An Advertisement Wblou brtoge return U proof tt to in th ritftt pleo. Tn WESr SIDE brut Vk vera. The Best Newspaper la Mm ooa that give tba moat and frsbsl nsws. Compare tba WEST SIDE with an paper is Polk oounty. m tsw ..sbw k m - - VOL. XVII. $1.50 PBTeAR iyUKl'ENDKNCK POLK COUNTY, OltKUOy. B.VTUltDAY JUNK 0, MH). . Five Cents fer Copy. NO. 914. The Independence NATIONAL, BANK Capital Stock, (50,000.00 1. IIUCHBMO, ABpABAM MtMON, Vleagtastdeat o.w.uvui casta. DIRECTORS. . 9. ttattb, A. rJta. A. . .. . ft Him, t. X. lUde. O. W. Ian, M. llmkWf A general Baa lag tad etehaag taeiaeti tr.aa.cted: loaa. aaade, kill dlaeeualed, eeaa. warelal credits granted; e.eeall received eq , .carnal iwhi subject la taee. tateretl Ball a tin ) Commence! business March 4, 1880 THE FIRST UATI0;itL Kl OF INOCPCNDCNCC, OR. rlt -I Stork, Surplus, $20,000.00 10,000.00 J. 8 COOI'EK, W W.0OMJN8, President. Vke-Prceldcal M. K. MA.STKRSON. Caaliler. PIRKVTOR9. J, S. Cooper, R. U Durham J, A. VtoMa. K. tt Cu .per, W. W. Collin A iural banting bultiaa transected. BuV.aua ll ecbaue-e oa all tuipurtaul piiluia. ifpiwiM received subject to ehok or on crruct.a of deuuett. c Mectlous uiad. oibve buura: t a. in. to i ( iu. Polk County Bank (INCOUFOHAiEO.) MONMOUTH, OREQON. j. r.ui iwpa:i.t. Prnidrat. IU 1 1. PO tXl, tahlr. Paid Capital . .$30,000.00 DIRECTOR J. H. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M. biuinaon, J. It. V. Hmlcr, Joba It. eStump, F. 8. Powell, Joseph Crave Q. Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business. UOTOK USI TIME TABLE Corrected to data. Uim Independ ence lor Muutuoulli Leave. Alrlle for Meaaoath aad and Alrlle. e 7.10 a. a. 3.S0 m. ludepeudeuoe. :oa a. m. ftioO p. tab Leave Dalla for Leave. Independ-i tac. fur Monuioutb Moiiinitulh aud Ja depeadrnce. I Oil p. m. 8 UO - Leave Moaaioalk and Dullaa. llikOa. 71S p. ui. Leave Mumnuuth for ludeprudence. :4S a. m. 1:30 a. ui. 0 a. ui. a 45 p. a. V.00 p. iu. Leave. Independ ence fur Moiinoutn- S.OS p. m. for Alrlle. 7 80 a. m. 349 a. m. Leave Monmouth for Hal La, 11:110 a. m. 7.30 p. in. Geo. E. Brey DEALER IN WOOL and GRAIN INDEPENDENCE, OR. W. (j. Sharman, aarrtAiiuiT Tin An MtnlnMI IIILUS Main Street, Independence E.L.Ketchum,MeD Office and RatiUence Corner Railroad Monmouth Btreeta, INDEPENDENCE, OR J. W. KIRKLAND, NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate;... Insurance, Loans. Main Ht. - Independence, Ore. Dan P. Stouffer. Insurance, and .....Collection. Titles Examined, CHARGES REASONABLE. Main Street - Dallas, Oregon. Do you need PRINTING? If ko, give the WEST SIDE a cull. Printing of every diat ilptiun done with neat iifaa and dtapatcb at rea sonable ratea. WE AIM TO PLEASE. II OF III . flOIOHiNnM From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS ttevlew at tha lui(Mrt ant llapttenli g f lha rl Week Culte.l Krow t! Telesrauk Culiiiim, The ple aituatiou at Sau Krauuk'O ta unohauiied., Wuahlngtou dlplmoata aay KiiMttiil la the cauM ot tha Chluvaa trutttila, 8. H. Clark, formally raoeivwr ol tha Untou I'aotflo railway, ta distil at M. Louis, agint 69. Tha txiuatitutiotml auiiiiliput am powerintf oongma to reiiiilato iruata waa vtted ucu iu tha houao. Eight men ware killed and aaveral aevwly wounded by an eploiot ol nitro-glyoarlua at Mariotta, Ohio. Roawla haa ll.OiU) tiwpa at Tuknand 14,000 at Port Arthur, ready to ttike part in lha diaiutegratiou of China, A general strike by all the building trade at Kansas City 1ms Ixnm ordnrud and 6000 workmen will b tuvolvvd. One man was killed aud h'vitk! severely injuml by au explooion iu th Kastman Kodak works iu KiH-hmter, . Y. liobliera blew ap the safe of the Itaii. ot Sheblahl, at Dps Moines, lows, se cured $1,000 and escaped, after huldlug 60 oitisena at bay wiUi rides. Jose P. Knli, who shot into a group of email childreu and killed I'strli io Chauuun at Albuquerque, N. M., Msy St), 18U8. was banged at that place, An epldemio of black cancer prevlnla at West Derby, Vt, three deaths hsv lu; ooenrred within a week. A knit 50 bonnes have len quarantined, schoolr closed, and evervthiuK iHissible Is ! lug done to preveut a fiirtlu r spread of the plague. 1 Correo Kspanol, the oryan of the Spanish colonv at the City of Mexico, aays regarding Kulgand's policy of sn nexing the lioer npublios: "Pimr lloers. The world has applauded your heroism, but hs not moved a f)ugr tc prevent the upoilatiou of which you sit the victims. The Itftli ceutuiy giMs out dishonorably." News has reached 8s o KroucUcp from La pas thut Colonel liafael tisreis Martiues, governor of the of the south era district of Lower California, ill be recalled by President Diaa ou so count of complaints made against him by Hubert F. (irigsby, superlutendtmt of the Triunfo silver mine, 35 miles from Lai:. The Triunfo ia the Isrg est producer in Lower California. The nature of the trouble is not made pub' lio, but it is asserted that tha operation of the mine was in soma way hamirtd by tha governor, aud complaint was made to President ulaa. Pretoria and Johannesburg have beeu abandoned by the lloers. Fire destroyed the Palisade psper mills in Hoboken, N. J., cauaug a lost of $100,000. Filipinos surprised an American gsr rison at liulucan, killing Ave aud wounded seven. Decoration day was fittingly obsei ved in the house by the passuge of nearly 200 pension bills. Itoer Envoy Fisher, in an addrii t Iloston, aays the war will not stop until the lust man is killed. One thousand citizens will he sworn in to assist the sheriff of St. Louis iu potting down the stieet car riots. Cholera is spreading rapidly in Indian famine districts, and the diwth rate has increased 40 per cent in three days. Boxers have attacked and burned mission station at Lau Tson, Chiua, 40 miles southwest of Peking, and bsva murdered the missionary iu charge. Ahmed Pasha, the Turkish vice admiral, now in Washington, is well pleased with American shipbuilding and may give an order for a ciuiser fur Tnikey. Pfttnuel W. Walker, an inventor ol Omaha, after working 25 years to com plete a gold-relinlug inncmue was struck with heart disease in ISrooklyn and died, aged 48 years. Hon. James A. Head, Democrutlo committeeman from iennosseo, wants some place other than Kansas City for the national convention of 1900, and the reason is the exorbitant rates quot ed by hotels of Kansas City. A huge military scandal has been re vealed at Belgrade, riervia, by the bum ance of an order for the mobilization of the Berivan reserves. Scarcely a uni form was fonnd in the magazines. The accounts of the war office, however, show a large expenditure. James Finnean, a reoulse, living in the northern part of Perry county, Ohio, waa fatally tortured by marked robbers. The old man could not be made to tell where his money whs hid den, and the robbers beat and burned him with a red hot shovel nntil he whs unconscious, then they gaifgud him, covered him with a feather bed aud left him to die. The discharge of the president of the Amalgamated Association of Tin Workers precipitated a strike at the Great Western Tinplate Works, Juliet, Illinois, throwing ont 800 men. The wage question in not involved. Seven hundred injunctions were filed upon strikers and labor leuders in the George's Creek, Maryland, coal mining region, restraining them from interfer ing with miners who desired to resume work. Railroad officials at Buffalo claim that their striking car repair men art gradually returning to work. Grand Chief Engineer P. M. Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locomolivs En gineers, was re-elected at Milwaukee by a four-fifths vote. The Western Federation of Miners' convention has recommended that all local affiliated unions make it compul sory on their members to exercise the elective franchise, Bounties of $.r0 a month were voted to the families of striking miners who have been sent to tha penitentiary. i t YiKiiniiiiiu miiaiiBi inrrauin ranami. i tau...u... i i Maryland Democrat bav declared ' I Pulrttid, J una 7. Oregon ha gona I for Hryau. Otis has lauded in Han Francisco and Is ou hia way to Washington. Itather than suppress tha Aoxers, China uieaus to tight all l'.urope. Tha Republicans were generally sue oessful lu the election iu Oregon. tleorge Murphy, a Brooklyn bridge builder, whs drowned near Kugeno, Or, The wife ot ex-secretary of state Johu rihermau, died at Mansfield, Ohio, Cuban frauds are now kuown to in volve an amount sotuettiing like $500,- 000, Boxers ate said to be approaching Tieu Tsln, intending to attack tits city. The house lias agreed to tha $8,000, 000 appropriation to tha tit. Louis ex posit iou. A medical diploma ''factory" was raided tu Chicago and iu offleen are In jail, , tird Itoberti bus entered Pretoria, Ilia first order after reaching tba city waa for the release ot prisoners. Malcolm A. Moody wai re-elected to congress from tha rieooud district of Oregon, Tongue from First district. Tha attorney for tna Chinese Six Com pasties in 8a n Francisco, filed with the olurk ot the United (statue circuit court au application for au injuuutlon compvl ling the board of health of this citv to abandon the quarantine which it baa iuiHisvd upon di.trict. the Cblnatowu tloorge C. Perry, of Dubuque, baa been apduted Uuited btate n. shal for Abi.k fie was several times chairman oi a congressional commit - teo. 1 t Is also stated that l.eorge ( ran, at city, hemtor Alllaon'. forme of tha law partner, and twice postmaster ot Dubuque, will be federal judge of Alaska. Special disatche received from Algiers portray a eeriou situattou. Thousands ot Moor are massing at Fnglg aud lu the neighborhood, pre paring (or a determined attack upon the advance jsmta of the French. The French column have Joined hands at Zoubta, but the men suffer terribly from heat an J thirst, and hundreds of camels died. The French are prepar ing entrenchmcut and are coulldent ol their ability to repel au attack and even to take the offensive against Fnglg if accessary Britl-h agents are buying horses lo Kurtcru Oreogu. Another death from plague has oc curred iu San Frunciscu. Congress has appropriated alsiul $500,000,000 this seasiou. Boers are making strenuou effort to out Hober U' com mu neat ions. Throe men were killed a a irmm, i ..... , m a fetid at han Augustine, Texas. ( l wenty-ove artuau tusuraanta aur- rendered at Calure, island of I'ansy. Charles Fsrrell, of Albany, Or,, fell (mm au exoursiou traiu aud wa in stautly killed. Wirless telegraphy will be estab lished lu Sun Francisco, Puerto Hico and the Philippines. Boxers have destroyed 1,000 mission houses throughout China. Eight Americans are mising from one mis sion. Mr. Alseina Parson Hteveus, one of the best-known woman aocialologists iu Chicago, died suddenly at the Hull boose. President McKinley has cabled con gratulations to Prince Albert, of Bel gium, on his engagement to the daught er of the Duke of Bavaria. Itoblrer attempted to hold up a train 00 miles from Ht. Louis, but the plucky fight of the express messenger aud baggage master prevented their work from being successful. Dr. ItelU, the Boer state secretary, says that England will require a perm anent garrison of 50,000 soldier in the Transvaal, aud that the rebellion msy bo expected to continue for centuries. He believes thut mauy Boers will trek to German South Africa. Loui Klopsch, of Now York, pub lisher of the Christian Herald, who is at BombAy, writes of the famine' stricken districts in India in the fol lowing terms: "Everywhere I met the most shocking aud revolting scenes The famine camps have been swept by cholera aud smallpox. Fugitives, scat taring in all directions and stricken in flight, were found dying iu the fields and roailsldo ditches. The numbers at one relief station were increasing at the rate of 10,000 per day." The Russian minister of marine hat taken measures to increase the ellloieu ry of the Baltic, Black sea, Medlter ranean aud Asiatic fleets. Under the instructions given, three battleships, three coast defense ships, one cruiser and the imperial yacht are to be held in reserve in the Baltic; five battle' shins, three torpedo gunboats, one transport, one third-class cruiser and oue training ship in the Black sea, and in the Mediterranean, the Itussian squadron will comprise one battleship, three gunboats and one torpedo gun boat. An American water hyacinth which ia not infrequently au obstrution to na vigation iu southern river has been successfully killed on the Melpomene canal, Aew Orleans,- by a chemical spray. A license to sei: intoxicants was given to a man iu Benton, Ky., with tiie proviso thut no one should be al lowed to "treat" in bis barroom, and that every patron must pay for his own liquor. About 3,000 moulders in Buffalo struck because they would not work with cores made by non-union core- makers. Members of the Bricklayers' and Stone Masons' Union, of Chicago, voted unanimously not to withdraw from the building trade council. The granite strike, began at Wester ly, Rhode Island, March 1, for an eight-hour day at $3, has been settled, and the granite plants will reopen. Eight hours is to constitute a day's work, with 85 cents per hour mini mum wane. 'Filipino Leader or His Ao Kf I tant Was Shot. Urnfor supreme court jul and Bailey i 1 COMPANIONS TOOK HIM AWAY V I J miefcly Caparison) Harse Was i.H Wltk aadrile-Maa CeNlalaliig la gent' Diary pad Papers. Vlagn, Luton, via Manila, June 5. Major March, with hia detachment ot tha Thirty-third regiment, overtook what ia bellevtu to have been Agul ualdo'a party ou May 10, at Ugat, about 100 miles northeast ot Ylgan, The Americans killed or wounded au olllcer, supposrnl tu be Agidnaldo, whoa body a as removad by fJOa-ioiaff;,n!aTr"Tn al lowers. ' t r , ; Kihi. , Aguinaldo bad 100 men, Majoi March 138, tha American com tu sudor reaching La Uoagau, whera Aimftmhb had mad bis headquarlart since M if b 6, on May 7. Aguinaldo had fled M.aa hour before leaving all tlu beaten 'rails aud traveling through tha forest along tha beds ot streams. Toward evening, May 19, Major March struck Agui naldo' outpost altout a mile outside ot Lagat. killing (our Filipino and cap iat lug two. From the latter he learned thai Agnlualdo hud camped there foi the night, exhausted and half starved. Major March s men entered Legal on tha ran. They saw the Insurgents scat- taring Into the bushes or over tha pie- teau. A thousaud yards beyond tha 1 l5 K,,piu, dw,ae( lo white with ... ,K. Bn, hl)tM wert ailKuaUed Mgatna th auusnt. Tha , .,,,.. ,i . vnll. ami aw lha I ffl d w. h(lWB 1U ,,. ,ow,( nJt MnjlH tb My Th, Americaus, on leaching Die spot. caught the horse, which was rlcbly saddled. Blood from a badly wounded man waa on the animal aud on tha ground. The saddle bags contained guinaldo' diary and some private ars , including proclamations. Ou of these was addressed: "To the Civ. tilled Nations." It protested sgsin.l the American occupation of the Philip pines. There wss also found copies ol beiiator Bcverldge's speech, translated into Hniab and entitled: "The Death Knell ot the Filipino People." Major March, bellavlug that tba Filipinos bad taken to a river which is trlbuUiy of UieChlco. followed it tor 4. A .... u.. ..I. I.... Tl-n u I.a two davs, reaching Tlao, where b learned that a wrty of Filipino had descended the river May 20 on a raft with tha body of a dead or wounded man uion a litter, covered with palro leavea. There Major March reviewed hia com maud, shoeless aud exhausted, '' Pld ' freshest men, with whom he beat the tut rounding country tor six days longer, but with . ,. . . .... oil iilluiuH auy irai iu. mibui.ii'iw, An0tU 0Ui tuA t a nam, May 80. , . ,, . J I Tha officer shot waa either Agulualdo or hia adjutant, and as the horta w-.-rlchly taparisoned, it Is fair presump tion that it was Aguinaldo. STILlHfaW" FROlii QUIET. Several tllalarlianees bp lb t. l.oal Car-Striker. St. I) n Is, June 6. A riot ot small proportions, during the progress of which a boy was fatally shot aud a dynamite explosion incurred, marred what would have otherwise beeu an uneventful Sunday. As a cur on th Tower Hue was Misting the corner of Twelfth and Calhoun streets, a crowd of strike sympthlters threw rocks at it. An unknown man Iu the car tired revolver into the crowd. The bullet struck Peter Frank, 18 years old, who who wa sitting in the doorway of bit father'a house. A detachment of police dispersed the rioters. The boy will die. At a late hour this afternoon an ex plosion of dynamite shattered the cable conduit aud switches of the Olive street line, at the intersection ot Maryland and Boyle avenues. No one was in jured, but traffic on that end of the Una bad to be suspended. There is no olua to the pertrators. i More than the usual quota of police wa furnished today for the protection of passenger aud crews, aud as a re mit the number of cars ou the varloul linoa of the Transit Compsuy wa materially Increased. Car were oper ated ou 10 lines. This morning the nucleus of the first regiment of special deputies forming; Sheriff Pohlmanu'i posse comitatus, consisting of 10 companies of 60 men, each armed with shotguns, wero as signed to active service in preserving order. Their duties consisted iu pa troling the street and doing guard duty at the various power house uJ car sheds. Floods In Texas, Dallas, Tex., June 4. Tremendous raina have fallen iu the lust two day. The rise in the Brazos at Waco sinoo last night in 28 feet and the river is till rising six inches an hour. It li out of its banks, and much alarm Is felt. Trackmen and section men on the Central New England railroad in Con necticut and New York, struck for $1.60 a day The Strike In Chalon, Kranne. Chalon, Sur Saono, France, June 6. The itrike here reached a critical stage last night, and toduy the city i studded with soldiers. The trouble began during the afternoon, and at night the street lamps were extinguish ed and missies of all sorts were thrown at the , cavalry and gendurmei, who flrod, killing one ot the rioters and wounding 20, some of them seitously. Fifteen gendarme and two cavalrymen were injured. The trouble is not yet ended. ramie Ilnnllng: uf Iilaeaaes. London, June C. The Vienna corre spondent of the Daily Chronicle says: discovery by Heir Ziorler, a dentist, tag been repotted to the hygenio insti tute of Wursberg university, wheroby certain eleotrio currents will destroy bacteria, thus painlessly healing dis ease. . Frospect Mora serious. London, June 5. The Shanghai cor respondent of the Times say that well Informed natives in Shanghai think th position of affair in the north will be oome more serious. diary and fool commissioner have tried tha state by majorit' s exoe.!- ng that given for the itepub'..! tlok- ot two years ago. For congressman, Tongue in the First district already haa a plurality of 1,V29 votes, while In I HUH hi entire plurality wa but 2,087. In tha Heoond district Moody's plurality of the prsseut Incomplete returns ia 8,200, whereas in 1808 be won by ouly 8.667. From only one couuty ot lha tats has the complete anoftlolal returns beau reported Hon ton. Fur ail other, including Multnomah, the figures art mora or less Incomplete. LEGISLATURE REPUBLICAN. Twealjr- lies ftdlowtng t u Moiebiy were elected Oregon ttata legiala tl'MH aenator. ' Caxjsand Curry T. M. Dimmlck, Hep. Cnsik, Klamath, Lake aud Wasoo J. N. Williamson, Hep, Douglas D, C. Marsters, Hep. Douglas, Lane and Josephine K. A, Booth, Hep. Multnomah F. P. May, (Jit. ; It. I). luman, Cit.i A. C. Bmith.i i. E. Hunt, t it. Bulk It. F, Mulkey, Hep. I'ulon and Wallowa J ustua Wade, Fus. Wasco T. It. Johnston, Hep. Washington, Multnomah and Columbia-Alex Hweek, Clt. Washington-W. it. Wehruug, Fu. Wheeler, Cillliam, Grant, Khennau and Wasco W, W. Ktelwer, Hep. Yamhill, Tillamook aud Lincoln W. Tyle Smith, Hep. Hepreaealallve. Jlaker W. K. Grace, Dein. Benton U. J. li'tubols, Hep, Clackemae J. L. Krue, Hep.; John Talbert, Hep.; Charles W. Toole, Hep, Clatsop John llahn, Fus., and one doubtful. Columbia Norman Merrill, Hep, Coos A. II. Black, Hep. Curry and tJooa H. D. Hume, Hep. Douglas C. Hose King, Itep.; A. H. Mattoou, Hep. Gilliam, Grant, 8herman, Wasco ud Wheeler tieorge Miller, Hep.! O. Cattauach, Kep.j Oeorge A. Bar- I .. rett, itep. Harney aud Malheur W. T. Baker, Fus. Jackson W. A. Carter, Hep M. Stewart, Hep. Jackson aud Douglas E. D. Brlggs, Hep, Josephine George W. Colvlg, Itep. Klamath, Lake, Crook and Wasco T. A. limmett, Hep.; A. D. Roberta, Beu.; Jl, MeGreer, Hep. ' ice f , T. Harris. Hep.; James !: . tau.t Ivan McQueen, Hep. , Liuu U. Muutague, Fus.; W. II. Injrra.0, Fus.; Mark Poery, Fu. Liuculn an 1 Polk-W. L. Wells, Marion Henry Keene, Hep,; J. M. Poorman, Hep.; C. D. Hartman, Hep.; J. N. Smith, Hep. L. L. Pearoe, Hep. Multnomah John Driscoll, Clt.; V. A. Heitkemper, Cit.i George W. Hoi comb, Cit.i C. W. Nottingham, Clt.; Otto Kchumau, Clt.; J. J. Shipley, Clt.; II. A. Smith, Clt.; M. E.Thomp son, Cit.i D. M. Watson, Clt.; G. M. Orton, Clt.S George L. Story, Hep., and one other Republican. Multnomah aud Clackamas A. K. Dresser, Hep. Polk George L. Hawkins, Hep. Tillamook aud Yamhill B. L. Eddy, Hep. Umatilla and Morrow Asa li, Thompson, Hep. Umatilla L. B. Boeder, Hep.; T. J. Kirk, Hep. Union D. A. McAllster, Dem. Wallowa aud Union Gilbert Heavls, Fus. Washington Hubert Bernards, Fus.; A. W. Vincent, Fus. O. E. Edson, Fus. Yamhill K. F. Lamson, Rep.; Clar ence ilutts, Rep. The political division ot the legisla ture is, including 13 hold-over Repub- licau aud throe hold-over Fusion sunitt ' ors: ' Fu. Rep. Senate 30 House...' 88 or Cit. 10 . 21 Joint ballot 68 ' 81 Republican majority .2? Doubtful 1 Claim Agalnat Mexleo. New York, June 4. A spocial to tlx Herald from Washington says: Con sideration is being given by the statt partment to the extent of the liabili ty i I the United State for $240,083, th'i amount of the award against Mex ico iliHhursed to L'Abra Silver Mining Company. As a result ot the decision ( Uin Umted States supremo court thut the award was obtained by fraud and setting it aside, Secretary Hay has re turned to Mexico $408,000 which had not been disbursed. A bill has been introduced in the senate appropriating and authorizing the return of $240,088 to the Mexican government. risque In Hawaii. Honolulu, May 2D, via San Fran cisco, June 7i There have been rumors of the reappearance of the plague, which are denied by the health authori ties. Alexander Chrishold, a native ol Nova Sootia, died on May 86, after Buffering for six days from what wai said to be malaria. An autopsy re vealed swollen glands, and his funeral was interrupted by the health officers, who cremated the body. Two more quarantine stations will be established at llito and Kahulni. The Kmpre' Order. Shanghai, June 7. The Shanghai Gazette say it has the highest authori ty for stating that the dowager empress ha ordered the Tsung-U-Yamen to face all Europe rather than to interfere with the Boxers' movement. Elsewhere it is asserted that the viceroy has ordered troops to oppose the further landing of parties from foreign warship, and that troops now engaged in operations are designed to prevent further reinforce ment reaching Peking. The largest powder works on the Fa eiflo coast is U be built near Seattle U Majority Not So Largo Two Years Ago. OOUNTY TICKET MIXEC Republlean Candidate for Slate OAVet and Cinre..ineH Will lie Itepubllean. Portland, June 6. Return received op to 8 o'clock this morning give very little deflutta Information, They In dicate, however, that the state Is aafely Republican. The vote polled fell con siderable short of the registration, and tor tba most axt tha election waa vary quiet. Wolvertoo I re-elected judge of tba iijreine court, and Bailey ta re elected dairy and food commissioner. Moody I safe lor congressman la tb Second district and probably Tougu la the first, with slightly reduced plural ity. Th legislature wilt be Kepobli. can, but probably lest heavily so than tha hist one. FuslonUt went racoesa ful in electing part ot tha couuty otQ cera lu several counties. - Vote bp Counties. Multnomah Results iu Multnomah, couuty wero mixed. Moody has a iuiv jorlty of 6,00J. Howe, Republican, ta probably elected mayor. Baker Incomplete return taawt that the Republicans carried the couu ty by a small plurality, Clatsop Tho Republican state ticket bat a largo majority iu this couuty. Umatilla Demuerut will carry most ot the county office, but tba Re publican state ticket will receive a iuo Jorlty. Wasoo Indications are that Moody' majority i about that of two year ago, Oilman Return from thi county indicate a close content. Three pre ducts heard from glva Moody Kill, Smith 180. The Democrat will elect sum of the county officers. Morrow Morrow bus gone Republl can by 200. Moo ly leads tho ticket, Republican couuty ticket is elected. -Grant Tho Republican state and leglslsliva ticket carried this couuty. For sheriff aud school tupei iutuudeut Democrats are elected, Union Tb vote In this county is close, five product giving Moody 233, Smith 233. . Sherman Moody Is in the lead ia this couuty. Msriou Incomplete returns from not rlysll products indicate that tha Republican ticket Is elected by a large majority. Douglas Indications are that th entire Republican ticket ia elected in this couuty, with the ex cent Iou of at lessor and aoue representative, which are lu doubt. ... Tongue Is running up with bia ticket, Wolvertou I getting hi party vote. Yamhill Tongue hs carried thi county. Vote ou county officer ia close. Democrats make a gaiu. Columbia Moody will have 300 ma jority iu this couuty. Laue Tho election of tho entire He publican legislative ticket 1 conceded. Tongue I ahead. Linn-Partial returns from 10 out of 80 .precincts in this county indicate the election of two Republican repra itu tat Ives. Judge Wolvertou will car ry th county by probably 600. Tougu is running ahead of hit ticket. Jackson Of 289 votes counted, Tongue gets 163 aud Duly 116. Dem ocrats carried a uumber of couuty offi cers. Josephine One-third ot the total vote in Grant'a Pass shows a Republi can majority of 25 ou state officers. Representative about even., Claokama Incomplete return from seven precinct show Republican pluralities for Tongue 174, Wolvertou 165, Bailey 60. It is conceded that the entire Republican county ticket is elected with the exception of sheriff. Benton Five precincts oompleto out of 16 give Daly 278, Tongue 357. Democrat here probably carried th couuty, Klamath Content is close and re sults uncertaiu. Coos It is concede that the legis lative and district Republican ticket la successful. The couuty ticket will be mixed. Cnrry Five products lu thi couuty give Daly 77, Tougue 129. Polk Nine out ot 31 precincts give 480 for tho Republicans aud 420 for th Fusioirists. Nearln Tien Tain. Tien Tsin, June 5. The Boxers are reported four miles off, and an attack Is expected. Everything is ready, and the residents are confident. Thirty five German missionaries arrived here this evening. Three Belgian engiuoers have a .Tived. The French consul say 11 are missiug, but thore are hopes of saving them. Gome In Havana. Havana, June 6. General Maximo Gomez arrived here this morning. He was met by representatives of the var ious political societies and an enthus iastic crowd. On reaching the palace Gomez stood up in hi carriage and sa luted General Wood, who waa ou the baloony. ' Baden Weller, Baden, June 8. Ste phen Crane, the American author and war correspondent, died here today, aged 80 years. Killed at 8nn Mlg-nel. Washington, June 6. The war de partment haa been informed of tha deatli of Captain George J. Godfrey, Tweuty-seooud infantry, and Private t'erry Etheridge, company A of that regiment, during an engagement . near San Miguel de Mayuumo, Luzon, on the morning of June 3. " Mr. Johu Sherman Dead. Mansfield, 0., Juno 6. Mrs. John Sherman died at midnight, aged 78 years. She was Miss Margaret Cecilia Stewart, only child of the late Judg Stewart, of this city Nantes ef tame ef tha Prlaetpal tlraatf old la Ibis Vlelaltf . The recent discussion ia th 'paper of the effect upon th human system of food mad with alum taking powders and th opinion that have been pub lished from noted sciential to th effect that such powdori render th food unwholesome, have caused numer ous inquiries for th names of tb vari ous alum powder. Tb following list of baking powder containing alum I mad up from tb report of state chemist and food com missioner, of Minnesota, or other reli able authority: Ilea lag Few dart Cealalalag Alam; K. O. .Contain Atom Jtques Mtt. Co.. C'lilctso. Calumet. Contains Alum Ctlumei Baklnx Powder Co.. Chicago. Ilotft. Contains Alum Hum Basing Powder Co., San Pranclsao. Washington. Contains Alam faeltte Chew Wai Ward. Taeonts. Crescent Contain Alum Crewsnt Ml. Co., MeaUla. Whit Lily Contain Alum D. ferret t A Co.. Tacoma. Beo-llive .Contain Alan Wathlngloa at fg, Co., San franclsco. Bon Boa ............. .Contain Alum (Irani Cbemleal Ce.. Chlcaao. Defiance Contain Alum I'orlland Coffee A Spies Co., Port aud. Portland , Contain Alum Bene A Ballla, Portland. In adJitiou to these, 41 I learned that many grocer are selling what they call their own private or special brands. These powder are put up for the grocer and hi nam put upon the label by manufacturer ot alam pow der. Th manufacturer, it I aid, fiud their effort to market their good In this way greatly aided by th ambi turn ol th grocer, to tell a lowder with 1 own nam upon tha label, especially when tha grocer can make an abnormal profit upon it. Many grocer, doubtless, do not know that the powder they are thu pushing are alum powder which would be act ually coutrabrand in many sections if old without disguise. It is quite Impossible ta give th name ot all tha alum baking powder iu (he market. They . are constantly apiearing in all sort of disguises, nnder all kind of cognomen, aud" at all kind ot price, even a low aa five and 10 cents a pound. They can be avoided, however, by th housekeeper wbc will Itear in mtnd that all .baking Iwdrs soil at 25 cent or less per pouud are liable to contain alum, a pure cream ot tartar baking powder cannot be produced at anything like thi price. . : - BURIAL. OF SPANISH RULERS. Weird Ceremonial Cutoin Prescribed fur Royal Obseqalee. Strange and almost weird i the cere monial which acoompaniea the burial ot Spanish king. The pantheon, or royal tomb, ia at the palace of Kscurial, situated 8,000 feet above tb level ol the sea aud some distance from the capital. Only kings, queens and moth rs of kings aro buried there, the coffins ot th kings lying ou one side, and those of the queen on the other. A Iter lying in tat tor several day in the throne room in Madrid, aay the San Francisco Argonaut, an enormous procession is formed accompanying the body to the Escuriul. A halt I made on tha way and the corpse rests there for oue night. In the moruing the lord high chatnbei lain stands at the aide ot the coffin and say iu loud tone: "I your majesty pleased to proceed on your journey?' After a abort silence the procession moves on aud winds up to tha grand portal of the palace. These door are never opeued except to admit a royal persouage, dead or alive. When the casket containing the remains la at last placed in the vault the chamberlain unlock it and, kneeling down, call with a loud voice: "Seuorl Senorl Seuoi I" After a solemn pause be cries again: "Hi majesty does not reply. Then it is true the king I dead I"- 1 then lock the coffin, give th key to the prior (the palace ot the Esourial contains also a large monastry aud the church) and, taking his staff of office, breaks it in pieces and flings thein at the oasket. The booming ot gun and the tolling of bell announce to the nation that the king ha gone to hi dual resting plaeo. Raving Oneself by Service. A man waa traveling over au Alpine pass. He went over the glacier, sink ing in the snow step by step, upward, until ho was aweary . High on the summit of the pass a desire to sleep overcame him. He could hardly put ouo foot before another. Just as be was almost sinking down into the Bleep which would have proved the sleep ot death to him, he struck his foot against an obstacle which proved to be the body of a traveler who had preceded him. lie bent down, found that the heart had not ceased to beat and began at once to rub the trozeu limbs and to do bis best to reanimate the body. In his effort he wa successful. He saved the man' life; and, in tha effort, he banished hi own desire to sleep and so saved hi own life in saving another. Herald and Presbyter. Already Tamed. "I have decided," said the girl in blue, "that when I marry I shall marry a widower." ."Coward I" returned tho girl in gray, scorn folly. Truly, It would seem that a woman should be willing to tame her own husband. Chicago Post. Literary Ornament. "What is a library,' pa?" "A library, Jimmy, is what a man has when he gets together an awful lot of books that he never haa time to read." Chloago Record, Bet Patriotic Example. The glory w remember we are to hand down unimpaired. The next generation noeda the example of fath ers as well as forefathers. Boston Con gregationalist. A Sucoeaaful Cruaade. The W. C. T. U., of New York citv, has just made . a successful crusade against the sale of "brandy drops" in the neighborhood of publio sohool- No. 67. Tbe sale waa stopped by two of the 73 speoial deputy sheriffs appointed by Sheriff Walton at the request of the W. C. T. U. and other allied organiza tions. Tbe shopkeepers have sent th candy back to the wholesale dealers. Striking union carpenter in Boston, Mass., who ask for eight hours and $3.60 a day, had their demand aoced d to by 45 final. Pretoria Surrenders to the British. ' ROBERTS WAS READY TO FIGHT Civilians Cams Out Whk flag at Trnee Upon the Jiemaad for Vaeea eoadltloual Run under. London, June 7. The war office ha received tbe followiug from Lord Roberta: "Pretoria, Jane 6. Just be for dark yesterday tbe enemy were beaten back from nearly all tba position they bud been holding, and lan Hamilton' mounted Infantry followed them to within 2,000 yard of Pretoria, tbioaga which they retreated hastily. D Lisl then sent an officer with a flag of tree Into th town, demanding it iurrtar ia my name. "Shortly hefor midnight 1 wa awakened by two official of tb So lb. African republic, Hand berg, minister to Commandant Botha, and a general olll cer of th Boer army, who brought m a letter from Botha proposing an armistice for the purpose of settling tb terms ot surrender. . "I replied that 1 would gladly meet tbe oommandaut-general the next morning, but that 1 waa not prepared to discuss any terms, aa the surrender of tbe town must be unconditional. I asked for a reply by daybreak, as 1 had ordered the troops to march on tb town a toon a it wa light. "In hi reply, Bohta told m he bad decided not to defend Pretoria, and be trusted the women, children and prop erty would be protected. "At 1 A. M. today, while in lino of march, I was met by three of the prin cipal officials with a flag of truce, Hat ing their wish to surrender tb town. It wa arranged that Pretoria should be taken possession of by ber majesty' troops at 2 o'clock this afternoon. "Mr. Botha and Mrs. Kruger are both in Pretoria. Some of tbe British prisoners have been taken away, but tbe majorty are atill at Waterval. Over 100 of the officer are in Pretoria, lb few I have teen are looking well." WAR IS NOW ON. Admiral KempA Reports That Flgbtlug Has Commenced. Washington, June 7. The secretary of the navy received the following cablegram from Admiral Kempff, com manding the Newark, lying at Taka fort at the mouth of the Pei Ho river, dated Taku, June 7: Engsgemeut has commenced. Hava landed a force ol 60 seamen mora . . . . battalion of marines. "KEMPFF." The break in the admiral' cable gram ia caused by an illegible group of figures. Regarded in one light, it would seem that the Newark ba land ed 60 sailors to reinforce the marine already ashore, and in another respect the gap might be read to state that 60 sailors had been landed with another battalion of marinea. However that may be, the admiral's news ia regarded a of the utmost gravity. Secretary Long ha cabled him to aend his mes sages hereafter in plain English, in order to avoid further misunderstand'' logs and delay in transmitting the dpber. The state department ha received a cablegram from Minister Conger, at Peking, stating that matters hav taken a much more serious turn there. No dotails are given, but it is indicated that the Boxers' activity ia extending my close tothe Chinese capital. At the oabinet meeting today, Secretary Hay read the cablegram from Minister Conger. The minister will be given wide discretion in dealing with thes new conditions. HOT WORDS IN THE HOUSE. Approaching Clo.e of tha Betsloa Warmed Up Member. Washington, June 7. Th house entered the throes of dissolution today, and all day aud all evening tbe gal leries were crowded. Tbe picturesque inoidents were few. Partisan passion rnnning high in the face of the impend ing presidential campaign broke out Beveral times during the afternoon, and hot wordn were bandied across the political aisle. Hull (Rep. Ia.) and Lenti (Dem. O.) crossed words, and later Grosvenor (Rep. O.) and Gainea (Dem. Tenn.) had a lively enoounter. Throughout the day at every opportu nity there was a play for political ad vantage, and taunt and challenge wero bandied back and forth. But all this was merely incidental to the work of crowding through the big supply bills which had the right of way. During the Interim between the consideration of conference reports, member clam ored like madmen iu the wheat pit on a panic day for recognition ot private bills, upon which their politioal sal vation might depend. . At the night session tbe galleries were thronged witn gaily arrayed women, and tho floor waa a veritable bedlam. Hour after hour the con ferees struggled on with their reports, the speaker, firm and resolute, steering the house through the turmoil and con fusion. Toward midnight the galleries thinned out, but the tired legislators, with the prospects of an all night ses sion ahead, remained iu their places, getting what comfort they could from the knowledge that tomorrow the end would oome. The United States Shoe Machinery Company Bbnt down its McKay factory at Winchester, Mass., owing to labor troubles. About 000 employes are af fected. Coquille City, July 4. Or., will oelebrata Baltimore, Md., June 7. The Dem ocrats of Maryland, in the state'eonveu tion held here today, selected a dele gation to Kansas City, aiid adopted a platform which leaves the delegates uninstructed, but declares that Bryan is the choice of the Democrats of Mary land. Imperialism is condemned, a large standing army deplored and it is suggested that Demoorats everywhere lay aside their differences on the cur rency question and unit iu an effort to stay the overwhelming progress ot radical errors in regard to the nature of our government inaugurated by Mo Kinley and the Republican party.