The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 05, 1900, Image 3

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T(or, No. 141.
FRIDAY, OCroCKR 6, 1900
M oiuvol cwnirx. MMra wul take
Vdllliif Kali ! i.ivl,,l lo lira J wuenl
Iim lid ceiluloT,ai.ieB'wvea.nlllli.
4. W.RlCkUHWiON. K.R.&
Tweniv neau oi cuotca rearum vol-
. 1 ... II - ...
1 ltiika fitr eala. Inniiira nf I
vv. ..v- - -1-"- u .
it W. W. Paaavja, .
Tlm weather U Una with ocvMiooal
shower to ly ttmdust.? t. 1
Yea. w cant do better than her at
J. L. Stockton', we'll lake the good"
Clean cheat ed for tale. ' Apply to
Henry Hill, lndetwudnc, 9 H H
Hop ballot I iWt done. ; - ...
Zed Konendorl will ooi por a new
awniug: the biackimitna were tating
measure and curve (or the iron work
a rwlone struck J. L. Gtockton'a (tore
thi week and pt'ed the gixni aeep on
the counter, eliow cae and anywhere
iiiv could And a place, while hundred
of dollar worth went out the door.
Air tight beater that will uit your
taste and tit your pocket book at R. M
Wade k Co '
Well, how about V tew light on the
IHWiwrm..- ,m,..,m. .
month.T Mut we poke along in the
dark and run ciwi ot breailn. g
occasionally T
J. 1 Stockton trade figured up Into I
the eeveral thouand last month be.
cause hugooita are uptoaateanuevery-i
When tn 8alm and you wanUgood
Tuuraur ;iwrJlhlDtUi.ii
k.t ailord 'can be had.
ii t.UNn 5 Kninhta o( Pv-
thias. conferred the rank ol knight on
one eeouir Weduesday evening. For
the information of absent member, the
West 8id would say that the candidate I
hcded hi previou teaching and you
know the rest.
Hn: am leRina farm wagon
cheaper than anv other bouse iu Oregon,
Wednesday - wa a Jewish holiday,
Yom Kippur. , I
ti A. n. U. W. has one assessment
No. 8 lor October. -
t.- na nf Honor has no assess-1
ment thi month. Thi make , five
skips thus far this year.
COHDWOOD taken on subscription
at the WEST SIDE office. v ; . ?
C. P. Cornwell has sold hi black
smith outfit to Tom Fennelf and ' now
working for the latter.
Don't overlook the Roshford wagon,
the best ironed wagon on tne maraei.
For sale by K. M. Waueaua
The Collins mill is wnding to San
Francisco this week lour ear oi nour,
containing 1000 barrels.
Trv Moot e. the barber, north :de ol
"C" street, oppoeit Knox' grocery
atore, for a hair cut or shave.
Lyon Lodge No. 20, A. F. A A. M. will
meet Saturday evening. There will be
work in the master mason degree and it
i. likerythat Grand Master f1"
will come over, from Salem to witness
the worki",, ' .
Buy your mill leett aUhe Colllne mill.
Bran, klipe' Urn.800 P' on-
Rev. Roster the new pastor" ot the
M,E. church outh, will preach both
morning and evening of October 21st.
Riiv vnnr rsmeraa and StlDlilie of
After resident in this County of
twelve years, most of which was passed
at Moumouth, Mr. T. J. Beery started
(or his old home in Beery, Iowa, on
inonuar mornuiK, Kuina u mu w .
Bl ... I
Salem. Mrs. Beery will visit
ith her
father in Salem, John C. Cramer, until
her husband decides whether to remain
in Beery or go to some other locality.
Steel ranges at R. M Wade A Co's at
prices that cannot be met by any can
vassing agent. '
The hoD business ol Oregon, on a
basis of. 15 cents, is worth away above
two millions of dollars to thil state. At
80,000 bales of 180 ponnd each, it is
$2,1001)00. And then there are above
that the commissions to the:. dealers,
the wages of the freight handler, etc.,
etc. And this money is more generally
distributed than that (or any Other crop,
The poor of the cities, who go to the
yards and pick, get a lot of it. Toe I
merchants in turn get their share. The
Dankers get.tneir uare. ouy
(or the children, sends the little ones to
school with new books and slate ; gives
tne mammas new aresBes, ana an
.. . . ...J mi. ,L.
collection boxes at the churches. States.
. '
Mftiraziueto subscribers o( the Wkst
Hide, call at the office.
F. E. Chamber keeps all kinds o(
photographic supplies.
Evervthinff vou want to wear at J. L.
Otockton s, ana yoa can t cio ueuer any-
...". .. . . .. 1
where in Oregon.
Campbell Bros.' have just received a
new and complete stock of wall paperr
" A new device (or drying hop was
used with great success -this season by
A. Wolf, a grower at Silverton. His
new process consists of drying the hops
in boxes placed on the kiln floor, which
prevents the hops (rom packing in the
center or breaking in removing to the
store room. No lupulin is lost in any
Wall paper that will please the most
critical, at Campbell Bros. "
School book and school supplies at
Robinson A Co'.
It is not at all unlikely that the South
em Pacific company will fill its ware
house with Polk county hope. The
warehouses are filling and yet there are
plenty of hops waiting (or storage, the
growers seeming to prefer storing their
hops (or awhile to selling them at the
present prices. . t
For sprains, swellings and lameueps
there Is nothing so good as Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by
Kirkland Drug Co.
Do you need..... ,
If so. give the WEST SIDE
a call. Printing of every
description done with neat
ness and dispatch at rea-
sonable rates.
vu igrwi; lor uuiesgo wiier tliey will
probably remain (or (tin winter. .
' Mr. J. R. Baldwin tl vliltirtg friend
at Wlnlock, WmIi.
Naart, ....I .H.. l n.. - !....
I wr vUitor Iter on Tuetdav.
i . v-'
Stockton mad a btlsiliet trip
I. M. Himnann nf IjiUIII U
I ' - .........
I ... ...
t, curt or. in utile l'tlac I at
WK,n ,n "".
1)0 n 'orgft th Invitation danc at
Wt r ,,(,UM 00 -rening.
L. C. Gil more mad a trip to Salem on
Mi Kale Jone i teacblnt chool
M" Oorvallt.
" rt. J, A.O. Brant I vldtlng relatim
1 1. I f ... . nr i.
mm nnwuw, nmmn
ill Marton o( Mary' River, came lo
the city Tueeday.
Mr, I. Vamlnyne earn no from Tort
ina jMt FikUy (or a (ew day' buninem
Henry Patterwn cam op from Port
land on Saturday night to be out with
the bird early on Monday morning. .
Thoma 6tapleton of KUckltat Valley,
wu here during the week. II returned
home n Wednesday. . - ;
n ' t-- .j'r 11
-lVarhf.r. Monlhle nf Rt.m In tl
lie Kb
i. , T. . ..,
nn n' . . . .
Sherman Uoor, a sprightly lad, fell
m the barn last Saturday and broke hi
right arm. - , - j
Jud ' Milljr ' Vancouver,
Wash., wa ia thi city Monday lor the
pu'po o( attending the funeral of John
Slapleton, Mr. Miller', father.
Dr. J. P. Jchnson, o( Haily, Idaho,
paised through Independence on Bat
ordsy after visiting a short time with
Mr. J. J. uusaelU
George W. 8tpleton and wife are at
the old homestead. Mr. Stanleton i
busy witling up hi father's estate.
Miss Nina Bateman of McMlnnville,
arrived on the morning train Wednes-
MT n1 nl"k her home with Mrs
Q. W. Rnich, an aunt.
Qu Hurley, has gone to Tacoma
where he is lo he bookeeper for a mer
cantile house.
Miss.Dorotby Cooper returned home
on Saturday after several months, visit
in Juneau, Alaska.
L. C. Gil more will leave (or Astoria
the first of next week to attend the K.
P. grand lodge session which convene
on the 9th.
At the Br in 8lem when the Perry
Stove Works were burned, Charley Hub-
bard' steam wood saw badly injured
causing a heavy loss to him.
Mr. Norval Atkins, who visited Mrs,
A. B. Atkins duriug the past week, re
turned to her borne at Carlton on Wed
nesday' train.
Oscar Russell went up the road on
8aturday to Eugene to be on hand at
th opaainft ol the university Monday
Hon. Thomas II. Tongue is hilled to
address the citiaens ofThis city It the
auditorium on next Tuesday mu'or the
auspices ol the Republican club,
Tony Noltnerol Portland, passed
through town on Wednesday (rom Moti'
mouth where he attended a session ol
the executive board of the Normal
Mrs. Laura Green, daughter of Andy
Wilson, has moved from Bumpier,
trt pm'uivu ll.ft frnn. fins n.llr.n
" , " . , , ' .."
sne uas uirecieu mat me ar mvaj ue
sent to her new address.
It i reported that Mrs. Adkins. of
Monmouth, had a leg broken through a
defective sidewalk and dark street
Here i a practical lesson for Independ
ence city father. A damage lull result-
'"8 "m such an accident would pay (or
" '. '
The Independence Orchestra is pre
paring (or the first of a series of dances
be given every two weeks at the opera
house during the season. The first
dance will be given this Saturday even
gt invitations having been sent out
during; the week.
Rev. D. M. Doty of Monmouth will
rclv at the Christian Churbh Hun-
dg t n a m Bumjgy gcll0o ,t 10
, . . r E ....m n(.iu.w. Praver
mM,lni. Thorsdsv evening 7:30 o in
Mrs. H. M. Lowell, who was killed in
day, was a ister-in law to Mrs. A. B.
Atkins of this city. She was en route
to Trenton, Mo , to visit her eon, Clark
Lowell, whom she had not seen tor sev-
er' yoare. iwo oi me cars were
crusnea wgemer, ana in wie nenp oi
. I .. .1 -J 1.. .1- I .,
wreckage the body .of Mrs. Lowell was
, .
The complete novel offered as by the
New Lippincott magaiine p( October is
a stirring good, one in the field which
has set us all to looking up our ancestors
and reading American history. It is
called "My Captive," and is by Mr.
Joseph A Altshelter, whose recent story
of the civil war is now passing into many
editions. "My Captive" is the heroine,
She is the gallant daughter of an Eng-
lish officer, whose beauty and courage
arealike worthy of her martial birth,
She lead her American captor a wild
itallop over historic ground-nnd wins
from bi heart a submission he can!
never win from her English nluck. The
scene lies at the south during the Revo
lotion, and it is full of vivid fights that
thrill the native pulse.
Bottled beer for
family 1 use to
be had at
Ho; W Beer
fit; fllllllell.
Comity met Tuely vetting.
Tli eoinmlttee on publia property
ml helth urn! police uiHtlo verbal
report. . - ' ' , i
Tlx council Mure) to meet on Friday
evening to consider tlm ordinance In r
0 w " li"ik
. , i i n
II. C. Miller aked to have licente on
bowling alley redured. Matter wat re
ferred to ordinance committee.
Recorder wa directed to t'Mie liquor
licenie lo K. L. Gale and J. ,11. Coop
they having filed their bond, the m
Imlng approved. ' ,
Claim were allowed M follow ; K
Henkle, $ 1 2 ; A J. Tupor. J. F
Buckley, 1 10.10; Uilunir A Ch I Ureal It
w-75- '
J ne council then aujournra to meet at
0:30 Friday evening.
On SnlunUy, SvpioinlHir 2'ili, at
Saliini, Julm SiNpleton, at the age of (17
yean and S moiitii
I'ieHin'l wa Uru in Canada. He
married Joeephiua Klomir In 1854. He
crowed thu plalim iu 1WM to Idaho, am
came to Oregon (ram MnIio In 1K78, go-
10 W'aahlngion county (rom there
MHikliatln tha date ol
I v Mningtoii tn In, 7 1 In IIW3 tie) came
I o Polk county and willed on the (arm
"r " ".T w,"',
ever since. He had been sick (or. qnlie
a while before the end oaniej at. last h
wa (tirroundetl by nearly . all of l)it
. Peeeawd leave a wife and eight
children as follows:
Thomas, who live In Ooldendale
Wash. Mrs. MVv Deahwi, 8alem5 Mm
Ella Miller, Vancouver; George .
Portland; Mra. Kate McDonald, Lea is
ton, Idaho ; Pavld P. and Louis, this
city; and Jame P., Vancouver,
The fiiuerol service were held at the
family residence on Monday afternoon
interment being in the Odd Fellows
cemetery, Rev. J.U. Baldwin otlkiating
Abstract of lumriiiueuia Filed In Polk
Comity Sept. 83 to Oct. 1, 1900.
ioa .
L D Frnser to F.liinbetti A Frsser,
6l5s, sees 9, 10, tp 6 s r 4 w love and
L It Siinson (admr) to Dora Ilrown,
Its 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 20, Kola-lHH).
J C Gates and Win Drilaveu to C and
J G Hand, Sola, N Conner d I c tp 6 s r
J G VanOrsdel, ahe'iff, to Fidelity
Bavings Ass'n, w of Its 2, 8, and all of
It 0, blk 4, Gem add Dnllas-ilOOO.
J B Jones to Julia U Jones (ijt cl), 440a
sec 28, 33, 34, tp 6 r 4 wl.
A M Kau to K A Pagenkoff, UKhi sec 8
up 0 s r 0 w $00,
Alvin M Ginn to J F and L J Hoi man
(qt cl), 1.4da J II Lewis d I o tp 7 s r 5 w
Anna F Martin to J F Holman, 1.4da
J II Lewis d I c tp 7 r 5 w-t75
8 D and K J Tucker to J L Gay, 0.04
U M Fulkerson d I c tp 7 s r 4 w-1700,
Bittie Dakan to R M Hmith (qt cl),
M2 Int in 137.38a ee 6, tp 0 r 3 w-
Carrie K Bentley to A V Thompson,
It IB, 17, blk C, West Palem-fTOO
Polk County bank to Josephine
Wright, Its I, 2, blk C and Its 4, 6, 0,
blk B, Falls City 102 50. .
Edith F Reynold to Klixalth M
Brown, 18.01a AUG Shaw d I c Ip 7 a r
4 w-;iw.
T E Lyons to N E Swenson (correc
tion), I00tp7sr5w l.
Caleb Forshey to Martha Youngs,
1.10a T C Thorp d 1 c Ip 8 r 6 w-$100.
Ilcrnmn Miller to Dr. Victor Fink, 10a
i ... .
!... - .
-yi l I c ip 7 s r o w- kmj,
Anna Aehi to Adolph Aebi, 70.44a sec
H W Murphy vs Sing On; action to
recover price ot hops 4K4.
John Hughes vs Ben Hayden; satis
faction of judgment $'1500.
Ladd A Bush vs Ben Hsyden; satis
faction of judgment $K1. 30.
E M Croisan vs Ben Hayden; satis
faction of judgment $147.75. -
Fidelity Savings Ass'n to Ciiss T
8pringer, general power of attorney, .
COUNTY oorjHf.
EstHte of Daniel VanHnskira semi
annual report filed and approved. Exe-
cutor charged with $108,31 for snle ol
gram ami Hitthomed to renl farm an
other year.
Est of John Burns -Final account filed
and November 5 set (or hearing.
Est of David Ackley Kale ol real pro-
perly con firmed. ,
Est of James F. Taylor Sale of real
property confirmed. v' .
Est ol Nathaniel Holman U. S.
Landry appointed guardian ad litem
f , N Ho,mHI, a ,,, r jvtition
. m , ,v
' I
Est of Cvrus Jones Semi annual re
M""" .1 ...
t. Est of Nathan Ilussoy potillon to
sell personal property granted
Est of Jane Richardson Receipts pf
heirs filed and administrator and bonds-
(en discharged.
Ent ol t red r inch Final account ap
proved and administrator and bondsmen
Est of W. P. Shaw Final account ap
proved and administrator and bondsmen
Van J Dornsife bale of personal pro'
perty approved
Est of Isaac Ball Semi annual report
..Est" of C. B. Groved Continued to
November 6.
Est of George A. Wells Proof of will
filed. G. A. Wells, jr., appointed ad-ministratorj-II.
W. Murphy, Miles Por-
tertluld and J. II. Ingraham appraisers.
Est of John Fawk Final hearing set
(or Nov. 5.
Est of John Stapletou Will filed and
commiHsion to clerk of Marion county
issued to prove will. "
Est ol John A. McCoy Semi: annual
report filed and approved and order
made to sell personal property.
Est o( E. P. Gurrin Semi annual re
port approved.
.... .j . ..
, Note the new ad of Tom Fennel. . He
is in business once more at the old stand
opposite the creamery.
Mrs. J. C. House and Mrs. K. M. ';
Irvine have opened Drewtmaklng
Parlors one. door eunt ot H. li. Jas
person's on Monmouth street, and
solicit a fair share of your patronage. '
Uame Laws of Oregon.
As the flshlnir aeaatm la now ou and
the hunting aeaaou will aoon open lof
larger game, It may lie wen u rennuu
parties going to the mountain ,Ust
wheu tiny euii take game.
ltllfiil to kill deer and elk from
July IS to November 1 of each yr,
but It Is unlawful to kill llieiu al any
time for the hides, name and horns,
and It I hIho unlawful at any time to
killaH)tlid fawn or to. ohaso a ueer
wlitt dog. - " i
The open season to kill kllver trcf
squirrel U from Ootolier 1 lo January 1.
The open season for China pheasatils,
grouse, native nheaaaula and quails I
the mouth of (MoUir and November.
H tuners are not allowed to ahoot from
a public highway nr to enter any stamK
lug or grow ing grain not hi owu for
the purpose of recovering or taking any
game, or to go upon any, premise for
ihe iiuriuMM of limitliitf or to allow his
douNtodn without the consent of
?h owner or the pemmi In charge, The
taw forbids the killing of laoksuipe ex
cept from tha 11 rat dav of Hepteniber
.....II .1... . .. . .. ... 1. ........
mini vue ist iisjr i vuiuui n"
lug. - ',
IV mt iiimv be taken fuuu April 1 to
Novemlwr I of ench year.. Ducks iiisv
bo killed (ruin HepieinlHr 1 uut'l Marcii
1A following.
The penally for the violation or any
of the provision of the law promoting
gmiie la a lino of not leas thun 111) or
luore llian J(l, ti get her Willi Hie cows
f the iiroseculion or uy tine in me
enmity lull not um tlian aeveii uays
nor nion lima 100 days, .,
- The PunUhuient iH-tiig an aever few
will take tha chum of kllliog game
out orteaaotl,- .1 .,. . ' : .
J..1J,6tiirgiK(11iaker.. Ciiyv ai Im
.t o i J i .1-
tlit?Hy lliuvaday.-y ' ,
i Why groiaroiim1 In the darkness ct
by a tmokv coal oil lamp giving three Of
lour eandle-puwur llghi, when for 80c
ler innnlli you can have a nice clean 10
eaudle-siwer electric tiglit Installed,
Tne Jaiiiinoii firocery Co., Ii the Utlo
of a new grm'ery and enwery house in
Moiiiuouth. F. A. Dotity, ol thi, city,
is at the head of the firm ami will give
it the hendit u( hi usual euergy.
It it expected that the F.iwllsli part
riddel allotted to IndeHndeuce sport
men, eighteen lrs, il arrive here
alxiut November 10, The Wurr Piok
uppests to liunter that care be used
not to kill these birds until after they
gel a good start. , ,
(interitur tteer has issued a w rit ol cc
la) election cominanding the sheriff of
Multnomah county to "notify the judge
of election of said county, tliat on Tues
day, November (1, 1000, they hold a spec
ial election to fill the vacancy that eiist
by nasnn ol the death of A. J. Knott,
lecti'd to represent' Multnomah comity
in thu lower house of the Oregon legls
at tire, " .
The nuuiHueinviil of tliu Pioneer
Woolen i mill, of Da linn, which hKa
been niukinR proiiOMitionii to towns
and citios througliout tho Worth
wcW, (or tho piiHt three nionthii, to
move tlm mill lo any location giv
ing it tho nectwury oncuuragomcnt
in tho wav o( a Ihiiiuh Vina at last
ouml a city in California that
wishes, to invent in ouch a rojerty.
)uncuu , McPhernon and li.s F.
luoth, ol Han tit Crust, roturncdlrorri
)allas .lttiit ' Vefiing, whore 'they
had goue as'a .ooiumittee from their
tome town to ijiapuot the tnachfn-
try of tlm PioiiiH-r -mill and if it
met with their approval to accept a
iromilion from tho maiiagctnent
of thu mill, in huhalf o( Santa
Cruz, This little city of 7000 pto-
lo pioposo to movo the machinery
rom liilliin and add to it much
more new machinery from the eaat
and pluce it jn a build ng erected
by the people on lundu donated by
lorn. It ia enti mated that the mill
ill coat the people of that town a
ttlo over $20,(XX), and it speaks
much for tho enterprise of tho ia-
labitantfl of that p'ace, ' that they
are willing to donate eo much to
ncotinigi) an industry of this kind
their midat. It is understood
int the committee is well satisfied
atist'icd with the property oxamin-
1 ycBterday,- and will accept it
within a few days. Oregon will
thus loe an enterimao and tho Iit-
o city of Dallus will bo a great
iHcr. MCHsrs. iitct'iieroon anu
liHiih left for home last night,
loafed with their trip to the Wil-
amctta valluy and their nuccesBful
cal with Hie owners ot the imllus
Woolen mill. Statesman, Sept. 30.
When you cannot sleep for coughing,
It Is hnrdly iiueeHsary that any one
should tell you that you neod a few
meHorClmmoerlulu's rough ltemeiiy
to u II ay the irritation of the throat, and
make sleep posHihle. It Is good, Try
It For title by Kirkland prug Co. ,
,'J. Clj Vut City Warrants,
Notice is hereby given that funds are
how on hands lor the payment of City
Wsrrnnts No". U0,v to Ho,, H(M, inclusive
Interest will ceu'ae'frOnr and sifter this
ate,, ,.,,, , ,.... -, .. . . , ,,.
Indepphdetice, Ori-gon, Sept. 27,1000'.
Asa Komnson, ; : ,
' Ctty Treasurer, '
: Public sale. . ,.. , .
Oii tlwiOth day o( October, 1000 at the
Id Fuller place near Airlie, Oregon, I
ill offer for sale at public auction the
following nersotial nronertvi
One span liluck horses 7 and 8 years old
weight about lioOeacn,
Une span mares 0 and 7 years old weight
about 1400 each.
Une mare 6 years old weight 1200,
MarcB all bred to I'.ugliali sire. -1 .
10 head yearling steers.
1 milk cow. , '.
1 snlkey, , . , .
1 new lish wagon -
1 wide tire wagon -
1 set double harness , " 1
Home Iiokh and pigs. m
Terms! 110, and under cash, Uver
10. notes one year on approved security
ut 8 per cent interest. . oper cent dis
count for cash.
At the same time and place I will oft-
for sale that part ot tho fuller place
Iving north of the county road about
400 acres aB it stands. '
Tdrms; 5 equal payments 8 per Cent int.
first payment, approved security outside
property last 4 payments secured on
place, - Ueaerved mu fit. an acre. This
place. has aliout luu acres either under
or that can easily be placed under culti
vation out open pasture land well ten-
cod. 40 acres summer fallow now being
seeded down. House barn and orchard.
B, P. Coll well.
aeter to deliver and collftot'ln OruKri for old
fhtnlillHhed miuiiil'ttoturlim wholuHiilo houae,
t'.KMi n ear, mire pay. Honiisty moro than ex.
iwrii!liC8 n quil ttu, uur ruiruu', uuy uu,
a anv ally. KnclOHe Bf-addroHsod stamped
envelope. Manufacturers, Tblrd Floor,.!
Dearborn St., Uhloago '
How's This f
W"r Oris Hundred tNillsr Hrwsrd tor
?, iii ,T 1 '"" eannol M oertid br
lrr,l t lint,
r. J. I'll KN KV A m rmi. Toledo, O,
w . Ui uiiildnlKUvd, bavs kiuiwn If, i, (!hi
nir wr in hut If. ymr, nd Iwllsvs lilm psf.
(rally honnrskl In all Imilnuu trsnwti'Uiiii
slid nii.n.iuiij, h fMry mi ttLroiillsa.
- nrin, i
a um i m .i. ttiii.iui.ia arniiu vnui, ft.
. ., " ' aiarrb Ours Is Uknn (numsllr, n.
Ins dlruiitly iiHn tin, hlisnl and ninmius ur
"" On ,vthl. Prlns 1S pr bolUt. Hold
"''. iMoniuiiisisire.
Hall Ksiuiijr pillasr tlis twt. . . .
' . . . ' ' ,
, Oiteuln; of Kcliool
T" Indeiiendence public schools
opene.1 on Monday morning with a lull
corn of teacher and about three bun
dred children in attendance. ' , '
I'rof. A. M. Handera, late ol Dtllat, u
principal and the following ladles ar
teachers t Mr. II. T. Nniltli, Mis Kcllle
lltirk, Mis Vena (loff, Mis Dora
Cooper, Miss AdonaCoehr'au.Mr. Mary
Tuck, ill Luiil Mssterson. , .
The Galveston papers "if "Satur
day morning contain no premont
tion of the great storm, though i
broke upon tho city at 6 a. pi. The
News says that "at' inldrjlgu't ' tli'c
moon wa shining brightly and the
skxwas not as threatening lis earl
ier In the night.' This 'weather!' bu
reau has no late advices as UV the
itotm (U'tiie Houtii AlUntiol'aiid
h t. f. i),.l Owi' IrniiU'sl lllutnr.
uc.imhj,.j)o .ctiapgoWi.aifiupwr
ph, ,lt t foroc .lKiorat.r,j!chJng
iVxa.", -Nothing j ia Jlic, Vagula
weather report indicate, anythijg
omiHlil; liy(, Vehire, the, Baturdft
morning p4V't were, on the, streets
In Galveston , thu frightfuf stow
had In gun its havw. . c . ..
, Jt Happened Iu Urn More. ' k
'Otic day lent winter a lady came (
my drug store and aaked for a brand
of onuKU niedldne that I did not have
Iu alock," aaya Mr. V, It. (Jrandln; the
pnpuUr druggist of Onlatlo, JJ. Y.
Hlie va dMapslulil and wanted to
ktioM wbateotigh prepafatlnn I 'could
reoomiiiend, I saldio her that I ooud
fret'Iv reoommeiid Chamberlain' Cough
Iteuieiiy olid mat sue oouid take a imM
tie or the remedy ana arrer giving It
fair trial II she did not find It worth
the money to bring back the bottle and
I would rein ud the prion Paid. , In Hie
ooume of a day or two the lady came
hack tn company witti a menu iu Heed
of a ootigu uiedlclue and advised her to
buv a Ixiltle ol Chaiulerlnlu' t'ouuli
lU'iniHly. f consider that a' very BtMxr
reeonimeiidatloii for the remedy," u
I for sale uy tvirKiaiid Prug l o.
", .,, Oregon FrulU , , .
Atf iti ni ln a recent issue if the
Minneaoulif Journal states .that in
two weeks of September, 00 car
loaus oi iruu naa imoti ..reocivea . iu
that city. Of this amount "00 ear
loads had come from OreKQrwand
Waahington, and 40 from Michigan
Indiana and Illinois. It, is such
lacts ah these uiat tnuioaie in a
praotical way the wonderful resour
ces of Oregon. A gentleman who
ias recently come to rortlanu Irorn
Minneapolis, informs tho Teleyrgra-
that Oregon apples Belli, readily. (in
that city, t I L nu;zii ,jcrj pox,
and that .no better Jruit ..ia seen
tltcyrj that which comes from
thisstaW. t,.wi. Mf
'For Ihrea dava andnlahta I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
niorbim brought ou by sating eaeuui
bm " aaya M. K. lxiwtber, olerJt of -lb
diatrlot court, Ceulerville, Iowa.. "I
thought I should surely die, Vm! tried
a doeen dllfereut uiediclnea bet all to
uo ntirpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham
lierlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kemedy and three done relieved ine
entirely. " Thi remedy la for sale, by
Kirkland OJrug IX).-' "
The third party candidates have
declined the enthnsiaHtio' nomina
tion tendered them by eighteen of
their fellow citir-ens, cbieily boc&UBo
they have not yet made up their
minds how they wul vote this fall.
' ' . ' - . -
' To n-nideuls of Polk County. ,
If you want to locate in Houthern
Oregon, if you will tell me what you
want to do, what you can bring with
you either in skill or money, I will take
ileaaure In answering letters oi inquiry.
( vou want to rent a farm, say how
Iiml'o and what vou can pay--csh rent
ruin here. If you want to buy prop
erty or engage in mining, say so. If
you 'want to work for wages, tell me
what you can do, and wages yon expect
and I wil try to assist you. It might be
well for you to enclose a 2o stamp to
E. C. Pentland,
' , , - . ; Oram's Pass.'Or.i
' ' To the Deaf. , ' ? ..
! A rich lady cured of her deafnee.
ami noise in the bead by. Dr. .Niuhol
sou' Artificial Eur Drumsgave $10,000
to Ms Institute, so that deaf people dn procure the ear drums may have
thoiu rree. , AdUrees Wu, lMM-o,' 'ilie
Nicholson, Iustltule, 7ao,B EighUi
Nicholson, Institute, 7S0, r.
AVenue, New York, U. ft 'A'. ('
u AND A-v
!' I'.I.UI
livfei at Yotf-m :'VWkiT1rptr'- fiKd(Hat
ku t h
- ' - ' " fl '-.
. , . T.'H EN KLE,' proprletof ,J'(
Hdt and Cold Baths at all
Times. - i
Dan P.Jtouffer.
Insurance,..,.. vi
.,...(j)ollection, i ' . .,
i " Examined.
kaln Street , ... Dallasi Oregou
W. G. Sharrrian,
Main Street;" Independence
; , ... K : V:.-;. :. i,
Hclimd apportionment. ':
0. L, Htarr, aoanty chool'supeeW
Uodent, oa Monday mad the lollowing
apportionment ol choo, funds on, f
bails of II.&k per capita (or county, and
U4 (or stale t. , 1 ' ,
Dlst. 1- lt6 06 . "Dlsl. 83-f 304 70
i .... - 152080 W 84 -217 W
t -8 , 171 K t ' 8W 133 70
8K 87 0ft
,, '8118 15, , . 87 99 60'
; . 7180' 1'?4 88-127 43
1 7X- )M'W 1 ''" 80- ' 102f 00
' 5 iUKwwi.rf- ' -40 ,t 140 2
V;' 8-e820 20 ' ,.Ul-r.,-MMIr
i .'lO. ,807 BO
87 05
48- lOf 70
44- "IS'M
. 12-
' "la-
v 14-
f. 1'10
HO 85 r
9ll 75
46 74 00
Ml 60
8VflV 1
127 45
4ft- 4fr76
' 48- 84 20
. 50 '87 05
. 18- lao 80
10- ' 1H0 80
l 20-
.' 2U-a.-2Q
, , 23-, 00 15
v 62-i .34 20
,.ynfj3-r 1J51 2ff
., 64 1,111 (Ml
174 JOrr 1 1.68- .111 Qk
i.V?A ,80 84 r. ' Ob-' f
r - , .
yd i':ii.i tutht! li " i
:Oi Ji'
Zi Insurance, toans,
Main HI
Indepeodeiibef- Ore.
' '""GtJ v'
I - will give extra spe-i
total bargains on Watches!
Ifor a lew . days. v. Doa'tt
pvcrlogk this sale,, if youl
iwant a Watch. 4 hl! u , I
' ; Jidr.4 Of IMaei.
i ,lcacie,eT..!'
W'Yult" ntiii'iTr
U Mtnuinltli
v . . .
: , . latonea
' Cemetery Wbrlc
Awl -7ti.'.W".f
. C The Independence
s ii ' '. ' : ' ' .. ' '"
Capital 8tock, $50,000.00 ' "
rnddsnl. Vto-rraldal
,,,iO,W.M.VWalMkl,. , ;-J
r.gmlth, A. fslsoa, A. N. BaiarR. U. Jas
txtMB, i. K. Kbodea, B. W. Ssara, II. Vlnoabarr
, ,.'-'t ; . t "
a fnlrf Ranfnr aad Metianr bostawi
lrniot,l; lon mult, bills discounted, cam
aircltl credits frantsd; deposit roslvd es
eurrunt tocount suliisot U eaeak. loUrtl aU
B tlmdpwtts.
" r'l I I., I I1" "'! . 1 " " V ".
Polk County Bank
' -1
p'i; 11
1 7 1BA
1H4 I ' l'l
0WEI,t CsKklsr. .
.! .iiti :'' --vi
Paid Capita) $30,000.60
.1 IOO .-. '. '..ISO!
, ... i;
i ,"I)mECtOUS':
j! HWa,w1ey, t. fcaippbell', 1.' !
VimrRdtr, j, h, v. Huller, JoUn
JfWAnh fir a van i
Joaepn Craven.
Mrisatts b Oeneral Bartklng
and Exchange Business.
I '! ' -'if tft ii I, ': ft
CorVetl to elate. '
'' Leaves Alrlle fur
Menu out h ' a d
ence lar Monnliiirth
andAlrll. ; ;'.
' T180 a. . , .
, ..8:80 p. in.
,I.ave Imlepund
Indepeniliio, ; ,y
3.00,a.m;. ..
UO p. lit. "
Leaves' Dallas for
Mniiinoutli.iia In.
enot for JIolimoutlil
tlepertdeuee. "
and pallas, , ,,
lliOOau mi-
"-.iiia ii iu.,
Leaves Moimiuutli
forAlrlld. V
1 :80 '. .' ' -i ;
. 8ifl0 p. mt ; r
' Leaves afonlnqnth
furUallss. S . .
1 11:0 a.'m.' "
7:30 p.m. i,
: 1 00 p. m. ' '
. a.80 . ,. j
i eaves Alonmonth
.v. .liHO, pi in., -it
Ui0 p. ta." -
j;, pur.-..
Leaves Imlenend-
ewo fiir.Monm.outh'
i05 p. m.!
' 1 ' Free to Inventors.
Theemorlunoc'nf O. A. HnrtOb. IriVblaln'-
log moro than 20.000 patents foe luventors baa
enablen im ro to neiptuny answurmany ques.
tionii relating to ,the prptootiwijil, Inf-dleotiial
iropoTtyi TDWtney nsvornrmo in a pampiiiel
ircatlng brlii(iy pf JJnltsd . Stales., andjorelan
patentK, wlHrcost Dramearld how to procure
henii, trade markadeiiiKescavsaU, Infrinae-
meets, decisions In leading patent oases, eto.
'This pampWet will bs sent free to anions
rtuag td u. A. Sua A Co., Wasblniton, D. 0
Eft' IU
rt vi akin
TliomaB :Fenii ell,?
; era t 18 1 a c fesrii i t li i n g
1 ..i '4 .. . .' '.!". ' t , . '
. . !-. tl tO . H- . ... v -
' ' ' t .J.'syU'g opened, up my pld blackamlih shop, and also purchased .-' , , -
' tli shop 6wna by fl. V. Cprnwell, rid consolidated the two, I am '
. inbw )a A'pliialtloa pAo isll kittle of ' . .v.i '"
BlaBlisraiti.ynrk:;:Bairiage and MM". -
l pl .
, i
M'hJvi(Umy old cuiitomer lo
IndopjDH!nce)Ai .
Thu HntEl Bail
,.JJfll Wii 'Tfiftaeif a-htl 8nova't6I
jiom, coiiarur'iai wif anu every
tliinK'iiMtnrw. od1 tjumWoom
WW'l,tWi4.. f24otwi
lorvcoaiW.ci4,l.4fno.i , (aotipr
. ...t wr .irz j wiCr.i i -ij j
17 x .sU-.l'- ,iaaux,ata a . r',.'
OiVldeon Hdfl8. Props
Clftera, iCIfsiret l'obec.oo, and
; " Confotionery.
Pleat Claap. Sod fountain In eon-
'" loaf Inn.
.':.' i it
fe ypii;; looki
A, u:
I -,
' - . i- l. . .1. -T
- brush. I have a'good , .
: . .i)risb or;24j -tooth brushes, up... f.
. i'.T.wi lilU '.4 i 1 ,.: ",' .- .
-.-VrW'Si LOCKE' - .'"
, bv V.Ji v,.fii ,t esoel in-everv rxnt? ,i
.'. ft ' V 4 , '
S llX , ,HJ
oraii5ni?ii- n iq)
Ij-. Ij u
. 'I. ' ' ii
' Steel Ihge
A big)pdo,r of ,th Ja.te?t patterns,' !
rf ;4:: --. eUlfi"
OtflV, 'e'xiirATne and
. fi.
tf. . .. jam
. "doctor up" : i
,t Oliangeable weather between two Seasons encour
.ageyour' chronic troubles and inflicts upon you '
mti6h pti.ty'sickness'.' "Better" ward, it off." 10 cents
Im'ight prevent itvlion $10 wouldn't ciire it. " ;
Kl . 1 "CohYb to us t6 have yoU'r proscriptions filled and '
-ior everything kept' in a well regulated drug store. '
I'M,' y
"'XT' ?, ii D'j -i
atnkn makea when hla laundry work
rent'' home with porcupine edg-w and.
BDreadxlatbUttn lol8. If 'b would.
brlrjgjIjjlsljaeH,) an. udate; Jaudry, ; -whera
perfeat melhotls. obtain at all
Iillmeei stioli ali' the Salotn Bbeiard Laundry,
1)9 wliroelvS hts' alifrts, hilars arid
pulft eqoart no: every-time 'thit w
sabfi pent bpm,;..' .
i- (iOLOliEL J. OLMSTED, froi).
j Leavt jrourtfrdira t Katch'r Barbtr Ship,
wlth tb Salm taa. ,i, Vj
I I ! I. . II . I!
il, 1-JHTARK, ''Prop,.:; v;' :
Our Eve'rvdav
. ; Is4 as' good 'as 1 our :
Strhday: DiriiiefiVtfd'
our.Suqday Dinner.
isxled-dbdly-thiB bost'
li Ml'Hhi!b hadrn
Try it:"
t"ii 't'
i- ,'"i : t
,Offloe. apd R(Ulenoe ttornet Railroad
f'l. ' "i., I ,; ,. i ' y - !
i '
eall o( see nie at.tbe old itand.
1 Oregon.
couHlmitly on-hand s floe ' '
(AHHortioent of, , . i
M . Wines, .
Brandies; -
) v Cigars, .1
AlW trie famous Hop Gold Beer. .
l&i'il ' ;,,,., x,. ,i.,..,. . ,
For Draylng'
F. !M.' 5KINNER,
,, .tfitleiice.'. ;.
Orders.: fox hauling
executed ' . promptly .
and at reasonable
rates. , v ',,.,.
ng: ;
but a b'air jbVush,.,, ;
!l !' .;.. '
K ArJlf- Is "
1 1
. r,:.
V i
... '-'''
- -
or Jv!
. 'TT .
Send yonrbnsinesadlrevt to Washington,
. saves time, cost less, tatter service.
Uy oBc. oIom to V. a htnt Oflo. nu antumta
arj u.mlnfttlon. mads. Attr's w at da. aaUlaattat
AOTOAiKlrKKIENOS. Book "How 0 obtaia htah,"
to., nat . . fsMtits prennS tkna(k I. . Hsfen
nedn ip.olal notfc, wttaoat akari, ta ike
lilutrats oatUr-Ilavaatk THr-tanu, 1. a nar.
anything vou invettt''orimBrevei also i
PROTECTION, fiend modeL aketcii. ornhoto.
for free examination and advice.
i c.a.c::ov&co.
Patent Uwrert, WASHINGTON, D.C.
f jftl