The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 19, 1895, Image 3

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    If you wane the Beat WurthiiiK Powder, Buy Soaperino, ivom Bouty & SJ
y paper of Polk County.
j Side Publishing Ccnpany
fepAV, W
vuwinr Uro. school ui.i.1m U.
r'i school Uk
Vblw' the City lteturnk
lMetln and note bought by W. U
VrkM. ,vlk tVv
could f
kiH lrvn Mt far hta home In
,Mlntivitle lt Monday.
frythetUnulay dinner at the City
MoPmW of Wekrw.ll, wa a
)ert the Wkt f5,,Mi
I "W Hestauraut will fill order
'(bnnwiW!1! hour.
j nr. DmUrlu, of Slem. u
oet meeting of th A. O. U W.
yr, will I SepleiuVr 83. If
tVtutur D. C. ttr, of Montana,
ktnin vMtlog relative herw partleu-
jytj hi uncle J. S.Cooper.
Th kittle I"hIv hotel In the popular
sk to gel nrt-ela meal.
Mr. H Li Wagoner i adding a
Mimodlou kitchen to iU residence In
lb dcrn portlou of town.
Moo y to loan "" ''holm city pro
perty, V. (J. Wrlht, IWIla.
Mr. Louek. of McMlnnvUh, ocnt
Thursday vhdting Mm. F. K. Orifflth,
of tin city, returning Friday.
gmueofour bulnea men lire get-
dugout among th hop plkr and
HuVtliug eutotii, Ana w Use to e
tuch energy displayed.
Fleuty of money to loan on farm
wurity, W.U. Wright, Dallas.
With wheat at 3S cent and hoj at
eutthere l not much encouragmciit
to Ui farmer, hut every Indication
point to better price later lu the your.
Fresh bread every day at the liou
Bn. Fight kmv for a quarter.
W.H. Wheeler'
lle lmvr nrrlwil
In IVrtland. mlllln,.hi mm
W 4Urterly m k llcena.
Uiuiity clerk B, F. Mulkey wM lu
towu l in,lay (, himlnew.
.Ml Myrtle I,., wh.i Ih Iii vUH
lm lu Allmuy, reluruwl thin wwk.
Hrn, hi the wife 0f . i,, tWa
UuHlttr, Monday rViteuiler HI.
There wa iH.rn, a daughter, on lant
Weiliiewlay at the home, of I.. T. Trice.
Wm. Havaire, thelllaa hanker.wiih
hla wife, waa aeen ou our etrveU Tuea
day. M. Ik HaatltiKa, of IWte. will have
VHMHHindaofunrk to 'll lu about
two mouth.
All hludlug twine furttlhl hy R
M. Wmte A t o. will be due IKtoher M
and muat he ld urouiplly.
Iavld a Martin haa heen atHluted
y ihe county court an adiniiilntrator
if the eetale of Jaa. H. Martlu.
Hoet Stark, of the Mule I'ala.w
Hotel, la xtvlng the traveling nubile
MtlahtctUm attd hl trada la loorea.lng,
A. J. UoiHlmau ami 11. II. I'attcraon
were out hunting Wedneiuay trying
to i.elude the licmwiua to get lu frnut
of their Run.
noticed raul HlUlbrand, of
Alrlle, hi town Tucmtay with aa elatlc
a !t p many erona of much
youttvr yearn,
Mr. W.MoUuc.of Huver, waa In
lunnuu luuntonj, nr. Aioiaue i
lUllMad aveut at Huver and haa been
a rvnUleut there fourtwu year.
The 1). A. H. wigwam la to be com- thl wwk aud ou Thur
day S itii(l r ffl It la to he formally
oeued to the iuulU'
Itev. Im H. Flaher will preach In the
IVedee achtol luuie next Sunday at
11 n to., at Calvary 8 p.m. aud lu
Monmouth at 7)0 p. m. All are in
A aurprlae for theachool children li
awaiting them at t'lodfetter liroa. they
Invite every one who buya echool
Mka and aupplica to call ou or before
October 7th.
Mr A. J. tliHHlumn la organizing
Chatiuniu circle In thla olty. The
filing (iiurne Ihl year la a very In
tretliig one and our politicians
almubl take It up.
Mine lU-lle KUvrt, formerly of Mou
mouth, but now Imuted lu Portland at
an agent for the lav iHnimtiy, wm
Rev. J. It. ltaldwln haa preached entiling her pareiita at Moumouth thla
twice on each of the two t Huudayt I wnk, rvturnlug Tucatlay .
at Uilwon camp eoulh of tow n ami will Mm m K) tuwy wyUHI thv ,,ui(
preach neit Sunday at 11 a.m. ami at ,a pr,UHilarly the ladlew of Tola
4 p m. county to know that her tall atock of
Out of sixty-live miners at work In I millinery la now arriving and la one
theSantiam miiiea Mr, O'Dotinell In- of the dttlutleet and imt wtyllah ever
forma u ouly one la au Oregonian the received
WtU'lng from Nevada, Idaho, f ol-l indeiwnlenee la headouartera for
ortdo,etc. the Imp ptckera of Folk eounty and
The recent nlna have done damageU'Mfclu-r Hnxw book ato la head-
but not a much a to Injure the Imp quarter for echool hooka, tablet, pena,
tnn vprv iniiterlallv. Flcker are I i.nclU aud everything needed In the
jnlug away however and many yard htchool ixom
are ilmrt of picker. N. V, Iteuham, an old frtend of J.
When you waut a good meal for 25 M. Htark. from lllluola, waa here on a
ot. co b Strong' reetaumnl, Weata- vlalt. lie and Mr. SUrk ocuupletl
eott k Irwin, iironrletor. Halem, adjoining farm fourteen year ago,
nrwm tf Mr. lU nhun) la a wealthy fanner of
lUldm I either hereditary orK'hrllUn "
catwe.1 by aickne, mental exhauatlon, While every laxly Jual now is Iguo-
The Farm rrobh-m.
W. T. Hellvra, of Uklah, Oregon,
end a solution of "he farm problem re
cently publl.he.1. Here la the method:
i-.niToK Wkkt SinK.-Flnd solution
to pmhleiu In August syth WmtNuk:
Ihere were, according to the win-
dltlons of the problem, one nudi pay
mental the lgliinlng of the wmraot
and four promtaca, due reai-tfully In
J, , 3 and 4 )eara;wheu due their
face, each, with InierM (which bear
lotenat, alo, wheudiie)mouut to the
aanie aa llrat raah payment. Then the
anion ut a of the uot or ohlluatloua.
wheu due are alt Mpiil; but when con
tracted they (the nnlea and first pay
tnent) w here eqiml to $.1,tKki.
Ut the firat prlncliml or payment lie
I now then the aeeoud muat lie
enough leea o that at the end of I year
It add 10 p.r cent, then It equul one;
now hid f KM I added to 10-11 ihiuiiI
I hence ltV-ll Istherato of the aecond
principal to hi raxh yment. The
third principal dra wa intercal 2 yeara
at 10 per will alao one year's Interval
draw 10 r centof ilaelf umklug lla
amount UI sr ivnt of the principal,
i- the principal loti-121 ol the amount;
the fourth In like manner I HM:i3 of
the amount; the fifth loo-Htl port of
the amount. Now. the f",tH) of
original prlncliml la divided Into Ave
unequal part (a almvc) ftrnt 1; wi'oiui
10 11; third MO Ulr fouith 100 Wl;
tlfth 100-14tlorf HUH 3U, 44. (DUO 4H,
IW1.U5, aud ll'LHl.Tt Hence the llmt
payment la fltiM.Stl, aud the other
alove, when due , with Inlen-al
iiunually will U equal to It, ami are
all now equul to iOtHl,
W, T. Skixkkh.
Swept by I ('fcloite.
of IHMlmlUn lo tlic iilnnarleuf 'pnlrUy
lltwtuiipr'i Hloiiisch Itltivr tin MiiOrl a
lHlltlllllldlU( polllU, WtlK'h lia IM-lHIalllll
ilty limit a tirlglit ami kliiutii ninik ftir
kuve, ho wvk lo fiiUl iini Hie com
Miuully uirlou eiitHnittta In I lie guliw
Uklll to Ihiit uf llm rrul nrth ln. Tltm re
uriljf, ami. nfeouriM, ilvoll of uiettlctlml
t-rn4')'. Ilrvruro of tlioili atxt Kct tlie iaulli
tlltii-rx. a rent remrtty Air inainrlu, rliooin.
iUiii, kltlnry imuliU. tl. norvouM'
ixiiitluiloii ami tilllloununw. I'liyalcUit of
ciiilii(ni vit wliivcomiiii'inl lliegmHl In
v iu'irnul, txitb for lU miunlml imiwrUt and
it purity. A wtiirgiiiHi tlirli'e dny will
m brlii vigor and rntulnrlty In a dl.
iirdfltid mi J vitfeeblrd nyntniil.
Dr. 8. A. Mulkey ha one of the
flneit turnouts In town, a brai d new
buggv aud a dancing bay home that
can I Ml It hi three minute.
The Fall Campaign.
wearing tight-nttlug haK d by
over-work and trouble. Mall's Hair
Benenewer will prevent It.
Don't forgt-t that Suitor keep a fine
lot of lumber al hi lumber yard Mn
mouth flnllnM. Full Citv. or at hla
mill ihn mil. from Fall I'tly.
About the Ural of next month
R. M. W.le Hardware Co. will move
mlnlotiely tmniplng all over
money, the Thomas Pharmacy,
mouth, will accept every abumil silver
dollar In exchange for stationery and
candy until further notice.
f. A. Ireland, of Monmouth, rained
4IHM1 buahela of wheat thl year and
the sold It for 40 cents s bushel. I'hl waa
ulihln three cenls of the tjlgltcxt
1 ... t ...I 1 ll.itSJfl
loto the ralteraon brick and exlenalve market price ami smw ; - -
In that now he I well pieaawi who m ""
Mr. M. Kinney, the milliner, ha
Improvement will be made
bailding to accomodate them.
Mr M Klnnev. the mlllluer, ha
, ,
iigHged the Kervicea of a trimmer from
Portland, to aaaial her In the full open
log of good. It is her dealre to mwt
all the lad ic of thl county In her
milllniTv imrlorM to IuniiccI her wolk.
--j , -
The Ladle' Bazaar oxtm the fall
campaign with a larger slock and
lower price than ever. The following
quotation ou a few line will give you
in Idea of what we are ottering:
Iridic' heavy fleeced lined Veal
.... ., iioj each
Ladlca'lioavy drawer to match
25o per pair
Chlldivna' underwear. Winter
garment , 25c each
Kaat lllk. hoae, cotton loo p-r pair
Faat Hlk. hoe, wool 'Hki t pJ
Udle' night gowUH,
qtallty SHi tH'r pair
dent's night ahlrta, ginal
quality Sooeach
Oeut'a white shirts, linen
boeom 60c each
(luiinir fluiinel 5c ner yard
tlleached uiumIui. K'hhI quality
3(1 Inches J er yard
Udle' comet lllk., drub and
white 4.1 cent
We alao have a lurge tx k of new
tyhah millinery, for full trade, cheaper
lhan ever.
The crowd that dally throng our
itore show that our giaal and price
ire appreciated. .
I). W. Frawr A Co.. Halciu, Oregon.
More About Hup.
luUdy Hcl.hil to her stock a tine line ol
tuble linei.a, commode iK!rt. epuwuer,
UnH.T acarfa, handkerchlefa ami Imae
indailk bull, taaaeU, etc. iiwl i
fiincy work, which he I oderlng at
loweet prlw.
The MkoiiIo Ioii of thl city e nt
l''t, at CorvallU on Thumlay,'
. . .... I .lurll
Iid of hoo 1 1 re kmc came from Puy
In rMt tiltf letter. It showed that
slittp with their donation "inde,,,- dating .rf W. P. Con -.away fcw.
dence Oregon" painted on each aide (V.per, O C. U l H.
ii 1 1 1 Ki.t. ttiirir ii. ii. jwiiwin.n
1 1 , j ii m.u nt
there were some hop here to bale.
Lat Sunday wa a lively day In
Iadependeuoe. It rained consequently
everv ImkIv in the hop field found It
convenient to come to town. They
walked the street or crowded the
t,re. Tl.i. biiHinef men catered to
iui,..,i,.,,,.i,,K ir. hurt some of
11 (' IT dlVIII'UI.
their conscience.
v.. ,iui, u,u hnulntw man of
"C tt inn s.oy .......
Inderiendenoe would read the editorial
in this isHue on "NewHpaper loyalty
and ait. down and write to this puer
his ottiiiion on the ulle;t for publica
tion next week. Do the bualne men
of liuietM'ndenre have any rlgh'a
which a puldlnher I bound to respect T
H M. Adam, traveling freight agent HHmtor Mitchell
Oeo. Shlim Htid J. 8. Cooper,
Hurrv Balllnger.of McMlnnvllle, an
airi.v Rt-law.ha decided to Icxiate
' . . . .i ...
,.. i ...1. ....... iii t ie nracuce ui
til 1IIIH J."v"vv ' '
uw lie ha been appointed hy Pro-
.i.... aii,.i-i.hv Mcl.ulii as III oe-
MTUIIng n v .... i
m nuccoe.1 the late A- ""ej
He will huve hlsofllce In one of the
front room of the opera houue for the
Mitchell did not, have time
,, to Independence and limped
" w .
.i, rtve here.hndlV W work 1 nee-.eo
u.....n irntn Sftleni. twelve dllleS
away, ami the hoard of trade take
i.i... .round um aaks tnai ne
.. in.nrnvvinent there, no
wora on
n.och for n hoard of trade, less
t,..n.f ii jb M Co. whos Doais
are .k.ii to be on the river here, wa In
Saturday. Mr. Adam say that the
triideof rmlenendence I wanted by
the O. It. A N. Co. and that thl will
..i i ..a a a i'tun(tlnir" a It lias
Li'H ins Litru.M w
been by hi company In the pat. Mr.
Adam I a very affable gentleman
nfl wiill a freoiient v nil tor In
- - i
town looking after the
Fur Slabhltif An Indian.
"Hilly Tom" Is the apdlatlon of a
SlleU Indtau delivered Into the care of
Hnerlll Kulght lat evening by Con
stable Alonto Walu. uf Salem, district,
barged with the slabbing of another
ted skin about S p. m. Sunday at a
Milnt In Marlon county nearly opposite
Indeundeni. It seem that there
are alamt 'J00 Indiana of the HllcUand
Oraml Itoudo trllMHi working In the
MadiMon and lVrclval hop yard In that
portion of the county ami, It I tmt
unlawful for them to purchase Intoxi
cant, during the day tmt employeil
the main txirtloti cm the river to
nlcwmleuce aud taivine lllaral
patron of the siiI.miu. After tilling
up they return to the Marlon county
hie, to avoid the Independence onicer,
and generally get Into row among
hcmaclvo. Tom started a fu Willi
me of hi own trll and seeing that
Home blood would le shtl a Oraml
Itomle Iiidiuu stopped up as a peace
maker and waa Immediately pounced
um.ii by Tom who atnblwHl him with a
jack-knife lu the left breaal and on the
ight aide of the neck, the blade nearly
rcaclietl the heart ami juguiar vein
reflectively, The woundeil Indlau
wna removeil to ludcix-ndence for
iheilical treatment aud shortly after
ward the city mawhal there placed
Com under arret and untitled (Sheriff
Knight to send au olllcer for him
yesterday. He I a large ixcliiieu of
he aboriginal trlta, weigniug anoui
200 ixiuuda and standing lx f l In
iielglit. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
A. U. t'on.lll aiHKMiipameii t onsiaoiu
Wuln to the mtiueof ibe slabbing for
the purpose of m-urlug the necessary
wilnesse for the i.nccuiiou. Jie ua
el Wednesday at ' p. m. for the
preliminary examination of Tom be
fore JiiHllce II. A. Johnson. The
wounded Indian la lu a precarious com
lit Ion ami yesterday was litken to me
I dendeiice hotel w here he will be
ared for until a change ror me neuer
ir worse tuke nliuv. Join will mi'iipy
the murder' cell lu llm county luwtlle.
f AmriiMt while working In the
barvet field I liecame overheated,
was suddenly attacked with cramp
ami was nearly dead. Mr. Cummlng.
the druggist, gave mo a dose of Cham-
lrlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhma
Itctuedy which completely relieved
me. I now Keen a uouie m n.r
remedy handy. A. M. lli'NMKU,
Centervllle, Wash. For sale by Alex
auder-Ciaqair Drug Co.
Ih-al IMate Transfer.
1 Prize Hood's
larsapsrltla more than any wtnudy I hsv
TtrUkra. IIvBvirlHNiDrobutaBil
wu lubjnrt to sever bMilsoh, and ha4
BOSppatlt. Blue taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Hood's Pill I sra a well woman,
bsv a good appetite and sleep writ.
I eordlalty reettnimsnd Hood's Hr
sisrUI. M a. H. M . Ookham, FlUinur
lieu, Klllmur, C'alllurul.
J.W. Klrklaud. trustee, toO. 8.
Clodfclter, loU 1, 2 and 10 and ,
of lot 8, Imletiendence Fruit Farm,
iMind for d.-eil. .
J. It. ("qier and wife to J H.
Cix.ner. trustee, lot 1, block 6, Hill
town of Indendelice, Mt
Jnhanu lleckeraiid wife to h. M,
and II J. Cot boa, It acre lu tp i
J. A. Veuia and wife to Nettle
Soldi, lot 4. bhxk 1, Illicit
John IJ, Tlioina and wife lo Nellie
L.Tillnon. bhxk 7, Hurley Fruit
Kami, .
J. II. Connor and wife to J, S.
Ciier, trustee, loU In Indepeii
dence, 1 1 UK),
H Irani C. Page to Oeo. L Sew
unlet ux, 2 acre lu tp fl r
w. .
M. M. Fill and wife to Nathunh
Hughe, 40 acre III tp 7 r 5w, PH
K. Hughes to Nathaniel Hughes,
lot lu Dal lu. I10
lood's Pills Stfmr
HherllP Hale Tinier Foreclosure.
ll'IlK uiu'l'ITlMil'IlT OK THK MTATK
of tiruKnu ftir to amniy of Polk,
Hsmual Mulilniitsii .
K P. Hlium and Caru.
till HIiIiiii, T. J, Im
Slid U. I. llutlxr.
Nolle la heretiy lvin liy virtue of n exo-
eutlon ud order of le, duly liwuu d nut ol
Hi circuit eourl of l!i ti ol (iregoii, for
Hi luuiily of INilk, twin dated JunMrd,
im. main Judsninl and decre duly
rendered, lusde, eurnllid Kiid docketed III
aid circuit eourl, nil Uieilrd dsy of Juiiv,
IKMfi.ln s osuee tliereln pendliif In ihe slxiva
entitled (ull. 1 siu niiiiiunndrd lu the
Usui ol III aUt of (irvgiiii, luaell the rl
iniwrly lierelnner diwrltx-d U iu.fy
Hldjud.inentadderre of Klglily-elaiil
nd au. no dollsra ilH i-li Willi Inierenl
lhere.Ui frouiestdiuu S, IMU6, St III rule
of ll) Kr eenl er sniium, Slid for Hie
further urn of twenty .five dollars attorney'
fem sad Hi sum of thirteen and ItUiU
dull! cue! and dlatiurMimeuta of thla aull
sml sivrulim mala. Now therefore In
obedience to wld deeres, 1 will, on
st the hour of one o'clock p. in., of ald day
si Hi froul dair of lbs court houa in
pftllsa, lom eouniy, Oregon, sell at public
auction K III hllfhwl snd beat bidder, r
nwli In band, on day uf asle, all lb rlht,
thin and Interesl of id defendant In and
btaald morlgssed irnile. Ihwrllwd a
fultowa. UiwtU M No. on (I) nd two (
lu block Ni. tweiily.nn (II) In K. A
Tharp'i lown of ludepeudeuee, wunly ol
bilk. tU of Oregon.
Ptl, thl Will day of Auiual, IMA
II. il. I'Ll'MMKIt.
Mherlff of Pulk t-Viunly
A Dainty Residence,
A. J.Whiteaker,
(Succe-wr to J. P. IRVINE.)
I buy for CASH and I will
sell as cheap as the Cheap
est. .......
Get my prices on Sugar, Hams,
Bacon, Royal Savon Soap, Etc,
Etc. :
And b'2 convinced that I mean just what
I say and that is that I am selling, not only
the staple goods mentioned above, but
every article in the store as cheap, and
many of them cheaper than any other firm.
Independence, Oregon.
Stoves at Ranges.
First Mortgage On Improved
Proierty Negotiated.
A full line ot "Superior'
An absolute guarantee
stoves and ranges,
with every stove.
lh a ' m , . r ...... t-..i
We are prepared to negotiate first
mortgage upon Improved farms lu
Oregon, with Katern parties at a rate
of Interna not to exceed 9 per cent per
Mortgage renewed that have been
taken hy other companies.
Address, with stamp,
Mehwin Hwoktb,
Haker City, Oregon.
tret,siUolntugoa lb. Kal lb hesutlfiil
h.imefH.ulrJ. 1. Irvlii., l very low
flaure. Th. lot U Tttltt, The lumae I uw
husu.ieganl exterior and Inald beautl.
fully iwred and bard ull flnlali. The
lerma sr. tiart itwh. balanc Mil llm. If
vim wuil thla bsrsaln come iiulrkly sa I
am going Mil on my rami.
Or niUlre st Wwt Hn omi, tf
Jiiat reclvd full aun'k
Tis flnmt and cln upot lot ofalove In town t
if Superior" heating atovea; all tyl ml
Agent Wanted.
The New Hardware,
F. E. Chambers.
reureaeiil ua. Work alinnal Hy eiiougn
fi.rschlldUido. Mr. J. VV. NUoo, Bl.
Illy. Idho, mad In on week.
Mry lluab, Lyons. tJoln., cleared tri 10 In
tbreedsya. llev. Win Curltain Aberdeen.
H.l)HkmdeHl.uulh nrat day. Noe.
iml or uperlnnce nary. Tenn and
rniilileU fre. Addrcaa at i)tu, Wieip A
Vo,, IWO I'beatuut Ht., I'lilladelilila, l"a.
fonirratory of Music.
Prof. Z. M. I'arvln, Mua. IKK-., (formerly ot
the Willamette t'nlveralty). Oourae In all
the lintairtsnt brsnehea of mu!ca! culture.
Uleat nd heel tnelhnda. Keault WUI to
the beat Knalcrii innate arluail. Fine mualc
rooma. I'rh-ea low. Kind term tgln
HenicinlK-r II. lM. Hend fur cln ular and
Wi.i. a H. I . A. M.
Albany H.llege, Albany, Oregon.
V. S. KBRGUSON, Pkopmietok.
Are now lu oK-ralioti, and you can get all kinds of wood work
done on short notice, also sash, doors and uioldlugs of all
Main 5lret, Wt of In. wlr werk.
infipnptiHpnce. - - Oregon.
Of Independence, having a steam
engine, a brick machine and several
acres of finest clay, is now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which will be sold at reason
able prices.
J. A. VENE89
Prescott 8c Veness,
proprietor of-
Manufacturer. of and Dealer In
Rou"h and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
Hair Vigor
There are some very tiilcntod people
.. ii... i.,.r. .troiimi lime
otiii.fifll ill llie i.'i' -
.,, .... ..(. wl in
nendeiice. You win i '1'-
.i.. .t. Intra ft.
leurn thut a young muy -
$7IW harp wlilie at- nooif
nii soprurio In one or m ctiy oM--"
. t. ii. o,..,..v unit nicks
Comes up io mis - .
I,.M and aays ahe enjoya n ocuer u....
irolnu to the
"Aver preparation aro too o!
voll known to need any coninien
ii t Inn from me : hut 1 led com
pelled to Htnte, for the hunellt of 0
other, thut aix year ago, I lout o
noarly lour or my nuir, aim winu
was left tunica gray, ahit
iiKlntr Avcr's Hair Vigor sevonil
month, my hair la-gun to grow
again, and wltli lite iiuturai cowr
restored. I rccomniend it to all
my frietioH." Mrs. r ritANa- o
iiaithkiu hox 305, Station C, Los o
' -. u
Angeles, cm.
coast. Hhe came m
company' , fr()m Long jteaob to ti.e
J ' .... ul..nlH Irnnw
hop yarda aim oi course ""
Tt. I H f !fwna.r brick l completed wliloh she prefern
nntiiheriwif. And plastering has . of Portland, was in
heen (!ommenced In the lower story Tuwday making arrangementa
rushing It ahead as fast as poaalhle so f()r nallKUVtttlng excursion from Inde
thut tt, wt whin Trading Co. may ir o,i other rjolnta to Portland
-,th n mummoth stock of A iha Kxnosltlon. The details
ff,a,U. Ttl irolntf to be an elegant . J fl , tue hand of R. V.
building and an ornament to our town. j ,g d that by charter
" . L. . .mrtuin dav that a fare
h v. Welmer. of Balem, I mg . """'Vr r in T "Portland
-...i .... i....,..-, n nluno. organ as ",..,',,,,,nit two admlteiions
reauy in Bive irawmn r - I hafiK UK1"11 "" '"""o ,
Thursday. kxdohIUoii, may tie secureo.
rsv -".' r SEiS 3tss
W ctnts; advancea io
t .i -mrtiTt in i auu a -
nitra RA iunt.H!
Hunrmriv snd history mnaio given In
coiiuetitlon with each lesson. Leave
orders at O. A. Kramer's Jewelry store.
Gov. Lord appointed Hon. Henry
K. McGinn lastHuturday evening to nil
the vacancy on the circuit court bench
countv caused by the
Hurlev. Senator Mc
Ginn 1 one of the foremost lawyers of
Oregou and will add dignity to the
tiench. We congratulate Mr. McGinn
and ulsoGov. Lord upon in
h A. Kell. of Pomona,
the bad luck to sprain her ankle,
"I tried several liniments," she says,
,.u nnf. cured until I uaed Cham'
UU v rr tarj s.- ,
t.iiu Puln Ralrn. That remedy
cured me and I take pleasure In recom
mending It and tesuryioK "
This medicine is also
ureal value for rheumatism, lame
back, pains In the chest, pleurisy and
n ,i.n-eated and muscular pains.
'Jndld! by Aleder-Cooper Drug
Ayer's Hair Vigor
IVrhsiMi the most liiiiairtant use for
" I
the grent hop product Is put I In the
inmiufiiclure of yeast, say the dally
Vnf nmnii. Dnil v the altiioat infinite
luautity of bread made In the world
is raised by the agency of the hot In
llie veast. One may Imagine the
.iniiiiint renulreil for this It I not
- " i
It's than one-hiilf pound for eveiy
ii.Ni.ii In fuinllv ner wnntau. Wei
tnke this est linale from Inquiries pur-
sued among private f inilllea through
out the couuiry. wi course many
fiitnillea tmy their bread, and many
others their yeast, therefore do not
employ the hot directly. Moreover
there are tlimiaands of families that lay
liv vearly lotne hops for inediciual
nurpisie. We are within bound
when we assert that It will take more
titan one hundred nilllloii pounds of
hop to satisfy thl yearly demand In
private families of the United Htates
for yeast and various other pttrM)si'sl
or fifty thousand ton. What amount
Is required for the rnunti fuel tire of the
various tonic medicine and soporific
wa have un mean of knowing, out It
must ho considerable.
Pi.r t Im manufacture of any kind of
amull lieer It ue Is indiNpcusnble to
prevent ruinous fermentation and give
llie necesHiiry tonio eiiect. vv nen nu
this is coiiHidercd.uiid when we know
thiil It duos not have the slightest ef-
I feet as a stimulus huh linn u not a
niinl of IioiiH were raiaed In the
i : ........
world there would te jiimi ii mucii
lager beer and ale and porter made It
Is surprising thai some ministers re-
olce over the failure of that most use
ful of crops, "it betrays fanatical
Ignorance lather pitiful to contemplate.
Mrs. K. K. Davis, of Han Miguel, Cal
uotmt I Mill irvilllt III B uiranu.o ivf
n,J "i " "
ren-iv the manufutilurers or unamner-
lulti's Cough llcmedy for the great
ui ilndr remedy has done me. For
nones T was a constant sufferer from
weak lungs ana uroneniai aswnna
My rest was disturbed by a hacking
,.ii,h so that I felt miserable me
arcater part of the time. Many rem- friday iNiuni, suricmoq 'o'
Idles recommended by rrienas were clay m. oreen s $in,om Play
tried, none of which proved suitanie to
mv case. I did not experience any uene-
. ..... . 1. 1 ..
flclal results until i Degan ihkihb
Chamberleln's Cough Itemedy. After
iwn bottles of the large size have been
used I am Pleased to state, my health Is
better than It has been Tor years, i ne
soreness has left my lungs and chest
and I can breath easily. It has done
me so much good that I want all who
are suffering from lung troubles as I
urns, toirive It a trial." For sale by
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
Notice To Tsx payers.
Hoard of KouiilUMlou ol folk county Ore.
gun will be In aeaalon at the eourl bouao In
Halls from Mcnteiuber 1 hi HepWmber Jih
IWk'i. both liicluaive. Corrwllou lo tnill-
vidua) aaaseainetiUean he made only by
thla board.
I'. W. llsi'Kitrr.
A. Aaxeaaor.
University of Oregon, 1895-1896.
with collar, "I'miA'riy ofCorlnne Ulely aud
name of do. 'Dh'k' on aaiiie." Itvluru
Ui owner and rwiv reward.
nun. H. Hiai.v,
Haltim, Ore.
of J. I. Irvine, will ihae cull and aellle
Innuedlslely, I will he found st the oilier
ofJ. 1). Irvine for a abort lime.
Ci.ahknck IavtM.
Toe University of Oregon, F.ugene, Oregon, offer free tuition to all stu
dent. Younginencanobtain board, lodging, heatand light in the dorm
itory for f2 00 r week. lt.K).ners furnish their own linen. Young
women are provided with board In private families at .00 per week.
Young women deairlng board should address Prof. John 8traub, Lugeue,
Oregon, or Hecretary Young Women's ChrlHtlan Association, Lugeue.
Tlie Uulversity oilers three baccalaureate d-grees: Bachelor or Arts,
Huchelor of Holenea and r.uchelor of Letter with oorrespoudlug courses
of study. The following shorter courses are also ottered: An English
course leading lu two years to a business diploma and lu three years to
the title graduate lu English: An advanced course for graduates of
normal school leading to the degree master of pedagogy: A three years
course lu civil engineering leading to the degree civil engineer: A course
of two year for teacher of physical education leading to a diploma and
the titlo director of physical education. The University charges an
incidental fee of ten dollar which Is payable lu advance hv all studeuts.
Hlu.lents holding diplomas from the public schools and those having
tcuchcr' ecrtllleatcs are admitted to the preparatory department without
examination. Those desiring Information regarding the preparatory
.1 uimui.l address the Doau. N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
tu nimiiiviii" i'"-. ' - - - .
For cutalogue aud Information addreess C. H. Chapman, prosident
J. J. Walton, secretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Two Cow For Sale.
giving 2', gallons of milk, which I will ll
r.i,,.,, Kimiiirn nf NcwUin llarrla one
mile Houlh of Dsllna or al W iwt mid ohicb.
experience wanU pimlllon. Kiiqiilreol Air.
Taylor foreman of the wolootl nop yam. m
Hay For Sale.
sued and Cheat afcd. For milo ny
W. M. MnwiN,
. , OPIiRA HOUSR . .
Frank Readlck,
H.innnrted bv CHrltoll'l Compftliy of
pluyer. Including ML mily prMmn
Twulv badlei and Onnllcmen.
Saturday Night,
September a8th,
- - - MONTE CRIST0. - -
Price: 25 and SO Cents.
nin nhRnica forreaerved Heat. Bata
now on .all ut Patterson Bro. Drug Blore,
Or. Price'! Cream Baking Powder
The U. S. Gov't Reports
$how Royal faking Powder
$ufrlor to all other
Position Winded.
Horses Fed by the Day
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Mrs.M. 8. Goff and Mis Bophla
Goft haveeutered lulo a partnership
, and will conduct dreaamaklng at
Mlas Bophla GofTs dreaaniaklng
parlor on the oomer of Railroad
aud O streets. The latest system
of cutting used and satisfaction
guaranteed. Work don promptly
aud at reasonable rates.
0. A. It. Wlgwiini Opening.
Editor Wm Sinn:
Porti.akd, Ok., August 6, 1805.
h.m Hiij'nuintf to the extreme low water
....1 .hurt duva it will he ImiMissihlc to continue our regular trips to Indepeii
.i i,.n.,..r,tlmn this week. After Monday, August 1 Ith we will make but
B irln ner week to Independence, which will be Sunday, arriving In the after-
...,i i..uu. Moud.itf nioriilmr nt 0 a. m. Please change time table to that
eirect during low water-trips to Halciu will lie tw usual, except that we win.
leave 7 a. ui.i Instead of 7:45.
' ' Capt, A. W. Uhaiiam.
Meat Market
DCALia 1
The following entertaining program
will be rendered at the O. A. It. wig
wam on Thursday September 20.
Chorus, twenty voices America.
Prayer Hev. A. U. Crawford.
Quartet, Novello Ulub.
Violin Holo Miss Busie Fennell.
Address Ethan W. Allen.
Selection Glee (Jlub(Dallas)
Recitation, "The Dandy Fifth".. Mrs.
J. P. Irvine, MoMlnnvllle.
Vocal Solo, "The Last lloll Call,"
Miss Mattle Longacre.
Pluno Solo, Mrs. W. llabbltt.
Mandolin Solo, .... Burton W. Fisher.
Address Mrs. Nettie Ungerman
Quartet Novello Club.
Piano Solo Prof. Wyuicr, (Halciu)
Address . . .Commander Wells 8. of V,
Selection, Olee Club (Dallas)
Address..., Skn. John H. Mitchkll.
Chorus ........ Star Spangled Ban uer.
ot. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
ftffinHd Gold Mvdtl MWwIdtr Ftir, Stn FrwtUc.
Jeweler and Optician.
Choice Meats
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton.veal,
pork, etc All bills must be settled
Fret3 SeliTeiy io &!U paxis of tho Git;.
1051 Market St., Ban Francbeo
(Between Oth and 7th Sta.)
Oo and learn how wonderfully you
. an nwle and how to avoid sh'knw
Vnd diseaMv Muwum enlarged with
Uiounnd. ot new objeeta, Admit-
Inn Oft AhL
triwt otflce-aanie Building
ioai Rlnrket Htreet-Uianiw of nwnt
stricture, lo. of manhood, dlteaM ot the ikia
and kidneys quickly cured without th tm ot nwr.
oury. TntAmut (uoau or by tMw, Send
lor boo. , .
1 1
t j
- '
s f.
If I
t ; ' .1
t ,r"
i -
i !
election from the numerous
yttf "aw Hi(t ) e1""
lor the position.