The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 05, 1900, Image 2

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JOV A. C. MINT, Ballot art lVefWr,
ciaauCTioH lum., ,
- twaa!1-
aaontn... , . al 10
TM .Ileal, iatataft J,. ...
The CorrftUii Tlmta thinks thert
ii to be terrific politic. , battle
that will be fought t Saleable
winter, in tbe election of a eacceeaet
to Senator McBride. Feir know it,
but it ii a fact that the 'struggle it
already on. It ia on, not only with
oonitant workers in the field," but
with energy that iccftwaes erery
day. Preliminarf proceedings be
gan right after the polls doted in
the June election. Newly elected
senators and repreeentatiTet whose
attitude was not positively known,
began at once to receive letters from
Various parts of the state, and in
the interest of various candidates.
These letters began to pour ia inv
' mediately after , tbe result of the
election was known, and they eon
tinua to Arrive. . Eaeh . has sow
reference to the organisation of the
house, but, as everybody knows, . it
Is largely upon tb result of the or
ganisation of the two branches of
the legislature that "the issue of the
senatorial struggle depends, and it
is the latter and not the former, that
mostly inspires those who write If
the skirmishers are thus actively
engaged now, what pandemonium
may the battle royal develop before
the bugle sounds the shrill note of
. A prominent Republican from
abroad, in Corvallis reoently, talked
about the senatorial situation. "No
man knows how it will end," he
said. It did not seem to him pot
Bible that either Corbett or McBride
could be elected. Active workers
were a field for each, but as he
understood the situation, neither
could muster votes enough to war
rant great hope of success. Exper
ience of leading candidate in re
cent senatorial struggles in Oregon
was discouraging to the outlook of
both. Dolph was once a leading
candidate with the caucus nomina
tion, but he failed, and died. Mit
' ehell followed him to the political
slaughter house with votes enough
to elect, and there met the fata that
Oregon legislatures deal out to
"leading candidates." These, and
similar results in earlier struggles,
seems to make blood on the moon
when Corbett and McBride look at
the chances, of Hermann than of
either, Hermann's candidacy thus
far was as a spectator, waiting for
the Corbett and McBride forces to
spend their strength, ready at the
right moment to jump into the ring
with bands playing and colors fly
ing, and to gather to bis own sup
port the crumbling ranks of each.
There is no doubt, said this man
that Hermann at the right time
will have Simon back of him, and
this means much. .
Still another factor, a factor of
much importance, too, said thii
statesman, is ex-Senator Mitchell.
He is not politically defunct by a
long shot. His defeats in the past
have sometimes been merely the
forerunners of his subsequent tri
umph. Defeated in 1884 at a regu
lar session, be was elected at a suc
ceeding special session. When Mc
Bride is in the last ditch with his
laBt reserves vainly thrown into the
fray, perhaps then, Mitchell fresh,
forceful and experienced, will take
command of the McBride men, ad
ding strength' of his own, and win
the battle with one furious on?
laughter. In the latter move, how-
over, he said it was questionable if
the McBride men could be swung
intact' to Mitchell. -
We wonder why Roosevelt didn't
talk aboqt free silver while he was
In Montana. ' The' people there
tuiaa. ti u uaraiuuuufc. war wcs
Teddy silent? v -v!
We may have dollar wheat, but
the farmers are not sufficiently
certain of it to induce them to hold
back their crops to take advantage
nfit. Sales have been heavy all
over the west. '
It then there really is an "alii
nee betwwen the; United States
and Great Britain, , the President
should drop a few hints to the party
of the second part that it might be
well to: pass the word to cease hint
ing publicly at the fact until after
the election. r
H. W. Corbett and his associate
bankers, of Portland, own the Ore-
goman. -Roseburg Review.
Well, what of it? Wouldn't you
like to be the mogul in . the tower,
yourself? Sour grapes! .
Seattle claimed 100,000. The
census officials found only 80,671..
A review or recount failed to show
where the other 19,329 were. Seat
tle evidently had used a hydraulic
jack when she set the first figure,
but some one stole tbe alcohol out
o the jack.
.. . , . w
Washington, D. C Sept. 21
Uncle 8am has decided to playa
lone hand during the remainder of
the Chinese game, and has so in
formed those who were his partners
in the early stages of the game.
The division of the powers as to
what ought to be done made the
OQilcok tor trouble in China so
threatening, that this government
concluded ' to 'take no chances of
being drawn into a war, either
gainst Chin or any of the allied
powers, and in diplomatic terms
informed the powers that the U. 8.
Minister at Pekin had been directed
to arrange the preliminaries tor
opening negotiations with Li Hung
Chang and the other peace envoys
of tbe Chinees government. And
he further accentuated the inten
tion of this government to act alone
by announcing thai excepting a
strong guard tor the American Le
gation, it would order all American
troops out of China at once. What
effect if any, this will have on the
planf of the other powers in China
il as Vet problematical, hot the 1m
presaion in Washington is general
mat Wis government was wise in
taking advantage of its first oppor
tunity to honorably withdraw from
the alliance. Tbe guard (or the
American Legation will be a strong
one of about 2,000 men, artillery,
cavalry and infantry, and will not
be subject to the orders of Count
Waldersee, Commander in Chief of
the Allied Army.
The troops withdrawn from Chi
na will be sent to the Philippines,
where the renewed activity of the
insurgents makes them needed. In
fact the need tor soldiers ia the
Philippines' is believed to have
been a factor in causing tne admin
istration to decide to hurry up the
withdrawal of the American troops
from China. There will be no de
lay,' as Gen Chaffee was ordered
nearly a month ago to hold himself
in readiness to withdraw at any
time. ' 1
Recent news from Cuba has not
been pleasing to those Americans
who are sincerely desirous of seeing
the island governed by the Cubans
at an early day, and the prediction
is freely made that the programme
provided for the withdrawal of our
military authority next year will
not be carried out. It is ths result
of the constitutional elections that
has caused the uneasiness as to
Cuba's immediate future. Unl
those who ought to know are mis
taken, a majority pf the delegates
vention represent the worst element
on the island, and there is no prob
ability that they will formulate
constitution that will provide for
stable government or be accepted
our Congress, to which it must be
submittedVhen complete. Official
will not discuss ths matter, saying
that the constitution will speak for
itself when finished, and that the
only duty of the President in con
nection therewith will be to trans
mit it to Congress. Private letters
received in Wsshington say there
is much 'alarm felt among that
class of Cubans who are not seeking
personal profit out of the govern
ment of tne island. I hey are
afraid that Congress may accept
the Constitution that will be pre
pared by the Convention, and wil
take steps to inform Congress snd
the people of this country of the
true character of the majority o
the men who will be members o!
that Convention. Gen. Fittbugb
Lee, who is in Washington on leave
of absence, said of ths coming con'
stitutional convention in Cuba
'Everything in connection with it
is'problematical and experimental
If the Cubans can frame a const!
tution and prove their ability to
govern themselves, s well and so
good, but if they can't do this for
themselves well, somebody will
have to do it for them."
Senator Morgan, of Alabama.
although politically opposed to the
administration,, highly commends
its Chinese policy, which he de
clares to be conservative, ., He
thinks it calculated to remove dan
ger of our becoming involved in i
common .war of the powers against
China, of which he says: "The U.
S. cannot afford to run tbe risk of
accepting the fruits of such a war,
whether successful or unsuccessful.
We cannot become involved with
the European powers. The Ameri
can policy is separate and distinct
from' the policy of other govern
merits. It is above, board and
open; Oar ends and our aims are
not identical with those of any
other country. " We cannot afford
to ally ourselves with any of them.
We may co-operate with one or all
of them but we do not need to agree
with them." ., r
' Prof. J. W. Jenks who hss been
in Europe for three months making
an investigation of trusts for the
information of the U. 8' Industrial
Commission, has submitted a pre
liminary report. He found that
Germany led in the number rf
trusts in Europe, the courts of that
country having upheld contracts
with them in deqijions, and that
they flourished in England and
Austria and are beginning to make
headway In Franca.' la both Aus
tria and Germanybanks are very
active in the promotion of trusts,
and frequently control titan. He
learned in Germany that they are
trying to form an international
trust ia certain lines of iron manu
facture, to include German, English
and American manufactories, simi
lar to several now in existence,
which embrace German.and Belgi
an concerns. ''
fnm mi Regular OwrMdt,
Paris, France, Sept. 10.
For those who are interested in
art, the Paris Exposition offers a
formidable collection of specimens.
There are assembled here, aa in a
gigantic encyclopedia, all the mate
rials serving in the history of art
in the past, making its develop
ment by stages, and showing in the
present, by means of oompariwn
between the displays of all races,
the dominant thoughts, the modes
of expression, and tbe progress
achieved. It is true that the mate
rials are scattered throughout tbe
exposition. In the Grand Palace
of Fine Arts, one can with a single
glanoe embrace the simultaneous
effort of nations in what was for
merly called -the noble, arts; one
can recognise what each people has
achieved in painting and sculpture
in the last ten years; but tbe con
elusions to be drawn from this ex
amination, ai Incomplete, One
must go to tbe Hotel des Invalides,
and from there to the Champ de
Mars, and study the collections
according to countries and accord
ing to classes, in order to obtain
the neeessary data as to the present
development of art and as to the
forms it has taken.
The fine arts, so called, show
only one sids of the artistic temper
ament of a nation. Its natural
tendencies, its taste arc shown as
well, or even better, in the special
character it gives its work, in the
products of its most humble indus
tries as well as in its creation of
articles of luxury, in its decoration
for interiors, In the forms given to
furniture, in the selection of colors,
in tbe arrangement of deeigoe for
carpets, for hanging, for goldsmith's
work, for crockery and for toys
These represent a country : much
more fully than the fine arts them'
selveo, which often receive their
select .mE
ions in actual contradiction with
ths genius of their race. , Besides,
these are usually produced tor the
richer classes alone, while the ap
plied arts, exploited for the benefit
of the masses, receive inspiration
from them and are modeled In ac
cord with their taste. Much better
than painting and sculpture do
they show the instinet and the
artistic capacity of a people.
In this connection, the artistic
development of Germany is espec
ially interesting. With all the
wonderful progress made by tbe
country since the foundation of the
empire in 1870, art has remained
more or less stationary. There re
remain a number of petty states,
principalities, grsnd duchies, toy
kingdoms," which hsve kept factiti
bus importance, among other lines,
by the maintenance of local schools
of art and universities. The latter
have been forced to adapt them'
i . ' - a .
selves to . modern conditions and
methods of education; but the
schools of art, located for more than
a century in the same cities, remote
from industrial or commercial cen
tare, have continued to seek models
in tbe past and to avoid contact
with the life of the present day.
Add to this lack of a common
source of education and to the sup
erannuated instruction given, the
differences in rices and tempera
ments of the German, people from
the positivs, realistic German of
the Norths to the expansive, senti
mental German of the South, influ
enced by the tastes of the neighbor
ing Italy and the reason for ths
lack, of 'homogenous art in tbe
country will be seen. . v
Among the representatives of the
Northern school only two are wor
thy of mention Werner and Vogel
The pictures of the first are noted
for the exactitude of the physiogno
mies-' depicted. Vogel knows how
to use color, and his work has
marks of distinction.; but than is
decided monotony.
Leibermann is pf quite a differ
ent fype. During his long stay in
Holland he gained the ability to
give an atmospheric quality to his
pictures. He gives us views of fish
ermen and laborers engaged in their
dreary occupations under the gray
sky of Zeeland; all refreshingly true
and lacking in any attempt at dra
matic effect.
The "genre" picture, as shown
by Defregger, in Bavaria, appears
frequently," The principle on which
tests, which consists in study of
types studied separately and arbi
trarily united and grouped, is with
out authority. There are some
notable 'exceptions to this class
among the Germans. William
LiebHuooeedi in producing studies
of colors and lights In which figures
play a part, but do not predomi
nate. One of his pictures in the
Grand palace reprwenta a man
seated before a window. Tbe cur
tains are raised and the light falls
full on his face. The atmospheric
effect is perfect, and one sees tbe
hand of the true artist in every de
tail. Gotthard Kuehl goes a step
further in this direction by making
the human figure a mure accessory
on his canvas. He exoells in dark
ened interiors, in which a ray of
light is multiplied in dancing re
flections on walls and floor. He
has exhibited a view of the inside
of a church, in this style, that is a
work of the first rank.
Hrr 'Uhde, of Dresden, paints
religious subjects with much feeling
He takes his types from tbe mass
es, bnt chooses the models that he
thinks accord best or contrast best
with the figure of Christ. He do
thes them in rags that might bn
of any age. ,Tbey resemble the
camel's hair robes of the Bedouin,
which' might well have been worn
by tbe companions of Jesus; but
they are also not unliks tbe torn
garments with which the poor of
today cover themselves. In bis ex
ecution, Uhde has returned to
Rembrantesque ideas, shrouding in
shsds all unnecessary details con
centrating the light on the faces,
especially in the face of Christ.
Above all he breathes into his can
vas thst fltotte ol charity and pity,
differing from that of the Evanel
ists but partaking of their depth
and ardor, that inspires the world
todsy. , ,'
Mix Klinger. ol Lei prig, has alw
tbe ambition to represent religious
subjects. He teecus to have one of
tbe most vigorous temperament
that has appeared in Germany in
twenty years, but be does not find
bis best form of expression in pain
ting. His engravings derive their
power from the same q jalities that
iniure bis canvss originality of
design, roughness of style, strength
of execution. In the completed
pictures, tl attitudes are convul-1
sive, the types hideous, lite coloring
atrocious. It is impossible to give
an idea of the vulgarity of bin
Christs or of the glaring effects he
produces. ,
There is no reasonable doubt that
Mr. Bryan, if elected, will do his
level best to repeal the gold stand
a'rd law. The question is whether
or does not ovcrweigh a future
foreign peril.
Facts about the Silo.
'Twenty years' experience in the
use of tho' silo has brought out
some lacta about which all are
agreed: r , !
1. That a larger amount ' of
healthful cattle food can be preaer
ved in the silo in belter condition,
at less expense of labor and land
than by any other method known.
,2. That silage comes nearer to
being a perfect mbstitute for the
succulent food of the pattture than
any Other food that can be had in
the winter.
3. Thirtv pounds a dav is en
ough silage for an average sized
Jersey cow. Larger cattle will eat
more. "' .
A. A cubic foot of silage from
tbe middle of a medium sized silo
will average about 45 lbs. weight,
5. For 182 days, or half a year,
an average Jersey cow will require
about six tons of silage, allowing
for waste.
6. The circular eilo made ot
good hardwood Btaves is cheapest
and best.
7. Fifteen feet is a good diara
etor and thirty fuet a good depth.
Such a silo will hold about two
hundred tons of silage cut in half
inch lengths.
8. Corn just pausing out of the
roasting ear stage is the best single
material for silage. Corn and cow
peas are the best combined materi
als in cow pea regions. '
9. , Silage is aa valuable in sum
mer as in win tor.
; 1U. the silo has come to be as
necessary a part of a dairy farm
plant as a corn crib or a hay mow
Jersey Bulletin. '
is, by no means, the dreadful
disease it is thoughi to be
in the beginning.
It can always be stopped
in tKe beginning. The trouble
is : you don't know you've got
it; you don't believe it ; you
won't believe it till you are
forced to. Then it is danger
ous. Don't be afraid ; but attend
to it quick you can do it your
self and at home. ,
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil, and live care
fully every way.
This is sound doctrine,
whatever you may think or
be told; and, if heeded, will
save life. 4 7 " .;;;V:;,
I vau haua nnl ariarf ia' a.
00. ojxi ni.oot all tnirjots.
Notice for Pulillratlw.
pinlpubiwptai. U pb. No .
. ? l. M. Unil Ofltitt,
. ' i Mnnt'llji.limnii,
i . ttpliubr Ism, 1 hud,
Nolle U rlr ! that In emnplhuiAt
with hroll"Mi ol lll wl or l oiigrwaol
Jim 1, M?. tmlllM "An Mil ff lh Ml ol
ll.,iMtr landi In lb rtuu ul California, Or.
21,nif.vala.anil WMhlngum Trnu,r," u
iliiill nil " I'ublla l-and malm lV ant
of A"iil it IMrJ,ChrlM Mattlwm, of nila-
KnoVurw, m,uniir "i nia nu i unfim,
a thl day It vi la thin oAtn till nwiirn itat.
muni N- KMI. ft Ilia niruhaa ol Ilia a E 14
ol Hrtln No, , la Tnwathlf No. a Kant
N. W., and will oflr rf toihow llial tha
iauil amiahlti utort valualila lot IU timber
or tona Oian Air antltmUural tmrto, anil Ui
aatalilUn III lalm Vi ld land bWnr tha
iij., and MaMlrarnrtHlf offlt llroian
I lly. Orun, on WailnwKlay, thai In day of
MivmMT, ink.
Ha nantn aa wllnawwai '
Knwinan U. Hublnaon, w( Call City, Oregon.
MmbaalU. riynn.rf KiiCll, Orm.
Allwrt P. RoblniHin, ol rIU City, Crn, -junmm
Imrntira.ol lnrloiwndanm, Orton.
' An. Bud all iwmiiii alalotloa drlr il
tlHiv-li rlbwt land an r (UMitrd la fll
ti, claim In tltla ffli on or bolvra tald
amMHj- ol NuvaiHbar, IWW. ...
chas. B. MtKiawi,
.!.. , . UaglnlvC.
rfotlee for Publication.
print pub Nrpl 1 I pub Nov M
1 . tJ.H. lAMlOMn
OnNiiia Citr.Omim
. rfeptawbar lih, Ih
' Nnltrw ! harrby ln that In ennipllanet
h tha nrovlilom ol Uia not of lionnrvaaol
Tuna I. mm, anUtlad ' An art ft Ilia aalr
ol wiibar lantla in in Hlataa ol California
Oriwoa, Navada, and Walilniton Trr!urr,"
?.b,ndd iu all tha fal)ll lnd MUla lij
Miil AoguaH, !. IM Mattlaun, rrt Inriv
KudMixa, ooonly of Mk, aiala of Oratrou,
tlMt day fllod In Uiliomna bar awornawu
mrul No, ft'M, Sir III purnltaaa of tbt) 1. 1-3 ol
olnavlHtB Io. a, in mwnauip no. a n, nungf
No, 1 w ., ana win orrar )"'i v anow mat
iks land aooaiil la mora vaJuabla Air Ita llio
bar ur o than lor agrtoutluraJ pnrpiw.
tt S aaiobliab baraialm lo aald land
fbta Uia Haalaur and Mamlvar of Ua aflliO
at Uritin City, Uragun, on Wadnaaday, lb
ann na ni novainur, lauu. .
ana uamaa aa wiutawaaai
Praaman , kobliuon, of Falla City, OranoOr
Mlcbaal . Plyuu.ol Fallal'lty. Onaoii.
f lbarl N. Hobluaon. ol Falla (rlly ,)r.nO.
nruina lWull.ol Induwndaoaa. Drmion
Any and a' I uaraunt olaliiilna advarMly lh
abuva-dmorlbad land ara raquaalmt to Alt
trinlr olaltnn lu lhl oirint on or bfftirn aaid
wm day ol Novataiwr, two.
VBa. n, miwnm
,. Notice for Publication.
BupUimlmr I, lvui.
NallM I hereliy ln that lh lollowlna
nattM-d attlrr ha AM notlaa of III Inuintiou
t'i mail flnal tiroul In tunpart of lit" alalia.
and tbat uld nrwil will I mad bulor Hi
t ounty Clerk ol Hoik fouiilr. al Uallu. Off
on. on iHitooer 10, ivuo, via-
bomaC. (-Iiandaar. II. K. No. 11101.
for lhM W.ofN W Hand N W UolSWol
Sao. 10, T t IK I W , "
Ha nainM lha lollowlnf wUnaM-a lo provt
hU tHiii'liiuoiu nnldeiica uvoa aud aulllvallun
l aaid land, vie.
Kimvtia H. ranno. ol Hiiaarloa', On-rm;
Oriint Mivkul, ol Htnrarloal. lirtoin iullui
Millar, of rtugriof, iirigoo; Uuat olmm, ol
u(aria, ir(un,
uiiah a. ammw,
, Notice for Publication.
Suptauiberl, I'JOO.
Nolle) I harvby irlrn that Ibn li,lloln.
naaisd aatuar liaa nicd nolle or on tulvntloii
to niak final prool lnutHrt ol hla claim
and llial aald ,roof will I mada brlura til
tounly Clark of lolk Uiunly, at lallat, Or-
(ou.un urunr u, iwu, via
(liHirvn liwkal. II, K,
No. llWXi,
lor tha N N w m,H 4 ol N W X and
N I U III H w U ol rlM 10 T H. II H W
llauainoatha following wluiuawa to pro
bit niolinonu raaldiinra upon and eulllvallun
ol aald land. l:
Kugnna H. Kan no, of Horlo(. Omon;
ThomanC Chandalar, at rloaHrmaf, Orrf.oi;
nllua Mlllnr.of mnarlimi, Urrgoli; UUal Ob
aon, of Hoaarloal, Orcgoii.
tlllAS. U. M(K)HrJI,
, Notice far PubUestloo.
riral pub. in. 11. Laat pub. Oct U
Uullad Slatca Und Offlue, al 0nin Mit,
, OrrfO.i, A ugnat Ui, IWU
NoIIp la hMvlijf len tbat In compliance
vllb III pralalni ol tbe art ol rounrrM ol
Junci, is.a.auUUvd-An not lor lha nal ol
timber land In lh Slawa ol Calirornla, Or.
un, Navada, aud Waihlntftaa Territory,"
ihtnded tu all lb IMibUtt Land 8 La tea by ai'l
ol Augu.t 4, iMri, Hermann lilburir.ol Inde.
Iiaudenoa, bounty of I'olk.Klataof Orn,,u,baj
want No. tow, tot tha pnrchaaa of tha H of
W X, NW t ol W W of SW X olie.
i ion u, m, m MiwuMiip ptK a a,, raua ao, a
wat. and wllloBerproolloahoar tbat tlieland
aouht la mora valuable tor Ha lliob-ror abma
I ban ft,r ailuullural purpiHHm, and to palab
I lab hla claim loaald laud bufitra tba Hegltlar
and Haoelver ol (hla ultli al Oregon C'llv lire-
Kon, on r rmay. m .lli dav r upbtbur, liuu.
H namea aa arltneaan: rtwmnn W. Huliln
amol Kali l.Hjr, Or.: Mlnbael O. Klynn. ol
KalUClly, or.i Albert S, Kobinaim, ol fall.
i iiy, ur. jerouia uornairo, oi lnuepeodvuiw,
Any and all pernio, alalintnf advaratly tbe
aoovs-oeacriueo. lauua ara rUeaUMi Ui nit
tbelr olalm In Una olttoa ou or before aald
iii day of ueioixr, two.
. , I HAa, B. M'h,km,
NoUoe for 1'ubliratiun.
firel pub. Au. II. !jut pub. Ot. IS.
United 8 ta lea Und Office, Urvgun (Mty,
Oregon, Auauati, 1W0.
Notlra la hereby liven that lo compliance
with Hie nruvlalonaol Ibaaot ol CotinniM ol
Juuei, IHTa.aiitlllcd ' An act for tb aale ol
Umber land In Hie Rlatea ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and WMblnaton Territory,"
eitunded to all the rublle Land Htalea by acl
oi AiiMui4. iHVi. Henlaniln r . Knant-II. ol Al
baity, County of Unn.Mlafa of Oroii, baa thla
ilay Itlvd In lhl oltlne 111 aworu alaleiwul
No. 61. br Uie pnrcbaaa of tbaHK i of urn.
una n, iu inwuanip nu, 7 o, rnoge io a weaL
a d will oirr irtHr ui ahow that the luud
aoiigbt la niore valuable for tin Umber or alona
tbau for agricultural purimaaa, and lo ealab.
nan in cianu io aaia lana uenire tbe Kegl 'ler
aim iiocBiver or una uince al uregon I'lly
urcgou, on Krlday, tha ith day of Uclober,
Ha namea aa WltneaM: John J.Colllni.of
Albany, Uri'gon; Frank ilevlne. ol Albany.
vin-gun: aoiiho niniama, oi Aiuauj, uregon;
laivin a, riouen, oi a many, urogou.
Any aud all iwraonaulaliulng advuraely the
aove-ieacrlbed landa are roqmtaied to file
their olalma In thla odlna on or hufora i.lil 'auh
nay of uclober, luug,
Notloe for Publication.
Pint pub. Aug. U Laat pub. Oct. U
United Htatea Und OfRna, On-gon City,
Ongon. Auguateih, 1U00.
Notice la hereby irlvcn that In ooinnllanoa
ailh tba nrovlaloiiaof tha act ol Conaraaa ol
June 8, IH78 entitled "An act for the aale ol
timber landa In the Mtalua of California. Ore
Jon, Nevada, anil weahlngton Territory," aa
attended to all the Public Land Statoa. br act
alAdgtiat lmri, Calvin K. Hubert, of Weal
riupenor, county ol louitl, Btato ol Wlauun
.1.1 ,1.1. Art Al... ... ...I. m.u. kl.
' " 1 1 UN .. u.; IIIUU (U H U(l,, 1,1. DWUril
atabimunt No ftAlil. lor the purchaae ol ths W H
,i n ,n mHHiun nu. a, nt luwuauip no, n,
Range No, MW, aud will offer proof to ahow
that the land aought ta more valuable for
X umber or etoue than for agricultural
DUrnoaua. and to eatabliah hla claim tuaald
land before the Kuglatcr aud Keavlver ol thla
offlco at Ori-aoii Cllv. Orevou. ou Friday, tha
JiUli day ol October, luoo. ,
Albany, Oregon; Frank Uuvlne, ol Albany,
Orcaon: Heinamln If. Kuaaell.ol Albany, tlrr.
lie nauiea aa wltncaaeai Jonn J. Colllni. of
goo; Abljah wllliama.ol Albany, Uregon,
Any aiiu an peraona claiming auverauly tne
above-duaorlbed Ituida ara ruqiicatod to die
their olalma in thlauulcaon or before aald MMi
day ol October, luuu,
' - Kogtater.
50UTH and EAST
via- ;.:;.'.'
Shasta Route.
Train laavn Indenondonce for Portland and
Way atatlona at 2:0ft p, m.
ive lor uorvaiiia ani;wi a. ; ,
tv Portland..........
Lt Albany i,
8:S0 a.m. .
-J:H0 p. m. '
laaa.m. .
SiM p. m.
7:16 p.m.
. 6:45 a. m.
I):0U ft. m.
, 7:26 a, m.
, 7:15 a m.
7:00 p.m.
10:60 p.m.
luna. m.
4:36 a. m.
8:16 a m,
11:46 a. m
0:00 a, m
7:116 a, m
9:80 a, m
7:00 a. m
6:00 p, m
::) a. m
- 0:55 a, m
4:00 a. ra
0:26 p. m
8:12 a. m
12:4a p, m
Ar Aablaud...
" Hacramento,,,,,.,,
o Ban PranolHto.,,,-.
Kanaaa City..,,,,
, Chicago,.
Loi Angelea.
Kl Paao
Fort Worth
City of Mexico
Houaton ,,
New Orlcana. ......
New York?
1:20 p. m.
0:00 p. m.
8:80 a. in.
9:66 a. m.
4:00 a. in.
0:25 p. m.
. 6:42 a. m.
12:48 p. m.
Pullman and Tourlat cars on both tralna
CI air cara Hacramento to Ogdcn and 1 t'aao
and tourlat enra to Chicago. St. Louta.' New
Orleans and Waahlngton. -
inneotlng at Ran Fntuclaco with aevera
teamahlp line for Honolulu, Japan, China
Philippine, Central and South America,
8ee Mr. O. A. Wilcox at independence ata
tlon.or.ddrea. C, H. MARKHAM,
General Paaaenger Agent Portland, Or,
The preaident's oflloe of Wells,
Fsrgo & Co. in Han Francinco snoms
to have leen turned into a bureau
for the preparation and issue' of
Bryan campaign literature. A
package of leaflets Is at hand just
as It was sunt to one of the agents
of the company in another state, s
s. notification evidonlly. of how he
is expected to rote These docu
ments are a rabid appeal on the
subject of "impcrlsliitn" and are al
ignod by John J. Valentino, pretd
dent of the company. It is often
charged that Republicans try to in
fluence employe; and it Invariably
happens that when Democrats make
such a charge they are the first to
illustrate it. , The directors and
stockholder of Wells, Fargo A Co,
which is in the business of public
transportation, should examine
this stuff rent nut by Valentine and
judge whether it is the product of a
well balanceJ mind, or marks the
crank to a degree calculated to in
terfere with ordinary business
utility. ' '
" ' f V . , ; ;V .'"
Why don't the campaign mana
gers have their cabbage made up as
si urkraut instead of in cigar. It
would taste better and would ap
peal more to the German vote.
,. ,t
Que thing is certain in regard lo
the coal st rike, and that Is that it
will smash all our chances of get
ting a tinu footing in tho European
market, as we were about to do.
' ' ft
e arnctar to daHvar and col loci in urraon lor
old lal,lhd uiaunlaclurliif wholwali'
Iiouh. iwe a year, ura uay. nonaaiy uior
lbanaxpaiienoarUlrad, Our ralnraura, auy
bank In any ctly, Kni-loaa aall addrHMnd
UkiiiMd auveloMi. Manul-turara, Tblrd
Klvur, KM liaartMirn Rt.,Cblaafi.
V, B. Land Oltlca, Ortou City, Orafun,
Not Ira t herauT irlnn Ibal tha loll-iwing.
namad rattler baa fllad nolle olhl Intcnliou
U maka final piool lu aupfart i( til nlalin.
and tbat aald nMoi ilt b- mada balorUi
Oouoiy Clerk of l-olk County, at laJla,Or
fuu, ou Novanibar S, 1HW, rlti
John Dyer. H- C. No. 10677,
lorlhaoaat ball of weal ball of aeolluu IH, T.
II namaa'lb followln altneaaM to prove
bl oontlnuou rualitaucc upou and culllTatlon
ol aald lan.l, vli:
John V. K-ni.mOl Pedaa, Or"ni Haul Bon
ooof 1'ade, On-tuui Jmi wl or -ole, Or
Cn A. M. Kaw ul I'edea, oron.
Ttj Ecst In Current Uteraturt
$2.00 FtNTcan; 28 era. a cost
vaDia.- ad - ( , 4
HlbH, one vaar, H ii.
j .a., tai.
Portland Hpe?lal
t:V am
Halt Lake, .femver.
Ft. Worth, Omaba
KanuM (Uly, 81,
luia, Chicago and
4 p. m.
11:00 p m
Ball Lake. Denver. Kt
aaa City, Ht. U,ula,
Chicago an, Kant.
7 a. m.
Walla walla, l.ewia
Um, Hpokana, Mm
neaN)a, Hi. Paul,
IHilulli, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kaat.
.-W p in
S a. m.
all nailing dale aub-
Jecl Ui change
For - an Fiaucuoo
Malta every 6 day
( p in
4 p. m.
Ex Holiday
10 p m
Ta. m.
aud Hal.
Columbia Klver
To Aalorla an.i Way.
IjHidluga. -
n. in.
Willamette and
Tamhlll Klvera.
HM p.m.
Mon. .Wed.
and Kr,,
Oregon City. Dayton,
ana way-iuuinja
t a. ni,
Tuea. Thur
WUlametto lllver,
Portland to Corvallle
and Way.Landiug
4:30 p. m.
Mon., Wed
aud Krl.
and Hat.
6 36 a. in.
Snaka lllver.
Lv. Lewla"
Ion. daily
Ba. in.
!tllarla to Lewlnlon.
(a.m. Willamette Klver 4-Hnn.m
Kx.-nud'y Ex.Knnu'y
Oregon City, Ncwberg, Halnm, Inde.
iiendenc A Way Landlnga, aleamcr Modoo
leavua lortland on Mon, Wed. and Friday.
Leavoa Independence Tuea, Thur, Hat, at
&:HU A. M. blr. Kutb leavea Independence:
ror i-iiruann way lanamgii, Mon, Wed,
Krl, BAM. For Corvalll wuv landing
Tuea, Thur, Bat, &:. P M.
for full Innirmat.lnn sail on o. U. A N. A
AL. HKKKHN, Independence, or addreaa
General Paaaenger Agent
n as;
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
" The formula is . plainly printed on every bottle hence you "
know just what you are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators
do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy
their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains"
, ' Iron and Quinine put up in corrtct proportions and is in Tasteless
y form. The Iron acts sas a . tonic while the Quinine drives the
, malaria out of the' system.-;':Ariy reliable druggist will tell you that ,
Grove's is the . Original and that all . other so-called . Tasteless
Chill Tonics arc imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows "
.'''tliat.'V.Grove's '; is ; superior ;to , all others in every respecu ; You
' ' are not ' experimenting when you take Grove's its superiority
i and , excellence i having Jong V been . established. ' Grove's u the .
. only ' Chill Core sold ' throughout the entire malarial sections of
; the United Statei No Cure,' No Pay, " Price, joc ' -
I C. ID. CaiMcatl7
& Opera rfouao block, Halo
W .. :
fe'li.a-: .IB BB.ilp.P l
! nnfwi mrv1 ftt Itiirht PriceH Make Easy Selling. X
2 Ourgood are firaUlnHS, our price as low as the
I lowest utility of gomUconsiderol. ' ; U
V All kinds of country produce bought at the w
W Higheut Market Trice. ; ;
1 1 Share of Your Patronage Respsclfulfy SdiciW.
f J, 1 ,- - .
Dallas, Oregon.
Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles. :
NOTK:-We btv a llrat claaa dry kilo wbloh enabltaa ua to fis yoa thor
ounUy dry lumber. k , , (
mm Separate
. T1h Unilcil States Cream Separator la first
.cn macliln Ju every respect.
Partiori wiHhlnR to buy a Cream Separator
urn rt'frrTto Mr. C. K. Eldridge, who ia es
tablishing the Creamejy here. lie is a practical
uiau and not interccted iu the sale of any par-
ticular machine. "'
For sale by
1 R, a WAOE & CO, I
S A. J. Goodman, Mgr. E2
Tiie Majestic
aw ill
5 SHBS MfirpinWfll
. Dartco. h-fico. 1
1 : 2 irii sT.uim.
V . I II i -w .. - - - -
i in ii m r l ii . t i n
I " 1 1 f
4. 'Vy-BV VVV
rki.laa I -Ya-a a. a.
Street, Indeptndenc?. W
, - il
, - , '
Steel Rango
' with a wrought-lron top
URe the peddieraaell only . A
wt sell them from ten to X
j 1 1 , w
awcuijr uuiiiara less. ,
"We will beat the csd
g dier at his own jans ;
4 aud otter the same terms i
u uiue tuai, ae ii'ies,
only we are here all the
time, to make good our
guarantee, and you are
fortunate If you see bim
more than onoe.
Bee our Ranges and get
prices before buying.
- -
Oregon J
Lumber Company,