THE WEST SIDE Tlhon, N. 141, KIUD.VY, DKCKMBKU T, IWXI KMtfHTS or VYTttlAS, ..iifu lAKiK SO. , MtkW KVKRY J v "v &. fml will lata not to 't itvrw ihroil iwrjliiiMly. V ZZt Knight, .r iivjll U H.mi wh.a conwulsaw v 'A? rT..u akiw.;! V a Court ImleiwiulwiMS N 30, ftrwt en. of Amrrh. '' wry Tumlay evening at 8 o'clock. i - Wbwt, 60c Fojtgy mornings. W, It AUln, dentist, Cooper block. J, L. Stockton has mon' clothing, A No 1, at oKl iriee. West ud Weekly Statesman, oue year, f 2.' The annual meeting ot the lndepen deuce fire department will be held next Monday evening at which time officer for uext year will lie elected. Ladies' and children'! jackets less than eout at the Monmouth itore. Campbell Bros, have no equal In pricing ranee and itovea, The Monmouth people have alway patronised us liberally and still Oontiuu to do to. Tiiaukiug them for their past patronage, we ollcit that ol the future. , J. L, Stockton. Xmaa decoration, candies, etc.. at The driveway at the 8. P. depot need several coat ot good gravel to make it both useful and ornamental. Teams al most get "stuck" Buv your mill feed at the Collin mill Bran, $15 per urn; hort $16 per ton Have you bought your winter wrap? Now ia the time to buv them at lea than cost at the Monmouth Store. The Multnomah football team ha cold feet. The Salem boy have tried in every a ay to get a game but without uceeea. ' ' ' Robinson' Book Store ha just re ceived a larite lot of new books by the latest and best author. . J. L. Stockton buys of the beet house in the U. S. The aame traveling men sell to him as to the best bouses In Port land and Salem. We are careful to buy the latest goods, and in popular price gools can't be beat. Newbro's Herpicide, the dandruff cure, E. T. Henkle the barber, keep it. Wm. Barnett is preparing to open up a poultry market on Main street where be will be ready at all times to supply customer with freshly dressed fowls. There ia no use sending away to Port land or Salem for holiday goods a Kobinson & Co. keen a good stock on band. Wall paper that will please the most critical, at Campbell Bros. A moral wave I said to be moving at Dallas. S'pose It will reach over this way after a bit. Campbell Bros, have fust received a new and complete (lock of wall paper, J. L. Stockton ha a $30,000 (took. He is constantly buying and telling, and in bis stock there is not $50 of old nntaleable goods. Tbi defies com peti tion for a clean stock anywhere in the country., Several of the boy who "lit out" be cause court wag about to be in cession at the county seat on Monday, ' have re turned, court having adjourned the lame day it opened. You would le surprised to aee the great Variety of air tight heater displayed on the floor at K. M. Wade A Go's. If you need anything in that line don't overlook them. At Dallas on Monday, Judge Burnett held court for about fifteen minutes, called the docket, settled eight case and continued a half dozen others. We wish to thank the Independence people who have patronized u so liber erally and extend an invitation toothers also. Jiememiier that if your neighbor can save money buying dry good in Monmouth, you can too. S. M. DANIEL. Found On Wednesday morning a pair of silk mitts was picked up in front of this office, which some early traveling lady had dropped. She may call and get them. Carpenter Finch ha just finished a fine skiff for duck bunting and will soon give it a trial. Xma goods at Robinson's. For special rate on . Lipplnoott's Magazine to subscribers of the West tsiDK, call at the office. Portland bicyclist ride on all the sidewalks right in town. But then, Portland is a back-number village, has street lights, a big debt, and is, general ly, not up to date. The word Garland is a guarantee that the stove is first class in every respect For sale by K. M. Wade & Co. Campbell Bros, have the best line of carpets that has ever . been carried in Independence all wool and a yard wide. A few growers still hold their hops in exbectatiori of blither Vices. Offers are made of cents. In New York Pa cifies were 19J cent for choice a few days ago- Buyers are still active, but Will not go above 15 cents notwithstand ing the market valuejin the East Wood burn Independent. Campbell Bros, carry six different lines in airtights prices guaranteed the lowest. Try Moore, the barber, north side of j "C" street, opposite Knox's grocery store, for a hair cut or shave. Newbro's Herpicide, the dandruff cure, at E. T. Henkle's barber shop, 10 cents. When in Salem and you want a good meal don't forget to go to Strong's Restaurant, where everything the mar ket affords can be had. J. 8. Moore, the barber on C street, now hand leu Newbro's Herpicide. the famous dandruff cure, endorsed by all the leading barters of Portland and all cities in the east. Give it a trial and save your hair. Have you arranged yet for your even ing reading? If not, it will be to your rdvantage to call at Robinson's Book , itore on Main street. All the standard authors are kept on hand and many of the latest books can be found only there Every day is a Baraain Dan at Mon mouth's Big Dry Goods Store and people , from other towns are fast finding it out. Our trade is growing rapidly. 8. M. DANIEL, Monmouth, Ore. CORDWOOD taken on subscription at the WEST SIDE office. . .. . , Tbli signature is on every box of the g.nulne i Laxative Bromo-yuimne Tbi.u ua remedy was cans) Judge Hols ot Salem, wa In town A number of Monmouth young men attended the hop last Saturday veiling, The whist flub will meet this evening with Mr, an.i Mr. G. W. Kutch, Mrs, Decker of Montana, ia visiting her pareut, Mr, and Mrs. BUnaberry. James Twtherow wa in from the farm on Thursday. The orchestra had a goodly attendance at the dance last Saturday evening. Last Friday T. J. Fryer took 200 ilieep down to Portland on the steamer Alton, Howard Williams, the creamery man ol Newberg, viiltod over Monday with K. 0. Eld ridge, V Mr. and Mr. Clarenro Ireland were In town from their Oak Ridge home Saturday and Sunday. J. 8. Cooper will leave tomorrow tor the eastern part ot the (late and will be gone probably a week. The "Uncle Joth" company held forth at the opera house on Wednesday even ing to a $135 house. M. O,' Potter, a former resident of this one of tha traveling fra ternity, wa in the city during the week. Charlea Sperling spent a portion ol the week In Portland, going down on the Altona last Friday. Mia Nellb Cox, who visited here nt the ere, left on. tbe; up train Thursday morning euroute to Grant' Pass. Mr. 8hermn Hay is again in the 8alem hospital. Puring the week she underwent an operation and It ia hoped that she will soon regain her health. George Jone aud At Herren went to Albany Saturday eveniug and lloated back next day, capturing a halt dosen bird on the way. J. M. Stark ia getting ready to put in a planer at the saw mill. A shed along side the mill proper is being made ready fur the machine which has already been purchased. J. 8. Cooper bought a fine (tiing of Teal duck the other day and the buy persuaded him that they were mud hen. He came near to losing hia birds before finding out the joke. II the Portland hunters want the China bird law extended, why not add December instead ol beginning a month earller.wheu the birds are too small to look after themselves? C. L. Pearson, an A. 0. U. W. work er, was In Independence during the week, on bis way to Corvallis. He will likely return here soon to look up some matters (or the good of the order. Mrs. W. II. Powell, who baa been visiting at Monmouth several weekn, was a visitor at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills on Monday, leaving next morning on the early bout for her home at 8f Helens. F. A. Douty, of Independence, was in Albany yesterday concluding the sale of 60,000 pounds of wool to the Albany Woolen Mills Company. The wool was a choice lot of the best Willamette Val ley fleeces, and represented a value of about $9000. Herald. Morris Wiprut and son, Henry, ot Salem, spent a tew days here daring the the week. . While here they went to Falls City ai d done some work on their homesteads. County Treasurer Dalton asks for bids for school bonds of district No. 23. These bonds are tor the purpose of re funding a $13,000 indeptedness. The bonds will be (or $500 each, to run ten year with interest at five per cent, pay able semi-annually. , The young men of this city have or ganised an athletic club. A meeting was held Monday evening at which a constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers elected forthe ensuing term. A meeting will be held tomorrow even ing when definite arrangements will be made for putting the hall in condition for immediate occupancy. The follow ing are the officers: Louis J. Brant, president; Elxa Osborne, vice president; Archie Hloper, secretary; Perl Hedges, treasurer. Subsidy Resolution. Adopted by Marion county Pomona grange at Macleay, Oct. 10, 1900: Whereas, Tbe farmers and laborers have been and are now paying an undue proportion of taxes, and Whereas, There is now pending be fore congress a b'll creating another special privilege at the expense -of the producers of wealth, known as the b rye Payne ship subsidy bill, and Whereas, When prices of our pro ducts advance in foreign markets, char ters are advanced so much that a decline of price is sometimes caused in our home markets to tbe injury and loss ol the producers. Therefore be it Resolved, That we are opposed to any legislation In favor of a class as against the masses of ouj people and, particular ly do we obiect to and condemn the at tempt to subsidise'the shipping Interests that are already enjoying a greater pros perity and success than are the agricul turists of our nation. Resolved, That as long as protection is promised, we are in favor of andde mand that all our people have an equal opportunity to share in that protection without being compelled to join tlie shipping combine. Resolved, That we believe it is a duty our senators and representatives owe to their constituents to protect us against the special priveleges asked by other constituents to our injury. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Broiuo Quinine Tablets Ail druggists refund the money K it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25o. Drink Hop Sold Beer THE PUREST AND BEST Bottled beer for family use to be had at ED. GALE'S CASTLE SALOON. Independence. , City Election, The city election on Monday wa a very quiet one, only 108 vote Iwing polled. Two ticket were In the field. The ticket nominated at th mass meet ing or lion partisan convention was suc cessful witli the exception ot council man (or the first ward, The following gentlemen will look out (or the city's Interest during the year 1001 1 J. L. Stockton, mayor, J. D. Irvine, recorder. C. W. Irvine, treasurer, A. J. Tupper, marshal. J. A. Mills, councilman, first ward. J. W, Klrkland, councilman, twoi d ward. . T. B. ward. Huntley, councilman, third City Council. Council met Tuesday evening. The committee on street reported progress on street and sidewalk work. The water and light committee was empowered to have a 10-candle power lamp placed In the parlor ol the city ail. , . ? . ; Claim were allowed as follows t F. E. Chamber, nails, elo, $3.15; J. N. Jones, gravel, 1.50; Enterprise, ejec tion notice, 3.00; West Side, advertising and Job work, 7.50; K. T. Henkle, lees, 0.75; E. T. Henkle, election expense. lflflOr A. J. Tupper, night waieh, S3; J. F. Hu.-kleyv wae d sirs wort,' 50.25; Oilmore A Calhreath, ;llgh ana water, 4.5. , , t f , One assessment, No. 0, (or the A. O. U. V. this month. ' , , ' Indeiend ice Lodge No. 62, A. U. U. V , met on Monday evening and elected the following otlloers to serve (or the ensuing year : A. J. Walcott, paat mas ter; I). L. Hodge, master workman; A. J. Ooodman, foreman; L. Damon, over seer; OL. Hawkins, recorder; W, G. HhariiiHii, tin; E I. Kelchiim, recv; 8. K. Owen, guide; 8. B. Walker, Inside watchman; E. 8. llilllard, outside watchman; K, L. Ketchum, trustee. Homer Irfxlge No. 45 met Wednesday evening aud elected olllivn for ensuing term as follows: F. 8. WIImou, chancel lor commander; U. L. Fraxicr, vice chancellor; Verd Hill, prelate; J. W. Richardson, jr., keeper of records and seal; O. A. Kramer, master of finance; D, Calbreath, manter of exchequer; O. C. Locke, master at arms; L. C. Gil- more, master of work; B. M. Atkins, liner guard; Win. Beamer, outer guard; J. V. Kirklnnd, trustee I year; F. E. Ghamliers, trustee 2 years; J. L. Stock ton, trustee 3 years. Holly Hive No. 31, Ladies of the Mac cabees, elected the following oitlcer Monday evening; Essie Roliertson, lady commander; Hattie Kramer, lieutenant commander; Muggie Poineroy,. record keeper; Candace Rohluson, finance keeper; Anua Knox, 'chaplain; Nellie Hilliard, sergeant; Vanch Dickinson, mistress atVms; Kliiabelh Burton, in ner sentinel ; Jane Finch, outer sentinel. The Musoiiio lodge met on Saturday evening, election oi oiucers win lane place at the next meeting. There ia no assessment (or the Degree of Honor this month.' This makes sev en skips during the year, leaving five assessments on 1300 member. The Degree seems to be growing. Roport of the Independence public school for the mouth ending October 2(1, WOO: 1st Grade, Mrs. Tuck, teacher. Number enrolled 42 Days present.... .' 630 Days absent. 43 Per cent of attendance 03.7 2d Grade, Miss Burke, teacher. Number enrolled 24 Days present 4(10 Days atment, 15 Percent of attendance 1W.0 3d Grade, Mra, Cochrane, teacher. N uitilx-r enrolled 36 Days present 620) Days absent , 47 Percent of attendance...,, 03 4th Grade, Miss Cooier, teacher. Number enrolled 28 Days present ol4s Days absent Percent of attendance 07,8 6th Grade, Miss Goff, teacher. Number enrolled , 30 Days present 524 Days absent 27J- Percent of attendance,. 05 6th Grade, Miss Masterson, teacher. Number enrolled...; 30 Days present '. 8.riS Days absent 2!),'s Percent of attendance 05 7th and 8th- Grades, Miss Smith, teacher. Number enrolled , ..43 Days present,..,.. , J"to I)Hys absent .' 42;6 Percent of attendance,..,. ..85 Oth and 10th Grades, A. M. Sanders, teacher. , .-v :. . t,r -u rv. Number enrolled .,,.......3(1 Days present.,.' 015 Days absent. .' .39 Pnreent of attendance -Co.5 Summary. Total enrollment 200 Days present 4706 Days absent 255i Purcent of attendance 05 The following were perfect in attend ance and excellent in scholarship and deportment : First orade Adram tisher, Kutn Sperling, Bessie Hartman, Leona Sperl Ing, Ira Mix, Bonetta Tucker, Owen Thompson, Lena Wolcott, Marie Jones, Errol Lucas, Garland Lemmon, Ruth Hodgo. Cora Wilcox, Harry Pickins. Second grade-Bessie Wolcott, Arthur Sperling, Lyston Lucas, Harry Madi son. Third grade Nellie Albiker, Helen Ccoper, Dee Woods, Ruby Armstrong, Flossie Lemmon, Gladays Irvine. Fourth grade Jessie Freeman, , Row ena Sperling, Emma Henkle, Grace Walker, Dale I'omeroy. Fifth grade Eva Mix, Lewis Sim mons, Orbie Taylor, Madge Cleland. . Sixth grade June Seeley, Hazel Seeley, Hazel Bohannon, Lorena Web ster, Mabel Boydston. Ninth and tenth grades -Leola Dun born, Joel Willson, Flora Byers, Inez Warner, Mabel Parker, Edna Purvine, Nola Owen, MiraKimberlin.Glen Good man, Julien Hurley, Frank Richardson, Roy Hawkins. Patrons and others are urged to lend encouragement by frequent visits. A. M. Sandbbs, Principal, I: I Pllll.lC IIUKlNim Abstract of Instrument Filed In Polk County Nov. tl to ft-c. 8, 1V00. ,'- UKKP . N E Duncan to J A L Duncan, 08 leva 25, 30, tp 0 ( r 6 and 7 w-$3328 04. Sheriff VanOrsdel to Hnry Clanfleld, 14H.4U 3 8 Holman d 1 c tp 9 r 5 w $25.04 ,A 0 W Lelck to Henry Clifford, 821.02 tec 20, 27, tp fi r 0 w-$2000. Sanford 8 Harris to Fannie Kemp, 2lH).08a 0 P Zumwalt dlctp0r5w (qtcl)-Il A W Beckett to Rota J Hall, 20 70a ECDiced)o,tp8ir4w$t()00. Cora D and i I) Black to J B Gohtsnn, 4M00a P II Smith d 1 o tp 0 s r 3 w-$25, Andrew Siefartti to Isaao Hughes, 0 06 H Willoughby d I c tp 8 s r w $3U 50. Lucv E and Frank Rowell to Isaac Hughes, It 0 blk 8, Leveni add Pall $35. -' Aeury Meyer to O M Johnson, 55a 8 Telherow d 1,0 tp 9 r 5 w-$1000. . 8 C Dodson to Mr M Bill, 00.40a McM Dodson d 1 tp 7 r 5 w-$H00. 8 11 Tetherow to Polk County Bank, ( X t( 1, 2, blk 2, out It 2, Mou-$.W0. F K Hubbard to M 0 Moyer, It 14 blk K, Fait City $1. ' ' ' 7 . "'-,' .,' i-kohats coiiBT, , , ,,'" l Estate of W.8 Brit ker Report of sale f persona! property tiled and approved. ' ; fcetata of Lewi , Helmlik-Seinl an- nihil account filed and approved tuhject to final act-omit. ; Estate of Jaine F. Taylor Final ac count heard and approved; administra trix discharged. Estate of David Ackley Final am ount approved; administratrix discharged. ' Estate of Sylvester Wilson Final ac count heard and approved; administra tor discharged. Estate of John C Allen Final account heard and approved J administrator dis charged. Estate ot John Fawk On motion of attorney tor estate cause continued till Pec H, at 10 o'clock. Guardianship of Williams minor heir BiHirl of sale of real proierty present ed aud approved and guardian ordered to make deed. . Estate of Wm Gay Final account heard and approve! and administratrix discharged. Estate of Nathan Hussey Petition to sell real pro;erty filed and same set for hearing on Feb 4, 1001. Estate ol Nathan Conner Final ac count filed and approved; executor discharged. Guardianship of Set It L. and Blanche L. Faak, minors-Bond filed and ap proved. J W Lewis, E L Harris, W W Smith atxinled appraisers. Kstate of Amanda Richards Final ac count set for hearing Jan 7, 1001, at 8 o'clock. Estate of J W Richards Final ac count et for hearing Jan 7, at 9 o'clock. Estate of Edward O'Blerne Petition to sell ersonal property filed and prayer granted. A Ponton Grange. i On Tuesday delegate from the various grange throughout the oounly met In this city and organised a Pomona grange. Judge R. P. Boise, ol Salem, a past grand master, wa the Instituting officer, being assisted by Jacob Voortiee, ot Woodburn. The following are the offi cers of the new grange: Master, J. C. While, Oak Grove. Overseer, F. M. Smith, Lewisville. Lecturer, J. B. Stump, Buyer. Steward, W. W. Smith, Lewisville. Assistant Steward, II. Black, Dallas. Chaplain, E. Evens, Monmouth. Treasurer, W. H. Robertson, Lewisv't. Secretary, D. A. Hodge, Independence Gate keeper, A. Nelson, Independence Pomona, Sister W. W. Smith. Flora, Sister A. Collins. Ceres, Sister A. Witherow. Assistant Steward, Sister T. Simpson. The next meeting will be hold at Dallas on January 12, 1901. The creamery is gradually getting more business. Farmers are beginning to annreciate pay day every month and are adding more and more to their milk and cream shipments to the creamery. A man has been running a great fake game up in Eastern Oregon, catching suckers right and left. He gives an auction, sells a lot of cheap Jewelry to regin with, and then returns the money to the purchasers. That gets the crowd excited and they pay exorbitant prices for itoods: at Pendleton the man cleaned ii n about $150. giving almost nothing in return, said he would be back the next night, and then skipped out. There Is more Catarrh In tills section of the rounuy tlml aW oilier (ll-wiM'X.init logeilirr, mill until Hie Iml tew year, wns suppoxuil la lie liieiimlile. Kur a amU ninny yews doetnrs pronounced n a iophi oisim l..n.,l Hi ,,II,M unrf l,V 111 ,,., t'-,IIVU ,W-t " l-'rf ours with local treatment, pronaiinaea It 1 ooriilile Helena low proven catarrh to ho a ncmsllmllonal disease, ami therefore, requires CUIlSUUUKIimi ireHUliuut nmi vuumih :lire, mniiuiHiHureu uj r. j. ljiuhioj iu., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only oonxtltiillnuikl cute oil lUe InHTKtH. 11' in uteu iiiuiriiHiiy in iuppiw ....... tu . !....... I,, a luaulliuillhll W on the blood and ntueous suhniHis ol lh system. They oiler one hiiiidrud dollars fur any rase It falls to eure. Heud for circulars ana lesiunonmis Address, K. J. CIIKNKY 4 CO., Toledo, O. .... i... lut. tr... llall s Family 1'llls are the best. i Married Leonidas C, Fouos, of Washington statu, and Miss Edna limin, ot North Yamliill.'were married at the .home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bunn, at North Yamhill' Oregon, Nov ember 20, 1000, the Rev. W. . Gilbert, chaplin of the Second Oregon, odlclating. Mr. Fones was a member of the Second Oregon, and is at present an express messenger on the Northern Pacific rail road, M 188 Dunn Is the youngast daugh ter of J. M. Bunn, There were about 100 guests present to witness the cere mony, which took placo at 8 p. in. Dinner was served immediately after. The presents received by lift bride and groom were many, being valuable, use ful and ornament!. McMinnville Tel-epnoue-Regiater. Miss Bunn Is a sister of Mrs. U. L, Frazier, ot this city, who was present at the wedding . ' a. f . i i , Tit neat rrenpiign lor malaria Chills aud Fever, is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Cnlll Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price, 50o. t Free to Inventors. Tho experience of Q. A. Hnow aCo. In obtain ing more than 20,001) patents for Inventors linn enabled thun to helpfully answer many linen t(on relating to the protection of Intellectual property, This they nave done in a pamphlet treating brleliy of United Htaten and foreign putuiitH, wlttt oost of amc and how to procure them; trade niarku, rtuHigin, cavcatH, Infringe ments, decisions in loailUg patent, oases, ete. This pamphlet will bo sunt free to anyone writing to U. A. Bnow & Co., Vvashiugtou, U.C vAwwwwVi Chrictmas ioods Lai Raket Btor Our endeavor has lilUsoful but not . Cnma iii and boo v will pkuiKO you. Wo will f Bamboo hampers, or Laundry Basket, L, Crokcnolc Boards, Parlor Croquet, Doll ; ! Carriages, Books for Little Polks and Big Folks. ! ! j FINE BOX STATIONERY. 1 ijioto Albums, Scrap Albums, lit J Huffier and Fine Neck Wear. : : Yiu can surety find something to please your friends 1 i , ' I lie ucat i iasier. "A 4k of flannel dampened with UhW rliHit'a IViii Itaiiii and bouutl tC tV-AMjwMl itnrta Is superior to any parts, is i -rlor to any plaster. When iMiihhd with a mine liack or tmlti lit ,. A i. t' aside it ebeet, give it a trial and you are etrt.ln to be nmro than pu-ioad with D prompt relief wlilnli It Milords I'alli, . 11 ill al cures tin uiiiut lain One aiHieatioii gives relief, For snlo by Uiriliti'd Drug Co. , I Tloi amH'ohl. A ler day ago W. (1. Sharman re ceived t ital card of wtilch the follow- ngisicopyt ; Fall City. Oregon . ' 'U Nuv., 1WH). IUI Mn.t ll.t,Y AII.Y A II. MAN. II' 1 1 I luuri.Y n II II IV KIIINtl U U IHTtiKSS K. liutler. Mr Barman didn't send the shirts but he sentthe bill (or 'em ahieh will doubt less kftt Frank warm until the shirts are recdved Drf iijy prcnftrntlo opdryttarrh they dry I itmtlon simply dorel. up tli soerntiotia, wukii llhera to the membrane and deoom. pose, taming a far more serious trouble than the tmUiary form of catarrh. Avoid aUdry. ing lnliiUuta, fumes, smokes and auuffs aud UKUhat which cleanses, sootlie aud brla. By' Cresra Italia is such a remedy and willjcuro catarrh or cold in the head easily aitl pleasantly. A trial sirs will be mailed fi-10 cents. All dniKtflsts sail th Mo. siie.1 Uy Itrolhers, CO Warrou Kt.,K.Y. The IWw cures without pain, doe not irritate l wiso It spreads itftelf over an rnitatnd aud aiiKT surface, reller. Inc iinin11atty the painful Inflamnintion. ViiU lilj's Cream llulm you are armed against Kasul Catarrh and Uuy Fovor. .. . . j A (heap LIk1 System. Myrtle Totnt, a small town ot Coos county, has installed gasoline street lam , The Enterprise of that city say that four lamps, with a 500-caodle power,' have been placed in position,! almost equal electricity. The Enter prise goo on to state that the coat of erecting- tho same, including posts, wire, etc., amounted to about $20 each, and that the maintenance of the same Is about thirty cents a night. There is a hint ii this to the city of Arlington. To install a system of light for the main street ot Arlington similar to that of Myrtlf Point and maintain the same (or a year, iljllio estimato ot Myrtle Point Miterprao bo correct, would cost toe remarkajly small sum of 9180.50. The Independent suggests that the proKis!tbn be investignted. It would not be Tiwiee for tho city council to CQimmirrato with the olllulals of Myrtle Point iijregard to tlieir system, in view of alo'iig the same service in our city. Arlington Independent. MyrtR Point has no electric light sys tem, tlfefore the above proKisition Is all right About a year ago the light company of this city offered to place arc lamps if 2000 candle ower tor $3.25 per montlbr "'H cents' per night. We do not ktiiw what these gasoline lamps will d0 in tit way of street lighting but un dumtail that some company desires to plae .ififew hero on trial. The city should lit the company do so, Our city should li lighted, if only by coal oil lanterntj Tlil (blna birds seem to know that tbe Inning season, so far as it concerns tlieiuW over for they apjiear now to have no fear of anyone, 'Stilee to Wuter I'oiiNiimers. It Is tiiither honest nor honorable for wator.consumers to allow their bibbs to run in, ,f reusing,. weather, and hereafter any.arty ,or parlies allowing or permit ting; such waste upon their premises willjhave the same charged up at meter raieM I'rotect your pipes at your own Impendence & Monmouth tljl Mater and Electilc Light Co. 7 ' To the Deaf. A' Hell luHv iMirnd nf liur l.ur,ncu and:oi iwa In tho bend bv Dr. Nlniiol. souli f rtiflclitl liar Druins, jgavejlO.OOO w ism iirtuiuie, so mni ueur people un able t6 procure the ear drums may'have theijtifiee. Address No. 13134-c, The NlchOson Inatltuto, 780, Eighth Avenip, New York, U. 8. A. $1.00 81.50, $2.00, ' $2,25, $4.00 and $5.00 in i m i Vy Those arc extra good i I value. . , . Call in and be con vinced. : 5 k V Yours, for. Fountain Pens, O.A..KRAMER&C0 Jewelen and Opticians, t .v ' , ' - ' A at tho boon this year to buy Expensive Articles thorn. I am sure our Drices mention somo things: It, M. Gilbert, one of the largest farm arson the' Yakima Indian reservation reports ' having completed digging til potatoes; of which he has about 200 ton of the famous Yakima t)urhnik. Ha ha imported a thrashing machine ami will U'gin at once the work of thrashing aud cleaning 'what he estimates as lit least 1000 sack of beans. The crop was Very large and tho yield excellent. The varities of beans grown were the brown Mexican and red navy. He will probab ly snip to tbe markets of the east. Gil bert is the man who last year told over $1000 worth of potatoes from a 30 acre field, and harvested over (10 bushel of Wans from an acr. Dispatch from North Yakima, Wash., In 8pokesmn Review. How to Cure Croup. Mr. It. (tray, who lives near A men la, DnelieoH county, N. Y . any "ChamlM-rlnln's Cough I.eiiiedy Is tbe last nied li-ln I have ever ued. It Is a flue children's remedy for croup and lit ver mils to euro " When given soon aa the child liecomes hoarse, or eveu artcr the croupy cough has tie veload, It will prevent the attack. Thl should 1 borne In mind and a buttle of the Cough iteuiedy kept at hand ready for Instant use aa soon as thine symptom appear. For sale by KirKiaiid Urugl.o. Horn On Monday, Decembers, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. (Jorso, a boy, 9,'t lbs. One of Kipling's new "Just So" stories, which he is now writing for The Ladies' Home Journal, will tell "How Pussy Got Her Purr." lu the same humorous vein the famous author will tell of another feline peculiarity j "How the Tiger Out His Stripes." Kipling love to write about animals, and to Interest children in bis stories; but fond as he is of children he will not write "down" to them. lie despise the ''twaddle" which till to many book intended for tlieir entertainment, and keep far a- way from It in everything be doe with his pen; consequently hit stories inter est men and women a well a delight children. . ' , J. fi. Stump tent a fine buck goat to 8. C Ruble, Wolf Creek, near Roseburg, on Wednesday. , Among the tens of thousand who have used Chamberlain's Cough Item ed y for oolds aud la grippe during the past few years, to our Kuowleuge, not a single raae has resulted In pneumonia. Thos. Whit Held A Co., 240 Wabash aveuue, Chicago, one of the most pro minent retail druggists In that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chambermiu'a Cough Remedy for la grippe In many eaaea, aa It not only gives prompt ana complete recovery, hut hIm) couuterneta auy tendency of la irrliipono result in pneiiiuoula." For rale by Klrklitud Drug Co. WIXTMDJC WF.F.K1.Y HTATF.MMAN PACIFIC' HOMESTEAD S2.75 Oliver Locke and L. C. Uilmore went ocrops tho river Thanksgiving Day for a final hunt. They brought back (ever al scraggy birds. Its very likely that Gilmore killed them but he's afraid of hurting Oliver's feelings by telling the truth. : . ' A CLEAN SHAVE -H-W-' -AND A H4 STYLISH R AIR GUT IS WHAT YOtT GKT WIIKN VOU FATKONIZB Kutch' Barber Shop. Inilqiemleiico Oregon E.L.Ketchum,M.D , i I, Office and Residence Corner Railroad Monmouth Btreets, , . 't ' 7. INDEPENDENCE. OR Dan P. Stouffer. Insurance , and Collection. 4 Titles , T . Examined, CHARGES REASONABLE. Main Street Dallas, Oregon W. O. Sharman, " ... Main Street, Independence Southern California. Notable among the treasures afforded by the (Shasta ltoute Is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona, Heuewed acqualntence with this seo tlon will ever develop fresh points of miereai aim auueu souroes or enjoy ment, under Its sunny sklca, In the Variety of Its Industries, In Its prolific vegetation aud among its numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most approve ed pattern of standard and tourist sleeping curs, but the low rates of fare will still continue In effect. ' ' llhiatrated oulilea in i4 wlntar I'm- sorts of California and Arizona may be had on appiioatlon to C. U. MAUKHAM, U. i". A.,.. ! Portland, Oregon. Election is now over roHult. Uut from now on let w talk business. Tho Holiday Boason is very near here, and you are all in need of an - OVERCOAT, a SUIT of CLOTHES and a F1HE Mil Hi SHOES. I ovorBtocked myself with tlie abovo garments thoreforo concluded to cIoho them out at whole sale cost price for tho NEXT 30 DAYS. You are tho buyer, I ant tho seller, when the seller is ready to sell, that's the time to buy; you have your innings now, and it is your turn to j tako advantage and make tho profit yourself. This off?r f lands good for only 30 days at the ZED A Bitr Kick a wan makes wheu bis lauudry work Is sent home with porcupiue elg4s and sun-ail eaide button boles. It be would brlug his linen to an up-to-date lauudry, where perfect methods obtain at all times, such as thaHalein HUam Lauudry, he will receive bis shirts, collars and cull's equal to new every time that we send them borne. SALEH 5TEAM LAUNDRY COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. Ltvyour orJtrt at Kuuh's Barter itiop, or with thi lilim stags, Are you looking for a brush? Not with Germany but a hair brush, tooth brush, or a silver-polishing brush. I have a good all-bnstlo hair brush for 2oc. Tooth brushes, 5c up. A.S.LOCKE, INDEPENDENCE, OREOON Polk County Bank (INCORPORATED.) MONMOUTH, OREOON. , t. H.Hi WIST. P.UrtNPIIKI.U rrld.aU , , virvrrcaliliMt. KAU POWKLt, Cahlr. . ...:. if'. - " V. Paid Capital . . $30,000.60 DIRECTORS: J. II. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M. tiltnpson, J. Ii. V. Butler, John U. Htump, F. 8. Powell, , Joseph Craven. Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business. The Independence NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock, $50,000.00 a. niltbCHBItSG, ABRAHAM NELSON, Prcatdont. Vlos-Tissldaat aw. laVIHt, Caaatat. DIRECTORS. S. P. Smith, A, Nltoa, A. N. Bnah.H. H. fas paraoa, J. Jt. Rhodta, O. W. Bsars, U. Hlisckbstf A i-enrral Banklni an4 aichaa(S knatass) tratiaacttil; loam madci, bllli dlacounted, cook luerenl crfdlti granlM; raoalyed en current account tubjeel U caacm, laUrut ftii a lima dapotta. . "DOCTOR UP" Changeable weatlur between two seasons encour ages your, chronic troubles and inflicts upon you much petty sickness. Better, off. 10 cents might prevent it yhen $10 wouldn't cure it. " CJpnie to us to have your prescriptions filled, and for everything ke'pt in a well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS , ; AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRK LAND MOTOR LINE TIMK TABLE Corrected to date. Leaves Iiidnpend. Leaves Alrlle for Monmouth and ence lir Moummith mid Alrlle. , , Independence. 4 TillO a. m. 3:30 p. m. I.eavnn Independ- 9;OI) a. in. 6 00 p. in. Leaves Dallas for Monmouth uud In dependence, vnoe for Sloiiinoutli mid DhIIiih. I'OO p. in. 8:30 " Leaves Monmouth for Independence. 9:45 a. m. , ,, , 1:30 p.ui. ' :40 8i4S n m. i ' 0:l)t p.m. HiOO a. m. . 7:15 . m. Leaves Muiiiiioiitli fur Alrlle. 7.50 a.m. 1 3:50 p. in. , , Leaves Monmoiitli for Dallas. ' ll!"!0 a. m. 7:30 p.m. Leaves IncTcnend- ence ror nionniouin 8:05 p. m. WANTED ACTIVE MAN OS" GOOD CHAR nolerloilellveranclhiileotlii O esoi hr old BHtabltHhed in'mi'Taotnr):!! tvoaica' house ,K)Bear, Biueny. Hoik v v irn"2 (hancx DerloricB rtqo'rod. Our wt n a. nnv banit n any oily Euolom be'1 iut d maunped nvclope. ManufaoliM'Si. , Tt'.i'd Fajor, VA eatboiuSttOlilQago. and you all know the $ $ WHITE n ROSENDORF. t't tt Prescription Druggist the arcade; Davidson & Hedges, Props. Cigara, Cigarettes, Tobaeoos and Confaotlonery. First Class Soda Fountain In eon. neotion. The Castle Keeps coustauily on hand a fine assortment of Whiskies, Wines, 0 Brandies, Cigars, Also the famous Hop Gold Beer. ED. GALE, Proprietor. The Hntel Eail -! IDallas, Ore. Has been refitted and renovated from cellar to garret, and every thing is new. Good sample room for commercial men. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rates, $1.00 to $2.0(X Special rates by the week. W . BUCK & SMITH, Proprietors. West Side and Orevonias, I yt, $2. DRUG CO. rWaAaLaA1 CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS AND DESICNS. Send your business direct to Washington, saves time, eosta loss, better service. My offlc clou to IT. S. Psttnt Offloa. TREE nnllmlB UT uiminttlont mad. Atty'l tm not-daa nniUpatent ll lKilrl. PERSONAL ATTENTION OIVIN-19 TEARS ACTUAL E1PEKIEN0K. Book "HowtoobtalnFatmiti," to., lant true. Fatanti procured through S. O. Stggara recti va special notice, without ekwia, li the INVENTIVE AGE sm, $1. s year. U1WVHN mouwuy ...evimu yvar Hraw, m yon.-. E.G. SIGGERS. Lata 01 v. a. snow a uo. 918 FSt.. N. W., a WASHINGTON, D. C. iH anything you Invent or Improve! also get CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS ""fore0 "X C.A.SNOV&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON. D.C. Jts ssasaa-- r . w m M1 m ''