THE WEST SIDE Mr. and Mm. T.R Campbell returned , I III M I iruin vvrTaiue on neunveuaj. P. II. Murphy ha. bought th. Mitchell property to ttoulh Independence. Ladle. bicycle for Mil Imperial wheel-Inquire at ilia Wart 8lde otce. j Mies Nettle McKlnley, ol TllUasook, ' ' TeteHe-.e, He. 141 ' FRIDAY, HKPTKMBER 14, 180 knights or tTima. LODQK Na &, MKKT8 . Mi IVlKY I rnbvn will I Oar (YtaawrT, Mr. K. 0. EldrMge started lha mactii nary la lha creamery on Monday mors tag and lha operation ol separating the butter fat from lha milk wai witnessed by many bualnaaa man who are Interest- As Onen Letter. . To Wm. McKluley, rresiden. of the United Statet, Wnihlngton, D. C: -. .'. .. , ; . In contcouence of of n defective ' Hntm (en Isfahan Was atlAM Mate. !..' ad In aeelni thla latatl Industry and llkyliuht, mj itoatoOioe leaks WI money distributor made a euccaaa. ,. I much whenever it' rains, and ibia) 1)1.4. 1 Irnis Girl." Elmer Maatereou died Tuesday seen. The Maooy Coiiifdy company, consist lot iron tyuuold lew. after an lllnes. s 01 w "' rtMii, nana and or- of fan day. Deoeeeed wm about 10 cueetre, will give two eiliibitlona only year of age. " Mils olty, commencing Wedneaday Bepteuitwr lOtli. nroduoinv the onenina j .' . , uorm , , night tha uproariously fnnny farce a in Dr. Butler report, that a ton wai born dy entitled "A Clroui Girl." Full of Minna. aota, la viaitlng her aleter, Mra. Ro'trt Simon, near Monmouth. Miea Ida Mctechke, of 81. Charles. lllnnaanla. la al.ltln k alataa Mra U.K. tt I.. 'i.k.,.l . . Auguat Sperling. : , , ; : ; v : , and fur at J. L. RtAratnii'a. I . , . " , 5?. i " - w. I . . n 1 M. . IH . . . mra. oaniuei turner, oi nation, i. idling her daughter, Mra. P. M. Kirk' land, arriving laet Saturday.- H . ; Twenty head of choice yearling Cote wold buck for eala. Inquire ol . if ,,v . W,W,PMoini. . Thuraday noreing opened op rather diaiually, and before tan o'clock a hoavy mitt commenced to fall." The rain, It eeeme, cannot keep away much longer, becauee the tuna for the elate fail it coming on apace. . t Clean cheat eeed for aale. Apply to Benry Uill, Independence, 814-4t Quite a uuwber of cowi hare already tina umiKmIU wuintrv 1 where N Mr. and Mn. A. Turnbuil on Sunday fun and laughter, not one dull moment been promieed Mr. Eldridge and while u ... .n .l. i.n -i-u. ib. ' ' from the rlae to the fall of the curuln i wa ware watching tha aenarator run a " ... " ' " It having a week'e run at tha Motrouoll man from Airlia cauia In and laid he nd P"nI. WUKM. very un-jiwaf, 0f OUtmanla for CaUrrh tkat tan theatre In Portland to bin builneit, bad ten oowa to furniah milk for the pieeM tuta ol anaira. i oava , . , i .wuuia Mercury Tbetecond night they will produce creamery, and there are otbera. I made mrwatod efforta for nearly two ,,rw'rr ! wrti d.tro the ana ol tne up to dale and much talked of drama Mr. Eldrldgehaa been too bury aa yet vara to aat tha nnoeaaarv .wnrJi "KSCT A great production j it being to gat out among hie patrom but be J , ... ... , ' T Va. AfihT2i MliW,'.',: !'. "d bright, erl.p will aooa be able to do ao. I " , . . . r aBua,,,,,,.. wlll do Uu fuiajand witty Tha emmary bneineM la beyond tha oni to pay in advanca, ana me Sfa;7rWlSJ&na T7. taUdloui TuMu, U., ooauin na iur UkM iHUirnally, aollni dlrwtljr peraon. Mr. and Mra. Carl Porter, of Corvallla, are viaitlng Mr. and Mra. T. D. Camp. I doubt but It will grow until It ranki aa lam told by the carpentera that they Ue aiwHi n mm u..u.' .urio .i iixlial can, carrying all required ecenery bell. Mrs, Porter nod Mra. Campbell one ol the chief luduetrtee of the valley I .jj .iik outthV:?."Ku They alao carrva are eietera. Other towna and ylllan are beginning Hy, and mil u Toldo. Uhlu, by f. i. loat Inlia nn Knil In I ant tliam IKfMi nr ll hoxf A lo. Th11uuibiU In nana raaiigr run are tb umi. Through a ruah of other bualneea, aub- ..rf,Ul.h lh- .... ftl . .K.i n. .M,h ecribere to tha Evening Telegram ware k fruit waa nlaeed. forgotten Wedneeday evening by the train man at Dallaa. Tha expreei pack agea of Telegrama were not brought over by the motor. Air tight heatere that will auit your taata and fit your pocket book at K. M. WadeACo'e.4;' ... . .j'..Kv . t R. D. Cooper inform, the Want Swa that he baa flnlabed hia aaaaon'a work in the bop ielda and barveated 50,000 wrnnda of the cbutceet hope;, Wkila tha Mr.. William Campbell on To-day, " EwI- .J am nuT off from torn 71 of preserved fruit. Mr' ,nd ,n ' 'our week., and I am put off from tbadalrylnduetry la talked and the aa-1 wooa w wees ana noioing accom tabllahnient of dairiea and tkimming I bli.hed. ttattona U being urged I have alwave been a Haunch IV t .i . ii a i . . a n uere uairiva navo ueen aianeo very n.Li,. ..... tl,. t.l (t.u ll.... a.i,i.l. I... ...L. . i. . . .... I ivhiiivii tv wui WiF"J vr'""T"" 'amiZ Br. organl.od.and have never Tha cppunltie, ha. mad. all neoe. time will be had. Frank Kirkland, of Grande Ronde, vialted lut week with hi. ancle, P. M. Kirkland. rreeDaaea. Aoommittee bu been appointed to arrange for a grand free dance at the novelty In tha of their own can vat theatre, Prloea oirly 20 aod 80 cent. The tent wlll be pitched njmr tha depot, M. L. Dorri.. for a number of veara L V 7. . . "J... 1 1 ni..l- ary arrangenient. and tha i iirueai inowi fiun ear n mi latvnr tiiai naiirv i rvai utim aaa iuiuui wi a van uiiuvivivw i connected with the houaaof R. M. Wade k-.! ,. , ' ... " " ' .... ., 1 ' . . ' l V1 A Co la thla city, later going fornia, la viaitlng borhood. Mr. and Mra boat AatorUt on tha t anornlug tcala 1't'BLlC BUMIHEHM. Attract of lutramean I'lled la Polk County dept. 4 te 10, 1900. KliiaUth Nutter to E A Ivea and S E c. n.-:," ;:;u; ; - 'r: "r"""'-: 7 p? to y r-. smith, jo. n,dar, u i e, Meade i. Ihto'r.-;--; .J.;r'. r.0 r.T "r lWcaorcheatraaml thl. i. an 5 w-IWO. ; atth. BrMvlltoen: rtTl?? P Bob. to J B MUa, 30. e .M.E.Maataraon arrived never aaa an. dto.nnol.tad nattaaia n. t-.A. 10D lDin yw et,f. e-waw. , iP7M0W-fVW iilw i-itivuvai - I rt..'.lii.-.1 .ui. l k i.i.e 1.. I a newuey r. orueaniani"- .w "V ik.-Ufci .h.- k.ii .v.i.. fci.i!.. l.ll , . . i L a- , I t.X .L. .iJLjru I ) A . . . ... . . I I . A . . . . l .L-. . ii.L..v w I v. .i u. ' it. kw. Ii i .l -i i b...... T . .. " I iDlrlL r ti amufi. tnem who are al rz7'riTr:LnirJzrw : tt j tt w F"euanoy hn i rain mi m batter and with the increeead price they wilt obtain, mat tare will about even np. Cabot W W calico at 6cU at f L CiOCKlOO . ! ; ,; a 4 I f a Victoria A. Wileon to T L Oitincer. It JacS2,tpflif 8 w-124. D 0 Satin Ao B t Ooald. lU 6. 7. blk Elmer. ,w - , r,. tha amount of 4IWT noaarf. ... aellrar. f . " ' . T " ,wuf "i1" g, Baling, add Hallaton-40. Qrand millln.rvon.nln. .tMr..Wd. adand SO cant, pir Ooiind w Mid. f t -"T1 . 7T. JV u-Titt!?'- T?2:T1 ' 'V.. rii1 : 10 "" ' I I i a i at aaiawi livn avii i ih. jnwt nix aw auin aiir awamaa nnam aiH in iun. u i t TV.-... a. . a lace, oa 8atutday. The ladle, of J Butter be. advanced aboutSO per cent ;: .-y wu- : '---" " veieioipaara w-aaww. danendaneaaraeordlanvlnvttll tofaafi and the farmer who ha. a few qod utuune that eilated lour or Ave CkamaerUla?! Caagfc' Remedy a Qreat unanuo Martin to Michael Becker, When In Belea and m waalagood d .took of new M ti not worry about the failure yean ago under a democrat ad- ?J. j l.?JKr,,.' meal don1 rurit to go to Btroug'. ionable gooda, which will be oa ditpiay. oi ni wneat crop-nt. cow. wiu wing hninUtraUon. when thnw waa from . XZX X::tK 7Za On Tueeday the team of Jake Brown um om "l "a"01, . I three to liz tradeemen and labor- promtit and permanent curve have and badly bruiaed him up. . ... '. . Iniadell a great favorite with McDaniel d I o, tp 7 . r 4 w- KeaUarant, where everything the mar ket afforda can be had. Beat calico al 5cU at J. L. Btocktoa'a. Don't forget tha hop picker.' dance at the opera bona on Saturday evening.' Two Albany firm, have bad forged check, paaaed on them. The forger, Wm. Smith, a farm laborer, ia miaaing. Wade A Co. are aelling farm wagon, cheaper than any other hoove in Oregon. See reduction in price, in our ad on bicycle., don't mia. thi. chance. Camp bell uroe. ran away The Oratonian reporter we. talklnt tvt tv"7 jb o! work 0 be done, mnwhen. It I. eaiMtoiljr nrlaed V. damaged about the lace and wxij. , with a "hard .hooter" (whatever that and that too, at your own prioe. nwutere or maJl uUliUreo for oolda, lie had an ankle dielocated and wm I Will Eataa and Varna Bartlatt; at thi. 1.) tportemaa tha other day who com- Yea. I want to ao thoaa memorable "p.:3Bi,-r? ?. city formerly, but now working at Walla plained about the ahooting aeaaon lor timea again iu.t Ion enough toget lalna do opium or other harmful drug, Walla, were viaitore hare during the upland birda not opening until October ,n ita ,, " . It may be given aa eunltdenfly to a week. They will probably go back to I. aayingi "There la no eicuee for filing ny, yl gbt fixed, and I will gua uby aa to an adult. For aale by Kirk- thelandoteagebruahand alkali about the opening at aoch a late date. The nt wi,n thw nonthl land Dim Co. the flrat of next week. young bird, are now about a. big aa the alter iryen i. deciareu elected. . Oeorn Harney, chief of the Iudian 100a E 93000. i B Smith to Michael Becker, Ma it Daviadlc,tp7.r4w-4240O.t W A Griffin to John Wolvertoo, tOa aeo 27, tp . r S w 120. - Willamette Real Eit Co to J W Ken nedy, In 1, t, 3, blk IS, Tborpa add In- dependence $260. Sheriff VanOradel to Perry Conner, Ua Wm Conner d I e, tp 0 . r 6 w-l26. W II Fulkerton to Edward Burn., 1U and Dallaa on Monday greeting friend. attending buainee. matter. i . I Raymond "le. n former raaidant There WiU be an old faahloned picnic Lfihl.i-ii. kntl.(.l.oinarnlli..nuMd County Clerk Laughary wai over from 00 on, d wWIe .pornmen caanot can got ill oarpentort within all police tia' toe fUlet. reaarvation, who 5 Highland fruit farm., tp 7 . r 3 w- at McLaughlin', yard, next Sunday. Fourteen chattel mortgagee on bop crop, were filed in the county clerk office for the week ending Monday, SeptemberlO, Boy yoor .hoe. out of J. L Stockton', fine large atock. - Remember the Oregon atate fair open. through Independence on Monday en- route to New York city where be pro- to attend a medical acbool. ;. Ed Roeendorf, who baa been working la the paper mill, at Oregon City the peat two month., waa m the city the first of the -e-k. He left for Corvalli. Tueeday morning where he will enter go out to .boot tnem, pot hunter, all minuusn time to da mv work and badly injured oa hia way from tha over the country are getting away with . MM , raearvation to the hop field, in thi. vi- many birda and making tha other. " r' " clotty a week ago, died on Tueeday wild.,r Mr. "bard .hooter" I. nililaken. Wow Mr 1 nwdent, 7 M how noning from tha effecta of hi. Injuria. There 1 good reaeoo for the change, I am situated, and if I uae my in- The new. bromiht out bv John Havana. mating Hie open araeou aa lata a. Octo- fluenoe a. above mentioned, it will ho notified all Uia ledler. here. bar 1.1. The young bird, are not all aa from .i,oluta neceeaitv and not Twelve of tha Indiana atartad on Wed- large a the old one.. Chinee, pheaa. . ... ... voll v aaeday fur the raaervatlon to attend the ante laiee three litter, a mmoo, and the ,rom nJ 11 WlU lowrt;, J00' 1 funel o their chief and the balanoe tnira oaten la now about the line ol one' "- -." v tuj ijjj not wwkt fiat. If paraona were allowed to boot I know my true motive aod not be the bird, openly now, there would aoon mialed by any falae reporte that 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jgpecial Sg e l.U and Bralara Qolckly Braird. M aah. .tv M V 7 . . 1 Chamberlain'. Pain Halm applkd to T.? to threaten utter maybe.-otjn to you concerning a eut, brulM, bum, acaJd or Uke Injury TTj'htL'trr. mypoiiticalpo.iUona.Doatma.tor. .CL S! rA1 next Mond.v. Pant. 17. end will eon- the airicultuia. college. tinoe iz oaya. u win Da tne niggeet George W. HUpleton, o( fort land, ar- why tporuman from Polk county had J r""M' l,wu" " i ti patrU lo toe time fair ever held on the ground, and every rived in town bright and early Monday the law changed. After the flrat of next I . ; J, A. WHEKIER, r. M. other treatment, Untoea the Injury farmer thould make a atrona effort tolmarnln. H. cama b. whael from I mwth tKa liitia hi.i. ... k... .1.1. I P fl T T atwxnl.l anwa.1 In aavere it will not leave a eoar, l l I " .-w hhuw w itwvwm .ut. trf I . . a vmww.w wwvw .M BVVT I Vain l -1 . .1- ....... i . a :i . .l. ..I j ul. . I . .... ..." IralO llalm aleo huu a ivaat vui ua t uui uv wuviv i oaiem. A. luw wvmM ttiao any r.l ourea rheuniatiam, week. We have several tbey must be aold Bro. ,; ad waa quit moldy uke care of thamaalvea. The fact that ting my .kylight rep-Jred before apralna. awelllng. ind lanVenZ rS 11?,. !? iX"?' "S iholecUonI .hall cerUinly vote klan3 Dru, Co. meat in a auto of col- eat the game law. at defiance, ii no valid . . . ,,, iu "iZ I aTT" be rallied enough to nmo. why ail .houM go lo and flniah or J J- A. W, ... Ibany Democrat, Sept- 6. J. K. I and Oeorge weighi bike on hand and pound., be waa almoet thia fall. Campbell lap. However Uke the 11 o'clock motor to Dallaa. f tin thia tamtoat of blrda Mr. "hard Deanite the double orloa demanded of t"xterbould ue. eo.e af hi. energy the farmer for a fannina mill, the ned- ta thaae - pat bunUr. jiai.k.M...u. . wi., I Wmplein. oleo loudly. A few Mlling tliem.(both the mill and farmer.) J,1 twgraa are now recelv A. good a mill ean be bought of the lo- ,B,. ,LD od Wnli. will aooa cal daalan for one-h.lf tha monae tha ,M)P "'V DOOua Of WTOI. imported article i. eoW tot. CORDWOOD taken on aubacription at the WEST SIDE office. The weather looked ao threatening last Sunday that the bop grower, be came alarmed and in moat of the yard, picking waa going on. the name aa on any d'thefaay. r J i Buy rout mill feed at the Col line mill. Bran, 112 per ton : iliorU, 114 per ton. Don't overlook the Ru.h ford wagon, the beat ironed wagon on the market. For .ale by R. M. Wade A Co. and ice cream eoda at BIE.1A VISTA. bo Weatliarford and wife and W. W. Fran- Ida left Ibia morning aa grand repreeen tative to the eeveraign grand lodge, I.I IO.O. F. at Richmond. Va. Thla trip ...a (,..' ,l will be particularly laterett na lo Mr. I - -1 i Fraicle, Rlehmohd being hi birthpl. We will eive extra soe-I tcial bargains on Watches! for a few days. Don tl overlook this sale if youl want a Watch. 0. A. KRAMER & CO. I Jewelm aad Ontldaaa. 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The endleii chain lyetem in poli tic la a new thing and the Repub lican, ere wondering how far that W. C. T. U. chain will go. ' fln.l..-, i-oru nooerta naa i..uea a pro clamation annexing the Transvaal llut then, Hanna and Jones have alao annexed moat of the doubtful dates to their respective banners. The Castle Keep constantly on hand ansortuient of a flue o o o o Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Ala 3 the famous Hop Gold Beer. ED. GALE, Proprietor. Admlnhitrator'. KoMce. Notice la hereby given that the under Igned ha. been ej.polntMj by the Honor able County Court, of I'oik County. Ore gon, l in I ii Intra tor of the e.tnte of Mir anda Hill, dMwaaed, All .mon indlt ed to .aid etate will make I ru mediate payment to me, and all portion, haying claim, agaiuit .aid eetate wlll prennni the .aine to me, projrly verified a by law reriuirl. Within aix muntlia (rnm date hereof. Dated thin 27th day of An"', 1000. HENRY B. KELfcO,. Administrator of the fRtate of Miranda Hill, decerned. THE ARCADE. Davldion Hcdact. Proot. w i Clgere, Clgarettee, Tobaoooa Cenfeetlonary. and Flrat Claaa Soda FounUIn in oon- neotion. With every eaah awrehaae. von aat a ohanea an a $60 Mltehell blcyole ta be given away September 20. For Draylnj ' ....Call on.... F. M. SKINNER, Orders for hauling executed promptly and at reasonable rates. West Side " ' AND Weekly Oregonian Oae Year, (la advance) $a.oo A GLEAN SHAVE AND A- Hf STYLISH RAIR GtiT ia mAX ton okt whi von PATxoinzg . Kuteb't Oarber8hop. Iadependence Oregon BJTH iND BARBER SHOP C. T. HENKLE, Proprietor Hot and Cold Baths at all Times. . a INDEPENDENCE ... OREGON Frank Ice cream Bobinaon'a. 1 M V i . -i .? A. Dunn, late editor of the I Cheney, Wath., Sentinel, waa a caller on the Wfcr 8idb Wedneeday. Mr. Dunn 1. traveling by wheel throughout I the .Lie for the benefit of hi. health I and atopa long enough in place, to do a Tha circn. at Balem laat Saturday drew many a dollar from Independence. Everybody who could hire or borrow 4 rig went to the circu. and the town w.i noatly depopnlated.' -- j- .-.- v kfen'i clothing etrictly np to date at J. L. Stockton'.. , . , A Salem wasblockaded, Saturday by peo pie going frbm mile, around to tee the circai,"4 Livery room waa ecarce aod at a premium and-uany bad to keep their team, in the. open nirt. Owing to ti e lack of hotel accommodation', many peo ple left for home immediately after the performance at night, At ftlhinann'a ant ... fpmli lit vaiip ieas aj jwwi vw t vim ' f' I ej -t w -wr i' tv- MnA-iii- K.-t4r 'if1 Vh. oi pinged by the1 oreeence of a acrUbb; 'C alraaf ' "Annnail. Vlun. .mninr I Cat n.Died W. E. . Wlnetmrir) Store, fjjr a haij cut,, ; ,. , .- wanted in. CaKfornia '. tot 'defraud ng I to the market T7V HOPS. The cloud., which bungao threaten ingly over the Willamette valley the lat tor part of Jaat week, aay. lb. 8utea man, hare 'cleared away and the weather promlaaa to be favorable for the oitntla- .L 11 i l I wa w a ji.i Toiimi turn wvia k a. uiwvu. u? . . m. . . ... . i. pickinc bop. k'th;! Sf Jb9!,'m!rii yard.' did endamage to the yard., at least such ' la. a kaa MttA-J MHala. .f. Aaua. t. . . I ''r"1 wixatis iivm kWP A replevin case wa. brought before Urowina auction of the coantrr. No Juatice Irvine on Tueeday wlterei J A. jurold ha. yet appeared ia any of the uyer. aou wue were piainttn. ana wp,ljt4, and ft i eoafldently believed if Mr. Danil.,araerohantof Monmouth, iei" ergweae, w wm, wm i me weatner remain. javor.We 0r an I waa oere on ouiineaa oaiorji.y .j Nndant. Ao array of legal." talent from J other week, the danger from thi. eoune I Mr. Smith and wife, tha former a real- Balem wse preeent ami aome 1rneHywll be peat. Thoaa who have .prayed '"t of thl. place, during it. day. of legal point, are to be raveled. Tlie their yard, wall claim" there i. sbeolute- Pro,PwIlJ bl ,ow eJHw? of J'ertTand, nl.itiff. ar raoreaantTf L'e Jndire Boo. I. .i. 1. i a..i.i w" ? 00 0U,,M" ham while Frank Hoi ' v p. mwi pwp ww aiiw. I . i ' Ik. Ra ..n.l .! L. L . . . inOr.e. ...o uviviiu.t,.. a uauKwa. wu w m ...a . ilia. Olive Harria, , of your city, visiting, friend, .t thi. place. . Mia. Bath Vaughn and Bird Bevena of Oratfou fatv. are vi.itina tha l.ttar'a mother. They will, remain until after He hi antUled, to ttbe trip, for daring nop picking. ...... . - r - .. ' hweatvoM.yeata he .Ua miated : the ' Robert Steele who has been In Wash I Oregon . grand lodge.; only twice, then logton lor torn, time,' dm returned to through ii neat, hia home at this niece. . ,T"r -JZ- ' VI- U.,.....l.a ta-aaa l. L Mirth AfW Chk!M Thundav vluri aha wlll take i 7 VPI lHn Safertaf. the coat araduaU ooorae in muiio. . ' .wfrVred. for thisey year, with G. L Hawkins . leeteteSfece, Ore. .4l..ftaa' a..j4 .Kn..k. f . 1.-1.. Mia. M.od Cole, who ha. been Vltlt-Lnra.1 " , a.av Jnh?. m m.ii!!!... Jr log In Oregon City for soma time peat, French tWp, MUw. "Ihad .pent ao returned to her home at, thi. place laat much Una and money and suffered so MI. '" ' ' ''' '" ik.a I a wuu iva, a um .i vau uu an uuuva oi the ef- week. Robert Walaon. who has been work ina for Wm.Jtteele. waa allad to hi. home in Albany to attend the bed.ideol hm lather who Ii quite, ill.. Cemetery Work Monuments and H The Independence recovery." I wm ao feablf frnn recuofthoduuvboaa that 1 eouhl do no kind of labor, could not even travel, but by adcldeut I waa permitted too oa a bottle rf Cbaraeerlalu'a Collo. Chol era and Diarrhoea iteuiedv' and after jgSJ&TAAW NATIONAL BANK wuu in, raenn mat i am auiioui that UPelir reeon of all who aufrer aa I i by Kirkland Drug Co.) time. The hop crower. and dealer, are caae waa continued until tbei IPth -in. i very aniiou that the crop may be hat hava ' ana ttrown 'waa watennt bill iiiLin'.t.niu,u... i. .1,- a Tiiaaila. Hia laam f . I'r. ' vrrvu '.4r i . 7 . itant when it will be beard, powibly be- Te.tad without any loss orfnjqry (. to lis ' quU n nt !r-h ' '! vi ' f, '0r ' - . i ' ' : ' quality and they are urging all to put place attend 1q.navw9ro.Deo Oregon hiie.renk!ri been Uptheircrop aa clean and in as good fn Salem Sat shape a. ia poaaible, ao that toe Oregon I . 1 A . Hop dealer., from ,u Pncee ana gooa, nop. ay, rue team ran. a war. J .v. : ,...,. " dragging him .averal yard, and badly : "T.J'. iem wawman. orumng nia limue. ' -' ;.. pwjuw mm-vma -tm iuuuu nmW el tnU fi thl. nJnMP wis or any other country. attended the Ringltu Bri. circu. LX'!11 to not, be true of any hop am Saturday. ..r..-,. ,...,r: I grewimr country elaewhere in the world. the hop'trower. ato'giriieewln.Enf( elaewhere, Capital Stock, 060,000.00 , at BiaSCIBiaO. ABSAHAllKlLaOH. , PreHSeat. Vlearaateeal ftV.llVIH, ! eii.n: . product may command the higlie.t nrioe 1 J ?r,R"t proapecir oi targe the nicker are generally from what are a , .. termed thedweViMaaeea-." In OretHSn The Rev. Mottef.heai.. vanfiekv : lha lalaKtwirlna laptnava aH.I .tt.l f.m ..Ti VsI ' ; "-""a m.ui- iT.."'!?. growers durlug pick l . " .' . a . I atevuwiei witarvu am 'WW. ow v Viuva a?UI. I . . . . . . i siinvn ara fhsa liaaaii aim ila a tiAna I ... f . I Incr Ittnai mnti anma nf tlias Ikwat vxawa.lA .1 ery w 1. verybodi will bm. bop w"vw' v -M v r L ' t ms ,1( :, u( .jiM, ... .( ,.i n JXrf'hL i ii. 1 7 ",. .... ani annnrlafAr . I wantea. oiw, jc .Bippeu i rem nfaiora, ,r i --r y M a protperoq. time., i. oemg r.ied to I a-,?";- . .... V-AC".1..0 laaetoa htoUttue and 26 tettetilraai H" WP oi im qoallty .of llle l the ground. - - - - - not nmmvm ncneet people, or the i.u.VUAiUDi(io -t - . . - .: . I .i..... , in ' ::r..:'i'" I , .. .. .. r ,.'i.,. ... I (ijnA.i iu..i ai 1 i..n... . women. He wa. arreataru TJenttal f" .. wiuiow an eacetr . ..Mr. Jenkini. nltftMtrarfa Grti'va on anu inwiiecv ror aampia I . . , . I tin.,, .lau.a i n . r; . ..... 1 1... .... tvi...i '. .. . . j..y. n mine anaiaaen (oneaaioara iron, i- " "..,!.. i.a . Fronpreaent appearance, IdepenoV -n to whon, he wa. -engagM ;to be fe P ence people will patroniae (heTetoto lalf rnsT- m"l,Dl'. ,w" "T.', ITV . . t j . a a i iMtrvn wi n Lr nr riiKnannriai ana. izio in iraum i T" averyooay wm nave, .nop " iTVJl raw at tne Mann-' . Bay spur cameras and .uppliea of 4 jr. x.. vti Duriag the week requeat. DIRKCTORI. A P. Smith, A. K.latfe, A. R. Svik. . . la. aerioa, J. a. Rke4-a, 5. W.SMN, ii. klnakkaif A rBral Baakla. aa4 nekaage knrtaen triaeule.; I mad, bllli .tMevaled, Ml mrellerfdlti.raawd doilM reoelTe. aervunl .ubjeol te UMk. Iaute.1 aaU a liBU d.pnoiu. , re-1 copiea of the Wkst Sioa have been ceivecT from Arisona and Arkanni. Steel range, at R. M Wade A Co'a at price, that cannot be met by any can-,- . Attoraey N. L.'tBdliV $aaJtostf ye tained bv the city council to look "alter the recalcitrant. citisen foot av to Portland '.nent a eonbfa ofl USlly and. actaajly 'beat. At ona hoo p ... . ... r. . . . . -rr Tmr-n - - , - i 1,. r . . . - r ." I K.fn. ai....1l i tl.. I. ' ..i .u. ilin vumntr hare. ' ' .. In,.. .. i .,!.i.i.. i . , ..... , """"I" " iliawiy vi mai l i jj.iu uva. avMiv.p aia wu iiuiirari BUU ineMregoR wauya wm oi ,ut gut reporte come of light yields 'Mr.Neleonof thaaoda-wOrk. of Al- their famllte. and neighbor.. In that Portland, aire, the followina leaendt 1 . .1 i . . -a. w...i. . ..... i. lari.. wi.. ialAi V.jl'L.v' . j'It t . . i . . . , , ireioaiij ,paCTitiiu luat now muenitn-Ji yh ",ny.i "'aani or near w, ooia morning ana The Bhastosaserlbe their origin to he lhu y tjiit taJI.S'hoVt pihti', Is CV:;;; .r...K.a..m., -7 tainty. Frobably 76,000 bale, lor -the S''. S"J... Tiii liTilW1 to its base, where .be fell among a Um. u Kloam ' 'lm.,. k. f)1???!. WAM ."IaUl. I.. a e . 1 1 , I -f w-ww -ff-Haiv , MtHiraiiiNiMW niar'i rarm nr innnni. all. VtlBIIrUt W I w" a in regard to ny 01 grtssiy oears. ymwwtwUtm 4 SL , . . lnr ;, .;;,; j , U,.Im, ttI ;"JL TS.7T:ZL .1 1 .; t f . 1 -l . ui i 1 k 1 wn.i-.m r- ..!' aiuowaiaj ouiiuidx - - - w uruB... uP .u iu...v. vi .. m r jp, , r4a;?'l)bwaWr I'to- Bh now VMltlnf , For faeMa?iIe-6 larger,. ylwWa. that informer 'ff' Hide, call at theofflce. Lu -K, k.h .i ha.i,,m ihr., K"'"'' -Deiotiging to (Jilbert u!, jJolli the Efts..)-. 01 i.- , ' .., . ...... a"-v . .,r.t IVAiarir Tta VfWsrftWtfa-T" ,i. , . .. , :. .... . .!.!.., ,;,., , " :,k r::;.7 ;;"7kT: :.7.7r"":i.: e Portland Tekram .kes tbetoi. v. v.( r a Wf MIUWIU UVV 1 rptA .IJ.I, tl,a4 . AA..IJ k.HtiHk 4k. ataa IK.a..l I I I . a I A JW WSJ WllllJH WS4t , fBU UJ U I IT 1 10 H W m aWm war iaa. year, ana p,,.nt .t. t. lA. iu. nu N f the yard of later hop. at Eol., ef ilrleea ij'T ...v IT. ..7' v' ""y - S acre, the picking of which wa. fiuUhed T uJJZZZiZZTZ: -a . S . W t SJ i awvavainiv.. ui vrwa.vwiaia oaiiu 'uuiiuni sauu I Polk County Bank i-.... , (INCORPORATED.) MONMOUTH, OREOON. J.H.HJIWIIV, . . I . P.L.CAMPBRM, Mtil. Vlm.Pra.1 IHA rOirELI CMklv, The river, on Sunday, wa. over a above low water. The Portland train came in Tuesday with the pilot of the engine covered With blood aa the result of ttriking a woman After her marriage aha gave birth to children who were the progenitor, of the Indiana. Thia ia why. the Indian., liv ing aund never kill a griury bear, and whenever one of their named Mr.. Nallpenear CvWJtilUng number t. filled Djr sucnr tng. ofe. her almost jifaUntly. 1 f . lonuH, they are bnrned,Wbere' ther'4aliT '1 4 . an1 all naaaarahetfilbw niv.n'thH' Wlaa a rtona until a great pile is erected to mirk the spot'.! , We are the printer, for the people and you are the people for tbe printer. Look over your tupplie. and. see- U you are not to need' ol 'aome' more 'letter head., envelope., circular., card., ete. it mi JmweawalLy: wants. to aid his party he had betters-put in his dw reiuiuui .Dia.jQau..jrjeeoh. on. Aid' f n it;:;.)- rx-A i ; DIRECTORS J.H. H.wWy, P. L, Cam B, V. Situ 3, J. Dbell. Butler, John I. M 10 cent, off on every dollar', worth bought of our 30,000 ttock (print, and muslin excepted), until October let. J. L. Stockton. Hermann School and two other men went pbeatant hunting Sunday upon the farm of Deputy Sheriff Munke'ra, a few milef from Albany. Mr. Munker. ucceeded in capturing School, after a hard cbaae, and he went to Albany and paid a fine without contest, as the phea ant. were found upon him, 1 Tha. other men escaped, but will be arreatod. Every effort i. being made through that coon ty to enforce the law. 1 ' ,:' '' About three month, ago, C. H. Friend ly, of Corvalli., loat hi. valiie here. It waa mppoied at the time to have been stolen from from tha Little Palace hotel. Tuesday morning L. C. Oilmore, while rumaging around in the bu.hea back of the water .tation, found Mr. Friendly, valise. It bad .been, thoroughly ran lacked, but wa. eaaily identified through a 2000-mile ticket on the Southern Pa cific lyitem. - J; Sperling Bros., our enterprUing butch er., brought in a drove of cattle laat Fri day which waa aecurad hear Sweet Borne, " - 11,872 pounds,: oi 2000 pound. to the , . . , .t . ts 2 :. u ! t ivrncfjsjaiiiinsii mnn fFflnsarsii i v in inin r.ns.1 acre. Uit year, en the tome yard. 1900 l.ICZ . .. . T. T . T' . . boxe., making 19,5oO pund.of thedried ffi S.7.W. . I . .. ...i , . . i miu uuuu uir lurumiu ..iwu.iriaiiT. - xt a thouaand of our leading men would become Infuied with the, aplrit jthat built the" darnival city there would be nop., were narveated ana tuere waa no loa. from rain or any Other cauae! Thi. crop ha. been .am pled, , by local dealer., j, i l . v v..i. j . l uuuu mo uaruiTai but -uidto wvuiu uv hop. There are about aixty acre, more thing muat be going on; never saw the Cooper - h'!i.-rUr'. '. h ill .if. i jutuxs A AC? A i yJ, j'ij 7 moan, 8:86 to 6)0 II ipso B. Stump, F. 8. Powell, t Joaeph Craven. transacts a General Banking ' and Exchange Business. a. MOTOB UHI dependence, Or.,' Then olace vour order with the We.t i.i, i. 'a u i..u and , elalmt ."Well.. I swan. Borne. nt t t . .. i i i. ii I - i eiae wnere you get gooa ciean pnnttnir. Drink -.ft that tha remainder of ita vard. are , aa . . .. , .' J , TxT. . i jgooa aa inoae aireaay "Harvested. jtfU- kaa. A P.ll..'. .1.1- w.v m. ...wimu a wv.a jaiua WVIU .uta year cultivated . under the management of II. B, BrophyV. and the result, at tained bear evidence of ba excellence of hi. work. The increase1 ahown ia 40 per cent in tbe number of boxes, fend 70 per cent in weight, over the yield from (be THE PUReST16 ywn AND BEST,.... While: running opposition w the weather clerk yesterday evening Newt ones ion a tap on a iront wneei oi hi. sprinkle wagon. Outside ,'of a Jittlel scare to Newt, nodamaae was done. " ' lop Soli W like) f it before.' ;5 I W. aPSharrhan. UTMOR Main Street Iftdependence .TIMbJ ,fABLE : ' i Corrected to date. - . Bottled. beef for 00,0 family use to be had at iH: ED. BALE'S COTLE SIM, Independence. , WANTED ACTIVE MAN OF OOODRHAK aetar to deliver and oolleot la Orugon for old miiiiiiiKiunDi woomiiai. imiim WOO a J ear, aura pay. Honeaty mors thaa el. peiienee rtqulrad. Oar raferaiioe, any bank Id any eity., Enoloie leir-addreued tamDed, envelope . Itaoufaetarers, Third Floor, Ml veacoom bv., vnieage. StflU topn)fli School ! Monmouth, Oreiron. Fall Term' Opens September 18th t . .. . . :; The the Normal School are prepared to take the State Certificate Immediately. Graduate, readily secure good positions ipenee or year from 1 10 to 1160. Btrong :Acadwnlo aud Profeasional oourseti. New Hprclal Department in Manual Training. Well equipped Train ing iDepartoaent. , Far Catalegue oontsilnlng full mn neunoamanta, adaYeoa P. I- CAMPBELL, Frag., or W. A. WANN, Sec.' ol Facility, : Leave. Indnpend nea lor Monmouth laadAlrlle. - - a a ; TiSO a. n. S:S0 a. in, ' Leave. Iadeaand. nea for Monmoath and Dalla. Iliaoa. a. TilS p. m. Leave! Monmouth for Alrlle. 1:80 m. 8i0 p. m. " Leave. Monmouth forUellM, , 11:80 a. m. iTiSOp.m. Leaves Alrlla . for Monaouth and Indepeadencv, 9:00 a. m. , . 8 UO p, in. Leave. Dallas for Monmouth and In- leieiideiioe, . j . I Oil p. m. sso Leavei Monaoulk for Iudepi-ndeuae, . , S:45 a. m. Ii30 p. m. . Si40 p. Ol. 8.45 a. a. SiOO p. m. Leaves IndeiMind- enoe fur Monmouth- iOS p. m. Free to Inventor. " . The experience ofc. A. Snow Co. In obtain ing more than 20.000 patenta for Inventor, haa enabled Ihi m to helpfully aawer many quea tlona relating to the protect I on of Intelleolual property. Thia they have done in a pamphlet treating Drieny oi tinned Hiaiea ana foreign patent., wun ooet oi ne ana now to procure them; trade marks, design, oaveata, Infringe- tneuls, deelalona in leading patent easea.eto. Thi. pamphlet will be sent Iree to anyone writing to 0. A. Snow 4 Co. Washington, D.O Are you looking for a brush? Not with Germanybut a hair brush, tooth brush, or a silver-polishing brush. I have a good all-bristle hair brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up. A. S. LOCKE, INDEPENDENCE. OREOON Prescription Druggist Who said there was nothing new under the sun?.... If you think so, you will have to change your mind when you see that.... "Special Bicycle" mmmmmmmmmmmt mmm Campbell Bros. Prices on all our Bicycles have been cut Twenty per cent They also have the celebrated . , . 1 soiightly" Imperial for $22 independence, Ure- "DOCTOR UP" Changeable weather between two seasons encour ages your chronic troubles, and inflicts upon you much petty sickness. ' Better ward it off. 10 cents might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it. Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and for everything kept in a well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS " , AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRKLAND DRUG CO. ii A Blf .Kick A - man nukes when bis laundry work Is rent home with porcupine edits, and spread eagle button holes. ' It be would bring his linen to an up-to-date laundry, where perfect method, obtain at all times, suoh aa the Salem Steam Laundry, he will receive his shirts, collars and cuffs equal to new every time that we send them home. SALEI1 STEAM LAUNDRY , COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. L.v. your orders at Kutch's Barber shop, or with tha Salem T THF, LITTLE PALACE HOTEL J.M.STARK, Prop. You can get... 6 Meal Tickets for SI Our Everyday Meal ; is as good as our Sunday Dinner, and our Sunday Dinner is decidedly the best Meal to be had in town. Try it. E.L.Ketchum,M.D Office and Residence Corner Railroad ' Monmouth Streets, ' NDEPENDENCA, OR mmm CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. COPYRIGHTS AND DESICNS. Sand your biulnea. direct to Washington, uvea time, eoat. lea, better aervice. MVOflwdOM tAV. . Skftutt OflM. VllEK HMllMln. arr uamlaaUou nutda. Att.'a fa, not ttu an&l paUnt ItlKmna. PERSONAL ATTENTION OIVEN-lEAi8 AOTUAi irPSirENCE. Book"HowtoobUlBr.tiU," rto.. Ma Bw, ratwt. proearad throafh I. a. allien nea. ap.elal aotfoa. wlthont clurn. in th. INVENTIVE AGE Ulaitntod Boathlr-Slmntli yar-twrai, tl, . yut. p A MiftnrriA Latsoi c. A. snow a uo. r h MhhrHN sr.. n. w., WAVM a WASHINGTON, D. C. aaJayaJavayAyayayvvvyaaiaa m anythlnj you invent or Improves also iret CAVEAT JRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo, for freo examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS Bllffl $C.A.SUOVi&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASH I NOTON. D.C. aaaavayvyvaayaajayavaavayaavaVVA