The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 12, 1895, Image 3

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    (icial Paper of Polk Count).
fast Side Publishing Company
jCoohUxw at the City ItattHurnnt.
jVrolval Niwh, of (VrvallU, wan In
t,,n Ut Monday.
jHom.y to 1mIM with, V. U. WrlKht,
pnvf. K. CampMI and wife went
vm to H' motroiHill on Ttuwlity,
IV City Htrint will flll onUr
A meal at all hour.
tl I'rwtoii, of lVrtland, ha Utn
ytfltiuir M Nvll Harl thin wevk.
IV next mwiiiijt or tin? a, u, u V
will U Septemlter IB. tf
V. K. O'lonnell, the San t lain mine
owner ami RppwliHT, In atlll vUltlng In
Try the Sunday dinners at the City
V, K l'rey who has been h k for
.vera! I iwliim aouitt bette
Tli l-ittl l'alatv hotel In the popular
plf to ei nrxi-cituw inoMi.
A now lot ofelmloe candy ami tine
lUtionory Hi tn montaa rtiariuacy
tSfUI order taken for tailor mad
luiitattlte ei Mi TnniltiK to.
Every ult Kuanuueeu, me ltrui
line of Minnie 10 wuvi twin.
Whnt ftlHiut the Mervhant (Vulval
ibiC"i"iitf month. Are weaning to
hive one or nut 7
M'int'y to in on eiioiee city pro
perty, . y- nni, nana.
Lat Friday a boy welgbingll pound,
arrived at the home of t. r. eda,
near lUiena Iwla.
Mortiri;e ""lea bought by V, O,
Wright, Put hut, I'olk Co., Ore.
T w ralna will rl the river and
will iHn hear the welcome whlatle
of thesteaitiltoata.
Plenty of money to loan on fnrm
... It' 4 y 1 -k. . 1 1 .
enuiritv, .v. i nuui, ittuiw.
The continuex! mum make one feel
dei'itlevllv blue as the hop men are not
Hi finish jncKtiijj yet.
KMi bread every clay at the lion
Boa. Kight lonvee for quarter.
On ThurmUy train O. H. Whit more
left fur Portland alao Itev. Hherman
uJ W. P. Con noway.
Host Stark, of the Little Palace
Hotel, Ih giving the traveling public
tathnVtiim ami hi trade lit litcreaKlug,
Henry -Waller ami wife and little
Loui.e fame back from the milieu in
Southern Oregon I -tat week.
When you want a good nival for ii'
wnU, go to Strong's reittaurunt, Wet'
cott A Irwin, proprietor. Kuleiu,
Ort'Ktin. tf
Siuce hutl Thurwlay the mail from
Iiitlepeuilene" to Monnioulb gmn by
nintor wi that they now get mulls by
every train ami stage.
Mi Kva K.l-itn, of Portland, la
Tlftiting her aiatrr Mm. Craven. Mm,
I . Itoliertmui returned home on
If the hair la fulling out, or turning
gray, requiring aatimulaut with nour?
lulling and coloring food, Hull's Vege
table Siliciaii Hair Henewerla juxt the
Mr. and Mm. H. L. Jonea and Mr.
and Mm. L H. Hpmgue, of Halem,
were viaitini; thia week at the Ijeautl-
ful home of H. F. Whiteaker went of
KcIhxiI announcement aoon by
Clodfelter Broa.
There ia reioieimr In the heart of
Dr. Frank Eaton, of Portland, for on
last Saturday bin wife gave birth to a
fine ten nound bov. J. R. Cooper, of
thin dty, la now grandfather to the
little one.
It i a revelation to one not familiar
to the hop buaineaa to go acroaa the
rlvt-roppofclte Independence and aee
what acrea of land are aet out in hops.
Picking has only juat begun on the
big yards over there.
The O. A. It. Wigwam la endowed
and work w rushing' forward to
Its completion. There la talk of a
big dance, and akatlng rink and bicycle
school and what not In the event of
the completion of the building.
We hlmll never quit advertlHing our
HhoeK. Why ? Because they are good.
The Kuket Htor.
iU-v. 0. B. Whitmore wil give an
address on the HfeofFatherUpcliurch"
founder of the A.O. U. the
Congregational church next Hur.dny
nixht. Special music will be provided
for the nervlce. There will Isj preach
ing u I ho at 1 1 a. m.
A great many people are so Intensely
occupied In keeping up with the
procession that they fail to notice
where it. Ih going, says an exchange.
IJelti r be this way than lagging behind
or kicking at what others are doing to
Instruct amuse, boom or help along.
H. K. Weirner, of Halem, Is now
ready to give lessons on piano, organ
arm violin, Wednesdays and Thursdays,
of each week. Price per lesson, begin
ners, 50 writs; advanced 75 cents.
Harmony and history music given In
connection with each lesson. Leave
orders at O. A. Kramer's Jewelry store.
On last Haturday the American
Yacht Iefetider, was successful in
defeating the English Yacht Valkyrie
Ill-eight minutes and over.near New
York, but on Tuesday the second race
took place and the English Yacht was
victorious by 47 seconds. It requires
three races to be won to decide where
the cup shall remain, either In Eng
land or America.
Fifty cents was the amount laid out
In cash for the building of a church in
California recently relates the New
York Observer. As a result of revival
work the need of a church was felt
and thirty or forty men ottered their
labor, lumlier companies gave the
iumber, and in three weeks the build
ing was erected and the only outlay
of money wait the half dollar.
you wwt tho Boat Washiuir Powder, Buy Soaporine, troni "Douty & Jocku,
the link el Htor.
an llitellk'eiit and
M half sob tuIUk.t Slorand
i'ohihmii onyourmdf.
Ft rat i'Ihmm Mlkuk.w ... ...
llllllilf.kl hi. .!....,
"".ra Lumta-r janl, Mn
. M"""" -l'K on Wedn.
y morning d ,(l lU,kl,B ,mi, o
-- 'o-itinuiuuii,
A ItllllUIUkl. 11 . I I .
--.,,,, WM,H ,ltu im.n
u orougnt to the city than la now
wnig oemi at Cl.hlfelter Ihtm.
Mm Ilmuphrvy and daughter, Halw,
eaiueover frt.iu Newport last week
'""I are gueta ,(f Mna rally tK.r. ,
lnde,H.,nbn.v, ami Mm. ka Hn.lth.of
Mr. tleo. Ma.nuilay la havluir tmuhlu
l get pU'kem lu Ida (too yard south .,f
tii. ii.... .. . .,
' v "" " wnotii aunii Ik itnw
oelug nwlwd at CliMlfelter lie-
Watch for ainiouiHviuent s,n.ii.
tkui'l forget that Suitor kivi tto
i .. . i . . . . ""
t hla Iuii.Ut yanls Mon
oouui, naitaa, rails City, or at hla
mil three miles from Falls City.
in ..
men. aa a very iileiaant naitv
himmi at uie reauieni' of Mr. (leo.
I 11.
.mmer etineetay evening, for his
n rrauk, It Mng hla I'Ut birthday,
o,ulte a nuuiUr were present, and a
gueral good time was had.
tHX tors cenU at
W. S. Hunter,
progressiva former, tr Mc(!oy was in
town Monday, He will send hla two
oldest daughters here to W-UH1 this
The J. 8. Oiier brick each day
ivwuinea more flnMied nroiwirtions
and shows that It ia going to t a very
uaoosonie airueiure. The slock of
go'sl whl,-h the West Kldo Trading
lo. la piling up causing them
great tniiiiiveuteiHV. They extas-t to
get into the new building Octowr 1st
Tlieseeoml ra.-e U-twfeu the la-fen
tier and alky He was given to the
Defender on the ground of a foul.
Ttshiy the last rue will t sailed and
Urrlng actddeuta the Defender will
win the cup which will still remain In
KoUtI Dorris, a brother of Lake
Dorrlsof this city, is visiting here
from Los Angles Cl., where he la an
attorney. Mr. IVrrla was formerly of
Albany, r. In Hlvemide Cal., he
met Seneca t. Kelehuui who was
couiiceted with tho Wot Sihk here
several years ago and Mr. Ketchum
sske of his sojourn liere with much
lutereat. He says there are tulte a
uumtH-r of old Oregtmtaus lu California.
Lust Monday night there arrived in
Itidencudeiiee four ireiitleuieii repre
senting btlxhiemi liollnen, In other
word, "traveling men." Mr. Sarge-
aut, of Mintnii A Dygert, was skillful
with the banjo. Mr. Ford, of Halem,
with the autoharp, Mr. IWnuon, of
Cots It Ivy A Co., with the Ismes
and casiluetts, and W. Fisher,
rcprexciitlng Wiley It. Alien, with the
mandolin, and aa the latter hud plenty
of sample tiiusicul instruments lhee
four went out sereuadiiig and they made
hurmliig music. It was a Art clam
free concert.
Johu Wilson, who Is assisting In
Loo's, ran a splinter Into
hla foot Wednesday afternoon five ami
half Inches long. He had a pair of
thin shoes on, and gave a quick move
tueut on the Moor, and struck the
sharp end of a sliver, which entered
lM-tweeu his toes and followed along the
bone, a dintuiHW of nearly half the
leitgth of his foot.
J. L. Htoekton Iiiim Uen the leading
plrit In the erection of the (I. A. It.
w igwam, and has been on hand early
ml late to direct the willing workers,
who are donating their time to the
completion of the structure. Last
Tuesday Mr. Htoekton, w hile helping
o take down the acntl'oldlug In the
interior fell, and struck across one of
the sleepers, hurting himself so badly
that he will be detained In the house
for a week or more. It Is thought no
tames are bniken, tiut he is consider
ably bruised. Mr. Htoekton remarked
"I cllmlied all over that building, some
times fifty feet from the ground, and
was never hurt until 1 got down on
the floor within live feet of the ground."
I'll Way In Which i:ra Meeker's
Heps K-eiipeil the ,'(,nrse.,
Exra Meeker, of Puyallup, one of the
largest hopgrowcrs lu theatatenf Wash
Ington, has answered the niluUtem or
the Puget sound Conference, who
(hanked (lot! for the destruction of the
hop crop. In a letter to Hie Post
intelligencer, Mr. Meeker said:
"In this uiornlnu'a renoit of the
Methisllst conference miibv under
the heading 'A Cume on the Hop
v rop- mat preacher Hanson, of Puy
aiiup, reported he 'had some g.ssl
news from that great hop country-,
the hop eroji, the uialn support of the
KspiM, was a failure; Ilia eroo had U'cn
cnmtHl by (lod Vheivuooii IIInIh.i,
iiowinan said '(lisd and 'from
all over tha rtamt voices could Iki heard
gKIng utterance to the fervent ejacula
lion, 'thank (lod.'
"For theeilluVatloti ,, tha reverend
iainemiui lervent l.relhreu I wish to I Mrs. H. A. Kell. of Pomona. Cal.
publish to tliem and to the world that had the laid luck to soraln her ankle
1 have la'at dial, for t have MHI acres of "I Irltsl several liniments." she savs
....... i
nops at puyallup and Kent that are
free from Uv, tha 'curse of (lod,1 and
Ht. Lmls he heard Joyful expression
of the marked lmirovemeut lu busi
ness. Factories everywhere have In
cre.iscd wages, put on additional osra'
(Ives and are running at full blast.
Money Is easy, there Is plenty of eon-
IliU'iiee, and dealers are buying Ills
ally for autumn trade, Before he left
for the Kat Mr. Alexander hud heard
of (he renewed Industrial activity, but
waa unprepared for the extraordinary
bustle he found everywhere manifest.
The sad chapter hi his trip, how
ever, was the return home, when the
il ly after the recent heavy hall and
windstorm lu Nebraska, he piissed
through the stricken district, It ex
tended over sirtious of several counths
and llelds of corn and w heat were left
crushed and prostrate, dreary ami
ilesolale, unlit even to cut for hay
The sis' nc was depressing, and
striking con t,rast w ith the heavy laden
Ileitis and bountiful harvest that he
saw on entering Willamette. (tot
ruttiM J'iniin.
"but was not cured until I used Cham
berlalu's Pain Balm. That remedy
cured m ami I take pleasure In recoin
mending it and testifying to its
cflleacy." This medicine Is also of
great value for rheumatism, lame
back, pains lu the chest, pleurisy and
all dccp-scatcd anil muscular pains,
For sale by Alexantlcr-CooiM-r Drug
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
The (J. A. It. F.nlci laliinieiit.
()u Thursday Held. LU, will take
place the formal opening to the public
f the (1. A.lCwIgwaui, The llulshlug
touches will soon be placed on the
untitling ami electric lights furnish
Puyallup 1 contributed IKK) to buy the light and an excellent program pro-
ground upon which the church vldod for the date of Held. S.
etlltlce Is built. every cent of I To (love of our readers who ant not
which came from this same business familiar with the hlstorv of this build-
cursed by (od. For myself I would loir a few hues mav not 1st out of place.
ttiat I lieielve It was the work of an
emulsion of whale oil atatp ami quassia
sprayed on the vines that thwarted
dial's purpose to 'curxc' me and others
who exterminated the lice,
"One la almost ready to ask If this 1
Indeed the iiliitccttth century of en
lightenment, to hear such utterances
gravely mads by men supjMised to ls
xpouudemof that it IIhIoii of love as
promulgated by the great teacher,
I wiiit to recall to the memory of
he Itev. Mr. Hanson that the church
lu which he hits lseu preaching for a
year part was built lu great )art by
money contributed from gains of this
liusiucas 'cursed by dud,' For myself,
I can Ihform hint that aa a eltlseii of!
Sew Law Firm.
We have the pleasure of announcing
the formation of a partueislilp between
Hon. N. L. Butler and M.U. Potter
in the law business which firm succeeds
to the business of the lute A. M. Hur
ley. The combination isv a giant one
and will be a benefit to our city in
many ways.
Among the Hop Yard.
Now t hat lioppicklng Is lu full blast
and that everybody profits lu some
way oil the hop grower it is not surpris
ing that a great part of our time and
much of our conversation should Ik'
connected with hop and hopulckers.
Just adjoining Iiidejamiluiieu is the
yard of W. L. Wilkin and for ttie
past ten (lays about sixty pickers have
Isieu there with nimble fingers from
early morn to supiH:r time, It It sain
to be a very healthful occupation tor
the ladies and Judging from the pcr-
sonels of the pickers In many of the
yurda it would not be dilllcult to llnd
proof for the claim for you una the
prettiest women In the county In the
hop yards and they are more entertain
ing in the hop yards than elsewhere,
If possible, because uqualntaiices or
even strangers, wno pause, w emu
are Invited to pick hops and the
longer they can be Induced to stuy the
more hops they pick. Two or three
will pick together and It becomes a
matter of pride to boast of how inuiiy
boxes "we" picked In a day. Conver
sation does not lag and It seems from
results that the best talkers are the
fastest pickers of boxes of hops, and
nimble fingers arid tongues go together.
Over at Woleott's and Merrill's and
Hose's and Matt ison's and Murphy's
and the other yards across the river
opposite IndcK!tideuce, are hundreds
f pickers and many of them are from
Portland. Three times a week they
have hop dances and the young folks
have much enjoyment. It seems that
hop picking Is one round of pleasure
with profit combined. Hop pickers
live well and the Increased population
in thH lion vurds selves to largely In
crease the business of our grocers and
other business men.
The U. S. Gov't Reports,
thow Royal Poking Powder
superior to all other.
'tiiauk Utsr If they would return the
money and thus ease their gulity coir
Mrs, E. E. Davis, of Han Miguel, Cal.
says; "I am trying in a measure to
reply the manufacturers of ehaiulr-
laln's Cough Itemody for the great
gtssl their remedy has done me. For
yearn I was a constant sutterer from
weak lungs and bronchial asthma.
My rest w as disturbed by a hacking
cough, so that 1 felt miserable the
greater part of the time. Many rem
Idles recommended by friends were
tried, none of which proved suitable to
my case, I did not experience any lame
llclal results until I Ivkmu taking
Cliamlsrlsln'k Cough Itetnedy, After
two bottles of the laruH sine have been
Used I till) pleased to state, my health Is
ts-tter than It has been for years. The
soreness has left my lungs and chest
tnd J can breath easily. It has done
me so much gtssl that I want all w ho
are sutlering from lung troubles aa 1
was, to id vii It a trial." For sale by
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
Take Notice .Mathematicians!
The following problem was given out
in the teachers' examination In Cali
fornia, and Is to solved by Arithmetic,
It has proven so far a sser to many
who have tried to solve It. The names
names of all those who correctly solve
It will be In this paper.
I buy a farm for lo.Oiio to la- paid for
in & equal payments, Interest at 10 s-r
cent, payable annually, the payments
lo 1st 0, 1, i, It, ami 4 yearn from date
of purchase, It Is so arranged that I
pay exactly the same amount of money
itt each payment, what latherqiial
The above problem appeared In the
Wkht Hiik, week la-fore last. The
correct answer Is said to be $ll!it)lW.
Archy Adwms, of Yoncalla, Oregon,
sends the following solution:
Find the compound Interest on the
sum for the whole time; find the
amount of one dollar at compound in
terest from first payment to last; from
second payment to last; from third
payment to last, etc. Add these
amounts and one dollar for the last
payment ai d divide the whole amount
by the sum; the result w ill be the re
quired payment.
5,000 at compound Interest for live
yearn at 10 per cent, amounts lo 1112.65
The amount of one dollar for i years is
$1 .40-11 ; for 8 years Is ll.JUIl ; for 2 years
is $1.21; for one year is 11.10; plus $1.
The sum of these Is fii.1051. $H052.55
divided by 10.1051 equals $i:ilH.!)K7t,
the equal payment.
Last August while working lu the
harvest field I became overheated,
waa suddenly attacked with cramps
and was nearly dead. Mr. Cumiiilngs,
the druggist, gave me a dose of Chain
iNtrlaiu's Colic, Cholera and J)larrliica
Remedy which completely relieved!
i t. . . . i .
me. 1 now acep a ooine oi u.u
remedy handy. A. M. Bijnnm.i.,
Centervllle, Wash. For sale by Alex-
andor-Coos;r Drug Co.
m,i:ssi:i) is oitFtJON.
lu the nrst place the encampment of
the d. A. it. Is to meet here lu luetic-
ismtlfiice next year, lo provide a
room large enough to hold the large
iiumU'r of Nopiu to tat here then was
the tlrst Incentive lo set the old
soldiers to work. CltUcus of Inde
pendence were llU-rai lu rescinding
to the calls for funds and the old
soldiers, noble Isiys lu blue, donated
their lulhir and as a consequence
the hall stands almost completed
with ail Indebtedness of less than
flliHI. It Is Imped at the oiR-llllig of
the hall that every inch of space In
Ihe building may 1st tHH'Upietl si as to
lest fully Its capacity, An excellent
program will Is- rendered Heated on
he stage It is expected will Is-Senator
J. II. Mitchell, Dept. Commander
FW.Allen, iov. Lord, Secretary of Htale
Klut-aid, Treasurer Metschan, Hupt.of
Hchtsils Irwin, Capt. II. L.Wells ami
other prominent istsohs tlirouuhout
the state. Alrealy the program pro
mises to Include an address by Senators
Mitchell and E. W. Allen and music
by the Novel lo ami Dallas (ilee clubs,
Mm. Dr. Babbitt, Miss Mutt lit Long.
acre, and others. Mrs. J. p. Irvine
will rentier a very entertaining reel-.
tatioii. Nothing is going to 1st left
undone to make the osulng a great
vent anil It Is hoa-d that the hall will
be crowded to Its Utmost limit-
Seats w ill Is. provided for loon, ami It
Is thought .UK) more can crowd In, and
for a teat of the capacity of the hall It
Is hos'd that such will be the case.
Not one cent of the prved of the
entertainment lu the hall goes into
anyone's private purse. As stsm as
the debts are paid a relief fund for
needy soldiers, and others will receive
all surplus over exis-iutes, A detailed!
program next week will 1st furnished.
Dr. Price's Cream linking I'owdei
Awuilnl GuU Mnlal Midwletrr Ftlr. Sn Kruxuco
A Muncy girl played a telling Joke
upon her mother. Hhe fount! a pack
age or letters mat per turner nan
written to her mother, substituting
her own name In place of that of the
latter. The maternal ancestor declared
such stuff to be silly nonsense ami
0 ddly Informed her daughter that she
should permit no young man to address
her In such loving terms. 'Iheti the
girl revealed the joke, anil she has no
more obstacles laht In the path of her
Mncpl by a (') clone.
f sl'prolMitloii lo Hit iliiasi'lef siiilartty,
lliMtetfer'nHUaiiKeli Illlnrs lis anUlrm s
niiliilllHIlitltif (HsiUlon, Wlllell neeasNMi.
ally mails s lirlslit ami shining murk tor
kutivm, wlin suok Iti Itilsl upon Urn mm
mimlly iiirlnu pumisiumls la I lie mils
akletntliatiif llis real artlel. 1 liens are
luirlly, slid, ill niiirsn, devoid or metlli'litsl
rltliwy, llpwsrsof Ihfiii ami get Ihegaiiulna
Hitlers, s real rviiieily Air nmliirls, rlicuma
llsm, kltliiry ImuIiIs, (tyss'la, tisrvnuscMia
eolislliHlloa sail lilllliilisiitisa. Physician ttt
emliu-iiis Kvi'rywlisrs commentl lh great la
vlnorsnl, Uiili air Its rsiiinillsl properties ami
Us purity, A wineglass thrust s tlsy will
sum bring vigor ami regularity to s dls.
ordi-rnd ami rnrwl'li'd system,
NlicrilT Sale Tinier Forts Insure.
of Oregon for Ihs County of I'ollt.
Kamavl M iiIiIi-iohii
K. I', Hliliui ami Csnt.
lilts Hliliui, T, t, Iav
anU O, li, lltitler,
Notles In lisrt'by given by v In us of an
nil Ion and urtlsr of sttlo, ilitly Isstit d tail nf
Hi olrt'tilt niurt of the slain til Orfgutt, Sir
Ihs Mituily nf I'olk, Isalng ilitlfil Junclril,
Ism, iiuui ii Juiliiiiii'iit and deerso duly
reiidnri-d, lusds, eiiriiilvil ami dis kelsd in
sid circuit snarl, oa lltsilrd tlsy of Juns, a eainsi Uiereln wndlng la ih alsiv
utltld null. 1 am isimmsmli'd In Hi
nninsof Ills stals of Oregon, hi twit the rssl
prowriy hsreiiisinr diwrltwit ui wtitsfy
mild JikIkoiiii'IiI Slid ileerv of Klghly-vlghl
and su.Ui dollars iss Ni liui with liitartwt
llicriM.n rnoii sld Juiib , lm al the rait'
of 10 imt peat iwr smiiiin, sad for the
nirtltr attia of v dollsrs sllorney
rem and th auia of tlilrlnrn ami llft-loO
dollms tMU sad dlshiirksmtmin uf llils suit
ami seertilng dial. Now Ihurvfors In
olN-dlenisi to said dis rist, I will, tin
HA'l't ' II t'A V. HKtTKM Hlvlt im,
al the hour of im o VIts k p. in., til said dsy
al Ihs fnuil disir of th eourt house
liullua, I'olk eoiuily, Oregon, m-ll at pnhlK'
atlulloa to the highest slid hest hldder, for
cimh In hsiiil.tia dny uf sale, all lit right
title and Interest of eslit di'feailHtiia In and
to said mortgaged premise. Iaerrlhml as
follow, Uiwlt: lots No. one (I) and two (J)
In hliH-k No. twenly.nne (Jl) la K. A
Thsrp Iowa nf liiil""'iiduune, tstutity of
I'olk, state of Oregon.
Iintmt, Ihla Till ttsy or Aut u.t, IsaV
11.11. I'l.l M MKIt,
HherllT of I'olk t'oinity
A Dainty Residence.
street, aibnlnllig on the K-at the lieautlful
homeof Hitulrs J, II, Irvine, si a very low
natir. Tim lot 1. 7UI.U Th house I new
lias an elegant enlerlor and Inside binutl.
fully HtM-red and Imrd till finish. The
term are part rah, balance on time, If
yoa wstil this bargain come nulckly as
am going tail on my farm.
W. J.Htkki.k.
Or oiiitilreal Wast Hns oflliw. If
Agents Wanted.
represent us, Work almost easy enough
for a child in do, Mr, J. W. Ninon, Ihilse
City, Idului, msile t.'lt.'iO In tine week.
Mary Hash, Lyons. I'olu., eleared TJ Id In
Ihreedays. Itev, Win. t'lirllsia Aberdeeu,
H. Iak made the nrst day. Noeup.
Hal or eperlriic neivsaary. Term sad
ntnphli-la free, sdilreaa t onee, HhrppA
(i liUH'tiesinul Hi., I'hllnitKlphls, I'a.
CtniMTvator) of Music.
rot. 1.. M. I'srvln, Mas, Sh, (formerly of
the Wlllsiuelli! t'ulversilyi. Dourstsi In all
the Important brntiehea of mtlstcul cult lire
l.Us.t sad best method. ItraulU wiual ttt
the but Kasti-rn music nchisiU, Klne music
nxnns. price low. First lerm begins
Heiiiemlwr II, tsa'i, Mend for circular sad
Waixacs II. Iks, A. M.
Allisny College, Alliany, (lrtgua.
a Traveler Saw
Her in the F.ITcle
anil Heard of
Oregon Is strictly in the swim ac
cording to the statement of V. A.
Alexander, who arrived Thursday
from a three weeks trip through
the eastern states. Mr. Alexander
was in Ht Louis, Chicago, Cleveland,
New York, Albany and many other
Important elites, and In each of them
lie found many ieoplo anxious to
know all ubotit Oregon. "Howls it
that your crops never fail, and that
ycur fruit Is so much better than the
California product?" was the question
that met him at every turn, anil the
upshot of It Is that Mr. Alexander
returned home, proud of his slate, and
doubly assured that all of the fruit
growu lu Webfool will llud lu the
I'",ast a ready market at the top figure.
It was in New York that Mr. Alexan
der was, win n there came to a com
mission Hnn from a Portland cor
respondent a telegram announcing
that a heavy shipment of Oregon
fruit had been forwarded and It was
from the comisslon men themselves
that he learned that the whole ship
ment had been disposed of within a
few hours after tho receipt of the
In every oity he visited east of
I I sdntitted at the I I
Why Was It
that Ayer' HiirtHpiirllln, nut of tlm groat
liliinbur of dliullar piiiimmllona iiuuiiifHn
tured througliimt tlio world, was tin) only
inedlcliio uf the kind admitted at tlm
World' Kalr, ClilciiKO? And why wii It
tlnit, la spltu uf tho united effort uf tlm
Diaiiufaotiiiiirs uf titliur pnipiinuloiu, tha
decision of the Wurlil'g Fair Dlregtoi was
Dot, rc vol soil?
Aflonrillng to ltut.s 15 "Articles
that srs In any way dangerous or o
offensive, also satent meillolne. O
tlons, whose ingredient ars oon- o
oealed. will not ba admitted to tha O;
Exposition," and, therefore-'
; Hecauu Ayer's Samnpiirllla Is not ft
patent niedlvlno, not a ncstiuni, and not
a teoret preparation.
Beoaute its proprietors Imrt notlilng to
eonceat when quentlmieit an to the for
mula Trora which It Is compounded.
Btcauit It I all that It Is claimed to be
a Compound Concentrated Extract of
Barsaparllla, and In every genua, worthy
the Indorsement of this most Important
oommlttee, called together for passing
i upon the manufactured products of the
entire world.
Admitted ior Exhibition
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powaet
Wsif' "sir Hl(ht Mdlnd Dlplsssa,
Sollee To Taxpayers,
Hoard of )uatlatlim ttt I'olk couuty Ore
gon will Im In assslon at theeourt utilise la
liullaa from HiipUnulwr J.I to Hpptuuiber 2Slh
imt'i, Isith inclusive, i'tirrts-tion In lutll
vidua) assiwKinents ean be made only by
this board.
t W. list Krrr,
61 Asststsor,
" Isist.
with collar, "l'roHny of t'arlun lllely and
name of dog, 'I tick' on anir," Itelurn
to owner and rtsvive reward,
I 'll A a. H. It i m. v,
Hulein, Ore,
of J, P. Irvine, will please rail ami settle
Immediately. I will be found at the tiltlt'e
of J, D. Irvine for a short lime,
Cl.AHKMIK laviss
Two t ows For Sale.
giving 2', gallon of milk, whleh 1 will sell
eheiip. Knuiilre of Newton Harris one
mile Mouth of Pallas or at Wkst HiuMoftlee
Hay For Sale.
seed and Chiat red. For suits by
W. M. Mmsoa,
I'lgs For Sale.
sixty young pig for snle, Address him at
Hn-kreitll. tf
Dlt. E.
a ml
Hiirneon. Diseases of the
nose tliroat ami skin, spnowilties. At
Tlionius' I'lmriiiiiey, iMoniuoutl, Oregon.
Patton & Van Nortwick.
Shaving IS cenln. Baths 25 cents.
In Little Palace Hotel, C Street.
Judge Hurley Head.
Judge Hurley, of Portland, a brother
of the late Mayor Hurley, of this city,
died at his home In Portland last Hun
day. The Unionhm in writing of
his death says:
A coincidence In connection with
Judge Hurley's death was that it
followed that of his brother, Mayor
A' M. Hurley, of Independence, but a
few hours more than a week, and that
his Infant sou died exactly 11 months
ago today. At the time of his brother's
death at Indepcidcnce, Haturday,
August ill, a sister living at Cor vail Is
was dangerously ill. Judge Hurley
was not ncipMuiutcd with the death
of Ills brother or the serious illness of
his sister. He was In such a feeble
condition that Mrs. Hurley believed it
best to keep the sad news from him.
Mayor Hurley, like Judge Hurley, wus
a man of high character, who had the
reapeet of all who knew htm. He was
about two years older than the dead
Jurist. It is ulso a coincidence that the
two brothers were both seriously ill at
the same time about two years since.
A. J. Whiteaker,
(Suctesjk.r to J. I. IRVINE.)
I buy for CASH and I will
sell as cheap as the Cheapest
Get my prices on Sugar, Hams,
Bacon, Royal Savon Soap, btc,
Etc. :::::::
And be convinced that 1 mean just what
I say and that is that I am selling, not only
the staple goods mentioned above, but
every article in the store as cheap, and
many of them cheaper than any other firm.
Independence, Oregon.
Stoves Hi Ranges.
A full line of 'Superior"
An absolute guarantee
stoves and ranges,
with every stove.
Jul retwlvfd a full u k of "Superior" lutttliigatovpai all atylut and
The rlniMt suit rht-npeal lot oratovea In town at
The New Hardware,
F:. E. Chambers.
V. S. FliKGUSON, I'kopniktoh.
Are now lu naration, and you can get all kinds of wood work
done on abort notice, alMOsaah, doors and moitlings of all
Mala 5lrcl, oi th water work.
C eorrn tt
0 JndejMwdenco, having a Btfjarn
engine, a brick machine and several
acn of finest clay, 1h now prepared
to keep on Land a fine quality ol
Brick, which will be sold at reason
able prices.
Furnished for private parties,
socials, picnics and all kinds of
entertainments, on tue shortest
notice and at prices oonaistent
with first-claHs work and beat
materials. For anything in this
liue go to
G. A. Back,
317 Commercial St.. Sam
Prescott & Veness,
-ProprleUira of
Manufacturers of and Dt-alerln
University of Oregon, 1895-1896.
"Tue University of Oregon, Kugctie, Orcgou, oilers fiie tuition to all stu
dents. Young men can ohtaiii hoard, Italgiug, heat and light in the dorm
itory for $'2 50 per week. Kiaimers furnlah their own llneu. Young
women are provldt'd with board in private families at f.1.00 per week.
Young women desiring board should address Prof. John Straub, Eugene,
Oregon, or (Secretary Young Women's Christian Association, Kugeue.
The University olh'rs three baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts,
Bachelor of Kciencu ami Bachelor of Letters with corresponding courses
of study. The following shorter courses are also oll'ered: An English
course leading In two years to a business diploma and lu three years to
the lltle graduate lu English: An advanced course for graduates of
normal schools leading to the degree master of pedagogy: A three years'
course lu civil engineering loading to the degree civil engineer: A course
of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and
the title director of physical education. The University charges au
Incidental fee often dollars which is payable in advance bv all students.
(Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those having
teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without
examination. Those desiring Information regarding the preparatory
departments should address the Dean, N. L. Narregau, Eugene.
For catalogue, and Information uddreess C. H. Chapman, president, or
J. J. Walton, secretary, Eugene, Oregon.
In our New Shop,- opposite Kelley's
Livery Stable, rather than in the Newspapers.
Hand-made Shoes in Proportion. Draft,
Road and Track Shoeing the very best.
Independence, Or.
Jeweler and Optician.
Rouh and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager.
Horses Fed by the Day
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
' Left in Charge.
Mrs. M. 8. GofT and Miss Uophla
(loll hit reentered luloa partnership
mid will conduct drt'ssttinklUK nt
Miss gopula (JolTa dressmaking
parlors on the corner of Railroad
and D streets. The latest system
of cutting used and aatUfuctiou
Kimranteed. Work dona promptly
and at reasonable rates.
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton, veal,
pork, etc. All bills must be settled
b B&livery to all parts of uis Cii?
105 1 Market St., San Francisco
(Between 8th and 7th Sta.)
Go and U'arn how wonderfully you
are made and how to aroid Mi&mtM
and disease. Muaeum enlarged with
inouramia oi new oujeuta. Aumu
ion 86 ota.
Private Office name Ilulldlnjr
105 1 Market Street Disease ol men:
stricture, Ion ot manhood, disease ol the skin
and kidneys quickly cured without the use oi Die r
cury. Tnattiaeut panoually ot by letter, Bvud
tor book, . -