THE WEST SIDE SATUKDAY AUcWST S5, 1HV , Mrt,U H. Knox It buck from tha City Council. Mr. R. T. llcnk! ami Mm. ITiiaW arrivi-ii noma irom t lie bwtoh Friday, ricking lll commenca in tha Hill hon vitriU mi AliuxUv RVKky I . Mrt. O. t. Bntfor bit on Thuml.y ol B mJ mhrtiwU, lhlr .lriij m uk j for a auort suy at Newtmr, IWaoh. M oa Monmouth atiwl he rtt ami tliti city Marshal limtruutw to rt mir tlio Counoll mot lu regular cislmi Tui-i day evening. Committee on ttrt-titt rt'Coitiuiiiltl that a new eroa wlk m built on went HOMKH iniHif Km L MKKTg KV Wr.1nw.lny Tvwtnj. Wmtn will itui nollrw ml (Vim thmUiavr.ii euv,i...i. ;.Wj5;K,t,t Ny from a l,it i, hmlaml.. . Thitrt MIm Vlda TorM went ; to Albany Gt your duck b-ggingt at tha Raket on Thursday to vltil htr parents. Stor, Uyon want any gnaranuwd Maltose noun on Railroad nree,. anient mum ipji yuur orvler In to llro, Willi oJ lh lUkut. railing fronting on ths tViitUinl iroMir ty. Tbe win were adopted. Tlw fire poiiiiiltttn was authorise! to Mr.. Kenedy uiovd lnl0 IM IW lor drying Are bof. J. W. Kirkland It preparing to put oovl tunning mill at R. M. Wade CVi, prion f '."0 to Sk Lat week 0. L. 1'ih'harJ. ot N York, bouglit tb Henry Hill crop ol hot oaring iu the ruigtiborliood ol f i.-w lor lorty aerea of growing lio. The best lac and buckle legging 00 and (3 wuli at the Rakct Stor, Raymond Kenkle.of Corallii, came down lat (Sunday to visit with bit beat gin aim iricuae. Sue reduction in prict In .our ad on bicycle, don't mint tins chance. Camp Mil Broa., . Dr. VV. (X Brown vialted over Sunday t C'orvalli. , We have several biket on band and they must be old tint lalU Campbell uro. , . . . Chariot Thompson and Ed Wile, ol Eugene, are here on a wait. , V miaineaa. concrete walk around hi dwelling, Mr. 8. W, I'erclval and daughter, Pearl, visited In Dallaa latt Saturday. Carl Herren aiul Krnr.t Johneon went P1 ,or ,tw,8 8,j' v .-".ibyiiic on inrir wuwii ibii onnua. The utarabal wmi directed to repair walk abutting olty broHrty on Mon mouth itretft. " - Bill were allowed, vi: J. N. Jone gravel on alrtHiti, $1 V. A. Uoniy, lum Mre. W.G, Creaay went to Yaulna Ueorge Roe,ot Balem, wa in town neuueeuay Th l'rke of Prune. Th Willaniotte Valley 1'ruue tlrnw en Aeoociatlou through the board ol director, hat pooled fllteim or twenty carload ol Italian and French prune belonging to the member of the oignn In! Ion, aud quoted the following price Tho propoaed convention of the Holi net Aaaociauon h been noetnoned to an imletiuite date. . . Mri.AI Herreii aad daiiahter. Mitt P' P0"". to bnyertt Lela, made a trip to balem on Wed net- SO to 40 .6!ceut Jy. ' , 40a to 60., ...boeul Mr. R. 0. Tewlval. ol Salem, wat BO to We...... cent via Iting friend at Monmouth the ttrt ol oo to 70 ....... u i .... .4( cent the week. mw ti ...... t. itti. and Mr. Harvey Guthrie wera In Whlla tlitta nrlce are omaiderablv i V,B. . I .. . O . I I vw,,ni"" wuruB' 00 alwve the market price, the AamH-iatlon Itai made tale on thl bat! and there IM.d. r mii.ic lu sisrss ' alftruut or limirumriifa Mlrdlnfolk ( eiinly Aug. 14 loSI), 1H0O,' ; 4 . i i 4 .? r PIIKlia . . . t 0 K 8 Stvmn to W B Hleven, 21a 10, in 7 r 4111. - Thud riteven to U F Heuly, HO ihj p r w num. W II Hlevent to (J V My, 101 too 10, IP 7 t 4 w:(HK). t Mary A Cry.tal to K O Dultnu, IM)x200 leei n W cor M l am 8 he ton Ha. Dallna I A A Get your rublier for vour coaat trin "7.'. ' "?if"??!'r'' tabutllttltaoubt that the whole crop or for all at the Rak'et Stor, ; . .. Z-'"" ",U,J .w of prune. In thl. action will be di.po. Knice CaiDDbell. nlebt engineer at tha I led of at remunerative price. li!.0..lAU.Un:.wt?t ,? ?0irU,l?dh I' on Monday (or Grant. There I. great activity among fruit nImii . "" U'a.. , grower, lu getting In readlnea to lake s i .. .. ... - .... -in . .., ...i.. k . i . J it. u K. Henkie, well known here, ' "H u" va uu tnjlV IIUB I U .kil f I . 1 k W I- L. I bY. .l,.tj.ak. An.l .latutikii aVIau ttaaau .ItH tl ila K Ann lliin mi , ... I IIUIU VWll( l AlOMVa tUnU I IVH flVKtliy Villi Ml 114 4fH VW Ml TV,W " w. to Brownav n. lit aUta. f... iit. iaa.1 u nn hntnAix . ... I 1 tuiumwii taken on tubtcrlntion I v ir r..i... . ii.. ...t..i i... n- ...-. ml thd VWT klDI. ill I wun,j tmiuirr, lhioiiv wi" it.iiiv.i i.m ...w fui.h viiih, . . In frnm Him miint ntat nn T far The boy. aav that Rro. M!H. ih 0,lcl 01 ivaket it not a wise a he hxika. ea- Ir. Rolwrt Rurnelt. of Madfnnl. pecialiy about cat. " ed from FYiday of latt week until Tuee- Bny your mill feed at th. nillin. mill. w,t" relative. Here. rn, uper ton :liort, $14 per ton. Ata Tarlor and wife have tone to Mr, Anna Charlotte 'Nelaoi), lfo of of Mr. 0. NeUnit hIhi live a few lulle north of here, died Innt Kililny morning after a lingering illnett. IVceaimil bad IxHinan Invalid (or acvurul year, but wat taken aerloiialy worie a few weekt ago mid dually aiicciiiulied to her all menu. OH yeiim uf age. J4hn came to lliia ciiiulry (mm fiaeden w lien IByenraold iMinllugin Chicago In l47 V t...b .1.. .....1 ... l.u hltttn n( ,,iviw ciiv nv ... I I . ill...... till nn, w ... iv..i,i ii.. im? ........ ... .hi. . w" rniiun, ait r. mcwan " ih j in,,.- iei ii I v In 7 a r 4 I77.)(l county wltli lici liutimiul. A nuaiiana k v Dalton to G A titark, It 5, 1.1k 0, and three children nirvlve bur. Two Hill' town Independence flOiiO. ton. Henry end George live lu Aatorla, A'y nl Moyer to Wiu Kimble, It nnd.duoghler, Klla, l.v ero. Tbep;-"j;liri,1)y, l 1 ii u I .... ll.M Ik.lil Udi im.l.lU I 111 .... IN .. .1 i ..... , " " H.HIJ- una (iiiiei on mo Irani riiiuniaj i iaa ann IU, tp H r n Wf ll'i.oI. to Him Franciaco, where the funeral K It I'oppletmi in 0 I ratterton, 40a took place, the remain being cremated. "V, J ? "7 w iV . un. tl III ii i at . . ' During the moiitha of June ml w " v f.auet w-iiotw July our liahy wa teething and tailt a I runulngtiiriif the bowel aud alckntM Atteulluil, Trune (Jruweri would move from live to eight lime a K'l'h'inber l"t, nd reepeetfullr wliolt day, 1 bud a bottle of C'hiiuiherluln'a your palromigo. Capacity of dryer will t one, t imiera Hint UlarrliiK'a lU nie.iy M greiiter than two yenri ago. iu uie noiian anil gitve nuu lour iiropa ii., 1 1. r... . .. In ateaaptMinrul of water and lie got better at once " Hold by KlrkUml Drug Co, , . Itallii Nolea. Horn On August 10, tiTKlr. and Mr. Frank 8n.ii h, of Lewlavillu, a 0 pound boy, 'Special Kdltlou" Faklrt, ('. K. Johnaon and L. L, Whllely.alia. Gn Monday a chicken wa killed at Hie Hotel (iail, in the glmrd ol which waa lound a puve ol mild at I a rue a a grain ol wheat. The cliii'kim wa tmiight I Myera, charged with erimt committed ... .. ..,., ,,-,. ("- in the proawjution ol "apeclal" new- mire mi n oi'iiivr li e an il waa uicacu I , . , , ,, , up by the cbickou ou the farm or .inc. W r""UK . ln, 1 or,t'!n,, LIPPIfJCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILV LltBAHY Tits' Best in Current Lbatora 12 Compute Novil. Ycahlv MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 nn vcan; 28 or, a copv NO CONTINUED STORIES may numbm complctk in iTaitr Mpplimott'. Magaiiliie and the Wwr mm, one year, WA.'2t). - ' Do you need..... ' . PRINTING? . Ifao, give the WEST 5IDB a call. I'rlntliig of every deacrlptlon done with neat tie and iJlapatch at rea- "aoiiable ratee. WE AIM TO PLEASE. oifMunday by Delect ivea Ford and Cor dnuo. Johnaon I wanted In Walla Walla and Whitney in Fretno, Cl for forger. They were engaged on ec iat edition ol the Aitoria New. when Br aking the! cauenvi out met Sunday river oanaa in eearch of oool .put where they might ipeud the day. Ice cream and ice cream soda RobinHou'i. . I. jutt oienitig and promising to be a bury one. The moat of the grower In tlili icction will be at work by the mid dle of next week and all will be buay by th flret ol Heptembor. Giluiore and Calbrealh, enturprlalng bniineu men of till City, will toon have their (team dryer in operation and Palem, are Waiting friend here and' at growere might be able lodo Iwlter than The young folk of the city ort of keeping In the Butler cottage on Mr. S. A. Mulkey and daughter, of at .Monmouth. Dr. Geome 'Wright and wife of Mc in. ....... i .. ii.. i i .. .. V Tim. P I t 1 t i' !mlu,Mr,,,Ji i iu.ii n vunvmtmj, l now working in Balte' big print hop in Portland. Ue irame by wheel and re port riding very fair. At Robinson' you can have crushed iruit tn your ice cream. Through the effort of H. B. Thleleen, oi caiem, a market tor peache grown In me vauey nas Men eonml at Aatona. BV one merchant alone orderina twentv-tiv Washington. i ... " uoxva a oay. We have now in a fine line 'of child ren' winter underwear in wool and oot ton. i TheRakot Stor. Dave Dove, it teems, it the liott pot to raiter this yer. He it in II. Hirsch- berg's employ a farmer and ha rained 10,000 buHhel of potatoes on 25 acre. If there is anyone who can beat thi yield, let him lep to the front. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Metho dist church still sell ice cream on Satur days and are doing well. Old Bill i gone and Zed feel lone- Ibe price quoted above by having their prune dried here for the market. u. . " Fruit Dryer. Glbnore and Calbreath began work Monday morning on clearing the prem ise! about the ataam fruit dryer which they Intend to put Into tint claa condi tion for thi teaaou't crip of prunes and other Iruit. A new and larger bollur than wa uacd before will be put in and the capacity ol Miaa Lottie lUlura baa Un Bnnnlni. pint largoiy increaaeu, giving em- ed locai agent for the Lion Iniurance ployment to a doen or more hand and Company. , putting that much more more money Twelve contract were filed at Salem Into circulation in thi neighborhood n Tuesday lor thi seaton' bop, the betide keeping the fresh prune here for working up Into a higher priced aril Miaaea Mamie and Mabel Bateman of nlcMinuville are visitimi their aunt. Mrs George Kutch. Mrs. Sarah Young ha tone to Port land to take a potiiion with Llpiuan, none A uo. air. M. w. Wallace nat gone lor a hort visit with friend in the state of rjtte it cmu to town. The Lui klaiiiule Mill cmnlttny iiow tulpiilng regiiluriy (mm niillaa to ('all' nriil,tiuirkoi atHiiit mt,m icet ot tin lading lumher per week, mnatlv hollow- bu:k Mooring ai the niient uualiiy. "til'VKK MIFTISMH. . .. ... . . ... I llUl IV . Mill II 111 l.lltt'lKlMll.1 IU ..!.,);.. 11 I,'" M..I .,.. Iii il. faNK J I iikskv ii.Vmoi,ih that ha In tli n.n....B . ... .-.V......U ... i.iu natv aaaiur iwrtuvr of Ilia Hun nf f. J.C'llKNKV llOtlHC. ' '. I l o, iliillia liualiim. In II,. city lil I'lludii. , . 1 1 uiiiily ami Malv aliirx.anl. ami that a.ld tlrin 'i 1. 1.... : . ..I.. i rt. : i . t i will lV Ihn .urn nl uNK lll.'MiHKI) ImiI. iiiii-aiunH in iiiiuuev uuiencu in .am ..rra.h anil evry raw .. f I'.l.rrt. that inw vicinitv. Aioehiike'i inncliino f""""1 lw,rea ' u,u "' w "u " i threliiiiii for K. W, I'utteraon. ' khank j. iwknky. I Hwiirn Ui bt'lnro mr n, aali.urllivil In my j. it. tunica, who nn iMHin in'r",n4'''n,,'""u' vui'fi-. . "( U'....l. ......... ..... I...... . I I I ,r,.rr...., ii iiBiiiuii'ii miuiu limn, nun rviurll THE ARCADE. Davidson & Hedges, Props. Clgara, Cigarette. Teaaeoea anal Cenfeotlonery. Htm or 1. 4n, City or Tianno, I.UI 4HI "OrMTY tnl home, Jiitviiin lMM!" quita iiuo- I ! .1 I ivuittui in Hie iui mivcntiiro nil mining. NcIk, of Allmny, tho hop tlcnbr, wiih tn iiiu part nuturuiy, cou- tructing for hoim. He thinks tli7 will bo it t!,HHl quality and yield tbiH year. Mitt Ndlio Attchlow vinitcd hr jmroiit ftt Airlio lunt Hundity. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Mt Lnno and .Valiiry 1'uUte, llall'i Catarrh Cure la laltnn Inloriialy and ai'l .llnH iiy on iho b,, ih1 nii'l nuiciin mirlama oi Mitt ayauiNi. a'iia inr imlluiiiiilaln. frue. ' J.l lipU !., luK.lo.U llall'i aniti rilUam Ilia uvul. ( all for County Warrania, County Treasurer Olllcc, Dallas, Ore., August 111, 1000?" Notice i hereby given that all unpaid county warrant of Polk County,, Or gun, which were preaetited and endorsed "Not paid for want of fund," prior to price itatcd beirg 10 cent a rortianu nor wa snot by com rade, the weapon being an air gunt and now toe police are rounuing up the boy witn air guns. Mr. and Mr. Georue W. Kutch have returned from their outing at the beach, having enjoyed their vacation very mucn cle. Our people ought to foster thl tort ol I nd iw trios a they tend to make the city more prosperous Tho prosiMJCt. for it good hop crop are daily growing better, and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Taylor came home htivera arn rnniiiyiiiontlv mora (ncer I .u..i. .... .1.- . 7 ' " ome. Pete Kurre took Old Bill out to ! ,,t Fridav evemmr Their outimr aeem purchase or make contracts for ms larm on Monday where Old Bill will to have done them much good. this year's output. One pronil nn nimseii witn grass until the bad A alight flurry of rain fell about noon nent erowor of Ilrook. ava the weather come on, and Zed will, in the Thunday; just enough to cne hop 0 , , . meanlime, go buggy riding on foot. buyer to claim that hops are off color, '". tMui.ii, n ei uu nicreuy cm vow pneo. csiiis por pounu oy a i oriiuriu uuy- vi piKTiai imp u l.iiuiiiiixii l n I . ...... i . . Magazine to auUcrlber of the Wkst ?ln T u ,mora'.w" " bul ie nt'r wa8 ""'""W Kit.E,callatthei.fllce. ."rr Others rew amount lit miiiiii nil id icauikVM ma tiaavaijic But, l The Odd Fellow will move into their cexefullr undergone an oteration and and it is fviilont that cmhI nrice new hall in the Mitchell building on rapidly improving in health. I ... -i ... .i;, ,i. September 1st. The Woodmen. Work- B(l. na.lfl. kJJl- .. .. wl11 Feval1' lf tho Vl&hty of .tlie men. Decree of Honor, and Fraternal . i. . . "Tf.. Inrnn la a ironil na it now uromiHea Union will ,to. too. . ""P" . ?"f 7 ,,' T. . . .. ung iii new lounuauon a no a new root, io no. i Mere swims at tins tuno 10 Why is it that farmers will huv bin- in preparation for the receiDt of irrainl, , . . ning mills and steel ramies of strangers ami other produce. ' " I w " aamage Wircaiening tne crops ryrnvhKrTorVa!'er, The river ste.mer Eugene, on. of ths " disaared-.n fact, for 50 per cent less. unluckieat ol boat, is once more above navo Deon very scarce tins year- The hiir trio Hriuo imo n..,i h, the raver iiottom near Oregon City, be- and if the present favorable weather last, the bunk houses and horse stable P8tc'el UP y the continues, there will bo no damage going by on Monday evening. The crew T- comn7 ,or ' 00 ; " to bo feared, except U be fnm a too . . Malum wm I a was kept at the big bend just above . ' . . . .' ..rlv nickine. All dealers and ex- The many menu ol Mr. and Mr. Joe " Uundree, former resident, of. thi. city P88 aro unanimous in warning and county, wilMie glad to know that growers against picking the Mops the couple have been bleated by the ar- green, as that will spoil the rival of a lOtf pound boy at their home quailyi ftnd consequently the sale at the highest price .u inn nuuerisjiu la acting poai- niiwtflr at Turner during the absence of town for a long time owing to the dial lownea of the water. Try Moore, the barber, north side of "C" street, opposite Knox' grocery .tore, for a hair cut or shave. The Knights ol Pythias have not yet decided to move into the Odd Fellows' now building. . BUESA TISTA. T. A. LiveHly&Co. advertise In the postmaster, G. F, Robertson, who baa Salem papers that they will pay hop gone to the foot of Mt. Jefferson where James Shives has returned from picaers w cents in all their yards. he will endure the pleasures incident to the const. T. SI m ..... I . . ..I oie Lountv .treasurer teuton's ca l camotnit out. suci as me, mosouitos. c. tiu..'. . hm.i i. for warranlB a,. . Mm DftlUWIU ICll 10r Y 1I1IOCK, iur wnrrnnis. Hnlnnu. Imnfinu ln ..... . .' . wash., luesuay morning, no rode Xhe two pet bears which for a long This is one of the dullest weeks In the Iii. wheel as far as Portland. tima T.anII.r.l tiladr'u ... m riA'ara Una v'm'du l.a.l V, Aixit fitiUtmt ma - - . .... -j ..Hi.i.ivi v. 1.1,1,1. a IOIU nciv J " " ...iw .v .m... ' J uv. uj..a,.vi TflCI T, It I . , hfllttfh hi TT Ii;e.flKK.,. T. aaiaal. AUI J. D. O. 10WiU. WDO 1188 1)0011 "J -0iiicrij nuu uu AUr atiCDtvu, iiuuutif I'll! UCI BIIU Ml' 1 t it it.. ni ,intt ia,. d..u ini,,. ?....-! i.. ...i, uuuuiuii a uryer near jvuiiue, re- a W Jlt UCVIIUiaiiV Ob lUU'l BHICU V HMUISUi VUDI OllJM J uu llVtlt 1. I T 11 i. At 1 land. The bears will be greatly missed ing. Everyone i busy getting ready for P. w "ome Bl um I,iftce by Brother Stark's neighbors. hop picking and that' all; and yet " u ' When In Salem and vo wa"ni twJ th,rt' 80od deal just now. Mrs. Jack Hall, of .Wollsdale, meal don't forget to go to Strong' August Sperling I doing considerable viBited her Bister, Airs. . Duld iveMiaurant, wnere everything the mar- WOrk on his ranch about a mile north of ln lucsaay- u vmi. w uau, - I . r r . i . . " .... I . i , . , ... . .own. ne naa recently muveu a nouse H. A. ISalUWlIl and BO II anu JM18S j. Li oiocKion is nuttmur concrete Unin ii.u i.i on,i nnm t,ii,iin.. . ir .f nr.- i . i. ir.i. walks about his residence and property, TZ Vr . L " M.B y enef8' OI V y a8"-' ",M .inc.. pignut pmu wno nave neen viBiiing uere, re- are completed Mr. Sperling will have a turned to their homes last Satur- model farm. - Some of the valley papers are caution ing the hop growers against picking their hops too green. If the grower don't know bis business, he'd better get out of it. '-' ; ' '. If you want to buy school bonds, note we aa oi uounty J reasuref Dalton this week. It's a question as to which one is chas ing the hop grower the hardest the in surance man or the hop buyer. The' town is full of both. Eoy Gilmore, who is attending a Salem business college, visited his relatives here Tuesday evening. Buy your cameras and supplies of F. E. CHAMBERS Editor's day at the state fair, Tuesday, September 18, will be one of the big days at the fair, and quill drivers from all over the northwest are expected. There will be a grand barbecue, and the newspaper men are all augured of enough to eat, for once. Count the Wbht Sidb in, please. - Steel ranges at K. M Wade & Co' at prices that cannot be met by any can vassing agent. R. R. Parrish, who started out six weeks ago on a camping tour, returned home Sunday looking all the better , for his outing. He Joined the Mazamas in an attempt to reach the summit of Mt. Jefferson and -believes he could have reached the top had the party been di vided properly, whereby the stronger ones would not have been kept back by the weaker. -k ,, Pickpockets and petty larcenists are beginning to arrive in the state for at tendance upon the crowd of visitor to the Elks' doings at Portland, and the state fair at Salem. Pqstmsster Wheeler has had the post office building lately covered with a cat of fresh paint. A special down train came along on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. It car ried the car of officials of the Southern Pacific company who were on an Inspec tion tour.. Those on the train were: R. Xoehler, General manager; G. M. Field Superintendent; L. R. Grondabl, resi dent engineer; II. S. Dun noil, road master. Prices for Wheat. day. Quite a number of loads of grain have been hauled to the warehouse. But a very few fields of grain have been threshed around here. Misses Mary and Dorelle Shives have returned from - the Wilhoit springs. They report having had a fine time. . The Iiod crop will be readv for mi l i i. . . . .. . ... mere is aiways qune a ainerence in pickers earlier than usual ths vear. the price paid for wheat in the various Most all hop men around here will sections of the valley, owing to local In- begin the first of September. , fluences. To ascertain this difference inquiry was made Saturday and it wa found that the prices paid in the several towns are' as follows: Stay ton, f36c; Aumsville, 55c; Jefferson, 50c; Wood burn, 40c; Gervais, 47c; Salem, 46c. The price at Independence was 46c. Drink Cucumber Pickles. Select very small cucumbors and to each 100 Allow 1 ounce each of whole cloves and white mustard seed, a tablespoonful of salt, a cup of sugar and two small peppers. Tie the spices in thin muslin bags; put them in a kettle with the cu cumbers and add enough vinegar to cover. Heat to the scalding point, take from the fire and bottle. Examine them every week or ten days when first put up to see if they remain firm. If some soften, THE PUREST remove them, drain off the vinegar AlSin Rpcr from the remainder. Add a half DCJI ,n nl onil 1 llllina Dnrr. VU vA vv w uaava a vut ua nUf ar to each 200 pickles, scald the vinegar and pour it over them boil ing hot. Hop Ui Beer Bottled beer for family use to be had at ED. GALE'S CASTLE SALOON. " . Independence. . W. (1. Sharrrian, MERCHANT TAILOR Main Street, Independence a number of others spent .Sunday April H, ism, will be paid upon prcteo in nuipuur j'l iug. It sit'tim as if prayer mooting is going 10 in) a luiiui-e. 'My baby waa terribly tick wllh the diarrhoea, iaya J. Ii. Ifcmk, of Wil liam, Oregon. "We were unable to cure him with the doctor' awiMtauce, ami a a liwt rvmi t we tried ( IiiiiiiUt luln't (.'olio, I'bolera and Diarrhoea itwuedy. I am nappy to ay that It talion at thi. olllce. lutercat will not be allowed on the tame after the date of this notice. E. V. Daltok, ' (Jounty Treasurer of Polk County, Oregon. Hid for School Uoml Wanted. Tha County Treasurer of Polk County gave liunifdiate rclii-f and a complete! Oregon, will receive tealcd bids at hi cure." For aale by Klrkliuid Drux (!w, UAl.l.AS IHHMJ.H. olllce, in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon September Dili, MX), at 1 o'clock P, M. lor school bond, at follow: Amount of Deputy tlerk . h Nichols, who bonds to be Iwucd. 12500 ; denomination has been quite sick, is improving. iM each! date of issue. Sentember 15th II. II. Cofciwr has been assisting 1900, payable in 20 year., with option to l utility UerK Utughury during Air. redeem after 10 year draw lnteret at Mi'llOli Illness. the rale of 5 nur cent ir annum Inter Treasurer K. V. Palton has is- est payable temi annually j purpose of sued a call for warrants itwuod prior s To complcie new chil house in to April 8, Uwtriet No. 8, Polk County, Oregon. A Miss Laura Hrown. who has Won rt,,k'a c Ufk ot '0 lr cent of bid urawu on any well-known liana in Ure gon, payable to the order of the under aigticd, must accompany each bid a i guaiaiilee that the succeasful bidder will comply wim mi ma, ine rignt i re- eerved to reject any and all bids. E. V. Paiton, County Treasurer of Polk County, Oregon Elk Carnival. Account Grand Carnival of the Benev- at McMiniivillo for several months, is ut home agaui. w r i . i iMerciiftiu jtryan is at bis Mace of bUHinoss again after a few weeks' sojourn through hastern Oregon. M. 1). Ellis and family have re turned from Belknap springs. ILL. Fenton and family have gone to ino beacn lor a few weeks. Archio Suitor, who has been working in Seiittlo, visited his many H'''11 If'tective Order of Mks, to lie friends hero Ttuwduv He went tit held at Portland Heptember 4th to 15th kk iMtsn. lie went to indumvu, ticket will U ..ld at rtduced l'ortlund on Wednesday niornuig's rales from all station on Oregon line train to muet bis father lo Portland and ruturn. These tickets ..ill I... .H a.. I., hi.. t... O.t i.l. Jl.l. Ar . 1 ... I""! IW Ull null- MlJ'iriwr du. 1111, Ulll, , M. banders is assessing in the hoih ami i:tih. ami limit..,! m iiir.Uv. r .. i ..... ? . . i - I . I . . . . ' . liiiuKiuiuuie irecinci wnnu A. j. alternate oi sale, Tom.r ia u.HRMHimr in fhiltna - For further particulars, call on or ad o " . d. : ... ... alio county court met on Wed- pendunce. nesday to make tho nocessary pre construction of parations tor ine several bridges. I'rof. M. K. Currioro. who has had on exhibition here an elegant line of pianos, has taken his stock to Wyoming. Clerk U. S. Lnughary and family visited ins parents on the Luckia niuto Sunday. rs v t it , v. iieauicy nas erected some much needed bill hoards. 0. C. Gardner, of Uridgeport, sold to Castle and Ilalbcman, the butch ers, several head of sheep at $3.75 por beau. ; A Minister's (Jood Work. "I bad a aevere attack of bilious onllo. got ft bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea licmedy, took two dimes and was entirely cured," say Hev. A. A, Power, of Emnorla, Kan. "My neihimr across the street was sick for over a week, hud two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called In another doctor who treated him for some days and guvehim no relief, so (Uncharged tiiiu. j went over to see him I lie next morning He said bis bowels were in a terrible fix, that tliey bad been running off so long that It was ulrnoHt bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy and Meet Us on Ilie Midway." The Event of the Times- Great Street Fair and Carnival Occupying many solid blocks, taking in enure street, irom euro to euro. Portland, Oregon, Sept. 4 to 15, 1900. .' Under the auspices of the Portland iMks wurpiiHHing in magnitude and grandeur anything of the kind ever attempted on the Paelflo Coast. Hoinetbliiff to remember -tin to the date of your hoart failure. The Streets of Cairo, The Oriental Theatre, , Tha German YIHage, The Dancing Glrla, 1 , An Arabian Pageant, Crowning the Queen, Rex,, King of tha Carnival, Attended by Hie Magnifloent Court. TIlS iirtMLt. titirmln nf Ihn KIUh Ami nlliap nr. dar8( The jIhIIkii Park tint! Kounlalnt The ..1 iu. 1 r 1 I, 1 1. ...... 1.. ",n "m 1 riiimunai Arwi anu uraun mm- hosiud, 'No.' I went home and brought WHy unti mh wn,Urfu! ati raotioiiH; Mining him my bottle and gave him one dose; Merannitiu, Aitritmmiro aim oiiur exhibits; told him to take another dose in Hfteen f '''"'"ii's Pavilion, doMiKnad by womau, . t,.,o,,t t, n.l.mluo ir iia ,111 .,( a.,A "y woinuu, nnu aucoraien uy women lor or twe Ity nilritltesif lie did not .flud the exhll.u ,,r woman's InUuKtrlul work: The relief, tot lie took no more and waa en-1 srahi iminde, hum or Oregon aud WaNhington tlrely cured." For sale by Klrkland i k"n,!J- , , , , r...... i . ' ... . I .. l.owijKt run and water rates ever e ven to Ul"s w FortltimlfromullnartBofthuNortliweiit. - , 6t6lt0 tOPIT)6ll 6(1)001 . Monmouth, Oregon. Fall Term Opens September 18th The students of the Normal School are prepared to take the Btate Certificate Immediately. Graduates readily secure (rood positions Expense or year from $120'to f 150. Btrong Academic and Professional courses. New Hpeolul Department in Manual. Training. Well equipped Train Ing Department. .' , . - For Catalogue containing full an nouncements, addreas - Flrat Claa. 8ed Fountain In eon . neetlon. With every eaah pureha.e, you get cnanoe en 0O Mitehell bloyole to be given away September 20. pitting Globe: " Is. a specialty with us. HtisjKictfully yours, t ' 0. A. KRAMER & CO. , ' ' Jeweler, aad Oplkla.i. Iiulcpeiulonce - - Orogou The Castle Keeps constantly on ' hnn a fine iiHsortnieut of Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, ' Cigars, Als i the famous Hop Gold Beer EI). GALE, Proprietor. OREGON'S GREATEST STATE FAIR . -.'.v': V SALEM. - , September 17 to 22, i960. Bigger and Better Than .Ever, Before.' lvrfh.. .!. hmbHw i . .u...i n..ii.n... , . . ... .... . ..H'"'"" "uiiiiiu rrpnireu ana renovaierj, all atock build mga wiorougniy awmreetea, everything lu first elass condition , - for Mm Urgeataud beat, and moat Complete ' : : Live Stock Show and Agricultural Exposition I EVER HELD ON THE COAMT. $2o,ooo in Premiums and Purses! Oood raelng every afternoon. Muelo and fun at nlirhr.. .took will be made a leading feature, All live atoek and other exhibit hauled free over the Houiberti Pacific Jlallroad. Itedueed pOHaenuer ratoa ou all rail road.. For premium Hat and other Information, address A. D. WCNRUNfl, PTM.. M. D. WI5DOM, See., Mbjboro, Oregon. . Portland, Oregon. Jor Draylno;) ....Call on.... F. M. SKINNER, Independence. Orders for hauling executed promptly and at reasonable rates. ' i West Side- AND Weekly Oregonian Oo Year, (In advance) $s.oo A CLEAN SHAVE AND A- , H-H- STYLISH RAIR CUT t. f MAT VOU IKT WHKM VOU PATaOflf.K Kutch'a Barber Shop. Independence . Oregon BITH IHD B1RBER SHOP , E. T. HENKLC, Proprietor ' Hot and Cold Baths at all A-'. Tlrr;es. INDEPENDENCE - OAECiON The HntEl Gail Dallas, Ore. Ha8 been refittod and renovated from collar to garret, arid every thing iu now. (Jowl gum pie room for commercial men. Hatinfartion guaranteed, liutcs, $1.00 to $2.00, bwM rates by tho week. BUCK & SMITH, Proprietors. G. L Hawkins Indepeadence, Ore. Monuments and Headstones Cemetery Work etc. J. t KIRKLAND, NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate,... Insurance, Loans, Mulu Ht. Iudeieiideuce, Ore, Dan P. Stouffer. n&u ranee,.,,.. and ....Collection. . 'Titles Examined. CHARGES REASONABLE. Main Street Dallas, Oregon. MOTOR ' 1JNE .." TIME TABLE Corrovtad to date. . Leavm Iiuliiponit nne tor Atonmouth and A I rile. . Ti3U a. m. .. 3:!I0 p. m. Lenveii Iu(1picii1 noe for Moniiioiilh and Dm lint. ' XliOOa. m. -7ilS p. ill. , " I.enveii Alniimontli tor Alrllo. 7ne m. Rsno p. in. Monmouth fur Dullus, ; llmo a. m. ,7130 p.m. I.miv Alille for Moiimunth and Inilitpeixlrime. : OiOOa.m. UO p. m. l.onve. Diillim or Moniiiiiutli and In- dupundi'iioe. 1:011 p. in. 8 30 " LeHvK Miinnumih for Jiiilopi'iuloiivu. 0:4 n a. 111. 1:30 p.m. 8:40 p. 111. ni45 p. in. IMIO p, m. Leavoi, IndHiiend- enoe fur MonniouUi 81OS p. iu. Are you looking: for a brush? f Not witTi Germany but a hair brush', , tooth' brush,' or a silver-polishing brush. I have a good all-brietlo hair brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up. A. S. LOCKE, Prescription Druggist INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Who said there was nothing new under the sun?.... If you think so, you will have to change your mind when you see that.... if "Special Bicycle" MMaai'ZEiB?aa4B . Campbell Bros. Prices on, all our Bicjcles have been cut Twenty per cent. Independence, Ore- They also have the celebrated "golightly" imperial for $22 "DOCTOR UP" Changeable weather between two seasons encour ages your chronic troubles and in ilicts upon you much petty sickness. Bettfer ward it off. 10 cents might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it " Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and for everything kept in a well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRKLAND DRUG CO. A Big Kick man makes when bla laundry work Is sent home with poroupino edgsjs and spread eagle button holes. It he would bring his linen to an up-to-date laundry, where perfect methods obtain at all times, such as the Salem Steam Laundry, he will rooeive his shirts, collars and. cufTs equal to new every time that we send them home. , SALEfl STEAM LAUNDRY . COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. , ,"" your order, at Kutch'a Barber .hop, or with th. 8lem v P. L. CAMPBELL; Pres., or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty, Free to Inventor.. The exporlorioe of C. A. Snow tfo. In nhtnln. Inn more than UO.IHH) pateuu for inventors liiu ennbleil Muni to hulpftilly auiiwor many qunH- iiuiiB reutuiiK tnu prou;uiion oi intoiieoiuai ronorty. T nn tliov Iuivb ilon In n iiniiinlil.,!. ruiitlna briefly (if United 8tHt unci foreign fatoiit, wltli ost of came and how to prooura hem; tradu mnrka, dtmlgnH, cavunU, Infringe ments, (leolaioiiH in luadinK lmtiint ottMin.eto. Thin pamphlet will bo sent free to anyone vrtUng to U. A. Bogw & Co., Wanulogtoa, V. 0 AT THE T; LITTLE PALACE HOTEL J.M.STARK, Prop. .., Vou can get. v - 6 Meat Tickets for SI """ Our Everyday Meal . is as good as our Sunday Dinner, and our Sunday Dinner . is decidedly the best )j. Meal to be had in . C town. Try it. E.L ketcHum,M.D Office and Reuidence Corner Railroad !.''', Monmouth Streets, NDEPENDENCE, OB 12 CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. COPYRICHTS AND DESIGNS. Send your buslnemi direct to WashliiKton, saves time, costs loss, better aervioe. Uy offlo oIom to V. 8, Tattnt OOo. FREE pnllmls siy namlnatloiii nd. Atty'i tn not due until pttanl U lecnrwl. PERS0NAI ATTENTION OIVEN-19 TEARS ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain ," to., nut troo. Fatwti procured through E. O. Blggera ronrn spootsl sotftt, without coargo, la tha INVENTIVE AGE lUuatratod mosthlv Elevuth yaar tanst, tl. a Tear. JLtU. WIUUi.llU,WA8HINGTON, D. C. m 39 Si anything you Invent or improve : also got CAVEftT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo, for free exaralnRtipu and advice. BOOK OH PATENTS fee bfibrepatot! X C.A.SNOW&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C.