The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 21, 1900, Image 1

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    An Advertisement
Which bring rttnrnt id proof thai
it U in tbt rglt place. The WEST
bID bring m vert.
The Best Newspaper
It tbt out thai giHi tbt not! and
freshest newi. Com pis r lb WEST
HIDE with toy paper io Polk county.
$1.50 PER TEAR.
Five Cents Per Copy.
2s O. fill).
Bll! .11.1.1 I I'M 1. U I. M' ' 'I ,,,.
From All Pari? or the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review f the Import
ant Happening, nt the l'ntt Week
tulll t'rtmi the Telegraph Columue.
Boxer art ag.vlu active at Peklu.
A gradual reduction ot the Russian
Airee in Pekiu ha begun.
Other town iu Texas beside CSal
vestou are iu ueed of assistance.
General Freuob hu occupied Barber
ton, rupturing 100 iloert aud aomt roll
ing (took.
The first thimble were mart in Hol
land. They were brought to F.nglaud
Ut 1095.
At Taconia, Wash., the North Too
ma shingle mill wa eutirely destroyed
by Are. Lo unknown.
John Wilsnu, a pioneer merchant ot
1'ortlaud, Or., who began busiuesa
there in 1850, is dead, aged "4.
The exodus from Galveston grows in
number as the facilities for gutting
away from the city are increased.
At Kan Claire, Wi., seveu men were
diowned by the overturning ot a boat
white trying to erosa the river at that
Mexican thieve) entered a saloon at
Guthrie., Ariiona, for the propose of
rubbery and were compelled to kill
two men and then escape.
Another plague case has beeu re
ported at Glasgow, making a total of
17. In addition there la one suspect
and 115 peraous under observation.
Near Nanaimo, H. C, two coal
trainecollide I on the ceuter of a trcs-j
tie, killing four men aud reducing one
engine to scrap irou. Misplaced tig
nala waa the rauxe.
The division of custom and insular
affairs of the war department ha given
out fur publication a statement of the
receipt pf the Havana custom houie
for the month of August, 1900, show
ing that the total receipt lor the
mouth were f.HU.U.'l).
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men convened at De Moines adipted
resolution denouncing the governor of
Idaho for maintaining martial law in
th,e Coeur d'Aleue district, the gov
ernment for using the government
troop aud cougres for making puhlio
the testimony taken at the investiga
tion by the house committee last win
ter. The Boer delegate, Messra. Fisher,
Wolmaraua and Wessela, have ad
dressed an appeal to all nation for in
tervention in Sooth Africa. The ap
peal conclude a follows: "In the
name ot justice and humauity, we ap
. pt-altoall people to come to our aid
in thi supreme moment and save our
co? u try. We commit ourselves to
Hod, trusting that our prayer will
be heard."
Conger advice American to leave
China. .
Colorado Democrats nominated J. B.
Oran for governor.
General Botha is said to be making
overtute to HtirTauiler.
Forest fire destroyed no timber in
Cascade reserve this season.
A man fell from a fruit tree at Eu
gene, Or., with fatal result.
Negro vandal were tried by court
martial and shot at Galveston.
New York Democrats nominated
John B. Stanchfield for governor.
A number of vessel were lost or
stianded in the gale on the lake.
American troop await the presi
dent' word to march from 1'ekin.
Fire at NarraganHett pier, R. I.,
destroyed property worth $350,000,
President Kruger is at Loureuco,
Marque preparing to sail for Kuiope.
From 15,000 to 20,000 Chinese con
vert were massacred in July by Box
er. Nine person were killed in South
ern lllinioa by the wrecking of a the
atrical car.
Three thousand bodies of storm vio
tlmg have been buried at Galveston,
The property lusa is estimated at $16,
The city of Dallas, Texas, ha tub
toribed nearly $15,000 in cash and six
carload of olothing for the South
Texa flood sufferers.
Dr. Dennis Dowlin Mulcahy, onot
an active Fenian agitator, who was
imprisoned in England in the latter
part of the '60 with O'Douovan Kossa
and others, died in Newark, N. J.,
aged 53 year.
The trouble that wan threatened be
tween the whites and Indian, arrayed
on one side, aguiust the Japs, on tht
other side, in the hop field above I'uy
allup, Wash., seeniB to have been avert
ed, at least for the lime being. No ac
tual clash ha yet taken place, but
there is bad feeling between the fac
tion that may at any time break out
into open hostilities.
Bev. George B. Cutting, a young
clergyman in New Haven, Conn., ha
discovered in hypnotism a cure for tht
cigarette habit.
Bethel Baptist church at Fairview,
Ky., built aa a memorial on the site of
Jefferson Davis' birthplace, was de
stroyed by lightning.
Bev. Dr. Franci S. McCabe, a Pres
byterian clergyman well known
throughout the west, died at hi horn
in Topeka, Kansas, aged 77 year.
Mr. Mary McGill was killed in
Maryville, Mo., by the shock of the
new that her ton, Jamea McGill, had
died suddenly at Jetmore, Kanea.
In the past year, according to au
thority, Harvard, Yale, Columbia,
Princeton, Pennsylvania and Cornell
universities expended $304,241 on ath
letic. Arthur J. Rice, a prominent New
York bnsinea man, was drowned at
Brighton Beach while bathing. It la
thought the drowning was the result ot
hi false teeth dropping into hi throat,
atrangllng bin,
Count von Welderce hat reached
Hong Kong.
The yellow fever "altuatlon ii Ha
vana la decidedly unfavorable.
British and Uoera are fighting tot:
the poolou of komattpoort. ,
'The work of clearing away tbt
wreckage in Galveston progresses. ' I
Herman Petersdorf, a farmer living
near Junction City, Or., murdered hit
President Mitohell, ot the Uulted
Miueworker, hit a 118,000 men are ou
Germany demand that the Chines
reHUi8ible for tht outrage le deliv
ered up.
Koveutv-two new eoal liiliiea bav
luian n,wtii..l I 1. I..,,,..!., tlttd u,.l 1,1. i
K . .n uv.. . ii null. in J i B I p
creasing the output for 11)00 by 2,500,
0i)0 tona.
The transport Thnmaa aailud from
Fan Francisco for Manila with 1,648
enlisted men, 10? cabin passenger
aud $!,800,000 iu treasure.
The poatotllet departmeut haa given
a coutract to the Canadian Develop
ment Compauv to carry letter mult
from Skagway to St. Michael aud
Nome from December 1 next to 'March
81 uext.
Emperor William haa pardoned
German-American named Schuh, iu
Kiel After 20 year' atweuce, Sehuli
had visited hit relative an i leu tau
tenoed to lx mouth' imprlaonmeut foi
contravening the army regulation.
Major Edward K. Dravo, eoniml
inry ot ubslteuee, who has just ar
rived at San Francisco from the Phil
ippiue, ha been ordered to New York
for assignment to duty a chief rum
mi usury of the department of the Kant,
to relieve Major David L. Braiuerd,
oommiaeary of subsistence.
Lord Robert report a from Madia
dixlorp, under data of September 17,
that a few more sklrmlshe have takea
plaue betweeu the British troopa and
the Boer, He add that (iennral
French baa raptured 50 locomotives, it
addition to the 43 locomotive and
other rolling stock which he took wheu
he occupied Barberton, September 13.
The department of the interior it
taking tep to prevent the further suf
fering anion: the Pima Indian on tht
Sacton reservation, Arizona, caused by
a tcarctty of Irrigation water. Col
onel K. II. Grave, of that departmeut,
who is at Phoeuix making an examin
ation of the condition on t lie reserva
tion and reporting any method of relief
that i practicable, ha iuvaeiigHted
thoroughly and ha plauned a kvstetu
by which the uuderllow in the Gila
river may be raised to the surface la
summer and a supply of water devel
oped (uttlcieut to iirlgate many hun
dred of acre now uncultivated.
Galveston 'a lift of dead number
Six person perished iu a Cincinnati,
Ohio, tire.
Bryau't letter of acceptance wa
given to the public.
The power have accepted Li Hung (
Chaug a a negotiator.
Plana are being drawn for harbor im
provement iu Manila.
American are building a permanent
telegraph lino to Pekin.
Lord Robert will leave South Africa
for England about October 3.
Colorado Republican nominated
Frank C. Goudy for governor.
Great Britain i preparing tn have
more troop in readiness fur service In
Troopt of various nationalities are
bustliug for wiutur quartern at Tien
I'ortngal has authorized the depart
ure ot President Kruger from Loureuco
Cuba bad an orderly election, and
closer relation with the United State
are desired.
All Alaska I infected with small
pox aud strict quarantine regulation!
are pcribed.
Government 1 building raihoad
spur to secure direct delivery of rock
to Columbia river jetty.
Li Hung Chung seuda memorial to
the throne, advising the impeachment
of seveial anti-foreign advisei.
Roosevelt' letter accepting the Re
publican vice-presidential nomination
discuHseM the financial question, trusts
aud "imperialism."
The steamer City of Grand Rapids,
built for the Yukon trade, wa burned
to the water' edge iu the West Seattle
harbor, causing a loss of $20,000.
An official dispatch from Shanghai
say a German naval battalion, ac
companied by 40 Bengal lancers, cap
tured and burned the town of Liang
September 1 1. Chinese regular troop
occupying the place had previously
tied. The German loss was wne man
killed and five wounded.
Professor David Starr Jordan, of
Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.,
bus returned from a three month' trip
through Japan, where, he succeeded in
securing the largest und most complete
collection of Japanese fishes ever ob
tained by scientists. Collection or
description were made of all but 15
known species, beside 125 specie un
known to science. -
Mayor James G. Woodward, of At
lanta, Ga., wa impeached for intoxi
cation. The Lehigh Valley railroad ha abol:
isheri the custom of currying newsboy
on train.
The largest portion of the tovvu of
Whitewood, N. W. T., waa demolished
by a tornado.
Exports from the United State dur
ing the past lineal year increased to
e cry section of the globe.
The Peapack Smith family held a re
union at Peapaok, N'. J., and 2,800
were present.
Three men dying from thirst were
picked up on the desert 00 mile from
El Paso, Texas.
Forest flies that have been raging in
the Yellowstone National Park have
been extinguished.
The steamship Ohio arrived at Seat
tle fmn Nome with 832 passenger and
treasure estimated at $2,000,000.
About one-third of the gold came from
Nome. Tht Klondike contiibuted the
111 I
South African Soldiers Held
In Readiness.
Americana Have Regan the t'unstrnetlo
f Permanent Telegraph Metwoen
Ilea Tela and I'tkhi.
London, Sept. 18. In aeoordanet
with the prediction of Sir Robert llarl
that there will be further hostilities
in China in November, the press un
ilreatanda that tht Hrltlah government
it already coualderiug the traunfer ol
trtMipa from South Africa to India in
order to make it praoticab'a to nl
mora Urttiah troopa to Chlua. Hit
military nuthorttiet coualdur the wai
Id South Africa o tar ended thai
troopt may now bt tafely moved.
II It poitnibt that the Kimalan lega
tion haa already been removed from
l'ekln to Tien Tilu, but there itt-o
definite new at yet aa to whether Li
Hung Chang will after all go to I'eklu.
Geueral Dorward la going to the capi
tal, leavlug the llrillxh troop at Tien
Tttu uuder commaud of llrliadler-(ien-tral
Campbell. Vlce-Admlial Alex-
lalT lma relurued to Talcu.
Tn, American have begun at Ho Si
I Wu a permanent telegraph line bo-
tveeu l'ekln and Tieu Tain
The l'ekln correspondent of the Dally
Mail aaya that the aiu of Huron
vou Ketteler ha been shot. j
The Morning Post' representative al
Peklu say that the question I betug
JUcuMNe-l of semilog relief to a few
hritish, French aud American eogl-j
ueera, who are besieged iu a city 200
ailles south of l'ekln.
ChtneMi otliVUl estimate that '.'0,000
Unbended t 'I. Inane soldier, by the1
tlmple expedlaot of turning their coat, 1
managed to remain behind in l'ekln. j
Other dtspatche con II nil the report
that in addition to llu Tung, tht) j
guardian ot the heir apwrent, Yo Lit,'
viceroy of Chi LI, and Wang Yt Yung,!
president of the imperial academy,!
with 800 mem tiers of official families,
committed suicide when the allies en
tered l'ekln.
Hasan" rorelbljr Kinol llnla
Tearh.ra Fro hi lh t'lly.
Maustield, O., Sept. 18. A mob to
day drove Zion F.ular Kphriam Pas
singer, of II I u II too, hid., and two ol
llowie'a ceuvert here out of the city,
and thu broke the, monotony of the
usual routiue followed for the past lour
Flder lainger wai in the oily yes
terday, held several meeting without
molestation, ud had a number of ou
tultatiout with hi attorney, A. A.
lKiugla. Ha left last night, but re
turned again today aud waa holding a
meeting at the home of K. II. Lelby,
wheu the officers went there and took
bim to the depot, followed by a jeering
moo ol several iinmlred. I la wa a
target for apple, tobacco quid, ml
sites aud kicks, a he wa escorted to
the depot, and when he arrived there
hawaa a pitiable sight. The pansunger
train wa missed Dy about two min
ute, aud while they were watting fur
the uext train the mob went to the
home of K. 11. Lelby aud took him und
Frank Calver, both Zlon (ol lowers,
and marched them to the depot. Wheu
an express tr.iu arrived all three were
put ou it aud hustled out of the city.
Hrutal Murilor of 1'urtlaml Ratuuii
Hatr-Mtllv m Kubburjr
Portlund, Or., Sept. 18. A brutal
murder, followed by robbery, wa com
mitted at an early hour yesterday
morning in a saloon ou the southwest
coruer of Fourteenth and Marshall
streets, II R. Dickel. the proprietor of
the place, being the victim.
Although the tragedy occurred about
2 o'clock, nothing was known of it un
til nearly 4, wheu Partoltuan Wheeler,
on his regular round, wa passing the
premise. He noticed that tho saloon
wa lighted up, which wa something
nuusual, aud tie proceeded to investi
gate. On entering a lltflerariloom at
the rear, he found the body of the
murdered man iu a coruer, luituiug
against the wail, where the murderers
had placed it after riling the wickets
and helping themselves to the contents
of the safe, which it i thought
amounted to over $250.
New lliirlliigton Una Opnmd.
Denver, Colo., Sept. 18. The first
train over the new branch ot the Burl
ington road from thi city to Dead
wood, 8. D., left thi city at 11:30 to
nlitht. The first train from the north
will complete it journey ot 456 mile
at 1 1 :80 tomorrow night. This new
route to the Black Hill country is al
most due north from Denver, the main
line of the Burlington being left be
hind at Brush, Colo. The road then
lead across Eastern Colorado and
Westeiu Nebraska aud into the Black
Hill. -
' The Russian government i investi
gating the cost und probabilities of i
quick delivery of 80,000,000 feet of
lumber from I'uget Sound to Yluldvo
stock. Thru Negroes Lynelmd.
St. Loui, Sept. 17. A special to
the Post-Dispatch from Memphis,
Tenn., say: A masked mob of be
tween 00 aud 100 men broke Into the
jail at Tunica, Mis., early today and
took out three negroes, whom they
ttrung up to a tree within 100 yard of
the jail. Not a shot waa fired. Each
negro had committed a murder. The
lynching ia a climax of the intense
feeling against desperate negroe which
ha been brewing in the ueighboihood
of Tuuica for months.
Hlf Cotton Oil Mill lliirnr,t.
Houston, Texas, Sept. 18. The
Merchant' and Planters' Oil Mill, one
of the largest cotton oil manufacturing
and refining concern iu the city, wua
totally destroyed by fire this afternoon.
The loss is estimated at $350,000 or
$400,000; insurance $250,000. Throe
bundled and fifty men will be thrown
out of work.
The Hague, Sept. 18. The govern
ment of The Metherlunde ha tele
graphed to Lonrenco Marque offering
a Dutch warship to bring Mr. Kruger
to Holland.
RMhhllt Uwi U rhlM-OarllBt el
Amrlau Troops.
Tien Tslu, Sept. 18, via Shanghai,
Sept. llr.-r-Willieiu W. Itoukhlll, (pe
dal tepreteutattva ot tht United State
In China, hat left (or l'ekln, In an
Interview befoit leaving, ha aaid ha
did not expect to remain there mora
than a tew day,
14 Hung Chang It at Takii on a Ruv
tau vessel. It 1 not believed thai he
will cHuiit to Tien Tslu,
Amttrlrans Klght With the itotvrt.
Tieu Tsin, Sept, IN, via Shanghai,
Sept. 19. A British signal officer re
ports sharp tngagemeut betweeu a
company of tht Fourteenth United
Statu Infantry aud S.000 Bnxert at
Matow, ou tht road to Peklu. Tht
Auiericaut mad a gallant staud, and
t detachment of Bengal lancer nearby,
hearing tht firing, vault to their raaoua
tnd charged tht Boxer lu th r-nr,
Tbt thine t wet routed, livlng )i
dead. Tht Amerioaut bad no tual
Ilea. ' - ..:
The German rtport tn utkv'm'Ut
with a heavy (orca ot Bosom m -mi
Pekln yesterday, Tht Gertusu to, 1
laid to have lieeti 20.
Indication now point strongly to
the withdrawal of all tht power from
l'ekln to Tieu Tslu. Tbt British have
Issued au order prohibiting the selling
or rentiug ot any building within tht
limit of the British concession. Geu
eral Fukushima I her arraugiug win
ter quarter for tht Japanese tioopt.
Tht German art pouring into Tien
Tsin, aud all nationalities art srram
bliug for bultdtngV Out British bat.
tery aud 200 Aus'rallau have arrived.
Musslaas I' Into MaaoJiurla.
Tien Tslu, Sept. 18, via Shanghai,
Sept. III. The Russians, it I rumored
here, are rapidly pushing through into
Manchuria, where all Indications potut
to extensive operation before tht arri
val of winter. They have tmpcuded
work on the railroad to Peklu, which
add to the complications. It la be
lieved that their object in thi 1 to
compel the other power to consent to
the destruction of Peklu.
The Tu Liu expedition ha returned
to Tien Tslu. The march back wat
utiopposad, and it I reported that the
Boxer have retired in force to a vil
li ge 80 mile up the Grand canal,
Tht American did not participate
ia the burning aud looting of Tu Liu,
aud tht caused considerable comment
among the other comma'jdnrs.
The Sixth United State cavalry, it
is rumored here, ha beeu ordered to
camp at Yang Tsum, up the Pel Ho,
with a view o' strengthening the line
of communication, The regiment will
taka two heavy gun.
Twelve thousand Uermaut arrived
Corporal Hughes, of tht Third Unit
ed State artillery, wa killed, end hi
oompautou wounded, while trying io
force a passage ot tbt Freoub bridge
ifter dark.
Award ol the fremiti Frealdeat eo the
Mamillary ynl rii
Washington, Sept. 10 The minis
tet of Costa Rica at Washmgunc en'
or Calvo, ha received a cablegram
from the minister ot Coat Rlua at
Parts, which convey tht information
that the presldeut ol the French repub
lic, M. Iiubert, who wa tht arbitra
tor appointed to decide the boundary
question between Costa Rica ami Ck
lomlita, by hi award of yesterday,
fixed the lioundary limit between the
two countries on tit Atlantic aide at
Mona Point aud ou the Pacific side at
l'unta Harica. The re pull to of Colom
bia claimed that the limit should be
fixed at Cape Graciaa Adlo, on the At
lantic, including the whole of Costa
Rica and the Nlcaraguan Atlantic
coast, aud that the limit on the Pacific
aide should be placed at Boruca river,
to the northwest of Golfo Dulue, which
would have given Colombia a right to
half the territory of Costa Rica aud
about two-third of that of Nicaragua.
Costa Rica claimed the old limit be
tween Central America and Colombia,
placed at the Island of Eicudo de Ver
igua, on the Atlantic, and tho river
Chlriqui Ylejo, on the Pacific. The
award fixe the boundary Hue on the
Pacific side at Puuta Barlca, a claim
d by Costa Rica, aud ou the Atlantic
denies the right of Colombia to any
pai t ot the territory of Nicaragua or
suy portion of that of Costa Rica be
yond Mona Point.
An Arlsnna Mnnler.
Phoenix, Alia., Sept. 19. Some
time last night, Fermina Ochua, a Mex
ican woman, about 60 year of age,
wa murdered in a horrible manner at
Yuma, Her body wa found the fol
lowing morning in front of the house
where she had taken lodging the night
before, Her skull had been fractured
by a blow on the foiebead aud a piece
of cloth torn into atrip, and twisted
into a rope waa tied around her throat
ao tightly a to produoe strautuliitinn
There waa also a deep knife wound in
the body. .
Captured Hoer dun ana Stores.
Cape Town, Sept. 18. The military
authorities have taken over The Nether
land Railway, General' MacDouald,
operating in the northeast coiner ol
Orange colony, compelled the Boers to'
make hasty flight from Yet river. He
captured 81 gun, a quantity of cattle
aud store, and 1)5,000 round of am
muuitiou, JnTlielTa7inarklit""itlot.
Chlougo, Sept. I!, Police Lieuten
ant Edward J. Steele died ettddeuly
early today. Lieutenant Steele wa
the man who led the police up IJes
Plaine street to the scene of the Hay
market riot, hi company being at the
head of the column that advanced to
disperse the anarchist who were mak
ing speeches. He wa prostrated by
the force of the bomb explosion and
had one of hi wrists broken. Hine
out of 24 of hi company were severely
nui'Klar Hull t Demi.
Seattle, Sept. 19. Edward Morse,
formerly of Rudyard, Minn., who hud
just returned from Nome, waa shot und
Instantly killed early thia morning by
Policeman Fred A. Ribbach. Ribbach
fdund Morse aud two companion at
tempting to commit burglary in the
Whiteuhnpel district, and attempted to
arrest them. A pitched battle with
revolvers ensued, 20 shot being fired.
Harry Austin, one of the burglar, waa
wonndod in the arm while fleeing from
the icene. Morse wa 87 year of age,
and had been a shingle weaver before
coming to thi coast, last February.
Atiout 112,000 Quit In the
3 Anthracite Region.
trill frote a erluu lllow to Ihe Mia
Mwa.rt-Tlie atrike Ksleail (Iter a
JUrge Territory,
Jfatleton, ra., Kepi. IB. Tim grea
Itroglge betweeu the anthracite coal
miner of Pennsylvania aud their em
ployer wa begun today. Each side
is confident of wlnulug, aud neither
of tht coiityurtlng force show any dls
pirtmvto yield. - Tho contest thus far
iof teen devoid of any violence.
'? exact iiiimM of men who struck
Ct at tM ttmt be told. Report
t by tit C-uel Mlneworkers'
i'5 i Hi'U tut ei.tlrt anthriicltt re
I i why to f "hi most satisfactory.
I t i:i!t ter.'tor), kcowu a district No,
?, mere r li.ti i ) men employed lii
and about the tiiliie. Of thi number,
II I (Hi.ieravttvly estimate I Hist
about 60 per rent obeyed the order uf
President Mitchell to quit work. Fire
thousand ot tiesa lathing to the col
Iterie which (ltd not woik at all, ami
the remaining 8,000 to mine which
work ahort-hviided. Tht district
south ot Ihl place, kuown a tht
South Side, was tied up completely
with the exception of Culcralne, Ib-avet
Meadow and G'srwm's Wahctle. In
Ihl territory the United Mlneworkers
art very strong. On the north side,
the Upper Lehigh, Mines villi!, I'.l.crale
and Driftou No, 1 collieries, employ,
ing about 1.600, are shut down. The
millet at l.atiimer and Pond Creek,
employing 1,200, are wroklug full, but
every other mine In that big territory
I working with badly crippled forces.
Three of the Murklu minus, over which
there ha U-en so much contention,
worked all day with aobut 65 per caul
ot the men. Ou the West Side every
colliery started up today minus Its
union men, except at the IIhxIb mine,
where the union miner weut to work
in consequence of a mlsuuderatandiiig.
Haaloton today presented an ani
mated appenranee, strikers from all Ihe
surrounding mining town coming In
early in tho day aud gatherlnn in
group ou the street comers and dis
cussing the situation. It wa a most
orderly orowd. Around strike head
quarters, at the Yalloy hotel, there wa
mart or les of a crowd of mtn all day.
President Mitchell, who arrived from
the West last night, waa kept busy all
day and evening, receiving reKrt
(ruin every section ot the region. Mes
senger bringing information to him
f. ' n ricar j pntnt kept coming regu
ii. .
At Mitchell decided an Important
porat toil iu the matter of arbltra
t'. 'U, wi ' - the miner employed
t ?r, li. Mn-al.i It Co. decided uol to
sm.':e nu.-.l the, linn had paesed upon
a sat of their own grlevaueea, which
differ somewhat f-om thoet of the Uult
ed Mlneworkers. Tht firm ha an
agreement with it men that if any
difference fall of adjustment, then the
grievance shall be arbitrated. John
Markle, ot the firm, yesterday agreed
to have Archbishop Ryau, of Philadel
phia, arbitrate the difference, if the
mediator already decided upon by the
Urin aud the meii cannot come to a
satisfactory agreemeut. Presldeut
Mitchell, however, atatnd today that
bo should ask the men employed by
Markle to eeiu-e work. The men might
Itaiu cnuceasinu through arbitration,
he kald, but it wa now a case of secur
ing a uniform settlement throughout
the anthracite rsuiou.
About 100 foreigu-speHklng miners
left Haxletou today, and will takea
iteamer for F'.urope. These men ex
pect a long strike, ami, rather than re
main idle here, they preferred to go to
their former homes.
President Mitchell tonight gave out
the followiug statement:
''Information received np to tonight
show that 112,000 mlneworker aie
un strike in the authracitu region. Of
thi number, 72,000 are in district No.
1; 80,000 in district No. 3, ami. 10,000
in district No. 7. Report received
ire to tho effect that a large uumber of
those who weut to the mine today will
join in the suspension tomorrow. The
uumber ot men now out on strike ex
ceed that of any other Industrial con
test in the history of our country.
Re w rail For American lleails
Victoria, B. C, Sept. 17. Among
the advice brought by the Breooushtre
from China were stories of the arrest ol
Chinese with the head of foreign sol
uli r In nick. It seem that head
motiey of 50 t icl Is paid for each head.
Th faot. whs brought t light by the
'llaiovery of Uei private papere of Vice-ii'--I
n! H' T in. Inhladay
ton ft. there'll an entry which reads:
" iacls, 100, paid for the heada of two
Aiwciican marine killed iu the ad
vance for the relief of Tieu Tsin. Taols,
60, tor the two gun ouptured on the
aamo occasion."
, More Ping-tie In Glasgow.
Glnsgow, Sopt, 19. Five additional
ease of bubonio phiguo have been re
ported bote, four ot the etrickon per
aon being members of tho sumo family.
I'rlnee nf Saxony Killed.
Dresdon, Sept. ,19. Prince Albert
of Saxony wa killed in a carriage ac
cident yesterday at Wolkiiu, a abort
distance from Dresden. He wa born
in 1859 und was uumairied.
Iteruied to Work,
Bloomsberg, pa Sept. . I9.r-All
effort to settle the difference between
the Readiug Iron Company, of Dan
ville, and it employe having failed,
the 000 men employed at the plant re-v
fused to work this morning.
Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 19 Cap
tain Waimvright and assistant have
returned hero from Eusteru Washing
ton, where tiny have been bnyiug
horse aud mule for the United Statca
cavalry ervioe in the l'hilippiuo.
Nearly 1,000 horse and 200 mule
were purchased, About nine hundred
horse are now being oared for at Van
couver barrack, awaiting transporta
tion to the Philipuine by the United
State transport Lennox and Thyra,
which are being refitted in Portland.
Being a dunce i the most expensive
habit you can Doasiblv have.
feryaa Heaew the t-ledaes Ht Mad
Vour Veari Ago.
Lincoln. Nab., Sept. 20. Tht letter
ol Hon. W. J. Bryan accepting tiit
Democratic nomination for president
wa given out today, and Usuuimarlxed
at follow:
The platform adopted at Kauaa City
commaud my cordial aud unqualified
approval. It courageously meets tht
issues now before tht country, and
states clearly and without ambiguity
the party 'i position on every question
Tht platform very properly give
promise to tht trust question, The ap
palling growth of combinations in re
lralnt of trade during tht present ad
ministration prove conclusively that
tht Republican party lack either the
deslrt or tht ability to dtal with tht
question effectively,
Tht Democratic party make no war
upon honestly acquired wtaltb; neither
duet il teek to embarrass vorpoiatioul
engaged in legit iuiatv business; but it
doea proles I igalutt corporation en
tering polities and attempting to
sumt contiol ot tht iuttrunitutatlitie
of government.
Tbt platform reiterate tht demand
contained in tht Chicago platform fui
aa American financial system made by
tht American people for themselves.
The purpose of uch a cyitom i to re
store aud uialutaiu a blmetalio level
of prices, ana tu older that there may
be no uuceitainty at to tht method of
restoring bimetallsin, tht tMtciflo dec
laratlon in favor of free and unlimited
coinage at the existing ratio ol 16 to
1, Independent of the action ot other
nation, 1 repeated.
The demand for constitutional
amendment provldlcg for the election
of senator by direct vote ot the people
apear for the first time in a Demo
cratic platform. A senator I no less
the representative of the state because
ha receive hi commtsslou from tht
people themselves, rather than from
the member of the state legislature.
The platform Indorses the principle
of direct legislation. Thi i already
applied to tht mote important que
tion iu nation, statu and city, It rest
upou the sound theory that the eople
can be trusted, and that tht inort re
sponsive the government i to the will
of the people the more free it will be
from misuse and abuse. .
The platform renew tbt demand for
arbitration between corporation aud
their employe.
I cannot too strongly emphasize the
importance of the platform recommen
dation of the establishment of a de
partment of labor, with a member ot
the cabinet at it head.
The Chinese exclusion act ha proven
an advantage to the country, and it
contluuauca and strict enforcement, a
well a it extouslon to other similar
race, are imperatively necessary.
The Demomcratio party I in favor
of the immediate construction, owner
hip and control ot the Nicaragua
canal by the United State.
The time it ripe for systematic and
extended effort to reclaim the arid
landa and fit them lor actual settlers.
Wt cannot conneot ourselves with
European nation, and share in their
jealouaie aud ambitious without losing
tht peculiar adavutage which our loca
tion, onr character and our Institution
give ut in the world't affair.
Tht doctrine euuuoiated by Montot
aud approved by auoceediug president,
i essential to the welfare of the Unit
ed State. The continent of North
aud South America are dedicated to the
development ot free government. One
republic after another ha been etab
llshed, until today the monarchical
idea ha already barely a foothold iu
the New World.
The subjects, however, treated in
thlt letter, important a each may
eem lu itself, do not pros ao Impera
tively for solution a the question which
tht platform declare to be the para
mount issue in till campaign.
Whether we shall adhere to orabandou
those idea of government which have
distinguished thi nation from other
nation and given to it history it pe
culiar charm and value i a question
the settlement ot which cannot bo de
layed. No other question can approach
it in importance; no other question
demand auoh immediate considera
tion. It ia easier to lose a reputation
than to establish one, and this nation
would find it a long and laborious taak
to regain it proud position among tht
nation, it, under the itres ot tempt a
tin, it should repudiate tht self-evident
truth proclaimed by our herolo ances
tor and sacredly treasured during that
career unparalleled in the annala ot
time. When the doctrine that tht
people are the only source of power ia
made secure fromg further attack wa
can lately proceed to the settlement ot
the numerous questiou which involve
the domestio and eoonomio welfare ot
our citizen. Very truly yours,
, W. J. BRYAN.
ateamar Valencia from Nome.
Seattle, Sept. 20. The steamer Va
lencia ariived from Nome thi aternoon
with a large passenger list and $500,.
000 in gold, consigned by the trading
companies to two local bank. The
Valleuciu bring new that a terrible
gale raged ut Nome from September 1
to September 5, but that only three
death hud beeu verified.
Wisdom i the knowledge of other,
people' mistake.
Appropriation by Mexico.
City of "Mexico, Sept. 20. A bill
hua beeu introduced iu the Mexican
congress providing for an appropria
tion of $30,000 or the Galveston suffer-
New York' Subscriptions.
New York, Sept. 20. Subscription
received to date in this city for the
sufferers in Galveston amount to
$210,010, The police force gave
Cleaning the Texa City,
Galveston, Sept. 20. The work of
clearing the street of debris ia pro
gressing rapidly under the perfect
organization instituted by military rule
under Adjutant-General Scurry, More
than 2,000 men are engaged on the
work. Ninety-eight bodie are report
ed aa having been Tound in the wreck
age and removed today, making a total
of 1,801 victim bo farrecovered, Thia
Hat ia far short ot the accurate number
of dead found. Bodiet found are
burned and no ayatematio record hat
been kept. '
Is Not Ready to Withdraw
From China.
lurrenderlnf of the Utility Officials aa
Indispensable Preliminary Ut Be
f lealag react Nef etlatloas.
Berlin, Sept. 20. Tht foreign office
lias tent a ctcrular note to all the pow
er announcing that tht German gov
ernment consider thai an indispeuxa
bit preliminary to tht beglnulug uf
peace negotiation with China i tbt
delivering np of those who wertrespon
libit (or tht ootraget. - Tht text of the
telegraphic note, at tbt North German
Gaaette give it, l a fol low:
"Tbt government of the emperor
bold a preliminary to eutrlng upon
diplomatic relation with the Chinese
government that those person most
bt delivered up who have beeu proved
to be the original and real instigators
ot tht outiaget against international
law which have occurred at 1'rkiu.
Tht number of those who were merely
iustru mental in carrying out these out
rages I too gieat. Wholesale execu
tion would bt oontrary to the civilised
conscience and the circumstances of
such a group of leaders cannot be com
pletely ascertained, but few whose
guilt is notorious should tie delivered up
and punished. The representative of
the power at Pekin are in a poaitioc
to give or bring forward convincing
avidenot, aa lei importance attache
to the number punished than their
character a Instruments or leader.
Tbt government believe it can count
on the unanimity of all the cabinet in
regard to thi jioiut, inasmuch a in
difference to the idea ot Just atone
ment would be equivalent to indiffer
ence to a repetition of a crime. The
government propose, therefore, that
the cabinet concerned should Instruct
their representative at Pekin to indi
cate those leading Chinese peraonagi
from whose guilt in instigating am,
perpetrating outrages all doubt ia pre
cluded. VON BULOW."
Tht note has been tent to the Ger
man embassies at Washington, Lon
don, St. Petersburg, Pari, Rome,
Vienna and Tukio.
Feaaeylvaala Miners' Strike Is Oa la
full Hlast.
Philadelphia, Sept. 20. The leadei
of the strike aay that at the end of the
seconl day 118,000 ef the 141.00G
minewoiken in the anthracite field
art idle. No representative ot the
mint operator make a statement foi
Ibeir aide ot the matter, but individual
mineownera dispute tho strikers' fig
ure, saying tbert are more men at
work than the union leader will ad
mit. The flrat advance in the price ot
coal, as a result of the strike, was
made by the Philadelphia & Reading
Coal Company today, 26 cent per ton
being added. This advance was
promptly met by the local dealer, who
increased the price to consumers 60
cents a ton.
. A cioud appears on the otherw ise
peaceful horixon In the shape of a re
port from HaiTisburg that a bittei feel
ing 1 developing between the onion
andwonuuion men in the Lykeu dis
trict, located in the upper eud of Dau
phin county, aud involving about 2,500
A concession waa voluntarily grant
ed the 6,000 employes of the Lehigh
Coal and Navigation Company iu the
region west ot Mauch Chunk, who
will bereaftor work 10 hours a day for
a comeque'ut increase in earning.
These men were unorganized, and had
not presented any grievance.
True to it declaration made before
the atrike wa ordered, the Philadel
phia & Readiug Company today
brought it mule to the surface in the
two mine in Shamokin that had been
cloied by the strike, and announced
that they will be permanently aban
doned. Tht action makes it necessary
for tho miners who have been working
in these collieries to seek work else
where. The action of the 400 or 600 em
ploye of the West Find Coal Company
at Mocanaqua, near Wilkesbarre, in
sticking to their work stand out
prominently a the busy feature of an
otherwise idla territory. They say
that they have no grievances, have al
ways received good treatment from
their employers, and, therefore, resist
every effort to induce them to strike.
Insurrection In Salvador.
San Diego, Sept. 19. The steamer
Herodt brings a story of the suppres
sion of an'inolpient insurrection at Sal
avdor, Minister of War Castro waa
the instigator ot a plot to remove the
present president, Thomas Regulado,
and have himself proclaimed president
of the republic In hi plan to bring
about the insurrection, Castro deemed
It ueceasary to remove the colonel of
tho barracks, and shot him down in
cold blood. It waa not known until
after hi arrest for that crime that the
murder wa a part of the plot to over
throw the present government, but in
the investigation that followed the
whole lobeme was unearthed. Castro
was found guilty ot murder and at 6
o'clock the afternoon ot September 3
he was shot by order of the president.
The death of the leader brought the
threatened insurrection to a close. .
Soldiers Blown Cp.
. London, Sept. 20. The British com
mander at Taku cable that a fatigue
party eugaged in destroying gunpowder
at Tung Chow ha been blown up.
Sixteen were killed and 23 injured by
the explosiou.
"IMttsburi roll" Sells Out.
New York, Sept. 20. George E.
Smith, "Pittsburg Phil," announces
that he has decided to sell all the
horses he ha in training, and never
again to own a racer. He ia quoted aa
saying: "I find that there is no profit
for me in owning horse. J have to
take very short prices against them
and when I am interested in a horse in
a race my judgment . is anohored.
More than that, 1 am compelled to
take two to one against a horse when
six to one would not be more than a
fair price, It is ruination,,"
easy Trading and a l arge Gala la)
Haw Cotton.
Bradstreet' say: Expanding de
mand at advancing prices in many
Hues of trade flnda its chief exemplar
in the market for raw cuttou, which
bas witnessed the greatest excitement,
heaviest trading and largest gain ia
price for at least a decade. Rarely, it
ever, In tht history of the trade, at
conducted on modern lines, haa the in
terest displayed in the product been
greater, and tht manufacturing inter
eats of tht world find tht situation
perplexing one, while the prospects of
large profits to producer art stimulat
ing all line ot Southern trade, la
American cotton market the situation,
from being t buyers' market a short
time ago, is now reversed, and tellers
rt in a position to dictate term. So
tuddenly ba the outlook, a viewed by
tbt trade generally, changed that man
ofactorers art unable or uuwlllliig to
define their exact position, or, if they
accept new bulneea, do to on a dis
tinct bail ol cost of new supplies.
Maximum cotton-crop estimators of
part year are apparently panic-atricken,
and predict famine stock for the end
of tht year, even with reduced cca
tumption. Most food prices are either firm or
higher on the week, wheat being ad
vanced on better export demand and
bad. weather at the Northwest, proved
by tht lower grade ot much of the re
ceipt. Wool i still rather weak, and the
demand for spring-weight nitn'i wear
good la atlll disappointing.
Hardware ia in good doiunnd, and
good fall business ia likely.
Wheat, including flour, shipments
for the week aggregate 4,606,982 bush
els, against 8,878, 100 bushel last week.
itusiuess failures in the Unit'vl
State fur the week number 207. aa
against 164 last week.
Seattle Market.
Onion, new, 1 He
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, new. $15.
Beete, per sack, 85c(3$l.
Turnips, per sack, 76c.
Squash 4o.
Carrot, per sack, $1.00
Parsnip, per sack, $1.25,
Cauliflower, native, 75o.
Cucumbers 10i20c.
Cabbage, native and California,
2c per pounds.
Tomstoes 306Or.
Butter Creamery, 25c; Eastern 32c;
dairy, 1819o; ranch, lflo pound.
Cheese 12o.
Poultry 12c; dressed, 14c; spring,
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $18.00.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, . per barrel, $8.60;
blended straights, $3.26; California,
$3.25; buckwheat Hour, $6.00; irra
hain, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
Dour, $3.35; rye flour, $3.80(34.00.
Mills tuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00;
shorte, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middling, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 7 He; cows, 7c; mutton
7K; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9(
Hamt Large, 13c; small, 13;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry Bait sides,
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 60 57c;
Valley, 60o; Bluestom, 60o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.10; graham,
Oats Choice white, 42o; choice
gray, 40o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.00 15.60;
brewing, $17.00 per ton,
Mills tuffs Bran, $13.00 ton; mid
dling, $20; shorts, $16; chop, $15 per
ton. i
Hay Timothy, $1 1 12; clover,$7
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $G7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4565c;
store, 80o.
Eggs 19c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hone, $4.50; springs,
$2.003.00; goose, , $0.007.00 per
ducks, $3.00(34.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 14 10o per pound.
rotaioee uusiouo per saoa; eweeta,
3 3 o per pouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnip, $1;
per saok; garlio, 7o per pound; cab
bage, So per pound; parsnip, $1;
onions, lHc per pound; carrot, $1.
Hops 5 7o per pound.
Wool Valley, 15 16o 'per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 15 16c; mohair, 86
per pound,
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewe, 8o; dressed mutton, 7
TKo per pound; lambs, 6b0.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders,. $4.50; dressed,
$5.006.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00 4. 60;
cows, $3.504.00; dressed beet, 6
7?40 per pound.
Veal Large, 6'7sc; Bmall, 8,
8 o per pound.
San Frauoisoo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1818o; Northern, 910o.
Hops 1899 crop, 13ii15o; new
crop, 1900, 1012ao.
Butter rancy creamery 4c;
do seconds, 22 23c; fancy, dairy,
22o; do seconds, 20o per pound.
Eggs Store, 17c; fancy ranoh,
Millstuffs Middling, $17.00
80.00; bran, $12.60 13.50. . ..
Hay Wheat $8 12; wheat and
oat $8.00(310.60; best barley $8.60
alfalfa, $6.00 7.60 per ton; straw,
2687io per bale. .
Potatoes Early Rose, 8075o; Ore
gon Burbanks, 90c $1; river Bur
banks, 8565o; new, l2o. .
. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.50;
do choice $1.76 3.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.80
,9.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, C6Ho pec