THE WEST SIDE. O. H. raimaa a. Cashier, WSOKl) BY VestSiis Publishing Conpany SUISCRimON RATES. rAYABl.B ID ADVANCE nTw . . . ' Bl Unnlhl - 1-00 TKm U.tntn. JO All tueTlaa and death notices not eioeed. D By. Unas wUlbe Inserted frve. All over Br tine will be charged llvs cents per Has Society obltursxy resolutions will be charged (br At lb MM u( flv. cents per llu. t ruck It. At Hit top Uth HKlitlintM a lightning rovl projected 8 tot W ftout th ground II looks to t nuly about S fwt In length. Tht light house it flv mllM from NfWort. One liitwMntlug adwutur for Uw party wu the capture, by Mr. Mason, of hut la generally known aa a "go devil" or 'Mevil-flsh," Tin tide w out and she discovered It In a pool left by the tide. It wan Mid to b the largest eluilne of lu kind ever captured at the bay. She detached It from the rout, to which It waa cling ing, by means of a long atlck with a hook at the end, aud after being as sured by a byitauder that the animal was harmless when out of aalt water she- landed liliu whew he waa admins) ud commented unou by all for hi ferocious, odd aud wloked appearauc. An Kaslesu Oregon plijslolan tool the pufflc lo Indepen charge f him for the pun of pre- Kegieteied at tone, Oregou, a seeoud-laas matter. THURSDAY, AlOlTST . ISM. D1W.XWJTI NUANCES .Remember that lr publshersof this paper mut b notified by totter when a subscriber wtahes bta pr Slot'F4- AU arrearages must be ptd. ALWAYS GIVE THE NAMK ol the post. OUlPV W WUIVU JVHI aeai-vi im avM . smeeannotbslouudonour awkaaah 1H",,,d this 1 dons, ALL LETTERS ehould be addressed to the WEST MDK, Independence, serving hhu lu alcohol. The party started for home on the .Mill after procuring all the the urchins, slartllsh etc, that they want ed. When they were crossing the tun nilt they met a Utile boy of tf or 7 years mm urew nun iiuo oouvenauoit. in waa unusually bright and Ititclligeu but suddenly refused to answer the questions addressed to hi in and aat down mam the iirouud. 1'non Mug asked fr the tlilnl lime ir lie liked t live In that country he replied earnest ly without lookihrf up, "Don't bother me I'm calcltln' tteas." The hop market starts out at 8 cents a pound which price barely coven cost of raising. This would be dlsrourag- tng were It not for the fact that fut ure prospects for Polk county hop are very bright. This years low price will The nart v arrived home on the 22ud after having had a very enjoyable trip with no misfortunes uoiwiiisiaumug the fact that no "lord of creation aecoiupauled them. A Farewell Party. On Saturday evening the most eiilovalile, nartv of the season wuwuioiuuuuieiUiuur,0 givt, hy the Miss. Whtteaker to the world to be plowed under. ew un,i.r of their friends at their nleas- York growera caunot raise hops for lesa ant home "Falrvlew." Mlsa lkrlle th.n IS n.nt nnund. Kor th nui I ss noaiesa nxiaeu ciiarnitug in a areas two seasons they have received but 11 cents. In Oregon we can raise them for 8 cents and make some money Keit year Polk county hoi will lie of cream silk and lew and entertained her guests luoet royally. Mlsa Nellie, no lew daintily attired In cream and pink received the younger guests lu a manner quite pleasing to all. The quoted over the world for are goiug to ou" M1"". Iu l'll evening u . .i . t . ... i costumes, added much to the charm make a reputation for themselves and ... V . ,i M . . , of (he already beautifully decoratinl Afc A . a a. a A I .1 " " me imure great nop neius oi cue ,i n,,it-,,i.-,,tt ,isn l swmsv In theeveniug'senlertalunient was the Those who can hold their hop yards I musical program rendered by Mr. and another vear will see a chamre Mrs. A. J. NMilteaker aud Mr. J.F, ... . , . IowelI, arter which the guests re red 1 to the din utnir nwrni whort min a a a . . a a. ? . I " H H aoes, u onty enwurnge. me j.ew , devUJ dr wb of nk nd York grower to stay In the business blue had been woven. Thegeutleman when otherwise he Is likely to become were only too willing to be caught 4inr.,j ,,! in us mesne ana never again can I tkaatf uu kt 'llr ulrlsi AVuP liuii atl el i .t n MiMiik " A illiiliiiifl lnriih tt (rwasim mere are some mauers oi nusineas tn,t rke wasserve.1. which, together belonging to a town that should not be wH" iy Mb fV?luT" l,ove, ,hat published to the ouuide world, and U,)ftrt.,i , pain to make the occasion yet the resideuta, at least those bavlug most enjoyable one. 1 he remainder ... . of the evening was spent In playing the good of the town at heart, should various game. Those present were Vkmt fully nuitnl in onler tn avoid Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Whlteaker, Mr . . ... I ... ... i imcnnrr. m r. mill Uiatle mat Will Mrs. A.J. Whlteaker. MIssh and Nellie Whlteaker, May, Alios aud (IiiiwIm Mslksv. NeltlM CmmIiv. Miv t i- . .it ... ..i. i " ' y . . uigiuiuo shujo Mutxuuu vi vueva-1 niiaiHS, laiev and KaillO naielge, Kmiiia (Vsiuillette, Olive Willlatus I Messrs V. O. Cook. Oeorue and Jesse w injure me wwn. ror unu reason whlteaker, A. lJowman, Hartley an organization of business men is not ,UIKr, w"l,m , J"", Jay a bad Idea. You might then talk over Samuel llurkliart. James Itridwell ami matters and iret an exchange 0f "'rauk l'wll,,iu," opiulons. any moves being conflict with those of our friends work HOP GROWERS IX SESSION. Nearly Eight Hundred Acres of Hops Represented IiAst Saturday afternoon a special meeting of the Willamette Hop Grow era Association was held for the pur pose of learning wnetlier the growers were experiencing any trouble tn ob mining pickers. About 40 growers were iu attendance, representing 7UH acres. After a canvass, it was found that alxiut 25 more pickers were need iu this section. It. I). Cooper was a- pointed as a committee to arrange with transportation lines for bringing in pickers at reduced rates. The outlook for the hop crop here Is very encouraging. The yield is not large, but the quulity Is excellent President Wolcotl addressed the meet ing for half an hour, and impressed upon the growers the need of extra care in picking, drying and curing hops, and the growers are going to take to the advice. He said that one mistake of growers was hiring too many pickers and thus having to lay oft too much of the time; that It bred discontent and might bringon astrike. I J ulun u-artiAn t ho irmu'AH .ialnl WKAn Ir luinnmtia bnnvn lhar r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r. I J "utu'"" nutting too many hops on the kiln bicycle steadily tends to harden the ttlHir H0ps sliould not stay long In muscles of the leg aud make it gather the sacks alter being picked, not to Into lumDS bicvele rldinir will become allow dirty picking, use plenty of iuiplmr that it assisted in drying and ws no detriment, do not remove the hops from the kiln floor when hot let them cisil at least an hour, do not bale hot hot let them lie at least three days. In drying never let I he heat go A Trip to the CoaBt. above 140 degrees. Do not make your liales too light as you loose on the On the 13th Inst a party consisting deduction for hop cloth and do not i of Mrs. M. E. Mason. Mrs. T. B. Hunt- make loo heavy as It breaks the thread lev. Miss Eva Btevens and Miss Lulu aa. Bulnl" " not; snow up springy Did It ever occur to our readers thai It takes men of enterprise to make a thriving town? That a mail who advertises draws trade to a town and all lines of business are benefited ? On the contrary a business man who Is so lacking In push that be will not Invite trade injures every other merchant In town. Take millinery as an example. Every woman that goes away from " home to buy a new bat is almost sure to spend some money there for some thing else all our trade should be kept at home. Why would it not be a good idea for the O. A. R. wigwam to be opened with a grand merchant's carnival. The carnival given some years ago in Inde pendence was a great success and no doubt it could be made equally so again. There are as many pretty girls here now as ever. Neighboring towns In the county and even Balem mer chants might be Invited to participate. less popular with the ladles who wear bloomer skirts. The exercise strength ens the limbs but does not improve the contour. Mason started for Newport, on Yaqu- Ina bay. They took a team aud light wagon and traveled by way of Bud get's valley; arriving at their destiua- .1 ! .' y T! 7. mi t a probably l)B HlB fllltist I tion on the 15th. They report fine !..,, pri )U(, for pld and samples do not aud injures sales, r-'ew your bales neutly. make I he corners square so that tlie tmie may nuve a neat attractive apearancc 1'olk county norm tnis year will ever put In bales. L'klnir will be 40 weather, and high prices at the coast cents a box. Growers are having no and during their stay of five days they trouble to get picking money from the visited many Interesting places the "?" ,"mw" pouuus " n u . of hops to llie acre, the 708 acres most important of which was Car revriSM.ulKi at the meeting here will I j?ouiweatner jjigni-nouBe, uisinct 1a. Bn aggregate or ,v'i,m pounds. Jt Thv were informed bv the courteous Is probable that not more thau two keener that the light house, and its lmru8"1 'e acreage u win v.cin ty .. iu. 1 . , ,. was represented Hiiiuniuy, so that the surrouuuiug ouiiuuiK, as migut ,ot(tI yil,(, of j,J,eK.n(i,,,lce an,i be expected from the name, placed vicinity will aggregate 1,800,000 pounds, upon the real cape Foul weather but to which, at 8 cents a pound, the estl- the next cape south of the real one. inated ctwt of growing a pund of hops, , 1 . , . . , , , will cuuse to lie distributed In this mis is ou account m iimue vicinity in the next two mouths by the surveyors. Among other facts $ik ,000. This picking money will be they learned that the top of the tower aid to wnite ucip only. Is 161 feet above sealevel. and that in winter when the wind is blowing at I Lost His Pants at Dallas. fhn rate of 86 miles an hour the tower nla from side to side and often stauds Children somttimes say some very 8 lneh from the nernendicular. and thi"K8' Sometime ago Fred A one can plainly feel the motion as n uouiy, me grocer, uau a mwsuu. wis Th lense. behind which the pawner, a n. h;hb, uuiiib nnrue one i nio i..,WnI nn. ,i day from the store and said to his L several thousand dollars. It Is wife "Fred lost his suit to day at Dall sheildedbyan outer glass which is la" "Kcu auin"' u",0 nulla fhlek hut not thick enoueh to neanug ine remaia, out not, ruiiy un quite thick but not initu enougu dtirMtuiliillK poke up and iJ; "What prevent wild geese that are attracted dot.,,that m?m papa?" Mr. Locke to the light, from going through it and wasaljoutto explain when Glenn, a taking chips of glass from the lense. six year old hopeful, with a tone of when such an accident occurs the Jgj-t hivosaUaIaw I ........ .1 .t.n. .rllK tlia n i it rT lam - aeeper siausu wsi nuu m. nu other men he was able to replace the broken gloss in exactley two minutes Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powdei and a half from the time the bird Awrded ui MW uiiwm rlr. Su FraatiM. CORRESPONDENCE. DALLAS. V ar told that all oomplalnta regaling taxes should bt made before the Equallaallon board at IU aiwalon or they may never be heard. This seems cruel but the Huprems court, so say tha legal fraternity, Uava mad the board meeting the only opportunity ftr correction la assessment. The board meets the 25th ofHeptcmber, and will bv lu semlou fmni Mouday until Saturday both Inoluslva. Frank Ivla wanted last Hprlng for stealing "hams, Joints aud bacon" and rerselllnv goat hams for venison waa arrested on warrant from Justice Court by Constable Hubliard lu the wilds of the coast mountains In liana oouuty last week. Iu default of ball ha now boards at the Hotel Ie Plummer awaiting the meeting of the grand jury In December. C. C. Klrkpatrlok, after a two months stay at Newport, returned to Dallas Monday. He seemed overjoyed to get home and every Imdy aeemed over' joyed lo see Clifford. Ha has been clerking In a hotel at the seaside but will now lalsir In the hop fields. Rev. Futrell, of M. E. church Bouth preached his farewell sermon before Conference last Huuday. His many friends here express the wish that may be returned to Dallas fur another year. Atty. Kd. F. Coad met wllh a very painful accident a short time ago. He stepped on a nail which penetra'ed to the bone making a very sever aud pal ti fut wound. If you live on the Houth side of much traveled street you have perhaps noticed that there Is some dust lu the roads. A good system of water works la a panacea for this ailment. The many friends of Judge A. M Hurley were pained to learn of his Illness, We hope he may yet be re stored to health. Mrs. F. H. Morrison has returned from Oregon City and will teach in the public schools of Dallas this com log year. The farmers this year have threshed about as much grain from the stubble sown grouud as from the summer fallow. C. V. Paul made homeatead filing before the county Clerk the 27th upon 8. W. of Beo. 15 Tp. 8. H. R 9 Will Mer. The County Board of Equalisation of taxes sits Heptembcr 2ft, and will con tlnue In session through the week D. P. Htouffer Is busy making the Military Boll for Polk county under the direction of the Asseassor. The M. E. church Houth people hope to complete their church free from debt next Hpring. F. L. Kelley that rus. ling livery stable man of your city, did business In Dallas Monday. Messrs Basset aud Woods are arang- Ing to run a first class wood saw In town soon. Homer Murphy and Albert Lemon were in town nuuting nop-pickers Monday. E. C. Pentland, of Wkht Hidk fame, made a flying trip to Dallas Monday Miss Msbcl Huttnn, of Halern, vlslllug relatives in Dallas. A. N. Holmau was over from Halem this week. Hon. N. L. Butler was In Dallas Tuesday. HUVER. D. A. Hoag In company with several others left Tuesday for a hunt In the Cascades. We presume they will re turn with numerous fish and bear stories, if nothing more. Y. P. 8. C. E. every Hunday evening at 7:30. The society Is getting a good start and it will continue to Improve If every one will give us tbelr hearty co iteration. Iiastrrlday a Jas. withrow was moving his thresher engine the axle gave way. He Is now using Itonko's engine. There waa preaching last Hunday morning by Bev, Burlingame, and also In the afternoon by Rev. Yost. The new scboolhouse Is now com pleted and preseuU a very neat appear ance. There la now being considerable grain hauled to the warehouse. MONMOUTH. What Is needed In this town and needed very much, Is a spirit of loyalty to Monmouth's Interests and a proper jealousy of all other towns. We should all seek to boom the town, not only by word of mouth, but by favor ing local Interests lu every conceivable way. That spirit of local pride and loyalty has been a prime factor In Chicago's phenomenal growth. Every citizen of that great city "pulls" for 'hlcago wherever he may be and In every conceivable manner. They com menced it when Chicago was a very small town and kept It up ever since. Tiiey want a goodeal more of that Chicago spirit right here In Monmouth than has yet been seen. Frank Mulkey has returned from uoie Htation, uai., ana nas formed a partnership with Holt Crowley to run a grocery store In the room lately occu pied by The Monmouth Mercantile Co., William MuUey will be business manager. Mrs. Thomas, of the Thomas Pahr- macy has in process of drying seme very flue figs, gatheied from the trees In Dr. Parishes' yard. They have the peculiarity of making the observer say; "yum yum! give me some." Mr. Bechler and Mr. McClure have painted their homes much Improving that part of town aud Mr. Nelly Is erecting a new house for bis own use iu the same locality. Borne dogs attacked Mr. Nicholas Hteeles' sheep on Thursday night doing much injury. One dog has been killed aud the owners of the other two canines will pay damages. Mr. Rufus Hmith came home on Friday, the warm weather aiid too much exertion getting the better of him. However the work with the baler proceeded. Out of the belles of Huver says, "If thstWurr Hidk correspondent don't stop saying such mean things about Stiver folka, w will slop taking the paier." Mr. George Htanley, a former student and teacher for four years past In the Taooma schools, Is here on a visit. Mrs. Nellla Koukes, of Portland, a daughter of I Ground of this place, Is here on a visit to her parents. Dr. Frasej and wife have returned from Eugene where they have been visiting relative. Mlsa Veda Guthrle.of Cochrane, Is In the oily at ber aunts. Mrs. It. C. Perulval. Prof. Raloomb and wife are assisting In the Institute Mug held at Marsh field, Or. rrof. Allen aspects to occupy the house owned by Mrs. Early Hewitt, Mrs. Hanby Is lu Halem visiting this week. Dr. Poole has located at Yreka, Cal. U. Finihiut. Born, to the wife of M. Arant, Aug. 20, a sou. Miss Armllda Doughty left Thurs day for California. H, D. Pert ival Is now working In the (Htumir office at Datlss. Miss Mary Chllders, of Halem, Is visiting Mlaa Klla Kinniett, this week. Lorett Hindu's many friends will be pleased to know she Is recovering from her recent llluess. Mrs. John Grant ami daughter Alice aud Freda, were visiting her mother. Mrs. A. Doughty, the first of the week. Mrs. Fox, of Rlckieall, and her cousin Miss Jennie Brislon,of Warsaw, Illinois, were visiting Mrs. Matilda Conk, this week. Prof. George Hlanley, of Hlllsbo- ro, spent a few days In our city last week. He Is making a tour of the country on his bicycle, A youug "limfcr" was found dead on the streets of a certain faraway city. Upon examining his brain the physi cians found that an Idea had struck him, the fl rat one, Beware ye, who roam the street. I RKkKRAI.I. Another Advertising Triumph. "I love your daujiter, sir." said lie; "My fova will never falter, Aud wllh your kind permission I Will lead her to the alter." "Not quit so fast, aspiring youth; Before the knot Is tied On certain most Imnortatit points I must be satisfied. You do not smoke, nor drink, imr chew T Quit right and quite surprising; Hut now, voting man, I want your views On Hindering advertising." The suitor blushed honored sir! I trust there'll be no friction; But lhal gissl advertising paya Is my most firm conviction, "From boyhiMMl, sir, I've noticed that Fmni seasons dull and trying, The men who advertise with skill Coins nut with colors flying. "My business, too, at first so small. Now rapidly Is growing, . And well I know to printers' Ink All my success is owing." "Enough, enough, O, wise young sir: You need no sags advising; (let married, air. but don't forget To keep on advertising." W. n.O' Portland, who Is Interested with W. B. Lawler In developing the mines, was lu the city Thursday. Mr. O'Duiinell, while assorting last Friday met with a very painful accident. Ho hail the first finger on his left hand crushed be tween two rocks breaking the flngt ill two place which will jieruirnenlly render hi finger useless, Mr. O Don uell went to Portland Haturday with some samples of ore hi bs assayed that were taken from a new 2 foot ledge struck In the "Bed Bull" mine, from No. 9. Everything Is progress ing In good shape at the mine sixty men are empoyid and Mr, Lawler the general manager, is going to In creas the force to seventy-five the first of next mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Johu's. of Baker Cltv sje visiting Mrs. Johns sister Mrs. L, Kuykeudall this week. I,t Wednesday evening the Misses Hluiotlloii gave a farewell arty tn honor of their friend Miss V. Patty, of McMlunvllle, All present spent a very enjoyable evening, The Irlsh-Amerlcnn threshing company ended their work Tinnday evening. Hop picking will begin iu all the yards around here Monday. Mrs. A. F. Htoner went to Gaston Tuesday and will remain there several days under the ds-tor's care. Mrs. Baskett aud nelce. Mis Jennie Itrlstow. tsik the train Tuesday morn ing for Newport. Pure Blood Is tha icrretof the reatnration to health whlrh Hood's Harsaparllls gives. "It gives ms plranur to reeom mend Hood's Karss partlls. It has cured bis ol msny com plaints, and purl fl'd my blood. I was troubled wltb niy liver, had alp . dltrais and other O , .ia .-..II v Ins of my snkles For a lo:g time I b4 to walk wllh a cans. For several year I waa gradual- breaking down. I bad the grip in atwre form, II I . u. My recovery I lo Hood's Karaaparllls All my Ilia Hew prrsiin. I procured six bottles of 'III t have (') sud I (ml like s illsnil rsineariuv. j,t, Itayeards, Cal Hood's Sarsaparilla la I'iscniy tru 1.kk1 pnrlflar prominent ly la tlis puimo s lousy, i tj n. 1 sleep eellsiidrsthearlllv." atas.CiuauTrai Kr.i.1 U.l Dili ear haWhisI ennaUp liuuu b sriiis Uuo. fries SS.pMbol. s a comparison. A We wish 'our readers to compare the publisher of this, or any other paper, who has to go all around the county to collect his pay, to a farmer, who sells his wheat on credit; and net more than a bushel or two to any one person. If one of our farmer friends would try the experiment of distribut ing the proceeds of his labor over two or three counties, with an additional one, two, or three in distant states, tor one year, we will guarntee that he will never, after the years ex perience ask a publisher to supply him with the paper for a year or two without pay for it. Neither will lie expect him to sent) a collector around, but he will rail at the office, the first time he route to town, and insks the heart of the puMUher glad by tearing a few sllvet Ingots lu his hand. Call iiinl settle your siiliscrlitlon. West Side Pub. Co., Independence lo Portland Pokti.ari), Ob., August 6, 181)5. Editor Wkht Hidk: DBA R WR:-Uwlug to the extreme low water and short days it will be Impossible to continue our regular trips to Itnleuoi denoe longer than this week. After Monday, August 11th we will make but one trip per week to Independence, which will be Hunday, arriving In the after noon and leaves Monday morning at 0 a. in. Please change time table to that effect during low water-trips to Halem will be as usual, except that we wll leave 7 a. in., Instead or 7:40. Cai-t. A. W. Graham. INDEPENDENCE Steam Dye Works W. Evans, Prop. Gent's Clothing, Cleaned Dyed and repaired; also Ladies' Jackets Dress Capes and Piece Goods. First Class Work and low Prices. Dye works located North of Main Street Bridge, Independence, Oregon. A.. W. Docksteader, (Hucccssor to Cnarlea Htaats) -PKOPUIETOU OF City Truck and Transfer Go. Independence, Oregon. HauUnat doa at HaM sUtea. la Wosd far sals DON'T WAIT For a Cold to Run Into Bron chitis or Pneumonic. Check it at Onco WITH AVER'S Cherry JPectoral. "Karlyln th Winter. I tk severe cold whlcti nevciopen in 0 an obstinate, hacking courii. very painful to enlurj and trotthllng mo nay aim wkiiv, o nine weeks. In spile of iiuinerous o remedies, Aycr-s t berry toral Isilng rwH)iiimeiilel luff. 1 J . A . .. . i. .....I l,,u ,ln nf VI . hours, I was relieved or" th tickling In my throat lie fore I finished the IkjUIc, my cough was nearly gone. 1 cannot se;iK too highly of its excellence, -Mr. &, Woscit, Kttton. Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Received Highest Award AT THK WORLD'S FAIR oooooooooooooooooooooopqj Kelley's Livery - - Stable. - - f IrstKilasa na fliniUlird nn almrt millm. f 'omineri'lal Uads a apvet. slty. Main St., Independence MOSEY LOANim. First Xortgaaea On Improred IroteHj Segotlsted. farm We are prepared to negotiate first mortgage umui Improvisl farms lu Oregon, with Kaatern parties at a rate of interest tmt to exiwsl 8 er ocut r annum. MortKKsi renewed that have been taken by other eoinpatili. Address, with stamp, M mi win Hwoktw, ItakerC'ity, Uregfiu. OeitM Clothing. Mad b onlnr in any ile at Iha Ind tMntltieTailirNliiit,T.tyb Jenka, priirlelir. A Alio lino or samples al. wsya on hsnil from which lu selwt. Mutts mads to order from til up, bjr , Independence Tailor Shop 'I la tli plac to get all Ant-clasa work. sWaj 15c. LWt K h ATM 25 Cns TIME TABLE. aud Voamouth Motor IJns Imvh ludeiwadeoee. leaves Moun.euih. T.Ob :IU S:l ll.l 1:MI SlA l.HI :S0 lUM) a: ns l;l BANKS. .THE INDEPENDENCE National Bank! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. ti, imwaiHKiui, SIIIIAM NK1XUN. W. P. IXINNA WAY lisldut. Vloe PrsatdeuU Caahler, A general banking and exchange bualnesa lrunol4!il; louna mmlo, bills discounted, oeui inniTlal credits granud: depisilu received on ourreut acomint aitlijeel Ui cbwk. Interest paid an lime deposits, MUKOTOKh. It. V. Hmllh. A. Nclimn I A Ir.ixtwiii. A. J.UoiMlmHii. 1). Hlrwlilwrg. Allen, H. H W. Hears, 11 Cornmenoed Business March 4, 1889. Kalatilialied by National Authority, THK FIRST NAT10NIL BANK. of Independence, Oregon. Capital Stook Surplus, $50,000.00 $14,000.00 J. H. COOPER, U W. ROHKKTHON. President. Vie Iresldent W. H HAWLEY, Cashier. DIRECTORS. B.CMiper, L, Riibertaon, Lewis llelinlok G. W. WhiUiaker.W. W. Collins. A' irennral hnnkln. hnainou. Buya and sails emliHnun m Un piiliit. -" 1hiK)hIU reoelved anlileot to check or on cer. UP2 of deposit, Onllecttons made. unum nuurs: s. in, to 4 p. m, INCORPORATED UNDER THE L1WS OF OREGON. MONMOUTH. Or. P. L. OA M PHKLL....... Vioe-Pres. IRA 0. POWELL. IZICashiw Paid Capital, $30,000. DIRECTORS, 1. H. Mswlev. P. I,. runiiilmll I M en, .,.... J. B. V. Btitler, J. 8. Htunip, F. ti'. Powell Joseph Craven, A general banking and exchange buslnssn IriiiiHiieted; lnsns made; tlepoNltH reeslved nihject to check iron eerlillcale of derswlf Interest paid on time deiHislts. . S-Klre prisif vault and burglar proof safe, soured by Yale time lock. in, c Hours: t a. w. to 4 p, iu. mmmmmmmmmmmmmitiifi & 3 3 3 3 IWest Side Trading Co.i O MAVG opened up bus loess at the ; Vanduyn corner, with a full and ; complete Him of . . DRY GOODS, BOOTS & , CLOTHING. AND respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Our prices ll t. waya be the lowest. We srs hers for business. If fair treatment sn4 low prices are any Inducement, we will always be found . . , 3 3. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IN THB LEAD. 3 BSSSSWMSSS I VE OFFERS I E 500 pair Men's and Boys Pants, from 50 cents up. 2 : 2,500 pair of shoes, from 50 cents 2 & toso.oo. 3 sg 1 z 85,000 worth of Clothing, at low-2' St: cr prices than any other firm 2 can offer, gELook for Prices Next Week. 3 pTlM.I INDEPENDENCE, ORE. luaiiuuiauuiaiaiaaiiuaiaiaiaii?' INDEPENDENCE ROLLER MILLS, Lewis Ilelmiek, Pi-oprietor. Mi Feed on Hand and to Order. Independence, Oregon Near the 8. P. Depot.) Oregon Pioneer Drug Store, SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY Alexander-Cooper Drug Co; Here's Soap! You probably want the very flndst and tHwt when you use It on the dvllcate skin of your wife or baby. We nave all kinds of Toilet Buape. They are delightfully pei fumed and are madenfpure materials. Wi especially call your attention to the Mexican Hoap Root soap, which Is purely vegetable. Corns and get a FREE sample. Patterson Bros., The Druggists. Here we are With the Celebrated Bain wagon. There have been 40,000; of these wagons sold on the Pacific Coast; so they talk for themselves. We carry every thing the farmer needs in the l. i ...... naraware or vehicle line. Call and examine our stock R.M. Wade& Co.