..oriel ew An Advertisement Which brlnft return U proof that iti in th riglt pUo. . Tb WE8T BtD bring mi wm. Tho Best Newspaper w tha nam thai ffttM fba frbast nwi. Coaipwa Inn WEST H with 7 ftJa-.w VOL. XVII. $1.50 ?5R TEAR. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNT V, OUKUON; H.VTUKDAT, AUGUST 18, 1fW0. Five Centi Per Cop, NO. 024. " i I i ii i i. JM - -f i ..ii I.... . -DOR. If: Iff ED From All Parts' of the World and the Old. New OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Compn.hvii.lv Ha v low f tha Impart eat Haaiilags of the Faat WNk Call t ruin tha TaUgraab Colaatas. Extreme hot weather continue In the "Eat. Prtnca Titan ia prevail tig to escape trom Pekin. Tha Klondike gold yield thla year ia 131,000,000. - Several persons war killed by ttorua in Nw York. . Governor Roosevelt will peak ia Seattle inaugurate a move (or International talr in 104. , Theia ia a treat demand (or timber and farm lauda in Oregon; Hot weather killed 89 paraoni in Naw York and Philadelphia. Bryan has decided to make a general campaign tour of tha country. Sealing schooner Minnie, ofYictoria, waa wrecked in Northern watera. King Victor took the constitutional oath before the Italian parliament. General Randall ia given authority to end destitute persons oat from Nome. The ringleader in the Pretoria plot to capture Lord Roberto have been ar retted. , General MncArthur send new of the surieuder of a Filipino command of m. Jeffenes ia anxious to meet Fitxsim mons and Sharkey iu the last week of August. - In the Fienoh naval maneuvers a tor pedo boat destroyer waa auuk and 42 Uvea lost. trated by the heat In the advance on Yang Tson. Chinese vicerovs want the United States to prevent the landing of troops at Shanghai. Fifteen persons were killed by rail road tiaiu striking an omnibus in Pennsylvania. Congressman OverBtreet says tha Republicans must work hard to control the next house. Encouraging developments are re ported from the Sumpter district of Eastern Oregon. Six persona were killed in an Italian railroad wreck The king and queen went to the scene. ' An advance guard of tha iuternatlon al column has pushed on from Yang Tsun to ooctipy Tsal Tsuu. A London newspaper correspondent writes a bitter complaint of the con duct of affairs in South Africa. The French press and people are not pleased with tha appointment of Voa Waldersee as commander-in-chief. Democrats opened their national campaign. Fife in a Butte, Mont., mine caused II 00. 000 damaee. there will be no yellow peril, so far aa Japan is concerned. Wisconsin Republican nominated Robert M. La Folltttte for governor. . ' Jhe postoihce at tolmx Wash., was burglarized and $40 in stamps secured A telegraph lino from Valdes to Cape Nome, Alaska, is nnder , construction, Lieutenant-Colonel Iloare's' garrison at Eland's river hus surrendered to the Boers. ' , Bryan and Stevenson were formally notified of their nomination at Indian apolis. ' General Miles says tba situation in China is serious. He says the move ment of troops is difficult. Heavy rains in the Yellowstone Na tional Park completely extinguished the forest fires which had burned for some time. River improvement will precede ami s naval station accompany the location of a government drydock on the Colum bia river, Or. One man was killed and four, ser iously injured in a collision on the Spokane Falls and Northern, near Spokane, Wash. General MacArthur's official report of the sickness in his army on July 81 is as follows: Sick in hospitals, 8,755; sick in quarters, 1,081. The third battalion of the Fifth in fantry, stationed at Fort Sheridan, Illi nois, has been ordered to China to join General Chaffee's command, : The Columbia Southern railway is extending its telegraph line through Harney county, Oregon, which is thought to be a good indication that the railroad will shortly follow, : The wife of Dr. A. McDonald West water, of Liaoyang, Manchuira, com mitted suicide at Anna in consequence, of mental depression canned by her ex citing experiences at New Chwang just before ber departure from China. Petroleum fields of some importanoe are being opened in Japan. Belgium is one of the few countries in which the death penalty, though till part of the criminal code, is never enforced, in deference to public opin ion. Three women, the wives of famous hnabands, have been accorded the honor of burial in Westminster Abbey. They are Lady Palmerston, Lady Augusta Stanley, wife of Dean Stanley, and Mrs. Gladstone. representatives oi nearly every large publishing house ia America met in New York and took step for the for mation of a national publisher' asso ciation. In her first speed trial the new Rus sian cruiser Variag, built by tha Cramps, proved herself the fastest war hip of ber class afloat, attaining a peed of 24 knots an hour. The king of Corea has lei a contract for $1,000,000 to a San Francisco man I 1 . 1 A . 1e 1 1 .. U cause astrologers told him th dead , ttei where there ha been little im Queen' spirit was unable to real, ' - j uiigwtion during the last 10 yean. LATIN NEWS. Thodor Roowvlt will not visit th I fai'Uo eoast. I General Nethuen it In touch with w mr ur" Shanghai hat word that tha Ptkin la kgtiou war desperately attacked Aug' uat 8. la a oulllaiua near Colorado Springs, Goto., two passenger war klllsd ami JSvt injured,, . President Kruger ha appllsd (or temporary asylum iu tha Auisrloau consulate at Lourauoo Marques, 0. P, Huntington, trepidant of th Southern Paoitlo railroad, died in thj AuirouuacKt, a. oi neart aiasaaa, Tha arm of th Philippine else toil General F, V. Green prasideut, Gu aral 0. Buiuiuwr a tecoud vice president. Th clothing factory of K. B. Olson ft Co , v! Chicago, was dtroyd by to, with a loss on building and good of f.5,000. . -- Contractor ar staking clo sxaas inatiou of th rout for th Klamath Falls railway, preparatory to (Iguiun th contract. Steamer Dutaohlan t mad th run trom New York to Plymouth, Kuglaud, in 5 days. 11 hour and 43 minutes, breaking lb record. Bob Fitasimniou and Tom Sharkey hav been uiatcRed to flgbt August S3 before th Coney Island Club for a purse of $33,000. Charley Wait is to be referee. Twelve heat prostrations, with on that will prove fatal, ia th record ol on day at St. Joseph, Mo., which was the hottest ot the season. Thermome ter legistered 101 degree. The queatiou of making the perma nent repair on th Oregon at hum in stead oi iu Japan ha Iteen discussed by some of the authorities of the navy de partment and may result iu hr being brought back to the Pad flu coast. The official report of th Colombian government commander in the reueut battle at Panama say the rebel casual tie were 600 and thos of the govern ment rJO, The commander intimat that the consuls favored the rebel, at, that their intervention was dangerous and pernicious. The detective bureau of New York City, is looking for Antonio Pec, banker, with office fu that city. Ht ha mysteriously disappeared. Scores of excited Italian depositor hav thronged Peso' ollices, and it i r ported to the police that the bsuker ha gone to Italy, taking with h'itn Dr.Steiuits, the chess champion died in New York. A site ha been chosen fur th new Fort Hall Indian school. The Russisn minister, will not leav Pekin before bis comrades. The besieged foreigner iu Peltlu hv food to last them only a week. . Bryan's speech of acceptance will bt reproduced by phonograph. Twelve persons were killed and 40 injured in a train wreck in Italy. The empress intends to leave Pekin before th foreign troops arrive. , Appropriation by the last session of congress were $710,160,802. The ameer of Afghanistan ia pr par ing to cross into Russian teriitory. The annual convention of the Typo graphical L uion opened in Milwaukee. Several cannervmen were arrested for packing salmon after close of sea' son. By mistake British and Ruxslsn ar tillery shelled the Americans st Yang Tsun. - Judge Lacombe, of New York, re fused to sign a writ of extradition ioi Neely. About 20 farmers near Sulem real ized 50 cents per bushel foi wheat nj pooling the same. Export of gold from New York is ex pected to relax the financial tonnloii at European capitals. The state department replied to the edict appointing Li Hung Chang peace commissioner. Two government pack trains leave Vancouver to take a transport at Seat tie for service in China. The report that the Canadian govern ment has abandoned the royulty on the Yukon gold output is not correct. An export duty is under consideration. Parejita, well-known Cohan bandit, was shot and k'Uud at Palma Sorito, 20 miles from Santiago, by a corporal of the rural guard. This outlaw had been terrorizing the country for several years, lie has committed numerous murders. A pitched battle occurred near Gra ham, N. M., between a posse, under Deputy Sheriff W. K. Foster, and two bandits who robbed a store in Graham in broad daylight. One of the robbers was killed. The other was wounded, but he escaped. C. N. McMahon, a young society man, oi Woodward avenue, Detroit, was robbed of $500 in greenbacks while coming out of -the California theater, San Francisco, after the performance by a pickpocket, who secured the roll of bills and escaped. An Atlanta jury decided that a wife is responsible (or the burial expenses of her husband. Cheap lands in Nebraska have been taken up so rapidly that few desirable acres remain. An addition of two miles will short ly be made to the -One avenues on the Gettysburg battlefield. The Kansas City produce exchange has adopted a plan for selling eggs by weight instead of by the dozen, The Chittenden hotel at Columbus. O., was sold to three Cleveluud capital ists for a consideration of $050,000. Geneial Strenberg says 100 additir al medioal officers, graduates of rpu ble colleges, are needed for duty in tl Philippine and China. Mis Llllie Ray, daughter of Daniel A. Ray, recently mai'e United States marshal of Hawaii, has been appointed deputy marshal to bei father. Census figures, it is believed, will be a disappointment for the Western 0MHIBU3 Serious Wreok in a Penn sylvania Town. FIFTEEN KILLED OUTRIGHT vrsl Nr Ware arloii.lf Injanxl- Ajrltlout nwmrrml a UraiU-VrvM- lag With Ma Wh. 61atlngtoa, Pa., August 14. Fllteen parsons r lustautly killed lud 11 others, tavtrai of whom will die, were eriouily Injured tonight ia a grade croating, about threa mile frOuv tula city, a pangr train ou - th Lehigh Valley Nw England railroad orasu ing into an ouinlbus containing 20 per H. All th dead and Injured were 1 the ouiaibu. Cot three of the oc cupants woaped injury. It ouimuu psflgr war re turning to Slatingtun from a funeral. Th dad and injured were nearly all relative ot Sophia Rcboefer, whoa otuequle they had attended. The ao oldent occurred at 8 o'clock at sharp curve. Th train waa a ipicial, aud was running at a lively rate ot speed. The omnibus cam along at a good rate of speed, thtoocupant unconscious of any impending danger. Aa th bui iwung around the curve the engine name in light. It wa too lal to atop either the omnibu or the train, and, a th driver ot the former whipped up the (our bono to cross the track ahead of the train, th latter crashed Into it middle. The occupant wr thiowu in all direction, bruised and bleeding. The. IS dead were killed outright. Phvsicisns and a special train were vent from here aud the Injured were taken to South Bethlehem, No watchman 1 employed to warn team or pedestrian of any approach ing train, aud those living in Iheviclu ity ttat it is impossible to hear an an proachiug train. The horse drawing lb bus escaped unhurt. OIO DOUBLE CRIME. Mardsiwa' HI FrUnd a4 lUfc. tbs ."" Kinross. - Columbus, O.i Angust 14,Charle R. II. Fsrreil, a former employe of the Adam Exprts Company, wa arrested this afti$x)n in this city, and con fessed to tli killing of Messenger Ine and the robliery ot the way safe of the Adam Express Company, on the Penn sylvania Hst-bound train Friday night. On thousand dollar of the mouey by stole was recovered. Ferrell was to hare been married Thursday next to Ml Lillian Costlow, daughter of an engineer on the Pennsyl vania line. , He had been discharged from the employ oi the Adams Express Company, and confessed that th motive of the robbery wa ' to secure money for the approaching . weddiug. The money recovered be had given to Mis Costlow to keep for him, say 1 tig he had saved it dom hi earning. Ferrell i but 22 year of age. He wa at the home of bis a til a need and in her company when placed nnder arrest. When the officer took him into custody he assumed a nonchalaut de meanor, but when he found that be could no longer carry out the decep tion, he made a full confession. After his statement had been taken by Chief of Police Tyler aud he wa led to a cell iu the police station, he was in a state of nervous collapse, and orders were given that he be watched closely to pre vent his doing himself bodily injury. The' cou fession of Ferrell nlsulosed a premeditated and blood curdling crime, almost impossible to believe. He said he had become desperate because of hi inability to secure employment and a realisation of the fact that he must have iiiouoy to defray the expense of his approaching marriage. The rob bery, including th murder of Express Messenger Lane, had been planned carefully. Ferrell had no accomplices and nq confidant He knew Lane well. In fact, they were friends, and be re lied upon Lane's confidence to help him execute the crime. He knew that considerable money was alway carried by the messenger between St. Louis sul Columbus, and that he was certain to secure a largo sum if he rob bed the wuy safe. Nina Struck by Lightning, New York, August 14. Nine persons who sought shelter nnder trees in the woods in the Bronx section during a storm this evening, were struck by lightning. They were James Brown, Hungarian tailor, of tbi city, his wife and five children, and Bertha Lesohowlti and Bertha Silverman. They wen taken to Fordham hospital. At a late hour tonight attending physi cians Mid they thought Mrs? Brown, two of ber children and Bertha Silver man could not oossiblr live. : The physfcian said Bertha Lc'sohowits would either die or become hopelessly insane. The party wa camping out. Ptagne Sltuatlun at Manila. , Washington, August 14. Marin hospital service advice from Manila, just received, state that the number ol plague cases there la diminishing. No information has been officially commu nicated here regarding the reported action of the Singapore health officer in quarantining against Manila. Ii Killed In a Train wraok In Italy,. Rome, August 14. A train bearing many notable persons, who had been attending the recent ceremonies here, collided with another a few miles out lide the city. Six persons wore killed outright, and several other fatally in jured. The king and queen went im mediittely to the scene of the accident. The name of the victim have not been ascertained, but it ia understood that Grand Duke and Duohesa Pierre, ol Kusais, are lafe. Rxlisd Prloe of salmon. New Whutcom, Wash., August 18. The Puget Sound packers' Association met In this city today and made a light advanoe in the price of salmon upon the basis of $1.50 for tails. Ow ing to the small pack prloes are firm Members predict that the sockeye pack this year will not equal 40 per cent of that of last season. There will be no humpbacki this fall, ai they run on alternate year. The meeting was presided Over by H. Bell Irving, with E. E. Ainsworth, secretary. 'It was at tended by representative of nearly alJ th canniris on Puget Sound. FOUR KILLED BY A STORM Tw Olksr Frobablr retell; IJr Wind and Llatalnf. New York, Augwt 16. In the storm which nasssd ovr tlilt Motion mi ai teruoon, lunr person wer killed la Brooklyn, ind two other itend very little ohnot o( recovery from injuria received. Thome Dunn, 18 year ol age, wa killed by lightning while shnltsrlnif under a tree. Prank Yatnuttn wa crushed In the wreck of Ills barn that had hn act oa Are b lhihluini and Clartnc Week, a farmhand, who waa ia th bain be fore the lUlituIng atrnck It, i missing Cliauucey Lay, 18 year ol ago, became entangled In an electric wire ana wa burned to death. Fannie llrvue. 17 vosrs old, wa badly burned and allocked In alighting front a Brooklyn Height trolley oar during tli Itorm. Th irmiiL tlid trolley car broke' and fell mam Mies Jlryua'i shoulder. Kli.i tried to push it from her and wa badly shucked. llt life 1 despaired of. , ' . Angelina Koa, W year of age. stfppvl upon a live t,:-tiiu wl u win bunted and hockd o badly th . ah mar dia. ' - At Teuafly, N. j., Llsxl North wi killed and tar mother aud two sisters were severely injured-' by a bolt ol lightning thai tltey will probably die DEATH RATE IN HONOLULU. Alarmingly High. Kspa.lallj A Natlvas aad tlapanasa. Hoiiolula, August 0.Th health re iorU for tli mouth ot Juna and July sliow an alarming lucre In the death rate, esollly among native Hawaii ana aud Japanese of the Island of Ohau, which has the only complete record. In Juna th uuiuttet of dsitb !! thousand was 45: in July 40.08, The lncwuse fur the past fsw yean, a shown ty table just compiled, hai anmsed a great dal of discussion. Is 1UU0 the July death numbered 48. Slue tlien the figure hav jamped to 60. 78, 08 and tbi year 114. Consumption head the list o( dia eases, canting death in almost every month, and there U agitation lot strict measures to quarantine patient. Th Itoard of health la dismissing a qusrsu tine against consumption, as many ieo pie come hr from other plate to en joy th mild climate, aud it I believe that they are a source ol danger to the lptilttou. Typhoid fever has lo claimed a good many victims lately, a sllsht epl domlo having developed in cue district of Honolulu. , The Untied Stetea courts In Hawaii were formally inaugurated today bj Judge si, M. Estee. Rlrlks al Mar.allla. , Marseilles, August 15, The strike of th llriueu of the Trans-Atlantic Steamship Company, which began this morning, seriously inteaferred with th arrangements for the departure of th transports, ouly one, th Polynesian, getting sway. The strikers of the oth er left th vessels. This afternoon th striker triad to prevent th Polynesian leaving th harbor, by blocking th entrance with a number ol Urge. Ten striker entered by th scuttles and threatened th firvtnen with death. They wer placed nnder arrest. It was only with great difficulty that the) com. pany'atugi luoceeded in driving th barge toward th quays, where all th maulfustants, wins CO, wer arrested , . ' yillplaoa Burrand.r. Washington, August 14. The war department received today th follow ing dispatch containing cheerful newt from General MacArthur: "Manila, August 14. Adjutant-Gen em I, Washiugotn: Colouel Urassa, August li. in the vicinity of Taug, sur rendered com maud to Colouel Free man, Tweuty-fourth U lifted State in fantry, vousisting of on major, six captains, six lieutenants, 100 men, 100 rifle and 50 boloa. "MaoARTHUR.M Two rstally Hhot bjr Kobh.rs. St. Joseph, Mo., Angust 14. Joseph Phelpot and Frank Craig, both wealthy stockmen, were fatally shot, near their homes, three mile from Nodaway, Mo., early this morning by two men who attempted a hold-up. The stock men had visited the St. Joseph niarke with cattle, and the robbers doubtlesi expected to secure a large linn o money, which had already been de posited in a bank here. Stllfrightlng In Columbia. Kingtson, Jamaica, August 18. There was heavy fighting last week south of Carthagena, Colombia. The rebels lost heavily, and retreated. Writer describe the suffering of the people as very great. One say that a disorder resembling bulionlo plague ha developed at Panama, So many were killed in the last batllu at Tann ine that lume of the bodies had to b burned, ' ; . RulitliL of an Indian Family. T. .. , . t 1 I L f ... j . ... ago, Snowdie, a Piute Infllnu of this nnnnlf. eommittHrl anii-iria Iur Mt nil rti,i r,.r.nln. t.nat wnli---4.iii liiid i n ia.vnar.niii riri. on ncenimi nr nun health, ended her life in the same way. Her mother, upon finding the child dead, procured some parsnips, and, eat ing them, also eudod her life It is unusual for Indian to commit suicide. Germany will bind troops to protect her Interests in the Yangtse valley. ' Newark Ones to Csvlta. Washington, August 15. Acting Seoretary Unckett, of the navy depart ment, today received a dispacth from Xdmiral KempfT, stating the cruiser Newark, his flagship, has sailed from Nagasaki for Cavlte The Newark hut been for some time past in Chinese waters, and was iu the vicinity of the operations at the time the Taku fort) were taken. It is presumed here, the trip to the naval station at Cavite is for the purpose of making some neces sary repairs. ' . , Formt Fires lit Michigan. ' Bay City, Mich., August 14. Fires are sweeping over the northern oountry. From Hals to Rose City, on the Detroit & Mackinaw railroad, is one stretch of flames. Whittemore ia surrounded by fire and Prescott ia in danger. At both place mills have been shut down and men are fighting the fire. The proper ty los will be large. New York, Augnst 15. Edward Duryea, the millionaire starch manu facturer, lied suddenly at his residence at Glenoove, L. I., tonight. ' Ilia wealth is sttiioated at $8,000,000.. , INESE E Poaoe Before Ministers Are Liberated. AMERICA'S FIRM POSITION iiaiaaiMS Daehaniad In This Mattar ajMga tram Caar Mtallag thai lasy Are lluidlng Out, tfsslilngton, August IS. Th rply ( fh United State governme.'! to Chita' overtures for peace wa wad publu early in the day, showing the Brnt and final position that had been takili ( Whl't tirr-nring latlsfactlou st '"ii- (wc step, the reply itatsi that it is ut nt ''Hint tht r ean be uo gen ra' notiatlons between Chin aud tli Vw" k long luinlster mui liouar are reatrained and in di4 Mi -ud tht it ' loitow a spaeltiu ta, ti ot what the United States epaU wenditltm precedent to a cessation of bottilit, vl.t That body of th relief force be permitted to 'enter Pekin unmolested" aud escort the uilnister back to Tien Tslu, The text ot the American reply U as (oi lowe ''Memorandum! Totichtug the im perial edict o( August 8. appointing Li Hung Chang envoy plenipotentiary to conduct negdtlatlon ou th part of China with th power, and th request (or a cessathm of hostilities pending neirotiatlous, oommuulcated to Mr, Ado by Mr. Wo ou the K'tb of An gust, IDOO. "Th government o( the tUnltel State learned with satisfaction of the appointment of Earl Li Hung Chang si envoy plenipotentiary to conduct uego tiatiou with the isiwers, aud will, on it part, enter upon such negotiations with a desire to continue the friendly relations so long existing between the two countries. It i evident that there can be uo general negotiations between China and the power o long a th minister of the powers and th person ouiler their protect ie& remain in their present position o( restr. Intend danger, aud that the power cannot cease their efforts (or their delivery of those rpr oiitstlve to which they me constrain d by the highest consideration ol national honor, except under an ar- raugement adequate, to accomplish peaceable deliverance. , We are ready tQ enter into an arrangement between the powort aud the Chinese govrnnivut (or a cessation of boat lie deinonstia tlons on condition that a sufficient body ol the force composing the relief expedition shall be permitted to enter Pekin unmolested and to escort the for eign ministers aud resident back to Tien Tain, tbi movemeut being pro vided aud secured by such arm aud dlsiositlon ol troop a shall be con sldered sale by the general com in aud iiiii the force compnalug the relief ex pedHlon. ALVAL A. A DEE, "Act log Secretary. Department of State, Washington, August 18, 1900." Massag Vmtn t'ongar. , A dispatch was received from General Chaffee transmitting a message he bad received from Minister Conger. Evi deutiy the message had been delayed loug in reaching him, and bis own (lis patch wa dated (our day ago, Tht dispatch waa a follow: Adjutant-General, Washington Toitaun, 8th Message received today Pekin, August 4. We will hold nntll your arrival. Hope it will be soon Seud auoh information a you can. Conger.' C1IAFFE." Tbrae Man Klllad. New York, Augnst 15. Three em ployes in the New York Steam Heating Company were killed thla morning by the explosion of a 15-inch pipe elbow. They are: Frank Shcrrick, of Jersey City; George Jenkins, Edward Brown, colored, of this city. Jackson and Brown tried to crawl out, but were overcome ana lurrocatea. uncrricic was ou the second door, iu the fire room, and wai suffocated by the steam Other seriously injured were sent home. W, J. David, the engineer, waa arrested. Mora Pay for Operators. Pittsburg, August 15. After several comereuce with the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ollloiuls, the Order of Railway Telegraphers hai secured recognition of the order and a readjustment of wages and conditions, which will mean an advance and betterment to the majority of 8,000 or more operator! employed ou the Baltimore St Ohio system. In some instances, the advance will be between $5 aud $10 a mouth. Illinois' Wheat Crop. ? Sprlngflold, III., August 11. The state board of agriculture issue J a bul letin "today stating that the .winter ,v cKJ(j of lUSiwis amount to 20, i', ,Vr0 bushels, the Urgest since 1806. Th Ouh litv is excolleut, and at the is $ 1471 ffOrOtn-, -uljeat .return since 18U4. . - Kxuloslon In Mhanghal. ' Shanghai, August 16. A native powder magazine exploded last night, The flumuge is not kuown. Foreigners are not admitted within the magazine enclosure. ' ' - llaltimora Itook H'Hka. Bultlmore,' August 15. The strike ol 2,000 union stevedores ia assuming an ngly aspect, in which minor dis turbances are of daily occurrence A big crowd last night attacked a street oar at Locust Point, in which were a number of non-union colored men. Oue of the negroes drew a pistol aud II red five shots into tho crowd of men, wo men and boys who were following them. Three of the sllbta'took effect, wounding Harry Pressor, Joseph Pensch and Arthur Raynier, .., Motor Cnr Conductor ll)bbaU Omaha, August 15. A motor car of the Omaha & Council Bluff Railway & Bridge Company wa held upand the conductor robbed of about $50 by two masked men about midnight at the Wabash crossing. There were few passengers aboard, and they , were not disturbed, '" , Heat Wave In England. . London, August 15. -A heat wave is weeping over London, thermometer registering 82 degrees. In some parts of England close to 90 degrees of heat hai been registered. t - h.'" "'p REPLY Cll ; TRAIN WREOK IN ITALY, fwelv rarseas War Klllad aad Ferty .; Iwjared. , Rom, August 18. Tb railroad ac oident which "occurred about midnight 18 mile (rota thii city turn out to have bn more serious than reported. It now appear that 18 persou ware killed and 40 wounded, ol whom 18 r wrtouily Injured, Tli disaster wa earned by th ie'e coping of two Motioni ol th train on th railroad (rout horn to Florence, bearing notable person who had bean attending the recent ceremonies here. The engine of the first section became disabled and itopH and th train wai almost immediately afterward (truck by th Mound section. The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Peter of Russia and tb member of th Turk lh mission, who had attended th funeral o( King Humbert, wer among tne passengers, but they wr unin lured. The grand duohes ii a sister ot th naw queen of Italy. When informed ol th accident, King Victor Emaul and Oun Hln, hastened to Uta on. Taw mm her sitter returned to the qulrlnai while th king and tht grand duke t ruaioed on tb apot, giving order U Mist In clearing th wrack and aaving tb injord. They re-entered the qui riual at 8 o'clock In th morning. SAN FRANCISCO STRIKE, Tb Mlllmea's Da Urn Want aa Right- Hoar Iajr. . Han Frannlcso, August 18. The Millmen' Union, backd by tb Build ing Trade Council, today began in earneat it fight for an eight-hour day, A strike baa been ordered and the strength q the movement will soon bt known. The lumber anil planning mill owner hav not yet decided whether the mill shall try to continue operationi with nonunion men or shall close down until an adjustment it effected. In four San Francisco mills and in all of th Oakland mill the union men were paid off Saturday night after their refusal to return this morning under the old nohedale and ware ordered to remove their tool (row tb works. "Unlesi torn understanding is reached before the end of the week," aid Andrew Wilkie, proprietor of th Mechanic's mill, "1 believe building will practically cease in San Francisco ami tb bay oitie aud th 18,000 men in tb building trade will be thrown out of employment." No advance in wage it asked, but the tame pay ii wanted for eight hours ai is now given for nine. The mill ineu say they cannot grant the rise aud meet Eastern competition. A ratal Maader. New York, August 18. A special cable dispatch to the Kveniug World today, dated Che loo, August 9, via Shanghai, says: A terrible mistake occurred at the taking o( Yang Tsun. Russian artillery opened fire on the American troops." Beiore the mistake wa discovered uiany American soldiers had been killed or wounded by the Russian shells. The Fourteenth took part In the attack on the Chinese trendies. Al the Chinese fled the regi ment entered and occupied one ol the Chinese posltlous. A Russian battery, some dlstauoe off did not notice the movement. It opened fire on the post tion aud planted shells among tli American troop. Th Russian were lulokly notified and ceased their Are. tabbed by aa Anarchist. New, York. August 18. James Sye laue, an Italian, waa stabbed to death with a stiletto in Ihia city last night. His brother, Angelo, knows who the murderer is, but be will not tell. "I have sworn to the vendetta," he say. "No one shall kill him but I." Th two Syefano came from Croton lake to visit friends aud in the course of their visit became involved in an argument with a fellow Italian in a sa loon, relative to King Humbert's char actor. Tb Syefane eulogised the dead monarch, the third Italian de scribed him a an oppressor of the peo ple. The quarrel ended in an affray in which James Syofane wai stabbed in the left breast. His assailant es caped, though pursued by a mob. Identity of Hugo Hobbers. Kansas City, August 16. A special to the Star from Goodlaud, Kan., says Th two Union Pacific train rohbert killed near here last week are believed to be James and Tom Jones, Missouri and Texas desperadoes. There is a re ward ot $8,000 In Misaouri and $1,600 in Texas for the Jones brothers, dead or alive. Word from Springfield, Mo., aaya the description of the robbers fits that of the two men who were iu Dallas county, Mo., and who, after leading lives of desperadoes in that state, went to Texas, The body of the tailor man will be exhumed to see if it bears marks that one ot the brothers is known to have had. Tallow favor la Havana, New York, August 16. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana say: Au gust opened with 85 oases of yellow fever in Havana. There are now 69 cases in the city, four .victims being Americans. There were 80 deaths from the fever during July. Up to Suuduy the number of deaths this month was 11, Confidence is expressed by the authorities that there will be no general (ever epidemic. Collapse of a Scaffold. Chicago, August 15. Six men were seriously injured, two probably fatally, at Whitting, Ind., today by the col lapse ot a soaffold on which they wore engaged in repairing a rellniug tank of the Standard Oil Company, Vorage for the Or!ent, Seattle, ' August 18. The local branch of the United State quarter- master's office today opened bids for 10,000 torn ot forage for immediate Jiipinent to the Orient. , ' Santiago de Chili, August 16. -The Chilean congresi today voted $2,500, 000 Chilean ourrenoy for a caigo of can, the greater portion of -which will purohased in the United States. Tenders have been invited for bnilding an iron bridge over the River Maipu . I. . Pueblo, Colo., August 18. On a ranch 20 miles from Galatea, a station about 100 miles east ot here on the Missouri Paoiflo railroad, three young boys, ions of a farmer name Van Loom, were killed today by the caving in of a sand bank into which they had made a tunnel. IIRY Mission of American Consu Hollis There. KRUGER ASKED FOR REFUQE ttaev President Wantad ta TAemaln In Laaraaas Ma -, OSS aa Until Ma Caald taste, Baata Afrlaa. London, August 18. President Kruger addressed a formal application to th United Statu to grant hlin sanctuary in case tha necessity for it trwae. Tbi occurred, according to Secretary Kelts, the day Lord Robert intered Pretoria. , The details ot the event bare been related to a reporter ot the pre by F, W, Uuger, who ha just returned from tb Transvaal, and who secured the in formation front ftearetary Kelt and theft,- After quoting tha rtry as tying President Kruger would neve ak to the mountains, ou account o hi ag. but would retreat down the Hue, finally scaping to Portuguese ter rttory, Mr. Uuger ys that the day the British entered Pretoria President Kruger tent (or W. Stanley Hollis, the American consul at LourencoMai'iues, and Mr. Hollis wa taken to Macbado dorp in a special car. I'resident Kroger asked bun if hi government would grant him (President Kruger) an asy turn in the Loiirenco Marque consulate nntll h(Mr. Kroger), made other ar rangementa (or hi departure. Presl dent Kruger expressed (ear concerning bl treatment by the Portuguese govern ment, and wished to guard a way of escape! Mr. Hollis asked for time to consult with his government, aud Pies- ident Kruger ssuced him ha would receive a week' notice before putting the plan into execution. In consequence of thii visit to the Tranavaal ami tb transmission of i res ident Kruft-er' request to Washing ton, Mr. Hollis received instructions from Secretary Hay not to leave Portn guest territory again, lie was thu compelled to neglect the interests oi the British prisoner at Noolt Gedacbt. where there wa great suffering. Mr. unger in conclusion said: '1 make this xplanation in justice to Mr, llolli wbose action ha been misuu derstood in America and Great Brit ain." Mr, Unger did not know whether the tat department eveutally gave specific answer to President Kruger't request - " BRAKES WOULD NOT WORK. II aad Kad Collision an tha Denver A Hlo Uranda. . Colorado Springs, Col., August 16. A head-end collision on the Denver & Rio Grande railway today at Monu ment about 20 miles north of this city, resulted in the death of two person" and tit injury of several others. ' Missouri Paoitlo train No. 12, north bound, running on the Rio Grande track between Pueblo and Denver, left thia city at 10:10 A. M.. 40 uiiu ate late. Rio Grande train No. 1, the Pacific coast limited, had ordera to pass the northernbouud at Monument switch. - Th north-bound train had the main line, and the train coming from Denver failed to stop iu time and crashed into th north -bound train In the forward car of the south lionnd train coming to Colorado Sprimts w ere seated all of those who were killed and injured. Gilbert and Webber were pinned under the debris and could not be reached for half an hour. Engineer Desmond, o( No. 1, state aa a reason (or the collision that when be attempted to stop at Monument his air brakes would not work. Chief Surgeon Corwiu of the Colorado Iron As Fuel Company at Pueblo and Dr, Guusaule, of Denver, were on the train coming south and immediately set to work oaring for the injured. R. F. Webber, who was killed, leaves a wife and one child. Web ber's hip was smashed, and he died almosMuHtautly. Dr. Gunsuule, do pite the fact that she was ' cousidcra jiy bruised, assisted in caring (or tht Other iujured. II. C. Barnes, of Den ver, was Injured about the legs and (ace, but not seriously. Big Halinou Hon on tha Fraaer. " Vancouver, B. C, August 10. Large number of salmon are running on the Fiaeer river, and the packing house are running full blast. Fisher men are catching as many as 500 to the boat per day. Canners are confident that the run this year will bi of fail proportions (or an off season. Klghty Acre, of Wheat Hnrned. Colfax, Wash., August 10. Fire iu a wheat Held of 100 aorea on D. K. Kensinger'i farm, 10 miles south of here, destroyed 80 acres of .fine stand ing wheat. Header and thresher crows saved halt the field bf hard fighting with wet blankets. The loss is $800; uo insurance. Munoie, Ind., August 15. A fright ful explosion ol nitfo-glycerind oc curred today, three miles east of Mont pelier. The Gaith wait nitro-glyoeriue factory was demolished and two nion injured. There was 150 quarts ot the stuff in the explosion, and the country waa shaken (or miles around. y folaon on the Btnge. London, August lli.-jrWhile per forming Monday evoniug at the Royal Opera .House, Buda Pest, tho well known opera singer, Mine. Ncmethy, according to a dispatch from Vicuna to the Daily Ex pi ess drank a virulent poison .instead of colored water sup. posed to be used, on the stage. Mine, Nemethy fell before the horrified au dience and died an hour later. How poison came to bo substituted (or the colored water has not yet been ascer tained. . . -,. Mnngll by a Train. Astoria, Or.t August 16. Struck by a train aud horribly mangled, the body of Edward Larson, a fisherman, now lie at the city morgue. He wbb stand ing at the foot of Ninth street, near the track of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad, at 4 o'clock tbi afternoon, when the train from Seaside approach ed. According to bystanders, Larson deliberately walked on the track and fell In front of the approaching engine, and when the train Was brought to a stop hi mangled body was found under the wheels. He waa itill living, but died on the way to the hospital, TRADE. ( - Inansaaa Wualnaaa la ataal Koferta ' , from tha Weat.. . Braditreet' says: Trade 1 atlll ex hibiting m?y of tb irregolaritie in cldent to tb transition period between mld-summ! and early (all trad. De spite the ho) wve, with it effect on the growing distributive demsnd, and Iso becads o' tha report of damag to tha corn crop which it ha incited, a uior cheerful feeling i perceptible In general trade, and the booking of fall order for dry good, clothing an J bard war at leading Western centers, and heavy engagement in iron and steel products, though at lower prices, ar of encouraging proportion. Price ar not showing the precipitate decline noted om time ago, and among the really encouraging feature i the ad vane in wheat, mainly based on im proved xport inquiry. Wool ) rstber firmer than of late , because of the better inquiry, though it must b admitted that thia steadiness is sotnawhat at the expense of nsw buaines. . Cotton goods'prtk of tba strength of raw mataWal mnA arhda araaknaas ia itill perceptible, brown cottons, print cloths and wide abeetinga, the natural corrective of reduced production, are being inoreasignly locj-bt. While th dry good demand a a whol 1 still classed a backward for, th eaon,bot weather i credited with some of the responsibility and trade at titnde a a rule is .one of hopeful ex pectancy. An immense bnsines in teel pro ducts 1 reported booked at Pittsburg and Chicago, and steel bars are really firmer with an advance ot $4 per ton announced bv Western manufacturer! who have sold their output up to the close of the year. Failures for the week were 177 in the United States, against 186 last year, and 23 in Canada, against 29 tail year. . . . PACIFIC COAST TRADE. aattla Marketa. Onions, new, 1 Ho. ' Lettuce, hothouse, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new. $15. Beets, per sack, 85c$l. Turnips, per sack, 75c. - Carrots, per sack, $1.00 Parsnips, per sack, $1.25. Cauliflower, native, 75o. Cucumbers 10(8 20c. . Cabbage, native and California, 2c per pounds. Tomatoes 400 50r. Butter Creamery, 25c; Eastern 22c;' dairy, 16 18c; ranch, 14o pound. Eggs 24o. ' - Cheese 12o, Poultry 14c; dressed, 1415o; spring, $3.50. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00 8 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $16.00. Com Wholo, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $25. " Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. ' Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.20; buckwheat flour, $6.00; nnt ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheal flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.8004.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped (eed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. ' Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 7 Ho; cows, 7 c; mutton 1H pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 11c. ... i . Ham Large, 13c; small, 13,; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt aides, , Portland Markau Wheat Walla .... Walla, 65c; Valley, 60o; Bluestem, 58o per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3.10; graham, $2.60; lupertine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choioe white, 87c; choice gray, 86o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, f 14.00 15.00; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $18.00 ton; mid dlings, $20; shorts, $14; chop, $15 pet ton. Hay Timothy, $11 12; olover,$7 7.60; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 46 50c; etore, 27Ke . Eggs 17o per dozen. Cheese Oregon (nil cream, 18o; Young America, 14o; uew cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.504.00; geese, $4.005.00 forold; $4.506.60; ducks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1817o per pound.' ; ..::;:;. Potatoes 40 50o per sack; sweets, 92)4o per pouna. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o; per sack; garlio, 7o pur pound; cab bago, 2o per pound; parsnips, XI; onions, lKo per pound; carrots, 90o. Hops 28o per pound. Wool Valley, 1616o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 15 16o; mohair, 25 per pound. MuttonGross, best sheep, wether and ewes, 8740; dressed mutton, 7 T)so per pound; lambs, 6s0. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; . light and feeders, $4.50; . dressed, $5.006.50 per 100 pounds. ' . Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.50; cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, 0s 7?o per pound. Veal Large, 66736o; small, 8 8-to per pound. .- Baa Franoisoo Market. - Wool Spring Nevada, ll13opei pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 Uo; Val ley, 1818o; Northern, 910o. Hops 1899 crop, 11 18c pel pound. - , Butter ranoy creamery 8222o; do seconds, 21 21o; fancy dairy, 19o; do seconds, 10 18o per pound. Eggs Store, 17o; fauoy ranch, 22o. . -a ' . Millstuffs Middlings, - $17.00 90.00; bran, $18. 60 13.60. - Hay Wheat $8 1 2 ; wheat and oat $8.00(311.00; best barley $8.60, alfalfa, $6.00 7.50 per ton; straw, 2687Ko per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 80 75c; Ore gon Burbanks, 90c$l; river Bur- banks, 80 85c; new. ll,Hc. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, - $2.7508.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 5.00; California lemons 75c$1.50; do choice $1.75 2.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, ' $1.50 60 per bunch pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 60o per .BUtlMQ . FOR FAIL pound.