An Advertisement Which brtns return I proof fb tt it in tbe r tl t place, tbe WE3T BirE bnngi wera. , The Best Newspaper It the on that gift tbe moat ami freshest news. Compart 1L WEST ftlDE with an paper in Polk oounty. VOI j. XVII. $1.50 PER TEAR. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY', OUl.fJON, Pit ID AY', OCTOlIHlt 12, .(MM). Five CenU Per Copy. NO. 932. 7 I KB J M IfffK From All Tarts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS 'iutntiti,al. ItrvloM i,f h lmnrt ut llaiioiili-, f llu I'K.t WiM-k Cull4 im rho Tlegrnih Culninu. The lloeni are active Iu Orance Itlver Colony. Uooaerelt epoka to two bij meetinga Iu Chicago. Japauexe Utaipa are withdrawing t'loiu China. Ltourke Oickrau d bounded the inane In Topeka, Kauaa. The hattirahlp Texan may bepeiman eutly rttiied (nun ncrv Ice. A tornado struck the towu of lllwa bik, iu Northern Minnesota, killing nine persons, iujuriut everal other ami doing damage to t!ie aiuouut of $500,000. The secretary o( the interior ha de cided to riiiuoe of the luilian laud celed to the (.'hippewaa in Minnesota, amouuting to 74,1;'." acres. They cou Bist of piue aud agricultural land. Fire on the dock of the Atlantic Trausport Line, iu the North river. New York, destroyed oue of the pier of tho conipauy, with all the morchaii disc on it, entaiiiug a lo of $115,000. The population of the city of Taco na. Wash , accovdinij to the Canted State censu for 100, i officially an liouuced ai 37,104. HL'iun.-t 81,001 iu 18U0, au nioreaso of 1,708, or 4 S4 pet ceut. It i officially announced by the cen iu bureau that the population of the state of New lumpxlnro is 4 1 1,584, la 1890, the population win 37tl,MO, the increase being 33,o;8, or 11.30 per ceut. Li lluuiz Chang has ordered the re lease and cafe escort to I'ckiu of five Belgian eugiueew and 13 miisiomiric, who have bu'U kept prisoner many week at I 'no Ting Fu. Li Hung Chang is apparently doing hi iitmo.-t to please tho power. At Trenton. X. J., Kd.lie McHiide. 10 year old, died from burn received while playing "Indian" with compan ion. Mciiriilo wa tied to a stake and hi clothing ratnrated with gnsoliue aud then iguited. The boy broke loose and ran screaming to his home, where he died. The war department ha approved an exhaustive opiuiou by Judge Advocate-General Liebvr to the etTect that absentees from a volunteer legimeut. lave prisoner ot war, are uinchargeil from the eei'vice on the miii date nion which their organization is imn-tered out. The decision was imitortHUt a affecting the pay and statu of many officer serving on detached duty. Figbtiug ha biokeu out again iu Ashantee. Shan llai Kwan fort surrendered to the JJritish. A plot to assiiflsinate I'resideut Mo Kiuley ha been discovered. In a train hold-up near Council Bluff, oue robber win killed. BasHPners on Nome vacillated on account of steamer were new outbreak of samllpox in Alaska. Evidence claimed to have lieeii fonn I which prove that Mount linker mine are not in American tciritory. Iu an explosion at the Corning l'ow der Work at Santa Cruz, Cal., C. Merier, an employe, was killed, and J. Valenciu wii fatally injured. Portuguese olUcial at Ijiivirenoo Marques have warned President Kruger to make no more speeches aud forbid hi wearing uisigiiiu of office. The latent report of cotton damage to the state of Texas bv the recent Hoods place the eHtiu.ales at 400,000 bales. The value is estimated ut not less than $'.'0,000,000. Boer captured a British convoy and wrecked a train. (Jf the convoy' escort of 00 men only 12 escaped and in the train wreck, the Briton were killed and 11) injured. The population of Arkansas, as offi cially announced by the United State ceusua bureau, is. l.lil 1,6(14, an in crease over the population uf 1800 of 183,385, or 1(1.25 per ceut. (ieiiornl Wood, commanding tho United States force iu Culm, ha miolo hi auuuul report to tlm war depart ment. It contains bis recommendation that all troop in (auba bo mounted, to gether with an account of tho with drawal of the troop during the past year. The health of the tioope, he say, ha been good, und their conduct is commended. C. K. Gallaway, aged 89, died ut Denver, Colo., from injuries received by being struck by a tramway cur. He was believed to be the oldest uews paper editor in the United States He was born in Portage county, ()., Feb ruary 13, 1812, learned the printing trade in Lawreuceville, Inrl., and pub lished aud edited newspapers in Ohio, Illinois, Miswnri and Utah. White blackberries mid creen roses have beeu propagated iu Lousianit this year. Seventy-two new coal mine have iieen opened in Prussia this year, .in creasing the output for 1000 by 2,500, 000 tou. What promise to bo the best apple crop in the history of Canada nut merely the quantity, but quality is now fast approaching the harvest sea Kin. During I be Carnegie has Lint two years Andrew given $4,500,430 to li- brariea. ' Kev, George Willard, a noted diviue of the Reformed church, died iu Day ton, O., age 82 years. Admiral Watson, who recently was in command of the fleet at Manila, will make hi home at Louisville, Ky. Florida, according to local papers, is becoming one of the greatest tobacco growing states, and the product has been tome respect equal to that of Cuba. LATER NEWS. Bryan concluded hit tour of llllnoit. Cecil Rhode will reeuter iiulltio. Ilia mroMa dowager U said to It ill. Robert will until hi own tuocea r. Colvllle ludiau reservation i opened for Settlement. Roosevelt spoke to au Imnietue a mil' euce in St. Iaml. Canada will null crowu mlulns clam iu Klondike. Geueral Brooke urge reorgaulautlou of tlie army on modrru lines. Cougar hat prepared a lint ol I'll I now oilicial that ahould b punished. Idaho Soldiers' llouia waa destroyed by tiro. Ou inmate wa suffocated. The American Bible Society lur ulsln a lint ol uiissiuuariet VI Hod by Boxer. 4 , John (J. Packard, a wealthy mine ow ner ot Salt Lake, made a donation of a site aud J; 3,000 (or a public li brary iu that city. (ieuerat MaiArthur reported lo the war department that the tratmport Rosecraua and the transport Argyl arrived at Manila with Light Butteries 0 and M, Seventh artillery, Majot G. G. Oreouougb. j P. II. Gllhooley, counsel (or the j Kliaaliethnort, S. J., Banking Com 1 piiuy, announced tlmt Williain Scltiia j tier, a missing clerk of the hank, m j defaulter to the aiuouut of $50,000, i am! that the bunk director hud made : good the aomunt of the shortage. ' Lord George Hamilton, secretary of attite (or India, him received the lol j lowing from Lord Curxou: "The gen- aral eoiiditiou of crop la excellent, ; and except iu a pint of Bombay (Minimi condition are distiiipcuriiig. The to j tul number on the relief lint ha falleu to 2,746,000." The American Bridge Company ; closed a contract to furnish all of the ' structural steel to be lived iu the erec tion of a lii arreual at Kure, Japnu, , The inonev value of the contract in be- : tweeu $250,000 and !f 300,000. It : will require six month to itu'iiUh the ' material, and it must be delivered at Kuro withiu a year. Otllclale of the North Germau Llovd ! Steamship Company at New York City ' have awarded a contract for a monu- i mctit to be erected In a plot owned by ' the company in a cemetery iu North Hudson, in memory of the person who : lust their live iu the grant lire that destroyed the pier aud steamer of the company at Hohoken, on June 30 hint. i Bryuu made 14 speeches iu Southern I lllinoi. The Chinese court refuse to return I to Pekiu. j Franco ia am lout to auuex Yeunaii f province. . i UiiHuiun troops may withdraw from Manchuria. i Chamberlain i meiitloucd a xi klble mccewor uf Salisbury. I The ministerial majority in the Itrit , hh parliament will be from 160 to 100. Trade Council order ttrike on Seat , tie' buildiu)!, Uver 1,000 meu are idle. The Dorr now occupy Wepnor, an well a Houxville ami FickHbtiri;, in , Oiamte liiver colony, and tbo lliitiah are atteinptiuK to aurruund them. ' Five pemona were killed and 75 in ' jured iu a railway oolliiiion at Karl- thor. Germauy. The accident was due to au error iu aiuuliu);. One oilicial i ha been arrested. ! Andrew C. ArniHtronj, one of the : foiiijders of Hcribner' MaKiiinc, and : :fl of the oldert pulilinliurn in New York city, died at hi country home at Stamford, Conn., aud 71. i Five thouand pilgrim axii'iuliled at I the St. Xikandei inomiNtMry, in the j I'orkholT diMtrict. St. i'etersburu, for I a ruliiiiou (chtival. During the night one of the upper floor collapsed and iiiimv of tlioh HlpeniiiL' there fell no. ill tw b))loWi A p.iuin W11 eHlliH(i y a : false alarm of fire, and (our men and ,1(1 women were crushed to death, many other being seriously injured. j Arrangements for building 8,000 freight car for the Baltimore & Ohio : railroad by the Follmitu Company, at Pullman, III., ha beeu completed, i The contract call for 2, BOO box car, ! each with a capacity of 00,000 pound, and fiOO flat car. The total cent of the rolling stock will be $1,805,000. Thi j is the second large order for freight 'equipment given I y the Baltimore & ; Ohio management within the last week. ; The first order wa for 0,000 teel car, ! to cost $0,000,000. i Having found the natives of Tutuila fit to serve aa policemen aud maintain peace and order, Commander 11. P. Tilley believe they would make excel lent soldiers to man the fortification of Pango Pango harbor. In private letter to officer oh duty he ha indi cated that they would make effective iirtillervmeu. To enlist a regiment of j natives, it would be necessary to ob tain special authority from emigre?. 1 he natives who are ucting a police men were enlisted by Commander Til ley as landsmen. It is likely, how ever, that a force of marine will be permanently stationed at i'ungo Pango. Boad improvements has begun in the Philippine, with money collected from customs at Manila. Lorin Pease, of lladley, Miihs., died at the age of 100. His father lived to be 00, and his six brother uud sisters all passed 70. James Ellis Tucker has sailed for Honolulu to revive the ciiHtoms law unJ service of the Hawaiian island so a to bring them up to the stundurd of those at homo. . The moHt recuyt statistics show n decrease of the birth rate iu every Europeun country, the average de crease being throe per cent since 1801. Lord Avebury, speaking of England' increasing demand for American goods, paid a tribute to the commercial inge nuity of manufacturers of the United States. The women of Wyoming have pledged themselves to raise $5,000 (or the pur chase of a solid silver service (or the monitor Wyoming, recently launched at the Union Iron Work iu San Frail-cisoe. 01 At Least Nine Lives Lost and Many Injured. PROPERTY LOSS IS l00,000 LoriiHtntlv Worn ahlrieil Krum h Timii unit I'uiiiiiUiI lulu avraiilroii MlHl Kl.KblKll, liiwablk, Minn., Oct. 9. The tor ado that rnged in tin vicinity last vexing wa most violent. The storm rut a pathway 161) feel in width through the northwestern corner of the town, completely wrecking several buildiiit'. The proerty Ion 1 estl mlted at $100,000 aud the knoaa fa talities number nine, with e acute or more fTijured, tome aeverely. The ttorni swept in a northwesterly direction after leaving here aud struck a llttla Finnish tettlciuetit uear l'lko lake, where t number of building were wrecked, iu oue of which au en tire family, consist iug of husband, wife aud four children, were Instantly killed, so far their name have not been obtained. It it believed wlteu the more remote district are heard from further oasualtiua may be re ported. The house Iu which the Maiowtt family lived wa completely wrecked, aud the body of Mis. Marowlta a a found 400 feet away, every bone lu her body being brokeu aud her clothing stiinoud off. The Utdv o( her lHband wa found amid thedebrl; of their home horribly mutilated. '" William llilstrom waa struck on the! head bv a falling tree aud his skull i crushed. He afterward died at the ! hospital. 'Mia engine house of the IHilnth, Mis sissippi & Northern railway wa com pletely wrecked and a number of loco motives aud car were shifted ftom the track aud ioumled into ecraplron. The engine ou which Murray aud Au dura u were when the storm broko wa blown from the track and the men were pinned beneath it and horribly burned bv the escaping steam. Sev eral car were blown from the Dnluth, Mississippi & Northeru track aud re louml iu the lnilutli mine pit, hun- moon wi irr, kyikt. .uhiit hi iii buildiugi destroyed wore owned by the mining companies, and teiisnted by their employes, Tho hafthoue aud building o( three iniiij were reduced to kindling wood. The tornado which lasted less than five minutes, wa preceded by an un usually severe thunder and raiu storm, The rain ha flooded many of the open pit mines, and they cannot be operated for some time. Ktploslon of T, dOO hiiiU of Dynamite. Dulutb, Minn., Ot t. 0. A special from F.vtleth, Minn., tonight, report ft disastrous explosion. Seven thous and live hundred ponud of dynamite iu the aiwder mitgaxiue at the I'ruce mine, situated a ball mile from town, blew up ubotit 3:30 o'clock thi after main. A hole 100 feet aquaro and 2S feet deep mark the mt where the magazine stood. The force of the ex plosion wa to great that it smashed every pane of glass within a radius of two miles. The mine laboratory aud warehouse were totally wrecked. At least 200 people were hurt more or les from being thrown down by the shock or hit by shattered glass. The explosiou was plainly felt at Biwabik, 'i mile distant. The cause of the ex plosion is unknown. Hurra Nliitrt of AiniimiilMiin. l.omlon, Oct. 9. It i estimated, ac cording tu the Pic termurttxhurg corre spondent of the Daily Mail, that 4,000 to 5,001) Boers have retreated from Pil grim liest, northeast ol I.yilenluirg, tit!) four long torn and 22 other gun. The correspondent understands that th'dr long tout ammunition is almost exhausted . Lord Boberts, the Dail Mall an nounces, will leave South Africa dur ing the last week of October. The au thorities have decided to limit the number nf colonial troop who are to be the queen's guest in Londou to 600. t'rliim nf an Iiiaiine M.illmr. New Yutk. Oct. 8. Mr. Lillian Smith, of Inwonil, borough of Manhat tan, while insane thi afternoon shot and killed two of her children, wound ed a third and committed suiciib. The tragedy took place In the old Frank Leslie iihiiimoii. Mr. Smith wa the wife of Walter N. Smith, who hug been connected with a large grocery house iu thl city for 21 years, Thoy had been married 13 year. Mr. Smith had been in poor health of late, and long brooding over the piopeut ol death is believed to have uusettlod her reason. Amnrlcnn Colllar Flouted, Suez, Oct. 0. The American steam collier Emir, which recently sank in the Suez canal w hile on her way to Manila with coal (or the American fleet, but wa successfully floated yes terday, has atrived at Sueis road. She ia unablo, however, to enter the port, as she draws too much water. Her cargo is being discharged, aud divers will examine hor bottom to ascertain the extent of hor injuries. 1'earjr Not Yet Cnmlng limits, fit. Johns, N. F Oct. 0. Tlie (ail tire of the Peary exploring steamer Windward to return from the north lead kical observer to bmieve that the explorer will not attempt to get back thi autumn. Probably the sea son just passed waa an open one in the fur north. Should that have beeu the cane, Lieutenant Peary i likely to have taken the Windward into some high latitude, hoping to use her iu a further expedition next season. ( liliiHiioin Killed llaiy Assailant Salt Lake, Oct. 0. About 3 o'clock thi moruiug three boy going from the city to their homo in the suburb be gan throwing; rock at the house of Chin Poy, a Chinaman. Poy fired at the trio, killing Charlea Holmes. Poy ia under arrest. The 20 plants of the American Tin plate Company have resumed opera tions. The mills, which emplay 15,. 000 men, were olosed for more than three mouths, pending a settlement of tbe wage scale. OPERATIONS IN PHILIPPINES. triiiariilM( VN 4wrtlall Tnkun lu IIhIii Our Trail. Manila, Oct. 10. Four troop nl ravalrj aud two companies of infantry hare recently relnloned lieueral Yuuug In Nortlieru Liixuu, where the lusor geuta are onnceutratiug iu the liioiin talua o( Nurlli aud South 11 icon pruv Im p uuiler the leadeiiblp of Agllpav, the ex-coinuuitiioated priest aud reuu ade. Cieueral Tlnlo and Ceneral . Vlllaii nave, whj had been unlet for pome time, are uuw shot lug sign of beami ng active a the end of the rainy sun on approaohei. Of late there ha been considerable coutlng and skirmishing lu the prov ince of A bra ami North I locos, though without decisive result, It Uobvton, however, thai the maneuver of tho Filipino are more atkllfui thao former ly aud that the field tactic of the American are being followed by them. Senor Mateul, the fonuder ol the o called FilipfnO Hpvenmieut, who Wit captured by the Amilons Inst Decem ber and lodged iu jail iu Manila, ha beeu liberated. A he had always par slsteutly refused to take the uath of al eglauce to the United State guveiu nient he liaiLmalutatned hi reputatioo among the Filipino aa a reaolute pat' riot. They now believe that he luii reached a private iiudentaudiiig with the American' authorttiaa which line secured hi release, aud consequently he ha lost some ol hi popularity, al though he i still considered the leader of the dormant revolutionary element. Thl week tho oominlslon will begin the work of revising the tariff, making j " " "e result ou the investigation i the army lioard iu this direction. " ''" luteutlou of the commission u 'v Ameriuau trade a better chance bau it ha heretofore enjoyed owing to the high duties. , The transport Sumner aud Venn have sailed lor the Island of Marin- deque, off the went coast of Luxoll, car rying twu battailous. The former ha already arrived there. The transport laigan will raiulorve the Tttent-iiiiith United State iufautry now iu Mariu duqno. GALVESTON NEEDS MORE. I'rll l( i.iii Irs Mtrll la Itultil Tlisuf tva lluua. (Inhesion, Texas, Oct. 10. Mls j Clara Barton, president of the Nation- al lie.l mm hocietr, Imlity Issued ft business meu of the country In which she appeal tu them (or aid lu the way I n I material to be used in the building j of homes for those who lost their all j In the nil cut storm. It I addressed "To the manufacturer and dealer iu ! lumber, hardware, builder' material ! I I... I. ..II .l uti 11011.1111010 goous nun iu inu uusi- uess meu lu general of the United State," aud says: "We believe it 1 reliably stated that there it nut oue bouse lu the area of the storm uudaniaged by it. A large proportion of those peraou formerly occopiyug them are strictly eutirely wlih:nit bonies or even shelter, ave audi a per win nearly as destitute at themselves can offer them temporarily to their own great iuoouveluuce aud cost. "The imuilicr of this homeless clas Is estimated at 8,000 or more. Winter i les t li it ii two month away. Al though a mild climate, still mow and ice are known here. If tents would protect, which they will not, the land would not hold them diwn. Some substantial shelter must be had at once for these putqde. "The havoc wrought bv the storm In Galveston at once wa much lamer lu loss of life ami property than at Johns town, but the donation lu money o fur have attgrpi'iitfil orTe-third les lor both the city and mainland than wa given at Johnstown. "While the iKiuutiful outKjuring of the people's generosity ha enabled the general relief committee and the lied Close to feed the hungry, clothe the uaked and render the street of Galves ton partially passable, nothing ha a yet been done toward reinstating the impoverished survivor In houses whore they can escape disease and enjoy a light measure of tlio comforts of which the storm deprived them. ''It in for the purpose of awHkeniug the sympathies of the American p. oplo aud further appealing to their Inutiti ful iustincts to rescuu tlicie stifiuvr.j from the hardship (till coufiouliug them that the foregoing st.duuaut have beeu pet forth." No Tt.mii uf Ctti'Uvcf. Manila, C. t. 10. Tiia report o the capture of abuut 00 men, of the Twenty ninth United State iufuutry on Mariu (luque island 1 coulh'mcd through com in union Ions tu Mac Arthur uud KotupIT, from Murinduque island, but details aro lacking. The Yoiltowu't relief col umn lauded at Ton i Jon, on tho Marlu duque coast, and marched to Suutit Crua, which wa tho proposed route of the captured party, without eucoun er ing the enemy or learning anything doliuite regarding the captives, except that they had entirely disappeared. It la possible that the rebel have convey 3d the captive to Luzon. Assam Tea Croln Danger. Calcutta, Oct. 10. Au unprecedent ed drought i prevailing in the district of Cliaeliar and Silhet, province of As nun, ca'using the greatest anxiety in regard tu the tea and other crops. I'hlladelplila Ment Over .100,000. Philadelphia, Oct. 10. The cash contributions mado by the citizens of thi city to the relief fund of the Texas tlood sufferer now exceeds $100,000. This 1 exclusive of numerous train loud i of provisions, clothing, drug and other utricle sent. PuilillaiV Btrlk Over. Reading, Pa., Oct. 10. The UeartiuiS Company puddlor have accepted $il a ton, a reduction from $1, nud all mills resumed todav after a brief ttriko. big Mills ttutipiiiivil. Juliet, 111., Oct, 10. Work wus re lumed by 800 men today in liio couver terjurid billet mill of the Illinois Steel Company in this city, which were shut J .1. , T ' t. ., t aowu ,,. ,o. wu jiimed by 600 men at tho plant of the r-v Another riniia Case lu lliLbano. Eiisbauo, Oct. 10. A (reJ case of bubonic plaguo ia officially reported bore. Patrick and Jones were charged with forging the name of tho lute tuilliou. , aire Kice. 1 Chinese Court Will Not Re tnrn to Pokin. HAVE CONE TO SINAN FU riratatuit Wa MmUat Tai lumm, but Ilia I'lMti Wa Nul I'ou.lilaraU ftaf Oa. Washington, Oct. 10. The effort to Induce the Chinese Imperial court to return tu I'eklu ha failed, after ft week's peulsteut effort ou the part of the power, New to that effect was brought to the state department today by the Chinese minister, who reeelved U&ja tit. ' Petersburg from Vloetoyt Liu Kuin Ylh aud Chaug Chlh Tung, under (Wte ol October 4. Minister Wu received the message last night, , It was a lollows: "The departure of Uielr Imperial ma jestic (or sheu SI (province) wa due to distressing condition at Tai Yuau Fu, There I scarcity of (d sup plies lu the provlncB of Shan SI ou ac count uf tho long continued drouth and the provincial capital (Tai Yuu) is al most deserted, the trade people having leftou account of tho dUtuibanoe caused and continued for month by the Boxer rebels, who had invaded that province with the encouragemout of Governor Yu, Their majesties, there lore, were obliged to proceed to Shea Sim, where telugraphle communication with Shanghai and other part o( tho empire I open ami rapid communica tion with their majestic may therefore be curried on, thus court aud official bu-iues may be transacted more expe ditiously by their presence In Sheu Si ra'her thau iu Shan Si. "The tew miiis for the temporary pol poneiueut of ilicir majestic' return In I'akin are the oresencn of the allied 1 force there, on account of which au Ihutous fear I doubtless entertained, beside a danger of the outbreak of epi demic disease, which usually follows after great disturbance, destruction of property aud military ostuatliui, It is hoped that the powers will be con siderate iu their judgment iu thi mat ter." The Important feature of the message i the coulcaaioii that the court i re trained bv fer of tlie allied (ones from returning to Pekln. The move ment take the emperor and empress now ater about !IOO mile farther away from I'akin, (hough, according to the statement contained in the message by reason of the direct telegrephla com munication with Shanghai tho court practically will be nearer for the pur Ibises of negotiations with the ouUide world, thau It wa at Tai Yuun. FINOS A SNUQ SUM. Il4'nratiea Mliiliia rmparlf That Wa J- -V , l.rt ar IfilMg rune. iV. Paul. Oct . 10 Throuiih the publication nf a dUmtoh lu today'a Pioneer Press, Mrs. II. F.. Buttcrfleld, of thl city, ha discovered that she i $.'00,000 wealthier than aha Imagined. In 1800, while on an excursion to the I'acltio coast, she became acquainted with Tlioiuu P. Ilarklu, of Boston, l.-o a member of tho party. They be came engaged and the wedding date was fixed. Shwily after Hiirkiu was tukeu sick and died. Before hi death he executed for hi afllauced a quit claim deed to a mining property iu lloiulurii. Communication with the lluudiiraii government oilicial led to the Miff that lite property whs not worth the trouble of tiling foiuial trans fer. Last winter, however, the prop erty greatly Increased iu value and the syndicate that had it in charge offered I lurkin' attorney $200,000 for a quit claim deed from Mis Gitllln. lu some manlier, however, all trace of that young lady had been lost aud not even the name uf her parents colud b found, v Mr. Biitterllt Id, on reading tho di patch today, at otico took step to Identify herself and will shortly receive the MUtig sum, which come to her lu p romantic a mauiiur. Her husband is clerk iu the Great Noithcrn Bailway office. Tin I'liilw Mills Koauiuit. Pittsburg, 10. The American Tlu-Platti Company will h:ive iu opera tiou thi week 20 of it tin-plate plants out of 35 giving employment to at least 33,000 workmen. The tin-plate com pany employ in all over 50,000 work men, tun! within a few wucks, it is said, every plant lu the country will be working. The Monnugiihulu mill, of thi city, the Demltr plant aud the one i.t Kuuuiugtou started today, and the other will follow as soon a possible. Nearly every plant in the gas bult will commence tonight, and by the end of the week ovtry oue of the 20 will be operating to their full capacity. The plaut have been idle siuue the expira tion of the scalo iu June last. ailimtliin lii Nnnto Donilngo. Sauto Domingo, Oct, 10. The gov ernment has deuieed the suspension of the constitutional guarantees ou ac count ol tho revolutionary' movement iu tho interior, bonded by Qjuoral Kichardo, although it i asserted that order ha been restored aud that Bich ardo has buun captured. AU it quiet bete. Illslres In Cuba. Havana, Oct. 10. Governor-General Wood, who returned yesterday from n tour of investigation iu the province of San I a Clara, report only a partial re covery from the effect of the war iu that section of the island. Although bo 1'juihI iio wuiit iu the district of Sauuti Spiiitus, for instance, there was great need of UH6intance to allevi ate agricultural distree. This was asked fur by tho municipality of Saneti Spiiilns, and has been grunted by Gen ual Wood from tho insular fund, Minneapolis, Miuu., Oct. 10- Iar ry S. Kuitppcn, a newspaper man, re turned todav from o perilous trip to the UudHou boy country in which with uino white men und eight Indiuus bo .aii8lU00 tnilo.1 up tho east shora of h , , d M K was uMsucerl lit; e ubliiina wlinm ho irmt tiiata "skyboat" hud come lu tho re- gion on the extreme northuaHt chore of the bay two yours ago that it came to the ground and that tho savage who a.bbit tuil wbite m,au 8' ue exp-uius. wu8 a(ll,i0 starred expedition. AFRAID OF THE ALLIES THE ARMY AND THI NAVY. Mora Than Two Handrail Sfllllan Will lla Aabad for I la Support. New York, Oct. 11. More thau 1200,000,000 will be asked (or the sup port of the army aud navy (or the fiscal year ending June 80, 1002, says the Washington correspondent of the Her eld. Secretary Ixmg baa bt-ei) careful ly oouslderlng the estimate uf the bu reau of hi department, cutting them wherever feasible, aud Secretary Boot la sharpening hi pruning knife to that it will be la condition (or Die ou the war depaitmout estimate when be re turn. , Chief of bureau of the war depart meut are estimating (or expense on the basis o(au army of 100,000 meu. Under the present law all volunteer and regular in excess of about 80,000 men, must be discharged before July 1, 1001,. and Quartermaster-General Lud Ingtou i making arranaeweuH fat tbe transportation heme of the volunteer, Iteglutting next mouth. It will be nec essary to recruit regiment to take the place of the volunteer, In case more troop are authorized, aud when they are ready (or active service they must be transported to Manila, So Quarter master General Ludlugton ha asked (or considerably more money thau he needed for the present fiscal year. In hi last annual estimtttes he requested au appropriation o( $.18,678,640. This year the estimate will be more than $40,000,000. Pay of the army will be what wa estimated (or the current Usual year, 47.000,000. There will he heavy bill (or clothing, modlual aud hospital stores, ordnance, ordnance stores aud supplies od tegular supplies (or the quartermaster's department. The esti mate made by Commissary-General Weston (or subsistence store lor the Current llscsl year Was $11,112,243, t)d till W ill be exceeded Secretary Boot' estimate (or the military establishment (or the onrreut year aggregated a I vi, 1 70, una, aim tuey will undoubtedly e larger for the uott, fiscal year. Estimate will also be : submitted for public works, Including construction and repair of arsenals, ! construction, repair and armament ol foi tillcstloiis, construction aud repair! Of military post, river aud harbor illl- f provement. maintenance ol the Na-t liuiial Homo (or Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, etc., which will in uke the wur department estimate figure up nearly $2t)0,00l),0()0. Tho ecretry, however, will, whenever possible, largly reduce the estimates ol hi chief of bureau As an Indication of the growth ol the nary, the estimate for Us Increase i iligbtly above $21,000,000 more than it ha over been before. Bear - Admiral Crowuinshield ha estimated for larger enlisted force, and unless tb secretary determine, not to adopt the recommendation ol the chief of the bureau of navigation, it will necessi tate larger appropriation (or pay, equipment and maiutenauue of tbe meu. , . RIOTING. IN PORTO RICO. Four Fat-anna Hilled In a Street In Uaayaiua. right New York, Oct. 11. A dispatch to the Herald from Sau Juau, Porto Bico, any: Four person, oue of them a woman, Were killed iu another political street riot in Guiiyaina. which lasted all last night. The rioting started in a rafo when a member of the federal party shot and severely wounded a Itepubll can. Several of the letter's party 'riends tried to lynch the federal, but were prevented by eight American. Federal from Arroyo hastened to rein force the federal lu Guayama, and a bloody street fight followed. The riot ing wa kept up during the night aud three men and a woman were killed, while 20 others, Including several po licemen, were wounded. Several of those will tlie. Armed band paraded ! tho street later, shootina and shoutimr and terrorising the town. The whole ; district i arming, and the police force ' 1 utterly unable to cope with the riot era. The parties are alxnit equally -divided in numbers. Leader of the Re publican are urging their follower not to engage in rioting, but tho feder al are determined to avenge tho San Juan affair, aud further bloodshed is expected. Animosity between federals and Bepublicaua i increasing aa tlie time for the election approaches, and all over the Island are evidence that trouble amy break out at any moment. Kliiod lu YVI.oun.hi, Tortage, Wis, Oct. 11. The oity levee ou the left side of the Wisconsin river broke at Burden thi afternoon aud everything ia under several feot of water. . Aeros the river, resident must come to town in lioata. With tho breaking of the levee the water be gan (lowing tu a raging current down the Baraboo valley, emptying into that hi reiv i n aaud through it bauk into the Wisconsin. The river also overflowed it bunk at the northern end of the oity. With the rush of water, resi dents began to move iu vehicle aud boats. The rise came to a standstill at 4 P. M. The water is the highest ever known here. The oilicial gauge shows 13.5 feet this evening, a hall foot higher than the highest last spring. Tonight there is about five inches of water on the floor of the pumping sta tion of the water works plaut. Water bns covered the tracks of the Madison Portage branch of the Milwaukee road, aud traffic ia abundoued. Two Hundred Mlsslug. St. Johns, N. F., Oct. 11. Accord ing to reports from St. Piorre, 17 fish ing vessels that were operating on the Grand Bauk during the gale of Sep tember 12 aro dlill missing, with crews aggregating over 200 men. A number of other vessels that have arrived here report a loss of from oue to seven men each. The fatality list probably ex ceeds 800, Serious disasters have vis ited a number of New Foundlund fish ing harbors. War on Oil, St. Louis, Oct. 11. Requisition pa pers issued by Governor Sayers, ol Texas, were served on Governor Boose velt, at the Planters' hotel today, (or the extradition of John D. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler and other Standard Oil magnates. Tbe defendant are wanted iu Texas (or alleged violation of the anti-trust laws. Governor Roosevelt said he con Id not act ou the requisition as long as he was out of the state of New York, as he was technically not governor. He Bnid he would look into the case when he re turned to NV,? York, Canada Deoldes to Dispose of Mining Lands. ARE LOCATED IN ' KLONDIKE Taos Ba Praparlla Nat Thraaa Uaaa FurenaMd Will fur Ualueatlea Arisr List I Fubllahad. Seattle, Oct. 11. Advices from Dawson, dated September 26, state that the sale ol the crowu claims in tbe Klondike country was to begin Octo ber 3 aud iftst (or eeveral weeks, end to begin ftagln November 2. The gold com mi loner of tbe district estimates tbe number of claims to be sold at be tween 6,000 and 10,000. Men were at work all the latter part ol Septem ber ascertaining tbe exact number. To do this the titles of all the claim iu the district, about 20,000, bad to be looked up. Tbe claims are nearly all creeks and old timers at Dawson be lieve that inauy of them are rich All the claim that tbe public will not purchase will be thrown-open for! relocation 80 days after tbe list is pub' Halted. N oue knows much about the claims, as to whether they are rlcb or not, but it is believed that tome have thousands, and per hap million, hid iu them. The Haw In Dawson, Victoria, II, C, Oct. 11. News that! the Dominion government hat decided I to offer for sale all government claim j in th Klondike, ba linen received wh nn(.h iu nwson, a it means tlln Havalntmient of aims of tha best property in the Yukou valley. The i riaiiiis to tia nnttrnn luriitonn an ma at , ..,. -laima that h.v rm..rtt ml ila (!rnwn from various cause. It I -limited that there are between 8,000 MU(j io.OOO uch claim iu the Klon-i j,, j i ' I LOST IN THE DESERT. , ! SCsapa af lunger llarmaaa' ! rih.r and T j j Uilcago, Oct. 11. A dispatch to the Chronicle from Phoenix, Arl. says: 1. B. Hauna, cousin of Mark Ilanna, superintendent of forest reset ve (or Arixona aud New Mexico; A. F. Her mann, brother ol Land Commissioner Biuger Hermann, and W. E. Price, had thrilling experience and almost j ot their lives un the desert between ! the grand canyon o( the Colorado and the Utah state line. When within 40 mile of Lee's Ferry they camped for the night and their horses escaped. Pierce was lost from tbe party aud after jonrneyiug over bnrning sandt all day. Hauua wat to exhausted that he could not proceed. Hermann contin ued hi search (or water, wbleh be dis covered Ave miles further on. He ie turned with water to Ilanna who wat iinconsciout and almost dead. The following day a cowboy discovered Ilanna aud Hermann wandering aim lessly about the desert aud directed them to their destiuaitou. A search ing party later found Pierce, frantic with thlrat. The three men were takeu to Flagstaff Monday, CONGER HAS A LIST. Mora High Chinese Official Harked for ruul.liment. Washington, Oct! 11. The rabluet j meeting today, which occupied about two and a half hours, waa devoted al most exclusively to a discussion of the Chinese situation. Special considera tion was given to the French note, and it i understood that a more or less de finite conclusion was reached as to tlie ture of this government's reply, but '!. . a, l a. i jjt . . 11 n uot y I"1 " diplomatic form- !t purport will not be made Pul,ho ,or tne present- it orio(nm voouy mni .ur. uouger, ill compliance with a suggestion from Secretary Hay, had submitted to the state department a list of 10 or 12 j nam)- of Chinese officials who were prominent iu the Boxer movement aginst the foreigners aud iu a great measure were responsible for the as saults upon the legations iu Pekin. These officials, Mr. Conger believes, should be included w ith Prince Tuan and other iu any punishment which are to be Inflicted upon those who took a promineut part iu the Pekiu outrage. It is uot uulikey that the position of thi government in regard to the pun ishment of these oilicial will be stated in reply to the Frenuh uote. Actor Instantly Killed. Huntington, W. Va., Oct. 0. W. J. MoCauley, of Philadelphia, an actor playing with "A Woman iu tht) Case" company, wa killed today by Pearl Newmuu. MoCauley uud three friends had entered a restaurant and were talking to Miss Dorsey Brown, when Newman opened fire, killing MoCauley instantly. Newman escaped to Ohio. Major Selilon N. Clark Dead. Washington, Oct. 11. Major gel don Noves Clark,' a widely kuown uewspuper man, who had beou con nected with the Washington bureau of the New York Tribune for 22 years, died here today of heart failure. He w as au authority ou political and econ omic questions. ' Flngue In India. London, Oct. 11. "Bubonio plague," savs a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Bombay, "is becoming epi delnio in many districts of the Bombay presidency. Alarming increases are reported from Poouu and Belmauui, while the coast ports are infeoted. The cotton crop has withered in Aherue dagar and Bijapur distriott in oonse- 'ijueuce of the drought." Kruger relics have been sold at auo tiou in Loudon. New Telegraph Company. Denver, Oct 11. The, Mountain telegraph Company waa incorporated today ' with a capital of $1,000,000. The incorporators are John L. Jerome, B. A. Chappel and J. A. Kepler. Mr. Jerome ia treasurer, and Mr. Kepler vice-president and general manager, of the Coloiado' Fuel & Iron Company, and Mr, Chappel ia president of the Victor Company. The new oompany will build telegraph Unet to connect the mines of these companies, and will also enter the field for commercial business, HEALTHY TONE OF TRADE.' Bnslaest Mat Tt ftartul ABTaaU) by I'olllfe.. tiradstreat's lay: Deipite some Ir regularity both a to demand and prices, due partly to warm rainy weather, but likewise a reflection of ft hesitancy to embark largely in new bniine, pending political event, tbe. general tone of trade i favorable oue,, aud confidence a to the outlook for business iu the remainder of tbe year is notable. Some diminution in the volume of jobbing business ia noted at large Western centers, and continued rainy weather iu the Northwest alike checked the movement of wheat to mar ket, injures the grade of the same, and discourage retail and jobbing distri bution. Ten cent cotton Is the key to tbe very favorable report wbiob come from the Sooth and tbe character o( re porta from thl sectlou it more nearly favorable than (or many years past at tbia time. Tbe indisposition to contract heavily as to the future is perhaps most marked in tbe iron and steel trade aud here, also, the most marked tendency toward weakness in thi cruder forms of pro duction is noted. The Industrial outlook ha been im proved by (he signing of tbe tinplate scale, but the anthracite coal situatiou (m tB, Mrfact gt ratnKf noM unfavorable thau a week ago, more mines and miners being idle and pro duction steadily diminishing. Special strength is noted in provis ions and hog products, in which the very strong statistical position is re ceiving more atteutiou. Wheat, including flour, shipment (or the week, aggregate 4,450,107 bush els, against 4,242,810 bushels last week. Business (allure in the United States ! for tha ak ii,i,lr,t 177, a againat 109 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. fteallla Markets. Onion, new, ll4o. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new. $16. Beets, per sack, 85c(i$l. Turnips, per sack, 75o. Beans, wax, 4c. Squah 4o. Carrot, per sack, $1.00 Parsnips, per sack, $1.25, Caulillower, native, 76c. Cucumber 10(420o. Cabbage, native and California, 8o per pound. Tomatoe 80 50". Butter Creamery, 2Cc; dairy, 160 10c; ranch, 10o pound. Egg 20o. Cheese 12o. Poultry 12c; dressed, 14c; spring, 18(it 16c. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $13.00 , 18.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $19.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $26. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton. "t20.-' t: Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; blended straights, $3.26; California, $3.25; buckwheat ilour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat Hour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.0O. Milletuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00; horta, per ton, $14.00. F'eed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meat Choice dressed heel steere, price 7 He; cows, 7c; mutton 7.'; pork, 8c; trimmed, 0c; veal, Ovj 11c. Hams Large, 13c; email, 13; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry aalt aides, . Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 65(3500; Valley, 69c; Blueetem, 59o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.10; graham, $2.60. Oats Choice white, 42o; choice gray, 40o per bushel. . Barley Feed barley, $15.00 15.60; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Milletuffs Bran, $14.50 ton; mid-, dlings, $20; short, $16; chop, $15 per tou. Hay Timothy, $1213; clover,$7 7.60; Oregou wild hay, $67 pertou. Butter Fancy creamery, 45 65c; tore, 80c. F'ggs 20o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; uew ohoeee 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.60 3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, $2.00(Si8i'00; geese, $0.008.00 dux; ducks, $3.00 5.00 per dozeu; turkey, live, 14o per pound. Potatoes 4055oper sack; sweets, l?ao per pouuo. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, $1; per sack; garlic, 7rf per pound; cab bage, 2o per pound; parsnips, 85c; ouious, $1; carrots, $1. Hops New crop, 12i'14o per pound. Wool Valley, 1516o por pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 13c; mohair, 26 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethera aud ewes, 8 Mo; dresaed mutton, 0s 7o per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.75; iight and feeders, $5.00; dressed, $0.00fl. 50 per 100 pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $8. 50 4.00; cows, $3 .00 3. 50; dressed beef, 6 7o per pound. . Veal Large, 6K7ro; small, 8 8bC per pound. Ban Franotieo Market. "Wool Spring Nevada, ll18o per pound; Eastern Oregou, 10 14c; Val ley, 1018o; Northern, 910o. Hops Crop, 1900, 1214o. ' , Butter Fancy creamery 28o; do second, 26 27 Mo; fanoy dairy, 25o; do seconds, 28o per pound. Eggs Store, 83o; fanoy ranch, 83c. V , Millstuffs Middlings, ?18.00 82.00; bran, $15.5016.50. . Hay Wheat $8 )i 12 ; wheat and oat $8.0010.10; best barley $9.00 alfalfa, $6.60 7.60 per ton; straw, 2587o per bale. Potatoes Early Eose, 80 75c; Sa linas Burbanks, 70c$1.05; river Bur banks, 8065c; new. 76c$1.25. - Citrus Fruit Oranges, ' i Valencia, $2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 5.00; California lemons 75o$1.60; do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 2.50 per bunoh; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 6(g0t'o por pound. . ' ,