic proportions that
two tram cars could pas through
.them, side by side.
, Miss Antoinette Finck, a New York
Sheiress, broke her engagement to wed
Baron von Stecbow, because be would
jot live in America,
In Panay, SI ,000 persons have sworn
Uegauce. (
Morooco pay the American indem
nity claim.
Ashland, Or., voted against licens
ing saloons.
The Boer raided Cape Colony at two
separate pcliits.
The misunderstanding at Pekln wa
due to a cable error.
Only 85 Uvea wtre lost in the found
ering ot the GnoUenau,
The French chamber of deputies
adopted the amenity bill.
The return of volunteer all cans
renewed iusurgeut activity. t
Colorado capitalist have bonded thu
old Gem mine, iu Eastern Oregou,
reapportionment bill reported give
Washington no extra congressman.
Railway brotherhood will k tb
(JantaFe to w-employ It Ofierfjaia
gieud (our
, ; ;
award tor warship con
Superintendent Calbreth, of Ongou
Insane asylum, baa submitted his an
uual report.
Farmers' institute was held at Staf
ford under auspice of the Oregou agri
cultural college.
WasbiuKtou county, Oregon, has
offered $500 reward for the arrest ol
the innrdeicr ot Andrew Dahlberg.
Two trausporta will start iu a few
days from Manila for Han Francisco
with 1,000 sick aud wounded soldiers,
1 Thu nohiuinnr Pinnrntr. luinVair-luilen
for San Fraucisco, went ashore ou the
Nestuccs beach dortng the recent
Associate Supreme Court Justice
George O. Ludlow, ex-governor of ew
Jersey, died at his residence In New
Brunswick, N. J.
The stranded bark Poltalloch, on
Willipa harbor, withstood the receul
gale good. In fact she it in better po
sition th.u l.efore.
Fire in F.ast Providence, R. 1 de
stroyed a wharf on which there v.a
2,000 tons of coal. The loss Is esti
mated at $'.'00,000.
Two highwaymen who ttoped a
buggy uear Portland, npon discover
ing that it contained two ladies, apolo
gised and allowed them to dilve ou.
United States Senator W. V. Sulli
van, of Mississippi, and Mrs. Mary
Newman Atkins, of Washington, were
married at the parsonage of St.
Stephen's church.
Loot sent to France will be embar--jw-it:---
t .,u what vititiU sliowt a de-
e doctriuo may he applied
e,;ro v,u lbiibcil iij 1
i.v fKiri, til'l., inob.
IU Ul iiukil of the Oui i-enao. 1 Kf
persona were drow ned.
There is no prospect of passing the
subsidy bill this session.
The reamer Alpha was wrecitud on
the Vncouver island coast.
tfajor-General John O, Parke died
at bis borne in Washington. .
The Porto Bico case Is before the
United States supreme court.
Congressman Bontelle was placed
on the retired list of the navy.
The military commission begins its
investigation in the Boos hazing.
Frenh instructions sent to Conger
will clear the way ol all obstacles.
A cure for strikes was discussed by
the arbitration coufereneo at Chicago.
Preparations are being made for de
velopment of natural gas near llosalia,
A Washington county farmer was
murdered by a shot tired through his
The official report of the finances of
the Paris exposition, shows a loss of
2,000,000 francs.
The Oregon supreme court decided
that the Portland vehicle license ordi
nance was invalid.
Five cases of what is believed to be
bubonic plague have developed in Tucu
man, in the Argentine Bepublio.
A resolution was introduced in the
United States senate for an iuvestiga
tion of the conduct of Judge Noyes in
The officials of the Santa Fe and
the officers of he different trainmen'
organizations will bold a conference In
Seven hundred Boers have crossed
i-ltnm.fjmnin 1(1 unr f nl""V Jntd ..CBJII
uoiony near AUwai jNortn, and liuvi
reached Kaapdal.
President McKinley expects to ar
range his Western trip so as to be in
San i'ranoisco to witness the launch
ing of the batllethip Ohio.
Fire in Cleveland, Ohio, destroyed
Ave out of seven buildings of a machine
company, causing a property loss of
over $500,000, and throwing 1,100
men out of employment. -
The agricultural departmment h:u
MitaWlnhed at Washington a laboratory
'or totting all torts of road materials
The immigration bureau has al
lowed contract laborers from Porto
Hicotiliind in the United States as
The cost of the public schools of
Greater New York for the year 1901
will be $17,700,' 78. The number of
pupils in the schools is estimated at
The crjffee-growlng industry In tron-
leal Adica is developing tremeudously.
A Pittsburg firm has contracted to
ship 450,000 tons of coal to Nantes,
St. Paul's Lutheran church at
Schwenksville, Pa., has been celebrat-
irg the 150th anniversary of its found-'
Snrveys are being made for a rail
road from Port Valdez, Alaska, to
Eagle City, making an ail-American
Una from the ocean to the Yukon
ira on a if
The Famous Steamer
Tht Vciitl Struck a Rock t th Ealrsnc
te Union Bay, en th Cast Com! f
VsiKouvir liUnd.
Vancouver B. C, Deo. 19. New of
the worst marine disaster of. th season
lu British Columbia wa brought here
loulght by the steamer Csar, from
Uulou bay. on the east able of Vaucou
Ver island. The steamer Alpha wa
(Wrecked on reef near th entrance
Union bay and uot vestige oi we
. r-w .
etneers, two me iHMtiea seamen ana a
stowaway were drowned, and the rest
of the crew of 84 were saved by the
pluck of an uukotvn member ol the
ship's crew, who swam in a raging sea
from the wreck to a lighthouse with
a line around his waist.
The Alpha was valued at $45,000.
iler cargo compr sod T50 tons of salt
salmon aud 850 ton of coal, con
issued to Yokohama, and valued at
$80,000. The total insurance ou the
ship a'ld cargo was $)15,000.
It is two weeks since the Alpha first
tarted ttom Vancouver for Japan.
After she had been fonr days out she
returned to Victor! partly disabled,
ud acousutions of tampering with her
snglue were made. Some of the crew
and several of th ollloers lo ft the
1 steamer declaring that alio had been
j,pro,H,ry loaded , and one of the olll-
,. WMg lr),j an4j mmoed to si
weeks' imprtsoiiment tor desertion.
Ust Saturday the Alpha left Vic
toria tor Union to replenish her coal
supply. A ten Ittc gale was raging and
late Saturday night the steamer ran on
a rock at Bayues sound, at the en
trains to Union hav. She was quickly
dashed to pieces, and all would have
perished had not one of the crew mane
the desperate aud successful effort to
swim witn a line to tho lighthouse on
Yellow lla nd. In the raging sea
only part ef those on the ill-fated ship
niauaged t reach safety, the olllcers
and owner remaining on board last and
failing to retch thu rock. The 95 sur
vivors remained on Yellow island,
which is a rock 200 yards wide, until
Sunday night, when the sea modulated
somewhat and a sloop was able to call
a ii' I take them to Union.
But the storm which had wrecked
bo ship had also prostrated the wires,
and so no -tiding. cf tliu shipwreck I
renched the onuide world until the
little steamer t'rar brought tb story
to Vancouver toui-ht.
l !- .
1 'i'T.I'k:!,
f t' U"triiei
''mint, and, it
:i ;( the
in I,
tr -Awry di't
i'nirnt thu
"I the lirltii'u cm-
tia-;.' at a wail. She wa
chased on her return trip from Nome
by a United States revenue cutter, but
managed to show her pursuer a clean
pair of heels.
Tht United Statu Miy Have Occasion to En
force tne Monroe Doctrine.
New Yoik, Deo. 10. A special to
the Times from WashingUiu says: The
territory until recently In dispute be
tween Brazil and France, aud which
has beeu decreed to belong to Brazil,
inty shortly become the object of a dis
pute between France and the United
Sates, should the Monroe doctrine be
violated. The territory lying south of
French Guiana in the state of Para,
and containing 100,000 square miles,
was claimed by Brazil and France, and
Switzerland was made arbitrator. Iler
decision was in favor of Brazil. It is
now reportetd that some French finan
ciers, anticipating that the decision
would be favorable to France, ha-
already invested their capital in thin
teriitory. They are now, it is said,
trying to engineer a deal by wbloli tne
Fronch government will buy this
bind from Brazil.
Last of
The state department has absolutely former boing quite severe -iH the !at
no knowledge on the subject. - Its at-, tor scarcely perceptible. 'I no club
tention, however, has been called to rooms became scenes of liaxr com
the matter, and the attempt of the motion, Several people : 1 into
French capitalists to secure government
aid in getting their money baok will be
watched with intorost. There Is hard
ly any question, it is said at the de
partment, that sucb action would be a
violation of the Monroe doctrine, .and
would call forth a protest from , the
United States.
As long as the claim was In its orig
inal form, France might have mala
teiasA thntj shewa
her boundaries, and
simply rectifying
that the United
States cannot object to that. Even in
that case a rectification of boundaries
which involved an area of 100,000
square miles would be closely scrutln-
ized. France has, however, forfeited
the right to make that claim by sub-
mittiiig the matter to aribtratlon by
Switzerland. The territory has been
offloially decreed by the Swiss tribu-
nal to be outside of French Guiuna,
Woman Suffrage In Porto Rico.
San Juun, Porto Rico, Deo. 19. Ta '
the house of delegates today, Desoarti
introduced a bill granting unrestricted
suffrage to women on the same term
as met..
jionii. in Druun v,uiumDia. 1
Vancouver, B. C, Deo. 19. Storm
of unusual severity have destroyed a
portion of the diking in the delta dis-
trict of British Columbia. The
age to property is considerable.
To Suppress Train Robbery.
Washington, Deo. 19. Representa
tive Bay, of New York, in the house,
and Senator Hoar, in the senate, today
introduced mils "lor the suppressing
of train robbery in the territories of
the the United Statos and elsewhere."
It provides the death penalty for those !
guilty of a "hold-up," in case the' A uuaet wine .no m f um.
death of any person on the train re-1 London, Deo. 19. ) ,-$mrmi for
suits. In case no one is killed, the 4250 was entered in the Ofim.nV Pencil
penslty is made hard labor from 20 to oonrl today against the Diflw of Muu
40 year. Flynn, of Oklahoma, litre obester for .wine and c gunr supplied
dnoed a bill providing for a surpome by a oity merchant, l ie olaini was
court for Oklahoma. not oontested.
Vtnjunc Dealt Two Ntgreu In IndUi
Authorities win Ovtrcom.
Bookport. Ind., Deo. 19. Two
gross, Jim Henderson snd Bud Kov
lauds, who wavlaid, murdered and rob
bed llollls Flinons. a white bariie!
early this morning, were bucbed t
night In the jail yard by a mob
1,000. The negioe wer arrustetl tool'
after tb murder ouvurred, aud at
though Kowlaud1 clothing had llmj
jtalut on it they claimed they were iul
noceut. In the meantime Hhartrl
Clement, of Uulou county, KeiAuUvj
arrived with a trained bliaxlliogort.
When th dog wa placed on th4 trail
be followed it to the house where How
land lived, tli block from the neu
of th murder, and went baying, to the 't Jit'.er, tulorms the slat depart
bed th negro bad occuplad. j This ji' tU hat tn Moorish government had
was enough for the excited cltifu-. ,! ji the ulalm ol the United States
witiiiu a lew minotes mou oi a
and howling, bloodthirsty men
iiadd banime, f and gnu
pnnriii Anaerson ami nis iwo
tie made stand and attempted u, t chat be ws naturalised and an
proteot the prisoners, Tha omo.-nt U.i,lW c tln relieved th French
wer setaed by the leaders of the I mob .umeut from me necessity ol Join
md disarmed. The therlff, although iut lu the demand d Indemnity. The
looked tn a room and placed under Marrlsh cov.mment tdeaded a a
guard, stoutly refused to give up the
keys or tell where the prisoners were
biding. j
The mob made a determined but un
successful attempt to break in the jail
door. Finally they secured a telegraph tit Moorish government to make any that all the British wounded in the en
polo, and nsiog It as a battering ram etnrt to arrest or punish the urepetra- gagement at Nooltgedacht have arrived
caved tn the side wall of the Jail. The
door of liowlauds' cell was then quick
ly broken iu with sledge hammers and
he was dragged from the jail to the
east side of the court yard, whore a
noose was placed alaiut his ueck. lie
was given time to make a statement, I
lu which he implicated Jim Henderson
aud another negro. liowlands then
beuifod pltoously or mercy, but th
uioli quickly swung the Confessed mur
derer to a tree aud riddled his body
with bullets.
Leaving the dangling body of Bow-
lauds, the mob rushed back to the Jail
and burst open the cell occupied by
Henderson. Before the bars yielded to
the blows oi the sledge tome cms lu the
crowd fired uH)n tho terrllled ncn
he crouched lu the far tmruer. ,U hk
but a few moiuenu to gel at iieB'!i
ton, aud the negro, more diiad than
alive, wa dragged at the rop-f end to
the court House yard aim swui).' to fiie
tree beside the bod. ( KowlaiMt i Jr
Ing a parting volley at the g'vingiug
bodies, tht mob, eager for another vic
tim, hurried away to catch tho other
uegro Implicated by ltowlaiids. 11
was found at a hotel where be was em
ployed as a porter. The uegro tcaiwtfd
to the roof of the building, and M la
ger De llrulsr succeeded in convinnng
the mob that the porter had iioti ig
to du with ihsuorlme. The mpb th.ui
i ,,,i mmareiitlv eatutlnd iHi.
w, ,i((( vrrgeiuir. I
I j,UJi,,, m ordered j , t ,.- t.wt
a nt-wit
4t '--
t 3 o'clock tbl 1.,
t-i. d the i h.ts of
the dsy'sj w
Iar oi wit'.-
ii the negroes
I'ht'V ai' i"sd hi'u trnm beb'.i.
ing blni oveFthe""hnnrtwitb a m-v yy
club into which a large iial1 bad Men
driven. Although terribly i bont'iu,
Simons made a desperate tlgljt. ilis
cries attraotod two boys. Thy m t
drove them away aud acooin'.j'uhwl
their original deaign, securing a bag
containing something over
their victim, and made their
4f. from
is dead.
When others arrived Simons W
His skull was crushed in and jhls hoed
and lace beaten to a pulp. T,lio P'k
on the club' bad punctured the skull iu
four places and penetrated blsj t rain.
Walter Evans, one of the yijuiig r. n
wbo attempted to rescue 8!-i ' " '
who afterward witnessed tn 1 'i
lug, has become a raving manlf -
The dead mau's wife Is protiteu,
and it is believed sho will die from
the shock. '
Earthquake In Cub.
'Santiago do Cuba, Deo. 1(
earthquake shock was felt
-A sharp
.0 about
midnight last night. It wv the most
severe that nat been pr.wnrea in
several years, aud created a panic at
the San Carlos club, where "n giand
ball was in progress. The sUkkwiu
preceded by a dull sound '.i'..t n, .nine
explosion. Two shocks fc'lmved, tho
the streets. At Morro Cast a lilnrty
ball was In progress1,
Amu '-an ladles
present expressed groat inievast lu
the earthquake, which v the Hrst
they had experienced, bu. dinplayed
no fear.
righting In Colombl
'Kingston, Jamaica, De . 19. Ad
vice from Colon, ..Colon' Ma, todays
regaidlng the fighting betw .in the gov
"ernuierit ttwMsana:u . -jus-uviiit
Tumsco, say that the witl Srswiii lo-
sorgeut foroe wa not flis -i rued. Ou
the contrary, fear are entei tulued that
this bodv of rebels will eff e t a jnnc-
tion with the foroe opera around
Beuna Ventura. Both side i lof-t heav-
lly In the battle of Tuma . Wbeu
the government forces d strayed the
rebel steamer Giiitan the, ilso do-
stroyed a large lot of amin in'ilon.
," "" -
Hillshoro, Oregon, Dec. 10. Mi -
drew Bah 1 berg, fin innffonMvn
residing near Reedville, wh todiiyj
found dead in his cabin.
th i fore. .,
man had a bad contusion on
he(i. lie had recently so . i fumi oro
duce and was supposed to hn .onsid
erable money in the house. It in nen
era lly beleved that he w i
I'i'iod for
his money. The coroner
inquest in the morning.
i.'i bold nn
Kruger Undecided About V Itm; l'$.
The Hague, Deo. 10. 'n r ,i,ly to a
dispatch from Grand Iti ptds, Mb hi
gun, inviting him to the TJnitad Status
Mr. Kroger nas wireo, nn juh nut
arrived at any deoision w vi regard to
visiting America. J
. Z" 77, " "'
ll'E IliiUS B
; i
fay Eszai
ui Indemnity
'laim of
e remt or A s
ftowtvtr. Rtfuii te Afrtt te th
iy f t'siiidiSUtettad Ad.
&..-Jli 0ffkil Clv Up.
TFlfdilnwtiin, Deo,
80. A message
hiu Unitad Htste Consul Uummerl.
1 jf Li.ouo iudnmnitv ou account ui
b 'iurlerol M-iroua Kasagui, a nat
"jl'' - ' A",, Wu 1 oitiaeu. ia Morocco
i t.Ukui srtk ui r'renoh birth, but the
1 for its first declination to nay the
fa that the man was killed, not by
Morlah olllcers, but lu a fight with
tlii rabble. The claim for Indemnity.
hwever, was based on the failure of
ft of the murder. The navy depart-
itrnt. at the Instance of the state da-
rlmeiit, was making airaugements to
nd a naval vessel to Morocco to give
ritjral upHirt to the demands of the
Aii it lea ti consul for a settlement,
the president today appointed John
O. i. Leinhman, now minister to Swit
erlind, to be miulster to Turkey, It
Is recalled that when Miulster Strauss
caiikt hack to the United States and
rescued in dlsunst at his inability to
cIom op the Turkish claims, the tin-
predion was tenii olllclally given that
no lyiuUtcr would bo named to succeed
hint until the Turkish government bad
met our demand. After waiting a
lo'ir; t(oie, tht Turkish government
obi i,4d to take notice ot the
J-tiruratln iinutfestatlon o th dl-
p! nre ni the United States, evl-
dem-v l -y t.'m tbseuco of Mr. Strau
fi mr 3oi..t,iiitiiople. Therefore, It
tftn', A t!o iinndiiuoumeut to be made
t .Kt l hint lit, tiilnul.wl (Im liiliilulnrlul
oiDc of Alt Feiyouh Bey, the minister
noii' 'it Iihm. ! Hut tii irvnt tlm
isti (nun iJi.n.inu ,ki .mii it mt
thn Mine timi named Sheklb Bey as
mfni erto Wanhiiuton. But Sheklb
tt'ii. f ie lino riAt l..(t t ',..,,U
and tit iWrmmi, ii... r...ain. n
M'ar.uiiytmi, although, as he frankly
la mnthir,!.' mrr t .?!
' mothlrii; nsrr
uhar 1
: for the lli'inlOt.t.
Bty iiow will
"i. i "k-ton, or tbst the lur-
ler mti
ili . V recounnUsionei,
case might Ir takuu
V ' ! -', ,,,!jt lv.ll
mifi. i oi. i
! it wur.dilp, cr in miui
the i'ua
oth-ri va
mm will Not ray. " f
York, I Deo. 20. A special to
Hi tlcrald frurt Washington says:
IVymeiit off tho missionary claims .
pcmiuig agaiii-it Turkey is no longer
eI t,;ied by the administration. Al
though the sultan entertained the olll
corn ol the Kentucky in truly royal
!' ho did nut let the presence ot the
bitt.Siiil; )me uny effect upon his
pelr tlnn-li. aud still holds the $1)0,000
vhk;i' An I" li an missionaries assert Is
fit , jalne cf personal aud missionary
j riiB' rty df-m.yed six years ago. The
Ui.u f td i i, administration Is that
Tiuju v U Ul nut settle the claims aris
1' " of the reported purposo of
... lu to pi ess the missionary
; i I-.; ?" 1 tr subjects against the sub
l i iupcrt i. It is stated that it an
0' ic at a begin to press its olttims.
ti;. t.
tun wtll probably decline to sot
s ' the United States.
kfixkan Miner Thereby Saves $3,000 In
Currrr y While Goinj to Hit Mint.
I hicwi, Deo. 20. A special to the
K, :rd, fro in Parrull, Mex., says: O.
1 ' ' KU'Tllf I was unina (Hit tn hia mlnn
2 mile bom Parrall, F'riduy, to pay
of,' In employes, lie had about $8,000
ib, Mexican' ourrouoy, which he had
ti.1 firmly to the bottom of hi wagon,
P it bis pi Hoi in his coat sleeve and
at jrtod out
sjVlien he, had gone about halfway
t'uMexIci.hs suddenly confronted him
, ;t ordtie Ii him to get out of the wag
Ho hbeyed and the bandits
s jrohed Ids person with no result.
(;)wtcst he must have some money
t ,i proce. ad to search his baggage
a.Hjiner Sfecta. 'While they were at
tls; tak teornay ! drew his revolver
Iv 'i his coat sleeve and flmd HI.
" " ' ?. J ,ua b0IX er" m
stuimiy killod. , f ,j :i ,
r ' " :-... u -
i Wt'ihiw'tor, Deo. 19. Heptesenta
tlvo ; tew lands today introduced a bill
fiir tbrt con jtruotiou of reservoirs for
tan a'orugo of wator on tho Humboldt
liver, in Nevada, and for the disposi
tion and oHtlement of publio lauds
within reac9 of the stored waters.
No Duty on Chrlitmat Presents,
WiiBhingtAn, Deo. 20. The war de
Viistmeut hojS issued an order providing
No Duty on Christmas Present. '
Wiishu,ElAn. Deo. 20.-The ward.
1 -nVi-tmout liks issued an order providing 1
(for tho admission iuto Cuba and the
l ,iiJ1,)pIJ0H(,1.(je of dnt Q. liaukaBei
,i vuu auiuwaiuu iuio uuua and tne
j Jiud artioleiiicleaily intended as Christ-
oh presents lor the oflicers and en-
v'ui j meu ioi tne army and navy and
4.1, . .... . .1 . 1 111 .
oiner employes ot tins government
Jj'w ervini in these islands. The pro-,
jJiilon will terminate as to Cuba Feb-'
U4T is, unci as to tne Pmlippines
M i oh 13 next.
t nnhed In Coal Mint.
'ars'irm, iDeo. 19. A telephone mes-
if . i fro.-a Carbonado says: Andrew
Ilijl i Joliiiion, a Swedish . miner, wa
foiiiii dfihiij Sunday morning, buried in
cwil at tho-bottom of one of the chutes 1
of ; the Northwostorn Coal Mining '
ttofiipa-iy. J Johnson must have fallen
in ,' thu chute Saturday night, while
aV i'ork. His bodv was badly bruised
ar. ' nrtisii id. ; . '
ho Sbiitte has ra tified aeveral small
treaties. !
1 V
Th Bosrt Mtv Crotttd th Bordtr tt Tw
Stpsrst Polntt.
Ijondon, Duo. 20. "The floet hav
tabled Cap Colony at two separate
points 100 miles dtstaut," say the
Cape Town onrrasHiudeut of the Dally
Mail. "One commando advanced upon
Phllllpatown, between Colosberg aud
Klmberiey. 1 he other, supposed w ue
Hersog commando, crossed tne
Orauge river between Odeudaalstroom
and Jletliulie, northwest ot Burghers
dorp, its objective apparently being
t'raddoclc. General MaoDouald is en
gaging the Invaders, wbo have no guns,
80 miles west ol llurgheredorp. The
latest news I that they are being slow
ly farced bang to the urange river,
where a warm reception I being pre
pared for thum,"
The contemplated thanksgiving serv
ice In Ht. Paul' cathedral, to connec
tion with tho return ot Lord
from .South A 'rkavhaa been fihn-
i mtinmmw: t.M',.,Knri:'
nounoes, "to it being considered de
sirable to defer general thanksglvlu
nntll the close of the operations lu
South Africa." The programme now
is for Lord Itobert to debark In the
Solent to visit the queen at Oslwrue
January 8. to re-embark aud
finally to laud at Southampton, com-
from that point to London.
' Lord Kitchener, In a dispatch from
Pretoria, dated December 17, reports
thore and are doing well.
Tht Chief Rlottrt Wert Stvtrtl flundrtd of tht
Brlllih Wot Indict Regiment.
New York, Deo. 80. A dispatch to
the Herald from Kingston, Jamaica,
tays: Sellout riots growing out ot the
race feeling took place lu the streets of
this city last night. The chief rioters
were several hundred neuro soldiers of
the British West Indies reglmeut, who
were supported by natives of their
own color. They attacked civilians
iu the street and maltreated many so
badly that they were taken to the
hospital aud are under treatment for
severe Injuries. Lleutenant-Coloiiul
Allen, who is in oommand of the rol
meut, eudeavored to control his men,
but was unable to do so by persuasion.
He then otgauiaed the police aud swore
In oitiacti to aid in keeping the peace.
The soldiers and jn.tty olllcers bavs re-
tUSed to
surrender to the police aim
defy their olllcers.
Most ot them are
In the military camp, and the ttreett
re guarded t.y a lon-e oi ponce an.
Volunteer UUder
Allen. Severe measures will betaken
H'liuat tho mutiuou blacks
Is irreat unrest in the oity ami vicinity,
and r.i f - uu high.
I foar'-d tt'iii aoMething w!
Ut.t nits like the formal
bmaki. Meeting in tho
thu military baniieU b
d tud -i .() or d.- trc-m ,'
!;., I,. I ti.i t'H liiu:i .
warned to remain itid'Vr
trim bio U ovr.
u i. it
: : ip:-
l-';Wi the
Tht Ntvtl
Construction Board
Four Awardi.
Dtcldti os
Washington, Deo. 20. The board ot
naval construction, considering the
bids fur the' construction of battleships
and cruisers, lias settled on these
One of the big armored ornlsers shall
go to the Cramps, one to Newport
Newt, and one to the Union Iron
Works, in California. One battleship
will go to tho Fore River Engine
Works, at Quulcy, Mass.
This leaves seven ships to be dis
posed of, and while in view of the
fact that another meeting of the board
is to be held it is not possible to make
the prediction with absolute accuracy,
the iudcatlons are that these will be
distributed as follows: One oruiser
and one Imttloshlp to the Cramps, mak
ing throe for them; one cruiser and
one battleship to Newport News, mak
ing three for them; one oruiser aud
one battleship to the Union Iron
Works, making three for them, and
one battleship to the "Bath Iron Works.
There is still a possibility that Moran
Bros., of Seattle, may get the battle-
,hl ll,te('
or ne Rt
tor the Union Iron Works
Bath Iron Works.
Colombia It Willing to Do Everything Within
Itt Powtr to Hasten Construction. '
New Yoik, Deo. 30 A dispatch to
the Herald from Panama says: Senor
Martinez Sllvela, the Colombian miar
lster of foreign affairs, cables from
Bogotha this statement of Colombia's
attitude on the construction of an
Isthmian canals 's , ,
. ,i l l . ..j. ...Ml J 1
t.. ... .Lth.. if. in
tin AI.A Dhhahiu ' ah 4 a mUa-Kna 1 1- i
.' "ZriLT L" '
vj iiii-f i niiiiiiiii tu'uiv trurjiuoi tu id t
efteoteil the ftottml company holding
VT w., v.r. rr,,
the concession which expire iu 1906,
'or by whomsoever niny represent their
rights. '
"The government will make reserva
tions only to preserve national society,
and to give assiiranie that free truunit
by way of tho canal for all nations
shall be fully guaruntoed.
,,.. . .,..,
Eldorado, Kan., Deo. 20. Judge
Shinn today agreed to admit Jossie
Morrison to bail in th sum of $5,000,
pending hor second trial for the murder
of Mrs. OUn Castle. The prisoner s
iainer expresses nope mai na win ue
ante to secure tmuciBinen witoiu a iew
days. Miss Morrison's release will
probably end the case, it is said she
win go to nor old nome in west vir-
gtnta, wnon released.
Chicago, Due. 30. A special from
Washington says the oruiser Dorothea
has beeu donated by Secretary ot the
Navy Long to the Chicago militia for
use as a naval traiuing ship. It is
also stated that in oder to escape the
nrnvlalnna nf fVia IhodIm n.n-U -!
d - j...i ui.ui i ' . ,
ZZ'IZ T" T .V. I
Into the great lanes the navv depart
ment is considering the advisibility of
dismantling the Dorothea, which ia
now at the League Island navy yard,
and again equipipng the vessel with
gun for practice on her arrival at the
Chioago port, I
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
A Brief Rcvltw ef tht Growth and Improve
ment of tht Many Induitrkt Tnrouh
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Elmir htt a football team.
John Day has three smallpox case.
A telephone line from Huntington to
Burns 1 projected, '
The sheriff of Grant connty collected
10,418.40 In November.
Ji i. ,rntnmmtar
-- - w
the Gold Hill school bouse.
I The Coivalli creamery i paying 25
cent per pound (or butter fat.
J. J. Fitzgerald, of Sbelbume, ha
contract or 20.U00 fence rail.
The McDonald & Fisher sawmill at
Suimiiervllle Is in running order.
Ilepairs to the Blanchard bridge east
of Aurora were t'ulshed last week.
The Cleiks' nnlon, of Pendleton, has
organized with nearly 100 members.
The Enterprise council has passed
acts against bawdy houses aud va
grancy. A breakwater is being built at En
gene at the east side ot the bridge over
the Willamette,
Malheur county has accepted the
new bridge across Succor creek below
Barney Malloy's place. .
Lincoln county has allowed M. D.
Welton $500 on his claim for damages
sustained from the collapse of Little
Elk bridge.
The laidy of yonng Hays, who was
drowned November 9, eight Jbiles above
Dallas, at the Hood dam, has been re
covered one mile below that city.
Captain 11. P. Walnwright, of the
United State Army, purchased 85
horses for the government at Hunting
ton. The price paid averaged about
$00 a head.
Tillamook county commissioners
have leand the connty sawmill to
County Judge O. W. Sappington nntil
April 1, wbo will furnish road plank
ing at $1 per 1,000 feet.
Frank Hatch was arrested at Eugene
on a charge of forgery. His offeme 1
that of eudorsiug the name of a man
named Davit to a check given by the
Acme Commercial Company, amount
ing to $v.5J, . I
While retcunlna Irum tho Umatilla
hmiM to bit twin in thtj Chapman
building. Tho DUes, Fred
Stewart, a
vwir-i' -.raveling ita repiPaefltina the
it; art, :, tteid up t o tli-sgs utd
Mhbtd of 1 15.
The Homes take mine, locateoTon Hie
North Fork of John day river, seven
miles from Lawton, has been bonded
to Eastern capitalists by the owners,
Messrs. Tom Johnson and Joseph Bold
son, for the sum of $35,000 on a year'
time. Further condition of the bond
are that the person holding it are to
take immediate possession and prose
cute the work of development with a
large force ot men divided into three
eight-hour shifts, says the Lawton
Petitions have been circulated for
three different free rural deliveries out
of Albany, nearly covering the entire
field in all directions around the city,
and there are hopes of the same being
established, but it Is not known
whether they will reaah the depart
ment iu time for the agent now estab
lishing routes in the state to act npon
them before bis departure. The route
out ot Shedd has given such general
satisfaction that there is a general de
sire to have the system extended here.
The Wallowa marshal ran in a man
for peddling without a license, who de
fied the city authorities and would not
even listen to the reading of the com
plaint by the recorder. He was incar
cerated iu the city prison for contempt
of court whore he languished foi two
or three days or until some people
around town put up $8 for a jury trial.
The jury thought upon the evidence
offered that the man was entitled to a
discharge, aud so rendered its verdict.
The man is a foreigner, presumably an
Italian. He threatened to sue the city
for damages
From private letters received by
M. O. Hope, of Vale, it ia learned
that the Ocean Wave mine is making
a splendid showing., I. N. Clark, a
miuing expert, has the development
t4 tli a nilns in n liama a n1 In ta
TTVJ va tjiiv llltuv M V" t-nvaj m m
Jettw tfaat wa MCeived Irom him he
been 1keu out lately. Iu a lorme
cr M stated that th gold is not con
fl . t th , h , th t j . . . ,
lowed,) but that small particles of it
may be seen in the dirt over the entire
face and walls of the tunnel. It is his
opinion that it would pay to mill the
whole hill on which he is working.
This mine is an extension of the Golden
Eagle, which is owned by Portland
The Lnkoview .Rustler savs that
Jo,n Green, of the West side; who has
been drilling for artesian water, has
succeeded in getting the water to rise
within five feet of the top of the
ground, at a depth of 101 feet.
A. Nelson, of Cottage Grove, sold
hia undivided one-half interest in the
Peek-a-Boo mining claim to G. Meadow
and D. G. MoFarland. This claim is
located in the Bohemia district about
one mile south of the Muskk mine.
The consideration was
Richard Lester, a young man who
has been workiug in a Coos couuty log'
ging camp, is in jail at Roseburg,
charged with grand larceny. He was
arrested at Olulla aa he was on his way
Iwim fvvfla Pnlnfe .
The case of Casey vs. Crook county.
involving the validity of the connty
road which the county court establish
ed about a year ago through the land
of Casey, near Powell Butte, has been
decided by the cironit court against
the county. The court decided that in
establishing the road the oounty court
acted without )u risdictioq,
Holiday Preparation Dominant In Retail Bntl
aett Throujhout the fait.
Bradttreet's asys: Favorable condi
tions rule generally in all lines of sea.
onabl trade. Holiday preparation
re, ot course, dominant iu letail busi
ness, aud, where tbl ha hitherto
lagged, It ha been stimulated by more
seasonable weather. Wholesale dis
tribution is lifted, and is now natural
at this period, but western Jobber are
in receipt of a fair re-order business.
So far. the best reports aa to retail
trade come from the West and Sooth.
In leading Industrial the best report
I (till that mad by finished product
of the iron and tteel industry, but
other favorably situated lines are boot
and shoes and lumber. New business
In the former la rather light at whole
sale, but manufacturers generally are
busily employed, and leatehr is firm
In sympathy. A good eiport demand
..tor tax tatter ttiot4r ' ."
The cereal are lower In prloe, due
to profit taking on the late npward
move, the larger movement of supplies,
particularly of corn, which is favored
by the weather, and to less interest ot
the present- foreign buyers.
While business in iron and steel as a
whole I quieter than of late there i
no apparent diminution in strength and
actual tramaotious in rails and plates
compare well with the best recorded.
Pig iron is dull except for some busi
ness at Chicago and 25 cents per ton
has been conceded on Bessemer at
Pittabarg. .
Wheat including flour shipments for
the week aggregate 4,785,677 bushel
a aglnst 8,433,189 last week.
Business failures for the week in
the United States number 247 aa
agianst 234 last week.'
Canadian failure for the week num
ber 18 against 37 last week.
Seattle Market.
Onions, new yellow, 32o.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, new, $16,
Beets, per sack, 85c $1,
Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
Squash lo.
Carrots, per sack, 60c
Parsnip, per sack, $1.00 1.39. '
Cucumbers 40 (350c.
Cabbage, native and California,
io per pounds.
Butter Creamery, 80c; dairy. 189
33o; ranch, 16c lBo pound.
Cheese 14o.
Eggs Ranch, 40c; Eastern 35c,
Poultry 12c; dressed, 14o; spring,
18 15c turkey, 18c
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $14.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $35.
I Bnrloy Kolled or gronnd, per ton.
$20- .
j , w ,
Flou-Patont, per-: mn. ;..,
:WH W bin S ' i .. , "t "'2k ' , ' wnJ
turn, rer liirrel. HI SS: wfola wheat
Millstuffs Bran, "per ton,"ll4.b0;
horta, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choioe dressed beef
steers, price 7 Ho; cows, 7c; mutton
7?ai pork, 7?c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9
Ham Large, 13c; small, 1S,V;
breakfast bacon, 13c; dry salt sides,
Portland Market
Wheat-Walla Walla. 6454Kc;
Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 66go per
Flour Beet grades, $3.40; graham,
Oats Choice white, 45o; choioe
gray, 43o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.50 brew
ing, $16.60 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid
dlings, $31; shorts, $17; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy,$12 13.50; clover,$7
9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 6055oj
store, 82sc
Eggs 80o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 Mc;
Young America, 14o; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.75
8.50 per docen; hens, $4.00;' springs,
$2.003.50; geese, $6. 00 8. 00 doz;
ducks, $3.505.50 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 1 lo per pound.
Potatoes 60 65o per eaok; sweets,
1 o per pouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o;
Eer sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
age, lKo per pound; parsnips, 85o;
onions, $1.75; carrots, 75o.
Hops New crop, 1214o per
pound. ' s- w "
Wool Vallsy, 1814o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 13o; mohair, 25 j
per pound, ... ' , ' ' "',
MuttonGross, be8t Bheep, 'wethers
and ewes, 8Xo; dmsed mutton, '
To per pound. '
Hogs Gross, choioe - heavy, ' $5,75;
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,
$5.006.35 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504.00;
cows, $3.003.60; dressed beef, 6
7o per pound.
Veal Large, 66o; small, 7
lo per pound.
San Francisco Market. .
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1517o; Northern, 910o.
Heaps Crop, 1900, 1817o.
Butter Fancy creamery 26 36o;
do seconds, 25o; fancy dairy, 22
J3o; do seconds, 21o per pound.
Eggs Store, 40o; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $16.50
19.50; bran, $13.0013.50.
Hay Wheat $913M; wheat and
oat $9.0012.50; best barley $9.50
alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw,
8547)tio per bale.
Potatoes OregonBurbanks,45o$l;
Salinas Burbanks, 90o$1.15; river '
Burbanks, 8075o; sweets, 50 80c.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.75(98.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.60;
do choice $1.753.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
9.50 per bunoh; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66io per