The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 01, 1895, Image 3

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    If you want the Bent Washinir Powder, Buy BoaperiiieMn lX)uty J,
official Paper of Polk County.
ifol Side Publishing Company
So Cltlm-.' (''ly rtrslauranl.
frank Konowly IscU-rklntf for K. M
Wa.lo v (V,
Cnnmory tuttr at th8tar lrwy,
Mr. J. A. Wiw Is vlalilnjr 1u
Kins Valley.
JVvHican ip't reevliit ami tul In
tt tlu'WustSi ii!W.
K IV ( Mr went ovm t Ya.pilna
last W.Hlies.lay.
1W1 paUl for soemuMtaiul ttMnUof
,11 klml at tt.e Kxcliamr.
The sawmill Iters U nut running un
til sfU-r harvest.
TlicUttle rlau hotel Is the inilar
pla.v to H first elas meal.
Mi Mill went to McMlnnvllle ou a
UK lat Tuesday.
Mortgage ami note bought hy W. 0.
Wright. 111, Ilk Co., Or.
Win. Nesnitth.of Klokreall, waa lu
tnwn last Tuesday.
Ktvali hread vry day at the Hon
Hon. Klgbt hmves fir a quarter.
Covenant nwelliiR at th lUutUt
clumh next Saturday at 3 p. in.
Tiie Utile hotel Is tht popular
ptmv to get flwt-clnn meal.
mi M M. Ireland la olerklnit for
Su-kton Hankie.
KoaJ tax wwlpU, put up In btaik of
50 each, t lid ortU, 25 pcnli a tk
KiMMfll Uftt Wlulock, lu lit
rrmvtl A Venes sawmill.
v.mHnmt ix ir! sous re meals
forl at the City restaurant, uookwi by
white women.
Miss Ktliel Alexander haa returned
home from vlaltlutc at Gaston.
When you want take rUlo W
rrr.'t that Kelley has Hue driving
horse Htut rltf.
Mr. Lola Prlc returned to Tort
land last week, via Urey Kngle.
Thesvlal attraction atthelimt Iton
parlors these warm d -js Is the delicious
a1a water In alt fUvor.
Mrs. K. T. lleukle and daughter are
niiemliiiK this week at Newport.
ah loli work done at reasonable
ni.ia.t tin Wu-rr Biok Job offloe
Neat aud artlstlo work a specialty.
mu MlnnU Nuvlls. of Salem, waa
vWtm the family of J. W. Fiter.
Why don't you try a tusal al u
City restaurant, In plaee of aMllliig
your Sunday by oookln a hot dinner.
(Ink fence Doit fr aale, enquire of
lasla Rria., Iwlvllle, ()reon.
John H shannon la auffHrtnn; from a
heart tnmble, which cauitea Intense
Dr. T. J returned from Newrt
la.t Tuwday, baiktun rugijed and
If your rlvala In bualueMi will
advertine, how can yu anord l
Ed('nin, representing he Htate
Inauranw Co., of Haluin, waa lu town
on Tuetday.
J. M. Vnnduyn aud wife are at
Coburg vinitlng Mr. Vanduyn'a father
and brother.
Arthur Fiaber waa niwle the father
last week of a 9 pound boy In North
MiHsex Alice and Magie -Macaulay,
of Portland, were vihIUiir their mother
here this week.
Miawaratle Cooja-r and Ann Mann
will soeiid a couple of weeka at New
port ruMticatiug.
Mm. V. H. Patteraon who haa lieen
viaitingln Yamhill couuty, returned
borne Wedneaday.
If you want one of the very cholceat
wuntry cured hama, try one of thoae
at the Htar Grocery.
T. D. Haliowell, the hotel man of
FallaCity, waa lu town laat Wednmlay,
the first time for several yearn.
Quite a number ol our young people
attended the dance cm Tneaday eve
ning In Muttiaori'a Hop house.
A lawn uncial waa given laat Friday
evening !y the member of the O. A.
It. at the reaidence of l'eter Cook.
Hud Cole and Bud Hall neither have
broken noaea ao that Item from Buena
ViatauiUBt have teen a nilatake.
VV. H. Hawley laliavlnga combined
hop and fruit drying house conatructed
for Mr. It. J. Wilaon on the farm las
low town.
When you want a good meal for 25
eenUi, gotnBtrong'a restaurant, Weata
cott A Irwin, proprietors, Halein,
m.m a n Hmlth. of Lewiavi.le,
Portland Ttieaday, and will
there Join her alater aud go to Uearhart
park to ruatlcate.
Mra. We la. mother of Mra. VV. P.
CV.nnoway, and Cra Bnell left for
Newport laatKulurday to aja-nt a abort
time by the ocean.
i,,it...lo.mareoutfora cryatal wed
ding, at the realdence of Mr, and Mrs.
J. E, Miller, at Monmouth, on next
Tueadav. Auguat 6.
Wm wiIm (.f Huena Vlata, waa in
town Tueadav. Hl 66 years are renting
lightly on him, and he is aa
business aa of yore.
t r, r.A funiilv. with his
bouae-huld goods arrived here last
,. . tr..h l here to make Ida
weea. ir. In Tridenendeiice.
w.n Huuxci.. of Dallas, and wife,
were in town Monday. Mr Savage la
.,k.,i.. f.n. awelllntf In hia legs
which Is proving Herlous.
Hiwrlinir. of Harrlaburg
fHther of the Hurling Brf.,of this city,
.j u.j nuf T.lzjsic. was visiting
miu inn uiiujjiiwi
his sons here the fl rat of the week
On hat Friday aftern(K)n Indepen-
a, kh u crenulne fire. Our ex
oellent fire ayatem nas
worked so well that our people have
begun to think that a fire haa no
chance, and aa a conaequence do not
get exoltad wheu the bell rings.
l K. Cl.alfeHer Murned fhmt the
y lt Wwlneaday,
. Mlaa tWavant, nf Monmouth,
Muinedhoni Yaqulim bay Wednea
II. J. OoeUmait haa old Ida lutereal
lu the Independent uap factory to
bit atrtmr Mr. F.ix.
Mra. Jnia Itoblnann, and daughter
Jennie have bwti visiting lu IVrtland
during the pnat wvk.
Tin Hop Omw era Aaam latlon will
niwi next ftuurday lu the CKUI
Vllowa halt, at 1 o'clock.
T. t), Hutcbkuwiu and family, of
Dalhta, leave next week fur Oakland to
tall Mia. Hutchlnaott't parettta.
J. Iv Adcox the uew watchmaker
w llltake everything In exchange fl
work except ennM rata and home
II ah.
You can have your spoons, kulvea
and forks repluted by J. K, Adoox, the
new Jeweler, at a price much Udw
lu w one.
The Athletic club haa a very nit
lawn tenuis court coniilcted near the
ehvitlu light works, but have uot la-en
Informed yet who are the champion
If the rare of the hair were made a
part of a lady's ed icatlon, we should
not sen ao many gray heads, and the
use of Hall's I lair Kenewer would be
Counellmeu Cook and Marshal
Tupper were around towu laat week
examining the sldewulks and all bro-
keu lawmls will U replaced. Huch lu-
saHlliU l uot ut of plaw.
Three cbeem for the loys hi blue.
They have marched right on to victory
In getting that wigwam. Work war
commenced this week, The original
plans are entirely changed. It will
la located on the vacant quarter bha-k
hack of V, 1 Connaway's residence.
It will ta built from plans furnished by
IteV.Hmllh who was lmalcd here a
short time ago, aud will he similar to
the building erected In Ashland. It
will be round, eighty feel In diameter.
aud Just forty feel fiom the center to
every part of thereof, It will be the
shape of half au orange, with the Hat
sldedowti. On top will be an orna
mental cupalo and a Hag stall', making
the total hcluht atanit HO feet. It wl I
take HS M shlnglt to cover It. A
company haa becu Incorporated with
$.VW capital comptaa'd of the following
persona: IVter Cook, A. W. Htana
iarry, T. J. Fryer and Meadames (Naik
ami Htsnsla'rry, It will I scaled to
hold hMMl persons, and It Is expected
that from ltsshaa, its acoustic prs'r
tie will be excellent. The land IKlxlKl
waa purchased of Ml l'utle(xH'r, for
1150. Within a abort time tt will he
,r. and Mrs, Yule of Kenosha Wis.,
were the guests of Oeo, Inner this
week leaving for Portland on Thurs
day Mr. Yule la one of the principal
stockholder In the great Haln Wagon
Mfg. Co.
Onlv a few of tlu bankruut atock of
Penlnusular stoves left. They are
going at surprisingly low figures. Call
aud examine them at the New Hard
ware, F. F.. Chambers.
lr. J. K. Young altendwl two horse
Prof W. W. Itiislow, of (Jorvallls,
was visiting his slslsr, Mrs. M. Cook,
this week.
Prof. J. M. Powell, who has been
t-achlug In the Itofonu Heboid near
Kalem for the past year, will move to
his home here this week. He will
teach In the Normal this coming year,
Mr. CO. Wrong, principal ot the
tmlillc schiails at Anderson, Cal., auys:
"I have used Chaiunciinln's Psln
Halm aud have found tt an excellent
remedy for lameness and slight
lameness u.ually results from a
snralii. or other Injure, or from rheu
matism, for which Chaiuberlaln'a Pain
Halm la esaclally Intended aud un
equallwl, It all'ords almost Immediate
relief and in a abort time clients
permanent cure. For sale by Alex-auder-Cis)Hr
Drug Co,
To Punish Pirates.
I'nclalined Letters.
M.I. of unclaimed letters remaining
In the Independence (siatotllce, July
Hosey K n'l",
Haines Oe Mason Vt J T
UhiIh . Jnlm lleeoer l. i
kelley's livery stable on north Main U,rfj. Hteele, on the Lucklamule,
street haa addetl mveral uew buggies wi,it,i, were In a verv critical (xiuditlon
aud oarrlag, also haa repaluled the dd ud says he will tiling them out In
ones, and Is now U-tter than ever pre- (t,MMj Hi,BW,
pared to caicr io me puouc. i.,,aivli, on the Cooner brick was
Itev, 0. It. Whltmore concludinl the I . . j .... to await
ceremony of Up Ism by liumerslou in 8 new ir,(,k lmw burning and It will
therlverliw.tWun.lay, and Miss Myrtle , . Ull,,a Mou-
Hall and her mother were received I . ft ,m of
J. K. Adcox, the new watchmaker, LUH,rr Bl,Ves aud ransea. An
wilt soon be able to plate anything Hboul guarantee with every stove,
fiom a thimble to a bicycle. .ext Hn m,u,r' New Hardware,
door to puemflli. J. H. Alexander brought the first
Itev. T. L. Kulllvau, of Portlaitd, i(M of wheat to IndeiMmdeiuw of this
will preach In the Ilaptlat church next Weilueatlay.
Sunday morning and evening, and the
follow hiirtiundav. Allkftlst llth, liev.
Othiiau Parker wilt hold service.
Supt. Hutchinson thinks Mt. Jeffcr
wiii Is I3,5ta) feet high from the reading
of the thermometer on top of the
mouulalu lu boiling water, which was
17 degrees.
There was quite a change in the bar
ber business here this week. V. K.
bouuht out Mr. Jones, at Mon-
1. .....l.t.l I,. IliU Viatl Vikfl.
llllul"i,llu,""M I. ...... IA....I from HmIi.ii
wick and Win. Patlou. E. T. tlenkle
U still at his old stand. Him. Chamla rs, of IW ens , Ul,
Las, week's Wm 8u.g waa In was visiting bis
i.,i....i.,M,, Mlas WTS,inenamrr..m....... v..,
Th fumllv of J. W. Iteutley, the
sh.a dealer, has c.inw front AHny to
make their home here,
The Motor la not running aud la
(iiilte an Iiuamvonlence. Hcpalra will
he soon completed.
Miss Ella Hhlpp, of Salem waa 1
gueatof Mra. F. K. Oiillluh last Hatur
On swstuntofthe low stage of the
water In the river the Alice A will no
Itust J A
White H 0
(Sears W II
Wears D
Emma Fisher, and Mrs. Ell Waoii,
..f Monmouth, were of the party of
ladles, tha only ones to ever reach ,lhe
top of Mt Jetl'eraon.
J. H Adwix the new Jeweler will
Also his mother who Is from Eugene.
The Halem stage now goes via the
Indepeii'ienns ferry aud reports jbe
mad excellent.
J, N. Fox, of the Independence soap
soon engage lu the platlug business, works, left for Portland last Thursday,
w hen he will be aula V) do both gold, on business.
silver and nickel plating, a well as Is jiu Mclaiwcll, of IUuton county,
p.ible to do anywhere In the world. Was sentenced to two years In the
Two wagoii loads of people passed penitentiary.
through town last I ueauay enrouie 10 ... , ... n,Haw u t Nestuiva
the Lucklamule to gather blackta-rrles ,..,,,...,..
There were the families of the tsboru's
IVrlahea and W.sula, aud they evi
dently Intend having a gssl tlna).
Ml. Hulh CsH'r, a daughter of I).
Frank llurch Is home from Ilclnsp
"It Is the last patent medicine lu the
1 ..frii iwll.... sia-ut Hundav world'1 Is what Mr. E. M. Hartman
.111. MIhs Patle Conner. Hhe was of Marquam, Oregon, asys oft bainlaT
recently tewher at the Malheur I ndlan laln.a Colic, Colera and Olarrhna
.rU.ii..n but bu tsien nromoted. at Remedy. "What lends me to make
'i.i.,i.r Midaiv. to the Hileta. where (his assertion Ufmm the fact that dy-
m ...p,... . ,
she now goes.
The laying of rails on the Alrlle
branch of the rWhern Pacific has
reached . Dallna, As noon as Mon
mouth is reached a switch from the
uVpot will connect the woior uue sou
trains can run through from one track
to the other. Daily trains are soon to
be put ou the road there.
The pastor, O. It. Whltmore, will
preach next ttuuday both morulug and l,By ,,gnt made some of our farmers
evening at the umgregauonai cuurcn. ftkc
eutary in Ita worst form was prevalent
around here last summer and it never over two or three doses of that
wiumIv to effect a complete cure."
For sale by Alexandcr-Con)r Drug Co,
Hook agents have begun toapa-ar In
our little city.
That r..fn.iihinir little shower Hun
Subject at 11a. 111.; "True development
of chrlatlan character," or "Oolug on
Into nerfectlou." Subject at 8 p. 111.;
Things that belong to laeaarauo
things that belong to Jal."
ii.v und wixsl haullnir la the bus!
ness that la keeping most of our towns
men busy now-a-days.
Mrs. H. M. Smith returned from
Vancouver, Monday, where ahe baa
The irrowth of the bicycle habit la . vl.ltlmr her daughter, Mrs. H.
marvelous. Hlcychng used to oe con- (loodnight.
sldered only a boy's sport, hut the ad
vertisers kept ever.astlngly at It and
now there Is not one man In a any s
walk that does not long for the faaci-
.,1 ir. Thev have come to
linuiia I' ' -
te regarded as a necessity almost every
where, too.
Hen Simpson tells this story: A
Mrs. M. Hill, of Iudeiwndunco, was
visiting friends in town this week.
Lester Illgglns, who haa beeu rusti
cating at Tillamook for the paat four
weeks, returned home last Saturday.
Among those from our city in the
black berry patch In Kings Valley are
Mra I),, Paradlne and John
young man by the name of Ham Orosa, y,, Mri)i jt. C ivrclval, Mrs. It.
M. Smith and Max Haley and family.
The (wo suits entered In the United
States circuit court Wednesday, July
loth, by Charles 1, 1 total ami tin Wells
A lllchardson Coiiuainy vs. the Allan
Plelll'er Manufacturing Company, of
Ht. Louis, toenloln It from Infringing
lh trade-mark of Hood's Sarsarllla
by using the name Hodd'sHaraaparllla
and Palne's Celery t!oioaiuud under
the name of Hal tie's CeU'ry Coniaiund
brlug to light the fact that there are
quite a number of similar articles being
put upon the market under guise of the
name of well-know u advertisers.
lu the case of the Imitation of the
. . a 4 1..
wraoia.r used tiv llood ou ms
sarsaiHirllla the Ingenuity of the defeit
daut Is shown. Instead of Hood's It Is
HtMld's. The wrapiHrs are
exactly; the style of the type used re-
semhlMs the other so dowdy that none
but an experienced buyer would letea
the dltrereuw. The wortllng of the
circular aud the cover la the aanie
lu English and Oermati. It I equally
so with the celery eoniMind. The
lithograph cartoon la similar ami the
wiappcr is exactly copied with the ex
ception that the letter H Is sulatlltutcd
for P, and that the words "compound
extract of celery" Instead of '-celery
ul" ara lined. The dlreutlotiMQ
011 the iMittle are copied word for wort!
in both language.
The llodd'aand Hsiiim's counterfeit,
orsubstltullon for Hood's aud Palne's,
sre fair samples of this business, which
Is threatening the usdc Hpurtous.
kosU are ottered for sale at a discouuu
..f Hd.M.r eetit from the uric of the-
geuulue article. The gisals are sold
direct to the retail trad... They find a.
lot of druggist who don't care for their
busluens reputations.
A buyer for a prominent wholesale
trutr liotisa waa nuked vcxtcrduy to
what extent this substltutlou na
grown, lie n-auuy repmsi mat. i, "
Take, for Instancss the name wlery
tsimsiuud, aarsaaiiilla, syrop of fig.
fruit salta, caatorla ami lltllo liver puis.
They are all faiiclftil naiue," he aald.
Thev have taa-ii mud prominent ny
the Immense amount of money speni
Id advertising their merits. If theee
names had not len astvertlstsJ, tn one
would care to put p almlllar am-
ptamds. lWfore Ibaaland AyerBS.!ve
ilscd their saraaparalla there was no
demand for saraaimrllla.
"Hood and Ayermade he dcinaiio
for all lltpiid aarsairllla, but today
there are humlred of sarsaparllhot 011
the market. It Istlieaame with Palue'a
Celery l!oaiMund. The Wells A
Itichardaon Cotnpaiiy has tajllt up a
demand for celery compound. It haa
spent thousands of dollar to advertise
the name.
"All the, formula are nothing
more than good prescription given by
prominent pliyslclatm and put up
under fanciful names, aud thev posse
genuine merit. Their tamo attracts
unscrupulous chemists, who copy the
reading matter of the genuine articles,
and attempt to Imitate the carbarn, on
the wrapja-r. The ahudy druggists
handle the spurious giMjalsla-cauae there
Is a larire marviu of profit to them.
They never consider that Jbaal or
Wells A UlcJiardson (k .mpauy brought
the customer to tbo druggist' counters
thro ugh t heir advertisements;
neither do they care. They don't know
the formula of the medicine ami make
no Inquiries. Sootier or later such busi
ness method will kill their trade.
"It Is because of tbo Advertising of
the genuine tbt pirates spring up.
The wholesale druggist regard Uieae
pirates aa thieve. It la the same as
roo.Is. If ine
Slierir Hale I'mlcr 'orw',,,r.lJ.
N TIIK l!IIU'l!ITt'll'TUF Ilia niA.r.
uftlreiioii ft.r His eoumjf "
O, II, IKiardorrr, plaintiff,
i.T.manljr,Mar B.HIanley
.mt H. r. MeKlrojr, '
Niitles Is hereby lvn by tlrlaeofan sxse.1.
tl.m slid order of al. rtuly " euloft he
eln-ull court of of (lroii, lor Hie
t.miiy 01 Polk, ImiIiui (tBUrtt, July . i.
uihiii sjiutsmenl sua .twins duly renrterea,
nmile, enr..lled sad dm-Me 1 In said circuit
w,urt, on Hi fttll dy of Jim, issft, 111 s
!.... Ui.relu !in.llii la tlis sln.vs snllllrd
..ill. t sm In Hi ams of ll
.mt of tirtHC-n, ' ' r1 I'TlT
Imwluaripr drllwd lessiWy said Ju.lg
n,i,l and hundred sad forty,
fivt dollars and slxlw-a el l.ll w""
lulere.1 thereon at th rl of " Pr win
tmt annum, from the Hit day of June, law,
Hud r the further sum of wvsnty.nve
dollars i7&) slUinwy ft w.snd nn.n dollsr.
(lib) eoat snd dulium-moiiis of lids sull,
m iMHruliu Now ll.rft.r In
olsKtleoee to .aid ds.'W. I will un
ik. hr .rf one n'rl.s'lt 0. ... f sl.l day
a.M.r of in court nmw
Sterling Sllvtr Mount Sett, tS
cent. . i
Uell Plan, liutklo ' and Hair
Ornament at Hock Hot
torn. Call and Sea them.
0. A Kramer,
Jeweler and Optician.
Ml II,. fHlllt
Hallss, Puis county, Oregon, wit at hi.mi.
alteram to thshlitl.e.1 and '" MM".
m liaitd, on day of al, all His rlhl
tlU.sndlittrlfsld delSiidaiita l snd
U...UI mortsed arllH..t a.
Allows. t4.wll: NK.fotirt4,nv (6).sl .
sev.n (T). elsttl W, a'1" m ,,,K
eleven (II), Iwslv (W), thirteen llU,
fourtwu (Hi. n.ii (IM and slsuwu (Wl. la
blork tio. four (4). sad low Nifc "vn (1),
elKht (S). elite " 01' livyn
Uilruwu (l) snd lourtwn (U), la laa N.
Uir.-(ai,asliwaln ths sinsiidwl plat Mi
milol No. ftmr (4). la H U.wn ul Mon
HMith.eolk tu, llrefin.
jMrd, this isilt day of July. Iut.
II. II. I'bt'MMKll,
Motrin-"I fola (Jotutly.
-v.'w vtyv
Ta mitrinc in a. Comolete line of Hard
ware, Stoves, and Tinware. Buggies
and Spring wagons.
Also on hand a complete stock
of Paints and Oils, made by the
Celebrated HEATH 8c MILLI
GAN Manufacturing Co.
The J. F. O'Donnell Co.,
Independence, Or.
As Bill Nye said when
he appeared an hour ,
late before an indig-,
nant audience; and
I want the people of
this city to know that
1 am here
At prices never equal
ed in this city when
quality of goods is
considered. Call and
examine goods and
you will buy all your
Main St., Independence.
s-Kvory pair of tmoU or hn bouxht of m
that rip, run over, or eoins umt st
lb wiles, will t retired free.
IutU of SlierllT Sale.
NirrirKiaiiKitKHY iiivknthat iiyvik.
tustiUa 'Uilni iMUed out of Ui clrrull
curl of Hie Mat tifOitsjon, ttt lit mmiity of
1'olk, mi Hi ail dy ol May. is5. upon s
JiuUmetd msde snd nlr...l f r"rd on
Hisftthday of iHwsniber, law. la eat eoiirt
la the certain acii.m wurrni v.
.n (., s crpurstlon l plalnUfr Slid J.
II. Aleiauder snd K. II. Jeter rmr
under His Arm nmof Jsler Aleismter
were defeiidaitu for His sum of Hires hun
dred and twenty and Hilrly huudredui.
dollars (t..W with lit lniere.1 therein at
Die r.te ol l per eenl wr sjiioiiii nm Hie Mb
d.y f Iteeeii.lwr.lBM, nd the fsnher um ol
twenty sad lsty hUBdredllw dollar. trJU.SU,
nU and UUIitirMimenl. of this sellott,
I ,ve by vlrlits of ld siiloil levied
upon snd will salt at public suetloit si ths
mmt d.s.r of (he eourt lioue lu lislla.,
l'o.iiity.Un'(on, on
ImA, si the hour ol ou o'eloek In the
unernoott of said day for owl. In hnd sll
of lb rlht title sud lnlere.1 which ths Mtld Alensnder Iim lu and to
ths lollowlu dn-rlbed prenilM-s U win
Belli (10) Urn feel off of ths south .ldof
lol No. iai two In frsellminl hlk No, t
Mire aud ilA IIHeen leut off "f "'riU side
I the north h.lf of lot No. l) three. In
fr!iloiisl bha-k no. (5) three. In Henry
IIIU's town of tndependeno, lbs wuna
ii ... it., individual one bnlf lnlre.t In
... it .h.v deMTllwd UMtierly. lnled.
lMtlla,rcui. JuusT, lasi.
Kherlffof I'olk fottnly
In our New Shop, opposite Kelley's
Livery Stable, rather than in the News
Hand-made Shoes in Proportion. Draft,
Koad and Track Shoeing the very best. .
ImJepwiidenCO. Or.
Kurnlahed for private parties,
socials, picnics and all kind of
entertaluiiienU, on the shortest
notice and at prices consistent
with flrst-das work aud best
materials. For anything Id tbl
line go to
0. A. Back,
317 Com mix 1.1 St., Sales.
A. W. Docks tea dew
(Huorwor t.ii.rl,?tiull
-piMji'Hifrroii or-
Ely M aai Transfer
Iteulliui dnoa at
Independence, Oregon.
ItMMnaaU lUtes Via w
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meat
. S V
m4 fee aals
Hnrheat market price paid
for fat stock, beef, muttou.veal,
pork, etc All bill must be settled
OPEX SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 9 a. m.
Free Mtq? iaallpaits of tlie Gil;.
AMI.. . uMutahot. laat week In the
neck through the carelessness of a boy
handling a 22 caliber rifle. As he
picked the bullet out of his neck he
sulil "If ymi do thut hkbIh sonny, I .H vnur dad." Home one aaketl
A crowd of young people will warn
start to New pint to attend the Ihble
study school to be held there.
Avery pleasant afternoon lawn party
Sotlre of Sheriff" Sale.
irlue of an eseeullon iwiled out of Uie
eounly curl of Uie uu of On-ou. for Hie
euunly l lk. on the Ul day of July, law,
upou Judseinenl snd order of le of
Uhed pr"iwrty, and entered ol
em.rd on the lt dny of April, m. In Mid
court in a certain aellon, wherein J, M.
WU-and t). I., Keyt. (mrlners doing hu.t-
am uuder ths firm nsuie or w ise a ivey,
are phtluUn., and W, H, Ite.n sud An
Bell Bi.. were defendant Ibr Hie sum ol
Mi.oiy-elht and Uty one-hundredth.
d..llwW.-hWI with liileivt thereon al
the ru rf lu per eent per suiium rrom the
l.l d.y at April, lSa and tlie niriner .ion m
twenty d.aUirs atlorney fees and eleven
dollitrs iu.d teneetlU (11 10.1001 co.1.
.ud dLUurwuients ol Hit. aotlou. I
Imv ly vlrlue of ald order of sale
tnd sxecutlou lvted upon snd will sell
I public aiietcai at the Ironl door of the
eourt IioU la UsJla mis eouu.y,
UUis hour of one o'clock In ths snemotm
MwUddy, lr In lisnd, sll ol Ihe
rlfbl and lntere.t, which the Mid
defendaau W. H. Besn snd Agues Hell Bean
nrslllwrisfcbein had on Ihe 7th dy l
February, ISSS.or now have In and to the
following defUed premLe., I.i-wit- H. ,
,.rl IyaC K. .ofM.M), W.itheN. F.
v U..IH K. U of Her. SI, Tp. 8
wmt of Willamette inerlillim eontalulng
three hundred and twenty a. re.
Ih.led,lalla,ttr.,July , lsltt.
II, It. I'l.lIMMKH,
Bherlff, Tolk Couniy.
, i
H. of K. 4
ltrltlif N'dlee.
I i. ...i rri..,.i...i t tl.tx tvjl
...... w,v he (lid not. thrash the youiiR- was given mi .ou. w.
... v ... . nil. ...... ... irnuii luiinir in
Mir is im a m.du oence in iii.iuinn ivor,,., ... ,,,
irniiUK niimiK. ,, tihTTIIK
MHU.Mf.inu,, .ll.ln't wlvartlae. those NOTICK l i.r..vr., . -
pirates would aot lie able to dispose of
their ..took. Tlie evil haa grown to
such an pro portion that the advertisers
hBvaeunplAped men In all the large
cltlc to hoi'k nut and prosecute to the
full oxtet of the law nil of these
pirates. Uo proprietors of t'aatorla,
Hyrup of Klga, Ayera rsaprllla,
lulnc'a (Wcrv I'oinpouinl, lltaid's
yursaparllla and Carter's Utile Liver
l'lllahuve banded together to protect
their trade from piracy and plunder.
honor of hi birthday.
Prof, ltuckham moved this vwk
from Ed. Cattroti's cottage on Motor
street to Mr. Carr's residence n the
sniiie street.
The catuloguca and circulars of the
Normal schcsil are being Isaued. l'rof.
would be
atcrand he said; "If be had a
me mad I would a switched him."
At the lire last Friday lu the resi
dence of O. M. Pierce our Are depart
ment again earned laurels lor efficient
work. The fire hud a good start ami
the water was shut oft on the niulu on
.......,,, it, iiti-Mit ao that the hose liovs
......... !.-! street to iret water, but Wann la secretary aud
!,.. Msin had the lire under control, pleased to mall anyone a copy
" lilt . J I 1 mmmm ll... . i I. - 1
Mr Pierce lost some bed ciounng ana Tlie young ioikb i um wwu nre
furniture up stairs, hut the rest was taking advantage or tticse cool arter-
' I . iA l. I- 11.- II
.lived The loss on the nouse is cover- noons to piay tennis in me conoge
ed by Insurance, which was the pro- h?rove. A very piensani paaume.
pertyofJ.H. Cooper. Jt is not Known The 'Christ ian Endeavor Bocltrty
how the fire originated hut probably e,,cle(j n10 following officers at ihe
Ihhi- election. Pres. Edith INrclval;
Vice. Pres. Alice Hmlth; Bee, Flattie
. ,..,rl will receive bid. U) b opsne.1
ugul 7, ISM, for the rebuilding of what Is
known a. the Byerley bridge aens the I-rnsile-
It l s seventy.lx foot span, covered
The amrt will al rwwlve Jilds, to
tie open at the same tints, Hr ths building
..r . ,.uiw,l hrldas. ninety foot span, Willi
i.i, feet of appnau-lies, Ui be built
Wfsthesoulh fork of ths Yamhill river
.hat I. known as Ihe Leellowcu i,oun.y
M.4. Bidders U furnish their own plan.
Mid specifications. The court Mcrve in.
rlahttunrjiaa any or all bids,
11. V. Mui.KKV,
Oounly Clerk, 1S.11. I'olk Co., Ore.. July 5. Wia.
Steam Dye Works
W. Evans, Prop.
Cents Clothing Cleaned Dyed and repaired; also
ladies' Jackets Dress Capes and Piece Goods.
First Class Work and low Prices. Dye works located
North of Main Street Bridge,
Independence, Oregon.
And for May Tools of all kinds
Carriers, Forks, Pulleys, Rope, etc.,
etc., go to
ILxtra Sections kept in Stock
for almost any Mower or Binder
made; also extras for all kinds of
machinery secured on short notice.
Machine Oil in One Gallon Cans.
F. E. Chambers,
P. I McCABE 1 CO.,
Proprietor of
Independence Tile factor)
Manufacturers of
Drain Tile.
of all sites.
Priooa to Suit tho
Gent's Clothing-
Made to order In any style at ths Inde
pendence Tailor Shop, T.Uy ton Jenks,
proprietor. A flue line of samples si.
ways on hand from which to select.
KulL made to order from $14 up, by
.Independence Tailor Shop
Mr. M. 8. Goff and Ml. Bnphla
Oott baveentered Into a partnership
and will conduct dressmaking at
MIhm Sophia UofTs drewunakini
parlors on the corner of Railroad
and D streets. The laUnit system
of cutting used and satisfaction
guaranteed. Work dons promptly
uud at reasonable rates.
from a defective 11 ne.
Tt Is a busy wwne at the Helmlnk
Plonrinir mills. Wm. Kulley, w.
WarleandT, C.Tlmip are busy put
tlti?in the big cleanttr to take In 6000
bushels of wheat each day. L. O.
Ktockinun and E. Ii. Orlines are put
H.ium.iHslvel)rlek foundation under
the old and new wheat warehouses
requiring 22,000 brick, .W.H. Camp
bell Is building the new bins for the
warehouse and haa employed drill'
CamplHill, Hum Maxlleld J. P. K,
Oraves, K. Miles, Mr. C'astator and
Wm. Klbby. All the timbers are very
heavy and the result will lie a strong
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
auparlor to U 9than
MulkeyjTreaa. H. M. Freeman.
Y. 3. liatighmaii and family and
Miss Cassle Cook are spending at few
weeks lu Lincoln county with J. J.
llrlstow aud family.
George Kbbert ami daughter, Miss
Lulu, start soon to visit friends in
Lane county.
L. D. Jones, our barber, left this
week for Portland where lie will make
bis future home. The vacancy has.
been filled by a new latrlsar who oomesi
highly recommended.
Mrs. VV. J. HplllmaaaiHl bod, "Master
Ramsey, of Pullman, Wash., are visit
In In town.. Prof. BuHlraian will be
here In a few
Small llegliiiiliig
Makii great s tidings sometimes. Ailments to consider trlval olUin grow,
through neglacl, Into atrocious maladies,
dangeruui. In l leiiiMiIvcs and productive or
othMa, It l disregard or the earlier In
(Ucalkitwof 11)1 health which leads to the
.,f oil nrlH of maladies on a
chronic basin- Moreover, there are certain
disorders litrtiltml to ths season, such as
malarlit.aiutrh-flumatlsiii.iuiiiliisl, which It is
.., .,,i.ii, ... tnilirv the system after
.,nnnr.Ui rt.mllttom. which produce
.i,m. nold.dflmnand mhuiiiia arc
.n'..r,.td hv Hostler's Htomuch
a n,i. v.ui hav incurred rlsa rrom
nuoiiws, a wlncghwsful or two of Hostottcr's
Htomach Bitters directly afterward should be
wallowed. For malaria, dyspepsia, nver
complaint, kidney and bladder trouble, nor
vimsnussand debility It is me nem
popular of remedies and preventives. A
wlnciclasssful before meals prmHs uppuUtc.
l)eltattit'ut Taxes.
n-nu itllilJ(l JH IIKKKHV
that thswunty tfourt of I'olk county has
Issued a warrant to ine for the collcellon of
11 Uses, and all property on
which taxes have not been pnld Is now sun.
Imtt to execution and sale.
H. 11. l'U! MM Kit,
Hherlll Polk county.
Independence to Portland.
Independence, Ore. QXY STABLES.
Horses Fed by the Day
Treasurer's Nntle.
those In.
. ,, twii v miiNTY
n.uu - - . . ,....,..,.. law
j.. i.rli,r trt 1 10 1st Uliy oi v;i "oi,
re sayuMd on presentation at my olllco.
Interest on tho same ceases from tho dale f
thlsmsv. Dated al Pallas, Polk county,
Oregon, IMS l'2th day of July, 1HW.
II. B, Oost'Klt,
Co. Treasurer.
Ilay For Sale.
Teachers' Kxiinilnnllou.
day to pay fyleoda
tho purpose of mskliig at. examination of
all persons who may oiler themwdves as
candidates for teachers of tho schools of
Polk county, the school superlntondnnt
thereof will hold a vputillo examination In
.i. ,i,rt. Imimff at Dallas, beginning at 1 p.
ojo,tnn,lav. Amr. H. 1H16. ariiduatcs of
h'.rinmd Institutions desiring to secure
-miBrtlnlomasiiuid all persons enlltlod to
.nil wlhhlnii U swuire stntc ecrtltlcntes,
.tatodlplomus.orllfe diplomas, will please
present themselves at tho same time and
plane for examination,
School BupU.of Polk couniy, Oregon,
r. irlce'a Cream baklnj Powo
Vsr' ' 'slrHIa.trt.lslaB(IDPM-,
.... o.wi (Ihcat sred. For
sale by
W. M. MoiJ.oa,
Rlokrealt, Or.
Of Iudrndeuco, having a steam
oawino, a brick machine and several
ncN8 of finrsit clay, is now prepared
to keep on liana a nne quiuny ui
. . tit l - 1 A nV tiAfinnn.
Brick, wlilcnnvin no biu m
able prices.
rrrTTTT tirrri hrr1 '- -rn r'--"""i "Tir-Yn"
I - MJ BJB I n If Jl Ml1 1 4 I I 11" 1 I I. a.
I . . - ... ' -TMS-SStlt-
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
is the place to get all tlrsUilass work.
m m
BATH 25 Centa4
Proprietor of
Or, Price's Cream Baking- Powder
World's Pair Hit-beat Award.
! I M 1 Ml H fl
Ihe Commodious steamer Grey tagie win mu regular mp
between Independence, Salem ana romano,
leaving at6:30 a. in. every Konday, Wed
nesday and Friday morning, return
alternate davs.
C. E. Staats, Agent - - Independent On
The Independence Marble Works, estimates
on all oenietery work. KlreUclass workman,
.hip, latest designs, and lowest price.
1051 Market St., San Franc loo
(Between Oih snd 7th Bta.)
Oo nd lern how wonderfully you
. .re mule and how to vold leknew
Snd (neaiw. MuMum enlarged with
Uioumnd. ol new objeota. Admta
ion S& eta. ....
Private Ufftre same Huliain
ami ni.ira. Klreet-lliwue. ol Dien!
ttrktnn, Iom ol mwhood, dlseMta ol the ikia
and kidney, quickly eartjd wtthoui th bm ot per;
cury. Tmlmsak tstnoasU1 W by lU. BmsI
Kwsooa. -
8 i