The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 17, 1895, Image 3

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    icial P:r cf Fc!k Cmty,
(est Side Publishing Itajtan
tlll'llUY, OCT0RKR IT, Isuft.
it a wxviit iHitHorinmt Jo our no
feritxr fo pn& thrir nWrtit one
ire ton licril ' saom1 Mtiiottt
llfhrnt, full Hi rn-wt n bmntyW
fWn0 fA tttoafA fufa fA
ffWf Mr prrmiutn for in wht r
wwt$Ult IS WEST S1DK 13
wonMi ! lr M ewpitiWMye
rrfl I' ft '' 'Aw ffr uiUrjr.
Ki-Kl,vtruor ,fr,y Washington
dint M Sunday.
Tli little IVUo hotel U the pnpu ar
plm t" gt firnt-Cltw meal.
'rtUml'e lut cvutu glwa her i
population of 81,S42.
Mortgag anl itotea bought by W. Q
Wright, IfclUa, INlk Co , Ow,
Tbl It gK-l Uiue 10 renew jour
lutwriptlon for auolhvr year to this
Ifcv.J.R X. Brtl, of Itaker I'lty,
prvm'lwl In tu l'rebjU'rUu church
btw Sunday.
f nun a reliable mum we learu that
lb (iititl hop crop of Polk county thU
yr l 1,WH) bajes.
If you re In arreara on auhacrlptkui
to ttil (Ml, couM you not make our
iipialnlaiicv thU mouth.
J. M. Vauduyu ami rife returned
from Portland, Tueaday, where I hey
bad a very plttuuait vlalU
You will find frvah fruit, candle,
cigars, and sod water at the Itou IUu,
alao frwh bread every day.
Quit au addition la being built to the
Star Urory building ou C atrwt,
SJtwn. Campbell & 8u, are domg tbf
When you waul a good meal for 'i
oeuta, gotolitiiig'a rwdaurmil, WtwUt-
cott A Irwlu, tnprltora, HaWni,
Orvgou. U
aim ours uiuiru, aiuuuiuuiu,
' left lott w for her home In Catlln,
Mii lWlle (.'lark, who attetidtHl the
Normal at Mouruoutb In wm
niarrltHt to I'b&rltw Itoe, at Forvat
Grove, laxt huuilay.
MIm lWwie Hurt hart, of Albany,
Waa viaitlug Miita iiie Iluller laat
Sunday, comluft over from Halem,
where olie b atlfuding ai'bool.
tiuy iteming, who baa bt-eu apt-ud-Ing
the aumuter fuilowiug tl.e dlltereti!
lain ami race with Paddy Ityau and
other ruoe horaeit, la back home again.
Mnt. C. F. Holliuawortb, of baker
City, wIiihw tuaidtso name waa Nina
iiowent, fame in on TuMiay'a train
and 1.1 a gueat of M iaa tlaale 0. Kobert
ou. Mia Etta BeauT, of Halem, who
waa well known by rewidetita here hav
ing lived uiauy yean in Independence,
is with Mr. Aamold, the vloliniat,
thin week, and Rang at tut) Auditorium.
Mr. J. A. Venean leaves tomorrow
for Wlulock, Washington, where ahe
will remaiu a few week with ber
huitbaiid, who haa charge of the Prea
cott, Veneaa & Company aawruilla
Visitor to the Portland Exposition,
from Polk county, ahouid call at the
atand of the Portland Plating Co.,
and have mime work done. Fork,
apooirn, charma, waichee, plated in
silver or gold, equal to new,
A. L. Chute, tbe Monmouth black
smith, recently purchased the black
ainith toolaof Mr. Langtree. Hlmrtly
arterwarda Mr. Iangtree went hack
on the trade and claimed the tonla.
Mr. Chute purchased a new outfit and
is now U'tter prepared than ever to do
work. Mr. Lang tree haa moved to
Roland, In Linn county.
"While down In the Houthweatern
part of the atate some time ago," aaya
Mr. T. Chalmers, editor of the Chlco
(Cal.) Euterpriae, "I had an an attack
of djaetitry. Having heard of
Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera Bnd
Diarrhoea Itemedy I bought a bottle.
A couple of do of it completely
cured me. Now I am a champion of
that remedy for all stomach and bowel
eomplalnti," For sale by Alexander
Cooper Drug Company.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
ardl Gold Medal MUiwfnior Filr. Ua FruclMO
We Are nere
If price and quality will do It. Following Is a partial Hat of the many
lines of tablets we carry, end we sell them at juat
these prices.
Page Per
Pencil Tablet
Pencils, Pens, Inks, Erasers, Rubbers, Every.
thing needed in the scnooi
Old: Books :
We buy old school boobs. Call and see
tbul we mean Juat what we say, ...
,0 bu'W lth, W. 0. Wright,
Mm. J. A. Whwlvr and MIm Katy
IHH.iidanK,iith In Portland.
The West rlde Trading Co, had lu
w gnwry wagtui out Una week.
loy who want, to team the printer's
..wean niKiau opening at thlaolUee,
.. v."? vouni) H'tt for
"TI'iwriMiTwwday, to return itxl
"oty of mnny to loan ou
wurliy, W. U. Wright, Dallas.
r- Anderaou, of MeMlnnvllle.
wu up to attend the . A. R dance
A Allen and family, of Rlokn-all
were In town trading la I Monday
alao Mr. Knmiett, of McCoy.
Hr.nm H-llaer, the great healaeke
mueiiy, for aale at The Thomas
i iiartnaey, Monmrnith, Oregon,
""J Hy is l.Nikluir f irhomw w..rk
"he ean Hnd a wltU.n by Inaertlng an
mnvnwmeui tn IIiIh paier ctlug
.my a lew ceuia.
n supply tirehlngles luat mvlveit
y It A. Hultor at Monmouth, alao
yard full of the ft neat and beat lumber,
which will be ald very eheau.
Hon. lllnger Hermann waa in town
laat Friday. He attended the Normal
oln4 and addrwawl the atudema In
chapel, and vlallvd the traliilng soIum I
F. M. llrown haa miUh! the Rapllal
arw)uage heref..ra termotalx mouths.
.... .i . at. . .
ma renmeiice. That Would seem to
indicate that the ltanllal ehuruh will
not call a paatur at once.
The City Rcataurant still continue
to cater to the Inner wauta u( mau. A
good meal fr S3 tvnia. Extra chicken
dlnuer Kuudav. Meala at all hours.
No Chinese employed. Mix lueal for
C. Hubbard, wtio haa neeu lu charire
r the water worka hre for the iaitt
year and a half tendered hla realgna
tlou lat week, and U ucve.l...l l,v
.. .. . :
nruee vampoell. I'barlle la irolng to
At the auction aale of horaea laat
Saturday the lowest price paid for the
ten horw sold waa $5.60 and the
highest $25. Meaara. Uiiliam and
Ruat went lo Corvallla the ttrat of the
week, and will hold a aale (here.
In the replevin suit of L It. Frast-r
va.Johu Ilewlev, lu Ju-ttlit Irvin's
court laat week, wheMu Mr, llewley
waa holding aome ock belonging to
U U. Iraxer for a debt claimed, the
court decided In favor of Mr. Frater.
Several liKpilrlea have eome to thla
Rice for good oak cord wood and
rime Uled bay, cheat, oat and
timothy. If peraona having auch
articles would have au advertisement
uarrted In thla paper it would be of
IwuetU lu two way a.
Mrs. Wright Smith, of Waltabtirg,
WaahM came lu ou Tuesday's train and
will spend tome time visiting friends.
Mr. Smith la doing bualueaa tu Walla
Walla, bur, the family live lu Wal ta
bu rg, d Is taut tweuty mllea. Mrs.
Muitb hopes to return to Polk county
some day.
The numerous visitors to the 0. A. R.
ball last week, were outspoken in
pralae of the courteous manner lu
w hich they were treated by our citizens
ami said they enjoyed themselves very
much indeed. The floor was spoken of
aa apleuold for dancing and they were
glad they came.
The military ball at the 0. A. It.
Auditorium ou laat Friday evening,
waa attended by about three hundred
pct'talora and danocra, and the pr.
cwls were $134. SO from the door-re-ceipta
and the supper. Prof. Weimer'a
irchesira, of Salem, furnished delight
ful musk, which pleased the dancer
and waa entertaining to the aint'tator.
About eighty couple took part In the
Last Friday evening Squire Irvlue'a
court room waa crowded with specta
tors llHtenlng to the triul of Mr. T.
Kllen, of Salem, who waa charged by
f. liruuk with killing Chinese phea
sants on hla farm. II. aallinger an
imated for the St-.te and P. D'Arcy, of
Salem, and W. R. O'Donnell. of Indc-
M'lidetice, for the defendant. The
testimony ou one aide was that the
efendant waa In the field and shoot-
ig a gun, while the defendant and
another witness swore exactly opposite,
nd Mr. Kllen waa cleared.
Mr. J. K. Fowler, secretary and
treaaurerof the Corlnue Mill, Canal
and Stock Co., of Corlnne, Utah, In
in s'la'akiug of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy aaya: "I consider It the best
the market. I have used many
kinds but find Cbamberlaing'i the
mt prompt and effectual In giving
relief, and now keep no other lu my
home." When troubled with a cough
or cold give this remedy a trial and we
unsure you that you will tie more than
leased wltn the result. For sale by
Alexander-Cooper Drug Company.
jr. Price's Cream Baking Powfler
Wot "ilr Hlvhert Medal and Dlploaw
9 cents.
... " 18
Ittlyou want tlie Jet
SutMHTlptlon for any paper at t'lod
Wter Uroa.
ira. A. Sperling lavishing her father
at tlarrlaburg.
Mouoy to loan on ehnlce city pro
perty, W. U. WrUht, Dallas.
Mist Ella Fenuell went to Salem
last Monday to attend school.
iou need not break your neck tt
break the alioe from the Raket Stor.
His Congregational Sunday sclns.1
will meet at the charcli next Sunday
at 13 o'clock.
iVlaa Jnala I.eiuniou and Pert ha
Landera, of .Vonniouth, are visiting lu
Mrs. W. L. Davis, of Newjairt, I
vialllng her mother Mrs. W, U. Creasy
at Monmouth.
.vra. Win. Parker and .Via Ann
Powell were visiting Mrs. M. A
Tetherow thla week.
Qvk McLaugllu and wife, of ltuciia
Vista, and Mrs. Tetherow, of thlaclly
are visiting at Woodbum.
Mia, Augcllue Watson, who
graduaUM from the Normal lust jear,
cou.iueiu'ed her aclnsil at Crowley this
At the city coui ull last Tuesday, but
little bnalueae waa done. Uco. Slilou
waa given the contract to paper the city
hall for $19.
J. II. Hawley and wife, of Molt
uiouili, returmni Saturday from att. iul
ing the convention of the Chrladau
churob at McMluuvtlle.
Mrs. K. M, Longee, a alster of Mrs.
at. O.hitter.a Christian Scleuw healer,
Irom Kearuyy, Neb., will make her
home In Iudeaudeuci,
niiaajcasie itrilt, or Aewiarg, waa
visiting Miss Malic I Cults, thedaugliter
of the agent of the S. P. R. R, here,
reluming home ou Tuesday.
The Lad lea' Reading Club luui Imhi
reorganised and will hold their first
meeting at the residence of Ms. W. W.
Wllllsuia, Wedueaday evenlug.Oetober
The safe of the West Side Trading
Co. waa moved Into the new Cooa-r
brick tills week so that the oitice
could be built around It. lu a couple
of weeka more they will move their
mammoth alock.
Die rotund form of Rev. J. R. N.
Itell accompanied by hlajovlaj manlier,
waa aeeu on our strtieta this wck shak
ing hand with hla many old friend
beie. Rev. 1WII la allll iiaator of the
Presbyterian church at RukvrCity.
Last lueaday the many frlenda of
Dr. Overall and wife bid them giant
ye at the train as ihcy departed tor
their home lu -tlaaouri after spending
a year or so at tbe home of their son,
il. Heat,
Rwd Super. Huntley haa been sitt-
ug the gravel on the bar, with steel
wive and the roada of thla iart of
Polk wilt be better lu conseoueuce.
We noted that it took Just Si minute
for eight men to load a wagon with
some of that gravel.
E, M. iiabo and M. W. Weigcl,
of Auburn, Wash., were caller at the
WmT Situs ufllce bearing a letter of
introduction from A. It. MuMilllan,
formerly of Mou mouth. They are
seeking farming lauds with a view to
ba'atlug. They are apparently ex.
(M-rleuced farmers. They raised hoj
while lu Washiugtou.
The Oregon Telephone 4 Telegraph
Co., have mude the following reduc
tion in their tariff lo Portland, baaed
uMn a one minute conversation, com-
iienclug OclolsT 1, 18115: One minute
50ceuta. Euch additional 30 aeconda
or fraction thereof 5 cents. As the
majority of long distance telephone
conversations are Mulshed within one
minute, the above represent a sub-
tautlal reductlou. St.
A large congregation assembled at
the Baptist church in thla city hut
Sunday moriilng and evening to hear
the Rev. W. T. Fleenor, of Seattle,
Icllver two excellent sermona. Rev.
Fleenor Is a very impressive and
logical K-akr, and at times during
hla sermon he became quite eloquent,
which had a visible etlcct Umii his
hearers. The Itev, Fleenor will preach
here again next Sunday morning and
evening In the Itapllat church.
Rev. A. R. Crawford closed Ids
work as psistor of the Calvary Preaby-
lerltn church of thin city laat Sunday,
and Immediately after tlio morning
service a coiigegallonal meeting waa
held and Rev. M . (ieorge waa selected as
Stated Supply for twelve months, Mr.
(Icorge Is from Pennsylvania ami haa
a wife and two children. Ilia daughter
la an accomplished elocutionist. Mr.
t Joorge la a fluent and pleasing speaker,
and will, we believe, do a good work In
Independence and we bid him wel
"The Burglar," which is to lie pre
sented at the opera house here Friday
evening waa written by tliesanioautimr
hh "Alulmiuii," and so many have I icon
ntcrtalued by that play, that It la
very probable they will equully enjoy
The Iiurglar." The company np-
lieared at the Murqiiam (iruiid, in
Portland, lust I'ridiiy and Suluiduy,
and was wen receivco ny ine roruaiui
people. The Ortffoninn of .Saturday
says: "I lie crowning work was the
marvelous ease and Intelligence, with
which little Gertie Carlisle Interpreted
Kditha. In the aixme with the burglar
she waa absolutely wonderful. The
company Is well balanced throughout
and gave thorough satisfaction to the
large and critical audience."
On last Monday night the members
of the M. K. church, of this city, and
their friends, tendered the pastor, H.fJ.
Glass a pleasant reception, at the
home of Mrs. Geo. Skinner, which waa
alao a complete surprise. Rev. Glass
has already won hla way to the hearts
of hla congregation. Among those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Heath, Miaa Longacre, Miss McOowun,
of Portland, and of Independence Mr.
and Mm. Staiisbury, Mra.Wilaon, Miss
Smith, Mra. T. A. Hayes, Miss Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Knox, Mr. mid
Mrs. B. N. Tharp, Mr. and Mrs. D. II.
Craven, Mr, and Mrs. J. Boyd, Mrs.
Geo. Whlteukor, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Docksteuker. Mr. and Mrs. and Miw
Moore, Miss Docksteeder and W
Campbell, Mm. L. Myers, Mrs. F.
IvTvers. Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Mills.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
auptrtor to othtn.
.WAsliiiig powder, pBuy, Soaiyriiie,
Take old school books to Clodfelter
Homer Iodge, of this city, had
pleasant reception atid aup-r at the
Little Palace In honor of some visiting
Salem brelheru last Wednesday even
Have your feet grown cold, ir st
get some shoes at the Itaket Stor.
mm. Walter Sparrow, of Victoria, II
C, a daughter of lira. E. J, Lancaster,
and sister of Mrs. L. T Price, la visiting
ulatlve fur a few days
A new lot of violin, guitar, and banjo
airings at ('lialfelter Itroa.
There la one medicine which every
family should la provided with. We
refer to Chamberlain's Pain Halm.
When It is kept at hand the severe pain
of a burn or scald may be promptly re
lieved and the sore healed lu lunch less
lime limn when medicine haa lo lie
a 111 tor. A sprain may I promptly
treated before liiflamatloii sets lu,
w hich Insures a cure In alaiutoue third
the time otherwise required. Cuts
and bruise should receive Immediate
aiteutiou, before the parta become
swollen, and when Chamlairlalu'i
Pain llaliu I applied It will heal I hem
w It bout matter being formed, and with
out leaving a scar. A sore throat may
U- cured In one night, A piece of flannel
ihimiH'iied with this llulmeiit and
hound ou over the seat of the palu, will
cure lame back or pain lu the aide of
or do at lu twenty-four hours. It I
the uiot valuable, however, for
rheumatism, Persona afll.cted with
thla dlaeaae will be delighted with
the prompt relief from palu which II
Mt'orda, and It can bedceiidcd Upon to
ettcct a complete cure. For aale by
Alexniler-('oos'r Drug Company.
The Hlorr of Ml tangacre, of Polk
County, In the Portland HeliooU.
Miss Marguerite Lougaore, teacher
In the public schools of lndeNudemel
Is the same young lady meutloneJ by
the Oriytminn aa llgurlug so largely
In tbe selection of a teacher lu the
Park Kch.Mil In Portland.
u appears tnai Mlsa ivingacre ap
plied for a sMtitlou lu the Portland
puiuio cii)ia, nut there were no
vacancies. The acluaila oMned Sep-
lemla-r IU1I1. Keptoiutor iJSrd a vacancy
arurrtHl through Mlsa DcLaabmult
resigiilng and going to Eugene to teach
music, and Prof. Pratt told Mlsa Long-
acre to take the place In the Park School
under Prof. Lilly aa principal. She
did good work for two weeka, and
leased both parent and children so
well that they encouraged her to think
that the board would select her to nil
the piMlllou pennant 11 tly. Then the
board of directors met. Il appear that
a lady teacher had been displaced, whu
was a Catholic, Mlsa Hlttliiiter. and
i.r frlenda sought lo have her re
instated, and tbe board waa divided,
wo wanting Mlsa Hltllugcr, two Ml
liOtig icre and one on the fence, con
sequently there could tat no election,
So auxlous were the children to retain
Mlsa Lungicre that they got up a peti
tion askliig that ahe ie retained and
w ithout the knowledge of Mlsa Long-
acre sent It In to Prof. Lilly. He took
It to Director Roby, and it (Inured
mile largely lu the contest.
Tue board had quite a stormy session,
but ilually Director Ijmla?rl the
director on the fence promised a new
candidate, aa a compromise, and she
waa elected, through Miss Lougacre's
support voting with Mr. Lambert.
When the school children learned of
he action of the director I hey went In
a Ixaly to Chy Supt. Pratt's oflloe and
remanded their teacher, but lie In
formed them the directors had taaen
action and he could do nothing,
Mlas IiOiigacre made many warm
friends while the coolest was going on
and had ahe chosen to have remained
11 Portland and waited, waa assured
he would get a position, but ahe con-
luded to awpi the position here In
ndepeiideuce, and arrived last week.
She received an offer from Marahllcld,
0 Coo county, to leach lu the puhdc
sclnsil there as assistant principal at
wages $15 a mouth higher than she
receives here. She felt It to be her duty
to keep her word here.
ImmI week Mia Longacre received a
do.eii letters from her little pupils, and
the photographer here will probably
profit from them as they all wanted
her picture sent them.
M laa Longacre Is a very bright girl,
energetic, enthusiastic and up to mod-
ru methods, and ahe gains the love
ud respect of her pupils.
It was a disappointment to her to
one the position, as there was no fault
found with her work, in fact it
gave excellent satisfaction. The wages
11 the Portland schools are much
higher than lu small towns and besides
there are chances for promotion.
However we nre glad this quarrel
enabled Independence to gain the ad
vantage of her services,
Tlie ETiuigellcal Revival.
The revlvlul meetings at the Evan
gcllcal church, of Monmouth, are con
tinned by Itcv. L. S. Finher, assisted
by G. M. St roup. The service on Sun
day will be as follows: 11 a. m., 8
ami 7 p. m. In the afternoon there
will lie a Holiness meeting from a
scriptural sfiindimlnt. All are invited.
And a Strong Company of Players,
CoiikIbI Iiik of Wm. howls, A (lorilon-ltolilnow
Klnier HurTlmn. Hay Voioisinan,
ward craven, Grace Hopkins,
May Cnrllsloand hlttlo
Uortle Carlisle.
Friday Night, October II, 1895
Tickets on Sale at Patterson
Drug 8tor.
Damon and fythlai.
v That beautiful and Impressive play
will be reproduced at the opera bouse,
lu Independence, Friday evening,
October li&th, by Prof. Wiu. Rasmus,
assisted by the baleui lodge of Kulgbls
of Pythias, and uuder the auspices of
Homer Lodge, No. 45, K. of P. of thla
city. Tide drama, which waa played
twice in Salem last week, during the
esalou of the grauu lodge there, was a
decided success. Regarding the play
the Salem W says;
"This hi a oleoe which appeals to
everyone and shows the powilble depth
n friendship one man may have fur
auotliei, but wliloli, aa a general rule,
I not universal, aud a case with few
parallels. It la a play which drawa
Kit and displays to gisal advaulage the
sterling qualltiei of two giaaj men,
while It alao pictures the character oi
another a wicked aa theirs la good
Mr. Wm. Rasmus, as Damon, portrayed
a certain Una of acting, which I sel
lout seen by a Halem audience lu thb
city. He Is strong aud forcible In
iech: has an ex.tdlenl voice, and hi
m-aturee are iarfeul. ehowluir he ha
K I veil lite piece deep study ami alao lias
had ataKeexia'Hetiowor iiigu character."
Hie Maieiu iVwfMi'i'i'i aaya:
"Prof, and Mia. William Itasuina.a
Uled bv the local I Jthlaii talent.
-cored another uuiiualilled success last
night In the second presentation oi
Huinoii and Pythlaa' at the Jteed.
Not lu a long while have Halem lover
i the drama had anything oltered
idem equal lo tula
t he real excellence or ine whole ar
fair waa auumeutetl by line staging
aud accurate costume and those who
witnessed the culmination of thl eu-
leavor of the Pvihiatta to please
ther-alcm public mut of a certainly
beer testimony to the splendid measure
f their achievement, il was at'
together remarkably well done aud am
ply appreciated."
Ickelaareou aale at Patteraou lima.',
I ndenendoiiee, and at V. L. liawley'a,
Monmouth, Admla-lon '2i aud 35 cent;
no extra charge for reserved seals.
A Hteriu at Kea
Increase lit dtseonifiirl of th voyr. Ilul
rvn when tli weailmr I not iinieataou lis
llslil Ui ms aleknesh They whu trsvsrw
lis "(Isaiilla wstnsM" should be pruvlded
wlib Il.u.tuir' Mtmnatili llliion. wlilrh
luliil dlsorderml totiiNcb wltb iratlfylii
imd and crruinty. To tli liarlful Innuviuw
)( a iMte, iuisrtu or too riaomu or
dmp ollniaU), well a ui Hi btirul
rlTeeuof unwliolmoiiis dlsl and bad water,
It I a rvliabla amidol. Coinmnrelsl
iravslnnby ea or land, mariners, tiiloer.
wmieru plonmn, and all who bav lu n-
eiisnurvlelUaiteuf(!lliiiaI and lmMm-
ura, Honour In immouiu'ln It tit bent nt
gusrd. It pmvtuu rheumatism and (miction.
ry stUvkt lnoncHxUsue of damp and ould,
ud It I a eltli lrnl dli asalnst all ftinm
f malaria. It osn b depended upon In
dyasMla,' llvtr nd klduey Iroubls,
The Model School Is a (reat Succe
And Very liitereating.
Tuemlay of laat week the editor of
hla pa-r accepted an Invitation from
'rca. P. L. Camplll, of the State Nor
mal to vialt that Institution.
Arrived at the college building at a
luarter past eight, we found the prvsl-
lent busy distributing the new style
f excuse car-Is to the studcut; J. 11 V,
Iluller waa busy writing rmlpta and
W. A. Wauii, In some other ofllclal
work, lu the pleasant business office of
he scIkkiI.
At 8ui' la the chapel Mlas Emma
.anuiiar pnstidlug at the piano struck
up a march and prcMcutly the student
came Into the room marching two by
wo with measured treat!. Thla reminds
us of a ridiculous blunder a certain
udge In Polk county made when ad-
Ireaslug the school after seeing them
uarch In. He intended to say "I heard
lie tramp of the coming generation"
ut Instead said ' I heard the genera
tion of the oomlug tramp." There was
au audible titter.
After I he school was seated, the
young ladles ou one able, and the
young gentlemen on the other, the Mil
was called by section, a captain
of each suction answering for
(hose absent. We could not help but
notice that the school this year has un
usually good material physically for
he making of a splendid growth of
teachers. Pres. Campbell read some
Scripture and oflered prayer, and Miss
I tone Hansel t, the music teacher, led
the singing. Mlsa Hitssett hue a very
pleasing manner, la very attractive In
appearance, sings well and It seemed
10 us, waa very much lu the minds of
many of the young ladles, from the
way they kept their eyearlvitcd on her.
It struck us as worth mentioning the
evident charm she hail for her own
sex. Prof. Frank Campbell gave a
lecture ou English giammar, taking
he position that a full knowledge nl
grammar Is one or the greatest
ssentiala lu an education. After some
aniiouucemeuls by Pres. Campbell the
pupils marched out again. There are
ibout three girls to every two boy In the
school this year.
Wo then viaited Mlsa Mary Conta in
her model achool of little ones, lu the
1st grade. They sang several songs
very nicely, while we were there. The
former Monmout h public school build
ing was then visited. Here nre some
more grades of the model school pre
sided over by Prof. W. 11. Allen, of
New York, and Misa Edith Ciissiivitnt,
:is critic teacher, Misa Cnssaviint's
4a'cliil work la the phvaittlal training
of the school, In which alio la very pnv
llcluut. Her methods ure very success
ful, In the seven rooms were
seven teachers, mem not e or the
senior class of the Normal school, who
take forty minutes each day in the
training school. MIssGraee St. Heleu
of Portland, hud her pupils at work
writing all they could remember about
a caterpillar, which lay ou the desk
he fore her. Miss Her! ha Davis, of Linn
county, had her little ones at work on
aome other object of nature, we did not
learn the iinme. Miss Jamca, of Mou
row county, vus hearing her grade tell
about a, a Beclmen of which
was before them, Miss Furnstill, of
I'oi'tliitul.wuH hcurlnga grammar clans
Mlsa Woods, ol J icn ton county, was
hearing a class in leading. Mlaa Emma
Lammars, waa hearing her grade recite
the history of the pioneers of the
United States. The bell now rang and
the teachers were changed, new ones to
leach forty more minutes. Each
teacher la fully Instructed by the
critic teachers before entering on the
work, and the training they receive In
the school Is of great value, and tbe
children are seemingly, making rapid
progress In the school. We never saw
better order anywhere than waa shown
by the 170 pupils assembled thera,
t rom Douty fe Jocke.
We had ust a few minutes before lbs
return of th motor (0 hear Mlsa Rose
liaM'tt Instruct the several grades In
vocal mush;, aud she evidently
thoroughly understand her work and
how to keep the alien tlou of all. Tbe
practice song they sang was eniltlud,
"Hweet Rose."
The aclnsil at Monmouth Is now a
Normal school and nothing else. The
course lu Uaikkeeplug called tbe"coin
merclal" has been dnipiajd aud the
Normal course lengthened to three
years. There may be fewer graduates,
out they will be better prepared lu the
coin lug years.
Tired Women
Mnt have atrengtb or they will be In tbe
suffering dmdr of nsrvou prostration.
Tit tru wy lo win vlgoruii health I to
take HuoU' MarMparlllt wulcu will build
upitrii(lh by nuking pure, rich blued ;
(bit Il will lso fwii tlttt tirvmupon thlr
proper nourishment, crest an pietlU,
I uuo tin lom'h InvlRorst nvvry organ.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
is wbst tired women ndtbe on Tru
Wood Partner prominent In th pu bile ey.
Ilvrwl'u Pllla lrmonlotilr llk
I IUVU 9 I 1119 Bw'! atnaiauuia. Mc
Trade Wanted.
also lirn and wsrin, wl.lrh I want U
trad fur soiuelltliiii 1 live no use
forlliem, M. Nicitoi..
ili MoliliwHith. Oreson.
eotiulle to sell a vry nlllend uaeful art.
leltt of kitchen fiirnlliirn. Udlrsor Uenlle
men. Hood . No money rtstulrcd.
Call on or sddress, J, H, WKNUKIt,
U Miiniiintilh, Orea-nn
Per Hale.
new. Cii asij will sell tut rJu. Call at WrsT
Hi na ofrlce. 414
Hooms Wanted,
Airhtilit lioeli.plng, Call at Wkst 8ria
time. r
Ittaiin for lint.
mint risttu and firs and cleetrle llghu for
winter lor iiitelerste prle. Itiqulr at Wast
Hin ofltc. 441 f
Restaurant fur Sale.
fornliure, tfxiltliiK utvitslis, a-ixd; will, etc.,
or the r"taurui 011 Main street, known
1w' lUwlsursiil, la for sale, at reasonulile
flkti r. 4tf
Piano at a Ilargaliu
a n, Tor Klrst ensl HW. Inquire al
till ortlce, 4414
Agent Wanted.
represent ti. Work alinmt easy enough
roraehllduido. Mr, J, W. Nixon, Hole
City, Idaho, made In one week.
Mary, Lynn, Cilo., cleared 7'2.I0 In
three days. Kv. Wm. Curt Uw Aberdeen,
H. I)k made the rlmt day. No rap.
Hal or experlvm-e neeewwry, Term and
pamphlet free. Address si nnc, Mhepp A
Co., KMl Chesiuitt Ml., I'hllatlelphla, la.
Hay For Sale.
eed and Cheat need. For sale by
W. M. Moi-sow,
Kick real I, Clr.
Commenced liiuuiess .Mimh 4, laK8.
At Independence. In the Htiileor Orcuon. al
the close o( lumlness, Hepleinlier ', Istft.
Umou and dlscoiinls tti Tf7 V
Overdralla, weured and liiiecnnd.
II, M. HoikIh (iiaeeim- rln-ulallnn
rrcmliiiiison II. H. IIoihU ...
llRliklltK-lmiiNC.ruriilliirealHl res
i2,Atm no
1..MM HI
4.70U MS
1,(101) Oil
5.71W (s;
vn w
l.iSIO M
67 M
1 lift
other real pkUIb and imirlitiutes
Due from National lluiikmnut He-
serve AueiiUi..
Hue from Htsie llauks and liuiikerii..
one rrom anpnived renervesKcma...
neeK suit o liereiu.ll Hems
Fractional pam'r currency, nlckles,
anil ceius..
Uwti. Monkv Hkskkvk in Uank,
Mmwi. ini,ata in
U-iml-tc nder miles...
lledeiiiptlon fund with V, H,
lH,o;a it
rreamirer ( per eenv of clrctila
lion ,...
M12 SO
Total U(,!Hi 24
Capital stock paid in kAannfl on
-iiiriilus fund 14,000 ui
Cnillvliled protltti, less rxpcnswM nml
laxea pain 1,714 77
National Uank Notes niitslandlni U.2M 0
liullvliluiil iIiuhinIIs sullied Uii'hiH'k 4.11V1I XM
lieinanu cerlllleales ol ileiswll . !,:t7(l (W
Notes and bills redlscounted ...... 6,IHK) W
Totttl l,'ii!,11 !M
Hlat of Oregon , (
Uiliiuyol rviK, J
T. W. 11. Ilawlev. cashier of the iilwwe
named bank do solemnly swear that the
aisive Kiiiieinem is true to the best of my
knowlcilKO anil heller,
W. II. HA WhEY, Cashier.
Huhscfllied and sworn to before me UiIm lath
diu, ol October, 1Sii,'i, 0, w. Kiuklano,
uirreci Aiiest: Notary 1'ubllo.
J. H. CoOI'KIt,
H. I. Cooi'tu,
When you need anything In Muxle or Sewing
Machines, call on Oeo. (!, Will. He
has a large new Mock bought
at latest
And will sell at these reduced prices. All
OOoyrUhled sheet music one hair off;
Also Iih'kc lot at 6 eta a copy. Oonu.
Ine parts, n ceil leu anil oil lor
all sewing maehlnpM,
Seo.C.Will,T;ssr Salem.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Knift or Operation.
Treatment Absol itely Painless
From Three to Six Week9.
Ofnokb: Room 706-707, Marqunm Building,
A. J. Whiteaker, 4
(Saer U J. P. IRVINB.)
Get my prices on Sugar, jtw,
Hams, Bacon, Savon
Soap, Etc
And be convinced that I mean just
what I say and that is that I am sell- '
injr, not only the staple goods men
tioned above, but every article in the
store as cheap, and many of them
cheaper than any any other firm.
Independence Oregon.
1 Set Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons !3 Irons, I Stand, I Handle,! $1,15
You Want the Best
Call and examine new
heating stoves, warranted to keep fire
over night,
The New Hardware,
F. E. Chambers.
Zerboni & Wilson.
jfj o Proprietor! of the o
tj! Particular attention paid to the quality of our'
Meats. Highest pries paid for fat stock.
(i C Street, Next to Postoffice.
A nice set
$2.00 to
Scissors & Shears.
Pocket Knives.
Table Knives.
Butcher Knives.
Carving Sets.
Loaded Shells, Powder,
Shot and Cartridges.
nfl M rv?rtmv
Fire Insurance. - -!
Wm. N. BOOTS, of Monmouth, Ore., County Bpedal
Aent of the Insurance Company of North America, and
other leading American ud Foreign ltisurnime Com
panies will be glml to give rates and terma, ou. all kinds
and classes of property, to parties wanting Fire Insurance
Win. N. Baots represents the strongest companlm, and
will be glad to give any one lu Polk county the benefit of
hla large experience. If you want a fire insurance policy
written, that will be paid tn caae of loss, call ou Win. N
Boots, who, for over ten years, has never had a Are but
what tbe policy was promptly paid.
A BEA6lTlFfcIl7iRL
This vote Is for
OCTOBER 17, 1895.
Mail this Coupon to West Slda, Independence, or hand to postmaster
I buy for CASH and
will sell as Cheap as
the Cheapest. . .
Cook or Heating
Stove Made;
Buy Nothing
But the
"T V B "
line of Alia Xinht
ring from
$6.oo, at
Carpenter Tools.
Polk County Agents for Studebaker
Carriages and Wagons.
Monmouth, Ore