The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 14, 1900, Image 3

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Ttltphona, N. 141.
OMKK 1,0 1 Hi K NO, 4A MKKT8
Wclm-K.wy evening.
... f la nirn
Member will uk
Vlllt KliilllrK tlivtled to attend hn
r, moment. V. I r'KAIKR., t 15.
due nolltf and 'stu themwlve accordingly.
Court Ituloix'iuU'tto No. 30, Fnrwtt-
em of America, nifMa every Townlay
evMitnit at 8 o'clock.
V. Ii Allln, deullat, Cooper Mock.
Note wlmt F. . ClnmUr Iim to iy
in liii ad unity.
Vtt Side Mint Wevkly SUteaninn,
one year, t'-'
Ladtea' arid children's jackets leu
than coat at the Monmouth store.
Zed Roaendort Iiaa something to lay
to you today. Look up his Bdvertlae
moot and govern yourself accordingly.
Gilt braid galore, at J. L. Stockton 'a.
A drove ot fine bUck hog, all aiaca,
passed through town on Sunday, headed
Campbell Bros, have no equal in pricing
raix ami stoves,
Xmas decorations, 'candies, etc., at
Buv your mill teed at the Col 11 in mill.
Bran, 15 per ton; ahorta I0 per ton.
Hold ops, bank robberies and burglar
lee are being reported frequently. On
, Raixtny nigh JB. LwnMailaw.a'. t mmmf
driver mliotivca near Ntieiu, was new
up at the tttH'l bridge for 3. The rob
bera then cacuped into Polk county.
Have you bought your winter wrai?
Now i lie tilne to buy them at lea
tlmu coat at the Monmouth Store.
On Saturday W. W. 1'erclval took
down to Portland another targe baud ot
Robinson's Book Store iiaa juat re
ceived a la ie lot of new hooka by the
luted and heat authors.
New brilliant chiffon for tlchua at J
L. Stockton 'a.
Owing to acarcity of log, the aaw m
is idle again. The bridge leading to the
mill ia in very bad condition and the
teamsters are anxious to have it repair
ed. It was condemuied a year or ao ago,
but the snperviaor fixed it up ao as to
oaa it. The bridge requires new string
era to make it aate.
miss Malwl Wei ahed her
school at Suver and come dome.
Sunday waa a beautiful day and many
residents took advantage ol the weather
to stroll about town
t About a daen yo , ' ent to 8a
Wm on the Altona to , Hun-day' re
turning in the evening,
Riley Cooiier visited in Salem on Motv
dsy, going down to the capital city by
Misa Eaaia Robertaon la spending the
week at Oak Ridge visiting with Mrs,
Clarence Ireland.
The opening ol bids for Independence
school district bonds will take place
next Saturday, the 1!;M, iustcad of to
morrow the 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Campbell and eon
returned laat Friday from their Tluuika
giving viait with relativea ot Mra. Camp
belt at Corvallia.
Grandma Irvine, mother ot J. IX and
S. U. Irvine, returned on Monday from
a mouth's viait with her sou J. P. Irvine
at MoMinnville.
Frank Groves, ot Corvallia, waa here
during the week. Frank ia manager ot
the Corvallia opera house and was look
ing up the "Under Sealed Orders" com
pany. Some one attempted to burglarise Kd
Gale's residence on Wednesday night,
but Mrs. Gale and the big dog were
ready for the intruder had he been able
sineMsriSfMwair' swctwimthmh'i
Funding Our Pclils.
Would It not le a good move nn the
tart of our county oltlolala to mnke pro
vision to re lu ml thocounly debit The
Wimt Stun . understands that, tunny
county warrants have been Issued draw
ing six and eight per rent, and, some ol
them two years old. It would ire in to
lie poor policy to pay seven, or even tlx
per cent on several thousand dollars'
worth ot outstanding warrants, when
bonds bearing live, or niavbe (our 'per
cent would sell at par. To get the
county out ot debt In two or lour years
would cause too high a rate ot taxation,
besides we have the running expenses
to look alter. Therefore steps should
tie provided to reduce Interest charges
and provide sinking lund. And then
the county ought to be so managed that
by the time the ImuuIs mature It will be
out o( debt. Other Oregon counties sre
getting out of debt j some are (tee trom
debt now; and this la the way tor a
county to he, except when some unusual
ly large expenditure la necessary, Pro
perly managed, there Is ordinarily no
need ot the taxpayers Mug required to
pay a large interest charge annually.
The directors ot Independence ciiy
Schools have made a step in this direc
tion and it Is not unlikely that the city
itselt will soon follow In the same line
the good exam p!e st.
The Altona made a trip to Hnlem on
Sunday, taking a lot of hups trom Eola.
On the return trip she brought a lot of
potatoes trout Dove'a landing, consigned
to F. A. Douty.
The "Under Sealed Orders" company
Newhro's Herpicide, the dandruff
cure, E. T. llenkle the barber, keepa it.
There ia no use sending away to Port
land or Saletu for holiday gooda as
Robinson A Co. keep a good stock on
Wall paper that will please the moat
critical, at Campbell tiros.
The new long gilt and steel bucklee at
J. i, bteckten'a.
Campbell Broa. have just received
new and complete stock ot wall paper.
You would be surprised to the
great variety of air tight heater displayed
on the floor at R. M. Wade A Go's. If
you need anything in that line don't
overlook them.
The Dallas boys came over to Mon
mouth last Saeurday to play the school
boys and got beaten by a score ot 6 to
five. A man out bunting, several
miles below here, heard the rooters'
shouting almost aa plain as it he witnes
sed the game.
Wejj'ish to thank the independence
people who have patronized,) so liber
e rally and extend an invitation toothers
also. Jiemembcr that if your neighbor
can save money buying dry gooda in
Monmouth, you can too.
8. M. DANIEL.,
Xmas gooda at Robinson's. .
For special rate on Ltppineott's
Magazine to aubecrihere of the Wkst
fciiDK, call at the oiTlce.
The word Garland ia a guarantee that
the atove is first class in every reaped
For eale by R. M. Wade & Co.
You aeli goods too cheap ia the fault
found by the traveling salesmen, ot J. L
Stockton. lw pnceB and quick sales
have built, increased and will keep the
trade, so says the past, and we think the
future will have tue same returns.
The misfortune of not being able to
have lights on the streets was amply it
lustrated when the hell rang for the fire
t the residence of J. G. Cleland. Th
boys took out the apparatus and stag
gered along the dark streets, through
mud and other obstructions like blipd
men. It ia not always possible to have
lighted lanterns at hand and even then
the light ia very unsatisfactory.
Campbell Broa. have the best lme of
carpets that has ever been carried in
Independence all wool and a yard wide
Campbell Broa. carry six different
lines in airtights prices guaranteed the
Try Moore, the barber, north side of
"C" street, opposite Knox's grocery
atore, for a hair cut or shave.
There have been plenty of traveling
men here during the week and the satn
pie rooms at the hotel have been in use
constantly. They all say that Indepen
dence is the best city in Polk county for
Newbro's Herpicide, the dandruff
cure, at E. T. Ilenkle'a barber shop, 10
J When in Salem and you want a good
eat don't forgot.. -to go-ia. . .titrougV
itestaurant, wnere everytDing the mar
ket affords can be bad.
J. 8. Moore, the barber on C street.
now handles Newbro's Herpicide. the
famous dandruff cure, endorsed by all
the leading barbers of Portland and all
cities in the east. Give it a trial and
save your bair.
The telegraph operators on the Santa
Fe line went on a strike some time ago
but resumed their duties after conces
sions were made. Now a new strike
has been ordered on the same line out of
sympathy for operators on the Gulf,
Colorado & Santa Fe road a branch of
the Santa Fe system, to secure similar
concessions made to the Santa Fe opera
tors. At present 600 operators are out
and business of the road is tied up. The
strike is caused by the company doing
away with 12 stations and reducing
wages at 19 others. ' -
Have you arranged yet for your even
ing reading? If not, it will be to your
advantage to call at Robinson's Book
Store on Main street. All the standard
authors are kupt on hand and many of
the latest books can be found only there.
Every day is a Barfjain Day at Mon
mouth's Big Dry Goods Store and people
from other towns are fast finding it out.
Our trade is growing rapidly.
S. M. DANIEL, Monmouth, Ore.
CORDWOOD taken on subscription
at the WEST SIDE office.
This signature 1. oa every box of the genuine
Laxative BromoQ(iinine Tablet.
m iniedy that core 4 ta
gave a good performance to a fair house
on Wednesday. Owing to sickness, the
leading man waa unable to appear and
another play waa substituted which
proved satiafactory to the audience.
Judge Flinn, of Albany, and a regent
ot the Normal acuool at Monmouth,
passed through here yesterday from at
tending a session of the executive com
mittee at Monmouth.
Mr. Nathan Cooper, of Billings, Mon
tana, with bis bride, spent Wednesday
night aa the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Cooper while en route to Sau Fran
claco on their honeymoon trip,
Prof. J, II. Ackernran, atats superin
tendent of public instruction, waa over
from Salem Wednesday on his way to
Monmouth to attend the executive com
mittee meeting at the Normal school.
Th vouug folka gave a genuine sur
prise party on Thursday evening to Miss
Nina Bakiuan at the residence of ber
auut, Mrs. G. W. Kutch. A baker's
dosec ot 'em swooped down on the un
suspecting victims and an enjoyable
time bad.
The ladies of the degree of honor will
give a "rag time social" on the llUb
Inst. An admission fee of 10 cents will
be charged and refreshments served.
During the evening a delightful program
will be rendered.
'Button, button, who's got the but
ton." Our genial deputy postmaster
baa lost button off her coat and aa she
can't match the others would like to
have the lost one again. Coins, boys,
bunt for it.
Carl Ilerren got shot in the heel on
Tuesday afternoon at Miller's shop.
Miller was fitting 22 calibre rifle to
take the long shell when cartridge was
accidentally exploded. The shot struck
Carl and went through his leg at the
A San Francisco business man has
sued the Wella-Fargo company for five
cents, this being the price ot a revenue
stamp he waa required to sflix to a
shipping receipt. lie claims that it was
the company's duty to furnish the
stamp. This is a test case and if carried
up its decision will be awaited with
. A very enjoyable surprise was given
Miss Grace Damon at her home last
Saturday evening by a number of her
friends. The evening was pleaoantly
spent in whist and other games. Delic
ious refreshments were served during
the evening. Those present were:
Misses Garland Hill, Lulu Robertson,
Arline Lines, Grace Jones, Kate Joiich,
Elva Taylor, Grace Damon; Messrs.
Claude Pengra, Carl Ilerren, Louis
Brant, Glen Butler, Claude Hubbard,
Sain Damon.
English Partridges Couiliur.
tldgea are expected to arrive in Portluiul
in I wo or three weeks, and will he turn
ed ioone In different parts of the Wiiluiu
ette Valley ami in Clatsop t'ounly. K,
House has just received woid that the
birds were to bo shipped from Mumhurg
either December 2 or liecembcr 0. The
ateamship company has promised to put
a man in charge ol them to give them
special attention. The president of
Wells, Fargo fi Co. 'a express has been
coniiniinic.ilfil with in relation to the
shipment, and he has sent a letter in
resjionse stating that he will -have the
mesHongers Instructed to take good rare
ol the birds from New York to Portland.
If they come through alright, inure may
le imported next year.
English partridges will do well in Oregon
as where they thrive in Euroe, the cli
mate ia more severe thun it ia here.
They are game birda, and breed rapidly
They do best in cultivated fields, and
are always found in the open, differing
trom qoitil iind Chinese plieamttits in
that they do not take to the brimh.
They will not spread throughout the
country like the Mongolian pheasants,
being inclined to remain more In one
locality, and will spread only gradually
The English partridge ia about twice the
sixeoflhe native quail. The purchase
will be turned loose at Indeciidcuce,
Salem, Albany, and other places, ai.d
perhaps at Ladd'a Uroadwood farm, In
Yamhill County. Oregonian,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hodgson of San
Francisco, visited during the week with
Mr. and Mra. E. W. Cooper and Misa
Patience Cooper. Mr. Hodgeon ia gun
eral agent for the D. C. Heath publish
ing house and Mra. Hodgson ia a former
resident here, being Miss Mann before
ber marriage.
It is said in fashionable quarters in
London that we are to be invaded by
the autograph tablecloth. Guests at
dinner are to be requested to inscribe
their names on the white damsuk with
a pencil, the writing being afterwards
embroidered, ao making the signature
i perumuencvf TU. I. m unique ialio
and one that promises to be adopted by
the fashionables In New York, and per
haps in Independence.
School Report. -
PnpiU ot the 7th and Kill grades who
were neither tardy no absent during
mouth ending November Z, 1000:
Ona Baker, Herbert Parker, Mamie
Bakeuinn, Frank Webster, Frances
CooHr, May Webster, Ilattie Mix, Belle
Wilcox, Jessie Madison, Maud Tharp,
Ethel Walker, Claire Tharp, Charles
Richaidson, Shelly Cooper, Nathan
Murphy, Vern Ketchutu, Goldie Irvine,
Loii Mottershead, Cecile Wilcox, Katie
The above names were inadvertently
omitted from the report published last
week. A. M, Kandkkh, Principal.
At the home of A. Flickinger, in the
south side of Polk county near to Suver
on the 12 duy of December, WOO, by
Rev. J. K. Baldwin, Miss Annie M
Steel to Lloyd 1'iickingnr, in the pres
ence ot some 2.) or 30 guests, Many
nice and valuable presents were received
by the young people.
After congratulations were over the
guests were ushered into tbu dining room
where a sumptuous wedding breakfast
wns served.
The West Side acknowledges receipt
of a generous slice ot delicious wedding
cake and hopes the happy couple will
enjoy their wedded life,
Whist Club.
The whist club met at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kutch last Friday
evening The wearers of the badges this
week were Mrs. P. M. Kirkland and Mr.
J. 8. Cooper; Mrs. O. D. Butler and Mr.
J. E. Kirkland. The club will meet
this evening with Mr. and Mrs. J, A. C.
Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.
Hop (Sold Beer
Bottled beer for
family use to
be had at
It is to he hoped that the express and
telegram taxes will ho wiped out, even
if nothing else of the war tariff Is inter
fered with. They are not oppresseve
hut, oh ! what a nuisance they are I And
then, again, the people have to pay the
expense im-tead of the company, us was
the intention of the government.
The poHtoflico department has-under
consideration a plan whereby the name
of the poslolfice shall he placed on
stamps when sold. The idea is to pro
vide means of identification when stumps
are stolen from a postoillce mid to pre
vent the boycotting of some of the smal
ler olficcs of Independence
bus some of the cluss who buy their
stamps at other poslofllces, and they
pretend to be working for the good of
the'towhr""""" '
.The Rev. Dr. Parkhurst who
made a horrible mesa of things in
his political career, making a wood
en headed attack upon Tammany
which resulted in tightening the
tiger's grip upon the " metropolis,
has juat issued an interview which
instructs editors how to run their
newspapers. We have always no
ticed that whenever a man makes a
failure of everything else, he sots
up as professor of journalism. The
hack politician, the clergyman with
a wandering parish, the merchant
on bankruptcy's verge, and others
of similar tribes all feel capable of
advising successful publishers . of
newspapers. It is too bad that so
much talent is going to waste.
Notice to Water Consumers.
It is neither honest nor honorable for.
water consumers to allow their bibbs to
run in freezing weather, and hereuiter
any party or parties Allowing or permit
ting such waste upon their premises
will have the same charged up at meter
rates, rrotect your pipes at your own
expense not ours.
Independence & Monmouth
tf Water and Electric Light Co.
I-odge Notes.
Adah Chapter No. 34, Order Easter
Star, met Tuesday veiling and elected
the following ollleers for ensuing year I
Mra E L Ketchum, worthy matron!
E. W. Cooler, worthy patron Mra. A
J. Goodman, associate matron; Mra. C
D. Butler, secretary ; Mra, II. Madlsor
treasurer; Mrs. A S. Locke, conductress
Mrs. J. K Hubbard, associate conduct
Willamette Lodge No. 42, logre of
ll 'iior. on Monday evening elected the
M owing ollleers for the ensuing year:
Mra. S, E, Owen, past uhiefj Mra. M
W. Mix, chief of honor Mrs. T. Price,
lady ol honor: Mrs. H. B. Walker, chief
of ceremonies t Mrs. K T. llenkle, re
colder Mrs. W, P. Cunnaway, financier;
Mrs A. J. Goodman, receiver Mrs. D
A. I lodge, usher; Mrs. II. F. Whlteaker,
inside watch; Glen Gondman, outside
Genera! Gibson Post No. 04, G. A. It.,
eleeled ollleers for the year 1001, as tol
lows! A, W Staushuiy, commander;
John Brown, senior vice commander;
Andy Wilson, junior vice commander;
W. P. Fisher, chaplain; Morris Parker,
quartermaster; John Duger, surgHon:
II. D. Foster, olllcer of the guard; John
Fluke, nllictT ot the day.
Court Independence No. HO, Foresters
ol America, has elected the following
ollleers (or the ensuing terms N. 8,
lift, O It ; A. G. Adkiua, HOB) D. A
E. L. Gate, rec. sec; J. II. Hlkilitand,
S W; A. K. Smith, J W; W. I. Clod
teller, 8 11: II. P Slitter, J B; Dr. W.
H. Parrish, Ph. ,
Independence Chapter No. 25 Royal
Arch Masons, elected the following oil)
cera (or ensuing year; O. l). Butler,
high priest; (, II, JuKpemon, king; V,.
L. Ketchum, scribe; V. W. Irvine, sep
letary; II. Ilirsehberg, treasurer; A. 8.
Locke, captain of host. Installation
will probably take place on the ll'th.
On Monday evening The Independence
Fire Depaitment elected ollleers aa fol
lows: 1. H, Bitker, president ; 8. K.Leiu
moil, vice president; J, W. Richardson,
jr. secretary ; w, II. I raven, treasurer;
V.. 8, IMIisid, chief; Chus. Bilyeu, 1st
Hsxintani; U. L, Hawkins, I'd assistant
H, P.. Lemmou, foreman No, 1 ; W. II
I'm veil, foreman II. and L
The nest Plaster.
X i ce of flannel dampened with
v.iiwfrirtrialn's Palu Malm and laiuml
to the altecied parts la superior to any
imn is siiwnor to any plaster, wnen
t-(nil.l." with a lame back or tmlus In
I 0f 0W(t Btvtt ,, - I .1.1 ,nj yU
atJ ?'.' tin to be mnr than plowed
wim tr i prompt reller which Itanorus
Pso i slni a so ettrea rheumatism
One application gives relief. For sale
by Kirkland Drug Co. '
Dinger HerMsn on the lloera.
Dinger Hermann, commissioner
of tiif general land oflieo, gave to
tho j'orld the following statement
llopgrowera Made Money.
11. J. Miller, ot Aurora, a well known
hop raiser and dealer, is of the opinion
that the Oregon hop crop ot 1000 has
been well nigh disponed of. "The sea
sou is tiierelore virtually over and we
hopmeii must now begin to prepare (or
the yeur l'.HJl. The total crop of Oregon
tbia year amounted to altout M3,000 bah
ami as it soi l at 16 to 10 cents a pound,
the amount ot money lu circulation be
cause ol the hop crop alone makes our
farmers feel quite proHroua, Many of
them Imve paid oft old mortgages and
now have money to loan their less forlu
nato brethren, who pinned their faith to
wheat alone, and so csme out behind."
Ilopfarmers are now having their vines
iiathcred in rows, ready to be set lire to
when the Ural cold, clear, dry spell oc
curs lu the winter, when tue ueai vege
tation will be turned to ashes and the
soil on which it grew enriched to a oer
tain extent. Mr. Miller does not look
(or an increased acreage ot hops as re
suit of last acason'e success, aa be thinks
hopmen have too vivid a remembrance
ot low prices In recent years. Hopmen
must keep at work, however, with what
acres they have, trusting to luck, both
aa regarda crops and prices lor llHJl.
Abstract of Instruments Filed lu Polk
County Dee. 4 to 10, 1000.
O W Shriver and Fred Hobding to
Mra Margaret Bhriver, 100x200ft Perry-
Win Fudge to II 8 Fudge, J int in
part ot It 1, blk 1. Bullatou-t550.
D W Hears to Amanda J Hedges,
10Gxi:t2ft Hill's Imlop-tlOOO.
Dan P Stouffor to O A 0 R R Co (qt
rl), s Its 3, 4, 5, blk 0, Millura add
Kinma J Perkins to Laura J Frazer,
7 3 4x73ft in blk 9, Monmouth I0.
O A C R R Co to Prescott & Veneas
(qt cl), 40a sec 35 tp l a r 7 w-$180.
Mra I M White to Prescott A enesa,
Ita 1, 2, blk , Hill's Indep-l000.
Mary K Macanley to A W Beckett
corection), 20.7tla E C Dice d 1 c tp 8 a r
J L A they to C A Ilurrold, 60a I Gil-
strap d I o tp (J s r (1 w f3.')0.
J J Brown to Josephine Frink, 54.20a
Adam Brown d 1 c tp 8 a r 0 w (1.
M G Flinn to Clots 13 Dunt, 100a see
20 tp 7 s r 7 w-11300.
W II Parrish (admr) to B M Talbott,
100a see 10 tp 8 s r 7 w-509.
J M Colwoll to Edith Montgomery, Ha
4, 5, 0, blk D, and Its 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, blk K,
Fails City-$500.
regarding the eligibility of the
Isocnko settle on tho publio do
mainbf the United HUton;
"To Doers who desire to come to
(ho Uiitcd Htutes may upon land
Intf itjthis country declare their In
tention of becoming citizen. This
mlili them to, file homestead
eluinl They can go to any of the
i-ft t it i i 1
lamiH, stage out ikiiihwiki
id li la their cIuIiiih with tho
r of the land ollloo for that
,. The filing of thoe)aim
10. 'I ho lionio-MH'ker must
inon his land, live there for
live yur and cultivate it in good
' fm it I I.m la I, A f..p Him
fyt'ar'wvittij'fcfti. then 1k m.-cured" to
tho hio.'uH)n the affidavit of two
I'itut'juj who .wenr that the appli
cant lived upon Die homestead
file. After ttcnuirlmi title to tho
a 1 1 1 it in proof against execution
for debts which may have been con
tritctl during the peri d the land
was being worked to iwcure the
. ...i . . . ..
"iviory boy in a family over
10) i
of IK
K-one year of ago, and every
or eighteen years of age, may
homestead of not exceeding
res and as little as they do
te re are millions ami millions
m of lands throughout the
Opon which the Boors or any
other pome-seeker can settle upon.
Tho ltnd is good and the people
wouUl welcome the Honrs, who
wouldj undoubted make excellent
TI- total cost for foes for the
acquisition of title to the honietttcui
tract u 110 110 to bo puid when
the eit:ry is made and $0 upon ac
quiriiu title."
I " "
Tttenf miirs Catarrh In this smllon ol th
oouiilrisusu all otlir dli put tosoilii-r,
ul mill the la t lew your urns unhwi1 Iii
iiimiruitR, rur a many thm um-tort
MlltMiil a local (IIm-mk, ami rraa-rlbil
! r 4Hi. ana lv emmUnllr Inllim to
cum win tm-ai irvauiii-lll, pnuiiiuiirvil H II
ourabls . Humiiiw Ita. univun catarrh lu be i
cunatltuflimal UImuiiw, anil Uwrrrors requires
niiiaiiiuitunai irraiinoi I nan s alarm
Cunt. iiiamiraitluriMt by K. J. i'liny 4 Co,,
Toledo. Ohlii. la tha only eoiiatllullooal rum
oo llii) Itiurkwt. It U Uaoti Internally In dim
from Itiiimoa to a towpooiiful. Itaela dlrcU
ly mi tilt blood and muciiua suritutea ol th
ayaitim. 1 lioy nitor imo tiun1r dollar for
aiiycttoisll fall to our. Meod for etnmlar
sua i"iyiii)uiaia.
. r"'F r- Toledo, O.
r, 1 . 1 1 iifii, lira.
HJt ,f rola at ma own.
jla Oregon's Interest,
A foK'er covering the entire (csourcea
of the aate In condensed form baa Juat
been itmiud by the Southern Pacific rail
road, lore than 25,000 copies will be
distribUed In eastern farming centers
whurs shev will do tlm moat uiuvl
The Llder la different from moat of the
Herat e sent out by railroads, in the
respectihat It la in no wise an advertise
ment hfr the Houthern Paciflo ao much
aa it islfor the atate of Oregon. All the
space ill one ante la devoted to a stalls-
tical riort ol the atate's resources, and
the otkr la covered by a large map ol
thestie. Among the more recent In
dustriri it mentions the culture of flax,
dairyilg, pine-needle industry, and saya
that twiera yet in their inception which
promiL brilliant retuma are the raiain
ot Angjra goats, poultry, pheaaauta and
the culture ot beea.
It tithe popular opinion that the aver
age rdnlall in Portland and parts ot the
yalluylia 40 Inches, but the folder aaya it
is on ' .in in sneasim m iim !....
able (linatic conditions in Oregon in
this reRtect, it saya I "The average an
nual liinfall has been 30:45 at Portland
for tinlast 10 yeara, according to the
IcHtimpny of government records. The
precipitation, aa we travel south through
the n'cat valleya, graduully decrousea,
until ii Ashland it ia but 12 inches."
Oregoniana will find interest specially
n the remarks about the new industries
Mrs. A. M. Holmes, sgod 64 years
snd an Oregon pioneer of 1852, 'riled at
her bono near McCoy, this county
Thursday of heart disease. Besides her
husband ahe left four children Mark
Holmes, ol Humpterj Uaynea Holmes
of McMlnnvlllej Miss Josis Holmes and
Mrs. liesaie Icey, of McCoy,
Mrs. Franclna White died Thursday
night at th home at ber daughter, Mrs
F, E. Ktarbuck, In Polk county, De
ceaaed waa born In West Virginia in
1828, and while yet young removed with
1 er parents to Missouri. In 1H40 she
waa married to J. II. White, and in Wti
ouuie to Oregon, settling oil a farm in
this county. Her husband died about
14 years ago. rilx children survive ber.
They are t J. C. and M. F, White, of
Crowley Mrs. F. K. Btarbuck and W.J.
White, rialem) W. W. White, Knter
prlisj Mrs, W, C. Kantner, rialem.
Mrs. A. E. Tlmmons, wife of B, Tim
uiona, died at the homo of her daughter,
Mra. H. Brtmk, near Kcola, Wednesday
Hlio waa 73 yeara of age and had resided
iu Polk county since 1877.
Nasal Catarrh uulokly yields to treat-
Inout by l'.lv's Cream ilalm, which Is agree
ably aroumtio. It is received through tha
nostrils, olssusris and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Drugglsta
sell tha COo. six Trial sl.e by niuil, 10
cents. Test it and you are sura to continue
tna treatment.
Trt awininiiklatu thoaa who srs nartlal
to tho use of atouilxers in applying liquids
Into the nasal isusages iot wtarrM Iron.
bin, the ttroiirlutors prepare I ream llaliu lu
liquid form, which wilt be known aa Kly'a
Liquid Cream Balm. ' Price including ths
spraying tuba is 75ceuts. DruggiaU or by
niuil The lltinld form embodies Uio med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
. (ship Building at Coos.
Coos bay has three shipyards in oper
ation. It la now a well recognised fact
all over ths coast that we have the
necessary material here, Including the
Port Orford white cedar for frames, snd
that the vessels built here lust longer,
and are therefore lielter and cheaper
than vessels built at other points. Coos
bay vessels are in demand, and the ship
yards have several orders for steamers
and sailing vessels on hand. Mirsb
Held News.
turn vi
He m ii I
promise ao much toward the fu-
ualth ot the atate.
Hare Boom Busted.
D. W, Coolidge, formerly of Eugene,-?
but now at Pasudena, California, writes
as follows to the Kural Northwest:
"The Belgiun hare boom that reached
such gigantic proportions in Houthern
California, is boosted, burn ted, busted,
We heard the other day of a party sell
ing a doe, for which he paid f 100 last
winter, for 25 cents. It is dow found
that the four-red-fuoted animal with a
pedigree as long ua Oregon timothy or
the Mississippi river, tastes no better
when fricasaed or roasted than the pie
biun aniinul with bars on the front feet
and white or black feet. When a per
son comus to buy a hare now he don't
usk whether it is the son of Lord Brit
ain, Faahoda or any other dignitary, but
Mb it fat'? There is absolutely no fancy
sales at all, but we have faith that the
Belgian hure as an article of diet has
come to slay. We are still raising
them and enjoy our Sunday hare dinner
quite sa much as we did a year ago
when they commanded audi fancy
prices." .
Tha bast Prescription for Malaria
Chilis and Fever, is a bottle' of Grove's
TuHteless Clilll Tonic. It is simply Iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. Ho
cure, uo pay. Price, 50o.
Free to Inventors.
The experience of 0. A.Sno(VCo. lu obtain
ing more lliuu 20,000 pnluiiu (or Inventory bus
enabled tin m to helpfully unswur many ques
tions relating to the protection of Intolleuiual
propurty, Tins they h'lve done lu a piiHiphUa
treating briefly of United Hiatus anil forolun
naloiitx, with cont of mine and how to prnoure
thum; tnido mai ks, delKUH, caveats, infrlug.
mourn, iiuelxlon" lu leadlug patent canes, etu,
This pamphlet will hu sunt Ires to anyone
writing to if. A, 8now A Co., Washington, o, Q
iltir uncalled for In the trout oftlcs at
ondouee, Oregon, on Doe. U, IWO:
Jeis Bteele. Arthur
? 6 Thomas, Q W
Vanes, Mrs Ella
-When calling for these lettors please
ayitoi&sd.r J. ArTHBRLHrt, P, M.
' ; ti To the Dear.
X (leu lady cured of her deafness
and iwlssa In the head by Dr. Nichol
son's Artificial Eur Drums, gave 110,000
to his Institute, so that deaf people un
able tp procure the ear drums may have
thenitfioe. Address No. 13134-0, The
Nlohjlson Institute, 780, Eighth
Avenue, New York, U. 8. A,
Hew to Cure Croup.
Mr. K. Uray, who lives near Amen
ta, DueliesH county, N. Y., saya:
"I'lianihcrlalu's Cough Leuiody la the
best medicine I have ever used. It la
a fine children's remedy for croup and
tuver fulls to cure." when glveu as
soon as the child becomes Doarse, or
even after the croupy oougu lias u
veloped. It will prevent the attack.
1 his should be oorue In nilna and a
bottle of the Oouirli Itemetly kept at
baud ready for Instant use as soon aa
lliese symptoms pear. for sale by
Kirkland Drug Co.
A Movlofr Record.
A fairly aged couple living in an up
country district of Lane county are cer
tainly entitled to the world's record (or
"movers." They were married when 18
years of sge and are now 00. They have
moved 47 times. Were married In Iowa,
moved to Michigan, back to Iowa, to
Missouri, back to Iowa, to California
then to Oregon where they now reaide,
They moved aa many as 13 times in
one slate, California. If any of our read
er can equal this moving 'business oar
columns are open to tham, Eugene
Guard. .
Sol King Is a patron of the creamery,
and likes it. He baa been making butter
(or twenty yeara, and had a ready mar
ket for all he could make. In the early
fall be quit making butter and began
taking tue milk product to (he creamery.
lie saya the change not only pays, but
aaves a vast amount of work. It men ol
this clasa prefer the creamery plan, bow
about those who have no etabliahed
market for their butter product aa bad
Mr. king. Corvallia T'moa.
Among the tens of thousands who
Imve used thaiuberlalu's Couirli Item
edy for oolda and la grippe during the
past tew years, to our Knowledge, tiota
single caxe has resulted in pneumonia.
Tlioa. Wliitheld & Uo., 240 Wabash
avenue, Chicago, one of the most pro
minent retail druggists lu that city, lu
speaking of this, says: " We recommend
Chamberlalu's Cough Kcuiedy for la
grippe lu mauy cases, aa it uot only
gives prompt and complete recovery,
but also counteracts any tendency of
lit grippe to result in pneumonia." Dot
sale by Kirkland Drug Co.
This will offer
an opportunity for anybody to v
Bint of clothes, an Overcoat, or a new ym of
Shoes. I must ell goods lwcaurte I am indebted
bo much that 1 have to nell at any price in order
to get Cfl5j to pay what I owe. Remember
better take advantage of this opportun
ity and buy whatever you need. You will get
first class goods at less than wholesale price.
Just show me tho money, and you can
Have it Your own way.
A fair inspection of my goods will eonvinco you
that the prices are all right. The one who
Needs Money is
At the White House, Independence, Ore
A ,Blff Kick
a man makes when' bis lauqdry work Is
seut home with porcupine edg and
spread eaitle button holes. If lie would
bring his linen to an up-to-date lauudry,
where perfect ruothuN obtain at all
limes, suuli m the Malum Steam Ltuudry, ,
ho will receive his shirts, collurs and
culls equal to uew every time that we
send them home.
Lvyourardrs at Kutch's Barber shop, or
with III Baltm stags.
C " J f- r '. . W.Tf VZi JL 1-.-
W kd lu 1. )'
(A ''Si
Are you looking:
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brusli. I have a good all-bristle hair
brush for 2oc. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Prescription Druggist
Polk County Bank
frmlili-al. I w-l'rildoL
IU C. POWKI,!., Cwhlrr.
Paid Capital . $30,000.00
J. It. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M.
Uiuipsoo, J. B. V. Butler, John
Ii. Stump, F. 8. Powell,
Joseph Craven.
Transacts a General Banking
and Exchange Business.
The Independence
Kutch'e Barber Shop.
Independence Oregon
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
Frsildtnt. VlM-fntlilsat
O. W.IKVlNS,Cihli.
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Cigars, Clgarsttaa, Tobaecoa
Confectionary. ,
First Class Soda Fountain In ooa
nootlon. '
The Castle
Keeps constantly on hand a fine
assortment of
O WhUkies, .
0 Brandies,
0 Cigars,
Also the famous Hop Gold Beer.
ED. GALE, Proprietor.
. 9. Smith, A. Krtaon, A. N. Vnih.H. R. Jss
parua, i. K. Raodca, D. W. Bsars, U. BUacbbarr
A fsnrral Banktni snr eichn kmlnsii
transacted; loam made, bills dlacounted, com.
iurri'1.1 cr.dlta rant'd; depoaltf rewired os
mirrcnt account subject U oheck. Intersil paid
u tiraedepoUa.
The Hnlel Eail
Dallas, Ore.
Iiaa been refitted and renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing ia new. Good sample room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Rates, $1.00 to $2.00.
Special rates by the week.
()(lloe and Realdenoe Corner Railroad
Moumoutu Htreeto,
$1.00 $1.50,
$2.00, $2.25,
$4.00 and $5.00
Those aro extra good
Call in and be con
vinced. Yours, for
fountain Pens,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Dan P. Stouffer.
Main 8treot Dallas, Oregon
W. O. Sharman,
Main Street, Independence
Southern California.
Notable among the pleasures afforded
by the Hliaata Route la the whiter trip
to Southern Culifornla and Arizona,
Renewed acquaintance with thle sec
tion will ever develop fresh points of
lnteret and added sources of enjoy
ment, under Its sunny skies, in the
variety of Its Industries, In Its proline
vegetation and among its numherlecs
resorts of mountain, ehore, viilloy and
The two dally Shasta trains from
Portland to California have beeu re
cently equipped with the most approv
ed palteri! of standard and tourist
sleeping curs, but the low rates of fare
will still continue In effect.
Illustrated guldest6 the winter re
sorts of California and Arizona may he
had on application to
U n. M AtUvHAM, U. f. A.,
" Portland, Oregon.
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness. Better ward it off. , 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions rilled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
Corrected to (lute.
Leave Inrtxpeml
pin: lor Monmouth
anil Alrllo.
7:110 a.m.
3;!l(l p. m.
Leave Imlopond
niof for Monmouth
mid Uiillu. -
11:00 a. m.
TilS p. m.
Loaves Monmouth
for Alrlle. .
T80a m.
3:50 p. m..
Leave Monmouth
for Dull.
ll:))Oa. m.
7:30 p. in.
Leave Alrlle for
Monro ou 111 and
Independence. '
O:O0 a. m.
O UO p. in.
I.enve Ihillna for
Monmouth iiikI In
1 00 p. in.
Leave Monmonlh
for ImleiMidunee.
9:45 a. in,
1:30 p. in,
? 40 p. in.
' ff:4R n m.
OiOl p. m.
Leave Inilenend-
enoe for Monmouth'
8 Oil p. in.
Send your buainea direct to Washington.
save uine, eosw jes, uener aervioe.
Mr offle clou w V. a Putont OOm. FREE prdlmui
try examination, mad.. Attr'l fM not dn. nnul patut
ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, Book "Hov to obtain PVnU,"
.to., nnt free, PaUnt. prooimd throagh S. O. Bigger,
noolva ap.olal nolle., wlthool durta, lu th
ftcter to deliver nmt collwt In Orofjon for old
established mnmiliictuiiiiK wholesale house
i'.XH) er, sure pay. Honesty more than ex,
perlence required. Our reference any bank
a any olty Knolose self-addressed stamped
nvelope, Mauufaoturara, Third Floor, m
uiuiu-ftmi nonuij jbitYmnu ymr wnu, f i. a ywur.
F P. SIGCPRS W.fff.fc
you Invent or Improve i also j
PROTECTION. Bend model, aketch. or Dhoto.
for free examination and advice.
nnnif riM niTrtiTO free. NoAttv'a
0tji III! r A I CH I d fee before patent.
i c.a.$:iov&co.
Patent Lawyer WASHINGTON, D.G.