The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 14, 1900, Image 2

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JOS. A. C. BRANT, Editor nd rmprit'tor.
rwl v month,.. , , , ........
ThrM numllm
.1 0
F III DAY, 1ECKW BEtt . H, 1W0
Will the nt "congress give us
new iesuc? Why shouldn't it? Tho
last one gve us half a dozen.
It ws oruel of Wilhclro to refuse
to receive Oom Paul. He should
remember that President McKinley
received the envoys and showed
them the view from his back win
dows. President McKinley's message
was no doubt a profound and
statesmanlike document, but it is
improbable that very many people
eat up until the wee sma' hours
reading' its exciting passages.
President McKinley is said to
have asked congress to guess what
he had for them. "And tho boys
guessed right, the very first time"
They guessed it was a message and
it wa one of 18,000 words.
Croker's campaign aga! nst vice is
said to be for revengo against his
henchmen who didn't help him out
as he thought they should. It is
ungrateful, of him, though, when
we consider how good vice has al
ways been to him.
They believe in rigid justico in
Canada. The Ottawa courts have
fined a baker for selling loaves oi
bread that were two ounces heavier
than they were orofessed to be.
ft ft ft
Advice to Lord Kitchener: "First
catch your Boer."
ft ft
There are only about three weeks
left in which a man can become
one of the heroes of the nineteenth
$ ft
Seems to us we remember some
thing about a telegram of congra
tulation Bent by Wilhelm to Oom
Paul after the smashing of the
Jamieson raid. Can this be the
same Wilhelm?
ft ft ft
Tne Dallas city council has
passed an ordinance to second read
ing which prohibits free hypnotic,
mesmeric and somnambulistic ex
hibitions. The ordinance is aimed
at traveling hypnotists who gener
ally have a "subject" asleep in some
prominent store window for twenty
four hours.
ft ft ft
The keepers of the vile resorts in
New York have closed up but they
haven't moved out. They judge
from the paBt that the present
spasm of reform will run its course,
just as a blizzard does and the
chances are that they are right.
Some day soon, we shall all wake
up and find ourselves in the next
century. Only, it will be the pres
ent century then.
ft ft ft
The shipping bill will have a
rough road through the senate. It
will probably pass if it ever comes
to a vote but it is doubtful whether
it can do this. If it ever passes the
upper house, however, it will go
through the lower one like greased
t ft
The prospects for building the
Nicaragua canal seem very good,
but it is to be hoped that care will
be taken to prevent the contractors
from forgetting that they are going
to dig a canal and not operate a
gold mine.
ft ft
come ot Jioston s aniiqumes nave
been found to be boguB, but baked
beans are not yet on tho list of
ft ft ft
The W. C. T. U. did about as
much harm as it could to the
of temperence when it sent a dele
gation to the capitol to examine
the glasses of the dinners in the
senaie and bouse restaurants to as
certain whether they were drinking
anything stronger than they should.
Such a breach of good, manners goes
Jr to brand the- entire organiza
ft ft ft
It might be just as well to wait
until congress has time to act be
fore we decide positively just what
war taxes are to be removed.
Nearly every paper in the state
has had a lick at the ship subsidy
bill, yet it is safe to say that the
editors of nine-tenths of these
papers, not only have no know
ledge of what effect the passage of
the bill would have, but aside from
the general idea that the bill pro
vides for a bonus of some kind,
know nothing even of the text of
the measure. Future embarrass
ment is often avoided by giving a
matter thouchtful consideration he
fore being rash with opinions. Cor
vallis Gazette.
If the Gazette has any knowledge
on the subject why don't it trot the
same out for public gaze?
ft ft ft
Llpplncott's Magazine and the West
Bids, one year, J3.SS6.
At lea immcrman can
hereafter ' hit bacon and
ham commit wan the Manchester
coronet This will balance a good
many dri --''i
What bought of a man
in busine . , used to pay his
employes their wages beouise the
fund set arlde for this purpose
proved inadequate? The city of
Portland is in pretty much this
position. In order to got their pay
for October and November the en
tire police force has had to sue the
city. Why can't the city counoi
transfer money from one fund to
another to tide them over unti
next year's taxes come in? v
ft ft ft
The president scooped the coun
try in his message when he an
nounced that Ex-President Ilarri
son, Chief Justice Fuller, Ex-Sena
tor (5 ray and Attorney-Oenera
Griggs have been selected as mem
bers of The Hague court of arbitra
tion. The country will highly
commend the selection ot the first
three, but in regard to Mr. Griggs,
theie will be Borne misgivings, in
view of the extraordinary opinions
he lias rendered on omo subjects
since he became attorney-general,
ft ft ft
The Daily Times-Mountaineer, o!
Tho Dalles, has susended public
tion. It seen s that that thriving
little city of Eastern Oregon has
also been struck with the cyclone o
McKinley prosperity and pretty
hard too. -Cottage Grove Leader.
The trouble with tho Times
Mountaineer, as with a good many
other little poocratio sheets
throughout this state, is that too
much McKinley prosperity has
struck their respective localities, so
much that tho picking has Itccome
very short for them. Hoseburg
Jacob Lntta, his wife, a son 10
years old and a daughter of 8 years
Laplanders, reached New York
few days ago, on their way home
from Alaska. These persons are
the survivers of the party of fifteen
who went to Alaska thru years ago
in charge of a herd of 500 reindeer
bought by the United States gov
ernnvnt in the hope that these ani
mals would thrive and multiply in
that country. The country, accord
ing to Latta, did not suit either the
Lapps or the reindeer. It was cold
enough, but different in many ways
The reindeer did nol get the same
food or treatment that they did in
Lapland, and what, with being
transported long distances,. with
the confinement and dfPcomfoiT'-at
transportation means to all ani
mals, ignorance and brutality in
handling, and scant, unaccustomed
food, the wretched creatures perish
ed miserably. Nor did the Lapps
fare much better, as their sadly
decimated ranks show. The ex
periment was both futile and costly
and represents the initial blunder
of the war department under the
direction of secretary Alger.
Senator Meltride Tuesday attend
ed the meeting of the Nicaragua
canal committee, which, in an in
formal way, discussed the canal
biil and the possibilities of its pass
age at this session. After this con
feience with other members, h
says that his opinion as expressed
in Portland that tho canal bill
would pass if the Ilay-Pauncefote
treaty is ratified Btill " holds good
and, in fact, has been confirmed
and strengthened. lie holds the
sentiment prevails among Republi
can senators that the treaty should
be raulieu first, when inero will bo
no difficulty whatever in getting
the bill through. It is his belief
that a number of loading Republi
can senators will stand out against
the canal bill until the treaty is
ratified, taking the ground that to
pass the bill regardlees of the treaty
will be to offer a deep insult to
Greflt Britain.
ft ft ft
The Dallas Observer goes out of
its way to charge the West Side
with making "nasty little flings at
Dallas in nearly every issue." The
West Side has simply called the
attention of its readers to a fact;
as stated before, when- Dallas poo
pie thought wo Imd smallpi x, they
shouted from tho houso tops (figur
atively, of course) that wo had forty
cases, and now we might got back
at them if wo so desired. We do
not know of any fight being on be
tween Independence and Dallas.
We had supposed that was ended
when an Independence traifor ap
peared, making it possible for
Dallas to go so far as to prevent
Independence once more getting
the upperhand so far as relates to
the county seat matter. As for the
implied threat that unless the West
Side puffs up Dallas it will not get
any business there we desire to say
that the West Side is a thorn to
some of the Dallas papers, hence
the unfriendly notice given it by
the Observer. Independence, as
ever, will continue to be the busi
ness center of Polk county, despite
its losing (through fraud) the coun
ty seat. We have the facilities and
do the business,
Washington, D. C, Dea 3.
Few sessions of Congress haye
opened more quietly than that
which convened today. Advance
knowledge of the fact that adjourn
ment was to immediately follow
the opening in honor of tho late
Senators, Davis, ot Minnesota and
Gear, .of Iowa, served to lessen
attendance both on the floor ot the
House and Senate and in the gal
lerios and consequently to lessen
Interest in the short proceedings
Congressional Interest is strongly
centered in the Isthmian Canal
question. Kightly or wrongly, the
announcement that tho Canal Loin
mission had cut out of its report
its original recommendation in fa
vor of the Nicaragua route; and left
it to Congress to decide Mwoen
that and tho Panama route, from
tho facts and .figure presented, is
taken to have Wen brought about
by the shrewd work of the lobby
ists employed by the Panama Can
al Company, and to presage a fight
which may cause a scandal before
it is endj'd; the lobbyists aro also
credited with' pushinglforward tho
Ship Subsidy bil!r which is likely
to be the bitterest fought measure
of the session, for the purpose o
displacing the Nicaragua Cunii
bill, which by resolution adopted
by tho Senate at the last sesssiou
should bo taken up on Wednesday
ot this week. This last may havo
been partly the cause, but there are
other reasons why Senators will not
object to seeing tho Canal bill go
over for a while. Tho Hay-Paun
ccfote treaty ha no! yet Intm rati
Red, and Secretary Hay has just
made a treaty with Nicaragua, giv
ing tho U. S. all the rights and
privcleges needed to construct the
Canal. Many of the strongest sup
porters of tho Nicaragua Canal bill
think that both of these treaties
should bo ratified before the Canal
bill is seriously taken up by tho
There is constant watchfulness on
the part of Senators to get better
seats for themselves. Applications
are often filed by Senators for the
desirable seats held by retiring
Senator" several years in advance
of the date of their retirement, and
for a Senator who has a good seat,
to get sick, is always a signal for
applications to be filed for his sent,
in case it should be vacated. Sen
ator Hanna, who has a less desir
able seat, filed a claim for the seat
occupied by tho lato Senator Davis,
about two years ago, and it is now
Ui. JL not-lrn, .hnwover,
that the seat would come to him
through the death of Senator Davis,
The claim was filed because Senator
Davis had filed one for the seat of
Senator Hoar, who at the time
talked of retiring on account of his
Representative Shaffroth of Colo.,
is an enthusiast and an expert on
the subject of irrigation. He has
introduced a bill providing for the
construction of, reservoirs in the
arid sections of the west and for tho
lisposal of tho lands rcclauneJ
thereby under tho homestead law.
Ho thinks it an erroneous idea that
money spent in irrigation only
benefits tho state in which it is
spent. In bis own words: "W hat
benefits one state largely profits
is destruction of lung by
growing germ, precisely as
moldy cheese is destruction
of cheese by a growing germ.
If you kill the germ, you
stOD the consumption. You
i i
can or can't, according to
when you begin.
- Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil: take a little
at first.
It acts as
food : it is the
easi est food.
Seems not to be
food ; makes you
hungry ; eating
is comfortable.
You grow strong-
nil picture on it, er. 1 alee more;
take no other,
not too much ; enough is as
much as you like and agrees
with you. Satisfy hunger
with usual food ; whatever
The wtiuine has
you like and agrees with you.
When you are strong
again, have recovered your
strength the germs are
dead ; you have killed them.
If vrtu have not tried It. send
for free sample, Its agreeable
taste will surprise you.
409 Pearl St., , New York.
60c. and $1.00; all druggists.
West Bide and Paolfla Homestead.
il mm ...... ill.-. ... I
and useless ground would result
the providing for homes and a greU
future to thousands and .thousands
ot homeless, hapless and penniless,
men in every state in the Union.",
Capt. Carl Reichmann, U. 8. A',
who has just returned from m
Africa where ho wad sent by tl
war department to observe tho ml
tary operations of tho lloor,i su
of tho lloer commander, whose
cent successes havo revived ho
among the friends of tho Uoet
"Do Wet's a dandy. He U a little
man with a clear, fierce eye anu a
stern vlstage, and wears a sniil
black hat. One would not pfk
him out in a company of men it) a
warrior; and he's a butcher, or llis
brother was, but ho knows how to
fight." Capt. Koichmann says t at
although the Boers are fine hun ri
and good marksmen, they aro tot
I I I! L- 1 .1 . .
goou soldiers, idealise wiey are sot
susceptible to discipline. 1
No one seriously doubts tlat
there Jwill eventually bo practjial
flying machines, but that jdot:
it loejJit
.revent money being Inv
railway arm Hieiimmiip iiii.;1 ?
. M ' . 1 ... 1. J 1!.
a level-headed man like Clmlphn
Hepburn of tho houso coinmliteo (n
inter-stato and foreign' commerce,
who at tho last session reported mid
urged action on a bill for a Pacific
cable is iUoted as expressing the
opinion that tho claim of Marconi,
whose previous experiments
wireless telegraphy havo not
entirely satisfactory even for si
distances, to havo discovered a
tm by which messages can be s
across tho ocean, without calytsi
will prevent action on tho caj
There may bo some signifies
In the remark of Senator Allii
who is in the front rank of
majority leaders, that tho
legislation which must absolu
be disposed of at this session, in'or
der to prevent an extra session ot
the next congress, outside of (he
fourteen regular appropriation bills,
were tho army bill and tho re-ap
portionment bill, and that all the
other proposed legislation was wih
sidiary and could, if necessary,
laid aside until the next congj
This is the short and last regllar
session of the Fifty-sixth Congrj-ss.
It will legally end on March 4 nfxt,
and the first session of the Fifty-
seventh Congress will not begin til)
the first Monday of tho following
December. Hut an extra session is
not improbable. Many important
k(rB will cow-Wore , fV
this winter, and they canne 'it
least they will nof, bo cleared up
by March 4.
ii 1 1 i -1'
- i
Nevertheless and notwithstand
ing, tho United Stales stands ;cc
ond in tho list of nations in tho
amount of tonnage it has afl'at.
This may sadly jar the advotsti-s
of tho shipping bill but it is tf
all tho same.
ft . '
City Treasurer Apperson, of '
Minnville, submitted Ids annual
port to tho council at its last niu
ing. This report shows a bahnjo
of $13-10.58 cash on hand, andia
total indebtedness of f!M'.)0.17, ; X
clusivo of tho bonded debt, wh :h
leaves a flouting debt of $0158, !).
Tho cost of building, operating jnd
maintaining the water and litht
plant for tho past ll years has lim
1117,201.72. If the plant is wJth
what it cost ($20,000), then tho t
peii"o of maintaining and operatag
has been l7f2f'i-l!72. Of t is
amount the consumers have plid
fj5,8iy.31, leaving a balance
f 41,4 45.41 paid or to bo paid
the city for water and light duriijg
a period of 11 years, or an averse
annual cost of $3707.76. Thewajbr
and light collections for tho yfear
have been $5070.11, leaving a oal
anco of $1908.35 in favor of 'tho
city. t
-a m-LJi-j-ui. ..yrT-
Notice for l'ublleatlou, , , t
JFiwt puUbuo-U.. rlsm
United Htftlin Land ODIcn, Ort'irnn City,
OrKon, DeoonilierS, l'KKv
with Ihe provlHliiiiHof tliu uct of CmiKri'iii if
Not ue m nnronv s vuli Unit In comn uilin
Juno8, IH7H. enutlvd ' An ant fur tlm niilo l(
timber IhikIh In llm Hlulna of Culirnrillii, Ok
gon, Nuvniln, and WnHhingUin Turmory,"
exleiiilod to all tlm I'ulillu L.and Hiatus by
of Auuiint 1 Ift.ii, l'lilllp A. Curri'll, of It-rK,
i.oiiiny 111 mariun, nuiiu 01 uroon, nan tl)
day filiid In thin ntlloe hi nwcirn liUcimli
NO. 4iif, lor llm imnliaxs or IIihSW v. of w
Hon ;U, in liiwuwIilu'No. H H, riuiKd No. S wu
a win oiiur pniur vi hiiow mm. 111a lul
nuiflit in liuiro valuililu lor II a timber or ttl
tbiiii for niri lniltiirnl iniriHiHiw. and to em
Huh III (liilin In aalil limit buforu I lio Ural 1
and Huut-lver of thin nlllco ut lir(.L'iiii ( it.
Ori'Kon, on atuiday, tbe2id Uuy nr Kcbruuii
He immna aa wiinraimt H . W. Utninift.
SiiKHr Loaf, Oriifcoiii Juliu Liicun, of Hiiri
l,onf, OrpfTon; Auniliani June, nf I'orllau
Oregon; nin y miuin, of roriiunu. orognn.
Any and all iicrHiina ulalniliig advumtily t
abovi-dnacrlbed lamia nro ii'uiiiwii il in 11
tholr uliilina lu llils olllec on or buforu until i
oay 01 r euruury, i'.iui.
Ste?mer3 Altona and Pcmonj
' Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00 u. in., for 'ii
For B'rclglit or PanHuge ap
ply on boardtlie bout, or to
the aneut
Inuepenufnco . OregoA.
snowier, inns enricniug now u
culm you
!.' in Balm
itraannt to
lta. 't.nuttut no 111.
JurloM drug.
Jl M quickly ilunrlwd.
Olviw Itnll.if m nnoo.
fun..: L"a l
It 0hii (.'lr.n
AHkm l.itlatn..illi.n.
Ilrl tn.t Pmtwta tho Mimihrun Hnrtnmt tin
SoiimM ot tnl Kiwlt largo tw, W OMiH l
l)riigiflitor l' mull) Trial Slot, locwtit. by null.
Kl.Y UIIOI'II KIW, M Wvrwi Burnt. MW Y urlt.
Bids for Srlitml llimtls Wanted. ,
The County Tresiiiirer of Polk County,
Ori'iion, fiMiolvn dt'iiM bills n lib
oilier), In iJiillitu, I'olk County, Oii-kuii,
up to HiUtinlitv, Pi-wtiibor U'iil, 11)00, i
1 uVlot-k 1. Nf., fiirieliiMil ImhiiIi, m lul
lows i Amount of boiuls to l Uml,
$13,1)00; Utt of Imiiu, Jiimmry :il, 1001 ;
psysble In twenty years, with the
privilege of iyliiK tlm ssine In tun
ytmr; draw interest st the rnto of
6 HT cent t luiiiliin; interest tmynblv
muni-sniiiiiilly ; imrxiM of IciutM To (my
off tlm irniiiil (mmli'tl liiiU'bliHlni o!
113,000 now duo anil hwld by lllslr A Co.,
Nw York, HKint Mum) District No.
ail, Independent!), I'olk County, Oreunn.
A cttrlluVd elmck of 10 per cent of I'M.
ilrawn on any well known bank la Urn
lion, imysblo to tin order of tlm umler
Rilinuii, must m'l'oiiipmiy eiich bid m
(titsranttm tlmt lint ui'eKiiful blihler will
comply with hi tilil The riubt if re
nerved to reject any mid nil bids.
L' tl II . . . ...
(liiiuiu Tr....ilr.r o( Pfilk
County, Ur-nii,
U. 8. lAinl Olllcu, Orison City, Ormun,
ihriMiiiM-r I, Mw
Nnltiw In horrlijr itlvrn Hint, tho li.lluwtut.
iiiiiiumI rvlllvr lm Mint nciiicm: lil Itili-ntiou
In milk II ii ii I ihihiI In tiinrl i( ln uli!ii,
und tlmt ftsnl jiriHii will Ii iiKiin liflme Hie
ennui) I'lurk i.i folk futility, al bun, urn
iron, on JHilimry Ii, HUM, ,t:
Btnjamln K. No. 11800,
lr tli Nortlivtt ,'.4 nt irtlun 17, T. tt II s
lie nummi ih lullowlnn wimM i I'mvn
III. Viillllllil Ml raaillltUliill HUj I'lllllmlliill
ol Mill Imul, vU; - .
Mrtmil -iii,iri, nt liiHvti.Ori'iiiiiii Allit-rt
Olm. of KiKii-ii, iiri'itmii Witilmn Kwrny, ('
Ihiwiii, Orinuuj I'Kviil Oiii,ii! IUhjixi, uri'siui.
CHAM, It. M Hilt KM.
yiUHlhtitliini Ilnanl.
Not lee I ln'reby pm that on Mum
tlsy, the lVth dy of Jioorinber, lmw,
llio Isinrtl of rtiuHlitutliiii will mti-ml nl
llieolllee of the county ulr-rk of I'olk
County, siid pulilicly exnmiuu II10
asnenAiiicnt rolls, nml correi-t sll error
In vslustions, dtHicriptlons or iimlitiit
of IhiiiIs, lots, or (Ulmr prnirl ; slid it
ilmll betbeduty of protitt Inli-rfninl
to pHinr t ilia lima ud lttou piint-t-d
; mid if it shall tppenr to inch linnl
ol tHjimliiMiiou Hint tlipru sn mii.v lands,
Iota or otluT irH-rty swum-d twlw, or
in the niinif ol rrtoii or pi-rmmH not
the owner thereof, or undi-r 01
Iwyond ill m-tuitl Villus or nny Uinta,
lulu, or othor iroK'rty nut mnnuwJ, mid
Isisrd slinll make Hit' proH-rcorrii'U(ins.
Dule I st Italia, folk t'onntv, OnKnn,
this L'Mtti tUy of NuvimiiImt, I1KH).
H. H. Con.mkr,
County AseMor.
'(itle of Administrator's Suits
Ntlt lit lii-n liv iilvi'ii 1 lul Hip iiiiitnilKnid
Aitlnliiiiitrntiir of llm il iif MiiuiiiU Hill,
iti-ixmnml, will, on llif I'nn (luy o iMti'inln.r
IIU, Hltlm hmir (i( 111 o'nlmk A, M on uli Hie i-mirt Imuan in ' ulliw, I'ulH Cmm.
IV. tirvmui. In iiiinniniiKO nl ml nl llm
I'miniy t i.urt u( oulil I'olk rotiuiy, Hlatn i.f
un'irun, limy inmio mm eiiinrtui 011 in. hmii
(Uy ol Novombiir, liau. f'irrli in Imml on lli
(lulu ul aiilc. Mill nt uiililln mii-iiiii) nml In 111.0
imrwl nil tli ri-l li IuiIoiikIii Ui llio e.
Into nl V. I mini it Hill, ii'CfK.l, I lie miiio Iwllig mi luli.iwK, lu-wii; hckiii' ut
- V 1 MM,.'i"r,w,iii,a4,i.i 0,
emiiiiNo.11,1, InTfSItt Wot tlm Will. Mr .
thnniH) runulii Kmilli 'j; ..I rlmina; (lumen
KntUS5 crmliiBi IIikikh N'urlli '.'inl rli.lm.;
tllrlim Wi l y k; ntiwitia, In Hie )e of bruin
nlliK ncl cunUluluii ihUn'tn in"rn or Ii m.
Ailinlnlainiliiriil llm imiitl ol
Mlrun.U lllll, tliKKiMwl.
IHtlcil Noveintwr Utli, o, 1I IMI
StoiklloliliTa' Xollcc.
Notice it liert-liy givt-n tlmt tlieanntnil
liiwtlnK of the ttacklioldfru of tho Indo
pt'i'diuire nd Monmouth Hnilwny Com
pany will he hld t Indt'Kind'nu-, Ore
Ron, on iVondiiy, Dm 111 be r 3lHt, HUH),
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., (or llm
election of director and olhYer mid
traiiKBi-tion of mich other hnincn 11 a
may Icuitlly come hefoni Raid nicctliig
Ihiled November HI, WOO.
V. tlKtuii, Secii'iary.
SlockholdiT'.' Notice.
Notice in hereby ulve 11 Unit the mhiuiiI
meeting of the Ntia-klioldei'ii ot the I'olk
County Lund Company will ho held nt
Independence, , Oilman, on Monday,
December Slut, I'.HiO, nt tlm hour of 10
o'clock A. M., lor tin) election of direct
( r and olllcer mid tniiidticllon of audi
other buaineaH us may li'j!iilly come lie
fore aaid meeting.
Dated Novumber IB, 1000.
D. W. Skaks, Secretary,
Thurston Lumber Company
Dallas. Oregon.
Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
NOTE: We have a first-elans dry kiln which enables tin to give you thor
oiiRhly dry lumber, '
Shasta Route.
Train Irwvcti Inrlnpumlonoe for I'ortlund and
way HlntliiiiH at 2:115 p, in,
Lcavo fur CorvnlllH ut IliOO i
F.y l'ortlRtid
Lv Allinny
Ar Ashlund
" Hiiommnnto
" Ban KroiKiUwo...
HMn. ni.
l2:.K)p. m.
. l'i.'CU.m.
m)p. in.
7: in ). in,
7:1)0 p. m.
10 :M p. in
11:110 n. ni,
4 :!!.' a, in.
8:16 a in,
lM a. m
U:(Hl a. in
7;i" a. m
0:80 a. ra
7:00 a. in
OHIO p. m
0 :110 a, m
thrift a, in
4:11(1 r, m
. n-:a p, in
(lllill. Ill
12:411 p. m
" Ondim S;45a. m.
" Dunvor lltlHlu. in,
" Kaimai City 7::'Sa. m.
" (JliloftuD 7:ira m,
Ixw Angplu
" Kl PftMii (1:01) p, in.
" Fort.Worth (I:na. m.
City 'of Mexico :5ria. m,
" HoiiHton 4:110 a. m.
" Nuw Orlean fi:'2fi p, m.
" Wa.lilngtoU' :4Ja. m.
" New York 12:1!) p. m.
Pullman and Tourist cum on both train
Ct air oars Haoranionto to Ogilon and Kl l'ano
and touriHt ours to Clilougo, Ht. l.ouln, Now
OrloanB and Washington,
Connocllng at Bun FrmiclBOo with novora
ateamnhlp lln Tor Honolulu, ,lnpn, China
fill llpilin)8, (Jen tral and South America,
Roe Mr. G. A, Wilcox at Independence ita.
General Passongor Agont Portland, Or.
ol aracter to deliver itnd collect In Oregon fur
old entahllHhod manufacturing wholmale
house, IKK) a year, mire pay. HoneHly more
than experience required, Our ruferunco, any
bank- In any olty. Knclose UHlf-addruHHod
itampcd envelope, itiiiiracturern, Third
Corrle fine him of-
Robinson Co.
IndependeiKNi, Oregon.
Real Estate.,,.
Insurance, Loans.
Main Ht. liiileKndeiioe, Ore.
G. L Hawkins
Independence, Or.
Mohunitit AOiJL.
THcad toncs
t. T. HCNKLt, Proprlatoi1
Hot and Cold Baths at all
Por Drayln
,...(!all on....
Orders for hauling
executed promptly
and at reasonable
fiirllniiil Hm'IhI
914 l"
Hull Ijtko. . 'ii vrr.
Kl. Wnrlli, oinnlin,
Khiiiim I'lly, HI,
lnl, l'liti-au o4
Hiil I, lH'tlVfr, Kt
Wuilli.iimiili" Kii-
I lly, Hi, loulit,
I'liUmii'i ii' KwU
I p. in.
li.DU p m'
T ,
S Hlln Mnlln, Leiria". Mill
iiimii" .li, Ht. rmu,
t'!il('Mi;u hihI Kiuil,
All tnlllim (I'di'i uli-
Vtir mil Kiii!i
Hull every 6dny
CnliimliU Hiver
To Al'rli mm Wy.
M'tllNIIII-IIO (11(1
Vmnlillt lllvrr..
Own ('lly. l)vii,
mid Wy-ljiiiillii i
WlllM.mtt Klvrr.
INuiliiuil UiCorviilli
unci Wtty.ljuicUnii
SjiaVii Itlvi-r.
Itlpinla lo l'WHIim.
. m,
eou p in
4 p. in.
K HuiiiUir
p m
10 p III
7 ft. m.
Hlltl Kill,
i p. m.
3:i p. Ill,
mul r'n,
4: U p. in.
(tint Krl,
T, Ti-vi-li
V . III.
8 . til.
nml Kul.
,i 'M il in.
BH. in.
WllUmotUi Klvcr
:8n p. in
ri'it-n City,
NPwlH'm, HH!tn, liulo.
iM'iKl. iit-o A IVny 1 jiiiIiiii!. iili'iiiinr Motliio
livn IHii iIbikI mi Mini, Wi-il, uiul Krl ilny.
i-n von lnilc'iiilciir Till', Tliiirn, Mtl, C
,' ) a. M, Mr. Kiilh Ii-hwi. Inil"tii'inliiii'i
Kuriviri limit A w.iy liinillnm, Mini, Wml,
Krl, AM. K'r('rvnlliH wuv iwmlltiKM
TuiM.TIiura, Hut, 6:'W 1' M.
For fill I lnriirmtlnn cull on O. It. A N. Aitt,
AL, HKItKON, IniU'iMMiilt'tioo, or mtdri'H
Ucnenil ruKm-iiiftir Kvnl
. 1
Grove's Tasteless. Chill Tonic.
The formula is plainly printed on every bottle hence you
know just what you are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators
do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy
their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains
Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless
form. The Iron acts as a tonic while, the Quinine drives the
malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that
Grove's is the Oriigsntssl arid that all other so-called Tasteless
Chill Tonics arc imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows
that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect.. You
are not experimenting when you " take Grove's its superiority
and excellence having long ; been established. Grove's is the
only Chill Cure sold throughout the ' entire " malarial sections of
tk$ United SuUi No Curcj No Pay, Price SQfc
le and Fancy Groceries.
Opera ilou.w block, Haln
Ciootl gotwls at Kiglit
jf Our goods aro lirrjt-fcla, our prices an low as the
lowt'Ht quality of good considered. iff
(h All kinds of country produje bought at the
W lliglie.Ht Market Price. " W
i 1 Share of h Patronage Issieetfolh Solicited. Z
Our feo returned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention wilt promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of name' "How to obtain a patent " sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. '
Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in
Tub Patent Hkcokd, an illuHtrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors. ' ;
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Dulldlnn, - WACIUKOTOU, D. C.
I Garland Steel Ranges.
& W,Ua -
The most extensive line of Cutlery consist
ing of l'ocket Knives, Scissors and
Shears, Kazors," Plated ware
to be found in Polk
County, at
R. M. WADE & CO., 1
A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 2
A Few Suggestions to
nmr.' nr rut n
In the hardware line.'
Useful Presents are always Appreciated.
Tool Chests Boy's Ax Boy's Saw and Buck
Singlo Shot Guu .22 ciil. Kille Bracket Saw Outfit
Pocket Kuifo Small Brasa Lantern Toy Sad Iron
Small Wheelbarrow Express Wagon limiting Coat
MeatChopper Cliuss Shears Carving Set
Set of 1S17 llogeia' Kuivea,' Forku or Spoons. Nickel Copper
Tea Ketl le, Coffee Pot or Tea Pot Cobbler's Out fit
Granite Ware Bread Box Sewing Slaehiue
Kitchen Grind Stone Kitchen Meat Saw etc.
Persons buying any of the above articles for
Cash, will be Riven a 10 per cent reduction if
they mention this advertisement. .
Chills nntf
W '
Street, Independence,
Trices Make Easy Selling. )K
Jaw ui ksdsss. 3
Buyers of i
-rT-i--i--kT 7
- - Oregon
........ - -