The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 11, 1900, Image 1

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    An Advertisement
Which bring return U proof rha?
it k in tb rigll plao. Tn WESjt
BIDJB bring a wart.
The Best Newspaper
b tb ou thai gitei tb raost nl ;
frbat newt. Compare tb WCTZ
SIDE with any paper to Polk county.
vol. xvir.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Fits Centf Per Copy.
NO. 023.
From All Parts of the Neyr
World and the Old.
Comprvheualve Kovl.w of the Import
"I Harniilrg Bf tha Paet Wnk
Culled. Prow tha Telt-graph Columns.
Fire at Ashland, Wit., -did $1,000,-
000 damage.
v The Unit! Statu again present lit
claim to the port.
A passenger wat ahot dead by train
"robber iu Colorado.
Germany ii preparing to send aootbar
large txly of troopi to Chin.
Four man were killed and one gtort
?.VBT m 4n Mteapaat .
War department forwarding war
oppliea tor ait month to China.
Chinese attack Tien Tela attar allies
moved forward, bat were repulsed,
Boxers ami imperial troop fought
together againit Admiral Seymour.
1 General Chaffee hai ttarted for Fekln
with the British and Japanese forces.
I A fire at La Grande, Or., consumed
property to the value ot about 128,000.
i Chinese government orders that the
ministers have proper escort to Tien
Feeling apainst Bolsa, Idaho, water
company may lead to municipal own
ership. - ,
. Senator Teller says conn rets should
he called to deal with the Chinese sit
uation. I General Dewet is said to be so hem
med in that escape (torn the British is
; The United States civil commission
will take charge in the phlllipine.
September 1.
I Naval officers are favorable to the
construction of a drydook on the
Columbia river.
Towne will announce in a tew days
whether he will stand aa a candidate
for the rice-presidency.
In the Philippines, a am all Ameri
can command, under Lieutenant
Altataetter, was captured.
A bridge near Eddyvilla, Or., col
lapsed, carrying down five persons, one
of whom was killed outright. ,
. A party backed bv E. II. Harriuian,
the railroad magnate, ia looking for
copper on White river, Ynkon territory.
Sbeng says an imperial decree has
Leen issued that there aJiall be free
communication with the foreign min
isters in Pekin.
In a decision at Albany, Or., Judge
Boise held to the doctrine that it la the
buyer's loss if be accept grain from
warehousemen that belongs to storers.
Japan, if necessary, can send 70,000
men to China.
. Kentucky Topolista nominated A.
II. Cardin for governor
Smallpox at Cape Nome ia well ia
hand and decreasing.
Iowa Republicans remembered Min
ister Conger in their platform.
A workman was crushed almost to
jelly in a Lane county, Oregon, saw
niill. New Hampshire Democrats nominat
ed Dr. Frederick T. Potter ' for gov
ernor. i King Victor Emannel III, successor
,to King Humbert, baa arrived at
! in Germany, 8,650 officers and 20,
000 men have volunteered for Chinese
Government will investigate the
anarchist activity in the vicinity of
New York. '
Chinese imperial government is us
ing diplomacy to check advance of al
lies on I'ekin. .
Sir William Vernon Iiarcourt, liberal
leader, estimates the cost of the Boer
war at $400,000,000.
Edicts of the Chinese imperial gov
ernment issued as late as July .2 order
ed the Boxers to kill the Christians.
Ex-Governor Roger Wolcatt, of
Massachusetts, has accepted the ap
pointment as United States minister to
' It is strongly intimated that Oregon
school land business ia manipulated by
officials for the benefit of a private
Senator Foraker says the Democrats
have as much show of winning con
gress as they had of carrying Oregon
last June.
Navy department sharea the general
distrust that all was not well on the
battle-ship Oregon when she :, went
' The amount of gross gold in the
United States treasury ia $431,170,
764, the highest in the history of the
The government of Nicaragua has
taken possession of the property of the
Martiiie Canal Company and removed
the company's cars, rails and property
to the interior from Grey town.
If you never begin a task you will
never finish it.
According to Mr. Wilson, secretary
of agriculture, the skins of superfluous
dogs in Nebraska are tanned and made
into gloves. This might give a valua
ble bint to many large cities where
great numbers of stray dogs are killed
annually. Hundreds of thousands of
dollars' worth of canine pelts are im
ported annually for this purpose, dog
skin being one of the best materials for
gloves. -
In the New Hebrides human life has
been made safer by the introduction of
pigs into the island. The cannibals
are said to prefer roast pork to roast
man. "1
Dr. A. Donaldson Smith, the Ameri
can explorer who has just returned
from a trip through Central Africa, is
accorded a place alongside Stanley and
Livingston by the scientific men of
London. During his last trip Dr.
Smith discovered four new tribes of
natives. They were uncivilized, but
timid, and fled at the aight of tb
American's party.
St Louis strikers blow np a car with
Harrlemlth surrendered to the Brit
ish Angust 4.
Russian troops looted, tortured and
murdered at Tien Tsin. a
Towne declines the Populist nomina
tion tor vice-president.
Lt Hung Chang says the Chinese
must fight lt the allies advance.
Americana waut General MacArthur
to lead the international forces.
Chinese rerted to have 170,000
troops between Tien Ttia and Pekin.
Insurgents are troublesome in the
vicinity of Cagayan, Island ot Miu
danao. v
Governor Geer says he will offer
Oregon troop it war shall be declared
against China.
Fire in the heart of the city ot Blue-
fields, Nicaragua, did damage to the
amount of $175,000. Vl
Three paopl were killed and II in
jured in a collision on the Monou
route, near Lafayette, lud. .
Conger cables that the situation of
the ministers is precarious. Imperial
troop are firing on the legation,
Battery O, with iu 7-iuoh slegt
guns, the lamest iu the at my, and 176
men, have left Fort Riley, Kan., for
Memorial lerivces for Humbert in a
Cathoiio church at Washington augur
better relations betweeu the papacy
and the Italian government.
It ia stated positively that President
Ktuger is willing aud anxious to sur
render, providing a satisfactory promise
is given a to bis ultimate destination.
A. If. Zeigler, of Santa Cms, Cal.,
formerly a justice of the peace in
Idlu, killed his wife by cuttiug hoi
throat, and attempted suicide by hack
ing his own throat.
Fire at Spencer, Tioga county, N.
Y., destroyed the saw mill, grist mill
and the lumber yards of A. Zeeley, the
Grove hotel, the town electric light
plant, the Lehigh alle? railroad ate
tioii, and other property, entailing a
loss of $150,000.
Bev. Father Stemmans, secretary to
Archbishop Chapelle, arrived at San
Francisco on the transport Khermaa
from Manila. Father Stemmans has in
his charge four Filipinos, who rams
here to be educated. Three of them
will go to the university of Anu Arbor,
while the other will attend the Santa
Clara, Cal., college. The young men
are sons of wealthy Filipinos. They
are Santiago Artiaga, Juau Toe son,
Lorenso Ourubio aud Viucente Out
ogue. Democrats sweep Alabama.
General Miles volunteers to go tc
New parasite discovered which de
stroys army worm.
Prince Tnau and Li Ping Iloug are
in control of affairs at I'eklu.
The allies were defeated in a battle
with theChinese at I'eit Saug.
Transport Logan arrived at Sau Fran
cisco with refugees from 'lieu Tslu.
Rich strike made in the Concord
group ot mines in Sompter district.
The assassin who hud designs on the
life ot Italy's new king was arrested.
The British ere slowly closing iu on
President Steyu aud General Dewot.
Good prospect for Southern PhoUIc
railroad to build a line to Klumiith
Russia and United States are ucgo
tiutiug to uphold the integrity ol
Telephonic communications iwtwecu
German and French cities have noun
Ex-government officials claims re
ports of disease in Cape Nome section
are ontrne.
Japanese government prohibits the
emigration of laborers to the United
States and Canada.
Mrs. Carrie N. Walker, supreme
commander of the Maccabees, died at
her residence in Detroit, Mich.
Li Hung Chang has oflicially notified
the consuls at Shanghai that the iniu
biters left Pekin under escort August 3.
Dennis Coghlau, the wealthiest man
in Toledo aud Northwestern Ohio, ii
dead. His fortune amounted to $16,
000,000. A collision occurred on the St. Lou in
Southwestern railroud, near Pine liluff,
Ark , in which five men were killed
and two seriously injured.
The count of the population of Buffa
lo, N. Y., just completed at the census
oflice is 852,219. The population in
1890 was 285,004. The increase is
87.11 per cent.
A destructive forest fire is sweeping
the timber area between the Upper
Geyser Basin and the lake in Yellow
stone Rational Park. The line of fire
is 10 miles long and spreading rapidly,
Chicago packers have been asked by
the government to furnish 2,000,000
pounds of meats within 80 days for the
American soldiers in the Orient, 1 bin
is said to be the largest requisition
ever issued by the government of the
United States.
If there enters your soul a sense of
peace which makes you forget all that
is behind you, all that is mournful and
confused in your past, that is God.
Some time ago the Princeton, N. J.,
university presented to the British
museum 250 specimens of North Ameri
can birds' eggs many of them of rare
species. Now the British museum re
ciprocates by presenting to the Prince
ton university 2,000 mounted birds, in
cluding brilliant specimens from India,
Australia and the Malay islands.
The difference between the tallest
and shortest races in the world is one
foot four and oue-eighth inches, and
the average height is five feet four anr"
one-half inches.
Dramas played in India generally r
quire about seven days for thoir pei
formance, , The curtain goes up at I
o'clock ia the evening and reinaint
hoisted nntil next morning. People
who attend the plays take ttnir bedt
with them and enjoy a good, long sleer
between the acts. The favorites pre
sented show the exploits of some god,
No price is chanted tor admission.
Dewet's Escape Impossible
Through British Cordon.
There Is Also Scarcity el feod Among
the Burghers-Many Pretorlaa Have
tea mi Into Kills.
London, August 7, A special dis
patch from Pretoria dated Saturday
"General Christian Dewet la com
pletely surrounded near Roitaburg, aud
It ia impossible for hit forces to escape
through the strong British cordon.
The lloeia aay they will make a stand
at Machadodorp. They are , short ot
ammunition and food. General Ham
ilton, by ta rapidity ol hit move
ments, prevents reluforoainwtt reach
ing Commandant-General Botha.
"It appeara that alter the train car
rying Uuited States Consul Btowe and
rlylug the Stars and Stripes was de
railed at Honing Spruit, south of
Kroonstad, concealed Boers fired, kill
ing 40.
".Many residents ot Pretoria have
been sent Into exile for having behaved
cruelly to British sublecta be lore or
during the war. The terms ot exile
vary, In one iustsuee reaching 25
livers Make Anolhcr Captor.
London, August 7. The Loureuco
Marques correspondent of the Daily
Express, wiring Saturday, says:
"Transvaal advices declare that Geu
eral Baden. Powell was wounded dur
ing a receut eugngemeut at ftnsteulwrg,
where the Boers, according to their ao
count, took some prisoners aud cap
lured 831 wagons.",
Ou rattang ar Ha.tatsil Demand
lor Honor.
Kansas City, August 7. A Journal
special from Sauna, Kan., says:
Tb Union Pacifio east-bound pas
sengor train No. 4, which left Denvet
last night, was held np by two meu
several milea west of Hugo, Colo,, 90
miioa tbia aide of Denver. The pas
sengers iu the Pullman .sleepers were
robbed of tneir money aud valuables.
An oid man named Fay, a resldeut ol
California, who had been visiting Den
ver and wan on his way to St. Louis,
refused to surrender his valuables and
fired a ahot at one of the robbers, but
missed him. Thereupon the robbers
returned the fire, one shot entering
Fay's mouth and coming out the back
of bis bead, killing htm almost in
stautly. The robbers stopped
train, jumped off and escaped.
The robbers got ou to one of
sleepers near Lltnon, and after
train had started the men made a noise
at the door. The conductor, thinking
they were tramps, opened the door to
put them off. The rubbers, who wore.
masked, pointed a pistol at his head
aud ordered him to lead the way through
the coaches. All of the passengers
were asleep, and the conductor was
orlei ed to wake them one at a time.
The frightened passengers were told to,
keep ou lot or they would be killed, and
at the same time were asked to hand
over ther money aud valuables. The
robbers ohtaiucd about $100 in cash and
a number of gold watches snd pieces of
jowelry. The robbery took place a few
minutes before 1 o'clock this morning,
l-arlo Tab lrl.r. Hlrlke',
Paris, Angust 7. Four thousand cab
drivers have gone on a strike, demand'
ing a lower rate for renting vehicles,
There have been no disturbances, bsi
the Bepublicnn guards protect the eta
bles. A fire at the headquarters of the
Ceimloe Cab Company at St. Ouen this
morning destroyed all the cabs and IB
horses. Ten persons who were assist
lug the firemen to put out the flamci
were injured. v
Wrong Man Killed.
New Orleans, August O.Last Fri
day, when the mob riots were at theii
heiuht, a negro, supposed to be Burks
Jackson, was taken away from tho po
lice aud shot to death. It now dovel
ops that he was not Jackson. Jackson
was later captured at lola, Miss., and
today was returned to this city and
lodged in juil. '
. Mlaotonnrlcs From China.
San Francisco, August 7. The trans
port Logan arrived at midnight, 8C
days from Manila, via Nugasaki and
Yokohama. She is understood to have
on board a number of refngeo mission
sries from China, bnt no one will be
landed nntil after the vessel is inspect
ed by the quarantine officer,
Confederate General Iload.
New ' Orleans, Angust 7. General
York, a Confederate soldier, died at his
home in Natchez, Miss,, today, aged
86. ' '
ilot Day at Detroit.
Detroit' August 7. This has been
the hottest day of the summer in De
troit, the thermometer registering 96
degrees. ' '
Chicago, August 7. -Heat today
caused two deaths and several pros
trations. It was 04 in the shade.
Four Injured In Collision.
Columbus, O., August 7. An eloc
trio oar strnok a large wagon filled
with a fishing party, on High street,
tonight and six persons wero injured.
The more seriously hurt are: Julian
Rose, Boston, Mass., variety actor, leg
fractured; Fred Gefcller, spine injurod
and elbow split; C. E. Fuller, two ribs
broken; Carl Eilbert, bud wound in
back of head.
Our foreign, trade continues to show
great increase.
William Was Imperfectly Informed
Berlin, August, 7. Vorwaerts, the
Socialist organ, referring today to
Emperor William's arraignment of the
workmen at the Bremen shipyard fot
striking, when the fact is that they
were locked out, complains that the
kaiser was imperfectly informed of the
conditions of the case by his advisers.
It then points out other instances
where Emperor William has made
speeches in which be publicly charged
innocent persons with offenses of one
sort or another simply because his la
formation was incorrect.
Allied Foreoe Leal MOO U aa
Bngagetnaat With t'atneeo.
Washington, August 8. Tin follow
ing cablegrams have been received at
the navy department:
"Cbe Foo. August 8. Bureau ol
Navigation, Washington: There ia
British report, nnoiriolal, of an engage
ment at Pelt Bang, Snnday morning,
from 8 to 10:80. Allied loss In killed
aud wounded, 1,800, ohlelly Kuasiaui
and Japanese. Chinese are retreating.
"Che Foo, August 8.-lloreau of
Navigation, Washington: Official re
port, believed reliable, says about It),
000 allies heavily eugaged the Chines
at Pelt Sang, daylight, 6th.
Pelt Sang is the first railroad station
about six utiles northwest of Tien lain,
en route to Pekin.
Tausls-. who sinned
the first dispatch, 1 In commau
-" "
the Yorktown, which is at Clm t'ov
Interest In the Chinese elttmtim wni
intensified this morning by h nunivi
ml two 4lsMteJM frata-eM'Mi oftt
t Che Foo, repeating uuo.lioutl but
apparently reliable reports el active
aud extensive hostilities between the
allied force and the Chluese" on th
line between Tien Tsin aud Pekin
The dispatches ludlcate uumlstakably
that the relief column has started in
earnest, and that it Is meeting with
determined opposition. Although
ueitber of the naval dispatch men
tion th presence ot American troop
in the reported engagement, it 1 gen
orally assumed at the war department
that at least a part ot General Char
fees' small army took an active and
aggressive part in tb affair.
According to the information In pos
session ot the war department, th
town ot Pelt Sang is at the head oi
tidewater on the Pei Ho, between II
and 12 mile by road beyond Tlon Tsin.
It is a village of mud hut of coiildera
ble siae, but not walled. Th river al
this point 1 not navigable by auy thing
larger than a good-slaed steam lauuch,
aud it Is thought that the troop probe
hly reached there in (mall boat towed
by th naval launches. Th country
along th river Iwtween Pekin aud Tien
Tsin i a low alluvial plain, almost
impassable for wheeled vehicles in th
wet season, and under quite a blgb
state of cultivation, it pieeeuts ne
natural defensive features, and the wai
department know no strategic reason
why the Chinese should have made s
staud there, rather than at any other ol
the dosen village east of th walled
town of Tung Chow, when 1 stored an
immense amount of provisions opou
which th city of Pekin would have tc
depend in case of siege.
Stevedore Strike.
Baltimore, August 8. All th union
stevedore in Baltimore, numbering
about 2,800, went on a strike today be
cause the steamship agents refused to
agree to employ no more non-union
men, Th trouble began several days
ago. This moruUig the leaders of the
union presented to the agents an ngne
menl binding them to employ union
men exclusively, which the agents
unanimously declined to sign. Th
strike was then ordered and promptly
obeyed. A laige number of non-union
men are at work today, and a yet
there have been no attempt on tlx
part of the striker to interior with
them. -' '"
Canadlaa raelda Strike. "
Winnipeg, Man., August 8. The
striker met today and passed resoln
tious asking people not to patronise the
Cauiidiiin Pacific traiue, excursions,
etc. A committee was splinted to
wait on tlui caterers, whose minimi ex
cursion to Bat Portage, requiring five
trains, is to be held Thursday uext,
asking that it be cancelled. Otner
railway orders express strong feeling
In favor ot the strikers, ami all have
recently had aeoret meetings. The
company hss issued a circular stating
its side of the Cjiho. This has been sent
to provlnelul points, and will not be
made publlo until tomorrow. Offi
cial are silent.
Arreit on Account of the Hhah.
Paris, August 8. The French poller
have arrested, at 'Abbeville, Augusts
Valette, a dangerous anarchist, who ii
supposed to hav been the lustlgator ol
Sal sou's attoiupt upon the shah of Per
sia. Valotte left Paris immediately
after the crime. He and Salsou will
be confronted. Today the police tried
to discharge Salson'i revolver, but not
one of the five cartridges exploded, be
oause of the way in which he had filed
the hammer,
Guardian for Charles lloyt.
Claremont, N. Y., August 8. Ths
appointment of James O. Lyford, ol
Concord, a guardian of Charles II,
Hoy t, th playwright, wai made in the
Sullivan county probate court today,
Mr. Lyford will eisume management
of all Mr. Hoyt'i business af! mm. and
will endeavor to preserve a much m
possible of Mr. Hoyt's personal estate,
the monetary value ot whlob is a wit
ter ot conjecture.
- ? - - i .i i .i
Hot Days In Chicago.
Chloago, August 8. Nine ueraom
died and a score were prostrated as u
result of the heat here today, Ths
mercury reached 91) degrees in the gov
ernment office this afternoon. Thl
wind was stifling. The weather offloi
says the hot weather will continue in'
Anarehlet Ulut la Cliloago.
Chicago, August 8. An anarchist
riot occurred this afternoon at the cor
nerof Twelfth aud Halstead streets, in
Which 25 people were bruised ifl I
struggle with 45 policemen. Five pei
sons were arrested, among them beinp.
Mrs. 'Lucy Bumms. widow of Albert
R, Parsons, who was executed Novem
ber 11, 1887, in Chicago for aiding and
abetting the bombthrowing in the Hay-
market riot. She was charged with
disorderly conduct and resisting an
officer. Her ball was fixed at $1,000.
Wage Reals Signed.
Pittsburg, August 8. Word was re
ceived at the headquarters of the Amal
gam a tod Association of. iron, Steel and
Tin Workers today that the wage scale
bus been signed by the Southern cai
combine for all its mills in the South,
This moans work for about 1,800 men.
William Clark, of Newark, N. J.,
president of the William Clark Thread
Company, died suddenly at hit home ol
heart failure, which followed a severe
attack of Indigestion. He waa weV
known on botb aide of the Atlantic
liS D. HOW
Declares the District All Rlg-ht
for Praotloal'Mlners.
Tea Thousand In tlis Camp WkoSkoultf
Xol Ha Tliara-TblMks Uonaramont
Skoalil l-rovltl Tran.f urtalion.
Seattle, Angust 8, "Nome I all
right for th practical miner, hot 11
contains about 10,000 people at this
lime wlm hav no business there," isyi
Charles D. Lane, th California mil
iwniur milling man, "oin," air
-of utvwmr w-' - - .1 a i .i .a j
I ii i r iimu, is all i iHiiva ii tc
be l I perhaps nmwt, . There is plenty
(it cup there aud tti camp wnl demon
itta'a I'm tiuthfuintso( my assertion,
1 rr? istrsty ,m belnss and axpaot tt
retmn'i-u! 1 t wu as possible. Sc
many lns).Heit'l people being In
the ihxtrtvt s Iwmid lo result In disas
trous eonseqneuces. Many of them an
broke and discouraged. They eaunot
"Do yon think the government will
provide them trauspoKtatiou lack tc
th states?"
"It the government want lo do tb
right thiug it certainly will."
"How it the smallpox situation?"
"It it not tt all serious, l geaitlf
could have a many oases and nothing
would be thought of it. ; There sro
few cases of smallpox at Nome, but
they are of the very mildest form.
Ther has been bnt on death from th
disease, and of the total number whe
hav had th smallpox ther is not
pitted man in the lot. Ther was n
tense in such a scare."
Mr. Lane spoke of hlsownoperatlom
In th camp, saying he had completed
the Wild Goose railway; which runs
from Nome City to th mine on Anvil
creek, a distance of eight or nine mile,
lt Is now iu operation, handling botb
freight and iassngiirs.
"As to mining," Mr. Lane (aid in
conclusion, "that has been greatly re
tarded owing to a lack of water. Ur
to the time we left there had been but
little rain, though we had a shower ol
two while ws were en route, to Dutck
harlior, aud these ralus may have x
tended to Nome. 1 think there will U
more or less of rainfall at Nome this
month, aud if it come lu sufficient
quantities the gold output ot the die
met will yet be considerable, in an;
event, my faith lu the camp as an ulti
mat gold producrr ia unshaken."
An Old reed fought Out al a finale It
v HlMourl.
Parmlngton, Mo., August 8. Foot
men 'were killed aud one fatallj
wounded in a shooting affair between
William Dooley and bis four tons on
one side, and the four llarrit brothers,
ua the i4ni, Due Bun, one of the win
ing towns of St. rraticoi county, at
the result of a fued. William Dooley,
West Harris, James Harris and Johc
Dooley were killed, Frank llarrit wai
fatally wounded, and Meiy Littrell, i
young gin, was struck just above tm
ankle with a rille ball.
A tow davs ago the Harris boys sent
atird to the Dooley that they would
be at Doe Hun and intended to run tin
Dooleys off the grounds. Just how tbi
shooting began is not clear. All tht
Harris boys except one, BUI, won
shot. (Mm was killed tuxtautly. Thret
ol the Dooley boys, who were unhurt,
came to Farmingtoii and gave thorn-
selves up. Thoy are lu jail.
Ilattlo With Moonehluera,
Paul's Valley, I. T., Angust 8. Al
a result ot a pitched nattie, , witt
moonshluers near Johnson, 20 milei
from Panl'a Valley, one deputy mar
shal whs wounded slightly aud another,
Hchriiiipsher, of Paul's Valley, it mita
Ing. The outlaw i escaped in the dark
ness, lt i believed Sohrlinpsher fol
lowed the band and was killed. Item-
forcemouts were sent from here today.
The outlaws are a part of a band that
wat rallied near Centoi a few day ago,
when live of itt members, togethei
with a still aud a quantity of liquor,
were taken. The leader, named Tice,
a veteran Arkansat distiller, and othoi
members of the gang escaped. Aftei
fonr days' pursuit they were located bj
a posse of deputies in a deep ravini
near Johnson. A domnud tb surrendei
was answered with a volley of bullets,
and shots were exchanged for over an
hour. The deputies surrounded thl
outlaws' position to await daylight,
but the latter escaped during the night
Heavy Thunder storm,
Plattsburg, N. Y August 8. Thl
severest wind, rain and thunder showoi
ever experienced in this section brokt
over this city tonight. Th Laki
I'hnmplaiu Yacht Club held it annua)
ru e moot here toilay, and tonight thl
tlx t anobjicd in the bay near Hotel
ClttolOt Bluff Point. The itona
irtru k tho ficot, and many of the yaohti
wen draped from thoir moorings,
The Valhulla, owned by W. B. King
land,of "Burttngtonr Vt., wat blowr,
out Into the lake about half a mile,
whon it capsized. Mr. Klngsland'i
son, a man of 20 years, who was on tht
yacht with hit father, waa drowned.
The father managed to cling to thi
dingey and was later rescued. .
Quarters for Refugees.
St, Petersburg, Angust 8. A tele
gram from Kbabarvosk says: About
6,000 persons railway officials and
their familieshave arrived here from
Churbin and other points, having re
ceiVed order from government official!
to embark on steamers. Among them '
are 44 wounded aud 83 on the invalid
list. The Chinese Railway Companj '
has been given 6,000 rubles for ambu
lance purposes and for the construction '
of quarters for other refugees. ,
Klght-Hour Dny Denied.
San Franoisoo, August 8. In all
the planing millt of San Francisoo,!
Oakland, Berkeley, Hay wards, Ban'
Jose and Santa Clara, there was posted
today a notice by 47 planing mill own-1
ers to the effect that the demand o
mill hands for a labor day of eight
hours will be denied. The resolution
of the mill hands to work only eight
hours a day it to go into effect on Au J
gust 18. Woodworker are now pat-,
ting in, la many ot th mills, nint ,
hour a day and In others 10 hours I !
Traasaert toga) Arrives at aa
elteo Willi Merug'ee.
San Francisco, August 9.- With htr
deckt crowded with bltejacktts, Bit
rlnet, ax-soldiers ot the Nluth infantry
and refugee!, the United States trans
port Logan, from Taku, via Japan, wai
allowed to dock today after passing
4usrautlu. There were men, women
tnd children on th vessel direct from
l'ten Tsin, who had escaped from the
mobs of Boxert and the imperial Chi
uese troops. Nearly all anioug th pas
sengers iu th cabin bad felt th da
pressing effects of a (leg, and had been
In th Chinese city when It wat threat
ened by th Celestial fighter, and th
refngeei were more than glad to get
back to civilisation. A large number
of tb refugees left the transport it
Yokohom to return to various parts
of Kurop and America by regular
Among th passenger war th (ol
lowiug: J. M. Mussen, Shanghai;
Mrs. Orew, Mrs, Tenny and four chil
Ldran, Mr. Fyke and four eaildrea,
Mrs, Lowry and thrse children, Mr,
aud Mrt. liaynoi and three children,
Mis Jones, Dr. Pyke, Dr. Diffendorfei,
Mr. Mcintosh, Taku; Bev. ,11. W.
Moulding, wife and ton, Mrt. Frank
A. Davis, Mrs. Moutelle, Mist Tillis
Fahr-r, Tien Ttln; Dr. N, B. llopklut,
wit and three children. Mrt. H. ,
King aud three children, Mr. and Mrt,
II. Smith, Che Foo; th Misses Drew,
Mrs. L. Drew, O. O. Clifford, wife and
child, Edward Wilson, Yokohama, and
about 100 Invalided soldiers.
- There were three death on the Logan
during th voyage, two occurring be
fore Taka wai reached. On June 80,
Private James II, MoNeerney, of com
puny D, Ninth reglmeut, died, and on
July 5 Jame D. St. Croli passed
away. Private David Nutes, of com
pany G, on of th men who started
homeward owing to illness, died at
sea, July 29,
To the Logun attaches th distinction
of being the first vtssel to land Amtri
can troops in China. She conveyed th
Nluth infantry from Manila to Take.
J be Logsn made the rnn I rout Ma
nila lu 89 days, from Nagasaki In 18H
days, and from Yokohama In It
days. Irani Manila to Taka th con
veyed the Ninth Infantry and detach
menti ol the signal and hospital corps,
and among the passenger brought hen
by her wore 01 sick men of the Ninth,
At Taku she took aboard 170 Christian
refugees from Tien Tsin. All xopt
8 of thes left th Logan at Magaaakl,
rlrst-t'lats Oriental Llae Is A seared
O. H. a N. Hard at Warh.
Portland, Or.,i uguit 9. Portland'
Oriental steamship -servloe will be in
creased to meet tb demand of th
port. The O. Ii. A N. has arranged
to secure several first-class rasselt to
add to the fleet already in service. In
the meantime shippers will be protect
ed against lost. - '
"There need be no anxiety regarding
an Asiatic steamship servloe from Port-
laud so mo tent to meet the need of the
port, for such a service will be estab
lished," said President A. L. Mobler,
Although Mr. Mohler declined to go
Into the details of the O. It. & N. plans
it is learned that th increased service
w ill be established with the consent of
the Union Pacifio. Furthermore, it It
asserted in shipping circle that Mr,
Mohlur had arranged to teour
three large tteamer ot tho first-class
tor I ne trade here, but ttiey were
prewed iuto service by the British gov
ernment for the transport buniness.
Shippers have evidence that the O.
It. & N. i iu earnest. Some of them
claim that until the servloe I increased
by uew steamers that they have been
guaranteed against loss upon ship
incuts, iu case the freight could not be
properly handled by the present steam
er. .
To Iterlve Iroa Trade.
Cleveland, August 9. At a meeting
of the Bessemer Association today
it was decided, with the object oi
preventing another decline in the price
of pig iron, that alt the furnaces pio
iluciug bessomer pig iron should go out
of blast September 1, with the excep
tion of furnaces of the Brier Hill Iron
Company and tip M. F. Andrews-
Hitchcock Co., at Yonngstown, O.
The members ol the Bessemer Associa
tion say this ttep it necessary, Not a
ton ol this iron hut been contracted in
several weeks, and, notwithstanding a
reduction ol f a ton in the price, it
cannot be sold. It is hoped that the
abut-down will result in a restoration
of prices by working off the turplut
tock. ' ' .- - ; ; . , '
Chilean Consul hfnrdered.
' New York, AuguBt 9. A dispatch to
the Herald fiom Valparaiso, Chile,
lays: , Great alarm ia felt in all circles
here because ot rumors, apparently
based upon trustworthy information,
that the Chilean consul in Oruio, Bo
livia, has been murdered.. It is said
that the government ha received dis
patches confirming the rumors, but be
cause of their serious nature hat not
given them out.
Bubonic Plagua at Hamburg.
Hamburg, August 9. A case of bn
oonio plague lias been discovered on a
vessel in the harbor. All possible pre
cautions have been taken to prevent the
spread of the disease. -
Woman In America Suspected.
New York, August 8. The Italian
consul at New York haa sent a tele
gram to Captain Usher, ot the West
Hobokon police, asking him to search
for a woman who is suspected of being
concerned in tome way with th plot
to nssusHiunte King Humbert. Chief
MoCluskey, of thi city, will begin to
morrow a search for the woman among
the Italian oolouy. ' . , ,
Germany favors keeping the Yangtse
Kirfng Valley open for commerce.
Duluth, Minn., August 9. One hun
dred militiamen left here last night for
Oloquet, Minn., to effect tha capture
of the circm crowd who had been ter-
riziug the small towns in Northern
iuuesota. The militiamen arrived
' .ere during the night, and when the
.rous train pnll.ed in the miliary tur-i-miided
it, The cirous people knew
nothing of their presence until today.
Twelve of the oirous men, wanted for
assault by the sheriffs of Cast and Hub
bard counties, were arrested and taken
to Cuss Lake, where they will be tried.
They made, no resistance, although
most ot them were armed.
Ministers In Pekin Need Im-
- mediate Relief.
rrelslaas aai Amataaltloa Are Almost
. Ksheaeled-Ta Leave rekla at mis
Time Weald Meaa Cartels Death.
Washington, August 9. Tb follow
tug cablegram from Minister Conger
waa received tonight by th state de
"Tsl Nan Yamen, Ang. 9. Becre
tory of Stat, Washington We are
tti 1 1 , besieged. Our position is more
precarious. Th Chinese government
ia insisting on our leaving Pekin, which
would b certain death. There ia rifle
Bring upon as rlally l y th imperial
troop, w hav abundant courage,
bnt littl ammunition or provisions
Two progressive member of tbe Tsung
11 Yainna hav been beheaded. All
connected with legation of United
Bute are wall at tb present moment.
Tha word "Yamen" following the
nam of th city Tsl Nan, at which
tha cablegram from Minister Conger
wa pnt on the wire, a
under too(ll
bare, probably refer to the official
bolldlng or retidenoe or building from was transmitted or at which
it vr t reoelved by courier from Pekin,
Declines the Populist Noinloatloa for
tha Vlee-Preeldeney.
Duluth, Minn., August 9. Ex-Rep.
resentatlve C. A. Towne, who wa nom
inated for vlce-presideni by tbe Popu
list convention, held In Sioux Falls in
May, ha sent tb following letter to
th committee on notification:
"Gentlemen; When on Jnly 5, at
Kansas City, I bad tbe honor to receive
from yon the official nomination ol
yoor national convention for the office
of vice-president, I requested, In view
of th anomalous aud delicate clrcom
ttanoe In th presidential situation,
that yon permit me to taka the subject
nnder careful advisement before an
nouncing a decision. This request yon
were pleased to grant, and now, after
mature consideration of all tb factori
Involved, that concern tbe welfare of
th cause of political reform in tbit
country, and ray own doty thereto, I
am oouttralned to Inform you, In all
repsect, that I must deoline tha nomi
nation tendered in by that conven
tion." MaeArthar far Leader.
New York, August 9. A dispatch to
tb Tribune from London gays: Tb
correspondent of tha Express at Tieu
Tain believe that the advance of tht
allied troopi on the capital will bt
ttrougly retisted, tb time consumed
In international conference having en
abled the Chinese to concentrate an
enormous opposition. The Shanghai
correspondent of tbe Daily Mail report
that ther has been great friction
among th allies a to tbe appointment
of a cmmander-ln-chief. General Mao
Arthur hat, it 1 stated, been put for
ward tor th place by th Americans,
while a Paris telegram lay that Gen
eral Vorron, the commander ot the
French explditionary corps, has actual
ly been appointed.
Trade Union United.
New York, August 9.- One hundred
delegates, representing 78,000 building
workmen lu New York City and vicin
ity, have brought about the amalgama
tion ot the board of delegate of the
United Building Trades and the Build
ing Trades Council, who have been at
loggerheads for two years, at a recent
conference in Central Hall. The new
body wai named the Unitod Council of
tho Building Trades of New York and
vicinity. General arbitration among
all huidllng nniona and the doing away
with general strikes caused by rival
organisations is the purpose of the
amalgamation. All unions refusing to
arbitrate voluntarily will be. foroed to
submit to compulsory arbitration or be
expelled. ' - -
Brooks Law Revoked.
Havana, August 9. The new . mar
riage law, revoking the deoree lssuod
In May last year by General Brooke,
will go into effect next Monday. Tin
Brooke law prohibited eoclestiastical
marriages, recognising only the civil
ceremony. After much consideration
and taking into aooount the best
opinion of ecolesiaetical and political
fu-notions here, Governor-General Wood
directs that the ecclesiastical ceremony
be recognised as on a basis of legality
like that upon which it rests in the
United States. From Monday next,
therefore, parties wishing to marry
may go through tbe ecclesiastical oi
civio ceremony, or botb, at their own
Gold Itandard for Haytl.
New York, August 9. A special tc
the Herald from Washington . says:
Minister Powell hat sent to the stati
department from Port-au-Prince the
text ot a law now before the chambers,
which proposes to pay the bonds aud
Interest of the sinking fund as they fall
due in gold instead of paper, at here
Hrltlah Territory Invaded. -London,
August 9. Replying in. the
house of common today to a quostion
put by Sir Charles Dilke, Radical, the
parliamentary seoretary of the foreign
office, Mr, Broderlck, said the authori
ties of the Congo Free State admitted
that British territory above Albert Ny
anaa had been raided by Congo troop
and that women and cattle had been
carried off, Mr. Broderiok added
that the Congo Free State authorities
had apologized foi the raid and sought
to pnmsh tli invaders.
Hot Weather in tha Kant.
Milwaukee, August 9. Three deaths
and four prostration resulted from the
intense heat today.
' Kansas City, August 9. Two pros
tration from heat and one death, that
of an Italian laborer, ooourred here to
day. .
Chicago, August 9. Four deaths and
seven prostrations were reported today
aa the result of the excessive heat.
Pittsburg, August 9. One death
and even prostrations were reported
today. ,
Trade Coadltloae Da Wet Warrant Aaf
Orrat Activity.
Bradstreet's says: Trad oondltloo
till favor th buyer; general fall de
mand, though fair in view of th mid
summer condition, Is still below sxpee
tatlons, and below a year ago; bank
olearing ar at tb lowest for twa
year past, and failure are tllghtly
more numerous, though no marked ten
dencies are perceptible. On tb other
hand, gross railway earning hold their
percentage of gain previously ebown,
and where prices an made low tnougn
to satisfy buyers, a heavy builnea Is
uncovered, and readily booked, point
Ing to demand being still present and
waiting disposal. The crop situation,
a a whole, I bettor; th outlook a to
corn 1 lor a 2,100,000,000-bothel
crop. Spring wheat i turning oat
better in quality and quantity than x
peoted, and then ha been an unques
tionable improvement in cotton crop
condition. Tbe yield of apple will '
be th largett in many yar, and trait
generally an yielding llbtrally and
commanding good price.
Tha iron and steel Industry furnish
the most notable example of redooed
prices, - inducing a heavy burin,
while tb outlook ii (till a confused
Tb cereal ar all lower thl week,
partly on better crop report, partly on
lower cables, but largely on th growth
of bearish feeling after tha lat ro
action. , ,
Keel products are generally signer
on army demand, while tin i seeking
a lower level in sympathy with foreign
market and increasd supplies.
Wheat, including flour, shipment
for tha week, aggregate 8,827,008
bushels, against 2,866,748 butbels last
From July 1 to daw tbi season,
Wheat exports are 14,608,869 bushels,
gainst 18,508,96 bnshel last season.
Business failures for the week nnnt
ber 170, a against 183 latt week.
, Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, lJo.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crat.
Potatoes, new, $16.
Beets, per sack, 65c$l. ,
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Carrots-, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, 60 76c.
Cauliflower, native, 76o.
Cucum bars 20 80o.
Cabbage, native and California,
So per pounds. '
Tomato $1.60.
Butter Creamery, 84c; Eastern SSc:
dairy, 160 18c; ranch, 14o pound.
Lggs 84o.
Cheese 12o.
Poultry -14c; dressed. . 14(1 16c;
spring, $3.60.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
(9 12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $16.00. '
Corn Whole, $28.00; cracked, $26;
feed meal, $26.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
$30. .:, . -
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60;
blended atralghU, $3.86: California,
$3.26; buckwheat flour, $6.00; era-
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3. 80 4.00. -
Millatuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
reed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dreased beef
steer, price 7 o; cows, 7 c; mutton
7; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 99
He. .. . . ... .
Ham Large, 18c; small, 18 Ji;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt (Idea,
8c. ' , ....
-Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 658560;
Valley, 64o; Bluestom, 68o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.60; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86c; -choice
gray, 84o per bushel. .
Barley Feed barley, $14.00(1 16.00;
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffg Bran, $13.60 ton; mid
dlings, $30; shorts, $14; chop, $16 per
ton. ,-.., . - . -;
Hay Timothy, $10311; clover,$7(i
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $G7 per ton.
Butter rancy creamery, 45 50c; .
ttore, 27'o.
Kggs 17o perdoxen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, ISo;
Young America, 11c; uew cheese 10c '
per pound. r
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00(1 .
3.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$2.504.00; geese, $4.O05.00 for old;
$4.506.60; docks, $!).004.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, lC17o.per
Potatoes 40(950oper aaok; sweets,
22)io per pouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lo per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, lMc per pound; carrots, $1.
Hops 28o per pound.
Wool Valley, 1510o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 16 16c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, beat sheep, wether
and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7 "
7 Jo per pound; lambs, SKo.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.00(30.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(14.60;
cows, $3.60(94.00; dressed beef, 6)B
7 74 0 per pound.
Veal Large, 6i(97io; (mail, 8(1
8Xo per pound.
- Baa Franetico Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1816ope
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 16o; Val
ley, 1820o; Northern, 1012o. -
Hops 1899 crop, ll18o per
pound. -
Butter Fancy creamery 22(322Ko;
do seconds, 2121c; fancy dairy,
19o; do seconds, 16 18c per pound. .
Eggs Store, 17o; fanoy ranch,
r Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 9
20.00; bran, $12.6013.60.
Hay Wheat $6.5010; wheat and
oat $6.009.50; best barley $5,000
7.00; : alfalfa, $5.00 6.00 per ton;
straw, 2540o per bale. .
Potatoes Early Rose, 60 75c; Ore
gon Burbanka, 80c 90; river Bur
banks, 85 0 65o; new, 70c$1.25.
Citrus Frui Oranges, Valencia,
$2.7503.85; - Mexican limes, $4,000
5.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; .
do choice $1.753.00 per box.
Tropioal Fruits Bananas, $1,609
2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom-
inal; Persian dates, 6($6iO per