The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 14, 1900, Image 4

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    "None Bdt
ON'T say that, Maryt Ton know
that I love you and'
"Now, Tom Dalton, atop rlfht
where you are. I've told you often
enough that I like you. You have been
my friend and playmate aver since I
wa a Utile girl and I ahall alwaya Ilk
you aa a friend. No, alrl I won't listen
to any love-making. I won't marry
you, air, and that'a the end ou t.
will marry no one but a brave man and
I don't lore anybody, and'
"But, Mary, surely I "
There you go again, sir. It you ever
mention love to me again I will never
apeak to you aa sure aa my uaiue la
Mary Hart."
"Oh, If you put It that way I'll really
have to retire, for I couldu't aurvlve
the punishment. How do you know
I'm not the brave man?"
"And I've known you all these years
and but I won't have tt brought up
again and there's an end ou't, sir."
"Well, welll If a woman will, ahe
will, and If she won't, the wout, and
there'a the end on't,H quoted Tom,
'ally. "Every dog bus his day, Mary.
Y.'hat do you say to a aatl down ihe
t iy? Let'a have that mother of youra
aid take a run down to Elm Inland tor
tanner at Cobb'a farm and a bath at
the abort beach. It'a a fine morning
for a aall and I'll bo bound I'll learn
swlui this time."
"Tom Dalton, If there ever was well.
I know there wasn't. And 1 really be
gan to think you were serious, sir. Hut
mother wouM never venture out lu that
craxy knockabout of yours. Wouldn't
It be Jolly? I'd love to go."
"It's all right about the knockabout
Sue Is high aud dry for a new coat of
copper paint. Cupt. Doyle has his new
schooner Willie and told me this morn
ing be should run down to Elm come
flood tide. What do you say, May J
Aud-you know I waa In earnest aud
"Say! I'm off to mamma at once,"
and before be could declare what he
was In earnest about, she was running
swiftly up the pier, aboutlng back to
hliu: "You naughty boy, I'll bet you a
box of chocolates I am first at the
bouse, sir."
Mary Hart was the only daughter of
the widow of Col. Hart of the Indian
The colonel had been both soldle.
and busluess man, and when be had
been killed In a jungle fight, soon after
Mary's birth, be had left bis widow
a comfortable Income.
She had come to America and settled
In one of the quiet New England sea
abore villages In a cosy cottage adjoin
ing the estate of Mrs. Dalton, who waa
au old school frleud. The young folks
bad grown up together aud been
friends since childhood.
Tom Dalton, a buppy-go-lucky young
man, bad Inherited an Independent for
tune from bis father, and now, having
passed bis finals at the law school,
was about to practice bis profession
In Boston. Ue loved Mary Hart with
all his heart; but, In spite of himself,
M not b.riuu about his love
making, though bound t aln ber.
Aud the little mlm :.. :( threw dlf-
fl:'iilili-s pp'.ut1. !a tt.i h;iv t hrlmrlnir
him sharply to account whenever be
' tr.ed tv t's jrt. is tu eti'.jiw' She didn't
pi'op:.H; la IjVO or le t ud. And if
the evet coiihl U o (oolU!) It must be
"a "brjive nnt.-
None but the brave deserve the fair,
a; 4 you aren't brave, you know you
ar tot. sir."
VI Vd tide found them skimming
a v'0 the bay In the natty little schoon
er Willie In a spanking breeze, Jump
ing at the sea like a mettlesome horse,
while Capt. Doyle stood at the wheel
extolling her virtues to Mrs. Hart The
young people were camped comforta
bly on the deck at the windward aide
of the mainmast.
"Great, Isn't itr asked Tom. "Now,
what would you say to lobster chowder
for dinner?"
"Tom, you villain! You have bee"
plotting this spree with Cobb. You
know I dote on lobster chowder."
ijown mere iasi weea. xoia 'em
we'd be down. Tried to get mother to
come, but she wouldn't step her foot
In anything smaller than a liner."
"And you never told? I can hardly
believe It. I never know when to be
lieve you, sir."
"Fact! Sure enough this time, Isn't
It, Capt. Doyle?"
"Fact, sure," said the skipper, "Me
an' Mr. Dalton bad a bit of a run down
to Elm last Tuesday. Tight bit of
weather coming borne, too."
"Thomas Dalton, do you mean that
you were down here In last Tuesday's
gale and never told? And you let us
think you bad been detained In Boston
m business."
"Got It straight from Doyle," quotb
The Cobbs were on the beach to wel
come tbera. Master Harry bad hauled
bis pots that morning and there would
be lobster chowder for dinner at 2
a'clock. Would they try a dip at the
ihort beach by the runway between
Elm and Elm, Jr.? They would, that
la, the young people would, and Mrs.
Hart would watch the sport from the
TJUL'B fti"tee -vnetcrf Mary's spirits
seemed DUDDiing over, ana sne was
soon daring Dalton to try a race to a
dory moored a short distance from the
beach. He seemed reluctant at first,
and was sure It was too near the cur
rent of the runway, but to take a dare
from Mary and have her taunt him
with lack of courage was too much for
t young man of bis temperament.
She waa wading toward the boat and
wben but a few strokes from It, call
ed back, laughingly: "Will you swim
for It, Tom? If you reach It first I'll
be your prize, sir."
He was striking out after ber as soon
as the words bad left ber Hps.
She bad nearly reached the dory and,
confident of winning the race, put ber
band up to ca.tch the gunwale; then
missed It and suddenly discovered she
. .J V. jt.nlk .. .1 1 au.
. was uui ul uer utryiu auu ux iuu ruu
way current.
"Tom!" she cried, and then all Tom
saw was a pair of frightened upturned
eyes and terror stricken face, as ahe
iwept under the surface.
A fine predicament for a lover who
waa not a brave man and who had not
learned to swim! Drawing a deep
breath, blind to all danger and with no
thought but to save ber or to die with
ber, Tom struck, out Into the current
and under the surface.
His heart thumped wildly as he felt
a mass of that sun-gold hair come Into
his grasp and in a moment more they
rose to the surface. Through his salt
dimmed eyes Tom saw a bit of rope
and grasped It. Tbey bad come up un
der the stern of the dory, which bad
gwung Into the current with tbem, and
the Brave " $
I he was now (Irmly grasping
a bit of
painter which bung over the stern.
lu a few minutes more he had lifted
her over the aide, clambered In after
mi w pifln hup tt ii iitlsi briskly.
Mrs. Hart'a crlea from tlie beach had
brought the Cobba to the scene and
Master Harry was running a dory
down the beach to the rescue.
It had all happened In a very few
minutes. Mary opened her cyea,
smiled and said: "You needu't rub ail
the skin off my hand, sir."
"Thank tl.vll Rh I ill rltfhL" said
"Tom. dear, you reached the dory
first. Kins me, alrl You wou!"
And then Master Harry's boat grab
ed alongside.
ranclM Hlmaelf Toadied Kb Look
in fur Table Pampanv.
Kingston, Ontn can boast of a good
mauy things of which It Is proud, but
the latest It cau make Is a little bit
eccentric. Of all the craay men, with
queer delusion, there Is none to com
pare with that of an Individual who
la couQucd In the Insane asylum In this
city. He thinks he la a poached egg,
and for twenty years be has been look
ing for a piece of toasi big enough to
sit down ou. When visitors come aud
ii i ixO Mill ti. !wr innmai'liea them
with the request for a moment'a con -
versatlou In nrlvate. As he Is perfect-
ly harmless the keepers do not put any
restrictions upon him. If you graut
bis request he whispers tu your ear:
"Hare you got a piece of toast about
"No," you say. "What Is the matter
with you? Are you hungry?"
"Hungry?" ejaculates the man. "Why
should I be hungry? I get plenty to
eat. I'm tired. I'm a poached egg and
I'm looking for a piece of toast to sit
Naturally tfala request leads to laugh'
ter, and the poached egg retires tu
high dudgeon, but he comes back reg-
ularly on the arrival of the next batch
of visitors to see If he eau't have bet-
ter luck. All sorts of things which
look like toast bare been supplied to
the man, but be wants the real thing,
and as chairs and couches are uot made
out of toasted bread he Is obliged to
goon making ble perpetual plea to vie-
Itora. In all other respects the man
seems normal, and If this crasy Idea
could only be got out of bis head he
might obtain hla discharge. As he per-
slsts In this delusion he will probably
speud the rest of his days In the ay-
lum.-New York Sun.
An Kftlclent Watchman.
A gigantic watchman, ten feet ".
iue story ok uuw vinuii
from tbe Brooklyn Eagle, Is an on
trlch, living on an ostrich farm In
Florida. He la named Napoleon, and
regularly acta aa watchman, patroll
ing tbe camp, and giving at Intervals
a cry that may be Interpreted to mean,
"All's well."
If anything alarms blm, be at once
communicates bis alarm to bis compan
ions by a series of yells as be ad
vances to tbe attack.
He Is a bird of nnuisoal lagpUlgroca,
but Is very savage. At ulglit it la es
pecially dangerous to go near blm. To
sea his keeper force blm hack to bis pen
In the morning Is one of the sights of
tbe furm. A large fork Is the keeper's
weaion, and before It the bird slowly
gives way, screeching with rage and
striking out with bis feet.
One night Napoleon rnught a thief.
The farm hands were all aieep when
there arose a terrible bulibiib. which,
as the men became awake enough to
distinguish sound, resolved Itself Into
the angry cries of Napoleon and the
shrieks of a human being.
lUndilng to the pen, the men saw the
ostrich chasing a negro. The fellow
had come to the pheasants' quarter to
steal pheasants, aud IihiI been discov
ered by Napoleon. When he tried to
get over the fence the bird struck him
a glancing blow on the tblgh, which
ripped open the flesh and expoed the
bone. For a time It was thought that
the negro would bleed to death.
What He Forgot.
A certain elderly gentleman suffered
much from absent-mindedness, nnd
was frequently compelled to seek the
assistance of bis servant, says a Lon
don Journal.
"Thomas," be would say. "I have Just
been looking for something, and now I
can't remember what It is," whereupon
the obliging Thomas Invariably made
"Was It your purse, or spectacles or
check book, air?" and so on, he would
Inquire, till be hit upon the right ob
ject. One night, after the old gentleman
had retired, the bell rang for Thomas,
and on reaching the bedroom he found
his master rambling restlessly about
tbe room, ,
"Thomas, Thomas," he snld, "I came
up here for something, and now I've
forgotten what."
"Was it to go to bed, sir?" suggest-
ed the faithful retainer.
"Ah. the very thing, the very thin'
Tbauk you, Thomas. Good Uightl" '
To liady Voter.
Some years ago a traeveler through
Minnesota stopped to read a notice In
regard to tbe election of school officers.
posted on a tree at a place where three
roads met
The following paragraph, which was
appended to the notice, seems to Ind!-
cate that some student of the diction-
ary bad seized tbe opportunity to dla-
play his knowledge and confound ail
Ignorant pasfiers-by:
N. B.-Tbe wisdom of our laws bav-
Ing tolerated woman to cast the light
of her benign Influence beyond tbe cou-
flnes of the nursery, by permitting ber
to practically use the genial rays of her
susceptlble Intelligence in directing the
moral and mental culture of man. It Is
therefore desirable that the lady voters
of this school district should use their
franchise with a steadfast purpose to
training of the rising generation, to
whom destiny intrusts the guardian-
shin of human haDulness In the nonr
Did you ever notice, that a boy
hunter never wears a hunting coat,
which has game pockets on the Inside?
A boy wants to carry his game where
It can De seen.
When a woman past forty disappears
from sight for a few weeks, it is a sign
she Is getting new teeth.
There Is such a thing as overeautlon
that excites suspicion.
There la many an uptled knot In a cord Not till 17-19 were the forts and fortlfl
of wood. I cations of the town demolished nnd thu
A factory tor liquid air li being erect
ed at Los Angeles, Cal., for refriger
ating purposes.
Careful experiment by Monsieur
Bruulies, lu France, Indicate that the
X-rays have a deflulte velocity which
l of the same order as (lie velocity or
There are Ji tirni lu uermnuy en
gaged lu the acetylene Industry. MomI
of the burners ate made at Nuremberg.
There are uu fewer tuitu twenty six
sum II towns lu Germany lighted by
acetylene ana. The mat plant of tliU
Mud for lighting small towns lu tier
I ""uy was erected at llassrnrt, a towu
; of S,au) lubabltnuta,'"
lu England a lump-punt tins been In
troduced which combines a lire hy
drant, tap aud Ore-alarm box, The by
draul cau be used for Ore purposes, fill
ing water carta aud for street (lushing,
w hile the small tap can be used by au
ludlvlduul for domestic water supply.
There Is a water meter aud slphou at
the bottom, by which the water la shut
off from the hydrant, thus Breve n tt f? tt
from freealng.
According to a report by
the Home Office lu Loudon shor-'lug th
mineral production of the world tor
the last year, the I'VbHt State
leads all Its rivals lu this ft rm ' of
wealth. Great Britain ranks .viu,
but far behind the leader, t'i total
product of the United Slates laving
. Ix'en atwut ITSi.tKw.isiu, while 'that r
Ureat Ilrlialu waa IOii,0,imiO. tier-
mauy stauds third, with nearly Sl'OO,
UOO.CMK). , r
Lord Haylelgh. In dlscunslug our abil
ity to tell the direction from' which
sound proceeds, calls attention to au lu-
ami ears w'tb regard to the lite of the
, waves that strike them. The average
wave length of light Is about one ten
thouMtudth of the diameter of the pupil
of the eye. On the other buud, "the
waves of sound Issulug from a man's
mouth," saya Lord Itaylelgh, "are
about eight feet long, whereas the di
ameter of the paMnnge of Ilia ear Is
quite small and could uot well have
( been made t large multiple of eight
feet." One consequence of the oilnute-
uess of light wavea In eomnarlsou with
the sixe of the eyes Is Umt the; lenses
of the eyes are able lo concentrate rays
of light upon the retina with great citb
'lof. ihn Trowbridge has recently
had lustalled at Harvard University the
niosi powerful apparatus lu the world
fr the production of electro-motive
fore. The plant comprises INMMW ator-
age cells givlug mm electrical units
of pressure, and this can be Increased
lo tolta. But In order to ob
taiu ine run errect or so euormotis a,
preMUrc, Professor Trowbridge says It
tain the full effect of so euormotis
mtlit ltd niuiMi.f, 1 1 MitiMV. 1 1 1 a a ,
paratus Into the center of an open field
, and elevate It at least thirty feet from
, the ground In order to avoid loss from
the Indue the action of floors and walls.
I With this great battery tbe highest de
gree of lustauianeous temperuturo yet
I attained can be rfHt4l I,refMWe
, Trowbridge hop's nun lis aid to ot
tain some clew to the tciuperatmv at
which hydrogen ei!'s lo the stare.
This plant f until iu -a, he itJ, a Menl
meinod of producing the a rx.v.
Htsjulatlona that M'ara Onre la Vog-ua
at ionarala and Cbnrche.
Diving into tbe old records of one of
the most charming cities uf our com
monwealth, Northampton, we find
much of deep luterest as revealing cus
toms and habits of rldeii times. No fire
w as found lu "tbe meeting bouse" In
olden time, aud comparatively recently
foot stoves were carried to church, as
were tallow caudles to the evening
meetings. In 177 the Important vital
question at a legal town meeting was,
"Shall men and their wives be seated
together In pew a?" and the vote waa
au emphatic "No!"
lu 1744, about tbe beginning of Jona
than Edwards' trouble In the parish. It
was voted not "to pay the charge of
bringing his daughters from Brook
field." In 1738 this appears on the town
records: "Taking Into consideration the
dlllleulty Mr. Edwards hath labored
under this year and some time past
w Ith respect lo hie firewood, the town
voted that those persons who have not
this year brought blm a load of wood
might have liberty between this time and
next Tuesday night to bring ench one bis
lond of wood." If there was not a suf
ficiency of wood by that time, the town
then voted, the selectmen shall see that
the deficiency should be met at the cost
of the town.
Later, In 1738, we find In the warrant
for town meeting this entry: "To pro
cure firewood for Itcv. Mr. Williams, to
choose a committee to seat the meeting
house." A most serious business to de
cide, who should take preference In the
broad aisles: The "nigger pew," well
remembered by the writer, caused no
trouble to snld oliicer, as that was rend-
Hy accepted by tbe "colored brethren,"
Hke cows In the stable, who went dull
fully to their separate stalls.
Not only the living bad special rules
governing their conduct, but tbe rules
,,ou' ",e aena were very quaint, as by
this report of committee,' May 11
1780, to whom had been referred the
conduct of fuuernla, as follows:
Whereas, It Is the opinion of this"
town that funerals ought to be con
ducted with great decency and decorum
In order to Impress on rising and risen
generations the Importance of the
awful solemnity, and to render the
house of mourning better than tbe
bouse of feasting. Be it therefore rec-
ommnnded to all the Inhabitants of this
town to observe the following regula-
tlons at funerals:
1- That the relatives of the decensed
follow next tbe corpse, two and two.
2. If the deceased was a mnlo per-
on the males are to follow next tbe
mourners, two and two, and the wom-
en after them, two and two: but If the
deceased was a woman, then the. worn-
en t0 follow next tlie Illollllleis
the men after them,
3. Those on horseback are to follow
In nft(,r tlie foot folks' llorel, two and
tw0- am1 the cai'rln"w' ie to follow In
the rear of the .'oeesslon. And It Is
requested flint uo person wall;or ride
ou either side the procession from the
house to the grave.
Ten of the prominent meu of the city
were appointed and requested to attend
t funerals aud to regulate the process
t01l thus recommended until the same
shall become habitual to the people. In
1745 the question wns raised In the an
nual town meeting "If the tovfn would
be nt the expense of coloring the meet
ing house, and Jtpnssed In the nega
tive!" Evidently they thought that
nature would do It without expense.
timber and bonrda add for th,Nm-ni
of the town. Laws were ptuAt rela
tive to the schooling of boys a d thu
aiuouut of wood the? should biu,f
the seboolhouse; girl
a were of ue so
couut In those dnyt.
Kt-Bauatoe I'ra Ibtir.r a Notalls Fl st
are tit National Ultr.t
J nines W, Bradbury., of AavuMa.
Malue, ea-Senatur of the rulM iltiifs.
riH'ltllll i1.t.,li 111 O.'ilh lllfli Imf
The career of this venerable ahWi..u
covers a period of Amc.ii.tu l.lVi uti-
example lu the experience of
man. He was born lu it'C taut Nmffc-
qnonlly Is able to give p -i sm.x.,
lections of the war of 112, bclib a Ind
or 10 wheu that struggle wasLu pro-
greas. Ho was IN yea re old when
Maine was udmlltcd to the I'tiou; be
helped welcome I.nfnyette to tliHtate
- arwVL imjm -W an r ' "
i i ? f. , v a,
..Mi's w, miattuunv.
In l(Cl; be participated tu the celebra
tlou of the semi centennial or An urlcan
dependence In l!OJ; be was a 'ulted
States Senator from 1N47 to 1, aud
was colleague and personal M ud of
Webster, Clay, Benton and O liotiu;
lie Is the only suvlvor of the P I men
who sat lu the Ketiato during hi term;
he Is the only living member laf the
Bowdoln elm. of 1ttU5, which Mudcd
lAingfellow, Hawthorne aud John C.
AbUitt, Mr. Bradbury baa lived In Au
gusta for sixty three yenrs, over half a
ccuiury lu the house which he ijow oc
cupies. From Jackson to Cleveland he
voted for every Deiiuieratlo I'rpsldeu
tint nominee. He baa uever tasted
liquor or tobacco and to-day Is ible to
attend to his considerable eorr spond
cuce without the aid of an amanuensis.
Ameriran Mllllitalra Maturna Monty
Won at a U.wbitnat Tabip.
Leliili Hunt, formerly of Saatile. Is an
American uilllloualre who owqs uiore,,'ul ,ll,'re' Their marriage took place
gold mines aud hydraulic confessions ,
from the government of Corea ban all
of the other forelguera lu that jouutry !
put together. He la not yet HI aud la
reputed io be worth flM.uui.uiioj acquir
ed cslefly through lucky luvesiviils lu
the Orient. Five years lu Corli, most
of the time living lu simple styl among
the natives, have made anf eeutrlc
out of him. He baa Just arrival from
the Orient and erldeutiy left there with
the Idea of making up for bis pisi lack
nf lintliln ttn
i . u.j j.f-i-wfrirrr'r'iMiiinittii'uH'U tta-m
M7' "' '
wiJUugly uratvn imo u poKe? 't-nc on
the s'r'f. The limit 'oa Uutclted
the celling and Hunt n.d iU T'e St.
LlUUTelU, l!iO HViglilU Vl C (Ul
on oillclal busiueM, wt J vtti only
ones who coui l tul tbe . Vcssurc.
Baton !e St. Labinui w. tblprlnel
pal factor In brluglug aUiut n
'el tie-
iiient of tho Chinese quenllon,
Ing to bis owu version of the sify.
The men gambled w ith huge J
until early lu the morning, by
time the Belgian diplomat had
with all of his loose cash and t.
aggregating f.i,tX). luiernntloii
plications were matters of a mllty piist
wheu the bnrou trembllugty llokucd lo
Hunt's next suggestion. j
"1 don't want to keep your ney,"
snld the American cheerfully,'i
shake dice and you enn win It inl bm-k
by doubling every time you slke."
By this time the two formed the cen
ter of excitement for all the 'Wen
gers on board the ship. Flftein min
utes later the $:i,.'H) had lucre seil to
something over f 12,000, and t'ii the
baron broke dowu and wept. I
"I wouldn't take your moneys' snld
Hunt. "You can't play pokef nor
shake dice, anyhow, aud I'll k't you
off on one condition."
Five minutes later Captain lyhnis
before the 200 passengers took l sol
emn oath of Bnron De St." iJuneut
over a Bible that he would nev piny
csrds again. I
This wus the most wildly ec tittle
act of the American on bis seus; lonnl
trlp.-Snu Francisco Cull.
It Has Increased Nearly Pev nfold
HurlnK Victoria' KHn
When the queen camo to the Iron
there were less than a million cljciors
out of a population of more tunO twenty-five
millions. Tbut Is as much to
say that only 14 In every UjD adult
mnles were possessed of the franchise.
A. ml fcj five yeurs had passed time the
rent re'orm bill bud, been plnT'l upon
trt statute book after nn elK '.i nnk
li. e buttle.. To day nearly TV ii . ent
of the adult mnjea la tiio r'nlujLu-..
don) posn(ss the fi'mich-lffo.""' 4 ie In
crc-ifo In population, added ) tie In
crease lu the percentage of prcientn-
tIdff,TraiiHioVAylyja.uj n tlectc
te of about six and tbroe.qj.arter
It Is as well to note that during this
extraordinary development of tld
's of
tornto tlie eleoted represeutatl
the people have scarcely Inert
number by a score. In 1801,
union of tbe British and Irish
ed In
merits, there were COS members
f the
House of Commons. DlHfraucblslncnts
and suspensions of writs redneji the
number In actual practice to 640jjj0und
about which figure It remained i jir.
uinastone in im; raised it to uli, the
present total of the house,
. It Is quite probable, tbcUBtoftfthat,
snoiuo: tne mucn-diacuKfeed
suffrage" ever come Intfa opetnii In
this country, It will not add,, j!Ke
member to the dlstl.nguUhed gathering
at St, Stephen s. Nor. a n mnu, ni
fact, will It add to the eleetorBhj-.tself
as a large proportion ns bus. been td.led to 'screw quickly into place, nor should mention Lewis Ncnle. Aiirnm iioti.ngs
lu the last thirty-three years. or In they be left on the table nor wiped worth nnd Isaac and David Brown,
that time 50 per cent hn been idilcd with towels that have been hanging In. wlloso descendants ure still living
to the rate of adult male repietenta-, the kitchen. Any of these acta make iround Winchester,
tlon. A mere 30 per cent more ttiuld thf sterilizing process useless, as germs Isnc Brown, grent-grnndfnther of the
give every man over 21 a vote... if b , may bo picked up In this way after It writer, bad three of the exiled Friends
cared to use It. London; Express.
Ijobat ei-fl. ;
Hubby-I feel like tbje deuce ibis
morning. I'm afraid tiose oHm I
ate lust night didn't ngtjee w ith i, e,
Wifey-I wfls afraid 1'iey wot (da't.
They were green when I bought .tliein,
and I told the fish man) I didn't Milnk
they were ripe, and he p7j1Hbji always
come that way. Ilarpef s uiier.
M. II band's 1'artnar la) Law and
! Ill
'fo 01
otitic, at Wall aa at Mom.
one who baa watched the career
of jWllllntn Jcnultig Itryan since his
l '!it nomination fur the Presidency can
' failed to observe the devotion of
'h'sj remarkable man to lila clever little
lio, nor her enthusiastic co operation
lit Ida poll lien I work, she Iihs been au
I Puliation and aid to lilm ever since
hi entrauce Into public life aud bus
'""H ,,""t'"'t companion on niuuy
i( l,U ,v,,,,'t ruinpulgrilng tours. Hhe
Mm cl,l',u lu ,81H'' W,1,M1
1,,,'t't'l' eloquence flushed across
""8 t'l""f naaemblnge of Demoerats
" ,,'rl",'d Umt bU numl,,'
!,,m wnl, """"''y P'""lble result. Fob
hwiUK ,,,Ht ,V1"" w wllb ulm
over thoiiKniids of tulles of rallroud
lines and sat ntt hundreds of platforms
with hi in, her heart swelling wllh prlda
a she saw hint slund before millions
nf lila fellow-couulryiueu and receive
their npplituse. Klie wna tllnpp(iliiieil
by his defeiit, but wllh au abiding faith
lu tils future, was not dUlienrlcned.
During the catupntgn juat closed she
remained at noma until about two
weeks before eleelluu, when, fearing
that the terrible strain waa breaking
her buaimud's health, she Jolued him at
New York, believing that ber preaenace
woiuu impel linn to ie more cautious
aa to bis physical condition, aud re-:
limlned w ith hliu until the end. Elec-
lli.ii day she went with blm to Inspect
their farm and In the evening she en -
terialned his frlvuda while receiving
election returus. ir bis e.-conl flereai
uistHiurageu iter, sue gave uo mauire-
ioiioi. or it.
Mrs. Bryan's maiden name waa Mary
ElianU'th llnlrd. She attended a seiu-
Inary adjacent lo Illinois College, at
Jacksonville, when Bryan was a slu-
J'r ne was aounueu io me
lur' Without neglecting tbe duties of
I"'r l""'. e (MhI herself to follow
ber husband Into the broader fields of
human activity. In JHM7 she took
courso lu law at Illinois College an
w hen tbey moved to Nebraska she w
admitted to the bar. She kept always
lu touch with blm. White bis chief lu-
.r , .u ... v . .
uT S i" , 1 ,B b'?0f1r,
When be turned tu Nliln and tniH
,t,T- ynij u .11 . fiUvl lut'lil tit U 111
c-iitly aud enlmustttely. Mr. Itryan
frani.'" n'lifewi the aid sh Um en
itCllflf mill ast llHIIlt ut
iiliii hi pr.-p.n lug bis aldrv s. Dur-
j Ing bis town Ui iho Hotmo of Befir n-
HH. w. t. HnvA.
I tmices sue never rmieu to w in the unl-
IV". , L i. i. ,, T,., . ..' .....I. ..
picacnce sitiruliiled us Lk aid before
Inn! pn pined III in,
Tbe most pleasing phase of the Bry
ana' life Is their dumostlc circle. While
participating lo her husband's public
life, Mrs. Bryan tins not Leglected the
home. She keeps oue servant, but does
much of ber ow n -work aud her three
chllilreu-one boy aud two girlsshow
the results of ber careful tralulng. At
home Mr. and Mrs. Bryan are like un
married lovers.
Finger Nulls and Gentility.
lu China long linger nulls are a mark
of gentility. They arc au Indlcatlou
that their possessor Is a ninn of leisure.
When they are excessively long, an-
lironcblng the dignity of tnlotis, as they
sometimes Uo, they Indicate that tbe
u'cnilcmnn-or hidy-attached to them
has pnssed the mere gentility line, aud
has become a full-fledged aristocrat In
Aniinui, where the finger-nail habit has
persisted for hundred and perhaps
thousands of years, these slgns-mnnunl
of extreme gentility sometime attain
hy careful cultivation the length of six
or eight Inches, and Instnuces are on
record where a length of sixteen and
even eighteen Inches has been attained.
This custom prevails generally
throughout what Is known as Indo
china, which Includes IS In in, Burmali,
Cnmhodln, Laos, and the Shan states,
etc. It la also common throughout the
Chinese Empire, more especially lu the
southern provinces.
It Is snld that some of tbe Annnmese
noblemen never have their mills cut
from the time of birth. In such cases,
of course, the poor creature are prac
tically helpless, and have to rely on ser
vants entirely for assistance lu the dls-
charge of the most common otllecs, be-'
Ing unable to either clothe or feed
themselves. New York Sun.
fieM-rht df New Mexican Idfe, been honored will establish her rank
Besides tlm iMitleMJiikeH, tlie XeffWtr'rh up to the present has been In
Mexico c"d of the Itocky Mountains Js d bt--nuiong the ilndles of the dlnhv
!i!"fctl ivllii AW tiiMiiiiiiiu, the scorpion
and the centipede. Then ther' the lla
tuon.-iter sik! loiiDy poisonous lizards.
Of all Hit tli? centipede U pcrlmpsi the
' t uicutitnl andaJLii nX livi, r
. , . .
nmonir me ceinna ratters or oiu auono
houaes. At n ght. when a man Is
sleeping, It drops, and If It strikes his
body It leaves a wound that takes
months to heal, provided some blood dls-
order does not develop nnd kill the man.
Tho glla monster generally does not
imo.uuii.nB . inn uirurpion anu
tnrnntuln Inflict wounds more painful
than dangerous.
Lids of Fruit Jar.
Tbe lids of fruit Jura taken from the
top shelf of the kitchen closet, where
they may have lain loug In retirement
KhAntil im sterilized before uslnir t'.,r
tum into cold water and bring the
Wnjter to the boiling point; take them
w oue by one with a clenn skimmer
,m .n . n-i. ..i i.i
loot be handled with the flnirers exeent
h.ik been accomplished.
, m Bnll '
snall farm has been atarted by a
farmer of Anet, France. He hn i.
refidy 200,000 ,of these creatures, and fruit and I send you-a few of the ap
they eat as much green foddor as two pies froro the orchard on the farm now
cowa. nwmit nnd nccunled bv two Erand-
A letter from a relative Is more apt
ici contain advice thaji money.
Olimpa-e of Ilia Life Tbare froaa Iks
l'n at a British Writer.
One of the most discussed political
figures lu the hut campulgu waa Bleb
trd Croker, boss of Tammany Hall, who
sailed for Europe after It was all over
to take the waters of Carls
bad for tbe boucllt of his
health, lu England, where be speuda
a portion of each year, Mr. Croker la
well known, and the following account
or his life there, taken from Blnck and
While, will be read wjiu Interest by
A merli n ns.
It Is now more than five years, any
thu writer, since lllchard Croker came
llllilAllt) C'KOKKSJ,
over here to try his fortunes on the En
gllsh turf and chose for his residence
the old Mout House at Letcombe, near
Wantage, Berks. I'eople who ouly
know Mr. Croker as the leader of Tarn
many Hall would be o united at the
quietness aud utter luck of ostentation
w bleb chiiraeterlxe tils life at I,ctcomhc.
A iiiiiu of medium slut lire, with Iron
gray hnlr, beard and mustache, and a
strong American accent, be la often to
be seen during the summer months, rid
lug or driving In the neighborhood of
Wantage, am auyotio who has bad the
fortune to drive with Mr, Croker Is not
' tKi.y to forget It, for bo goea down
mm, ot t,e ,,.,,,, Berkshire bills at a
fu,u mv9 i uu muttf. slushing vlg'
ormwy wt,, h w,p B( th0 tiw. u
wU drU a (M )om,t flm tmt nieans
n,ry ta ,-,,,.-, BMj f , ,m be
1IU M,ug(, lH, Dot plemto blm. no
mtu,r wlult tlw fm, of )t j, jug, l0j
fP Wmj t wm ft,
I A most extraordinary, love for enl-
,,,, , oll0 uf ,,, ,.inrrterlstlca aud he
,,,, ,t m M,m, UUHB flv bulldogs,
tvn.m ,)rix cats and five St. Bernard
.,,,. Twu of . biilLloifM. Itoduer
Ktoue-tbe clmmplim of the world and
fur Whbrb he puld 5,0tK-UHd Bromley
Vrtt) h Hlk ,mrk )0 America with him.
)nk)Jt Qt i,,,,, imMg0 for tu,.
i ig me loeni cniiniies, wio writer con-
tlmii-a. li I a HIhThI muIim-pIIm-p. On
Sunday mornings be usually drives over
lleiidred, a village six tulles distant.
to tho Itomnn Catholic Church, and lu
IIim ji f ti.rtKuiTiH Iia tfttiiiirnttv ,ut In miA
over hla stnbleg aud farm. He la a man
"f ' Phyrrfcm strength, and on
....,' ,,.., '
l to lift a aeveu-foo, flywheel on to
a dynamo, but seemed to have a dllll
eulty In doing so, Mr. Croker got up and
put hi shoulder under one of the spoke
and lifted It himself ou to the crank
shnft The tiger's head, with open
mouth and teeth showing, which I tbe
IhhIko or conl of arms of Tammany, Is
to be seen here and there In the Moat
House, lu the draw ing room It appears
on various menu curds which were
used nt the great Tammany buuqncta.
The New York papers are a source of
unfailing Interest to blm, and be Is often
much amused at the cartoons of him
She Has Been Made a Cooutesa la Her
Own Klirht t the Caar.
Mile. 'Marguerite do Casslnl, who has
Just been made a countess In her own
right by the Cxnr, la tbe grnmlnlcce
and adopted daughter of Count Cnsslnl,
the Busslnu ambassador to the Tutted
States. The new Countess Is a lady of
remnrKniue neauty ami or most ennrm
Ing personality. She baa lived In
Washington since she was 17, and has
wou the adlmratlon of all who huve met
her. Tho new title with' which she has
uai;lcfset. It was rumored recently that
the fair youug Countesa bad been
heirothcd to M. l'avloff, the Russian
minister to Korea, but the report has
been denied.
ntmMmnui.i. v.w.if-inw,
Uvep ffl y d .
Ueorlmc Fruit,
wllon ij0rd Howe landed In Cecil
county ou bis way to capture I'blladel-
pula a nmier of Friends, from their
BUin,osed sympathy with tho Invading
ariuy were arrested by the Americans
nml gUUt to Winchester, Va., aa polit
ical prisoners. Many of them belug of
the most respectable aud wealthy cltl-
of the nbove-nnmcd city, tuey
were uot long In Winchester before the
officers In charge of them, finding them
to be men of honor and truth, paroled
them on condition that tbe Friends of
the neighborhood would board them
free of expense to the then ruling
nower. says a writer In the Baltimore
su- Amon8 xm w h. 1
at his homo, three miles north of Win-
cheater. While they were with him in
the spring of 1778 they planted an or-
nhnr with nnnle trees. Ever since
i. -i.h i, hnnrinor
daughters of Isaac Brown, Ellsau and
Pmn olno tha mrl.
"""" " "'Ill:
nuv oiutuiuijr wiiu uia a, uv w w
aprlei as reminder of toe many bap;iy
days of youth speut wltb tlieia over
three score aud more years ago. The
same bouse occupied by the Friends Is
still occupied by the present owners. .
In the Historical library can be found
the diary or the exiled Friends at Win
chester, which contains the correspon
dence their wives bad wltb (Jen. Wash
ington wben tbey applied to blm for
their release. He declined upon the
ground that they were stale prisoners
and were beyond bis control.
.Tbe Gilplns, Wbarlous, rcmbertoiis,
Fishers, Drinkers, IVnnlugton aud
other well-known 'cltlaena of I - blladI
plila are the descendants of tbe Quaker
spoken of above.
Aanarlcaa Noblewoman a Worker
tb talvatloa Army.
The Couuless of Taukervlllu, one of
the most devoted iiiciuIht of Gen.
William Booth's Kulvallon Army, Is
now In this country and Is accompanied
by ber husband, who was also a mem
ber of the Kalvatlon Army at Tacoma,
Wash., where the two first became ac
quainted aud were married. At that
time the Earl of Taukervlllu was third
lu succession to tbe title. Tbe Countess
was Miss Lcnora Van Marter, a resi
dent of Tacoma. and It was while en
gaged In army work there that she at
tracted the Furl's notice. He was so
smitten by ber rare beauty that be
abandoned the gay life he was leading
lu order to be near ber. Together they
worked for many months In the streets
Of TTOiwr,"wtirPp-
whom tbey came In contact. Finally
the young man. by the death of rela
tives, came Into possession of bis es
tate and title. Ho at once married the
young army lass and together they set
out for Kngland. Here they despised
the gayetles of tbe social set they were
entitled lo euter and continued their
work In the Salvation Army, winning
high praise from Gen. Booth for their
teal and efficiency. They return to tbe
l ulled State to continue their chosen
work for a time. Whether or not they
will remain permanently tin not yet
been determined. If the work here shall
seem to require their services they will
stay; If England offers a more promis
ing field for their endeavor ihey will
return there. In any event they are
determined that they will not forsake
the army In the days of tfcMr
perlty. - Highland Venison.
Most of tbe red deer venbu td -b
' i i-
finds Its way to Loudon Is Scotclt-
wild veulsou, shot In the roreru. Tuetr
Is great difference In quality ,i thl
hlghbiud reiilaou. To be goo I. ' ;...,,b
need to be fat, and uullke t. '. 'u
the "artificially fed" deer, or, rather,
the deer that eujoy the feed of a good
Lngllsh park, la better for the table
than when picking up a hard living on
a Scotch mountain, but there are varie
ties of Scotch deer. Those ou forests
with plenty of low ground attached
grow fat and heavy, and the meat Is as
good as that of an English park-fed
stag. At the end of October and be
ginning of November the flesh deterlor-
atea rapidly and Is rank and poor, evi
dence. If any were needed, that the
shooting ought to have closed earlier,
but a good deal of Russian venison,
shipped ready and cut up luto Joints, Is
very poor stuff. The same rules as to
sen son govern the supply of red deer
venison from Fugllsb parks, but the
weight and quality of the hitter arc su
perior to the Scotch. Most large pro
prietors find a sale for their spare veul
sou near home, and consequently It Is
less common In the market. Red deer
hinds are again In season lu winter, but
tbe fallow venison Is In every way bet
ter. Some Is even stall fed, and the car
casses show almost as much fat as does
small mutton.
8he Knew,
Marjorle Is the small and only daugh
ter In a family which boasts of several
sons. Aged rour js .Marjorte, petite ami
Imperious and enjoying excellent op
portunities for becoming spoiled. She
has lately attained to the dignity of tbe
kindergarten and comes home dully
with some fresh acquisition of wisdom.
few days ago it was addition, and
sho proclaimed proudly at the dinner
I know how much two and two
make and free aud two aud four aud
And what," said her father, "do
you and I moke, Marjle?"
Without a moment s bealtat on over
these new factors lu her problem, the
little maid answered, with a dimple and
a smile:
And all the family were satisfied
with Marjle's arithmetic.
JtiHt in Time.
A circus paid a flying visit to a small
northern town not long ago, nud the
price of admission was sixpence, chil
dren under 10 years of ago half-price.
It was Edith's tenth birthday, and her
brother Tom, aged 13, took her lu the
afternoon to see the show.
Arrived at the door he put down nine-
pence and asked for two front seats.
"How old Is tbe little girl?" askedthe
nioney-takcr, doubtfully.
"Well " replied Master Tom, "this Is
her tenth birthday, but she was not
born until rather late In tho afternoon.",
Th money-taker accepted the state-
ment: and handed hliu the tickets. But
lt was a close suave. i.ouuon
Klcotrlc Motor lor Surgery,
New surgical Instruments operated
by electric motors are coming luto use.
The most wondeVful Is an electric saw,
which cuts through bone aud tissue
with lightning speed
This machine
hna already found an extensive use In
cot x teh or TAXitravii.i.B.
large hospitals, and has proved of value ! mates tbe present, population at 40,
ln severe operations, where the shock 031,471.
attending the use of -the slower acting
handsaw would have frequently
proved fatal to the patient.
The needle you hunt for in a hay
stack never pricks your finger.
Tbe rlcb man' travels when be will;
the poor man when he can, .
Lover (ardently)-I love the very
ground you walk on. Heiress Ah! I
thought It was my estates you were at-ter.-Tlt-Blts.
rarke "I've Just bad my telephone
taken out" Lane "What for?" I'arke
- 1 T;'Mjr "e door 'B1' P"t ou. Iu.-
Harper's Bazar.
Bad Times. "He has always run bit
business like clockwork." "Yes, and
now bis creditors have wound It up."
l'blladclphla Bulletin.
Mra. Bicker There you go again! You
always were a fault-finder. Mr. Bicker
8ure; and I'll never rorget the day I
found you. Chicago News.
Tbe Bachelor-"Hlngle bIesednes !i
good thing." The Benedict-" WeJl,
Isn't double blessedness twice hi
. i 'ft i
Ii uuer oiuiesiuau.
Justice "What were yon doing lu
Colonel Bullet's chicken coop?" Uncle
Mose "Fo' de Lawd, Judge, I was Jes
takln' de ceuus."-Harlem Life.
Snarley "You don't have tr-tt .
artist to draw a check."
but you have to be a royal acrdi-mlti ia
to get It cashed." Syracuse. 'J I ral I
"It Is claimed that tbe I)o;;i f hi.
press of China started In life as a ser-
mivr :ZS&Jptwler tbe- !.;.,!
w of ber.-;UveUind !lat i.-.
"Would you start out on a ionrney a
Frldayr "n0, Indeed." .'Xar-
people so superstitious?" "I'm not st
Dentition l m nnlit , e.innin.''-
She "I wonder why It is that so
many old maids bate fat bunk ac
counts?" He-'Trobably for luck of
anything else, they bushand tbelr re
sources." Brooklyn Life.
"How did you ever happen to marry
blm?" "Why, be made me mad."
"Mad? Howr "lie acted as if be
didn't think I would aud rather hoped
I wouldn't." Chicago I'ost
"What Is that quiet, Inoffensive little
man over there In the corner?" "In
offensive? Say, don't you start blm up;
he's the professor who Is master of
eight languages." Chicago Record.
On the Contrary: Vane Glory I hope
Swaluaton said nothing about me the
other night, old chap? Cecil Swarve
Not a word, old man; lo fact, we bad
quite an Interesting little chat.-Judy.
"Mr. Ilardcase," said the minister, "I
saw your son In a saloon yesterday."
"Did your replied Mr. Ilardcase; "I
bope be bad the politeness to ask you to
have sometbing."-I,biladelphla Rec
ord, City Nephew "What do you think
of Dr. I'lUsbury as a physician?"
Farmer Hayroob "Safest doctor Buy
where In this part of the country .
nearly always off fisblu' when he's
wauted." Judge.
Hoax Why Is the merchant wbo
doesn't advertise like a man In a row
boat? Joax Because be goes back
ward, I suppose. Hoax No; because
he has to get along wRbout sales,
Philadelphia Press.
" V,'.r .Fr;!--! ' yt-if"
frku'Her than err to . wtc .-he ,;
Unto troubte tvlili iho Tuiin.nisL Vi icli-
.w Ire-Yes; ahe now , claim, thut she
)' i-n our war with
j'-bc '' '"' wst . i..t. -.fib'.
Friend: Cbrbnlon Sci-
fi i.- j-;, ... t-i must eliminate fear.
V ,,.! --tHyt 'iu ) r-'srjr ('! r'f-t'aa
Scleutist 5one whatver. Wltherby " '
Then you're just the oue I'm looking
for. Come and help me discharge my
cook. Life.
Falrlle Jack, have you that ten
pounds I lent you tbe other day?
Flyutie Not all of It, old chap; but
what I have will do me a day or two
longer. Jolly kind and thoughl'ful of
you to Inquire, though. Glasgow Even
ing Times.
"Don't you find that Mr. Aster's
poems," said the young poet's mis
guided admirer, "are full of words that
burn?" "Well, no," replied tbe editor,
"I never put them to that test; 1 merely
drop them In tbe waste basket" Phil
adelphia Fress
"Don't you get tired," said the talka
tive customer, "stauding there hour by
hour Ironing one stiff-bosomed shirt
after the other?" "No," answered the
Chinese laundrymau. "It rests me to
think I don't have to wear them."
Washington Star.
There Is safety In numbers," said the
tlte conversationalist "There Is," an
swered tbe man wbo talks on politics;
If you can't convince a man by your
argument you can always Bllence blm
by quoting a lot of statistics tbat he
knows absolutely nothing about."
Washington Star. '
"What did you expect to prove by
that exceedingly loug-wlnded argu-
mnnt nf vnnrs?" nskeil tlm friend. "1
didn't expect to prove anything," an
swered the orator. "All I bope to do
was to confuse the other fellow so that
anything "Washington Star.
The Only Way: Mrs Dlmpleton My
dear, It Is being reported around that
we owe everybody. Dashaway And
the worst of It Is, It's true; so what are
vou eolne to do about It? Mrs. Dlmiile-
00 -i0? : Wijy, Trcrrct-BnetV,-,
an Impresslori immediately by giving
an elaborate dinner party.-Llfe.
Blanche i wish you'd listen to this. '
Laura writes to have me hunt up liter
ary Information for ber club paper on
no less than seven topics." Dorothy
"Dear me! What will you do?"
Blanche "Oh," 1 won't fiud time to an
swer the letter until after she has doue
needing the information." Indianapolis
One of Gilbert's Pungencies.
W. S. Gilbert, the famous librettist,
was quick at repartee. A noteworthy
Instance followed the discussion In the
papers upon the Incomes of high eccle
siastics and tho well-worn remark of
Becky Sharp was quoted: ''Easy to be
good on $25,000 a year." "Yes," added
Gilbert, slyly looking around on the
company, "some or us nave to ue good
for nothing." Tauslug for the mur-
mur of approval that came promptly
enough, ue aouea, "Ana some or us
Population of the British Isles.
The census will be taken on the last
day of March, 1901. Ten years ago,
when the last ceusua took place, the
population of the United Kingdom was
87,740,283. The registrar general estl-
AU in the Interest of Science.
Prof, Emll Yung of Geneva, Swftaer
land, has counted the ants In flveiiests.
Their numbers were 63,018, 157,470, 12,.
033, 03,004 and 47,828.
Aa the Bait savors tbe broth, so .does
labor give relish to pleasure, M