f 18 IU3ATII W0UT1I IYtXl!T it life worth living" eho asktd of nie, Oiu day of iIaj by the aloglng ea, death worth dying?" 1 asked In turu: "Beyond the grave or the gl!dd urn U there t tar-laud, A miracle far-laud, That equalshalf equatoour inhere tertvne? Auawer nis Answer uie, oh, my queen!" "But, oh, for th Leaven of heavens!" he cried; "And oh, for the ouls of the purlned!" The auntlre prlnkled upon ltr theiv And turned to a glory her golden hair: A icpltyr stole from a perfumed place U'vr vena of gladnewi and hoU of grace; It totwod the Illy lulls to and fro, While the bird ttang loud ami the bird Rang low: Tt rippled the roses with heart of Are Till they ewooued the awoou or a rapt kslre, And all the mlverse wna aflame .With ai -Jubilant Joy that I cannot name. As I pake, For her nike. And without a dim me: "Thla la the heaven of heaven to ine, And thou art the purllled aotil I tec And oh! if this life and tills love were Immortal. I never would sigh for the tar-flatnlug portal, Nor seek la the far-away sky to die cover An hour diviner than this for a lover.' Kenneth l.muur, In Chips, The Earl's Daughter. (After Nasoby.) Oil a moment ny sudden and unexpected advent threw tlw three men Into some eottfimlon, but quickly recovering from their tmr prise they rushed Uon iuc with drawn itwords. Parry lug a tierce blow which the foremost trooiier dealt at me. v. 4 I got umk-r his guard and passed my Wade through his right lung. A brave thrust." As the mau fell his two comrades dropiH'd back, and I had an Instant to look around. The maiden stood beside me, watching the conflict with bright ly flashing eyes; her bosom heaved; her whole form was alive with the keenest excitement. Truly. It was no peasaut blood which ran lu her. "A brave thrust." she cried again. "The klug," I shouted; "the king, and eottfuslou to his enemies." Somewhat takeu aback by the death of their comrade, the two remaining men seemed to ts lu no great hurry to renew the combat. Hut I placed my lack to the wall and stood on guard awaiting their onshiught, and when tftev held back taunted tbem for cow ard's. I looked again toward the maid en, and she gave me a glance which seS my heart athrobhlng fawler than the flashing swords. Presently, recov ering something of their lost courage, the two men again approached, but this time with less fury and more method. The trooper came llrst and engaged me. while the aeriteaut re mained behind, ready to spit me uiub-r his companion's arm If opportunity should offer, For some moments there was a ring of steel against steel, as we struck and parried, neither tielng able to obtain a mastery, while ever ami anon, at a fiercer blow, bright spnrks nhot forth from the mee.hiK 'blades. After the first few thrusts. Indeed. 1 felt I bad the measure of my adver sary, but I dared not devote to htm the whole of my attention, requiring -to be continually on my guard against a subtle stroke from the sword of the sergeant. At length, with a swift and upward stroke, I deprived my oppon ent of his weapon. It flew from his hand and fell with a clink aud a Jan gle upon the stone floor. It seemed, however, that the blow was likely to cost me dear, for In strik ing I stumbled over the body of the fallen tnxmor, and In a trice the ser geant was upon inc. with Hashing word. 1 felt that my last moment had come and made ready to die as be came a servant of the king. Instead of a death thrust, however, a most astonishing and somewhat ludicrous thing came to pass; for I found a most useful ally In the brave young lady who had displayed so much In terest In the struggle. She seized the pot she was seething on the lire, and with a quick movement poured the whole of the scalding contents Into the fare of the sergeant. He sprang with a cry of rage and pain, and when he turned round again I had much ado to restrain my mirth, for his face at that moment n scudded nothing so much as a boiled lobster. It seemed to be his purpose to wreak vengeance iqion the lady who had caused his discomfiture, but I bad time to recover and when lie turned tie found my sword point to his throat. Inferring, maybe, from that circum stance that nothing to hi advantage was likely to result from a continued tay, he turned on his heel and, fol lowed by his disarmed trooper, went rapidly from the house, using as he did so many ungodly words such as I trow he had never found In his prayer book. We waited In silence until the sound of their horses' hoofs had died away In the distance. For myself 1 could even then do naught but laugh at the thought of the grotesque and most dis figured figure which the burly ser geant had cut. But the brave lady to whom I owed so much wag of a differ ent humor. She plucked my sleeve and looked Into my face with such grave and earnest appeal that at once I checked my merriment. "Sir, I pray you lose not a moment, but depart forthwith, for I fear me yon sergeant will most surely return." "Nay, fair lady," I answered, "I de part not alone; for, If I mintiike not, this same fellow went off in a worse humor at thy greeting than at mine." "You speak In riddles, sir; whither would you have me go?" "To my home, sweet lady." "And where may that be, most aga- wus sir?" "Nay, I know not; yet am I sure 'tis not a cottage such a this. The maiden stood pensive, while a man might have slowly counted ton, ad when she looked up there waa bange come over her, for she had laid aside her bantering manner, and spoke in a voice of such exceeding sof t ncf;a that It was like the music of Home sweet Instrument most skillfully tuned. "Most valiant gentleman," she said, "I will tell you who I am, and whenct I come, and why you find me here; for you have borne a brave part tonight, and it would ill Income me to deceive one who has wielded for my sake so trusty a sword. I am the daughter of the earl of Morvale, whoso purpose it was to drive me In marriage to a cer tain courtier of the king, a man I had never seen, and who, I did not doubt, was dovoted to pud's and frills and Mich things as are becoming only to women that kind of a man, indeed, which In my injustice I did at first conceive you yourself to be. But since I had no great desire to he passed from hand to hand whether I would or no, like a piece of merchandise, and my father not ceasing to press me, I loft his roof to seek that of my moth er's sister, who lives on the border of the county of Worcester, until such time as his humor should have changed. But being unused to travel ing unaccompanied, I mistook the path and went grievousy astray, so that when night fell I had wandered far from my direction, and this good dame, seeing my dilemma, took me In and gave me shelter. Then the troult lo Itruke out lu this quarter and I could not with safety resume my Jour ney. So my good mother lent me this peasant's dress that I might be the less cittdlv recognised, and here for tdx dav I have abided. A most astonishing nut vastly pleas ing iHKwlhlllty had Imrne Itself In upon me while she spoke, let eouui i uoi Ih w holly certain, so I said: "You have told me much, madam, aud yet not "that which most I desire ta learn. Your father being the earl of Morvale, have I the privilege of ad dressing the l.ady i'unstance Temple?" She Inclined her head M signiry s- i it then nosslblo that the courtier of whom you apeak I Sir Lionel Mor- daunt?' . "You hiive again guessed rightly, said the lady, gaslng at me lu some astonishment; "though how mt come to know so much that concern me 1 assure you, sir, 1 am at a loss to tut itei'Htaml." "And yet," I answered, witn a now, "It Is bv no means wonderful, a you will presently perceive, ror the- nio moiir v must make your safety ou: chief concern. The castle of Morvale lies from here not sis leagues distant. The. night Is tine, aud by pressing for ward without delay we should reach It before the dawn. One titer you will 1h safe, for the earl of Morvale has takeu no active part in the trouo l.. siuill we iro thither?" "But the courtier, sirrah?" exclaimed iii.t in.lv. You forget the courtier. My father will surely seek to force this marriage upon me. "As to that." 1 replied, "yon reed ap nivheud no further embarrassment: and for this very mma, that tbt n witting cause of all your trouble stands More you." I made her a low Ikiw. "I, madam, am Sir Lionel Mor daunt." I feared then' that I had made my announcement somewhat loo suddenly, for the lady was covered with con fusion, A crimson Bush suffused her cheek and neck, and she dropped her head. When at last she looked up. she was smiling through her hhmVs. "Yet I fear, sir." she said, with a comical look, "that the cai will still refuse to rellittiuls'i his th'lr ' " "Aud you. madam." I at swered; "you can reriiKC," "But. slrrah"she looked t m with a merry twinkle In her eyes, nud yet with a passing sweetness "1 am a dutiful daughter." I took her tiny hand 1st mine, and beetling low Itefore her, klss sl It. The old woman had llsfeued while we talked, sitting ou a low stool before the lire, her withered lips ever and again emitting a muttered exclama tion. I laid a pur of mo-icy on the table, that she might not regret the klpduens she had shown to us both, and taking my lady's hand again In mine, led her gently forth into the open. There I placed her upon my own horse, nnd mounting u.uelf the one which had belonged to the dead trooper, we rod uiit Into the night, IMvhl Wechsler. Jly Own Love Story. llow I Saw, Met and Finally Came to Know Actor Uc uge Uruder.ell. Itfprtntcd from the Current St. Paul's f London. 1I.W never been called an v.. Impressionable ivoii.au, aud I for week I refused to be II I,. i .. hi. ,.,..,.,ir I it, n,k lailllltl OTHM III.,"- . It was only when I went Into the shop and Is -tight the man's photograph, after tear tin.' mvsclf away from the 4P uiiiituw nt least a dimcn times, that 1 reullxcd what an Idiot I had lie nine. Then It was manifest. At .'lu odd years of age I had fallen In hive, as romanili ali.v. a preposterous ly, as any girl of 17, for I had fallen in love with an actr whom I did not know.. 1 have said that I had never Is-eii called an Impressionable woman, but 1 may say mure: 1 had In my youth occasioned my worthy mother great trouble by my "peculiar disMmliloii." Iauces were abhorrent to me, and as to Hilling. I did not know how to do It. No; ineu did not attract me a bit doubtless, too. I wearied them. 1 asked nothing lctter than to be left alone with my pen. Today 1 had made myself Just such a life as I had required. My Issiks were successful: my house was a pleasant one; and, If 1 did iut go lulu sisietv a great deal, my circle of friend contained a number of clever. and even eelobrntcd, people. Well. I went one night to the ltla dent theater. It was the llrst time , had seen Brudencll; he Interested me linliieiisl.v. His quiet voice, his earn estness held m from tlii" beginning and after the big scene came, and his purslonatc outburst came villi It, told myself ho was the llrst actor on the slat,'1. I do not stirpis. If 1 ha I Is cii doing dramatic critHsm for a paper, that my enthusiasm would have carrieif mi: to the length of recording such an ex travagance as that, but one often feels things which one lacks the courage to write, nnd before the expiration of a week I found myself among the audi ence at the IMndem theater again. I was affected as powerfully as be fore, lie appealed to me Inu llectuiilly and emotionally. I liked the pleci and I liked his performance. In word, I took scats at the Diadem mor rimes than I care or than I am able to count. Of the development of my feelings Into ridiculous proportions 1 have spoken already. I stopped to look at the shop window every morning for n fortnight, and at hist, thoroughly wearied of fleeing n temptation which I knew would recur next day, I went lu and asked for his likeness. The man brought me a tnnnls-r, but I chose the one I had Intended -a pro file, lie wanted me to have another as well, assuring me that "this sold largely among young ladh-s." I said "Kenll.v?" as indifferently as I could manage, Ising very ashamed of my self, and was so disgusted at try weak ness that I did not take my purchase out of the envelope till evening. Then I put It on my study-table. where I could see It while I wrote. thought how characteristic n face It was, how much it snld. I accepted several Invitations I should otherwise have refused, Is'cause I gathered It was possible that (lie popular nctor- niamiger would be present, and wished, more fervently than I had wished for anything before, that ; were a playwright Instead of a novel 1st, that I might have the felicity of hearing my line Interpreted by him. One Sunday we met. The hostess Introduced him to me: "Mr. Brudencll Miss Cleevc 'Oeorgo KHIiighani,' you know!' and I wondered if lie had read my books. Ho did not say that he had, but he was very nice, sneaking lu the low, grave tones In which he uttered his commonplaces on the stage. I congratulated him on the success he was making, and lie thanked me. He said how dlfllcult It was to get hold of good pieces. I found he was to take me down to dinner, and exert oil myself" to talk as well as I was able, Over the entrees I made him laugh, and I turn hot when I rcnicin ber tlin delight this "triumph" gave me. The theater formed the principal topic, of our conversation, r.nd I re ferred to the admirable support given to him by his leading lady, "You must find her nn enormous help In your great scene'" I said. "She plays up to you splendidly." He shrugged his shoulders, "It Is easy business," he answered; "the part really plays Itself." I was surprised, for It bad appeared to me that it would be singularly In effective In weaker hands. "She Is a favorite with the public, and In a theater like mine one is obliged to have well-known names," he added: "but, as a matter or fact, the Tilece would; go quite as well with a company nt half the cost." , "You do not mean without Mr. War- ringtott, too?" t Whv not?" he said. "What ha Warrington to do? The wbolo burden of th plet rests on m. Momentarily 1 waa utamnyeu; in coolness of th statmeiit struck in a almost conceited. Then 1 realised that I understood nothing about th matter, aud that my coinisinion anew nil. "It must certainly Iw a tremen dous strain," I grd. "You would say so if you had seen mo. the first night! Nolssly but nit tor knows what frightfully hard work a big part Is." II gave in an interesting account of hi exerleuee. 1 wa astonished to leant that It wa years before his salary touched the point of three gui neas a week. "I ran away from horn, and I had worn to conquer." he said; "but It was a terrible change to th life 1 had been used to-terrlble! Still, I stuck to my profession In th fac of mor discouragements and hardships than vou can Imagine. I shall never forget th turning imtnt of my career." "Tell me?" I snld. "I wa engaged for qulta small bust nei a In a stock company In F.diuburgh, and at one of th rehearsals we got a message to say that th leading man was too III to appear that night, tt was a tremendous part. I may a well nam It; It was Hamlet, The manager wa In despair, lis looked around at all thceoinnany helplessly, Suddenly his eye fell ou me, stripling that I was. Why h selected me I shall nev er understand, but th next moment he U-ckoned in forward. 'Hrudcnell.' lie exclaimed, 'you will play Hamlet tonight!' Everything swam before in, t almost fainted. Then I grasped that my t hane hail com at last. 'I will lr,' 1 answered; 'ami I will make a success of It,' 1 knew aud loved th liart. 1 went out on Calloit Hill, and chore declaimed Shakcseare'i lines to the blue sky. When th Imur ap proached for me to go down to lb theater, my teeth chal'crrd, Miss Cleove, Th thought of (he critical audience awaited me, of the Kdln burgh press sitting there In solemn luibfiiicnt unnerved me so completely that It seemed ta in I should never dare to open my mouth uhii the singe. Mv companion lu th dressing-room chaffed in. They wer Jealous; but, ms It happened. It wat th best thing for me they could hare d m. Alt my resolution returned. TU callloy -tti in moued me; 1 wrode to the wings, mv heart on lire. My cu came. From that hour I have never looked back!" He tosncd off hi champagne, twept the hair from bis forehead, ittid mulled at me penMvely. "Hut you ar encouraging me t Imre yu with my teniiHtseeusca," he said. "Talk to in of yourself." I did. I ss-nt a vcry'cnjoyable eve ning, and heard afterwards tliat (ieoige Brudemil had called lu a charming woman." It wa arranged that 1 should ccoiiiiaiy our ti to a celebrailou upicr al the Diadem theater, and 1 looked forward to meet lug htm again. The play had N-en running nights, or :ni nlgliis-1 am sure I for get which. It wa a great success nnvhow, and there wr toast ami congratulatory isjteeche, and that sort of thing. lieorge Brudencll paid me great at tciitloii. This time be did Hiik of a book I had written, ami -shall I ever forget my ecstasy ? asked me If I would cure to collaborate with him ou i drama. "I nm not an author." he said, "but mv knowledge of the stage will Ih use fill. I have an Idea for a piece! Of c nurse. I play the leading part," I consented rapturously, i.nd he sent me bis idea" the following tlay. I imiot say Unit I liked It very much, but I went to work ou It realoiisly, and sometime he called ou me, to see how I was getting on. At leiir'l. lo see how 1 Wa getting on wa oo'eiisiblv the motive of his vUlis, but Instead of dlMciissIng t lie nl.iv I generally found that we were talking of ourselves, lis confessed to ice that he was not a happy mau; that his had ls-cu a mistaken mar riage; ami when he sighed, and leaned Ills head wearily on his white hand, my heart ached for him. That he liked me there was no d ittbt. Wls'thcr I was In danger or not, I uoiild rather not uctermluv, ven to myself. But he came often, :iml we oorresniiidod, ami-well, I -anuot say what the end might have been: I only know what It was. At last the play was done, ami 1 scut It to him, After a week, I got note begging me to call, lie was lu his "sanctum," as he termed It, when I was shown lu. The MS. wa lying mi the desk. "Sit down," he said, with a bright smile: "hotv happy It makes me to see you here!" I took a chair m front of him. "You like I he drama?" I asked, "I like It," he said; "yes; but there are a gcwid many alterations needed The leading lady's part must Is? weak ened." "Weakened?" "It detracts from inc." he said; "she has too many good line. Look here for Instance; I have marked some of the places." I looked. He had marked fifty places If he had marked one. "And something else," he said. "You have not let me flnlsh evry act. I must bring down all the curtains." "But -but Is that artistic under the clreiniislsiicesV" "Oh, artistic!" he laughed. "This Is business, not art, my dear Miss tieeve. The applause Is too distributed as you have written the piece. I have to stand ou the stage in one of the scenes while the leading lady gets two ills tiiu-t 'rounds,' You must cut those lines out, and give something as good to me Instead." The servant came In with a message and he begged tun to excuse him. I was glad to be lert alone; I was dumbfounded. This was "business, not art!" The piece must be weak ened that Mr. Brudencll might obtain inoro rounds of applause from the pit and gallery. Was 1 dreaming? He was absent some time, I turned the pages of the MS., and road the sug gcstlons lie lunl KncHed, Merciful powers! and this was the man I had thought was an artist! Anything more puerile, more contemptible it. had never entered Into the human Imiiglniillou to conceive. There were some proof-sheets lying on the desk, I snw they were the proofs of an "Interview" sent him for correction. What was that? "Mr. Brudencll raised his clever head" the "clover"' had boen Inserted by Mr, Brudoiiell! Here was a whole sentence written In: "Mr, Brudencll, like Sarah Bernhardt, might have ills tlngiilshcd himself in many of the arts He Is a talented amateur painter, mod. els with singular felicity, and earlier In life was frequently tempted by the appreciation accorded to his literary work to desert the footlights for the study. The British plny-gonr may be thankful that he did not," Heavens above! Here was another line the subject of the interview had put In: "Like most clover men, Mr. tieorge Hrudcnell Is singularly modest. It was with the greatest dlflleulty we could get him to speak of himself. 'The Interviewer,' he said with a musical laugh, 'appalls me!' " Whmi he re-entered the room I told him that I would consider Ms valuable hints and rose to take my leave. Per haps It was quite as well for me that "collalsirated" with hi in cn a play, though the work was never produced. It was certainly the meant of restor ing my common sense. I never met him again, and now there is cabinet photograph of Oeorga Brudenell to be had cheap. That It the end of my own true love story It night bar ended woiae. , , i I ! u A 11 I N PI America's ill Vfo ol iris Lang List of fetching, Up-to-Dsts Novsltlns In Dainty Pvnilnlns Wrlii(t Appsrsl. The blouse Issllce still continues Its triumphant career and stems to In crcuw In elegance, If such a thing Is possible. It Is now a cosily confec tion, ami yt It diss not seem so very long ago when It chief recommenda tion was Its economy, and It was used tr strictly jteglige tsMtuiiMa. But ttch year, each month, mo, baa marked Its progres, and It I now a favorite styl with th most fastidious, as well as those that must practice the strictest economy. The contrast of ovcrtiimiued Imdlcea am! perfectly, plain skirts Is a popular a ever, al though an effort Is being mad toward harmony between them, and also to ward lessening th sharp division of light ami dull colors he' ecu waist and skirt. It I found that such a di vision cuts th figure In two ami makes short people suffer by losing l.i Inches, There never wa aud never will tie a more delightful mode of dress than that which prevail now, and one groans Inwardly when then Is the lightest murmur of a coming change or of fashion's Intention to Insist on an entire dress of one material. The plan of having many IhhIIccs for on or two skirt has proved so pretty am! so con venient Hint woiueii hop that the rhange, 'Which mut come, may ls de ferred long, and lu the meantime let them enjoy their freedom. One change In the lisast blouse front Is that the lat est ImsIIcih nr not bulged out, as tr- weiiy, but well drawn lu at h waist, A iiesle of th las', century Is being revived In a garment convenient lo put on over low evening IhhIIccs, It Is a straight garment frilled lu at the ne.-k with n chiffon boa ami fastened with on ornamental lor ton or rlblsui bow In front, and It falls Just Mow th waist on I he hips. The sleeves are wide and open. The garment Is made of silk and unllucd. A skirt of light blue I a ITei a veiled with light blue ilk erepoii can have two IhhIIccs to weir with It. utn high necked ami made with the silk aud crcsui, with large puffed long sleeves, and th eo. lar and waistband of whit silk with a blue line or square upon It. The oth er Isidlie, w hich can Is- worn with any other skirt. Is of cloudy whit tulle, well drawn down Into th" walsttsiud ml made on white silk. The low tieck Is trimmed with folds of tulle about the shoulders, A very smart and closely filled Moose Is of biscuit silk muslin over eoral silk. Th cosset Isstlce I of French passementerie, of th same shade over coral satin. The passemen terie forms two point that hang down nit the skirt. The sumo trimming forms the ilen cuffs, which olso have two points on each sleeve that lie uhiii the miff nlsive. The four tiny nitties r of silk muslin and form a round yoke. This hmdee may be worn wlih a red silk skirt or one very different In tenure aud color, Another IhhIIco made for full dress Is cut square In the neck, kick and front, The sleeves are of black fancy satin with narrow blue strlis-s. The blouse Is of turquoise satin, and timdt very full, Accordion pleated black llssti Is put about the square neck lu shell device, and the neck Is Itiilshcd en the left side with a large satin bow. The large puffed short sleeves are caught In with two blue satin rosettes. The rlblsm belt Is tied Willi a full lw Hluo suede gloves of a delicate tint are worn with the costumes ami a narrow baud of black velvet Is tied about (he throat. A pretty house gown Is made of pink and gray striped linen, the skirt ml waist being very full. The waist Is a blouse with a yoke of guipure over pink silk. The full puffs of the sleves re of plain pink linen and the lower part of guipure over pink silk. The bodice Is finished with dark red silk slwiut the throat and waist, with large bow on th left side. Another pretty pink gown with which to finish the summer festivities Is of pink sud white alpaca with a pink sisitted inns Hit blouse iiuidu with horlHoiiial tucks and a cape over the shoulder. Tin1 broad white hat Is trimmed with pink roses smothered lu white llsse. Law while satin collars, marked In a well deltued design lu Jet, are worn with hats having while satin crowns with the same Jet adornment. Th hats have open-work straw btinis of black, and are trimmed with a large bunch of flowers only, The collars are seisirate from the waists nud can be worn Willi any gown, but the correct thing Is lo use them with black dress es. A novel change In an evening gown Is that the large sleeves are com posed entirely of flowers, In one mod el they wer so cleverly arranged that the arm could be seen through the Mowers, And still they kept the 1ml loon shape, The effect was decidedly oilii, I hi t sallKllod the aspiration of any thing for a change. Tim coat ami skirt fashion of gown continues as much in vogue as ever, the coats short and opening over n vest In a masculine way. The Jacket too, Is rivalling the short round waist In favor. It may be worn with a stiff shirt front, collar, aud vest, or In n more fouilnlmt way with a soft blouse front of silk or huv, The variety seem endless. One of the earliest fall gowns exhlb lied Is made of mixed tweed In green blue, and brown. It has a full godct skirt and is fastened on the hips with smoked pcuii buttons with a greenish bluish sheen. The same buttons are Used to fasiei) the tight-tilling doulile breasled bodice, which has wide coat revers, A check of golden brown' and dull red makes a very striking combi nation for another gown. U can be made with a slightly full rouiid-walst-ed ImmIIcc, and for a belt a broad band of glace ribbon of a color seen In the checks and an open-front coat. The skirt Is full and plain, fastened nt the sides with red bullous, A softer toned camel's hair Is made with a long double cii. The skirt has strapped seams and Is worn with a bright plaid bodice. Tartan vests and waistcoats will be greatly used with Urn coats and jack ets that will nppetir for fall wear, and very bright and warm they look for the cool, dark days that will soon be here. A mode of trimming that will bu largely adopted for cloth dresses Is to set straps of the clolh mounted on velvet around the front edge of the skirt, the revers, vest, and cuIVs of the coat. Tho straps may be put on plain or In conventional designs. The effect Is excellent. The velvet Is of n darker shade of the color of the cloth, or If mixed goods be used, of one of the prevailing colors. The sleeves must be elaborately go-cd and lucked, or Damo Fashion will not smile Usm them. As yet there are no signs of any diminution In their slo. A new metallic) ItiiUmcoiit button, which Is singularly effective and matches perfectly any of tho beautiful m xod rough goods, is shown ror ran wear. Buttons will bo a very promi nent feature of the fall and winter i gowtwt. A felt toque was trlmmou witu sntin til iboii and a Japanese pheasant's feather of a most brilliant metallic green was held In place by a bunch of whit plumes, '1 here Is no doubt that the cloven crowns of hats have but lit tle longer popularity before them, and many women have already adopted the square and flat crowns. Mixed plumes at the future feather trim ming for hats. Birds of paradise, herons, ami osprcya will furnish many of them. Th cool nights nud mornings that herald th approach of fall makit ou feel th need of extra wraps. Styles, colors, aud shiiss are numerous. A the large slccvca of dresses are also to be born In mind, many eon is are without sleeves. Ioug cas fall gracefully over the arms and billion down th front, making a coat effect, The short rough cape for early wear are very chic aud liecmuliig. A very useful yachting or mountain coat of navy bin serge I cut very full and rather long, aud has a very becoming double cap. Both cass are pointed and edged with a narrow gold braid, the upper and smaller being of red. The lining throughout Is of red satin, Another of alpaca Is lined with shot green silk ami finished with machine stitching In a superior manner. This ha little tabs across ths pockets and steel bullous iimui them, There are many beautiful twccdshlack, white, and colored -that, although shower proof, are not associated with water proof or mackintosh, Thy are of1 J much lighter weight, The double capo are cut very full and finished with velvet collars. The capes may Im used Independent of the long coats that ar made with a long sleeveless cost, the cape lapping over the front ami fastening there with one button at the neck. The material Is black tweed with a velvet collar. The Imml at the buck Is lined with tartan plaid, 'the hat that goes with It Is a broad brimmed, low crowned black felt, irimmod with a tartan rllilsui about th crown and argus quills. A new iioiici cloth in mixturit of bright navy bin and black furnishes a very useful talloMiiad cost for csd day and still another novelty Is a chestnut fleece cloth wiU collar and wide flow ing cuffs of browu velvet. The new cas coat Is decidedly com fortable to wear over the hug sleeves. The fulness Is drawn down from a yoke Into a strapped baud at the back, and fastened across with a button. Th burnt continues around th waist through the side seams, and Is fas tened under th front, which hangs loose and Is blind buttoned, but fas toned at the throat with a polirted strap attached lo the coat by a whit pearl button mi either side, on the shoulders are capo sleeves linlslied with wide bauds of white leather. This coat Is mad of the new shade of blue aud lined throughout, coat and cas s, with Hk of the sum simile. A pew Jacket Is cut very short aud the basque very full, The sleeves ar very full at th ton. but lit closely nlioilt th fore, arm and hav Urge flowing miffs, one mad of fawn-colored cloth shows a pink shirt, and Is trimmed with a darker shade of velvet. The Inverness cloak I a mt use ful giiriuMil, One of a pale Ian Ihix cloth has while pearl buttons which ar also used nn the cupe. The arm ar free and the caie Is lined with a checkered silk of brown and while, The coat has useful (title piskcl on the side, An Ideal ulster Is one made of plaid. It is fitted closely lii the back and has Ioomo fronts with many buttons, The long full e:iN' s lined with eliher white, red, or blue, and has a hood at th back lined with the same mate rial. The skirt of the coat Is cut very full, following tho godet of the skirt worn undcrm-Atli It. The hat Is of dark blue oft felt, with a sunken crown, with plaid ribbons the color of th coat. The long driving coat, Uiit Is needed absolutely now at country homos as th cooler days advance by those who have not caught the bicycle craze and are Just as fond of l loir ponies as ever. Is made of a coachman's gray with a brown velvet collar and tuothes of arl buttons. The coal Is cut double breasted and a cais is attached. Th cape has a small strap attached to the lower edge tiuiicrueaiii at one smr and a button lo cirrespond mi the oili er. This arrangement I of the great est convenleui-e when driving, lis by It the enpe may be prevented from (lying out. The revers. pockets, nud sleeve straps are all machine stitched. The tan colored, low crowned derby has a baud and small bow of brown. K'iiHs are shown In all shades and colors. .Most of them are of very rough, heavy, reversible cloth. Many have thick woolen fringe which sismus a continuation of the cloth and which actually Is iwirt of It lu the Scotch plaids. The cloths conic In beautiful combinations, Both sides may be of ii plain color, or the cloth may U' plain ou on side nnd have a plaid lining. One for mourning Is blin k ou the outer side, while the under side ha Just a dash of whit through It, the rough ness of the cloth giving It a very ap propriate shade for deep mourning. The hoods are detachable and the capes have straight turn-over collars, A long cloak for evening wear Is of beige silk trimmed elaborately with ecru guipure over mnldoro velvet. The double pelerines 1iavu a row of the broad guipure nbout each, and the fronts of the long cloak are turned Ixtck with revers at the lop and extend ed to the ImiIIoiii faced with guipure. The cuff Of belgo ehllTotl Is finished with a loose pleated front with a band of the guipure. This Is lined through out with tnoldore silk and Is extremely graceful. There Is a novelty In a loose coat for calling and eminently suited to wear over the large sleeves. It Is mad of gray hctigalinn, kilted, and has braces traced with moonlight and steel beads hanging over the Nhoulders to the hem, front and back. The sleeves are gathered full and frilled at the wrist wilh pink and gray chiffon The same combination of chiffon ap penrs at the throat, while tho entire lining Is or pink silk, It Is very fine for dress occasions, and would look equally well lu black with the braces traced In Jut. Another picket for elab orate dress Is made of the new bright blue heavy silk with a white silk col lar ornamented with a handsome ap plique of guipure. The Jacket Itself Is tight fitting and tho hasquo Is cut very full. Tho sleeves have deep flaring cuffs of guipure over white silk. The Mulshing touch to this Jitckot Is soft wiilln silken scarf which Is placed un der the collar and hangs far below the coat lu front, giving an appearance of length to the waist and gracefulness to the figure. The scarf Is also made use of when 'one wants to close the eoiit. It Is then tied across tho chest In a large full 'bow, which gives addi tional warmth, The exquisite Louis XVI coats will ho limited almost entirely to house wear, A charming coat of chine grounded silk with a frlse velvet de sign upon It in white, lias a white satin waistcoat embroidered with flowers, traced with crystal sequins, and yet another little coat, made of black bro caded with pink, has two rows of gold butitons down the pink waistcoat. 'A pink chiffon and lace cravat was worn with a lace ruflle around the neck and down the front. The elbow sleeves were fDilshod with frills of pink chiff on, A Utile cape made lo wear over ample sleeve Is of dark blue velvet, cut In t wo 'broad tabs or squares, Imck and front, and reaching to the waist only. The lining Is of silver gray sat in. The novelty of this little cape Is, that where the sleeves should be are series of loops and Hunting ends of rich silver gray satin ribbon, which give a vury jaunty air to this little full pelerine. This Is nccutnpaiiletl by a Louis XVI toque of dark blue velvet trimmed In front with bats wings of cream lace and at the side with a high black and white aigrette. Just under the brim at tho back Is one perfect dark red roso. . , B 11 1 fill i me iiri ol Hi ol Loroe UHl A Cunonu of Wright ftylrtg by Bom Bright Mn Who Puss as Pop ular T'hnr, LKADiniSIIH'.-Th great Allien an leaders, ashlugioii, Lincoln aud Urant, were Just us truly raised up to llod for the ilcllvcniuce of the new oiiutry from political Ismdage as wa Moses. Hod's io-tdcrshlp with these great minds was tllffereut front that with lesser minds only lu degre. (lod become a leader to anyone willing to HMinlt the leadership, 'J'he Impress of tlie spirit ou fiie human heart requires nly the condition of w Mlngiims. J llov. nr. Martin, Methodist, liidlaunp ells, lud. , , TUFSTS.-Frlvaic control of capital Is being eliminated by the trusts. Cap italists have abdicated their functions, ml managers, private employes, take their place, and prtsluctloii w"' ou ex actly t)w same1. By ami by the mali ngers will 1st changed to salaried pul lic s'-rvants, r.nd capitalists' prom will In' withheld from them. Conceit trut loll will result either In complete organized capital or complete organ ised government, 1'eoplo will decide that the latter shall prevail and that means collectivism. Laurcne Orun luud, (Solleetlvlst, Seattle, Wash. TUB Bl'DDIIISTH.-Th Huddhlsls re very devout people. If Christians would only take as much Interest lu their worship and the welfare of theti htircli a do tin-sit poor heathens, what a glorious world this would In. Converting on of tjiese Buddhists to Christianity Is Ilk bringing a lost sou! back Into th house of Oisl. They make even better Christians than tin "mi who have had the opHH'tunItes ml advantage of a Chi '.si tun training.- Itev. T. 3. Stanley, I'resbyterlan uitxstoiiary, Philadelphia, I'm? lU-UTH.-LIf Is alway Interest lug. Death Is much more so. The deathbed Is the dial of life from which w reck on th past and future. As we are woislilpiM'il III life, we will Is- watched lu death. All Is finished. Itcdomptloii Is accomplished; the atonement Is com plete. Heaven Is triumphant; hell Is confounded. All that the world ha waited for, longed for, needed, Is real Ixed; all Is joins, dying saint; all may le yours, dying sinner. Itev. John Al lison, Itcfonued church, Yonkcrs, X. Y. Mo it. VI. LAW.- In ceasliirj to do evil men cannot justify themselves by the deeds of the law. It Is Christ alone who makes that nilblc. This doe not divorce morality from religion. Itellgloii Is necessarily moral; but mor ality I not religion. Th groat moral fori-e In the Christian religion Is faith In (bsl aud In his Christ and love to man begotten of thai faith. The great wrong for which man Is punished Is forgetting Christ. It Is Hi" rejection of his offer of salvation.-Itev. W. It. Hiiighain, I'resbyterlan, Oxford, Pa. BKLMION' AND TIHHK!Y.B llgloll Is one thing, theology Is quite another. Itellgloii Is eternally the same and unchangeable under the In fluence of the spirit of the wind. So Is man's theology always changing under the Influence of the Holy Spirit, who Is guiding the world Into a clear er and more comprehensive grasp of this one unchangeable religion. It Is the glory of theology that it changes; It Is the glory of religion mat is mi changeable.- Kev. J. J. Iinler, Hpisco- pillan. Augusta, Oil. POLITICAL CAMPAinXS.-Long ami bitter political agitations are iiol favorable to the development of moral ml spiritual virtues In the people, be cause they disturb the equanimity and breed strife aud hatred. Among the worst of these are class i.utlpathles Prejudices are develoiHsl between peo ple in country ami town, animosities which crop out even in religious gnth eiing and make co-operation In work for religion and educational enter prises dlfllcult. Public opinion Is un settled, and respect for law and order are broken (town, and the door opened for crime. Itev. C. S. linrdeuer, Bap list, Orceuvllle, S. C. Tlltt MILIUM I'M.-The mlllenlnm eoines by slow stages, md suddenly; not by any Immediate effort or pur pose of man. It Is the end of a very long and tedious prmvss of evolution the result of Innumerable endeavors partly Intended, partly unconscious. to improve the conditions and readjust the relations of life. Any swift realm a I Ion of the dreams of philanthropy would throw out of place and arrest tho progress of man In all directions. Were Ignorance abolished in other way than by the gradual discovery of knowledge, knowledge would lose Its value and the love of truth be quenched. Itev. M. II. Harris, Ulil vorsallst, Worcester, Mass, SIMOIDR.-The suicide theory of miring earthly Ills by ending life Is rast tiecoining a matter of creed with many people. Docs death end It nil? It Is quite tho thing for III health, bus iness reverses, social trouble to offer an excttso to put an end lo them all with the pistol, the knlfo or the rope. itiiman lire is the most precious thing Hod over created. A single life Is worth a million worlds to (lod, in his in tin 1 to mercy he has made human life but tho vestibule of eternal life. Life Is what all can have, but none can give, Kev. James K. Williams, Meth odist, Pittsburg, Pa. IIOrULICSSNICSS.-Tho death of a hopeless man Is the most agonlr.lng tiling in this world. I have stood on ft ship when the storm seemed each moment about to engulf her; I have stood on the battletleld where death was reaping a Moody harvest all around me; I have seen prat Hence slaying Its hundreds, and felt the earth trembling under me, and heard tlx roar of Internal dlstuelsinces, sending terror to the hearts of the bravest, but tlie most horrible sight I know Is to see tho storm-tossed waves of hell inlr rorod In the glaring eyes of a luqu'less man. Itev. Joseph II. Wilson, Chillies ton, South Carolina. tJ X I V R It S A L HDLIOIOX.-The church Is not doing lis work when half the people never go near t he church 111- C11I-0 ll tl V I til mo- nluml It Christianity was given to the world to ne a universal religion, It can become universal only by -being nw-eptod by nil the tieonle lu so-called olii-iuitnn countries at the himuo time that It. Ir being carried to those nations which now tiro totally ignorant or it. If It is not accented bv nil the noniiln lliei-u must lie something wrong, either with Christianity Itself or -with those who (bl not accent. It. or with thoKA -lm ,in profess to accept It. Itev. A. W. Uross, universmmt, iiotuou, mush, CIIHiISTlAiMITY' The lifn f tl,,, church Is not altogether In harmony with tho teachlngstof Christianity. Too much luxury exists, nnd the Church has drifted nwnir ftwwiv -tl..,' people. It should como more In cou- tact with llmiii. We must have Chris tian who not only confess Christ, but nrove lluir works by leading a good Clirlsllati life. Chiistlunily Is not meant to Is applied to Sunday only. It should prevail equally as forceful every day, lu Isdh buslit and social clrchMi, Tho doctrines taught by Christ should Ih lived up to lu reality, The inert profession of goodness and honesty has no weight; they should Is practiced In dally lifp.-ltcv. Itnsmiis Anderson, Danish church, Brooklyn, New York. M KriHOItl I M l . Mary, the mother of Christ, hml queenly qualities, ttho Is not to lw worshipped os a tlcliy, but reverenced as a true mllicr. True tpneiislilp show Itself In a sclf-acr-flclng (llsMisltlon. What Mary was to Christ, s a rule, all mothers are to their children. The goddess Diana was the protector of Innocence In woiiianhoisl. Why was this rtr(r of iuiiiseiM-e represented as a woman? Because the mother Is (he obstacle Is tween the destructive world aud Inno cence, In America woman Is seen ev erywhere a lhe (Jin-Moss of IJls-rty. Because -America knows that the mothers Instill lute the minds of the children principles thst keep th na tion fiee.-dtev. Chit. If. Ivldcr, Meth odist, Trenton, N. J. TIIIC 1IBAHT. The heart Is (he workshop of the life, Kvery act of lb hand becomes moral because Hie heart dlnnm that act with motives. Th heart determines lb moral cnaracicr of all you consciously do, and you do right only when ynur heart Is right In ilmt mo-Hi uhtr net. The heart must be kept. It won't keep Itself, It must let pn-shled over by (tie will, eoniiiumd ed, ordered, ronl rolled. If one leuv s It to follow Impulse and uussls It will detcrlorat In Itself aud contaminate the very citadel It dwells In. Keep it as yon keep a garden-by destroying ilu, um-ils ami fterlllg the good seed. -Itev. J. H. Hartiiian, Baptist, Cleve land, 0. urcv and AN'OKIJt.-Tlier I greater dignity lu being a man than In being angel. Ills relation are nearer, aud th dignity conferred on Ii I til I higher tliilil Hint ronierrtii on an angel. Heme, to be a man means being next to 5fl himself. A man Is not mi Imitation. A man ' nut a two- legged animal, ai the philosopher Plato once defined him. But a man Is the friend of iod, possessing th earth, Inheriting heaven, crowned with glory ami honor-one who thinks, riissnhs nets, unit lives, conscious of destiny, and eonselou of Immortality which links hint lo the tnroue or and makes til in a joint heir with Hie sou of the hlghet.-ltev, W. L. Aus ton, Presbyterian, Baltimore, Md. OILUtlTY AND SYMPATHY. There must ! sympathy, love and companionship In all our gifts. There ar hundreds and thousands rushing to ihirktie.vi aud tlisun for the want of a cheering won I end the belief that someone tares for them, mid for the want of that sympathy aud hve that might go even with th little gifts tint we do give. People snbscrllie to funis to aid the Mr In the slums, but they never go there themselves and see where their money goes. If those who are charitably Inclined visited the poor lu pern and added wonts of sympathy, consolation and love to their other gifts, there would lo less misery In Hie slums and .1 groat many more could lw saved.--Itev. W. It. Pen rett, PresfTytcrluii. Clinton, X. Y. THI) MOXKY BAItOXS.-The wealth of the few ha Increased so fust that there Is talk of limiting Its acquisition to a spec! fled amount. Beecher aahl we were oiulng to a reign of the com moil people. It seems to ine that we are coining to a nigu of tlie money Itemus. Men sit down DR. POWELL REEVES, Permanently 51 Third Street , Cr of Pine Portland, Oregon. Where he eon be conmltrd on all CHRONIC, NERVOUS, 1 Pilft DISEASES. Examination and Advice, FREE. Come one, Come nil, anil embrace lids grand opportunity to learn the true condition of your health, w llhout money and without price. Thene old reliable doctors will conault with you Fn?e of Charge, and tell you your d incline without nuking you a question. They alao furnish all medi cine at their ofllcea, and nave you exlra eoet of buying medicine at tlie drug; Btore, We can give you references of many remarkable cure they have made on thin Count, by leading bankero ami bualnew men. Cull at, the office ami read them for proof. $ f $ $ $ $ The aucccHHful physician the skillful surgeon the emi nent special tut your oott friend -the world 'a lienefnelor -iK-rmanciidy locnled eon- milt lilm this day. Most Successful CATARRH Doctors IN THE WEST. These old reliublo specialists of many years' experience, treat with wonder til siiecet all lung and I h rout alleotioiis, Cancer, riles, Fistula and Kupture. ryr All caaeaofneuteor chronio inflnmatlon, far or near slghtedu LIL iiiiun gt vtul.vi, ,,M..rt,... ..t....i.... ..r ,i. i...t ii m K'oiiiHiB i-jrn, cloning in uitfeyt uuci, SIUII11UI, cram eyes, wild lniirs, syphilitic sm-e eyer, grauulated lids, tunior.caucerof the lids, etc m a m r . . .... . Liu J"iiies i rom catarrn, singing or roaring noises, thickened drum, lu- LHll tlaumtlnn of external ear, purulent discharges from the ear, etc Urilj Neuralgia, sick, nervous, or congestive headache, dull, full feeling IiLHU losa of lliemorv. dizziness, soften loir of the bruin, tnnuini ami I ., , - ' 1 of the sculp. THROAT -?,llarrnul ftU(' 'J'I"'lltlo8re throat, acute and chronic pharyngitis, I IInUA I enlarged tonsilltlsatid palate, hoarseness, loss of voice, thick phlegm lu throat, which causes hawking. I IINP Uonsuinptlou in tho first and second stages, hemorrhage and chronic LUIlUO bronchitis, dry and loose cough, paius Inchest, dilllcully in breathing hepatizations, asthma, elc UriDT Vnlvular diseases, weak and fatty hearts, dropsy, and rheumatism of uLAnl tho heart, languid circulation, etn. Catarrh and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, indigestion, pain and fulness after ontlnir l, milium ..t. .1. ,, ..,. 1.. swallowing. 0 ' ""l"u'"B"t umicuuy m IIVFR PIFFN Al1 aisn8C8 of 11,0 llveri Pln, bowels, constipation. Ill III, 01 LUtn chronio dlnrrlHca, kidney and bladder.nll nervous and reflex d some a. rhoumat, sm nm nil uh .ii.,..,,, :. i J, ,. . ... , , . - , , -- """ - siuull of buck uoiuiu, iwim uieers, wuieu proauces paiu in SFKIIAI flRRAnl A11 Pr'vnte dlsenscs, spermatorrhea, nightly or-daily ULAUHL UIIUHIIU losses, which, neglected, .produce nervous Irritation, loe r -----, j ""in nm unuo, inipoieiicy or mas 01 power, ater lilt v. iro Uto rl.ea, ropy, sandy sediment lu urine, or gravel, varicocele treated by a new I nrir! iV 1 "'HMVM hju,,''i i lw riles, Fistula, Varicocele, Hydrocele, nnd all tenderness or swell ing treated iv I Hun it 11 AMR Wh may 1)0 8um,r,n from KSKAMnW .dim-, , :r'z J" " it . 1. ,c . ""I'l'y 10 eiate tnat, we nave cured htitutreiw nmSte physicians have pronounced than hopeless. Charges very Tho remedies mod in cut lima nA linn. j iti7,LtVr,m T. . '.r 1 . u"-'eeu to us as a priceless heritage rrom our Kffl,lh,?l,l,l.,??!',II,tl0"'ftl brightest lights In the mM u Um the Wi)1,'1(i hH8 ever kllown: these precious treas- llir'S Ol knnWlMllim Un hnnn ml.lJ a I. - - it a - t . : , nUi.flrm,uru me i , rf .. ., ,..,6 nm. and raleulale whether it tui.t u, pay to buy a legislature, Our fatlM-ri cam over here to escape from tntata but the money (yrunts hid fair u b come almost as oppressive. n, tltn. la coming when every man will himself whether be really nml iitiau owns hi own soul and body, whether by legislation or in soms pr way the power of the mont-jr tyrsoi, cannot b overthrown.-Itev. j, Wallace, United Presbyterian, burg, Pa. IF UiltCAOO CAM!-! V) CIlRIfvr There re a gissl many pe,,pH w)m would feel lonesome If Chicago nm to Christ. There are people wk j. Hove the city wouldn't Um hiiulm,,. that It would Ik a dead (owe. If 0,1! cage should come to Christ she would bring more enterprise, more brain, more heart than has ever st one tltn been given lo our Jor.1. What would she b-ave behind T Sixty five bundr) saloons, UO,xx) men who are dlrectry engaged In the retail liquor business, but ivi.tssi.issi wntiiu oc saveu n. niially lo bh-s the bonus, if Clilcajp, ahotild come to Christ gambling would be a thing of the past. If (iilagtJ should como to Christ she would bring 2iMx women who grope shuddering at lb gates of night. Kadi year It i estimated that 4nm women and girls tile In this city as the result of dissim. lion and slu, Their cotllns, allowing six feet tor cacii. wouiu make con tinuous Hue for four ami a Imlf miles. Of course. If Chicago should come o, Christ, site would save this sorrow, crime and death. Itev. W. M. Kiiiith, Chicago, HI. VALl i: OF XBWJUWPKItS. There are certain persons who af. feet to despise "the newspapers," But this I mere aff'ttlon, No man de spUes a iiewnpuper when he wstita to ue It. and nine nin out of ten would Hud life a tmrren wast without It. But lestwver this may Is-, It Is worth while lo Mit against expressions of illMpumgltig opinions of newiopers, by whouMiiS'Ver nmde, those of some of th master cutmb of the world. Dr. JohuKoo sold: I never take tip a newspaper without finding something I should have thilied It a b not to have smu; never without deriving from it Instnic lion and umiiHciciiit. This la (rom 'lii 01 1 1 as Jefformti: I would rather 4tave new np.-tper without a gov-ri silent than a govern ment without nwp,-iM-rs. And this from Ilciliam, the great Kng !!h lilntorhin and publicist: For almost oil tlt.it keeps up In as, feriniuieiiily and effectually, the spirit of n-gard for lilerty and the pubhc g.ssl. we must look to tlu- unshackled ami independent energies of the pros. And this from 4lr Kdward Hulwcr L.nt.m, one of th most acute Intel leeia that ever lived The nowiqmper In the chronicle of (ivlllxatbii. ID Is a dally 11 is I t-lccplers waMnuri ami H-port to you every danger which menaces the Institutional of your country and It Jul crest at luuue and abroad. It Is a law tsmk for the indolent, a sermon for the thoughtless, a library for the poor. And this from limit: 'l'lie newwKiier Is Hie familiar of all men of all divrocw, of all -cupaiioutf. If It t ",lit'. H teisebes inqicrciplibly. It has 110 pniisi)t gown or scholastic tod to alstsh or ttiKnl, but iireiutrra tsi-ir and It admitted fretl and at one to a world-wide Intimacy with ail kiml and conditions of people. Ami this from Right Honorable A. J. B j If our: In my Judgment all the machinery Hied la coutiiiotikMtlng Information to the public is not of really more Import une to the community at large than the pow.'r of the potadc to communi cate by advert Itwuieiit and bring the buyer and neller ..together and give them the niis-iiinery for communicat ing rheir wif he to one another. Located at ??? ????? Treats rupjure, piles, fUwure- flatula and rectal ulcers, with out kulfe, ligature or caustic, ami without pain or detention from business. He also treats all private diseases, loss of power, apermatorrhroa, syph ilid, pimples, etc ' 3 r v. cin iu " o, n w-tim, nnti, i ueuiii, ringworm, nip ur uruinu, niropny or snrtiiKlmf or lue n 'ivivitwiri! JIUIU UllHUK'Ma, ni,y of tle distressing ailments peculiar menstrua.ios,dis- 1 "p this dispensary are known only to our a a . ... - . - t'sunH or many years or moor ana iv unvo uutjei received any retiet wnuie