The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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    ' .
An Advertisement
Which brine returns U prwot thai
to in the rigU pltwe, Toe WEST
(SIDE brmgt n wera, '
The Best Newspaper
It tha od that give tba moat and
fret beat news. Compare tbe WEST
VIDE with any paper is Polk 00110(7.
Wi' . 1
VOL. XV 11 1.
$1.50 PER TEAR.
Flvt Cents Per Copy.
NO. 940.
Iffi Of I Itll
From Ail Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehenilvt Review oi the Important Hap.
penings of th Past Wk in
1 Condensed Form.
Boxers are active smuui lion Tutu.
The Guam typhoou was the worst iu
40 yours.
House Democrats will offer new
army bill.
I no .wennigu.
The United States guubont Mouocacy
ill whiter at Taka.
The Chinese court 1ms lost confidence
in Karl Li ami 1'riuce I 'him;.
Twelve hundred bolomeu euireuder-
d to the American Ht Vigau.
An Austriau field marahul criticise
the British army organisation.
An American warship will make a
demonstration against Morocco.
Six men were drowned in (eny
boat disaster on Spokane liver,
Texas vote (or presidential electors
was: Bryan, I'GT.iaj; McKinley, 1 3 1
673. University nf Oregon defeated Uni
versity of Washiugtou iu football bv
48 to 0. ,
Fulton, Kentucky, was visited by a
fire which destroyd 20 establishments
and cuased loss of $: 250,000.
A Sumpter, Or., miner was badly iu
jared by the explosion of plant powder
which he placed ou a stole to thaw
Fred W. Buhsnell, fur several year
city editor of the Minneapolis Tribune,
died at that city of cancer of the stom
ach. The population, of Indian Territory i
891,900, as against 190,10. in I SI) J,
an increase of 211,773, or 117.5 per
The population of Wisconsin, an an
nounced by the census bureau, in '.'.Utlil,
049, as against l.OSti.sso iu IS 'JO, an
increase of 383,14'.!, or '.'-.0 per cent.
Two steamer collided on the river
about 20 mi lea above lluiitington, VV.
Va., sinking 30 ooalboutt containing
600,000 bushels of coal, entailing a lues
of $100,000.
Advices, from Ar-frr?". 1 ' "(TTJ
the Vole... r.ii flea,,:'! . , :u-l. I'i I ill
New Britain -roi-p, Ims apt in !.eo't-
tlvc tu S..1H2 a a tit! ou
ieiiJ An i tea. juiiii1 iM.itea iitivu been
The aw.irl of tii
iu the Framti-rLi-U-HL !
-. I'rH-.llrllt
pute gives Uruzil '147,000 sijunro miles !
of the contested terntoty. I'ruiice
gets abont 8,000 square miles north of i
the Xuinuc tiueiuuc r.ui:e.
A typhoon swept tlio Ilaud of Guam,
killing hundreds of native.
The dowager empress is tryiiiv; to in
duce the emperor to return to I'ckin.
The powers are debuting on tho wis
dom of seurling an ultimatum to China.
The ofllt-ial vote l W'iicoiiMii (ol.
lows: Hepublicuu, -.'lij,8iitj; IVmo
cratic, 151,2ti5. .
General Baton reports the capture of
83 Filipinos, six of whom murdered
several persona last spring.
The Dutch of Cape Colony are be
coming restlens and loyalists (ear there
may soon be an npiisiug. ' '
The population of Oklahoma is 33H,
246, against 61,834 in I MM), uu increase
of S30.4 11, or 44 per cent.
The population of South Dakota is
401,570, asagainxt 3-.8,H0 iu 1890, an
increase of 72,762, or '22. 1 per cent.
The population of North Dskotu ig
819,410, as against 182,719 in 1800, 1111
increase of 130,427, or per cent.
The population of Tennesson is
2.020,093, as against 1,707,18 iu 1890,
an increase of 23, 098, or 14.3 per cent.
The population of New Mexico ii
195,210, as against 13,93 iu 1890, nn
increase of 41,717, or 27.1 percent.
The United Htates auxiliary cruiser
Yosetnite sank in a typhoon at Guam,
.November 5, drowning five of tho crew.
nii If' I It U ffl II
ine population Ol inuno, as oniciaiiy
announced, is 161,772, as against 81,
885 in 1890, an increase of 77 387, or,
01 1 net cent '
' v '
Two American privates were killed
.tr'aa threa woondsd iu an aiubnsh of
" Urf.inaa naar Malnlna I nvnn 'fha
1 .
anrgeuts escaped.
Bank robbers at Kmden, 111., com
pletely wrecked the Partners bank 1 m m ui i.. .
y ... . , , . , The Pacific cablo committee has ac
with dynamite and got away with .1 t 1 i.i .
0 mm . i no,, cepted, on behalf of the government of
? 3,000 to $4,000. (Jreat J!itl4in( N(JW gouth Wa(jHi
By an explosion of nitro-glycerine Queensland and New Zealund, the bid
at Leaserville, W. Va., 20 miles above of the Telegraph Construction & Main-
Sill ,!.. 1- 1.11,. I .... r . . .
.Yiieeiiut,', lour ooys were Kiuati ana i
wounded, of whom two will die.
The population of the state of Wash
ington as oilicially announced, is 518,
103, asagainnt 349,390 in 1890, an iu
ncreane of 168,913, or 48.2 per cent.
A correspondent of Santiago de Cuba
eays the natives there are becoming
adepts in the American gume of base-
ball. Havana may yet bid (or a place
In tbe Nationul league.
A celebrated Enlgish physician sayt
that he hus found that wc.rts can be
cured by revaccinaton. He revaoci-
nated a girl of 15 who hud' 94 warts on
one hand, and seven weeks after the
operation the warts had all disappear-
ed. Many other remedies had been
tried in vain.
Irrigation has become one of mau't
most valuable servants. A government
report shows that 12,000,000 acres of
the famous Sahara det-ert have been
converted into fertile lands and the
work goes rapidly on. "
. Train robberies have become so fre
quent in the West that one railroad,
the Oregon Railroad & Navigaiton
Company, regards aji investment in
bloodhounds advisable. A litter of the
puppies has beeu distributed among
the agents along the line, with iustruo
tiont to rear them for the sole purpose
Of man-catching.
Consul-tSeueral Stowe lays the Iloet
war is nearly ended.
Krttger't mission to Europe was frtio
trated by the Kaiser,
, Nine men were killed In a train
wreck uear Suisun, Cal.
The Isthmian canal commission
tsoommeuds the Nicaragua route.
Senator Fairbauks, of ludiana, iu
troduoed a bill to admit Oklahoma as a
state, with two repieseutatives.
A report comes from tjueen Charlotte
In hi ml that the iudiaus there are short
of food. Their waut will be attended
It is reasserted iu Tien Tsin that the
Germans lost 'JO killed and nmuy
wouuded west of I'ao Ting Fu. when
they were attacked by S.&00 ltoxers.
Congressman Drlvu iutroduoed a
Hwlntiosi Irttheijouit muitlug Jht,
iecrefary of war to Investigate the
iractice of "haaiug ' at Went I'oint,
feaator Tettigrew lntroduce.1 a rejio
lutlou in the senate calling- upon -the
postinaster-Kcneral to seud to the senate
auy formation he may have iu his
possession concerning postal frauds tu
i'anii Wang Huang, author of the
outrages upon the I'ao Ting Fu missiou-
atie, was paraded through the streets !
of Tien Tsiu iu a cart under a strong
Gormau guard, previous to belug baud-
ed over to the provisional govcrumeuut
me dn.uitati.m
tor uecapiiauou.
The state of Louisiana established a !
quantntiue st.tion at hi l'aso, lexas,
to guard against the possible iutrodno-! November. M, th population of th ,m tuo mrn wer assembled In lh capl
tbm of bubouio plague into that state! foiled States was . It Is now 1 tn legation guarda.
from the far Kast by way of the Facifio 1 'x- Jh- w had IS stste.; now Hli lh. peril Increased. Th Legation
ti, ri.t.. t,..bk ill, w hav 45 mien our territory consisted reported the dwelopmeut of th edltlous
wast. The Louisiana health oltlcd 1 of j,, ,imsr, mnr,; u t. now ists.W muve-nent In IVkln and th need of In-
will work lu conjunction with thefiure mites Education, religion and
Texua Insoaotor.
Frank Hawley, an American electrio
4,000,000 iu the construction of olec
irit- sariace roans iu iin 1011 nun 10 ine
suburbs to a radius of 30 miles. Not
promoter, Is uow lu London in " : :,;;. . ' ,. ,V.V.i JiV- i.i.7, T.i.-. t-Tln. guaids and kp the railway
terest of an A ne.ican syndicate. Mr. SpTa a..d po..e..m, A N tl'm V ll rlku "...
Ilalcysaythe capitalisu he re,.re. . preserved and bleat give, reverent Hm ,n V J r'thTVu
fent re ready to spend no less thaa "" " hl aol'i"" ?r thereupon ah II. d hv ihe forc... v...
a penny of lirittsh capital will be; c., Th(l, t.r- D , ,,,, Hr,
asked. He expresses himself as couil-j Troubles,
dei that the undertaking will be a in our foreign lnter.-ourse th domi
rllliiui iiil success. I n "U iiueatlon hus been th treatment of
I the Chines problrra. Apart from thl
Major Wood, commanding the Catia our relations with the powers hav been iitttiintttri mtti.'A In tit. Vulcoii tor. ' happy.
.t... i,. .1.- e,.i,u.
--" - -;
K,.iu, too vi.tiov.ioue
on the Klondike output as amounting
to nearly $1)00,000, about $100,1)011
mora than was raceivad last vcar Ten,
more than was re.ehed last jtar. let ,
jssr cent of the gold milled is supposed t
to be paid to the government, which
woul.l indicate the Klondike output for
.. . . . 1 , ,,,.
the season to have been only f 11,000,-
'M'i. but the L'HUcrul estimate has placed
1; i.t nearly if jo, 000,000.
.i'em, Or., re-elected its reform mu
m";mi oflicers, . .
i T!). ship subsidy bill will displace
""lilippine bill.
.Jd-8e eP Kniperor William's
ru,U8ttl t0 meel ""Jl-
rive men were kuieti iy the blowing
op of a power house in Chicago.
The short session of the Fifty-sixth contrttl.
congress was successfully opeueJ. S Kor ('v,,r-1 before th present
. troubles all the resources of foreign dl
Colorado game wardens an-ested 16 plomacy. bn.-k-.l by moral demonstrs.
Mormoiia who had killed 30 deer. "'"ns nf the physical fore of rteet and
, ,' arms, have teen needed to secure due
Robbers blew up a riilverton, Or., i revpect for the treaty rights of foreign
bank, but failed to get at the cash, j ers. end to obtain satisfaction from the
, , . , ' responsible aulhorltles for the sporadic
A strange woman is exciting the I a-: outrage upon the persons and properly
pago Indians to be guided by their of unoffending sojourner, which from
Congresstuan haccy and Senator Tel-
r are iu favor of offering homes to the
Oscar L. Itooze, a West I'oint cadet,
is dying from the effects of a burning
Ciluk giveu him by hazurs.
A drunken man was killed and his
body derailed a heavy locomotive on
the O. It. & N., near Hood liiver, Ore '
Colonel John 8. Williams, third au-
ditor of the treasury under President
Cleveland, diod at La Fayette, lud.,
' ged 77.
Key. William Howard Day, D. D.,
general secretary f the A. M. E. Sec
ond church, di d at Harrisburg, Pa.,
aged 73 years.
Itev Patrick Feohan, archbishop of
the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago,
will retire from the active manage-
ment of his office With the fjlose of the
nenuatif vnur
General W. L. White, ex-quarter-
,.t ,,n..l f tha Mii.hWn a. !
master-generai ot me nut-nigau f
tinltul tltiaril. TllRHrlaM VlllltV tO COtllOllU '
- e I e -
ity in state niiliatry clothing frauds, !
an(i w(lg gontenced to 10 veart in prison. !
' John iiaines, a constable, was ninr
dored at Dallas Tex by burning His
wm.,, huA JLn .'ri.K.s.ii wieh .
c,otnlu! n"a Deuu aaitiraiea . wi.n mr
"" . 'v..
nurnea out. jonn cnapman anu J-.u
Putilknnr saloon keAnera worn urrnut. 1
, , ,.. ., i
tonHnce company, to make and lay a
cable from Vancouver to Queensland
and New Zealand, via Funning, Fiji
and Norfolk inlands, for 1,795,000,
the work to be finished by the end of
The last enumeration shows a large
falling off iu the number of book
agents, which in itself is a good argu
ment in favor oi taking the census
every five instead of every 10 years.
The ' Connecticut woman who has
sued a physician because he changed
her complexion from that of a blond to
a brunette really ought to have a little
patience. The brunette will be in
fashion again before long, and then she
will be glad of the change. But wo-
man always was an impulsive creature,
' The cigarette smoker is having a
liHid time nowadays in finding a job,
many of the large Eastern stores and
railroads refusing them employment.
It is now claimed, as a result of ex
periments in London hospitals, that
both sunlight and electrio light cure
certain diseases when all other reme-
dies fail. Bright sunlight, it It said,
will kill the bacillus prodiglousus, the
strongest of microbes, in one hour and
a half. Old Diogenes, it seems, knew
what was good for him when he asked
Alexander the Great as the only favor
he desired from the latter to stand out
of hit sunlight.
nun nt
Recommendations for Civil
ernment In the Philippines.
The History of a Yur-Th Wsit Indlss
Opsrstloni of the Departments Othsr
Forslgn Qusstions,
WAKHINUION. Doe. i-trsidsnt Mo.
Kinley s m'siis; wsnt to Conircss
day. it follow.:
To the Senate and Houss of Itsprsssnta-
With th ouiKolna of the old and th
Ineomlnsf ef the n.w eeniury you tli
the lt Msslon o.' the Mta vnnareae, win
vUiM.tHMi an evwry Mnit ef tmllvtouai an
NatUntsi pronprrlty and with proof of tin
srowiM strtnath and Inerestlna power
for Ktmd of Urptibllcan Institutions. Your
countrymen will Join with you In fe
licitation that American llurrty la nior
m rut y fatalillxhvd than ever b'for, and
that lov for It and th determination to
! ,,r,rv It are mor universal than at
any former period of our himory
The ttcmibllc was never so strong, be
cause never so trongly entrenched In
the hearts of the people as now, fh.
Oonsiltoiton.wlth few amendments, esl.ts
as it left the hands of Its authors. The
additions which hav been mad to 't
proclaim larger freedom slid more ex
j tct.d.'d cltlseimhlp. Popular government
' J" U-muntr-ttjt In 11. m years of trial
. here It atatdllly and security and Us
rttli lcncy as th beat Instrument of Na-
ti.iuil drvelopmrnt and th best safe'
j 'H hM, ,tlK ,,. ,.nllBr., ..,.,ni,ud in
........ , .. i...u.uu .1.1,1.
I morality hav kept par with our ad
i vancrment tn other direction, gnd, wnll
extt tiding its power, the Uovernment has
; Th" """I troubles In Chin
'fom in antiroreigu sgiiallon which Mr
ii:e pnsi torve yrara nits gaineii strength
I" the northern provinces. Their origin
" ,H "1" character of th Ch-
nf rf"'" n.d ,r",lulo" hHr
,..,,,. , T ,., rfbrU,on ,m,
the opening of Chlrnae ports to forelg 1
trad and settlement disturbed alike th
"Vy ' n ; "-" """
Meanwhile foreign activity mad llsell
f,.t ln B, q j(lr,.r,. , lon 0 ,.
coast, but along the great rlvera. arteries
snd In the rrmotrr districts, carrying new
Ideas and Introducing new associations
among a prtmttlv people which had pur.
surd for centuries a national policy of
im.iRtioii, - 1
The telegraph and the railway spread
ing over their land, th sleamera plying
on their waterways, the merchant and
the missionary penetrating year by year
farther to the Interior, became lo the
t.'htnvre mind tvnts of an alien Invasion.
changing the rourse of their national life
and fraught with vngu forebodlnga of
disaster to bvllcfa and their self.
iuiiw iii 1 1 111 . ot etirrrii at wiueiy aep-
aratcd points ,n the northern provinces.
a In the ess of the outbreaks In 8se
Churn and Khan Tung. V
lostlng of antl-furelgn placards be-
a dally occurrence, which th re-
peated probin.on of Hut Imperial power
failed to cheek or punish. These Intlam.
malory appeals to the Ignorance and
superstition of the masses, mendacious
and absurd In their accusations, and
ueepiy no-ine in ineir spirit, couia not
but work culirlniillve harm. Thry aimed
at no particular class of foreigners; they
wr Impartial In nttncklng everything
foreign. Ac, outbreak In Slian Tung, In
which German missionaries were slain,
was the too natural result of the malevo
lent teachings The p. sting of seditious
placards, exhorting to the utter destruc
tion of foreigners and of every foreign
thing, continued unrcbuked, Hoslilo
I demonstrations lowunl th. strangor
I gullied strength by organlsttlon.
The lloxer Agitation.
I The sect commonly tyled the ltoxers
developed greatly In the iirovlncca north
of the Yiingt-e. and with collusion of
many noiahlv otncliils, Including some in
the Immediate councils of the throne llself
bccamealarmlt.glyaggresalvs. No foreign
.ers tne, oursiuetj me proircica ireiny
ports, was aufe. No foreign Interest was
secure from spoliation.
Th diplomatic representatives of the
powri) )n VMn ,trve , yaln t0 cho(,k
IV,ta mtarT,nl lr.,tau, l.w
..'....-. .,.,.nv n,,n ,u,,nrM .-j
demund, and demand by renewed protest,
t0 be mot wlth'pcrfunetory edicts from
the 'm'"1''' ani1 evasive and futile essur
ancea from the Tsung II ramun. Hie
circle of the Uoger Inllncm e i.t.r'fowed
about 1'ekln, and, while re nliia. y st.g-
manK(i Hh seditious, It ws . .tcrt. (hut i
spun pervaneo in capital nsl, . ini
tne impcruu rorces wer in. yni with its
doctrines, and that the Im XivJui xiun-
selors of the Empress Dowager '-were In
full sympathy with the uutt-furelgn
The Increasing gravity of the condl-
lions In China, and the Imminence ef
peril to our own diversified Interests In
the cmulra. as well as to those of all
the other treaty governments, were soon
appreciated by this Government, causing
profound solicitude. The United States,
from the curliest days of foreign Inter-
course with China, hus followed a policy
nf peace, omitting no occasions to tes
tlfy good-will, to further the extension
n n.i,.l l.ii,la ... fAumtnt It. .nu.PAlvn.
tv nf lt B-nver'nment. and to Insure! bv
euu v-uMMoumive ui iu. care sou isvui,
all legitimate and kindly, but earn- kln "u- De,'n accepted as ln full con- Ttti pending claim of R, H. May against
est, mcuns, the fullest measure of pro- sonanee with our own deslrca, for we thettauatemulan Government has been
tectlon for the lives and property of our have held and hold that effective repara- ,etied by arbitration, George F. B, Jen-law-abldlng
citizens, and for the exer- .tlon 'f, wrongs suffered and an endur . nerj British Mlnlstor at Guatemala, who
else of thulr beneficent callings among "lB settlement that will make their re- wal chosen as sole arbitrator, having
the Chinese people. . ctirrence mposslble can best be brought BSJrded IU3.7DO 7 ln gold to the claim-
Mindful of this, It was felt to be ap. 1 t"ut under an authority which the CM! ant
propriate that our purposes should be ne Nation reverences and obeys. While Various American claims against Haytl
pronounced in favor of such a course pomsf we forego no Jot of our un- hav beeen or are being advanced to the
as would hasten united action of the d"u',tel right to exact exemplary and de- ressrt of arbitration,
powers at I'ckin to promote the admin-, terre"t punishment of the responsible Ai ths result of negotiations with the
Istratlve reforms so greatly needed for B"th("'s and abettors of the criminal acta Government of Honduras in regard to the
strengthening the Imperial government wn,!rcby we and other nations have suf. indemnity demanded for the murder ot
and maintaining the Integrity of China, , c"ei grievous injury. Frak H. Pears, ln Honduras that gov-
ln which we believed the whole West-1 or tne real culprits, the evil coun- enment has paid 10,000 in settlement of
ern world to be alike concerned To "elrs who have misled the imperial theWulm of the holrs.
these ends I caused to be atldresned to Judgment and diverted the sovereign au- Tne assaaslnatlon of King Humbert
the several powers occupying territory
and maintaining spheres of Influence In
China the circular proposals of lsna. In
viting from them declarations of their
Intentions and views as to desirability
of the adoption of measures Insuring the
benefits of equality of treatment of all
foreigners throughout China,
With gratifying unanimity, the r
sponses coincided In this common policy,
enabling me to see In the successful ter
mination of these negotiations proof of
the friendly spirit which animates tho
various powers Interested In the untram
meled development of commerce and In
dustry In the Chinese Umpire as a source
of vast benefit to the whole commercial
Power Acted in Concert.
In this conclusion, which J bad th
gratification te announc. a a c.mplet.d j
ncacrmsnt te the tntr't4
March to, WKI. 1 litm.fully ill.crrn u
tenilsl factor fur the sbstvnienl of t'i
Jl.iru.l uf (nrviiin uurpuoKS, whuH l-v
a yar pant hud sin'cur.J tu Inspire ths
linllcy of the Imptrls' sovoriitni 1,1 tv't
for llis erT.ctlvs nxwrllon by It 0? ix
and authority to quell th crltl l e
Atauchu iillint-nt.
Bevkiiif to tcniiry eonitdene In th will
litaneas and ability of th Imperial sd
mlnlatratlon tu rdrs th wrona and
prevent th evil, w .uftiTnl and feared,
the marln auard, which bad been sent
to IVkln In th Autumn of W tor th
protvetlnn of the Lrsullun, was with,
drawn at th earlleat practlcubl moment,
and all pending quotums wer remitted,
as fur as wo were concerned, to th or
dlnary renorts of dlplomatlu Intercom,
Th Chinee Uoveriunvnt proved, how
ver, unable to check th rl.lni strnth
nf th lloxer and appeared tu be a prey
to Internal dlsernnloti In III une'iuat
contest, th snll-forela inniii ucs HntvA ef equality tor all th world-
(aineo tn ascendancy, uP'ixr tii u-fiei. , Hrtsrd s on er in riiusi ractors
hip of t'rluc Tuan. Oi m'scd armtv Jll - liiraol s 'lu tment th reurement
ltoxers. with which th luuiirii rof , , ; deounts for liberty of
alMllaled, held lh count. v ttwiu 1 ''. , ' .'' '( liireetirlty of thoso aatlv
an4 th eoaat, pentrt.' Jhi'i.-, JstWV.-' k i M sjmti alien ereteji H aearee
pv W MoMtun br e - .,1 " i -t j , 4 t (l tfff al assault upon th
their emlseart thrrat rivw r-jits 0' foreis-i , wornhlp and leaehlna
throuchout Northern t'hh 1 Ana"-. uj 0 ! , .r, hi 4 be tni direct Invasion theraof.
lureianers, eestruction i!l . prefer UUjullLL,
jiauKiiinr or native eoiivnrla wer n-
ported from all sides. Th T.ung II
Yamun, already permeated with hoetll
sympathies, could mak no effectlv re
sponse to the appeals of th Legations.
At this critical Juncture, In th early
Boring uf th year, a was mad
by th oihet power that a combined
fleet be nbled In Chinese waters as a
moral demonstration, under cover of
which lo einct of th Chines Govern
mnt reaprct for foreign tresty rights and
the stippre.alon ef th Uoser. Th
United Hlates, while not participating In
tn joint ttemonatrallon, promptly sent
(rm m.ih,,,,,,, .11 ,hip n,.i eouid
i,, .u.j ,or .erv,.s on ,h Chin
roaet. A small fore of marine was
landed at Taku and sent tu I'rkln fur th
protection or in American legation
Other powers took slmllsr action until
creased provision for d.f.a.s against It
Taking; of Take rurt.
While preparations Wer In progress for
a larger xiedllluit to strengthen th
sets, the American Admiral taking no
part In the attack, on th ground that
we were not at war with fhliia. anri lhat
a hostile dmontratlon might consolidate
th it(l-forigit rlenunta and strengthen
the linker In oppose the relieving col
: umn. Two days Ister, th Tnku forts
wer captured after a ssitgulusry eon
fllct Heverance of commuiilcallon with
1'tkln ftilluwtd, and a combined forca ot
additional gunids, which was advancing
I tu I'i SHI bv the l'el Ho. was cherkvil at
j,!,. rsng. The Isolation of the Lrg.
, H rtmulrte.
jty j, t. th laatlon wer cut off.
'ah Identical note from the Yamun or
dered eat h Minister to leave pekln, und r
promised escort, wllhln U hour, To
m, , r ,,, Mkl proong.
l0 f ( tim, which was afterward
granted, and requesting an Interview with
th T.una II Vamun on tha follnwlna
day. No reply being received, on th meal products esn revlv under Us new
mining of lh 'th th Ocrmsn Minister, burdens. Much will depend upon regula-Ita-o.i
-on Keltel.e. s't out fofTn Y ' not yst promulgated, which, we con
m n t. obuln a rei.iise, an.! en th M A'y hope will be fiea from the 0I
wav was murd-n An attempt by tn ertt.buttten which aitesidfd lb enforce,
leg itp n uard t ' recover h's b.dy Wa eni.ef th. old statutes.
n ct ia. :'-.!
..ulu Ie.,.iia ataa1.
. t il,e . ,iild Bute stu th Herman m
Armfd (..,' turnsq ssnlnst th lfra a reiemly been completed affm.l
I.tS4tloe 'ineir Iforirr w--r aunound. ig g gratifying oecssbn. for e. bangs of
ed uer? a. i .). ftte ttitln compound .frtsrtdly eonrlulaiio:i with the y-mi
we 1 ......iu.,. tUtiiltm ate tkfn jtft n.r.
refuge In th. Mrltl.h legation, wher. alt , , "-"k"fb tr War.
th other legations and guard gathered I ' . , .. , , , t .....
for more effective defense. Kour hundred friendly relations with Great Writ-
persons were crowded In lis narrow com. alt) continue, lh. war In South Africa
pasa. Two thousand native convert w.r li'fodiiced Important queatlons. A condl.
assembled In a near-by plac under pro- unusual In International wars wss
tectlon Of lh foreigner. I.lhes of defense
wer. strengthened, trenches dug. bsrrl-
cade raised snd preparations mad to
land a siege, which at one began.
With th negotiation of th partial
armlstlc of July U. a proceeding which
was dtuhtlrss promoted by th represen
tations of th Chinese envoy In Wssh
lna:on. th. w.iv was nliened for th con
veysnc to Mr. Conger of a test message suspiied ultimate destination to the
sent by the Hceretiiry of Stale through Hoe lte. But-h consignments In Unt
itle kind offlces of Minister Wu Ting lh sifts, by which alone direct trade Is
Vttn Mr Conger's rrp'iy dispatched from
Teklii on July is through Hie same chan.
np)i KorM , ,), oulsld. world the
n .1.11...... .,... ,. i. u,. t--
RllttlIli were alive and hoping for succor.
This news stlmuls ted th preparations for
g joint relief expedition, In numbers sultl.
CBnt overcome Ihe resistance which
fur a month had been organising between
Taku and tho capital. Itclnturcemenlg
Rent by all the co-operating governments
were constantly arriving. The United
States contingent, hastily assembled from
the 1'hllliipliir or dispatched from this
country amounted to some MoO men. un-
dor the able command of th lamented
Colonel llacum and afterwards of Ocn
eral Chaffe.
Rescue of I.egntloner.
Toward the end of July the movement
began, A severe conflict followed at TUn
Tsin, In which Colonel Uscum was killed,
The city was stormed and partly de
stroyed, Its capture afforded the base
of operations from which to mak the
final advance, which began In the first
day of August, the expedition being
muds up of Japanese, Russian, Hrltlsh
gnd Amerlcsn trpops at the outset. An-
other battle was rought and
w..n at
uuo-r im,nw ,miiiii n.iu m.
Yonir Tsun. Thereafter, the disheartened
Chinese troops offered little show of re-
slstance A fww days later, ths Impor -
Unt , o( To H Wo was taken A
i.l ..I, ,.M,,tfl. ll.. .,.l ,.
rapiu lliui.-ti " " u uiuiu .uiuj. ifyiniim n ..a... ,llvllte. ni
the populous City of Tung Chow, f ,,lch lmve t'lher.o enjoyed. But, however
capitulated without a contest. - ) t-escssi. y such an expedient may have
on August 14, th capital, wss rui)iad.ii4n. tj lid over the grave emergencies
After a brief conflict bi-m-sth imt '.;, , -ta'ton, it U a: beat but an
the relist coluiuii nterd and the !Lt i 't.suls "ty maketiilft, which should
tlons wore euved. The United . fiistag tmt be s-iffted to delay the speedy and
soltllcrs, sailors and murines, oitlc. M mid am tl , labllshmcnt, of the frontier
men anas, m mose iiiant cnmni. uiai
umiMuni sunounuiiign, stiowen thesssr
valor, "discipline and good conduct n
gave proof of the same high degree W
trlliKnce and elnclency which have o,
i tlngulala-d them In every enici e':l'., ,
The Imperial family and the gover
ment 'hud lied a few day. before,
city was without vlalbln control.
remaining imperial soldiery had tnado,
on ths night of the Kith, a lust atfumpt
to exterminate the besieged, whlchj wes
gallantly repelled. It fell to tha occupy-,
Ing forces to reatore order and orgiinlse
provisional administration.
The Ilosslnn I'roposlllon.
The Russian proposition looking to the
restoration of the lmpcrlul power In I'e-
itiuruy 10 inutr own guiuy euua, mo e- caneu rortn sincere expressions or s f -platlon
becomes Imperative within the row from this Government and people,
rational limits of retributive Justice. Re- and occasion was fitly taken to testify
gardlng this as the initial condition of ( to the Italian Nation the high regard here
an acceptable settlement between Chhia tctv ior U , memory of th. lamented
ana me powers, i saia in my meaio
nt Onlnl... 111 In 1'hln... m
"I trust that negotiations may begin so
soon as we and the other offended gov-
ernments shall be effectively eausnea oi our iih'oi with our Important south
Your Majesty's ability and power to ern nelght-.ft. Commercial Intercourse
treat with Just sternness, the principal wirli Mexk 1 eontlnues to thrive, and the
offenders who are doubly culpable, nu ltwj govern gents neglect no opportunity
alone toward the foreigners but toward to f -stt.rv i )elr mutual Interests ln all
Your Majesty, finder whose rule the pur- r.. Uc.ihle ays.
pose of China to dwell In concord with, j v'r:,ji.t io the declaration of the Su
the world has hitherto found expression.' pT tv.' our. that the awards of th. late
in the welcome and proteotlon assured to ol .tic . .n.j.on in th. La Abra and
strangers." ; . . I Wed ol:ii;c Wer, i obtained through fraud,
Taking as a point of departure the.Cu sum b? jrded in tne first case, H03,-
imperial eaioi bwuiuuii- ami "iimim,, mcii rmurnea to Mexico and
Hung Chang, and Princ. China-(
naii'-P!ii.H to arrsnt a
n.i'iit, en) tti.i eillnt of ptmlier
W 'H'rhy er'mn lilah oftlclals wer de.
I fur puulttment, this Uovrnment
U movr.l iu roncert with ths other
li er i.iwmi th epenlna nf netcnlla
.p.ns which , i'oiisr, aaeWted by Mr.
' icKl.1,1. hat. I authorised to oonduot
i b.ilulir of Mia tf lilted Mtates.
'Jletieral tmiiea of nelotlatluns, formu
Htd by th Oov.rnment of th. French
.,".'.,, Mm.,. u, II.IU t...U,l. I'IMIIM.
Publle, hav. been accepted with ear.
Jin reservation, as to details, mad
Zcessary by our own clreumstanues and
i -Ilk similar reaervatlons by othar
Iwer. open lo discussion In th prog-
5ms of th negotiation. Th. disposition
4 th Kmperor's Uovernment to admit
Bbllltyfor wrong don to foreign gov -
sments and their eltlsens snd to act
iin1 uh additional designation of th
orlliv .,.n. .. 11.. rnreiun Minister
aUvkln may b In a position to mek.rntionnl A 'bltratlon llureau. In c -
t hop of a complst settlement of eordanc with artlcl U of th convention
Sifjueslions lnvolvd, assuring foreign Providing for th appointment by each
tlt of rldena and Intercourse o signatory power of person of known
- s)S-. ladeaially.
Th matter, of Indemnity for our
wroiied citlie'iis la a question of grav.
coin-fit Measured In money alone, a
auttllent reiteration re ay prov to b be
yon tl ability of Chin lo meet. All
thS sower concur In emuhatlo disclaim
en f any purpose ef aggrandisement
thrgigh ths dlamembermetit of th em.
pit 1 am- dlsoard lo think that due
coiaensatlon may b made In part by
Iniiaaed guarantea of security fur for
elsi rights and Immunities, and most
Imirtant of all, by th opening of China
to I equal commerce of all th world.
The views hav been and will be earn
est I; advocated by our representatives.
Tl Uovernment of Husala has put for
watt a suggeatlon thst In th event of a
pr acted divergence of views In regard
to lidemnltles, the matter may be rein
m)l lo th court of arbitration at Th
link', I favorably Inclln to thl. b
llovt.g that high tribunal could not fall
te tach a aulullon no lem conduclv to
Mabllliy and enlarged proapertty of
Itself than Immediately bsnellclal
10 T
tlelalloa With Germany.
d will prevail In our relations with
ermnn Umpire. An amicable adjust,
ef the long pending question of th
admlislon of our Uf Insurant- cumps-
nles-ta do bualness In t'ruasta hss been
reattp-d. On of th principal companies
" rady been readmitted, and th way
I otsncsl for th other to sbars lh prlv
lief a. ,
Tbrheltlement of th Bsmosn problrm,
to wlil h 1 adverted In my laal message,
ha sti ompllshi-d good results. I'eac and
cnniriiment prevll In th Islands, tape,
dally In Tutulla, wher convenient ad
mlnlsllatlon thst has won th confidence
and esvem of lh kindly-disposed nntlves
has . hern organised under th direction
of trie commander of th United Utalrs
navl station at Tango Tango,
Anl Imperial meal Inspection law been
enailfd for Uermiiny. While It may aim.
Iillfyj ths Inspnctlons, It prohibits certain
prtslit-ts heretofor admitted. There la
still treat uncertainty as to whether our
. welltilgh exllngulsheO Herman trati in
n arwpsiniM una in tee new i'ut .01
"i ." wwiatf s IW.M ,
pc-emeu in nai n ueinaeien.
hl control of the sess, th. other had
nd porta, shipping or direct trade, but
wjU only accesslbl through th territory
of a neutral Vexatious question anise
throui Ureat Hrltaln action In renpecl
to m-ilral cargots not contraband In
their ewn nature, shlprd to Portuguese
Bouthiktrlcs, on tlie score of probable er
kept i between our ports and 8011
Afrlcl wer. seised In application of
law ifhlbltlng llrlllsh vessels from tm
f a
,m wlh an enemv without reaard to snv
eontt(tand character of th goods, while
cargo shipped to Detagna Hay In neutral
I bottoila were sm-sted on the ground r
allegel destination to the enemy's coun-
try. Ipproprlnle repreaenlatlon on our
pari aauitca in tne uruisn uovernment
agmelta; to purchase outright all such
gooni snown to ne in aciuni properiy 01
Amifcan cltliens, thus closing lb liu-l-
dentin the satisfaction of tha Immediate.
ly lrtrsieu parties, aitnougn unrortu
natell without a broad settlement of the
quesUm ot a neutral's right to send
j good! not contrband per se to a neutral
port Jdjaeent to a belligerent area.
AlaaUa Boundary.
Ths Work of marking certain provis
ions! iundary points for convenience of
atlmlnStratlon around the head of Lynn
C'unaljJn accordance with tho temporary
arraniemem or maimer, tia, was coin
plcieti by a Joint survey ln July last, Th
modus Vivendi has so far worked without
friction and tha Dominion Uovernment
has irovlded rules and regulations for
. kin,. ,M n,IM nllla,.., . U ,..-....,. ..
ac.-iii..a .v wu, v.t.M,-i.n hid ihiii.-iii oi lr
. racinrscal stipulation that tha cltliens or
subjects of either power found by that
1 arramtement within the temporary Jurls-
dlctlpe ef hs other shall suffer no dl-
X lh,u nH.l
I'kt -e V" a we ar emu tea unusr ine
ii i"iean twaty tor th. ceion uf
t relation, 1 may refer again to
,. f definitely marking tha A'ns
.rrturv where It follows th Hist
v .mn. A convention to mat "end has
bi rt before the Sanate for somo two
yi', but as no sctlon has been taken, I
oofttui.piate negotiating a new convention
for J. Joint determination of the meridian
W hvllncentris observations. These, aslt
la bllveJ. will give more accurate and
untp ...tlonable results than the sidereal
r it-i uds heretofor. Independently fol
lowed, which, as Is known, proved dls
ereniint at several nnlnta nn tha lln. 11L
thottm not varying at any place more
thait 700 feet,
r-ii'.r t
. ' '
Money! Returned to Mexico.
No noteworthy Incident has occurred tn
, be a pimut ot th. Well award will b. re-1
turn4 In Ilk manner.
A convention Indefinitely stn1ln th
I tin for th labors for th United Htat".
and Meslcsn International (water) bound
ary eommlselun ha been signed.
leteraatlowal Arbllratloa. :
It Is with satlxfacllon that t am abl
to anneutic th formal notification at
Th Mucus, an Meptember 4, of th depoe-
.. . ..... m .. 1 -
, of ratification or 1 ,. convent.on tor
?"" '' --
! J l'u J1 ""T'L'i' s'
flal.s, Auatrla, Itelglum, Denmark, Krg.
V (,",miny' JuIIl a"!.? m
Hurt'igal. Moumanla, Mus.lg, Hwm.H pain,
Norway and The Nethee
u- Japan also ' nn nMd th
. mnv.Mlon. Th admlnlsiratlv ci.uncll
v ' " u.
been organised, and It has adop.ed rul
or order and a constitution for th in-
compeiencr in iinnomw wi hi,ii
law a arbitrator f hv sppolnted ss
member or this court, lion, tienjnmin
Harrison, or Indiana, es-rreeicieni oi ins
United states: Hon. Melville W. Fuller,
at llllnol. Chief Jostle of the United
gtstes; John W. Urlggs, of New Jersey,
Attorney-Uenersl of th United Htates,
and Hon. Oeorg Orsy. of Delaware, a
Judg of th. Circuit Court of th. Untied
The Nlearaaaa f'aaal.
Th Important matter of sn Intsroccsnle
canal ha asaumrd a new nhn.e. Ad-
herlng to It refusal te rropen th. qo.stlon
of th. forfeiture of th cm tract of the
Maritime Canal Company, which was
terminated for alleged nonexecutlon In
October, lOT. the Uovernment of Nicara
gua has sine supplemented that action
by declaring th. o-styled Kyr-Crgln
option void for nonpayment of th stipu
lated advance. Protests In relation to
thess act hav. been Died In th. Htat
Department, and ar. under consideration.
Deeming Itself relieved from existing en
gngemetits, the Nicaragua Uovernment
shows a disposition to desl freely with
th canal question, either In the way uf
negotiation with lh t'nlted States or by
taking measures to promote th wster
wsy. Overture for convention to effect
th bull. ling of a canal under th auaplcea
of th Cnlted Htote ar under conalders
Hon. In th meantime, the view of Con.
gresa upon the subject In the light ot
ths report or the committee appointed to
examine th comparative merit of th
various trans-lathmlan ship canal proj
ects may be awaited.
I commend to th early attention of
th Kenst tha convention with Orest
Hrltaln lo facilitate th construction of
such canal, and to remove any objec
tion whl h might arise out of the conven
Hon commonly railed lh Clayton-Uul-wer
Itrlatloaa Wllb Ppala.
fliitlafiic tory prorreaa has been made
Inward th conclusion or s general treaty
of friendship and Intercourse with Hpaln
In replacement of lh old treaty, which
passed Into abeyance by reason of the
late war. A new convention of extradli
tlon la approaching completion, and I
would be much pleased wer a commer-t-lnl
arrangement to follow, I feel that
we should not suffer lo pass sn oppor
tunity to reaffirm tha cordial ties that
existed between us snd Spain from the
time of our earliest Independence, and tu
enhance the mutual benefits of. that com
mutt'lal Intercourse which Is natural be
tween the two countries.
Ily th term of lh tresty of pesee.
the Una bounding the ceded Philippine
group on the southwest fall 1! I? In-lml
several smsll Islands lying "t of '.he
g. litis, which .but9 always twett rceng
nld as under HpiiUJlr TswrM-ai The oc-
cuputlnn of Hlbutii t.nd C "!- Sulu.
itr . feeee elicit e-i '. ta-m en
ft -"rt ' I .. H t,t"t
at which emild not be ; Mi orr
I cur. th defect ef the s by . re-
i-.civlag all Htsihte gr.tund ' f' jr nils-ui,d'-r-Jinndlng
i-esiwctlng t JiP-wel.
lltf ef Us third article, 1 d'n- n-t tn
('ii.n "t a tnptm ji:.2r,.tXiiU.
which will be forthwtth-4--.iwoie ins
Senate, wlierelty Hmln quits all title and
claim of title to the Islands named, as
well as lo sny and all Islands belonging
to the Philippine Archlpelsgo lying out
side the line described In said third ar
ticle, and agrees thst ah such Islands
shall bn comprehended In the cession of
th archipelago as fully as If they had
been expressly Included within those lines.
In consideration of this cession the United
State la to pay Hpaln the sum of tm.m.
A bill la now pending to effect the rec
ommendation made In my last annual
message, that appropriate legislation be
had to carry Into execution article 8
of the treaty of peace with Spain, by
which the United Htates assumed the
payment of certain claims for Indem
nity of Its eltlsens against Spain. 1 ask
that action be taken to fulfill this obli
gation. The King of Sweden and Norway has
accepted the Joint Invitation of the
United States, Germany and (Ire at Brit
ain -to srbltra.e claims growing out of
losses sustained In the 8a moan Islands In
tho course of military operation made
necessary by the disturbances In IM19.
Our claims upon the Government of the
Sultan for reparation for Injuries suf
fered by American eltlsens In Armenia
and elsewhere glv. promise of early and j
satisfactory settlement. His Majesty's
good disposition In this regard has been
evidenced b ytho Issuunc. of an Irade for .
rebuilding th. American college at Hur-
Hecoinnienilallona fur a. Civil Got
ernment for the Islands.
In my last annual message I dwelt at
some length upon' th condition of af
fairs In the I'blllpplnes. While seeking
to Impress uim you that the grave re
sponsibility of the future government of
those Islands rest with the Congress of
the United States, I abstained from rec
ommending at that time a specific and
final form of government for the terri
tory actually held by the-t'wtted Slates
forces, and In which, as long as the In
surrection continues, the military arm
must necessarily bf . e'lpieme. I stated
my purpose, until th Coi.wtess shall
hav mad kno-n th formal expression
uf Hs "(, tu tm cfic o-iithorlty vested
In mu by :! Conctltullon and the stat
utes to Upl.Ud the sovereignty of tho
United Ptatc' n these illutiint Islands, as
in all Qthei.itlttces where our fl jg right-
ftlTly floats, placing to that end at the
disposal of thi Army and Navy all the
means which the liberality of the Con
gress and the people have provided. No
contrary expresalon of the will of the
Congress having been made, I have
steadfastly pursued the purpose so de
clared, employing the civil arm as well
toward the accomplishment of pacifica
tion and the institution of local govern
" ...,.i .u. i 7 .ih.,r,. a ttiiuiii ....... u. , "
Progress In the
been favorable.
t j . ji..n ho. appropriations, and the chosen reprrsen
hnP i Zl hv. .to tatlvea of the people will. I doubt not.fur
Pu.'u . I!.- llr "f; nlah an example In their legislation of
- , , . .. , .-..,- nne
cesarui y conirooea ine greakBl
ine istanna, overcoming .c u.B......-
forces of the nsurKftits, and carrying
erder and administrative regularity to
all quarters. What opposition remains Is
for the most part scattered, obeying nj
concerted plun of strateglo action, oper-
atlng only by the methods common to
the trudillons of guerrilla warfare, which,
while Ineffective to alter the general con
trol now established, ar still sutllclent
to beget Insecurity among the popula-
Hons that have felt the good results of
our control, and thus delay the confer-
ment upon them of the fuller measures
oi iocui soii-guvernmeiu, oi euuimn...
and of Industrial and agricultural devel-.
opmeni which we stand ready to glva
them, '
By the Spring of this year the effective
opposition of the dissatisfied Tasats to
the authority of the United States was
virtually ended, thus opening the door
for the extension of a stable admlnlstra-
tlon over much of the territory of the
archipelago. Desiring to bring this about, .
I appointed in march last a civil com-1
mission, composed of the Hon, William
H. Taft, of Ohio; Professor Dean C.
Worcester, of Michigan; Hon. Luke E.
Wrlirhr. nf Tennessee: Hon. Hnrv C.
Ide, of Vermont, and Professor Bernard
Moses, of California, Th alms of tneir .Pennsylvania, Iowa and Minnesota.
mission and 'he. scope of their authority, . v
ar. clearly set forth In- Instructions of The sorew In the fourth jewel wheel
April 7, 1900, addressed to the Secretary
0f War te 'be transmitted to then. I
larvea la lb former Proairoea
Toward! C'abaa Aatoaomy.
Th civil sjovernment of Porto Rloo
provided for by th si-t of th CongrrM
approved April 12, IWjm, I In succeeeful
nperatlon. The court hive been estab
lished; th Governor and his ssaoclate
working- Intsllliently and harmoniously,
ar maklria a oommendabl success. On
th 8th nf November a s-m rsl election
was held In th lelund for member of
the Legislature and th body has been
rslled to convene on th first Monday of
I lecember.
I recommend that bsUlntl n be anictel
by Concresa conferring upon th Uecre
tsry of th Interior supervlelon over th
I ,n!
I public landi
land in I'orlo Itlco, and that ha
tn ascertain th location and
1 qunntlty of Unds the tilt to which re-
ni.ined In th crown of Hpsln at th dut
(h. cession of lJorto Klco to th L'nltd
ntates. and that appropriation fur ur.
vey o man anu in metnra or tn
j disposition ot -ui h lands b prescribed
Dy law.
Arrnr Ikonld Ha HO.OOO to lOO.OOO
Tba Navy, HoatoMe, Klo,
Th vreaetit strength of lh Army Is
100.000 mn &.0uo regulars and S.tSJO vol
unteers. L'nder lh act of March I, Ihvd,
on th SOlh ot Jun next th prrnt vol
unteer fore will b discharged and th
Hngular Army will b reduced to J
oftlcer end ,025 enllal.d men. ln lssl
a board of officers convened by President
Cleveland adopted a comprehensive
schem of coast defense and fortincatluns
which Involved th oullsy of something
over Thl plsn received tn
approval of th Congress and sine then
regular aproprlatton hav been made and
th work of formication has steadily
progressed. - More than IM.etMOOU have
been Invested In a great number of forts
snd guns, with sll tha complicated and
scientific machinery and electrical appll.
un ccs neceasary for their us. The proper
care or this aerensive machinery requires
men trained In lis use. The number of
men neceaaary to perform this duty alone
is ascertained by th War Department,
at a minimum allowsncr, to be IS 139.
There are s or more military posts In
th United Htati . othrr than th coast
defrnae fortification. Th number of
these poet I being constantly Increased
by Congress. More than taouO.OHO hav
been upended In building gnd equipping
them and tiler can only b cared for
by the Krgular Army. The posts now In
existence and others to be built provide
accommodations for, and, If fully gar.
rtsoned, require n,W0 troops. Many of
then posts are along our frontier or at
imporiar.t strategic points, the occupa
tion of which Is neceaaary. We have In
Cubs between fW) and ouO troops. Kor
ths present our troops In thst Island can
not be withdrawn or materially dimin
ished, certainly not until the- conclusion
of ths 1 1 bora of the constitutional conven
tlon now In si slon and a government pro
vlded y the National Constitution shfluld
have iK-rn established and Its stability
assur d. In Torto Kft-o we have r
(1 iicet' .he garrleons to 1631. which Include
ftsl na'lv. troops. Th-r la no room for
further reduction hire. W will be re
quired In keep a considerable force In
tne I'liiiippiue laianns ror some tim 10
coma. -r th. beet Information Ob-
talnahle we shall seed there for the Im
mediate future from M.OoO to SO.00O men.
t am sure the number may be red iced as !
ths Insurgents shsll come to acknowledge
the authority of the United Sitc.f
whVb thtr. arc "SmrlitK Indication
It must 1 eppsirnt that we will r-qii!:-
an army of shout, find tiist
d.irln preset ronditf.jits lu t.'u"s tied
th !'i. I!l pines tha Pres-deer t18,
suUmrlt,'.. to lr, .'-he f-ree t i th.
,i,etr . ";;
Hesn. which ihe Tst eoiumission believes
wilt e inor eOfettve In detecting and
to- .uxiikt-i:a ..airj4.-. - J
Hi full discussion of thl subject by
the Secretary of Wsr In his snnual re
port is called to your earnest attention.
The Navy. f
Very efficient service has been rendered
by Ihe Navy in connection with the Insur
rection In the Philippines, and the recent
disturbance In China,
A very satisfactory aettlemrnt has been
made of the long-pending question of th.
msnutacture of armor-plates. A reason
able price ha been secured, and th
necessity for a Government armor-plat,
plant avoided.
I approve ot the recommendation ot
the Secretary of the Navy for new ves
sels and for stldltlonal officers snd men
which the required Increase of th Navy
makes necessary,
Tbe Hawaiian Island.
Much Inti resting Information Is given In
the report of the Governor of Hawaii as
to the progress and development of the
Wands during the period from July 7,
1SD8, the dtte of '.he approval of the Joint
resolution of th Congres providing for
their anntxatlon up to April 90, 1900, th.
date of the approval of the act providing
s government f"r the territory ana mere-
fn'th. yer m TtJZKJS
of ifts.oro, of which Slis were native Ha-
wallans. The number of Americans re-
ported was hr iiw rnuu. m i.
era I census taken this year show the
Islands to have a total population of lo.
Out. snowing an Increase over that report-
ed In 1R96 of 44 .1S1. or 41.1 per cent. mm.
nss peen mnrsea progress m tu...
agricultural and railroad development 01
the Islands.
In th Territorial net of April so. i:oo
Government was to assist In encouraging
and developing the agricultural resource
. t.,,i.. t
1 " 1 " ' '
or tne Kepuonc, itrc.., ..... .
ThS Governor of Hawaii recommends leg 1
lalatlon looking to the development ot
such water supply as may exist on the
publlo lands, with a view of promoting
land settlement. The earnest consldera
tlhn of the Pnnsrress Is invited to this
Important recommendation and others as !
embodied In the report of the Secretary
of the interior.
Th. DlrTctTtrcenrsIates that
the work In connection with the 12th cen.
sus is progressing favorably. This Na.
tlonal undertaking, ordered by the Con-
.. Jl .. .1 .. i. n . An. Mi, Wk.nlt.n 1 rt
gresa rauii uuv-nue, una iiiic,,; itium ...
the collection of an agregatlon of stalls
tlcal facts to determine the Industrial
growth of the country. Its manufacturing
and mechanical resources. Its richness In
mines and forestB, th numbers of its ,
Agricultural districts, their farms and
products. Its educational and religious op
portunities, as well as questions pertain
ing to sociological comm ons.
Precaution Agnlnat Extravagance.
In our great prosperity we must guard
agalnBt the dangers It Invites In extrav-
agnnce In government expenditures and
n in 11 nu rjAauif'ia tit iiicn
tht wg0 economy which, In a season of
,pnt husbands for the future. In this
era of great bU8lneaa BCtlvty nnd npror-
un) cautlon no, untmely. It will
not abnte but .trengthen our ecflance.
wl, not retar(1 but promote ;gl,mllt,
,nduBtrluj anci commercial expansion,
0ur BrownB power brings with It temp.
tatloni an(1 perns P(.qUring constant vtg-
Rnce tQ avold u must not be llged ,0 llu
v(t8 corlnCts, nor for oppression, but for
the morfl effeetive maintenance of those
p,rlnripes of equality and Justice upon
wh)(,b our institutions and happiness de-
ppnd j6t us Keep always In mind that
e foundation or our uovernment is iid-
ety, jlg guperstructure peace,
Executive Mansion, December 3, 1S00.
Jlere is a suggestive record as it ap
g,.,, on ti,e fleuth list at Bell lvue hos
Vnib- "nriktMvwri man ad.
pital, New Yotk. Unknown man, aci
mitted August 18, tiken to ward 18,
jej a$ 3. js p, fj August 13."
Only eight states nave oeen tinuorin
ly Republican in presidential years
since I860 Maine, New Hampshire,
Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
of a watoh la so small tna. a lacty 1
thimble would bold 1,000,000 pi tua'
HIE M ro
Commission Recommends
Nicaragua Route.
Estimated Cost ef the Canal Is Over Two Hue,
drtd Millions Ten Yuri Required
la Complete It
Washington, Dec. 6. The report of
tbe Isthmian 1 esual ominisslon, sub
mitted by the president to congress ui
day, jives as the upauimoos conclusion
ot that Judy that !'ht: r?fll,pp,ti,-,
ble aini feasible route Jut an isthmlaa
canahuuder the cfutrol, management
and onrhipof the United States la
tu- kri' UJU iha-Wtowaginr foote."
Tbe commission estimates the cost of
this canal at $200,640,000. This esti
mate is mnoh in excess of any hereto
fore made and ia due to increased di
menslona and other features not here
tofore considered. The eommisslon
also estimates the cost of a canal by
the Panama route at 1142,342,679, ac
cording to one route, or 1156.878,858
according to another route.
At between tha Nicaragua and Pana
ma routes, tbe commission sums np a
number of advantages favorable to the
former. It states also that under tbe
concessions given by the government
Of Colombia u the Panama Canal
Company that government Is not Iree
U grant tbe necessary rights to the
United e'tatet except upon conditions
made by tbe company.
New Calculated to Be More Thin 134,000,000
by the Minister of Flrunce.
St. Petersburg, Deo. 6. The popu
lation of llussla was estimated at about
78,000,000 in 1801, the year of the
emancipation of the serfs. It is now
calnlated to be more than 186,000,000,
according to a statement just published
by the minister of finance. Tbis esti
mate la obtained by adding tbe calcu
lated annual excess of births over
deaths, wbii-n It 2,000.000, to the total
of 129,000,000 given by the censurof
January 28,1897, whiob was 120,000,
000, without tbe grand duchy of Fin
! ianj nr 100 nnn firm li,,.:;,. n-
! "D?' L i.WO.mH inclU.iltlg Fin
land. The Slavic population it 73 per
cent of tbe whole, Russians alone
nnmberine- M.nnn.nnn. n
; . . Plnll. K ,.. .
j8nn l ...Mn population It over
6,000.0 V. and theX..uuauiiiK .lut-iat
! reach tho same figureA nuinleiiug
o.OuO.OOO. Vatious Turki.b pt j lo tf
the V ilgal, tbe CiSinw. hc nucaeve
and "ii'ij itojHer
ev 4,000,000 an.
l.",000 persons of tiermuu ocyc-ot
0 birth. '
sVr IIIIU t TtUKIX I Irtll.
CollUlq) on the Southern Pacific Near Suisun,
Cel., Kills Nine Men.
Suisun, Cal., Deo. 6. During a
veiy heavy fog tbia morning, freight'
train N. 201, West bound, collided
with a work train of five cars and an
engiue, going east, in a deep cut about
600 yards beyond Vanden station, cans
ing the death of nine workmen and in
juries of a more or less severe character
to about 20 others. Tbe victims of the
disaster were asleep in their bunks in
one of the cars of the work train when
tbe trains came together.
Anglophobls at Cologne.
Cologne, Dec. 6. An Anglophobe
demonstration took place today in
front of the British consulate here.
Mounted police dispersed the rioters
and arrestej tho leaders. Serenades
" nation, of Mr. Kruger planned by
various sooieties have been forbidden
n the interests of public Safety.
Los Angeles Election.
Los Angeles, Cal., Deo. 6. Com
plete returns of yesterday's election in
ii J . . - l 1. 1 - A. r Va n J .1.
mis city snow .nus iu. r. onyaer, ue
Demooratio nominee for mayor, wag
,iectej Dy , plurality over Herman Sil-
ver the' Bepublioan candidttte, of
2,000. The Republicans elected seven
0f tne nine councilmen and five of the
. . .
ejKnt other munioipal otiicer8.
Castle Rock Assassin.
Kalama, .Wash., Deo. 6. Martin
Stiokel was arraigned iu Justice
Smith's oourt tonight at 11 o'clock for
the murder of William B. Shanklin at
Kelso a year ago, and with the murder
ol Corneliu. Knapp and wife at Castle
Book last ednesday night. The pris-
oner waived examination and was held
iQt trjaj tne Burjerior court.
Trains Crash Together.
Seattle, Deo. 6. A special to the
Post-Intelligencer from Spokane says
A light engine on the Great Northern
crashed into the rear end of a special
freight at Chiwaukum, neat Leaven
worth, this morning. Conductor Sick
afoos, who was riding in tbe caboose,
wus instantly killed, and Brakemen
Forgey and Dirah were severely in
Boers Headed Off.
London, Deo. 6. General Kitchener
reports from South Africa that the
mounted troops of General Knox were
engaged all day Sujday, with part of
General Dewet's forces, north of j iBe
thnlie. The Boers, he added, were
headed off and retired in a northeaster
ly direction.
General Mercler says Franoe could
easily invade England.
New York's Smallpox Sure.
New ork, Deo. 6. Forty cases ln
the pesthouse on North Brothers Island,
one new case in the infected district
on the West Side and two deaths to
date was the condition of the smallpox
outbreak as reported by the board of
health today. None of the ofQciala
took any confort from the fact that but
one new case developed today as against
18 Monday, for the disease has over
leaped the bounds to which they had
tried to confine it in the neighborhood
of "All Nations Block" in West Sixty,
ninth street, where it started,