The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 04, 1900, Image 1

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    V- Cl o
An Advertisement
Whiob bring return U pivot lb
it is in tbe rglt place, Th WIST
BIDE bring n wr. ,
Tho Best Newspaper
U the oat that give tbe moat and
freshest Bawl. Con par tb WEST
ID with any paper fat Folk county. .
j 0ra8
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Fire Centi Per Copy.
NO. 022.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old,
Comprehensive Review at tho Import
aat lttM-nt- (4 of the Iaat Vr.k
Culled From the Telegraph Column.
New Orloana has quieted down after
b race riots,
King Humbert of Italy, was assassin
ated at Monaa. ,
Chrtstiau Dewet haa offered to ur
reuder conditionally.
Thirty miner wer entombed by
fir in a Mexican mine.
France tear a pemible coalition be
tween Jaan and China,
General Otis juatirla tha killing ol
69 Filipino baudits in Mindanao.
Speculation in Wall street ia checked
by possibility of money stringency
A Wisooustu syndicate hits bought
10 000 acre of timber laud iu Idaho.
A Loudon paper makes aerioui
' charges against New York immigration
Plana are on foot to entail ish a gen
eral transportation at Goveruor'a
National quarantine has been de
olared against Cap Nome and Dutch
An "astounding American intrigue"
ia alleged to have been discovered in
A Kausas stockman ia "wanted' fot
extensive fraud in disposing of eecoud
Boei General Prtnsloo, a 1th 8,000
men, surrendered unconditionally to
the British.
Ldy Kandolph UinrehlU was mar
ried to Lieutenant George Cornwalli-
West in Loudon.
i.x-Uirector ol rests Katblrone wa
arrested at Havana for the misnse of
government money..
A railroad bridge was burned in
Baker county. Oregon, and caugb! an
excursion train out. i.
Senator Clark acknowledges that be
contributed a large sum to the Demo
cratic campaign fund.
German paiwrs condemn F'.mperor
William's instruction to his troops to
give no quarter iu China.
Yuan, the governor of Shan Tung,
assures Consul Fowler at Cbe Foo that
the ministers were alive July 24.
Shong saya General Tung Guh Saug
threatens to kill all members of the
legations it the allies advance upon
Ten persona were injure I, two or
more fatally, by premature explosion ol
a cannon at the Illinois eucumpmcjt
of National guards.
A missionary who started for Pekin
got as far as the walls of the city, nut
was stopped by Tiirtar troops. He
learned nothing of the foreigners' fate.
Belgium proposes to send an expedi
tionnry corps to China.
Civil govenrmeut has been establish'
, ed in Vigan, Luzon.
China has appealed to France to uae
her good offices with the powers.
Desolation and ruin in Tien Tsin.
Pigs and dogs are eating the bodies of
dead Chinamen.
A mob in New Orleans killed three
negroes and wounded several others.
The police prevented a lynching.
An explosion and fire in a collar
factory at Chicago, caused the death of
four women,and five others were in
Colombian rebels are fighting hard
for the possession of Panama. Heavy
artillery fire is being directed against
the city.
Pants makers of New York City
have struck for shorter hours and an
inrcease iu wages. iFive thousand are
A passenger train on the Chicago &
Eastern Illinois railway was wrecked
near Benton, 111., killing one man and
injuring 25.
The Boers have evacuated all their
positions and are retreating northward
to Lydenburg. Many burghers are
anxious to see peace come.
At Truckee, Cal., a faro bank in tha
rear of a saloon was robled by two
masked men, who covered five players
with revolvers and secured $750
The, admirals, it is said have decided
that an advance ou Pekin cannot be
made with less than 00,000 men.
About half that number have been
Senator Clark, of Montana, says bis
credentials have been pronounced good
by the best constitutional lawyer of the
country, and he expects to be seated
In the senate.
Li Hnng Chang assures the French
consul at Shanghai that Minister Pi
chon is alive, aud he will transmit a
message to him requesting an answer
within five days.
Inventory of the late vice-president
Hobart's estate shows him to have been
worth 12,628,042.
The National Telephone & Telegraph
Company, with an authorized capital
of $50,000,000, has filed articles of in
corporation at Trenton, N.J.
Hon. II. E. Estee, justice of the
United States district court of Hawaii,
has appointed Walter B. Hailing, of
Portland, Me., a nephew of Senator
Perkins, of California, ' clerk of his
California hop growers have joined
an association to regulate the supply
and demand and control the output.
Miss Fickle and Mr. Coy were mar
ried in Grundy county, Kan., recently.
Among the wedding guests was Vest
and Coates. '
fienor Silvela, tbe Spanish premier,
ay that no Spanish war vessels will
go to China, Spain having no interests
to defend in the extreme orient.
Last year there were coined 83,000,
000 more pennies than in the year be
fore, and the coinage of nickels, dimes,
Quarters and halve increased largely.
John Clark Bid path, th historian
(a dead at Nw York. .
Ltghtulng killed stock and did oth
lamas near Ceutialia, Wash.
A leak in drvdock No. S, Urookly
navy-yard, haa caused a great auiouut
of damage.
Th Taung 11 Yauiun refuses to da
liver message iu cipher to the mini
Italian troop took the oath of alleg
lauc to their new king at Horn among
uiiivh enthusiasm.
A dispatch received at Bora aayi
the Chiues government is holding 600
European aa hostage.
It ia officially announced that no
citiaeu loses right through the recent
niarkiug of th temporary Alaska buuJ
ary line.
Chines troop bombarded Blsgv
stchensk. the capital ol Amur, July.
aud 98. Tb Kussiau bav barud
several village. - 4
The Autl-Iruperlaliatlo League bai
written Senator Hoar a letter condemn
ing him for hla decision to support
Fresldeut MoKiuley for re-election.
The treasury department ia aendtns.
out the new 2 per cent bouds issued to
take th plaoe of tha old issue. Ol
the latter, f 330,680,000 have been sur
An undated message received at Tien
Tsin from Minister Cougercouttrui tha
previous report of hi sale it. Tbe
minister ha provision lor severs
weeks, but is short of ammunition.
All late report from Pekin agret
that th attack ou the legation haa
ceased. The Japanese minister writea
under date of July It) that the Chinese
authorities are apparently disposed to
In moving an address to the queen
with reference to the assassination of
Kiug Humbert, Lord Salisbury da
dared iu the British bousa of Ion)
that society is threateued by the depth
of human villainy that ia beneath its
Tbe fact that the ministers at Pe
kin are held a hostage rplexe the
allies. It is feared that if tb inter
national forces advance tha Chines
kill, if defeated, retieat to Pekin and
put all tbe remaining loreigner
The United State government favori
an immediate advance upon Pekin, but
its representations are answered from
Europe that th campaign cannot be
begun before the last week in August.
General Chaffee has full power, and
the government has confidence in bis
ability to meet auy situation that may
The weaknesa of tlie monsoon camea
anxiety in famine-stricken India.
Many Boers are surrendering and th
Free State army will soon be a thing
of the past.
Twelve person were drowned and
8,000 made homeless by inundations
caused by rain in Chile.
Brassi, the aasassin of King Hum
hert, worked in a silk mill at Patersou,
N. J., until May of this year.
The Populista are plunning to have
their main campaign headquarters at
Lincoln, Neb., with a branch at Chi
United States Senator Wellington,
liepuhlican, 01 .Maryland, announces
that he will oppose the re-election of
President MoKiuley.
Italy deeply mourns the assussimv
tion of Kiug Humbert, but tbe situs
tion is quiet, and no disturbance will
attend the accession of the new king.
Every fisherman on Fraser river,
with the exception of 700 men of the
white fishermen's union at Stevestou,
started to work aud the strike is prac
tically broken.
Bosnian Vildiers in Msnchuria have
been attacked by Chiueso troops and
driven southward from Mukden. Box
ers have appeared in several tortus,
and are inciting the inhabitants to re
volt. .
After a conference with Chairman
llanuu, vesienluy, Governor Hoonevolt
said he would be a private citizen ilur
ing Augunt, aud that he bad made no
delinite arrangements for the later
months of the campaign. "
Caleb Powers, ou triul foi the mnr-
rim-of Governor Goeijel, of Kentucky,
tcstilled tliHt the object iu bringing
mouulsin men to the frtate capital was
to fhow their interest in affairs, and
not to intimidate tlie legislature or the
election board. "
Tim commiHsioner of internal revenue
at Washington has issued a circular
prohibiting the use of manufacturers
of dears, ciuarettos or tobacco, when
put in statutory packages, of label
coutuiuiug "any promise of, offer of
or any order or certificate fot any gift,
prize, premium, payment or reward."
A cablegram from United States
Consul Fowler, at Chee Foo, say that
the American, German, British, Rus
sian and half the French and Japanese,
legations were defended July 82. It
is not doubted that the ministers at
Pekin were alive on that date. The
state department hopes to have early
communication with Minister Conger.
Englaud has received a cable dispatch
from her minister.
Pol Plancon, the opera singer, sing
a whole opera in admirable German
without understanding a word of that
language. ;k
New York Chinese have issued a
proclamation saying none of them are
from the tribes involved in Boxer dis
turbances. A ranch of 850 aores, with 200,000
chickens and an output of 80,000,000
eggs a year will be established at Man
asquan, N. J. , -
The price of cotton has advanced
materially owing to the Chinese war
and the scarcity in the crop. ; .
The Catholic legation at Washington
has issued a list of the church mission
in China, showing 000,800 convert
have been made.
Merchants and manufacturers of Chi
ago, St. Louis, Kansas City and other
places are making plans for big trade
boom business meetings.
Permission haa been obtained from
the czar to establish a sort of Young
Men'a Christian association among rail
road employes in Russia. '
Assassination of Humbert
King of Italy.
fh AmbuIh Cyaleallr Awn wed HI
tiulll mud Hnl JUrruwIf K.'ad tit
. fury uf tha Pupiilsv.
Monaa, Italy, July 81. King Hum
bert ha been assassinated. II w
shot her last evening at 10:48 by
man named Angelo Brest!, and died at
Th king had ba attending ft dls
tribution of prise in oouueotion with
gymnastic competition about 10
o'oluok, II had just utrd hi car-
riag wlUi nl aid de-camp, amid m
chi ol H wnrt, M i
(truck by thre revolver allot fired in
Quick auocession. On pierced tb
heart of hi majesty, who (ell back and
expired iu ft few minutea.
lh assassin wa immediately ar
rested and wa with some difficulty
saved from the fury of th populace
H gave hi name a Augelo Bresl
describing himxelf aa ol Prate, iu Tus
cany. 11 cynically avowed hla guilt
of th crime.
Th News In Hums.
Rome. July 8 1. The news of th
terrible vut did not arrive her nntll
after midnight. Signer 8. Saracoo
th premier, Immediately summoned
meeting of the cabinet, and the mini'
ten will start at tlie earliest possible
moment for Mousa.
Tb priuc aud princess of Naples ar
on board tha Yela, yachting iu th
The city present a normal aspect
this utorulug, the news of the murder
not yet belug generally known. Signor
Saracco, th premier, will leave for
Monaa at 7 o'clock thl morning with
the vice-president of the senate, to
draw np th certificate of death of
kiug, whose body will be brought
Threw Clatw ! rnwiWr at
Caaaoa't Maalh.
Springfield, 111., July 81. Teu por
tons were iujured, two fatally, by tha
premature discharge of th (veiling gnu
at tlie National guard eucampuieut,
Camp Lincoln, this eveulug. Tha ex
plosion was caused by soiti on throw
ing a lighted cigatett Into powder
which had fallen to the ground, The
accident occurred in the preseuoa of
large crowd of visitor to the camp.
Corporal Balsley aud Jease Buppei t,
acting quartermaster, were loading the
reniug gun, assisted by several men of
Battery A. A tack of powder waa
placed in tlie mouth of tlie cannon, and
Ituppert waa about to drive the charge
home. The powder sack waa too long
fur the gun, and in forcing It into the
cannon th canva was torn, soma of
the powder falling to the ground just
below the uoaxle of the caution, l'riv
ate Kuppert stood facing Uie gun, ram
rod in hand. Balsley also faced the
gun, while a number of soldier and
civilians were gathered arouud, despite
the commands of the ollloers in com
ntand to keep back, buudenly some
one ottered the words:
"Watch them catter."
There waa a flash of powder on tho
iround, the (lames were communicated
to tbe powder which was to be fired iu
the cannon and the gun was discharg
ed. The ramrod was broken nd shot
from tlie cannon and Balsley and Hup-
part had their clothe blown from their
bodies, which were blackened with
powder. The other staggered back,
burned and blinded. Hie wounded
were taken to the hospitals,
Some say it waa a man in uniform
who threw the cigarette, but an eye
witness declares it waa a small boy.
North llakola Tornailw.
HUlaboro, N. JJ., July 81. A severe
tornado passed through Traill county
yesterday afternoon, and across the
river into Minnesota, where It split into
two parts. The path of the storm i
Traill county wa 87 miles long am.
four mile wide. Three miles north ol
Caledonia the house of Thomas Evorson
waa demolished and his 17-year-old son
killed. At Caledonia the city hall and
Presbyterian church were wrecked,
and Dearly every building in the town
was injured. So far aa known, the
Everson boy wa the only one killed.
Tha Noma Tundra Buraerf.
Seattle, Jnly 80 .A special to th
times says: Cape Nome was treated
to a great con flagra tion n early in thia
month. Miles and miles of tundra
wa burned over and many nativt
homos destroyed. The fire began close
to the eastern suburbs of Nome and
swept the country from the outer edge
of the sand beach to the foothill and
far belw Cape Nome, so that tbe sur
face iooka like a vast prairie that bai
been burned over.
I'runilaunt New York O.ruian.
New York, July Sl.-William
Kramer, a millionaire real estate own
er, founder of the Atlantio Garden
Mimic. Hall, owner of tho Thalia thea
ter and one of the best known Germani
in New
York, died today, aged 08
Mora Tronpa From Cuba.
Santiago de Cuba, July 81.- The
Second battalion of the Fifth United
States infantry, Major Borden com
manding, will leave tomorrow for the
United States. The companies at
Guantanamo and Baraooa will be
taken aboard en route. The 0 ill cere
have received instructions to prepare
warm clothing for a hard winter cam
paign, and to be ready to re-embark
abortly after arriving in New York.
Al the men are enthusiastic! at tbe pros
pect of active service in China.
TerrlUo Hall storm.
Jamestown, N. D July 81. A terri
ble bail storm occurred during the
night, four mile south of here. The
train on the Great Northern wa two
hours late. The atonea broke all the
windows, and the passengers had to
take refuge in the baggage cat. The
paint and woodwork of the car were
all dented up. The storm waa three
miles wid. Much damage to orcpa
Manaasaa, Va., July 81. Ex-Con
gressman E. E. Mwedith disd at hi
bean kr Mai.
Arair Oaanul rrf tlhlaa-lluat
t'arrr All It Needs.
Nw York, Aug. 1. Brlgadir-a-irsl
James H, Wilson departed tonight
tor San Frauolaco, whr b will
bark August 8 on th Japauea ttaiur
America Maru for L'bua. H wa ao
Miiiipanlnd by hi aids, lieutenant J.
II. Iteevea and O. H. Turner. Wh
asked if he thought th varloua foreign
forcea In China could b merged In ft
honioueueoui whole, th general mid
that auch a thing wa poasibla, and
tlmt It depended tbe largely on th
skill aud tact of th generalissimo. la
view of th pressing needs of th situ
tion, he said ho loll sur there would
he no great dilllcultie in tha organlM'
tion of th allied forcea. 11 aald thera
would be much preparation required
for th advance, ou account of the tcf
ettr of forage along lb route to fkltt,
I "It will b necessary," tai l bu, "for
sn arm to tak arrwat anaulitio "f
iumlls. Th oouutr ia taxir. It Is
low nlain. aluutat devoid ol vf."tW.i
U lUCXiJtVK'Tijj! difflenlty reached
could be used for tlnwm. , 1
tlve even (crape th bark from t
tree to get fuel. They bars weefls
and rice stalk. Thar 1 littl to b
got by lorsging, and there it praotio
ally nothing to plunder, and an army
would bav to tak supplies of awry
kind, lucludiug fuel and water. Far
ther than that, It I 'difficult to say
much, and I do not wish to be placed
iu the position ol judging the situation
before I am thoroughly familiar With
"There are no mountain or other
natural obstacles. Titer are no strong
fortification. It I easy, of course, to
throw up entrenchment. The Chines
will hav the sain dilllcultie to con
tend with as far a supplie ar con
cerned a tit allle mast encounter. It
will be Impossible to niaiutain great
hordes of men without something on
which they may feed. Iu these mill
tary operations tbe great base wilt b
the sea. Supplie can b brought np
tlie Pel Ho river and it branches to
within 13 mile of Pekin and then
there is the railroad. Even if it is
torn up, still it will not be ao dlcfflult
to get It into operation. The Chines
have only a vague notion of S estern
tactic. They have bad German drill
tiisaters, but generally they have been
drilling only when they felt like it,
They are good fighter wheu Ihey era
winning, and they tak killing well.
Hist do not fight well wheu they begin
to lose, ud they ar easily stampeded."
ttreet Car Aeeldenl la Whleh Ten Per
sons Were Injured.
Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 1. Ten peopl
were iujured, on fatally, and two ser
luusjly, in a street car accident her
Th Injured were taken into adja
cent drug stores aud physician's ofttoss
and their injuries cared for uutll t-V t
could be taken home. ,
The socldeut waa a peculiar one. It
resulted from au explosion that bt;
pened, no one aeem to kai?1 estc
how, It had Just reacbwl liutf
second street when a hllud'.yj (lash t
electricity, followed by a cloud t
smoke, aud cries of injured persons
as they were tumbled into the street,
attracted the attention of belated pass'
ers-by. lbe Injuries are of sucn a
ohsraoter that they are in every in
stance extremely paiuful.
The car was provided with the usual
two-light circuits, but the crew are of
the opinion that during the storm,
llglitulug struck the short circuit aud
cut It out. This left but one circuit
unprotected with the connecting wires,
subject to a cutout or any overcharge
of electricity. Just how the explosion
occurred is not known, but the circuit
fuse blew out with a crash, the car wa
instantly filled with the lurid flushes
of the subtile electric fluid, and cries
of paiu ami astotilshmeut were uttered
by men and women, fulling over eacb
other out of thu cur.
The People of Manila I'uenthuila.tle
Over the Ainiieeiy.
Manila, P. I.. Aug. 1. Tha two
duvs1 fiesta iu Manila, organised by
Seuor Patemo and bis politlclul follow
ers to commemorate the amnesty, re
sulted iu a fiasco. The people wore
passive, uiieuthnsiastia and not even
interested. Failing to perceive any
tangible, effective results of amnesty,
they say they can see ho reason for cel
ebrating. Judge Taft aud hla col-
lesgues of the commission felt con
strained to decline to attend the banquet
as they hud been informed that the
speeches would favor independence un-
lor Americau protection, and tray
could not pass'vely lend theii acquies
cence by being present. Senor Pater
no, foreseeing the suspension of the
banquet wituout the Americans, fran
tically appealed to them to attend,
promising that there should be no
speeches. '
The provost' cautions were extreme;
Tlie guards were doul lsd bo;h da",
and the authorities lorbnde tin display
of Filipino flags, and 'of picture of
President MoKiuley ani 'AgninaMo
fraternally framed.
The fiesta ia generally considered to
have been premature and unfortunate.
During last week' scouting 10
Americans were killed and 14 wound
ed, One hundred and eighty Filipinos
were killed and 00 tukeu prisoner.
Forty insurgent rifles were captured.
American Corn In India.
Washington, August 2. The state
department has received word from
William T. Fee, United States consul
at Bombay, India, reporting the arrival
at that port June 25 of the ship Quito
with 6,000 ton of corn contributed by
the people of America for the relief of
the faimue sufferers in India.
An electrio light plant to supply
Rosobnrg and a large saw mill will be
erected at Winchester, Douglas county,
by I'ortlund and Eastern capitalists.
Biddoford, Me.. August 2. The pre
vailing trouble in China has made it
necessary to bring about a curtailment
of production in cotton manufacturing
in this city, and it was announced to
day that the mills of the Pepperell
Manufacturing Company wonld be ahnt
down from August 18 until September
About one-half ol the goods manu
factured by these milla goes to China.
About 8,000 hands are affected.
Joliot, 111., August 2. The Joljet
Wire Corn puny, anti-trust wire mill,
vh umed operations today, after a long
viod of idlan. .
Column Suffered Severe Loss
i . In the Fight.
JIaislas. farces fares la Aaandaa
( Maiden Itosers Inciting luhaullaals
llevelt Agalual Pereliuer
ft. Petersburg, August 2. The Rita
lU general staff has received dls-
pRieuss from various commauders indi
cating a serious state of affair through
Vjuicliurbc-Jl'ha revolt Iu tho
iMiili)torinHd o( Mukden aud tb dls-
iH't north d bs assumed such pro.
vt!,(1a that th? ttussian columu ha
tswu coinpeUed to retrt from Muk-
wthws5, I Igbtlng coutinnoa
ia vti", i ftjtfsu.iain, wner
hi Ju) H was sjouu.IimI by Chines
WofifisT'llelnfcirceiiieiita were seut aud
tu withdrawal ol th column wa
effected to Daschixao with 48 casual
ties, killed, wounded and missing.
Thrailw.iy from Mukden to Tellu
aud Daseluaao has beeu completely
destroyed aud the (at of th workmen
and railway oftlulala north of Mukden
I not kuowu, The whole Mukden dls
trial Is menaced by large bodies ol Chi
nese troops with artillery.
Chinese troops and Boxer, iu defl
ano of treaties, have- appeared at the
towns ol Tukshou, Slujitdshi and Ga
leff, inciting ihe Inhabitants to revolt,
tin July 17 tlie garrison at Sinjudsbi
wan (belled from the town, three men
beiuf killed. A Kusslau detachment
returning from an Inflection of affairs
in Gioudtiu )etiinulawsattckd and
surrstinded by Chinese troop July 21.
The Kussisus eventually repulsed the
Chinese with a loss of eight Cossacks
kllltd aud 10 wounded,
All Rseepl Vim Kelteler, lieriaaa, Were
A!le JhIjp .
wsshlngloti, August . Th effect
of tjie rtsy's news from China wa to
freshen the hope tlmt the government
can noon get iu direct communication
with Minister Conger. The mass of
testimony aa to his being alive as late
a the U:M lust, is now so great as to
wairsiit the department in resuming
oou.ldsratlous of pr-ijects for the future.
With all its anxiety to get Mr. Cougar
and the Americans iu Peklu salely
awsy.the depar tment U proceeding with
prtqwr prtN'suiloit, and is by no mean
disposed to accept any proposition that
would undulv jeopardise their lives
Such might be the result of an off -hand
accepts nee of the pnssal to have the
'Mtee government deliver the foreign
tnt-Mer-. at "lieu Tsin, for It is real
i4 (list the escort might be overpow-
rud ty oer r ' forces of Boxer on
,!" to. tM Tha atata depart-
. tus xni t the conclusion that
r. Com,-! him n if la th . best person
1 1 Vo of tbn conditions under which
I h ib 'Heruuve shall Ire effected, aud,
therstote, UTI'Ugalu looking to th
Chiuese government to place it iu coin
muuication with Mr, Conger, iu order
that it may be advlved by him. That
requirement was the first of the condi
tions laid down by President McKiuley
In his answer to the appeal of the Chi
ueaeeiiiMror, so that the situation dip
lomatically cannot be said to have beeu
matnlally changed by the develop
ments of today.
i Miners Knlouibed.
Monterey, Mex.. Aug. 1. At Mate
huals, a mining camp south of Mon
'erey, iu the state of San Luis Potosl,
lire hroku out in tho La Paa mine and
before the miners could reach the sur
fscelnsuy of them were entoiubod atid
elihur burned to death or suffocated.
It is thought the loss of life will reach
:il. There is great exoitoinent iu the
town and the numlier of missing men
cannot be accurately determined. Al
ready 11 bodies have been removed.
Kanma Gome, the mine foreman,
boldly descended the shaft and wont
into the bnrniiiucbamber for the pur
pose of aiding the oufortunate miners,
lie was overcome with smoke and per
ished. His body bus beeu recovered
The fire raged fiercely for 11 hour.
Old RseeUler Knolorjr Hurned.
Lebanon, Or., Aug. 1. Lebanon
was ngiiin visited by a fire lsst niy,ht
about 10 o'clock. The building that
was recently vacated by the Lebanon
excelrdor factory was discovered to be
nu fire and within a few minutes the
whole structure whs in flame. It waa
undoubtedly the work of incendiaries.
The property belonged to O'Neil Bros.
& Peterson. The loss is about $1,600;
no Insurance. .; The Lnhsnon--Elouring
Mills and eluctriii light end water
plants vtcpi In close rnnu of the burn
ing buildings and wore bsdly Buotohed,
hut jtliHi wIso were net damaged. The
IWxW'li Jlr doirtu.rit did good work.
I iitKirtril laborer! Attested. -
Luglo Puss, Tex., August 3. Seventy-five
Mexieuua who were about to
proceed to the Indian territory as labor
ers aud were suspected of having been
hired in violation of the contract labor
law were detained here by United
States authorities. Fifty of them were
found to belong to this side of the Rio
Grande and were liberated. The re
mainder were returned under guard,
Miillueux's Petition Denied,
New York, Augst 8. Judge Dngro,
of the supreme court, today banded
down a decision denying the petition
of Weeks and Battle, attorneys for Ro
land B. Molineux, for a writ of man.
dainusto compel Recorder Goff sum
marily to decide the Molineux appeal
pairers. Judge Dugro'a decision means
a delay of many months in the Moli
neux cokb, during which the condemn
ed 1111m must stay in the death cell.
' flnlf ltoail Clmngei II ami
New York, August 2. The local ofll
oials of th Atchison, Topeku & Santa
Fe Company confirm 'the report that
the company has acquired oontrolof
the Gulf, Beaumont & Kansas City rail
road. For n time, at lesat, the new
property will be operated aa an inde
pendent road. ' . :
Inoreaeed Pny for 1,000 Miners.
Huntington, W. Va., July 81. One
thousand miners In the Davy coal fields
will tomorrow be granted 10 per cent
increase In their wage.
desert Ueaeral Ceadltlea la Alaska)
Frightful aaallary Ceadlllea.
Washington, Aug, 8. Tb official
report of Captain Tattle, of th rovasu
cutter Bear, dated July I, at Noma
City, Alaska, and of Captain Jiobarta,
of th revenue cutter Manning, dated
July 14, at Dutch Harbor, bav been
received at th treasury department.
Captain Tuttl report an epldemio of
tnaaale and pneumonia at Blneoock,
Port Clarence, Cap Yoik and Cap
Prince of Wale. In concluding, Cap
tain Tuttl aays:
"Tlr dtuatlon along tha who coast
I regard a very serious. It I animated
that at present there la within a radius
(taking tb United State postotiio a
a center) of 10 mile 85,000 people
Most of them ar living in tanta, either
ou tha beach or tundra. Th aauitary
condition of tho city where but bav
been erected is simply frightful. Ty
phold fver is wgfug, and tnallpoi
steadily gaining. All possible effort
ar Ming mad to (tamp out th email'
pox, but with aa mm thoaeanA ai
tent, acattetad over mile of tertitory
it is impossible (or th health author!
tie to keep track of all cases. A near
ly at can be traced, th disease wa
introduced from the steamer Oregon
Afterward th atoauier Ohio and Han
ta Ana wei found to be Infected, and
wer plaoed in quarantine. Tb Ore
gon had left before her case were dls
oovemd. General Randall is com
nrandiiig with a firm baud, and, having
troops at hi disposal, will maintain
order until auch time a civil govern
ment ie organised. ' I understand tb
natives all along tha Siberian coast ar
differing Irom Influenaa and pneu
monia, and not disposed to trade for
reindeer at present."
Orange free Rtat Army Will eon See
II Kad.
Bloemfontein, Aug. 8. General
Hunter having received ft written un
conditional surrender of all tbe Been
in Calodon valley, Intended to accept
the surrender. General J'rinsloo, late
ly elevated to chief command, decided
to repudiate tb unconditional urrn
der. General Hunter, However, re
fused any concessions, except to allow
th Boer to keep one riding borne.
About 11 o'clock tb ttoop wer
drawn np in two long line on the hill
and over the valley and tbe Boer rod
between, throwing dowu their rifle,
together wtlh a motley collection of
clothing, blanket aud gear, such a
waa found in General Cronje' laager.
Tb Fioksburg commando wa the first
to lay down arms, consisting of about
550 men. Then cam th Ladybrand
commando with about 450. Fifteen
horses, two guns, aud 60 wagon were
given up. General Priusloo and Com
mandaut Crowther weta received by
General Hunter at hi tent, where they
were well treated and accorded ovary
Many of the Boers have gone through
Naauwpoort and will surrender to Gen
ral MaoDouald. Other ar (till ar
riving hare, Th Harrismlth and
Yrede commando sre yet at large, a
well a aom Boer who got out of tlie
valley at night, but the prisoner say
those outside will surrender and thia
will practically eud the Free State
The Boer aay they would not bav
surrendered bad they not been ur-
rounded. Tbe prlanner have been
placed In a laager under guard and will
be kept there until all arrive.
Hundreds Hilled br l.aa and Rock
from Mount Asuma.
Seattle, Aug. 8. Particular of the
eruption of Mount Asuma, iu Japan,
ou July 17, have been received in Ori
ental papers. - So far as known, 250
pernons were killed aud many hundreds
iujured. An I.nulUli agent of the Ja
panese government, who waa among
the natives in the vicinity of Mount
Asuma during the eruption, says:
"Early on the morning of July 17,
loud detouatious as if heavy guns were
being fired were beard. They gradual
ly decreased, and finally ceased alto
gether. But about 6 o'olook the in
ternal disturbances came to a climax
aud tongues of fire spouted from the
crater. We all stampeded towards the
valley, not, however, before one of the
great boulders bad crashed through the
palace aud killed 20 people. The ashes
and small rock were fulling like bail,
aud it became difficult to breathe. I
reached the village of Hiyukule after
scrambling through tbstreea for two or
three hours.
"Everything seemed to be drying up
from the intense heat, The ashes were
hot aud covered the ground for half an
inch. One family of 10 who were too
frightened to do anything but pray, got
hemmed iu by the lava and were, ground
and burned in the field. Several men
aud children from the village played
out along the road and nioBt of these
were burned to death,"
Cloudbunt In Artiona.
rhoenix, Ariz,, August 8. A cloud
burst has flooded canyons and valley
aud caused disaster along the banks of
many small rivers aud creeks tributary
to the Verde river. Bo far aa known
but two lives were lost. J. H. Jacob-
son and his partner, believed to be one
Williams, prospectora from Iowa, were
drowned while engaged in an effort to
save a horse aud mining outfit.
Two Bualness Hlooks Burnad.
Grass Valley, Cal,, August 8. A fire
which started early this morning in
the Twin City steam laundry, on Lower
Main street, burned over two business
blocka, cauaing a loss of $75,000.
At the National Educational Asso
ciation meeting at Charleston, 8. C, it
was urged that the bureau of education
be given direct charge of school in
Alaska, China, Porto Rioo and - the
Canadian Holillen Ordered Out. '
Montreal, Augusts. Two companies
of the Eighty-fifth regiment, of Slier
brooke, have been ordered to Magog to
prevent rioting among the mill hands
who have been locked out beoause they
asked higher wages. Tbe strikers
numbered about 1,000.
Queen's Statue Broken by a Tandal.
ondon Angnst 8. An unknown
vandal has wrenched the head from
the queen's statue in Elsewick Park,
Newcastle. The police think it was
the work of a crank whose mind has
been unsettled by the assassination of
King Humbert.
Titles Just as Secure
as .Before
tela Department Is Inellaad
Ihe Mew Arrangement as a
fur the United Statea.
te View
Washington, August 8. None of tbe
protests said to bav been made iu
Alaska against the dsltuitlon of tbe
provisional boundary line nave reached
Wuiltlnifittt. eel. end tha imnreeiilnn
" - -- ,--
prevail in tb Mat department that
agitatiou on that subject Is baaed on a
lack of knowledge of the exact nature
of th agreement affected between tb
United State and Great Britain, by
whleh moat dr;wu r-J t wa
removed (sow th eamen oUmm
between tbe two countries. It ii
pointed out by rtat department off!
oial that tbl provisional boundary
line, the running of which i laid to
bav excited the American miner in
th Porcupine region, i not in any
aeuse biuding upon either party to th
modus Vivendi, except as a purely tern
porary scheme designed to prevent bos
til conflicts between the miners and
police forces, through lack of knowl
edge as to their rights. The purpose of
tli arrangement a to that ia fully dis
close! by the inclusion in tbe modus
viveudi of a provision in these terms
It i understood, as formally set
out In communications to tbe state de
pertinent of tbe United States, that th
citiaeu or subjects of either power
subject to this arrangement in the tern
porary jniisdiction of the other shall
suffer no diminution of the right and
privilege which they now enjoy."
Every American miner whose claim
He ou lh wrong aide of the boundary
line now being drawn is, according to
the olllclal view here, holding hi claim
by quite aa aound a tenure a be en'
joyed before tbe provisional treaty waa
made. He haa neither loat nor gained
in atrength of title by thia arrange'
ment, ao he certainly haa no cause for
complaint, a he would have were the
boundary line now being drawn a per
manent one. The officials here, how
ever, are fully prepared to defend th
temporary boundary, and point out
that, so far. from having ceded to Great
Britain so increase of territory, Great
Britain temporarily yielded to tbe
United State nineteen-twentieth of
tb teritory in dispute, and suffered
her shipping to be kepi 10 mile Iroru
th boundary line at the nearest point,
notwithstanding the Canadian ambl
liou to get a port ou Lynn canal.
Has Several Week' rroslelona, But
hort of Ammunition.
Washington, August 5. The war
department thia afternoon received two
cablegram from China. Tbe first
'Che Foo (undated). Corbin,
Washington Tleu Tsin, July 27. A
message just received from Conger
says: 'Sluce July 10, by agreement,
there has beeu no firing. L have pro
visions for several weeks, but little
ammunition. All safe and well,
'1 (Daggett) report that the allied
forces will soon advance. - There is
practically no looting by the Amerl
cans, and uo unnecessary killing. The.
India arrived July 20. Order McCann,
Bladen, both Aliens, Mitchell and
Briue to join regiment here.
The second read: "Cbe Foo. Cor
bin, Washington. Tien Tsiu, July 80.
The Flintshire arrived July 27. Two
hundred aud fifty-seven of the Ninth
infantry are sick. Two doctors, 100
hospital corps men and 20 signal men
are needed. There is unavoidable de
lay in unloading the transpoi ts. For
eign troops are arriving.
The olllclal confirmation of tbe newt
that Minister Conger ia aafe and well,
coupled with the statement that he haa
provisiona for several week a, and that
the tiring ou the legation baa ceased,
waa welcome intelligence. Tbe infor
mation Irom Colonel Daggett was
promptly telegraphed to President Mc
Kiuley at Canton. ,
The last message which came from
Minister Conger was that obtained
throguh the intermediary of Minister
Wu, and was supposod to be dated the
18th, be 1 ore which time nothing had
oome since June 12.
four Olrli Drowned.
Ocean City, N. J., August 8. Four
girls, none over 20 years old, were
drowned in the surf here todav. They
were: Virginia and Elsie Lowe, ol
Germantown, Pa.; Jennie and Bertie
Lonsdale, of Windmere, Pa. They
were in bathing in the breaker when
they were carried out by a heavy un
dertow. Their aoreama for , help at
traoted the attention of a lifeguard,
who succeeded in bringing the young
women ashore. The Lowe sister were
dead. The Lonsdale girls showed signs
of life, and doctora were speedily aura
moned and did all they could to save
their lives, but to no purpose. They
both died while the doctors weie try
ing to restore them.
Cubau Election In September.
Washington, August 8. The war de
partuient baa issued an order for
general election to be held in Cuba on
the third Saturday of' September, to
elect delegates to a convention to be
held in Havana on the first Monday of
November. This convention ia to
frame and adopt a constitution for the
people of Cuba.
You needn't go to, war to test you?
courage; have your teeth fixed.
To Keport on Oregon's Damage.
Washington, August 8. The navy
department has sent instructions to
Constructor Ruben, who sailed from
San Francisco on the Nippon Maru
about two weeks ago, to inspect the
battle-ship Oregon, now in drydook at
Kure, Japan, and make a report of the
damage ahe haa auatained. , He super
intended ft portion of the construction
of the Oregon, and on that aooount is
I particularly fitted to make a report on
the damage. Mr. Ruben goes to Ma
I nila to relieve Constructor Hobaon,
. whose illness necessitated treatment at
I the hospital In Nagasaki,
'JLNatttV : .
luaneroa referable features la Boel-
sura (Itantlon,
Bradstreet'ssays: Important chang
m in trade and speculation are notably
sicking tbi week, but counter current
I demand in various sections aud. in
lustriea lend a rather more than usual
ly Irregular appearance to the general
ntuatioa. Among the notable feature
tailing for notic are the practical as
lu ranee of an immense corn crop by the
recent oopioos rains in the further
West, tha continued cheerful report
from tha aection which hav gathertxl
tnd are now marketing a large winter
wheat crop, advice of continued im
provement In tone to the Northwest,
with report of renewals of earlier can
celled order for fall goods, fairly sat
isfactory gain in grosa railway earn
logs, lea weakness in price of the
tountry'a leading cereal products, baaed
apparently on renewed buying for e,x
port, and rather more inquiry for raw
wool by manufacturers.
Unfavorable lement In trade prob
position tu tbe firm and steel busiue
l'bat industry, if possible, seem mora
depressed than at any time for three
rear past, and expectations that price
decline will be checked by the arrival
of finished matter at a cost basis have
been disappointed, because this week
tteel bars nave been sold in some in.
itance at I cent per pound, which is
unquestionably below the basis of the
cost of raw material and manufact
ure. ;
Export business would undoubtedly
expand if ship room were available. '
Among other metal tin ia locally low
er, on freer artivala, after touching tbe
highest price - in 20 years. 1..
Wheat, including flour shipment, lor
th week, aggregate 2,803,743 bushels,
against 8,020,881 bushel last week.
Business failure are smaller, num
bering 183 in the United States, a
compared with 202 last week.,
Beattle Markets.
Onions, new, lo.
Lettuce, hothouse, $1 pe' crate.
Potatoes, new. 80c. .
Beets, per sack, 85c 1 1.
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Carrot, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, 60 (8 75c,
Cauliflower, native, 75o.
Cucumbers 4050c.
Cabbage, native and California,
11.6091.75 per 100 pounds.
Tomato f 1.60.
Butter Creamery, 23c; Eastern 22c;
dairy, 15(11 80; ranch, 1517o pound.
Egg 24c.
Cheese l2o.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 15c;
spring, $8.50.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $10.00.
Com Whole, $28.00; cracked, $20;
feed meal, $35.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
Flour Patent, ter barrel, $3.60;
blended straight, $3.25; California,
$3.26; buckwheat flour, $6.00; era
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00.
Millatnffs Bran, per ton, $12.00;
short, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal.
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed Ireef
steers, prbje 7fto; cows, 7c; mutton
t pork, 8c; trimmed, 0c; veal, tg
11c. ,
Hama Large, 13c; small, .131;
breakfast bacon, 12o; dry salt sides.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6550o;
Valley, 660; Bluestem, 69o per bushel.
Flour Beat irrades. 13.20: graham.
$2.60; superfine, $3.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85c; choice
gray, oao per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $14.00 15.00;
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $13.50 ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $18; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $10 11 ; clover,$7 C4
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, . 40 45c;
store, 87 e.
EgK8 17)40 perdosen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chiokens, mixed, $3.00
8.60 per doxen; hens, $5.00; sprius,
$2.604.00; geese, 1-1.00 5.00 for obi;
$4.60(36.50; ducks, $3.00 4.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, lG17o per
pound. .
Potatoes 40 50o per sack; sweets.
82J4o per pouuu.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 70 per pound; cab
bage, lo per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, lKc per pound; carrots, $1.
Hop 3 80 per pound. ,
Wool Valley, 1516o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 16 16o; mohair, 25 .
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7
7to per pound; lambs, 6)a0. .
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; , dressed, .
$5.006.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00 4. 50;
cows, 13.50a4.uo; dressed beef, 0
7jo per pound.
Veal Large, 67io; small, 8
8o per pound.
an Franeiteo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1815o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 16c; Val
ley, 1830o; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 1899 crop, ll18o per
Butter Fancy creamery 2222c;
do seconds, 21 21c; fancy dairy,
19o; do seconds, 16 18o per pound.
Eggs Store, 17o; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00
30.00; bran, $13.60 18.50.
Hay Wheat $6.50 10; wheat and
oat $6.009.50; best barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $5.00 6.00 per ton;
straw, 85 40o per bale. - ,
Potatoes Early Rose, 60 75c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 80c 90; river Bur
banks, 85 65c; new, 70c$1.25.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$3.758.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
5.00; California lemons 75o$1.60; '
do choice $1.753.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
8.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 6Q)o pet .