The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 14, 1900, Image 2

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JOB. a. C. BRANT, Editor and Proprietor.
. (lit aBVANCBJ
Thrw moutlu , ,
Eight car loads of small .arms
ammunition are on their way to
China for tho use of the Boxor ele
ment, but the allied forces got there
first. '
After being walled In ami shot at
for a period of three weeks, Min
ister Conger is accused of entertain
ing a feeling of prejudice against
the Boxers.
No .Democratic editor has suc
ceeded in explaining how , Uncle
Sam can have a "secret alliance"
with Russia and England at tho
same time.
ft ft
One of the planks in Mr. Del
platform favors "the abolition
poverty." That is in general
paramount issue, but few . persons
believe that the proper remedy
Debs' debilitating dogmas.
".!'..... ft :.-v
" Japan looks across the. pcean
and realises that its nearest great
neighbor is the United States.
While no' alliance exists between
the two countries, the geographies
tie is evident. ; ' , ! ' 1 !
: 1
It is reported that one of the con
cessions in the Portland street fair
for which 10 cents admission
charged has. the sign: 'tor men
onlv." It draws the crowd. Inside
they find a pair of suspenders.
There is considerable to the r
port that the yell iw brother in tl
purple city of IVkiu was presented
with a black eye by the boys
ft ft ft
The most plausible explanation
of the oft reiterated statement that
the Dowager Empress "is still , flee
ing" is that she is trying to get
away from herself.
ft ft, ft
Some of the Kentucky Democrats
who feel const rained to vote for
Beckham for governor will paiiiate
the offense by voting for MeKinley
for president.
ft ft ft
Probablv the North Carolina
Democrats will re-enfranchise the
negroes if Bishop Turner can get
the necessary assurance that they
will vote the Bryan ticket.'
ft ft ft
The New York law prohibiting
further exhibitions in the manly
art of self-defense went into effect
with David B. Hill clutching a
the ropes and breathing like a buck-
eyed cow. .
. ft ft i
The experiment undertaken" by
the Pasteurlnstitute to discover n
new cure for snake bite is a wanton
waste of time. In counteracting
the effect of snake poison nothing
"can take the place of the long felt
r filler now in use.
, One of the Yankees in the lega
tions in Pekin passed the time by
makinz a eun out of a fire xtin-
o o 1
guisher. No doubt thfr books to be
written by the besieged on 1 heir ex
periences will be a literary feature
of the fall and winter.
. " -ft ft ft .
Texas was hard hit last Saturday
when nearly 5000 people were killed
and injured and a property Ioes of
$10,000,000, entailed through a
hurricane. ' The highest point of
land in Galveston was six feet
under water, the wind blew 80
miles an hour and not a structure
in the city is free from damage.
The Democrats are inquiring
anxiously what on earth Mr. iian-
na wants .with a campaign fund
when he declares that MeKinley
as good as elected and that Bryan's
race is only a joke.
Teddy need not be strictly onfa-
mental, as most vice-presidents are
He can break bronchos for the
United States army, ', f
ft ft
Carl Schurz wants Secretary
Gage and the Republicans to vote
for Bryan and then to pass a law
next winter which will prevent his
injuring the country. Leaving
aside the humor of this proposal,
will Mr. Schurz kindly inform us
how a successful filibuster against
the new law is to be prevented in
the senate)
ft ft ...... v .
Abdul'Hamid, Sultan of Turkey,
has been murdering Christians for
years, has been a constant firebrand
in Europe, andj)wes Uncle Sam a
little bill for which payment has
vainly been demanded. Yet he
celebrated his silver jubilee recently
and received salutes and fulsome
letters of congratulations from all
thepowerB. Such is life.
ft '
It is lucky for Waldersee that he
is having a triumphal progress on
his way to China. The chances are
that ven the corps of typewriters
that he carries with him will uot
be able to scare up a victory to give
him a triumph on his way home.
. Washington,.!). C, Sept. 3, 1000
There is much jhagrin in official
circles becauso of what Renins to
have Wen almost a general misap
prehension of tho position of this
government, as stated in the pub
lished reply to the Russian proposi
tion to withdraw tho allied troops
from Chin. Because that reply
stated that if Russia withdrew its
troops, the U. S. would do likewise,
the conclusion seems to have been
generally jumped to that this gov
ernment has endorsed tho Russian
proposition. The communication
was anything but an endorsement.
In diplomatic circles it is consider
ed to have been almost a protest
against tho Ruian proposition,
empluuing by the rather plain hint
that if Russia alone wlthdre w its
troops at this time, this government
would regard it as a breaking up ol
tho alliance and would act accord
ingly. Many notes are' tain;?, "ex
changed by the powers, bur Acting
Secretary of Slate Adee, says (bat
none of them will be nuule public
until some definite program has
been agreed to by1t?epoVerss i a
Maj. General Otis was in Wash
ington a day or.t)ij4,agQ fo;e) pu
pose of notifying the secretary , of
war of his readiness to rvsumo act
ive duty. iiethOtls has beeii as
signed to succed Gen. Joe Wheeler,
who will be retired the 10th Inst.,
under the conipuWry age law, as
commander of the Military Depart
ment of the Lakes, with- hcadifXiar
ters in Chicago. Gen. Otis declined
to be interviewed for publication,
saying that he had been spending
tho summer resting and consequent
ly knew nothing of public 'interest
or Importance.
' Mr. C.'J. dtioxiof Belfast. Ire
land, who represents a biir linen
manufactory, jia been in Washing
ton for several days. Among other
interesting tbinsrs about linen be
said: "Alt tho fine lineiT,used in
America is made iu Belfast, which
has a population of about UOO.OUO,
one-half of whom are employed in
making linen. In fact, the linen
business has, been . the making of
that city, which is now known all
over the world. The largest volume
of business done by the Belfast
linen factories is with tho U. S.,
which is a great consumer of hand
kerchiefs and other linen articles.
No other country in tbtj world ( is
such an extensive buyer ol linen.
It is Imru for on who has never
visiter Belfast to appreciate the im
mensity of its linen trade. There
are not three or four largo factories,
but at least ;ohe. hundred. Some
luien is turned outtn the U. S., but
it is what we Call 'low numbers,' or
inferior grades. The American
lady alwa-ys, buy Q imported
handkerchief 1 lieWn5e she knowB
thai the fact that it is imported' i
fuiilicleot uiiMDteo M4f -its. uQi-
cate texture and fine work."
Hon. Andrew D. White, U. S.
ambassador to Germs ny, is in
Washington, but his presence has
produced no news. , Mr. White is
one of thejinbsl'.courteous I'men jin.
the "world to meet, and when it
conies to public.afsirs,- one of' the-
moet reticent. J .is ( thoroughly
imbued with .the .diplomatic idea,
that the press should be given only
results in tljmg3 plaining to inter
national affairs.' '
Chinese "Blories being in order, a
resident of San' Francj'sco told this
one t6 " a group , of "Washington
friends: "1 he Unnese have a queer
way of avenging themeelves bn their
enemies. If a Celestial is real anx
iotn to make his enemy's life a bur
den, he commits suicide in front of
the latler's'Jwr. T,h(ii i4 eofisiderMi.
by the Chinese, to be tho most ter
rible thing that could happen v to
them. The man in front of whose
homo the suicide .is, committed ' is
shunned liV lifoWlewX WoStracized
by his club aud isSiarked witlrtbr
finger of scorn aiidsu'spicitfh. The
soul of the suicideils Bupposed Ui'feVV
strai'rfit toeavc'ri'l'wline "M sb'dl'
of the' olhtsf .leljow' U .dqbni'fo'
everiasunc peruuionr ,,!... , '.iu-.i
I While hoping. for a peaceiul soliK
tion of. the - Chinese 'prdbleril;!''tHe
officials' Of thc'n'av'departmeht are'
taking tho necessary steps' to- have
their branch, of the service prepared!
for any , contingency ( The i naval1
policy board, of 'which" Adniiriil president, is vses-
6ion at Newport. It is known that
tho board is considering the ad
visability oj .'riatly strehgtnetilng'
our naval force in Chinese waters,
although its proceedings are not
made public. Orders have,-how
ever, already been issued for a num-.
ber of ctJUwrs to jr6ceed.lo Chinese,,
waters in addition to' those already
there and on the'way,' whicli-means
that warships will be there to use
the0oal. ;,-'.. " ' ' ' ;
Speculators . in 1 star route mail
contracts will, be - shut out if the
post bflice department lives up to"
its advance notice in the advertise
ment for bids on 6,052 star routes
in New EnglaftdrNew,Ybrk-, I'enn-'
sy lvania, Maryland,' Delaware," Vir
ginia and 'Wes;, Virginia: ifwhicb
says that every 'accepted''biifder
must live on or near the rout,e and
prsonally mperlntend the service.
A number .of speculawri have for
years made a regular brines bf ob
taining tfieie contracts and rub-letting
them to meu who did the work.
The postal olllcialii say they intend
to break up this middleman busi
ness; that besides saving money,
Ixittor service caa be had by dealing
directly with those who do the
' ' Friim our ilvguUr rurwioulenl.' ' ' '
Paris, Fran Aug 20.
It is tea reel rccognUod that the
most potent and far reaching influ
ences of tho Paris Exposition ap
pear in tho Hall of Congresses,
Ilahtia do Congroi as it is called.
This is the least striking' part 'of
tho imposition, lhero are no
great captains, of lnJuslry with
clanging machinery, no displays of
mining industries with their aston
ishing statistics, no Ad enptaudum
indentions or results of thrilling
discoveries In physical, t science.
Only a uuiuber of eucUties .consist
ing of plain men ' end some i plain
women 'discussing peace, education,
charity, religion, 4sychoi)gy.byglr
eno, and other eubjscts that relate
to the ameUoratton' and yrbgreei of
the ivniuan ricoi", Can It'btt doubt
ed that these organizations, com
posed as they are of savants, of all
countries, though they are scarcely
known outside of the esoteric circles
o(. their specialties statisticians,
bookworms, . theorists, . dreamers
some will say, working in solitude
but furnishing material for legisla
tive consideration and action, are
the real benefactors and saviors 'of
mankind? They have" no monu
ments aud want none. "They de
sire no isles of tho blest, no .quiet
seats of the just, to rest iu a golden
grove, or to bask In a summer sky:
give them tho wages of 'going ou
and not lo die." ,
M. de Block, Russian 'Councillor
of State, held yesterday In tho Salle
des Fetes of, tho Petit-Luxembourg
a meeting to consider the problems
of war, and tho policy, of, colonial
expansion. : ,
In that meeting, which; related
ospscially to the objects of, the In
ternational iVaceTbngressI.' de
Block insisted on . the , necessity of
sciul. inquiries .concerning, . the
conditions of modern war, and the
utility of colonial expeditions. At
his Bueceetion,' ft' coniDnfissioIi "wl
appointcdjo study euonom(6Vn4
financial crises whjw wigtu
causes of WirHrtwwilf' til
incial crises which tylgf& fi$.
ses ofrmMe tfjy'
m. Inthewteresi-of Huift?'
at I'argelwhich tuffert w.irjj'fTj(
itv at Israel
in theeUsh of !armunients Af. ;d
Block urged, f bat ; these inquiries
should be multiplied espeisyt it
tlie present time, when the. wte
the4 Transvaal jusli'n'ts absolutely.
tjie words of Mr. Broderick of .the
iiftunn i n.iiun.ui.k umi ,v '
small number ..of ,trotp, Jtoliimfi
tliemselves on the dsfensive, will
le able to resist for a long time an
adversary much .morO; naineruii,
and inflict on him terrible losses
He held that the experience of the
Transvaal was of a nature'.to; con-,
solidate European lK-abe In that it
delnonstratod thq immense difBcql
ties of- iBtasion,. , TheOnwence
adjourned with the impression pro
vailing among those associated for
the study, and propagaricbi-i for en
ichtenintr the covernment and the
people itla reference to tnw dafiger
of expansion and colonial exten
sion-rthat there is great peril in
an a"rni!-d Ce1 which rtlV
perntaMnrwrt. WtJ&XXXZ
The . President of the . Medic'ai
(jongresSj Prof., Jlaymond, yhp is
the ureflent' occupant X)Hft6' tiAtt
once, held by tjie' renowned' ClisVcol
of the SalpetSieis'inade an address
at the oiHJiting of this Congress,
and prieflt'vfoAfed 'the princDlt'
characteristics Of 'thejpTmiidldgy,
: . :i " ' ;
anatomy and pathology of the ner
vons system ot past times, and paid
'dtid homago to the superb"Work and
disbaveries of Oh'acoL'i'iViHbian,
fjtbri, Vriedroichiiey.dn( ttrd ' a-
wham we are enablud'-totldy-io un
dersland bo many obscure matters
Our role, ' he said, is 'to conCond
ftgaiiiBt'th'e progress, of dpgon-pracy
and-morbid heredity, against the
aiseminaiion w inreciione, anu
against the ravages of syphilis' and
alcoholism. 'In short, t6" impress
Ou'r'time with the. .truth that the.
principal-source qt, happiness resid
es in a; perfect harmony betweeli
tho human Organism And its' envi-
Among the molt interesting. pa
pers submitted to the Medical Con-
gr- as were those by Dr. Labadie, of
New York, Dr. ; Berthau of Paris,
Dr. Ducamp of Bordeauxr on the
new treatment of tonsumption that
was discovered by ' a Frenchman,
Dr. Crotte. The method is, in ' efr
;fecf, to transmit nntiBeptlcs,"b'spe'c
iiilly formoldehyde to the affeoted
la r by means of statio electricity
unit not ifi the usual way through
the stomach'.' It was urged that the
direct transmission Is destructive to
bacilli and thoir ptomaines in a
much more effective effective man
ner than through the digestive or
gans, and moreover the stomach
being unmolested by medicines, per
forms its function of nutrition in a
normal way, thereby ' facilitating
the cure.' ' ' '
Dr. Labadlo stated that experi
ments had twon made on animals
which showed beyond doubt that
the antiseptics had been carried
through and into the body by high
tension static currents. , He pre
sented analyses made by distin
guished chemists verifying hie state
ments, while both he and tho French
doctors referred to cases of complete
cures in the United States and
France. By statistics they showed
that of ,800 patients in different
stages of consumption' in France,
600 were cured; that a hundred per
cent in the first stage of this disease
were cured; seventy-five per cent in
the second stageand thirty-five1 jper
cent in the third stage. The .'tree
doctors urge in support of their new
method that it is entirely without
danger, arid that a patient in the
very weakest condition,'' even 'V'cty
young childreuare,, unbfrm1)
the strong electrical currenta, AioA
are free from vain. iroduin I
pttliont 'pleasanl at4 UmulajUg
sfiisatians. -Tha static eleotrkity is
produced by ,roa.chlnes which . art
now being made iu Franco, and of
which photograph! were exhibited
by the lecturers. 1 ; t '
.; ,i f vi' '. j; :
: i Tlnber-Laii4 Fraeu. r ; ,
' Now that good" timber land; In
Oreguo has uearly all passed into
the possession of a comparatively
few men, and most of them non
residents, a loud complaint is being
made of the ease and audacity with
which the law has boon systemati
cally and persistently violated in
the accomplishment of this" result
It Is said that" these violations, of
law have been . more frequent, and
bold recently than heretofore, and
this may be the case, because of the
increasing scarcity of good govern
ment timber land; but it it also
probably true that for the' same
reason the unlawful methods of ob
taining title to timber --lands are
noticed! more. The "'practice bis
been about the. same for -many
l. "'I 4 '1 I' "'. '."VS
years, and under the'admJniitralJoD
o"( both parties. It could be laid
in attempted extenuation that the
law- providing for the acquirement
of title to timber land is not i good
one: that ii Is "necessary for' put-
chasers to oAri large v tracts, . jot
quarter vections each; ,iut .eveq V
lie true, it does not justify auch
iandaloui Violation -oiUwashaa
ih prctieed in " thle1 'tat-of
JeaVs. It would be a proper "pro
oeediiK,' it seems; for the fedoa
i$dicera to diiiW'i esi case 'oj lje
methods of tome of these great iiiat
bet-land, tbsrks'.! and' 'see ! if'tbe
$uHaW the Interior- department
wouj uphoM'flfe '.Utfc t6'! lattde
tion of the plain; Ijlttert of, 'M
But if these 1 wide, are- taken frees
jtS possessors, the' result 'mihC jtte
disastrous '.rather, than benefiuiai.
After a few tears', whop' the
lands have beoo all ."gobbled -ttp,"
the government will rJobably, take
measures w JJreyeni , mew . npqtr
tale frauds, but theh, of ,.oourev it
will be too late. ' In fact,' the gtod
timber lands have been 1 nearly all
practically' given awajr ' alreaiiy'
lavorcc- synaicaies an..w.enuiy
f peculators. Jtvening .lewgram,.; j
s ; ,V'-" '-Half late,-.f-i':' "''
Mr. Markhamgcncrarpis'engcjr
agent, wriiis the 'f?s$,$WH J$4.
for the Oregon state fair, to bfljield
September 17th to the South-
era Pacific company will eel! tick
ets'to fait grohrids' and 'relaV'a't'
one fare for the: found , irip, Patej
of sale1fiepteovber,lJth to .,2!id-iipd
olusive; final bant of tickets- Kep
mber 24th. lu i; .r ,rfiu
The present fajjL.prom.iBea to be
the, best iathe hiBtory of the1 stitf'
an'd all sluld u'tHeir bea tlToit:
to promote tlifs erpVisor wlilt'f)' ft
a great benefit1 WlhV entire iiiMr
hotild alwayt'be kit;
tno nous tor th.ti-v,;
lowing reaon: ,1
HRSTt- Because, If any member
of .the family has a hard cold, it
Will CUM It.. '. J ? V .. .
SEOOKD Because. If the chil
dren are delicate and sickly; It .will
make them strong and well.
j777mJ Because, Ifi the father or.
mother Is losing flesh and becom
Ingjthln and emaciated, it wilt build
them, up and glveuhem flesh and
strength. . '.;:J
tWUttTH-BtcxmM ,ia the):
Standard remedy In all throat and
lung affeftHons; -5 ' ,
No household should be without It
ft can be tajcen. in tummer-aa wail
as In winter. , , , ,
toe. ind li.oo, all druiliu,
scorr sowNStdHMku, nw r "
A frNoetk Swladie.
. A swindle is reported from var
ious parte of the country of which
farmers will do well to beware. The
agent offer a churn .which they
claim Will largely Increase the yield
of buttet- from any given quantity
of milk and they offer to prove this
usscrtion. Chemicals, it appears,
are slipped Into the m lk and orearu
when the purchaser's back is turned;
and the butter oomes more quickly
and in greater volume than it usual
ly does on the premises invaded.
Of course the resultant mass is not
pure butter, but the agont collects
his money and departs before' the
friud is discovered. Register, ' Me-
Mlnnvllle. ; - v.
... swmimsmmmmm ,',
The Eugene Register man says
he saw bugs on his editorial table
the other evening. ' Further, that
the said bug deliberately broke off
their own wings. ' And yet, again,
the editor avert that he was per
fectly sober. Bro. ' Uilttrap, tell
that to the marine. By the way,
have yotf Nferred the matter to Ira
Campbell?-:' He la well potted on all
sorts of bugs, eeptclally those little
"twi Ree( bat gone to. live nexi
tq ivpoeeyeit at uytter nay, . won't
there be a hot time if . Reed's rules
ever go up'against Teddy's ttrenu-
qui met
. 1,(
Notice hr publleaUoa.
Bpumbr 1.IMU.
NoUo ii,hrbr given IhU ib lollowlnf.
MUM4 mtlWt Iih niwl nolle or bli UlonU'iB
noiaCnal urwl In luupurt uf btb ellm,
tltil Mia prwir Will ut ruM bnfar lh
Cuunljf Utork al Pnik !ovnlir, tl DftllM. Or.
I on. on mioUr 1A, una u-
inocnvi,. inuiwu, n. n. no. 111m,
forUwSW Cfof N WHo4 M W Kf S Wof
w.l,TSll W., . . " f
Hi nfttiiM lh lollowlnf wllitsuo In provt
SU onMnumw ral4uo upun nnd oulUvtUun
olMldluid. vli:
m B. farina. ( HugtrbMl, Orftno;
0nr HMkal,1 of HHril lrcan: ullim
Miller, of Hur!of, Onfuai Utnl Olaua, ot
Sunrlokt, Orraoa.
.. - stuir.
Hettee tot PtMlcatteB.
' S.pKmbr l, UOO.
' Kollooti norabjr t1rn Uil lh lol'owlitg
ntarnl MliUr haa flitxl anlln of bli lnlnllin
to mk Sunl pranl In cnpiMirt o( bl oUlm,
ttS Uml wld pmol ll b mail bolor lb
Couniy t:irk al folk Omntr, at IMiIIm, Or
Kon.oa Oetittwr U, UNO. rlti
Ocorm Hiwkl, H. X. No. IUM. .
(or lh N S 1 N WU,B U of N W K and
S tUnlHW UoltUoUirbS.KIW
IICmbim ibo folio I m wltnnwa In pmr
nu tainiinnou rauanw npon nna ouiutiiub
iatlS land, v Its
Kuib H. Kaono, of lufarloaf. Orovong
TbowM C. Cbandalar. of Hukanoaf, Oratnn:
JuHbh Millar, of Mugarliiaf, Oroit; Ouat Ofr
... k. . . - ...
. . CUA8, B. MOORM.
Notice for Pabllrstioe.
rtnl sub. Ao. 11. 11 pub. Oct Ul
Calbxt Btato Un4 OOst, al OnfOB ntf,
Onou, Auual atU, 1100.
KoIIm ! barvbr irB Ibat In eompllatioa.
rnia tn nroTiaMHU ni ina aai or uwimi 01
iihi, IsVh, (oUlloS "An aol for tb aata of
-Uiabof land Iu Ibo Slats uf California. Or.
(oa,Jvada,andi WaablaaloB IbrMlorr, at
ttunaM w an mm ruouaMna niawa Bf an
olAumili,lW, Varmliia UlrablMrn. of jnd,
pnaanrj v ouhij of roil. nuiiaui
'Writ a Bla4 In tola oo bli awnra jtala.
mmf K. MM, for tba oarabaM of tha 8 S of
HW W'N W U of W W.W liOf SW M
Uoa .S2I, in loauablp No S H, rann jlo.
'rl, and will offer jinxif u bor thai Oi land
oufiii u mr vMuabiaairitautaD-roravMia
Ihait for atilaullural purpoMa, and lo Hlal
lUb hU olalm lo natd land before Ibo HailnUr
and Kaanlvar o ihtaoffloaaviMefoa VUvOro-
gm,u rriaay, in iu da" uf u4utwruIWV.
,He nam aa tfllneua! FroemaB W.BirtSS
nn of raUMIIJ. Or j Mlobaol O. rifnovnt
fallaCUy, Or. llirl N. Hoblnaua, of faO)
lliy,,Or.rJronia Oornalfei of iBdaptndabco,
Or, , K ' : ' 'O .,-
' An' and all paraona clalmlni advaraair fhv
BhAve-deM-rtlied land ara rjueald M Sir
anairnaimain ,iBia.ino ou or ovura tain
iUb aajr of UtoW, im .
H.i nonce lor rseiicauoa.
. flnlpn'b. A;il,- V. laal poo. Oft, IS.
vUnlUdBtaloa Land OBloe, Oregon Clljf,, -...,,.!
Oraiou, AuBiat a, iiaio. v
NiiUoSU brVb glVet that In cMmpliahm
with k pravlalAiu of tha Ml of Cona-ram n)
June 8, l7H. entitled' An aet lor rr tal a4
Umber landa in the Blatae of Vallforiila. Ore.
fon, Nevada, an4 .Waablaglon Terrltor,'1 .a
eiiended H) jill Ibe PulilloXandButoa py aol
waof un a, imraL fwujenim w . nueeeti, ui Al"
hehr.t'ouuiy uf Uan.llata otOtvdAa, bat Ibla
l niua i
n Ibla oftlea nil worn tAUnuriil
Nu.Ul, for the purrbaee of IbaHK W
a. la utwaaaup nui . ranae I
raitfo No.
and will offer pnwf w b lUat
at Ua 1,
iberof il
aouaht BM ralbablettiMltllm
I baa. Ar acrioullural purpoeea, and lo aatab.
Huh bla elalin loaald landoefora tba llril-lor
and keealrar if niila nlTIi at Dreguo tniyf
()rron,a .rriaaj t!4 day u Oatolxir
JKtlO. ' . i ,. .. I ...
aamaa aa iWlloaaaaai JB J.Cdlilba.of
Allwn, OrvfonJ Frank Wyliui, ol AlbMf ,
ronton: AMJbWllllbnu, or A lony , Orrg ou
i v m homti. m. UNim.
Any aud all prfon olloilof tavmelj. tM
tuoremetcriDea innai kre nqutuiea 10. un
Uielr elnlmi la thU oflloi on or iwfore Uld Join
.1 .. ' '
!' e. V .. UegleWr i
.' V-al ... at
tripub.AU,u , ,a.i BUI.U.
United Blalea Land Offlce, Oregon i'lty.
,. !.; . i. 1,. gj-Wwgwl. AUfuatlUb, WW.,
, Kpllfb lbj4any glfua .ilhalitn oanrpHaaoo
Juo8, 1h7 entitled "Aii act fur tba aala of
witn ina provieiunaui ma aui oi uoiuirem ol
umber ianw ,weptw, W v,"'"rl'ln iOra
Won! Hartalai'SnVl1 Wannlhrton1 VnttiUtri." al
,,l()tn.liidOBOie'l'u)1foland StaWt -Sy abrf
""lot Aiigaat,4.,MMI,,,CatrB ki. Hobwt, iff Waal 1
tatemonl iBo: fiOU.foiaba purfcaM bt Ma W W
of W H of. 80111109 Nu,l Ja, XyapijJo He. Sn
aaiwa f"- aw, aua will oarer proof iq
that Ine land eought la store valuab
ilta Utikber or itone I haa. for agricultural
valuable lor
Mad before the. Koglitar and Receiver o( Jhli,
offico a Oni:im iHettUT, Wf irrldayllra'
ana hi eMMn me valor to laid
Win gar 01 uouwar. ivw. ,.,. . . , Lh(Ji;.. .
Ha namea aa wltuuuea;- Sahn'i: Colllrii Of
Albany, OrogoSi, fltaSSHlJaylaai .pf- Albaay,;
Orugoni Benlainfn K. Kutaull,of Albany, Ore
goo A bljah- Will4atnatf Albany, UragMV'
Any anq aii,priwuii!iaiiiuiig,aavanuir..ine
aboveJoeertbod JAnoJ ra reuOontud Id fill
their olalrna lit tbUoPM pu r before .atl ftlhj
- f 'jfC'VCilAS.-B.JtOOWKfl.-'M I"
. ' l....i
' .Wi;.i -i.viftJ-:' '-'' i
Shasta : Route; : ' :
Tnln rearca Independence Ibr'Portlan'd'knd'
LV Portland S:M m. 7:00 p. m.
L Albany 12:! p. rn. ( 10:50 p. pi,
Ar Alblana.:......'. V. Hia.m. il:S0a.m.
" Ogden ,
" Denver,... ......
,, Kaniaa City
" ChlOHgo
Haoramanio ow i. ui..j . . m.
7:lfi p.w.t il6a m.
(iM a. m.
VKWa. iu.
7iMa. m,
7:16 a m.
eKHIa. m
JM a. m
:80 a. m
Ijoi Angrlea.
l:i0p. m. 7 KM) a m
6:00 p. m, Oil p, m
6:80a. m. J' 6:.Wa. m
0:M a. m. Vi56 a, m
4:00 a. m. V 4:00 a. m
6:2fi p. ra. v'S:'4 p. m
v Kl II
Fort Worth
City of Mexico,
': 'New Orleans...
Waahlnutun ...
Mil, m, ,.
9 JWW. lora..,iir,..aJ.i( v-.nt-
rtv p. th
'iMl1me.n end Vourliit OBn on both! tlralfla
aifeari 8aofamntotoOi(den and 11 Jata
and touriat cirS.t Chicago, S1' Iar New
Or(n Bad Waahington, i - . ; S ; y j
' " ".. : a: ' .' V;.. .i-.- -A.r
Oouneelinr-Jat nan rransiaoo .wim eyera
Sea Ma. O. A,VWiu at indepen denoo
j Ml i nanauiM
fMBaalPajMBfr.Aalt IVUaad, Or.
To Carry EihlWts rm.
The Southern Pacific company j
tna man tor Jiieraiity on pro
gresilve lines when it offered to car
ry all exhibits to and from the ttate
fair free.' This action of ' the' com
pany placet every county on Its
line in easy reach of the ttate fair
this year, and will enable the
southern portion of the ttate to ex
hibit her famous fruits, .vegetables
and trains at a small expense. The
following letter it sO plain and to
the point that it- needs no further
comment other than to say it it up
to the people now to fnture ft suc
cessful fair: i '
'rortland, July 2fl. Mr. M D.
Wisdom, Secretary Btate 'Board of
Auricolture, Portland, Or.' Dear
bir. in order to encouraire exhfblt-
ors and attendance at the state fair
tills company will transport ex
hlhits oriititutinn at points on its
lines within the confines of the ttate
to Halem ' and return to point of
Origin free of charge. Exhibitor
will be required to pay the charges
on, thiptrtentt -to Haleitf, which
charges wilt be refunded when goods
are delivered to the company's
agent for reibipment- to i point of
origin. Yourt troiy, u; m. mak
bam, General-Freight and Passen
ger. Agent."- 'V n,'
rB m
' anaolar tti deliver and
miiast In uragoa Wr
ifaoturlwc .wliiilt !
Old. alabJlbaaV.aanai
boaaa. Sm a year, ear Day. hoaaaty moral
Jiaiaaea .eaveiopa, ataaaianiarera, im
'loor, Ut paartpirn t..Cbicau. t). ... t-; ;
1 i .i i n ii i -
Hat been refitted and renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing is new. Good tample room
(or commercial men; Satisfaction
guaranteed. Rates, $1.00 to 12.00.
Special ratos by the week. -" v
" buck: SMITH
v ProprfctoirtL
Dan P. SrouFfER.
and - :
UVIIOVllUlli '
. du . Titles
; , Examined.
Main Street I)alin, Oregon.
Hpeolal ;
viBitv'a ml.
Salt Lake,- Uaef.
rx. wortn. iwaoa,
Kanaaa (Sly. St,
. louia, Cbloano Sad
aa city, -an, fs.
'.I ji 1 IJ . ,. rik
il.' ,! .
T s. m.
li lv . ..1
SA) pm
Walla walla. Lowie
bMk,tnHiana, Mlu
nnrainlun IM, Haul,
. iiuluib. Milwaukee.
l"-.f .-Vo
t.' (OjlAua add Kaek
0CH itaKMif J.
All'talHnidatea aub-
ljffcOMS v.
Kir kif FianclMio
Halli aery 6 daya m.
L JrV.Ww
T.n Sunday
' Cblombla Blrar
" WB-"..!-
Tq Ailorla aim Way
i - IjandlUK". '
;.l p to
Willamette asd
Vaaablll Hlvara.
and Way-Landlni
S4 Xabv
(a. m. .
and t-,..
Vr1ll(SrSa; ,
XHiriland to Corveliu
B. m,
1 In.,. Kin.
'Pally '
r r imi
Blparia io yewiaioBj
WllWaUa Mrer .
.,. Y.lVM.1 '".1. !
'(dmaofti.. ty, ; N,wberg, ,Balm, "Indo.
sniin nwrwauiMn irrtni rmi aniv rnwa-j,
t:M A. M.
fbVir Piinlaiid Ami
J,wy. Bnaiagaj, mm, wett,-
Vrli ;S A M. Kr OftrvalJIa ,wbt landlna
rKor-rult inftlrmatthri'oall' bS'b.' rt. iV. Agl
A.HKKHON, iodependenoe, or addceaa I
; voara aanaa Afapl al
f YivTTJlSr'
(.-. ('( V"V bW. Ifr
l.-...(-.r.:'l ii!-!W ' :.'ISn; '
tin .VX'' ' ,Xfs
4- i.w.pjci(iNWN,yrrs!i. ;
J.1l ' ' ' V '
- , , . , : . .
Sobth -6f IJtHa PklrteW HbW, r
nallroBti Street, in'depeiidonoe, Oreajon,
, 'A FAMILY LlBflARY ' v
Tha B8st In Current Utfirature
' 12 Qompletk Novels Ymrlv ,
$2.50 per year ; 28 ere. eorr
- Vpplnoott's Magaslne and the West
tOB, one vear'W!B-.-'v..-.-t A--
1 ' ' ' '.. v .,.-;.',,- i..
,..( " .
. WaUtteclioD
Iii tlU I '
, . ,
Opera Houie block, rtaln
. . . . ' i '
'X .! Good fcooda at Hicht,
,tai OtALIW IN 1 ' X
A Our goods are ;ftrflt-cLa88, our prices as low as the
A' loweit--quality ol goods consider ''.,,'''t.V,'ii'.
A All kinds 61 couatry produce bought at the XJ -,.
w Highest Market Price. ; ; i r V
X.' '"-" ': .y;i.:V'-S :i-'.;;C;; rM,':
a i cmifl . ii r, lui. raiit .110 utispscuiiiij ,.mma. v
.a, fit
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dry Stock always on Hand, al so Cdar Shinglfes. - -
NOTE;-Wa btve a (Jrat-claaa dry
ouifbly dry lumber.
:, The TJnited States Cream Separator is a first
class .machine ia every respect.
Parties "wisliing
are referred to Mr.
lapiiHpjng me ureamejy jjere. ue is a practical ,
.v,lt man and not Anterected iq.the sale of any par.
j. vticular machine. .
.A -.
ST.V -lj'or . . n . -
4 .;.:! .a,t I- '-,1 ..In -.; . ',' -
I R. T.1. WADE & CO.. i
' .- : t-.
Ar J. QoodiTiani'Mgr.
:i ... '.
"MA-Tru STKlciiTr- 1i
v". a-i
S lilt ja:ij""'g 1 "'
r .Jg . ' IT.UBJH. ff SUMO. I .
.; TtjriDrAT. uairarir!
fl"ta si .
tatlJOm Bill adV lVi:4fn i&t'M nb V;-nm-JW snlraM
;tri lljiki ' .l'"if V..J .
1 citlo ui.:.xr f.U eiw- .lo- i.i':bte j
mi ;
" I'll viwjlrlJ.ala-I .M-tf ,r2
li!li il :l'"S.W.inii .'
,!.( 'f ; .
,j-j.4: ,
, 'MS
ember 17
Bii?ge"f'and Better
Grounds greatly Improved. Buildings repaired andrXeuoYated, -all stook build
intra t.Knrrkl'ltflil Hluli,ft.ntttH ovArvlhlnff lit Aral ttlau Annillllnn --
? i. for the largest, and iiesfc
: live Slock Show aid
try :
v$2o,ooo3in Premiums and Purses I
Goodradnffevery"iteruoon. .Mueloandfun atDleht. Auction sals ofllva ,
stock! will be made a leading feature. All live stock and other eahiblta hauled
fees. i oerjb,nouthef n, Pnojfw IiallfOS Reduced passenger rates on all rail
reafbt IS prero4un- list.and ofchef ieCsrmatlon, address ' . ... . , .
''mi n -ueHDiiKin 'rli v
1HH9DWV, VTKBh-'. n
. a a i A t i '
Street,' Independence.
.i ... . . '
Prices Make Easy Selling. X
kiln wblcb enablea us to thor
to' buy a Cream Separator
;C, K. Eidridge, who is es-
f..'i ,a ' '. '
m'Stnri Rflnffn-J
with a wsouft-ht-iMi ton -
like tba peddlers sell only
we sellbeni from ten to
n cler it Ins e h'ii?:3 J
' and offer the Same terms 2
a ..and lime that ba doea. ,
ta oniy we are nere jui : me .
Z time to' mass good our ' V "
PI 'guarantee, and you are 5" ''''
01 fortunate if you
H more than once.
Ma 'Jilm
dee otir lUniree and jret
prices before buying. f
',:;" . .;V' . s.-; ?'.,..''
ir.t Hl3-t .Vi'
r .':,'
to 2a, 1900.
Than ;Eyef ::vBef6re.-7- '
and most complete
Agricultural Exposition
THE iioABT. 1 '"
. .. m. lk widuum, sec,
Portland, Oregon,
( -
'.J tMiX w.
1 1V':
1 1