THE WEST SIDE Teteeheee, N. 141. SATURDAY, BK1TKMBER 8, 1900. K.MUHT or. rrrmiAt ft OMKH lXXit NO. V MKtTS KVtRY amprt. will IU4 due nota and soma tbwtvwi wwrvlli lualy it KU1MDH am tnirltvd lo admit cuovenlaut. J. W. RICH AKUSON, K. .a. Twenty head ol choice yearling Cots- wold buck tor mm. inquire w tl I W.(W. pMOItAU J. L. Stockton U selling lott el foodi Now that the duck shooting wmob it on many "ttwntmea" will N It U I eloak. under which to kill Chinese ph ants. The very large and elegant stock ol i !io, from ivV to 5 a pair, are golug Terr laai at J. i owcaioare. Air tight hatters that witl nil your taut ami tit your pocket book at K. M. Wade ACoV , , A couple ol hop pickers, on of them a colored man, got too much tanglefoot aboard on Monday evening and indulged in a low round a la Shark?. About all th damage don waa to braak a window. Men', boye and children's clothing in large quantitiva ami elegant patterna at iowvat prica at i, I blockten'e. , v When in Salem and you want a good meal Uou't forget to go to 8trouga iUMtauraut, where every thing tb mar ket afford eau.e bat j ; A eomplete liat ol the" American' award at the Paris eipoeition ha been received in .New York , Anjong the prisee ia a bronae medal to Mr. Chria tine Oberg, ol Portland, for entbroildered linen. A broni medal i alao awarded Mr. Julia M. Lard, ol Baton, but it tl not staled what' lor. ' ' ' v ' ' Wade A Co. are aelling larm wagon cheaper than any other houe in Oregon, See reduction in price in our ad on bicyclee, don't mia this chance. Camp bell Broe. .. ; ; Hop dance hare commenced. On Saturday there waa one at Dove 'a. Mon day evening McLaughlin gave one and expects to keep it up three times week. We have aeveral bikee on hand and they must be told thi tall. Campbell Bros. John Stump nt five fine CoUwold buck on Tuesday's train to Ellensburg, comigned to. J. Hi Burch. Mr. Boreh knowa a good theep when he eeet on and haa got. on th right track to im prove hi Cock. COKDWOOD taken on subscription at the WEST SIDE office. If you want a good hat lor your good head, buy a Gordon at J. L. block ton'. Bay your mill feed at th Collin mill. Bran, 112 per ton J thorta, 114 per ton. A. D. Davideon it the proud possessor of a genuine "grandfather clock which waa handed down by th preceding generation. The clock wee bought . by "Dee'a" grandfather, H. Bur ford, lo 1852, upon the payment of fifty buahel of wheat and baa been running regularly, keeping good time, ever line. It ttad (vera! feet high and 1 ran by weight. . J. L. Stockton received, thi week, direct from the mill, a very large lot of fall and winter underwear and i tell ing it at 10c to 11.25 a garment. Don't overlook the Roahford wagon, the beat ironed wagon on the market. For aale bj R. M. Wjd C. ; Ice cream Robinson's. and "tee cream soda at Early Thursday morning there waa a gentle "patter on the roof", that made the hop picker feel blue. Ladiee if you with to be well dretaed get a pair of thoet, a fur collarette and a fine drest of J. L. Stockton.. He ha the latest and the best. . Aaa Robinaon haa come back from Eugene with hia race borae. He entered the borte in two racea, winniug one ol them, the three eight ol a mile. In the other race, the jockey failed to hear the call back after starting, and went the distance ; consequently be couldn't keep up on the tecood run. At Robin ton' you can have cruihed fruit in your ice cream. The poetmaiter at Salem, in telling a eubtcriberto the West Bids that hi copy of the paper ia tent only once in awhile, it taking unwarranted liberties'. No newspaper would do eueh a thing a that. Every one who subscribes to a paper and pay Jpr it, ie entitled to re ceive hia copy regularly and it he doe not do so, the fault ia usually found with the negligence of some of Uncle Sam's servants. We will be willing to gamble that this particular subscriber's paper is mislaid in the Balem office. The pott master is trying to cover bis neglect by laying the blame where it don't belong. Try Moore, the barber, north side of "C" street, opposite Knox's grocery store, for a hair cut or ahave. John Vernon, of Rickreall, on Satur day reported the loss of a valuable horse. It seems that tome one, as yet unknown, bad been shooting s rifle" and it it sup posed that by chance one of the bulleta Struck' the horse and-killed it. inas much s there is much'stock at large, it would not be i bad idea to have some legialation prohibiting the shooting of rifles in the valley.- - - ' : . Bay your cameras and supplies of F. E. CHAMBERS While E. C. Derrick, of Lincoln, this county, was cutting brush Wednesday of laat week, his ax caught on a limb overhead and recoiled, etrikjng b(m on the head. The ax was double-edged and cut a severe gash in Derrick's scalp but no serious results are expected. Steel ranees at R. M Wade & Co's at prices that cannot be met by any can vassing agent. Tbe county courts of Marion and Polk together with the Salem city council. let a contract last Friday to R. M. Gil bert, of Polk, county, for putting new decking' on tbe main spent oi. the big Willamette bridge, and putting in extra piling to brace tbe west approach, which it getting rather shaky. For special rate on' Lipplncott's afagazlDe to subscribers of the Wjsst wide, call at toe omce. Garfield Byers was in town Monday and his team evidently did not like city bustle and life, so concluded to go home Garfield caught hold of one of the boraea tot the team got away and came sailing by tbe Wist Bids office at a .good clip. Just before reaching the bridge tbe team cheered off and one of tbe horses fell otherwise tbe whose outfit might have gone into tbe slough. Ed Hilllard, who eeea everything, caught the team before ny further mischief could be don woman and child in a buggy were missed by a very narrow margin. Wheat it 60 cenU here. The Normal achool at Monmouth pens o Tuesday, th 18th. Lyou !dge No. W, F. A A. M will meet naturuav evening. Mia Emma Ilenkel entertained a few young mends last Saturday evening. ; Th parent ol Mr. Alderdyoe arrived from Seattle on Tuesday (or a vlait. Mis Beetle Butler has returned from her camping tour. Miee Mabel Wells returned on Mon day from a Vlait with, relative and IriendsloOorvallia.; . ' No assessment this month for tbe De gree of Honor, and on aateeameat lor thA.U. U. W. Following adjournment during the past month, th Eastern Star ia booked to meet next Tuesday ev. A large number ol Indian from the Sileta and Urande Bond agenda art in th hopflelda. ' . i r . s Th creamery wilt start op for steady run on Monday. Everything I in shape now, so bring on your oream. The truiry will be ready lo receive milk and cream on Monday. Bring all you've got. , Th fruit dryer of Gltraor A Celbreeth ie now in operation, running on French prune moatiy. , T. D. Campbell will leave lor Corral lie on Tuesday to attend th wedding ol Mie Aiic VYbiteektr and Mr. Carl Porter; r. ;,t i',' S; Laat Moodav waa Labor Day. accord ing to law, but no one would have knowa it here. Everybody wa at work jul th m a uaaal . ; ; Walter Miller and wile, of McMinn- ville, paaaed down Toeeday afternoon. Mr. Millar i on of Luc 4 Co t. Jiop. bo)r. President Campbell, ol the Monmouth Normal school, started lor Baker City n Tuesday to attend, a aeeekm ol th Eastern Oregon Teacuer' Aseooiaiioo. Riley Craven and wife, J. M. Craven and Miae Crowley returned Sunday evening Irora a two weeks' trip and out ing wuwn waa apent ei upper ouua. G. W. Whlteaker'a team tried to run away on Main street . Monday morning, baUr rank Wblteaker stayed wttn tue big horses and finally pulled them down. 'Papal pana!" Thi I what Dave Stapleton ha been saying to himself since Tuesday when a little girl arrived at hia home. A. E. Moore returned from Nestuoee on Tuesday, bringing a lot of salted sal mon, cheese, etc. In exchange lor a loea ol fruit. II you see a bright blase for a tew minutes these evenings, make op your mind it ia someone burning his straw pile. On tbe morning train Wednesday Mr. E. L. Gale received her little six year old nleoe from McMinnvtll and will probaoiy adopt the littl lady. ; Mrs. T. D. Campbell took Wednesday morning's train lo Corvallis where she will visit a tew days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wblteaker. Are you going to tb circua at Salem, Saturday 7 We know ol ouit a number of old boys who are forced to go ia order to give their IttUo boys a sight oi in show. ,. The Southern Pacific sang ol carpen ters, which haa been bnay for com time putting new loundatione and roof or tb warehouse hav ftnlvhed their work. It looked a little like old time to th preeent editor of the Wavr Sidb to see a lot ol butter from a Washington cream ery. Tbia particular lot cam from Waabougal, Waab., about eighteen miles from our old heme. . 4 . I A large number ot McMinnvill people are in tbe bop yards adjacent to this city, and more are coming every dsy. On Monday we noticed Mr. and Mrs. Woodrum, Mr. and Mrs. Carlin and tbe Mioses Psnnington, bound for the hop yards, Mr. and Mr. W. C. Wheeler, ol Eaat Portland, spent several day ol last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver on their farm across tbe river. Mr. Wheeler is a city mail carrier and wa on a vaca tion. 11. M. Line and daughter, Edith, are baching at tbeir office during the absenc ol Mrs. Lines snd two older daugbteis, who are taking their outing in. the .bop yards. One can now reach "central" at aoy hour ot the day or night. As Professor Morin ha resigned the position ot principal, there is a vacancy in said office ia tbe city schools wbich tb board will be ceiled on to fill soon. Th school year opens on October 1st and applications tor said position should be sent in at toon a possible. Hops are still climbing skyward. It is aaid that offer of 15 cent have been made to several parties on contracts. There is a suspicion that this is simply a plan of th big concerns to boom prices o that thev can nnload some ol tbeir old bops on the markets before the new hops are ready for it. ' On Tburadav Miss Lottie Hedges cap tured an old faahioned, down-south to bacco worm that waa digging up ner tomato plants. Mr. Worm is four inches In Innirth and five-eifrhtha of an inch in diameter and looks ugly enough to fchsw tobacco or any otber filthy stuff. As we were not "up" on worms we got Teddy Campbell's advice. Ted used to live in Arksntaw ana says ne s seen looueanua of such things. The worm waa tent to tb agricultural college at uorvauis ss a curiosity. ' FRATEB3AL SOCIETIES. Socletle and lodge of Independence meet aa icj'own; rfO. fj. W.-Ut,d and Mb Monday. XT.- H 2nd and 4th Monday. 1 D.of I O. O. f . Encampment, 2nd and 4th Tundey. Hebekib. Wt and lid Tuendur, . Subordinate lodge, Xhamday. .. . , ." , " .. K Wu, we awe, sru wm v ,2nd and 4th Friday., W.-Ut, td and 5th Friday.: W. Ciielt, FBa?9RNAL UNION 2nd and tthBatuiday. M ACC A BKE9 Bnd and th Monday.; FOBK8TEB8 Tueaday. r - .',;.- MASOM10 HALL. t3LUE LODOE On nrm saturaey on or oe- u . lore lull moon , ana two wmxi inemiwr. . Chapter meeU oa nret rnuar after full moon. TTASTSEN 8TAH oeoono ana wunn tuo- it day. Drink THE, PUREST AND BEST Bottled beer for family use to be had at 0. BALE'S CASTLE SALOON Independence M Bold Bur ' Er. T Dr. Ktehutn report th follltihg new arrival during th Week I On Buuday morning to Mr. and Mr. Mart Grave, a boy. - . , 1 , On Tuesday morning to Mr, and Mr. D. P. Stapleton, a girl. - A A Disappointment. Th people ol Independence wilt be grieved to learn that Professor J. It. Morin, who had been elected principal of.eur schools fer.tb ensuing school year opsning en October let, has decided to cauoel hi ngagetneut and remain In Motley, Minnesota. , Protests Morin I wall liked by tb school patrons ol this city and his resig nation will be deeply deplored. How ever, ww cannot blame the profaasor. In this world people ar prone to stay with those situations most advantageous and that b has don so is a matter ol eon gratulallon a to hi abilities to plesse. . . To sol him right before the people, th Watrr Sin prints his bitter ol reaigua tton, sent lo J, D. Irvine, a member ol th cbool board and a warm personal friend of Professor Morin ! v . . . "I hereby lender nay resignation aa principal ol your school, and in doing so it is with great regret, for I. had looked forward with pleasurable anticipation to cujr erly return to Oregon. "After accepting my resignation here th school board wad, me various tempting offers, but without avail. Juei aal was preparing to shin my goods, ie Independence, a petition sigued by tuor than 90 per cent of all th people ot Mlotley asking m to remain, mad ll impoasibls for n)S to refuse. " ' " MI never once dreamed that th people her cared halt a much as they havs Just shown me they do, to hav m stay her, but a principal is a public, servant, and wnen all tbe people ak him to re main and name bis own salary, it is not possible (or him to say 'no' and I am satisfied that you and my other Inde pendence friends will say with me that I did right In tbe matter. "I sincerely truat that my action will cause yon no trouble and that my place will b filled by a man who will be as successful ss I had planned and deter mined to be. 4 w , "Am I Imposing on your kludness It asking you to kindly sxplaiu to th peo ple of Independence why I have resigned and also tell them that I trust I may be with them in another year, it not as principal of your school theu in some otber capacity. Yours truly, J. B. Morin." Lh J. Sprsgos, a prisoner of tbe tuts at Salem, la publisher ot a little paper called the Prison Missionary, bis object being, he ssys, "to Christianiae tbe in mate ot the institution." He write to say that at be cannot do Job work or publish adrartitaeients, he haa to rely on outside subscriptions, and he needs more of thsra in order to keep his paper going. Hence he think a favorable notice in the state newspapers will re sult In some subscribers in each lacality. ia improbable, however, that - the Prison Missionary will "Chxistiaulae" many ol the prisoners, bttt if .Jr. kds their mind to better and purer thought it will serves yry aselol purpose ' . W. W. Perclval, th well known sheep man ol Independence, sent ten head ol. fin CoUwold backs to this city Satur day. They war brought her in a large spring wagon and arrived in good condi tion after their ride. Thev wer placed lo charge of Geo. W. Smith, who had no trouble In disposing of seven ot them on their arrival. They are yearling, and ar Juat the kind ol sheep that should be bred tor tbe general upbuilding of this great industry. Of the ten, Msrion Fleeter took two: Johnny Buchanan, two; Joe McBee, one; David Hood, one; and Geo. W, Smith, one. Mr. Percival has on band abont 1200 wethert. Cor vallis Gasette. Ed Oweo lately received a copy ot the Nome Daily News, ot August 8, from which w copy "The lying and senna tional report! published lo the news papers of the United States concerning Nome and condition alleged to be exist ing here should meet with rigorous refu tation on the part of people of Nome. Each can write to friends denouncing tbe calumnies publiabed, and the news paper ol Nome can be depended upon to do their share in exploding the mun- cbausen tale told by yellow newt paper correspondents, and the equally yellow cold-footed fraternity who have visited Nome only lo return to tbeir loriner homes with lies on their lips." PUBLIC BU8INE8H. Abstract of Iasirnmenti Filed In Polk Conntf Ang. 28 to Sept, 8, 1900. " ;' - DKIUS ' ,: , ' ; 3 M Bears to J W Crider, i lnt in 76 84a aec 28. to 7 e 1 6 w 11. A L Porter to G D Wilkinson, 100s sec30,tp8ir8 w-1060. ,. John frell to A i JJradiey, it a, , Dig 15, Levens add Dallas-$4o. ' Eveline Hiltihrand to LsVlna 0 Corel, (qt cl) all int in 40Oa sec 4,' tp V r 0 W' W m j jweeney to AiDert . u xfaviuion, 160a ec 6, tp 9 r 8 w 11050. , Annet and Jat Duff to Geo I Barnard, It 24, ZD, M, ulk J, West aiem si. Henry Keicnen bach to W U Vatsall, It 1. blk 6. Levens add Dallas-100. H W Bhreveto H A Chapman, 49.85a J W McDowell d 1 c, tp8sr w-360, , Berionsiy injurea. Hans Jscobson, a yonng man about 25 years 4) age, wboae home it at Port land, met witb quit a serious accident near Eola, Sunday. He, with two of bis brothers, went to a hop yard in the vi clnity of Independence, and after spend' ing a part pi the day there, started on tbe return Irlpi, ' They caught up with a carriage, and they were, passing it the young man was forced up very ntar the team when one or th horses 'became frightened and kicked him striking him on the arm and chest. The carrisge passed on leaving the injured man be side the road with his brothers, . W. M. Siegmund soon cam along, returning trom ' Independence, and taking tbe young man into his carriage, Drougni him to the hospital in this city where attention wss at once given his wounds. It was found that two rib were broken and his arm badly bruised. He was re ported, laat night, as doing nicely and hi recovery is only a question of time. Salem Statesman. .,. WANTED-ACTIVE MAN OP GOOD CHAR oter to deliver and collect In Oregon for old esUblunea manuraoiunn wnoioiuue nouie sum vear. inre nay. Honesty more than ex. perlenoe required. Our relerenoe, any bank In nv fiitv. Eneloaa aelf-addrented ataniDed envelope. Manufacture, Third Floor, DM Dearborn bl, uueaao. t Th acourtsd gold standard It I double Irlgrjered sytteoi that worts most per-J pleiingly uponcroM and price. '"This svaeon tb gold standard gsv us th ioorest oroiis ot whsat over known here and twiated th hop crop up lo alarming proportions. Holh quality and price bid fair to excel anything known In years. But .what means this high price of cattle heep, hogs, goats, wool, lumber, wood,1 tcT Simply that tb wolf whelp ol Wall afreet have looaenvd their grasp at these tMdnts that they may tighten else where. The devil knows how to do his infamous work.' Th world ought to know hia frirkt by this time. Wages ar high and th dinner pall is crowded fullol wholesome lood but this Is no caua tor rejoicing. The , gold standard permits this only to draw away lbs pub lic mind from th real tendencies aud th real issues ot the times. Why can not the people understand that thie con dition of protpsrity to th working man will b doubly offset on of these dark days by a tearful rlae in the price 'ot watermelon teed and a dittlnct reduc tion In the site of a ten-cent drink. ' Uy recent legialation the gold standard, baa been made. v permanent ..ihry .say. But let us see. You Itepubllcau tiapers continue to praite tne Hepunnoau rty fur having made permanent the gold standard. Bui the time of trial is at hand. W. J. tiryan will be elected. Then shall the peoiile. to how frail ,U Uiia niunuiuent erected to Republican lim'. Bryan ' it a man of tearleeanee ami t-ower." be will immediately pko Joim F. Altgeld or Bv 1 Tniimn,t tb head ol the treasury department. Then how will the tower crumble 1' Tb first mau that belly up to th natiou' cQ8 ter and aakifor hit pay will be thown ample of patriotism ot the Jeflersoniauf Jacksoolan kind. The treasursr will turn on his heel aud lake a scoop thorn) aud ehovel out silver until this bloated bond bolder gel enough of Biking thi sovereign government to pay Its honest debts. Of course this kind ot work will require lots of silver bnt we will use con gress to pass a law opening up tliemiul ot the- United States to Die free coinage of the world's silver. Think of it, the world's silver. Who says this wont pay these debts. The world Is full ol silver, Moxioo, India, China, they will all be glad to send It here to be coined. It will not be long till we shall increase th capacity of our mints aud very soon w shall hav the world's sliver and thst would maks any nation' rich.' Tbs obli gations of the United 8tatee would Boon be cancelled aud the heat feature of all ia we would skim the muck mound minions of mstnuion out of their bides by paying them off in four bit dollars. But aOine uiitguidod wretch at Diy elbow say that the whole butiuea of tbe country will be done on a cheap money baaisr liraut it. Suppose the wage earner dora have to take 60 cent dollars for hie labor and pay 100 cent dollare for hit groceries, buppoae it doee ruin half ounpnople lo go lo the silver basis the country would be hotter in the long run. I Ulievo in tne ola lashioued practice ol bleeding." Bleed a patient all lie can bear. Bleed him nearly to death. If you lay It on too lieavy you nave a corpse no unusual pheuomeoa and it he geta over it and builds up you have a tplendld living, testimonial lor all dieeaaea of all men. ' I admit that Bryan s election will pre- olpiiate hard time. What a deathly aullneas will follow hi advent Into power. But when the bleeding procees has been' thoroughly petformed .il the country doea survive the operation the world win learn tnrougn us mat nation al life can exist on a silver basis. ', . A. J. Goodman went to Portland oo Thursday to see the Elks danue In the Midway. Me took Joe Iitrsohberg siong to watch him. ..... ' A aoldier is killed in haltl tbe ranks clone up and the column marches on. In life he was an effective soldier, in death he is (or gotten. In life his every achieve ment but increased the magnitude of past victories; in death, his share in the epoils of victory is trans ferred to another who lives. Jut o with advortiaing. The ad that is always found on the tiring line, through truck and thin, in season and out of season, is tlie ad that will win iU share of tha spoils in the division of trade; while the ad that is' run for a season, and then "'slumps," carries with it all U power for good. If at some future time it resumes its place in the pa per, it will have to entef the list as a new competitor some other and more progressive ad having alien ated its favor with the buying pub: to.- Mississippi Lumberman.- , For the Housewife. . Adding a pinch of salt to coffee gives jttdne. ; ; Sprinkle clothes with W . water and a whisk broom. ; Try rubbing tough mettt. withV.a cut lemon to make it tenders Add one or two tabu-spoonfuls' of. sugar to strong, turnips when cook Og. . ; .-i '-. .-I- .! Mix stove blacking with a little ammonia to prevent it t?ijrnipg pff. Add A few xlrops of ammonia tit tne Diue water to. wuueu mo ciotuua. Place an apple in the bread and cake boxes tdt keep bread atld .cake moist, i 'w . .... r. ' ..y-,i . Wet a cloth in cider vinegar and wrap cheese in it to keep moist and prevent molding. -v- Ml; Elks Carnival. Account Grand Carnival of the Benev olent - Protective Order ot Elks, td'be held at Portland September 4th to loth inclusive, tickets will be sold at reduced rates from all stations on Oregon v tines to Portland and return. 1 Theie HAets will be on sale Seitember 3d, 4th, nth, 10th and 13th, and limited to three days after date ol sale. - - ' For further particulars, call on or aa dress Southern Pacific agent at Inde pindence. , or P. L, CAJVIPBELL, Pres., bewar ur.UiuUaeuU fucCttarylt that tataiii Mercury " n'tnprenry wilt tUrsi d.olro itmy th an ot mull auu oouihlnlu (tumiiva ud tlOUlplnlul irn anlvrliiK I the wbule iy rm whrn eittorttiK it tliriiiiiili the mueminaiih Jluvli Rn.1ir Mltnuld uvr b umiI el otpt a frp.('rllloiii( from rutalil pliynl. (Unit, M Ilia (Umimetlixr will do la ton fttld In thOamiil nu iin tmaallil di rlva fniin tliam. inn nainimc thy will no I" win mia UuU'l larrh ;ur, matiunuHumd by If. J. (In nay I ., -Tiilailo, (., eunlaliiS no War cury, and In laSrn mtarnally, aolln dlrwtly uihiii tne blmid aud mui unua aurlaiwa ot Hie y.Mitt, . In burin Hatl't (felarrh Curt be aura you ! Ilia inuln. It ! tahvn Inleru. aliv. aua in l in Tolfrtn, tblo, by r. l. t)liny Cl Hold uy l'm!t, tirlne Vto.Vet bOIIIS. r raauiutiuiBia ir trw$. HSU'S raiully Hlia are tb bvat. . Tho Hoseburg Review got off the follyg: "A Eugene farmer was iii a store tne other day' and some ouo asked him. to listen to a phono graph, on exhibition'' there. The ojKJriUor handed him tlie ear tubes, fixed t)itm in shape and started the muchifi Tii farmer dropjed the tube hur'riodlyj "Goshtherd eomes a' trass band and X loft the mules untied.'1'," . ' . i ;u . Ueerg Mrt v WbiU George Indian Irom tbefUltrfs reservation, was on his, wsy here to pick hop, he met with an accl dent. wWeh was serious it noffatal. BhcAlV-afisr leaving . bom he wa crossing a.bridga When one end of a loose, plank flew, np, scaring his team which jumid o5 tbe side. Marnoy ws.hrown uudr r Iic Horses anu severely aicaeu m the breaH(llVboiies'of -which - wer ihooi'. tchat been broken-and be In WrWli,WBsMy. .i,.w-f .. ,f. Av j, . , Jttarny wak flund lly laUr ouirs and taken tools bom.. It 'could talk .but little. Ko,Mer 4lce hv len re- otlvad'altic the, acclitent which occur-J red last t rWay. .. . Clumberlahi's (!egh Kemedy a tirtat ; ,.lajferlre..if . ti) The snothltic and heallnir pronertle of tbl r iuedy, lie pleasant 'tante and prompt ana pfrnjaneiil otirea nave made It a great favorite with people everywhere. It b eewwlally nrwed by luotaeni of small , uhlldreu fur oolda, croup and whooping oougb, a It al ways aiiorue qnici reuer, ana as nn talna im opium or other harmful drug, it may be given aa ooundeutly to a ttabv ar to an adult, ror aale by Kim- laud Drug Co v . i ' DALLAS DOlNtiH. W. II. Oaynor ha gone to McMinn ville to Ink charge of the ahoe depart ment ot. it. wacxiHin a ;o,, oi mat piece. OthO William it teen on orutshes since running a nail through his foot. Bcott liiggs, of Salem, was seen on our streets Wednesday. .Mertlmnt B. E. Bryan it at th nitrpolie. v . ; . . Ji H Hubbard has moved to hit farm ncarbuver, . , , ' Mayor J. W. Crider .and family will leave next week for Denver where they will Spend tbe winter. -, . Founuember of the Salvation army are holding cnmpuieeiing ou the vacant lot east o( the Kacket (tore. Proteciiting Attorney 3. N. Hart l in Portland thi week ; ,,- .Work ha began in all th hep yards and runs ordiards near her. , T. J. Chapman, after spending several months traveling fdr a Portland furni ture company, lias again taken charge of his Store. .,.', ' Tli' nfant, child of William Kraber alaaja4 sHrdtli tltlf. " ' ' ' ' A deoreift farmer is s'afd tb have heconi the pioneer in a new Indus-try-r-hatnely, making! syrup' out of watermelons. 1 He. cuts the melons in halves,. scoops out too ptup, runs it through a 'cider mill, presses out tho. juiije and; then , boils the liquid for twelve hours over a hot lire! Out of 270 uiulonB, worth $5 or $0 at wholesale, he gets thirty gallons of syrup, ami markets the product at 60c a. gallon. Tbe refuse is fed to the hoRH. cattle and chickens, knd: the whole operation is very proautuie. ' Cuts and BrnlMcs Quickly Healed. Chamberlain's Pain Halm applied to a out, brtiiee, burn, scald or like Injurv will liiatantiy allay tue pain ana win beat the parts In leaa time tban any otber treatment. Unless the injury to very severe; it will not leave a scar. I'sfn , lialm also cures rheumatism, sprains,'-swellings and lameness. 'For sale by Kituaua urug uo. "The forty acre prune orchard of J : R; U Chapman, just nortn ol V&ir las. has 7000 trees and is expected to produce about 8000 bushels of greed fruit, wmcn win mage iou, 000 ltwonda"'0f the dTled article; Including old and young there will be about forty ; persons employed there next month,. He will pay. . 4 coots1 a buBhol. " Children may earn Du Cents, womn f i anu men vt.ou a '4r''tte picking Itemiier.'' y Cwd of , Chronic Diarrhoea After .Thrrty Yesrt of Suffering; -I''t suflVVed for thirty years with A'l.rrhnM Ihnllirlvl. I WIUI Daatbeluir ourwl, says- John B. Halloway , of iwbh (mpl .Mias. , "I bad spent bo muM time aud money and suflered so mueU that I bad given up all hopes of recovlcry. I was so feeble from the ef fects. bLUiAdlutrivma that. J. could (Jo uo klrid of lubor, ooulu not even travel, but by kcoldent I was permitted to Una a bbttle of ChiMfiberHdu'a Colic. Chol era and Dlarr bona Hlbinedy, Mid .after takhig severar bottles I. am entirely cured of that trouble, , I am so pleaoed with the result that I am anxious that it belireacnV of alt who suffer, as -1. bave."; For sale by Klrkland Drug Co Dr, A. A. Jcstup, - r I 5 .DENTIST.- : CoperjBlock. , .Hours, 8:80 to 6:00 v -I Independence, Or. ' ; State MqprDfll School 4... t "' , i ' , uth,; Oregon.. fi ' .' ''' i ,f I U . W -l f-a i .'V'j Fall Term-Opens .September 18th v:r, ' ' Tbe student nf the Normal Bobool are prepared to take the State Certificate immediately. : : Graduates readily secure good positions EnpetiSe of year from $120 to $160. ' " Btropg Aoftdeiriio and Pofesulonal ; eoOrsea. New Bpeclali Department in Manual Tralnlnir. Well eoulDDed Train Ing Department - For Catalooue' bentalnlnb full an .maiiaimnni, aaareie W. A. tVVANN, Sec. of Faculty, .Jh-puty liawe Wardea. Upon th leanett of a number of dtb tens, Clsme Warden yolmby has ap pointed Charles Macauley a deputy. The aiiuoiulment was made Wednesday and Charley enters upon th dlscbargs ol bis duties Immediately, ue win nave otentv to do and will make an example of the first fellow he catches shooting Denny pheassnts'out of season. . Administrator's Holloa. Notice Is hereby given that the tinder-la-nxi haa bin ioikjIiiIimI liY the Honor able County Conrl ot Polk County. Ore gon,aliulnltretoot the estate ol Mir ....i. tun A...,n.m,t All tmraona lndebt- W. Ullf, HtWWW". . " . 1 ed to aaid eaiate win maae iiuinwuaie ..,M..t tn H.a anil all IMiraolia UBVinit clalniB againat said eeUU will present tbe same to me, property veriumi aa aj law required, within six months Irom date hereof, ' Dated this 27th day nf August, 1000. IIKNRY U. KELSO, r Administrator of the eaiate ol ' Miranda Hill, deceased.'. . W. O. Sharman, ; QECEl'IT TULB8 Main Street,, Inidopeudonco THE ARCADE. Divldion Hedflti, , Prop. Cigar, ClofVptit, Tebaeeee "lasl .j , Cnfetlonry. nrtjt Cl,pa rokjutaln l naetloei. ' r 1 "t-!lJU 4 t. l. ..V- Vf V'lth vry Mlh" purehae, yew get a ehan n a SO Mitoheil iyeie t b bran away 8(tembee 20. . Pitting Qlcppca - Is a specialty with' us. Respectfully yours, r ' 0. A. KRAMER & CO. ' Jewelers aad Optklass. ; ' Independence - - Oregon The Castle Keepa xjonHtantly on -hand a, flue SHHortment or O Whiskies, l - Wines, " Brandies, Cigars, Also the famous Hop Gold Beer. .1 . I I tl llll ''--'' ED. GALE, Proprietor. G;L Hawkins ,vi - .,- IstftsesdcK. Or. 5 . i 'i t ( .i . ... Mnnumenti and agSP 1 ' ' Headstones ; - 1 Cemetery Work CIV. The Independence NATIONAL BANK Capital 8tock, $60,000.00 .( C. maSCHRKRQ. ABBAB AM KfLSOM, ' rrMldtnt. , Vlee-rrasMaM V .- '"aw. ItVIMI, Oaahtor. , S.f 1I9 .. -' ' DIRECTORS. k i -'.' r.'J' S. t.Smllh, A. Kelaea. A. . Beth. . . Jaa pat wo, J. K. Hhoaai, O. W. aaara, U. klfsokbaay A nnral Ranking and axeba boats trmacll; loam made, bllli dlKountad, roerelalrrdlliireiitd; depoalu reoalTSd a currant aecounl tubjeel te eaeek. tolaml aU D llmadapn(U. . .... . Hi ' Polk County Bank . -' (INCORPORATED.) . MONMOUTH,' ORB0ON. i. H.UAWI.tK. . . f. 1 CAMPBBM. I rrwlilcuu Tim-rrcaieaai. . J1U C. ItlWKIX, faafcler.v,..: ' .. . l'.-;--i,.i:.'-ji i'.V Paid Capital . .$30,000.00 .VI .t'fliVJ. 1. iJ! A DIRECTORS: p. r- J, H. Hawleyj P. L. Cauipbell I. M. Hiuipson, j. xv. v, sutler, joon . B. Stump, F. 8. Powell, -; t . H' i t) Joseph Craven; 1' J, J - v : Transact! a General Banking sind Exchange Business. Corrected te rtt. , - V .' - Laikvea ImleMnd enee lor Monmouth and Alrlle. ' " ' .4 TiS() m . " . 8:80 p. . , ,, I Leave Ipidopend- I.eavea Alrlle for Monmouth and Independence, ' ' . 0:00 a. m. K S UO p.m.,. . ; Leavea Dallas for Monmouth and In dependence. . .- , ; ; 1:0(1 p. m, .', :0 1" ' I enven Mnnatoulh for IurtepMidenoe. . 9:45 a. ,, ,, 1:80 p. ui. ... io it. m, , OiOOa.m. Leavea Independ ehoe roe Monraouth S iOSp. m. enoe ror ModuiohIU end Dallm. : 2 Uioo. 4 T:tS p.m. Leavea Monrtiouth tor Alrlle. 5 , ' i '.T;0. sa. ' 3:B0 p. m, Leave Monmouth futDaUaa. 1! . lliHO a, m. . -,7:30 p.m. ' " :-' Free to InVentori. , , . Tha axnerience nf C. A. Know Co. In obtain. Idk more than 20,000 patent tor Inventor! has .n.i.iui ilw m to helufiillv answer many ansa- tiona rxlatlng to the protection ol Intellectual Dronerty. Tun they have done In a pamphlet natunu. with cost of fame and how to nrooure them; trade-marks, duHVRU, oaveaU, infringe mmiia deulaloni in leadiua patent oases, eto. IThis parapblot will be sent free anyone writing to C. A. Bnow & Co., Washington, 0.0 . . . -OREGON.'S. ' ' GREATEST STATE FAIR Seotember 17 to 22, 1900.; f Bigger and Better Than Ever Before, i": Urounds greaUy improved, Bnlldlne repaired and renovated, all etocfc build. logs tborougbly disinfected, everytblng In drat tdaas coudltlou U tbe largest aua best aud most complete ' ; Uts M Mm and Agricultural fxpasta EVER HELD ON THE COAHT. , , $ in Premiums and Purses! Good raoine every afternoon. Moslo and fun at Dlbt Auction aale of live ; stock will be made a leadlnir feature.. All live slock and otber ejblbile bauled free over thi Houlbern l-aclrle Railroad. Reduced paaaenger rates on all rail roads. For premium list sod otber Information, address M. D. WBKRUNO, Pre., , j ' M. D. WISDOM. . ( . ,nWBfO,Orega. : . PortUnd, Oregon. F6r Drayin . V f '....Call on.... F. M. SKINNER, ''n b Independence 4 4 1. 'OireiM" lot iaupg,' ' executod - promptly " v - , and ati reabonable ' ratca. ; ..' , West Side- ... j,'. . ' " AND '". Weekly, Orcgonian Ooe Year, (la advance) ;.r -. l.oo Are you looking for a brush? Not with Germany-ibut a hair brush, ' tooth brush or a silver-polishing brush. I have a good all-bnstle hair . brush for 25o. .Tooth brushes, 5c upi A. S. LOCKE, INDEPENDENCE, OREQON Who said there wad nothing new under the sun?.:.. ' ; If you think so, you will have to change. r . your mind when you see that.... 'Special Bicycle'' Prices on all our Bicycles have been cut Twenty per cent. They also have the celebrated I hey "20II golightly" Imperial for. "DOCTOR UP" . Changeable weather, between two seasons encour . ages your, chronic troubles and intlicts upon you v much petty sickness, , Better, ward it off. 10 cents . might prayenf it when. $10 wouldn't cure it. . Cme" to us to haye your prescriptions filled, and forveyery thing kept in a well regulated drug store. . - ' . , - . STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS : V. . AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRK LAND !.-iVtv:-.-.A: Bljr Kick ' . man makes when his laundry Work sent home with Iporoupine edgss and spread, eagle buttonholes, ft he would Dring nis naen to an up-to-aate wunary, where' perfect methods ' obtain at all times, sudh as the Balem Steam Laundry, hewlU reoetve his 'shirts, collars and oufls equal to . new evcrjr time. thstwe - send tlem home, t ( . SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY '; COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. ; Lctvayeur orders at Kutch's Barber shop, With the Salem stage. ,' .' i , fVT.THE ; . .. ..;f:.;, .:, v LITTLE PALACE HOTEL ' ; il k, STARK, Prop.. You can get... ; 6 Heal Tickets for S. v Our Everyday Meal ? -! : V i9 as good as our ;? tt Sunday Dinner, and our Sunday Dinner - v is decidedly' the best ' ; . Meat to be had in town. Try it. tf 1 'v E.L.Ketchum,M.D Offloe and ftesidenoe Corner Railroad . - v - Monmooth Bcreets, "i OB ii i A CLEAN SHAVE t AND A- "M STYLISH RAIRCtiT, leWIIATVOU OUT WHSH 01 fATnoNIZS Kutch't Barber 8hop. -' Ia4epeodeH(se ( , . '.Oregos M B BIER IP t. T. HENKLE, Proprietor ' Hot and Cold Baths at all . Times. ' INDEPENDENCE - - OREOOX Prescription Droggist . aaaataM mL mmm Campbell Bros. Independence, Ore- $2 2 DRUG CO. Is 0AVEAT8, TRADE MARKS, ' COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS. Sand your bnalneu direct to Washington, amves time, costs less, better service. , BTf aflet .In. to V. S, fitwt Offlc. rUSE pnllnln anr uamlnatlona miA. Attr'a sot due antu patwt llMcand. PERSONAL ATTENTION 6XVEN 19 YEAK8 AOIUAL UPEBISNCE. Book "How to obulo P.t.nta .' ate., Mat fr. Patants proeind throosh S. a. 61ggr. racuT, ap.oia, n.iie., wium oaarga, u in. INVENTIVE AGE UlaitnM aKutUf BaTasth jwr-ttnu, 1 1, a ysr. P n AlAAPIIA Llis 0T u. a. onow slit. li L Mi:i:i-H 918 r St., N. L. U. UIUUL.IIU.WASHINQTON, D. m mi anything yon invent of improve j also get CAVEAT.TRAOE.MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS Stt&ffi i c.a.s:;ov&co. Patent U-yers. WASHINGTON, D.C. i