The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 05, 1900, Image 4

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(CI the way of not sleeping ntght.
through sheer llstlestness, h iM.
II took no Interest In his food, either,
and hit fellow-clerks down it tli Hitch
cock stov work laid to on another
that If trial sheet of Alport's wer to
balance they'd fall dead of surprise.
Th young man htinself knew to a
reaaonabl degreo of certainty why he
could not work better, and why the
hours after work dragged even more
lamely than thos In the office. The
truth was, he could se no future ahead.
II was at that point of hla career
w here he looked with distrust upon ev-
..rvtliliii, il-ftiif I., llmaitf 11
grave doubt about hl ability to be
come anything more thau a clerk ou a
mall salary- He didn't believe be
would le able to maintain the agree
able social position to which he was
born,. and he was absolutely sure that
the girl he loved would uevcr accept
The girl he loved was Violet Gilder
Iceve. She lived In the low. lone
ssJlsabethan Just beyond the out
aklrts of town. , Here, half hidden
auioug trees, the boautlful houe
seemed to drone through life In spite
of the eager commercial tow n Just be
youd It, ami Into Violet's day there
appeared to come nothing but beauty
and con ten uncut and whatever was re
fined and leisurely. She was In a house
hold of gentlewomen, all of elegant,
ereue lives all taking money ss a mat
ter of course, and t'haunoey Alport felt
choked by the Complalsancy of their
maimers and by their htatterof fas't
prosperity. To take Violet from a life
ao placid and full of grace to the toll,
and worry, and poverty that must he
the lot of his wife was out of the ques
tion... That she loved hint, that the hmg
Sunday afternoona on that shady law it.
talking of music and hook, and, best
of all, of themselves, had been as al
sorblng to her as to him he felt In the
tunermoet consciousness of his sotil.
But 'this was all the more reason why
he should not Indulge himself in the
luxury of her society. If he alone was
to endure the pain In sweetie, s ami
run the risk of ultimate despilr aud
bitterness he might continue to Indulge
himself In her society. Hut he coiil.l
not Involve her In this suffering. The
ouly thlug for Mm to do was to bretik
off their romance. It must be an Inter
rupted and forever unfinished title, And
because of this resolutiuu he moped at
bis desk, forgot to sleep, and bud no
Interest lu hi dinner.
'It's your turn for a vacation, Al
port," his employer said. "You've been
looking under the weather. Co on" to
some place you've never Been or heaid
of and get a change of air and Idea.
Everybody needs slinking up ouee In
awhile. I've friend who'll tlx you out
for transportation If you like. Come,
abut up your book and make a holiday
of it, and go home and pack. Get out
of here to-morrow mornlug. Fellow
Is back, and he'll do your work."
Chauncey Alport was surprised at
himself. He dropped the burden of the
w ork' as If It had been a peddler's pack
strapped upon him. He put from him
with bitter distaste the recollection of
his poverty and the dull drudgery of the
office. It seemed as If llghtheartedness
was coming back to him again. Ho
thanked his employer almost tearfully,
and got his desk In order ready fur
leaving. Just then Fellows, his asso
ciate, bat freshly returned from his va
cation, came In. .
"I hear you're getting out of here,"
he said cordially.
"l'es," responded Alport. "The truth
Is I'm so near done for that there's uo
use .'In nry staying. I do everything
wrong and am In everybody's way. If
my vacation doesn't set uie up I dou't
know what will become of me,"
"O, a vacation acts like a miracle
when a man gets fagged that way. Got
some good novels? I'll get some out of
iny case I picked out a rare lot before
I started. And, say, take my camera
with you."
"0, 1 don't know how to use It. Thank
you, just the same, old man, but it
w ouldn't be any good In my hands."
"Yes, It would. It's uo end of fun
squinting around at views and pie
tending you understand 'composition.'
and snapping at things. I'll run a him
In. You've got to take It, Hint's nil:
You don't know what's good for you.
It'll amuse you, you'll see."
Bo Alport had no choice, but to add
the camera to bis paraphernalia,
though lie felt not the least i merest
In It.
Ills Journey was to Central New
York, where some klnfolk of his lived
on a fine old farm. He went his way
. patient!, finding nothing of Interest
except Ills own brooding thoughts. He
read the, novels bis friend lent him, bin
be could not recall, a few hours after
be had completed one, whether he had or not. ' His tortured mind re
fused to accept any Idea, except Violet.
The icamera was strapped about him.
and as in duty bound he took snap
shots at everything he saw which had
in It' the least element of Hie pictur
esque. He took views of old men with
umbrellas, and pert girls with parasols;
he got pictures of sheep and cattle and
trees and churches and lakes and hills.
And, "Incidentally, he took a snap at
Niagara"' Falls.. It seemed a silly Im
pertinence to snap that little machine
at the wonder of green, Impetuous wa
ter in Its eterual passion. But he did
It, and laughed. '
He.fouud health and strength out lu
the fields during his vacation. He be-,
came aware of the sweetness of the
earth; and be was no longer averse. to
llfe.; 'He slept well and ate well, and
came home eager to reuew his work nil I
determined to endure ills sorrows gal
lantly. 1 If he must always drudge, then
be would do It without complaint. IT
be must live without the woman of tils
love, ha would bear It as other meu had
iwt&e similar sorrows, with philosophy
his t'lioro-
11 wa ashamed of himself for hi u
pin reuder to 111 forum.
Everybody congratulated him on hh
Improved appearance. Violet Glider
sleefe, bendlug forward from her pbae
ton, nodded at blm In a commeudatory
way, and called out that h must comt
to e her. He flushed, feeling the old
I'm n g at his heart, aud gave au evasive
anwer. H knew that he dar not
accept that Invitation. Now that lif
beat so strongly lu his velus again, aud
that h felt o full of potential hnppl
ness, h dared not visit her, lest In spite
of th guard set upon himself he sliouli.
tell her of his love. It was a bard and
rasping condition bis poverty. The
worst of It was that she would never
understand. She would thluk hliw self
ish and coarse and cruel, Hh would
remember those exquisite evenings,
w Ith their air of Insinuating tenderness,
and bluvll at the recollection, because
of his silence, lie could hardly endure
that she should Iws m humiliated. Hut
there seemed no other way but slleme.
lowu at the shop they Inquired a Unit
his photographs, and lie said that he
thought lu the Interest of artistic pho
tography they ought uever to be devel
oped. Hut Fellow, who was au en
thusiast, would not have It so. He In
sisted upou seeing for. hlnmelf the re
sults of In frleud' . Una experience
with a camera.
No imi preposterous prints came back
from the developer. Hog with their
tails off. human creatures that looked
like monsters, himlsctipcs blurred till
even t'orot would have refused to call
them the handiwork of the creator,
cows who had neglected to fore-shorten
themselves, and bills that were a dis
grace to their kind aud seemed to have
hecu skipping like little lambs at the
time of having their pictures takeu, pre
sented themselves to the Jeering com
ment of llieolllce force.
Then, from among those moustroal
ties, appeared one amayiug, tieautlful
print, rut I of poetry and motion and
tight. It was the photograph of Mag
ara Kails. The fringe of luce like mist
that ibiorated the great downpour of
shadowy water, wat there though It
tin ted lu the summer wind; the w hirl
pool at the foot of th fall seemed to
leap and rise aud fall again, with groan
ing and a madness of fear. The wind
of the water appeared to come from
this ti,sd thing. A hush of admlratlou
fell upou everybody. It seemed almost
a miracle.
Fellows picked It up reverently.
"It's the best picture of the Falls ever
takeu. my boy," be said.
Aiu-tt looked at It Incredulously, "It
can't be that t took that,'' he said.
"There's sum mistake."
"You pushed the button," some one
quoted. "Nature did the rest on this
The excellence of the photograph
was home witness to presently by the
photographer, who came down to In
quire If he couldn't buy the plate. Fel
lows wluked Alport to refuse, though
when the price offered began to ascend
It was hard to resist the temptation."
"You seud that on to the railroad
compnuy and see If they won't use It
for an advertisement." said Fellows.
But dou't give up the copyright- ou
must get It copyrighted, you know. This
will come out gloriously In a transpar
cucv." f,
Alport caught the enthusiasm from
his friend aud began, like the seuslble
fellow he really was when he was not
badgered by rate, to push til advant
age He did this ao well that at the
end of (line mouth he was the posses
sor of $10,000 made from hi lucky aud
exquisite picture.
He had always maintained that with
capital lie could lllicriite himself from
the drudgery of otlice work, and he
proved tills to be true. There were
opportunities opening lu his ambition
village of which be availed himself.
He got In on the 'ground Moor" of an
Industrial enterprise, and In a year he
had a home a modest Imitation of a
certain luxurious Elizabethan mansion
of which he knew-ami In the window
of his library swung a large and beau
tiful transparency lu which the waters
of Niagara seemed to forever leap aud
siio-.: Violet Alport, the careful young
housekeeper, always dusted till with
her own hands.
"It Is fragile," she said to her maid.
"Let uie dust It, and I lieu If I break It
1 will have uo one to find fault with
lint myself."
Hut her real reason was that of her
lares and pennies this was Hie most
sacred, and she preferred (tint only
those bound to the house by love should
take It lu their bauds. Chicago Trib
une. AVhere I'epl Live In Tre-.
, The delta of the Orinoco lllver In
South America Is for a considerable
part of the year deep lu water. Yet
this tract Is Inhabited by the Warau
tribe, who find It their only mode of
escape from the terrible bites of the
mosquito. The Warn us, therefore,
make their habitations In (lie Ita I 'aim,
which loves moisture and grow abund
antly In this delta, connecting several
of the trees together with cross-beams
aud laying planks' upon them for the
Mooring. The natives of the Philippine
Islauds and Borneo sleep In trees. The
ape meu of Indlu, tlio Veddas of Cey
lon, and the Bukoties of the Andaman
Islands also live lu trees. Some years
ago, Dr. Moffat, the great missionary,
while lu South Africa, aaw one tree lu
which there were no fewer than twenty
colonial huts of a Kaflir tribe. A pow
erful chief had deprived them of all
their cattle and weapons. By degrees
the lions became so numerous ami during-that
the slight Koflir huts were an
Insufficient protection during the ulght,
aud the half -starved people perforce
took lo the trees.
(iicerinjc Possibility.
The spirit of einulaljou sometimes
brings strange facta to light. Two
small boys at a summer resort were
boasting of the respective merit of
their native cities. ,;
"There ate a great many more people
In New York than there are lu Boston,"
said one of them finally, with an air
of closing a useless discussion..
"That's true, maybe," said Hie little
New-Huglandcr, cautiously; "but a
great many Boston people have gone to
hospitals and almshouses nnd-and
Slate prison! I expect If they were all
ounted, you'd have lo stop talking
about New York!"
When a woman admits that she has
lieen married a long ns tweuty years,
she nearly always claims she was mar
rled at sixteen.
vVheu a man w auts to get. out. of giv
ing a dollar to help a man he gets up
n petltlou for other meu to sign, prom
ising to five flvtt
Ultnr lotlt Whu Art l.labt
hntiM Keeper' Assistant.
I'robably the only real "dog watch"
In, the world so far a the sea Is con
cerned I kept ou Wood Island llgut
house, off Blddeford fool. lie. Bailor
I the uam of th faithful four rooted
watcher who keep vigil there lor pas -
lug cran, -HI master Is ilionm U,
Oivutt, kccH'r of the light,
Having passed most of his nine years
of life on rocky Wood Muni, w here
the wave beat ceaselessly on the gran-
He shore, and the passing or vessels up
a nil down the const Is toe chief thlug
to break the mouoiouy of lire, Sailor
naturally t ,u.e great luteiest In nuu
Ileal nun I ci,
Early lu lifts when but a II mouths-
old puppy, he washroughl lo the is-
and fisuu Woodbury Brother' milk
rarm In West brook, Me, He was not a
sailor then, for his family were farm-
ers, being Scotch collie and heep
dogs. Hut Sailor wa not, long lu
learning the way of the sea. He took
a deep luterest In whatever hi master
did. and follow ed him around the light
station wherever he weut. II noticed,
timing other tilings, that his master
ofteu pulled a rope that made a Ml
ling. The Ml wa a gral heavy out
used to waru vreU lu a fog aud lo
salute them lit fair weather. It stood
outside the lighthouse, few feel
sls.vea wooden platform, and the rop
attached to It toitgu came down so
near th platform that Bailor could
easlly reach It. '
On day Sailor thought h woui.1
uav a try at ringing tit ueii. it
"saii.oM1 sai.inK a vkbssi.
seised the rope lu his mouth and pull
ed. Th Ml rang clear and loud.
Kallor was delighted. II wigged hla
bushy tall vigorously and pulled again.
Sailor after a time uotlced that th
ringing of th Ml marked the passing
f a vessel or steamer. Ills not of
:hls fact resulted lu his trying au ex
periment. When he saw the next vea
lot coming he anticipated bl master
lu ringing the Ml.
A the year have passed Sailor has
kept on ringing salute to passing ves
tels and steamer. Indeed, he feela
hurt If not permitted to girt the cus
tomary salute to passing craft, whll
tklppcrs whose course takes tbem oft
en past Wood Island are accustomed to
ice Bailor. tugging vigorously at th
treat bell tongue.
They reply with a will on their
ih.lp's bell or horn, and In ess of
learners a hearty triple blast Is sent
tack to the canine watcher or Wood
Island, who gives a new meaning to
the good old sea term of "dog watch."
Sailor may be said to hsv passed
the prime of life, but he I still at th
height of hi vigor and Is In Boa coo
Httoo. II weighs sixty poiind. His
ohr I black, marked with tan, and
a has a whit spot on "hi breast
Jailor has had bl picture taken lu th
ict of ringing the Ml. Joseph f,
Smith. Jr.. of Andover. Mas having
snapped" blm. Th plctur ws r-
etitly published lu a (.ondon maga-
tine. .
A Tarn) Wildcat.
From the Kansas City Journal comes
i plesslng account of a tame wildcat,
the properly or a Ch'lcago gentleman:
The cat, which Is as Inrge sa a good-
,..- ......... ..... .... -u ...
imiid owner, mil Id whip an even doxen
1 In itm
if those Irou-Jawed la-asts In as many
.ulniitcs, Is as docile and geutl as a
Trapper James Wilson, whose log
-it I 1 ii Is situated In the wilds of the
Minnesota wood surrounding Stur
geon Lake, captured the wildcat when
t was so small that Its eyes were liard
'y open. We trained It for thirteen
month, feeding It with cooked beef.
nllk and bread, and to-day. In Its new
Chicago home, It piny, about the ofllc
ii amusing gentleness, stands gravely
u the window gaxlng with wondering
yes out upon the street, with It. mult!-
hide of horses and wagons, or starts
n Its brisker moods on a Wild career of
leaping about the otllee. -j
A Jump of a seven-foot partition la
not quite the llmft of Its endeavors, aud
i spring of ten or eleven feet from the
top of a desk to a stack of boxes, on
which It lands without causing the pile
to topple over, Is one of Its prettiest
I'rncloii Stone.
Many of the precious stones now
ow ned by Queen Victoria formerly bo-
longed to luilian princes. The famous
Koh-l-Noor came luto her possession on
ihe annexation of the I'tinjiib In 184!),
Oue of the rarest gem. In Queen Vic-
torla's collection Is a green diamond of
marvelous beauty. It ha uever been
net. She owns three crowns. The most
rtlatlc one, which wa mad over
forty year ago, 1 of gold, literally cov
ered with diamonds. It Is composed of
' u-hllu ,lln ninnit. mil &')'A .nl,(ua
besides many smaller stones. Befor
tills crown was made the Oneen wnr
a gold band . studded with precious
itones. This baud Is to tie seen In most
of her earlier portraits. The - great
Crown, which real In the Tower, la
over 100 years old.
The Queen la sentimentally attached
to pearls, as la the Herman Empress,
who has line specimens In her lewei
cases; but as she did not wear them
enough they lost their color, and had to
be "Immersed In sea water for several
months before they regained their beau
ty. This process is not often resorted
to, but it was entirely successful In this
Peculiar Graves In Zululand.
The most curiously decorated graves
m the world are the natives' graves In
- . j. ...
6iuuiana. buisb oi uiene uiuunus ar
i..i. -,1,1, h.n... r.t ....ii-
giiiiosncu nivu iii. "vim. ui uicuiL-ios
usea oy me ueparu-u iu meir nnai ill
ness, and the duration of the Illness la
guessed by the number of bottles.
Gamhettu' Superstition. 1
Gambetta was so firmly convinced
that certain hours of the day are lucky
and others unlucky lhat be could never
commence any Important undertaking
or start on an Important Journey with-
out consulting a , famous reader of
qards as to the auspicious hour, i
When a girl finally lauds a promising
young man, she Is as proud as a pea
cock. It Is becoming harder every day tt
work a scheme on a farmer.
of W') ' Men
! rm I tb)l l an.u.l W.y
til l.iVuii-roiutliHM Hurries Thou
loio ikiirtiNM
A man who, whli poor, Is not mm
alt aid to die thau most peopiu, oiieu
uvt clops tt haunting Uiiur yf Ueuiu
alter tie ha made a big tortuue aud
spcuU uu unhapiy Ufa and huge sum
,,( money iu trying to avoid tue vuuiui
ln, tiequeiiiiy uui'iyuig himself iuio
promatue grave iluougu sheer wony
Var. iuis pawn mi ou turned tue
braiun of a good tunny wealthy peopi
Uti luoiiomuiiiiics ur them, ' ti.ey
t.ori to the. most childish expodicui
fc,.cp tlciuu Horn their door,
.ou remember Kipling character
w,w i,Hj U vm,. ltug oU rope iroai
tM ui that the world might spiu
UlU, uutead of carry lug bun along to
grvw uult.r, jnet wa au actual cum
mv iMt M fw fvatt wjteii
jutlU bugllkbiuuu, who made a
i,ug roituu out of silver lu Mexico,
uro himself mad through worry tug
about hi thalh,
, f,t.r rxhaullug all the safeguard
toittluu could oner, he ltfht a tmial!
Ub)0( vwd h,.j.UUII. .u the t
irjgu vtmtt u( W(tU i,lUI i,tf f,m-
Uul aenilor. Here, lu rmeitsh haie,
M four stone pillar lui-d and a
Nuttu l(i-Mii'ivd cabin, wtta h,e
looms, rattier like a bousctioat, idb
ou vhalr froiu iron girder that crosed
the pillars ami swung clear of Hi
grouud. out inside Hit be shut him
self up, with some books aud a pel
Jackdaw for company, aud never hit
hla swluglug bouse mill! hi death.
ihe aiiemlHin, who livetl lu a amall
house tlosc by, used lu row to the luaiil
luiid a utile aud a half-when the
weather pel nil I led for provision, The
urns let sH-ut his time reading and look
lug out over the Atlantic from thu cab
lu window. HI brnlu bad given way,
of course, aud lie Imagined hi Id
stood still while the i-uriu revolved un
der blm. He had uo relative lo Insist
ou hi enierlug a private asylum, ami
he died three year later In the cabin,
worried out of Ue by the feur of death.
His hair wa uow white, though he
wa only 4'A,
Another wealthy man, Jean Ingle
aul, though he had made a fortune by
shrewd speculntlou, also gave, way to
the dread of death. He conceived lint
Idea that all movement and effort wast
ed thu tissues of the body, aud thl no
tlou sunk so deeply luto hi mind that
be went to Ml lu a quiet country house
aud hardly moved baud or fool for
years; If he even stirred a linger be did
It wilb dread, Mlevlng It used up hi
vitality aud shurtciml bis life by ao
much (line. He soke as little as possi
ble, soioetldie not (M-nliig hi Hp for
days, and wa fed by attendants with
spoon.' All his food counted of
'sloss," to save hliu the fatal exertlou
of chewlug," aud hi one amusement
waa Mug read to by the hour together,
fos he would not bold a. book or turn
the page, riven the readlbg he did
away with towutxl the close of hi life,
believing that listening shortened bl
Oue of the quecrcl caea sen at tai vrfl
a Mrs. Holmes, a very wealthy widow,
who had a terrible fear of germs aud
bucllll of all kinds. Kite had studied
the subject deeply ar t H ifiW ' T
reason, to all apiM-amucc, I ue ureau
ur ,i,.H, .fixed her. nod sin- w con
vt,H-d she Would die by me wasting
dlaen lusplretl by mUws KnfArtng"
j,ulll w,j, rmt to the average genu,
j4,H lA( tu rooms adjoining eac h other
'lilted as refrigerator aud kept con
stantly at a temperature of about 30
jjegrec or Jnl Mow freexlug isiliit.
Due would kttpiose thl to Ik- more try
iing Hum any quantity of microbe, but
( Ihe ow ner wa happy lu her conscious
' ties of freedom from germ diseases.
, ,luim,,r , ,.,
.' ,. ... .
kept at the same miIiii, ami the adjoin
ng rooms and ball were also kept cool
iluit no current of warm air might
'bring bacilli lu.
This lady lived clad lu furs through
out the hottest days that biased out
tide, inn! her attendants and servant
, were obliged lo constantly disinfect
themselves before entering her pres
ence. They II veil In a perpetual at-
m,,aitli,.r nf cmitolU mill, and Ibidr
ituMnw hwl , ,my very high wage to
,. HH-VHI1m,lo m). W,u .r.
itlst Answer. -
, ' ;
j . ,
How a Voutig Womnn Kuvcd Money
lor Weiidln lour.
A promising youug' lawyer who bos
su otlice lu the (ilrurd Hulldlug has
us( made the delightful discovery that
hla fiancee Is also a lluamier. The
young man's sweetheart resides lu Uot-
miiutowu, and for several mouths past
ho has called upou her regularly thrice
a week. When he lirsi met Ihe girl,
two ieiirs ago, he was, or course, ex
tremely anxious to make a good Im
pression, and he lavished many pres
ents upou her. The girl's parent are
, qt He well to do, but she disapproves
-s .. .ii. ..i ,TMr!!4ree.Hal S'.f ' liWTtv iiiUull. till nt IhIa linr.
0 ...-'." :,T:;r..F.T',.' :
null h iii-u. iu iiil- u i (-tun (i .
events, the young imiu proposed and
w as accepted, she felt it lo be her privi
lege, and her duty to read him a I. 'He
lecture on "Economy.;' st.B t ailed nM
attention to the fact that every time
he called he had beeu in the habit of
i ... a i rr t .
U""K'U ""f ' "
,lo""r or ,wo' suggested that
In the future he should discontinue the
presents, handing over a silver dollar
instead whenever be came to see her.
He laughed, for he thought she was
Joking, but she speedily assured him
that she was much lu earnest. So he
paid Ids dollar regularly, and Unnlly
'' to the conclusion t'nat the money
n being devoted to charity. TI.e
WW1WI d"' ,w"" 8t' for ,nou,-
lino uu eAicuiiiMi iudi nun couicmpiat-
ed, Unfortunately, the young lawyer
recently took a "flyer" In atocka, and
dropped so much money that he had to
uotlf;' his fiancee that their wedding
room for a moment, presently returned
with a satchel containing m B)ver 1
.i..n..,. i.,.i. nin. n,m ..... i... . i
" ' ' me
-- i - uu, vk i-iiaiigeu,
Pt,llu,1lnhl tln.-oiil
called. Aula is uie mrgosi uuuer
Gardening In Africa,
The nialu trouble iu a British West
African diet Is a luck of fresh green
food. So wrote the late Mary H. Kings
ley, tb African explorer, In Climate,
umi ghe proceeded to uientkn some of
,ilt, difficulties In the way of supplying
,mt deficiency,
Hardening In West Africa Is'nervous
tt 0rk. I have worked In gardens there,
nmj know that even lifting a kale-Dot
not there, as It Is here, a trifling act-
oecuuse under the kale-pots you have
there a chance of finding divers things
that, If lu spirits on a sbclf or tha Brit
ii Museum reptile gallery, would give
, uw, but there, clos to one's
ankles ami not bodied ami corked
down, are merely exciting aud uupleas-
tit, HUH, If the sualtes go lu Ibe other
dlrectlou, on ha th satisfaction ol
baring fresh vegetable.
There ar plenty of wors thlogi
than snakes couuected wltb West Afrl-
cn gardening, lu soma places there
are elephants, to others hippopotami.
HiM'cltuens of either lu a garden for a
night ar Incompatible with success,
for a season, al least. Then. If you hits
a man to all up all ulght lu th garden
and ling a baud bell lo keep such In-
I ruder off. he keep you awal also,
If you lake away the bell and set blm
off. a leopard usually come aud takes
him away, which distresses you very
(iardeiilng lu West Africa la not to be
uudeiiakeii light-heartedly by persons
of a nervous or Irritable dlsposlflon.
. - : - , ' i ii . ..
' The new Herman dictionary of th dusens or th same cosily wine were
carlaiu comjHiuml name 74,147 of emptied Into tub, and drunk from tin
these ubstaiicc. and the eud la yet far panulklui, spirits and beer being added
off. to give "body" lo Ihe beverage; one
, Elephtttita have only eight teeth-two man, lu Imltutloii of Caligula, shod his
tn low and I wo abov ou each side, All horse with gold; sandwiches made of
au elephant' baby teeth fall out wbeu banknotes were devoured; silver wrap
tint Miiinisl I i bout font (ecu years old, ped tip lu banknote was thrown to
and uew set grows. ; ' . popular actresses Instead of flowers;
rimmts) by I'ror. Locb ahow ' '''t. oiiey was so plentirul that the
lhat chemically pure salt la fatal t-rfklea diggers could uot "knock It, though present lu Ihe same propor- Attt" r1 f uough. They thought they
turn a lu ta water, it I agreed that "' " dl f,'cl lu tb w,r,u
It I useful lo aulmals, but th mlxtur r. ! "' "
Of It with other null r..n.ler. It uou-
toxic, a proves! by bl further experi
ment. "Nature" note a remarkable fact In
connection wltb the Wcsl Indian hur
ricane of September, iHliH. It appeal
that before the hurricane oue of th
tamest and commonest bird ou lb Isl
am! of St. Yluceut wa a small hum
ming bird, but nunc of these bird have
beeu seen since September, 1NU.S.
According to Mous. Slgrlsle. of the
French Academy of Scleuce. the only
thoroughly scleutltle shuiier for lustau -
I-1...II. .. . .11.
moving laplilly across Ihe aeusltlv
plate. Hot to oblalu gmtd result th?
space between the plat aud th shut
ter should Uot exceed oue tenth of A
millimetre, and the edge or lb (lit
must be sharp and caiefully beveled to
exclude reflection.
The blue coral I known as on of tb
most Isolated of llvlug animals. It has
beeu described a I lie only species of
It genus and the ouly meinlter of ft
family, "with uo close llvlngVetatlon
ami uo kuown auecaior," Iteecuily,
however. I'rof. J. W. Gregory bas dis
covered lu the British Museum w hat h
believe lo bean ancestor of ibe lonely
blue coral In a fossil coral of the Cre
taceous period, called I'olytrciiiucl.
Hy distilling fresh herring and oily
pine wood lu au Iron retort, and then
condensing the products lu a Lleblg
coiideuser, William C, Day report, In
ihe AmerlcanChemlcat Journal, that be
ha produced an artificial asphalt close
ly resembling the natural product. Thl
experiment I regarded a confirmatory
,or-lkf"opn.lon that asphalt aud etrot
cum are (be product of a natural d!s
MIjiui'i by which th rmoalu of early
torwt of animal and vegetable life
y-.e lei- Tans formed In the healed
- rii.;
oi i.i. M'artn. -
Hiet Ilai'e . "outcast lu gray." th
coyot'ija described by I'rtif. C. F.
Holder, as a spMe of wolf which I
virtually a wild dog. Domestic dugs, he ' rr. after thanking the captain, strolled
says, although I hey will kill the male jilowly out of the police station luto the
coyote, will dfteu refuse lo Injure the street aud wandered away. HI Idem
female. I'rof. Holder defend i he tlty is still a niystery.-Chlcago Cbrou
coyote agalust those who would exter- Uie.
minute blui. on the grouud that he la
the only effective enemy of the Jack
rabbit aud Ibe ground squirrel, which
cause so much damage lu California,
A coyote lu a camp after chicken
yelps so fast (hat be creates the Impres
sion that a whole pack Is abroad.
Niitmalist have generally aecepieil
Ihe opinion I lint nut are uot able lo
perceive any soiiuds that uie audible
lo human ear. I'rof. Weld, of the Iowa
State University, controverts (bl oplu
Ion. He describes lu Science careful
experiments made by blm wltb four',)hi iP kids, my pretty kids, 'twss
mjccIcs or American nut, rrom wiiicb
he deduce the conclusion that Jljesu
species, at least, are able lo perceive.
sounds, but whether they do It by 1
menus of organs of heating, or through
the sense of touch being excited by at-
mnspheiic vibrations, he la tinablo lo 1
1 . , . .., ... . ..
say with ceria lily. He Incline to Ihe ,
opinion that they do really hear, as
some Individual showed a iwrceptlon .
of Hie direction of the sound, such a I
that of a shrill whistle, ami others,
w hich were not disturbed when vlo-1
lently shaken lu their glass prisons,
m.m.wl to be "dr veil near v frantic bv i
shrill sounds."
Itoat Itir Arctic Travel.
Boats described as steel ram are uow
use lu Ice-locked Hussluu harbors
and rivers and have proved that they
en ii force their way through thick Ice,
even with 7'J! degrees of frost, .The
.T f ' Ll Z nt.
iii.-ii. ...... . v. -
tuoiilh. has slm-a 18113 been kept ac
cessible through tint winter; the Fin
nish P"! t of Iiatigo Is now open to com-
hietve -throughout ue year. And Inst
v inter a sim'lar steam ram kept up
connection with J lie TJrnl railway
through the Ice of the Volga at Sara-
toff. It Is proposed now lo keep open
i, .trotiirer boats of this kind the com-
mtiulcatlon of SI. Petersburg with the
sea aud to force winter connection
through the Ice from Aicbnngcl to Ihe
..i. if llio Yenisei. Admiral fnn.
rof addressing the Kusslan tleograph-
leal Society. Insists that still more pow-
irf til bouts of this kind might safely
,o counted on to cope with polar Ice,
am aa Nanaen had lo deal with, and
S cut a passage to the north pole.-
?. ',,,! tour
Ckitmbcts Journal.
Spain's Underground Ttlver.
The Ouadiana, a Spanish river, after
flowing for thirty miles overueau, van-
underground, and for the next
mile nuRiiies its course as an
, Tlerirround river, only appearing at
ln the shape of lnkelots, tha
lutervam iu i v..
. PVes of the uuurjtaua as they
0gO Ol cj t
ground river which has been fully
traced. - -
Judging by Other Instapoe.
"You think we ought to undertake
tb publication of this novel, do you?"
asked the bead of the publishing bouse.
"Well, I think It would be a financial
success," cautiously replied the reader.
Because tt Is written by a girl, and
deals with subjects or which she ou?ht
to knowvery little.
People ar always disappointed la a
circus., ' -' '
H Is mighty poor person who eaa'l
pay thank. i
Nlnepln Wr flayed with Botlla of
Champa) ta Mt bourn,
liold tbreateued to becom as com-
wott a silver lo th days of Solomon,
lu ou year il2,X)0,UUU, lu eight years
tW,uuo,wo, were woo. Kow men at
Uoldeu I'olut mad as much as i4W
each, a day. Auother exceptionally
lucky party uueartbed tbirty-lour
pounds of gold lu ou day. No wonder
that such -poCk!" were termed "Jew-
tiers' shops;" Occssloually a nugget
worth Alu.tHg) was uueartbed. The re-
suit of thl sudden Inilux of wealth
almost without labor, and with risks
which ar Infinitesimal as compared
to Klondike, was the temporary deiiior-
allsatloii of the population. Melbourne,
lu Ibe height of the gold revet, ha
beeu described by oue who knew It
well a "a fevered, drunken, delirious
' psudeuioiilum." The lucky ones-a ml
there were thoitsauds of them- squan
dered their riches lu the must reckless
fashion. Home of their fantastic trick
would scarcely b credited were they
uot attested by witnesses 'still living.
The gnui of ulueplus, we are told, wa
played with bottles of champagne, for
which be who broke least bad to pay;
"' seemeu a ir tins were o. nucu
were some of the characteristics , of
Victoria's hot youth.-l'nll Mall Maga
sin. -.
I'rUonec Trie III Voice and I I Is
ehamil From Cualodr.
A few years sgo a young man dressed
lu tattered clothe wa locked up at tha
Desplslne street police station charged
with disorderly conduct. Though his
clothes were lorn aud bis hair unkempt
...! Mm -a.l.-l-.Wt..-. I....1I Ilk- Mm, ..
, .,, , , .
" '"'l'. - ...v
poller ma u who arrested blm for doing
nothing he looked like au ordluary beg
gar. He wa takeu to Ihe police station re
us idles of bl pleading aud put lu a
dingy cell, where he spcut nearly two
dnya, aud had It nut M-u for the police
captain he might have stayed there
It wa w bllo the other prisoners were
Mug tried lu court slid the police cap.
lalu was sitting lu his private office
looking over report that a sweet letiot
voice was beard singing "My Old Ken
lucky Home." The moment the sweet
note, which were coming from the
cellrooin, struck the ears or Ihe police
eaptalu ho listened a moment ami drop
nd the reports ho was rending ou hi
desk until the song sung was llulshcd.
When the song was Mulshed the cap
tain ordered the prisoner to be brought
before blm. When the singer, w ho w as
Ihe shabby-dressed young man, appear
ed before the police official, the latter
asketl the young uiuu to repeat ihe
song, which be did. '
Wbeu he bad finished the officer look
ed at blm a moment and said, "Young
mau, you have a good voice." Wbeu
(he captain asked blm where he, lived
snd what be did be bowed bis bead as
If lu sorrow aud refused to answer.
When the ollce official learned under
what charge he was being held a pris
oner he ordered his release. The slug
The HpHllng-Bce at Angel's.
"For Instil nee, nmv simple word,"
ses he, "like 'separate;'
Now who rail spell it?" lhg my skin,
ef tluir was oue In eight!
This set the hoys sll wild at om-e. The
chillis was put iu row,
And al the head was l.imkjr Jim, aud at
the toot was Joe,
And In kit upon the bar Itself Ihe school-
master wss raised.
And Ihe harkecp put his glasses down,
snd st snd silent g lined.
touelilii' to survey
These bearded men, with wepplugs on,
like scIiooIIki.vs at their play.
1 hey d laugh with glee, ami shout to see
''l"h ,,,n,'r irttti ,1,t' xm
A"' K"1' at ",ol,,lor i,h c"
., "
r the ( hair gave out "Incinerate," aud
,Wn .,,, ,,,, u imnM
,. ,lu.h ulMm(1 W01U mt ,
. it.,u , ever learned.
When "phthisis" came they all sprung
up, and vowed the man who rung
Another blamed Greek word on them be
taaeu om aim iiuuk
As they siit down nguiii I saw in Hilsou's
rye a flash,
And Brown of Calaveras was a-twistin'
his mustache.
l ...I . Li-, lt..rt. -.11..... ..1
...,im ,i mi.lln , .i. ,.,,.
,.,,,,- tmw ,.gB W0P,j ,
some folks who dyed their hair.
And then the Chair grew very white, and
the Chair said he'd adjourn,
But I'oker Dick remarked that he would
wait and get his turn; f
Then with a tremhllu' voice and hand,
, and with a wajulerlu' eye,
The Chair next offered "eider-duck," and
nick hctt'iui with "I."
And Bilson autllcd-then Bllson shrieked!
Just how the fight begun
I never knowed, for Bllson dropped, aud
llk. he moved up one. -
"-Biet Uar,e-
A (singular Monstrosity.
A writer lu Science describes a curl-
0,' monstrosity which has come undet
obswtton. Ibis Is a cock with
1u ' "P?" ,uf but
with a couple of well-developed spurs
tl,e ,heAd' on pl "cr de r
eomb. giving the creature be apjar-
auce of being horned. These mock
whatever they may originally have
been, but are loose. Instances are
0u record of spurs being grafted - on
to combs, but, so far, no similar cas Is
known to have occurred in nature.
' Qualified for the Work.
"So you think ho would make a good
weather man.'do you?" .
"Good! Why, say! he's the evencst
tempered man that ever lived."
"But what has that got to do with
"Got to do with It! Great Scott, man!
why, be can stand more reasonable
'kicks' and answer snore fool questions
without forgetting to smile than any
other man ln the whole United States."
Am Xlnhlsnn innn Urhn ho. tn,Al
chUdren recent,y tarve(j to deftth
w,e tt the tablfl. ton he
bad served them all death cam to his
fell... '
Peopl should consider th bead
mora, and tha heart leas,
Tb OrcatMt Ctta Part an tb
Fifth Commercial City la th United
RutM-Haa MUa Befor from the
Vary f aiorm, Ur mad Flood
Gslveston, previous to th devasta
ting storm, waa on of the most beauti
ful and progressiva titles ot the snny
Mouth. Its history Indicate that It bas
M-en on or the most unfortunate. lo
1H7- tb entire rsstern portion of the
city wa wept away by a tidal wav
which followed a terrific storm that
raged along the Gulf coast for three
day. When the city bad recovered
from this calamity aud was built up
lu more beautiful and substantial style
than ever, a devastating Are nearly do-
slroyed It In November, 18H.". lis en
terprising citiseus were not dismayed,
however, aud the city was soon rebuilt,
lu August, lMUti, It was Injured com
mercially lo a great extent by the Bra
so flood In which rich farming laud
having an area or 1,380,000 acres were
submerged for eight dsys to a depth ot
two lo twenty feet The loss as esti
mated by th United JSKtes Hepart
meut of Agriculture wa $7.41i,0K.
The city ha triumphed over all tliee
adversities snd will doubtless arise
wltu lucreased strength from the pre
rut appalling disaster,, for It Is the
greatest ses port or me Koatu, oeing
Connected with th entire railway sys
tem of the United States and Mexico
and having direct line of steamship
communication with all the great ports
of the world. It Is the Isrgest cotton
exporting polut In the United States
and among the 1.7 foreign exporting
points In the rouutry It holds fifth
place. liming the year ISUK Its exports
lucreased f I0,fj()0,xi0 aud Its export and
hiiiiort trade Is uow fully f 100,000,000 a
Harbor Improvement.
A Icadlug cause or the city's, great
commercial progress during tbe past
rew year I the harbor Improvement
made by the national government. In
volving an expenditure or over fS.OOO.
000. lu 1WI5 tb depth 0r the channel
over the dar was only twenty-one reel.
Hy the construction or Jetties and other
Improvements which were finished la
January, lN'.iH, tbe depth was Increased
to twenty eight feet aud Is still Increas
ing at the rate Of six Inches each year
owing to the action of tbe wind and
tide. This depth of water permit the
largest steamers to load aud unload at
the wharves. In ak-ilou lo being Die
coHiilry' greatest cot iob port, Immense
quau'ltle of grain, lumber, live stock
aud dairy product are scut through
Galveston. Much of the grain from
onriiAMs' iiiimk.
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa aud tbe Da
kotas, which formerly weut to Kastern
porta for shipment now goes to Galves
ton because the shippers can save In
charges by loading at that port. The I
lumber exports lu 1SDH-D amounted to
$1,.17.PU and In 1!W, the port handled
$.00,000 worth of eggs. Its trade, In
live stock, dairy products and poultry
has developed rapidly since the harbor
Location an I Inscription.
Galvestou Is situated ou the northeast
extremity of Galvestou Islnud nt the
mouth of Galveston Bay, the entrance
to which Is through the chanuel be-
tweeu the city aud the southwest point
of tbe peninsula of Bolivar. Tho Island
I twenty scveu miles long, runs north
east and southwest, and from one
and oue-half to three and one-half miles
wide. Where the city Is built It Is one
and one-half miles wide. It Is inter
sected with many small bayous and
bordered through Its whole length ou
the gulf side by a smooth, hard beach,
forming a spleudld drive and unsur
passed bathing, , On thl beach Is the
magnificent Sea Beach , Hotel. The .
streets of the city are btlt a few feet
above the level of the bay. They are
T iMiliiiai J I'" "
The cigarette bug, after .waxlug, 0 1 the little paper "dope stick," has at
last attained the dignity; of goveiiiinerir notice, for the United Stales Depart
ment of Agriculture has' Issued Farmers' Bulletin No. 1.0 concerning this in
dustrious beetle aud his kind. The cigarette hug is probably placed iu the farm
er's .bulletin because a', 'farmer never by any possibility smokes a cigarette, and
has no luterest in the subject whatever. The pamphlet, like other government
publications, is moderately thrilling. Tiie cigarette beetle's real name, according''
to this ollicial bulletin, Is Lasioderuia Serricorne,. and tU favorite diet ,U cigar-
ettes. What it does to a box of the chappie's solace is shown by the above illus
tration, which is in part reproduced from the Farmers' Bulletin No. 120. A
cigarette full of holes like that would draw as well as a stovepipe with au old
pair nf pants stuffed iu at the top, The Lasioderuia Scrricorne is uot proud,
however, nor overparticular about its meals, for while it, as dated, prefer cigar
ettes, the more expensive the better, of course, it does not disdaiu to feast
upon dried tobacco and snuff, .rhubarb, ginger, cayenne pepper, ergot, turmeric,
yeast rakes,' rh, figs, prepared fish food and any dried plants prepared for the
V -.,l...-l... ' 1. 1- . ... .I.b. , ......
lieruuriuui. n in a uubuiac iu buiijiusv iiui , ,111.. aciivr marvi i;iuaii auiv- 4
cigarette .It is ,bad,noug)i .In all conscience, but But that had, "
wide and straight and th residence
quarters are beautiful, abounding lo
liuurlaut gardens shaded wltb mag-"
Delias and oleanders. During the sum
mer months tbousauds of pleasure
seekers from all part of tb South go
to Galveston to enjoy tb many attrac
tions of tb city and Ita surrounding.
On tb bajr, or Dortb side of the city, la
the commercial section, with wharves
stretching along for nearly two miles,
lined with sheds and large storsge
house. In this same portion ar Hire
grain elevators with an aggregat stor
age capacity of 3,250,(100 bushels. Tbs
Island from tbe north side Is connected
with th mainland by railroad bridges
snd th longest wagon bridge la tb
world, nearly two mile lo length. Ou
tbe south side of the city, beginning
within fifty yards of the medium gulf
tide, tha wealthy resident portion of tbe
city Is located and this was the first
part to tie struck by the fnll force of
the recent storm and flood. All of tt
eastern eud of the city 'was washed
away and some of the handsomest and
most expensive residences were her
located. There wa one home which
alone coat tb owner over 91,000.000
Among th principal buildings of tb
city are. or were, tbe new custom house
and post office, the cotton exchange, the
Court House, th Hall free school, tbe
free public library, the Roman Catholic
University of St. Mary, the John Senley
Hospital and the School of Medicine
of the State University. All the build
ings of the city were constructed oa
substantial and moderd tine. Tb city
bad gaa and electric light plants, a
water works system valued at 4MfiOO
and supplied from artesian wells aud
a n'-Tiber of flrst-ciass hotels. In 18)3
th gross city valuations were $'.'5,000.
000. Tbe city debt was $1,750,000 and
the officials had authority to Issue
SOO.OOO In bonds to raise money for
permanent Improvements, and II owned
property to the value of $1.055.5i0. The
population, according to tbe figures giv
en by the census bureau for 1000, Is 37,
7. t . " ,
Hlstorr of the City.,
The Island of Galvestou was occupied
by the famout pirate Lafltie In 1817
and continued to be hi headquarters
until bis settlement was broken up In
1821. It Is believed by many that
somewhere! on the Island are burled
treasures or tbe pirate and many
Stories or romance have lieen woven
about tbe daring rover and his island
home. The city "of Galveston was
X . i as 1
uovkknmkxt Bfii.rixo, ojj.vKsroav
founded In 1837. It was the sceue of
sHrrlmr events durliiir the Civil War.
The Federal force occupied the city
Oct. 8. IHtKi, but It wa retaken by tbe '
confederates on Jan. i.. ism. unnn
the past few years the United States
has speut f!3.000 lu the construction
and equipment of coast fortifications
near th city. 'fj;
Hay of Gnlveton.
The bay of Galveston, the mouth of'
..l.-l. I I... t.. !.....
wtltcu i gu-iunj vj tue ibiiiuu ... vu .
which the city stands as a sentinel, is'
a body of water with au area of about
450 square miles. It has an Irregular
coast line and branches out Into various
arms. It receives the Snn Jacinto and
Trinity rivers and Buffalo Bayou. Ow
ing to the Island belug but little higher
than tbe bay. Inundations have often
been threatened. The bay Is quite shal
low In most parts. Kent ranee to It 'is
through the recently constructed deep
water channel and flanking It on either
side are the stone Jetties five miles loug.
A Bad Case or 1xm Jhw,
ir properly classified, fully 00 per
cent of the novels of the day would
come under the head of dry' goods. ;
The dirtier a boy, the worse he looka
In curls. .,. ,
l,M thl. n-. H. ........ II. - a..., I. ..a 1