The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 12, 1895, Image 1

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The Best Newspaper
Is tha one that Rlvea tha moat and
frwhont new. Compare the WKST
aiPB wUh any paper In IVlk county.
As an Advertisings Medium
Takh the Liao in Polk County
imYsioi.NsiKxrtsTitY. miin ntn nm itt . . rrnr -:r r-rrrrr r: rrr.!rrrT7i
Resident dentist.
The PrIVl.tit pta.-tl.v.l In !u vailou
brnli'. SatUUetl-'tl ituuraiitvod. troiil rut Mnoiiilo Hull, corner
Main ittiil M.iummtlli uln-vta, c-pp-iaito u.
,hIH'ntliKi Nation,.! Imuli.
C, nnd residence, corner Unilroad
ami Monmouth at., Independence, Ur,
! lHmtwt. All work warrnuled to
rati ted k
Kiv the beat of ttat Infliction,
deaea, Or.
hihI Surgeon. Call attended to
day or night, OlHee nt Thumna' Phar
macy, ou Main St, .Mnuiuuulh, Ore.
Law. Wilt practice it) all UnUi
and federal court. Abstract ut title
famished. OnTee nwr Independence
National Uhmi.
1Y1 nfiieturera ot Bash aii J tUr.
A Uo, scroll sawing. Muiu atrttjt. Hide
prudeee, Or.
skcukt soi.'iktikh.
f . Isulge, No. S'i. bmw la every M.m
Uii) nu'lil iu I . O O. F. li'itl. All aojoitrn
itiif lirntln'ia ar luvil.'il to aUeiul. W
O. Cw'k, M. W.i NV. L. Wilkin, ltoeorvlcr
HO.MFtt LOlUE. NO 45K.l.f 1"
M.tU every Wwluraoay evrtuna
All ktiitihta are criiully iuviU'.I. John
liiolmr.lm Jr., C. C. J . li. Monu, K.
It. AS.
East and South
The SHASTA Route
of the
Southern Pacific
Kpm trnliw run dully.
X 41 I'.
i iTv. '.riliiinl Ar. i:IO A.M.
UiUf, a. t.v, Albniiy Ar. ..
lu (5 . a, Ar. Hn I- riui''!""" I.v. 1 7.ui e.j
I'lirUMUil. tin nn I 'll)', Wttmlluiru,
Hali-iii, I'urnvr, Mnrin, JMirnum, aiiwii).
Juitrtloii. Tanarnl, M''l'l. tlal-y, limn
liuiK. Jiinrlliin i lty, Irvlim. Kiii n'. re.wi'll,
tiruiiiM. unit all Uiilin. Inmi U.iwburg ikiuIIi
t.) anil liit'tutling Aflilauil.
"floiabjra Mall (Haily.)
Arrh e.
i'lirllnlltl ; A. .
Hiwburx .H.t) A. .
ItiMrhunt ...5 3) r. a
fiirllunil ....4:IU A M
rortlainl... 4' l". .
tMllflll MJ) A III.
Call-in ftisr.
i'orilnii't . -HulAA.m.
Dining Gars onOgden Haute.
KciwiJ Claw Htcfiii)K Cum nttm licil to
nil lliroiili Iri.ittH.
West Side Division.
Betwaan Portland and Corvallls.
Mail Iralnjjliilly -M'. ltHiiii'lyJ
"lid a. m. TCv:.- (''.f!lmMi ; :.."A7f t,Ti p. m.
1I:Ih a. m. I Ar..lti-l. n'li'iH.. Ar l:.-. p. m.
UM,p m. I Ar ...r..rvllli I.v j l;p. ".
Al Albuny and ( OrvallK. onuni-i Willi train
t. V. A K. Itnilnmil.
KxplW train il ilK rxn-pl itnitiivi
4:ip'i.' l'l.vl l'..rt.iii.l Ar I "Sun.
rj,p m i Ar.McMlniiOil.'' M J.. '
Yamhill Divltion.-
Aini mall in wci'iiiy.
aio. in. ITv.! iWtian.i Ar ) 8,-iB p. in.
i'Av ni I.v M.'tim..iitli....l.v x:iiia. m.
fc p! I Ar:-..Alrll. ........ I.v SL
Thrcmtli llrkrXi t all P'l' ' the K. I'-rn
fcliuw, nala. ami Kitni. ;nn lx- nliialnod
fmm I. '. I'.MtKV, Ag-M. ''V'TT,' ITiw
Jcvm,and Trade-.Marlci obtained and all 1'!
rntbneeonducted lr MOOCftHTC Flta.
J.iiid wetanK-. ure naiciilia I" lime tuaa '"- 3
remote liom Wa.hmston. , . j
4 S.d m.xlel. drawinii or nnnto., Irith drurnp-J
jllifiB. We advise, II pawniaun or wv,
rhre. Our Ice not due till patent cc
. ' Hw to Obtain Patent
JroTt UTami' in the V. . '! couotric.5
'nt tree. Addrcrt,
n.. .iTf mt Orncc. waiMiHaroa. D. C.
I IfyouunethePrtalma"
r IncaMUr pnwn
Make money while
oincra ary rrnn.."n
i, tiraebyoldproctuwi.
ilt,nja;cribf every
article needed for thej
noallrr buiincM.
mechanlcellr the beat
.wheel. Prettieiitmwlcl.
We ara pacmc toan
Airenli. Bicycle cata-
WTALDMA rt(ATOiO.,Petalnma,Cal.
BkamcH liouitB, 3I 8 Main fet., Im Angele.
sf in fu n's
- ft. i M
Amarieun and Kuropuanjl'l .n.'
j. THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor,
; r
Bcvcntlt and WaMliinBUm Sta.,
lnutrnted I 1
Catnlugua J
- VtLKK. J.
sail ill
$2.00 lVr Year.
1 1 1 ii. k vv m w i v o iLvuHMiii'ivii i w iq m t p nmw nvu hi rr mm iimi; iinDtmn
...u wuu uviu m uluu IW lUVUUbU 10 I Mill U ,U'0 1 IkMO ill 0 U ' W I A1U I W
Meeting at Louisville,
Are Hospitably
CouftHlomteN rrtwnt In l4irfct Num-
mrii ftml Knjuyinr the Visit
Klgbt llfirtlly.
lriSVIM.K. Ky JVit. n.-Tlio
WtU tna' uiinm-itt of ilui tSaml Amtiv
t.f ihi i;.miiiio (hiuhI with a mral.
-Hi tin arrival f t.'oinm.iiulfr Ui-lJtili f
lAivlur ami t,iir al T:;io n. in. In tin.
MiNt t-arrlajti' wlilt enim.uilfr-ln.
CliUif InvK-.- ww Culoiicl 8. W. Kt4
l'y. sli;ir .f iiio UmWvllUi iiauur
i l;il ttihl ,ikmm:liu(r of Hi, i tttl
Army of the li.t. l.U tlq.arinnnt of
Kt:itih-ky, a:i. -lialnmiu of Hit ittvt-t.iM-m
ana nviipiUui fiHiiinliiiHa,
una -i r.-'itiii-..
of I ho M tin' Call houw.
tlw hiMtlilliar of llw nlliiv
lKantlftilly tlmxira'iM iiikI ihilioial ar
iMiiKoiiiouia lr lrn mait fr ,i,
nv..ili.iw (lni-inK tf ,,,v wiiiw Hi '
liHiMiiiuit of (!, Hmiin:inil..r.ln..-l,l.f
aim at,tt w.u lli iti,t tuiiKiMtntf t-tfiii
of Hto 4.i,v, Hit- riiloii nt lit.- tfi-tHii
of Urninl Army of die Uimlilu
ami V'(t-4ita arrhl: In tuliw Kroui
-.? t-i. Kitty lltlt'r.'MUIW.
Uii... .1 . .... 1 .
" imum nrriv.Hi 11 a rnat
int'V t'Ollhl la- lt.lllil .1 In till' .l.-laila
.....II... . . - -
mm iinm wimi wt-rtf kiii Iniav.
rh; railnaula rvtr'n.atu timt .im-i.... umtll UIIU lll to tl.HHI IikI.IV lllin-
i triUHi wi.taai imhiii ij lulu Ini ill..
I'lt.-y iiuiUHiwit. u Bmit nislt Uurlim
tin- iu'.m it noiir.
All It fiil.iittirifru of tho alat tlotntri
im-ui oru oja-n alay, ami ihon' of
ui!tno.ia tn. I (.ii-atlti art' wry Jt.m.
pit kliU. In thi' tumi-.'Ht f.r l lie l,K-ittlon
of i h, mxt 'ia-;.aitinmut at St. I'aul or
i H-itvi-r,
'I"' .'" ' of Coitfisli'ral VH-
i ra w : vory lan:o. Thry art' nrtlv'
in Ufliiititf ll u,KiU of l.oitiavllU
tinain ni "Va-iki-fi." Tito city la
i.ur.uiy t-ovoriM with fo. a .f rl
vvhltn ami Mtif.
i'i' UKiiM'f Hum v. of th
Mm r oiiTitt. la iii.irt.r,tt yiih
i oiuiii.imii'r uirtiT.
l.olvlllf. Soot. O.-I'Mlinhlv Hip
moat liiiortant hiiaitH'iM that will U
ir.iiiSit.'io.l at the prem'tii I'luaioimu-nt
of tho !. A. U. will Im th liiliiliiir
of Hie Woniaa'a Hfliof Cnrjut ami tht'
n.iu'a r tne (j. ,. It. In turn ordi-r.
Wliilf Ii Iuih not In-i-n fully lttrintntHl
In .In this, It will ! rtH-oiiiiiKntliil
ami tln at'iitliiifiit In It" favor la auch
that there la hardly a ilniibt of the
fohaiuiiiiiatlon of tht' plan. Tho Worn-
in a Hfllt'f Corim ha. ex tic in I .-.I In the
iioliflitiorhoixl of a million ilollara In
li:irltalilt itirH4k'a.
The I'nloii Jai-k ami la-iumnt proudly
walviil ovt-r Hie city totik-hl. Tim Hinr-
Kldp of n itft-t of the nalloiial aawM'tn of naval vrtorana waa formally
put In t'ommlanii.n. Tin- v.wo-Ih of the
n.iiadr.iu with profiiMi-ly il.-.t.raiml
with flatr ami hunting. They were
isiiiipt. Hum ami HUin-iiilrnil to Ki ar
Vihnlral Allen, (-ommnmliiu; Hit tin-
tloiial osao.'iatloii of naval vettTana, by
apiain ili'oririt Fritrhm-r.
(i v. John Yoiiiik Itrown, Admiral
Vlli'ii and othora tttmlv addn-asi-a at the
lnK watt'h of tho naval velerana to
night. :nip Area were held III Now
Mluny and JelTeraoiivllle, while rtt'ep-
tloii were tendered Coiitmnnder Irfiw-
ler, Admiral Allen, Mm. Iwicnn, Mra.
Witllaee and other nt Cninn ;aldwell,
where iwelvt alnle tloiiftriiueiila antl
tliotisandH f iiii;itlaelifil veteran e
piarteri'il free. There wna aiiiirliiK nud
n:y-K llln ami ninny iiirnriiial en niji
flrea. Nine posia of many utte demrl
inelila art filitl'leri'd nt di'liool holiae
nut oilier liull.llm: nlHiiit the illy.
The Relioolft were dlimlmd this week
ami all achool litilldliiK are nxitl by
the vet.-rana.
K.'trlmi'iitnl reunion will he held In
main hend.iunrier tomorroiv. Itrljrnde
and other reunion are ntwliieil to
various liotela, pulillc olllce and hall.
(iovernor McKlnley of (Hilt l.t nmon
hi) list of governor to mrlve. lie
iinnot he here till toui.ivrow nlifht.
Following la a copy of the Invitation'
cent to niemliera of the confederate:
"At n meetlnir of the ooinmlttee held
at lieaili.iiarter on Friday cvcniuit.
September ( tins iimierHiKiieii were
npp tintiHl n a cominlttee to extend an
Invitation to your widely to attemi
all camp-fire exercise to lie held In
Hi! cltv during the evening of the
llth. VM and l.'lth limt., nt mimic
hall, riioenlxvllle and National park.
riKKft exeiclHe we Ixdlevo will Inter-
cm and entertain you. A ex-l nlon aoi-
dler wlu did their Mumble part in
the airline of the late war, we
ordlnlly and earneKily Invlle you to lie
present. So come anil let u annice
vour hnml and o fnr n poFslliln Intro-
(luee you to our Norihern brethren,
win will Join n in numinir you neany
wcli'oine. Your coiifedernle hut ton
will entlile you to recowiitlon and a
dace around the camp-fire."
A Court Deride Against AppolntlnR
CnlfiK, Wah., Sept. O.-Argmnent In
the cne of Ktllaon v. Torrence for
the appointment of a receiver pending
foieeloHiire proceeding upon Tor
rence' farm wa heard today before
.fudge Sullivan, nt the eonciilon of
which he reftwd to nppolnt n receiver
ami made a general order eounter
miindlhg nil order heretofore mode
for the nppolntment of receiver to
lake charge of farmer' crop pending
foreclosure proceeding, holding that
there I absolutely no law for the ap
pointing of a receiver in audi a ewe.
Farmer and the people. In general
will In! greatly elated over the deela
Ion, for It will, they claim, put the
country on a more substantial bal.
Topeka, Ka Sept. O.-A special
from Iturllngton ay the atorm that
.11.1 a imw.h ilnmnfiro In Grldley extentl-
ed from the north to the south end of
Coffey county, destroying houses,
burn and granarle and damaging or
chard- and crop, a Doy in jv y
township near f.rldlcy wn killed. A
Oermim nml hi wife and three ehll
,i wura Rerlouslv Injured. Mi.
Jane and daughter were badly hurt
nt. Strawn. Many others were wikj
New York, Sept. O.-Nesslage k Ful
i .,ni tifkifion In cold tomorrow,
'Oelrlch & Co. will ship t50,(XM), and
wt ir Ciniuimiin : Ilrother. II.IHKMHM).
Tlie International Metal eornpamy will
. nv
Among tho Indians n
A Brutal Cheyenne
A CoiifcTrHHiiian to Kelk"u-The (Jol.l
Keserve Kalln Helow 10i),ti(0
Other N'atloiml Note.
WASHINGTON. Suit. 0-nie In
dlau otIUti haa rtnvlvol no Intimation
of trouhlu at tint R.iwtnid aceiuy
iiiHt'iiiiy, tla' ngeuta wttti liintiui'iet
In redtK'rt the prksn tmld for hauliuif
aiippllea, eta., to a fair orat', It laln
new that they iw threw tlnu aa
high na they ahould be. If the Indian
did hot cart! In th the work at a lower
llgtire, the njj.xila were litaU-ticled to
eont mot with white num for It. Jlol
low Horn Hear, who la a leader of mal
tioiiteuta,, la well known us an agitator,
It la aald rlmt ho alwaya ootila down
aoou ami no roal HoubUi la ttiiLlelpuleil
iMtorimiiY I'UMsiiF.n.
JlKlinoHty, O, T., Mont. Choyelim1
Imllan. Mouse Trail, tiatay reielved
ltKI Inahoa on hla Uuv itnd WnH
latnUhett fiimi the tciU' for lutiiallv
titaalllitg Violet Manny. tbtiigltU'r of
Mihtr Manny, on the Oa-itcue reaen'n
tlou Si unlay.
New Wk, Sept. Il.-Oold to the
amount of ft. lit 10,0110 wa withdrawn
fnuii tho aub-trettury today for ship
meiu to Kiirptt tomorrow. W. 11
Croaaman & Hrother took fl.taiti.tii),
Nealng & Fuller, Jloo.iaai and oelrlclm
A t:o.. UM. Theaj withdrawal
brought tho treasury gold reserve
down to about $u7,:ii'),uio. It was vx
Doeted the ltelmoiit-Morg.iii ayndlcate
would make a large dep. wit of gold
lu the sutt-trcnmiry, reatorlug the re
serve to llui.tim.iMl, l.m no .1.
Saratoga. Sept. ().--Ex President
Miirriaon, It I expected, will pita the
rail ami early part of winter here
Mr, llarrlson will be a guest of the
MeKeo family.
Victoria. It. C. Si'pt. S, -The sealer
Beatrice arrived this morning under
telmire for alleged vlolntioii of Itehrlng
ea regulations, she reports the sels
are or the wiiramer Ainoko,
Tim Hontrlee wa iMiarded by the
Bush on August -mil ami four seal
akin market! na If by buckshot were
found aboard. Although no guns
were found, she was seised on a charge
of having used firearms In the sea.
The Ainoko was seized on a i hnrge
of Is'lng Inside the ilo-mlle protective
mue of the seals.
Ills Skier 01l to iSee llliil
Knows JIllll at Oliec.
Rlohniond. Mo, t. Mr. N. J.
Metirutb-r. of Allan-la, Mo., slsier of
Dr. Fraker, arrived how and at om-e
went lo the county Jail, If any doubt
exisltyl iih to the Identity of the man II
was dliH'llitl by his meeting Willi
Ur. MiSinitbT. She ns-ottnlr.eii lilin
at once. The meotlng was an nfT.i-t
lug one. After tlie imi'llng In the Jail
Mrs. Me tinnier was seen nt her hotel,
and said tho prisoner was Dr. Fraker
beyond tbiHt. Askitl in regaixi 10 me
Bumey site h:itl received fnm Judge
Mim-oIii as a isirt of her s.hare, she
villi tlu- sum was about $l'Ji, and II
was now 011 dcpoalt In a lunik In Ma
con county. Sim Is as yet iiinl-r... ii
what course to pursue in regard to it,
ml denied the iubllslieil slili'inelil
tli:iit she hnil differed to turn It over to
the liiMir.init? company.
Chicago. Spl, II. -The Pont iiys
Henry CHsm, of Nogalea, Atlr... n mem
ber of the republican miiionnl cxih-h-live
e.inniiliti-e for that sis-lion, ha
formed a $.'.im.iiO syndicate to Irri
gate and r 'clalm several hunili'.sl thou-
and acre of so-calleil aritl lamis in
Arizona. Oris l"ft today for home
alrii money enough subscrllied to In
sure the success of the work. I In
land lo l: rocIaliiMMl lliw In I he valley
of the Santa (Jnm river, along the
southern Isirder of Arizona.
New York,
S"jit. I). NfW York
Cincinnati 1,
Huston, S'jil. !.
-Hostoii 11: St. 1,011 Is
Plttisburg, 'Stil. (i.PlMMburg It;
WaHhingloti 1.
H.'iltlmore, ftept, l. nalMnmrc -l:
t;ievel.ind 1.
Plill'ideliphln. Siil. !. - Firsl gnine
Philadelphia 1.1; Louisville 4. Second
ganvt' fltiiatii iipiua iniisviue 11.
Liverpool, Sept. i).-Whent, spot,
easy; ilemand piMir; No. 2 Red Winter,
Is ll"jd: No. 1 Red Spring r.s lyfcfi; No.
I lutrd Mnnlttrba, C yjdi No. 1 Cali
fornia, 4 Id.
Hop at London -Pacific const tz.
Portlaml-iWhent, valley, 47; Wulln
Wnlln, 44.
Now YorkHop weak.
New York.' Sept. 0. Assistant Secre
tary of the Treasury Curtl called at
tho sub-treasury today nml had a con
ference with Conrad .1. .Ionian, me
atib-tiwasurer. Curtis declined to aec
a reporter, but left word that the visit
knd no algnltlcnnce in connection wun
the operations of t tie government bond
syndicate or the Ilnunclul situation of
luo treasury.
New York, Sept. 7,-Mr. Olara Me
Arthur. Um woman who attempted to
Jump fiHim the Rrooklyn brltlge n.lsmt
two week ago, was pu-icoti up in iwni
lvr today by two nioh In a ruwlssut.
It Is alleged she JumpiKl from the
Tacoma, Wnsh., Sept. O.-At the ale
of the Puyallup Imllan reservation
lamia this morning $l,850 worth of
nrtvportv wn disposed of at from
$.10 to $80 per acre. The Indians nre
getting more anxious to sell and are
reducing prices, In one Instance from
$120 to $00 per acre. ,
Town Meets Total
Fatality to Persons Is
M Great.
Iltiusea I'liroofetl ami Then a IHiwii
jsuir of Itulu l'tiiiiilcles tho
Work of t'ttlamliy.
(fTTAWA, Kns., Seit. 0,-(irldley, a
town of 4l p.sinle tu the Santa Fe
'.nil! liweMt of here, aiUTi'itil ilw total
dosii'tKnlon of many of Its la-at bull. I
logs by last night's aiorm, while hard
ly a hi met ure la lite tiiaee ivwiiihsI in-
Jury, still It la Is'lleved no 0110 was
sorl ntaly hurt, Atanit II t"ch k yeater-
day a storm of wind nml rain burnt ou
tlm town from Urn uorthwiwi. Tim
wlml una what was known as a
ativiighe blow am) lis mlm-hlcf was
mainly coiilliu.l to the linroollng or
biilliiinga. a downpour of rain liu-
imsiUWely followiHl ami .tutoiiuiisl to
a tl -luge, twelve liu'lica of walcr fall
ttg ill nit lhi'iii ih v Mltorl 4 1 in.' 'I'h
lafil Coiiipb'iiil the d.wUitoiion t'hal
hail not Ihh'ii titvomplihhisl by Hit
wind and iu a few milium every ada k
.r gn.Mls had been snaked ami bouse-
li.tltl mumm1oii of of Hie luliab
llanw wniie In Hie aame eniHllHoii.
Stinugn to any, wilh nil fulling raifa
nml WiillH ami lining .l.-lula Hint broke
wimiow 1111. 1 m-ar, not a person of
lite Iiami I' more than Hie met'
eat perH0m.1l Injury, A great ileal of
(liiiiatre Is feu red In the coiiilguomii
eouutry. One farm house linlf a mlh
from was eninpleiely tleairoyed
ami one I11111.1l.', auppoMMl to lie Mrs
t.ltiM M.tscle. vns family hurt,
AN AWFl'l. DEM 'till,
'liuhurg, Kas., Sept. I), Never hav
sis-It rains Ihh-ii known here its have
fallen the past few days, The whoh
oiintry I Hooded aihl lite Inn ks of all
iiilb-o.tiU aie washed away ami trains
Portion of Ala-tka Clalimsl
Oreat Hrillalll.
Iktllliiiiire. Si'jil. ll.- ltev. Father Zie-
uii4 Harntmi. who lias rccetiily re-
titrntal fiuitl the Interior of Alaska,
xtliere he spent f.sir.vear Iu the miss-
.ma ry work Hie imilvi-s, gave
to 1 ho Ikiltlmone Sun an Interview re
lating to the U tin.lary dlsputi' U
iwoen the rnlttil Suites ami Cn-ai
rite claim inttde by the IIHUhIi g.iv-
ernuH'itt at the luainm-e of Canaillaus,"
said he, "embiwes a valuable strip of
laud, a porihui of which Is Hie key, to
a vast extent, to I he interior of Ahmk.'t.
iiptl which poKaics rh4t mineral re-
aouiit-s, Auolher ponloU Would give
tlioiii control of line natural harbors
ami lu a third plait' tlicy would gain
no of lite inosi imignlllcent snuiic re
gion of tiu win id. Hinder Imy,
uhli h Is now la-glunliig to be
iy thoio-amls of tourist from all over
the world during Hie summer mouth
"Although Hie Immense value of this
.ml cannot be m-ouraiely tleiermlmsl,
kliowletlge of Its geogrilplilciil lawl-
Hon on Hie eirmi allows that great
onimeii-lal atlvanlages should miTti"
the future from Us possession bv
this eon 11 try. It Is a long, narrow
lice rilliniua the Whole lenglh of the
iri-ow ciix-tilar district of Alaska that
nearest ihL-i country. Ii I timsi
iiiiei'ale lu cllmiile, tiiul Dm onl)
pari of Hie ton-ltory Mini Is nettled by
any consider!! nlo nilinlier or white
in. il.
one Important effis-t of Crent Ilrlt-
1I11V. claims. If I hey should la allowisl.
.mid Ih that (in-lit Itilliiln would
tve eouirol of the route which Is Hie
e.V to the gold Ileitis on Hie Itorlh-
ett eortier of Alaska. These ileitis
pan out iiliout $1n,4Nni em it year, bill
has Iks-ii stated that there are rich
roNpeei there ,et uiiworkisl, as well
ot'her mineral restmreea whlcli,
hen Hii'v Imi-oiuc well known, will
likrlv cause considi'i'iilile iiumlgratioii
D"puly Postmaster In
the Arm of
the l-av.
Pendleton, Siipt. 7. A llmwugli In
'stlgatloii of Hie Weal on pnsl.illl.e
old airy iviiulled In Hie arrest of
ieorge M,, who wait lu
harge of Hie oitlee at Ilui lime Post
master Van Winkle was taking an
tilling lu thi nioiiiihili :. DctiMity
Sheriff Klnds'i-k went lo Weston last
night, swore out a complaint ami
I.'UmsI Iteyiiold.s under custody.
Roj Holds refused to liti'ompt to llml
nimlsini'n ami wt lit to Jail over night.
I'he r.iiila'i'y la't'iiMttl two weeks ago,
wilieti between .film and fl'K were
ken from Hie poHlolllee safe be-lwccn
llio .1 1 01 irs of (i nml (lillO p. in.
lioiitily Iti-yiiolds claimed he went lo
upper nml came back lo Unit the safe
ll"d a ml Hie nioiii y gone. Men were
lu the vl.inlly of the poslolllce at (he
Hum, and liwowil on Hie steps ten feet
iiiwity from Hie roar tloor llirougli
which Rii'jno'ds claluicil Hie roiniicrs
uieritl. A petiullar clivuniHtanct' Is
Hint Hie lock of Hie rear door wan
found nnnoved by taking out the
.screw from the Inside as though to
inaki) It appear some one cninu In Hie
building Hint way,
The Assminlod Ilonds of New York
NEW YORK, Sept. 7.The while
meat of asHis'l.ited bonds of New
York fo-iihe week ending Hup! em tier
7th, Is a ivmarkablo one In several
featuim L.i.itis rcr.chcd the usual
llguros nt $3,170,0000 which brings the
tulal lo.M Hem to $.r.lS,;i(i.'i,.S00, or $1,
701.100 .higher the largest mmount
ever roip'rtied In the history of Hi
New York tien lings house, a'lio in
ereaso ww the nvtult largely of Wit
iinate busln r.s coupled, of course, with
the in'' iter degreo of activity in cv
change circulation nml Issue of loans to the ittir y SiiiiliiiiniK'r sei
HiMiitmt. It will ibew-en Hunt buslnens
Ls iniilutalnlng lis streiiKth wltliout n
.Berlin, Sept. 7. A ajsu'lal frorni
Shaivglial snys: The rebellion In the
nroviiiico of Kaiisup is becoming for-
mldiilble. The Insurgents have organ
ized an nrmy anil captured seven
nll'W. It I roixM'ted the goverumeint
nt Peking nus'llntes calling upou Bus-
. . . m 1.1 1- O-
a ior win to BiHHii-iun iu
She Outsails tho Enr
lish Valkyrie.
All America Is Excite
Over the Result.
Five 1 1 11 ml red Thou hu ml People
ucs (he Unt'fl ut Sandy
NEW YORK, Sept. T.-The Defender
won her naiuo In a truly Aiuerl.-au
fushloti today, fiulslilng far ahead of
the English challenger, alkyrle, and
giving every evldema of uutclasalng
Dtmrnvcu'a boat In uluioai any kind of
There were strange feature connect
ad w ith the race, not Hie least being
f oncra! doubt expressed during the first
llftiH'ii mlb of the course aa to which
wa lu the lead. It wna nip and tuck
from the first gun signal and until
within a short distance of the mark
tin! the Defender caught a brecre to
llin delight tif ilmusntida and simply
sailed away lu-r rival.
From that moment she went on In
creasing her lead to the end, winning
by the surprising margin of 8 mliiule
nml ID second,
Tho Itrltlsh boat led out Into the
fog nml ran toward the turning mark
Hearing which the Dsremler pitsae.l her
nuiagoiiiat ami turned ahead ou Hut
run home. The identity t.f the yachia
coiitd not bo dlachmeil owing to the
llilekneaa tif the fog until Ihey were
close to Hie II11I1.I1,
The nut nner In which the Defender
oiiiibmitsl the Valkyrie made even oh
yachtsmen stare, for It waa a remark
alrle perforninnce for a bo it after sail
ing almost even with another for many
mile to come out at the end with
lead of almost a half-mile gained In
the last two.
Never In the history of raeea for the
eup ima a foreign boat shown to audi
rrent advantage na did the Valkyrie
today. She got over the line llrt and
for a long time pointed higher nml
nutrootcti the Aiuerienu mint. Many
were Hie teara sluil by Ynukee ayin-
pnthlnera who im.l counted oil three
atralght vlctorlea for the Defender,
when they saw the Uriilsher, even
when well pitched up lu the wind and
Killing probably from half point lo n
point higher Hum tho De'cudcr. still
going through Hie water faster ahead,
Tlie first surprise of Hie day wa In
the position Hint Hie iN-fcndcr shown!
mi ensuing- the line. Very strange to
sny, she was a Utile bit lo the wind
ward of Hie English boat, behind, It
i trti", by four aeeumla, but still wlml
ward. There hud lss-n ao much said
about Hie auperlor sklppershlp of Cap-
lain Nycaninre that It was feared by
tli.iUKiimla of Amerl.-nn who witness-
ed Hie scene, that Hie Defender would
not be only be laiilml nt the start,
hut that site would a thoroughly
blanketed Hint she would never have
a show In the whole nice. Hut while
the EnglUliman til. I get ever the lino
first by about half a length, the Yankee
wa 011 top of him mstiai1 of Is-lug
below or uiiilcnieaih hi wind. Itoih
yacht were handled lu most admirable
manner nml It cannot Is- aald the sail
on I ho Union set a whit better than
those of the American hunt. In fact,
mi Haw could ls seen lu any bit of
cloth on either boat.
The only thing to ninr the day's
pleasure wn the action of excursion
bunts, notably the Richard Pock and
tlie City of Isiwell, on going too e!ose
to windward of the rating yacht,
The olhiial Hum table i n follow:
Defender start, 12:20:50; outer mark,
3::i0:2ti; llnish .1:21:11; elapsed time,
.Von:2l: corrected time, 4:."i0:.Vi. Val-
kyiie-12:2t:lit; outer iiuirk, .1:.1!l:52;
finish, .1:2!t:;ii; elnpsed time, .1:08:44;
corroded time. C:0S:4I. Valkyrie al
lows 21) seconds,
It is estimated by the syndicate
owner of the Defender, C. Oliver, E,
D. Morgan and W. K. Vnnderbilt, that
their expenses In connection with the
present series for the American cup
will amount to not es than $210,000.
Hardly less than Hit nmount will be
expended by Lord Dun raven In the
same good cause, nml It 1 Impossible
In estimate what It cost .Ioo.ihn) people
who occupied Hie steamer In viewing
tho contest today.
The inn tch thl year betwoeu the
Valkyrie III and tho Defender will
be comprised of the la'st three out of
five races. All will be stnrtetl from
Hie Sandy II 00k lightship, which Is
7-8 miles outside of Sandy Hook.
They will be sailed nllernale days.
The' course will be thirty miles long
tich. and the turn will be taken nt
fifteen miles to windward, or leeward,
and return, and the liiiingular course
of ten mile to the leg until one of the
racers wins three races.
It I generally admitted that this
venr will see the closest contest ever
imd for the cup. The Valkyrie III
allowed before she left home that she
is tho fastest yacht ever built over
there, nt lenst In light weather. The
Defender ha been tried lu till kinds
of winds (though she hns tint yet been
out In a rough sen), nml It Is the tint-
versnl opinion among experts Hint sue
Is five minutes belter Hum the Vigi
lant, If not more, In thirty miles, and
tho Vigilant Is believed to bo four
iiiinulea faster than she wn last year.
Chicago, Sept. 7, A spoclal to the
TrUuie from Unlontown, Pn., says
Itidlcallons point to a general strike
.hi'oughout the Coniiellsvllle coke re
gions next week or the week nflcr.
I lm irivat boun In the Iruti inarkeis
si lunula ted the coke trade and forced
dim price of coke tip to $1.50 n ton, an
advance of 70 cents a ton over the
willing price at the close tf the great
strike a year ago, Lust spring tlie op
erators granted an advance or it) per;
eut lo avoid a threatened strike,
Sluice lilmt 11 me Hie price of coke has
been 011 Hie Jump, ami tho men now
ilnmiiml another advance In wages
coiniiKMiHuruitu with the advance In
coke, The opcraton. nre unwilling to
accede to their demands, mid for sev
eral moniilis Hie nirii haive been secret
ly organising. A was heltl
at Conmilsville ytwlerday. All the
works were rivpresiwiitcu iby ltrty-on.)
(lel'Cgfilai, who uiuutlnmuisly voted to
ih'iuuiiid $1 11 hundretl ImslielS ror iinln
Ing nnd a general advance In all klmls
of laibor of 11 per cent, the advance
to go Into effect next Monday. 'J lie
delogales fiiA'twetl a strike Setiitemls'i'
1(1, if Uie advance Is not grati'tod,
London, Sept. 7. Another dynninlt
bomb was found hist evening upon tlie
J window will of tho police station lu
I 1li4a
Men ' and
A Raffinff Firo in All th
I wo Hundred Miner Make a Rush
for the Opening to Headl
ine Surface.
CALUMET. Mich.. Sent.
ocioeK ttatay nre broke out lu the
shaft of the Osceola mine and at thl
rime it la more than 1. nimble that
forty men and boy have been burned
to deal It or auffisait'd. The lire start
d lu ahuft No. 2, whlen U used t..
arry minora to Hie aurfuee from tin
mine and w hen the lire broke out all
or tun men ami boy employed In tin
mine, aimut 200 la number, made
rush for the almft In the hope of being
iitueu to 1 tie atimiee, J lie lire was
too rapid for tliein, however, and the
linme of escaping by the shaft 'waa
ontin-ly ri-.i off by the linme am
smoke. The majority of the Imprison
ed miners made a lireak for a cross
cut ami lu thl way managed to reach
another abaft, front which they were
iiiki'ii in i tie top,
I'orty were mlMlng when the roll
wa culled.
Within n short time nfler they had
reacneu tne aurrnee sumke begun Issu
ing from all (he liafi ami the cm-ais-
or tue men wa itiiirely cut off.
rue men lu charge ajty now thai
there ia no eham e for any of the men
In the mine to en-ape. If they nre not
mimed, ihey mint have choked to
death by the tleitso smoke wltlilu
abort time.
Fortunately the mine la not aa lu av
lly limbered n anine of the mine lu
thl lisnlity and It will o h take it a
great while to burn out.
A the Hilng now Man. I there I
imt Hie ellglitcst thing that can ht
lone for the men, ami no effort Is Is'-
lug timde to extinguish the lire. There
I nothing known nf how the lire origl
nnt. si.
One of the Sol .et CorjMiratlon
NEW YORK, Slid. 7-The report
that inn S.itiHti'rn l'acille railroad Is
ilsmt to go Into the hands of rwvfv-
ra has la-en clretilnled In Wall sutvt,
nit C, 1. Huntington r:ild: "The re
port I too tthitunl lo dignify with n
li'iiial. riie Southern PiM-ille. rallrotul
anpauy Is one of the bent corpora-
lions In America. To be sure, the
earning ttiv not tt good as they mlghl
Is-, but price ought not to ') cut
liiwn, Over $12,iihi,iiik) Uhh la-en
i)s'itt on Hie is'iinanent way between
iil Fr.itii-lsco ami New Orleans. In
gurd to the Interest 1 can onlv sav
I is'vtr tlcfatiliisl on n single coupon
011 any I ever organized nml
built and 1 have built a 1r1v.1t deal
tl the last ;i."i years"
Chicago, Kept. 7. --.Major Fellow., of
ropoka, Kan., arrived In Chicago lasi
Ight to latsir In the lnler.-st of the
leeii-harbor timference to be held at
ropoka October 1. 2 and 3. The con
ference wa called by (iovernor Mor
rill, of Kan -wis, at the nipiest of liov-
nor Ctillairson, of Texa. All Hie
lute nml territories wast of the Mlns
IsRlppi have Ihh'ii Invited to send del
egate. The object of tlie convention
to secure a deep harbor on the Cull
Mexico within the llmiU of Hie
Aij of Texas.
Lti Angelos, Soiit. 7.-A woman giv
ing the name of Mrs. t'.illemU r went
o tic 1m1 police head'piarters ami
aid she wanted to give Hie inline nml
Idiw of l.lto girl waiibHl by the pros-
11:1011 in tne oiiraiit cttse. .She is Hit
girl la'fore whom Durrant Is said to
have appearnl In n nude state lu
Iviminini church. Tim addivfs ha.
been sent to the San Frnnelsco notice.
Flu detective refuse to tllvulge It.
AVanhlngttin, Sept. 7. Minister Deu-
Irj' has selected Fulled States fonstil
Sliemmiu P. Reed, of Tleu-Tsiii. ns out'
if I he monilMM-s of the enuiuilsslon to
Investigate the thvsliiuetlon tif Auier-
tin nils.Mlon.iry property dining tJie
ollug tit Cheng Tu last June,
OHwl" htemliers npresenl ing the
liiltiHl States will be (!oiiiui:iudei
El amis M. Barber. Pulled Stales na
al attache at Toklo, nnd an Anieiiean
missionary not yet named, to be se
lected by Minister Denby.
New York, Sept, 7.-Ex-Sponker
lisp was surrounded by newspaper
men ns soon ns the steamer New York
on which ho wn n passenger, arrived
nt the dock. He would not commit
himself ou llnniKiul subject any fur
ther thnn to sny that English capital
ists were fast buying up American
Crisp expressed himself In favor of
tho uoinlnntlou of William C. Whitney
for president. His record as secretary
f the nnvy wn good nml showed him
to bo not only capable, but the most
deslrnblo cundldato at tl.o present
Boston, Sept. 7.-Tho Rlee-Blake
Lumber company, whoso headquarter
are nt Buffalo, has tiled a petition of
insolvency. They operated exten
sively In Western, lumber and cargo
spritco from tho mnntiino provinces.
Tho liabilities nre $ti5,0(k! The assets
consist of about 15 carloads of lumber
and sundry accounts. Tho cause of
tho failure, as given by members of
tho company, was the large amount of
uiicolleetablo accounts on tho books.
Buenos Ay mi, Sept. 7. The new
agreement aibout the boundaries be
tween Oblll nml Argentina contains
beyond stn tome lis already published,
only details of diilliulnatlon. Tho rt:
hit Ions, bet.we ju tho two coun tiies nre
inot cordial.
New York, iSupt. 7.-iTlie Herald's
correspondent) at Montevideo tele
graphs tih'snt the enttlre ifoive of cavalry
of tlie ainivy of tho republic has been
(Hupiiihehed to tlie frontier of Itlo
(Iraudo do Kill to repel an Invasion
which It Is feared Is fnsleivd by mom
bens of the Blanco party there.
Eivo Cents Per
Highest of nil in Leavening rower, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
uors & TUB "C m
Northwest Notes of the
Shorter Crop and Wait-
iii Buyers.
The Oieg-nii Hop Declared to Suc
cessfully Itivnl the Enjrllsli
i'rodiiet lu All Ways.
I ery prounc, nnu tne uazene aeei no
David ( rnlg ofjMacleny picke.1 JKW reason why hoi could not be succe
iiiu.i of hop from ten acre of Uiby 1 fully and profitably grown In this
(annul of Imps from ten acre of Uiby
hop anil yesterday I.V) nicker lu hi
yattl aiaried In on 4u acre of elegant
imps iiutt are free from lioa and rich
iu lupuline.
Tim hop nop In I'tiyalluii ha been
a failure; It was a failure Ut-ause tho
lice wt'i-n permitted to overrun It;
they welt permitted to over-run It Is-.
acse the price I so lo,v here: the
price 1 an low here because the crop
ha been an plentiful nearer the mar.
kels, The of l ature has
resulted lu fertility nml superior qual
ity In Hie state of New York antl lu
Germany, nnd there la cuisctpicntly
mi tleiuaml for Puyallup hops. More
over, there Is It? tlemaud for hop
verywhere because many of the great
oiisuiners have latterly subtrtiiuied
or the pleasant natural rroduct an
irtifl.iiil article whose chemical prop-
rue are similar, nut whose whole-
soiiicnes !a nioro doubtful. Seat
He P. I.
The following crop summary Is I
sued by the California Agricultural
sm-iety in co-operation witU the Lulled
M.lles we.ither bureau:
Hop picking is In full blast, with
11110 weather prevailing for the work.
sacra nie.i to. T he weather ha been
good for all kind of crop. Hop are
lining very well.
Sonoma iJIealdaburg). But very few
ip growers In th!a diatrk-t will gather
the crop.
Meml.K'Ino (I'klah). The hon cron
ha been set back by the long-continued
drought and the thick bank of
smoke caused by forest fires. licking
will not begin na early a anticipated.
Iu some of the drier yarda the hop
are shriveling a little. Concerning the
rumor Hint Hie vine are dry and dead
In plact , It la safe to believe It only
foundation I lu the fart that a 1111m-
r of vines where Hits growth ha
been too heavy have been thinned by
Hid cutting of a shoot, which, though
gives a somewhat uncanny appear
ance, will lu uo way lutcrfere with
Hit! results.
Puyallup Commerce: Ezra Meeker
visited the Lewis county yards Satur-
lay and found them In very fair con-
Many of the rnyallim valley yard
are now Ising picked, and many will
t be picked Hits year. The big
Meeker yards will not be begun on be-
ire the loth.
Puyallup weather is Just now of the
very best hop-harvesting.
Harry ( ainpls'll will next week be
gin buying hops lu Oregon for Nonkes,
oilar.l & Co. of Loudon.
t Yakima there nre lot of buyers
iin fall to buy. Best offer of 3o wa
fuseir by Dr. Hill, who claims that
offers of 10 nnd 12c nre being made
nt Portland; 0. Cnrpeuter hns cott-
t meted several small lots for o years
1t)c, to Palist Co., Milwaukee. Mr.
glln thinks that with the free help
of Ills boys be can put his hops lu bale
it .le cost. .Although association pick-
g price Is .six-bits a box, some grow
ers sny they will have to pay $1.
licking began .Monday in L,ewis
county, but several yards there will
not lie picked, as picking money ls
hard to get.
In Clackamas county some agents
offer to take the crop na they are off
the growers' hands, ami after the ex-
uses and le a pound profit shall
live been received, the balance, If
itny, shall be turned over to tne grow-
Hon. J. P. C.eer snys: When I wa
In England I never saw a hop Mint In
appearance equaled ours, and I think
the quality of our Is as good, but
English prejudice is hard to overcome.
Cherry Valley. N. Y. Gazette: rrleo
of old hops unchanged; 7c best offer,
hut holders" think they can do better
when price of new crop ls established.
Picking progresses, and the estimate
of two-t birds of last year will not be
far out of the way.
Emrllsii cron Is far from what was
anticipated early In tho reason, and
the yield will be light, say 200,000 of
our bales.
Tims, rsborne, of London, writes
under date of Aug. 21st, ns follows:
Wo have had line hot weather since
the l.ltli, Just right for the hops, ami
they nre now doing well.
Nothing" doing ns yet, Tlie garner
ing ou this const will certainly be
short, probably not more than 40 or
50 per cent of last year's. Still there
Is no prospect or improvement except
through damage to tho crop in Kng
land. S. F. Couutry Morcuant, Sept.
For the edification of the reverend
fathers nnd fervent brethren I wish
to publish to them and to the world
Hint I have beat God, for I have 500
acres of hops nt Puynllup and Kent
Hint are free from lice, the "curse of
God," nnd that I believe It was the
work of an emulsion of whnle oil sonp
and quassia sprayed on tho vines thnt
thwarted Gods purpose to "curse
me nud others who exterminated the
One ls almost ready to ask If this
indeed ls the nineteenth century of
enlightenment, to hear such utterances
gravely made by men supposed to be
expounder of that great religion of
love ns promulgated by the Great
I want to recall to the memory of
the Rev. Mr. Hanson, that the church
In which he hns been preaching for a
year past was built In great part by
money contributed from gain of this
business 'cursett by liod." For my
self I can Inform him that ns a citizen
No. 41.
of Puyallup I contributed $-100 to buy
the ground upon which that church
edifice ia built, every cent of which
came from thl aame hop business
"cursed by God." For myself I would
"thank God" if they would return the
money ami thus case their guilty conscience.'-.:.
Iliiriuier Gazette:-. F. Kin and
Joe Haney have a 10-aer Hold of bops
hwn In tho Jordan Fork country.
Tula I a new venture with theae gen
tlemen, In fact it I probably the flral
effort at producing hop la thl coun
ty. Mr. King I very well aatlafled
from all apjx-arnupc far. lie re
port that the field will yield fully
l.loO pound to the acre. Tbla la about
one-fourth less than an average In the
Willamette valley. Ho thluka the crop
will te ready to pick about September
1.1th nnd exjiecta to use aa many a
thirty ImmlH. Where yarda are Irri
gated in tbis vltinliy the hor growth I
very proline, and the Gazette nee! no
fully ami profitably grown In thl
county. The proHsitlon of -winter Ir
rigation, when water la plentiful,
would lie an easy matter In many
part of Morrow county, and from re
liable authority thl 1 the proper kind
of Irrigation for tho production of
hop. Many will look forward to the
result of these gcuiiemt-n'a venture
with IntereaL
Otsego Republican: The picking of
hop Is general throughout this aec
thai. Jaiiie F. Clark will finish next
week, and will have over 200,000
IMiiiml. The estimate now made by
grower I & flue quality of hop and
alsiut sixty per cent of the yield of
Inst year.
Dealers here have not taken hold of
the market much yet. We learn of
the pun-base of about 20 lmlea at 8
coma, of 12 at 8' Most offering we
understand are at 7 cent without (toll,
or. In old hop a lot of 82 bales, 02
nnd Oils, went nt Vj cent.
A West Wintleld letter say that
hnim are looking" well but inasmuch
as seven centa 1 all thnt 1 offered
fanners are not much encouraged.
Wo hear reports that mould has
made Us apia'nrance in some place
and the cold weather will be wel
comed a stopping R.
The Otsego Republican ha received
the followiug letter from Wm. Large:
Goiidhurst, Kent, Aug. 18th. Since
writing you last, when tbis part of
England was suffering from drought,
we have had mime very beneSclai
raltts, and the result ha been a gTeat
Improvement In many of our hop
yanls, but some were past recovery
ftml mould has done much damage in
oilier. I should now estimate the
crop in England nt 7 cwt. to the acre
and the quality ls likely to la? variable.
iliere is a considerable quantity of
last year's hops fm hand but many of
them nre very poor, and for the best
of this year's growth we anticipate a
ptod demand but uot at very high
I hear of some hop growers com
mencing picking next week, but it will
not be general before September 1st
Continental reports sistk of some
Improvement In hop since the rain,
and their crop will lie uudtr the aver-v
Little Bits of
Newsy Note
of All
In circuit court at Corvallls an order
was entered confirming the acts of
Receiver Charles Clark In paying him
self, a such receiver, at the rate of
$500 per month since January, 1884;
ami also lu paying his attorney, w. S.
Mel- ndden, $150 per month during
said period.
Judge Fullerton, of the circuit court
of the second district, has appointed
A. O. Woodcock of Eugene aa referee
In the matter of the $100,000 received
for the Oregon Pacific, now the O. C.
& E. Under the order of the court
Mr. Woodcock will arrange for the
distribution of the money, settling all
matters of dispute as to priority ot
claims, etc. The position 1 an im
portant one. lie ls to make bis report
to the court by Dec. 15th. There waa
quite a contest for the position.
Tho following representative farm
ers and business men were appointed
by tha Linn county court to take
charge of tho collection of the Linn
county exhibit to lie sent to the etate
fair: Sam May, Harrisburg; J. S.
Morris, Selo; Geo. Dyson, Brownavllle;
tieorgo Barton, Onkvllle; Dr. Booth,
Lebanon: J. It. Douglas, Sandersons
Bridge; W. M. Powers, Shedd; W. R.
Glass, of Craw-ford svllle, Mayor L.
Fllnn and Dr. J. L. 11111, Albany. Thl
committee will act In conjunction with
Judge Duncan of the county court,
which will hereafter appoint a aulta
ble person to take chagre of the ex
hibit. Oregon horses have made record
this year as follows: Klamath, 2:0Si;
Pttthmont, 2:0l)!4: Chehalis, 2:09;
Altao, 2:10Vi. One remarkable feature
of the records made by Fnthmout,
Chehalis and Altao Is that they are
all sons of the stallion Altamont,
owned by Jay Beach, of Portland.
Doc Sperry, another son of Altamont,
lias a record of 2:09 flat, made last
year. Ho is not racing this year. Doo
Sperry was bred in Oregon, and (a
now with Monroe Salisbury's stable
on the Eastern circuit. Grand old Al
tamont, blind through an aeeldeni,
will be at Salem this fall.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
V Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
j'OHTfiANl), OKliUMN j Mv (.,i 000 jn guid smelter bar,