The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 05, 1895, Image 3

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    ;3I Paper of Polk County.
Itttl'KD BY
$ Side Publishing; (tapany
Vrtl'IPAY, 8 KPT KM II KU 5, m.
lOCAL AND PERSONAL,iim't the City lUUtiratit,
1 t Walcott, the hop grower, went
h,portUil Ut Monday, Munilng
11.-WV U 'ilUI with, W. U. Wright,
jjnNUio I'loklnaou, of MoMIihi
llt WW guest of Mr. M. I.. IWrl
the flrt of rvturiilug Tile-
TIm City lwlaurnt will till order
u meoinat H hour.
R.V. Iu'l s'ver, of Atorla, will
HMk-hinth roiigregatioiiai pnurvb
twit at 11 a. i.
Th next meeting m lh A. O. U. W.
will t Sptemlwr S3. tf
Mr. IHivUl Koulke, of Portlud,
thohw U visiting her mother Mr.
ttiround, at Moumoutb, returned
boa M Monday.
Try the dinner at the City
Pr. Itabhltt, wife and Ml llowdoti
nlurued last Ihwn "Newport,
tnd report having had ft nioat enjoy,
ihwtlaw w hile there.
The Little Pal hotel U the popular
flu to get it tl rut-el eul.
Special order taken for tailor mad
Mitett the West fMi Trading to.
fjwy suit iruaranteed. The Urgent
tlwof ni(lrt to eleot from.
Muo y to loftii on choice city pro
prty, W. 0. WrU-ht, DftllM.
1,1,1 n'k Mm. Jaute Tctherow
u examined ami declared Insane
md on Stturttay w m taken to Halent
to be confined In the asylum.
Mortgage ami note bought by V. U.
Wright, laIU, Polk Co., Ore.
Rev. W. J. Crawford will preach
la tlie Baptist church here et Hun
ey morning, but nut in the evening
mi'lcss further notice la Riven.
Plenty of money to loan ou farm
reurity, W. U. Wright, Dalla.
Thl office extend thank to Clint
Bradley for wune very fine peaohe
tod plums from the orchard of hla
frrher V. P. Bradley of Parker.
Frwh tread every day at the Hon
Boo. Eight loaves for ft quarter.
County Clerk Mulkey wa In town
tat tviturday. He found everybody
bead over inn In work and not a
word about hard time waa said.
All farmer In need of lumber will
And it to their I literal to go to the Mon
mouth lumber yard.
Since the death of A. M. Hurley
Peter Cook urived him a mayor of
theclty of Independence, Udng prwl
dent of the council, until an election.
Hmt Rark, of the Little Palace
Hotel, I giving the traveling public
aitisfudmn and lib trade la IncrvaalnR.
Dandrutf la an exudation front the
pore of the xkin that apreada and
dries, forming aeurf and caualng the
hair to fall out. Hall'a Hair Hettewer
eurm it.
When you want a good meal for 25
ecntK, goto.Stnmg'a reataurant, Wcata
)tt & Irwin, proprietora. Kaleen,
Oregon. tf
L. I). Mulkey, a brother of Dr. Mul
key, wan In town lat 'PiMay with ft
wagon loud of home cured hama and
idea (if bacon and had no trouble in
llMiiig of it all at fulr price.
The beat place in Independence to
buy clothing la at the talor ahop on C
atreet. Jenka the tailor la giving 8 per
wot off on all cnali orders for two
weeks more. Call and ace hla line of
new Kaiiiplea, they cannot be beaten
loany town in Oregon, for price or
The rich and the poor, the boya aud
Uie girl, old folks and y( ung folks all
preparing to work In the hop fields.
This is the Uiiet and moat Interest
ing fteaxon of the year.
Tlie txy baby at the home of M L."f
Dorria liaa lecn named Zed Dorrla,
nd the one of the same sex at tlie4
-home of O. L. Hawkins waa recently
named Dave (Heara) Herman (Hirach- '?
tberg) Hawkins. 1
Dr.VValU'r Babbitt went to McMlnn-T
vllleon Wedncwlay by train to tw on
of the judges In the bicycle races there..
He was accompanied by Lv Patterson,
'Claire Irvine, Prof. Hayes and Ir
'C'liwlfelter went (low II on llii-li tt lul.
Joh. Webber, ri'invM-nilng the Horn
'Mutual InaCo., of San EranciHCo, as
peenl agent, was hi town last week.
Mr. Webber Is an Oregon boy his father
having lived for many years In
Alliuny. Joe draws a handsome
salary now.
LiiHt Monday A. J. Whlteaker took
!hnre of the J. P. Irvine grocery
tore as proprietor having purchased
the same of Mr. Irvine, fie and his
wife have moved to Independence and
are living In one of the Creasy house
on 4th Htreet.
The sojourners by the aeaslde are
returning. Las' Tuesday the after
noon train brought home Mrs. W. P.
Coimoway and daughter, Miss Cora
Knell, Mrs. L. W. Robertson and
laughter, Charlotte, of Portland, and
Mrn, W. H. Craven.
( Inrence Ifenkle, wn of merchant
left iimt Monday for St
Louis where he enters nchool to con
tlmie his studies in medicine and ex
petit to complete his course there
next April and will then go to Europe
to study for a year or so In aome of the
Lee Hell, formerly of tbl city and
aim one of the proprietors of the WK8T
Hidk in 1801-02, is now at Baker City
publishing the Epigram, a bright demo
cratic and free silver weekly, on
August 22, a special edition was printed
devoted esneciftllv to tbe mining inter
est of Ituker City. It la ao excellent
Dumber and shows enterprise ana
push on the part of the publisher,
linker City mine are becoming widely
known aa of great richness.
If you
More hop piekvra are needed In ti.u
Mrs. Will Madlaon,f H.huin,
IV T IMllllg.
1. H. Cravat ml wife .re imok
from Up,r Hoda Hprluga.
MlaaMal! Creasy, of NeWHrt, la
vlalttng her uncle W. K Creaa.
MlaaKdn Miller, of Alhanv. k..
lHtt vWtli.g MU Klhel Ileutlcy, (),!.
ThefaitilllorW.O. Cta.k and H.
It Pfttteraoii are hftck fhmi their aum
tier outing,
Mia. J. K, Young, who has Iwn In
Vancouver Wash., ruurnwl home
Mtat Huby Kpler, of Marlon station,
haa Uvu uet of MIm lUe Richard-
aon this week.
Call at the Thomas
Monmouth, If you waul
tllll ftMtp
and tine candy.
Mra. J, M. Vatuluyn "return! fre
her two months vlatt among friends In
i.Kvoe, on i nuraiiay,
W. It. O'Dotuiell. uf th. Htim
tulnwt, la In town thla week. II
reMirta pna-jwla still gtanl.
The new steamer (Jypay waa able to
gotaa far aa the taittlant Ur laat
Wetlnvaday aud turned aroumi and
went back to Portland.
Prof. (!, Hobrlng, who haa Imhii at
Walla Walla, Wah., for several nioutlia
past, haa returned to Independence,
and will make hla home here.
L, Ilialkln will give a atereoptlooii
entertainment at the Itaptlst church
on next Tuesday evening for the bene
flt of the Hunday aehml. Adiulaalou
IS cents.
In the caaeo f State vs. Clint Hrown,
In Hqulre Irvine's court, the charge be
ing that Mr. ltrown whipped hla Uy
Um) aewrely, the terdlct waa a flue of
15 and cla.
ltcgular church services, at the M.
K. church, Hunday, September Kth.
Lo-e feast, preaching aud communion
in theevnlng, by imeldlug elder, Itov.
J. Paraona.
IUv. O. 1J. Whltmore of this city
has a One collection of Oregon curios.
such as rare wood, tilut and arrow.
heads, TbinMt pervous lntereattHl In
such things should call at hla realdence
aud a them tiefore he takes his de
Quite a number of K. ol P. members
went over to Kalcm on Tuesday night
ami were royally entertained by the
bulge there. Thoao from here were,
M. K. Masteraon, M. O. Potter, C.
Ilubtmrtl, F. Kenuedy, FA Hlrachlwrg
an. I Homer Murphy,
The WkktSuik office U thoroughly
In It when It Comes to necrel sis'lctles.
It Is head quarters, J. It. Morln Is
keeHr of record and Seals of the K.
of P; Harry Wagoner Is record kecwr
o the MaccaUva: while K. C. Pent-
land la recorder of the A. O. U. W,
Ualge here.
An Invitation was received last
Sunday by the You it g People Uuloti
of this city to attend ft rally at Albany
of Itaptlst Union on Sunday Sept. 13,
and about twenty Ave have signified
their Intention of attending, leaving
here early Sunday morning and re
turning In the evening.
A. J. Wblteaker, the successor to J.
P. Irvine, In the grocery business, haa
an announcement In this paper, this
week, which should be read. Mr.
Whlteaker la not going to spend his
time In a store unless he has customers.
In these daya prices are what tell.
Sugar, soap, cot!ce, etc., you all must
have and when you learn Whlteaker'a
price you w ill have them from htm.
From Commander Stocktnu we learn
that the formal opening of the CI. A. II.
wigwam will take place Sept. 20 ami
that E. W. Allen, Dept. Com., of Port
land, will Is? here, and rhaii Senator
Mitchell, and that there will be a roy
al Jubilee. An order of the Sons or
Veterans will be organized. So look
out for Sept. 20.
Have you iaid your atitswrlptlon to
this pam-r yetT If not, don't you feel
that you are not doing to the editor aa
you would like to I done by ? And If
he owed you one, two or three dollars,
wouldn't you expect him to pay It
within a reasonable time, or would you
wait on him several years without dun
ning him? Everybody want the
money due them, and so do we; there
fore rwiv up at once.
I. 0. iiiTiirTWWner Ol me waioou
hoii yard, opposite Independence, wo
n town l:it week. Mr. Baur, who by
the way N n brewer, aud therefore an
interested :tily, soys ho thinks the
price of Imp will remain about the
present price foraeveral months, i nai
there are sui'les of 1WH nop yci un-
.. i .i.... 1 1... .t....i-u..ul.,it In
sold ami unit i ui-jM....
business has bod on ed'ect on the con
sumption of beer and very much less
beer Is being consumed than In former
. , ,..,1 ,. Uf m.,ioiul
years, fit ciiiiuuuieii mi i
car loads of ho w from Southern Ore.
Only first class ho are going to com
mand high pnecs.
Our Monmouth correspondent sends
the following, which we think is goon:
Maty had a lilile lamb,
It followed her each day,
Till M:ti y put the bloomers on,
And then It ran away.
It to bad policy to speak depreciat
ingly of your town. As has been said
by another, "If you live In a town you
should believe In It." If you don't
helleve vour town la a little better In.
most resnectu than any of Its nelgl:
bors voii should move out. Like other
places It has advantages which others
have not. and make that fact "known
whenever the opportunity present
uuAt At. home or abroad, whether
nnrsuinir measure or engaged in num
ness do not forget to give those with
whom you come In contact to under
stand that you live In a live town pop
ulated by enterprising, go ahead pro-
want tho ftont Wiishmir Powder.
greasl ve pvophi, n 1 one that la ad vautv
!ng Instead of retrograding. Avoid
peaking of It as fosslllied' and "olo
l'ogyli.h"or denouncing It as "traveling
iu ft rut.' There la nothing In hinder
any chronic fault-finder from removing
from town tllut seems dull to him, to
one that he may consider more iip-lo-data.
Th lady ou the bicycle no longer
attract attention but th tody with
the bhatmcr huulte a rare bird, and
It make u wonder If when ah sees a
inous upon, th Ibsir will she Jump ou
iha piano and In mortal terror roar?
Will she stand and paw the atmos
phereft If the fleuda were there T
Not much 1 She'll kick that mouse
ox feel Into the air. And when Into
the country upon her bike she gta
aud ace beyond high board fence a
dear love'ofa rose, will she pass It by
regretfully, la-cause that fence Is high?
Not uiucht she'll vault right over U In
the twinkling ofanej.
On Mcnday evening aa Ml llrld
well and MIm Hall were returning
from Independence In buggy owned
by the mother of Mis Hrtdwell, they
heard a team coining back of them at
ft very rapid rate, aud they drew to
one aide of the road, but not far enough
for the runaway team, and the wagou
ran up over the buggy throwing the
occupant of both vehldes out and
caualng ft atipMied fracture of the
shoulder of th man w ith the team,
otherwise only alight bruise and
demolished buggy resulted.
Mis Ratella Kokeraly a graduate of
'W, had a choice of four different
school ou her return to Union county
and her select Ion wss Union, It may
terminate In union of heart and hand,
tia that gentleman ho visited Mon
ti outh, last spring, of w hom so much
Inquiry wa made, la principal of the
schools there.
The hop-picker have been leaving
town sinew Thursday, mid aa ome ex
press It 'they are going for a gtsal
lime." The Indian aa they pas have
ft nleasant salutation for all and their
btamlug faeea show they also expect
"ahl-yu time."
A quiet wedding early Saturday
morning at the home of Mr. Grave,
w as a pleaauiit surprise to all. Mr. U.
Uently aud Mr. M. S. Smith were
married and took the West Side train
for Portland.
Quite a little commotion waa caused
on our street Monday, Dr.Waterhouse's
dogU-lng the aggressive one aud Mr.
Portwood Innocent pug, getting th
worse of the light.
The regular train did not reach
here Monday night until 9:15 owing to
the unloading of steel rail along the
road for rebuild! tig of road.
Mr. R. F. Barnes, representative of
Holme Business College, Portland,
was here Monday lu the Interest of
the Institution.
Miss Eva Hetuhree returned home
last Wednesday from ft weeks visit
In Portland. She resirti very enjoy
able time.
R. Sumpter gave ft very Interest
ing historical discourse on the Bible,
assisted by ft very flue chart.
Dr. Parrish and family returned
from Southern Oregon on Saturday,
all in fine health after their Summer
Mrs. Woods aud sister, of Dallas,
were calling on some of their friend
hereon Thursday.
Miss ("race Smith camKtl forty day
and nights lu the woods, since school
Mr. John White, of Crowley, was a
very busy mau on our street Thurs
day. Mr. O. RichardMin returned from
Southern Oregon, ou Saturday.
Miss Mary Childers, of Salem, was
visiting here last week.
Miss . Maud Mitchell will return
about the 7th.
To The Hop Field.
From the following account In the
Orrjiminn It would seem that a great
many 3raona from Portland are seek
ing employment In the hop yard and
vet there eeiiia to be no great over-
supply In this county.
There are a great many ho-plcker In
the city with workawaltlng them In the
hopyards up the valley, who to express
It mildly, are not very happy over the
way the O. R. & N. Co. 1 running Its
steamers between here and Salem.
Since Saturday, the company' boats
have bet n pulling out from Asu-street
disk from six to twelve hours ahead
of the advertised time of departure,
regardless of the feelings of hop-pickers,
who would arrive at the dock In ample
time, as they thought, only to learn
that the boat had left up hours before.
The steamer Elmore, scheduled to
leave at8 a. in., Sunday, left up the
river at midnight Saturday, loaded
dowu to the guards with ho-plckers
and their outfits, and the dock people
Sunday morning had a hard time ans
wering questions, and trying to ap
pease the disappointed crowd of men,
women and children who wanted to
take the bout. There must hav been
750 disappointed hop-picker left on
the wharf. The Elmore repeated the
snine performance Sunday, leaving up
with another load of pickers about 10:,W
In the evening, when she waa adver
tised for 6 o'clock yesterday morning.
All day Sunday the dock was crowded
with prospective pickers, who kept
watchful eyes on the Elmore. Repent
ed assurances on the part of the steam
boat's officers that she would not leave
before midnight Inspired some hungry
hon-nlckem who had been waiting on
the dock all day, with ttufllclent confl
donee to go In search of supper. But
when they returned they found the
Elmore had tuken advantage of their
absence to slip off up the river, loaded
up to the limit-
All day yesterday disappointed men
and women streamed Into the employ
ment agencies to register kicks, and
manv of them to get their money
refunded on the ticket they had bought
It ls estimated that more than 1500
plckera left for the hopyards Hunday,
nil it Is renorted that 700 were left
behind at Aah street. Yeaterday morn
lnir. the Altona, Toledo and Salem
went up the river with full loads, and
It Is now believed that the worst part
of the rush to the hopyards Is over.
Dr. Price'! Cream BaWng Powder
World'i Pair Highest Award.
Resolution of Kcspert
WiikitKAH, In th death of Mayor
Andrew M. Hurley, an all wise Provi
dence ha removed from the ftaaocla-
llou of men ft most useful and rcH't
fill, therefore be It ,
AVsotvtf, By the common council, of
ludeH.ndcitoe, Polk county, Oregon,
that while we ls-sr with humble aub
mission to the decree of the Infinite,
we mourn the loss of an able presiding
officer and the wise council of m highly
honorable, upright and Ooiiacleiillou
memlstrof t hi body.
AYdom.That the Intimate rttlntloii
which existed latweeu luendHT of this
council and It late presidium officer,
and the wisdom, ability and enthtisias
t to Interest, which he exhibited In
forwarding the work and prescribing
Hi dune of till Uidy, will be held lu
graterul remembrance.
.Wen, That Urn heartfelt sym
pathy of the momlH'r of thla council
(s extended to the widow and children
f the (leccaMHt lu the hoiimrtlielr deep
U'reavcmcnt, and that jmge In our
record suitably inrltl "e devoted
tolheaacrist memory of our lamented
presiding oltlclal, and a copy of these
resolutions U trausiiiltted to the de
ceased aud publlxhed In the local
W. V. Pkhcivai., Vum.
Dated at Indeis'iideiiue, Ore., the 4th
of Septemtatr, 1KH5.
Oregon Hops Mimt Iftd.
Tito hop crop of Oregon l thla yar
say the Orrytmlm, far ahead ot the crop
in the Sound, aud all old dealei In
hops says that, a he ha always pre
dicted, Oiegon will become lite banuer
state of the coast hi the hop line.
"Our climate conditions and soil are
such," he continued, "that they can-
not I beat." Home tool of the cele
brated Rohetulau Imps have been pro
cured, and are now Mug cultivated
here, and It 1 ei united that In ft short
Urn superior to these produced In
Bohemia. It la found that the hop
can b grown here on hlgli grounu,
a well a In low grouiio, ami oi a
Iwlter quality. Some year before long
hop will fetch ft high prl again, and
Oregon hogrower will make money
August while working In the
harvest field I became overheated,
was suddenly attacked with cramp
and wa nearly dead. Mr. Cummlngs,
the druggist, gave me a dose of t ham
berlaiti'a Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhiea
llemedy which completely relieved
m. I now keen a bottle of the
remedy handy. A. M. Busnkix,
Ccntervllle, Wash. For aale by Alex-ttuder-Ct'r
Drug Co.
Council Prorwdlogs.
The City Council convened In rcgu
lar session Tuesday evening Sept. 8
Councilman Clodfelter eletitinl preel
dnt pro tern. Memlasm mtent;
Ckalfelter, Perclval, Strong and Wal
ker. Aiieent; Cook and Finch. On
motion the city nianthal was Instructed
to enforce ordinance In regard to such
cut-throat gamca a chuck-luck, cras,
etc. On motion the city niarsnai ws
li,tmi'ied to liivesllirnlo the matter of
giving or aelllng liquor to common
On motion ft committee of thnte was
spptiluted to draft resolution of reect
to tho memory tif the late Mayor
Hurley and that the Mine to la spread
uoou the minute of the council.
The following bills were allowed;
2 75
Kate A Klklna ...
Chsl feller llaoa. ...
Uuckley A Caster
J. P. Irvine
1 75
2 (X)
J. W. Richardson Jr 5 75
A. J.Tuni.r 70 25
J. T. Ford 14 r
J. W. Fetzcr MW
L (X Oil more 1W) w
Electric LIBht Co. 1M W)
On motion the Council adjourtiwl.
Ur. Frke'i Cream Baking Fowdef
Wof "lr HlrtMst MkUI a4 OIpImw
K EN N EN B R A M LETT. At the
Congregational Mtrxoiiage, Hunday
afternoon Sept. 1. Mis Nellie
Bcamlett was united III marriage to
11. Keuueii. both of Polk Co. Itcv.
Q. a. Whltmore ofllclatlng.
HUULEY At hi home In Inde
pendence, on Saturday, August 81,
115, Mayor A. M. Hurley, aged 5(1
years. Rev. W. E. Copland, of
Unitarian church, Salem, ofllclatlng.
Andrew M. Hurley was born In
R ngor, Me., Drxwnihcr 14, IMS. 1H
fan illy had come to America In the 10th
century aud he was prouu oi ins
ano'.wtrv. He came to Oregon in iwi,
m..o iiiu.r 18. 1874 lie marrletl Miss
Almlra Smith In Yamhill county, and
wo sons were Imrn, Gtistavus ami
ullati. On Uie 22 of November, IHWI
Mr. Hurley and family came to Inde
pendence, where he has practised law.
n December. 1803 he waa eieciuu
. . ... ..i
mayor of Independent ami laat year
was re-elected.
The funeral took place last Monday
at half oast twelve, from thoCongrcgii'
lonal church. Rev. W. K. uopciami,
of the Unitarian cnurcn oi nuiem,
Drenched the funeral sermon, and took
o tell of the belief ' tlle ,u
eril to a future existence of progress
this world neinguuia bicijhiB nv....v
to the next. The floral olleringa were
vcrv beautiful, prepared by loving
band. The nail bearers were cue J ion
N.L. Butler, W. P. Coniiaway, J. D
Trvlue. J. T. Ford. T. A. Hnyea and J
W. Tilrkland. The remalna were Inter
red In the Odd Fellows cemetery
Judire Hurley was a man of profound
milr-wl nil .1 utiulloim liabll and had his
health been good would have been
often honored by his friend of the
reoubllcan party. Mr. Hurley leave a
wife and two mm. He aiso aihh
Toother, aired HlUivlng at CorvalUs and
three Bisters and one brother, the later
Judge II. Hurley, of Portland.
Tlie "Webllng Sisters.
T.n.f. TnoadAV VelllnB tl0 MlHHeg
XJtMlV a --7
Kiislland. Pcifurv and Lucy Welding,
of London. England, entertained uie
people of Independence at the opera
bouse, under tho aiisplcla of the
Robekah lodgo of this city. The young
ladles are talent l and pretty and gave
mo-fnrir.iaiioe. The audience
waa composed of the best people In
our city uhd were appreciate of tbe beat
effort of the Juries. MIhh Kenrlck the
Buy Bouperiito,
nlaulst la ft charming little woman,
aud perform on the piano with skill
and preclaloii. M Is Lucy the youngest
of the ler ha great vlreatlllty of
genlua, and I very pleasing In all her
nart. The audience waa wen enter
tained ud that waa what they went
therefor, ao that the Robekah can
but lee! they did th public ft service lu
engaging the ladle.
Swept by Cyclone.
Ofl)rolst!on tilths plnnnel of poi'iilsrlty,
HcHimtler's Btomseli loners ass B"iir
nmmnt!lnf issiltlirti, which lis owssion.
illy nisd a brilit ami liiiilim mark for
KnsvM. wlio Mwk lo nnul Uiu wis ""
muiilty uirlou oinsmiiila In lh !!
skin W Ihsl of III real article. Tries are
imrlly,n(l,ofnmir. devoid of medicinal
vfltcaey . llewsrs of tliem sua i toe senium
Hitters, a roal ronisdy or msisria, riifums.
limn, kldnsy tnaiiil. Uyiela, asrvouncew.
ntusttiNUliwandtillllousnes. oi
hiIiimicmi vry wlisr voimneiia hit rei m-
vlornl, both for its remedial rnM.rtie ana
(Uimrlly. A lnelsi Ihrlc a day will
sm brln i vl.r sad rrgulsrlly to a dla.
nrdersd and snfMihled sysunii.
Nlierir Male l!nder Foreclosure.
of Oregon nr ilini.'oiiniy or iiik.
rlsuiuvl Muhlfiiisn
K. r. Hliltm sad Csro.
Ilns hhliin. T, J,l
ud U. 1. Iliiiifr,
Nal I hereby lvn by virtu of an
cutlon and order of ! duly Isnut-d out of
the elreull court of Hit lU ol Oreaoii, ftr
tli eounly of hdk. Is-lindsted Jiunlrd.
IhmS. tioow JuiUiueiil and dwre duly
reuderml. niade.eMrolU-d and dis'keled lu
aid elrcull court, oa tlisSrd dsy of June,
ltt,la a esune llntfln iwndlna lo the abov
enUlled eulL I am niiuiiisnded lu the
nsineof iusiaiirureoa, to sell the rl
prtijerty berelnsfter diwrllied to ssllofy
sldJuilsMiieiil sod decree of KlK.Hty-etK.IU.
and au-iui diillsri iP ao ioo, wlib Inierwt
lliereon from said Jun , l H' rat,
uf 10 per cent per siiuuin, slid for lie
ftittliersumof twenly-flvedollsrs attorney's
fees and the um of thirteen si. J itt-HM
dollar ool and dUburMitieuU of ihl suit
and aeerulng tssiU. Now therefor la
obedience lo Mid decree. I will, on
IthehouroroiieoVliM'k p. in., ol tutld day
still front door of th court Ihium in
ill, IHilkeotinty, Oregon, sell si public
aunllon to the hlghent and best bidder, for
null lu bsnd.on dsy of Ml, sit Uie right,
till sud Interest ufusld defendants In and
to said mortgaged premises. Described as
Rillows. towlli Ut No. on (I) and Iwo U)
In bkwk No. twenty.on fil) lu K. A.
Tbsrp'i town of lndeeudeuw, eouuly of
listed, tbl J7lii dsy of Auul, isuo.
Hherllfof I'olk I'oiiniy.
""" Hid. For Wood.
llieuaderelgutd until 13 m. Momlsy Kept.
(, lA st Monmuutli ong.iu, for h Uers ol
ik grub wuud, Iwo leel long, not lew thsn
three liiebes nor Inure tlisu Un In diameter
Hid will be rwlved lu twenty tier lots.
wishI lu Ik delivered not Islir then Nov,
1. tm, to be ricked In wNdhed at Normal
lohool building. Illghl reserved to reject
sny ur si I bids.
;, n. v. litTi-ss.
Heti. Iteeut.
A Dainty Itesldeiice.
lrwt, dJolulng on th Kjut th. beauilful
bom. of H.Ulr J. t. Irvine, t a very low
fhjure. Th lolls 74s MX Th houw U new
Iim su einl xUrlor ud lnsld besutU
lully papered aud hard oil finish. Th
oirins an oart null, balsnc. on time. If
ou wnl UiU bawsln com milrkly as I
iu going out on my farm,
Or uiulr t West Hit'Kofflc. tr
Agent Wanted.
rvurmwtit us. Work linisit easy mongli
for child Ui do. Mr, J, W. Nlion, Huts
flty, Idaho, insdo 1MM In one we.-k.
Mary Hush. Lyons, Oolo., clcred VI lu lu
Ihrcdaya. lUiv, Win. Curtlain Aberdeen,
H. t'nk., made 114.00 the first duy. .No ran.
Hiil or eiuerlenr necessary. Terms and
PaliiPlilcts free. Address at once. Khcpp A
IK KO0 t'heatnut Ht, Philadelphia,
Conserralory of Music.
Prof. Z. M.Parvln.Mu. la., (formerly 01
Um WlllamolUl'nlverslty). l'ounn In all
lite Important branrlie of music! cullur.
Latest ami ttest nifthods. Itiwutl UI to
Uie beet Kaslnrn musle schools. Fine music
ruins. Prtoes low. Klrst term iM-glus
Heuteuilji'r II. l". Head for circular ana
WA1.I.AI 11. LK, A.
Albany College, Albauy. Oregon.
Notice To Taxpayers.
Hoard of KuuallMlton ol I'olk coiiniy ore.
gon will las In .ee.ton at the court Iioum Id
Dalla. from Hepteiuls-r 211 to Hepiinbr Wh
lmft. both Correction In Indi
vidual jM.mut can be mute only by
tlit board.
0. W. lUcKm'.'
of J. P. Irvine, will please call and acme
Immediately, I will be found st tho omce
ufJ, 1. Irvine for idiorl time.
Two Cows For Sale.
giving i'i gallons of milk, wlilrh I Will sell
cheap. Kuniilr of Newton lliirrls one
mile houtti of DbIIbs or t Wiwr Hiuaoine.
Hay Fur Halo.
...,.(1 and Cheat nd. For sale ny
W, M. M01.H0N,
IMlfH For Salo.
.i.iv vminir nhra fiir snlo. AUdrtws nun hi
First Mortgages On IniproTcd Farm
fc Property Negotiated.
We are prepared to negotlato first
mortage upon improved lurms m
Oregon, with Eastern parties at a rate
of Inteawt not to exceed 9 per cent per
Mortgages renewed that have been
taken by other companies.
Address, with stump,
Mkuwin Sworts,
Baker City, Oregon.
Patton & Van Nortwick,
. i t .SHAVING FARL0ltH. .
Shaving IS cents. Baths 25 cents.
In Little Palace Hotel, C Street.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
troth Douty & JocUo.
A. J.Whiteakeiy
(Successor to J. P. IRVINE.)
Get my prices on Sugar, Hams,
Bacon, Royal Savon Soap, Etc,
Etc. ,
W mm 111.
t nere we are wun
i the best watch that
W m A. fit-
can dc oougiu wun
J $2.50.
I Come and
t them.
Respectfully Yours,
Jeweler and
A full line of "Superior" stoves and ranges.
An absolute guarantee
Only a few of the Bankrupt Stock of
Peninsular stoves left; they are going at
surprisingly low figures.
Call and examine them at
The New Hardware,
F. E. Chambers.
W. S. FliWUUSON, Proprietor.
Are now In operation, and you can Kt all kinds of wood work
done on short notice, alsosush, d.Krs and moldings of all
4 Msl Street, West
K- Independence,
University of Oregon, 1895-1896.
"Tne University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, oflor free tuition to all stu
dent Young men can obtain board, lodging, heatatid light lu the dorm
itory for $2 50 per week. Roomer furnish their own linen. Young
women are provided with board In private families at 3.00 per week.
Young women denlring board should address Prof. John Straub, Eugene,
Oregon, or Secretary Young Women' Christian Association, Eugene.
The University oiler three baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts,
Bachelor of Bclence and Bwilielor of Letter with corresponding courses
ofntudy. The following shorter courses are also oil'ercd: An English
course leading lu two years to a business diploma and In three years to
the title graduate In English: An advanced course for graduates of
normal schools leading to the degree master r pedagogy: A three jears
course In civil engineering leading to the degree civil engineer: A course
oftwovears for teachers of physical educnlloii leading to a diploma and
J . ...... rm. . it.. :..,.,.:.. nl.oriHia an
ii, u
. MM.. Hlrwlnr of DhVHlOtll eiUlOUUOU. iUM UUlvumitjr vnniK-.a
.....i.i ui f.- ..f tun dollars which
Htudent holding diplomas from the public schools and those having
teachers' certificate are admitted to the preparatory department without
v, Those desiring liiforinatlon regarding the preparatory
.i tm0tH(.lHild address the
inr .mtnWuo and Information
J. J. Walton, secretary, Eugene,
In our New Shop, opposite Kelleys
Livery Stable, rather than in the Newspapers.
Hand-made Shoes in Vroportion. Draft,
Road and Track Shoeing the very best.
Independence, Or,
I buy for CASH and I will
sell as cheap as the Cheap
est. .
And l2 convinced that I mean just what
I say and that is that I am selling, nc only
the staple goods mentioned above; but
every article in the store as cheap, and
many oi them cheaper than any other firm.
Independence, Oregon.
A. Kramer.
with ever' stove.
of the water work.
- - Oregon.
Is payable in advance bv all Btudeuts.
Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
a.ldreess C. H. Chapman, president, or
i "
Of Independence, liavini; a Rtcam
engine, a trick machine ami several
acres of fluent clay, to now prepared
to keep on hand a tine quality of
Brick. wuicL will tie sold at reaaoo
able prices.
Funilbhwi for private parties,
socials, picnltv aud all kinds of
entertainment, on the shortest
notice and at pri'x- consistent
with first-clas work and hest
materials. For anything in this
line go to
Q. A. Back,
)tj Commercial St.. Sales.
Prescott 6c Veness,
-Proprietor of-
Msnufncturera of and IVnU-rs lu
Rouh and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager.
Horses Fed by the Day
Week or Month. '
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Mrs. M. 8. Goff and Miss Sophia
Got! Imveentered Into partnership
aud will conduct dressmaking at
Miss Sophia OofTu dressuinltlnK
parlor on tbe corner of Railroad
and D streets. The latest system
of cutting used and satUAu'tton
guaranteed. Work done promptly
aud at reasonable rates,
Sperling: Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
4 I
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton.veal,
pork, etc. All bills must be settled
)HSN SUNDAYS FKOM 8 to 9 a. m.
1061 Market St., San Francisco
(Btitween 6ih and 7th SU.)
Oo and lesrn how wonderfully you
are rnsde and how to avoid u kru'ss
f and disonse. Muaeuni enlargixl with
thoinoud ot new objeoia Aiiun.-
inn 9.ft MM.
Prtvat Office same Hulldlng-
ini ainrknt Htreet inseasos ol men:
Btrloture, lots ol manhood,- dieeanns ol the stun
unJ klvlnoys (pilclily cured without the use ot mer.
oury. Troatauwt penoakUy or by lottor. Beud
lor Mok. . ....... - -