The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 23, 1900, Image 3

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Talaphon., No. 141.
knights or rrriUA,
itAUVD t,krui Mil Aft UKVN ITVVItV
il WRlnmlt evening. AletnlxM will lake
due mttc Kntt Kitvarn hmmtv aewrdlnsly,
YMlliut KiiiuhU sr lnvttc.1 to attend wu
oiuveiiTunl. It. 1. r'RAMKR.O. U.
Court Imlt'wnttene No. 80. Forwit-
at of Artwrlcft, mwU every Tiwmlay
evening at 8 o clock. "
W. R. Allln, dentlat. Cooper block
Tlio motor train crew Buy that a heavy
fall o( mow waa at Airlie on Monday
morning ; that it waa aulllcient to makt
tha inhabitant, believe winter waa com
ing on.
The now titraisht front, double steel
low bust corset at J. L. Stock ton '
West Side and Weekly Btatwman
one year, f 2.
Haled clover hay for aale. II. W,
Sunday night was a corker. Jack
Frost came down good and hard and the
walk on Monday morning looked ai
though a good (all ot now had come on
Ladies' and children! Jackets less
than coat at the Monmouth store.
Campbell Bros, have no equal iu pricin g
ranges ana stoves,
Buy your mill teed at the Collins mill.
Bran. U per Ion : sboru f is per ion.
" Take a look at the fine Una ol blankets'
in the window at J. L. Stockton's. How
is the time to buv thera aa Mr. Stockton
is etui ins them cheap, and without
doubt they are serviceable these cold
Says a Brooklyn butcher outside bis
Broadway store: "Never mind the golf
links, but try a few links of our fresh
Loin Island sausage." Who ever sau
sage a ridiculous sign.
Have you bought your winter wrapat
Now is the time to buy them at leas
than cost at the Monmouth Store.
Robinson's Book Store has just re
ceived a large lot of new books by trie
latest and best authors.
The small boy can never reconcile the
principles o( the Declaration of Inde
pendence with the restrictions placed on
the amount of pie he should eat.
Newbro's Herpicide, the dandruff
cure, E. T. Ilenkle the barber, keeps it.
Wall paper that will please the most
critical, at Campbell tiros.
Dallas has the smallpox, according to
a dispatch from that city to the Oregon
tan ol Tuesday. The city officials have
taken proper precautious against the
spread of the disease.
Jackets at and below cost at J. L
Stockton's. Mis trade this year has been
wav ahead of last year, proving the uni
versal verdict that J. L. Stockton is not
to be undersold anywhere and handles
reliable goods.
Campbell Bros, have just received a
new and complete stock of wall paper.
You would be surprised to see the
great variety of air tight heater displayed
on the floor at K. M. Wade A Co's. If
you need anything in that line don't
overlook thetu.
Last week the river was almost down
to zero; this week it is full again.
Carpets, cheap at J. L. Stockton's.
Hunting of Denny pheasant! will soon
cease, by operation f the law. r Novem
ber 30, next Friday, will be the closing
day. If any one shoots a Denny after
the 30th, he will have some trouble to
get out of a mess, as the game warden
and his deputies are alert after offenders.
We wish to tfiank the Independence
people who have patronized us so liber-J
erally and extend an invitation toothers
also. Jicmcmber that if your neighbor
can save money buying dry goods in
Monmouth, you can too.
For special rate on Llppinoott's
Magazine to subscribers of the VVKST
Side, call at the office.
The word Garland is a guarantee that
the uto.e is first class in every respect
For sale bv R. M. Wade & Co. ,
Campbell Bros, have the best line of
carpets that has ever been carried in
Independence all wool and a yard wide.
Henderson Murphy's old nag took a
notion to warm up Saturday afternoon
and went down Main street like a quar
ter horse. He was caught on the big
bridge, none the worse for his run.
Go to J. L. Stockton's and get you .a
new suit. Dress up for the holidays.
Campbell Bros, carry six different
lines in airtights prices guaranteed the
lowest. - .
Try Moore, the barber, north side of
"C" street, opposite Knox's grocery
store, for a hair cut or shave.
The Airlie corresoondent of a Dallas
paper says that the motor made a special
hunting trip up that way. That "Joe
Hirschberg got a nice bag of killdees
and yellowhammers, thinking they were
snipes and native pheasants."
Newbro's Herpicide, the dandruff
cure, at E. T. Henkle's barber shop, 10
When in Salem and you want a good
meal don't forget to go to Strong's
Restaurant, where everything the mar
ket affords can be had.
Benjamin and Delburt Harrington,
brothers, of Independence, have located
permanently at Oregon City and are pre
paring for the arrival of their families
next week. Evening Telegram.
J. 8. Moore, the barber on C street,
now handles Newbro's Herpicide. the
famous dandruff cure, endorsed by all
the leadiDg barbers of Portland and all
cities in the eaat. , Give it a trial and
save your hair.
Rumor has it that Cliarley Bilyeu and
Oliver Jones are going to open a meat
market on C street at an early date.
Have you arranged yet for your even
ing reading? If not, it will be to your
advantage to call at Robinson's Book
Store on Main street. All the Btandard
authors are kept on hand and many of
the latest books can be found only there.
Every day is a Bargain Day at Mon
mouth's Big Dry Goods Store and people
from other towns are fast finding it out.
Our trade is growing rapidly.
S. M. DANIEL, Monmouth, Ore.
1 All sorts of warnings have been sent
out against destroying the timber, but
the oldest notice is found in Isaiah
where the words are as follows : "Instead
Of the thorn shall come up the fir tree,
and instead of the briar the myrtle tree
and it shall be to the Lord for a name,
foi an everlasting sign that it shall not
be cut off. "
This signature Is on every box of the genulns
. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabuu
tin remedy that earea a cM 1st Mater
Have your water pipes iroaenT
How wou)d you like to lie the plumb-
- v ;
. Thsj Foresters had a nice and enjoyable
lima Tuesday evening.' s . v ,
The weather clerk hat ' made a mis
take. We don't want a trevse up.
Ernest Irvine it off on a little trip to
McM inn villa. , : .
James and William Fudge, of Walla
Walla, are visiting relatives here.
Mist lliltebrand of Lewityllte spent
Saturday and Sunday In town,
Riley Cooper made a business trip to
Albany on Tuesday, going by way Salem,
Ed F. Hitchcock, of Portland, was a
Webt Sink visitor Wednesday.
Wild geese are getting iu their work
on fall town grain. v
Kd Gale visited in McMlnnvillo dur
ing the week.
The Misses Bently ot Monmouth, at
tended the Orchestra parly last Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Joe Tetherow ot Oak Ridge visit
ed here last Saturday with hiw brother
Willard Ireland. '
Mrt. G. W. Kutch spent a tew days
last week visiting a brother at Reed
vllle, returning home ou Monday,
Mrt. G. G. Foster, of Vancouver, who
wat visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. 0.
Brant, has returned to her home, leav
ing heia on Tuesday's boat.
Morris Wifwul and 0. S, Oabrielaoh
came up from Salem on Monday eveni
ing's boat, returning next day.
Miss Daisy Graves, who has been
visiting Miss Tearl Cooper (or several
weeks, went to McCoy tor a vitit with
friends during this week, .
Clarence Ireland has returned from
Tillamook where he made some cattle
trades. He was in the city Monday,
en route to Salem.
Mr. Prescott, an Independence pro
perty owner and a former resident is
visiting old trieudt here.
Dee Davidson and family have moved
into the residence lately vacated by D. L
Hedges and family.
The Knights ol Pythias had work in
third rank Wednesday evening,
The attendants did their duty nobly.
It would seem that this is rather cold
weather to move. We noticed a large
family jolting along over the hard road
on Thorsday, looking half frozen, evi on the move (or a new location.
0. R. Indahl, special agvut, Orient
Fire Insurance company, ol Hartford,
Coun., was in the city Tuesday and
made arrangements to have his company
Frank Whiteaker has started out to
see a little of the world. He left Inde
pendence Mouday (or Portland, Dalles
Walla Walla, and other Eastern Oregon
points and will probably go to San Fran
T. F. Haynie, a representative o( the
Chicago Journal, and one of the eight
correspondents of eastern papers now
doing this western country, waa in In
dependence on Wednesday gathering
material (or a writeup of the Willamette
J. H. Burton and Chas. A. McLaugh
lin, two of our successful hop growers,
started east on Monday afternoon. They
first to go to Toronto, Canada, then to
New York, and expect to experience
tome high life ere their return to the
'wild and wooly" west, which will be
about Christmas time.
Mrt. Mc Query, mother o( D. W,
Sears, came near being run down by
the morning train on Monday. Just as
the train was pulling in to the depot,
Mrs. M ''Query started across the track
and but for the timely assistance ot
Henry Waller and Harry Wagner,
would no doubt have been killed or, ser
iously ifiiired. '
On Saturday last Mr. J. D. Watson of
this city received a visit from his bro
ther Augustus Watson, his son J. M.
Watson, and J. A, Cameron, direct from
Smithfield, Fulton county, Illinois.
They came out on the homeseckera' ex
cursion and will remain here for thirty
days, making a few side trips to aee the
country, etc. J. M. Watson is a brother
of Mrs. C. N. Tharp of this city.
Have you tried Gale's clam nectar?
The county court, in conjunction
with the judge of Yamhill and the city
of Salem, is repairing the steel bridge at
Salem. The contractor is doing the
work entirely by night so as not to close
the bridge to travel, which seems un
usually heavy just now.
The Valley has been suffering a
little tui week from a blizzard at least
it seems a blizzard to us Web footers,
though a Dakota man would think ot it
only as a light frost. And yet it can't
compare to the storms raging in Colo
rado and other western states.
In the window ot Campbell Bros' fur
niture store is displayed some fine spec
imens of needle work by Mrs. T. D.
Campbell. The exhibit has attracted a
great deal of attention from the ladies
of Independence and reflects much cre
dit On the artistic taste and skill ot the
worker-, " ' ,
The West Side had, a short time ago,
a clipping from the Coryallis Times, in
which it stated that a fruit man of Cor
vallis received but $2 net for a shipment
ot 100 boxes ot apples to Portland, after
paying freight charges, commission, etc.
But R. E. Wands, who lives about three
miles east ot Salem, shipped 100 boxes
ot apples to Portland last week, and he
received in return for them 65 cents a
box. Mr. Wands was very well satisfied
with the returns.
Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
la on each box. 25c. ' ' : - '
Bottled beer for
family use to
be had at
The Pair Prlara,
The ladies ot the M. & church held
an enjoyable fair last Thursday and Fri
day. Many Itoautiful specimens otchry
sauthemuiiit were exhibited. The hall
was crowded each evening and everyone
seemed to enjoy the occasion. ,
Tha net proceeds from admission fevs,
ice cream, tea and sales ot candifit, was
Prises offered for best exhibits of Mow
ers were won by t he follow ing ladies t
Mrs. T. W. llnink Flisi tor best col
lection ; white, pink and yellow shcI
ment. ,
Mrs. Collins Second tor best collec
tion. Mrs, Hodge fecund lor pink.
Mrs. Fraaler Second tor yellow.
King's Valley will be connected by
telephone with the county seat, and In
cidentally with the outside world, In a
tew days. Workmen are engaged In
setting H)let tor tho new line.
E. I'r'itehard was here the first of
the week looking sfter some hop ship
ments by rail.
Al Hcrren was n round during the
week making the boys "dig up" so as fc
be ready to pay freight on arrival of the
English partridttet, soon expected. Al
ssys the boy "pnny'd up" pretty gmd
The Orchestra dances are proving so
enjoyable that arrangements will be
made to have one each Saturday eve
nlugi ' The beginner will practice until
shortly after niuu o'clock, ' when" the
dance proper will beuin and last uMll
balls has man hav
ing died with it, and no telling how
many more have been exposed. Yet we
won't do as Dalhis done us when we
were similarly situated. We had one
supposed case and Dullas shouted from
the housetops that we had torty casis of
a deadly nature I
"When shall we time meet again?"
Thus exclaimed K. C. Pilchard hist Sun
day alter carrying two geese all day lie-
hind Al Hcrren and L. C. Gilmore. lie
laid the two birds on the ground, stood
beside them and asked the question of
Al, who said that the Aw geese would
meet the next day at dinner.
Andy Tupper shot a lVnny pheasant
on Monday that seemed to be a lieak
in one sense. The bird's under bill
was nearly a half inch longer than the
upper part, and how it could pi' k up
grain or other food seemed a mystery.
And yet the bird was In gKd condition
There were no marks on its bill showing
that the bird had been shot and Andy
believes that it simply hatched out with
Its hill short on one side.
A fast racoon "C" street, the length
of a block, on Saturday evening, drew
better than a porous plaster, laith sidi-a
ol the street being filled with spectators.
A few sports bet the price ot drinks that
Henry Patton could U-at Old Frit.
Both aspirants for sprinting honors dof
fed their shoes und hats and coats and
ran through the mud iu stockinged feet,
Henry was declared the winner and
both were furnished new socks.
The stage of the water last week was
very low, standing only two feel above
low water mark. This stage of water
makes it a little troublesome to make
points above Salem, but the Oregon City
Transportation company's steamers are
making Independence daily and are run
ning almost ou schedule time. The O.
R. & N. company's steamer Modoc
makes tri-weekly trips.
John Scrafford, who was stricken with
typhoid pneumonia lust Friday has been
dangerously ill ever since, esterday
tbre was a slight change for the better
and his friends are now hopeful tor his
recovery. Corvallis Gazelle.
Later -Word was received Saturday
that Mr. ScralTord hud died thai day.
Funeral services were held at the family
residence ou Sunday. Deceased was a
brother ol James It. Sorufford of this city
and Mart Scrafford of Luckiamute.
Despite the large niuiiWis of birds
bagged by hunters, Denny pheasants
are plentiful and just now getting in
their work on the farmer's newly seeded
grain field. The birds Keep an eye on
the farmer and almost as fast as he
drops the seed the birds pick it up.
And yet some of these farmers refuse
the hunter permission to chase a few
birds occasionally. As a rule though,
the Wkht Sum has found the farmers in
this section very obliging in the line of
giving permission; in fuel our hunter
has been.unable to accept all the invita
tions to come and shoot. He has had to
work occasionally during tho season
and trusts this explanation sullicieut
Tiie Sale n Giants have at lust secured
a contract with the Multnomah football
team for a contest on tho gridiron.
Judge W. M. Cake, manager of the
Portland team, was in Salem on Sun
day, and held a long consultation with
Manager F. W. Durbin of the Salem.
The two managers reached a satisfactory
arrangement and a series of three games
s to be played between the two aggrega
tions, the first of which will be played
in Puftlund on Friday, December 7th.
Those "who witness that game will see
one of the best trials of football skill ev
er enioyed on the Portland gridiron,
for the "Sulem Giants" are all right.
The last of the gumes will be played in
Portland on Christmas day, while the
second contest is to tuke place iu Sulem
at a date to be decided on later.
Aniiiinl Oily Flection.
Notice is hereby uivon that the an-
nuul City Election of tho City of Inde
nendence, Oreiron, will be held on Mon
day, December 3d, 11)00, commencing tit
9 o clock A. M. anil ending at o o cloca
P. M.. for the purpose of electing
One Mayor for the term of one year,
One City Recorder for the term of one
yoftr' ...... .
Une Uity Aiaraiiai lor tne term oi one
vear' . .
Une Uity Treasurer tor uio term ol
one year,
One Councilman (rum the rim, Sec
ond and Third War is each for a term of
two years.
The following named voters arc to he
the judges and clerks for the wards
named, the first named voter is to lie
the judge and the last two named are to
be tne clerks!
First Ward, J. n. Bohannon. W. II.
Walker, J. W. Richardson, jr. , Place of
voting, City Hall.
Second Ward, J. W. Kirklund. J. a.
C. Brant, AI Merren. Place of voting,
V eat Hide ofhee.;
Third Ward, Levi Jones, Pearl
Hedges, Foiest Finch. Place of voting,
Levi Jones' residence.
.. Dated this 15th day of November, 1000
f , , , E. T. HlSNKLE, ,
City Recorder.
Object IiCmoiin.
It is said that s a result of falling on
a defective sidewalk one night, thereby
receiving a. broke limb, 'Mr. A. G
Ad Id n will sue the city of Monmouth
(or heitvv damages. The Monmouth
city (allien have wisely come to the ooli
cluciou that it I cheaper to install a lew
street lights than to be lighting damage
suits and have therefore ordered more
lights on the streets. Usually one city
profits by the experience ol other cities
Unless a town hss good water system
and light Mrvlc, it is considered non
progressive and dead. Docs Indepcnd
ence feel that wsyT We hardly think
so, and yet sppearauccs Indicate that
some ot her citlzi'iis do not care what
the outside world thinks of her. We
havu a good water system and good
lights, but some would rather stumble
around loa n In the dark or carry a lan
tern that I liable to go out at any niln
ute and leave one Iu a worse position
than ever. Ani we to go on, living from
hand-to-mouth indefinitely? Or shall
we brace up, encourage new enterprises
tneieud of "knocking" them and once
more be (lie banner town of Polk
John Sci afford, a former resident oi
(mleiiendeiu'e, died at Corvallis last
Saturday. He bad been ill but little
more than a week. A heavy cold seised
huii and soon develoiied into pneumonia.
aswMroin tha very first tha aymplomt
were violent. Within a lew dayt the
patient's condition la'came very serious.
His relatives were summoned to the bed
side. On Saturday morning, with the
relative, shout the bedside, the sufferer
breathed hi lust.
The funeral occurred from the family
residence at two o'clock Sunday after
noon. ,
The deceased was lami at Delavon,
Wisconsin, August '2't, 1851. He ram
to Oregon with hi parents when he was
about II years o( age. Ilu wat baptized
in the Palestine Baptist church In" 1 WIS,
and October L'O, IXmI, was united In mar
riage to Mi Lelo Cree. Twenty
year ago he went to Corvatli to reside,
engaging iu the marble work busmen.
For a time he (cried the city a chief ot
police, "
Ou Tuesday, Nov. 20, Mrs. Mary E.
('iodffltor died at her home in Mon
mouth at the age of U year. Deceased
at one time kept the Cottage hotel In
this city. She leaves four children and
many friend to mourn her death. The
funeral took place Wednesday Irom the
Presbyterian church.
I will keep my goods on sale Just a
few day longer ami will sell even below
cost to clear them all out, so it you want
a hat, jacket or ribbon cheap, look at
my line. MRS.O. V. MOORE,
Monmouth, Oregon.
City Council.
The city council met Tuesday evening
und transacted some imiortaut business.
The Isiard amended the ordinance pro
viding for city officers by cutting off the
night Kilii-e and giving hi duties to the
marhal, raising the pay V5 per month.
It is estimated that this move ot the
council will save the city $.100 per year,
besides being effective protection. Tii
new order will not take effect unttt liter
the first Monday iu January.
The Willamette has again dropped to
a low stage ot water, No steamer line
has as yet begun up' river navigation,
and up to the present no announcement
has been mado of when the regular trips
of boats may be expected. The condi
tion is unusual. It looks as though there
was some sort ot a combination between
the railroad company and and the steam
boat company whereby the latter will
stay away from Corvallis although there
is plenty of business along the river to
thai point.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Christ
ian church will give a turkey dinner on
Thanksgiving day in the Cooper build
lug on Main street.
It seems that one jolt wasn't enough
for Frank lloydsloii. So on Thursday
he collects nearly twenty dollars ot
moneys belonging to his father and skips
out to Salem. On telegraphic orden he
was arrested by the chief of police and
will be brought buck, His bondsmen
on the previous criminal act have with
drawn and it is likely that Frank will
have to board with the sheriff at the
county scut. Willi nil the advantages
1 1 flu red him Frank has proved very un
grateful to Ills father and shown no re
spect for his mother.
The Irl U Hick 11)01 Almanac
Whatever may be snld of the scien
tific cnimes upon which lliu Rev, lrl It
Hicks Iiuhhs his yearly forecasts of storm
and went her, It Is a remarkable fact
that specific warnings of every great
storm, Hood, cold wave and drouth
have been plainly primed In his now
famous Almanuc for many years. The
latest sturlllng proof of this fact was
the destruction of Galveston, Texas, on
the very day named by Prof. Hicks Iu
his 100 Aliiiiuute, us one of disaster by
Ntot m along the gulf coasts. The 1001
Alumnae, by far the finest, most com
plete and beautiful yet published, Is
now ready. This remarkable book of
near 200 pages, splendidly illustrated
with charts and bnlf-tones, goes as a
premium to every subscriber who pays
one dollar a year for Hicks' journal,
Word and Works. Tho Almnnuo alone
Is sent prepaid for only 25c. Order from
Word and Works Publishing company
2201 Locust street. 8t Louis, Mo,
Notice to Water Consumers.
It is neither honest nor honorable for
water consumers to allow their bibbs (o
run in freezing weather, and hereafter
any parly or parties nllowlng or permit
ting such waste upon their premises
will have the same charged Up at winter
rates. Protect your pipes at your own
expense not ours.
Independence . & Monmouth
tf Water and Electric Light Co.
The best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever, is a bottle of Urove's
TuHtelesH Chill Tonic, It ts simply Iron
and quinine In a tasteless form,1 No
cure, no pay. PrioeCOo,
I sus
, Frio to Inventor. ,
Tlieexiiurlnneo nf fi, A. Hnow 4 Co. In obtain
Urn mora tlmii 20.0(H) nntunts f'ir Inventors liat
ennbll Minn to helpfully answeir many ijuna.
lion rt'.liHIiiK lo Uio (iniioouoq m niuuinmutii
iirnpurlv. Tin" tlioy have ilonu Iu pamphlet
treating hrb-IW of Unltod nutto and forolgn
pulunu, with oostof fame and how to prnonro
theiu; trade mavks, donlRUM, caveats, Infringe
incnts, UeulHions in leading pal4inlcaws,eto.
Tills pamlmlel Will w seni iruo iu miyuuo
writing to C
I U. A, BUUW S VU., VV umu( uu, V. w
PI I11.IC 111 Ml Mm
Abstract of Instruinen't File la Polk
' County Nor. 19 to 1, 100.
Ifi Richardson to K A Ives and 6 K
Smith, 47a Kuoeh Uliiliardsou d 1 0 tp 6
srOw-lisoo. , ,
O N Spieknell to August Bpeeht, 10a
J E Lyle d I o tp 7 s r 5 w 1060,
John ItaruniacktoOU Bingham, til
hit In J W Allen and 0 Davit d I ot toct
1, IU, tp fl I r w-iK)0.
Fred Hamuiack to D D Uorsllne, all
iut In tame at aboveliUX).
United Statet to J H Hampton, 100a
sec 27 tp 8 r 5 w patent.
A A Catron to II M Ebbert, Us ft, 6,
blk 1, out lit 2, ft, Monmouth 06.
A L Spray to 11 M Ebbert, ' ol Itt 3,
4, blk 1, out Its 2, ft, Muiunouth$40.
Elisabeth Ebert to II M Ebbert 42.04a
being lit 1, 2, tee 18, tp S t r ft w-1400.
P 0 Soar to Nancy A Taylor, 2 1-8
Wm Turpiu d 1 o tp 0 1 r 4 w 1260.
H R Cummlng to Hannah Lynch, 17a
off u end blk 2, Btirley Fruit (arms
J W and R 0 Harrltt to Jetsa II and
Jane WiUon.'il 10, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 22,
23, blk 0, We.t Hlin-$700.
Jane Jordan to Clara 11 Jordan, Itt 1,
2. KfX 0, blk 20, and Itt 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8,
7 V Monmouth, Ore., Nov. 30, 1000.
Tin Wun Siuk, Independence t
The following i the roll ot honor of
the Monmouth publie school (or the
month beginning October 22 and ending
November 10. To lie entered on the roll
ot honor a child must lie perfect In at
tendance, excellent in deportment and
good io all branches ot study I
Frt grade Susie Ann Whltcoinb.
Second grade llesie Elisabeth Dod
ton, Lloyd Waller Bed well.
Fourth grade -Lee Abrain Whltcoinb,
Alberta Ootablon Hart.
Fifth grade David Beasley Campbell.
Sixth grade Catherine E. Campbell,
Seventh grade Bessie V.Overhollier.
Eighth grade-Bessie Fay Ireland,
Elsie May Pitney,
Ninth grade Marion Lyman Slock
man, Clara Edith Ireland.
Hkhtiu A. LkMahtkkm, Secretary.
The Seventh,
We complete wih this Issue seven
yean of business In Independence and
we recognise the (act that our success
hat and duet depend upon our pat
rons and friends, and wa wish you con
tinued prosperity,
W shall endeavor to keep your friend
ship by doing our best to pleas you.
And now we wish to thank yon sincerely
and truly (or past (avort.
at The Raket Stor.
CORDWOOD taken ou tubtcrlptlon
at the WEST SIDE office.
Whist Club.
The whist club met at the residence
of Mr. and Mrt. J. E. Kirkland Thurs
day evening. Tha prise wlnnen were
Mrt. 0 I). Butler and Mr. A. J. Good
man ; )lr. L, Pauion and Mr. U. W,
O. )V. Richardson, ot Polk county,
wat to McMlunviiie on business latt
Monday. Hit old marriage certificate
had worn out and he wanted a naw one.
A pottofllce has been established seven
miles northwest ot Dallas, Polk county,
Oregon, to be known at Bait Creek.
David Nachtlgall hat been appointed
postmaster. ,
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
find It to lie a great medicine,0 says
Mr. K 8. Phlppa, of Poteau, Am. "It
cured me of bloody flux, I cannot speak
too highly or it." This remedy always
wins the good opinion, If not praise, of
those who use It. The quick cures
which It elfechi even in the most severe
caea make It a favorite everywhere.
For sale by Kirkland Drug Co.
Teachers' Meeting:.
A meeting ot the Polk County Teach
ers' Association will be held at Moo-
mouth pn Saturday, November 24. The
uumlier ot meetings to be held this win
ter will he decided at this meeting.
The following subjects will be pre
sented: i .
The Phonio Key, Prof. II. D. McDon
ald j discussion led by Prof. F. E. Em-
mutt. ' . .
Reading In the Second Grade, Miss
Nellie M. Burke; discussion led by Mrs.
F. II. Morrison.
Class Exercise in Nature Study, Train
ing School.
Address, Prof. P, L. Campbell.
Recitations, songs, etc., will be fur
nished by pupils of the Monmouth
sellout. '
Silver Novelties
Just received from the factory a fin
line of Silver Novelties.
1 JfiVusen our Fine Opal Rlnga?
Jewelers and Optlclsot.
couNom ;
P. K. Chambers
Levi June
VI Sperling
omciK, , .
Irwin Claggett
H, H. J as person
I. Hart
E.I,. Ketnhum Mayor
K. T. llenkln Recorder
J. F. Jluekley,.,,. ...-..,. Marshal
. n. noniiison. jr.,,,,, Treasurer
Tupper. . Night Watob
The eltv onnnnll mnt nn tha first and third
Tuendftyx. ,
Societies and loriirns of Inrienandonce meet
a follows!
HO. V, W.-tst, 8d nd 5th Monday
H., 2nd and 4th Moniluy.
D. Of
f O. O. F. Knnampmenl, 2nd and 4th Tusdsy.
J-' Kobe loth, 1st an dUd Tuesday. Subordinate
lodiro, Thursday. ....
OF P. Wednesday, , , ',' .
W O. W.-lst, 8d and 5th Friday. WYOIrole,
2ndaDd4t.h Krlday. . .
FKATKHN At UNION 2nd and 4th Satutday.
. . WHITTAKER HALL. . , ' '
MAO(!ABEEg 2nd and 4th Monday. 1
FORESTERS -Tuesday, '
BLCRLODQE-On first Saturday on w be
fore (till moon, and two weeks Ihervafit'r.
oiipiur in eon un nrsi Friday after full
moon, i ..; . . ;
pAHTSRN BTAR-Seoondr and fourth Tuee
6 -.i.'
i hn pne qiiio ptn i"!
penut jao ntif tnW t,i wiiu
uofiniaienii fnjupwl m iipmiu Ju
aM NhMUin AaJliej pus poixi a teso
fla) spMl if J qpiMi u w jo tti u
oa nop 'Ud ttunrii flsjuq tnjetf sux
A'K 'IS "M-M 9i 'wHOitf '" '"OO
1(1 M 1lpJ)tUp ,y -tl0 0) In) pOUl
q up wis pun v 'rinMSd pirn pw
pveq m u poa to queues Mtio f pu
jTpsuiM now tnntfi ni! ,Xrj siet
pir tatfioot Wueaia (lopp ivii etn pus
onus pus ttinm 'ssuinj Hnurct!a Hu
Iipipoiy -q,uinw jonuojjtiuipjo eqj
irtHiiii)jinoj mou JJ Mutiw taxi
aiooap putt euajipwiitti srri v uoqpe nnpt
Wnaioet tqi da tip t itft I Oiinvo Zip do
leaop itduipi U0)lMUU-ld2(j.fJi
Ht'iiilnln iini-slled for in Hi pout onto at
inuouviiuuue, urugott, en ruv. ia, nmu:
Amnion, (leo llm, EL
Breed, Walter Craven, Mist B
Chamber, Mrt M . (Ionian, Mrt M
Knox, B Stftvent,Oeo
Snyder, Geo II -4 Sehaller, John
Vredenburg, Mary Walker, OA
When calling (or these lettora plesse
lay advertised. J, A. Wiimlib. P. M.
; r Deafttest Cannot be Cured
hy loeat applications, a limy ran not rraeh
ins a iwssvii portion or me mtr. i nnr w 01117
una wav t itura rimfiiMM. anil that I b roll-
lltutional rcmo,lli.. nafiirew I caused uy
an mllamcd nunillllon of Ui mwwui Union
ol til KuaUtnhlMi Tuiki. Whun till tub U
Inftsinod m Imvs riiinlillo iind or Inv
iwr'wt hi srliiK.snd wlmn It Is ntlroly plinuwl
(WitOiMS l trm riiUl, and unlr" th Inllmii.
mailon turn bo ttikou out and till tub rn-
slorad to It normal eondltlnn, brarliiK will
I d'lnyd Aimvriiiiniitswinutol Un ar
raiwil ur DMUirrn, wioi n is tioinin out mu
lullsno'd "indHlon nf Hie mucous uifiu'os.
Wwlllillv0nllunl'4 Ixillars fur any
rui uf llMtniMS iikuumI by mtarrh) llial mn-
nutiM eerxt by Hall's Oalarib Dura. Houd
tor wreular. mm,
. ..OHRNy ACO,Tolo(loliO
did sraii I'roimim.iiM.
UaH'sVamlly Pfllr Hibit.
Jury List.
The following list of Jurors hat I wen
drawn to serve at the December term of
circuit court t
J D Allen, J N Jonei, J C Cockerham,
Fred Koser, (I T Boothby, J W Robin
K J Reynolds, Frank Howell, J D Shaw,
Then Jeffries, Frank Maltison, Wm Bar
geant, J R Moyer, J 8 Low,C E llerren,
C W Leonard, O W Mcltee, 11 li Know
les, T L Ilartman, W Fuqun, J M Linn,
Geo HagtMMl, II F Jones, N F Gregg, R P
Rlggs, W E (Soodell, Henry Howe, Win
Rldgeway, J J Finn, Mac Hubbard, D L
A Tillage Ulacksmlth Saved Ills Lit
tin Son's Life.
Mr. II. H. Rlack, the well-known
village . blacksiiiltli at Uraliarusvllle,
Hullivan Co., N. Y., says- "Our little
aou. five years old, has alwaye been
subject to croup, and so bad have the
attacks been that we have feared many
that he would die. We have had the
doctor and need many medicine, but
Chaitierlalu'tU)UKn iteuieay is now
our sole reliance. It aeeins to dissolve
the lough mucus and by giving fre
ouent dose when the croupy ynip
lout appear we have found that the
dreaded croup I cured before It gels
settled." There Is no Oaner m giving
this remedy for U contains no opium
or other Injurious drug and may be
given a nouiiueniiy to a bane a to an
auuii. tor aate uy niraiaua mug uo.
A pleasant weldfng occurred Wednes
day at the home of the bride'a mother,
Mr. Jennie Itolt, on Sixth street, says
the Corvallis Timet. The marriage was
that of Mist Princess licit, of Corvallis,
to Mr. Will Hubbard, o( La Fayette.
The ceremony wat witnessed by rela
tive! and a (ew Intimate (rienda. The
bride wat attired in a handsome travel
lug suit of dab blaa, with bat ae matoh
Mr. and Mrt. Hubbard left on the 1 :20
train for LaFayetie, where they are to
reside on a (arm owned by the groom.
Tha bride it one of Corvallis' fairest
and estimable young ladiet. The groom
It an enterprising and eminently re
spectable young farmer of Yamhill
Quail are destroying the crops of the
Colorado farmers, and have been de
clared a nuinaaco by various town and
country boards.
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion: First soak the corn or buulon
In warm water to soften It, then pare
It down as closely aa possible without
drawing blood and apdly Chamber
Iain's Pain Halm twice daily; rubbing
vigorously for live minutes at each ap
plication. A corn plaster should be
woru ror a lew uays, to protect it from
the shoe. As a irenerul liniment for
sprains, bruises, lruieness and rheuma
tism, fain naiiu is unequalled, lot
tale by Kirkland Drug Co.
To the Dear.
A rich lady cured of her deafness
and uolses iu the head by Dr. Nichol
son's Artificial Ear Drums, gave 110,000
to his Institute, so that deaf people un
able to procure the ear drums may have
tbetu free. Address No. 13134-0, The
Nicholson Institute. 7S0. Eiirhlh
Aveuue, New York, U. 8. A.
, Southern California.
Notable among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route it the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acnualnteuce with this sec
tion will ever develop fresh points of
Interest and added sources of enjoy
ment, under its Bunny skies, in the
variety of lis Industries, in Its proline
vegetation and among its numberless
resorts of mountain, shore, valley and
The two dally Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approv
ed pattern of standard and . tourist
laleeptng oars, but tha lrv rates of fare
will still ooutiuue in eiiect.
Illustrated guides to the winter re
sorts of California a ad Arizona may be
had on application to
U. il. M AlUvH AM, U. V. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice of Administrator's Sale. .
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
Administrator ol the estate of Miranda Hill.
deceased, will, on ihel&tb day of Deoenibur,
1UU0, at lb hour of 10 o'eloek A. M. on said
day, at the court house In Dallas, Polk Coun
ty, Jreon, in pursuant) of an order of the
('ounty Courier said I'olk county, Htste of
Oregon, duly made and entered ou ihu lOth'
day of November, 1UUU. for cash in baud on the
dam ot sale, sell at public auction and in one
arcei an tue reui estate ooionging io uio st
ate of ilranda Hill, deceased, the same being
lullv described as follows, to-wit: Uoitini lim
al the N. K. corner of the Hamuel E. Gofl, U.L (J.
oUtlra No. 6s, in'l'SSRH W of the Will. Mer.,
IhRUce running South i7 64 'elialiu: thence
KHStUBD (mains; jiiouoe xvorm not onaois,
thence WtstUH&chalus. to the plaoe ot begin
ning and oontalulug 27. .22 acres more or less.
n, D. AI.LSU,
Administrator ol the estate of '
' ' Miranda U 111, deceased.
Dated November 12th, luoO. 11-lS-St
A Family library
ThfBest In Current Literature
12 Complctc Novels Yearly
$2.60 ran yean; 26 ct. a copy
LlpplncoU's MairasElue aud tbe West
I Bids, oaadar, 83.25. ' - -
Eloctidn is now over and you all know the
rcHult. Uut from now on let us talk bueineas.
Tho Holiday soason ia very near hero, and you
aro all in need of an
I overstocked myself with tho above garments
thereforo concluded to clone them out at whole
Bale cost price for tho NEXT 30 DAYS. '
You aro tho buyer, 1 am tho seller, when the
seller is ready to sell, that's tho time to buy; you
have your innings now, and it is your turn to
take advantago and make tho profit yourself.
This offer stands good
for only 30 days at the
A Big Kick
a man maks wbeu bis laundry work Is
sent hotufl ' with poruupins edg-M and
suread eaxla button boles. It lie would
bring his llnon to ao up-to-date laundry,
where perfect methods obtain at all
(hues, such aa thoHulom Bteam Laundry,
he will reooive his shirts, collars and
uuffsitquai to new every time that we
setid them home.
Lttvsyour ordrt at Kutch' Bsrber shop,
with ths Sslsm itsgt.
Are you looking:
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. I have a good all-bristle hair
brush for 25c. Tooth brushes,' 5c up.
Polk County Bank
j. B.uiwi.Ki. p. urtMi'iiKir,.
ml4st. Ira-l'mldrst.
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
J. H. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M.
HimpaoD, J. B. V. Butler, John
It. Htump, F. 8. Powell,
Joseph Craven.
Transacts a Ceneral Banking
and Exchange Business.
The Independence
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
Praildsnl. Vlca-Pnsldtnl
O. W. 1KVIHS, Csahlsr.
ptrton, 1. e'. Rbodos, D.' W.Haan, U. ktrsohbarf
A tcncral Banklnt nd ezohanst bmlnea
trtntavlfd; loaui mule, bills discounted, com.
merdial credits granted; deooslM rsoeWed on
current account subject la check. Intersil pals
00 time deposits.
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have y(our prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a jwell regulated drug store.
Corrected to date.
Leave Imloii.n(l
Leave Alrlle for
ence lor Muuniontli
Monmouth and
and Alrlle.
TiSO a.m.
3:30 p. in.
Leaves Iudcpciid
0.00 a. m.
0 00 p. III.
I.enve Italian for
enoefur Mnniiiuutli
Muiiiuiiuth and 111-
dependfiiue. ,
and Dalian,
UiOO a. ai.
T:15 p. iu.
1:011 i. 111,
8.30 il
I.enven Mnnmoutli
Leaven Mnnuioutli
for Independence.
tor Alrlle.
7 SO a m.
3:ft0 p. in.
0.4R a,. 111.
1:0 v. 111.
:40 p. 111.
5i4A 11 111,
; 0:Ot p. in.
Leaven Indenend'
Leaven MoniHOiitli
tor UallaH.
11:80 a. iu.
onee for Moiiiuoullr
3:011 p. ni.
acter to deliver mid collect lu OroK'on for old
establlxlied maniil'iioturliiK wiioli sale house
f.00 a year, sure pay. Honesty more tlmn ex.
I erlunoe required. Our rolereneo, any bank
n any olty. Enolose nelf-addresed slumped
nvelope. Uaaufaoturera. Tblrd Floor, 334
aaiborn 81 , CMouo,
Prescription Druggist
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Clgara, Clgarattas, Tobceeos and
Firat Claaa Soda Fountain In con
The Castle
Keeps constantly on band a flue
assortment of
Also the famous Hop Gold Beer.
ED. GALE, Proprietor.
The Hniel Gail
Dallas, Ox.
lias been refitted and renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing ia new. Good sample room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Kates, $1.00 to 42.00.
bpecial rates by the week.
West Side d Oreipiao, 1 fr, 1
Send your bualnesi direct to Washington,
saves time, coats lens, better service.
ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How toobUiofltl.
to., uut ft. PnUnti prooorwl Uiroms 0- sl(f
receive ip.oUl notice, wltkont durM la
Uluitnted nonthljr Eltnnth rr Ittmi, f 1. a far,
anvthin? yon invent or Improve : also get
PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo.
for free examination and ndvice.
Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C.
suftt i4