The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 14, 1900, Image 1

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    An, Advertisement) '-vV;
,1,- . - ' - . ",, " "A)
The Best Newspaper ;
It tha oo that give the moat and
freshest newt. Com par the WEST
SIDE with any paper Volk count.
Wbloh bring return! i proof rbal
tt k la the rirl t placex The VTE3T
UIDJ5 bruiga m i
Vol. xvir.. susp psr jtur -
, Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 9118.
ft V
From All parts of thet,New
1 t Wldarid the Old.
OF INT ERJEST.TO OUR, READERS Rvvlvw t tha Import,
ant lUninlnn f I ha 1'mI Yr..k
CuIImI t'rwtn tha Trlvgraph Columna,
' ; , Tb American troops, have ordera to
'", t ready to learn Pekin'. , .. ' J
' Li Hung Chung will be permitted to
.j t to Pekiu lor a ooufereuoe.
: France agree -unwillingly Bus
"lia's. proposal to evacuate the' Lmperal
Seven t vessels war wrecked , or
strati riod tit Florida, eoi, by Uia
Two peraona urera ktlledand ,cp m
ioaaljc ODuda4 in row iu jtonnt -
HKaaw.aTaqa. , .... ,
Commandant Theron, a noted - Boei
aooat. haa len found ld On tha field
near KruKrport. a naall towu about
20 milea northaatf Ljtlouburg. t
-Th ceufaa rlnreaa aqmmncea that
- the pop41tipu ,ot roriland, Ort, la W,
' 426, aa agaiust 46,385 in ltt)0,an lu
ereaia of 44,04 1, or 94.D5 jh cent. '
GermanT' raain for rejecting the
Ruaao-Ameriuan pro'pOHala, of. With
drawal from Pektu is that the time U
inopportune andialoalatedto proling
tba war.
The American ihip May Flint eol
lided with a Imrk in the tav of Kan
' v Franciaoo, theJi tbrlfted outu. tha battloa
ahip Iowa, where she wan aplit opeu
and sank to the bottom.
ys' Kx-Tresideut (Mevcltind haa declined
the prwideati' apoiiitineiit aa nrui
bar of the International' Ilcwrd of Arbi-
tTation, under The Hague treaty. f Ki
,1, Preiitlent llarriiwu h4 accepted" the5.
- The stuff surgeon of the German loga-
tion at Pekin auuoiiucea tlmt an n
Lamination shows the cauaa of Baron,
I." von Kettelera death to have been a
bullet through the neck, whicli must
,t"bave been iuiitMUtauoouitly fatal,
Francis FIdward liiuckloy, ou of
"-' the incorporator! of Uie Chicgo Lni
V Iversity, " und promiueutly identified
- With many important railroad aud com
i,'jiiercial enterprise!!, is dead at hit
' home at West New Brighton, Stiitcn
Inland, aged 66. " -
. Ulyaaea Kellogg, aged 13 year, and
" -George OglWy were killed by firedamp
-. in an abandoned vhaft at Newcastle,
Wash. Tjta lormer deKcended tnto tlie
.'hole to lookfra cbinkeu wbiolijia
.'bad throwti',.tlieiu, and taa followed
iy Oglaalij,- 4H)th Vera- overcome-bt
;. the vapor and full to the bottom of the
ana i. , . . i ,
The aiege
of "La"d)brand
haa been
. Natives of
meat aid.
Alaska ' require govern.
Fx-Secretary of Stiite Olney will snp
ixttryanx . . 4 ; ' ' ! ' : i . "' '
The yellow fever situation in Havana
ia improving.
V .v The allies marched 'through ,tne kfor
. bidden tity of Pekin. ' ?' '
1 .-
New York ' Rt)puhlicua upminated'
B. B. viueii lor governor. , - . , .tr
I (jicmnectlcut jfiepublii-aiig nominated
, George P. McLeau for governor.
The body of a Pocatelloi Idaho, fire
. man waa found in the Willamette river
: near Champoeg.
An VAHteta hop roan sayi the pre
f-ent atrengtb of bop prtcea ia doe to a
apeculative flurry., ,."'V' i '
The National party nominated Senat
or Caffery Jj preniclent. and ' A. . M.
H6e for vice-president. J .
Arthur bewail, Democratic candidate
lor vice-prewident in 18116, died at bit
aummer boine at Bath, Me. -
Montana P.epultlicana nominated
David E, F'olsom for governor and , S.
O. Murray for congrenman.
A man with f'3,000 in hia pocket waa
aent to jail at The Dalle-, Or., for
stealing 25 ceuU' worth of wood.
The viceroy of India,' Lord ('ur)U,
of Kedleeton, cable that the total num
ber of persons receiving relief ia4,810,
000. t ... .r
The population --of Salt Lake City,
Utah, according' to the United State
cenaua of 1900, is 53,031; 1890, 44,.
842. .,- . - .
The population of Albany, N. Y
according to the United Statea cemtui
of 1900, ia 94,151, against 94,823 ia
1890, a decrease of 772, or .81 percent.
Morgan . Robbina, agent of the Ar-monr-Haviland
Company, of Chicago,
aid that he, with his associates, bad.
just closed the first part of a deal in
volving $20,000,000 that ia to he in
vested in Colorado gold mines by the
packers and London men. Air. Hob
bins says' contracts '-were' 'cloned for
properties in Gilpin county calling for
the payment of $2,000,000, but he re
fused to divulge the names of the prop
erties nntil he hai) succeeded in trans
ferring all the mines on which he hai
an option.
Chicago police have recovered a $1,
00O poodle that was abducted the other
day, but there are a number of $4.80
children quite hopelessly missing, to
ay nothing of a $25 parrot.
Earl Calvin Titus, of Iowa, and of
the Fourteenth United States infantry,
waa the first soldier to plant the Ameri
can flag on the walls of Pekin. It will
be remembered 'that a certain Titus
battered dowu the walls of Jetusalem.
After all, there may be something in a
name. " :
' In a Pougbkeepsie (N. Y.) newspaper
the following marriage notice appeared:
Holder Close At Jersey City, by
Rev. Charles J.' Allen, Charles E.
Holder to Lillie W. Close, both of
A sailor named Wilson, who was on
the Oregon when she grounded on the
locks recently, is authority for the
statement that after she had stock there
three days a big modern Chinese cruiser
hove in sight, chased by the Russians.
A ahe approached the Oregon she ran
up an American flag. Her officers
.claimed the protection of Capt Wilda
nd got it.
pnrtiee to Colorado
Frnuoa will accept Prluca Clilng at
a IHUll'ri VUVUV.
t , (1 '.'-fi.'-i . ;
Amariewua aud Fruoh Ufarly
daubed la I'eklii,
lrd Kobarta ,1 jmnliltiji virMtloBi
tu F.anteiu TniHivaal. k T a V
American ralltrt took no jmrl lu
the looting ol Titn Tlu.
' M iii.r itult oonit iona In Texa m(
ml avvervlr Irom the ittvVui, ' j , i
The tnt tlpimrtuimit la not raaily to
hegtu motltttloim with LI Hung Clmiijj.
New llAmphlrv HeinrtHcafta uomi
tinted Chanter I), (.iviriloa1 for gnerilor.
Colonel W. H. Shaw, ol lllliwl.
will maka iiepublivMU i(ecWe in Ore-
The btrrtiMnhli) San radro arrlvwl at
Seattle (rum Uie north with 300 pat
ietiet and $MU,000 in Noma uolil. '
-Aieiifi"i JJI (Wlr way t'livnt gold
1 . . li,k ai ariak !
teniptbv Rustavi, avfl Hveu Yankaea'
j aiUliuKiiitni. . i I i
' Tha wmtroller of lha cm
currency baa
isucd a' call for the couditiou fo( ua
fioual Uuku at thab'.uaa of ; buaiueva
SejtMttbtr I, 1900, i' I j
The popniatia'ii orI)iotn. Minn f a
tvllicially, apiwuuctjd 7 by '. the (diikuo
iurvau, la fi'.'.irtii, an iitcreaatj in impu.
Intiou of 19,34, or 5U.U ier cent from
18110 to liiOO. 1
At TkctH), Nayada, a f,MjrtMjkm the
Nevada, i'tilifofniH A Orifrotl axtiuiKiou
diiriulod 14 car .of hewt cattle, rvdno
iug the oars to kiudliirg wochI aud kill
ing '20 head of fat atem-H.
The dec traction of aliipping l (ial
.vfHtijit ma reduce the' volume of enrlv
wtt,m' rtwii,Tr(rw at Lncahiro. Kng"
liid. Keportx from there idiow that
L'O.OOO ItHinm had rtopped and that
you.operatira, ware iW. (, 4 1 ,
'17. e jOKtaiafrr-aiieral hai received
i i yoinuiuiifoJitlvni frmiil K. V, Vallle,
tlirartor of . wi in the Philippiuea,'
LHlioniug that there will he a tturjilmi of
receipt over expeuditurea up u June
I0 of 10,447. Tbla dooa not .include
fcea hr money order of $4,900, and
there in one .dmntrttnoiit, that ul 1! co
lor, yet to hear Irom.
The govcrumcut trausKirt Laatol
nulled from Shu FranciatHi 'on het
erraud of meny to the far north.
With all availuble Npace Ih.Iow, dock
devoted to bertha, provided with Iwd
(Hug for nearly a thouimnd iienain, be
sills 'the regular complement' of ofll
ccra and rrew, the big trutiipurt will
proceed to Cape Nome, atoppiug a
Seattle for Bupplitf. v
tlcueial JoHepli Whcelur hai retired
Jiipanes-e trooie will not withdraw
ftot.J Pekiu; r t i. ;
the Amenqan' troopf kill winter la
.,fi,t.. ' '
liepnhlifitu carried Maiue'oy 81,'
000 to,8:t,00 majority. -
An appeal in U-ued ly Texan in be'
half of the Galveston auffeier. . ; .
Ionium v Rud Kuglatid are lld to
have agreed to remain iu Pekiu?
, Rumor in denied that . stock grazing
on foret.1 reserves 1 to lie rMtrleted. .
Galveston' death list liumler fully
1,000. Some estimates place it higher.
.rTexaa City aud many , mnaller town
nar the kuI( wet pHtrtbillf tyreri-kad,
. Orvioii lias heeii aiked'to erect
liullffing at the Buffalo'. l'an-.diierUan
exposition.:, . ,. , . ...
Oregon prune , prjj', have been
boomed' by. action of, the Ciilifuftiia
iruit Asaocu;ion. .!'" '
Niuety-fhree misHionaiiea fire kotwn
to have been killed .arid 470 are lii Using
from iiii recent ujirising Lu China. A
'.'Henry'' Watsou djed at Jiia hogie war
Albany, Or., aged 10 year. He was a
pioneer -i 1847, and an Indian war
veteran.- - ' ... " -
The Knreka h(n-gla' mill at Hatrishn,
Idaho, wa burned receutly. Tbe less
will amonut, to . about $15,01)0, of
which only $3000 ia coveted l, insurance.-.
. , ' '
Chung Lik military commandant of
Pekin, who is renpoiisible for the miir
dei of the German minister, has been
arrested aud ia confined under tier
man -jurisdiction. t
At !ock Creek, ia. Park ccunty,
Moat.,, Frank Forrest, a ranch baud,
aged 20, shot and killed Willis Hoard,
a well-to-do raucher, aged 80; fatally
wounded Min Iatura Lhiu, aged 16,
Hud then committed suicide by shoot-
iug himself through the heart.
Henry A. Chittendon, a journalist of
note and the man who secured for Oak
land, Cel., the $'.'50,000. Carnegie free
public library, is dead at that city of
a throat affliction, aged 54 years. He
rerved as reporter and editor . on
Eastern 1 papers. For 15 years he was
employed "by James Gdrdoti Bennett,
working on the Herald and Telegram.
At Seattle, the large steamer Inver
ness, 3,813 tons, was formally tu riled
over to the United Statea officials for
use for transport service in the Philip
pines. The vessel is large aud com
modious, and will at once be placed in
commission. Two other ships have
been secured by tne government from
the British-American line for a like
service. They will all be used for car
rying army. and other supplies.
Teats are the diamonds of the fairies.
The "missing link" has again been
found, this time in Java, where Dr.
Dubois has unearthed certain fossil re
mains of siich an interesting charaoter
that Prof. Haeckel, the celebrated Ger
man biologist, has determined to go
there himself and investigate. Dr,
Dubois is firmly of the opinion that the
bones belong to a speciea intermediate
between the highest ape and prehistoric
The Dutch war iu Java is one nf the
most extended on record. It has now
Jieen running for two centuries and
there aie more Javanese and more
Dutchmen than ever. ,
Prof. Herman V. Hilnrecht, of the
University of Pennsylvania, has added
another of his many discoveries in the
archeaology of Habylon. lie has dug
up a library of 17,000 tablets which
belonged to the great temple of Nip
pur. Not one of these tablets is of a
date later than 2280 B. C. Prof. Hil
precht says that five years will lie con
sumed in unearthing ' the remaining
treasures of the temple.
(exas Cyolone Spread Death
and Desolation.
4 . ,
Co lrwn Willi V..l.-I.Ullua
KilvmU tt0 - MIUs tulaail-4,000
tlulltllni Wrwkvd In Ule.tu,
Houston, Texas, Sept, It.' The West
Indian atorm, which reached the gulf
C4iat yesterday mom lug, has wrought
awful havoo In Texaa. Reiairta are
ooufiictiog, but it ia kuowa that an ap
palling diaaitcr baa befallen the city of
Oalvettou,' a bore it is repurted,
thousand or more Uvea have beau blot
ted out aud a tremendous property
damage Initiated. Meager reports
from NabiM Pass and Port Arthur also
laaljcat , evy W of tle, tat the
report canuot be oounmietr at mis
hour. .
The (lrt news toienuh this oity from
tlte atricken city of Galvetton wa re-
otdviid toulgbt. ; Jaiuc C. Tlininlu cf
HoMm, jtdiM-rlateudeut , of the a
tiohal tUinip'rvK Company, arrived here
at 0 o'clock from liahvatun, Altr
remaining thMHgh ' thu'-hurrtpatie rrn
Saturday, he dcparteil from Galventou
on a achiHiner and came aematthe bay
to Morgau'l poiut, wlmre be caught. a
train .lor rtlouatoo. . in nuiricauu,
Mr, Tiiumlus aald, waa the worst ever
The fstimatea made by cltiacni'ot
Galvetuti wa that 4,0OO'bouea, inosl
of them reeideucea, , have'. bui di'
atroyed, and tliat at least 1,000 people
have been drowned, killed or are ml
iUiT. Nome husitiem house were also
destroyed, but most of them timU,
tliongh iwdly dnuiuged. , . '
The pltv, Mr. Tlmuiin- er, i
complete wreck, o far as ha could see
from the water front and.tro'u the Tt
mout hotel. Water wa( bowu over
tile U-iauj riy the hiiftttKii, tne wiuu
blowing t the rate of M mile en
hour, Ntraight from the gulf, etid foro
ing the ra before it iu big waves
The gain ws a steady oue, the heart
of it strtWutf t&eVtty alnt 5 fji lwk
yeinenay Ktruiog; euu ciititiuuuif yviw
out interiuiniuti until 'mlduigbt bint
nlu'ht, when it abated' emuewhat, al
tnouKii It couiinurd tic blow all night,
In the bay the.earcaaaaeof nearly 100
horsea and mule Averf en, but no
mimau tHKiy vo4 vurwe.. j
1 The aceue during the strrm, Mr,
Timiiiins Mid.-eoubr t ile-derilied.
VVtiiueu "amj 'cbili1ret'..w?re crwdel
iuu the Tn)mont bote!,' where, ha was
seeking , shelter, ami all ulght tbese
unfottauatea were bemoaning their lost
of kindred and furtuue. They .were
groupod alamt tliw stairways and in the
galleries and room of the hotel.' What
wa occurring in other parts of the
city he could only j6ujecturev''' "j
' rroviklau. will no hllv uwdeii. a
a greitt niajotity of the ', i'ptf lost all
tiny, had. The watenvorkii liwer
iMiuae we wrecked and a water -famine
i threatened, a the cisterns were all
ruiutxl by the .overflow of saltwater.
This, Mr. Timmius regards a the most
pci ions trouble to be faced now. The
city is iu 'darkness, the electric plant
having been ruined. ; . v ,
KiUnilad 100 Mil. Inland.
Houston, Texaa,' Sept. 1L The
storm that' raged along the coast of
Texas last night wag the most dlutS'
trou that ha ever vUited this section.
The wires -ere down,' aud there' is no
way of lludiug out Just what ha hap
Is'Urd, bu- enough Is knowu to make
it certain that 'there tiarbeeti great loss
of life and destruction of property all
along the coast: and far 100 miles iu-
land. Every town that is reached re'
tarrta one or more dead, and the prop
erty damage ia so great there is no way
of computing it accurately. ' ,
The small town ol Jlrookahlre, on the
Mianonti, Kansas He Texas, was almust
wipei ot oy tne storm. Uio crew ol
work-train brought iu this informa
tion. When the traju left Uiere, the
bodies of four persons had been recov
ered, aud the search for others waa pro
ceeding. "
flempstaed, across the oountry from
Ilrookshire, was also greatly damaged.
Sabine Pus haa not been heard from
today. Yesterday morning the last
news was recevied from there, and at
that time the water was surrouudiug
the old town at the pass and the wind
was rising aud the waves coming high.
From the new town, which is . some
distance buck, it was reported that the
water had reached the depot and was
running through the streets.'. The peo
ple were leaving for the high country
nown as the back. ridge, aud it is be
lieved that a 1 escaped.
Three bodies have been brought in
from Seabrooke, ou Galveston bay, and
17 person are misaing.
1)1. Ire.. In Labrador. , '' ''
St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 30. Reports
from Northern Labrador reveal the ex
istence of great distress among the
shore' men, owing to the ice remaining
on the coast so long. Many vessels
have been crushed iu the floes, losing
tliuir supplies and fishing outfits. The
others are meeting with but poor suc
cess. The Labrador cod iisheiy is a
virtual failure. - -
";io Call fur 000.
Cohasset, Mass., Sept. 11. The ex
cursion steamer John Emlicott, on the
Boston, and Plymouth line, struck a
sunken rock just east of Miuota Light
this 'afternoon and tore a hole in her
side, so that she was obliged to run
full steam for the shore off North Suit-
nate, where ahe foundered. There
were on board 600 passengers at the
time of the accident, but by the busty
use of all her life boats aud with the
assistance from the boats near by,
every person aboard was saved.
Arrr.tvri for Hf mowing. :
Fargo, N. D Sept, 11. Frank E.
Caruiody waa arrested here last night,
barged with blowing open the safe of
ie Mexican Electric Com puny in tin
ity of Mexico, March 21, securing
,.10,000. Carmpdy has been working
here since May. ,
Frank Shorts, of Hilgard, Or., aged
14 years, was shot through the leg
voile hunting Sunday afternoon by the
ic cidental diaoahrge of the gun .of a
companion named William John-
"it. - '
Ur(t Apamprlallun far Bunk lmir
., . UMMttt lu View. ,,,(..:.;
t Manila, Bept. l.'.-The Philippine
oommUston, at Us Ant public' ton
to be held iu the bear future, will dis
cuss the appropriation of oe-third ul
the treaavry'a $0,000,000 f..r the con
struction aud jepalr of, roads ' and
bridges throughout the archipelago
The people profit tit lie much gratHWd
at the prospect of tiiia work of develop
ment, i
The revenue authorities of Manila
collect under the Spanish lawa a tan of
ft iwrcent upon the aalaries of Ameil
can civilians earning $300 per annum
aud upward. The tax la unpopular
mid . provokes protests amoug, thei.
The Fllipiuos aud foreigners ,whi are
aaed to it do not accept the levy.
The reporU of ! military operations
tlaiw that of late thwta have bea triv
ial. ', " " , ;, , . .
Manila ia now exprtuucru?ibii heav
iest typhoon for year. ' i r
' . . . """ 1 f 1 1 "t
' ' 0M)itllM la lhlll.!U. , :
;' Washluntou, Sept. II. IDe war da-'
partment ha mate.pMB4la
MrtJor-Gcnertd'Oils, giving details . of
the operation of the United States
uiny iu tlie Pbllippina from Septem
ber 1, 1HU9, to May ft, 1UII0. . The re
port covers the oiatratloue of the, aim
lea and conitmtud of General Law ton,
MacArlhur, Wbeatou, Schwan, James
M, and J. F. Hell. Hughe, 11a U and
Young, as well aa different .wilouels,
who had separate or tndeneudeut com
mends during that time. Nearly all
the fact contained iu the roKrt and
all IniporUut inattera were published
during tire 'campaign. Bosldet' coft.
Uln iug au aoeouiit of the ' uiuveineuts
of the United States , force, there il
considerable space devoted to the pull
eiea of the Insurgents shown to a great
extent lu the publicatiuu' of the cup
lined rorrvKuduu'n end doimmerftl
fou ud in possess 'ou of persoiui in sym
pathy with the lusurguuta. ,
; General Otht sayi he desltes to cor
rect an "erroneous imireslon that the
war with the Jnsurgonta' waa.j Initlle4
by the United State." After explain
lug; the conditions that existed at the
breaking out of hostilitle, he say:
'.'War with the lusurgeuta was forced
on u and was tnevitablei " ' !'
He BHstttt that tliia ia shown Iu Fili
pino corresjKindence captured ' by the
Americana, which, ho say a, proves tlrnt
tbej war was plauml by , Aguinaldo.
He says auotiHir erroueou impression
prevails that the Fllipiuos endeavored
t stop hostilities after the ' tlrnt out
break, but wore refused by the United
State. ,. "'
Hm llisll lUpariad rurita.r fp the
t:ual. , ,
Port Townsend, Wash.,- Sept. It. '
The steamship Elihu Thomson . arrived
irom Uape ome tins evening, cringing
300 passengers, most of whom, are prac
tically "bioke." . While the vessel was
iu the stream being' inspected by the
quarantine officer, a boat pullml along'
aide with fruit, and before pun haue
could be inade a collection wa taken
up and enough raised to purchase two
or three laixe of apple. ,
The Tlmmson sailed from Nome Aug
ust 28, and her 'olllcer . reiwrt condi
tions but little changed. About IB.OiKt
IMHipte are there, any of thum in desti
tute circumstances, and a, winter ap
proaches much uneasiness prevail
among the unfortunates, a they can
sue no prospect of getting away and
nothing ahead but suffering and per
haps death. ,
Before the , Thomson , sailed . from
Nome the report roacbej .there that
rich diggings ha'l.'.beeu struck on mile
stone crook, this side of 'ae York,
and men who came down , from Blue
stone sud 'reported tlie find had plenty
of do at. This oaosed a'stampedo, . and
all tne email steamer ana scniHiners at
Nome headed fur the scene of the new
strike, loaded with passengers, while
in any started but in small boats, aud
it ia said that by the time the stampede
ia wer and the last steamer sails south
Nome will be almost depopulated.
The captain of the Thomson reports
that several other of the earlier Claims
located at Nome are showing np well,
t huving taken the entire season t
ince-them in working order, Noun
a practically free from sickneas, small
pox and other diseases having diss p.
peered except among Indiana at the
village south ol Nome. A number of
them are, down with smallpox, and
with their method of handling the di
sease the village stands a good chance
ol being wiped out. ' ? .
Akron ltloters Arrastud.
Akron, O., Kept. 10. Andrew Hal.
tor, brother of the police court clerk,
was arrested today on the charge of
huving participated in the recent ii"t.
He was bound over in $1,000 bail, bav-
in waived examination. W.A.Ihmf
a well-knowu contractor, waa also ar
rested in Uie same connection, hdug '
1 .1 U ,l.l..k I. In,., i
np the city building. ' II was bound
oVer in $3,500. ; ' J
lllg Itallroad Clang.
Welsei. .Idaho". Sent. 10. The rail-
rond enterprise here is resuming con
struction iynl about 1,000 to 1.500 men
will ha mil to work shortly. This will
mean great improvements for business
in und around Weisur. IluUUlug opor
ations horo tills summer Jiave amounted
to over $H0,00U.
DimiHgoil ItHllroad Track..
El Paso. Texas, Sept. 13. The heav
iest rain storm known iu several . years
here occurred north, south and west of
F'l Paso during the past 1 few days.
The Mexican Central trucks are wash
ed away in soverul places this aide of
Chihuahua and trains uro running very
irregularly. The ' Southern Pucifio
tracks aie gone in several ' places in
New Mexico, and no through trains
have arrived here from the west siuce
Fiiday night. ' "" '
Mil. Will H Unlit.
Salt Lake, Sent. 12. Referring to
the new proponed Los Angeles & Salt
Lake Rullroud, Thomas Keurns, who is
to be a Utah director in the company,
said in an interview today: "The mat
ter has been sutisfuotorilv arranged by
Senator W. A. Clark, R. C. Kerens and
others, and the line will be built. The
terminal will be at Salt Lake, provided
the city grants to the company the nec
essary depot grouuds and right of way.
Senator Clark, J. Ross Clark, R. C.
Kerens, L. E. Gibbon and others are
expeoted here soon to work ou prelim
inary details.''
People ! of Galveston ,Wer
Caught Like Rats. -
', , , Wi 1 . , I f-'i : I ,' '( ': ll.'
' ' i ',,!;'i T - ; v
tirad Will Nuineer rull 1,0(10 W.srlf
i All th MulrilaV at the Curt Wart
trM.U-.A hlgbtol Awful Afaar.
) Houston., Texas, Sept. la.-Thn first
Apqrt ol the, appalling disaster which
has strlikeu the city of Gal vent i do
not item ' t have beu magtiUled,
Comuiiiulcailou was had with the oity
by toat, aud report tonight ludlcate
that the deaths will exceed 600, whtle
fuff fony low cii?jaotbe kaitmated,
altof igli t will fiii-jb aeveral mllllou
! K if -. , ; ( .
i t'jsm An th i?f d I
A f"' 1 .fw ni U av.he
diif'-ii , . ", N
hai already
partial' one,
who nerlshed in
Betu ivy .,, m u will ueierlw
' A l arm nnaoka near San Aa
louio a rirl ls .ourruut that mure
than 100 United states soldiers lost
their liVea lu' Uakeston, ' Tlie report,
however, lacks eoullrmatiou. t
Today a masa mooting was held, and
liberal ooutrlbatiuiui a crajuade for the
Immediate relief of the destitute,
Governor tiayer 'appealed to President
McKluley for aud,. This apteal waa
met by a prompt rciHnn from the pre
ldent, who stated' that 10,000 tents ami
50,000 ratknta hie I bewt ordered to Gal
vestuu. . Governor Sayera , alo ad
dressed an appeajl to each miiiilcipality
lu the state,' a.ktog for prompt assist
anoe ia earing dir the sufferers, i '
' Telegrams of lunclry and help have
been pouring in throughout the day
and night Inuu every slate in the
Uulcn, ami .ill almost every , instance
substantial, rUtf haa been offered.
TliH alrlckeu illy Is lu imminent
danger of a water famine, and strenu
Mis efloiuaro making here to supply
the sufferers. Relief trains ere beiua
organised, 'and will 'leave here at au
early hnur tomorrow. :
" ' ' tinitti Slalu i Land.
i Dalliis, Texas,' Sept,' 13. The first
train from, ittmstou arrived at Da Ibis
last nlghttover the Houston & Dallas
Central. ' It left Houston yesterday al
8:80 A. M., end arrived here practical
ly 10 hums latu. . ;
When it left, Texaa City was dee
late and devastated. Building! had
been wrecked, roof had been torn off
aud hurled hundred of feet through
the air. The electric light plant had
been demolished and ail night long tlie
city had been in darkness.
Alonu the road north of Houston
scenes of devastation aud distresa were
witiied. Building had been torn
down and the mate) in I of which they
were built , scattered over the grouud
for in I lea. ' Trees had been pulled up
by tneir root ami denudeil of their
bram lire. Fields that had been null
ing the day beau to with all the great
fertility of tins record-breaking year
were bare, the plant having been
vrasped by tlie hurricane ami scattered
far and wide. Hundreds of heads of
cattle had been killed. At least 40 per
cent of the atmctnre iu the towns of
Herkely, Cypress and Waller have beeu
totally destroyed. Twenty per cent ol
Homestead is in rolim. Iiearne wa
damaged somewhat, but the situation
there ia not regarded a serious. .
. ' S.i.lii. aii.l l'nrt Arthur.
Reaunioitt, Texaa, Sept. 12. The
city ol Fabiue Pas .and Port Arthur
passed through the terrible storm of
Satulay virtually unscathed. Every
where the water spread over the towu,
but it did not reach a depth sufficient
to destroy building. The town pleas
ure pier wax washed away complete
ly, as wa also the pier lu frout of the
(late and Klwood homes, The dredge
Florida, property of the New York
Dredging Company, which cut the
Port Arthur channel, wa sunk at the
mouth of Taylor Bayou.
' Damage In llou.ton Mghl.
, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12, The
damage in Houston from wind aud
water Is comparatively light. One
llie waa lost hero from falling wires.
At Bayslde iesors, about 20 miles
from Houston, the bouses were mostly
blown away and five or six deaths are
known,' while-13 or 20 people, sup
posed to be drowned, are still missing.
West and southwest of Houston for
50 miles the country has boon swept
and lossei are heavy, but fuw death
are reported. Cotton hai been widely
injured. , . .... ;
The losses on , the mainland in au
area of more than W miles square are
move than $1,000,000, with probably
a esbra 'f deaths, (
"' t IUrnrd Ittown Away. ,
Ligle Lake, Texas,' Sept. 12. Three
cliUWhe, together with many houses,
were oompTei"ujrtilown to pieces. The
rice und pecan, crops are ruined, The
cotton crop in ""hourly ruined, and the
qauo crpp is coiiHldorably damaged.
The loss to this community from tho
storm is estimated at $250,000. No
lives were lost here but the town of
East Bernard bus been blown uwuy and
three persons were killed.
' f Two Thnn.uiid Dollar. Kalatid.
' Colorado Springs, Colo.,Sopt. 12. At
a meeting tonight, culled by Mayor
Robinson, a draft for $2,000 was order
ed sent to Governor Say res, of Texas,
to be used to relieve the storm suffer
era? t - 'V', . .'. '
t.nnlsinun ltlce Crop llamagad,
Jennings, Texas, Sept. 12. The
Southwest Louisiana rice crop has suf
ered heavy loss from the storm. ' Rice
men estimate the damage at 10 to 15
per cent of the crop as a whole.
-' Tli'glnlit I'ulut Itsatrajrad.
Houston, Texas, Sept. 12. Refugees
from Viiiguiu Point say everything
there was swept away aud that the
beach was strewn with pianos and
househol j effects from Galveston. All
kinds of wild rumors are in circula
tion. ;
KiHgman's Liberality.
- New York, Sept. 12. Jefferson Sel
igman, of Seligman & Co.. of this oity,
has subscribed $1,000 for the benefit of
the sufferers by the Galveston floods.
The firm will also act as an agent in
receiving and forwarding contributions.
OI.a..a. mf tha fra.aal
taiiiaalgw. ,
Waahlngtou, Bept. 10. President
MoK inlay 'i letter ol acceptauoe ooveri
fully the following subjects!
Approves platform adopted by the
Philadelphia convention. .
Asserts confidence iu gold standard
and it value to the country.
Expresses fear of danger to the ooun
try should silver agltatlou at 10 to 1
triumph. . ,
Recites the fact that during the past
year $19,000,000 ol United States
kinds have beeu paid aud $36,000,000
are lu process ol paymeut.
Tha government haa received $124,
421,000 from the Paoiflo railroad and
relations with them are all but closed.
' The present congress has given to
Alaska a territorial government for
which It had waited more than a quar
ter ol a century; haa esbtallshed a rep
leseutatlve government lu Hawaii; has
enaotod bills for the most lilairal treat
meat of the pensioner aud their wid
owe; haa revived the free homestead
, la ita greet flnanota,l law It prolvded
for tba establishment of bank of israr
with a capital of $38,000, for tha bene'
St of village and rural commuuitles,
Oar industrial and agricultural coudl
tlons are more promising than lot
Our foreign trade shows tatUfactory
aud increasing growth.
The gold stock of tha Uuited Statea
waa increased $436,000,000 siuce July
1, 1HDI).
While our receipts both from cue
torn and internal revenue have beeu
greatly increased, our expenditure
have beeu decreasing. Civil and nits
cellaneous expense for the fiscal year
endlug Juno 80, 1900, were nearly
$14,000,000 lest than iu 1899, while
on the war account there is a decrease
of more than $95,000,000. There
Were required $8,000,000 leas to up
port the navy this year than last and
expenditure on account of Indian
acre nearly $2,000,000 to $8,'. '80,000
loss than 1699.
The only two items of lucre in
the public expanse of 1900 over 1899
are '.or pension aud Interest on the
public debt. For J899 we expended (er
pen. Ions $189,894,929 aud for the fiscal
year 1900 our payment ou this au
couut amounted to $140,877,818.
, Ttia !'hlllvlua.
Regarding the Philippines the presi
dent says 'civil rule gradually make
military rule unnecessary.
: lie says tliat "no alliance or any
klud was eutered into with Agulnaldo,
nor was auy promise of independence
made to him at auy time.
The president says we must not with
draw from the Philippines, must let
Chiua alone except as necessary to pro'
tect our citiaeni aud their property.
aarlna lU..ioa In Na4 ef A. .lit
MC-llir.r from Maar Villa.
Austlu. Texas, Sent. 18. Governor
Sayeia la in receipt of tlie following
telegram, coming from a prominent
Galveston cltlaeu, who made hi way
by boat from Galveston to Houston over
the submerged country)
"Houston, Sept. 13. Governor Say
era: I have been deputised by the mayor
and cltlaeu' committee of Galvestuu to
inform you that the city of Galveston
is in ruius, aud certainly mauy hun
dreds if not a thousand people ate dead.
Tift tragedy ia oue of the most fright
ful iu recent time. Help must be
given by the state ami nation or the
suffering will be appalling.' Food,
clothing and money will be needed
over the whole south side of the city,
for three blonki In from the gulf I
swept clear of everything. The whole
wharf front is a wreck, and but few
house iu the city are habitable. The
water supply ii cut off, and the food
stock damaged by salt water. All
bridges are washed away and stranded
steamer litter the bay. When I left
this morning the search for bodies had
begun. Corpses were " everywhere.
The tempest blew 86 miles an hour,
aud the government instruments were
carried away. ' At the same time the
waters of the gulf were over the whole
city, having rlseu 13 feet. The 'water
haa now subsided, aud survivors are
left helpless among the wreckage, cut
off from the world except hy boat."
aayre Hill Itaorlv Contribution..
San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 18. Gov
eruor Sayers has issued a proclamation
to the mayors of all cities, stating that
he will receive and forward all contri
butions, clothing, etc., that may be
sent for tlie relief ot stotm-swept Gal
veston and. other southeastern Texai
cities.- '' !-
Kaaatad to Daatb.
CorvallUi Or., Sept. 18. James
MuLane, aged 03,. waa, roasted at a
prune-drier ou the farm of Sainnel Mo
Lane, near Philomath, yesterday. He
was alone at the drier, which he was
attending.-" Smoke from the drier
brought bis brother to the scene, when
the victim was found lying at tlie
mouth of the "furnace, in which there
was a very hot fire. ', He was ying on
hia back, and was dead. The flesh on
bis neck, shoulders, right breast and
right side, as far aa the spine, and ns
luw aa the hip, was literally cookod,
A coroner's jury returned a verdict of
accidental death, with indications that
the cause might have been au epileptic
A dispatch to the Chicago Chronicle
from Hermosillo, Mexico, says: Nine
of the dozen niembeis of the Wells ex
pediton, which left Guaymas last June
to explore lortugas island, in the Gulf
of California, have been slain by can
nibals on the islund. Three men who
escaped did to only after a fierce fight
to reach oue of their boats. , .
Patience in its highest sense is spir
itual endurance. It means the readi
ness to wait God's time without doubt
ing God's truth.
Sympathy From Franca.
Paris, Sept. 13. The French govern
ment has decided to send to the govern
ment nf the United Statea a message
expressing sympathy with the people
of the United States ou account of the
Galveston disaster.
Alabama Nagra Lynchad.
Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 18. Zek
Floyd, a negro, was taken from jail at
Wetumpka late last night and hanged.
Floyd had eutered the sleeping room of
two young women and when discovered
jumped from the window.
Tells Earl Ll We are Not Ready
to Begin Negotiations.
rrobabla That aula Dapartmaa Is
Walling ta llanr from Mlnlatar Can
ar Hafar Taking fleal ActUa.
Washington, Sept. 13. The state
depaitment this afternoon issued the
The following communication was
hauded to Acting Secretary of HUte
Hill tbla afternoon from the Chinese
"Cablegram from Karl Ll Hung
Chautf. dated tlie 7th of Septemler,
1900, transmitted bv the Chinese mm
ister at St. Petersburg, under data ol
September 9, and received by Minister
Wa on tba laat-namad date:
"1 am ia reoept of au imperial edict
of Ilia 80th day of tba seventh moon,
August 24, 1900, transmitted from Pao
Ting Fu. It li ai follows:
" 'Ll Hung Chang, envoy plenipo
tentiary, is hereby vested with loll
discretionary powers, and he ahall
promptly ileal with whatever question
may require attendance. At thia dis
tance we will not control his actions.
Let this edict be forwarded with extra
expedition at the rate of 600 li per day
(to Karl Li) fur hia information and
guidance. Respect this.' "
To the above communication Acting
Secretary Hill has banded Mr. Wu the
following reply:
"The Uuited States does not feel
called upon to express any opinion at
this time as to the sufficiency of Li
Hung Chang's authority, but hopea it
will transpire that bia credentials are
full and authoritative, not only for ne
gotiations, hut to enable him, without
further delay, to give assurance thut
the life and property ot Americans
will henceforth 'be respected through
out the Chinese empire."
F'rom this formal statement it ap
pears that the state department is not
yet ready to begin direct negotiations
with Li Hung Chang. It does not
question hia credential! aa a plenipo
tentiary, but simply leaves the matter
lu abeyance'. Probably this is because
all of the powers have mit returned
their responses to the Russian note, as
It 1 desired to avoid placing the Unit
ed States flixt among the power to
abandon the hope of harmonious action
and strike for Itself toward the settle
ment directly with China. Also, it
may be deemed well to wait to hear
from Mr. Conger, who, several days
ago, was invited to ex pre bia opinion
about quitting Peklu.
Mat of Band at (ialvaaton Is Ntaadlly
Galveston, Texas, Sept. 13. Mayor
Walter C. Jone estimates the number
ot dead at 6,000, and he Is conserva
tive. ' Over 2,800 bodies have beeu
taken out to aea or buried . in trenches.
Other hundreds are yet to be taken
from the ruins. There bodies are all
now badly decomposed, and they are
being buried in trenches v. hiae they are
found. Others are being burned In
the debris where it can be done safely.
There ia . little attempt at identifica
tion, and it is safe to say that there
will never be a complete list of the
dead. ' '" ;
Chief of Police Ketchnm is in
charge of the work of burying. the dead.
There are largo bodies of men eugagsd
iu this work, tearing up the ruius aud
getting out the coipses. . Some of those
whose bodies are being taken out were
probably only injured when they were
first struck down, but there waa no
getting relief , to them, and they per
ished miserably. ';..
The remnant of (be force of regular
soldieri who were stationed here, and
it is a very small remnaut, have joined
the police iu patrolling the city.
Several persons have already beeu
shot. A soldier of Kafferty's battery,
while patrolling the beach thia morn
ing, ordered a man to desist from loot
iug. The fellow drew a weapon, aud
the soldier ahot him dead. The sol
dier was attacked by three other meu,
aud he killed all of them. He had
live cartridges in his rifle, aud each of
them found a victim. .
Other men have also been shot, but
the details are not known, nor can the
exact number be ascertained. It is
probable that 35 were killed. Some of
these were shot for failing to halt
when ordered to do so. Others were
shot for vandalism.
The ruius of the heavier brick build
ings have nut yet been searched for the
dead, and there ia a large number inj
tnem. in tne mass or ruooisn wnion
marks the site of the Luoas Terrace
Bridge House, 40 or 60 pooplo were
killed outright, and their bodies are
still in the ruins.
- The Orphans' home is totally demol
ished. Ninety-two children and 11
nuns were Jctiieti. it is rumored tliat
oue sister escaped, but if she did, no
trace of her can be found.
The fact that money does not make
the man seldom worries the man who
is trying to make the money.
St. Paul, Miun.; Sept. 13. The tail
en J of the West Indian storm, which
devastated Galveston, struck this city
last night and today, making itself ap
parent in the heaviest rain ever record
ed in the local weather office. In 10
hours there was a precipitation of 4.23
inches, most of which fell between
11:80 last night and 7:80 this morning.
The raini caused several bad washouts
on the Great Northern, in the northern
part of the state, oue at Cold Springs
and others between Beur Springs uud
neutvhlaml Kaata Knlaer Wllhelni.
Loudon, Sept. 18. The North Ger
man Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wilhelm
der Grosae was sighted by the Deutsch-
land at daybreak Wednesday and
passed at noon. She was out of sight
at nightfall. The race, therefore, was
of brief duration, the Deutschland
overhauling and outstripping her rival
easily. .
New York, Sept. 13. The Standard
Oil Company has sent $10,000 to Gov
ernor Sayers for the Galveston suffer
ers, and the New York Merchants' As
sociation has raised $4,800.
Labor Coaditlon Arreting Itvalnas la
tho Ka.t.
K. O. Dun A Co.'s weekly ceview of
trade says:
The volume of business does not ma
terially enlarge at tho East, and there
li only modern 1 1 improvement at tha
West and South, but if ex lactations of
greater activity when politics cease to
disturb are realised, current operations
will be found to have laid a substantial
foundation. The most important event
of tha week in the industrial world waa
the agreement ou the tin plate wage
scale with the amalgamated associa
tion, granting about 8 per cent advance
to 85,000 hands long idle.
Prices of grain are little .altered,
good crop report coming in freely, but
the effect is being neutralized, by the
foreign estimate of a world's crop be
low requirements.
Business In Iron and steel product!
steadily increased, and mill are more
actively employed. October 1 ia men
tioned ai the probable date of a general
reiuraption. ' ' I
, Railroad i have lefoaed ' to maka re
duction! ia freight rtpis, wbicb it waa
rH fould Increase export. t , ,
Last week'a shipment of boot and
aboei from Boston were only 70,843
cases, against 71,277 in the previous
week, and for the year thus far the da .
crease, compared with 1899, has
amounted to 854,815 cases.
galea of wool at tha three chief East
ern markets declined to 3,833,000
pounds, against 4,234,700 pound iu
the previous week; 9,245,200 last year.
In the woolen market there is a
rather deceptive appearance of greater
activity. Bulk of business iu new
lines recently put out a substitute for
standard goods and a lower price.
Failures for the week were 145 in
the United States, against 132 last
year, aud 24 in Canada, against 10 last
year. ,
aattle MarhoU.
Onions, new, 1 Ho.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, new. $15.
Beets, per sack, 85c (3 $1,
Turnips, per sack, 76o.
Squash 4c.
Carrots, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25,
Cauliflower, native, 75c.
Cucumbers 10(9 20c.
Cabbage, native and California,
to per pounds.
Tomatoes 40 CO".
Butter Creamery, 26o; F'.astern 22c;
dairy, 18(3 19c; ranch, 14e pound. :
Eggs 26o.
Cheese 12c.
Poultry 12c; dressed, 14c; spring,
18S 15c.
Hay Paget Sound timothy, $11.00
O12.00; oholce Eastern . Washington
timothy, $16.00.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25,
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00;
jhorta, per ton, $14.00.
, Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00. .
F'resh Meat Choice dressed beef
steers, price 7,c; cows, 7c; mutton "
TJti; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9
lie. - ' "
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 !;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides,-
8,'ac. ,
Portland Marfcat.
Wheat Walla Walla, eetgse.'i'c; "
Valley,67,liio; Bluesteui,60o per bushel
Flour Best grades, $3.10; graham,
Oats Choice white, 42c; choice
gray, 40o per bushel.' . ,
Barley Feed barley, $15.00 15.60;
brewing, $17.00 per ton. "
Millstuffs Bran, $13.00 ton; mid- .
dliugs,a$20; shorts, $15; chop, $15 per '
ton. . " ' m; : i ,
Hay Timothy, $1 1 12;"clover,$7
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4650c;
store, 87c. - .
F'ggs 19o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon ' full cream, 13oj
Young America, 14o; new cheese 100
per pound. ,
Poultry Chickens, , mixed, $3.00
4.00 per doaeu; hens, $4.50; springs,
$2.008.00; geese, $6.0037.00 per
ducks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, 14 16o per pound.
Potatoes 40 60o per sack; sweets,
82t'o per pounu.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, $1;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, So pur pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, 1bo per pound; carrots, $1.
Hops 2 8o per pound.
Wool Valley, 1516o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 15 16c; mohair, 25 "
per "pound. ,''."
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers .
and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7
7)0 per pound; lambs, 5 o. ' ,
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders,- $4.50; dressed,
$5.006.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Qross, top steers, $4.004.50;
cows, $3.60 4.00; dressed beef, 6)s
7?40 per pound. v
Veal Large, 6)i7Ko; small, 8
$yo per pound. .' .
Saa franeisoo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18o per '
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 14c; Val
ley, 1618o; Northern, 9 10c.
Hops 1899 crop, 8g13c; new
crop, 1900, 1012&o.
Butter Fancy creamery 23c;
do seconds, 21 22c; faucy dairy,
20 Ksi do seconds, 19o per pound. : .
Eggs Store, 17c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00
30.00; bran, $13.5013.50.
Hay Wheat $8 13; wheat and
oat $8.00 10.60; best barley $8.50
tlfalfa, $fl.007.60 per tou; straw,
'587o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 8075o; Ore
on Burbanks, 90o$l; river Bur
lonks, 3565o; new, 132c
Citrus Fruit Orajiges, Valencia,
$3.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
5.00; California lemons 75o$1.60; ''
do choice $1.753.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60
8.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian, dates, 6(6)jO per