The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 01, 1895, Image 4

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    ITS A C.IUI.
In aptto of prophet-jiita,
Tt' a irtrl;
Of proy-lm? nl of crying,
It a girl!
Her Iwby eyest are beaming.
Her iroMcu Imir W gleaming
H mrtvJ.r tjreamlus?)
It girl!
In spit of fcls ami t'other,
If a Klrl!
(And did h want am-tlier?)
It's a girl!
The nations come a-calllng.
The Utile mlsH Is siiiatllm;'
(It really Is appalling")
IV a girt!
Just Im-tr the table cackle:
Tt a girl!"
(.Hting out his ll-dtlng tackle!)
It's a girl!
T1k jirosiKvt'H not hivlltitg.
And IVrttimV milter slighting:
-.Thank heaven, tlu llsh are blttng!)
It '8 a girl!
Allan-la Constitution.
A Bicycle Story.
ft--,. am a bUvl
Mir by the full tide of power,
"j tho eo:tpiertf leads to dint
jfJfi sun glory and mul' In;. faim1.
but a laln ordinary--it., not
an "ordinary," but safety
-bicycle for hire.
True, I tun ut a cood state f rvKiir,
ami am as coniforml-le its my keepeis
can make inc. hut 1 am not deck-d In
rlhlions and nurtured In eomusidloua
quarters ami riddiii only by the mis
hwy over Kuiootn pavements for
short distunes.
I never even bad such luck when I
fh'st came from ibo factory. 1 Hioitghl
1 was goini; to fall Into that good for
tune, btttn man took tin" on t "failthat
Is to say h tHk me on dlu li;tMll
ment plan and trkd to ciy far mo.
but rwildu't ami was forced to return
im at tho end of u month ami ilmi I
wa only good enow;)! to go among
the lilroilugs, ami there 1 have staid
ever since. Uoodttess know how
long t aeenw sluce I got tho llrst
wivncli to my uvl rllw and had my
frame skinned agtdnst a trtH Imx!
I was bora a combination wheel,
that la you ran takeout my spinal
(Milium, and .then 1 can le ridden by
a lady, not tu blismiers, and thank my
stars no bloomers have ever yet en
Ytioted uw lu their folds.
That time the man had me ou trial
I think was my tlrst uncomfortable
experlemv. for he was preen at the
hirdu'.'ss him! m w;is Land the rooult
was that bot.i o' us trot buins In-nuii'.ei-itble,
and thouli he came out
of It wiih a tivln'iy knee aud 5ralneil
ftukle and twikfd note and a lame
arm aud a lnirt hnk and a b'.ack eye
with a few other incidental cixtMU'.c.
1 was nothing to bras of n. -''-t.
'Hint's why when lie had ta stive me
ui they put me ou tln hlie'.hivr
Itttt I was csperientiil ami that wai;
A bieycle lias a pood ileal tv learn
wlnn it ftwt lwivt the faetory.
People who une to lt'.re wheels
lookou a liulo phy at me as I stijml
quietly in iny nu-k. and Iheu pirsid
iu by, but mt for lout;. My Uim jh n
put a new owt of eiianii! on me and
otln-rwlse put me in tiliape. and tin i c
after I luM-auio quite popular, it d.r
who lieid mo out for a sp n when 'hey
returned would niy they didn't ki) v
why it wan lntt 1 WH'tai'd to be isi.uv
Intelligent Mian th"-r wln-els they h:nl
trleil, and 1 was not half so liable to
make a sudden ttwervp, aud b.iiur
a wtipm iu the street or Into n jr.ite
pt or over a Uink or d ) au mte of
the forty dozen other things a bi.-yele
W likely to lo when the rider Is liit
expiH'ting it.
Of cours" I know this myself and
w;w nst;iitly wtrlvliij; to ple.iMe, j tint
as any itli.T publle Hervant Is, fu:
hadn't I ltnrl ciKtiurh of King and bai
ter with that liwtallinent plan p-w'y?
I gus yen, and I am sure a properly
regulated bh-yole knows wheu It has
bad eno'uru.
All kinds of people hired me, and
with most of them I could do very
well Xevor, though, with a fat
woman. There was one of tint
thought she ouuhl reduce her lie. h by
riding, aiMl she lit right ibovn on me
the tirst time ho rame Into my hv.
How I riwttiNl that I had uot U'cn
Imrn a nuin'8 machine when he set
tled liemelf firmly In my saddle and
began fuddling like a duck in water.
After that every day he came after
me, ami I began to think that my bur
den was ui'M-e than 1 could boar. J
don't know why It Is, hut after omc
years of exiiericnce I inn prepared to
assert tlmt a fat woman weighing
pounds is Just twice as heiivy iik
a fat man of the same weight. If
notne il"ntbt will explain this he will
do all of us bicyehti a great favor.
However, 1 don't care very inio-ii
about it, IsH-attse I made It convenient
to dump the fat lady one evening into
a pond of water and sin; came so near
drowning that nhe has organized a
crusade against 1 ho wheel and has
bought an Interest in a patent antl-f;U
But there wa another woman ;h,
me, what a delight It was to go living
with her. .She was a dainty little
ereature, light a a fairy and strong
as wire, mul she knew where nil the
prettiest place were, and we went
together, and Him drew pictures cf
sylvan scenes while I hiuicd up
against a tree and watched her by the
hour. One day a handsome young
fellow wheeled by, and they nodded
pleasantly, he blushing a bit ami he
ninlliug. Several days after they
came to my place together, and ulie
took me away with her for three days.
Tliat was a delight to mc, for wo went
far off by stages, and the youa.'
man on his own wheel a beauty it
was. too went witli us. There we:c
others In the party, hut my Interest
.was in these two, and I paid no heul
to what the oih ;rs did !; where they
went Th' third day, ns we weiii
bowling homeward, my lady appeared
to lie 111 at wise, and there were times
when if 1 had not bad all my wits
about me we would surely have gone
off the iroad and over the bank into
Whatever nuy have l:en below to
have received ns. The young man
was never far off, but he was not as
he 'kid teen, and after wondering
nearly all day wluit mould have hap
ismod, 1 rememlsTcd to have seen
them !the night ls'fore on tho piazza,
where I leaned up against the wall.
I was feeling the aiwl of rest and
did not pay iinwh aMetillon to them,
but I remembered that they were
quarreling (one of those lover's quar
rels, you know) and she was an inde-
pendent little lxxly, quite equal to cope
with any man. I knew this and go let
It pass and took my nut quite oblivi
ous to myi surroundings or theirs.
What really liappcned 1 don't know,
but it must bave been more serious
than I UHpoted, for our homeward
trip was anything but phmaant.
Then I didn't nee him any morn,
though she and I took many little af
ternoon and 'morning spins together,
I ald I did not see iilm any more-J
mean for some time. That was sev
eral week later. We had gone Into
quite a remote section, where there
was excellent sketching ground, umj
she deft me by a fence and clambered
across o. stony field among the crags
overhanging a Ktream. I suppose she
biid been gone 'an ihourwhen 1 beard
her scream, and a umiiiute or t wo later
a man's voice dioutlng. No innswer
came to It, mul presently his Jicad
shone above the rocks and he came
tearing my way. He looked dreadful
ly frightened, and when he saw me
ho Kald "Thank (lsl!" with a hIiicct
Ity tluit wecmiwl like a prayer, and
swinging me out Into the road ho sent
pie along at a Bpn4 I thought was
! a me. l'y dogivra I I ryt.'.'.t l u:
,. Mud tint my lady was hurt l;i
5t; e way .ml he wan going f j. he"p,
fo he -was the yxmig man my Inly
admired iniwt, and It was h'. face 1
had seen tu her nkelvhes-evt u m.rt'e
of them than Ivefoiv we tuul tone on
that throe daya" trip and had come
homo In a qua-rd. Of wurse when I
knew what waa envted of me to set
Hw younn man where help was, 1
braced myself to do my bent, and 1
think I added irtvatly to his speed by
my prompt re;iknsv to bis effoa-tH.
He didn't know tlmt a dumb wheel
knew uii.uhlmr, but I am sure my
lady would hive known, for we were
sm-h giod friends, and I have never
given her a mouient'H piln In all her
life. Well, after the niltes of a run
we tviteh(d a physician's uillce lit a
link' villains and the young man bur
rhd the dueler Into a cairlage and
bwk again we went, he telling the
diH'lor wbere to hiii 1 t't nay
what kind of time we made, but I
think we did that live miles lu about
ten mlnutea, though, being excited at
the moment 1 may Ih exaggecittng.
In any event the young man got Isu k
qtlllo long time before the doctor
did, and when he came he found me
leaning against the r'ks ami my
lady's head hstlng on the young
man's arm. She was as white ns a
Illy, wlih a little line of blood running
d.iwn from under a Handkerchief the
young man had thsl about her Head,
ii ml when the doctor came she faint
ed, though she was etmselmia when
the young man and 1 got kick. The
doctor InnnedUMy went alhiut tlx
Ins? her fo le could carry her to a bel
ler dice than among those rocks, ami
it he wn-kisl iver her 1 heard the
young man telling him how he had
iweu iWbing in thesii-eain Itelow, and
how he had een her oil the crags
nliove, where a stone ktoxcmil under
her fi,nt, -throwing her ovr Into the
water, where she wmick a glancing
blow (Hhu a rock, which cut her tem
ple. The water was not dep, but
stunned a she was, she would have
drowned If he Had not been there to
io.-ieuo her, and he Hail Imund up her
head ami rushed away on mo for the
help that was needed, The d.ietor
laughed HoMy aa the youiiK man was
telling all this tu him, anh he looktd
at him rather qucerly, I thought, for
a phj sU-lan to do In time of such aw
ful danger, for iu. lady looked like
she wan dead, ho was that white.
"Is she your wife?" asked tho doc
tor, svlll smiling.
"Oh, no," replied the young man,
bhcihlng furiously.
"I thought It hadn't gone quite that
far," said the doctor, and he laughed
sj that the young man got mad ami
began to My wouls at the doctor.
'That's all rlgut," laughed the doc
t r again. "I bke to see jour interest
In he. She will be your wife smite
diy o-1 am uo Judg. of signs, Jleip
mi' to pit! tier lu ibc tar.lagc. 1 Hunk
by thif time we set her to my ottlce
s!u wdl lu suitk-ioiiUy nfovered to
gi home."
iWa.g back the joii-g man wheeled
.!v'al along behii d ilia e,trr..ige us ir
it all pisid.-d oa haa. 1 don't think
I eve.1 uw ') jouug a man tint hi.d
ipi.uvilcd w i a a g.rl lake sj much in
; i s In I.e. IK" even forget me at
:iif doctor's MlKe and they had t tend
on: (m me the next day. Hut my
inly wa.s ail right ami that ws.h
i.(:ugh glory for IkiUi of ua.
listcript- Hidn'l 1 begin !): t.v
saying that I was a bicycle fa. hire.'
I wish to corns-t I hat. My lady and
the young man came Into my pla a
today, and she put her pretty while
hand en nc ami pelted me as If I
were very dear to her, and she told
tlie man In charge of the place to scud
me up to her house and send the bill
"My hu-tbalid will ay It," she said,
and the young man smiled radiantly
on her, and gave me a sounding ship
on the saddle, remarking, "ld fellow,
you're a corker."
1 don't know what that is. but I
guess I must be ll. for In? would hard
ly tell a tlb in the presence of my lad).
Detroit I'Voe I'reis.
I'.VOTS Al'.ul T l'Dl'l I.ATIoN.
Drift of roiu!ailou to t'iiics ii ml lu
The closing decades of this century
are witnessing no more remarkable
plicnouicuuti than that shown lu the
migration of population, not so much
from country to country ns from place
to place In the same country. Thl;'
Interior migration Is most noticeable
hi the most progressive lands. In
Australia, for example, the rural dis
tricts pnqer and a few great ciiics
grow enormously, while nil the Iiiim'.
mediate communities are relatively
stagnant; but In the I'liited States,
the drift is unmistakably fnuu I he
farms to the nearest village, from the
village to the town, and from Hie own
to the city. The newest pillions of
the Western slates, which are still lu
process of settlement, have Hot as yet
felt the full effect of the cculrip'.e nl
Iractloii, for population tends to spread
Into a more or less uniform dcnsiiy;
but wherever Immigration has ceased
the new forces quickly Is'gln to tell,
and throughout the older willed stale:'.
In New York as well as lu Illinois and
Iowa, a universal and all-powerful
current has set In, sweeping every
thing toward the centres. This traim
pltntaiion has most far-reaching ef
fects. Politically, It transfers a pre
pinderanco of power to the great
cities, changing the results of Import
ant elections, anil Increasing the urg
ency of municipal problems. Socially,
It swells the number of the classes
most exposed to agitation and dlscnm
tent, intensities the dangers to be
apprehended from social upheavals,
and widens the growing chasm be
tween the classes. It concentrates the
wealth of the nation Into fewer hands,
and reacts profoundly upon the ma
terial, SKilal, ami political life of the
entire muloii. The importance of this
migration, therefore, Is hardly to be
ovcrei'iiniau-d. It is a striking ihar-
aaterlstle of our period that It Is a
period of universal transition, In which
large masses of people, apparently
against their own Interests, leave the
country, where homes are cheap, the
air pine, all men equal, and extreme
pi)ve;'iy unknown, anil crowd Into
cities where all these conditions, are re
versed. When tills movement has pro
eucded too fast, find the cities have be
came swollen with a surplus popula
tion for whom there Is no employment,
when urban expansion has far outrun
the growth of the contrihutnry terri
tory, and this condition has become
excessive and universal, a panic Inter
rupts this concentration for a time,
until the proper balance between town
and country Is re-es'iabllslied. The
more rapid, therefore, the proceHS) of
centralization, the more frequent and
Intense must be the periods of de
pression needed to correct 'II. 1 lenry
.1. Fletcher, lu the August Forum.
INU Begin your letter to a woman friend
without any prolix of endearment at
all, says the Royal I.eller-Wi'iler by
Appointment to her Majesty Mrs,
(inmdy. For, With logical severily
reasons .this Jiot-to-lst-ooliliMdicted
auuliority, It Is hencel'oi'th to be con
sidered both vulgar ami Impertinent
to call a mere friend or acquaintance
your "dear." The letter-writer diri.vls
his piqlls to Is'gin their notes or ei!m
tles with easy, friendly Hcniences, and
conclude With the words, esteem, re
spect, or a tyw ciit-and-drled phrase:
"In Hopes of an early meeting, I am
yours, etc," or, "in pleasant anticipa
tions or seeing you soon, I am yours,
etc." It Is distressingly 'Inelegant to
write, pursues Mrs. I randy's nuiMlcr
of the pen, any letter over four pages
long; that is, Just one full Sheet of let
ter paper. Leave n hnlf-lncli wide
margin to the left of every page, nnd
I bp writing an aristocratic linnd, if
I ino'lum sJr,e, nil there is iieiswiry lo
j e unmuulcuto by post can Is said In
taw I'xed sHice. The model letler
ca In (he politest period of so
oieiy never icqulixil glister spacti lit
which to milk their cleverest tuota or
Convey motit Intfttfutliig iifwa. Fur
t!t! reason th new letttrimpfr I
iKvirly a foot iqmtre; and, sldly
enough, the authority quoted recent-tiu-mlK
men to atudy tlcorge WitshliiK
tou'a penmanship as the most elegant,
graceful, and manly nmdel. An arls
tocraile hand, be It Impressed t tioit
those who follow the law Issmed from
Mrs. tiruudy's lliiniie, Is one which for
women shows mi crossed t's or dolled
I's, and Ik written In Hear purple Ink.
(thick Ink Is meant for trade ami legal
documents oiily, "Society Finis," In
Prai'ltcal Thoughts on the Subject by
Dm Misfit Man. .
Tho stale pit us association In ses
sion til NewMHt suggested to the Al
bany IMirocrat the power of the press
fur 'good, lu fact greater tlmu any
other agency. If It were to act together.
It says: The press reaches all classes
of people; there Is no one who does
not rend the impers, from the Isiot
bl.lck to the president, lis lutlltence
day after day Is marked tu n commun
ity. It can build up the mind or as
slst lu poisoning It; It can help to make
men and women nobler, or U can Help
to ilolia-i their tastes; ll plays an Im
portant part lu tho education of child
ren. At ten year of age and some,
times younger the average child s.
gins to read the hcws-mist, iitsl It
keeps It up, drinking In the contents,
and lielug greatly Inlliiciiced by what
Is read, i.'iialiiy and quantity Is what
should characterise ilc coming news
piper. The great ilftv page paper can
Ho relieved of what 1 worth rending
lu ten or llfteen niluuien. The Youth's
Oompanloit, wlih only a few pages,
should take much longer, ami so any
paper that Is lilted with high grade
matter. The mt of Mine papers needs
a garbage gatherer In tak It off. The
tone of the publle press should be pure
and clean; but let It be staled plainly
that the news should be slated jilnliily
thnigh distasteful. The Issly ef the
press is all right In mal tors of morals
and rim world U gelling belter for It;
but then' Is ii wide Held for Improve
ment nevertheless. The man at the
head of the editorial column of a ixi's'r
should not be a demagogue but a a
honest, upright matt of progressive
Ideas who bellcvci In his fellow man
urn! Is willing to work for Ids Interest.
Among the editors ef Oregon are some
who have done much lo advance ihe
morals and educate their reader;) Here
are men who write iheir own editori
al, w hinting t lit-tit full of points so
that they are read with ns much In
terest as the "locals," They trv to
make the editorial pigens desirable n
mi advertising part of the stper us the
lo al pige; then there niv some who
edit more wiih the shears and make
the age as readable as a treatise on
pilllnal cHiiiotuy. It is letng learned
by progressive men thai one am write
'Viiui ily" and yet cleanly.
The body of editor are hard work
ing men, tireless lu their cffiii lo
m.ik.' r.Nnlal'le papers ami they de
M :rn? u lioliilny a week long.
William McKlnlcy, Coventor of the
Slate or Ohio.
Yo'l reiiiomlwr how the small boy
win a-ikitl aoo'lier small o- for the
e.vv of an apple the latter was eat
!',' received I lie reply, "There nlll'l
irVll" to be no core'" Well, that will
give yoir an hba of wlnre I Kiand In
icsrird to vmittloiis. Wph me "ihere
ain't goln' to Is- no vacation," and,
furthermore, then- tiasu'i Ins-it any
for a long time, otliem take their
summer outings and of course enjoy
tlii'liisidves: I slick to my ibwk
lln-oiigh the ho days and work, Per
haps It would Is- belter were it not so;
(leiiiaps It would U belter for me If I
tonk an ss-:i-ional vacation; but I here
Is a moniilain of work always looming
it hofor.' me, and I think that, after
: II. 1 am best satlslhd when I am
pii' Into It, tuiinellug It, burrow.
Ii -,' P, deniidlshlng it as best I call.
W hen I was a boy I burned a Unit
po"in that Is'gan:
"Wit uie'er a duly walls on .thee,
III they calm Jiiduinent View ll.
Do not Idly wish It done;
llegln nt oms and do It."
I have nl.vays remembered thost
first Hues; nnd the duties are always
Halting. That Is the main reason
why 1 take no vacations. I'usslldy I
owe It to in itself to rest mure than I
do, but I am a believer In hard work;
while rilnol lines nil e.V.letllig masiler,
It has been ii gem reus one to me. I
ewe S'liii'CUIng to work -oine degree
of success which would prolmbly have
been deitliil me If I had Wooed list
ardently vacations and oilier ph-ns
II res.
of ioiirso I hike it summer -dav (till
ing occasionally. 1 like to iisb. not
tint I e.iteli much-any slate Is not a
llslii-niian's p:nadiMe; but it Is ple:isaut
lo sll on the bank lu the shade with
the wnt 'r Honing quietly past, nnd
dream or philosophize If you want to.
lint some day I intend to take n long
vacation, mid It will not be passed lu
Iairope, eltaier, My opinion Is tlmt
our own land vuialns the means for
the giviitlileaiioii of every reasonable
plcac-airo or love of the ImmiiiII'iiI In
either tint or nature, I will view our
own marvels before giving my alien
lion lo those of foreign ciMinlrh-s,
Vacations from Different Kiaml-
poilllM," 111 Ih'IIIOIVHt'S,
In the races at Hacramento, Weducs-
day. Marrows Itros.' Del Norte, a IJnn
comity Horse, won Ihe sw-inl jiace
and a pinse or .fiooo.
Trilby in draiiiaily.ed form him
struck liakcr City. The I'aylons
liamlle It.
A rock of Immense dimensions ban
been discovered In lite Vuqiilna bay
channel. It Is only six foot, below Hie
surra co ol the water at low tide and Is
a peril lo navigation.
The Oregon I'aellle extension mass
meeting at Fngeiie was largely at
tended and strong resolutions were
adopted urging the new owners of the
road to extend the line to ICiigene,
Tor Ihe past live or six mouths Rich
ard llrown of Miigeno lias been badly
troubled with a hacking cough, anil
wlcli pains In Ihe bronchial lubes. For
a time he was afraid that his lungs
were giving away anil called lu sev
eral physicians, who made a careful
examination of these life-giving or
gans and found them In an extraor
dinarily lumiJUiy condition, They were
Imllled ns to the cause of his' condi
tion. The mystery was solved the
othero day while Urown was cough
ing severely; he threw up a number 4
cut shingle nail which was wasted
away nbou! one-half and was encysted
lu a tough phlegm,
Sotnnbody has been figuring nut the
I-folliL of the saloon keeper In this
way, and urging whisky drinkers to
keep the pioll.ts of whisky at home:
1,1' you iiiuisl drink, If you must go
In a saloon, then make your wife bar
keeper nnd your home your saloon.
A gallon of whisky costs if 1.50. It
contains JUM ten-cent drinks. Now, If
you niiiKt drink, buy a gallon of whis
ky, take it home. Kvory time you
want a drink, pay your wife ten cenls.
When the gallon Is gone, hIio enn pay
you the cost, of the wltlHky and have
Ifll.'to left. If yon still iniiHt drink,
conlilnuo tilie same plan; and when
you buniMuie a miserable, drunken sot,
unable to care for your family, your
wife will have enough to Hitpitont the
family, and care for you .the rest of
your wrelichiHlexlttlcnco .until the time
comes for you to 1111 a drunk niid'H
K''ave' : , , 1, i -i i i '
tliri' I'ltkH WMlit. 8TAUTICD.
Hue of the essentials In growing
pork for market pioiliobly Is lo get
the pigs well started to growing as
simiii as Mtssllile after furrowing. It
rati tismUly be dotw to tho best ltd
v.inrag by giving Hit dam good enr,
feeding Her for a good flow of uilJk
eoitslderlng quantity Wither than qmii
Ity, as Phi rich milk Is nearly nlwnyt
deirluntal. If tlte sow I fetl with
too rich food, the milk It liable to give
tin pigs Hie soon i w, and they are al
most certain lo lw more or lewi stunt
ed befoi-e they will entirely recover,
Feed the sow rather llghlly t llrsl
until her milk comes well ami her pigs
got to sm-klng well, when Iter ration
can Is' gradually lncrciis.l until she
Is given all Hint she will eat up clean
at each A Bier she tuiee gids to
fetsllug well ami Iter pigs sis k well,
she will mil ls over fisl as long as
site eats tip clean what Is given Iter,
Supplying sustenance for a litter of
pigs Is a severe drain iqiou Her vital
ity, ami she mint Is' fisl liberally If
she maintains anything like a thrifty
Her ration mivl ts a milk pnsluc
lug rather than a faiiicnlng one, Hence
In nearly all cases a good rich slop Is
biwt. Make up wlih milk in I tier than
wnier; use nliliiitT wlih a little oil
meal ami bran, .Make this slop the
prlticlpil r.tilon, iheu give gssl pas
lurage with mi"oi to gtssl puiv water.
Ity the time, tin' pig aw three oj fmtr
Wts'ks4tld tiltey will lsgtil local. 1'lgs
will I'M nt to cut joiinger and It will
Is'is-Ht tlsuii nmre If Ihe w Is fs!
sloppy lit long tiouglM where
they can commence eallug by Hie side
of lls d un, iIkiu If they arc fed wteje
givatu. As the pigs glow, the txitbiu
should I gradually litcroosiyl, This
Is the way to push the growth. HHIp
siufls Is one ef the ls-st, If ms tiie
lie-a fiKst thai can l given. In fact,
It can ls made a part of their ration
tint II tthey are reatly lo imiikni. TIh
only safe rule with growing pigs Is
lo keep In stitch a coiitUtlnn thai at any
lime aft r Hit' are live iiiiinilis old,
only a sh uH feistiug with a full fat
tening ration w ill Is. net-tied to pttH.i-t-Hy
fund --Ii for mmket, aud the
fully this Is done the Istiter will !
lie rootliis. 't'liere Is tut ulin-li ou Hie
farm that it Is more iMvessnry to pttidi
rrom tlm start tlmu pigs for inaikoi,
and the fajslor tlin gtowtli, the curlier
ihe in.ttnriiy, the Isttier the opimrtun
ity for maikiH. Put they must make
a got H I st a el, ami It Is'iry that
the dam be well fed ns well as the
pigs, lu .utter that this may ls se
t uisl...., J. SHopherd. MUloti, Mo., in
Joiirutl of Agrictiltttre.
siiouTiioitN and si'in n ti:kus.
Haclt brtsl, ns we now find It, Is Ihe
result of a hmit pert-si of iMs iiUar ftssb
lug, solis'thm siitl cure, wlih a ptrih u emt lu view, The Jerwy has Is-en
utide fr butter production; Ihe llol
to!u l-'iiiwlan for milk, and the shori
liorn for Iss-f, ami It would simply !
linpiisslble to feed ami care for u
Slioi-ihiH'it of hslay its to bave its but
ter yield equal tho Jersey, or lis milk
that of the llolsteln. Such a result
may lie brought almit lu time, but
when done we would mi longer Have
ihe Short Horn as now devt, And
while, when fed In the ls-st manner,
the ShoHliorn would surely innkebcef
of lniior qttaltiy ami at Hover -tM
than the serttb sle'r. It cotiltl not pus
Kibly etiilutv the name degreu of lie
ght'l ami roughing us ill scrub.
Tim biby of Hie millionaire. ImoU of
povnis wlsise Uvis have Is-eii sp-nt
enjoying all the luxuries ami ease of
Hie WenPhy, oh old Is Illy lilted to
endure even the Ix-st trenluieiil given
t In- pop mw of the Apidie, nisi would
quit My succumb to ihe average treat
incut ami fan given the ktlter.
The pover of heredity Is iis strong In
the animal us the liiin iiu race, and the
ipticker our farmers tame lo mille
its force and comply with Its ntpilre
incuts, ithe better for Isitli them an
the siis-k they keep,
If any fanner would successfully
keep any of the Improved breeds ol
slock he must make all the luvlroii
mollis nt least lis congenial, nnd feet)
as well and Judiciously ns they Have
had t bring Ho in to the present High
stale of tlevelopim nt.
Ami when Ho siihjoel any of those
highly sleveloHs animals to the same
want' of care, exnwtire lo cold, mid
i olive food and scanty allowance an
he so often gives His native mi culled
senilis, ami tipsi which they would
get along fairly well, he will llnd I hem
quickly deteriorating Into scrub, and
Die worst ami most sorry of all Is the
"thorough bred serub."- .1. S. Wotsb
ward, lu the Prairie I'm in r.
The Western Agriculturist say:
e,.i..i mul i-ierlaife horse slice, style
,il U. i on- In now the l-tlliliir loillket
deinaiul. We have predicted It would
lie for years, while we have been
hi-cedlng iiillllolis of Utile trolters for
viu'wl uliioe. Tlie (leiiriwloii has de-
veloNst the change so tpilt kly thai
many canum realize me xun cause oi
i In. luuiiii i-v eiivs i-iliiI'm ,t i-ot ler. w.lilli
tlmse who rend the slock Journals end
farm pa pel's of the t Ily dally, or who
Visit I lie large cities ami sis' Hie type
ol large itarnoMS nouses won i no ele
ments of beauty lu form ami action,
can bitter imtlersiaml the mistakes
we Itave made lu brooding for speed
nil, mi ulilcli now luis Utile eollitiler-
clal value oxts-pt for profcs.-tlonal race
tr.u k ute, while Hie great city mar
kets demand ithe ctstttli horse lys'
wlih high knee action. Tim trotting
horse papers Have tried In vain lo cry
il.kU'ti I'lie Iiit'i'iiilocllon of Ihe I'lUU.hi'l'S
Jwsl as i hey did the draft. Howe which
they prtslletiM would soon play out.
Vnii' u-ii i loiuil eol liiilf enough of
lliirte desplsetl draft howns, and the
coaeheis have to run the gauntlet or
foreign competition. There are Mu
ropean bnyew for nstre hoi-ses than
we yet can raise, and a wonderful
Imme city demand that buys with a
lavish hand to ke"i them from ,tho for
eign buyers lliaA till all our horse mar
Succulent pawturo gnms, writes K.
IVeniioit, In an exelmngo, Is a por
fis't ration ; rlpemsl grass Is bi woody
and carbonaceous. lCx-tcrlmcoi n,l
dlffcreiit slsnlons Indicate uluit In fts'd
lug. the result lire what the chemical
analysis would lead one to oxHot.
Marly out hay Has a larger protein
content and Is beliter for milk pre
dtmlilon; that. cut. la ler its more carlsm
aceotis and Is suited to lof inaklng.
Now, since It is linpraotleuble lo cut
all the grass at oiwie, llioro will be
some cut, early and some out late. The
sensible thing to do Is to stack sepa
rately, or put lu ill fforeiiit .mows In the
barn, ami feed lu neonrdiinoe with lis
mi 1 1 ai tl illy lo the object bought, giving
the cows In milk and young growing
siis-k the early-out hay. The writer
lllls his long mows lu sections. This
grades the Hay as cut, and the barn
is so arranged that he can feed from
any desired section, Tlntse whose
slock runs oml.tldo will ilnd It profit
able to remember which tack Is early
cut and feed H ncnordilng lo the sug
gestions given above.
This now woman buslnesn Has
either got to stop or men must sit
down nnd think whero they are at. A
new woman Has brought suit for di
vorce because her husband pointed a
pistol at her and threaleuod to shoot
her unlets she let Iilm kiss nor. it or
three months ho had boon pleading
but she declined on the ground that
she was a now woman and It was un-
femiliiilne to lto Mt-sed, nnd csimelatly
utinow-woiinintlHli to submit unless she
wished it 'Which she didn't. Her hus
band, becoming exasperated, took a
pistol to enforce his teudernees, and
the only excuse he offeri It that tfho Is
a very pretty woman.
Tito excuse cuts no llgure. Any ea
Is Juslllled In wishing to kiss a pr it;
woman, although the wish should he
kept In check by sense of propriety
and reponlbllliy, Chivalry forbldt
th u of a platol, but aout iusiu
mult b devlsisl, It 107111, for ffeo tli
dlvurcti laws will hardly repilr that
tho husband of a prrlly wlr shall go
sinoiig His fellow men silently bearing
the carklng nmrtltlcatloii of Is'lng un
able to exact a kiss. It la a popular
notion Hist when woman says slut
won't bt klssiHl she doei uot mean It,
hut lids, we are told, dis-sti't Hold
gtssl lu Hie case of husbands.
If we ure lu believe the comic pa
pers, Hie I tost wen poll a hucUiud cuu
use In such n cinu Is a proily typ-Wl'lter.-lseuttle
piol llilelllgeucrr.
An experiment (hat will be walohed
wlih great Interest by trolling Hoikc
brooders Is the rouletupltited rxiss'lil
iloii In Ihe near fill me of whole ship
loads of It trses, Mr. John A. Iigiui
Has avowed His Intention lu gaihcr lit
getlier nnd cxun1 to london no less
Hi -tn fifty five rontlsiem, ihlrly ef
width are to He matclinl lu pules, nnd
set end of Hne pairs lo 1st able lo
trot lo pole in or tM.iler. Mr, I.e
gan regulxes tli 1 1 he has set Himself
ii colitsNiil insk to t'ollist stteli a large
band of ro.ulsiers (Hal will coiiforiii lo
Ihe' stand ted He Has set, l'.ach ani
mal, He says, must 1st of some solid
color, Isiy, brown or dark chest nut,
tlfleeli bitiils and tHroc-qmirtc-- or
over, ami tut one to Have a record
slower 1'iait 'J.llH, Tu II ml lifiy hoi hi k
me. 'ling requirements, the (rol
lers' rank will Have to be ransacked
10 the lit termini, for w hile allowing
tlmt they might easily Is found, It Is
1'orta.lii (hut comparatively few will
l nt a tlistllug price. Croat
attention will h paid to purchasing
only I lies n iNisscssliig the sort of no
tion fnrorcd In Cleat lliliain, nnd It
Is coiM'isbsl that this net'oii i not gen
era Ily il.lted With 2;ii SSH'd,
However, b. the dllllctililtn whttl Htey
liciy, Ihe fuel remain I Hut Hie effort
Is to l Iliad. lo buy such a lot of
horses ami place them on Hie Isimloit
market. If Mr. Iiognit succeeds lie
will ensile MiNuethliig of a sensation
In horse denting circles in that nu
elent eliy, but whether the tneii who
buy high pt'ictl lionti's lu Ihtglaud
will putvlKUo litem Is itnoiber story
altogether, lu all prolstblliiy the
Horse t. If it-nlly tine Individuals in id
ginsl aeior In th lr slower pares, will
llnd a retdv sale at leiiiuiiciiillve
prices, for Hie majority of fast trot
ters tlmt have Is-eu taken to Kiightml
hiv.t not Imh'h gtssl lo look at niitt that were luive cotumamleil
large pries, i'lie Prlllslt d.sib r lire
Ihe lu trt enterprising lit the world
nnd sltotild lliey llnd that this lot of
American lttrc quickly And buyers
llioi-e is u i doubt that they will speed
ily sail for our shores to pns'iire all
ot her supply. The Hrlilslt d-aler cares
lint where he buys His horses so long
its he ca. i llnd I host' which the buyers
want; aid, moreover. If this stylish
lot of -Mi!,. is slwaild 1st f a voinbly
liN'ogulx "I t'l t American natlo'J il
horse will Have found a new Held.
Hitherto tn tilers have fouml no great
favor It) Fiigluud, but their merit
Have never yet beet, exploited ns they
will who i the consignment sistkcn of
loitches loiiiloi uinler the enn own-ei-
litp end loa-i igeiiii nt of n reputable
Ui III h oi ill w ell knots 11 lu breeding
circles 011 b'tlti lib of the oeedll.
Shoultl HiisMt homes ls favorably n
coived I bey w ill open Up a trade that
Will pill tltllllllVdS of IhollMllldS of
dollars In our bnslcis' m ckt-t during
the yeitv lo eMue -t'oai'ltilig.
Front what evils do we need to
guard these young women (our ser
vants? From bad companions. f..,-m
evil suggestion, nnd from possible In
sult ami contamination, lu onler that
our mlvlce unit resirlclloii slionld pro
let llieiii we must ruler Into sym
pathy wlih their yotnli ami natural
longing for sisteiy, ami we iniisi re
meinls'r Hint our nile of ststal et1
ipiette are not always the sumo ns
theirs. If we prohibit the visit of had
meti ami women we must allow and
encourage the visits of gtssl ones. If
some pleiisaul young felhnv is culling
011 Killlh 4u Ihe parlor we cannot con-
slsleirtly say Hint the leuipoiale, Haiti
working Michael shall not co-mo to nee
Iti'ltlgct. We should take pains to its
certain the young man's good char
aeler and rcNpci-tiililllty, ns with our
daughters friends, although such In
qulry must be made with great tact
and discretion. A to going out In
tint evening we often wonder why a
girl Is Hoi content lo slay at home ami
sew, when we shoultl raiiier reinemlMT
the tedium and conllnemeut of the
day's work and should encourage her
lu seek fresh nlr and friendly faces
outside. There are evils that walk In
darkness, t Is true, but a tiiilel-maii
liereil, self resiMH-lliig wouutu sehlolil
meets with harm; ami if she goes to
Her Imme, or to visit rcspeetaltb
fi'ietiils, the gain to health and cheer.
fulness will far outweigh such slight
risk. And since a quiet, uuslest man
ner Is so great a protection lo every
woman, let our maids have a good ex
ample In our own families. Is-t tliein
see us train our daughters to soft
voice and gentle movements; H-t t lit-i 11
hear us criticise the loud laughter, the
forward manner, or I lie selilsh care
lessness of the Ill-bred woman In ev
ery station of life. Such 'Indirect
criticism Is often the most effective.
This Is the mission work we mm her
and housekeeper can do. Tied to our
hnmo orteu by little children, by lim
ited moans or by poor health, we may
not, be able to attend meetings or visit
for the Assis'laled Charities, or even
sew for an orphan asylum, but we can
make sure I'luit 110 girl ever pusses
through our home without learning
Something useful, without seeing
housework rosssied, without tho glow
of a kindly Interest and the fell 1n
lluenco of a right view of life and Its
duties. Is not this motive stilllclenl o
make us abolish all the 11 rj
restrictions of doinestie service and
add all the reasonable and possible nt
tractlons to It. In our homos? -Christina.
(Joodwin, lu the August Forum.
California is-oplo take Oregon fruit
and pass them off for the California
article Ih again veiilled. Mr. Lee Per
kins of Trinidad, Colo,, Is In Eugene.
Tho Cuanl says: Mr. Perkins thinks
the Wlllnntolte valley the grandest
country iu the world. Still he says It
needs advertising. Ill sMiiklng of
fruit, he says that Oregon cherries
have boon sold right along throughout
Colorado 11ml I'ltili, its the California
product. He recounts buying gome
Koyal Aniies at Ogdon, Ftali, the
oilier day, and Ihe dealer assured him
they were from California, lie was
doubtful, as they looked like the Ore
gon cherries on account of their slue,
hence he questioned tho denier, who
dually admitted they onnut from Ore
gon, lie also Informs us that our hops
throughout Colorado are known tut
"Washington," lie sold Ids eron be
ing rained hero lo u brewery at Trin
idad some jo.oou pounds, for 13 coals,
Til 13 HOP CHOP.
Itegftrillng the outlook for tho new
eron Micro ils Utile to add to What htm
been published of la to. Italns in this
fllnto have freshened the vines and
brlghtonod the prosper! s in most see
lions, but under the most favorable
condllloiiH until tho time of picking tho
yield can hardly exceed three-fourths
of last year. On tho Pncillc const
growers are fighting vermin, but no
serious damage is reported. N. Y.
Price Ourt'cut. . i . ;
A Short Crop Sure in
New anil Varied JVsts up
TI10 F.stlmate from New York
HUH fur a Very
Hlmrt Crop,
Kaottwiiwito, Cnl.-I (wrote you nev
oral iii.siilis since and I now change
my odilon In regard to the tnqt crop
III this white, 1 tlo nut believe the
ainniiiit ilt-irvtltl will compare wlHi
last yr. Htwne growers any nit nus'e
titan onel.iilf but 1 think It will in
ceisl Iku amount, porli Iwo ttilitl
pntvhbsl tlie price a Mile later on
should ptiiuiise emsigli lo pay a Mil"
more Hkmi the cost of picking. -T. A,
Snider, in Atuerlcaii Agriculturist.
Uveril. New Vol.- llqis are
light, pniUilily ti exceisllng one half
of 11 onp. The plaint look heiillliy
11 11. 1 ant Mowing full, aidl Hiere Is such
a Hiiltt vine Hstt the crop inu"t nt ls-st
1st nir. Many yanls Imve Im-cii
phovisl up n thl county, farmers bt
eoiiilng dlwiitinigisl when ho crojt
Itanlly cisimimml a living price,
HriMti ilwsu't given up work on Ida
now hop picking niiM'blue. The season
was list tlsiet hist fall lo liemult Iilm
In overcome 8 radical tlcfect. lie
lnis ito liave hi fully Mrftvtod ma
chine lu osrniioii this full, and will
test 41 at I Hea on early Jmiia August
b) Jtth. ami lirter ou the nvular Hur
vest. Mr Hn't'ii will md ai tempt to
iiKiiiufiteitire this tnaehlite fr sale un
til It Is fully doveHsil, tbitt when
pill oil Hie litnrkel 11 may lto accepted
a no exs-rtinciit.
ViiMiim llentltl says a largo grotver
dticlImM a lu cent offer for bis entire
UI cns,i, a He rxpts-m to et 1-c,
The rntwer are all luwy Irlininliig
tiisl sjraylug HiHr jititts, 'lite tro-p.s-t
Is ins favorable for more ilian
Haifa cnnt.- Puyellup Commerce.
Yakima Hejiublle: The hop crop I
hsikliig fairly well, bill grower tire
not p:nH.iilfiry enthusiastic over the
prtiliMse etther of posslltb price or
)1ehl. Tbey have, however, gvcn spe
elal ntteoil-n to the work of securing
a iroisl gmde ami confidently beMevit
that the prewsil crvip will, lu that re
spect, exceisl any prevlotm qiraliiy
generally prtsbhail Here. There 1
tti-d nil in thl forctHougbt; fur Hiere
Is always frloinlly market for llrsl
gmde Isq when flic Uiser illilllty
Hods Mile favor wiih reputable deal
ei s.
Siiiuner llernkl; Whether or 110 ll
may be 11 criterion Is bnnl Ho any. but
eortalu 4: 1 Hial an offer wits made by
U hiiyiT oil Saturday which would In
(Ilea le 1 11 it (lie hop market 4s Msilt to
open up. It was it bona tide proptsi.
I hoi to contract at lo cents nil the
grow-rrs "tr crop, and Ihe grower re
fused, staling thai He bail expected tit
least 12 cent. Now, lo cent Is good
money for ''Xt Hois, on the opening;
the liei-altl is glad to see Ihe prospec
tus thus brightening. If Hut llgureit
tln-tild be raised ns the weeks go by,
so tutu -It the belter; but even at lo
cents Hie grower this year will reap
a pinttl upon HH output in time ami
money. Verily ihe outlook tieenis to
be good for 11 fairly pneqtoiou fall
among the hop yard.
A. M.Hitoit & Sons write from Sacra
nienro: The hop crop In Sacramento
county this year Is not ao gotsl a
last year by oiie ihlitl. The vines are
not u-rioli'g out ns usual, and there lire
many m: hills caused by wire ami
grub worm'. In Yolo county the crop
1 atill sh ti ler, being only one fourth
to one-half or last year, caused by
tbssllitg. lu Sonoma cotnily the crop
Is rcpin'icd fthiirt of last your by one
fourth to onc-thlrd. Meisl.sino tstiiu
ly Is ab'o short. YiiIki county Is Ihe
only ciMiniy that will luive an aventge
criip. Smiie giMiverw are talking of not
picking Hielr hops unless they can get
a (Niytng prita-is they lost money
last year by picking. .Some few con
tract offers .have Heeu made at S and
lie, but grower generally tlo not ac
cept, as it costs that to grow Hum.
Some growers will not sell ti pound
iinbws there Is a fstlr prollt lu it. The
price in be paid for picking Is going
In ,ls nl tout To cent per PK pounilH.
I.alsir is pleuilfitl this year.
lillleulhal A Co. Have Issued their
annual atailsilcal record which shows
tlmt Washington stale Had Iii.Imio ncres
In hop lust year ami nilstd -P,,iki
bales, Bind that on July 1. IS'.to, there
wore -Itstti luilits still loft lu the stale,
From a circular recently 4ssued ll
appears t hat the hop crop of the world
this year will lie alsnit ibe same as
last year, some ftstllous lining heller
wihllc tit hers are not so good. Owing
to Hie large amount of old tin hand
no Improvement caiLbe expected on
Ihe price. The fact that hops can be
kept In cold storage for it wo years
WHihtHre deteriorating lu value is a
now feolnre for hop grower to con
tend wliih, ami nwierlally lessen Ihe
chainct-s for an advance In rales.
Three Slslers.
AtlvlccM from London are to the ef
fect Hint the hop crop lu Flighted Is
alreititly considerably tlanmgisl by the
weatther and lice, A short crop lu
Fngllxh hops will Increase ihe do
iiK'tml for Pnelllcs. Hut It Is ton early
jet to decide the prolnablo outcome.
I'lie bop wot'iii, wihik'h has boon such
a pest, to CaUf'trnla, lias matle lis nd-vt-nt
lu tho Pnyallup valley, aud Is
qitllo prevnlent lu William Vose's
yard, says the Pnyallup Citizen. The
worm Is the same shatle of green as
the hop leaf, has a black head, mid la
i:hroo-ipiartor of an Inch in length,
The holt aphis einuMon tinea not seem
lo destroy It. The leaf Ustn which it
feeds curls over nnd enfolds Hie worm
within If, and afford It nut asylum to
build n web ami proitagato eggs. An
drew Mi, ilma Investigated lis
hablilts very carefully, fenin Hint It
may becivnie a very dungoirout- pct In
few more seasons.
The fungus, winlch hits boon on pre
valent In .the Kaorjiiiuento valley yimls,
and wlih ih made 1lis appearance lu
Fred. H. Meeker's yard during the
sea son of l.Sitli, has spread very ex Ion-
mveiy tiitrougii tine yanxls muilh tif Puy-
mm. tt js eaiifini iy an Insect which
stings the roots nt lie lwe of the vine.
nnd ti huge wart Is Hie result. This
contains eggs which hatch Into worms
whJolt tfecd from the honeycomb the
fungus. I Hiring the late fall and win
ter Wit? fungus decays. No percepti
ble lutein results, unless perhaiw the
lighter growtili of vine In these old
yawls may be In a measure attributed
to mils cause.
WOOL AiOiHVl''.-IaniW wool Is
now coming Into this livarkot and Mat
full clip .will follow, a shearing la
now going on at the isoutih. 1S1111 Fiinn
elMou dealers report prices well huh
ttidncd and IsJileve lilwut fall wools will
bring a iM'lter piieo than last fall ami
mmny wJH lsi encoiiirngotl to alicnr who
did nut shear ft year ago. The outlook
Is iimro ciKtMirnglng f"r the sheep
man, th price of W'tstl l4ng lilglier,
Hud If the million mmrket wtaikl l
ptsve, alieep nilln wouhl at HI 1st
prolltJiI'lo. M ihe I!hIoii wtfd sale,
July Z'. Wmre was tt large attend
aue mihI the tbiiMtel oirmig fnun
everywhere, lu lStstuoi wol tvotlii
Uf ui!ve. .th hough Imuieii anwuiita
t.ave Uh'U dl!ed of tlurlng tha last
month. The sheen. ! lo"kliif up.-S.
F, llural ITcaa.
m'r ff,i;i hkttisk.
The A merh an shcphenl nmt learn
one thing If He lion o sitcceetl, any
Amei'hnu Slssp It.f'sler, us the Fug
ll.h sliejihei-iU tl' in making th" ft' k
Ihe most proillstble part of their bitsl
:. Thl l to feetl iH'tter. Any an
imal. wbiit'ver kind It may be, I Hie
prtsliict of It fl. There I mo wer
lit iiit'ttre to tmike it any ether any.
The lingllsli shcihcrd provide spe
clal pits'ttrt for lite lamb, inosily
ou the y tiiug grass aei-diiig. The old
nhi-ep have their puaiurea of rape, or
liter Htcy have the ns-i to cat 'iff
the land; ami the staple feeding Is on
verdant Held Hint have not f'H I1'"
plow hi stoic of yM"-s. or may be hi
I lui'leS. These rich Ileitis it IU I lll
sheep grow logetlier. ami by the aid
of get"'! grain footling the sheep nre
liiMU'ialnsI ami the its well, 1.1 l
tills manner of fei-tllug that gives
truth to the old adage licit th" slns-p's
foot Is ip-l'lell. II Is IMt Die Sheep dis
tinctly bill the fectlliig of It I hut give
Hn pciilt whttrevcr It trtiuls, Thus
the llts k IssNsm-s the meaMire of the
IcrllUty of the laud, ami the wettltli
of the f .inner, 'Tim general Ignorant
of Hits fuel Is the reason that the
l-.pis-ml FltgllC'll Mhet-p Has not sue-eoMi-d
In Mils coutury It was X
pooled lo tlo ami slmiM nul may do.
IVi-hip tliciv I H' trtleT pine oil
Ihls aide of Hie ocean w here llu' ling
Pull breed tlo so well lis oil III,' blue
gmts ptstuna of Jveutttcky. Hut tlda
is iM-citllsc the KflilUt ky sheep breed-ci-s
iretU their llts'ka with libtalliy,
ami do not tie lo the fisdisb noil"ti
tlt-a a Wtssly stubble Is good enough
for a sheep, and from Hto Wisd the
sheep will ma only gt t a g:-l living
but so enrich the laud a to double
the prtsliMlve value of it It! year
pasturing 011 the lough wes. No
sheep (mii do imue In tills way than
give Isu-k to the l.i ml a part of Hat
poor plttame it lake from It. ll can
not make anything ant of nothing.
It I all right for charity to begin at
liiiioe. lull It loo often cud there.
Half work very fn .Ufiii1y bring
half result. Think of thl several
times a day.
There are men w Ho m-ver think tin y
are miserable sinner until after they
have eaten Ion mnii pie.
Ihin't ml" a chance to go to a pic
nic The gotn farmer I generally
reatly for such tst-ashuis for he keep
about a day alu-ad of bis work.
It.ut'l top harvcotlisg to talk polllit.
though btilt are liiquotjinl. liarvi-sl-lug
ttepi-ml 011 the season ami pOili'-
we hare ahvay with us.
We litttrd one matt say of auoiher:
"lie hn always Iseti 100 Itotiesi for
HI ow n goml. We kept otir Imml on
our ptM-kt-i bonk mull the speaker wn
out of sight.
So many Have been complaining
about the dry weather. The Scotch
have n saying that "no drought ever
brought a dearth," ami Is-shie thing
tlo ini Happen by chance.
1 t'ter Poller alway s Hud fault with
Ihe weather ami the sine of Ills crops.
It rain so mm h of the time that he cultivate the crops, for he doc
net like 10 go to (own except on a
fair day.
The man who doe not 11 ml fault
with the weather has very strong
symptom of believing that an overrul
51 Third Street , Ocrner of Pine, Pcrtland, Oregon.
HVirre he am be consitfni on nil
cunt Mmi m paiviTE dim
Examination and Advice, FREE.
Come one, Ctne till, ami cmbraee Ibis grand opportunity to learn the true
condition of your health, without money and without price.
Tin w old reliable doctor w ill consult with you Ftvo of Charge, and tell .
yon your dlsense without atklng yon a question. They also furnish all medi
cine tit I Heir nlllccs, ami save you extra cost of ituylng medicine at the druj
store. We can give you reference of many rem irkable cures they huve niada
on thl Count, by leading bankers and busiucss men. Cull at the olllce and
rend them for proof.
a s
Tito smvt'Huful physician
the ukillful surgeon- lite cnil
ueut specliillid your ikkI
friend -the world's benefactor
permanently located con
sult 1 1 i tii tills day.
Most Successful CATARRH Doctors
These old reliable s'teclaliHU of ninny veurs' experience, treat with wonder
ful suceewi all lung and throat allectlons, Cancer, Piles, Fistula and Rupture.
ryr Allcaesnfacutoor chronic inllantittlon, far or near slghtifdiiess, dim
LlL iiesH of vision, scrofulous eye. cl'wlni of the eye duet, sijulntlng, cross,
eyes, wild luilm, syplilliiiesoiecyer, uranulatcd lids, tumor .cancer of the lids, etc
Tin DenfnetH from catarrh, singing or roaring noises, thickened drum, iu
lAII llaunillou of external enr, purulent discharges from the car, etc.
Iir IR Neuralgia, sick, nervous, or congestive headache, tlu'l, full leeling
ntflU loss of inentiiry, dizziness, softening of tho brain, tumors and eca'tna
of the scalp,
TUPD IT "-'atarrlml and ayphllitle saro tliroat. acule and chronic pharyngitis,
I nnUfl I enlarged tonsillllsaml palate, lnmrscneas, loss of voice, thick phlcgiu
In throat, which causes hawking.
I II M f1 Q """"Plloit In tho (list and second stages, hemorrlinge aud chronic
LUIlUO hroneliltls, dry nnd loose cough, pains iu chest, dinieult y In breiilhing
hepat lat ions, asthtnit, etc.
HPART Valvillnr ('Iwns'st weak and fatty hearts, dropscy, and rheumatism of
ilUUni tho heart, languid circulation, etc.
OTnMipU Cntnrrli and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, Indigestion, pain and
OlUlilflUn fulness after eating, hcaitburn, . waterbrasli, aud dimculty In
IIVrR PiFFM Al1 t,is('rtsos ()f tlie liver, spleen, bowels, constipation,
Ll I Ln, UrLLLlt chronic diurrlucn, kitlncy and bladder.all nervous and reflex
disordeis, rheumatism and all skin diseases, eczema, suit rheum, ringworm, Hip
Joint disease, old sores, fever sores, still' joints, hair lip, spinal Irritation, nerv
ous iimst ration, rupture, piles, llstula, rectal ulcers, which produces paiu in
small of back.
0 C V I! 1 1 (IDPAJJQ All privnto disenses, siiermatorrhea, nightly or daily
OLAUAL UliUflllO losses, which, neglected, produco nervous Irritation, lwa.
of ntenmrv ami ambition, softening of tho brain, idiocy, Insauity, etc., syphilid,
stricture, inability to hold the urine, impotency or loss of power, sterility, pros
tutorrlien, ropy, sandy sediment In mine, or gravel, variettcele treated by a new
surgical operation, hydrocele, all losses or drains, ntropliy or shrinking of the
Piles, Fistula, Varicocele, Hydrocele, and all tenderness or swell
ing (rented without pain or detention from business.
I A I) I Wno Mmy lH3 sull'''ig from any of the distressing ailments peculiar
LHUILO to their sex, sttsli as persistent headaches, painful menstruations, dis
placement, etc, do not give up in despair, even if you have met with repeated
failures in seeking relief. We nre happy to state that we have cured hundreds
or enscs arter other physicians have pronounced them hopeless. Charges very
RFMFMF Th renip,'lcs llM'd ,n tllls -'ifpensiry are known only to our
IIUTILUILO selves, and have descended to us as a priceless heritage from our
Illustrious anwstors, thniugh many generations of the brightest lights in the
meiuciu proless on that the world hits ever kttowu: and to these precious treas
ures of knowledire wo have added tim
I - " .... , tvniuin if ittdii j initio v ihwi -
search In our chosen calling, until now we feel conlidentof curing ail curable
cases, and of greatly benefiting nil who have not yet received any relief whatever.
ing I'rorlilene controls thlngA hi 0,
b "t Interests ui m aholo world..
A gtusl tuituy far.iicra are u.(t btt
with Hiemive; Wiey work bs bfl-j
Htey do ma take pain ctttsigh B
ting lu their crp; lln-y Hny ttteni.
solves all plemaire, ami q (j,, tB(.
they tllia'ver that It I beit ti bt prt
f.i Hy fair with tholvt a a M
with all other men,
Oim if tba rKort pnfitiilih- oon
tlon of Hut United Htate g-ivennin.1,1
is found In the coinag of fx-cnt
pbsv ami 1-cctit broii jHci-k, -n
cost of the hrotixe disk fr.,111 ai,N,
the cent are iniii-d U aluor
i-cii 1 p-r iMiimd, ami a potiiwl of um
produce, Mke r-aly fljf
coliuige cl 'A'i ceitla ' piuiiit, tuf
a jsiitml priMlucca f 1,11 in .1 cent iin-,
The average proHt of wlgiiiomKe on
rim coinage of thesa nrlts.r culm la
the it few year ha Is-m !,(
There I a prollt am! a con.i.h-r
one, lu the nnitnge of stibslthiry ailvtrr
coin, but owing to tin fan tint t),
I'liited State own several iiilBlna
oiincus of bullion w hich n nin-b-nscd
at the prevailing high rut bf
1 h: s , Hie prolit lu tlmt sM-.i-s of
ago I not so gn-at a It anulii In. if
the government ffoiild go Intu th,
open market today and buy allver it
ii market value for this purptou-.
There I a big ib-mond st Pie Ir.
try dejKiniis'iit for brlg'ht new eiu
of all o'tioinliiiiiloii. Almoin every
retpiest that I received from UnV la
'ai'loti secitoim of I ha ctitmirjr tif
Ktilmidaiy coin ak thai bright new
.me I sent. Kvery moiih thcstn.K
iar com atile ami be ok of the rapi
tal city Hint into the treasury large
tU inrltl of nickel, dime ami tpr
.er. for which they rwelve In turn
piper m nicy of large deiiomlmtrititui.
of coarse ihe money iliti ri-ilis-med la
not "new" and there 1 no demand for
it, The rult I that there are larga
qu iittlilc of such subsidiary coin in
1 no vacii m uie ireasttry, aim it 1
Impossible to get It Into circulation.
V.. M. Itiimh, one of the Htrget fruit
growra In tleorgla, ha Isvn to Chit-ago
looking over the tuarkeiiiig a.
vantages Unit city ptmsess-. In a In
lr to a Southern pajM-r he write;
"The tiuthstk Is bright for gtssl
prin s, while Iran-qstriaiion I atire to
be low -r. TIsre is wo reaou why
Oeorgla aliouM not have equal advant
ages with California. I find tiutnlxT
of js'ople throughout Hie West w ho are
desirous of coming to Georgia to In reft
lu farm lands, Thl Is a very linpin
aitt mailer that should In' attended to
by the various railroad, wlitste profit
would be much larger at a low rate f
frcljrht. a four time the amount of
fruit ami product would be grown.
Chicago witli a itopulaUoii of 2,Wf)
should be made the tlislrllmilng pMut
for the West ami NorthWi-t. There
are more than llfty lti with a pip
illation of from 00,011 to .'sm.uou rang
ing fnuu ten to tline hundred mites of
Chicago, which can ooiistiuie Tory
easily at paying price from one to
live cars each day during tlie season.
In thl part of rite West, not over -Pro
mil- of Chicago, with the greattt
caw ami at gtssl prices an average ef
from fifty to seventy-five car of sound
fruit can be consumed er day."
San Francisco, July I-almr Cora
iiiIskIi nor Fll74!nild will resume til
In veil igat Ion of the initortailiiu of
Japaiiet niiiintet labonT lino tlila
state In the near future. Acts-rdltig
lo ihe eoininbisioiier, Jaiuinese are Im
portisl lulu this state by a regularly
organized gang of bmnllug liousa
men, who have agent at Victoria,
Tai-nimi, Pomlnnd ami ihl city.
Located at
n 1 ,
ff ffffffff
Treats rupture, piles, fissure
fistula aud rectal ulcers, with
out knife, ligature or caustic,
and without ptilu or deteutiou
from business. He also treaU
all private diseaK-s, loss of
power, spermatorrhea, syph
ilis, pimples, etc.