THE WEST SIDE T.l.phont, No. 141. 8ATVKDAY, AUGV8T 11, 1800. RMdim or rvTHi., UOMKH I.OIHJK N. 4V MKKTtt te. .... 1 1 W ihIumhIhV ewiltllit, Membera Drill Ink ilm now ami Kovvrn tlifrnaelvw awinltiiuly Vlititui kmulllaaru Im-H.'ri liv aitmi.l o turned to MiU'itJ liv rouvvmviiL. V. I rKAZIKK. .. t J. W.KICUAKIWN.K.R.S, Tti nun on Monday ilMit'l ,lo UiiiiK, ouly laid l he Just little. any Now tylih flu, all kimln of show nt J 1,. Mocktou n. . i;.k1 iMtnuiitt nullum H. M. Wado A Co , price f .V to t'.3 COKDWOOI) taken on uborltatoii HI tlltt 9U& OHIO. Sm PuKKvr, of Scio, u vUitor hore lat Sunday, Any yonr mill fowl at the Collin, mill Uruii, $10 p ton; huit, $12 pr tun. Mm. i., il nmdo a aliort vimi to Mouiuiivum tho ttntt ol lint -tHk, w turning bm Tueaday, Fine now lino gouU' hata at J. L Stockton . v . ervam sua ic cream tod at itoliiimon . Sam Thuroton, tl tnti'ririinjj mill uiHii ot Dallaa, wa vmitor itr taut .Sunday. Saiu had bettor niovo hit law mill ,lnt uwr here where there it plenty of water to tloat lm log. . At Robinson 'a you can havo crushed f ruiu in your io cream. Mr, Eiiite Cattron, ol Wut-o, iru down on Monday tisidng hi family. Remember J. L. Stockton Bella rooJi at price to commie with any in Oregon. We are ileail to note that Mr. Claude Yottntf, recently attsistaut curator of thm place, is doing well iu hit elioeeii vroteetiioii. lie i now In a roerou little town in southern urem ami re jHrt8 tniainess rnehlug and gold dut wry plentiful. , Ten Thousand dollars of new goods at J. L,, Mocmon a. Kmil Waldman, the tconia' traveling man from Portland, intuto"Uie town look j'li'usnnt through lm pruauuee on Tue Uy. The Ladi' Aid Society of the Mfilio dist church still null ice ereatu on Satur days and an doing well, Walter Caatator hag gone to the eaal ern part of the mate to joiu his father in the harvest Ik'lde. - , For HptK-ial rate on IjIp plnHiit'a Magazine to aubsK-rlbera of lli ie xv vsr Hidk, call wt the otltce. W. 0. Cook got home from Ida trip to the southern jmilollhe state on Tuca day evening. Our creamery will aoou be in opera tion, now in the time to order your cream oeparntnr; the United Htatrs i the ehepst aud the lett.. You will tiud thetu at U. M. Wade A Co 'a. The city council did not have a meet ing on Tueeday evening for lack of a quorum. Fincat dre goods in the county at J. L. Stockton's. Why i it that farmers wilt buy fan niug mills and ft eel ranges of strangers canvansing through the country when they can buy from their home dealers for 50 per cen less. . , LX B. Iloydetton has a new dray, built it himself and is as Justly proud of his handiwork as a boy with his first pair of mi-topped ooots. Try Moore, the barber, north side of "C" street, opposite Knox's grocery store, lor a nair cut or shave. It is not considered good form for I red-haired girl to ride a white bicycle This is important aud should be remem bered. When in Salem and you want a good nieal don t forget to go to Strong' Kwtaiirant, where everything the mar ket a Horda can be had. Will the party who picked up the purse, with a little money in it, last Monday bet wen J. L. Stockton's store and the post otlice, kindly return the same to W. ft. Kelly and receive reward. Buy your cameras and supplies of F. E. CHAMBERS We can beat Dallas now raising the wind. An eastern man came in during the week with a carload of fanning mills. New goods at J. L. Stockton's to drees your whole family. Steel ranges at It. M Wade A Co's at prices that cannot he met by any can vafsing agent The Salem Statesman says that Milt Hulman, of Dallas, has skipped out with a sister-in law, deserting his wife and child. He also leaves N. L. Cornelius, the well known Montana cattle man, in the lurch for f 4,200, money advanced by Cornelius to I'uluinn het summer to purchase cattle with. Afterwards Cor nelius took Ifolman's note for the amount, which is now worthless. Homer Lodge. No. 45, Knights of Py thias, conferred the first rank Wednes day evening. There are now two can didates for tiio second rat k, which will probably be .given next Wednesday evening. ' Al Jestmp, a dentist of Salem, is mak ing arrangements to open an office in the Cooper block. F. E. Chambers had some fresh paint put on the froat of his store rooms Wed nesday, adding much to the good ap pearance thereof. A letter addressed toMrs. J. A. Mu stek, Santa Cruz, Cal., is held at the poetotfice latcausn there was a two-cent stamp lacking. Uncle Ham does not do postal business on credit, . J. R. Shepherd, the well known Polk County prune grower, says that he is satisfied that good prices await the Ore gon prune crop, and that he is confirmed in this opinion by the methods of a Cali fornia buyer, who recently visited this section. The buyer in question went around quietly to the various growers and told them that he needed a few car loads of prunes to fill an order and that in order to get the fruit he would pay an advance of cent per pound on the market price. He made the provision, however, that all who wanted to get this advanced price must mike contracts within a limited time, when he will stop buying. Mr. Shepard believes that Californiuns cannot supply orders and will have to buy from Oregon. Perl Hedges, Oliver Locke, Claude Fryer and Ernest Irvine arrived home Wednesday noon after being away from their mammas some fifteen days. They reort having a good time hunting and fishing and the rest of the boys are full of stories about Oliver which may be in print sometime. The boys would have stayed longer but Oliver couldn't stand the thick brush, the rough traveling, the cold rater and the cooking. He'd rather be at home where he has all the comforts and can see his beet girl several times a day if necessary. The next time the boys have him along they are going to smooth down the rough spots, hang hammocks in shady dells and hire a French chef. The fish they brought back are numbered by the gallon. , "During the mouths of June and July our baby was teething and took a running oft or the bowels ana etcKness of the stomach," says 0. P. M. Holll day, of Demlng, Ind. "His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy in the bouse and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of water and he got better at ouce." Bold by Klrkland prugCo. E. Paddock it ylalting Mrs. Al Herrvn and dsughUr, went to Salem on Wsdnesday. Mist F.I la Fennel), of Salem, cam orwr iasi cunuay lor iiiort viaiu Mra. E. J. Hostler left for Nawport on euneia? irain. Mrs. I. L. Smith cams home from tht coast last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson cam houis Saturday from their aeasidt tr(p. Mrs. Maria Kelso left on Saturday for arnngion. Mrs. Lynch, of McMlimvllle, rlalted Mrs. A. t . Ntauswrry during the week Miss Pearl Cooner went to Purtland inursuay lor a tiiort visit. Mrs. J. A. Mills returned from ths coast on Thursday. . . J. 8. llohanuon exnects to leava for bait Lake city this Saturday, Uet your onler fur lion ticket In to the kst ftDi olllce. W. G. Cressv left for Ptnret Sound on Monday, Home grown teaches are comlna In rapidly. K. If, Knox hat remodeled hi baka oven, , ? Misa Minnie Heart, of Klckrall. ts visiting thia week with Misa Mabel Creasy, - .., ' Mrt, Frl Edwards, of Sncdionlsh. Wash., is visiting Mrs. J. N. Jonea and Nra. O. V. Kider. . Mist Kata Jonea went to Uorvaiua on Wednesday to visit durln tbo bad ana of tlm week. Mrs. E. T. Henkle and daughter. Em ma, went to Newport on Wednesday for a two or three weeks stay. Mrs, Mottershead and Mrs. F. E Chambers on Thursday started for Nye creek for a lew days' outing. Mrs. Laura V. Carlton left on Monday for Oregon City where she wilt go into business. Frank Skinner started to Newport on his bicycle Thursday evening, where he will toy with the surf for a lew days f- Dallas will hold an election on the 13th to provide for issuing '.'."XH) school bonds to finish the school building. Link Kelly, who has been working at flood Hiver, came home on Tuesday and will remain until after hop harvest. Walter Goodman, of Eugene, is visit ing Ins uncle. A. J. Uoodman, in this city. . Polity's bova went down to Salem Sunday on their wheels. They met the Salem ball team and won the game by a score 01 3o to la. Lyon Lodge No. 20, A. F. h A. M. will meet on the evening of the 18ih when there will be work in ths second degree. Mr. Ira Powell, cashier of ths Polk County hunk at Monmouth, with his family, is rusticating on the beach at Woods' near Nestucca. Mrs. Ford Potter, of Portland, former ly Miss Carrie Munkeri of this city, ar rived on the morning train Tuesday for a short visit here. ' Mrs. J., P. Meeker and child, who have been visiting- relatives at Puyallun Wash., for several weeks, returned borne on Wednesday mornings train. Mrs. 0. N. Florins, of Vancouver, Wash., who visited Mrs. 0. Nelson dur ing the nest week, returned to her home on Wednesday. Miss Jennie Robinson came home from Amity last Saturday. In alighting from the car here, she slipped and came near having a sertoua (all. Mis sprained one ankle slightly. Mr. L. B. Frssier, who hat been living with his son, U. L. t railer in this City is quite sick at his McCoy farm where he was taken last week in the hope that a cnange wuuiu ue Deuenuiai to mm. Manager Lines, of the telephone com. pany, has built him a long ladder, al most as long as Jacob's ladder, with which to straighten out kinks in the lines. The best yield of wheat yet reported was living threshed Thursday in one of H. Hirschberg'a fielde. The average ia near 25 bushels and the wheat looks plump. Mr. and Mrs. George Kutch started last Saturday for the sescoast in ths neighborhood of Tillamook. George will put in three weeks 'chasing raaor-clamt and trimming the whiskers of the test ive rock oyster. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McDonald, of Boise City, Idaho, and Mrs. U. W. Stapleton, of Portland, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Stapleton and family, returned to their homes on Monday. Frank S. Harding, editor of the Tele phone Register at McMinnVille, passed through here Thursday enroute to New port where he will feast on clams, crabs and torn cods and let old ocean s breeses blow through his whiskers for ten days. He was accompanied by his wife, other wise Frank would bear watching. Newt and wife, of Buena Vis ta, were in town last rriday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al llerren. The Prathers had just returned from their outing on the headwater! of the De schutes river and state that they had an elegant time and have, already decided to return to that hunter a and fisher man's paradise next year. Despite the unusually low stage of ths upper Willamette river, Salem continues to enjoy a splendid steamboat service with Portland. I his fact is dun to the enterprise of the Oregon City Transpor tation company, winch has succeeded thus far in regularly following their river schedule, its two steamers the Altona and I'omona being able to run almost on schedule time. The company is do ing an enormous freight business and with its combined freight and passenger service is giving splenuio satisfaction. For a time it was feared that this com pany would be obliged to retire its steamers from the river for the remain der of the summer season, but it is thought that boats will be able to con tinue to run between that city and Port land throughout the season, and main tain the company's regular daily service with the metropolis. The boats leave Salem alternately, every day, at 7 o'clock in the morning. - ; . , ' My baby was terribly sick with the diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak, of Wil liams, Oregon. "We were unable to cure him with the doctor's aaaiBtance, and as a last resort we tried Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to say tbat it gave Immediate relief and a complete cure." f or sale by ivirkiana jurug uo, Drink THE PUREST AND BEST Bottled beer for family use to be had at - EQ. GALE'S CASTLE SALOON, Independences Mis. K. Seattle, Hop Hold Beer v Oar CreaiHiry. Ths Indeponilonott creamury wi toon be in operation, Mr. KMrklgc Inform us. It will be tho most complete plant In Oregon, having tho latest improvud nmohinory and up to date in every particular. The building Mr. Mitchell lms erccttxl for tins plant is to have Cement floors, tho advantage of which Is very apparent, being so much easier kept clean. The delay in getting started ia due to the rush on tho ninnufnc turort of tho uiaohlnei Mr. Kldridge U to uo. All these things were ordered from the factories the flrxt of May and should have been here only for the rush of " orders for creamery outfits from all over tho country. This goes to show that people are awakening to tho bilities of the dairy as against the raising of wheat. . ' We of the valley are again con fronted with 10 and 12 bushels of wheat per acre, and the army worm at work on the hops, Let us turn our attention to this other industry and give it a thorough trial aud tost ': DM. Another ons of Oregon's pioneers has passsd away. Mrs. Nancy tioff, who died at I'ullman. Washington, Monday, was t resident ot this county, (the came semis ths plains In the train captutued by Unroll in 1847, her native state twing Kentucky. She was aged about 74 years and leavea six children living, as fol low!: Samuel tioff, lndeMuidnce; Mrs, Lucretla llsoon, drains i'ass: Mrs. (ieneva Fialnr, San Krsnrii:o; Mrs, Lnvema Uelwick, Pullman, Wash.; Mrs. Sophia Kohel, Nlehait, Montana; Mrs. Mary Ellen Pierce. Ooldcmlale. Waal). Hlis also has a brother, Samul Vergm, In l. ....... I ... . .1...., 1.. .1.1. in .ikpoviui i, hiiu iu viBirm in nun Rim, ons, Mrs. Henry Hill, reaidiug in this oily, and the other, Mrs. Mary Ribbe, living in Kiodgett a Valley, ikuitoii coun ty. The funeral took place on Thursday interment being iu the Itickreall ceme tery. A large numlair of irienda from here attended the funeral. A Siwssh with a jug and a bicycle makes a queer combination. There was such an one on the streets Thursday and the first named had a bottle In eseh side pocket of his coat, re-nforced by one in his pistol pocket, Lay ton Smith got home from his hunting and fishing trip on Sunday evening. Me reitorla having had a tine time, catching plenty of trout, tie re membered the Wkxt bins with some fuurteen-inch lake trout, A heavy fog started off on Thursday morning. Xbia ia usually considered at a sign of good weather Just now a p of wet weather would he disastrous, as there is vet plenty of grain in the fields wsiting for the thresher, As the grain is not stacked a rain storm would prove very damaging. L. P. W. Qiiimby, state game and for estry warden, says all upland birds are Increasing in numbers, especially Chin ese pheasants, grouse and quail. The open season for Chinese pheasants does not commence until Oct. 1st thia year, aud Mr. Quiuiby ia taking tneasurva to tisve the law enforced that la designed to prevent their destruction. In view of the (act that the Southern Pacific does not turn a car wheel on the west side on Sundays, why can't our people petition Manager Koehler for per mission to use our motor on the line be tween here aud Corvallia on that day? There are euough who would go to the coast on tbat day who can't get away on any other. Nearly every day a large number of logs pass here on their way to the. pulp nulls at Oregon City. The logs belong to hpalding liros., who have a large number of men and horses on three Hat- boats following uo the drifting lous. for the purpose of keeping them off the gravel bars and out of the blind sloughs. it Is estimated that several weeks will elapse before they reach their destina tion. In speaking of hon nickins. a man at the editor's elbow says that growers should combine, not so much for getting pickers at a low price, but for the pur pose ol Having pickers do good, clean work, "If a nicker is discharged by a grower for unclean work, he should not be employed bv any other grower." savs our advisor, ' thus pickers would soon learn tbat merit only will hold a job." Last Saturday Charley Madison 'a hoy rove into town and hitched his horse to a post in front of Douty's. The horse got scared at something and commenced circling about the post, the buggy fol lowing, t he boy got scared, too, and lit out. After making two complete cir cles, the horse was stopped hy bystand ers and the only damage done was a broken shaft. The Wbht bids learns by grapevine telegraph that quite a niiinher of men ncl boys, who have been shooting Den ny pheusants of lute are about to receive visit from Uame Warden Uulmliy. It is too bad that our boys cannot roMiect the game laws. We don't so much on set to the rarmer potting an occasional ilril as we do the city man who sneaks off from town with his gun and says its to shoot trie dogs that are chasing Ins sheep. The Wkst Sids ulso learned that two young men from Dallas last week killed twenty Chinas and made of the occasion a big game dinner. ' ' A money earning business in Grants Pass Is for sale on account of sickness. Will bear close investigation, Address for particulars, E. C. I'bntund, Grants Pass, Oregon. Thst 1(H) acres of land, three miles from Grants Pass, is all right. House, barn, 4 acres orchard, and twentv acres cleared. Every foot of land could be plowed when cleared. If yon want a lomeforiHOO buy this one. Address. E. 0. Pentlanu, Grants Pass, Ore. PUBLIC BUSINESS. Abstract of Instruments Filed In Polk County July 81 to Atiff. (1, 11)00. . ' ' . BUMS ' ' - State of Oregon to W D Gilliam. 100a sec 4, tp 9 a r 6 w $130. O&OKK to WD Gilliam, 80a sec 5. tp 9 s r 6 w $280. L Abrame to Harriot H Crangle. Its 7. 8, blk 5, Lincoln $50. Harriet H and C P Crangle to Robert R Granule. 5 6 int in lta 7. 8. blk 5. coin $1. ' I G Singleton to Prlscilla DeWitt, a .c It 21, Monmouth $1, Chandler and Sargeant Heirs to Perrv Conner, 30.32a Mason Seward d 1 c tp tt r o w iw. Ella Fennell to Berine Cal breath. It 4 and i It 3, blk 25, Hill's Town Inde-. pendence $8. Ulara and lewis ititner to Thos Kans dell, 2Ja sec 32, tp 9 s r 6 w $25, K (J Kevt to K E Williams, nurt of It 1, blk t, Dallas $1000. Lewis Savage to C H and Fred Pfaflle. 55a sec 10, tp 7 a r 3 w $900. State of Oregon to Korv H McDonald. 240a sec 36, tp f a r 7 w-$3000. frank Jjucas to D 8 Martin (ot c ). 5a John B Smith d 1 c-$l. Elizabeth Lucas to D S Martin (at c). 25a John B Smith d 1 c-$l. . U a Martin to Elizabeth Lucas (at a . 10a John B Smith d I c-1. . In Falls Clly Hallway. ' Grunts 1W, Or., Aug. C,' MX). Kditor Wwr Him;: I rend today" in tho telegraph news from Iiulciiundeucu to the Portland Telegram that tho Uoan of Trade of Independence had son a comm Uee to Falls City to con fur with the people I hero as building a railroad to Indcpomi oneo. I wish to congratulate your iKHinle u Don their evident awaken si inn and that thev are goinir to tnk concerted action. Ten years ago I earnestly advo cated tho building of that road an tullv believed then, and am of the Huiiio opinion utill, that it will more towards advancing, the inter ests of your town than any other one enterprise. I had Mr, e, Jlut ler niako a survey from Falls City W Indei'iulonee, nt my, own ex pcimt, una I learned Iroiu it tiiiit the water fall at Kails City is 120 foot higher than Independence, and that a rcilrond from there to the Willtimetto river will be a dow (rude all the way. As a logging and lumber road it offers exception al advantaaes. The"cmMy care could be taken up the grade wit small exjKuidiiure of power, and re turning loaded the grade would al he iu favor of an economical haul If the water power nt Falls City wore developed the r ad could Iw operated by electricity. Several years ago I ucuompauiot! 0. McFartano a gentleman from Vancouver, Wash., into tho timhi belt adjacent to Falls City and he was well pleased with tho oppor tuuity it afforded for a lugging rail road, and us ho was about to so Ins railroad from anuouver out In to tho timber near there, beaHHtirei mo that when the sale win consum muted, bo would himself build the road. On account of tho panic of 181K$ his party did not buy tho road so the project fell through. A year or so later one of your lending business men and capitul ists came to mo and requested that I go oit among the citiions of In dependence and raiu a bonus for the road amounting to something like 112,000. 1 told him that if certain individual would start the list with a subscription of 12000, 1 would guarantee to raNe the rest of the amount. I heard nothing more about tho matter, so presume the first subscription could not bo ob tained. "' If tho present plan contemplates asking for help from tho citizens of Independence I hope there will lie a unity of sentiment in favor of the road. It will be of more advant age to the town than a county seat or a court house. When that rail road is completed it means a popu lation in the hills west of Indc'pciid enco of two or three thousand wage- earners, and Iiulemndence as the money center and dintributing point. It will mean, that Indcioiid enco will soon become a city of four or five thousand people, and pro perty that now is slow sale at 1(100 autl 200 a lot will then be worth and reudv sale at fo(X) and $1000. The location of Independence is particularly favorable as tho termi nus of a railroad from Falls City. You have a transcontinental rail roud system for shipment of lum ber, also the river for shipment by boat, or floating tho logs to an ex tensive market down stream. I wish the people of Independ enco all success in this enterpruc and hopo to hear of tho road being built in a short time, I am not in formed us ti'j who the promoters of tho road may bn, nor of any of the conditions, but 1 feel confident that tho energetic citizens of Independ ence will do their part towards en couraging this road, if there are not too many interested persons who are unwilling to asuist in the pros pect. E. 0. 1'knti.and. HOPS. Hops In Oregon never had n bettor prospect for a good crop of excellent quality. This is the concensus of opin ion, and there is scarcely a hop grower, dt'ttler or expert that dissents from the above statement. While it is true that the crop will not he as large us that grown some years, the hops promise to he richer, and free from vermin, unless unfavorable weather conditions should Interfere. Many of tho largo yards are in excellent condition, and the growers are enthusiastic over the prospect. Lice are few and far between, und the yards that have been systematically sprayed are entirely free from this pest that, in the past, bus buen so disastrous to the ". . ..... This year's crop will be ready for the pickers somewhat earlier than usual, and it id likely that by September 6th all yards will be alive with pickers har vesting the rich golden burrs. lucre is less contracting going on this year than usual, growers appearing to be determined to control their own crops ns far us possible. P. U CAMPBELL, Pres., or W, A MlnUlrr'a (haul Work. "I hud a severe attack of bilious eollu, got a bottle nr Chamberlain's Udle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy, took two dotes and was entirely cured," ) lU-v. A. A. Power, of KuiH.rla, Kan. "My ni'lahlMir across the street waa sick fur over a weik. hml turn nr three boitU of medicine from lbs uooior. He ued them for three or tour usys without relief, then called In simmer doctor who treated Mm for wiiiie days and gavehhu no relief, so discharged him, ( went over to see Dim ma next iiiornlig He aald tils how. la were in a terrible fig, that they hltd Imhui rutiiilng off so long that it was HiiniH.t i,iHi,y (lux. I axked him it lie hud tried C'liuiNrlalira Colin, ( imirfH and Diarrhoea Itciiusly an liesanl, '.No,' 1 went home and brought nun my iMiiti.i iuhi gave him one dow; told li tut to tske another diwe hi fifteen or twenty mlimtealf he did not tin. relief, but he look uo more aud waa en llrely cured." For aula by Klrkland Prug Co. Itesul lit lous Adopted by o, (ilbsoti V. It. (1. No iS, Ati-msi 4. 1100. Hkiikan, Wo have learned with deep sorrow, of the dentil ol the son of oui Past IVitartineiit President and Denart ini'iit t'ouucellor Helen M, (fates, and Lomtiiniider N. V. (la tea, HBNoi.visti. That (len. G bson W. H v., no. m, extends its hesrtieit sym en! by to the U resved family, aud ItMM'i.vsti, That copy of these reso- lotion lm sent to the la oily, one spresil upon the minutes of this Hireling and one to the Wkht Kioh for publication. rraiernaliy sunmitteii, i Mrs. M.O. Fluke, " tlij. K. K. Itaker, Committee. i Mrs. M.T. Cresy, ) StAfs e.s Oairt, i'itv os Tui.KDo,! i htli AmVl'NTV. I rttNK J i:Mkr mk owtli (list I'S In tho SKiuor Niriitr of llm Sim uf f, J.( iikikv k ', itiilii tjulmM In Dm I'liy hi I invito, t'imiity Kiel StuU' iilnriKI.. unit llinl milil drill Will .uy I he mini ol o,g IIUMMIKO ll, Inr eaeh ami every nn i i nunli Hint imiiiul Imiuui-oU l.y iliu uwi uf Hall's 1'itAHKM 1 1 HK. K'HANK i. I'HKNKV Sworn l before tun mid uh.miha.l i ,v lirci'iiii;, iiit.uiii tiny til iieetilliiHir, A. li. Mwl ( . A. n , iii.innu. II n I ( nurrli Curu In taken liiuirntlv mid tlliuvtly mi Iho l,., ,u uiel lllui'liua nrl..' til m lem. neiul li.r lriii.ii'iiml, (.. f.4,i lir.,r.y A'.;n TwlMdu.O. fiuei ii? i.nii(iii. tiA', Hull1. I nuuiy I'll!. ru Hie U.l. ('llyJVim.U. OmiiM'il met in siieciitl etnn Wed liesdsy evening. rir eimniiJttee directed to have fire test of apparatus. .Major Ke'.i'lmui reiiorted nrouress hi coii(ireiH'e with Manager Koehler as to sti'iH't improvement. The inarnhall was instmctuil to notify water company to repair all leaks in pirn's within 30 day. tuiniiiitlee dirvctetl to reimir ore alarm. The usual claims wereordered paid. A IW mini's Ittg lliirden of Mugaxlue. A Washington iMistmsii has been made weary uf his job by Tho Ladles Homo Journal. J im reason is that on the twentydifili of each mouth ho ia couiM!iiei to make a sik-i-Iui trip ovi r his route to deliver that magssine to aulmcrihera, He la almost completely submerged by Journals, their aggregate weight ext-eding forty Miunds, i'he noisy lutnteii preeiU'les ins carrying ny outer man matter, mo Waniunu ton pont-oflke reiHirta that the monthly consignment of Journals to sulcrihcrs In thul cily ! "the biggest lot of one puhlicatioii ever sent from our office.' The Oregon Press Assmnstion will meet tin year at Ashland, Or., on 8en lumber 19 and 'A), llcfore proceeding to tli meeting place, they will be guests of the Agricultural Male Fair Atsuciatiop, at rW'iiir, on mo iNtn and tiivnce nro- ceu iu Asuianu. iMijneii) .,. i LEO PKTKltSON, - ' (iKO. L. PKASLEE, . . F. f). WAUNKK. Kxecutive Cotnuiitlee, 8. STEW ART. President A. TOZlEtt, Secretary. i The Thurston Lumlwr company is pili ng in another lloial dam on the La- reole. It will be :'" feet in heiuht and x roils long, ami will back up the water for a dmtsnce of about a mile and a half. his, with the other four dams, will give lein a large and strong bead of water. and will guarantee them a steady supply of logs for their null at this place, Ob server. Elks Carnival. Account Grand Carnival of the Benev olent Protective Order of Elks, to le eld at I'ortiaml hrpteinlier 4tlt to loth inclusive, tickets will be sold at reduced rales from all stations on Oregon lines to Portland and return, These tickets ill be on sale HeiitemlHir 3d, ath. 0th, 10th and 13th, and limited to three days Her date ol sale. For further particulars, cull on or ad- rcss Niutiiern raciiio agent at inde pendence. feet Us on The Midway." Ths Event of ths Times- Great Street Fair and Carnival Ocoupyluir ninny solid blocks, taking Iu entire street, from curb to curb. ortland, Oregon, Sept. 4 to 1 5, 1900. ruder the auspices of the Portland Elk MurpaMHin? in magnitude and grandeur anything of the kind ever attempted 011 the Paul tie Coast. Homethlngto remember ud to the date of your heart failure. The Streets of Cairo, Ths Orlsntsl Thsstrs, , ' The German Yillags, , Ths Dancing Girls, An Arabian Pageant, . Crowning ths Queen, Rex, King of ths Carnival, Attended by His Magnificent Court. The uruiit nariula (if tho Klkn and oilier or- diTHj Tim IIhIIiui I'arlt mid Fniiiilalii; The tn HKnl Mccii 1 1 1 lti m i li hi A anil (mum Mid way tilled with wondurfiil atlravtloim; Mining lerunnuiu, rViirlrulUire and olhor exhlhlU; lipAViinini'a f'avllliiii. dnslvnud tiv wiinipu. biitlt by womun, and docornted by women for the exhibit of women's Imlimti'liil work) The grain palace, l 1 1 1 1 1 ofowgon and WushliigUm uralnn and urimscn. l.owNt rail and water rate" ever glvun to Portland from all parts ol the Northwest, Monmouth, Oregon, Fall Term Opens September 18th Tile Bluriauta of the Normal Bolioo) tire preimrtid to take the State Certificate liiimi'dliitely. Graduates readily secure good positions Expense of year from U0 to 150. Strong Aeailemio and Professional nourmes. New Special Department In Manmil Training. Well equipped Train . lug Depurtnieut. For Catalogue eontalnlng full sn nounoamsnts, addrsss . - " A. NVANN, Sec. ol Faculty, THE ARCADE. Davidson & Hedges, Props. Cigars, Clyarsttss, Tebseoes Confsetlsnsry. net First Clsss Sods Fountain In eon nsotlsn. With svsry ssh surehsss, you gs ehsnos en $50 Mllohsll bloyels to bs given sway September 20, as v II' II. WEI! UNDERTAKER, INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON uooo rruKOiin. run is Special Attention lo Ccmmcrcicl Men. liitij nl W Ms, I. W. DICKINSON, Proprietor. Huulli i.f 1,1111a VuUve llutnl, ttullronil Klrwt, InilnaouilviKi, Orvgua, The Hntel Eail IDallao, Oxo. Has Ik-cm refitted and rcnovatot from collar to uarrut, and every thing is new. Uood suinjdt! room for commercial men. KatinfacUon guaranteed. Kales, $1.0) to $2.00. bixrcial rates by 4he week. BUCK 4V SMITH, Proprietors. C.T. HENKLE, Proprietor Hot and Cold Baths at all Times. INDKPKNDBXCK - - OKEUON CLEAN SHAVE , -AND A- STYLISH RAIR CUT I WHAT YOU UKT WHKN VOtt rATHONUK Kuteh's Barber 8hop. IiidciKiiiIeiifo Oregon For Draylng Cull on F. M. SKINNER, . Independence. Orders for hauling executed promptly and at reasonable rates. G. L Hawkins Indcpeodcsce, Ore. MARBLE and 6R&HITE Monuments and ' Headstones Cemetery Work etc. J. KIRKUND, NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate.... Insurance, Loans. Main Ht. Independence, Ore. Dan P. Stouffer. Insurance...... and Collection. Titles Examined. CHARGES REASONABLE. Main Street Dallas, Oregon. MOTOlt LINK TIMETABLE Corrected to rtntn. Leave lndi'iiend Leave Alrlle for cuee tor Monmouth Monmouth aud and Alrlle. Independence. ,Ti80 a.m. ; Hiltll p. m. . 0:111) a. m. , 8 0O p. ra. Leaven Dnlla for LeHven In(l0innl- enoe for Monmouth Aloiinioiith aud Iu- dependenue, aud Unlln. ' lliOOa. m. 7:13 p. m. 1:01) p. m. 8:30 " Leaven Monmouth I.enven Monmouth for Inilependeuoo. for Alille. 7 00 a in. ' StfiO p. m. 8:4 a. m." 1::(I p. in. . l40 p. III. Bi4 p. m. ': " 9:00 p.m. ' . Leave. Mouinouth for Dullm. lliao a. m. i7i30p,m. Leaven lnclentmd- euoe ror monmouin ' S:Oa p. ra. u'UII BARBER OREGON'S GR EATEST STATE FAI R SALEM. September 17 to 22, 1900. Polk County Bank (INC()RPOBATED.) MONMOUTH, ORCQON. J. B. lUWI.KT, r.Ut'tVPRKIJ,. I'mlilrat. Vkfroldrat. iat. rilWI I,!, laxklrr. Paid Capital . . $30,000.00 DI RECTO RH: J. If. Hawley, P. L. (Campbell, I. M. Biiiipwin, J. it. V. Itutlor, John H. Htump, V. a Powell, Joseph Craven. Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business. Smoked Glasses- Protect your eyes from the jr.lare and hoteun with u pair of ymoked glasses. Wo have, a fine assort ment. For Sale byx 0. A. KRAMER & CO. Jewelers asd Optklasa. Independenco - Oregon Are you looking: for a brush? Not with Germanybut a hair brash, tootli brush, or a silver-polishing brush. I have a good all-bristle hair brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up. INDEPENDENCE. OKEQON Who said there was nothing new under the sun?.... If you think so, you will have to change your mind when you see that.... 'Special Bicycle" Campbell Bros. They also have the celebrated 'golightly'V imperial for "DOCTOR UP" Changeable weather between two seasons encour ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it. Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and for everything kept in a well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRK LAND : A Big Kick man makes when his laundry work ia eent' home with poroupine edgss sad spread eagle button holes. It he would bring his llueu to an up-to-date laundry, where perfect methods obtain at all times, auoh as the Salem Steam Laundry, he will reoelve his shirts, collars and cuffs equal to new every time that we send them home. SALEn STEAM LAUNDRY COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. Leave your ordera at Kutch'a Barber ahop, or with the Salem itage. A.T THE- LITTLE PALACE HOTEL 3. M. STARK, Prop. You can get... 6 Tickets for Si Our Everyday Meal is as good as our Sunday Dinner, and our Sunday Dinner . is decidedly the best Meal to be had in town. Try it. - E.L.Ketchum.M.D Office and Bt-sUimice Corner Railroad ,, Monmouth Streets, INDEPENDENCE! QR The Independence ; NATIONAL BANK Capital Btock, $50,000.00 H. HIMCHBKM, 1 ABRABA M rrciMrnl. VIcs-riMldtal O. W.IKV'IKI, OMiUr. DIRECTORS. 1. 9. Smith, A. fiction, A. N. Bath, R. K, Ju (rtftoo, 1. K. KhodM, D. W. start, U. HlncbUrf A fenermt Rtnlflne d4 ichm koilnen Irtmaotcd ; loan, mvt, tillli riifcrunUHl, com. Brrvml cicdlta triii1; dMlu) rowWed a euruui wuiuuni lubjwt U eboek, ia itrn I mis MUttdtMiU, . The Castle Keeps conHtaiitly'on JiuikI a fine aniiortmnut of Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Also the famous Hop Gold Beer. ED. QALE, Proprietor. A. s. LOCKE, Prescription Druggist Independence, Ore- $25. DRUG CO. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRICHTS AND DESIGNS. Send yonr bnalneaadireet to WaahinKton, aves time. oosU leaa, bettor acrvlce. lty ofllca eloaa to U. 8. rntant Offlca. FREE prellmln arr Mamloatloni mad. At.ty'8 fM not due until patent lineareil. PERSONAL ATTENTION MVEK-19 YEARS ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Boot "HowteoMalnFatanti," te., tent traa. Patenti prooarad through . 8. Slggon nctlva apeelal notfe. without oharga, in th. INVENTIVE AGE Ulutratail monthly Elmnth year tarmi. $1. a year. E.G.SIBBERS. Late ot u. a. snow a vo. 918 FSt.. N. W.. WA8HINQT0N, D. C. anythlnp: you invent or improve i also s-et CAVEAT. TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. DflMf Ml DITrilTC ?. HoAttrt uuun un hi km fee before patent. Vritej Patent Lawyer. WASH I NGTO N.D.C. v: 1 1 tP WNrffllllLlKllllii '