The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 19, 1900, Image 1

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    ,jjsajij ii.jlww-Iij j-ifir urs niriri '"i
The Best Newspaper
Ii tlx oo that gives tte most and
freshest newt. Compare the WEST
SIDE with any paper to Polk oouty.
An Advertisement
Which brtng return! U proof ttiai
U to in the riglt plaoe. The WEST
SIDE bringe -n were.
B 111 I
ill ill jjm mm
From All Tarts of the New
World and the Old.
Ontnprehetialt Revlr-w of the Impart
ant IUMuhi of tit Fnt Wek
Cullrd From the Tolrgrnph Column.
LI Hang Chung is In IVUn.
Southern rebel defeated General
flo'i army near Sun Chuti.
The sttbmurtue boat Holland ha
been placed in commission.
Russia urgea that the diluent in
deuiulty queatiou be arbitrated.
Coal minera in the state of Kan
havt won a ttrlke aud ir" to work.
The memler of the Chilean cabinet
have restgned, owing to a political
The National League baseball season
came to a clove w ith Hrooklyu the peu
uaut winner.
Charles Fargo, second vice-president
of the American Express Company, it
dead at Chicago.
The Lorain. O., plant of the Federal j
Steel Company haa been closed, shut
ting out 8.000 meu.
The queen regent of Spain will ar
bitrate the difference, at present exist
ing between Fein aud Chili.
A elergymttn of Blair, Neb., eouviet
ed of bigamy, was teutcuced to four
jreart in the peuitentliry.
Dyseutery is raging among the troops
it Tien Tiu and the German conting
ent will transfer its headquarters to i
The steel ylauta of the Illinois Steel
Works, at South Chicago, were cloned
down, 2,500 men being thrown out of
Striking coal miners will accept the J
10 per cent increase iu wages offered j
bT the operators it it lift all winter. 4
However, the men will not resume
work until officially ordered by uuiou
In northern I'anay, October 13, Com
pany D, Twenty-sixth Uuited State
volunteer iufnntry, was attacked by a
force of TagaW. The enemy lout 20
men killed and 40 wounded, while the
Americans had two men wounded.
Twenty-two prisoner aud 12 riHes aud
a quantity of ammunition were cap
tured. A colony of 600 Sicilian from New
Orleans is to leave for Hawaii early iu
January, under the leadership of Father
Nasca, an Italian priest. The colony
will be in the employ of an American
company, which has large sugar inter
ests in the Hawaiian islauds. The
company will build a church, school
tnd homes for the Sicilians.
The United States has answered the
Frenoh note.
Roosevelt denounced the Deomcratio
Issue of militarism.
British ministerialists holJ 357 seat
and the opposition 205.
Horse buyers for Herman govern
ment are in Kastern Oregon.
A general uprising is expected in
the southern provinces of China.
Mgr. Chapel l argues for retention of
church property iu the Philippines.
An eight-year-old lioy cf Koaehnfg,
Or., was killed accidentally while play
ing with a rille.
Oue man was killed and 12 injured
in a riot in the anthracite region at
Hazleton, Pa.
Mrs. Ann Jane Darrah, of Liberty,
Or., an aged and blind woman, wai
burned to death.
Thomas Sheridan, 50 years oil, a la
borer employed in a shingle mill at
Fairhaven, Wash., was run over by a
train and killed.
The American marines from Pekin
have arrived at Taku, where they will
be joined by the Tien Tsin battalion,
and sail on the India ua for Cavite.
The wife of a minister at Atchison,
Kan., jumped into a cistern with her
8-year-old child and both were
drowned. The woman was insane.
A cablegram received from Commissioner-General
Peck, at Paris, contain!
an announcement )f final results ob
tained at the exposition by the coun
tries in the way of awards. The Unit
ed States received 2,475 awards; Ger
many, 1,826; Great Britain, 1.117;
Russia, 1.413. The United States
leads not only in the grand total, but
also in all grades of awards, from
grand prizes to merely honorable men
tion. Referring to the mooted purchase o!
the Danish West Indies by the United
States, the Copenhagen correspondent
of the Daily Telegraph says: "The re
newed negotiations will result, 1 be
lieve, in the purchase. The opposition
party in the Danish parliament favort
the transaction, but urges tlio govern
ment to obtain a larger price than the
United States has previously offered.
It is understood that America wishes
to nse St. Croix as a naval coaling
In Jeresy City, N. J., a daughter
was born to the wife ol Bresci, the as
sasHln of King Humbert.
Five Minneapolis churches have paid
the debts "hanging over them during
the year, the total incumberances
raised amounting to $38,675.
The curator of the Field Columbian
museum at Chicago claims to have
found geological proof that the advent
of life on this globe was more than 10,
000,000 yeais ago.
Fifty New York manufacturers wht
resorted to the ue of soft coal as a re
sult of the strike have been arrestee
for violating tlio smoke ordinance
" It is proposed to establish in tht
heart of the handsomest residence sec-,
tion in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., a bom
Tor old men who have had and lost for
tunes. v
Twenty years ago the city of Tronto,
Ontario, began the erection ol a city
hall, which was to cost $300,000 by
the original estimate. The outlay on
It to date has been $2,345,000, and if
It twt yet finished,
$1.50 PER TEAR.
Russia tbauJous tut oouotrt of the
Captalu Shields waa wouudeJ In the
fighting Iu Marluduque.
Serlei of earthquakes did great dam
age to property iu Alaska.
Fourteen people were injured iu a
street ear collision uear Seattle.
Signal corps men were surprised by
Tagala iu Neuva Koija provluce.
Lord Balfour, of Burleigh, may be
the new British mtutiter of war.
Treasury Department may station a
Chinese interpreter ou Puget sound.
Bryan spoke to a packed house in
Madison Squaia gardeu, New York.
Queen Wllhelmiua announces her
betnrothal to Duke Henry of Meek leu-hurg-Sohwer'n,
Andrew Carnegie has presented 10,
000 t.i the towu of Hawick, Roxburgh
county, Scutlaud, for a publle library.
ft is reported a small band of Creek
ludlaus iu Indian territory, art getting
ready to make trouble aud resist pay
ing the tribal taxes. The ludian agent
are prepaiiug for any emergeuoy.
Two men were killed aud out fatally
injured by the derailment of a freight
train on the Chicago A Alton, at Lawn-
dale, HI. The wieek was caused by
the removal of a rail by a section gaug
making repairs.
Fire in the lumber district of Osh
kosh, Wis., destroyed 13,000,000 feet
of lumber and part of the Holliaier
Ames Compauy't mills aud the plant
of Challouer'a Sou Company. The to
tal loss amounts to $300,000.
The United States transport Grant
has sailed from San Fraucisoo for Ma
nila. Ou the vessel art oO? casuals and
recruit representing every regiment
of tlie regular service iu China aud the
Philippines. A large uumlier ol ho,
ultal corn meu accompanied the sol-
! diers.
! An explosion of rubber cement in the
j basement of a four-story building in
I Itrott, Mich., resulted in a lire which
! cost the lives of two men and injured
eight person, four of whom wer
girls. The lire spread with such ri.
pidity iliat the employes were com pen
cil to jump from the upper stories.
The Oregon Short Llues' fast mail
was wrecked at Topa. 80 miles east o
Pocaiello, Idaho, by running Into the
rear end of a freight train standing on
the main Hue. The engine of the pas
senger train rolled dowu the embank
ment, aud Engineer Beckmanaud Fire
man George were Imdly injured, Au
unknown tramp was killed aud anothei
bad his leg crushed.
Duller will return to Englaud.
(icruiauy accepts France's prosuuil.
Immense Held of coal ha beeu dis
covered iu Alaska.
Reformer defeated the imperial
army on Kast river.
The Boer are very active in the
Krooustadt district. ,
Russians take the first step on the
right bauk of the Amur.
Lord Alverstone will be the uew lord
chief justice of Kugland.
Mexican troops are having a hard
campaign against ludiant.
Captain Shields and his 61 meu were
rescued from the Filipinos.
A milk combine has ben foimed by
milkmen of Vancouver, 11. C.
Roosevelt concluded his Kentucky
tour with a speech iu Coviugtou.
The rebellion In Southern China is
anil-dynastic rather than auti foreigu.
Yellow ever is expected to increase
in Havana while sewers are lieiug dug.
Fire at Herrick, 111., destroyed 10
business houses, causing a lots of f 50,
John F. Adams, a patient at the
Oregon insane asylum, hanged him
self. Li Hung Chang expresse regret for
recent occurrences and thank Ameri
cans. Dewet proclaim that burghers who
reluHe to tight will be made prisoner
of war.
A case of illness, suspected to be bu
bonic plague, is reported at Stepney,
a parish suburb of Loudon.
Records that fell iuto the bands ol
correspondents show that Chinese au
thorities supported the Boxer move
A dispatch from Port Limon, Colom
bia, says that a serious rite broke out
and that several prominent commercial
buildings were destroyed.
The sultan of Turkey has leased to
Germany for 30 year the island of
Uroau, in the Red sea. 40 miles north
of Kamaran, for a coaling station.
Full returns as to the wine harvest
throughout Germany for the year show
that it is more abundant and of more
excellent quality than for several years
Miss Amanda Fairman, a prominent
young lady of Phllipsburg, Mont., was
found dead in her room, having been
shot with a shotgun. A shotgun was
lying on the table. The suicide theory
is denied, and it is believed she was
The work ot building a woven wire
fence along the Pennsylvania railroad
right of way is nearly completed.
The Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy
railroad will shortly unite into one
system all its branch and leased lines
In Iowa and Missouri.
The natives of Hawaii, be they ever
no poor, never steal or beg. These of
fenses are confined almost exclusively
to the Portuguese residents of the lsl
und. The United States raises 50 per cent
of the world's supply of hogs.
Women will vote for president in
Idaho for the first time this year.
Every year in the United States there
are opened and eaten 8,000,000 bushels
ol oysters. Much of this enormous
orop comes from the Chesapeake.
A oomplete list ol glass factories at
tht opening of the 1900-1901 "fire"
shows that there are 880 in the coun
try. Indiana leads the list with 117
five more than Pennsylvania, which
comes next,
Therefore They Are Unable
to Meet Strikers.
BtaUmont Prom tha NUnilpulnl of the
Owners anil prl-ar re
Unlua Must Nl U '
Rcranton, Pa., Oct. lir-ln response
to a request for a statement at to hi
views on the auswer ol the United
Mlueworker la the operator ' proposi
tion. T. II. YYatkins, president of tht
Temple Iron Company, which company
it largely interested in coal mining, to
night gave out a somewhat lengthy
tUteaieul, in which lis say in pert:
'Wtwill give our meu reasouable
time lo return to work, trusting th
will tea )ht mlatakt ol being guided
and Influeucad by men who, however
honest aud sincere they may bt in their
effort to benefit tht miners ot the au
thraclw region, ait nuablt to advise
theiu Intelligently and for their best
Din BT
"Mr. Mitchell apparently thlnkt thai senate, out iu comereuce win. m
tht control of the uiluiug opeiatlou bouse of representative a compnuuist
rest In the baud of oue or two per- of f 100.000 wai reached, tht couces
sous, notably Mr. Morgan, or that there ' lion being made that at tht next session
is a trust of torn tort which can da- ! tht sum of 1360,000 would bt favorably
cidt tht wholt question, when, a a ) considered,
nutter of fact, there art ouly hree or j oriiseii Bfiveiive w..r.
m-- ... .
four of tht transportation companies In j
which any oue concerned ha any In
fluence, and ther do not represent 80 .
per ceut ol tht whole anthracite ton-1
nage. More than 100 dlffereut com- j
jmuie aud individual are Interested j
in mining tht total tonnage, and no
one man oan control or have tht slight
est Influence over their action. I
"Oue thing tht companies art ap-
narentlv aureed arsui is that ihev will !
not agree. KfforU have been made for ,
years to gel tomt plan to which all '
could agree to control the touuage, so '
th.t lair i,rli-t noulil lie Men red lor a
product which requires so large au
investment ot money with such great
risk to the labor employed, a well as
the capital employed, but effort alter
effort ha failed through (allure to
agree on a plan that would not violate
the law aud to which all could agree.
"But Mr. Mitchell comes here aud
says lo effe t that no miueworkers
shall go to work outll every operator
does Just exaclty what the other does
aud that the Lehigh aud Schuylkill
meu must have a new basis before the
meu iu the Lacks wan aud Wyoming
region cau go to work.
"The United Miueworkers will lay
themselves opeu if they have not al
ready done to to the charge ol being
the largest aud most daiigerou trust to
the public welfare that has ever exist
ed and tht organisation will make tht
mistake of all other that of going too
far aud using It power to hurt the
public, at well at those directly Inter
ested. "Our company will he glad to dis
cuss the matter with our employes
when they are ready to meet us with a
view of going back to work, without
regard to what Schuylkill operators
may do. The strike has already cost
us a great deal of money, aud the men
much more, as well as loss of trade,
which we may not recover in years.
In tht meantime toft coal mines are
working night and day tilling the place
of anthracite coal."
Vrurli ItrUon Aslioro Nova
Moulin Swept.
Halifax. N. S., Oct. 10. Additional
disaster to shipping ou this coast are
reported. The known list ol vessel
driven ashore now numbers 80, mostly
owned iu the province ami Newfound
land. The loss all over the country
and iu-tho neighl)orlug provinces
through toriiflc rainfalls aud washout
aud damage to orchards and buildings
by heavy wiuds will bt very many
thousands of dollars.
The Canadian Pacific wires connect
ing Cape Breton with the rest of Nova
Scotia are completely broken at the
trait of Canso, where the cable was
fouled by a schooner dragglug her an
chor in the recent gale.
Heavy raiu i falling again today
throughout Nova Scotia. River and
lakes everywhere are overflowing and
destroying property. There has been
no Canadian Paoiflo train Irom Mon
treal in four days and a terious wreck
of the Sydney expross caused by a
Washout is reported in CapeBreeton.
The Glouotster schooner Mystery; at
Canto, report one man lost at sea.
Manila, Oct. 16. Captain Deve
ream Shields, who, with 61 men of
Company F, Twenty-ninth reigment.
United States volunteer infantry, was
captared by the insurgents last month
in the island of Marlnduque, was ies
cued yesterday by the Amerioan resoue
force with all the member ol bis
party. ,
The naval board to examine the old
Irigate Constitution has reported to
the navv department that it will cost
about $400,000 to place that vessel in
condition, such as is coutoin plated by
the'Boston Patriotio Society, which is
raising a tund for the rehabilitation of
"Old ironsides."
New Zealand Mall Servleo.
Wellington, N. Z., Oct. 15. The
house of representatives today approved
the postmaster-general' agreement
with Messrs. Spreokels to continue for
a year the San Francisco mail service.
The vessels will run every three weeks
instead Of monthly, beginning Novem
ber 1. The time from San Franuisoo
to Auckland will not exceed IB days.
An amendment favoring a Vancouver
Service was curriuJ without a division.
Natural at St. Joseph, Mo.
Bt. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 18. Coal and
gal in paying Quantities were fouud
east oT this city Mny at a depth of a
little more than J.OOP leet. The gas
will be piped to tlie oil? t onue. A
voin ol coal that limy fvBch two leet in
thickness waa fouinli
New York, Oct. J6,-A dispatch to
the Herald from Sinto Domingo, says
A conspiracy agaiutit the government
py many political prisoners has been
discovered. The revolution is consul
eied to have failed. There are rumors
that Lavega it iu aims.
Hard Warh I Nsrr U tMiire Cea
(rstslenal ltvunHlun,
Washington, Oct. 16. All tht preat
appropriation of tht goveiumeu. are
Used upon tht estimates Ot tut r,verai
AtthUtimtof tht year tht variomj
office art prerlug their plaii and
stlmatot for tht operallouolth8 Hi oal
yar beginning on July 1, IV01. and
ending June 80, 104. These estimate
will be tiansmitted to congress and em
bodied in t appropriation bills, mo
of which will bt oouslderetl and paei
during February, a congress adjourn
on March 4, it Iwlng the "b ut session.
The estimates which have peculiar
Importance to tht arid region are those
for the continuance ol the measure'
meutt of river, tht examination
nf I
..,l...nH ov.UM and MsiMolallV lilt I
survey of reservoir tltes, aud report
upon tht cost aud value of reclamation
of largt areas of fertile arid lauds.
rr aarvsr.
At tht last session ot coiwress the
National , Irrigation Association ener
getically eudeavoiod to ht the annual
appropriation Of tht geological survey
i fur this purpose increased from the
j I most absurdly turn uf $50,000 to the
! amount ol 250.OOO, this being mora Iu
1 accordance with tht need of tht conn
! try. Tht increase wa made In the
" . .... ... . . t.k it.-
A lessou that can be learned irom tne
attitude ol many oi ne r.asivru
a regards river and harlmr improve
uienta; these improvements are notion i
to chance or regarded with indifference, j
but tht claims ol each locality are , f;M ri1M,nir tu his favor and
mado known and systematically push- . vrtmn& lo him a letter from Fmperor
td by organised effort, such " ! Kwang Hsu, together with doeumcn
Iwarls ol trade or marchaiits' j Ury 9ytmof, giK to show that the
associations. Fattern Interests are or-! t i,..1BM ru.ur BU, oonrt art less to
ganiae.1 lor work, and when au Kastern ,
locality wants a river and harbor appto- j
rlatlon it gees alter it in a uiorougn,
systematic msniier. and Hner or later
ei iv. tins is hum
....I .l..,..l,l .1.. Vt..n U'Mrn lu.unl
di trade, chamber ol commerce and i nese court arrived at the new capital,
commercial organisation should bestir Sloan Fn," aays a special dispatch from
itself individually, bring all'the inllu- i Shanghai, dated yesteiday. "reaction
ence it can to lar upon the senator ; ry edicts removing the moderates from
and congressmen ol its state, and act- j high offices have been Issued, showing
holy co-operate wlih the National lr- j that Prince loan holds tht Imperial
rlgatloit Association lo not only Insure seat."
la wifia hi. ..i,n, axtiuii on tlmsM 1 The Daily Chronicle has the follow-
! itirvey estimates, but to ntherw ise ad- log Irom Vienna: "None ol the pow
I .-.. ii,H lnt.,ro.t. nf the hi i.l reuiou er except France and the Uuited
through ualloital chauuel. ! States approves the Russian propyl
Irritation oi.,r.. M-nii,.. sgaiust China to the arbitratlou trlbuu
The niutli annual session ol the Na-) 1 at The Hague."
tlonal Irrigation Congress will meet at j
Chicago Illiuois, November 30-23, j
H ttutlt Ken If l'nltt ntalos
lakes Mraragiia KnWrprUo.
New York, Oct. 17. M. Hutiu, director-general
aud president of the
board ol director ot the Panama Caiuil J
Company; General Abbott, chiel engi- j
over, aud W. N. Cromwell, counsel tor i
Hie caual company, were passouger ou !
the steamship La Lorraine from Havre j
"The Panama Canal Company," said j
General Ablsitt, ' "I waiting for the
recommeudatlon of the Walker com-
mission to congress au lor the action ;
ol that laxly. 1 believe (hat the decis-;
ton will be iu favor of the Pauaioa j
caual a being more feasible and eco j
mimical and giving better results. II
the decision Is against the Panama
caual the company will nevertheless go
on building it. I believe that if tx'lli
the Panama wild Nicaragua cunaU tin
built nine-tenth of Ihn vessels wib
choose the Panama canal as being the
better. What the Walker commli-sioii
beard when Iu Pat is was a revelation
to it. Already between three and (out
million cubic yards have been taken
out down there and two-II It lis of the
work has been done.
Rlllsil n Poslniatir.
Chicago, Oct. 17. A dispatch to the
Record tioui Guadalajara, Mexico,
says: A band of brigands, tinder the
leadership of the notorious Pedro
Flores. has been committing numerous
murder aud robberies in the Antlan
district of this state for several months.
News has just reached here that the
robbers made a bold raid ou the town
ol Autlan and killed the postmaster.
Following this unprovoked murder they
looted the place and terrorirei the
populace. They have a stronghold in
the mountana and a detachment oi
rurales has gone iu pursuit of them.
Again llrlTnn from Mansflolil.
Mauatleld, O., Oct. IB. The Dow-
lelte Deacon Homer Kesslor, of Cht
cago, made another unsuccessful at
tempt to hold services here today. He
was taken In charge iy the ponce wmio
holding services at the home ol F. D,
Caverand was sent out ol the clly ou
the east-bound reunsylavnia passeugor
train at noon.
MeW York ClgarmakerV Strike.
New York. Oct. 15. Samuel Gom-
pers, president ol the American Federa
toin of Labor, is in the city to endeavor
to settle the cigannakers' strike, which
has lasted now for more than four
months. llevhad conference with
representatives of firms who formerly
employed about 4,000 of the 6,000
cigannakers who are still out.
The Child Was Mutilated.
Dayton, O., Oct. 17. The dead
body of Ada Lauts, the 12-year-old
daughter of Charles Lants, a carpontor,
was loiind iu the rear of her father's
residence Inat night. A surprise party
had been tendered her parents and
while the guests were playing carda
the little girl left the house. Her ab
sence was not discovered for half au
hour and after a search of the wromlaes
her body was found, Circumstances
indicate that an assault had beeu com
mitted upon the child aud this was
borne out today by the coroners' inves
tigation. The body was terribly muti
luted. Three Killed bjr n Train.
Newcastle, Pa., Oct. 18. John
Korbie, a farmer; Kllen Korbie, his
daughter, aged 10, and Auuie Korbie,
aged 7, while crossing the Pittsburg
& Lake Erie tracks near Carbon last
night in a wagon, were struck by a
train and killed. Oscar Kospi, the
fourth occupant of the wagon, wa ew
lously Injured, .
Sweeping Everything Before
Them In South China.
ea Vat's Aridtjt Is No lnvoslltf the
l'rrtorBt 11 of II ul koa-Oroal
Aoiltiljr In Canton.
Hong Kong, Oct. 17. Hun Yat Sen,
ciHirdlng to reports from Canton, hat
taken the town of Klu Hhau, ou Kast
River, aud 1 now Investing tht prefec
toMt city (if Hul CIlOU. A forct of illl-
perlal troops from Canton was defeated
by the reformers, 200 being killed.
The advice say also that there I
grtmt activity in Canton in preparation
loi dispatching troops to tht disturbed
l"rtrt of Canipbsll's Colnma.
TlenTsln, Oct. 17.-Tut British ool
nmn under Lord Campbell, which
tonus part ol the txptditiou agaiust
Pat Ting Fu, aud it making a detour
to the south of tht Pau Ting river,
reached Tu Liu, ou tht graud canal,
Mr F.rnest M. Satow, who
Sir Claude McDouald a Britlih minis
ter to China, ha started (or Pekln,
M. de (iter, tht Russian minister, it
likely to return toou,
An Appoal te the Csar.
Berlin, Oct. 1 7. The Chinese minis
ter to Russia. Yang Yu. who visited
j.;,,,,, Midiolas at Livldla yeeter
(i ., uronnW aiiatalel lor the luterce
L! . e (r tne BI,tl.(orelgn outbreak
t)mll ,ll(J u
jsslao emperor had been led
Kract lunar? ITitlett.
liolliloll. Oft. 17. MllOt WIS ni
tl-irinnno Aeropls franco's frttputal.
Berlin, Oct. 17. The Berlin Neustt
Nachrtchten say that it understand
tlmt Germany's auswer to the note ol
M. Peleasae, r remit minister or for
eigu affairs, was dispatched today, aud
that it is friendly in tone and raises no
Ohjectloita to the principle set forth
by M. IMoasse, It does not assert
tst t'ta reply deals with all his propo
sitioiis. Warning In Whlla Wnmon.
Berlin. Oct. 17. A dispatch re
ceived here from Shanghai says the
British consul there warm Furopoan
women aguinst coming north fiout
Hong Kong iu the hoped joining Ibelr
husbands, the situation iu the Yaugste
valley being very atrium.
Unespeetort Aelltl Itolays Lord
Ituliorts' lrartur.
Utmlon, (Vt. 17. Commenting upon
the activity of the Boers aud the state
ment (rout Cae Towu that Lord Ro
berts ha postponed his home-coming,
the Staudard says:
"There are certalo indication point
ing to tlio conclusion that unexpected
difficulties havt arisen which Lord
Roberta duemt grave enough to delay
his return for tome time to come. The
fact suggest tlmt it Is impossible yet to
denude South Africa of any substantial
nortloii of the large army now engaged
iu dominating a sullen aud recalcitrant
The editorial dually calls for the
severest measures against irreconcila
ble Boers, "prompt and ruthless pun
ishment for every insurgent burgher
caught in delicto."
March lug Itosmnod.
llatletoti, Pa., Oct. 17. The threat
ened march of the strikers to Panther
creek valley started from this section
tonight. The objective joints ol the
marchers are Ijausford, iu Carbon
county, and Coaldalo, iu Schuylkill
county. Theso towu are about 80
tiiilos south of Haxloton, and the strik
ers expect to reach their destination
early tomorrow morning. Most of the
collieries in that sectiou are operated
by the Lehigh Valloy Coal & Naviga
tion Company. They have been work'
iug all through the strike, despite the
efforts ot numerous organizers sent to
tlmt section for the purpose ol getting
j the men to quit.
Yellow Fever Will Increase.
Havana, Oct. 18. It is generally
ailmitted.that yellow fever wil increase
in Havana when the streets are opened
for the installation of the sowers, a
work which will probably require three
years. Major Lodge, paymaster for
the division ol Cuba, is down with the
Car aheris Iturned.
Cleveland, O., Oct. 17. The oar
sheds ol the Cleveland & Kastern Elec
tric Railway Compauy at Gates Mills,
together with a number of cars and
other property, have beeu destroyed by
fire. The joss is $100,000.
Fire In an Indiana Town.
Sullivan, Intl., Oct. 17. Fire to
night destroyed the large building in
the public square ocoupiod by Barton
Bros. department store. Loss, $100,-
Wrecked by Dynamite.
Hot Swings, Ark., Oct. 17. A
fathor, mother and four young children
were blown to atoms this evening a
Sells, Montgomery county, lour milt
from Hot Springs. While the famll;
was at supper their home was wrecked
by an explosion of dynamite. The
names ol the unfortunate people are
Jeff and Maggie Jones, and their chit
dren ranged in nge from six years to
(our months. It is believed that a dis
pute over a homestead claim prompted
the outrage. The county officials
wired touigtit that thev were close on
the traok ol the guilty persons.
Want and Ruin Mat Fallow' la the
Wako nf ! ttrtko.
New York, Oct. II. A special to
the World from llailetou, Pa., says:
Want and ruin have followed in tht
wakt ol tht strlkt In tht anthracite
region. Families who lived in com
fort while tht mines wtrt iu optratlou
now feel the pinch of privation, and
tht bare necessities ol txUttuot teem
like luxuriot; business men, upon
whom proserlty smiled, havt bean
brought to tht verge ol bankruptcy:
thriving towns havt become stagnant,
casual travelers havt forsakeo thtm,
aud neawpaper oorrespondeuta end la
bor leader constitute tht most Import
ant tlement in tht floating population.
Tht striken who htd tumt little money
on hand for an emergency havt out
their llvlngjexpeiise down to a mini
mum, buying nothing but food, aud
little ol that. In many Instance, they
art able to obtaiu tomt credit Irom lo
cal dealers, but the bill cannot ran
vtry high.
At there waa littlt coal tobt hauled,
theeoal imllrva4a bad to layoff lb
crew of most of their coal train.
There are actually In tne enormout
yard at Mauoh C'bunck tevtral hun
dred toal cart which, under normal
condition, should be scattered on reti
red Irom tht Atlantic to the Pflflo.
In many towu it la now impossible to
obtaiu coal lor dotnestlo nse at any
price, .
The stagnation ol trade bare U, ol
course, felt by the manufacturer and
wholesaler! of the Kastern cities, who
furnish the supplies, aud as tht mer
chants cau obtain no cash Irom tbtlr
customers, they must appeal to their
creditors lor leniency. Appeals are
being made to the United Miueworkers'
orgauixatlou lor lunds lor the relief ot
the destitute striker who can get no
l.loulonanl riahartjr tars the Island
I I'aelRod.
New York, Oct. 18. Lieutenant
Edward Flaherty, who has recently
been honorably discharged from tht
nrmy after recovcrtig from illness con
tracted with the Twenty-seventh infan
try iu the Philippines, believes that
the Island ol Luxou ha been thorough
ly pacified.
"There are no Fllpinot fighting
against the United States now, ' said
he last night, "save struggling hands
uf robbers or ladrouos. They are still
thick in several provinces, and were
noticeably numerous in the province ol
Moroug until the Twenty-seventh In
fantry drove them out in a oatnpiagn
furling with the battle of Tamay last
"All the Filipino, except the Taga
los, are in favor ol A uericau suprem
acy. Some of the Filipino have ac
tually turned their arm against tht
hull ones aud killed tome ot them. It
i feasible to supplant a large number
ot soldiers there with natives enlisted
in the Americau service, and it ought
to be done to spare our men. The la
drone obey to a laige extent the ordert
of Aguluatdo, though their baud are
widely spread."
Lieuteuant Flaherty said that Pri
vate Ulasen, ol the First Nebraska vol
unteers, was the first American to tin
ou the Filipinos.
"He did not Are uutil he had been
fired upon," said the lieutenant, "aud
then he killed a Flipiuo lieutenant
and sergeant with one shot out of t
Springfield rltle. The Filipinos began
Itnnkrupt Hoarding House Keeper.
New York, Oct. 17. A petition in
bankruptcy was tiled In the Uuited
States district court today by Kllie S.
Hunkiua, a lioardlug house keeper,
with liabilities o( $598,118; assets
none. Among the creditors are Charles
L. Hutchinson, $90,000; Jame C.
Hutchinson, $15,000; Northern Trust
Company, $270,000, All of the above
named creditors are residents of Chi
cago, where the debts were contracted.
These liabilities arose ou promissory
notes which the petitioner indorsed loi
her husband, George V, Haukina.
Miner' Strike Affect. Franee.
Pails, Oct. 18. The increate in the
price of ooal, due to Great Britain'
purchases and the Aqierican mining
strike, has caused a difference of
8,500,000 francs in the French budget.
The minister of fluauce, M. Calllaux,
today informed tlie budget committee
that railroad companies receiving a
state subsidy, aud companies sharing
their profits with the state, are asking
for an extra allowance ot 8,200,000
franca, while the minister ot marine
needs an extra 1,300,000 (ranot lox
ooal lug the fleet.
Mrs. Horatio Kuliens Robbed.
Havaua, Oct. 18. Private di
patches just receive here confirm EheJ
report of the los ot money and jewelry
by Mrs. Horatio Rubens, who lett
Havana last month for Paris, going by
way of Madrid. Mrs. Ruben wa rob
bed while on tlie train between Madrid
and Paris. She estimates her loss at
more . than $80,000, It is believed
that the thieves were In complicity
with persons hero.
Strike In a Boiling Mill.
New Haveu, Conn., Oct. 18. Three
hundred and fifty hand employed at
the New Haven rolling mill went on
strike today. The meu complain ol a
reduction in wages rangiug from 6 to
17 ta per cent.
. Ail nits Ills Defalcauon,
Burlington, la., Oct. 18. II. A.
Kelley, a prominent attorney, haj been
discovered to be a defaulter in a large
sum. He admits his guilt, and sayi
his peculations extend baok several
years. ' 1 "
Yenesiieln Will Not Exhibits
Caracas, Venezuela,' Oct. 18. The
government announces that Venezuela
will not make an exhibit at the Pan
American exposition to be held in Buf
falo in lOOL
Ferrell on Trial.
Marysville, O., Oot. 18. Kosslyn
X. Ferrell was placed on trial here to
day on the charge of murdering Adams
Express Messenger Charles Lane, Aug
ust 10. Ferrell made a written confes
sion, in which all the details ot how
he shot Lane and robbed tlie expren
safe were set forth. The purpose of
the robbery was to seoure money lor
bis approaching mairiage with Miss
Lillian Costlow, ol Columbus, in whose
nresence he was arrested two day
later. The young lady has been sub-
. ' . ... . .L. .....
Tjoenued as a witness ior tun
The only defense will be insanity.
Fl Centi Per
About to Leave Concert
Chinese Question.
Thorofor the Is Not Willing to follow
the Irrooonollabla Atlltndo tf torn
I the Oerernmenls.
fit. Pttersburg, Oct. 18. The Rus
sian government permitt it to Iwoome
known that its attitude in China will
be Increasing lndeendence of the con
cert ol the powers. , Russia, it is ex
plained, it ditpoted to attach lent value
lo joint action tiuce her interests have
been fully eeourtd by the tuccesaful
oampalgn in Manchuria. Moreover,
Russia it not willing to "follow the
Irreconcilable policy ol tome of the
power." Tne expectation, vnt puou
oatlon add. It that the Chinese gov
ernment 1 about to utilise all it re
touroet ol duplicity to keep the power
occupied with vain negotiation! aud
proposal and tht dispatching oi note
in order to gain time until the winter,
counting on the rigor ol the climate to
pt event military operation! and allow
China to prepare her resources (or a
ipring campaign.
Ma Surprise In Washington.
Washington, Oct. 18. The cable
dispatch fiom St. Petersburg, indicat
ing that Russia's attitude in China
will bo Independent ol the concert of
the powen, caused no surprise among
officials here. It was noted wheu the
aggreasve military movement ws ne
gun by Germany and the expedition
against Pao Ting Fu started, that Res
ile waa among the powere which did
not Join in the movement. Tlie dis
patch from St. Petersburg is looked on
at merely another tep. Moreover, it
Is regarded at quite in consonance with
the paoiflo tendencies of the govern
ment, which have beeu dircctea an
along to securing settlement by diplo
matic meant rather than by the sword.
Marrhlng Striker round the Itoari.
Hnrred by Soldier.
Lansford, Pa., Oct. 18. About
1,000 meu and 80 women and girls
marched 18 qiile, from the south tide
of the lUsleton region, during the
night, tor the Panther creek valley,
where tbey expected to close the 10
collierie ot the Lehigh Coal & Navi
gation Company, but just a the weary
marcher were nearlng their destina
tion this morning they were met ou a
mountain road by three' companies ol
tnfantrr. and at the point ol the bay
onet were driven back .four miles to
Tamaqoa and dispersed.
Another crowd ol 800 striker Irom
the north tide ol Ilaxletou also march
td here and suoceeded in closing the
company's No. 1 colliery at Neque
boning, near Mauch Ch ink, before it
wa nattered.
The presence of the soldiers wai en
tirely unexpected aud the strikers were
much crestfallen that they failed Iu
accomplishing the object of their long
It was probably the most exciting
morning that the Panther creek and
the Nesquehoning valleys have ever ex
perienced. Strikers were scattered
over tlie various roads and companies
ol soldiers were icurrylng in all dirco
tion, heading off the marching men.
For a moment just after the two forces
met on the road in the darkuess, II
looked as II a clash would come, but
the good sense of those who had charge
ot the stiiker prevented any oonilict.
French Clearing the Country
Month ol
London, Oot. 18. Lord Roberts re
ports from Pretoria, under date of Oc
tober 16, as follows:
"French started from Machadodorp
towards Heidelberg to clear a pait ol
! the country not yet visited by our
"Mahon, commanding the mounted
troops, successfully engaged the euamy
on October 18, but our losses were
severe, three officers and eight men be
ing killed and three officer aud 26
men wounded.
"French occupied Carolina yester
day, capturing a convoy during hit
Lord Roberts also reports a number
ol minor affairs showing that the Boers
are still active over a wide field.
The British re-entered Bloemhoef,
near Kim berley, October 14, uuop-
posed, and captured 60 Boers.
Olnssworkers Mnrehrd.
Hartford City, Ind., Oct. 18 A
body of striking glaesworker belouging
to local assembly SOU marched from
here to Eaton, Ind., today, and pre
vented the Bauer window glass factory
from opening. The window glass com
pany has announced that it will open a
nrovislon store . and thus escape the
pooyott declared by the strikers.
Aeeldent In Moravia.
Vienna, Oct. 18. The facade ot the
Cseoh high school, at Prossnita, Mo
ravia, toppled into the street today,
killing seven persons and injuring 10.
Workmen Killed Iu a Storm.
New York, Oct. 18. A Bevere wind
storm overthrew the unfinished briok
and steel building ol the Maoin Lino
leum Works, in Newark, N. J., this
afternoon, killing three workmen, fatal
ly injuring two others and seriously in
juring three more.
Fresno Winery Burned.
Fresno, Cel., Oot. 17. Kohler &
Frohling's big winery in the Soaudiua
ian settlement near Fresno is on lire.
Ibe loss will be about $100,000.
The Port tlmon Fire.
New York. Oct. 18. The Are whioh
started in Port Limon, Costa Rloa,
Saturday, aooordiug tu late dispatches
received here, destroyed the entire busi
ness section of the oity and caused a
property loss of $3,000,000 or over.
Among the heaviest sufferers from the
flit were the Port Limon Bank, Linde
Bros., the United Fruit Company and
several hotels. Chinese merchants
were also heavy losers. Port Limon
wa in a flourishing condition and the
commercial interests of the city have
been larse, -
NO. 93.J.
Bu.lne.s Fully Kqual to That ot a Cor
responding Ferlod Last Tear.
Bradstreet' sari: Though some
measure of business volume and value
make unfavorable comparison with a
year ago, and speculation Is certainly
on a reduced scale in nearly all lines,
other registers of trade activity art still
viy favorable and it is hard to resist
the conclusion that, with few notable
exceptions, the actual busine of the
country is as a rule fully equal to u
not slightly in excess of the correspond
ing periort of 1899. This, too, in the
case in spite ot the distinctly lepressive
tendency exercised by the present pre.
Identlal campaign.
Prioet of staple a a whole are firm,
alter a sustained advance (or a mouth
past, succeeding a summer ot quiet
steadiness, but unhealthily ol the
short tide in speculation bas been
brought forcibly to the attention of
dealers in a number of staple, notably
hog product and flaxseed.
Tht event ol the week in the iron
aud steel trade has been the taking of
160,000 tone ol rails by the Ptnmryl- .
vania at $86 per ton, announced on
Friday. This action, which will
probably be lotlowed by other com
panies, dispose of the steel rail puzzle
satisfactorily to the rail-makers, and
constitute another element ot strength
to the industry generally. Despite a '
decrease ol ovet 20 per cent in tlie cur
rent pig iron pruudction from lour
nionths ago, furnace stocks are reported
increasing and prices are rather weak.
Wheat, including flour shipments, (or
the week, aggregate 4,298,855 bushels
against 4,459, 1U7 bushels last week.
Business failures for the week in the
United States number 210, at against
177 last week,
Failurea in the Dominion ot Canada
nnmbei 3B, as coptnared with 18 last
enltlo Market.
Oulous, new, IJ-40.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate
Potatoes, new. $15.
Beets, per sack, 85c($l.
Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
1 Beans, wax, 4c.
Squash 4c.
Carrota, per sack, 90c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25.
Cauliflower, native, 75c.
Cucumbers 1020e.
Cabbage, native and California,
ic per pounds.
Tomatoes 30 50".
Butter Creamery, 86c; dairy, 169
19c; ranch, 18o pound.
F.gga 26c.
Cheeee 12c.
Poultry 12o; dressed. 14c; spring,
13(4 16c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $14.00;
choice Kastern Washington timothy,
tin. 00.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $26;
feed meal, $25.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Fatent, per barrel, $3.60;
blended straights,. $8.26;- California.
$8.86; buckwheat flour. $6.00; gra
hanr, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
dour. $8.36; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Milhstuffa Bran, per ton, $18.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
PealChopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, f 20; oil cake neal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beel
steers, price 7)c;cows, 7c; mutton
7,H; pork, 8c; trimmed, c; veal, 9(3
lie. ,
llama Large, 13c; 'small, 134;
breakfast bacon, 18c; dry salt sides,
8 Sc.
Portland Mnrket.
Wheat Walla Walla. 64 540;
Valiey, 80c; Bluestem, 680 per bushel.
Flour Beet grades, $3.40; graham,
$3.00. '
Oats Choice white, 48o; choici
gray, 41c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $16.00 brew
ing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid
dlings, $31; shorts, $17; chop, $16 per
HayTimothy, $1218; clover,$79
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 45 55c;
tore, 80c.
j.-gga 25c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18o;
Young America, 14o; new cheeee 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,609
8.60 per dozeu; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.003.00; geese, $0.00(38.00 doz;
ducks, $3. 0095.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 14c per pound.
Potatoes 40 9 65o per sack; sweets,
lJ4o per pound.
VegeUblea Beets, $1; turnips, 75o;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, 2c per pound; parsnips, 85o;
onions, $1; carrots, $1.
Hops New crop, 18H14tj'o per
Wool Valley, 1616o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 13o; mohair, 85
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, Zo dressed mutton, 6)(3
7o oer Tjound. ,
Hogs Gross, ohotce heavy, $5.75;
light and feeders. $5.00; dressed,
$8.0096.50 per 100 pounds.
Beet Gross, top steers, $3.50 9 4.00;
oows, $3.00 9 3.50; dressed beef, 69
7o per pound.
Veal Large, 6M97Mc; small, 89
8 So per pound.
Ann Frnnoisoo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 11 9 Ho per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10914o; Val
ley, 1618o; Northern, 910o.
Hope Crop, 1900, 189Hi'o.
Butter Fanoy ' creamery 88o;
do eeoonds, 2627io; fanoy dairy,
2$c; do seconds, 88c per pound.
EgggStore, 28o; fanoy ranoh,
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.00 9
22.00; bran, $15.60910.50.,
H ay Wheat $8 9 1 8 wheat and
oat $8.00910.10; best barley $9.00
alfalfa, $6.5097.50 per ton; straw.
2687o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 80975c; Sa
linas Bnrbanka, 70o9$1.05; river Bur
banks, 80 9 65o; new, 75c 9 $1.25.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.73.25; Mexican limes, $4,009
5.00; California lemons 75o9$1.60;
do ohoice $1.7592.00 per box.
Tropioal Fruits Bananas, $1,609
8.50 per' bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66o pet
pound. 1