The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 23, 1900, Image 2

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JO. A, C. BRANT, Editor and Proprietor.
rlv month! ,
Thru monthi, i...
Hare you located a turkey yet
for Thanksgiving day.
ft '
If the senate isn't good, Teddy
will want to kuow why not.
ft ft
Mr. Bryan saye that he expects
to stay in politics all his lifo. Good
Lord, deliver us.
It is a little ominous that the
beef trust should put up prices
only a day or two after the elec
tion. ft
One result of the election is that
Croker hasn't issued an interview
in regard to D. B. Hill since it
came off.
The Arlington Independent eays
it knows aome hunters who shoot
S fe while they are asloep. Pretty
good; but we know some hunters
who can't shtot anything while
they're awake, let alone shooting in
their sleep.
ft ft ft
A Virginia judge has decided
that a woman can be tho bead of
the house if she foots the bills. The
only thing new abcut this decision
is the proviso about footing the
ft ft ft
Hooray! Sound the gugag and
blow the hornl The Boer war has
been ended and London will now go
on a wild spree again. Lord Rob
erts has captured 100 of the remain
ing Boers. It was a splendid vic
tory. ft ft ft
If the Republicans do not do all
those things that they promised the
This talk of re-organUing the
Democratic party is not new. We
had the same sort of thing four
years ago, and it came to nothing.
The fact is that a national party is
too big to be easily altered.
Jf flatt's scheme lor a state con
stabulary goes through, the first
tfcinir some of Gotham's foremost
w" O , .
cituens know, they will find them
selves arrested by some up stato
havseed to whom they have bevn
selling gold bricks and green goods
for years.
The divorce mill unearthed in
New York is the direct result of the
practice that has grown up of hear
ing divorce cases in secjret. Tuba
city in such cases may be bad tor
morals but it is an excellent aid to
ft ft ft
The inauguration ball on March
i next, will, it is said, be on
mlnndiil scale. Now watt ana
"I"- . ,
wnteh the Demooratio editors sharp
en their pencils and hold forth on
the imperialism ol sucn aiBpiays,
There seems to be no possible rea
son for further delay in the matter
of.-tJm Nioaraucuan canal. The
Ilav-Pauncefote treaty can be ap
nroved and the bill passed before
the new year if it is desired and it
ought to be desired.
ft ft ft
If Teddy tries any of his stren
umis methods on tho United States
senate he will be surprised by the
result. The senate knows that it
is antiquated in some respects but
it rather glories in the fact and wi
oppose a weight ol inertia to any
chango that will make Teddy Bick
ft ft ft
A Republican unanimity unique
in the history of political elections
in the west is shown by the com.
plele count of the Tuesday's ballots
at Batavaria, 111. The town gave
its entire vote of 575 to McKinley.
ft ft
Sixto Lope declares that the
i m M:....! ... .x m ..III La Irnvii im in.
country that they would do, every- '!',' ,' -11,1
Ut'IllUlt'I Y. It DliVUlU UO IVUilluuvl-
body will place the blame in the
right place without any further
In the next campaign, when the
Democrats make up their list ol
doubtful states they will choose
Texas and Missouri instead of In
diana and Illinois.
ft ft ft
"Llittle chicks come home to
roost." Portland's expenses have
outgrown her income and everyone
is railing at the asstscor because he
cut down property valuations in
ordr - to - nave paviua Portland'
proper proportion of state taxes.
While the little counties like Polk
and others paid their full amount,
Multnomah got off with about one
third. ft ft ft
Croker, it is said, really made
money on the election. He lost his
bets, of course, but ho more, than
squared himself in speculations on
Wall street, undertaken owing to
his inside information that McKin
ley would win.
The trouble with Wellington,
Pettigrew and Davis is that they
forgot to make certain that their
parachute would work before they
jumped out of the Republican
ft ft ft
More women voted in this elec
- tion than ever before. Forty per
cent of Colorado's total vote wus
cast by women most of it, it is
said, for Bryan.
if. i).
We have only the best of feelings
for the south end we sympathize
with it in the burden it bears in the
shape of the negro question. But
we put it to them candidly whether
they really think it fair that they
should have such inordinate power
in proportion to their voting
strength. The six states, Missis
sippi, Louisiana, South Carolina,
North Carolina, Georgia and Ar
kansas, with nearly fifty congress-
-wu, UtgPttaBr about thgwrn?
number of votes as the single state
of Maryland with only six con
gressmen. This cannot be right,
ft ft ft
Colonel Dosch advises prune
growers' holding Italian prunes not
to be scared by the reports from
Salem. He says that offers of
cents have been refused, in spite of
the report that no more than 6 cents
can be obtained, and that the grow
ers may consider themselves lucky
to obtain that price. He says that
fruit growers can easily get 7 cents
for the larger varieties of Italian
prunes. Furthermore, he says, the
world's supply does not cut any
figure in the marketing of the Ital
ian prunes. This varietjhas a de
mand aside and independent from
any other prune. In other words,
the Italian prune is not affected by
the demand or supply of other
classes of prunes because it stands
upon an independent basis of its
own. -
ft ft ft
It was not sweet enough for Mc
Kinley, so the sugar refining com
panies reduced the price of sugar
& per cent
and investors
our undertak
ed, however, that he is speaking for
the Tagals only.
ft ft ft
It is hinted that Com Paul con
templates a visit to the United
StatoB during the coining summer.
Probably he wants to see where
Webster Davis did the most good.
Col. Bryan has an offer to go to
Denver to edit a Democratic news
paper and assist in placing the state
in the Republican column in 190-1.
ft ft
The News and Courier, a news
paper of Charkton, 8. 0., where ma
exposition is soon to be held, re
cently said:
If wo had waited for some other
community or state to make plans
for holding an exposition in
Charleston we should have waited
forever, but no sooner did we make
a start for ourselves than the out
side world began to send messages
of congratulation and offers of prao'
tical assistance. The more faith we
show in ourselves, the more conn
dence other people will have in us
The more we risk in our efforts
buiid up Charleston, tho more wil
ouisiue capiuiiiHM)
venture with us in
These remarks are particularly
applicable to many Oregon towns.
Indcnendence amonc them. Let
us show ourselves progressive, busi
ness nconle. fully up to date. We
mm' w
need new industries of the pay-rol
order, and should develop those te-
sources we that we already have,
ft ft ft
Most probably Aguinaldo's con
fidence in mankind has been rudely
ft ft ft
In view of the fact that tho poor
wretch of a Chinese who was hanged
on Friday in British Columbia had
to be dropped three times before
death ended his sufferings, it seems
just a little to be regretted that a
fourth drop was not arranged for
with the drunken hangman in the
.V snmu one would send a marked
copy of a paper containing a lurid
account of the burning of tho col
ored Colorado child-slayer to the
four highly respectable young men
of Patterson, N. J., now charged
with the death of the toor mill girl
wonder how it would strike them,
ft ft ft
Mormons, as a rule, are not very
highly popular with people of dit
furent religious faith and practices.
but the way the colony in Mexico
wiped up the earth with the raid
ing Apaches the other day awakens
in, the average American a strong
tendency to hail them as men and
ft ft ft
If Croker will hereafter devote
himself exclusively to horse-racing,
and Bryan will give his time to the
Presbyterian ministry, there may
be some chanco for the democratic
party to-get on its feet again during
the firet quarter of the 20th century,
Washington, D. C, Nov. 12.
Nearly every Senator and Repre-
Mutative who has been to Wash
ngton slnco the election, regradless
of political affiliation, has expressed
leaiure that the result of tho elec
tion was so overwhelming that tho
talk of fraud and corruption which
has disgusted so many alter some
of our national elections has been
conspicuously absent this time.
It ia also almost gonerally agreed
that it was the great prosperity of
the country that brought about tho
result rather than blind devotion
to any political party. That belief
is based upon the generat idea that
tho average man who is doing well
is averso to taking the chances in
volvcd in making ft change, even
when he believes that the change
might be beneficial. The rejoicing
of the dominant party has also been
remarkably freo from partisan ran
cor, which has had a good effect on
the spirits of the defeated and add
ed to the all around pleasantness
Postmaster General Smith, who
i i i ii f ni.!i
accompaniou a ueiegauuu vi
delphians to the White House, sue
ceeded In" getting a cond ittona
acceptance from the President ol an
invitation to atteud the Founder i
Day banquet of the Union League
Club, of Philadelphia, to be given
on the twenty-fourth inst.
Senator Mason, who by the way
is a regular and welcome visitor at
tho White House, has announced
his intontlon to champion at the
coming session of Congress what he
regards as the most important in
ternal improvement contemplated
in tho middle west legislate
providing for a survey to enlarge to
a regular ship caual and extend
the presnt Chicago drainage canal
to connect tho great lakes and the
St. Lawience and the . Mississippi
rivers and the Gulf of Mexico. He
says the undertaking is of the great
est commercial importance to prac
tically the entire jnirtion ol the U.
S. between the Alleghaney and the
Rocky Mountains, He will endea
vor to get the President to help the
;roiect along by giving it a good
word in his annual message to Con
cress, and is confident of success.
If hard work and perseverance
will win Senator Mason will, as he
is full of both.
Judging from what is being
.t l 4 ! & I. 1.,.
printed on tne suojeci, h nngm, wo
supposed that all the campaign
liars had been assigned to tho job
of writing up tho proposed msgnili
cenceand grandeur of the second
inauguration of President Mckin
l)f.w. Injjfllcrjoinas their stones
picturesque and startling, not a few
of theso writers have entirely dis
pensod with that very useful article
known as common sense. Tho
mere ceremony of swearing in the
chosor ruler of more than 70,000,000
will of itself be imposing and mag
nificent, and there can be no doubt
that it will occur amidst proper
surroundings. But all talk about
surrounding it with all the gor-
seousness and costliness of tho
greatest royal pageant Kuropo has
ever seen the London Jubilee pro
cession is poppycock, and can
only find believers among those who
do not know where the money comes
from to pay tho ex peases of Inagu
ratinc a president. Not one cent
of it comes out of publio money
Tho residents of Washington always
subscribe in advance, tho amount
the committee estimates will be
needed, so that the committee wil
not he hampered in its work by
lack of ready money. The receipts
from the sale of tickets to the in
augural ball, privileges to the street
stands, etc., usually aggregate an
amount large enough to pay all ex
penses and tho money advanced to
the committee is returned to tho
subscribers, but it is not always so.
and the committee does not bind it
self to return it. It must be evi
dent that the amount raised in this
way wil) not be large enough to
provide much royal gorgeousnes.
Representative Payne, of New
York, chairman of the bouse ways
and means committee, which will
meet on the 20th inst to consider
the question of a reduction of inter
nal revenue taxes, does not pretend
to say what the committee will do,
but it is very evident from his
guarded talk that he isn't expect
ing a bill that will make sweeping
reductions. There is good ground
for the belief that the bill which
will be reported to the house will
not make reductions of more than
$20,000,000 a year, and even that
much would be doubtful if the
president had not so strongly com
mitted himself in favor of reducing
these taxes. The prevailing idea
in official and congressional circles
seems to be that uncertainty as to
the immediate future in China and
in the Philippines, makes it advis
able for this government to have a
stiff surplus of cash on hand to
meet any possible emergency.
Regiil1l f letrtnifiit lte
(fftrtlhiir Its Use. .'
""In a circular sent out from the
interior department under date ol
October 25, 1WK), tho following rulei
and regulations are presoriW'd: ,
1. The act applies to tho states
Colorado, Nevada, Montana,
daho, Wyoming', North Dakota,
South Dakota ani Utah, and the
territories ol New Mexico and AH-
sona, and all other mineral districts
of tho United States.' .
2. Tho land from which timber
may bo lolled or removed under the
provisions ol this act, must I
known to be of a striclly mineral
character and "not subject t entry
under existing laws of tho United
States, except for mineral entry."
Parties who lake timber from the
publio lands under assumed author
ity of this act must stand prepared
to show that their nets withm the
prescribed terms of tho law grunt
ing suuh privilege, tho burden being
on such parties of proving by a pi
pondesanee of evidence that
land fnm which the timber is tak In
j u lu ft
should t ChlMll"
EIj's Cream Balm
til dlWNMMd Willi"".
neon catarrh ami drlv
iw.r " bwa
Carrie a Hun l.lnn of
fljua It 1 Pl lnt0 B0t"l, "1-7 1 i 1 i it l A'- CI i i
IniltHinliii(Ht, Ort-K'in.
..1UI wd un follow, It I t drylg-do
...ipiodao tmint. UrStSlM.WcMUtfDitig.
i.- h mini i riu wt wn "i
. .. ......mi.uuM ur.. himuI. Niar York.
r" MIHStiM.
There will be tiiuliug nmtoli t tlii
jilaoe Wrdnwalay, the 2H of thl monthi
Charley Allen Imi bem working (or
Jk unit Ullllsm Uigur lmv rrlttrnt'd
from HkU'iii,
Mr. J. Uulvey Iim returned from
Quite n enjoyable tluin wn liml t
the Uaiic i me uu rriunj.
Mr. .Uiw (tnil ton will riiiUli building
the Imll l WpII tin we'.
" F4toekholiler Notice.
N.itW'M I hervbv itlven thitt the minimi
nitH'ling ol lh tiK:khtiMir of the I ruin
iH.iliim, and Monmouth Kllwy Com
will U tt Id t Imb'twiiilwucf. Ort.
ion, on Monday. lVemnlMr Slut. MOO,
i, the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., for thn on of tllreutor ami oincer ami
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
Malu Ht. luduiwudeiiw, ure.
C. 19. Caibfeatt
SbA and Pancv Broceries.
ft M
Is "mineral" within the nieanlnp 1'. Ursnwotlon ol other business m
.. , , AW leunlly come before 1I meeting i
tha acL ' 'A Ti' .... I m'......i.. ia imm.
' 3.' The privileges granted arceeni
lined to cituens of tho United SUtcs
Lost A pair of twin bogie dolls
named "Imperialism" and "TruBts."
Finder of these' dolls will be liber
ally rewarded by returning same to
their rightful owner, W. J.'Brynn
Lincoln, Neb.
and other' persons, bona fide resi
dents of the states, territories and
other mineral districts, provided for
in tho act.
4, Tho uses for which timber may
Us foiled or removed are limited by
the wording of tho act to "building,
agricultural, miuing, or other do
mestic purposes."
5. No timber is permitted to be
foiled or removed for tAirposcB of
sale or trallic, or lo manufacture the
same into lumber or other timber
product as an article of merchan
dise, or for any other use whatso
ever, except as' defined in section
lour of these rules and regulations.
6. No timber cut or removed un
der tho provisions of this uct may
be transported out of tho Btate or
territory where procured.
7. No timber is permitted to Ik
used for smelting purposes, smelt'
ing being a separate and distinct
ndustry from mining.
8. No growing trees of any kind
whatsoever less than eight inches in
diameter are crmiUcd to bo cut.
9. Persons fulling or removing
timber under the provisions of this
act must utilize all of each tree cut
thai euii bo profitably used, and
must dispose of the tops, brush ami
other refuse in uch manner as tb
prevent tho spread of forest fires
Notice Uhwebyglvnn ilmt thosnnusl i i M H
moling ol the .loekhoKlcr. o the oik g KClC It U ITI , iYl. U
County Land V""l'y will lw held l 7
ii.ini LuiiiiiitifH i irtttjf if) . nil in nil mil i
Dwombur ait, 11HK), t the hour of 10 onioe and lUnhlenee Corner ltallroad
n'nlimli A. M.. for the elm llon of direct-
r and oIIIiht and traduction ol such
other bumiicM m nmy legnliy coine oe-
fore ld mwllng.
DmUkI Novvnilwr 10, WW.
I). W. Kicamh, KecreUry.
DmImI Novetnhor In. HKM).
I) W. Bkams, Beeretwy.
' NlorUmliler' Set Ice.
G. L Hawkins
Independence, Ore,
Monuments and
Jtcnd atones
Crmctery Work
(JotHl tromlrt at Kiglit rricea Make Easy Selling. ,f
Our goodn arc firnt-claHS, our prices as low as the
lowt'Hfr quality of goods considered. f
All kinds of-country produce bought at the W
Highest Market l!rico. ' JjJ
U Share ol tar Patranags Raspectfully Solicited.
Muiiiiioutb HtrwU,
Tor Draylnj!:
CLEAN SHAVE w . Pnll on. ...
Kutch's Barbershop.
Iudendiuce urcgon
Orders for hauling
executed promptly
and at reasonable
Opera House block, Haln Street, Independence
... T
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dallas, Oregon.
Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
N'OTK: We hve a HmI-cIii dry kilo wblcti enable u to give you thor
ouKhly dry lumber. .
C. T. HENKUI, Proprietor
Hot and Cold Baths at all
50UTH and KAST
Shasta Route.
a i,.,riluiul ilmlv exi't'Dt Bun
Truln lvi liKli iwmltmc for t'urthnd n4 ... , , . ,
w.r M.u..n ( li p. m. 1 . , (. , H . i , iVlUte, All
lSy lite I'oiiiinoiliotm
,y TorlUnd. ......
I,v Albany
Ar Atilut. .......
:). 111.
i; :) p. m.
, in.
, nu . III.
7;iA i". m.
It U .uffiolalljr .aenleJ $MWt "f;
iry Root's visit to Culm 1ms uiijV! km.m biy '.m.
tary Root's visit to i;unn nns &jy
thing to do with tho Cuban Con
stitutional cpnvfiition, now sitting i
in Havana, although it U ollicinl
and will Imj utiliwl in visititm s"
tions of tho islaml not rfiichwl by
him when ho was over there some
month ao. Many believe that
Hooretary Root has gone to Cuba ns
tho personal representative of the
president, and that his report of ex
isting conditions will be an impor
tant factor in the future attitude of
this government toward tho island.
Inasmuclras tho work ottho Cuban
Constitutional convention will, if
completed in time, bo at once sub
mitted to congress, it w not thought
that tho president's annual message
to congress will contain any impor
tant Cuban recommendations.
West Side and Pacific- Homestead,
one year, $2.
Mies 16-to-l says Croker did it.
Croker says Miss 16-to-l did it.
Perhaps they are both guilty.
is all right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, pr less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, $ak,el
Scott's Emuloion-of 'Cod Lfl'
There are many causes of get
ting too thin; they all come
under these .'two heads! ; over
work and under-digestion. .
Stop over-work; if you can;
but, whether you ' can or not,'
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
on it-true but, by it, you
can. There's a limit, however
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't' eat,"- unless it comes of
your doing no work-you can't
long be well and strong, without
some sort of activity. .
The genuine has
this picture on It,
take no other.
If you have not
tried It, send for
Tree sample, Its a
greeable taste will
surprise you.
409 Pearl Street,
New York.
60c. and $1.00; all druggists.
:! Ml
II . ni
V:iiu . in
7:' . ID
V;3U. in
7 in) m
:' i. m
tl:.i, III
ttt'kl . in
4 ; iki . HI
B;'JA l. m
6:4J , in
1 1, IN
tilliimu urn! Tuurlt n hmh lrln
n lr .-Mr. Miu-miitiulo to Dmliill ll(l hi I n""
ml tmirint ran Ui Clilcngii, Ht. Iamih, Nuw
Urlvaim mul Wnhliiluii.
7.M-w. MiaUle Coliimbl U not, exeitlli'd for
?:)SS-S benuly anil uraiideur lu U.e Uulled
J':M..'.m. HlBU-X Full InfornmtUm by lditif
Iim or imlllitk"
)C. O. Til AY JS It, Agu,
Tul. 914. i'wruauu, ur
' I'lilunno.
!, Aiiui-k'i
H I'mui
Kurt Worth
City of Muilvu,
7 :(.' Ul.
ti'.li p. in.
:(! (t. lu.
il::m . in.
1) Vi. in.
4 tul . Ill,
Now urlrn.,,,,,. 6;i. li. III.
W ililliti)U :. in.
New Viirk Vl.W p. m.
(nnnotlnir lit Mnit Krmiolntto Willi never
li.ninlil linen fur Honolulu, Jnpmi, t:hlll
I'Ulllppliiuii.limtriii nu boiiiii Ainwrit.
H,. M.. A. WtUXiX tltlilupeinli'WPO !
I.. II. tnn ii
Ooixrul l'iuwiiKr Aiil I'ortlnml, Or.
porllHinl V:l ' III
Steamers iltona and Pomona
Will Ii'hvb IniU'iifnilfiico
KVEUY DAY, Huutlny
exwptfil, at 7:00 a, in., for
For KrvlKht or PuhH up
ply on lioitnltbo tmat, or to
the Knt
Indopcndcuco Oregon.
ol rm UT to deliver mul oollimt In Urtvon (or
did entiiMlKliud inniinfiii'tiiilnH wluiU'xult)
lioiiKo. (ikhi m yont, nuru pity. Iloimnly mora
than espiiit'ii rciiilr(l, Our wfurmu-o, nny
hunk In nny city. Knlo mll-ililri'Hiiu(t
nlninpfiil envelope. Mnnudiflturuni, Third
Floor, HIM Dt'Hrtioru Ht.,Chlriii.
Notlco (or riiblk'utlon.
Klmt pub Hppl 21. l.iwt pub. Nov at,
TI M HKlt LAN I), ACT JUNK 3, 178.
U. H, l.Rnd Onion,
ri'Kon tUty, nri'jfon,
Bupltmiber mil, I'.hhj,
Notice In hiiruby Klvim that in romplluiiue
'Juiill,lH7H, entitled "An net for tho little ol
tlttibor lmid in thu hiuIhh of ouimrnia, or.
iron. oevHdn.nnd WHHliliiRtnn Torrltorv,"
iriMMtfiniad to nil the t'llbllc f.iuul Hlulf by act
A t( AiiKUNt i, WW, eharle.i Alnttlmm, ol Jndo.
t V VpondoiHiu.ooiinty ol I'olk, ml lute ot Oregon,
ba thin day mod in thin uuu nm Nworn :.uue
nient No, fi.'HI, for tho piirolmut) of theS Kl-4
ofHectlon No. 4. InToWiiBlilp No. H8., HaiiKe
No, 8 W und will olfur proof to hIiow Hint the
land nought U more viilimblo for It limber
or Mono than for lurrlmillurnl PiirpoKU', uud to
etnbllHii bin olulin lo xnld IhiuI beloru the
R(UIr mul Heeelver of thin ollloe at OruKim
City, Oi-euon, on Wmluuidny, me 2Hth duy of
November, l'.KX).
He muiieH hh wltnenHOs:
Kroeman (I. Uoblimon, ofKalla Olty, Orijou,
Mlcbiinl (1. Klynu, of HallH City, On gen.
Albert N. Kobliuon. ol Vull City, Oreijon,
Juroine DoniNire.of Indupeitdence, Oregon.
Any and all permin olahnlng advumuly iho
bove.deH"rlbed InndH are miueated to file
tliolr cIhIiuh In tlilmilll'fl un or before mild
SSSlh day of November, WOO.
CtiAH. 11. Mooiiks,
Kx Hiinday
K p in
Ha turd ay
10 p til
imd Hat,
8 . i.
and rat.
a ;u a. in
Hall IJike. .Oliver.
Kt. Worth. Oiiiaim.
Kamuu Illy. Ht.
liul,tbli'ao and
Halt iJiku, Denver, Kt
City, Ht. IahiIk,
I'hleait'i ' Knt.
Walla Walla, l'l
ton.Hpokane, Mm
ltettdl. Kt. I'aill,
Dtiluth, Milwaukee,
l'hlciio and Kant.
All Bulling duten "lib.
jeel to ohange
Kor .-an Kianelnni
HallH every 5 day
Columbia Hiver
To AHlorla and Way
liitlingK. Wlllamellttand
Yamhill Klvora. .
Oreiroii CltV. Dayton,
and Way-UuidliiiB
AVIIIameUa Hlvi-r.
Portland to Corvalll
and Wy.liiillim
Nnako Ittver.
Hlpnrla to LewlHlon.
YVIIUmetta Klver
1 p. in.
7 i"
Garland Steel Ranges.
B fir Mn. - En ul iwik 3
5 Th
st extensive line of Cutlery consist- g
I of l'ocket Knives, Scissors and
Shears, Kazors, flated ware
to be found in Polk
. County, at
WADE t C0.rl
A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 3
R. H
8 a. in.
4 p. in.
i p. m,
3::)p. in,
and rri.
i::m p. m.
Mon ..Wed
and Krl,
I.V, 1 t'WlB
ton, dully
9 a. tn.
6 a. m. YVIIUmetta Klver l:itep.m
Kx.-imd'y hx.Hiinay
Oregon City, Newherg, Hnlem, Judo,
peildenee Way 1 JUidliig", ateanier Modoo
leavea I'ortlamt on Mon, Wed, and Krldny.
lieave hidependenee Tuea, Thnrx, Hal. at
ft::)0 A. M. Hir. Until leaven I ndetiemlenee;
Kor I'orilnnd Away landing-', Mon, Wed,
Krl, 9 AM. Kor (lorvallia wuv lanalngH
Tue. Tbnra, Bat, fclW I'. M .
Kor full Information call ou O. K. A N. Agt,
AL, HKHRON, Independence, or addresn
Ueneiul Daasenger Aifont
Kept in stock. Call and examine.
of all kinds.
Will clear your poultry
house of vermine.
Oregon t
Notlco for Publication.
Plrat pub Hept 81 Laat pub Nov tt
. U. H. LandOUioi
, , Oregon Oily. Oregot
. Bepleiriberlllth.lllOO
flotlee I lioreby glvon Mint In coniiillimet
with theprovlHlotn ot the not of Cougremi ol
June 8, 1878, entltlod '-An net for llie Kale
of timber InndH In the Slate ol California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory."
a extended lo all the Public Uuid Slates bj
net of AngtiNM, 18U!t, l,oa Mattlaou, of Indo
pendenee, county of Folk, alate of Oregon,
hnHthb (In V tiled In thbtollloa ber sworn Half
menl No. 6'J8S, for the purolinau of the K. 1-2 of
N W 1-4. S W 1-4 ol N W 1-4. N W 1-4 of 8 W 1 4
ol Heel Ion No II, In Townhlp No, 8 S, Hange
No, 8 W., and will otl'er proof to nhow thai
tbe landHougt't 1 more valuable for It Um
ber or atone i ban for agrleultural purposes,
ami to establish her claim to said hind be
fore the Heglster and Receiver of this olllee
at Oregon CHy, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
28th day of November, 1000.
She name as witnesses:
' Freeman U. Koblnaon, of Falls City, Oregon,
Mlnhael O. Klynn.ol Fulls I Ity Oregon.
Albert N Ri'bhmon, of Falls City, Oregon. '
Jeroino )oriil(o,ol Independo -ea, Oregon,
Any Fnd a'l persons claiming adversely the
above-desorlbed binds are requested to tile
their claim In this ollloe on ot belore aaid
&tli day of Novembor, llHKI.
, CUA. B. MooRBa
A few weeks ago a merchant in
Washington county, Oregon, bought
a lot ol "minced ham" from the
Hammond racking company. Im
n.fter lie commenced to
sell it his customers hegan to com
plain that it made them sick. One
man was made very sick by the
stuff. Tho merchant at once noti
fied both tho Hammond Tucking
company am Dairy and Food Com
missioner Bailey. The packing
company sent word to return the
meat and upon its arrival in Port
land Mr. Bailey took possession of
it. He sent a package of tho meat
to tho Oregon Agricultural college.
Jt was there discovered that " tho
meat was heavily charged with sul
phurous acid and had evidently
been treated with sodium sulphite
to prevent decaying. This Btuff
was put up in largo skin casings
and it is apparent that the em
balming procoas took place at tho
company's factory. How much
meat fo treated the company has
sent throughout the.. United Slates
nobody, knows. Probably for , a
very sulliciont reason this particu
lar lot received' a stronger dose thai
usual, but any meat which is pro
served by sulphurous acid ia very
injurious to health. If Oregon were
without a food commiHsioner this
case would ' have passed without
notice As it is, the case against
the company will be prosecuted
with vigor, Tho punishment which
can bo inllictcd under tho law will
bo wholly inadequate. What the
company will feel most will be the
publicity which' will result and
which ought to deter a great many
people from buying anything pack
ed by this company.' Rural North
west. .
-V r . . i -A
number of farmers of Clacka
mas county aro sowing their wheat
stubble to clover for the double pur
pose, of benefitting thoir. land by
change of crop, and contributing to
tho dairy interest. Land that has
been sown to wheat for, many suc
cessive years will be grateful, as
land can be, for the change, and
will show its gratitude, as land
does' by. producing two bountiful
crops of clover hay next. season, -reserving
for its own enrichment a
sod that can, if desired, he turned
under by the plow in the fall.
Oregonian. .
(100U TUB!S'0l)TS.
Special Attention to CommercialMen.
1. W. DICKINSON, Proprietor.
South of Little Talaee Hotel.
Kallroail Street, Independence, Oregon,
Dan P. Stouffer.
Main Street Dallas. Oregon
W. Sharman,
; JUT10R
Main Street, Independence