The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 14, 1900, Image 3

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    nfcfc WEST SI DE L
new 1 thii wchV.
- 1 CMUtmiftl tlM I ... I ! I
l .-v-ni "KIKIIII m UTO dllll 0X.
Mllutmettt. lolK No. , r,rrt of
HHiur, nifi Momiay vvimtti,-ml initl-
iim one c minute in tli into ilogrve.
AUU Clmr-trr No. 84, Etm 8Ur,
lie iwoy VfllltlJ una iMeU HeW
uivmoer 10 tn roll.
I. W. Dickinmm has l led a tiw ear.
Ttphow( N. 141.
SATl'RDA V.JULY 14, 1W0.
Itt Qll'n VUlOVt
1)1, d.
J . 8. Cooler nm.U a l)uiutH driv to If-on) ol K. M . Wad A Co' liost
NUm on Moiuuy. I to liii livrjr oo,ulmioiil,
Mini Kny Molly, (ourlpcn vr of irr,
diw wt Mood PAtimrititn liopitnl, i'mt
I ml, on July 5 of wrphml tynlioltl, ly
ctniH h former rwiideiit o tliii oily
rut the nniln wem hroiialit licro for
lntrmnt lt Saturday, mvlw Imlng
IiM In the Ulirmtmn church.
Mr. MottoraliMd will liii''TIe Holy "IV" ,lv7. U!U
City" ( Ad.m,) hy rq, .1 th" M. ? ''J"" J'
Clturoh on 8uutU ,d 0 'n "1 1
MImg all tummer goods at and l.
iow co i u, cum; k ton .
F. K. Chamber sold two uioweri and
nny rKo ou .uomiay.
'. . uiwhuh ii oniming; a new
woik in iruni oi nit nmitlonco.
State Senator B. F. Mulkcy wont south
on me morning irmn IumhUy,
I.lpptneoU Mugatlne and the Wkst
Lu tutor i coming away from Cla
Mr. J. A. Mill went to Salem Tu
day for a fww dy' viait with rotative. B . Wado A Co. tent binder out at it i,m. ... .:ii:l ?n MlU" y "' one on Tuely. The
iv:l; k . : v,r ."r'Y . " ,0 nitoooiigon utna th. urU,
inere is no iucii inwt otltce. " r"t-"
- - i j
Another pioneer lm pnvmnt iwy
Willi Klllott died at hi home in llri.lwe
port, thi counlr, TocmUy niorning,
1 1 ii 4 h II vt I until the (eyentn of Ann-
v Imhmi one limnlrril
eue. The (iiiii'ml took
In (Itlil Kitll.ik'B1 ..MiiiMlnrw V'm.I.
The H'trto T,L.i A W.
ii kwiling it iWnrvlml enuin on flat month. urHnd recotitlon ami ntertiln
CMI (or ihlDnient to l'lirlluml. nixnl wu ulvim Dm nlil umitliiiiian in
R. 0. Simon .tarte.1 on hit hinder on ,M,nor ' h" 1,KHh "ilutay, at wliloh
pntoti of winter out Ti ...U ,iM:.T: Prty mere were over two numimt int
ymft inTii..iii :iiiiiiit,ii viinuirii, nun jv
i khiii iiiGir vniHirrii.
Mr. K. C. ISktridire etme on Mondavi Haw marrlml to Mint l'ullv Van.
to look over hit creamery bailding. lie derpool in Uy county, Miwourl, Auuiitt
wi I come for good m tooa a th ina-llS, 1821, In 1805 he atiimiitfitti'd to
chinory arriw.
tl If wt
Nebratka, and to Tolk County in lKtl
where he hat made hi home ever tlnce.
He wa the father of It children, nix
on and five daughter. Two ton were
killed UiiriiiK the Civil war. The other
children turvive.
For Mitti'lal
tine to a
ISipk, oall Ht tliottlce.
between Hen
detHittoa new location
kleaarid (.ioodmaii'i.
John It. Niodermark. reoreaentirs the
Irwin-li'Jon conuiany of Portland,!
aiwea a tew Heart n tin o tv on Tuea
( ImrU't L. McDonald, of Lewltton.
. , . . . . . . i- . '
wano, arrtvea in tne city Tuelav morn-
City Marehal Itiu k lav ia mittinu in 'K lft vitit for a week or to with Mr.
tile drain acroea third atreet uoar 1) I John Stapletoo, Mr, McDonald' lather.
Henry Tattenxm came tip from Tort-
janu on i etim-miay nioruuig't train. He
brought Ills titdiing rod.
.Mr. William and daughter, Mi
jjiay, oi wc. mi n u vine, are visiting Mr. Uale.
I.yon Lo.lg No. A. F. A A. M
met .Saturday evening ami initiated one
camlulute in the Urol degree.
Ice cream and ice cream toda at
luilHllSOIl 8.
ClHt'iicti null l RaWlnir matile loin.
tier for the l'ortUiul market. A carload
waa tent ou Mondae ana another car
load on Tuetdav. The lumber la made
up into furniture.
Don't forgt that the Wmt Siii clult
with the Oreuonaui. If vou are already
a ur-f!r to the Vimn Stua and want I
the Weekly Uregoman, come in ud get
NlUng laaie' tnutiin underwear at
cost at J. L. Mocktou thi week.
The Etstorn Star met Tuetday evn. the brnetit of the clubbing rate.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Metho
diet church mill avll ice cream on tsatur
itavs and are doing well.
K. M. N ade A Co. are at the bottom
on burning twine.
Theanw mill (till keen haninieritm
away ana turning out lumiier ai a live
ly rate. A oon a Mr. Claituett tret in
a planer, he will hardly lie able to keep
up wuii ma orueri.
Miss Uglow, of Puling, it vhuting Mia
ine outnern l acinc triiige gang it
CHitim-d here while doing tome work on
the iiuckmmute brilge.
Air. Kichant Maaiaon aiul Hon went
to Lewittvilio on Wedncadtty't motor to
viau wiu tier inoiner, airs. I4wia, uu
tit MU unlay.
At Kobmaon you can have cruahed
trims in your ice cream.
Mrs. A. L. Miller, who recently viaited
ner lather m r. Jouu Matileton on re
turning home to Vancouver, Waah., fell
ana oroke tier right wrist.
Miami 75ct shirt waiatt for 40 cent at
J. I., btocktou a.
IKm't overlook the United State
crtaiu separator, it is the cheapest and
the best. For sale by K. M. Wade A Co.
Alonzo Cox. wife and ton, of Missouri,
after viaiting with the family of Peter
Ktirre for a month, left on the Portland
train Wednesday en route to Sonoma
county, California. Mrs. Cos is a sister
of Mrs. Kurre.
Try Moore, the barber, north side of
"C" street, opposite Kuox'e grocery
store, lor a hair cut or shave.
Cloaiug out shirt waists at SO pur cent
reuuctiou at J. is. Mockton s.
The Salem boy who came over last
Sunday to play outy's boys, rode their
J. B. V. Butler, secretary of the bard
oi regents ot the formal auhooi at ftion
mouth, spent Saturday in this city,
Call op the Wbmt Sidk, (telephone No
141) if you have an item for publication
or a job to print.
The Royal Arch Masons held forth at
Masonic temple lust Friday night, tak
ing in three sojourners, after which j nu
tlet' was done to a banquet.
Robinson & Co. is the place to go for
a nice cool drink of 8ml a,
Ladies' 40 and 50 cent hosiery at 30
and & cent for one week at J. L.
"Why do some fanners go to Albany to
buy their binding twine when tbey can
hnv it cheaper at home of K. M. Wade
& Co.
Orris Robertson, wife and child, of
Heppner, spent a week visiting relatives
here, 'fhev have returned to their home
on the east side of the mountains.
A. J. Wafcott and family have moved
from the Mitchell protierty out west to
the Hparks property just inside the city
When in Salem and you want a good
meal don't forget to go to Btrong'e
Iletitauruiit, where everything the mar
ket ullbrd can be bad. .
The Washington State Grand Lodge
of Masons, at its recent session in Ta-
coma, voted not to admit liquor dealers
to membership in the order, and directs
present mem iters who are in that busi
ness to withdraw.
E. C. Pentland is making preparations
to tour the southern part ol the state In
the interests of the Oregonian and Even
ing Telegram. lie will lake a team from
here and write his observations from
personal knowledge. The principal
points of interest will be the mines
which have never been fully written up.
He will be gone several months and per
haps move his family to that section.
Gov. T. T. Geer has appointed Asso
ciate Justice C. E. Wolverton, of the
aiinreme court, a reaent of the btate
The early cloMim movement althoneh
Hitting the town all about u ha not
yet struck Independence, but the boy
are laming aiioiit it ami hoiunir mint
one will start the agitation.
Illryrle Thief1 Caught.
Charles Row, a young man aged almut
twenty year, was arretted and tried
edtiettlav for Riealimt a hieve e mm
Charle t irons at Himptou' loggin
camn. on ina i.ncKianiute. kim h
caught by Mr. Klmrwon, with the whet
In hi iHtateaaion, ami nrouuht to thi
city where a complaint was made More
Juttiee of the Peace Irvine. The cnlolt
pleaded guilty and wa fined ?'.'; in d
fault of payment he wa to go to the
county jail for 12W day. A conatab'
took lloae over to Dalla Wednesday
morning to serve ins teuiciice
Ilium Hall.
Iionty'i boy have In a measure, re
deomed themselves. On Hunday a team
Iroin halem gave the hoy a hard nil
for awhile, until Simmons of the Dimly
came to bat ami knocked the ball ove
the fence, bringing in four run, whir
teemed to throw a danier over the
visitor who thereupon went to piece
ami iMuly t hoya wound them tin by
core of 20 to 11.
rtext Hunday, July 15. a team from
Btieua Vista will cms halt with Doiily'i
team, on tne laiiuage ball ground,
Tock Scarf like cut, 15Ct
35o, 40c.
Ties,..; '"lOo
String Tio fnmi
t 20c.
t 25c.
Mihwh' ii nd Union
The Hntel Gail
I IDallac, Oxo.
Has iMt-n rtifiltml find renovated
from eclkr to garrut, nnd fvory
tiling in now. , Good Humble roitui
for coiiiniorcint nmn. Sutiafiiction
guaratitcoil. HaUm, $1.00 to $ 2 00.
Hpecial rates by tlio wook.
i Proprietors.
10H ,
'tl t.
ilnok or gray oxtru totality. ...
Liulios' Muck lino quality
liiuliort' Mack extra fine quality.. ........
Mis.sos' I'roni
Mis liurnett. who oonilicted The
wader millinery store here for ome
time, has ekwd the name and none to
Portland to take a position in a whole
sale millinery establishment.
The wheat cron of the eaatern nart of
ie siaie is a uuoitn earlier than coin
moii. Oa Sunday morning a carload of
hlueatem was received at Portland.
wreaking iiio record for early wheat re
V C l ltlu....l,.r.l .r ir;n.i....
...... v. . . v, 4, IDnMlIf Vf,
whowt in attendance at the United
ilrethrbu conference at rtiilomath.
topied over here for a few day' viait
with bila W itherow and other old ac
qnaintauce. lie Ifcft for home Saturday.
On Tuesday J L. Btockton and family
started lor Utiautatiqua near Ureiron
City. Tney went with all the house-
hold goods and campimi outtll necetaary
to enjoy life and will not return to be
vexed with businea for at least ten
The excursionists to Salem on Sunday
from here were not very numerou.
They say though that they had a sood
time until the two accident a national
guard man being drowned and another
man having hi leg broken lo falling
from In horse acted a a damper on
the pleasure oi the day.
The gravel haulers for th road and
streets are still bnslly at work. There
is plenty of gravel left on the bar in
front of the U. Ii. & N. comnanv' nro
pcrty. Every year the bar here teem
to be working down lower and the first
thing thing we know there will tie
several acre of land added to thi lide
of the river.
Mrs. Ktinford V illiamt, in comment
ing on the sticky fly paper formula men
tioued in lust week' West 8idb, say
that if you open your door almut ten
o'clock in the morning the Hie will
mostly all leave or can be easily driven
out. She say it is a sort of habit with
them. But they will want to come back
in again shortly after dinner time, so
keep your doors and screens tightly
closed after noon.
TJie 0. C. T. company boats have quit
us. 1 lie l omona made her laat trip up
from Portland on Saturday, returning
Monday. The steamers will continue to
run between Portland and Salem. Were
it not for a lot of snags in the river
where the Gypsy was wrecked, the boats
might run up here a little while longer,
As it is now we wont lie likely to see
them again until the fall rain set in
about September 20.
The Telegram has this to say of one of
Polk county' boys: "Charle W. Brick
er, a lusty native son, 7 feet 4l inches
high, and weighing 228, pounds, it at
tracting a great deal ol attention in the
city. Crowds of small boya follow him
around as thev do a Corbettora Jeffrie.
He is never tree irom puwic scrutiny
until he enter his hotel at the foot of
Morrison street. As a specimen of the
physical development of the native Ore-
goman, when Riven a nuerai cnance to
grow, he is said to be unexoelled. In
1 i m Polk county takes especial pride,
for there he was reared to early man
hood. He is at present engaged as an
advertising representative of a tea com
pany, ol this city."
Dep"y Head Counsel W. 0. Warwick
organized Luckiamute camp XVo. 818,
Modern Woodmen of America, at tall
City, Monday evening. The officers are
as follows: V. C, W. B. McGowan: ad
viser, M, G, Flynn; banker, Wm. Ellie;
Jortnal school at Monmouth, to succeed cefk , K, J. Reynolds: escort. L. Mur
pby; watchman, Wm. Jjee; sentry, J a,
liays; managers, Chtts. Pugh, Chas.
Illingsworth, Willard Gilbert: physi
cian, Dr. K. E. L. Sterner, of Dallas.
J. J. Daly, late of Dallas, removed from
the state. Judge Wolverton will fill out
Mr, Daly's unexpired term, that is to
May, 1003. This appointmeuMvill doubt
less meet with much favor,' as Judge
Wolverton is a graduate of the Normal
school, and takes a lively interest in his
Alma Mater and in education generally.
On Sunday morning at ten o'clock oc
curred the wedding of Mr. P. L. With
row, of Independence, and Miss Grace
Mattley, of this city. The ceremony
took place at the home of the bride's
parents, a mile and a half southwest of
town. The groom is a well known young
man of Independence and the bride has
a host of friends in Corvallis who wish
them all joy in their wedded life. Cor
vallis Times, July 7. ,
Mart Scrafford was in town Tuesday
and tells the Wkst Side that lie saw the
biggest and prettiest deer the day before
in his hay field that it was ever bis luck
to see. The deer came out of a small
Bwamp that is on Mart's place and came
within seventy-five yards of Mart. It
daw him and then leisurely trotted off
to another swamp and hid in the bushes.
An the deer were thought to have been
all killed off in this part of the country,
Mart thinks this one must have come
down Irom the mountains to get away
from the dogs and hunters.
During last May an Infant child of
neighbor was suffering from cholera
infantum. The doctors bad given up
all hopes of recovery, I took a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to the bouse, telling
them I felt sure It would do good if
used according to directions. In two
days time the child had fully recovered.
The child is now vigorous and healthy.
I have recommended this remedy fre
quently and have never known it to
fall Mrs, Curtis Maker, Brook
waiter, Ohio. Hold by Kirkland Drug
9' -
The Best Remedy .for Stomach and
liowel Troubles.
"I have been in the drug business for
twenty years and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list I have not found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," says O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe case of chol
era morbus in my family and 1 have
recommended and sold hundreds of
bottles of it, to my cutomers to their
entire satisfaction. It affords a quick
and sure cure in a pleasant form.!' For
sale by Kirkland Drug Co,
Hop Bold Beer
Bottled beer for
family use to
be had at
Independence, .
Mis Maud Brant entertained a
young friend Wednesday evening.
Mr. Al Shives, of Huena VIU, was
this city on business Thursday.
Dr. Jessep, ofSalam. wa in the city
vteu newsy.
Mis Ell Fennell, of Sulem, was visit
Ing friends in thi city Wednesday
U. L, Hawkins, our genial dealer In
marble, went down to Crowley Thurs
day to set up tome head-done.
A mini car it mnig loaded with man e
lumber for the Portland market, where
it win he made up into furniture.,
John Flukes, tawyer at Clagnett'i mill
wa taken III Thursday and the milt was
not sawing In the alumoon.
frank Clendenen, of I-awreuee, Kan
as, la visiting his uncle, hit Johnson
lie will slay here until fall, perhaps
An old gentleman from Port and
named C, Ii. Friendly, toot his valise
from the hotel Thursday morning.
There it tome question a to whethur it
wa clolen or taken through mistake.
A copy ol the Acron. published at
Three Oakt, Mich., ha Just been re.
ceived at the Wkst 8iuk ollice. It give
very interesting account ol the un
veiling uf the Dewey cannon In thatcitv.
ana is illustrated with nan tone cuts.
Preaching morning and evening at
the M. . church Sunday. In the even
ing Rev. Dr. T. B. Ford, of Eugene, will
occupy the pulpit In the evening. Sac
raiajent ol the Lord a Kupper wilt follow
me evening sermon.
Two hop contract have been filed In
Salem. Uno was for 12,000 pound of the
1000 crop at ten cent and the other for
6000 pound at eight cents, A con t inn
a nee of the present dry, warm weather
for two or three week will assure i
splendid crop of hops.
We were without telephone connec
tion with Portland, Halein, Dallas, Al
bany orCorvalli Wednesday. Six long
distance wires were cut Wednesday
morning to permit the moving of a house
along the main street of the city,
Grand Master William Welch, of As
toria, who Is making official visits among
the tuborilinale lodge ol Udd 1'ellows
in the state, arrived here Thursday to
otllclaliy vmit Valley lodge o. i:' that
evening, lie led lor Tillamook on In-
One of Dr. Ketch um' little girls fell
from the hay loft, on Monday, to the
lower floor. She struck some harness
hook In her descent, one of them mak
ing an ugly wound near the right eye.
Had the hook struck a half inch nearer
her nose the eye would have been lost.
No bones were broken and the little one
was about next day as cheerful as ever.
There Is sure to be a shortage of har
vest hands, owing to the demand on the
east side of the mountains and the num
bers going from here. Four more left
here Tuesday for Pendleton to work in
the harvest fields, vix: E. 0. VanMet r
and son Chester, George Reeves and
Perry Castator. They will return in
time to go into the hop fields.
Major J. P. Kennedy, grand chancel
lor of the Knights of Pythias accompan
ied by L. It. Stinson, grand keeper
records and seal, puiu an oiiiciui visit to
Homer lodge No. 45 Wednesday even
ing. The grand chancellor paid the
lodge a high compliment on the work it
is doing, and congratulating it on the
personnel of its members said he was
proud of it. The visitors returned to
Balem by team at 11 p. m,
Mrs. Laura Jean net to Smith, a sinter
of John Talbot, of Fall City, died nt her
father's home in Iroquois, Dakota, on
June 10. Drceased was horn in IH.jli,
Hhe came to Oregon with her husband
about 8 years ago. She" wa taken sick
at Dayton, Washington, hist January
and upon medical advice taken to her
old home in Dakota about two months
ago. She left two children, a son 18 and
a daughter of 11 years. She was of
quiet, genial disposition.
John Kirkland and 8. E. Owen came
back from Cape Nome last Friday even,
ing. They speak diBCOiiragingly of the
prospects there and late advices confirm
their jiigdgent in leaving. They say
that it is estimated that of the 10,000
people who have gone to Cape Nome so
tar this season, not one-third have
enough money to pay their passage back
to tome port on the 1'acitlc coast, The
transportation companies will not at
tempt to bring them back, and there is
no way to make the money necessary to
get back. It is officially stated that
there i little employment, except for
skilled workmen. If 3000 or 4000 people
are stranded, the problem already pre.
tenting itself it a to bow they will get
A good deal of indignation i being
expressed by some of our citizens at the
action pf the parties moving the house
from opposite the depot grounds, through
the principal streets of the city, cutting
over a hundred telephone and electric
light wires, besides blockading the
streets. The reason assigned by the
parties for going ont of the way In mov
ing this house, is that they could do it
better and cheaper than to take a more
direct route to their destination, because
the streets being hard they could put
the rollers on the ground without having
to use plank. In the meantime the pub
lic could suffer inconvenience by having
wire cut and the companies damaged
.....;.. -9c to 25c.
16c. lie
20c. CH
September 17 to 22, 1900.
T. HCNKLK, Proprietor
Hot and Cold Baths at all
. , Times.
Commenced Business Waroh 4, 1880
Men's fno black pox,
Men'w Hno black vox, wliito foot 13c,
-Tor 25C.
Men' gray mixed pox
Men's gray mixed mPr!..
- -AND A-
Kutch'a Barbershop.
Iiiili'ptmlent'o :, . t Oregon.
Capital Stork,
- I o,oo(i.ot)
I'rentdonl. Vloe-Prwldeat,
M. K. MAHTKBHON. Cashier.
, tt. Cnopnr, tt. L, Durham
tL l. OmiMir.
J, A. Venmt
W, WMJuliln
A'Kvnorar bunklnt butlntuui tramou'tod
HuytiMiU sll o!iiiif on all Important
poll la.
wikwim rwrivwi (ijnjwri ui ciiwk or on
cmim-Mianf lll, O 'llwllnu luado.
oiUtw Uounii in.
JSrin 'buying thew good nt.tlie RAKET STOR
kindly mention that you buw this ndd in the Wkst Shu-:.
Ucdiire Output of Hopx.
A rail whs iMil Monday, tinned by
a number of prominent borrower, re
ouentiiig nil Imiigrowor oi in tute oi
Oregon in iii.'vuii Hull-in t 11 o'cUx k a.
in , July I I, to eoiiHider a rclurtlon ol
25 her oi-nt in 1 1 1 output of hop tin
year. Thi cll it iM'oatloned by a coiif
uiiitiU'atiiiu ri'i'eiviM ny ai. u. joite.
previdetit of the Oregon llopgrower'
AfuoWatlon, from II. J. Otti'tiliitliiuir, a
hophuyer of Hnli'in, renrrtenting I.lhen
thai llio , f New York City, in whiuh
h ayt "Iteft-rring to my let'er of June
UH, and fupplemeiital thereto, 1 ilenlre
to nay that In raw the offer made Ihce.
m it aeeeplrd by the grower repretent
ing 75 i-er eent of the acreage devoted
to hop in California. Or. gmi and Wnnti
iiiutnu. mid the telling thereof left 10 ut,
our guarantee of 15 cent per pound to
the grower would be covered by tmd
to that effect, and tho money advanced
for harvecting would lno tie emitiilvreii
a a (under vec tiritv for the guarantee.
Ri(.'vci,N Norn A
I a tern iiecwtUy.
comfortable ddle
liny your cainenw and tiiplii't of
K. K. I'll AM UK
Great Damage Done.
The wntensHmt which vimted part of
Wheeler county lnt Friday, did untold
dninugc, and in ouiu cane completely
demolishing the entire place, Mont ol
the dnnmgu wnt done on Cherry creek
where Um hulk ol thi year' crop of hay
wa either carried completely awy or
tendered to at to make it upelct.
J. M. Connolly' ranch at the head of
Cherry creek, wan a total Ioi. (weeping
away hit cntite crop, tearing down every
one of hi fence. an4- carrying lliciu
away, before the mad ruh ol water
III lor It etti muted at iUUU.
It would lie ntehwt to try to ettunate
the entire o.m, a inott of the rancher
had jiiMt flultlied (tucking thi vein
crop, and In let than one hour nicy
were not worth the ground uimiii which
they were Hacked. Wheeler County
n WwliiBMlxy tivoitlii. Memlwr. will Uke
iluv notice Kiel novum tliemi.vuiiiu'wrillMilr
Vlnlilu KiuuliUi re Invlivil to alii'inl whwil
8C, 2 for 15c,
10, 8 'or 25c. For Drayln(
.Call on....
F. M. SKINNER, Sterling Silver
Order for hauling
executed promptly
ami at reasonable
I.. HtV.IKK.O. (
Jolm II. .Stuiup liuialicd on Fri
tiny l:iHt, on lux fur in adjoin ing
Monmouth, a thirty itcre IMd o:
rate winch yielded ton uiihiiciu to
tho aero. This plant reseuibleB the
rutabaga turnip, the stalks running
about four foot high when matured
'ho poiU and Kmln nro .ulsu much
iko iluwii of thn turnip. Tho recent
rainn cuukimI th ikmI to open, and
fully oiie-lialf of tho Hml acattercd
and wars not saved. It wan cut by
grain binder and thrcuhed with a
"grain Ho(arator without dilliuulty.
I ho valuo of Huh crop lo the pro
grcHHivu farnior interested in diver
silica cropn. can rcauity no Been
lieu it is known that on thin iiO-
acro field, which was sown in June
ust year. Mr. Stump has pas
tured :!(X) head of sheep till early
lis spring, uIho many goatu and
logs during the winter months.
And tlio weed at tho premuit market
alue brines d to b cents per pound
or aboflt $3.50 per IiuhIiuI, making
on the amount eaved on this crop
35 per acre.
This is probably tho first crop of
rape harvested on the rucihc coant
nd the outcome has been watched
ith considerable interest by agri
culturists from ditferent parts of
io state who havoknown that it
wus being grown here.
James h. Wing, of the Urcedors'
azotto. Chicago, with Dr. Withy-
combe of the Btate agricultural ool-
;ce. examined this crop when it
was threshed, and both oxpressod
great satisfaction at tho result of
tho experiment. Mr. Wing was
here visiting Mr. Htump's stock
farms, taking viuws of the stock and
farm scenes for publication; and
was also making a look-up of thor
oughbred sheep and goats, which
he says are not excelled anywhere
in the United States. '
A Good Cough Medicine.
Many tnoiiMunds have been restored
to health anil ImppliieH by the iihu of
('hauibct'luin'H Cough Kemedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lung trouble,
give It a triul for It Is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have renlsted
all other treatment for years, have
yielded to this remedy and perfect
health been restored. Cases that
Neemed hopeless, that the climate of
fatnoiiH health resorts failed to benefit,
have been permanently cured by Its
use. For sale by Kirkland Drug Co.
Wood for Halo.
I have several hundred cords of four
foot maple wood for sale which I will
let go for $2 on tho ground or will de
liver in town for $52,50 per cord, See
me at the ferry. Ghomoh Jonks.
Notice tu IMIinpieiit Taxpayer.
Notice 1 hereby given to dellnoiienl
tuv that tut ll... 'Hi, U ..I I,. I..
A. h. 1INI0, 1 will proceed to levy on and
(ell for tase all pronrty which remain
unpaid on the iMimiucnt Tax Hull for
the year 18.
iMed al Dalliu. Polk County, Oregon,
nun zviiiuay oi jur.e, iihni.
Hheriff of l'olk County, Oregon,
Ahitra. t of liimriiiueii! Filed In Polk I
County July it t0, !().
IM. Kheedey to Wnt McMillan, 105a
A Ibirlmnk d I C tn H r 5 w-ILVN).
United Hiate to Ahmhaiii Eadet, 817
ttvt ia, io, 3i. tp o r 7 w patent.
N A .Newhill to L M Wallace, lilt 22a
Nathan lluwey d I c tp t) r 7 w f Hon.
A I5lclnrlli to Tlio l i,, 44.13 mx II
H A Ttylor et us to N K Duncan, tJUa
tec ;hi in v r o w - .iw.
K A Ttylor et u to Jf E Duncan.
ion ec tp r 7 w-iiiix).
h A Ttvlor et al to N K Duncan. 10)a
2&tpr7w ll.MK).
A A rtmlivlt to 11 11 Hamtlel.
John W Harrow d I o In 8 1 r ft w $i.)O0
ivoiii now to 7 il liennett, 7a Wm
Ilowe d I o to tl r 6 w l"iO.
K It MuiiB to Ja DavidMiii. lui 5. It.
oik si, inorpa lown Iiiiieia'iuience II. V. vaf
l'olk Co lttk to Ir C Powell, lot a. vou can 8.el"
4, ft, blk C Fall City-:)7.60.
I'olK Co Hank to Clara L Kmmett,
2572 feet, being part of lot 7, H, hik 6,
o 1. 1, flioniiiouin f.fKl.
J W llrown to llauford Fowle, 101.5
John M .umwalt u 1 o tp t r 6 w
:M0U. .
25c. each
For Sale byO
0. A. KRAMER & CO.
Jeweler nd Opticians.
Independence - - Oregon
The Independence
Capital Stock, 150,000.00.
rr.l4ni. VlM-i-iMldaot
0. W. IHVlMt, OtthUn.
I. f. Smith, A. Nolaon, A. H. mh, H. If. Jm
pttKa.J. K. hbadM, h. W. (Mil, ii. HlKhbwrf
A ffn.rnl Ranklnr n1 iehtf bnalaaa; In u tnd, bllli dlKount4, com.
lu,nilcr'(1l!.gr.i,lnl; deoulu r.ulYd on
current i"(;unl ub)wt t chick, laurwt
The Castle
G.L Hawkins
ladcpcodcfK, Or.
Keeps constantly on hand a fine
iiHHortmciit of
0 Whiskies,
, CI ' Wines,
Also the famous Hop Gold Beer.
ED. GALE, Proprietor.
AWnuments and
, Headstones
Cemetery Work
. etc.
J.M.STARK, Prop. "
6 Meal Tickets for SI
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germanybut a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. I have a good all-bnstlo hair
brush for 2oc. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Druggist -
Mjw RiiiwrtMin of Portland, I the
gutwt of Mr, and Mr. A, J. Uictiardnon. I
J. 8. Ik'ri'iit ha gone to Ort'gon City.
Mr. It. L. Hurron, of Portland, it
vimting her mother, Mr. J. A.MuClain.
Mr. and Mr. Chat. Cnlvar, of SheU
burn, tiHMit Hunday with Mr. and Mr.
J. H. Powoll.
Clinton Cole, of Oregon City, viaited
rttiauvva at tin place wwk.
Mia Mario Vent). Clia. Mcleod
and ram Jiiildwin, of Winloct, Wath.,
aro vltitiiiif tlia attt'r'a iianiit Mr.
and Mr. V. C. iklilwin.
Mr. Seward and family, of Ilalltton.
viHitoti Willi Mr. Aiatliuw latt wevk.
Mist Jol Htivcnt who ha but'ii in
Orrgon City going to ohool hat roturnod
to tmr tiQtnu at tin place.
Dalian Molt'.
Our Everyday Meal
is as good aa our
Sunday Dinner, and
our Sunday Dinner
is decidedly the bet
Meal to bo had' in
town. Try it.
W. G. Sharman,
Main Struct, Independence
'-i"ui...i, . tfT,,riLt'i""'m'' " ""cl
Who said there was nothing
new under the sun?....
If you think so, you will have to change
your mind when you see that....
"Special Bicycle"
Campbell Bros.
3. H, Hawloy, P. L. Compbell, I.
Biiupmin, j. . v. uiitior, John
H. Httimp, F. H. Powell,
Joseph Craven.
fho newly-oloctc-d oflieers filinl
their ollioial botula Moiuluv, sub-
jtct to tlio approval of tlio county
County Chirk U. S. Laiu'linrv
given bonds in the mm of $10,000, Mulu Ht,
with aunties its follown: M. W.
Mix, $2000; Ira Smith, $1000; A.
L. StHsrlini?) $1000; J. H. Coopor.
$2tKK); F. A. Douty; $2000; 8. J.
Irvine, $1000; (. L. Hawkins,
Ciunty rroaHiircr J5. V. Dal ton
furnmhoH a $20,000 bond with tlio
following Buretioa: James Uoydston.
$1000; J. J. Wiseman, $1000; A. U.
Muir, $1000; J). S. UoDonald.
1000; J. B. V. llutlur, $1000; 1).
W. Hears. $2000; N. L. Butlor.
$2000; II. UirBchherg, $2tXX); J. S.
Holiannon, f2U(X); A. J. Goodman.
$2000; M.M. Ellis, $2000; H. 11.
riummur. $2000; J. N. Crowlov.
Surveyor Luther Ground's bond
is for $5000, with II. J. Butler and
ra M. Butler as sureties.
. Pxiinei are a full crop in this lo
entity, Tho fruit and trees are in
good,..;, condition. The July and
AugUHt dropping, peculiar to the
alIenl)org, has commenced,' Pro-
mrations for increaBod drying ca-
mcity is being made by many IrKliranPP
l. II ..,!, t ...111 .. !. a u
x mi miuub YVlli HUli VIUIU OVOr f ii ,i
one-half of a crop. Spring wheat I U01ieCtl0n
is looking well, and will bo average.
Oats are tine, and will no doubt be
a full crop. Potatoes are in the
very beet condition, and promise
more than an avorage yield. All
fall varieties are in full bloom.
The hop vines are lookintr fine
and protnisoa full crop, provided
the conditions from now on are
favorable. Bloominir has com
menced, although tho arms stom
short, which would bo Improved by
warmer weather. Very tow lico are
noticeable. On tho whole, tho ou-
ook is far better than at this time
ast season. . ,
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
They also have the celebrated
"golightly" Imperial for $25.
Independence, Ore.
IndopenuVnce, Ore.
Polk County Bank
J.ll.imVlKV. P.I,.('AM'IIKI.I
I'roni iionf . Ylri.'1'riolili.nt.
IIIM. rOWKI.I,, 1'ulili.r.
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness. Better off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
Transacts a Ceneral Banking!
and Exchange Business.
Dan P. Stouffer.
A Big Kick
a man makes when his laundry work la
?ent borne with porcupine edg-w and
soread eatcle button hole. It he would
bring his linen to an up-to-date laundry,
where perfect methods obtain at all
times, suoh as theBalera Steam Laundry,
he will receive hi shirts, collars and
cuffs equal to new every time that we
send them borne.
Leave your orderi at Kutch'a Barber shop,
with the Salem stage.
Main Street
Dallas, Oregon.
Office and Itesldenoe Corner Railroad
Monmouth Htreets,
$100 Reward $100.
ThO rcadnra nf IIiIm niLtmr will lm 'nlnsud ln
lcuru thin thoro is at luiiht one (Iruinli'il (Hnphnb
I inn mutmoa Han been uhlu to cure In nil Its
bUkii and Unit in catarrh. Hair Catarrh
Cure ta the only puslllva cure known to tlio
median) fraternity. Catarrh holng aoonatltu
tiiinaldlHciiiia, reiiulreii a oonatltntlonnl treat
ment. Hull's Catarrh Cure la lakun Itit- rnally
lu'tlng dlreutly Un the blood and mucous
aurfaoeH of the syaloin, thurehy dcstrnyiiiB; the
fourilationof th disease, and giving Ihujia
llunt strength hy liulldlng up Ihe 'oonatltullon
anilNlnllngnHturB tu doing It work. The
proprietors have so much laitli In its curative
power that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any ease Unit II fall to euro, Hond for list
ol testimonials.
Address, f. J. CHENEY A 00,, Toledo, O.
Hold by bruggists, 760.
. Hull's Fkioiiy f ilia ra t h best.
ti me Tab Lie
Oorreeted to data.
Leaves lnilopenil.
enne tor Atonniiiiilli
ml Alclle,
TiSO a.m.
8iS0 p. in. -
Leave Independ-
enee for Monmouth
and Dallas,
11:00 a.m.
7:1,1 . m, .
Leaves Iftimiuoutli
for Alrllu. .
TiflOa) no. ;;
SiAO p. ra.
Leaves Monmouth
for Pallas. . .
lliHO a. m.
,7iSO p, m.
Leaves Airlla for
Monmouth and
O.OII a. m.
1 11(1 p, m,
Leaves Dallas for
Monmouth and In-
ilependeneo, .
l:Ol p. m.
Leaves Monmouth
for Iiiilepi.iitlenee. .
, J:40 a, in. .
Iillo p. in.
Hi0 p. in,
. Kiff p. m,
OiOO p. tu.
Leaves TiMlenend-
eoe for Monmouth'
9i0S p. m. .
Send your business direct to WashlnRton.
saves time, coat less, bettor service.
Mr offlc oln is V. I. rsttnt Offlcs. TREK BrtUmln.
ary .xsmlnatloni mads. Atty'i fe. not dn. antll patent
AOTUiL EXPERIENCE. Book "How toobUln P.tmU,"
to., wl trm. Patuts praiind thrsatth B. O. Bl(ars
noelvs apsolal aotfot, wltboat oaargs, In th
UlaitraUd nonthly Elmata fw-tmu. It. a year.
anything you Invent or improve! bIbo sret
PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo,
for free examination and. advice.
onnr nu ditcut5?"- NoAy .
uuvn vn i M kit i v lee new
0 M rn o
Pent Uwyer. WA8HINQTON. O.C.
Steamers illona anrJ Pomona
excepted, at 7:00 a. ni., for
For Freight or Passage ap- -ply
on board the boat, or to
the agent
lodependence Oregon.