1 1 trj I' h 't n TH E WEST SIDE. JC a Pwtlakd, Manager. U. U. FBNTLAND,CMhlT, WUKU BY test Side Publishing Company SUBSCRIPTION RATES. rATABl.1 IN ADVANl. OuYear ... UM tUxUouUit . Ture MuuUw Ml tu. triage aud death Mutloe not ewed- lag Ave Uuw will be luavrWU tree. AU over Ave Hue will be charged By wnH Hr Mi tooolety oblturary reeolulkuiawlll be charged for at the rate ol Ave ftuuporl lue. HegwUtred at lit tVol-omoe In ludepeu duc, Orvgou, iu iewud-ela matter. THURSDAY, PKrTKMHER 5. 18W. IHXJNTtNUANCKH Remember that the pubUhenol Ihht paper uiiul be notified b)r letter wheu a mibnorUxT wIIif hl jmpvr lopped. AU arrearage muat be paid. ALWAYS GIVE TUB NAMK ol the poet. ortio to which your paper I eul. Yout pame can uot be ftiuud on our book. uul Uit 1 dou. ALL LKTCEIW nhould be dttrwwd to lb WEST SIDE, ludependene. Our young nieu who are growing up are suing to ao a new rival oito ol these days iu the nianagvuiont of tlu aiTklr of this world, and It will nut be the iwporiatiou of some forvlgu coun try either. It is a rtwgtiled fnot Uml the only rvtuou why Aiuerkwu are smarter than other uatlou is becaut educatlou Is tuure general. The United States speuds three tiutva as much mouey for educatlou as any uatlou Iu the world. Have you uollced the grwwlug tendency of our women to be iu a majority iu all the graduating chums of our publlo school, normal schools and academies aud tlu-y are going into our colleges? If this thing keeps up aud our young men take no greater Interest lu securing an eduea tiou thau uiauy of them do now, the result will be women w ill take the lead lu the affairs of life. Already there 1m much talk of ihe "N'ew Woman" aud of what she Is doing and luteuds to do, That is one outcome, already showing Itself, as a result of the more careful trainlug aud education of women, pareuts should see that the boy Is given an educatlou equal with the girl aud then both will be able to take up the battle of life equally outfitted. It is the duty of the business uieu ol a town to draw all the trade possible to the town and If auy merchant mak log a specialty o any one Hue of goods fni In to invite trade through lack of keeping a good stock or properly ad vertlslug, those other merchants carry Inir such stocks should endeavor to make up the deficiency. Every person Induced to trade in any one Hue of goods is also apt to purchase from others and all the merchants are bene fited. It is a niUuken idea for a mer chant to think that lack of enterprise on his part affects only himself. He drives trade away from his store and perhaps from the whole town and thus every merchant lu a different Hue lu directly sutlers. It is such little mat ters that make ud the movement of a town in nrosperity. Patrowlze the merchants who invite your trade Tell them why you so patronize them and they will be encouraged to greuter efforts. mmm The Oregon Insane Asylum contains now an average of 1053 iunmtes and 120 employe, a total of 1H3 all under one management fed and lodged by the state. The average mouthly'cowt Is $9.48. These figures are Interesting from the fact that at this rate it only cohIs about 31 cents a day to run the asylum per capita aud the actuul ex pense for living is less than .00 per month each. This shows that even iu America men could work for 20 cents a day and not starve if they had to di so. But we do not want them to. Mr. Cleveland should open negotia tions with Commander Perry, of the U. 8. Gunboat Castine. The prompt ness with which Commander Perry demanded and received an apology from the French officers at Tamatave, Madagascar, for having interfered with the landing of some of the Castine's crew, indicates that he would make the right sort of Secretary of Htate. Yes; If Mr. Campbell could be elected governor of Ohio he would certainly be a formidable Presidential candidate, but as he cannot be why waste time discussing Impossibilities? It cannot be denied that the Itoths child bond syndicate is running the Treasury better than Secretary Carlisle ever did, But $10,01)0,000 was a big price to pay all the same. A Georgia Jury which decided a room In a hotel occupied by a married man and a woman who was not his wife, to be the man's legal home, ought to be exhibited. Senator Brice Is now said to be en ertainlug Presidential aspirations, and to be desirous of becoming the administration candtdate, at that. Waller may die of old age, iu a French prison, before the Cleveland i , uujum uitim ministration helps him any. lon to th Ms, amrtm-, " 1 - . f sik'Ji eyes are of i tAinnii'tiu T.;. iha fi it lira be other tod, Impart a erf-Hk I In advancof Butt!.e.. by Alexander-Cooper Drug A girl's tastes dlOV-r according to age. At 10 she wand a dude with toothpick hes and a microscope moustache; at 20 an editor or chief Justice with plenty of tin; at Si! she'll I satisfied with itieuiltcr of eongre; at SO a country doctor or preacher will do, and at 8A anything that wean pantaltHtu. "Kissing Is vicious, Intolerable, ta baric and vile," says Dr. Frank W. Itcllly, who Is responsible for this In junction. "That's the why half the tho people get coiisuniptlon." He might add that that's the way half the people get married, Uh. Ex. KH'Wlary Mortou caw never forget that he lHgan life as a land boomer. He has made himself solid with every Virginian who has laud to sell. e limy not all have wheels In our heads, hut the rapid spread of the bicycle crue Indicates that many of us have wheels on the bralu. Col. P. Wst Hardlu will be known as Col. Jlaruiut after the votes are counted and a republican governor of Keutucky elected. He Is a very sanguine democrat. Indeed, who doc not put both Mary land aud Keutucky lu the doubtful column thUyear. Financial dlscutwlomi are sometimes dangerous. Four deaths followed on in Kentucky, and Joe Blackburn wasn't hi It. Wanted. A few men who know something about runulnga govern ment. Apply to G. C, Buxxard's Bay, Mr. Cleveland's third-term aspira tions are not suffering so much from lack of precedent as from lack of votes. County Exchange. Ilnllllrr. It is estinmted that there will be 1,000 hop pickers bet weeu Salem and Hairs rcrry. I'oiR ana Marlon are perhaps the two best hop counties In the state and some 12, UK) pickers will be required to gather their output. St-veu buyers will make their head quarters at Salem during the picking season. O'Brien Bros., near IndcsMtdence, threshed this scasou 7,600 butdiels of grain and have on hand tswldes that 9,500 luisticU, It being all of last year's ciop and a part of the year before. I lie railroad iracK layers are ex pected back here to resume work next week. I he heavy rail Is laid out to the Bridwrll place and the surfacing Is finished to just beyond town. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I Wells met with quite a painful acci dent last Sunday while playing wl h a piece of tin which he fell on, cutting a bail gash over his left eye. Mis Agnes IVnman, well known In thlsco'inty, recently had a forty-iound I liter unl tumor removed, but Is now alsuit as well as ever. Dallas as well as most all the other Polk county towns will almoxt lie de populated during the hop picking sc son. The crop of wheat Just gathered, from the best rtqiorts we can get, is not quite up to the average yield. Prof, It. F. Itobiusou Is up from Portland renewing the associations of his boyhood days. Sheriff i'lummer has three boarder at the county Jail. Two white men and an Indl.tu. Independence has a new Methodist preacher, Rev. S. M. Ha worth. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Miguel, Cal. says; "I am trying in a measure to repay the manufacturers of Chamber Iain's Cough lU-medy for the great bmk1 their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sufferer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest wus disturbed by a hacking cough, so that I felt miserable the greater part of the time. Many rem idles recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not experience any bene ficial results until I begun taking CliumlM;rlln's Cough Itemedy, After two bottles of the large sixe have been used I am pleased to state, my health Is better than It has been for years. The soreness lias left my lungs and chest and I can breath easily. It has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles as l was, to give It a trial." For sale by Alexander-Cooper Drug Co. Real IMute Transfer. I. Vanduyn, W. H. McCully et el, et ux to S. W. Smith and H. M. Cooier, tract of land in Indeieiidetiee; $1. Town of Monmouth to C. C. Lewis, lot 6, block 10, Monmouth; $125. Phebe McUrew to D. L, Keyt, lotslu Perrydale; $1275. Mary E. Macaulcy arid husband to A. W. Beckett, 30 acres Intp8s,r4 wj$1050. SetliC. Wade to Ncussa J.Stark, tract of land In Monmouth; $H00. L. W. Itobertson and wife to Jerome Dor tin! lb, part of lot 8 In block 8, Hill's town of Independence; $1. E. C. Keyt and wife to II. B. Tingle, 3.20 seres iu tp 6 s, r 5 w; $:)00. CIihh. Meyer and wife to Harry B. Tingle, tract In tp 6 s, r 6 w; $400. II. F. McElroy to Merchant's Na tional Hunk, of Portland, Oregon, lots 7, 8, tf, 10, 11, 13 and 14 In block 3, aud lots 4, 5,6. 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 16 and HI lu block 5, Monmouth; $1. Mrs. H. A. Kell, of Pomona, Cal., had the bad luck to sprain her iinkle. "I tried several liniments," she says, "but was not cured until I used Uham berlaln's Palu Balm. That remedy cured me aud I take pleasure In recom mending it and testifying to its efficacy." This medicine Is also of great value for rheumatism, lame back, pains lu the chest, pleurisy and all deep-seated and muscular pains. CORRESPONDENCE. BUUXiKl'ORT. At the home of Wm. Baker can lie seen the premium suu flower of the neighborhood the bloom measuring 126) Inches across. Who can boat It T Ths machine of Davis, Sevier A M eCalob has been threshing oats for Jay Butler, at Monmouth, ths pant week. II. S. Smith, the I-ewlsvllls mer chant, wilt this year have a grocery store lu the hop yard of Hill & Yokuiu. Hop picking will commence this week In this vicinity; the yield will 1 about the same as that of last year. L. V. Baker and wife, or Harlan, Beutnu county, are among relatives at this place. The gentle hum of the threshing machine Is heard no more. The recent shower have laid the dust and purified the air. Mr. Oweu li building a new barn. DALLAS. The newt of the death of Judge A, M, Hurley was received with sad new here The Judge I remembered her for hi high social qualities, hi kind demeanor and hi honesty In bis pro fcsition. He will be remembered as a true friend aud a noble man. The Dallas Publlo school and the La Creole Aeademy will open Sept., 1. Mr. Clarence Veaxle, of Crook Co., Is In Dallas on visit. He graduated at the Oregon State University In '91. He will attend the Law school of Har vard the coming year. J.J. Daly and II. 11. Plummer returned from Tillamook Sunday where they have been attending Court. Mr. Plummer caught a great many large Salmon while there bringing three or four barrel of fluh with him. There has hceu a radical change In In the hour of arrival and departure of mall at Dallas aost office which will piove to lie of great heiifftt wheu the publlo become accustomed to the date. Paul IMchardson, under the direction of the County Court, I putting a new foundation aud floor to the Courthouse porch. . 0. K. Berry, H. Coad and Avery Heimhaw, of Mill Creek, were In Dallas Wednesday on bind ilea. Buckskin Joe with his longhair Martin gun aud glaring haruesa ha been doing the town this week. On all sides can be heard discussion as to tiop yields, priee, drying, baling, weather for picking, etc. Thirty or forty nlmroda are this week trying their skill on the mon golian tribes near town. llohcrt Oayuor has returned to Dallas and is airulu engaged In the bMt and shoe buslneaa. Mesnrs. A. O. Condltt and ('has. Itoblln, of Salem, were In Dallas last week on business. Mr. Harris just from Iowa visited Dallas and his old time friend W. W. Miller Monday. Tbos. Campbell, David Martin and F. Y, Mulkey visited friends In Dallas last Sunday. Hon. D. O. Quick and hi ton W. D. Quick, of Suver, were lu Dallas M nday. Eld. B. F. llonnell preached hi first sermon at the Christian church Sun day. Miss Jennie Brlstow, of Iowa, Is visiting relative In Dallas this week. Enoch BIchardHon, of Perrydale, was In the city Thursday. W. N. Boots was rustling Imp In surance here Monday, Hop picking begin in earnest the middle of the week. Fred Elliot went to McMlniivllle Tuesday, A preacher has been known to say In-fore pronouncing the marriage cere ninny "If there Ik any objector to this marriage let him now speak or forever hold his peace." The supreme court of Oiegon contemplating the eventof the meeting of the Equalization Board In the Autumn after the assessment Is made up practically states. "Those having aught to correct In their assessment for the year will appear before the Equalization lsard and state such objection or ever after hold your peace." The board meet Bept. 2.ird and will continue In session one week. An Indian from (irand itonde came to Dallas Tuesday to inform the au thorltles and the nubile opinion In general that a "Bad Injun" had killed Short Charley another Indian by hitting his head with a rail and that the Dr. says Short Charley will surely die. He wants the murderer dealt with. He says "bad Injun" Is half whitemau and hlyu cultus. It seems tlmta little white man's liquor mixed with Indian blood brought about the state of affairs. The Equalization board for the equal ization of taxes meets at Dallas the 23rd continuing In session through the week. The public we learn are earnestly admonished to war this meeting In mind. Under direction of the County court the County clerk Is transcribing and repeating Into a new book the old county road records. A much needed Improvement. Thos Morrison has sold forty hop presses this season at $140 each, cash sales. This is an item of importance that it Is placed to the credit of the town. W. F. McKinley and Clara . Butter- field were united In marriage last Sunday at the residence of H. H. Buttertleld, Justice C. W. Smith officia ting. Mrs. J' C. Litch is visiting friends In California. She will return to resume charge of her class in Instru mental music In about two weeks. Frank Ivy. awaiting the action of the Grand Jury in December, gave bonds for his appearance and was set at liberty yesterday. J. S. Ashbaugh, Dept. Sheriff, will spend a few days rusticating at Salmon river he leaves Dallas, Wednesday. Irving Glenn, of the State University and later of John Hopkins University, is visiting friends In Dallas. The viewers reported adversely upon ths rood petitioned for by Hals Hub bard et al near Fall City. Kd Blddle ha found It necessary to add more men to hi working force at ths foundry. Wm. Lyle, of Crm county, I visit ing relative and his old home at Dallas. D. V, Stouffer la making up the military roll for Assessor Beckett. Jos, Yoetiiu, of McMlniivllle, did business III Dallas Tuesday, ...... t - - Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdef AwanM UoU MUI MUwlMw Mr. M f ruwSa. Congressman Herman I out In an open tetter Informing the dear people that "Barkl la wlllln'" to run for Congress agalu. There are plenty of men In ths first congressional district men who did nothing to block legis lation by their action In the senatorial election at the lt session of the Ore gon legislature who will fill the place with abllliy.-OfWnw. uTK!U VISTA. Somttof the youths of Albany come down Sunday evening aud "purloined away" some of Uncus' beauties. Of course, the Allmiiy boys could Mot lu iilamed for wauling pretty girl for partner, and It was real naughty for ths bold, Ud boy along the road to wire the gale and thil Impede their progress. But a the Buena Vista boy don't have to go away from home to find handsome girls, so, of course, they cannot appreciate the trials and tribulation of thos who do. Seel Miss Addle Prather met with quite a painful accident a wc k ago Saturday. She was riding In a tountahout wagon wheu she was violently thrown from ths wagon, receiving seveml bruise on the head and shoulder. She I all right gain. Harry Wtug, of Iwlsvllle, aud hi brother, Abe, of Portland, visited at the home of Mr. Kruetx last week. Mr. and Mr. Taylor Hill, of I'rlne vllle, visited at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson l week. Will Durrell, who has been over in Eastern Oregon for several mouths.ha returned horns. Mr. aud Mrs. Hall, of near Well tat Ion, were ths guest of Mr. Itald win, Sunday Mis Nora Prather, who has Imsmi sick for some lime, hss greatly Im proved. (leim Simpson, a biislueMi man of Corvallls, ws In our towu one day lat week. Mr. and Mr. C. B. Culver, of At bany, are visiting her parents, Mr. Powell. Mi Lulls Fraytee, of California, Es visiting Mis Flora Jones, of ltuens Vista. Prof. Yoder, who ha been away for a few weeks, ha returned home. Grandma Scott, ail old lady of this City, is suffering with erysipelas, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Venom were visit ing here Sunday. HOP INSURANCE. W. N. BOOTS, m NEW STORE, NEW OOODS AND LOW PRICES. The J. F. O'Donnell Co., Is Duttiner in a Complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, and Spring wagons. Also on hand a complete stock of Paints and Oils, made by the Celebrated HEATH & MILLI GAN Manufacturing Co. The J. F. O'Donnell Co., Independence, Or. i Editor Wkst Hide: Dear Bin: and short days It will be Imposslhle to dependence donee loiiKer than this week. After Monday, Auust IKh we will make but one trip per week to Independence, which noon and leaves Monday morning at 0 effect during low water trips to Balein leave 7 a. in., Instead of 7:45. A. W". Dooksteader, (HuooewMir to Cbarlos HtanU) -pROPiUBrron of- City Truck and Independence, StaiUmi duo t Baa M Rte. Mr. Shi ve and her daughter, Miss Ihm-lle, after a mouth's sooiiru at Newjsirt have returned home, Mr. aud Mr. William also havs returned from Nestocca. Paul Baldwin, ths only son of Mr. aud Mrs. M. L, Baldwin, died here a week ago Tuesday iiiornlug.of Inftsiiia tlou, lis was two years, seven months, and twenly-seveu day old. (loUithj rent, lair rtilldt (in to ihy drwunli m imd, Wlills yvt no rntllt, undefllrd, W lib liimiug! on thy li"l' Kriwh nut In tliy baud, lliiilmin Ihy I'lllow lld 1 1 win mini tlila dsrk and rwtrnil land, Wtir nwrs aoiui'kly M, Hlioll lov with weak smlirai Thy upward wins tlntslnf No, elivrub, siiskI, awh thy Amid Ih rtmrub train. K.r sin had atard ttis biwaal, Or aiirmw waked ths li-ar, . UIm to ihy Hi runs of I'limiiHwa ml la yim wlwllal aptier, llwaii.e tliy anilla was fair, Thy ll and an brltiht, UwaiiMi tliy hiving rrailln-ram ' Wm ti''ll dear iH'llitlit. way sumta with Glck and Nervous HEADACHE P You ot&r b Matly and qulokly sor4 by Ukln Ayer'S Pills "T finva hratn a victim of tcrrl. Ol Mo headaches, and havs never 3 found anything to relieve them ol I lsgan taking this inixllcliin, the g attacks nave become less aim & less fwjueut, until, at present, S In, till ha tillVM I1HHMH.I alflfH f O .... . - ........ have had one." C. F. NtwiUN, fl uugfrpur, va. "Hav ntf used a vera nils wit n oi irrf.ii r ancceits fordvHiM'itsla. from Ol which I mifferul for years, I re- Bolvtvl never to 1st without them 0 lu my household. They are In- deed efTiH tlve." Mrs. Hai.MK Mourns, m Willow hi., 1'Uiitt- 5 dclphia. Pa. o I always use Ayer's I'll!, ami o think them excel lonU" Mrs. U. o 1. WATiiot's, Jackson, Fla. g Ayer's Pills?. ftscslved Highest Awards AT THI WORLD'S FAIR o aoooooooooogceoecepgooo Kelley's Livery - - Stable. - - Klrat-rlaM na rurnllitd on hrt uiHIiv, t'oiniiirrelnl lrd s peel- ally. Main St., Independence THE undersigned is District Agent for Polk county for the Home Mutual Insur ance Co., of California, and is prepared to place risks on hops and hop houses; also stocks of merchandise, buildings, dwellings, etc., at the lowest prices and best terms. Monmouth, Ore. and Tinware. Buggies to PoHTLAHt), Ob., August 6, 1805. Owing to the extreme low water continue our regular t rips to Indejieii will he Hunday, arriving In the after a. m. l'lease change time table to that will Lie as usual, except that we wllj L'Al'T. A. W. Uhaiiam. Transfer Co. Oregon. Portland ...... KL Wd tor aal. A Great Blessing; My wlf and I hv found fa Hood's 0arprllU. Rb bd rhsumdlim urf nklM and Us badly wolln,nd bardly sblstof.t up and down lair wllhool bclp. Msnothsr Miosdlp failed, but Hood's 8rM .parllla otlrly ear4 br. It u only lortly flf in i i wm with tli I oompllt, J7Krt i ln my llmti sod blp, so I Juit triad th mid Disdlrln wtlh tliSMmsrsiolt. My wlfnd cblU drrn Uk Hood's HarMparlll wbnvr thsr fwltbsassdofariisollnsMd ltla tntdlaUly Uisks tlteiu fwt tsrllsr, Rood's Saroaparllla Hsvm v Hwior'n hill. I am n oglnir, u, rll known lit this torllty." U. W, W t ait, W lilU I1m1 Hill, IndUa Tt. J,V. Dill, sasf toboy..irto IUVU O I III May U UmV M. G. L HAWKINS, I'MprlnUir of Th !ndPiidMio Msrlil Work. atlmal on nil iwmeUiry wufS. Kir. lulu" orSmn. lili. Ill dMllliK. slid lowwl prlr. FOK- fine Photographs Crayon Work Postelles India Inks Water Colors -Gat D. II. CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery Independence, Or P. H. Me CAB I. 8. MUHLMAN. P.I. McCIBEHO. Prrltor f Independence Tile Factor) Manufaotvrvrt f FIRST-CLASS Drain Tile. fall !. Prlo to Suit th HARD TIMES. OFFICE AND FACTORY I ndciicndcnce. Oregon Oont'ri Clotliintf . VUilc tn order la any tyl l th lnd penlnwTsilrHliti.T. Wbie Jsnki, prtiprlrltir. A On lin of miiiIni l wy on bund front whlrb Ui wilivi. Huiu mil la ordor frm I4 up, by Independence Tailor Shop 'I I tli place la itt all flnl-clua work. kiqk Eaircuitiag 25 Cts. BATH 28 Cr.4 TIMK TAULE. Indcpaiidnae nd Monmouth Mnlur Liu lVM ludPiwlideDM, Mouiutiu.h. T.00 :1U 11:15 l:Vi t:UU 7:80 a IlKUU 12:1 lib J:16 HANKS. THE INDhFliNDhNCB National Bank! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. h. HiiwniiKim, 11 11 AM N KIXON, . t W)NNA WAY PtMldBDk Vloel'rwldonu l'lilr. A gnrul liaiiklni and exchange buntne irHiinHClcil; limim made, bllla dlnciuutd,ouiu mnrt'lul crudiu griuiiod: dpMlU nwolvvd on ourrcnt account iibjvct tn check, lulerwt paid (iu time dcptiiilu. DlKECTORb. B. V. Hinltli, A. NcliMin, 1, A. lHKMirMi, A. J.UMHliuan, 1). Illrnclilierg. Allen. 11. H W. Hear, It Commenced Business March 4, 1889 Kutsnliilmd by National Authority. THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of Independence, Oregon, Capital Stook Surp'u, $60,000.00 $14,000.00 J. S. rJOOPKB, L. W. ROBEKTH0W, President, Vice President W. O. HAWLKY, Cashier, DIRECTORS. J. S.Cooper, U Robertson, l.ewln Helmlok O. W. Wlnieaker, W. W. Colllni. m Mmin ii antnuirins i nuniuu-iu Hll VII ttllll HmIIh HUcihutiirA m.11 linnnriunl point. lH'poHltM rMwlved Hnbjeot to check or on oer- VUll'V llUUIHa V , III WJ t p. III INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF OREGON Polk County Bank, MONMOUTH . Or. J. It. IUWI.EY , P. Ij.UAMPBKLIj IRA (iPOWHXL Prenldeut V Ice-Prea, CkHliler Paid Capital, $30,000. DIRECTORS, J. 11. Hawlry, P. h. Campbell, I. M.HIinpeon j, is. v, uuuer, j. a. piiunip, r. a. l owell Joenph Craven, A general banking and exchange bualnemi triinnuctd; luuna made; dxpiixlta received aubjeot Ui ehei-k ir on certificate of denill.' Intcrent paid on time dopoxttK. -Klre priHif vault and burglar proof le. lecnred by Yale time look. Ulllee Houra: a. in. WH p. m, K 1 Removal Sale Our new store will be finished October 1st, and we arc going to move. Hut we arc going to give you some big bargains before we go. Our dress goods depart ment is complete. 20 per cent discount. We can please the most care ful buyers in clothing. Gents, youth and toys. Call early be fore the stock is broken. We are never under sold when boots and shots are wanted. If we do not save you money on STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES and CANNED GOODS it is your own fault. Special Bargains. Ladies' and gentlemen's macintoshes, j ust opened. Ladies' wraps, in all opened. Plush capes, lur capes, and jackets in all colors. New overcoats in all the latest styles. WEST SIDE TRADING CO. Corner of Main and C Street. INDEPENDENCE, - - OREGON. Do You Buy Well I Guess Yes. Then the proper place to go is where you can get them pure, unadul terated, put up in prescriptions by skilled pharmacists, and furnished at lowest price by the Alexander-Cooper Drug Co. INDEPENDENCE ROLLER MILLS, Lewis Ilelmick, Proprietor. Mi Feed on Hand and to Order. Independence, Oregon Near the S. P. Depot.) Oregon Here's Soap! You probWy want the very fluwt and beM wheo you V u It on tbe dollcale aklu of your wife or baby. W nave all kind, of Toilet Boapa. Tbey are delightfully p fumed and are madeof pure material Wee. penally call your attention to the Mexican Boap Root op, which li purely vegetable. Com and get a FREE mple. . Patterson Bros., The Druggists. Here we are With the Celebrated Bain wagon. There havebeen 40,000 of these wagons sold on the Pacific Coast; so they talk for themselves. We carry every thing the farmer needs in the hardware or vehicle line. Call and examine our stock. R.M, Wade & Co, Our hosiery stock is very large and complete. The new styles of hats and caps are in stock. They are nobby and cheap, the new styles, just Drugs V