The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 23, 1900, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
' I the dm that give lb wtBd
freshest mwi. Coper lb WEST
SIDE with U7 paper in Folk county.
An Advertisement
Which briog return U proof
ft U in the t tt place, Tb. VTT3T
BIDE bring mi wen.
(kg ;
i ut uvvix i uk . r Arn mm run
(III IUIIU Ul mil nun
From All Tarts of the New
World and the Old.
pnrhenitva Review of the Import
ant Uappvnlrt of the Paat Waa)
Called Fro i!' tka Telegraph Calaataa,
Two men held up aloou at Taeoma
and secured $1-.
Fir at Canton, Chin, destroyed be
tween 200 and 300 house.
l.iKltAr l.l. mum tha vault of a
bank iu (Juincy, ill , aud secured
Fireatao Oshkosh, Wli Inuiber
yarr destroyed $75,000 worth of tin
Tha trausport Logan haa arrived at
.ui -nclco Irom Manila, with 873
ail avium
Two men were killed and (out serl
ouklf Injured iu a truiu wieck uear
Jackson, Mis.
The steamer Nome City haa arrived
at Kttl from Noma with S50 uiluer
and $100,000. ,
Fire destroyed the business portion
of the town of Philipoi. V, Ya.. oauc
ing a lost ol $100,000.
A heavy anow etorm ia ragirg In
British Columbia, $40,000 damage be
ing doue in Vanoouver alone.
Two fishermen were drowned in the
bay at Seattle from a email aailboat,
which capaised in a gnat ol wind.
The American legation building at
Caracas was injured beyond repair by
the recent Veneanelan earthquake.
The University of Oregon football
team defeated the University of Cali
fornia team by a acore of 2 to 0.
The United Mmeworkera have decid
ed to bring iuto their organisation all
workers in and alout the mine.
Governor Candler, of Geoigia, haa
issued a call for a National Maritime
congress at Brunswick, Ga., January
The morderou Apaches of Mexico,
will be hemmed up in the mountain
and exterminated by the Mexican
AnarohWta were not concerned iu the
rocant emanlt on Emiieror William. It
was merely the act of a demented Iter
lin woman.
Three Americana were killed in a
fight with 200 boiomeu in the province
nf Panav. The eneinv lost 100 killed
Jl.wonnded and 60 prisoners.
One hundred dead bodies were found
In a awAinn lUHt w!8t of the city of
i:,ivnatnn. Texas, ou the island whete
tLny bad been deposited by the storm
of September 8. """ ;
A serious snow storm ia raging in
South Dakota.
The Chinese emperor and empress
will return to Pekin.
Fire destroyed a considerable por
tion of the Corean palace at Seoul re
cently. general Botha has sent Lord Koberts
a atjttnmHiit of the terms on which lie
will surrender.
The Jananese eronresa was attacked
by a lumttic who threw bis purse and
his shoes at h.'r. j
The firm of William L. Strong &
Co.. of New York, has failed, with
liabilities of $6,000,000.
Henry Elliug, a pioneer of Montana
and president of ix banks in that
state, died at his home iu Virginia
During the piogress of a bull fight
given by women toreadois at Alicante,
Spain, the benches collapsed and eight
persons were killed and 200 injured.
According to Commissioner of Immi
gration Fitcbie, of New York, immi
grants have arrived in this country at
the rate of 1,000 per day from all
countries since Jnly last.
Thirteen insane soldiers from the
Philippines, who had been confined in
the Presidio hospital at Sau Francisco,
have been sent to the government asy
lum at Washington, D. O.
Yale college will educate free of
charge five Filipinos provided young
man of exceptional fitness and high
character be selected by Judge Taft, of
the Philippine commission.
At Denver, in an action bee on by
Dean Hart to prevent Sunday theatri
cal performances, Police Justice Thomas
decided in favor of the theaters, hold-
ing that the city ordinance on the ash
ject is void.
The Peruvian bark Fiancisco Tozo
cleared from Astoria with a cargo of
829,064 feet of lumber, valued at
' $5,784.78. She was loaded at the
Knappton, Wash., mills, and goes to
Callao, Pern.
Tha state sunreme court of Minneso
ta lias decided that the so-called "jag
cure law" is unconstitutional because
it applies only to'connties of over 50,
000 people and it is limited in its bene
fits to a certain number in each county,
one per year to each 10,000 of people.
More than four-fifths of the popula
tion of Mexico are of mixed or Indian
Bresoi, slayer of King Humbert,
wrote to bia wile in New York, that
he is kept in a damp well and com
pelled to stand all the time.
Turkey has been taking a censns ol
Islam, and finds that the number of
Mohammedana in the world is 190,
600,000. Of these 18,000,000 are in
For toe first time since the opening
of Oklahoma farmers complain of too
much rain.
Some statistician discovers that the
average woman carres 40 to 60 miles
of hair on her head.
The Woman' club of Medford,
Mass., withdrew from the general fed
eration on account of the raoe question.
The Fairmount Par Association of
Philadelphia haa decided to erect a sta
tue of Robert Morris, to oost $16,000.
Hi home was a meeting place of th
celebrities of colonial day.
li (A PPD TPlR
(VV tin an--
. Us...- r,n,OA.7rAft lirfl A CLERI', STOLE SaOI.000. TMTin nilMimiliriir I irtllT I SENSATIONAL MURDEM CASt. SnfllU III M Tft DC nUnTIIOCll E WEATHER
LATtH hiwj. I VI HI III III II V N LI IU III - IIHflL V N I H HI f M I 1 1 H HlflllflHI II I III 111 liHrlllnill
The allies at
strong measure. ,
Noffoit wilt bemad bycongreet
to decrees Southern representation.
Th opening of the Milton creamery,
the first ia Eastern Oregon, was cele
brated. Rtmsla deals th Paolflo coast a hard
blow by putting a high tariff on Hour
to Siberia.
The house ways and means commit
tee considered ill reduction of the
stamp tax.
An ex-rebel chief will start In pur
suit of Agulualdo, who is aald to be iu
Northern Luaou.
The population of Florida is 628,59,
aa aualust 891,94 in 1800, an increase
of 137,120, or 85 par oent.
The assittaut postmaster-general of
the United State pleads lor a win ex
tension of th rural free delivery.
K. Gat waooav luted at Sonth
Head, Week , of in order ia th atcfcwl
degree for killing Captain Beesou.
The situation in South China is im
proved to that th rebel have beeu
conquered, aud th rebellion la nearly
The population of Bbode Island was
announced to be 428,636, as agaiuat
849,606 iu 1890; iuoreaae of 83,060, or
24 per oeut.
John II. Ott. the comedian, died at
New York, of a complication of dla
eases. He waa taken ill about two
weeks ago. II waa 83 year old.
The big cotton mill operatives strike
in Alamaule county, North Carolina,
haa Ixwn iWlared off. The Strike has
been in tore about three mouths, and
several thousand hands were involved.
Dawson City advice brought by the
steamer Danube, arrived atMotorla,
a io the effect that on November 13,
Dawson waa renorted to have been free
from new cases of smallpox for 10
The British warshtn Pheasant, sta
tioneil at Victoria, B.C., received rush
order from the Admiralty dispatching
her to Panama to protect British tutor
est in the revolution which haa re
eurred there.
The ennual retort of Rear-Adimral
En lioott, chief of the bureau of yards
and docks, submits estimates aggregat-
Sag $12,456,800, of which $11,252,610
is set down for public improvements.
The admiral emphasises the import
ance of haviug proper provision made
at an early date for storing at conven
ient point along our coasts the large
number of topredo-boata which are lie
ing completed aud put afloat.
' Sanitary conditions at Pekin are be
coming serious.
The good road movement was form
ally launched in Chicago.
Methodists convened in Near York
denounced the Church of Home.
Rebel and Ameiican activity in the
field haa been greatly increased,
Keutueky bank is out $201,000
through the dishonesty of a olerk.
The United State supreme court
sustained the Tennessee cigarette law.
Four men were burned to death iu a
fire that destroyed a Pennsylvania ho-
! tel.
The battle-sill d Kentucky will eu-
I force the indemnity claim against Tur
In an engagement north of Manila 11
Americans and 60 Filipinos were
There ia a scarcity of food in Tien
Tsin, and already there is considerable
The llay-Pauncefote treaty will be
the atnmbliui block in the way of
canal legislation.
Twenty-six Oregon counties that
have not remitted scalp bounty tax are
requested to do so.
The marriage of the Dnke of Man
Chester and Miss Zimmerman, ol C'iu
cinnati, is announced.
Past fiscal year was the most proa
oerous period known to American
shipping lor some time.
A Chicago fiim submits the best bid
lor the construction ol the new post
office building Salem, Or.
FUty-six cases ol yellow fever are
now undei treatment in the city of
Havana, amonu them two Americans.
Fred J. Kisel, of Malheur county
Oregon, haa been appointed as a oeie
gate to the National Irrigation Con
Kev. James Deighton, once a noted
London Treacher, and an intimate
friend of Spurgeon. died at Hungton,
Ind., aged 63 years.
The copulation of Minnesota, as offl
cially announced, is 1,716,754, against
1,801,826 In 1890, an increase of 449,
668 since 1890, or 84.5 per cent.
The population of Pennsylavnia, as
officially anuonnced by the censna bu-
roan ! .R02.11R. nnninst 5.258.014 in
180, an increase of 1,044,101, or 19.8
per cent.
Dispathces Irom Vladivostok eay
the Chinese have destroyd 800 versta
ol the sonthern section ol the Manobor
ian railroad. All the stations were
burned and much rolling stock was de
atroved. The damage is estimated at
10,000,000 roubles.
The Missouri ia now claimed to be
the loneer bv 200 miles than the Mis
Captain Ilassell, who commanded a
comnanv of American scouts in the
Boer army thinks the Boers will re
some fighting in the spring.
James M. Lynch, the new president
of the International lypograpnicai un
inn aiKwanded 8. B. Donnelly, the re
tiring president. Headquarters ol the
union are at Indianapolis, Ind. .
Cl.inoan vinerovs memorialied the
throne to pnnisb Boxer leaders and save
the empire Irom disruption.
Professor Hilprecht. of the Univer
Itv of Pennsylvania, returned from
Maonnntamla and tells Of the discovers
of an ancient Babylonian library in the
Temple of Nippur, which shed new
light on the world's history.
Rnt five tier cent of the money and
valuable taken from the Galveston
dead has been claimed, and the money
still hnld hr the committee aecreeatea
many thousands of dollars, whil th
Jewelry is worth at least $100,000.
ini)I:pendknce, roue county, oK(H)n, fkuay, novkmiuui 23, imp.
. . - - 111 1 '
Fate of Prinoes Tuan and
Chan?, Boxer Leaders.
VoiUrata t Itamana Caars r
Vnltrd !! Mas
rrtla la t-'lilua.
Washington, Nov. 19. Miulster Wn
bas received from Director-Geuernl
Rhmiif the following ranlcarain. which
he oomtnuntoated to Secretary Hay to
An Imnnrlal decree nf November 13
deprive Prince Tuan aud Prince Chang
of their rank aud offl on, aud order
them to be imprisoned for 111', Prino
Yin and secondary Prlne lulug to b
ltanriauaVl eoadnry Prtno Ltatt to
ba deprived of hla rank; Duk Lan aud
lninv Niiin to be deursded Iu rank;
Kang Yl being dead, no penalty cau b
imposed upon him; Chan huu fmaa ro
be duradd. but retained In oft! o, and
Yn llltu to b exiled to the lartnesi
Th. chine oillrlals mentioned In
th deore ar among the highest In
China, aud comprise most, if not all,
of those aaaiust whom the power de
manded rhmrou punishment, l'riuc
Tuan stands at the head of the autl
iureiirn and Boxer movement. Previous
Hot degraded him and took away hi
olllce aud aervant. but tins jimgmeut
or life linnrlaonment is the most sever
thna (ar olvn to auv ol th leaders
n.nnnaihla (or the trouble. From a
rhinKaa tiindmtliit. it is an extreme
penalty to a prince ol the blood, but
it remains to be seen whether th pow
er will regard it aa adequate to Priuc
Tuan'a nfT,mn. The other mentioned
were Tnan's active associates, and tvo
ul them were apcctllcallv mentioned
for niinUhiiieut. ahum with Tuivn, In
Secretary Hay' note ol Oeto!r 8, Iu
which he advlaed the tuuuwe govern
ment that this couutry would expect
these otllcial to recoiv their just de
Kauj Yl is one ol the official who
died suddenly when the' demands (or
puulshmeut had lcn made, prooably
bv soluble. Yn llsieu Is another who
waa ihnuubttobave committed suicide,
bnt the rqiorls iudlcate that he ia still
win r.unt of lha rnltait Slala..
There Is no hesitation in eneruetiaul-
lv deuvlng the akirnpenn Implication
that the United States government is
moved iu Its Chluexe course by aeutl-
mental aud uiibuKluesshk considera
tions. On the contrxry, It la pointed
ont that, while sentiment l on in
id Of our government lu this in after,
it ia accompanied tyTIuTwiiHioi't.t but-
ne consl'lerauntiH. I'te ammpiuK
tin nf the state ib'Ua'tOMint iw4 is
to prevent the destruction 1 1 Clmese j
r-"t - ;
integrity upon pretext; to tJNtntata.'fu cttaini be" --m .txuui
the open door, for whmn uur govern- i
nient lonu nas cou.euneu, u .n
imlemnttiea for the
fur ul-
tee for the future.
The Union, Colo., Murdarar Hurasd at
. tha Nlaaa.
T.imon. Colo.. Nov. 19. Chained to
a railroad rail eet firmly In the ground,
on the exact spot where bis fiendish
crime was committed, Preston 1'ortsr,
Jr., or, as ha Mas familiarly known,
John Vorter, this evening paid a terri
ble penalty for his deed. It waa 6:23
o'clock when the latiief oi tne mniner
ed girl touched the match to the fuel
which had been piled around the ne
gro, and SO minora mier a inst cou-
vulslve shudder told tlmt life was ex
tinct. What agony the doomed boy
suffered while the flames shriveled
op hi flesh could only be guessed by
the terrible contortions of bis face aud
the cries he gave from time to time.
The executioners, wno numoerea
about 800 citizens of LI in on county,
had not the least semblance of the or
dinary mob. Their every act was de-
lihAraio. and dunns all tne prepara
tions, as well aa throughout the suffer-
inua nf the necro. hardly an nnneces-
(Hry word "wa spoken. Grimly they
stood In a circle a I. out the fire until
the body was entirely consumed and
then quietly they took their way back
to Limon, from whenoe they departed
for their homo shortly afterward.
Attack on tha,
ttr1d. Nov. 19. Emperor William
was the object of an attempted outrage
irHav which, however, failed. As he
was driving in an open carrlnge to the
cuirassier barracan, accompanied py
tha hnn-ditarv prince of Saxe-Meiulng
- ; ... ,
t. a woman in tne crowu iiuncu a
ahnrt hnnil-chonner. or hutchct, at the
AAl-rlfil? ft. The hatchet struck the car
riage, but the rapidity with whion the
vehicle was passing saved it oocn-
pants. , ,
- . .
Hnad End CnllUlnn.
ml City. Pa.. Nov. 19. A hood-end
collision between a Pennsylvania extra
fmluht train and a Lake Shore passon
ifpr train occurred two miles west of
Pntir ton ifht. lioth enuiues wore oe
mnilahad. all of the passenger coaches
left the tracks, and 4U ou ana coai
cars of the freight were derailed.
rrevented Negroes From Voting
T,xinirton. Nov. 19. A. S. Thomp-
on. a prominent farmer oi uourDon
Annntv. fleorire Learv and Samuel
Adams, colored, were held in $1,000
bail by United States commissioner
Hill to the federal court the first Mon
day in January, at Frankfort, charged
with conspiracy to prevent negroes
from vnMnif at the last election. . It is
charged that crap games were startod
and the negroes participating weie ar
rested just before the election so as to
keep them away from the polls.
Phoenix. Ariz., Nov. 19. A special
dispatch to the Republican from Casns
Granda, Mex., say: A band of Apache
Indians attempted to drive away a
bnnoh of stock at the Mormon settle
ment near this place this morning.
The settlers gave chase, and in the fight
which enaned four whites were killed
and several injured. The Indiana lost
10 killed and seven wounded.
Havana, Nov. 19. During the cool
weather of the last tbrea days the yel
low fever situation has Improved.
Sixty-five oasea aie now under treat
ment, lnolading seven Ameiloaqs.
He Ha KiIoIm Bavaral BM
the Hanfe 1 Vloaau.
iiinnlnnail. Nov. HI. United etatci
Bank Examiner Tucker today took po
session of th Genua u National Dana
at Nwpurt, Ky., and posted a nolle
that th bank would remain ciosea
pending an examination, II also au-
lumnoari unoll c al v thai raua m.
Browu. th assistant cahler, wa ml-
ing mid that a partial investigation
showed that be wa short about $201,
000. .
Itrnwn. who la th nU of Pari C
Brown. x-mvor of Newport, and on
of the leading busluess wen of Cincin
nati, hn been Willi th bang lor ii
aur and was Oil of it most trusted
men. Kx iert stat that his operations
aitiiiwl nvitr a tterlod of 10 year. II
left ou a vacation ll.wducedy, ami
ia inmaised to be out (it '! cj'Uil.T-
1 ll . I II. . f llM hu
taken with him a eoderuL amoonti.'f'jl hvT
ol money. ., . m
in hie renertnire. Iu4 carer was rut
short by jealous ouiau, who.
his doing known to th bank's otll
cial. Browu' alleged shortage had
been rumored (or sumo time, but the
bank olllclal aud director hav repeat
edly declared Hint hi account war
correct and that vurythiua was all
Th wildest scenes war witnessed in
Newport today wheu Examiner Tock
er's announcement was mad public,
aud serion trouble ia expected. Th
capital stock of the bank is only $100,
000. Browu'a shortage Is doubt that
mount, and more than the reserve and
all th asset, Including th bank'
real estate, lie mint have gone th
lull limit (or a small lisnk.
faur Maa I.a.t Thalr I.Ua la
anla llwlal fir.
0wyo, Pa., Nov. 91. Four men
were burned to death today in a fir
that destroyed the McGonigal House,
three-storv fmiu buildluu. and th
opera house adjolulng. aud several oth
er were injur '. The bulldlnga were
butned to the ground iu half an hour'
Otto Ksuley, a ga lin walker of
Couderepurt. burned alMmt
the lac and arms, and Jerry Bailey
sustaiued a broken shoulder by jump
ing from the third story of the hotel.
The lire originated lu the MoGoulgal
I loue. (mm an over prestnre of natural
vaa. There were 30 ioile iu the ho
tel, which wa flimsy structure, and
the (lames licked up the building a if
It wer tinder.
There were many narrow escape,'
mot of the occupants jumping from
the wiudow. Th towu ha no fir
protection. The tauuery employe
connected a line of hose to th burning
building, but on account of trouble
with !;S pump, there v eouslderabl
dt-ltty in gating a streaai .' t ie lire
and the llaiiin sol leypltn -"Woi,
Nothing remf.iu ol i four i t .ii .
I lUKigniucant.
lll.hup rttor' l.ltaf la Mayor Tan
Wfrk Ha. (loud annul.
Nhw York. Nov. 31. Police Cap
tain Ilorlipy, In command of the Klla-abeth-stieet
station, the ollicial charged
with having insulted tha Tiev. Mr. Par-
dock, one of Bishop Potter' assistant,
wa today transferred to another sta
tion. The transfer is put down as the
effect of Bishop Potter's letter to Mayor
Van Wyck concerning tha prevalence
ot vice ou the Knt Side, known as the
11ml L uhi" cl sir ct. A noticeable
change was apparent in this district to
night. It waa very quiet, and during
the first hour of the night uot a person
was arrested.
('antaln Mnvuihau. of the West
Twentieth street station, who had uoti-
fin, I tha inauitifemeiit of the Grand
Opera-House that only sacred concerts
would be allowed on Sunday night in
the theater, tonight arrested two per
formers who had done a "song and
dance act." Fi lends balled them out.
The police laidud a club on Kast Nine-
tv-i,evouth street, arrested 17 men ami
two women aud captured a lot of dice
aud chins. A Brooklyn gaming-house
was also raided and 1 1 person taken
into custody.
Sntnnd to Ha Shut.
Knit f.Hke. Nov. 21. James Linch
and liobert L. King, the men convicted
nf ihn murder of (iodfrcv Prose, at the
sheep liauch gambling house, the night
of September 14 last, were sentenced
by Judge Booth this alternooii to auner
tliu death penalty. The condemned
ineu cho!-e to be shot. The date of
their execution was set for Friday,
,1 miliary 11.
I anion airlk Laming Ilfiml.
IT.,... I.,.. Tuvu. Knu j-ml.w
Irons, once lender of the nntOii labor
organisations, and who dlronttd te j
great Mbsourl Pacific stM.e tn .-e j
'H0a. is dead, lie came to this coumn i
86 vears ago, ami began oragntxing
nlul democracy clubs, nsina "auti
money rent" as a slogan to arouse the
Illinois Mill Itnaume Operation.
Jolict, 111., Nov. 21. The billet mill
and converter of the Illinois Steel
Works resumed operations tonight,, af
tor a three weeks' shut-down. About
1,000 men were affected.
Flia In a Cotton Warvhonae.
Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 16. Fire
in the Alabama Compress & Storage
Copmany'a warehouse today destroyed
one of lha four seotionB of the build
ings, together with botween 600 and
1,000 bales ol cotton. The loss ii $70,-
Lord Kitchener will depopulate the
small towns of the Transvaal and con
centrate their population in large
towna. otherwise following out a re-
couoentrado policy.
Remain of Union Fiend.
Limon. Colo., Nov. 21. After being
notified that some fragments ol Pones
nf a human being had been found on
tha nrairie near this town, Coroner
Brown and a jury summoned by him
oafimrnil nn the scarcely visible "re-
mnini" nl John Porter, the negro who
waa burned to death on Friday night,
and bnried thnm in a small box at the
scene of the tragedy. The jnrorB sign
al a voi-rihit. tn the effect that . the , re-
tnnltlB tt'ATA those of John Porter, and
ti,af "tha HftAth was at the hands of
parties unknown."
Leaders of Boxer Uprisings
Get Short Sentences.
Aa Allainpt Marta Thwart the 0
anarol. ofthe l'owar-Th Tal aa
MU.Iuuarla Ar Ka 'e,
liODilon. Nov. S. Th Morning
rrt's I'ekln correspouduut, says!
i'Tlie edict Indicting pitubdiment I
mfldHr than the first report suggested.
PrWeTuau and Primw Chwaug are
ftutv 'Juiniabeit. and luit iuiptlaoned.
U).l. Uti 'ust !.: t: th edict,
r tli punish-
.,,. ..flloUUvM.
v d -.-: :ii 1 1 provlnoeol
Dr. Morrison, writing to Die Times
fmin I'hLIii. aavi!
"In cominuuicatlug the punishment
,n., itutAiI Kinuii Ph. November IS to
tha f'ratun euvov. LI lluuu Chang tub- Ita tha dual nauishmeut the
eoart U able to Inflict, and repeat th
atamotTtiad ulna ol all Chin- pleni
potentiaries, uamely, that th emperor
thieuten him and Prince Chlngwltb
nvere mmUhment II they (all to in
duiM the representative ol the power
tit aiicomnlish a compromise. Th
mililiieo of l he sentence exalte ridi
cule, aud strengthen the minister in
their determination to demand th
death peualy. Th punishment are
Illusory. I'rince Tnan ia merely ban
lhd to hla own home, and other on
dewo a merely nnuinal lowering of
rank. Perpetual Imprisonment mean
lil of hounred retirement.
"Larue numlx-re of Southern Chi
nas now residing in Pekiu, leering
(orthnr tribulation durinir th winter,
ar preparing to leave for th south."
According to the Shanghai corre
atmudeut of the Times, it is asserted on
good authority in Tien Tsln that theie
are still soma missionaries surviving
at Tal Ynan Fn uuder the protection
of the Mandarin
"A Chinese olllclal reporta," aythe
Shamihal oorrespoudont of the Stand
ard, "that the allle hav captured two
nasal leadiuif from Chi Li Into Shan
Si. IIrr Kuape, the German consul,
ha returned from Nankin, lie re
port that he asked the viceroy to per foreign troop to ascend the Yati'
gtta nud to stop scud ing supplies to
Klnn I-'n."
"The French consul bare reports,"
aays the Shanghai correspondent ol the
Daily News, "that severe persecution
ol fathnl i convert conuuue in ine
r- w.-.---- - ,
pr- ii-a trflt ti i.-ua)4iiiinT :
5 Y UtnUt consul, bears ilwt fin
fiini in the invinc of The
- - - r
lUiiliaitv r.ecuUul. The
' i- i roc.uci s are Man-
Tat Mormsa Colon! Appaal for mil
iary A in.
Chihuahua. Mex., Nov. 29. The
Mormon colonies of Durban, I'acheco,
Coioiila, Oaxaca, Colonla Din aud
Coloula Joarea have apiealed to the
military authorities of Mexico against
further ralda from th bands or. nostu
Indl Preparations are belug made
by tha war department to strengthen
the military garrisons and to annihilate
the lorce of Apache which made tha
blood v attack ou the I'acheco aettle-
mailt a low day ago. These Apache
have takii refuge lu the Sierra Madre
mountains, and thoir pursuit will be
difficult. The i'acheco colony ha a
population ol about 1,200.
Salt Lake. Utah, Nov. 99. The presi
dent of the Mormon church In this city
has received a telogiftm from A. W,
lvlns, presldont of the Mexican nils
stou at Coloula Juares, Mexico, saying
that no Mormon have been killed, as
recently reported, aud denying that
there had been an ludiau uprising. aiaamar Mlsil.
Kint!tou, Jamaica, Nov. 22. Pas
sengers who arrived here Sunday on the
British reamer Atrato, from Colon,
say there were rumors at Colon, when
they sailed, that the British steamer
Tobago bad beeu soiaod by the Colom
bian government at Panama, and sent,
under an armed escort, to Bueia Ven
tura. It la added that the Birtlsh con
sul at Panama had asked his govern
ment foi a war vessel.
March Agnliut Pnnaina.
' Klnirston. Jamaica. Nov. 21. The
British steamer Atrato arrived heie to
day from Colon. Captain Oopp report
",rt"T"rtM--""" aevprHi
icriaii dnriiiE the fort-
iiitiorunt vk
pjiilit that piecedad ljls departure, tmd
trill wheu he left Colon they were
'rM in -.force,' again. Manama,
,wTfi..iii. tbu store had been closed
, ,. .. - -
D tiontarr ex pecttmoB or au
f : "
j j .ttm iwhl. , -VTr tHlta ontnnt of cold at
Sturgeon Bay, Wis., Nov. 22. The
Hotel French burned today. Mis
Hecliardt, ot Aunapee, Wis., a gnest,
was burned to death. All other in
the hotel escaped. The financial loss
lu nominal.
Charge on Ulcyoles.
Chicago, Nov. 23. Thirty-two
Western road have signed an agree
ment to make a minimum charge on
all bicycles, tricycles and baby car
riages, regardless ot tneir weignt, in
stead of classing them as baggage, as
many lines have been in the practice
of doing. Herein tor tnese articles win
be charged for the same as excess bag
gage, nothing lees than 26 oent per
piece oeing col.eoted. If tne weight is
over 50 pound, actual weight will be
charged. ' '
Rxpreaa t'aokage Stolen,
Sioux City. Ia., Nov. 23. A $5,000
package of money sent to Sioux City
by a Sheldon, la., bank, Friday, nn
the American Express Conmany, is
misHing. It was stolen some time be
tween its sending, at 6 o'clock FrMav
afternoon and D P. M. of the same day.
Another Kinbnaaler.
Guthrie. O. T.. Nov. 23. Tom
Phtlltna a hnnlrnnnAi In tha ftnthritl
National Bank, was arrested today on a
united states warrant lor embe?ing
$3,000. His boud was fixed at $8,000,
wnich o gave.
A r.anlanla Mlnlato eaed
Killing III Wlf,
Willieiibarra. Pa.. Nov. 28. A sen-
sattoua! murder mysteiv ha developed
t Wyoming, near here, ana me prin
cipal' figure iu it is Kev. D. C. Stuart,
a former pastor of th Wyoming Bap
tist church. Th pastor win aiea
suddenly two week ago at the home of
her daughter In Plymouth. She had
been married bin tnree inonina aui
was III only ten day. Iter Illness was
not considered serious aud she died
suddenly shortly alter her husband bad
tarried diuuer to her bedside. An emp
ty bottle with the label "oarlwllo
acid" wa fonnd uear th tied aud sui
cide was suggested. Numerous susplo-
tons circumstance hav beeu nrongoi to
light and the body wa txlinmed and
au atitcpay will be held, ine revereno
gentleman waa esked to account . for
urn money belonging to th church,
which be failed to o na ne remgiMa
hi paatorat and hilt for Pbtladelphl,
Rimrt was arrested In PhlUdelbple,
' h.m... .VaM.rt.M' . att. ft taa
Nullau C'uiigratiilalM MoKlaler.
Constantinople, Nov. 92 United
fitatas Chame d'Affslni Grlsoom was
agalu at the Yildii Pan November 17,
attending a court musloala, after wiiica
he remluued and dined with the suiun,
who otmrged blin to transmit to l'rrsl
deut MoKiuler bl warmest congratu
lation upon bit re-election, adding
that the result of the election bad given
hla maiestv the areatcst pleasure, oe
eanae It aaanred the continual) of the
nreseut exreeiUnglv friendly relation
between Turkey aud the United Bute.
l ha Rmuailad iawala.
New York. Nov. 23. At thontom-
house today it was aouounced that an
official appraisement ol the ao-called
Maximilian Jewel taken Irom the per
son ol a Mexican In this olty last week
fixed their value at $3,760, exclosive
ol the 60 per cedt customs dutiea. The
rata w III hrohabl be submitted to
Uulted State District Attorney Bur
nett ou charge that the jewelry w
snuggled luto this country.
tlornmnl Inaana rallaaU.
Washlnnton, Nov. 23, The annnal
report ol the government hospital for
tha Insane show a total of 2,078
patleuts, au iuoreasa of 18H, the largest
increase in it history, and predicts a
total ol 2,275 inmate at the close of
the preseut year. There are 68 in
tiiHtes takcu from the army, navy and
iiibi Ine hospital service, ol whom 256
were received during the past year.
I.yon Car Slrlha.
Lyons. France, Nov. 93. The Lyon
car strike ia assuming grave propor
tion. Yesterday, the police aooom-punii-d
the car ,in one Instance aaviug
a driver whom the crowd waa about to
t!itnw iuti a canal.
Today the strikers
-...I ,l,a ..a. u.t thu i-wtlti in
uvrriKiw inn i.j-i ...w
i.Tnr r-ne compelled
Ki ih.iw tiieir revolvt-rs.
Jisu oi'vU nude.
Many arrest
rantw -: Ki.h - ft'Wa 'hb
(hats urti.ed here report that autl
j vnniiiHii riois iw i i"jiu i
...... . .1 . - , , .l.nH . Im
pruviuce Kuug ol. ihe non-Chris-tisus
are wearing badges and all per
sons nut so denornted are in danger ol
death. The viceroy of the province
has appoiuted a deputy to settle the
French clalma atShunTak, aud French
guuhoats will accompany the latter
with the view of enforcing hi order.
Clxrman Warship Uamegad.
Kiel, Nov. 23. Divers report that
the first-clasa German battle-ship
KaiMr l'rlederlch HI, which wa in
enllMoii r-atorday while entering this
harbor with the first-class battle-snip
Kaixer Wilhelm II, is leaking alightly
at the bow. The Kaiser Wilhelm II
has her outer plating dented. Neither
ol the vcssola requires docking.
Kngland's War l.oaa.
London, Nov. 93. The Dally Tele
graph makes the following announce
ment: "We learn that the govern
ment will not ask mors than 20,000,
000 (or the war loan In December.
The nuestion of the full amount and
that of the Transvaal will be deoidod
later." .
Ituolaii Iron Mine UUeovared
St. Petersburg, Nov. 13. Count
Rliu Michael has formed a atook com
nauv to exploit iron minos discovered
on his estates in the government of
Kuri.k. The prospecting commission
renortM that 500.000.000 pood of lorrl
ftirons earth, bearing from 48 to 00 per
oeut of iron, are accessible.
Two Men Klllrd by Collapse or Doek.
Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 21. A aeotlon
of Ihe Minnesota ore docks, situated In
this baibor, collapsed today, nnaer tne
weight of no. 0.00 tons of ore. Max
Tors aud lhomas Ford were killed, and
William Burke was injured. The
ronrtv loss is estimated... $1(10,000
Tha came without warning, 30
dint of the dock disappearing beneath
the surface of the water.
IU i o l Vn.r 9!l .niifTirttl ratnllr.
, nBllVHVt 'v' "w. ' I
i ci,(,f ,.ifirk of the gold commissioners
H nHinA at Dawson, estimate the pat
VmiMin VTv Inrnllke
$20,000,000 as againt $17,000,000 for
1899. Next year's jtold output oi tne
Kloudike, Patullo thinks, will reach
$26,000,000. Of this year' shipments
of gold, United States uonsui jmcuook
has a lecord ol $14,oou,uuu.
A Kan Antonio Fire.
San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 23. The A.
B. Krauk Co., grocers, and Gold, Frank
& Co., wholesale dry goods, on west
Commerce streot, suffered a
loss by fire today.
Btnmlard Oil Magnate's Will.
Mou, VnrW. Nov.- 23. The will of
Ambrose McGregor, the Standard Oil
millionaire, disposes ol an estate vei
ned at $4,500,000, all going to rela
tives. "
Sailor Wanted for Theft.
A.tnria. Nov. 28. By telegraph from
Portland the police reoeived a warrant
of Martin WiBe, an apprentice uu
iiviM.h ahln Lninester Castle, now on
her way down the river. The boy is
charged with having stolen a pair of
onera glasses from a Portland lodging
Wallace, Idaho, Nov. 23. Dick
irlam.' nmUminiirv hearing on a
charge of murdering William Kennedy
and Daniel Kildee resulted in acquittal
today, Justice Johnson holding that he
acted in self-de'ense.
Flv Centi Per
Ex-Rebels Will Join Ameri
cans In Pursuit.
Will Wave On Ha4r4 Flska
Xatlvaa Bad Will Be upport4 by
Halted lala Idlsrs.
Manila. Nov. 23 -General Maca
holos. the ex-Fllloino chief. I prepared
to start in pursuit of Agnlnaldo with
100 picked natives, supporiea ny
... ... .. a
American troop. Other ex-rebel Fil
ipino will be need in campaigning La
th country. Their offer have sot
been formally wade yet, but they are
ready if the authorities will aeoept
inl ei llta. Agwuiainoi n r
HA t U tVti aUM Mtzi
I . . , A I
to rtiitir4nt mad by -rbl tend
r now iu Manila, eonflrttied from oth
r sources. " "
Aglipay, a renegade native priest,
not loiiif a u a an insnrsent leader in
Northern Lnaou, baa written to friend
.... . . . . . ( A 1
in wsniia asxing lor eioiiou new auu
reqoektlng to be iolormed whether a
Decision baa been reached concerning
th relation between church and state,
and the disposition of chorch proper,
tie. The replle sent blm contain th
Information that chorch nd tte wilt
bcprte, and the entire religious .
freedom will be allowed.
Traart Indiana Agraaad.
Washington, Nov. 33. Quartermw
ter-Geueral Ludlngton received a cable
dispatch today Irom Colonel Miller,
chlel quartermaster at Manila, con
firming the press report ol the ground
ing of the transport Indiana on the east
aide of Isla de Polilo. one of the
i smaller islaudsof the Philippine group,
east of Luaon. colonel aimer Dis
patch follows:
"Indiana acround November 7. 6b
is reported as not damaged. Palmei
(quartermaster), with" transport renn
sylvaula and a lighter draught vessel,
left Manila Sunday in order to relieve
her. Nothing more necessary."
Wheu the Indiana ran aiironnd she
was loaded with supplies and a com
pany of the Twenty second infantry,
detailed t) act as a garrison at Balol.
Much Loss
of Mf la Tenoa
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 23. A tor
nado bounding through a narrow
stretch ot tcnitory stretching from
point three miles north of Lulu, Miss.,
to Laifranira. Tenn.. caused a heavy
loss ol life auJ property this afternoon.
The etorm so completely Interrupted
telegraphic aud telephonic communica
tion that neither the origin nor the end
ing ol it cau be determined tonight, nor
cau the extent ol the dp-aster be
learned. From meager detail obtain
able, covering only three' points, it ap-
peat that 19 lives were lost, ana tne
destruction of property was also heavy.
It la believed that between the towm
heard from numerous farm-booses and
interior communities of more or lest
considerable population were atruck.
Accompanying the tornado waa a rain
storm of territlo proportions.
The tornado struck tne town oi ui-
grange, 49 miiea east oi iiiempuis, on
the Southern Tailway, in Fayette coun-
tr. this afternoon. Only oue cnurcn
is left Mamling in the town, ine
streets Hre littered with the debris of
destroyed buildiugs, merchandise, tele
graph aud telephone wire and poles,
suvaral iMirona are dead.
Six person were injured more or less
seriously, aud 10 busines place weie
totally destroyed. The Methodist,
Baptist and Ptesbyterian churches
were demolished. The residence por
tion ol the towu also suffered heavy
loss, several buildings being completely
demolished and a large number dam
aged. A perfect deluge of rain was falling
when the cyclone came, but it ad
vance was foretold by a roaring, rush
ing sonud, followed by quick heavy re
porta which gave ihe inhabitants warn
ing, aud they rushed out from the fall
ing buildiugs". '
Rain Pell In Deluging Quantities and
Tbnndi-r and Lightning Plentiful.
Chioago, Nov. 23. Glaring flaahe
nf liifhtulng and loud peal of thunder,
sights and sounds generally peculiar to
midsummer In Chicago, acoompaniea
the storm which burst upon the city
ulinrtlv before midnight last night
Rain (ell iu dolugiug quantities, and
the elements displayed all the charact
eristics of a summer thunderstorm.
Tnlrnhone aud telegraph wires were af
fected by the electrioity in the atmos-
f.herv. 'Ihe streets of the city ran
likoriri. There was enough wind
ou tha b9 to .endanger thaaafaty at
Thr storrm la probably the foreran
ner of a old wave that haa loroed the
meronrv down to 19 degree below
aero in Montaua, and wuioh is sched
uled to arrive in Chicago today.
s .
John Wauamaker has been re-elected
president of the Pennsylvania State
Sabbath School Association.
Frnnk Sargent Declines.
Washington, Nov. 23. It waa learn-
mt tonight that Frank Sargent, chief
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men, to whom was tendered the ollice
of chief of tbe bureau of engraving and
printing, has decided definitely not to
take the position, but to remain at tne
head of the labor organization be now
represents. - ' "
Railroads centering in St. Louis ask
their employes to work for the pro
posed exposition in 1903.
An Armenian Released.
PnnHtAntinonle. Nov. 23. The re
peated representations of the United
States legation here nave resulted in
the release from prison of the Armen
ian, Arzyouan, who was arrested while
traveling on an Amerioan passport.
Arzyouan waa ordered to leave the
Hale for tha Philippine.
Seattle. Nov. 23. A train of 14 cars
of army mules, destined, for shipment
to the Philippines, is expeotea nere oy
Quartermaster Bnhlen during ihe next
two days,
NO. 938.
TON 10.
laareaelaf Damaad far Wlato Oawda
Bralstreet'a aavr. The tonlo effect ol
seasonably cold weather la again Ustl
fled to by report from practically all
maikeU, ot a brisk demand lor winter
clothing and wool wear. Tbla in torn
is reflected in Increased re-order irom
Wa.tarn. Northwestern and Southern
jobber, and a perceptible improvement
In tone of wholesale trane a ine
whiob bone to participate later in the
result of the existing gooa consamp
tion demand.
Tha ranawad advance in OOttOO. an
nthar Mian It of cold weather, ha proved
stimulus to Southern trade, and also
made cotton goods agent and tnaufao
torers rather indifferent to new bun
ness offered at old rate. What
looked like an improvement tn wool
demand and prioes seem to bave re
ceived a temporary setback from the
failure of a large eoinuilsston Hon
with woolen mill connections. t .
"B 'awenjaai y iiiot
Th etreMth of price is tlll more
MHrtiatt ia t m . w
... . I 1 . t U i,m MMlt.
wnicn .coaiioucs aai-sjv, w
ndflnishod material. The action el
the billet pool tn advancing price 1
claimed to bave checked demand.
In finished material the activity la
moat marked, and mill r generally
1 1 . . I T J . i U nmAi.v m ti1 Infllffar.
wtu supimau w,vu v.uo..
ent to future business at present rates.
The awarding ol the government con-
tract for armor plate at $436 per ton
will well the output ot theteel indne-
try by $15,000,000.
Wheat, inclnding flour shipments for
the week aggregate ,utiii,uuu onsnei.
avainat KK5.R07 bushel last Week.
Failure for the week In tbe united
State number 227, against 161 last
Canadian failure number 17,
against 17 last week.
BaatUe Markets.
Onion, new, iXo.
Lettuce, hothouse, $1 per orate.
Potato, new, $16.
Beet, per aack, 85c $1.
Turnip, per sack, $1.00.
' Beans, wax, 4c.
Squaan I He
Carrot, per sack, 90c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.26.
Cauliflower, native, 76o.
Cucumber 40 60o.
Cabbage, native and California,
lo per pound.
Tomatoes 30 60r.
Butter Creamery, 99o; dairy, 18(1
c; ranch, 18o pound.
Eggs 84o.
Cheese 12o.
Poultry 12c; rlreesed, lie; spring,
I 16c turkey, 18c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $14.00;
choice En tern Washington timothy,
T ..... .
Com Whole, $28.00; cracked, a6;
feed meal, $25.
Barley Boiled or ground, per ton.
Floor Patent, per barrel, fs.oo;
blended straight, $3.26; California,
18.96: buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra-.
ham, per laurel, 3.00; wnoie wneai
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.OO.
Mlllatuffa Bran, per ton, blS.00;
ihorti, per ton, $14.00.
Jfaed Chopped feed, i9.uu per ton;
middling, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Freeh Meats Choice dressed beel
steers, price 7Ko; cow, 7c; mutton
7 Hi pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9
Ham Large, 13c; email, 1845
breakfast bacon, 12o; dry salt tide.
8c. .
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6464Ko;
Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 67o per
Flour Beet grades, $3.40; gTaham,
Oats Choice white, 42c; cnoice
gray, 41c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, aio.ou brew
ing, $16.50 ar ton.
Millatufls Bran, f 16.DU ton; mia
dlings, $21; aborts, $17; chop, $16 pel
Hft--.Timothv.812a 12.50: clover,S7
9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, totflouo;
store, 80c.
Eggs 32HO perdoaen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 Mo;
Young America, 13o; new cheese 10c ,
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixea, es.ouo
8.60 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.003.60; geese, $6.007.00 doz;
ducks, $3.005.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live. 1 lo per pound.
Potatoes 60&65ovar sack; sweets,
IMo per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnipe, 75o;
per aok; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lo per pound; parsnip, 85c;
oniona, $1; carrot, 75o.
Hope New " crop, 1214o per
VoolYalley, lS(314o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 9l3c; mohair, 25
per pound. y ',- ; , ,
Mutton Groaa, best sheep, wether
and ewes, 8 Ho; dressed mutton, oft
7c per pound. , ' -
' Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $6.75;
light and feeders. $5.00; dressed, '
tn nnaa KO rier 100 nound. . : ;
' Beef Gross, top steers, $3.80(94.00;
cows, $8.00 3.50; dressed beef, 6
7c per pound.
Veal Large, 6X7)o; small, 8
80 per pound.
Baa rraneiaeo Market.
Wnnl Rnrinff Nevada. llai8oper
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1617o; Northern, 9(all0o.
Hops Crop, 1900, 1816o.
Butter Fancy creamery 89fo;
do seconds, 21c; fanoy dairy, su
22o; do seconds, 19o per pound.
EgggStore, 28o; fanoy ranoh,
Millatuff Middlings, $16.50
19.00; bran, $18.0018.50.
Hay Wheat $9 13); wheat and
oat $9.0012.50; best barley $9.50
alfalfa, $7.008.50 per ton; Btraw,
8547o per bale.
Potatoes Oregon Burbank, 70 90o;
Salinas Burbanks, 90o$1.16; rivet
Burbanks, 3560o; new. 60 85c.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valenola,
$2.758.25; Mexican liraes, $4.00.
5.00; California lemons 75o$1.60;
do choice $1.752.00 per box. ,
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
9.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66V p