The Best Newspaper lht 0n tht llv th most and AMWi Cv-ropa tha WK3T JJgi tlth a.r.y rfttw In rv county. As an Advertising Medium THE WEST SIDE Takes thi Lead in Pock County VOL. Mil. $2.00 Tor Year, 1NDEPENDKNCK, l'OLK COUNTY, OIIKGON, THURSDAY, H KPT KM H I'll G, 1895. Fivo Cents Per Copy. No. 40. fiwiClWM- t XTISTUY. PR.S. A. MULKUY Resident dentist. TeT,,iwUM I'tS' tteed 1 Vrly uu, HulW""'" aiwranltvd. ihr.H"" rM,t Maiiu Mll,rnr mi ami M.v'"l' "r,. "i'Pit Jo.k.w Ntl...l bk. rTu KKTCHl M, M. l OFFICE K tiul ruliMHs comer Railroad jonuimth t., ludepvudettoo, Or. LABOR DA (HOT WAYWARD AND WILLFUL V Tacoma New Britlse A Younffflirl Commits Dedicated. Mi J. IV JOHNSON, UKSIDEXI I ) lVntiol. All work warrant! to Ui best of aalisfaolitm, luJepCO- iuJ Surgeon. Call attended to jjfor ni;til. Otilee at Thomas' Fbar JJir.oB Mam St. Monmouth, Or. Yarion Other Cttlett Have Exercises Suitable to the Urmlon Ptjare Reigned Everywhere, ATT1UNEY8. GEO. A. SMITH. ATIUKNEY AT Iaw Will praetic. in all atal nj tulersl court. Abstract of title rtnMbtKl. OtlW over Independence Kiumuu lak. SASH AND IHXMW. if rrt'UKLL t BOHANNON, MAN PYI iifaoturvrs ot U ami dtr pMnteiiw, Or. Main aired, ludc TACOMA. S,pt. 2.-Labor day was celebrated 4n Tttconiit under heavy. Limp cloud. Tin prlnelptl event wan tin dedication or ilu now Eleventh- Street ftOO.UlO Dltl'l bridge to the flat In Ui morning. Tlu oration wan tllvTtHl by Judgtt J. T, Stile. TbU afternoon luil? mil., fowl bridge to the flat from (lit Month end of the city w oiciiel, Judge T. U. tubertsou delivering the utldr'. XttrlmM HiHtrtliur events owi-red during the day. Thoclo tonight will Ih cclclriUid whb A grind ball and llreworks. Theft are c.vut crowds, nil' I much enthusiasm. All si-range- incut were aikvettsfully rurrl.Nl out Muli-r tln umiMtftMiiciit of f. It. Kit- SKIHKT SOt'ICTIFX . 0 v v. INDKt ENDF.NCE A Unlk't. N'. -i ntX pvry Moo, & DU'lit iu I . O. O. F. IihII. All 'jtoro mi brvilliem Hr IiiviUhI to kttcuti. W aCwk, M. V.; W. U Wilkin, ItecwrUvr HOME It LOlHiK, NO. 45K1'f 1. MitW ev-rry Vpvlinly eeiuiil HknLiliUar ctrJlftll IUlleJ. J'llU RMbr.Uou Jr.. C. C.; J. B. Mono, K. l 1US. East and South via The SHASTA Route f the Southern Pacific Kiprp triiliu run dully, Nurlli lio a". M I .1 A.M. t-er. jlv. ri.nlniKl Ar Mini. I iv AliHinr Ar kri 'Ar. Sun Fritnrlwt l.v. 7.U1 r. U I'.i ts.niHinr tirvcuu t'liy. Wwxlbura Hnlnu. l'unwr, Marlon, Jottcrwm, Albany Juufil.'n, lunniit. xiinltU, llalwy, llrn h,iM i..i,ii..h i'uv. Irvittif. Ktitfrtif. rrr.wpll, lrii, and M l" "" ltJelurg Mill louid im-tudiHK Alimul. flattburj MiMl'"lM i..e. Arri-. Pttrlliiil.. i A. . I Kii.lnir....a . Iwiuiiv ki.ia . I'urtluml M A. M Saim f ooarilllJ';l UavB. Arrive, tWlkmil n I Hlim f.:l(IP, Httifm . it a in. I I'urllnrnl Dining Gars on0 gden Route. PULLMAN I5CFFKT SLEEFEKS ninl 8eon'ltlu!M Shaping Cum atlncbeJ to all tlirotiBti Inilii. West Side Division. Btwtn Portland and Corvallla Mall trwlim dally Ifxn'yl Hunilny.) I Bn mi. I l.v. I'oriiuml Ar j 4Wp.ui 11:1 i. in. Ar..lndmlrnc-Ar j: V li lSn in. 1 Ar ... r.rmlll ! I P- AlAltony uinH nrvHlh.. roiiim-l Willi trlu II. V. A K. HnllniBil. Fipri-n triiin rlllyiiwpt Hun(lyl i ... ! I l'..r,liinil Ar I K.' M. Ml 7ip iii. I Ar Mr.MllinvlllBl.V Yamhill Division. Alrlte mall Trt-wii-klr. a, in Mi a. iii. i "l.v t'orlfuiiit Art 3; p. w. 4 V, p. in. l.v Molinioulli 1. :' k8i.i.Ar Alrll ...... li.'!!. Thn.iwh llrltrtJi lo all polnU In lli K t"rn KIM. ILK I'UltTLAM), lllir-UKPi hrmmli Ili krtJi lo all polliui in uib r. " ... tl,i and K.unw. co 'l11'' in U'.I A KK V, Aiit, lnrtt-pniln. KuKi'l.KK, K. I. R'M'KIW. M.niiiLr. Awl. O. Excursions and Meet tnjrs V. in New York. NOW, Suicide. Request Refused by Her Mother. Makes an Iimncnso Hit in Chicago. She Taken Rough-on-IUta ami Die Iudluu Trouble lu FhIitii Oregtm- Other Count Newn. IOUTr.ANn. S-i)t. 2.-I.ulu liyor. nci!) H yi-nm, coiuiulitml nulrMo limt tilitht by tiikliiK riu!li-ou run. 'llm Klrl ilUI not want t k O rliutvli with lur Hipu, but HNkit lnT uioilior to iro to aimtlu'r clnin b whb frli'iul, When bir iimiln-r rcfuni'il to allow tier, hao fiiimliuii at biiiiui Hint tlui rt'nt of tl'o family wrut to vlnmli. 8on after all tin. fulka luul the Klrl took a ttoMHif Mtik'U on rutN. NVbi'ti In-r pi'oplo rctiiriti'il tin. Klrl wan In a lrvciirlini ciiiiillilun, They aont for a ibk'tor and workiil with Iter until thl afternoon, whwi vho illi-d. 1 lor fatli it, II. liyi.r.U a rutTliuo milker uml n-alik a lit Allium. Indian Timrm.iw. I'lHulh'ton, ir Kept. 2 -0. F, Mi- Now York. Spt. 2.-Tlw wMtlior 1 Klnmy. a wi-nlihy, In her.. ruTfwt today, and mwrly all lulxir or (jiinimiUlona In itu city are ri'li'lmit- ini:. For tm (imt tttiit In )- tlm Cintr:il Iimir I i.loa did not ti.tu, an i'iininUm to Couy lltiinl tx-lmr d'iihd a U'licr if vf iMml Inn tbi day. To offm't thin, bowi'ver. th"r wia .irratiki'! a itaradn of atrlkhirf sur- itit'tit workeri, and a cli'iiouiliiuilx nt I'nlou imir f the Kutuhta of Ittior, with wlih-b tb garuwut-wurke rv AillllaiM. Tln N'w York li,th,re4r.'hr, bead- d 1y I'omi tiuHti'r Inyloii find Mil aiiirr, inimhl to the ioi:iimit on mo wav to tlii b'ttorn-arrler couvi'ulloii lu iitlitdi'tiihlii. Uiton. S.nt. 2.-HTi:niilift.d Inlnir otwirvHl 1 ho ninth animal h'lil iy In the rltv of ItoHlon with Hi" i:mi:iI fnun Hurnn. He lina Imhmi hi the dla trh t from wlilih the riorta nme of trouble between aettleri nnd ItnllaiiN. !lkliiir of the dlapntrh from Itnrna, MeKlniiey I wild to believe llier In danger of aerlmia trmtlile Ih'Iwim'H I he rvaldiMita and Indiana, inendn'ra of the I'matlUa trltM-w and uihern aeeiw- tomiHt to K" Into the iiioiiuialn hiint- Imr Kruunda In the miiuim r neaaoii to kill deer by the whoenaU. l-'avinu all iMreaaaivt but the haul to Ih iMten by bird, MeKlniiey thhika niiilieiillf re porta of rulllaluiia may be ri'ielved any time. A IJ5.I. vvr.i.W IXiliith. 8ent. 2,-l'r. T. II. I'raker of Kanaaa t'liy, whone family ban Jut H'l-n awarded l.kS.ii lire ii'miraine nnd who wan unppoHed to he dead, ha U'en found near here, 'ine uiniir iiih-ii iMHinaiilia have alwitya 'inahi paride ami aliiiont inniiuieciblo miort un(l), m, ymr w,, nHv and did and nmu..m.ntn. The Mp of . v h,,,-,,,,,.,, mi after the .1.... ..... .1... ,.,. 1.. ..r, . i . llltr nil iiiib ,.hiiiii,- I ulWMIllt irnnlaattoiM. iu whleb over Piinni men ptirtMpaU-d Chlniira, S.nt. 2. -Two a iirte and dUtlm t 'bdraUona innr 1 i-nir day in CbUMo. T1m Ubor eaimri'm, with aa.allatle temieinie. ii.-ki a nm iiiH-tlnit nnd a wienie, pnni-disl by a ijianub'. the prlneliial pi:iker Mite Kelr llardle, Frank Sinl'h nnd John Swlltton Th bulldlmf 1rnb eoiinell nail a eoiititer ttnu-tlou In a , pu nie and ma iiiwtlnir. a't '.npi was made to earry a hI Hair In the eon urn parade. Mayor Swift bnvliijj U ami! Hirht order oifalimt am b iiflloii. S.HI l-'rumlaeo. Son:. 2. The iMir- rant trial waa today pohhhimI until tomorrow on nintlon of the atio-oia Hie di"fewe. msil..l liy Mil" HIM irl.-i Hllurnev. The lllieerMlllly about the cftit t of utlmr day npo.i jimieui m.i hl to Uie imihI pollen I. I'l :rlet Attorney Hariien will ninKu in NO IVH'IIT OK TIIK MAN Tom'kn. Se)it. 2. rreaident John Johu HavU of the Kaiimu siuuiai Iimuniiup eoniiMiny. any a there in no onilblllty but the man ineniloiied nt i'iiiiiitri-d near Tower. Miiiii., b i:..oi-i?i. V. I'raker. huhimihihI to lie dead and who had l.'.N.txei liinnrame on Ida life, 9 IO.immi or w hieh tma imvii ml.) over. An off.'r of .lMn rewnrd ..inlml Aucuat loth ami heme that amount will not be paid for Kraker a arret. rrtaeiHlllii; 111 eiitllty will ik i.need tomorrow for the reioer) of the $0,i I Jlldifiilent inoiii y wlili li waa iwld Atiituat I2lb to the eneeiilora of KrakiT eaiaie nun wnien ia n un ibnioHlt at MlH-rty, Jin. KILLED ACCIDENTALLY, Tn.-nnul. SHlt. 2.-W. II. lrd WIIH kiiiml HiIn afiernooit hy waiKiiiK o k wanU Into tin1 dropping fhaft of Hi.' pu.-iiie M.-fii foiimanv a iinekingiioiiHi' Ho fell 22 feet, aeverely fMeliirliiu Ida ukull. breaking aevcnl rltm am iCavmtd, nd Trade-MrV obtained inn u f.ntbuiienn(iartcclfur MOOCKATC Tttt. Jounorrict is OrrotiTt 0, a. PTiTOrficr .i.iteianwi.ure jmuciiiui kw liui uuu w" ! Sewl mrjfl. dramif or I)hnto., With dMCJlp-J JtKio, We ailviM, if patentable or out, lr i chare. Our fee nt due till patent iecured. I . Hrnio Obtain I'aient., w in "Zli m'the U. S. uU lr' C.&.SNOW&CO. n.. Di.r.v n.nci. Washington, D. C openlmt aiaUMiMHit to the Jury tomor- ,HhatliiK hi hip bone, lie died without ruvoviTiiiK . '"'" HIOYCLW MEET IN SBATTT.B. The World' Footrave lttKM.rd Ituateii lu MRHAcliuaeiia. c.niita Rm.t. 2. Tb lliat bh-ytle ., f th. Y. M. 0. A. waa heli! to ilnv K. IoW. A. I. i.orimioiii .....I u'rlfht eollltled III the mile, I'mre Hound fhamploiinh'.p, ami im i""'' two bad ft bad fall. The, mile novice, n. iemoiei Taemna, won. no time. iiinirior m e. aaa v- I'.u mai-n lwtinmi. won: Howard H. liewiu, l'lirilniiil. meond: tllliu W, ,,. mil,, imiiilicnii. chin A James D. ICwtary. Heattle, won; time 2:27' n,.,. mile, elnaa It-Ell W.naelt won H. . Hewitt aecond; tuiio :io. Ti,..rnn Mas.. Kent. 2.-ThO world' nrofenHlonal and nmateur recor.1 for .... ... .. .. I. ... 1. ,.... l.lllltf 100 yard Ulian waa ionium ' i In tho nntlonal. champion foot-raeo by va Unimvaif better known n Columbia Klver H.illroa.l company to- "ripea" Donovan, who mvemi t no lay n vertlHed for bid for the con- rwm to 0 3-5 eii.Ia. 1 'ho. wo h a Illljr ... - I I . nnnn nil 1 11 ll'O In tri ll amitMiim oi in..-...."-"--. : ,i ,a n 4.r, ..M.lutlmr hotween til l City MicniB. 1 " lonu. i k. to bo built by A. 1. llamnioi.d, Heeonda, both profeaH h.nal nnu aina . . it.... it.,, rivnntiatwiii nun i iiinn i- innr in iiru yiiiuh wiir-.a for a tunnel ftnat of Toiikuo Folnt, Hi,mi waa holly contcHtod by Dono row iiiurulng. sr Tula. SwL 2,-Uw day waa generally ulwerved here. A parade of tho trade man-livi! iiirmitcn xne urn Iiumia, tmrt of the -lty to tho park. v. i ..en minvh'-H were dt'llvensl by iiroiiilnent laliorlti. A almlhr pivnde waa bad In EaM St. I I'nltTL.VND. Tori land, S. i.t. 2. I.abor day waa nn- i.iini.rreil here today lieyoml the ,.i..!i.,' of luniks and roiirl. Totilgbt a imiK uieetliig waa held nt tho I'ark theater. Keaolutloii favoring the en turgoment of the currency ami extend ing sympathy to bugene were panaed. I )t.lm and THE F1HST TEN MILES. Work to Itegln on the Atorla (Joblo Ilallroad, Astoria, Sejit. 2,-Tlie Aatorl.l and STACK EFFECT Coin's Financial School Tho N. P. Receivers Arc Dramatized. t In a l'olltltnl .Schema fur flArvoy'i Ik'tieflt-A Scotchman! Money View Ktpnwa. IVES WINS n LIST HEAT Worsted. More Complications Are Probable. Judge (illbcrt and Hiiuford Kay Judge JciikliiH Had no Jurladlctlim Other Legal Matter. lug unto a iihyalcal enrlluiuiike. The apluo In Niilijit to coiiMiiiiiily riH-ur-rlug tremblow, hlch event ually de- atroy tho tlaauei nnd reault lu the ralb'iNid malady. Aecumlng lo the doelor "aenivhem" are not tuy lloblo lo suffer from the corporation of thu spine, J ho JiIkIi hiiudlea t omMiiii heart Iroiilile will) jolilug of tbo back ninl tho end come ipih'kly, DIUVEN TO SUIOIJiE. Lo of Property and Other Troubles rikhalaiv.vd Him. Seattle, Aug. .'tl.leorgo A. dales, an old nwldctit of this il'y, fniiimltted mileldo Fi'ld.iy night by drinking a so lution of chloral ami morjdiluo. He has Im-oii dtvtiiiiiiib'iit for somo tliuv over tho lom of .p'iiTiy, Ho was an avowed HplrltutlUt und a iiromliieiil I'. A. OlIIOAOO, wit. y.-I'rwbably Uir itiowt iiovwl hIam produutlou vr wit iiikamid luOUbago glvun last ullii liefura a largs audloiire al the Uhlcagu oKra hoiimi. li was it drauiatUalloi) of fioa sllvwr lu pollil.NI, sud judging by thu romarkahhi olroiuilsmi"s in tending Ihu (list puului iierfortiiauu.' tlio pleee may not unlikely atuavi wtdesproad atleuiioQ. Tho Sliver Ijluluif.' ra the uauit r tho play. Thu (lieimt was uiiMutil lyi'otn a l luaut lal Hehooiami liarvwy of "Coin," iHviipled a prosceiiliiui box. l'he hissing of line early In tin plwH. presumably by autl silver sytupat blu rs. eaustMl no llttlo niolloinmit, whieh was Im reased when, after the eeoiid act, It was evident thu plena bad mailt) hit, Thu auihor, Elugerald Mur phy, a well known IloMtou newspaper man, cndni( laiforo tho curtain, sud ih'iily turiiiMl to Harvey and asked hi in to say whether thu play faithfully pre sented the spirit of "Coin School." I hii nudleme was oil lip toe At tlif uniiHiial Im bleiit, and w.ien Harrey, rising lit bis pines among lht spwcuv tors, snltl: "It dis s, moat n agnlilcent ly." there was grl cheerlrg. mlnglut with hisses. l'he author dcnlsd before th aui talu that the play was beliia backed by the sliver Interests. From Chleagu It goes West and South. A CAN. NY SCOT. London, Sept. 2.- In reply to an In vliailon to Join a parliamentary com mlllee for the purpose of furthering the proposjil for an International con ference, having In view an agreement for tin- adoption of an International svslein of currency. Sir John Teiig, senior memlH-r of parliament for the eltv of Dundee, writes as follows: I fear that If I Joined a committee It would If assumed that I hail he roine ft ItlllieiiiiiiHi, wuereas, I mtve never la-en able to see bow a doulilv standard could work. One of the iiK-tals ln-lnir practically n tmmovalil ami the oilier a movable ipiaullty, At ihe same time, I am In favor of an International conference upon tho con dlllon that the inembeis be not dele l'iiIih! to renreaeilt II x I'd vluws, but sent wlih free minds." THE FALL OF SEDAN. New York. Sent. 2. -Twelve thou sand tiernian veterans of New York, Hohoken ami Itrooklyu celebrated the anniversary of Sedan today under ihe niisulees of the Cermaii Velernn aso elation and Dutch Krelg.-rbund at Itomeslead park. Itlsman k suit a ia ble of gr.'-llng aigutug himself "xou eomraib'." 8 WATTLE. Sept. 2,-Hy a decision of JudKii Ullls-rt, concurred In by Judge llanfoiM. Itooelveia (lakes, 1'ayno and Itousn n( thu Northern I'aclllo must appear In tint I'nlled Slates court for tho iiorihern dlstrht of Washington lu this fliy October 2d ami iieremi themselves nualiist thtt t barges of mal attuilnlstiailou maile by Hiayton Ives, president of Ihe N'oiiheru I'a I'ltle. Tho opinion of Jiidgu Ollbert was read lu court this moriilutf ami the opinion of JU'Iko ll.tnror.l wis filed Into III the ttfieriioou. Tlie re- elvers are ordered to Ille Willi tills oiii-t a bond for I IOo.insi ami also a ri'imrl of their actions from the time of the hist rvpor', coMlrmed by Judk'c Jenkins, un to the present, It Is held that the acts of the receivers are not Invalid and the $."i,iBui receivers' eriltb ates are valid Ileus as soon as eoitllrinetl by the le-tportlvo courts. Itv this decision, Ihe tiovslloii of Jurlsdletloii Is settled and the court here iM-eouies the court of primary Jurlsdli-lloii, setting Ihe ipicsllon of the eoilateral aitack. The second part of Ives' application will come up ut the hearlmr of the older to show mine and uut-stlon of fact as to whether the receivers have Ihcii last in nnuiinmiia (Ion of the trust estate, will be uttcm-d. JulIS SIDHEIHJ KILLED, rho A wful Fate of a Portland Laborer Yesterday. Port bind. A Hit, .'tl.-.U'hll Sumlls'lg wns Instantly crushed to dealh nt 2:13 this nftoiniNin mi Second street, mar WiiKhlmrton. The traitly (Sfiirred on the site or tin NH-eiit tire In that hs-alliy, lu whh'h a niilnauian lost his life by es anlmr from a window. SiinillM'rg was emtaired In cleanl'iu brick. loiiuruHiy to their removal un! sumo men near him were letting 1'iwn n derrick, which got 1m)oiiiI their font ml. In falllutt It stru.k Hiimlberg sonar -ly on Mm bead, split ting P. wld oM-n, so 'hat the brain mmed out. It was m sickening alglit; but the unforinii.iie man never real lr.o! Avhat'11 him. ns dealh must leive b s-n Instant menu. The tie- t'linil Is n maril-tl man, Avhise wlfi Is Ij lug very slek at one of the hospit- i s. Siimlls rc's remains were t,i He upon I'io spot so. ne lime before rho coroner was notiiieii. nmi attracicu I largo crowd of morbid sightseers. PROMPTLY PUNISHED THK FKESCII tiOVKRSMKNT ACTED FAIRLY. Cuban Fllibustercr Held to Answer -HccUlon Against Women Voting in I tuh at l'ri'Hcnt. RAN FltANOISCO, Aug. :tl.-T!ie Cveulng poafseiit n h'ller lo the chair man of vcry repuhllcan county com mittee lu California, asking who he tint IokIciiI uoiiilfifit fo" president by bis party, and -who the best candltlato for vleo iiresldent, Several declined to epnai a cboi -e, Melvlnley has llfleeii surporlei s, rour favor Allison, three fur ltec.1; llarl. ill has two and I 'mi Cameron one, Heed Is Second clmlei) of two. I' or v I i'e president, live favor Iteetl ami the oilier voles are: Lincoln; sieo two: I'elton one; Elk Ins two; Morton two; and three favor a Paeiilr coast candidate uuiuiiui'd. IIYAL TO AM EUK'A. Ilerlln. Aug. .H.-The fJeriiMiii-Amcr- can veierans today visited the I'liltid Slates embassy ninl iald tludr re- ss'ts to the l ulled Slates embassa dor, I loll. Theislore Kmilnii. Coin ratio Slieleiikc of Chicago, who waii spokesman of the parly, said that the veterans had rctunnil to llltir out home Iii order to take part In the nil- iloiial ts-lebratloii of the many victories if IHTO'71. but he assured tbo I'nlled States embassador that thu (ierinaii- American visitors wite prcimrcd. If tho country of their adoption called ON THK DEADLY HIKE SA. rlUSClSCO HIYSiCIANS TAKE A SHOT AT THE WHEEL. Tlio Wheel U Injurious, no Mattel What They Say to the Con trary," Says One. WASHINGTON. Aug. 31. -The navy ili'otii-imeiit today nave out the ml lowhnt: As a sequel to the Castlnc-Taiuatave Incident, concerning Ihe landing of olllceis and men, Information has Just reached Washington that the French authorities with crcdliable pninpn tudo sentenced Captain Lavolslt be eniiHi. of his conduet Iii that alTair, t tweniv (lavs' solitary conllneinent lu a military Jail there, it is uniicrsiomi, furthermore, that he returns to Franco with the entire loss of all promotion; that he remains stationary on the army list, which make his punish ment to lilin personally a vcrj rm on one, FILIHI'STEUEUS HELD. Philadelphia. Aug. III. -The Cuban nllbusierers arrived yesterday. I hey were held lu fUHl ball each for the United Slate court. Mt KINLEY A LEADEIt. Highest of all in Leavening Powers Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely puhe W MCI Some Yards that Won't Je Picked. The Situation Up in Washington. Some New from Foreign Lands Also-Aiid irom the New York Plantations. The Californl.i Slain Avrricuilurnl sis-leiy k!vs the following nisirts of the California Imp crop In Sacramento valley; Sutter (Yuba fMtyl.-Hop picking will he bile lu the vicinity of Nicoluus. Yuba iWlui-tlamU -Hop picking has .'.uifii! 'lu-i'tl lu the largest HebU, uml crop large. The bops are a, nail, hang ing lu large t lusters, Tho weather is most favorable, Sacramento n'.iili) Hop picking Is now In full lilast, wl'.h favorable weather. Yakima Farmer: Mr. Fcarl, a Scnt llo buyer says: "The mysterious in, it., .it... nt.. ,.f loivi.rri la n iioitlt-r of upon them, to fight for the stars I tHiHttntut. When the market Is brisk strlne as loyally as llicy did 25 years I ,,,,, ,,.. n.i ..o .....i ...,. it u iie- ago for the derman liltolor. ore'tetl Cicy sill and buy." He has ii,. n.l. li.iui kit fur ii Iii what llcures SOME (JOOD RACIMnHr. , , . I 'M At IDilll, II" linn ;lt-res, ti ltd SI Lotigmire. w no una leu len-s lu hops, IhiiIi on ihe Wciias, will ifl llu-lr hoist picked by their ntigii hois who agree to wall unlll the lnis ire sold for their picking money, If the hops don't sell f.r enough to pay :he pickers a dollar a box, they iukc what the.v can get; If a dollar, they get it; and if there Is anything over the lollur Dli kers.m and longmlre get It. tlc, a common regard for rights makes It a subject of gratulatlon that reparation la effected. NovertlMfbsMt, It Is a very unpleasant piece of busi ness for a great nation llko this to be engaged In, thinks tho Seattlo Post Intelligencer. Mora was a native of Cuba, Ik lived there, he enjoyed all tin? advantages of commerce tbpre, and the solo purpose of his becoming a naturalized American was to have a shield behind which be could retreat If It bwcame tiocessary. It Is a air conclusion that be never paid a cent toward the government of the United States, In rupport of the army and tt navy whose full strength he invoked when he got Into trouble. He waa not an American molested In bis rights as an American citizen, but as a resideut of Cuba. Having taken up bis cause this government was In honor Isjund to stand by It, but it Is not a case In which our patriotism Is aroused. Our naturalization laws need remod eling. They grant privileges, but ex act no rcHHiuslbllitles which can Imj enforced. Mora, and such as he, could not even b made to do duty as a Juror lu the country of their adoption. It Is exceedingly rare for a genuine American citizen, peacefully pursuing his avocations In any part of the world, to le molested. All our wran gles over our "cltlaeiis" are alsiut aliens who have become naturalized ami who return to their own country with au effrontery born of their newr citizenship which offers constant Irri tation. We hojie there will be no more of such claims to he enforced by this government on weaker nations. When tireat Britain does any bullying It i for one of her own people. EARLY AUTUMN OOATS. .OUT LAND CYCLISTS CUP SEVER AL KKCOItUS. Nichols and Slaver Ho (ioml Wwrk- t'lilnigo Athletes Take In the (iciierally. and also for piers, draw, protection and pile for a tresiie onog. . .. - V.... ....'a 1.KV ill COllllCL'lli'li nil" mini" ... - . road. All bids are requcsien i -- In by Saturday, September an In HHinif Ffl rUISIHG PAYS ' Danivllh", Ky.. M1' Wrril M0NTENEOR0 LOOKED UPON inrldge, of this city KUSl'ICIOUSLY. ()ugrt'HHiiian '''''J1 received a 'loiter gl vl I IfyotimethePHatastS I luatwtar. bnatleri. i Kake money while Othrn tre wanting '. timebyoldpToccit. Cataloitellsallabout II lt,andilecril)es every trtlde needed for the. ;j ! poultry imiinessv frrTTTriimrrm-flS 1 iriLll The "ERIE" , mechantcstly the bert kwheel. PrettUt model. IWs ar Pacific tot lu!neYrree,glve f"ll devrlptlon .prices. "AiSTi . r.L PETAiiita. intiiiBAToa to.. Bkakch HiUhB, m 8 Main bt., I Anitelei. THE CZAR'S ACTIUJN Young Danivllh". Ky Sept. 2.-H. J. Hrcck v. brownM' or c klnrldge. has Just . .1 ...iO.hI.hhi rnco vii a 'If er giviiiu i "' i""- i.r I lo it i l-csl and dU'iillou of his son, Tim Prince of Wales Keeps Up IHh U(,iM,rt J. ,ns-klriidgc. Jr.. a Living vlVifnl ITfliiks With Pretty slon, dualomala, In conn.vllon w h Yoiil iful 1 rK8,wu" ,, ru ' ,). iiurder of .'ashlcr ISrook., of he WW0W8-rortiK.i . . ,I..inmM,rluM0l, cmupauy for wiu.-n Breckinridge was bookkeeper. Itrooks was nhot; at night iwhlie nt work In Ids ofllce, ils'Ing wounded In the back from i.iuiol 'he liad given llrocklnrldge, and which 'was left near ly the Issly, niii-ilv In the vault. J en inousami o n . . ... i 11... I i. ii i , m ilw ft r iff r.WMl trSS!ia II Ii JIM i 'I , Amerinan and Europcanll'l in.' TH0S. GUINEAN, Proprietor t N Uevenlh and Washington fits., PfiltTI.AND. OHEOON van nnd Tom Morris, of Simla Ana, California. Morris was tho ravorite, as ho had equaled thu world's record In practice. IHOTAINIOD FOH ML'UDEIl. ,r t..t.ti 1H'1S Assocliiteil rress.j t." ...... n 'rho mtlv ures- 'tiwusi nuulcrn r th'S, l.i,(XHMSj rtrldges, rapid flrluff KUiu ami am- l ...i.i. i. recently mndc tnntiir.iou win - .... i i f . . .. .. . .i i i.t ... . ,, 1. iii.u i 1.,.,, ,,.,.., , iirjin ll.lll I 111. .llllll, 10 Montenegro nns ciuimo mu... mm mt" '"-'" . ' .,,., 1 1 . mr. . . , .nci-allv bellevtul that tho ";ru, action la locked on as thaft lWaM Uu.-ltl-iitnl to the crime, as f,?l.H l,R h neiice of EU- ,.,.., r anm was left lllldlsl lll'bisl. rm," a id that'ltussla liitciuls to coin- nw,(.klnrl.lge ran prove beyond a V.Z' Citenegro's preparations for (lmtl)t that M.o pistol xyas stolen rom . .. .i lw. l,..i-ii f IH relKIV l.l... ,, I nil .WClMtS IHUOie. il'I lino Caetlon A diplomat of high stiind- , a oolT.'itho inastcr unchuiilt! for I, ,, i,n been Interviewed and said he ,iu..(mlMny, and a booklatiis'r naiii 'd 7i not believe war was Uiwniiieni, Hugh'iH, who shpt In tiim lint he thought It to be more or a poa sl 1.11 ty to be taken Into account now than nt any time minus ' The speaker tunny suya. ' ..,. w.H.b fini ng Wcdiics- !K I k'n that fu t;-r !;e en route. Silver ng like exchange nnn n ""' UioiiL'h the anvimce ia t." mube a further rise If the dc.u.i.d from the East continues. THE OLD IKrtJB. ,...... a.,., !n finite a BcnHntlon . "B ' 1Z; nt ilamburg by the ft"t t on which the Prince of Wale . .. ,.i.n,r American widow, Z I .ichra, a beautiful iMly ilcvcllst who bus been a great deal London. The priuco ;msfreqmlVtak.mhert,tlmt and walks wun ner m u. took her to Frankfort opera yesterdajr, DECISION AOA1NST WOMEN. M.tlt Lake. Aug. Itl.-The supreme court has decided that women cannot vote at: the coining election in Novem ber. The case came up on appeal In a suit of Sarah E. Ander-oii against Charles Tyree, register ollleer at Og ili.ii liivi.lvlmr the oucstlon of women ri.lllur '. IlllllfO Mel'l' I'Slllll till! jvi- oiiiiniH-Tucker" law" had not been re pealed ami would remain effective un- 1 . l.l I 'I' 1,11,1 t utiiicooo i wita itciucvcii. i ii. -I" m..- been no Intention on the part of the coiistlliillonal convention in an in wi.inon to vole lit the llrst eleciloll ill NovoiuImt next, but to allow them t" vote thereafter. ItiOYALTY IN .DAXdEK. Bnistu'lei, Aug. lU.-'Phe queen of nelglmn, who has been staying nl Spa, the Delglan iwiiterlng pbiff, near Isdge, was lihrown from her horse while Jumping dltf h oiiishle of town. Sim fell In the roadway ami wit flier head, which bled severely. 'She re mounted, 'however, and returned In Spa. iSho Is now routined to her imtl, but her condition Is not thought to be serious, SAN FRANCISCO, Aug rtl. Tlio dentb of a young man In Oakland a few das ago from the eflecls or nicy do rhtlinr has started a discussion :itnoiur ha-al nlivslcliiis wlih rtiian lo Ihe effts'ts of cycling itlion the lul man system. As a result of the tils ctmHlon half a dozen of the most prom liient tbs-lors In Ihe city have united In branding the bicycle as a curse to Inimanliv. Here Is 'what Dr. James Slmiison' savs of Ihe wheel: "I entile are killing themselves be cause of the bicycle craze. Wheeling may souie day become a legitimate ex etvlso. but 1 i n not sif wun i is-mtn a IM-rson derives from It. I am aticnu- 1ng libliy limflii'is now who leuri th('inslvis falling off their wheels, uml others who are sutTering from ompl.ilnls due to cycling, no goon ever comes from wnociing. u i an nonsense and I would not allow any of my children to ride. I am talking now 'botih as a parent and a d.s-tor. Tim whis'l Is liijiulous, no mailer what they say lo the contrary. "My daughter In Now York wrote to ine some time ago I hat she had a wheel and was learning to use It. I it once mulled Hint I 'had ton mucin love and regard for a child of mine to allow her on a wlo el. She was dlsnp polnlcd. 'but gave It. up at my requenl. I do not like the bicycle lu the Hint iilntkv. and torn iHM'P opimsed "In overdoing the tilling. No wonder the Onkhiml voung man tiled. The eon- ilniioiis ls'iulliig and buinpliig Injuivd those soft cushions or tissues .between the vert-.tbrae unlll lhty were linaliy iii.Htrov.iil. If neonle must ride. I coiiHl.ler the high hantlhvt the In-st provltled tilic whis'l Is used In Hinder iitlon. Hut It does not bencllt iiny- ,ine." Dr. It. Beverly Colo fluid be did not know much about the bicycle, but was ii'inlllir wlih the complaint known POUTLAND, Aug. ni.-Fiual .':lf In the M. A. A. C. bicycle mcetiiig were run off this aflt'iiioon with tut following n-sulis: Half mile, class A-(. S. Mchoin won; J. t. .Morgan sectni'i; mm l:(R 2 5, which break the Nortbwt-si recortl. One mile, class H,-J. F. Slaver won J. M. Campbell aecond; thu; 2:tt 4 5, which breaks the r.Hind by 4 hih'oiuis. One tulle, class AC. L. now won J, O. Morgan second; lime 2:11 l .. Two mile, class A, paced -K. White won; J. C. Morgan scecud; time -t : 10. This takes thirty "fcoiide off tlie former record, C, li. Dow won the rt'iarler-mlle. living start, class A, against time in :io a ,'i secontis. J. V. stavcr won the tiuartcr-iu:ie. flying start, class It, against time In ill) seconds Hat. Castciullck and Itolir. class A men. rode an exhibition mile on tandem I u 2:HX 1-5. Husk Brothers, class It men. made n half mile on tandem In 1:"1 4-5- The track was too damp nnd r less than live riders fell, M. Hill of Aberdeen, while riding against tine, fell ami broke his collar bone. CIlK'AdO MEN YICTOKS. Chicago. Aug. 111.-Ill the athletic: games today under the auspices of lh Chicago Athletic association, the m.i of that organization ciuiled off n inn jorlty of the prizes. Much Interest was shown In the work of Cruni, a young I own sprin ter, as giving a line on what be ma do when he mecU Fngllslmu-n In ihe Fast. Crnni was entered in ine nio and 2iNi-yard dashes and c.ipt -.iretl both cvcnis easily ns rnr as ctmipeu Hon was concerned, lie iiiatic ui yards In 10 seeoiuls lint, ami lu the jo viinls covered the distance Pi 21 4-5 stvomls, making a new world'" i-eeonl for a circular track anil equal lug the English recortl for a straight away. The American Cycle recortl was 22V, seconds, and was ncin ny Fred Weston of -Washington. Cruni left for the East tonight. GOAD I NO London, Sept. FRENCH. -In n lending arti cle published today, the (ilobe ex presses the opinion Hint the tiernian celebration eiuhingi'is the pence of Europe. The tone of tlio Berlin pupeis has been offensive nnu suen ns ueeu lessly wound the feelings of tlie French people. Puyalltip Commerce: Hold. Brown was" down Monday from Council' lira trie and contracted 7V4 'on at 7V4 enis to F. li. Potter, rcp'i selllllig a New Ymk bouse. A Puyallup buyer nys that ho has been olTeiid HO tons if Yaklma h'is at 5 cents, and would have to advance only 2 cents on them uitlil they were delivered at ihe raU roud platform. The N. Y. house ho repre.ienis would not air.horize the leu I he says. Auburn Argus: There are some vanls of exceptionally tine Imps In this lisiitct, but at the present writing the market docs not warrant the growers ,a picking them. I'liless there Is a Image In the present status of the market, ami that soon, It Is positively ,;i'iialn thai very few hops will be olikeil In the (ir'-cii river district. All IntcivKt in the hop question now enters In the crop that is being har vested. Picking Is In full blast and will be shorter than usual. The re tails frntii different seel Ions of the onntv are coiirllctlng. but the outside silmate is for two-thirds of last year's mp, while others coiilldenily assert bat oiie-half will be all that is har .e.ticd. The true fact is doubtless be tween these two extremes. Last year irobably .'U'.ooo bales were raised lu Msego county.-Otsego Hepuiuican. Oerinan Hop Assis-iailon report: Prospects for the coining crop In (ler iiLinv are iinchaiiged. On the one side we had suilli'leiit rain but on the other tin ml rough winds nnd cool nights have destroyed and blown away a loud deal of'ihe burr of Ihe later sorts. In comparbiiu to hist year's crop we 'sleem the yield to be expected. In our different producing districts ns Ml ',.M! Snnlt. the lower llallertan. WuilenilM'rg the AlscJigriind and Al nice nt two-thlrtls. The upsr Hnller :nn, Flersbruck Lnuf-Aldorf Baden at me. hull'. The one district may get somewhat more, the olhcr somewhat less, and on the average we may expect to grow In icrininiy. as a whole, about 4."VO,000 wis, The Bohemian districts do not nroiiilse more today than they did a week ago, hardly one-half of last year. THE lTtODPCE MARKET, In woolen goods ml-vlccs from Paris f: t "I'.llllVVld snlll' - - . . ..... i ii miiiii ii fc.,.1,1,- ,,', .. "I have no doiiHI, he miiti, nm (U(l im.lVt,,rH. or,iers here say crepon HI m t the effects of the wheel tire cqun - , . . . , i . I ... 0hihi'IiiI1.V in black, fol- ' ns linn, nome yenm 110 un- u...- i,,,...,,! i,v ,1,1-own . and blllf, wrnes md snliio attracled considerable nt- ,,. m' liuniicr In the Sentcinber tentlon in ureni unmiuit mm i.ndies' Home .loui'llill. ine crcpoiu 'on nenr. line runway t-nii.nK.-" ,,.,., H.weii v-l vo cenis to wx tun here are lighter ti'iiin ours and conse- . nn(j of Woil, niobalr anil (building and a negro nlghlwiitclmian were ar ii toil ii'iid.iw inn iiiveug.u.tiii ...hi..!, l. ia ko far failed to Ihimw any ii.eiit on the nivsltrv. P.rc'klurldg, Is tol.1 that he Is held m the chief wit nws. His relatives 'have asiiisi ime auihovltles to see that ihe gels priqi' protet'lloti and a tnir trim. THE ALABAMA IN LONDON. Ixmdon, Bept. 2.-The Gorrlck thea ter was crowded with a representa tive audience tonight on the occasion of the llrst production In Ismdon of "Alabama," by Augustus Thomas. Tho pluy was produced under the di rection of E. S. Wllllard. Upon the fall of the curtain Wllllard advanced to tho front of the curtain and said: "Tho author is 3.000 miles away Hlld Is doubtless anxiously awaiting your ..,ii.r Wlmt shall I tell hlm'r This was met with loud npplauso mingled with a few hisses. There were many Americans preseut, llhirrlla. Aug. .'H.-KIng Alexander ,.r Wi.i-vbi neiii'lv lost, his life while ibathlng Ibis morning In Mie Bay of Biscay. He went swimming with nn inuifiti'iAP nt. ihe nalorliini and bom were, carried off their feet ami away e....... oliin... ibv 1 he ciUTl' l ". Hill! wwino- limn ntni j -v . , ii it nilng iniislcr was drowned In pll or all efforts lo save hlmi, and King Alex ander only reached Uie snore wnu un greatest (illHcully- THE WOOL CLIP. Tlnalrtn. lAllg. Sll.-TllO IlldUSlrllll ii, .,.,...,1 t.uinv wins: The National as- soclatlon of Wool Xiniiiirneiurc nt wm ....i.iiui. ti... ncfcuii of Its Investlgntlon eoiieeriilng the wool clip of tlie United Hlnli.a foe 1W.I5. The liroduct Is 2IWI,- ooit-roii i,iiihIh washed anil unwashed Included In forty -million bales of wool ..,.!.,.( -nr. 210.712 nounds In IKhIucihI to ft wowed basis, tho total prwluct Is iplmced at 125,71!),tllH) pounds. The nuinlK'r of sheep on the 1st of April Is estimated at d'J.u i'J,oto. I.lveiMiool. Sent. 2.Mient. spot, llrm; demand poor; No. 2 Bed 'Win ter. 5s; No. 2 Red Spring. 5s 2d; No. 1 bard Manllohn, 5s :ttl; No. 1 California, 5s Id. s NEW DRESS GOODS. In Ihe vicinity of Ixbanon there nre about 2(10 acres of bearing hops, which will produce about .'tso.ono -pounds. It cjin ls seen at a glance that this Is a hit? tihliur for this comiiniiiity. About $l'.i,0Hl will be paid to pickers alone. .Hid to pick, dry and bale the crop will cost $25,StH. There are about twenty hop yards In ihe vicinity of llarrlsburg. and it is hunted that they will produce 2,000 hales this year. North Carolina Is coming In as n competitor In the limp business, aR it is claimed, good yield, ehrtip land and colored la.lmr will make them siuvess I'ul compel Iter with nay other portion of the world. THE MORA CLAIM. After eighteen years the Mora claim Is to be settled. Mora has waived ins demand for interest, and imynue-nt is to be made on September loth. .Mora Materials. Colors, Trimmings and But tons Fancied for Autumn Coaui. The material most favored Is & rather roiigh-surfacHl Mack cloth, de IM'iidlng for Its ntyle on the amnrtmsw of Us cut and the extra large gutta is'reha but tons that are positive lu their work of fastening It, writes Jsn Isd A. Million. A ulnrulated button hole Is counted In very bad form, and the lst tailors invariably have a double set of buttons and a double act of buttonholes, no that If one aide should how any sign of wearing tho other can be lapped over and utilized, blue cloth, very heavy, but smooth surfaced. Is also In vogue, though few light cloths, except the veritable allver gray, are ueeu. Plain, Bmooth-aur-faced silks are chosen for the linings, a brodeade ls-ing only used when a rather more ehilsjrate tttyle of dentgn . Is chosen. Hussar effects In black braid continue to be liked, and are ar ranged in the usual picturesque fash ion ncrofw tha front of a coat, so Uiat they give to a Blender woman a de cidedly broad apivearance. Velvet for lajs'ls, collars autl cuffs Is frequently seen, although on what Is known the useful Jacket no trimming Is used. Coats of hunters' green made quite long have set In, nfier the Louis Qua torze fashion, waist-coats of white cloth elatiorately braided In gold or silver nnd closing with small gold or silver ibullet litittons; the cuffs and rovers are then faced with white cloth and decorated wltli the braid In har mony with the waistcoat. P001 DENTAL JOTTINGS Clackamas county's delinquent tax list makes ten solid folumus of solid nonpariel. City Treasurer I. I. Burget of The Dalles died Sunday morning soon af ter 1 o'clock. The estate of Geoige Shntrum, ac cording to the miKirt of the appraisers, Is valued nt f.5S8.25. The rate of Incandescent electric lights iu Porest Grove Is 3 cents per candle power per month. An excursion of 300 people Is com ing from Soutih Dakota to 6ec Spo kane's fruit fair In October. Roach anliiing Is being prosecuted wltih unabated vigor nt Slleta, and soino good finds have beeu made of late. Tho Oregon State Board of Pharm acy will meet In Albany the first week lu Octolicr. There will lie at that time candidates for diplomas from all over the state. Tlio point has ilieen raised that Washington Is not legally represented iu congress lnvnuse the legislature has failed to divide the state Into congress ional districts. Judge A. M. Hurley, mayor of Inde pendence, died Saturday evening. Ho wns born In Bangor, Me., December 17, 1S;IS. He was a brother of Judge Hurlev, of Portland. Judge .Fullerton, of rtoseburg, la overwhelmed with applications from persons who want to be appointed ref eree to pass uism the status of claims that hoiie to participate In the distri bution of the $100,000 paid by Bonner & Hammond for the Oregon Pactlic. The Ivolwnou eawr mills are receiv ing atsMit one hundred and seventy live wagon loads of straw per day, averaging about 3700 pounds to the load. The Oregon Industrial exposition which opens nt Portland October 5tii, and closes November 5th, has every assurance of Hieing one of the most sHieeessful expositions yet held in the Pad 11c Northwest. The slate census taken this year in dicates that the drift from the country to tho cities Is quite ns strong as It was flvo years ago. Meantime the cities and fanns nre drawing nearer meiilly the Jnlllng Is greater. J is ,,, r nny ()f th0 two nre combined, wanted the money paid In the United i,,,..,,!,,,,. i,v improved and more rapid Hpuuii cimirt in j,,,,,,, nml changeable colors vie wun sinles, but the Spanish government lmNms 0f communlcatii lie constant jar of the i Ms custmii'iit that causes the trouble. lirim,g ini(, palms, a leaf, moon, etc,, insists Hint It shall be paid In Havana. If Much diseases can arise from the , tiu-.m colors on n dark ground. Silk- The history of the claim possesses lolling of n railway car it is niucn .... Btl..u, nntl eross-burs nre Intro- now new Interest, as It removes tne mow llkelv to r.'Hiill. I should think, ,i,ui ,. tiirnred nml nlaln crciwnis. i,ilU.,, 0f setllcinent: and may even yet wllih the ibniiiplng of a 'bicycle. Ev- lt 4 won, lo reineniher when buying involve us In some trouble. Mora was cry rovoliillou of the wheel Is ne- mt, goodB that tho very clastic U native of Culm, where he had large ronpanl'.Kl by a ,iar wnien siuiaea ine Weaves are apt to sag or orop as n estates, in ine year ne necmof u entire wyst Mii. The IsMitllng posture Hki.ti luli0S!, a patient of several gores, resident of the I'nlled States, and six does not tend to tihat coiiiplnlnt. In I otarlit or nine, Is taken; llicti the heen years later became n naturalized 1'iicr. II: would be more likely to re- ..,..,.,,1,1. ,,f 0,,eh niece Is loo small to ,'lllzen. The ground upon which tlie milt from the upright, Ism use the llm,w (his. Crepon sleeves and skirt gnvorii'inont of Spain took possession wholo eni'l 1 of Hie spine is simjecieu ,n iln een w I 1 a lilnlil or cniinge- ,,t Mora s Cuban properly was naseu able silk waist. It Is also very nauu- uy siiaiu upon uie assertion uuu ne somo when coni'blnoil with vciver, nun was 11 participant in tne cumin liimir v.iii.t u to im verv fashionable during root Ion then mending: and In addition" tho fall and winter. Heavy cream or to the seizure or 111s immense ami vm ecru lace, jet, black nnd changeable uable lantatltins, which were by the i.i,ira luiHsorinonterles ot spangles and nenteince of a conrl-marllal seized lu lunula nml Rutin rlblxms nro the trim- Havana, in 1870. Mora himself, though Dr. Tennyson lH'iin snys t'liat uniii mliiL'ai selwted for crepon, wnien is absent nt the tune, wns sc-nionecn 10 the t ew e scat W (iiueirentiy con- always a more or less urossy costume, uenin. in ino rinim ngticti m ii structed the "railroad spine" will con- oimngenblo mixtures lu homespun, m,5()0,ooo compensation, but tins pnn tltiuo to iinenace wheel men. As It is I serge, cheviot mid Buch goods win ue lsh eourls (ieiaytd liuiKing 'ine iippm Awarded Highest Honors World's" Fair, Qold Medal. Midwinter Fair. Da lo the Jolt. Moderate excivlse oil tne wheel will Inltire no one. The trouble wlih ihe 11 iw craze Is that lt is car ried to excess, and the craze will MVf.nt utill v leul to new and compli cated disc iscs of -(both sexes, unless moderation Is speedily observed. now arranged, the saddle throws the I popular. wetglht f the body upiin too sniiui 11 spiu-e, which, coupled iwllh the Jolt ing and iiiiiui'hiral iKmltlon of the biwly, leads to fatal results. Dr. A. D. Evelyn likens bicycle rid That's right, make the Insane asylum an lnsiino asylum, not a resort for paupers, drunkards nnd pnnilytli'S. Albuny Democrat. iirlaHiin. and It Is no doubt due to tho present condition of Cuba, nnd to Spain's fear of offending the United States that tho tardy agreement .is-' reached. If Mora were subject of" CREAM 1 n4MIainKut,be ue ol nwr- IjpllSuT perwivtvUy w by B,,a 1 r i: ! s: St I i it ! I i 1- p. .", ( I .1 '4' I, :. f s.' t i I