jiiicial Paper of Polk County THE WEST SIDE BY (est Side Publishing; Company fHl'ltfPAY, IXTOHKU10, IHi5 , juwu-fii imiMoemrwr to our 6 -Hftrri to my tMr ntnM iiion our irt llf HOT MP HUtU T tO tfOH" HHvh joto' in tk Aow wtM.W H An A Iftff Oil " wW '""'"if "' ''' 'A A niYiniM for t'KHK J of A r fumtS ' feH' M rwrm'rto pi Am ni.7MmJ Ht Vo'. t, LOCAL ANDGENERAL j'rvaeott A NVnww rm'lvml rr lorn) of flit aliltKl lai I ummy . A piano l advertised for aal In our "waul column vrJ ow "e. yr. and Mrm Kamva, of Portland, tfiit of Dr. O. IK llutler, nd Wife. j, a. Vfiirtw li returned, to Wlu- kiek Waidi., to loo after Ula large MWiuill there. M. Mchnlis of Roland, Linn county, tuu reiitod hi turui there aud moved bwk to Monmouth. 1$. Mo0.ullklu, brother of Mr. V. 8, Richards, returned to hU home lu McMiimvillo liwt Mouday. Mm. Cady, aalaterof Frauk J.Morrl returned to her MeMluuvllle home Tuesday, after vteitlnjj here. jiev. W. S. Fleenor, of Waahtngtnu, ill preach lit the lVlUt church uext Sunday morning aud evening, Mrs. Young, of Ulaud City, (m-e Dillla Uravea) b vlaltlng her pareula bre, Mr. id Mrs. J. F. K.Urvm. Host Nark, of tins Little. Talnce Hutel, i giving ll traveling public Mtlnfm'tion anil Ida traile U lucreaalng. Mr. Welch, who came from Nebraska about a year ago, in building a neat collage near Jatne ilarria' realdenw, on the tniXor line. I. Vanduyn, of Portland, waa lu town Tueaday, a gutat of hla brother J, M. Vauduyo, aud looking after bual- ntm inieresut urrc. Ikrt l.ucaa aud wife, of Portland, tre vMling Mm. Lucaa, hla luotlier Bear Monmouth. Itert la doing well In the bicycle bualueaa. F. L. Brown, of the JfMt-rjtrine, U-ft on Tuemluy fr Spokane Falla to meet bl wife and three childreu.who are ou tbeir way here from Hurley, Ihikota. Mm. M. Kinney, the milliner, haa just receivttlaflue Unetif Sallora.wlilch were ou-d thla week. 'I hla la In aililiuou to her large stock of triinmcd Data. An outing (rty of alx, on blcyclea, paw-i through town Hunday, from btilftii, being uieuitiera of the Multno mah Club, of Portland; four ludl.-a ami eutlcineu. They wanted to re Polk tounty. ' Next Friday morning at 855 tlure will be very interesting exercimnat the State Normal at the chapel hour. The motor from Independence leave at 7:4'), the next return trip being at 10 o'clock. Mr. M. Kinney, the milliner, ha received thl week a large aaaortiueiit of the luteal pattern of jet ornament and Jet trimming, which are again be coming very popular. Call tomorrow and aee the full atock. The Willamette Hop Grower' A ociation, through the effort of Pre. Waicott and other, will have quite an exhibit at the Portlund Kxptmltlon. There w ill lie bop in bale, hopa on the vine and numerous photogrnplia of hup yard around Indepeudeuco. F. M. Oatcs, of Pendleton, formerly the owner of the steam laundry here, wa in town Tuesday. He ia looking well, und 1m prospering In hla buainexH. He Htill hu a warm plat In hla heart for Independence and It opIe, and eavs he never haa found better any where. lJuring the puat week, but one coupon was received at thl office In the vote for the young lady of Independence, who will make the beat picture. Her name Is Mabel Wella, aud Indepen dence will not suffer from oompariaon with other part of the couuty If ahe should receive every vole cunt. There l no lack of good material however In Iiidenendcnce for more vote. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei wtrdt Gold Mlil MidwlMf Fir. Sin frtntitt m A .-. A we re i icic AND HERE TO STAY AND SELL YOU SCHOOL BOOXS & SUPPLIES If prices and quality will do It. Following I a partial list of the many line of Tuhlets we f' i carry, i' these 6oo Page Pencil Tablet t J A ft M 6o 120 140 160 300 160 Pen Cream Pencils, Pens, Inks, Erasers, Rubbers, Every thing needed in the school room. Old: Books - We buy old school thai we mean jut v-v -r-v w r eWhool bargain at lltalMlvr Itrt. The Liul lVla,bel I tlw la.puiar to get , flrt.claa meal. Mortgage ami n, w umti by w (, Wright, lHlla,pikCn,,Orw, oteti,f ,umn n thu papr. will (Hwt ym nothing. Itollklu A t.mm.. ... . It HR, im iHtruer ou mam atrtvl, Iudependeinw. t.. L. - .. . . t your oki achool hooka to Clod "uer iim. I lenty of money to loan on farm nijr, W.M. Wright, Dallaa. l a -onti May had , f, badly cruahe.1 under a hop pre at lViv'a hop yn uia ww'H, Thl I ,j,KK tlnu. t autwrlptlon for another laper, renew your year to thla Yon will nud the lndciendnc cmi pnn lu the lower right hand corner of tula pngu. Mr. Hamllton.of Hleni,(Aggle Win "Mil) la vlaltlutf at the home of Mr. Jerome lMriialfe. ft l mere waa a plea-ant danev In the Auditorium laat Halurdav ev-nlim given ny the Uuid Uya -i.. . - " Warren Creaay, ton of W. H Cnv. of thla city, haa a poaliluu lu a atore lu iirmironl, New Hamahlre, If you are lu arrear ou aubacrlotlon to thla aer, could you not make our acquaintance, thla month. Mlm hjwlo ltoUrtaon, our iHMttuaater. waa vlaltlug Mr. Flaher and dauahter . ora at Mherldan, thla week I) wight Hoag, .f iSuver. waa In town .uouuay. lie will awume charire of tlie 8uver achool next week, At Ave uiluutea to ten o'clivk laat Friday night the infant daughter of W. H. au Oradel, died, ag d one w-ek Old achtail tKMtka bought by Clodfelter urn. A. B.Cherry, who waa Jeweler for i aiteraon itro., aotue three year ago. U now ruumng a laundry at U (Jmnde. W heu you want a gad meal for 25 inla, go to Wrong'a reataurant, Weeta- eott A Irwin, pr.urletor. Halem, Oregtm. tf Mr. F. A. lKmghty returned thla week from a three week' vlalt In Linn county, vlaltlug her father ('. O. Ia at Alhaiiy. If any lady I looking f ir houtm work ahe can find a piwitlou by Inverting au advertiaement In till pajK-r cuatlng only a few ceula. Mr. A. J. Wliiteaker returned from Allmny Monday, and Mrs. ( re Irvlue ia returned from her vUU to Corvlll, Albany aud Kilcm. A full aupply ofahlngieajust retvlved y It. A. Suitor at Moumouth, almi a yard full of the flnet and tnt lutuU-r, which w ill be old very cheap. Money to build with. W. 0. Wrluht. Dallaa. licutcmla-r the grand ball air the Auditorium ou Friday evening (.to- moirow).There will he splendid music, worth the price of admission. J. S. Moore, who waa located at Dallas, lu the barber business bring his family here thla week aud will work with K.T. Heukle. I). M. Humptou, of Monmouth Hotel, announce that he la now tak- ug Normal students to Umrd and lolge for f'J.75 a week. That la at the rate of lesa than 40 ceuta a day. I,. C (illmore Is going to astonish our people one of these days lu the way of a steam whistle. It Is immense, ten nclies aenns, and erhapa can tie heard over at the county seat. The Cily ik-ntaurant still continue to inter to the Inner wants of man. A good meul for 23 cent. Extra chicken dinner Sunday. Meals at all hour. No Chinese employed. Hix n.eala for tl. John W. Alexander, of whom men tion waa made sometime since, as visit ing his retail vea here, the Alexanders, i as been back to Missouri and la now here with his wife aud will locate Kr- matieutly. There Is one thing we can say for feminine cyclist, of Monmouth, they are nice, clean women and girl, ana dretw In feminine style, no make ladleve boy or vulgarly dreed girls making things breezy alsmt our street. Heveral ItKjuiries have come to Oil office for good oak oord wood and prime buted hay, cheat, oat and timothy. If jH-rsoria having audi article would have an advertisement Inserted in this puier It would tie of benefit In two way. "While down In the Southwestern part of the stute some time ago," aaya Mr. W. Chalmers, editor of the Cliico (Cal.) Enterprise, "I had an au attack of dj sentry. Having heard of Chanilierluln' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I bought a bottle. A couple of dose of It completely cured me. Now I am a champion of that retnedy for all atomach and bowel ei implalnts." For sale by Alexander Coos-r Drug Company. jr. Price's Cream Baking Powaet 'W "IrlllrhestMcdslandOlrloni 1 I dM r. f and we sell them at Just prices, - -" 04 " .04 .01 .04 .07 .10 .18 . .18 Wove . Exchanged, booka. Call and aee what wesay. ... Trr i ri ( ICvou want the Beat Wm. Madison, of Hoseburg, la In lh city. Huy your ticket at one for the ex cursion next Wednvaday, Mouey to loan on choice city pro pwty, W. O. WrUht, Lkallaa. Ira Clodfelter took a trip to Portland Monday returning Wednesday, Anderson Taylor, of Pecdee, la lortHl dying today (Thursday ) Fresh bread tvery day at thn liou Don. Klglit loave fur a ijuarter. IteldeiiUrautaud Jihi Sibley ,of Dalhts, Wire doing bualues ire last Wedues day, Mlsa Kiuiiia CiHjueletle went to Port bind Wednesday to remain several wwk. Mr. J. 8. Mtsire, the Imrbcr, haa Imh u employed, Ar the liner, by K. T. llenklo, Ml Maly Shaffer ai-alded her hand ulte liadly last Tueaday, aud is carrying it lu bandage. Mis F.lla Fennell will attend the Sisters' school at Salem, eonihitiieuc- hia next Monday. Mrs, L. Outhouse went to IiOrande Wcdm-stlay, but will return to Polk couuty iu about a mouth. The mother of Mr F. K. Cltands rs, wai vlaltlug here lust wei-k, returning to her home Monday, llev. (). II. Whltinore and ftttully left last Monday for Portland, w here they will lu future reside. Mr.F.L.Tuck I sick and Mr. Dr, Ketchuin take her place this week In tirade 1 lu the public school. Mlsa Nora Prather, of Huetia Vista, Intend going to Portland aud Hnd several weeka visiting her aunt there. tlraudma rUntt, of Iluena Vista, left ou Monday's down train Isutiid for South Dakota, where ahe w ill reside with her sou. Jaiuea Q. Klrkiatrlck, son of Dr. Klrkputrlck, leave this week for Santa ttosu, Cal., where he will work for the elect rlo Unlit company. P. W. Haley' family have (M ine luick to Polk couuty, from the farm lu Unit county, and are living on the farm south of !ndchdcuce. Iwer of music w ill enloy a rare treat next Tuesday, by attending the entertainment at the Auditorium given by A, Aauiold, the violinist. (Hr Hayter, who haa beeu at tidy ing law under J. J. Daly was admitted a the Oregon bar tart Wednesday aud pawned an excellent examination. IhhI Saturday Sheriff Plumiuer bmk Sam Work, of Monmouth, to the Insane asylum, he having omo dcrangel from over heating e time since. Mrs. Till SI1I1111 left Itist Monday for Mnn Co., Mo., w here she will visit her daughter Mr. Suver and Mrs.Clcmeu. Shebsik with her, Utile (leorge, the son of Mr. Perkins, W. 11. Hawley audT. Uyton Jeuka, were delegate to the grand lislge, Knights of Pythlas.ut Salem, aud alsmt adoM'ufrom Homer bulge here, hk iart lu the grand parade ou Wednes day. On next Tuesday, Octolwr 15, August Aamold, the celebrated Norwelgtan violinist, will give one of his pleasing entertainments In the Auditorium, under the auspice of the punlls of the Independence Public sclusiln. Mr. M. Kinney, the milliner, has lately added to her stock a line line of table linens, com mode scarf, splashers, dresoer scarfs, handkerchief and hoe aud silk balls, tuimcls, etc. used in fancy work, which she Is offering at lowest price. The attraction at the Auditorium next Tuesday evening is the aps'ar- ance of the vlollulsl A. Aamold, and his company. At the sHHlal price glveu, the building should crowded with a majority of the three hundred school children aud their parents. Mrs. N. O. Clodfelter has gone to Atbla, Iowa, on a visit, leaving last Monday. October 10th, her father and mother, Mr. and Mr. D. N.Scott, will celebrate their golden wedding aud she will be present. Mr. Hcntt has Is-en nominated for the legislature on the republican ticket aud In Novemla-r his election will be decided. The Oregon Telephone A Telegraph Co., have made the following reduc tion In their tariff to Portland, based upon a one minute conversation, com mencing Oetolier 1, WV,; One minute 50 cent, bach additional 30 seconds or fruction thereof 5 cents. As the majority of long distance telephone conversation are finished within one minute, the above represents a sub. tuntlal reduction. Bt. Mr. J. K. Fowler, secretary and treasuier of the Corinne Mill, Canal and Stock Co., of Corlntie, Utuh, In III speaking of Chamberlain' Cough Itomcdy says: "I consider It the bet n the market. I have used many kinds hut find Chumherlalng' the most prompt aud effectual In giving relief, aud now keep no other lu my home." When troubled with a cough or cold give this remedy a trial and we assure you that you will he more than pleased wltn the result. For sale by Alexander-Coojier Drug Company. This Is (he way a country editor size tip a kicker, and offers odds on his pro bable relation to the paper, tJ-wlt: "Whenever you find a man finding fuult with a local paper, ppen It up and ten to one he hnsn't an advertisement In it; five to one he never gave it a job of work; three to one he (bsa not take the paper; two to one that if he In a subscrilicr he la delinquent; even odds he never does anything that will assist the publisher to run a good puper, and forty to one that If the paper Is a good one and full of life, he Is themosteager ti see the paper when It comes out." If you have a good thing, show your faith In It and your neighbors by mak ing It known through an advcrtlsllHe ment In the West Hiijk. The merchant, who keeps nothing that will stand advertising cau doubtless bo ex cused for not making It known, The good were new and fresh, The store waa clean and peat, The clcrka wete all polite, But the owner Indiscreet, The store was unsuccessful, The reason you'll surmise, Too' the owner was a hustler, He didn't advertise. The U. S. Gov't Reports thow Royal Baking Powder auparior to all othara. Washing Powder, Buy Soapori no, D. II. Taylor is quite alrk. Bpectator will lie charged 25 cent I1 the military ball tomorrow bight daunt rs l. The ladles of the Clover Leaf Lodge, N.&U, I. O.O. F, will give a grsud 111 011 Thauksulving day. at the Auditorium. The price of admission will be ou the invitation. Ml 1 Urace Hargrove, of Monmouth, Iff I Thursday, to (each the fall term of 'iool at Turner lu Marlon oounty M. Zcrhonl, of Portland, and J. W, Wilson, of Alrlle, have formed a part nership aud will engage In the butcher btislue lu the room next to the Ktt odlce 011 C trect. The gentlemen propo entering to the waul of the people of Independence and hope to re ceive a share of their patronage. there one medicine which every family should be provided with. We refer to Ctmuiberlalu'a Pain Italm. When It is kept at bund the severe pain of a bum or scald may la) promptly re lleved aud the sore healed lu much Icsi time than wheti medicine haa to be aeui for. A spnilu may be promptly treated la-fore liillionutloti sets lu, which Insure a cine In about oue third the time otherwise reniilred. Cuts aud bruise should receive Immediate uitentloit, la-fore the part become swollen, and when Cliamtr!alu's Pain Halm Is applied it will heal them without matter being formed, and with out leaving a soar. A sore thruit may ie cured lu one night. A piece of flannel duiuMued with this liniment and bound on over the seat of the pain, will cure lame back or pain lu the aide of or dost iu twenty-four hour. It is the moat valuable, however, for rheumatism. Persons articled with this disease will lie delighted with the prompt relief from pain which II affords, and It can he depended Uin to e licet a complete cure. For sale by Alexauder-CtMisr Drug Company. k Dramatic Treat. Messr. Patterson Itro., the mana ger of the Indnlcnc ojtera house are brh gtng soma good attractions here. On Friday and Saturday the Murquam (Iraud, of Portland, will huve "The Burglar" presented by a New York company of actors, and ou Friday, October IN, the saute company will apaar in Independence, The price of admission are M cent aud 7.1 cents; the back mw of leal all being 60 cents, also the gallery, Children are .'1 ivnts and the whole front mw will be reserved for children, without extra charge. The motor will come from Monmouth and ticket are on aale at Lucus' drug store. The Chicago Intir Ucrnn say of the company; The Burglar" drew two big house at the Academy of Music Sunday, aud a U'tttr attraction ha not graced the stage of that (sipulsr theatre (hi sea son. A comedy orama of more thau IHiHslug Interest Is "The Burglar," a play thai Is w holesome. The play was handsomely staged and Is presculcd by an umiNualty capable company headed by Kuene ami Anna Bnyle-Mire, two artist of unquestioned ability. The comedy w ork la exceptionally well done. Little Oertle Carlisle raptured the audience at once with her wonder ful acting and delightful sinning. ExpoNllon Kxrurlmi. Ou next Wednesday, October luih, from takes place the (list excursion I ndcs-ndetice to Portland aud return at the low price of J,76 for the round trip .Including two ailuiMoii to the exposition, A sicclid car will leave Independence, In the rear of the regulur train, and thut same car con taining the same HHiple will return Saturday, Octols-r loth. Iu order to secure this car a certain number of tickets must lie sold by next Monday. Tickets are for sale at the. atore of Alcxamlcr-Coosr Drug Co, R D. Cooper, the organizer of this excursion, will make vlal efforts to have It pleasant for all persons going?' The train can be hoarded st either Parker, Independence, I)erry, Crowley, or Mc Coy, hut tickets must lie purchased by Monday. AUlie Public School. The public sehtKil of IudcHMideiice oM-iicd last Monday with a large at tendance, L'80 Isitig enrolled the llrst day, which Is quite a number more than lust year on oMulug day, When lmlcicndcucc voteil five year ago to build It eight-room school build ing some said It wus Urn large for the town, but now every room Is used und by another year extra room will he needed. The attendance will gradually Increase during this wetk so that over three hundred will he enrolled soon. Prof. TV A. Hayes, who bus charge of the high school and Hill grade, had M In attendance, Miss N. M. Hill had 22 in the 7th grade, Miss Mutlie Ixnigacre had 4.ri iu the (1th grtidc, Miss Minnie Goodrich, 41 In fit h grade, Miss Clara Hall 'I') In 41 li grade, Miss A. Cochrane 34 In ibl grade, Miss Ilallki Mulkcy 25 in 2nd grade and Mrs. F. L. Tuck, 62 little tots In the 1st grade. In the large and clean hast inent Frank Myers has again charge of the heating appara tus, from 5 to 1(1 pounds of Hteuin being kept In the bollcv to heat the building It take half a cord of wood a day to keep the tires going, Much of Monday wus taken up In arranging (in uses and teaching the school to march. Itoy Irvine la the drummer. Ho perfect do the pupils become In the marching that la case of a fire the blldlng can be emptied In very short time. The pupils were a well dressed and bright looking crowd, and the teachers seemed pleased with the prospective outlook of the school. Senator Hill Is not the shrewd pnlitl cluuheonce wus, or he would not have made that silly speech In defense of personal liberty, The friends of ex-Congressman, Tillman, or b. v. nie has any should lose no time In looking after film. "Weare'bela elyauld'appraioh- (ng a war between the rich and the poor, and I look for Iota of throat-cutting be. ween now and 11)00." A man who talks such rot ought to be looked UP' With Texas In danger of going pop ulist and Louisiana republican the democratic hold on the solid South would seem to be growlug weak. BEAUTIFULFEATURE8. fhe Opinions of the Header; of the West Side. riiK iicsr rum km) voimj lad v. i Coaipelltloii In lleauly, Which Will be Carried on by Header of , this Paper. Iu thl Issue of His Wkut Hiiim will 11 found a oiiuin, entitled: "A Beautl ml tllrl," which every tine w ho lecelve i Invited t tear out, write (he nana .if some young lady a resident of tin in w 11 dcalgnatcd ou lb ooumn, am mull the same to the Wkmt SilK noi later thau Monday following the dab apsarlug on the coupon. The plan of the omitcst Is a follow Kadi post i Wee in Polk county wil have a con U-st, each lusting four weeks. U the end of the fourth week, tlx young lady having received the mos otes will have her picture, a half loin ngravlug, printed on a supplement, to this paja-r. The reason we use a up- lenient la that coiuint n new paper wilt hot give satisfactory result In mlf-toiie work. This supplement will lie printed on heavy suis'M-alendered iiaier. . We hope to have every postoflloe lu Polk county represented in this collec tion of young ladles, and at the end of 1 lie contest the plc'tire will tst grouped und a vote of four weeks taken on all, and the picture receiving the most voles, will entitle the young lady to receive a gold watch presented by the WW SllK. KDI.HM A Nil KKIIVI.ATIONM. Ill older to have this contest entirely atlsfactory to all, we ask that the spirit of the contest be oWrved a well is the letter. It 1 to be remeuila red that (he picture will Include only head and shoulder, as far down as the waist, therefore the two essentials are re gularity of feature, ierfectlou of form, expression of face and grace of pose. 1st, A litany vole a HI be received its coupon can ta obtained from puiers. Sml. Voting will close each week at 12 p. in. on each Monday. ot re ceived later will not be counted. 3rd, In voting, the name ou the tiuKjn must li of a 'young lady not less than IU year of age, not married, who receive her mall at the powiofllc lelotiglug 10 coupon. 4ili. The order In which voting will ake place la as follows: IudcMtidcuce, Monmouth, Dallas, Bucua Vista, Fall City, McCoy, Parker, Blckreall, Huver, Kolu, BhIIsIoii, Siultblleld, Lincoln, 'rowley, Iw lsvllle, Pcriydale, Alrlie and Zen a. 4th. The Initials and full name of iDUlestaul must be given on ballot. Arraugemeut will be made with post- masters at each pMtol1)ue, while the Hihtcst lasts at that cilice, foi receiving and forwarding ballots together. titli. All ballot will be fllinl in the WwrSitiKonice until final of monthly vote, when they will be counted by a committee, aud result announced over signature of audi committee. The ballots will be destroyed two weeks thereafter. A Storm at Sea Ini'muu-. th dlimiiiiliirl nt lilt voynner. Hut iv.n liu Hie weatlisr U not ntiiiraiuim tie l liable Wi sea sickness. They wlm traveros Om "giiimillc wetnms" nhiiiilit lie provided with UiMtvllvr'S Ml,.iim.-li luttnrs, wllti'tl liiutu dlMirdered stomsi-lit Willi urauf) liitf KH'it unit "ertnliity. To tlie hurt n. I Influvuee if s Implc, malarloiK ir Usi rlvoroiis or dsiiip clltimlr, as wvtl a to the baiivnil rrivuor unwho!miom dii'l slid bad water, la a mlluble sutlitott, t'oiuuierelsl iravoiers by or land, inarlners, intners, wmIitii fiuinvr, and all who have to en- niuntervlelMiUudio(olliiiat and U)iiiwra- tuis, iimcur In pnmoumiliik' It th beat aafo imnl. II prevnnta rliviimaUaiii and piiliimu. try nliui ka Ineooaniueni-a "Mump and cold, nml It la au ettti leiit iti'li-iur nlnt sll fnrnia if iimlarls. J I can be itfxmili-ct upon In lynH-Mls, liver and kidney tmutils, Probate Court. In re est, Kdua Miller, minor, annual Kconutit tiiou. u'dn. vh'gd fi:t:i:i;i; Credited 127.40. Fst Isaac Hall, deceased, sen.Uaunual account filed. V. B. Sears, ex. credited with SH1Q and ch'gd with f2o,HNj.H:i a her report. lure est (Blla Price, deceased, Frl- h'i'i November Hth, set. im day of final tlleinctit. In re est. Auirusi Ohms, Htltloti for proof of will tiled, Wm. Blddle, D. M. Hewitt and L. Lemon appointed appraiser, letters lestuineutary Issued to llertlm Oh tna. Ftt A. W. Dyer, deceased, P. Hartimlomew, ndminlsttator, semi annual account filed, administrator oli'ifil with $17.11 .2.5 us tier account. lu g'dnshlp, minor heirs of J. B. Hyroti, Win. (Savage, g'dn. Settlement Until, as to Whalley Syron, In re est of Wm. Perclval, deceaatH), lietltlon for proof of will filed. Zenlda Perclval appilnted executrix wlthout- hond. In re est, I. II. Martin, ilcceawd.ln'v and uppr' filed, ex charged with (01(18. 01, iih her inventory filed, and adiu grunted authority to sell personal pro perty at public or private sale, Iu re est Joeliili JohnHtnn, deceased will filed und proved, cause continued pending the filing of bond of executrix, THE BURGLAR! A FOUR ACT COMEDY DRAMA EUOENE H00RE nRS. ANNA BOYLK MOORE And a Strong; Company of Players, Consisting of Wm. l,nwl, A Otirdon-ttnlilnow Kline'r llurriian, liny Yniinginnn, Kd wsrd Craven, (truce J I opk In h, May CarllNlo anil IjIUIp Oortla Carlisle, ATOPKRA UOIIHE, IN DKPKN MUNCH, Friday Hinllt, October 18, 1195 RESERVED SKATS - 75 CTS GENERAL ADMISSION - 50 CTS CHILDREN - - 26 CTS Tickets on Sale at Patterson Drug Store, Broa' Irom Douty & Xoclco; uchm:i to death. Utile Ada V Pierce Die In Inlcnoe Last Friday afU-rniM.ii while Mr. O. W, Pierce was at work, aud Mrs, Pierce vas away from home, the children who ere playing iu the yard of the real- lein-e on seventh str.vt, built a tMinflre f the dry leave o plentiful now. As he ft una leaped Up a burning leaf aught lu (he drew of Utile Ada, aged wo and a half year. Charlie lierce, ired II. with rare presence of mind or one so young, run Into the house Hid gelling a quilt came out and wrap aid It about the during child whose dirlckiof palu were heart rendering, tut It was too lute, Her clothing vus burned oil, and her Usly front the valst to the nock awfully burned and he hot flumes, going Into her lungs ausid her death, after much suH'crlug X five o'clock Saturday nioruiiig. The lareiits were ctswd with grief, ut kind friends did all possible, Hun lay afteriusiu a large concourse tif jmh ile assembled at the Auditorium and ttev. J, it. Baldwin preached a very flue n-rmoii, for the occasion, and the remains were taken to the Odd Fellows' cemetery for burial. The sympathy of I his community goe out to the brcaved family, Six year ago an eighteen-months-old tsiy, while playing lawlde a coal fire lu Seattle set hlmsi lf on fire and death resulted. The (lirysaiifltemnm Fair. The ladies of the Oingrcgutlotiul church will give their annual Chrys anthemum Fair In November. The premium will be as follows: CM UYSANTH KM UMM CUT. CI.AHH (INK, First U-st general csdlwtlon ?2.fsi Scind Is-st gener 'I collection .... l.uo C, ASM TWO, Best 8 blooms, while variety,,.. Best 3 bbsiins, pink variety Best 8 blooms, yellow variety... Best 3 blooms, rod variety ci. a as TiUtKK. Bert collection, w hite. fio Best collection, red fio Best collection, yellow fit 1 Best collection, pink 50 lbt collection, cut rose W) Bret collection, ts-goulas , . oil Best colliH-tlon, pansles fti) Card of Thank. Mr. (I. W. Pierce and wife desire to express their sincere thanks to the kind friends in Iudcicudeiice who were so ginieroiis aud tlioiinlitful dur- ng their recent Is-reavement. Is Your Blood Pure If It la, you will be ttroni, vigorous, full of life nd ambition; you will bva good appHile and good digestion j strong nam, iwset sleep. But how fW can y that their blood ( iiurel How many peopl are suffering dally from th consMiurnec of Impure blood, acrofuls, lt rheum, rhmimaUam, catarrh, uervousnssa, l'plexauciM, and That Tired Feeling. Hood Haraaparllls purlflea, vltallre and nrlchx tb blood. Thorafor, il I th iiiMtK'ina tor you. It will glv you pure, rich, red blood and strong iutvi. U will ovsrcom that tlrwJ feellnir. rtwile an Bplll, civ rofraahlng alp aud max you tlrotig, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eve today. V'X a I1UUU 9 I 1119 hinllt aaihartla. Wan led. AHKNTS1N I'OKK ANliKt'HHOl NIUNU nnuntliw to wil a very aslnlile and unefiil art. lelcof kltnhi'n furnlliire. Indira or tientle men. tliKid wimii-s. No inoney ra-iulred. fsllonoraddreaa, J, H, WKNUKK, UU Mniiinouth, OrcKon. For Sale. ONK itltOAl) CAHf HKKPKU, U(K)l AH nw. t'lxil fill will sell for Wi. t'Hll at Wust Hi UK oltlee. ' MU Kmims Wanted. WANTi:i) l.MMKHI ATKI.Y 2 till H H(H)M for light hnuaekwpliig. Cull ill Wwr Hint olttee. tltf Itoimii for Rent. k HfXoi.k OKNTI.KMAN CAN HIT AIM frtint, riKini and tire ami elnolrUi llliin for wlnlnr lor moderate prleu. lmnilre at Wrst Btnu iilllce. jtif ItcHtaiiriiiit for Sale. THK ft' lll.lt) IN 1NFOKMKU THAT Till? furniture, iihiklnn utensils, mmd will, etc. of the rentaumnWin Main streets known sn fjoo'a Itiwtnurant, la fur snle, ill reawiuiilile flKiirca, iltf Found. ON K BAY M AUK, I'AMK TO MY VLSCK aliiiut thrve weeks no. If nut ruelalnied wllhln I wo weclm I111111 dale and expenses paid the nuliiial will tie Hold. Aniikkw Hi.attrn, Oetoher 10, 1H(I,"i. 4111 Piano tit a Bargain. A HTAN I)Altl-M A K K I'lANt), AH UOOO as new, fur ( First cost tVA Inquire at tills nllli'i). iM Agents Wanted. 75.00 TO $150.00 A MONTH TO ANY ONE TO repmsent, us, Work almost iinny enough foraohlldtodo. Mr, J. W. Nixon, Poise City, Idaho, made fjlt.50 In one week Mary Hush, byons, Colo., cleared $78.10 In three days,. Rov, Wm. Uurllam Aherdoen H. Oak,, Hindu $U.OO the tlrst day. No eiip. Ital or sxporlenoe neeessury. Terms snd p.-iinphlets free. Address at one, HhoppA Co., 1020 ChORtuul HI., rhlladelihla, Pa. Hoy For Sale. HALKI) OUKAT, AND DAT HAY, HAKLKY awrt ami '(Ideal sreit. Kor sale by W, M. Ml,so!, ; HlckrwUi.Or. Wden ynu nood anytliin In Music or Hewing Mtti'hliiiH, cutll on (iii. C. Will, ile liiw n iume new atoek boiifftit at latent , REDUCED PRICES, And Will hoII at Idem reducd prices. All ooiiyrlHlitud hiot hhinIo one hull' nil'; Also InrRi) lot at 6 eta a oopy, (4enu lne parU, needles and nil for all KewtiiK lnaehliios, Ktiiiiombertli place. b.C.ll, Two Doors North Salem. of poHUOmoe. A. J. Whiteaker, (Succaaaar to J. V. GROCERIES -: AND -: PROVISIONS Oct my prices on Sugar, Hams, Bacon, Savon Soap, Htc. .... .If?'v' 'And convinced that I mean just what I say and that is that I am sell inn, not only the staple iiods men tioned above, but every article in the store as cheap, and jnany of them cheaper than any any other firm. :. GIVE ME A CALL AND BE CONVINCED. . Late Style flillinery. Is not a mere matter of chance In selection, but Is the result of knowledge of the busltiuss omi careful bityiiif. The season of lWJfi Is notil for many new shape, arid the s(yli,s of lust yar, which ari (s lug olli-red vcr" cheap, are pil(e different. A woman might as well be out of the world as to he , , . . . , OUT :- OF FASH TOX, And. therefore, the ladles of Independence are re iticsUtl to call and sec the new style and make selec tions. The prices, quality consider!, are very mod erate, and a stylish new bonnet Is not beyond the means f Hny lady. The "Napoleon,'' a bat for chil dren, Is very neat and pretty. ..... firs. M. KINNEY, The Milliner, Independence, Oregon. (sVaVsVtstaVi m a l I w A nice set ring from $2.oo to $6.oo, at KRAMER'S, S5X RINGS. SPECIAL SALE! JForojiejwe e only, I No. 8,h, Pit Copper Bottom You Want the "'Mmmt fv TsC' 'SUPERIOR." Call and examine n-iv heating stoves, warranted to keep fire over night, The New Hardware, F. E. Chambers. J. F. O'DONNELL Co Scissor? & Shears. Pocket Knives. Table Knives. Butcher Knives. Carving; Sets. Ranges and Cook Pieced and Stamped Loaded Shells, Powder, Shot and Cartridges. TINWARE INDEPENDENCE, TP-TEAR OR CUT OUT ONE A BEAUTIFUL GIRL. INDEPENDENCE, COUPON. This MISS. OCTOBER 3,1805. Mall thla Coupon to West Side, I 4 ' IIVINH.) buy for CASH and e-will sell as Cheap as fi-Hi the Cheapest. . . Independence, Oregon. tmoarmmimrfimxBseissm- BIT RINGS. lea Kettle-' - N Cents. Best Cook or Heating; Stove Made; THEREFORE Buy Nothing But the "T V B " line of Air Tight Axes. Saws. Nails. Rope. Carpenter Tools. Parlor and Box. Graniteware and Woodenware Polk County Afrents for Studebaker Carriages and Wagons? OREGON. INCH AROUND BORDER. vote Is for ndependeneo, or hand to poatmaater t ( . ft- v i J r - f 5 ,