The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 05, 1895, Image 3

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    imcial Fapsr of folk County.
- I
10 II V
(lest Side Publishing Company
TMlUtsl) v Y, lilirKMIiKUA, ts;,.
(llll.lii'li'n Hull In (, litlix" Idler Lux, ill
Onlfeller IIhw.
tiUk loan iiimlii, An uiiHiuiit.
Uli VV i.. . 1. 1 II..!,,.,
' "
I . .. I ,1 I I
1 1 J oil n 14 II I n IH-Ull 1 1 1 III h l VIT , u i
t , I I, , , . , ,
t "
Dr. J. ll Tluilllii. IliW plIll'lliOHil Ull'
Mux 1 1 'ill) pr.'iieily ul ,iiiiii..iiii
'lultl Uiiivi'm wiiil N . K Wiiiin, ol
McCoy, m-iv in Iiimh tliU wick ii.iiua
liiml m m,
Alt. Wiltfht, r McMltMivt.U-. U vihIi
lug her iliiiijiUHT .jm. I,, (uiiiliii, ul
till i ll V.
. I i , I lavv U y uuil Mim. IU..U' Jl.iU-l t-
mm H'iil lii.l l li ui o'tii v mill li u'ihl.
HI Nielldull,
Iluy (il'ucnili-ii from lluuly At l n
wiul mi m mlvcr li i net. Tiulr prov
till UlU CIM'1
T. W. Wunii, uf inr Hiih iii In I'ulk
county, wi in lovwi tiiu llmt nf Uu'
win k uu I'lixiu, .
FVt Vi'llcn, who U uUctiitiiiu
WilLiueiie Uuivt:iKli', ul'in, w
Hi lii'lm' over (Sunday, llila m i k.
Wlii'ii you wuut it giMnl iiii ul for S
wiiu, go lo .Strung' ivi.tniiriiut, Vi'iu
tviit A lrlu, iirinirU'iom, .-uUm,
Me I'Ulu, wliu U mji'iit fir Uu'
uti'iiim r Ailmiii, ul Sitli'in, wun ui lit I
Miniiliiy, w lili Inn fiiinily, uuil KjM'iil u
fiw Imtirt mIUi ri luivr lnn,
lv V. T, Klwimr, of ts-uidt, with
liU wiio wiul lltili. tt.mniiti-r, iiini
) i'ii f nl nyi-, iiirivi'.l lii'ii, luxt ir i
nlnl tnUm uliiiij;!' ul (In- llUinl iluirrli j
tiru n iauir,
TIli'Mlll.. I'nl.l.-.. H.K.'I, mi Hi.. ,r-!
. ., ii,iu i . ,
in r nf t mnl H iilru.ul himi'Ih, U nulu-
IHf r iillnll.ili fur llml eluwrvie..
on m r t r uif.iiiuii'i.l.iiinii mn.iiiif (In-
lUVl llllji . ill' III'.
Joint K. Milli-r iiti'l funily , uf Mnn
liiontli, urv liitviulliig K'.lii In ('nil
fui ulu win k nlu-r ii, xl nil vUlt, iitnl
w ill return In I'linUm! uml mukt. tin ir ll'Ullii tllere. j
lr, Waller Hutu. hi liu ei i Kuoil ;
miU'ly In eli .iMli'ii ni die tlry leave ;
uml iitum iiUml In iiMili'im. in
ur. Iiui'l ulri"!'! aii'l inueii lmii.ivei
UlH lljl'lltllllt! Ill I III) I'lllllIlM .
'I'liot'ity IUtaiiri!il Mill iuituiiit
to enler to I lie Intiel M auU u( man. A
ihk lili'til f..r St iv. l. I.ktrn i lilekeu
iliiiuer miii'Iuv. .M.'iiii ul nil tiunm
No l'lmienewlu) i ,NiH ulu fur H.
I'ruf. Wiliiier oHjulilitil ii rliiw. In
Voeal luil-ir a' tin' AU'lluu nun ll
Kiturdity, iliiriy-iiirrt. Ujuk .r- iit. j
He eXlx-cU tint lueiiilierniiji of Hie
t'liim (.1 lea.'il Ul) ttl iiuH llie-H
irwuin Ule tfiveu Ii) tile lll'.l.lll fut Uu
In ptliv ul l-j tvuU 1'iirli.
111114.11 W llll'd. - VI I. hit k IliilM-ft
frniu lu H ) ear ulil and iiuui tlM hi
J J ,11 biiiu.K eai'li, III el,lil, Ir tin la
lu IH liand lilii, nil liiuii !' widl
lir ikeii ('i liarii. ". Will m t In.le
pelideuii", iHtvill n t, Wiilneml iy lllh,
fur lllf pilf'"M. uf liu)IIIM- S m
Mr. liltiill, one ul the fall)' pluintl ,
of liijilf Viilie) , rnlulliuiinly, t In )juli
hpnii few ii liuumlu town rri'la), mi
l,l way lo Ainu Mr. I.uitun mi)
lln re 1h uu fruli, Imt (UU he niUed ill
iheir valley, iiiiiI iphiltly runnm !
Ipienlluil.'d IlK'l till' H'liMUi fur tlpcliillg
In tllfee Week nlicad of nlln-r pafU- of
(lie eulliily
Oiienf lln; rolilli eVelitu ul Moii
liluUtli i lln caiilutH of Ji'pihu, wlili li
Will U jjlVftl llilllil'i)' rvetiliiH,
lleeeliilu r lil ll W It ll H Kl alld clininn ul
Mxty Vi'li'-i. Ml U'iKf liaM'lt, wllu
Iiun llif en nf u u lu chiirKi-, Kuve II in
the w llli Kieat tleeen. Tlir n
tunic, tin' umrclic mnl . liurum it w III
nil I,. laUirmc mid on u ijnii d wnlf.
Mim lluHi 1'mwcII, llm miiin t! Icurlicr
lif lilt Stale Normal, whiMewcel Vniec
Im elinl nicd lit. Hi) ttlluluivi. Iieard II,
ha t'liiim iitcl In kIhk "'o Hi thu
ltni.iil cluiii'li licic on Miinhiy even-
Ink', IVceml-cr I'.lll. Hhe will ! lu
coiupaiili'd on Hie; iirk'au I'.v Mm.
OravcH, of Mniiiunutli, mid I'l""1
Wclllier W III Wilder the Violin ohllKiilo.
I'r .f, II. T I'Velii'll, of lilt' St lite
AKrU'UllUiiil fulli K'. m Ciuv.ilil. Wu
lu town the II ml of Hie MifiiiK
ill,,. ul a Kurui.i'H liiKliiule lien', mid
UKieed with no ne uf our cin.'-u Uml
nliDiil, next April ouii Mhould 1m lifld
here, mid ll I' Hindu prulliui'lc mid
liihiiiieilvc iiii'cIIiik hy h.ivluK I ho very
he!, tit lit pupem leml,i'Hllik- to hccuic
ill I'oiR cuiiiiiy,
Kur xevt'iul hIk'IiIh Ihl week lln ru
Illl hct'il Ik Ci'Hllillllllloil n'vlllK lllh'l
Inl iiuii'iil lit I he milium ium, fill led I he
(Jr. ut KaHtei n Coini'dy l!u. Oulnlde ol'
the HiiiKiiiK of Hie Hill" '"' ''''
oii, which iMt'Xecllclif.mid w Ik. hIiuw
a iiiarvttlou vuloc In one o yuiniK, "iv
4i('rfurumiiei I very laiue, mid ImitU'r
4in Km (mm Hlnrinliiif. nnler, hut Ihe
Imiul liny h urn llHllelH uml hy pal'ildlllif
the l refill I he ft dny d'ew guiid IiuIini h
mnl lllli'il llm hull coiiiloriiildy i-veiy
evenllin. It I imt out of plueo to
ohwrve lieru Uuil. thu liidcpciiileiut)
Iim. (I i ureiitly Improvi'd mnl Ih kiv1"
iih Hoiiitt v. ry (i od iiiiwiu.
Thu iiuiitilmllv of I'lmmocilulii'
Juiiili Jtciucdv mid Ihe hlgl" t'Uriu In
Wlilcll It Ih held lead ll' In ludicvu It to
lie mi nrllcli! ol'irieui wurilt mid merit,
We have Ihe tileiiHiiic of k'vI"H le x-
lierlclicu of tliree prolillnelil cllizell of
Ucdoiidii llcmdi, ('id., lu llif iio of Hie
remedy. Mr. A V. Truilcll Hay:. "I
liuvu nlwiiy. received prompt relief. J lined Cliunihciliiiirn I'lingl)
llt'ineily." Mr JumeH Oielim'd hii.V:
"1 tun' HiiliHlled lluii. Climiiherluln'M
:oiinh lleiiiedy (Mired my cold," Mr.
J. M. HuUdier miyn: "l-orthiee yciim
I liuvu ued CliiuiihiTliiiii'M CoiikIi
Jtiunedy in my fuiully rmuU
liiivtj ulwayii been willHlactoiy,
uiuler-Coopfr Drug Cnmpuny.
Tie U, S. Oov't Reports
show Royal Poking Powder
luptrtor to others.
'.tlr, Kl ( I.MlMl.r
I Sim.
". H'ltlM MuNli'll 1 a fii.n.
WlllWk.nii V.mih.Ii.v.
Ten cut , , ,,llK.ri (ll uu, Uk(ll
H.k Kill Tor III.' v (.hI,., l.y ,.
Hi. Ill),
I.U" lilt htM YWdlicdin
f"t ( '
im ci.iihi v, in .i n, n,t. u Inter.
nriNiiiif k iKHi.'nimii Id ,t i,.
I'1" ''! the Mi. i In cihIIihn
1 ii .
j Vinlcly,
u t rlluu nftlie (Inn iif Hierlinn
i llhm. goe liifxini Fihim Uu next week
mi u Vial I.
""' .ioici flu Mi I,.iiii,i Imiikii n
t'loilfi ll, I in.iktj ,. ( hrlHlMIMI
i I'lflM lIlK
i I . .
! A I W1 Vf n,l, my mrlvill lllMl '.
UII1V1 , ,lu, ll(lltlu (lf iiiHt WIU((1
llhlMwil,. , Inili'lii'liufliri.,
II Vnil mi- In iiIumi. uu niil.Hi rlirl lull
Him mii'r, i'.miI'I v"ii not iiMil.ii imr
Ul''(H'lllllllllC.- Illl, lltlilllll.
I'li tiiii. I 'i. i (., i,i up, ill CMi'i'lU'i
I trim.
V Ill . I . i .
.Mi iu ii tin in-Mii iruiu, I'limiii'M,
I'lKHlN, iiml m i wtiicr ul ihi- li'.u (ii,
nlwi lii xh dii'iiil i-very liny,
Stllti' nf hilll'lll IllNU lllll'l" Hlll'rN,
llil.i-ll li m li I Hi W (Hillrlin Ixxlli'il III
w lil fi'lliii inlin. p4w V, I'. Viljllt A
iii, hiiiiiiM.
Mir. ('I.iill'.liir Hiiw lufiit in ii
llllll l(.y hHVf HI, III M'WIIll tlllM'B IIIIIH.'
I'llllhlliuti. .,".riili ln-lore Di'i'i iiiIh r Ul
limn IumI Vfiir.
Mn-h Mmy lliill. uf Nfrt jiurl, m imw
lMiilHmlliir III (lll Wl'.HT hll.K llllll'l',
llllll ,Nf 1 1 y WhIhIuII Iiiik IMlUHUi'il In
li'iiru iln ri iii-r irmli li'i-ri.
Mm II, Wi,!Klim, nf Fii'iirli I'l'ulrlf,
iiiiillii r uf Mr. Iv K. KiviikIi-, ilii il
Vi',iii'iiiv iiiHi'iiiuK, uuil ,)r, Krt'ni;li'
iiml fiuiillj went uwr in iitli'iiil llii
funeral .
Nf.i Humluv Mr, iiml Mm. Win,
Kl'liMe, ul iicnr Miinitiniitli, will Imve
i.i-eii umrrle.l S yi-um, mnl U fullim.
Ili Muinlay will linn K tile muni) fur J.
I,. Mili klull iilii) w ife.
A I'li'iiMitil jmrly mukIv u tty Mm,
I'lirl Cu,.n'i' Wimiii',iv eveiiliiK In
". i.n.i emy
i mil ulu ( uom-r'n Kill mitiivemiirv
i i . ii. 1 1... i i. . . ... i. . .
,'ui ineuij inue uiU' were iivm'ii.
W, J Klfklaiel ,i :,. lilaekNinllliM
j ttlnl Wiiuii liuikeiM, lieur llm .ii(
j brt.i);i', Atutu t reel, tire now iV.itrril
j I" Uu Ihh.Ii.i m., Iiuviii iiui.'r.eileil
j Kreiijjk' k IIiIIihuI, liive lliuu
i'.'-o'l. Itl
J Illl' llliij'l,elim' elly tillllll will
illvi'l lenllliil iliiliee ,Situri,,y iKm.
j All tln ir liiirtlin Imvn iiruveii veiv uii, I Mill 1m i-tiii I lint,.,! ,'i-,i a
lu een lliuu ine iiiniie In nnuileil
to tin-iMiiirttiy . I he iiuiliiuriiiiii lluur
In In (hie nli.iK fur 1 1 . 1 1 1 I K - "
l iie i, uu.. r lUmtMiit mnl tin. Alluna
w ill Kile u a ihiliy ervnv In an, I liuin
I'oriliiinl week (ruin m-Hl Alomluy
nut even iiiiul iy t')tivii.i. Tlieie In u
ruiiiur Unit ilie O. U N. Co. will nlmi
ni.ilie ln leH'inlnie a ilmly wrme
: ami run u ll we. kl) dual iruin h, ie lu
t tii riittt k
Male Ulllil.-l,iifllt (J, M. Irwin
ill have lul' the i.ui'j.t'1 oi III lecture
at the W A. it iiiiditoriuui, l'idaV,
liminlt'l ii. "A Naiiuu
mid N .Naiiuu lv. pl." i he Nuvi llu
chili, uf M.i'.iu.iii. h. vi III i-um M'Veral ol funny ii, Mm M.irurcie
LnlHIicic will Mi'K. I'"! t're-w)'
..It i u m,, (I,,, I lid. pcndeiiiv hand
Hill imiie Hi" luliil if 1 1 1 1
"Inn W ill h" t cent the plneieilH In jo
tupnyUie dt hi on Ihe (i. A. It.
..iHiin .iill.lii Iuiih open
'cut, tiniiiiiieiit Iii(;iiihiiI h:iN ,
n t -..Id,
Hurl celluloid reduced In.'li nod
ivnl a lout, a1, t 'uiil, Iter 11 run
lieu, W, JellkllH, l-llitur (if till' Sltlllll
Mm In "Tint','' (id , in 'aklii of
the viiriuUK iiiinu ni of children nld:
"When in ' chllilivn luive cruiip there
i nnly lie palenl Hicdii'llie tlutl I
ever uhc Ami I hut i ( 'hiiiiiln rlalu'
t'ul!)ll K.'liU"l). ll pUK.CN uine
iiiedleal plorllc that relieve tin'
lillle n il 'lem lliiliicdintcly. ll I, ill
my opinion, the het C'lUwh nieillciiic
lu the market," If this remedy I
freely itiveil u wmii ii the eluiipy
e Ujli iipiear it will prevent the at
tack. Thcie 1 tin ilmiKi r in kIvIiik Ii
hi children, a It eonliiln iiollilui; Im-
jlll'inll. l or .ile hy AleXiitldlT t oupcr
I'nirf Coiup my.
'I'IiIk Ium liecii a htmy week up Micm
lu the ('nop. r lit'icU i iiuiiiy ni.iMHK lu,
llm, l.ic A lial'hilt have Ihe li'olit
three rouiim, 1 r, Mulkey the next
ih ree with hay window, Mcsim. liuller,
I'iivviim Inl A I'ntter Ihe next I wn, mid
Ihmlcy mid Mimiemnii, mid ( 'l.iiliihci
anil Ah xaiider have I .vo hed rn.inis
Mllh tl jot lit parlor hclwecil. (I', S.
We inciii they imc the parlor Jointly.-)
livery roinii hut one i now occupied.
A. K. Kilp at rick, of Filinoie, t 'ul.,
hud Ihe misfortune to hive Itln Icif
ciiUSs'lit l.ciu e n ii carl mid n Hloiiemid
liiuMv hrulHi'd. Ordiiiaiily he would
IliVe heeli laid Up fur two or (hive
week, hut .!: "After ii-iIiik one
hoi I le nf ( hulihci lulu' 1'iiln i inl m I
hcuiili lo feci lieltcr, niul In three day
wu entirely ell. 'I'lie pceulliir ttuulh-
(piullile which Chiiinlicrluln
Pain Malm piwwwi'H I Inivo never
iiutiecd In un.v oilier liniment. I take
pleiiHlire In ri)cniiiuieliiliii( It" Till
liniiucnt I iiIhh "f k'reitt vulu for
rheiiiniitlNiii mnl luinu buck. I'r ule
hy AleXiindei-Cooier Drug (.'uliipmiy.
The C ity Kiwi Ion.
On lu!, Monday Hie eilisiciiH of Inde
pendence mi Iheir hitllnt fr the
municipal oillccr fur Hie eiwulug your.
I he clccll hi wu (pilot, but h grout
deal of (piicl win k wa done, which
all'i'Clcd (lie rc-iill in n HtirprlMing man
ner. The I'nllowing i the ollltiliil re
mil t :
ripe aui UNMiit
tut 2nd Hit Tot. MnJ,
W.I'.tJiiniiiiwny, rep 7H !SI l!tl
T. .1, Lee, (lem () 'll 4" t" 7
W. tl. ('unit, r 70 81 lit 131
T. J. Font, .loin IK d H HI 10
fit ic out iih. ii.
(Ium irvlnii. rep 7(1 87 211 UU 17
M 10. Aliistei soll, ilcni 611 (IH Ul 12S
pelrr Conk, ri') il' 2H IH Wi
W. W. Wllllanm, dmn III 47 !! 1711 87
(I, W, I'liirlHli, 'i
M. McrVln,
ti, W, CluHKclt. '
0. W. Ilcnkle, 41 9
W. W. I'urclval, 74 W .
W, U. liratreii, HO
I WrlKHI A Shi, DuIIiim, nin liuvu tin in
I''.IM lllW mi Illl..,, In ...11,1 . 1..
j''''y H CI allow ou the unearned
t pri-inlunm.
,iuiieiu ( lull.
Tin- Jiiili 'iiileiuH. iiiinili-iir Allik-llo
Cluli lielil lu iiiiiitnil ni'i'tliin fi-t rui'
' . 'I'lll' lleiiHIirer reliufl hIhiWh tilt
"iii lii K', euhill .,ii IhiHiii'litlly. A
in-w uijjunl.., iIiiii v,m iilieei mnl M
iiumU'r of new nit'iulMrM tukfi; In.
Tl.e fuiluM'li.K i llli't ln weri' cleelell;
lr. Walter Itnlil.lll, priHlili iil; Hum
Mlimm, vlif pn Hlile ul; H. K. Itiin h,
w'ft'inry, I, A Hii'li-y, (MiMirer. Tin
cluli linn N'nii-,.,1 Mi,. Atiiiliiiiliiiu mid m
IIihI ela-N yy iihuihIiiiii h III f II lie' I iii. I
Tim cluli will liiiuiKUiule ii MTlen nf!
i iilei'luliiiiieiilK In Jmiuiiry Ix-kI ' K
w it Ii ii NVw Veiirn Imll
II'miIhI I'Hrknr l'iirri.-iuiui.'iiiw,
l. it l-'rlday, tin. .nili, Dive Haley
mid I'M. M ill'T nave a him pi'Un lolleo,
('. I!uier' diiUKiitcm, Kvii, (Muni mid
I.ucy. The participant In the I'Ven
loll' excrclwH were; Sud U Huniley,
Kiite Sloven, VluluAlexmider.NMtl mid j
I'hi Haley, Orphiu Sluper, Jane Cuiup
tun mnl ,,H. (liner .Muiphy, lhrtio
lii'kem were; Willlmu Cockle, Ueo.
Ium ley, (Mevu Tiirker, l''nr Alex-
under, John Juhlmou, l!d. Cockle,
Admii llurliiinll, Oilier .Muriihy mid
rclile Sloper. A pleiimit tluut wa
had mid ut I J o'clock luirp, npper
wn wrvud, which ended the pro-
1'iirkcr' llierary wn luiuu'il tlie
"Lihpuiinu" mnl nave lln opening pro-
uruiiuiic liutt H tl unlay evciilnK. Then-
wiui eoHKlderanle tulelil hIiuwii
during Hit i-veiilnu! hhiI ihe audience
wn larni. mid iiteri led, Next Sntur-
day cveulnn our iH-nt titlki-r will war
over, "wiui ilcM-rvt-M the iuut prulw,
WuHhlugtuii or t'olunihii."
A hi i in if The ('hurdle.
Al the Klll lu,llHt ( lnircli, preucli-
1 iK I'i' 'I'v piitur. Itev, W. T. Fleeiior
t II h. in. iiiiil p. iii. MoruliiK
Hill J et, "llirpiiiitluu I'uilll," levelling
'i'our Little 'I'liitiK " Scripture lc-
on Ueo, .'I l Imp. ullliK people
inei'lluK t 0-W p. ill. Stiuduy uhiii
ut l-:-0 u, in,
There will U. pr, ai liliiK lu the l're-
h) lei mil ehurch lu-xl Sahlmtli liiuru-
niKiit 11 o'vl.N'k hy ptmlur S. A. (iiiiixe
Hid in the evening nl Tl.'tll, Sllhjei't of
ihe evening iIIhcuumu "A Midnight
Itevlvid." Stihtmtli Solionl al (i u. tit.
V. I'. S ( K. tl n. in.
ludepeiidciice ,M, K Church, D.
Il.j.ler (IIiwh, 1'aHlui. I'rc.ichllnf vr-
viein at 1 1 u. m. mid 7.MI p. in. Mil n
day cliiii t ll) h in, mid Kpwnrlh
I.eitKUe ul 'iM p. in. Morning mibjcft
" 1 lie rriiiitformliig Tower of C'hrit
litiiiy." Kveiilug Mihjeel, " The St-uwi-lloual
I'leai her.
The meeiliiK In (he Chrl-liiiu cliun h
now tii priiie, h (Niiiihii'lcd hy the
tivitueliHt, V. I,, l'ierce urv iiecuiupllHh
in very lunch good, Tin rt. hiive U'en
im ventl addition. Tim ordinance of
Chrlitlaii haptlniu will he oherved
mime i-Vclilllg till Week. Ildercl
.In pens ul every m-rviiv. J'upular iu
ate receiving liard him, hut in a piril
u kluducn mid KCIierolty,
W hen iuliillem leuve une ehurch
ami j , In aunt h. r It In t li lit mid Im
plicit hy nuuu that lliey leave la'CHimp
uf iruiihle mid Krlevauei- Willi their
luetheru or perluiiHliave Ih'cii exH'lled
So, In viiiiilciilioo uf hiumelf mid lu
eompliiinctj w ith Ihe re(piet of friend,
he will uu I'Viduy lil),'h( kIvi "Him
IlKAfioNS K'K LkaVI.NO 111 K I5AI'
IM' AMI JulMNil 111 K ( 'II HIST I A.N
On Sunday night he will i;lve a talk
to lull'h lli text will he Mall.
JJ:-!.', "What Think Ykok Ciikist "
The liu-eHlig will lie prolraclcd
lliroiiKhoul tin coming week.
l.iirircit . Manufacturer nf Sin"! In (lie
lull. .1 Mute.
ji'hl.iio Trllnuip
One t lit HiHiit xl eii.iloyec uiiMWered
the whUlle of Set., Sell With it Co.'
ImiuI mid hoc factory No. 1, I.uruhee
mid SiiH rlor ircel, yeterday innrn
Int;. The fiiciory slutted Mmiduy hii.
did not reach ll full running capucily
until yt-Nlciilay,
Tht' faclory hit hcen cloid iihutit u
wi t'k In allow the t.iklnu of the miiiuul
luycnioiy, w hlch I a iimiter of con
-.hleralilc ninuuiiude. During the
pel iml the fact uiy wa oluM'd new inn
clilniT.v wu put in und theeapaclly of
Hie four platil increased to H,(HH) pair
nf ho .in mid hlnH'M each day.
The enlurgeineiil of the plant ha
OiiiNt'd nil IncrOase in the working fnrce
ut over 'M fin ployeo. The Hbnve
good mowild hy Siockon & Ilcnkle of
A rhino fur $10!!!
Chicago' mot prominent iuuii
hoti-ie, D) A llculy, have 11 number
ol'ligully Ued mid Hccond-hiind pia
no', taken in trade, imod ill eouoerm,
and In fuel not brand new Instrument,
which they have tlctci itiincd to ucrl
llee Ml her Ihmi try lo make room foi.
These liisliuincnl oouipi'Ue Mtpiure pi-
lino, iitflil, ll"i, ' !. HinlHii.
Upright piano at $'St, Ifl4i), f 1")0, Jilii."),
fliio, f20U, f2S, lllil, and upward,
lirmid piano at -'H, $SA), PHI and up
ward. Nearly all orlgnally mild for
trom two to four tunes their present
price. Almost all prom.nent nukes
(In Sipiure and Upright) are represnt
ed, Inoludlng iimuiig nutueroii others
Chiokerlng, Knahe, Steinwiiy, Weber,
Docker, Stock, Fiher, etc. Till I an
uppiiiiunltv Hint will not occur again,
a Lynn & Mealy never had so many
piano of till da before. Immedi
ate attention I necessary. A good
plan would be to order a piano, leaving
the selection to Lyon A Heaiy. now
ever, they will send a llsl and full pur-
LiculiUH upon applicatioii. Any pluuo
not proving Hatlafuotory may be re.
turned at their expense, Address t
their now salesrooms, corner Wabash
Avenue and Adams Street, Chicago.
Distance Ih no obstacle In taking ad
vantage of this remarkable chance to
obtain a piano, for In proportion to the
saving to tie nmde, tne freight charge
are InsiKiiihVimt. It you do not-already
know them by reputation, any hanker
will usHtire you of Lyon & Heuly s on
lire responsibility and record of over a
third of acentury for honorable dealing.
Write to-day o an lu uvoiU disappointment.
j Tuki. J. Mt My,,. I w. u.
A IuiiIIihIMuuiii'. , Uk la'll tliarwl Hie ueul mim otfJH .30.
- I Till lliulie will tm Unril III ur-lHIliig
Xm-imi itomp milmii from Mommmlli. J miUW)lm, rol. fur the lieiiiliiflil In
OiiMnf Hie iiiu-i i'X;illiir uml -:Ulnlnry m-rvuvn of the order, Tlie
thiiMliuillc khiii.h of Iim. I Imll ever iluyel
on the KrlHi'oii In liim wltiiw
tfl on TliHukniflviiiK iluy tlwe"ii lli
"Coyote" of llm JSuruittl mid liir
"Oywr"ol Moniii'iuili. It wttx bii
i'li-iil (In)' fi.r luul Imll niul llm MlrilKK''
witN wniieiweil dy h luik'1 crowd fi'uui
llii I'luee ttii'l fclw It InrKti ili'legutiuli
from 1 Lilian uml lliieH iuleiiie. I lit'
linl,'ieiiiii,e ImiiiiI chiiki up loudid
Hllil illmviurned wverul cliuleeni'lei'tluiH
1 1 luring I hii Uml Imlftlm (JoyotiH ilny-
fd for tlui nonli k"I utl mailf the llrHt
klek-oll' whioli iit tlw Imll near the
Coytjied St yard linn which wan
I'Miiitht hack to Ihe i-ciiter More m-lllg
downed; then Suitor took the hull
loiind llm cud lor llfleen yurd but
luiiihlcd on h' ing tackled uuil the bull
wu duwiied by llm (!oyoum i'arker
went al uu ml I tut end for twenty-five
yard, bin llm (,'nyoleii could gel no
li.nhcr mid hi. tin- imll m down
I'lii) Oyier llieii made a gM"l giii"
lulu the Coyuie territory Inn iigmll
Iiml Hie hall on a fuuihlc; llli-ll Hit;
Coyoli.- uttniii tried in advance. Hie. bail
but wein punlied back l their live yard
linn when Kinhcr dropped hack a if fur
a Iiiiul but fumbled and wa downed
buck of the goal Iim which cciircd a
mfetyfor Him Ot)lera and tin .ri
wu In their favor by 2 In . Thu
Oyster then inu it Hie kick-oll'lmt the
hall wtuil over the K'tal line and wu
brotiKbt buck fur another klck-olf.
Tlti llmu the ('tiyulit kiI the hall but
noun I'mt ll uii down; then the Oylel
worked rixhl up Hie lint fur big giilim
Hii tin hull Wu on the l.'u)ole live
yanl Hue, when iiidwell went through
Ihe line uml pilHhed HlH hull to (Hit)'
luilf fil of a loUch-dowii wlieu llrlr;K"
Jerked the hall from1 Id huiid and
W eill down the Ki'l'llruli without inter'
leieiu e and uiudt. a touclMluu ti for tlu-
I ny ule ami Fbihi-r kicked K"l and
the HCole Hluuil 11 to fur thu Oiyole.
i lu bull w.iHWioii in play uuiti when
thu Oy Hlcr hooii got Kineniiu and
iiiade auolher lunch-down, liidwcll
kicking guul, and lhecure wuOynler
H, Coyote U. Tlie limt liulf ended
with the hull in the center of the field
The M-cund half the (iytem hud the
Kuiue almul their own way and It wu
a common tc ureiice fur Stituir, Mui
key or I, hi well lu g around the end
for gain uf fifteen to forty yard. The
t't.yuli-H hud Ihe ball very hlUe during
Hit efoud half and they weie at uu
time ueur inukiug a touch down. At,
Hie clooe of the itecond half the core
w u li to U lu fuvur of the OyHter
'l'he clever ilmkiug of ilidwell wllu
w iiiihl Mend the Coyotes interference
lly ln like leu pin, ami HpriliuiiK ul
Suitur, Tatoin und t'atlrou wcieuinnnK
Hut It'iilure of the Oyler' playing, a
were .b tackling of Haley, Mulkey
mid Sloan, The Oyter' Hue were
in, t ull new men never U-fom having
played a game, hut put up a game like
veteran mid would Maud like a Mom
wall. Sloiiu fur Hie Cuyute did Home
line play ing and made heitdwolk Very
iiiaierlully uguiiiHl lliu OyHlera, a alo
did Tiiorjie w ho wa all over the Held
tackling like a d.-mnu and alway
briiiKiug down bin mmi. lloutim wcie
utioul even hetw ten Ihe two leuln in
Hie Iiml hull' und the Coyote pluytd a
gil up hill jjuuie during (lit second
littif, Iml the leuiu wurti of Ihe ()yler
wn too milch for tlieui. Tilt) Coyote
Had Very ginal play hut lacked
ilie leuiu Work lu execute llieiu. The
umpire und rcleiee were ('rofeor
vVaiiu and I'owcll, and iiueuieu were
K. M. Smith und J. MeCue. Tlie two
learn lined Up a I'oiIowh:
Oylei i'unliitiii Coyotex C Cuppa'
dice ,.
( 'nitron..
Mui key ..
Sloan . .
Haw ley..
Mod row.
I'aluiii . ,
L. (1..,.
1,. 1'....
L. K
....11 T
,...H. K
,...L. 11
Stum p
. ...Thore
. , ..l'arkor
It. lib .siuun
.Q It..
..K it
, .Fisher
Cuiiiu'll I'i'occcdiiigs,
City council convened in regular
session lh.-oeiulier 3, lsn.). I'icsiilciit
Cook In tne chiiir. Meuilwr present:
Ck, CliHlfelter, Finch and Walker.
Almeni: IVrclval and hi mug. Fin
mice i iiHiuilttee recommended that T,
,-liiiin be paid 4.i cent rebate on city
luxe collected on property outside of
city limits iidupled. Mfeet oniiiuiiitee
MKked fur luithcr time to rcpurt on
establishing au electric arc light at
nilerscction of Ol h mnl D street. On
mot ion the proprietors of Mar grocery
united permission to put in a drain
liox In froiil of llirlr store. Marshal
Ttipper siihniitlcd itpuri on dug-lax
collected report adopted. ImlcH'ii
(lciict Water Compitiiy's hill fur Novem
ler referred, and committee on Fire mid
Water utitlioii.ed to make now con
tract wilh said company.
Following hills iigitliist town allowed,
J. A. Ileum, labor j! 1 25
J. W. Kleliardsoii, fees 2 oil
A. W. Diiokstcadcr, hiiuling,, 4 oil
WkstSihk Pub. Co,, printing 7 10
llrown & liallcy, printing 7 fid
J.T Ford, recorder fees., 7 70
H. 1! Walker, hauling 11 HO
Kleet ion expenses, oto 4")
J. W. Fol,i'r,November salary HO IK)
A. J. Ttipper, salary and fee,. 52 i!5
Kleolrlo Light Co '. SO 25
Interest un city bond, 90 00
Total $315 70
Nollee lo Hop Growers.
' The next regttlur meeting of the
Willamette Hop Grower Association
will he held upon next Saturday,
liteeniher 7th, at 1 o'elock p. in. at tlie
Odd I'ellow luill. All nieniliers of tlie
AnHoeiiilloii re requested to attend.
All other hop growers are invited to be
A. J. VVllLCOTT, M. MnitwiN,
President. Beeretary.
The Ueliekali Hall.
Due of Hie most xiieeessful dances
Hi veti till year wn I hat of Clover
Leaf Itehekali Lodge, L 0. 0, F. glveu
mi Tlianksglving evening at ttte audi
toiluin in Ihl city. It was lu point of
number tlie greuteat crowd which ever
eongrcgitted In any hull at one time In
tlii city, lly actual count there were
nineteen sets dancing at one time, and
u there are eight dancers In each act,
Hiere were 17J dnncing at once. The
total receipts of the evening were
$)73-3u The expeiiaes wen $74 o Inai
, ,e m-rveil hii fleif.iiil, roiiHiMt-j
lm nf turkey, ehiekeii, i-akm, He, ftml
th Miiir wuh pii.iiiuiieij l,y nil tfi
Jivh bwu a r..l u,(- Then m
tin l lilt, em h i r,li ,lul IjcIiiK kepi
lieutt'il Willi K" "i tliilii.'" u lolilt u(
lny would nit and vul, I'ruf. WVImer IiIn orclnwira furiiUlivri the inunic
Mini to tin dull HWeet meliuW H'.rililin of
vlulliin liiirim unit planci, tli llglit f'l
of the iliini'em never grew wenry until
tilt, wi-v hiiihII In. urn of the illuming.
I'lifre wre tuwiiy vWiow lit.rt fioiu
j Dalian, Monmouth, Orvuiti, Aihuny,
Mulmii anil oilier town, and one and
j all wermfXtraVttKant, In praiHO of Hit'
. delightful evenuiK hm-iiI. Jt wa a
' brilliant allalr.
A W1iiiiii I'hImt of !.
Tint iMKiiiuiiig or the iievr y-nr will liuv
w. Iciiii,) unlii-r In Him iinw uf freh Almic
nun, (litterl,ilve 01 Hit- urlKlii, iniinrn mid uw
ol tin-tint urn tonic, an, I ullDrHilve, llot. Itr'
niuiimeli llltti-r. I iiuhliiH wuli the .- rli.
tlvn iiuitler will ! fouil'l I'lihtii ;Br mei
lonroiionii') eitleulalloiMiilii.ilut.ily rellulilF
lor wirrtH'tiioM, nUitUilen, illumimlluiut, v-rw
emvlully wleexl, and tlir 111.11I.J .l
hlKlily iiMfllulile bhU nliuiiilii. tin lliln
pniiipli'1, ,ubHnli'l Hiid jn liiUal aiinualljr by
The II'MloUer l ouip .ii), of I'llt-OiirKh, 00
liuu m are einployttd In llm nwiia .liail He.
p.irtnifiil ul. hi h, Klevi ii iriumtia are ili-volcd
in iu prepuriiil'in. It U pri'uruliie free, ol
UuiXKl't an 'I couulry U.'Hit-r nvery wlinre,
and l printed ll) KiiKilali, (it riauii, Krrix li,, Wi'lrlt, llolliuifl.Hwi "lili
and llulii'inliiii,
H-')ll i'nrker l.torriwwiiijriii.
Win. I'aator, of ludcjii-udeiiix', had
an uci'lilciil thai d.n not m fall many
l)uple wiiluuit wome result, if all re
lorw are true, whllw returning in a dug
can to Hub DeAriiiund', aomeliiue
after 4 a. ui. TliaiikHgivliig night.
Itupneur wlien he readied lieliulck's
bridge there wa a lot of Hiding oil' Un
covered part ami iii home Meeiiig the
lluhl in the opening concluded to take
a short cut home. The result was a
pluiiKO, al a moderate gue, of lo 01
iii) feet directly liiUi the Lucklumute'
immuiii wilii Jiilly a ciine m-cimk), uul
utteuiptiiig to check hlo madly Hying
lced. The home aliKhted feel fureiuo!,
wtiile Hilly lit w ilh, what I known to
ihowluiiiiing fraternity, a a "iklly
biiHk-r" in hi non-cliulaiil way and
wa rather aiiaeiit minded for a while.
but if there Is any thing that will bring
a dead man back to lite it in the
LucklauiUle' w ater lu winter. Luckily
lie sunk only twice, lt and 2nd time,
then owaiu stltlly anliore remarking, a
he HtruiftHed up the alopiug, Dandy
uiiore: "Wouiaiii mat lake your
breath ?" The horse with a p!ah and
splutter, uwaiu otl'dowu stream, lo be
wen no more that night The axle ol
the curt wa damaged. The home next
uiurnlng wa found lunching nucculeiil
grass, dowu in Hie Luckiaiuute bolioui,
with a far-a-way expression on hi face
and a few disorderly Mtrap lying over
hi anatomy.
Stockholder' 'ollco.
MUl'ICK H IIEi.hHV UlVt I'llAl' 'fuh
Hiiliuul lueel'n uf Ihe i.k-Ioi iI ler. uf Hi,
lMdtudeuueauJ .Vlun.uuuiii tuttlWHy Co.,
fur lli. tki'liuii uf dini'ion, uml uiILitk, will
lie lu-ld at Jnilvwu.leiiiw, Oreguu, on Tuck
day, Heeeiuber il,, lKi
UuU-d Dee. , 1WX
1WU beeri-Uiry.
f.ivurof Mr. Juule Jrvl;uls.i muinc mnull
rlmiiK'C IVmon finding ssuio pi fine renin,
to tlilnottli. I2JU
ItiMinis fur Kent.
froiil rtHini and tire und vleelrlo liuhln fur
wlutvr lor moderate price, lmiulre ut West
8iik otllce. mf
Kor Kent.
our liaMarie. nulnklru ol lailepjiidrot-e, Is
for rent. Apply to Vi. IL llitwley, First ,NU
ioiuil Hunk. U-Jllf
(I'lirdcu riuwing.
I HAVE A lliVM, 1'I.OW. Kh:, AND AM
prepared Ui do small joiiblitK nueli a gar.
den plmrliiif, huullin, etc , In und near In.
dependence, by Hie day or mi contract, lte
Idvure Cur. H. A 2nd St, liidt''tidenee.
.lUllf Jiwsk 11. Fokd.
Troasiiror' Nut loo.
I'nlk t'niiuiy wairant endorsed prior lo
Iet'embor 1st, ISIM, are payable on presenta
tion lit tlie oirleeof the Treasurer of I'nlk
County, Oregon, Interest erasing from
lln, diilc nf this n Uiee.
Haled at Hill Ins, Oregon, tills lfttli day or
Noveinber, 115.
It. B. t'oSl'KK,
1D-UH County Treasurer.
Iluy Tor Sale.
H.VLKli CHEAT, A N 1 1 O AT 1 1 A V , II . 1 1 Li. Y
Hied and Cheat med. Kur wile by
V, M. Mrtusos,
HU. E. W'lNd SANG CO., nao.
it J Court St.
Cniness a it el Japanssa fan-j $9ls.
All kinds Silk KnibMldery Ciena Wared,
llistnnnils. Closing nul sttick bet ire x inns
Gift Books.
From I eenl lo $7.00
see our line of 35 cent
cloth hound book. They
are licaiitics and good
Slide! Slide!
Prices on Holiday Goods
have declined more than
other lines during the past
year. We have a large stock
of convincing bargains and
good goods. We invite you
Do Not Disappoint
Your children and
friends. It will make
,Von liuppy to give tlit'in
Makes tlie Blood Pore
Tht ia tlia wret ot llm r.t
If Jlood'i Sarnaparilla. Jlcad Hiis:
.VVVTV "I am no glad
to write tiut I
am Bow lo it
lfclheklth V!j
!t isail becauio
IJixjiI Hamti
parllls made
toy bluorf pure.
My health
broke down
With trouble
peculiar to
women, m j
t 7v $ vffi LJr tern mi !iiit-iJU)&&iuSllZ!l&U-rf4
end I
li!irl to take my bed. The pbyrdclaa Mid
I Iits Miftlh bnj for me. A ne!;"!.bor
h'ld of wonuerfiilciire by Hood rr.
inrilt and 1 dc ld'.l to trr it. When I
had taken 'A bottle, I rotik,lt upaud now
1 am perfectly well tnd ttrfi(.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
h done all tiiln fur me." Mnn. C. F.
Im i'lU City, Colorado.
Uf r:il- cure MMttinI eoruUr-
WU flllS tloo. l'rk uif Lux.
Prof. S. E.Weimer
Int'ependenct, Oregon.
Teacher of Violin, 0ran and I'iaiio.
Will rIsh tdve liiftructioii in Thorough
Uu, and (rive vik-hi culture for the
vnjf-e. having taken a technical cour-e
in German univemliit-H.
AIiihk furnished f.,r bitllaiul parlies,
any iiumlier nf instrument, al a r-a-noii'dde
Uuuius ut City ftestauri ut, on Main
iw. ('. Will ba large new slock boaicht at
And will wll al IIHMe reduced priees. All
cui.yrlKlttea ulnwt musk- one Imlf off;
Aiss larffe lit at ftetw aeoj.v. tjeuu.
Ine pans. nt-edle and nil fur
all wwlruj iiiie lioies.
hitmniilH-r the
Flrt-CI violin and guitar gut ttringa lor
10 cent each.
Mm. M. 8. Ooff and HIh rtophla
Ooflhiiveentered Into a partnership
and will conduct dretainaklng al
Miss. Hopbla QorTa drewmaklng
prloroD the corner of Railroad
and I) jttreeut. The latest system
of cutting used and atlsfactlon
guaranteed. Work done promptly
and at retumnable ratea.
We have uened a flnri-clas Laundry one
block noun of tlie bank, In Monmouth.
Laundry worn recited Monday and
Tuesday. Hlilrt and studenu' work a
specially. Family wasbing Weeuts h doz.
DOTV & flEKKILL, Monmouth, Oregon.
Kelley's Livery
Stable. - -
First-lass rigs furnished on short
notl. Commercial trade a speci
alty. Main St., .... Independence.
J. A. VKNEgis
Prescott & Veness,
Proprietor of
Eli! W Wl
Manufetnrerof and tHlemln
Rou"h and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to bix Weeks.
Owens: r.ooms 7W-7U7. Jlarquam l'.uuaing,
Good Goods.
At small prnllts, and
quick sales, we are sure,
will cause you to come
Again. Such we hare and
do. (time early.
We Have Presents
For Old and Young,
Large and Small. Ail
can be suited If you call
A. .1. While
iSucci-nnf to J IVIR'i
Get my prices on Sugar
Hams, Bacon, Savor
5oap, Etc. ......
And he convinced'
what 1 say aii'l thr.
m'r, not only the y
tioncci abuvc, i.iiit t
store, a dni), a:
cheaper than ;u;v ;t
nitir iir n nn n
tr" tit tr
i Xmas Preso
And w't:
reach of ;
The following i liidt-ii ar-.
plated pun while ttitt if:
1 Slhcr I'lalod Cup
I Set
" .apktii IX:
l .4 i.
" f'aleiidar
' " Uutter Ki,
' " StK'arSiicH
' " Fi-a Spfion
1 " Table Spo'
" Cliilils Sit,
" Nut J'kk
" Crack'
Also tiuiuer-iils ollar
for Xuia.s pn-eiit at
S28 cor IM Mi
The New Hail
iS;J4.4 MM MM MW,
i nm i
Blue Rib
Zerboni &
C Street, Nax:
1 -'
Scissors & Shears.
Pocket knives.
Table Knives.
Butcher Knives
Carving 6ets.
Loaded Shells, Powder,
Shot and Cartridges.
kk Fire InsuranJ
fei; Wm. N. B00T5, of Mumr
Aeut of the Insurance Co,
other leudtiiK Aiu rie.-tu u.
panics will be glad to give i
and classes of pr.iix'i t v. to p :
Wm. X. Boots repree.il8 ti;.
will be glad to give any oue i
his large experience. If you
written, thitt will l.e p iiil i,:
Boots, who, fur over tea vt-u
what the oolicy was prompt i
Jt. W. Do
Haultaa dane at ReaMuiablo Xl'ntvt-
If You
To please your
those 3-piGCO
at Kramer's. C
Spoon Holder;
please her bette
expensive. Call
... fct
(Successor t
City hi i