The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 28, 1900, Image 3

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Talaphon. No. 141.
KNKiim or vwhia
IT Wv.tin'n.lnj' vwutiMt. Mvnitara will luke
VMttiut Knttflitaaiv llivllvil l-.i atlill.l wlitn
COUDWOOn takn on aubaeriptlon
at the w E5V MIK otiiee.
The A. 0. U. W. ol Oretvm will liave
no Oswstum'iit tor Annuel. .
Mr. Ni'in tt Dallas, visiti'J with U
family of F E. Cliambora last Sunday
. Nw tjwaJs in law quaiil'iio arriving
Uily al J. L. Mockum .
R, 1?oUii of Prirwvllto, who brought
in lot of Imiws, la visiting Iriotule,
But your cameras ami minflitH of
Viatabl dealers say that the arm
worm is soitintr away with more stuff thtnr vuatoiuttrt do.
A beautiful Hue of now prints just
received at J. L. btockton a
Mrs. Ball, of Portland, wife of the
posto'tice inspector, accompanied her
husband to tint city lm-mlay.
Glonn ButUr was quite sick the tint
of the week but i at work again.
A wry large line of outing llannelt for
fall and wiuter wear at J. 1.. Muckton a
The Stark party arrived home Wed'
tteeday morning. V"-
The Eastern Star has called off Its
meetings until the tint meeting in
.'September, the lUh.
IXxit you need a bujrgy? If you do
you can iiet special iuduceuieula at
li. M. WadedUVa.
The motor made a special trip out to
Monmouth on Moodily evening, goiini
after the member of our liebekau KkIkw
Cow Fob Sah -Inquire of Miss
Kobiuson at the City Book store
Mr. I. L. Smith left on Wednesday
for a two week s vmit at Newport
AH the new things in dress goods at
J. i,. Mocklon's. '
Harley Alexander, of Portland is visit
log relatives here.
Ice cream and iee cream soda
Robinson's. i
Regular prenchiug services at the
South Methodist church next Sunday
morning aim evening.
Mr. Lldridg shipped on Tuesday to
Reedville, a creamery churn and some
vat that had lieen brought here from
Barlow. '
Mrs. Dorris of McMinnville. arrived
on Monday for a short visit with friends
in this city.
Think of it! Winter wraps for ladies,
mbHee and childreu arriving now at
J. L. btocktou's.
The families of D. A. Hodge and W.
G. Sharuian left Thursday for a two
.week's outing at Newport beach.
Miss Bertha Hohaunon went to Albany
Saturday morning for a short visit with
A full Hue of steel mid cnat ranges at
li. M. Wade Js Co's.
Mrs. Hendrickson, of Albany, who
was visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. J.
Goodman, returned to her home Satur
day morning.
The finest line of gloves for hop pick
ers ever seen in Independence, now on
Bale at J. L. Stockton, s.
Mr.'Edward Frank, of Ashland, spent
tew days here visiting his sister, Mrs.
A. J. tiooduian.
. For Salb A fine young' Jeraey cow.
U. T. Mi why.
Louis J. Brant left here Friday after
noon fur Chautauqua, expecting to got
there in time for supper. lie returned
Frank Lord is somewhat under the
weather and Frank lioydston si ted as
right hand man for the Little Palace a
few days this week.
Mrs. Dorris, of McMinnville, who has
been visiting the family of II. M. Lines,
returned to tier home Wednesday.
Miss Eva Robertson, of Portland, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H.
Cr?ven, returned to her home Wednes
day. .
How comes it that independence has
no cabin of Native Sons. The Wkht Sid
ie sure that there are plenty of persons
eligible in this vicinity.
New clothing, underwear, bats, at
J. L, Stockton's.
Sir. Harry Burch, of Pomeroy, ar
rived Saturday morning for a short visit
with his relatives.
At Robinson's you can have crushed
fruits in your ice cream.
For Salb A choice brood mare with
colt 4 months old ; also 5 number one
milch cows. J. 8. Maoombkh,
2t Dallas, Ore.
Fok Sale Good hay in the field,
cheap. Clover and timothy. II. W,
Murphy. 2t
Prices on all goods lower than Port
land at J. L. Stockton's.
Miss Jennie Robinson went to Amity
on Wednesday for a short visit with
Miss Ruby Gilbaugh, who was visiting
friends here fur several days, returned'
to her home at Amity on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson hsve gone on
a two weeks' vacation which they will
sipend at N'estucca, Slab Creek and other
Some of our Missouri farmers say that
the army worm spoken of so much re
cently is nothing more nor less than the
old fashioned Missouri cut worm.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Metho
dist church still sell ice cream on Satur
days and are doing well.
For apenlul rate on
"Magazine to subscribers
of the Wkht
Hidk, call at the olllce.
Try Moore, the barber, north side of
"C" street, opposite Knox's grocery
store, for a hair cut or shave.
When in Salem and you want a good
;rmal don't forget to go to (Strong's
Restaurant, where everything the mar
Mst affords can be bad.
Eev. P. H. Blood, who has supplied
the Baptist pulpit here, has gone to his
Jiomeat Carllon. He expects to soon
leave for tJie east to complete his minis
terial studies.
Prof. W. H. Powell, former teacher in
the public schools of this city, arrived
lwreau the down train Wednesday and
stopped off to visit friends awhile.
The motor company has set the grass
n fire along it track so as to diminish
the danger of setting fire to the grain
fields. Sopietimes coal might drop
ifrom the firebox of tlie engine, and if
there is no grass to burn th fire cannot
Spread. ', ' '
During last May an infant child of,
neighbor was suffering from cholera
Infantum. The doctors had given in
all hopes of recovery, I took a bottie
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea fterufcdy to the house, telling
them I felt sure It would do good if
used according to directions. In two
days time the child had fully recovered.
The child is now vigorous and healthy.
I have recommended this remedy fre
quently and have never known it to
fall Mrs. Cuktis IUker,, Brook,--waiter,
Ohio, Bold by Kirklaud Drug
Buy your mill feed at the Collins milt
Bran, iu per ton; aborts, lis per ton
George L. Hawkins it living his rest
Jenoe onie Improvement,
A. D Davidson has moved to the Kel
so residence in old town.
George Reuf,
gun advertised
of Parkers, Mind th
in last week's Wist
Mr. Will Patton. sister of Mrs. J
Stark, tuia returned from a short visit to
Cbas. Lsnimrd has accented a position
a weigher and receiver of wheat at tht
Collins null.
Regular preaching services at the
Presbyterian church Sunday, July Sl,
Them will he no services during the
month of August.
Mra. Barraiut Mrs. Tillard, of llepp-
ner, who were vmtlng Mrs. K. J. Taylor,
went up to ells (or a short visit tatur
day morning.
Hoblusoii & Co, la the place to go for
a nice cool Uriuk or aixia.
William Fuiiua, who has tun t returned
from Cape Nome, was in the city Satur
itav from mi Home at raraera. tie cor
rohoratea the letters printed in the Ore
iron Ian aa to th deplorable situation at
that point. He has had enough of it,
Call up the Wkht Sidk, (telephone No
141) if you have an item for publication
or a job to print.
A nark of the creamery fixtures ar
rived on Sunday, coming trout uariow
by team,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stockton and
daughter, whosuent ten days at Glad
stoiib Park, returned bom Monday
noon, feeling well pleased with their
Don't forget that the Vst Sun clubs
with the Orenonain. If you are already
a subscriber m the W'lwr Stp and want
the Weekly Oregunian, come In and get
the beneut of the clubbing rale.
Mra. Lillian Eaton, who has been
vieitimr her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Cooper, for several months, expecta
to leave next Monday (or her home in
San f ranctsco,
Key. Mottershead, of the Methodist
church, supplied the pulpit at Dallas
last uuiiay. lie say tie lett tne nest
preacher at home, presumably meaning
Mrs. Aloitersheail,
The trustees of the M. K. church have
moved a building alongside of the church
for the pastor to occupy aa a residence,
He will probably move into it next
Valley Lodge No 42. 1. 0. O. F., re
cently installed oilicera as follows? C.
W. Irvine, noble grand ; J. 8. Koliannon,
vice grand; M. E. Masteraon, secretary;
. I). Irvine, treasurer.
Mr. W. H. Cottle, a former resident
of this county, who left here about six
veara aito. was in the city lt week, lie
is at present located in San Diego, Cat
and is interested in oil wells.
The local saw mill furnished the sixth
car load of lumlwr Saturday evening (or
the run land market. Tus mill givea
employment to eleven men direct, tie
ides a large number ol men and teama
that are employed in getting out the
Our creamery will soon be lu opera-
Ion. now !s the time to order your
cream separator; the Utilted Htatea is
. . . I ... - k.... v.... III
ine cueapesi miu utf itm. juu wm
ml them at K. M. Wade A Co s,
The railroad company Is filling in
around the depot, raising the walks, and
wi:l probably put in a piatmrm to con
nect w ith the motor. On luesday two
carloads of eaith were sent here from
Parkers. The improvement is timely.
Mr. K. C. Eldridue is here and is at
work arranitiiia some of the material
ready arrived for the creamery. He
xpects the machinery from tne east
I moat any day now. As soon as lie can
get a suitable location tie win oring mi
family and be of and with us.
Miss Ann Mann, a bright, talented
oun ir lady who grauuatou irora me
Xdlae high school two years ago, and
ho is an experienced typo, arrived
from her home at Independence last
Saturday, and has accepted a position in
the Times ollice.lleppner Times.
C. II. Markhsm. of the Southern Pa
cific company, is keeping right on with
his campaign in hehai! ol dairy develop
ment. Hardly a week passes without a
dairy meeting somewhere. Dr. Withy
combe of the Oregon experiment station
ably as-tisliiig Mr. Markham in carry
ing on this campaign.
L. C. Gtimote, Henry Patterson and
D. B. Taylor reim ned Sunday evening
from their fishing trip to Alsea. They
ere gone from here about a week and
claim to have caught over five hundred
tront. We hsve heard that some of the
trout were of KWmI size; almost as long
as this one WtW but those that
it away were as long as this: '
A hop grower informs the Wkst 8m
that one yard that he sprayed last week
was full of the army worm. The usual
hop spray, composed of (Juasia chips
ml whale oil soap, did not seem to mi
the worms. However, a few days later
he noticed that there wasn't half so
many in the yard, and ascribes the fact
to the distaste of the pest to the bitter
Lavton Smith, and George Atkins of
Monmouth, left on Wednesday for Clear
Lake on a two week's outing. We
hardly think it good policy so closely on
Al iferren's track, as be has probably
caught all the tront in the lake besides
gathering in those from the near by
streams. But then, Layton is a fisher
man too. .
iollv crowd of boys left here on
onday evening for a two week's fishing
nd huntinif trio to Cancadia Sprinirs.
Relying on their prowess as hunters and
finliermen. tbev auDolied ' themselves
with a ten cent liox of crackers and sev
eral gallons of fish bait. They expect to
capture enough meat to live on while
away from home, which taken in con
nection with convenient hen roosts, will
keD them from starving. The party
consisted of; Perle Hedges, Oliver Locke
Sain Irvine and Claude Fryer.
Miss Virginia Deaton, formerly of
Independence, but who edited and pub
lished the Hardinan Homestead and the
Wheeler County News for several
months during the past year.,has bought
the lone post from Crawford pros, tak
ing charge of the same last Monday.
Miss Deaton is not only well experien
ced in the mechanical branch of the
business, but she is a bright, racy para
graph writer, a good manager and she
is bound to succeed in a liberal pro
gressive town like that of lone. She
and a lady in Southern Oregon are the
only lady editors in the Hate a distinc
tion whieh Miss Deaton is fully worthy
of. The Times wishes her (every success
in her new ventura.-Iieppner fines.
JJotW beer for
fanjily use to
be had at
JIMetl '
0111a May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Albert J, Lemmon, died at the family
home, living, bane county, on Thura
day morning, July ID. Dee caned was
the only daughter of Mr. and Mra. Lent
moo and was five month and two days
old. belna horn February Kith this vear
The funeral service waa held at I he Odd
Fel Iowa cemetery of this place, Uev,
R. Baldwin olllclating.
Mra. Wheeler, who died at the hospl
tal in talent on the .', waa broiiui
here next day and buried in the (M
Follows' cemetery, Deceased was a sis-
tar of C. N. Thorp and Mr. S. It
Wilheruw, and about 76 years oi age,
On July 33. to Mr. and Mrs. It. 1
Smith, a girl, , - . , ,
On July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. S. U
Youngs, of Kola, a girl. ' '
Attempted Burglary.
A futile .attempt waa made Thursday
nlgnt tu rob the postolllce. Access to
the interior of the olllce was named I
cutting a hole in the door panel, lam
enough for one to Insert bis hand an
turn th key to una of the locks: hut noi
being able to reach the aprina luck, the
uurgiars lorceii u,
A hole was drilled in the center ol th
top or the aaie ami everything was ap
parently ready to insert the miwde
charge, but before this could be done
wMgii nnfevMiiimi. ,ii-iiihi ii.'iiw
emanating from the block lu which the
olllce ia located, snterml the front olllce
tltM .,.!. UM.tli..ti. .. l...uMf..ia . ..... ......
to look around, when he heard the burg
lars getting out ol the back door, They
went so fast and in such a hurry that
the powder for the explosion waa left
The noatofnee was euecesafullv burg'
iarised last March when about two bun
dred dollars' worth of caah and stamps
were taken, uwinit to the arramnuueu
ol the windows it is impossible tor the
watchman to see into the hack room
from the street; he must no inside the
outer otlice and eek through the holes
thiough which lettera are passed,
Oaing to the bunt-linn manner
which this work was done, it issmmised
mat amateurs ol the rankest sort were
eugHged in it.
David t alhreath took a run down to
Portland Tuesday, returning next day
Miss Daisy Freeman, of Portland, is
visiting relatives In this city.
Threshing machine will start Mun
A party is beum made un to tats in
ine auipnur spriitga, about three miles
east of here, on Sunday.
Messrs. Clement and Hall, nomnllli-e
inspectors, were in town Tuesday look
ing into toe work done and left undone
by the late would-be burglars.
A number of memtiers of Clover Ixaf
Lodge No, 52. Rultekah. went to Min
mouth Monday evening and had a good
lime visiting.
Joseph Kanlev who la staled hv the
Oregon ion to hsve cracked the postoillee
afe here, ia now in the bauds of oilicera
lor shipment to Williamsburg, Virginia,
where In i wanted for bank robbing.
Note the ad of Davidson & Hedges
this week. These boys have built up
an enviable trade which is merited
iney now propose to give away on
September 20 a K) wheel to one of their
At meeting of Willamette Lodge No.
42, Degree of Honor, Monday evening,
resolutions ol svmpnthy were passed at
the demise of Mrs. Laura Smith, a mem
ber of the lodge.
There will be preaching at the Christ
lan church on Sunday at the usual hours,
morning and evening The morning
sermon will be in memory of the late
Samuel Cox. P. It. Bpbmktt, Minuter,
Mr. L N. Atkins, who last week was
siting her husband parentsMr. and
Mrs. A. B. Atkins haa returned to her
borne at Saginaw, this state.
Frank Skinner made a trip to Albany
luesday with ft miscellaneous and con
glomerate cargo. He had binding twine,
beer bottles, beer kegs, second band fur
niture and more beer bottles.
Mrs. Kluw Neis. of Port Townscnd
Wash., visited her- grandson, F. E,
Chambers, on Saturday last. On Mou
sy morning, accompanied by Mr.
Chambers, Mrs. Neis went to Eugene to
visit her daughter,
Charley Smith claims the honor of
putting np the largest hay stack of the
ason. it is on tho r, A. Patterson
place and contains eighty-five tons of
good timothy hay. The hay will he
baled and shipped to California.
Lyon Lodge No. 29, A. F.AA.M..
met Saturday evening and worked on
the third degree. A number of visitors
ere present from Kickrt-all and Dallas.
After the session, a nice lunch, provided
by II. II. Jasperson, one of the stewards,
as served to which all did ample jus
Lavton Smith received several dosen
big, fat crabs from Yaquina bay lust
Saturday and delivered them around
among bis friendi. The crabs were fresh
and those fortunate enough to be on
band at the distribution considered
themselves extremely lucky as shell fish
is a sort of a luxury lust now.
Friday evening Independence Camp
No. 201, Woodmen of the World, in
stalled olflcers as follow S, K. Baker,
consul commander; Kiley Craven, ad
visor lieutenant; J. S. Bohsunon, clerk;
II. Iliischberg, banker; P. A. Douty,
malinger; Willis tihafer, watchman,
On ThursdAV evening last Sherman
Lemmous and Finch tried to pans e'U'li
other on the one track and went full tilt
to each other's wheel. Both wheels
were badly wrecked but the riders es
caped serious injury.
Charles Grissen, of McMinnville, hits
received a letter from Dr. Korn, of Day
ton, 0., in which he says the beet-sugar
factory at IN ew berg will be built, but
urges the people to be patient, as it will
necessarily take time to organize so great
an undertaking,
Manager Goodhue, of the Salem
creamery, understands the value of keep
ing his business before the public, or iu
other words, the value of advertising.
In nearly every issue of the Statesman
there appears from a half to two columns
about the dairy and creamery business.
Mr. Good hue is right; if you expect to
do business you must let people know
you have a business. -
Have we firebugs in Independence?
The -other evening two men,, wnlking
down the street near the depot were
overheard talking; one saying to the
other, "wouldn't it be a fine thing to
set fire to this pile of wood." . Although
the night watchman is vigiland and
alert he can't be everywhere at once, so
we should keep our eyes and ears open
for danger.
What price are the hop growers to pay
their pickers this year? asks the Salem
Homestead. This is a quuation that is
agitating the minds of owners of the
yards now, especially as they are bo.
ginning to receive letters Of inquiry from
the; men and families who helped them
to gather their crops last year. There
has been no organized declaration of any
kind as yet; but it is the general im
pression that the price will be 35 cents a
pox. Tiiis is gathered from conversa
tion with individual growers. They (eel
that the prise, 1Q cents a box, paid last
year, was too high, considering the fact
that most of the growers lost money
and in fact many paid to pickers much
more cash than they received for their
product in the bale, "tt is thought that
if the present favorable wmaOjer condi
tions continue until picking time there
will be more money in picking this year
at 35 cents than there waa last year at
40 cents.
Tho Tock Scarf liko cut, 15c'
- 35c, 40c.
Latlios', MiiW anil Cliililri-n's.
Luilitw' black or gray extra qunlity
Ladies' black lino quality....
LtulioH' black
Misses' from..
jxtru fine quality....
flno black
lino black
on h
Men's gray mixed
Men's gray mixed
5T!u buying thoso goods
indly mention that you kuw
A Smallpox Scan'.
Under I his heading the Halem Slate-
man of liit Friday bus this to say. "II
remirlwl tblit st-vcral case 01 stnalb
H)X, in mild form have pered al In
iem-ndiuice nnl that tne residents i
that place are taking the greatest pre-
alitlons aiismsl tne uisense pmuinK.
k mun imim-il Owen, wbo recently came
from Cape Nome, it i said, 1 believed
lo have hr-mgbt tne disease with him,
while another smry lay it at tne unor
of another relumed Nome gold sivker.
A number of nenide near lu'lenemlemw
are said to have been exposed, and vac
.HMtloM, as a preventive is tat'iig re
sorted to."
The fact of the mailer is that no one,
who knows, hss Mid that we havesmall-
ux In Independence. II I true tbat
horlly altr hi return from tape
Nome, S. K. Owen was taken down
uk.aiida he had undoubtedly been
xiMstd tu the stnallisix it Is reasmunie
to siiihsii that he had it. L'p to date,
though, indication are not suilli-ieul to
onviiice the health otllcer ol tbo city
tbat Mr. Owens bus the smallpox. II
ie has, it is in Vety mild form. How-
ever, every tiling is m-ing umie ui isoimo
he case ami prevent a possiwe epi-
. As to the other parly named in the
Statesman' article, il i presumed o
muau J. K. Kirkland, who returned
roui Cai Nome at the unit time as
Owim. Mr. Kirkland has not ieii
sick since Ids return: neither has Mr,
Kirkbiud been sick. , .
On "Saturday .Marshal Buckley received
lolcphoite messitge from a man at Al-
mnv w bo siiki lie was a raincu nurse
and offered his service in caring'fur our
mallnx pat inula, saying be understood
we bad a numlwr here. Mnrshal Buck
ey told bun to watt until we nau sense
The reisirt has none out that we have
mallKix and interested parties are Inn
ing the flame and ee tbat tne report
men nothing in It spread. Merchants
town ncarbv wsut lbs trade Hist
come here and don't hesitate to tell
nythlug that will hold a customer.
The authorities have takeu ail stein
necessary to anticipate and prevent tbe
spread ol smallpox, butaa yet they say
we have no cases.
Al Herren is telling his warehouse
nd engine In shnpe to handle the grain
that will coiiimcuce to come in next
Edward Hint, sued 20 year,' whoso
ome is lu Monmouth, and who was un
til mcenilv emolovcd as telearaph oiier
ator at Sisson, got his right leg cut off
by a Southern racillo engine at Niasta
retreat Wednesday evening, ue was in
he act d jumping on a ligbt engine go
nu to lUiustnnir, when he slipped and
under tlie wneei. n was seni 10
m home at Monmouth on the Oregon
A Eontleumn who him just return
ed from Puria where ho went to
iitttil a etuto exhibit, tells a, farm
exchaiiL'o that hu took occasion to
viait tho mines at btatwfurt ur-
ninny, irom wincn tne worm gets
A 111. I 11
tu uupply of rousli. lie was very
much impressed with tho immensi
ty of tho deposit, lsut what lio
us tho most lutcri'Stotl in was tne
price that is being clrirgnd for pot
anh fiilts in this country, for it is
ell known that they have ad van-
cod in price, and ono of tho reasons
i von by tho fertilizer trust for tho
advance in tho price of fertilizers
as licoii tho advance in raw mate-
rialtf. Thoy said that the potash
syndicate in Germany controlled
1 tho potash, and that tiw prices
iad been put up. Tho visitor says
nvt ho made particular inquiry in
regard to the advance in price and
as tiHMired that there had been no
Ivtince whatever, and that tho ad
vance in tins country tias been
made by those who get all that is
niported. It is evident then, that
10 advance in price of phosphate
rock and potash has been made by
ie trust themselves. '
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Cigara, Cigarettes, Tobaooos
First Class
Soda Fountain In oon
naotlon. With every cash purohasa, you gat
chanoa on $50 Mitohelt blcvol
to b given away September 20.
P. L. CAMPBELL, Pres., or W.
'IJow Tio...;...;.:--;-..-... 10C to 20c
String Tics from 1C to 25c
9c -25c.
box, white foot..
2 for 25C.
8c, 2 Jr 15C.
10, -J fo 25c.
this add in tho Wkst Sii;.
New name bring new blood into
tiiugiuiiie fiction, and tmch ginnl
one deserves a welcome. Tho "Now
Lippiiieott" for Atiguat presents two
of these- which stand fur stones o
high promise "The Way Denny
looked at it" is by Ueginald Han-
lltdd Chase, who bundles his pathos
in low life liko a muster. ".'(i'-'O
Oxford riace" ia a human haimen
ing with sly humor which turns it
uivorctf into it miiting.
$100 Iteward $100.
Tlt- ri..l..r. i.r thl .-r Mill h pU'Swil In
Ifsril llml III. r Is si tm.l oiu itr.-u-Uxl UIm-h...
mat Hit! lis Lit-li Mu li, a-ur.i In Hl t
st.. suit llMt Is liilttlili. Hull'. I'sturrh
I ur U tlie rr!y poslilrn fn kmma lo llm
ntvoii-si irsirrim rstnrrn living atmn.iitu
114 iioli!''-i, rwtiiiri'4 s I't'ii.iituii.irial it,.i,
UKlit. IUII' I'msrrli Cur I lukuii Int. rimllv
aeiin dliwUr U)Hiti lliu litiNHt suit inin-m
sunatiusni Hi" yiiii,iiii-rir (lmtr")'ls II"
fimt-iMtuutt iif lliu itlM-aov, sin) giving tlius
II. 'in nr.'UKih l.y liulliliug ii llm voii-.illuni.ii
siul .!. (Iiiif nlur... iu niig in work. 1 liw
.nirlt r iin hi mum lunli lu u. rumiiva
iiw..r tl, ui iih'V it hiib llun. In . I liullsrs
lor any -ilil ll Isili, ui euro. Sund inr lui
ill Ir.lilii.illtsU,
Addrw, r , J. t'HKNKY & (0,, Toledo, O.
lUJI'n Pill snt i lis bi-, ,
The Adiutant-Cicneral of . the
rVrmy haa issued a circular to gov
em recruiting for the regular army
which uiiit'iB irom previous circu
lars on the Same only in providing
that tho pay proiwr of enlisted men
serving in 1'jrw Kieo, Cuba, the
riulippine Islands, Hawaii and in
tlx territory of Alaska is increased
20 per cent over and alwve tho reg
ulutioti rates of pay.
The Most Itemed for Stomach and
llowcl Troubles.
"I have been In the druir business for
twenty year and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list 1 have not found
any tiling to fUul L'huiulK-rlalu's Colic
(.'hole; and Diarrhoea lteiuedy for al
stomach and bowel inuibli-s." say O.
V. W ski-Ibid, of Coluiiihus, (la. "This
remedy cured two imvere caws of chid
era inurbiis lu my family and 1 have
recommended and sold hundrtnls of
iHiitlworlt to uiy eutomera to their
entire satisfaction. Italrords a tiulck
and sure tuire In a pleasant form." For
sale by Kirklaud Drug to.
Game Laws of Oregou.
As the fishing m-usun 1 now on and
tbe hunting season will soon oiieu for
larger game, it may lie well to remind
parties going to the mountains ust
wb't they ean lake game.
Ills lawful to kill doer and elk from
July 15 to November! of each year,
but It ! unlawful to kill them at any
time for tlie bides, Imam and bonis,
ami It Is also Unlawful at any lime to
kill a spotted fuwu or to chase a deer
wiih dog.
Tlie oien season to kill silver grey
squirrels is from Oulnherl loJanuary 1.
Tbe open season for t'lilua pheasants,
grouse, native pheasanta and (mails is
the months of October and November.
Hunters are not allowed lo shoot from
a public highway or to enter any stand
ing or growing grulu not bis owu fur
the purpose of recovering or taking any
game, or to go upon any premises for
the purpose of hunting or to allow his
dog to do so without the coiincut of
the owner or the ihuwiii in charge. The
law forbids the killing of Jnekstiipe ex
cept from the Ural day of Heptcmber
until tbe 1st day of February follow
ing. r;-
Trout may tie takeu from April 1 to
November 1 of each year. Ducks tun)
m killed from (September 1 until March
16 following.
The penally for the violation of ntiv
of the provisions of the luw protecting
gamu Js a fine of not less than $15 or
more than $110, together with the costs
of the prosccutlou- or by fine in the
county Jail not less than seveu days
nor more than 101) days.
Hhe IiIiiiIhIiiiii'M t hi-inir ho snvern tuw
Will take the chances of killing game
out of season,
. A Good Cough Medicine,
Many tnnusands have been restored
to health and bapplncsH by the use of
Chainbuiluln's Cough llemedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lumr trouble.
give It a trial for it Is certain to prove
benellc.ltil, Coughs that have resisted
all other treatment for yearn, have
yielded to this remedy and perfect
health been . restored. Cases that
seemed hopeless, that the climate of
mmous Health resorts failed to nenent,
have been iiernianetiHy cured by its
use, For sale by Kirklaud Drug to.
Monmouth, Oregon,
Fall Term Opens September 18th
The students of tho Normal Rehool
are prepared to take the Htate Certlfloate
immediately. .
Graduates readily secure good positions
Kxpeuse of year from $ 120 to $150.
Btrong Aeudemlo and Professional
courses. Nev Hpeolal Department in
Manual Training. Well equipped Train
ing Department.
For Catalogue oontalnlng full n
nounoamanU, addraaa
A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty,
A lVtlmid court lis decided the bi
cycle law to lie unconstitutional. The
opinion was by Judge Hears, and be
holds that lh law conflict! with that
section of the state constitution which
says, that "the legislature shall not pass
local or special laws (or the assessment
and collection of taxes fur state, county,
township or road purposes." He held
that th bicycle act was special and not
gotiersl, because it applied to only a por
tion of the counties in the state, The
court also bejd that assessment of bicy
cles under the special tax and also at
personal property, wss douhlo taxation
and therefore void. It was also held
that the tax wa not "equal and uni
form" because a bleyole worth five dol
lars and one worth fifty were taxed In
the tame amount. The ease is to be ap
pealed to the supreme court.
Polk county haa no bicycle tax, like
wise no bicycle path; so we don't care
a whoop. V
i 1 1 1 a
Polk County Bank
j. ii.iuwirr. p.t,.( tMrnnu
err.lihsl. tlrs-frniSonl.
UUt. COW MX, I mIUm. .
('aid Capital . .$30,000.00
J. II. ilawley, ). L. Caiupisjll, I. M.
Mimpson, j, it. v, Kiiller, John'
. Hi u nip, V. H. 1'owell,
Jow-pli Craven.
Transacts a General Banking
and Exchange Business.
The Hotel Eail
IDallac, Ore.
lias been refitted and renovated
front cellar to garret, and every
thing ia new. llcod sample room
for commercial men. Hatisfaetion
nutirantoed. Hales, $1.00 to $2.00.
peoial rates by the week.
E. T. HENKLC, Proprietor
Hot and Cold Baths at all
Kutch'a Barbershop.
IuilciK'iiili'iiie Oregon
?or DrayingO
....Call on....
Orders for hauling
executed promptly
and at reiibonablo
G. L Hawkins
Independence, Ore.
Monuments and
Cemetery Work
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
Malu Ht.
Iudepeudeuoe, Ore.
Dan P. Stouffer.
nsurance ,
.,, .Collection,
Maio Street
Dallas, Oregon.
Cnrroctnil tu (Into, ,
l.ertvi-i! Ali-lle for
mine qr Monmouth
Mn n m out li u nd
ft I-4 Ali-lle,
7SU a. m.
8:0 p. in.
f.auvoi Iuil6inl-
0.00 a. in.
' 0 0(1 p. ui.
I.envK Diilliu for
nue for Monmouth
mill Dullaa. '
Moiiinmitli Hint lu-
illieiuliioe. .
' l;oo p. m.
1 8i30 "
Lenvwi Monmoulli
lliOOn. m.
7:15 p. iu.
k -
Lonvea Moninouth
for InileiMileuoe.
for Ali-lle.
TfiflU n. m.
3i0 p.m.
Bi4S u, in,
liMO . in.
i4ll p. iu.
fti4B p, ill. .
UiOO p. m.
Lsnvea Inliiinl-
I.i-Hve Monmouth
for Dallas.
onoe for Monmouth-
8:05 p. in.
September 17 to 22, 1900.
Commenced Business March 4, 183'J
or inocpcnocncc, or.
CaplUl KUick,
Presldsnl. Vlrs-frssldent,
M. K. MAMTKltHON, Outlier.
i,M.Kipr, B. L, Durham J, A. Vuca
H. 1, Cooper. W. W, Collins
A simoral hsnkliif liuslmws trsnsaeteO
lluya nd sol la xbaua on ail important
s i lu Is.
iieiMwIUi fvlv4 ublmtt to dUsck or on
esninmiani anposii,
Oilientlous initdt.
OBim boursi
V a. m. to p. iu.
Smoked Glasses
Protect your oyeu from
tho glare and hot huh with
a tal r of smoked glasses.
Wo havo a fine nnHort
mont. For Sale by")
0. A. KRAMER &C0.
Jewelers and Opllclssi.
Indopendenco - Oregon
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. ' I have a good all-bristle hair
brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Who said there was nothing
new under the sun?....
If you think so, you will have to change
your mind when you see that....
"Special Bicycle"
Gampbell Bros;
They also have the celebrated
"golightly". Imperial for
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
A Biff Kick
a mail makes wheu his laundry work
sent home with porcupine editsa aud
spread eale button holes. It he would
bring his liuen to an up-to-date lnuudry,
where perfect methods obtala at all
limes, suoh as the Balem Bteatu Laundry,
he will reoeivo hla shirts, collars and
cud's equal to new every time that we
aeud them home.
Leave your ordsri at Kutch'i Barber .hop,
with the Salem stage.
J. M. STARK, Prop.
Vou can get...
6 Faisal Tickets for SI
Our Everyday Meal
is as good as our
Sunday Dinner, and
our Sunday Dinner
' is decidedly the host
Meal to bo had in
town. Try it.
WV 0. Sharman,
Main Street, Independence
Tlio Independence
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
Froiplsnt. , VIca-fiMldsati
& W.lJtVlMX, OMkltt.
0. F, Smith, A. lf1soa, A. If. Baih. H. B. ia
parse a, i. t. kbut. I. W . Dtars, U. BliMatxrr
A fnerl Bsntin ant exhisr bnilncsi
trsuMcted ; lotus u.i, tllli dli. ountfd, eosv
ot-rolnl tfi-dllKrni'(i drMMlis rmlv4 q
urrul smuum lict U ckMk, lalwtM M
a UiMdspwtw.
The Castle
Keepu cotmfautly on hand a Hue
uHHortment of
(3 Brandies,
- 0 Cigars,
Also the famous Hop Gold Beer.
El). GALC, Proprietor.
Prsssnptiss Druggist
Independence, Ore-
Send your bnstiiftns d Iroot to AVashlntf ton.
uvi uinet cohu uouor iervicet
My offloa olo to IT. fi, pAtnt Offlot. FREE prtlimtn
ry exftmltuttons made. Atty'f fee not du until patent
AUXUALfcXr-bKlENUE. Book "Howto obtain PatenU,"
to., lent frea. Patanta proenrad throufrh E, Q, Slggef
receive special notf
IV 9
without onarga, In tiis
UlwtraM montaLr-leTuth var Uttai. SI. a vtar.
uviw monumy Clever
Late of u. A. snow a vo. j
918 F St., N. W.,
anything yon invent or Improves also get
PROTECTION. Head model, Bketch.orjiUoto.
for free examination and advice.
x c.A.snow&co.
Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C.