THE WEST SIDE. K. 0. IXTLAnn, MMIHffef. O. H, rTLABU,(Mlllr, -WUSU BY West Side Publishing Company SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ona Yr Bis Miuiltta . VUr Moutua I.W All mrrl(iai)it ((rath notlcw not ajowd tng flvallnaa wlllb luaortod frr. All over HvallnM will ba rWtrrd five tit Hr line Bwi-tyohllunu rolutloii will be clmilttxl for at Ui into of a v ecuU rr I In. ttetfitW-red at the lt-ortloe In ludc-pii dtlO, UrrVin, M IWOOIld-OlaiMI !llltT. THURSDAY, Jl'LY 4. ISttt. UWOONTINI'AXOKS -HoitiemtHT Hurt hr pubUhrraof thla p-r niui l nolttH-d by letwr wlitn ubaorlb-r wt.tli-a hla pa,p-r IPIhI All arrwnma inunt be paid. ALWAYS GIVE TI1K NAMK ol the poat- office Ui which your paper I anU Your Dammn nut b found on our book) unlraa till, la doue. ALL LETTK118 should he eddi-naw-d to the W KS T tU OK, I udi'lH-ndvur Two important trHtianorUtlou tn- terprlw-a are drtitltuil to haw a wond etM ellVct on the ptporlty Mini pop ulatum of the Fapiflo enact ;om of the is th Nicaragua canal, and the olht-r the great Siberian railway. The t'lfW-l of the railway through Silieri w ill In to open to tettlenieut million!) of ai-rw- of land now worthies on aeoount of being too far removal from market. These lands will be t, lauteil In cereals, but a market will te ileveloped for our manufactures and Instead of our traiia contlncntal railroads bringing freight for the Pacific count alone, thotiHaud ot tons will cwm the water aud aupply the Inhabitant of Kuiwiati 8lUrla. The completion of the Xlcarnguaa canal, will give an lucrea.ei iniHtU(t to our ocean carrying trade and alo largely Inerww our trade with Central America. The vat importance of these two enterprises on the Pacific coast can ncarce be estinmted. There is every indication that the Pacific eoawt will le the nuwt denm-ly populated of any part of the Went, and this will be largely due to the great amount of ocean carrying trade brought luto existence by the completion of the Siberian railway and Nicaragua canal. The example of The Dalle, in Eauteru Oregon, la worthy of Imitation. Hot having competition In traiiNporta tion they formed atettmboHt company and were siuwsful In controlling the freight business. The effect ou the businew of the tow n wan very apparent as it improved greatly. Ellorta were made to buy the Block of the company and cripple It, but without kuiwhh. Now The Dalles is becoming a great compi-tlve point In freights and the railroads are bidding for the trade. What has been done there could be one In Independence, Our people Bhould oiler every encour agement for river transportation u thereby this becomes a comieting point and railroads will fuvor It. We need better trannportatlon facilitieH on the river. Let us encourage it. Another evidence of the turn of tin tide in business affairs is the publica tion of the Monthly Orryonittn the fir! copy of which has lxn received at this cilice. Its mat n purpose is to di rect hither the Increasing stream of Immigrants now flowing westward from thestorm swept and drouth cursed middle west. Were times not noticeably better, mzh a publication would not have heeii attempted. The Monthly Orryinian will devote itself to benefiting th entire state, and Its columns are filled with articles from the leading papers of Eastern and Western Oregon. It is Impossible to estimate the value of such a paper, an(' tne VVK8T Hidk earnestly hopes that Its success may he as great as its merits and the benefit the com munity will derive from it. Kenator John H. Mitchell is a fret silver man out and out. lie said so in 18!i0 and he still so declares himself. He is willing however to serve the people as United Htates senator again even if the republican party should not be a free silver party, A great many women have found the adoption of a newrjpuper career but a step on the way to wifehood, and as their husbands are mostly newspaper men it would, seem that they are feared as rivals. Oh yes "Dave" Hill is very likely to work himself to death trying to carry New York, in order thut "15111" Whitney may get the democratic Presidential nomination. Hill is Just that sort of man. The extension of the civil service rules to the employes of the Govern ment Printing Office was a victory for the "ins." Bishop Newman's practice, of writ ing down at night every thing said to blm during the day, would never do for a newspaper man; lie meets too many people who talk without saying anything. The NIcarugnauB think the British are bamboozling Ambassador Bayard as to their intentions In Central Am erica. People in tills country 4 have kaown it for some time. Every report Amu the country, In regard to crops Is, I hat If price are good thU fall, that the crops will placet! farmer on a good financial footing one more. i IVmagogue Weaver, having been repudTaledby the Iowa populists, will now probably try to organise another new party. Wasn't that Cleveland convention a corker? The Hcpubllcati National league was never in better fighting trim. mmmmmmmmmm The I'lilted Htates treasury has over $100,000,000 1 K( now. vit until alter October 1st, and see It vanish. ' 'i it Is said that the Corbet l-Fltx simmous tlgnt la being more talked Unit In Texas than silver. Nervous eoplo are not rejoicing at the prospect opened by the unusual cheapness of firecracker. The Japanese should heraftcr he used exclusively as missionaries to China. The kejatone of the Arch In lhi edifice of ht-alUi la vigor, which iiii-u- not uicrvly tniiM-tilnr energy, hut sit active dlactmrmt of Hi tartoiia nuuMluua of tl hotly, kiii'Ii SMtlirUoti, rerethin f Ihw hlle, I hi- m'lUui of Uio bowels, thvrlrvulnttun of thv blixHl, Nothing IIHH0 Mt'llvoly sml lliir. mmlily nmlriliuir to thi i nliril Mrforninnti' oflht fiiiictlons llmu lh rvnownml touU' tool resulator, litpr't Shituscli lllllor.. The nult ol lt u la wly itnm In alrrniith, loirflhi'r with III sgrrrshtn eou. 'i.Hininu (list (he Ifiiure of III la lxln s:ntiKthiuriltlwt wi la In) lug up sttireitf vilitlliy ttguliint the uuwvoHUIila ctiauuliia whh'h old nga hmkvs ttin th j tiu. The tortlfyltig tiifluoiin! of Hit lUllm eonaillul It s rvtlnhl Mifrgimrtl sgslnat iimtsrls, rhau. losiuin ami kidney trouble, Api-rtiio and vtv Improve through lit n, and II pMlmna thetyaU'in from Iheeltwtaof sU and damp. - The I'srmer and (! Koads. Orpgoiilau.) Why the cause of goisl roads meet so little encouragement from farmers has often piiM.lcd legislatures and edi tors. It has i.een left for a Milwaukee ne spasr to oiler the explanation thai the good road dss iiot lieiicflt the farmer so very much after all, the townspeople being the real beneficiaries and this view is bolstered up with such a show of Ingeuulty that should in crease the Milwaukee paper's circula tion in the rural districts of Wisconsin, Due great moving force for belter roads is bicycle-riiling, and when the cyclist urges the farmer to Improve roads by work or by taxing himself, his reply is: 'You want us to build good roU so you may ride ou them. If you w ant t lance, w hy can't you pay the tiddler yourselves'."' Again, the farmer hears the merhant complaining of dull trade, aud the excuse given for It Is the bad condition ofthe roatls. Ho the farmer's, defender a.ks: "Is It not strange thut when the farmer is told by the city ueonle of the vast benefits w hich will accrue to him if he turns to and builds good roads, he is Inclined to stick his tongue into his cheek." The best answer to this argumeut Is the history of the effects of roadbuild ing in progressive districts, as, for ex ample, those in New Jersey, which have recently taken advantage of the new law In that state. In Burlington county some Hue road i"Vp UtHl built alsiut M.sircstown aud connecting It with Camden. As a result toe rond about Moorestowu and connecting it with Camden have Ix-en Improved to a very largo extent. The effect of it Is seen lu a much brisker demand for farms in that vicinity. For years pat it has been exceedingly dllllcult there, as in agricultural sections elsewhere, to ettle estates owning farm lunds, w hen there was a neccessity to sell, beinuse purchasers were rare and oilers unin viting. The improved roads have changed this, und the farm lands near Moorestown are In demand. In Cam den county, on the line of Improved roads, farmers find they can get their produce to market cjulcker and cheiipei 'ban formerly. In the old time a wagon webbing HUM) pounds, with four horses and two men, tould take 2J tons of produce to market, aud bring back the siime weight of manure in a day, if the team had gisid luik and escaped getting mired. Now one man with wo horses, in a wugou weighing 2.'i(Ki pounds, curries foul tons forth and hack, and makes the journey twice in one day, ltoud work has not had much atten tion in Oregon for some years. Hut is it not possihle that lu these New Jersey experiments may be found a valuable suggestion to aid In solving the prob em of breaking up these "(X)-and 800 icre farms in the Willamette valley? loug many parts of the valley lyiii) 'iiiiguous to the river the roads arc overed with water In long stretches during I he winter. In the summei ihese roads are dusty. In hilly coun ties, like Washington and Polk, aud, in fact, In thii foothill regions of all the valley counties, most ofthe roads are rough and uneven at (ill times of the year, muddy In winter, and lu summer is'sct with roots, stones stumps and uts. It is often a source of wonder why the farms in these regions are not more sought after, and why more of the yet untcniinteo foothill lands are not brought under cultivation. Who shall say how much of this slowness Is not di rectly due to the In accessibility of the land by reason of our poor roatls? One ofthe most potent enterprises for the settlement and development of these districts would lie a good-roads move ment, participated in cordially by farm eg and townspeople jointly. Oregon Press Association. The Oregon Press Association 'will meet lu executive session at Newport, July 20th and remain In session four days. Acommodutlons will be ample and the visitor can have his choice of either private residence or ho tel. The rates will l from fl.(X) to $1.50 per day, per Individual. Presi dent Beeglc, of St Helens will look af ter the transportation. By order of the Committee. Amikkt Tozikk, J. it. Hkkhuo, K. L. K Whitk, I. h. CAMI'HKLL, II. O. Matiukh. is Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdet Awarded Gold Medal Midwisiar Fair. San FrandatO. CORRESPONDENCE. lIKIPUtTOUT. The school entertaliimeut at Autloc h on the .1st was a decided success. Some excellant music was furnished by the orchestra, consisting of W. II Mack, Win. Hreaalcr, John Breaaler and J. M. McCslcb, The iims-ram was Interesting, and some valuable prises were swarded to the scholars, 1 his Is Mr, McCslcb's first school, and he has given entire satisfaction. It Is hoix-d that Charley may teach many more terms In our midst. Mrs, Wm. Yeatcr, who has been sis'Udlug the past week with relatives near Muver, has returned to her home In very poor health. ltcport from the hopyards iu this vicinity ars that them will not lie a large yield, but the miauttly w ill be excellent. We have two gtssl Hamsrltlans in our uelghlsirhood so Wash, of the ItimUff, says. Mrs. John Huls-r returned home from Portland, Friday, tu'icli Improved lu hsalth, James Ijtwrence and wife, of Little Klk, are visiting the family of John Khodra. L. V. linker and wife have returned to their home lu Beaton county. Win. Y enter aud C. C. Yeatcr art hauling IiiiiiUt (or a Imp drier. OU POINT. Frank Itlder and Wallace Huntley returned last Saturday from the Big Nestucca where (hey had Imsu fishing for several days. Both report a good time and lots of ftxhlng. Our sctusil closed last Friday after a successful term of nine mouths Taught by Miss Maud Brooks of Warren Co. Penn". J. B. Kuowles, our road supervisor, has done soin.i flue work on our rimda. J. B. is the right mail lu the right place. T. B. Huntley, the IndcisMidencc mad supervisor, was among us last Week. Hahltath Hclnsd every Sunday at the llycrty School llouso at 1 p. m. Oliver Webster's little mm, Isiren, I very sick at this writing. A.J. Hyers will main have his Hop House completed. Wheat looks well throughout this section, FALKSTIXK itkss. Mlas Ida Pagenkopf, who-has been leaching in the public sclnsil at Mc- M I tin vl 1 c one home on her bicycle last week, . The girls want to know what the boys mean, when they say they will frogorst lo. Ask Steve and you will find out. What did K. V. mean, w hen he told Henry he wiahed he could stay lu tow n last Saturday night T Sam Johnson got the pillow that was glveti away at Albany lust haturday. Uood for you Sain. Iva and Alma says It seeing like It has been nearly a week since they saw the Isiys. Why was It the girls would not go boat riding with lUlph last Sunday? V." A. Carter and B. J.' Creel i.ave 'In lulled hauling their winter's wissl. V. A, says S. Is the proer jieople, but S. says he is afraid Kd Blake Is. The Sabbath schisd, hereafter, will be conducted by W. A. Wludors. IU'V. Knupp, of Albany, w ill preach here next Sunday at 11 o'cls k, J. I). Wtsids' sclnsil closed last Fri day, but the visitors got left. Who was it made the catch ou the new girl? Aak S. J. 1). B. Hodge and wife went toSoda vllle last Saturday. Sl'VKK. The click of the sickle can be heard on all sides, flic hay imp Is gisiil this year, but the wheat Is not going to come up to the average In yield. James Withrow has purchased a threshing outfit. He will run his machine In the Alrlie aud licwlsviilc neighborhood. A. II. Collins and family attended the commencement exercises at Corvallls last week. Frank Bowers, our blacksmith, Is kept busy these days repairing old machinery. (Jute a number from hero attended the campmectlng at Lewisvllle lust Sunday. MissJoslu Hubbard, who has been sick for some time Is able to be alsiut ugidii. I). A, Hong spent Sunday at Rick real I. pa it ki: it. Mrs. Win. McCurdy has gone to Sout hern Oregon to ssnd the summer, her health being very poor. Bill aud Ned (bird dog) are hatching aud you can hear Wm. singing "I am silent and alone," while bis evening bacon is sizzling over a very slow fire. The Christ-Ian Kndcavor society is enjoying a healthy growth under the able management of its president, Miss May Bndley. We rather court the favor of the society for they might con solidate with the peoples party und carry tne city election. Jas. Hclmlck aud family returned last Saturday from Centralla, Wash., where they have been attend ing the bedside of a sink relative. Hulght & Burhauk'smill, near Kings Valley, Is furnishing a lot of timber for the addition to Wm. Fuqua's hop house. Frank Burch Jr. and J. O. David sou Sr. have gone to the Bel nap springs in Southern Oregon for their health. AithurKaycs was down to Dallas recently. We suppose Mulkcy would not let It out on him any way. The Atlas Milling company, of Mc Mlnnville, has been doing a good deal of business here lately. Marvin Mix and Wm. Perclvol were handling sheep at Suver last week. Ben Huntley, Ed and Wm. Cockle were visiting in town Sunday. Wm. Puiia whs down on the Silctx Indian agency lust Week. Ed. Hall, of Moneow, Idaho, Hied through town last week. mm vista. Wm. Ihtvldsoii we la live Is the first one lu Polh county to start the binder this year. Last Tuesday he coin uicuccd binding Ids oals. lias anyone a previous record ? tjulle a iisiiils-r of our jieople were attending the Culled Evangelical campUKt'tlug at Is'wlsvillelaat Sunday. Mrs. Steele wild ehlldrvli, alo Mrs. Wlloox, of Hulaoy, were visiting Mr. ami Mrs. Jos, Miller this week. Bev, Yost will preach In the even ing of Sunday, July Hth, Instead ol Sunday morning, J. Kays, Monroe Krcutaud Hamlin Emmons, went out to Nestucca buy lat M outlay. Ed Hall and his sou, (if Mwcow, Ms I io, were vUllIng her this eek. - - MOSMOtTli. The annual meeting of the Polk county bank was held last Saturday. The same officers ami directors wele re-elected. The condition of (he bank as remitted by a committee appointed for (but pm (mm', was to tlm cll'cct llud the a Huh" of the bans, were lu ex cellent hiiH, the mauugi'iiictit up to the usual standard, aud the proapects for the fuiure were very favorable. The statement iimdo lu ht week's Wwt Si UK that Salit Work hail lsn sfillcb'd several years sgo w ltd a spell siiiiillur to the one lately ex)erleuceil is said by Ina friends here hot lobe true. They say this Is his flit indication ol lllaMllity, llev, H. W. Hasting w ill preach in the Evangelical church licxt Sunday at 11 a. ui, and lu aleuc ofthe pastor the Young People's Allinnoo will hold their aowlnll at N p. lit . Instead nf 0:.'lo, All are Invited. The father of Bufus Smith, living on the I.uckhuuule, Is the oldest sou of any revolutlonnry giddier imw living lu Oregon, Is'ltig "(1 year old. He has tax rvct'lpta in his HM-hu which H'e over 100 years old. The Ih'U knhs, of MoiiucmiiIi, lntv e elected olllcera us follows; Mrs. J, K. Miller, N. (I.; Mrs. U Oround, V. ().; MIhm Conalaiice Haw ley, treasurer; Miss Maggie Butler, secretary. Morehead A Tatom, tho Mi.mnoulh merchauis, are putting iu six days In the week catering lo the Wants of the s'ople of Polk county lit Krisries, dry gissls, ImhiIh and lio-s. Prof. CsuipU'll leaves next week fol U-uvi-r, t'ol., to attend the National Teacheo' Aasis'lutlou, and Inter will spend three wees In Chicago at tin Csk County liiKtllute. Frank Fisher, Curt Mctirew and tw-ar Balrd took a stin k of confet Moiicry, etc., over to Newport to slay during the celebration nf the llh ot July. lb presciitnllve Ira Smith bits a fain lly record of his ancestor lavok to the time when they came to America lu 1700, In Virginia. Mrs. W, A. Waiin and her mother Mr. West leit an Tuowlay for Scippie. Mrs. Waiin will sjsmiiI several wi-eks ut the seaside, Dr. Epley, A. lU-ntlcy, 1'rof. tiliiu, Frank Mulkey, Mr. Coats, I)r.Pisde and w ife are out Cfa'.ipiog lo the mount ains. Prof. Thus. Wsnn and wile, of Tulsre Co., Cal., were in town Wed new hi'. I'liey are visiting rebttlvcsat Ballastoii Disirs, windows and moMings of all kinds kept In stis-k at rMjilor's lumU r yard at Monmouih. John Miller and his niece, Mies Jennie Powell went to Portland Wed nesday. ITinsuinmei Normal Is going ahead nicely with "'! teachers In attendance. Mrs. Noble, of lleppm r, Is vlslllng her mother, Mrs. Bufus Smith. Work on the warehouse hits stopped ou account nf lack nf lumber. Ira Smith was lu Portland a tiny or two this week. People are returning from the Turner Cuiiipinecling. The (.'em Snlooll. On Wednesday mruiiig workmen commenced lo prepare for moving the (iem Salism from its present Jis-hIIoii lo H e tot next the alley adjoining the bakery on V street. The building there and the lot whs plirelilised by .1. H. CooMr mid the building w ill he torn down. ThcUem Saloon will fnce on C street, instead of Main. From Mike Boseudoif we Icurn that In H(t he owned the lot iidjoining where the (lem Saloon now stands paying Henry Hill $li" for II. On the corner lot a large oak tree was standing, und Mr. Hill wauled fur the lot. Mr, Itosendorf lsd the Inside lot for (?i' I nice he did not want to cut down the tree, Later two men, Baldwin and lluivh caiiio alom; and mill Mr. Hill his prlii- and built s shanty there about IU by Id and usi'd It for a saloon, the only one In town, Later II was burned down In the lire nf IH70 and J. It. Cooper and Phil Johnson irecled the present building a very pretentious and Imposing structure In lis time which has always Ix-en used us a saloon. Rich Red Blood U tlio Foundation ofthe WondorfulC'urun by Iloud'a Biirssparlllt. That is Why the cures by Hood'i Sor ts nnrillg grn Curbs. That is Why Hood's Bnrssparllla ttrel the severest canet ot Ho ro tula, Hiilt Ithruin and o',liur blood dlseaNes. Thut It Why it overcomes That Thed 1 'deling, strengthens the nerves, glvoi energy in pines of exhuustion. That It Why the talus of flood's Br sapartll hava lnnreiised year after yuur, until it now requlroa for ill production the largest Laboratory in the world. Hood's Sarsaparilla la the only True Mood Purifier promi nently in the public eye today, lie aura to got Hood's and only ITood'a. 11UUU a I 1113 tMTiaaffaoL UeanU. Polk (011111; Aiiiuinl Test Iters' Instlliile. ! The Annual Teachers Inslliule lor Polk county was held In the Normal Sehool Building St Moiiliioiilh, June '.'4, Z and . It wm well iiticml.d, tin-re Is-lng M leacln i eurollcl, unl each day a iiumls-r of visitors went present. A very lhti-r lliig and profit able lime was enjojed by nil. Th limtruclom were s follows: Hup'l J. II. Aekeruuin of Multnomah c emiy, who pn-scnied the follow ing subjocis Ina very able imiuher: Ariihmellc, Spelling, Laiiguiigea, an-l I hi-oiy and Practice of Teaching; Prof. II. B. Buckhsm, of llie NrniHl School, who bundled the subject of Psychology lu such a iiiauner thut the teachers could not fall lo he greatly U-in fiiicd, I'rof. E. A. Biiloonib, of llie Normal Schisd, who piVM-nted the lniol lulit sod lea-t Uenerally ktioWll points tif Phjslology In s live and Interesting way, a dl-ee. lion la-fore the clas being one fcalute of Ida work. Miss CasmtVallt, of be Normal Sclnsil, who piei-utisl tii-og-rupby and Ib-adlng, brliiKing luto pr-Miiliienec Ibe polnis on w hich ninny leiiehei me weak, nil lmxirtalit one of which Is "thought getting." The In struct or are all 'i-ilclico't tcscheis and the work done ought to m very helpful to the leiieln-r Htteiidlug, Two evening sensloim were held, the Hut consisting of un Addrcsof Wel come by Prts. Campls-ll, of the Normal Schisd, a responw by Sup't Ackerinan, and short iidilnM by oibux '1 he seisiiiit eoiiMisted ol ii lecture oil " I'hc disiory of Literature' by Hon, E I Infer, of Kdeiu, w hii-li w ss Very lo-tcrt-Mtlugaud was well reci'iccd,suiipli lllenleil by ttt'l uaites, a solo bt Ml Ijoiigncro, an Eity by Mr, Fri--man, mid a ite-lliiioii by Mrs. Bui isunb, w bleb were nil of a blub order. Every sea-lou of the institute ws hluhl.v plolltable and wu feci (I il llo teaeher W ill go to tlieir lioinex elieolir ge, niitl filled with an eni hulam tlml will einilile thelll lo do heller Work than ever More. This luslltulc Wns, ou the w bole, one ot the mt sueivxiful ever held In Polk county. (oniiell Pris-eedlnirs. Clly Cornell convened In reulai st-aaiiiu July 2, st5. In nbeiu-i- u Mnyoi Hurley, eouucll was called lo ohler by President I 'ouoellinso Cisk. MellllxT pri'M-lll: Cook, Chslfeltet, Finch, Strong and Walker. Alwetit: Perclval. Minnies of previous meeting were read and approved. An ordluiiiiie puM-d elitlle -'all oiliinun'- to pie. vide for extlugulahiiiciil of fires, elc, and to provide for and create a fire department within (be limits of the clly of Indepeudeiiiv, etc." Alo sli ordinance passed entitled "an ordln nt to prolis't the properly of the inleeinleiiiv Water Compuuy and li puninh roim interfering with the untie." The hbIimiii lamds of J, It Coos r, Lay ton Sinlih, Owen A initio r sppnived slid Heel so or-lered issui d thereof. The sum of U refundwl to I 'bus. Durrvll ou nuie of horses and warrants lor sanic ordered ilinwu lu fuvor of Peter t'isik. Bills against town ordered psld as f-dlows: hiut A ls-kc, II 40; W, II Kelh v. ;'; J W. Blehsrdson Jr.. f 7 Ml; Peter Cook, f t; J. T. Ford, ll.'.ti; J. W.Fet-r, .lo; A. J. Tupis-r, I1I..V1; L. C. tlilmote, Electric Light Co., t'.il. A MARTYR -TO- INDIGESTION Cured hy I alng Ayer's Sarsaparilla Word of Comfort to AH who Suffer from X vmira 1 u'lia n imirtvr frt wi Indigestion, and hud about given 0 up nil hope of ever finding relief, 0 its tin- complaint onlv seemed to J ......... . .... I ..... 1 f l.,,ll..r O under oi'diuurv treatment. At last, I was iniiiici-d to try Ayer's Siirsapitrilltt, and 1 hereby testily that after using only three bot tles, I wiiHcured. I run. therefore, confidently recommend this uied. icino to all similarly afflicted." FltANKLiN Bw K, Avocn, lit, "I ntn nersonallv acquainted with Mr. Beck and believe any statement he innv make to be trim." W. J. Ma'xw k.i.i.. Drug gist and Phiirinacist, Avocn, la. "I have used Avcr's Sursiiia rllln for general debility and, 11s a blood -iiurillcf, find It does ex nctlv as ts claimed for it." 8. J. A hams Ezzcll, Texas. Ayer'SoTXSarsaparilla Admitted tor Exhibition at t u r ucidi nn 1 1 1 a O oeoooooooooooooooooooooci Accidents Thai Pay. It is dangerous to travel without securing an accident policy In the .lMiiii idle lusiiriiiieet'o. ) 011 can gel a onc-diiy policy for M,d00, for tfi cent wlilcli will pav you lu case you are iiiiurcd 15 weekly Indemnity, $l,h(.'n for loss of one 11 rm or foot , $,'1,000 for loss of boih arms or fts-t. $.'1,0II0 in ense of nccblonial death. See tie HgiMit ill 1 lie Wumt StliK olilce. NEWDRESS- HAKINQ PARLORS. Mrs. M, M. (loir iiinl Miss Hopliln . (lolllntvnenti-red Inloii inrlni'rlili and will ciinilui't. dreHsinnkliiK at iMUk Hopliln (loirs (IreHHimiklliK parlors on Hie corner of lliillnmd and D Ktrci ts. The Intent n.YHtrm of cuttliiK used nnd ho tlifuit Ion guanintt'cil. Work done promptly und 11I reiiHomthla riiUs. Q0FF& Q0FF. G. L. HAWKINS, Proprietor of Tim Indnnenileueo Miirliln Works, tst.lnisti-s mi all cemetery win k. Klrnt-eliuis woiluuun. ship, latest deHlgua, and lowest prliics. HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS! Short Breath, Palpitation. Mr 0. W. McKlnsey.pfwtmnstcrof Ktkomo. lud.,nnd a bravo ci-soldlcr. ivs: "1 hud been wvep-ly troubled with hciirtdlsc'istj ever since leaving tins army nt the closo of th Into war. 1 wis troubled with palpitation and shortness of treat h. 1 could not leep oa my left mdo and lad pain annind my heart I Itecntua o 111 that I wan mucli alarmed, nnd for tunately my intention wan called to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I decided to try It. Th first hottla rtiado a d-cldcd luiprovement In my condition, nnd live Istlllci! have cow pletoly cured uic. " 0. W. M. KINSEY, P. M , K-.komo. In4. I'r. Mllna' Hear far la aolii nn a poattlTS (iisrsnnsilliut tlm Url twills sill U-iiUt. AUdrtiKSlaiaMll not 41, U.uh. (or ts. or It will l-m to, pc-tMil-l. on reeuit of pries tj tlit I'r, aliii Wwiii al Co., fclkhsrt, luit BANKS. i IXDI rh.M)h.Ch National Bank! Cajiital Stock. $50,(100.00. t. itiiOM iiiiriui, VIIHA.VI M 1-HilS. V. p. (tl.VNAWA Y . I'tMllll-ilt. VUai Prwldclit, fsahlrr. A nii-rl liHiiknia "'Ol i-xelmlina bualnm'lH; cuili ma. I.-, Iillli illiiiiillld,ejlii imt- ImI iTwtlla ijiioiU'd: di lta rtMvid on .'lirrriil aiiount auliJtTl ti flunk, iiiImI paid til tllnr 1'lltWntiltK H. K. KihIIIi, , Ni-Uili. 1. A. Allfli. II, II Iii.m..., ,. J, llfxMllliatl, t. W.h.sra, II i ir-w-liiwrii, Commenced Business March 4, 16139 Ktsiililil by N(tonnt AuOH-rtly, FIRST NATIONAL BUNK. u( lBilr(wu-tn, On-foii, Capital Stock 3ura)'ua, $60,000.00 $14,000.00 I. K. tXHU-KH, U W, HiUi:itTHON, l'ri'Uiot, Vie Prnlili-nt W, It HAWI.KY.tiMliU.r. DlHKCToitS. I. M, tirr, I., fiotiertattn, ll llmmtc (1, W. tt'luliikcr, W. W. ftilllna. Kiiv hiiiI aila j.-liuMk-i- on all liiiHirlnilt I-. -f.v,ta rtvtvil -uli.'i" I torliwk or on Wl- o- iiifiii ni' i. ( iiui-ti,,iii maur, ii)i- lniiir: a a, in. in 4 . in, IN.CBPOWED UNDER THE US OF OREGON. Polk County Bank, MONMOUTH Or. I. II. If wi.kv I', lt'AMI'IIKI.I H f. IDWKI.U.... Pwt'lt'tll 'li.l'r-. l'alilr Paid Capital, $30,000. DIHKCTOKH, I. It. Himli'V. I'. I Cuinplwll, I..M.WInii..-ii I. U. V, llullur, J,K. Mlilnip, j-'.H. I'owrll .ti hu.1i rvmi. A trlli nil Hi K cii-hHlmf IiiikIikm ' rioiaiMi'l; li.niia loinlr: iIihm rm-lvrit inliv to rh k or on .-niilmli-nf ili-n.t lll.-n-al mlil nil llllll tlilta. a-l' lri pmnr vunll nnd tiurnlnr rtHif (-', wiiri-d by Villi-Hum l-H-k. in i-i lliiurn- , in. to . Ill V. PIlK-ll.Wr, J. A. Vi;SKS8 Prescott & Veness, Proprl'-tora ot ,131 iii.a.1. Mamifiii'liirt- Of MIKl lll-HllTH III FIR and HARDWOOD, Rou-h and Dressed LUMBER. " J. A. WHEELER, - Manager. -FOR- fine Photographs Crayon Work Pastelles ndia Inks Water Colors. I). II. CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery Independence, Or. ' Solentiflo American Agency for CAVIATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COP VRICHT8. ata. jror inrorniaiion ntia rroe tinnilbook wrltr to Jll'NN 1 0 iki) DitoAliWAT, Nkw Yiiiik, OM-ist l)iiri-ii for acoiii'iiiK imtnntii In AniiMii-a. Kv-ry HHionl Uhun out l-v iim tit bronchi Itetnra tlio puuiio by auuiioe uivi-n freo of oiiaiuu In U Lnnrnat elrmilallnn of any aplt-ntlflc paiier In tha world. Hpluiiilidlr tlUintrattl. No Intolllei-nt. mini ahnulil bo without IU Weekly, Mil, on I fourt H.NIbIx nuintha. Aililrraa .M(!NN i DO Vuuuuuuui. SGI liroaawaj. Mow Yuri Ciij. n w .w w m m aai tm PRICES STRAIGHT AND TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Dress Silks, I;oniK T Price SI now 7;1 centJ DrcssSilks, I;ormcr Price?!. Jf) now 00 cents! Gray and Brown mixed Dreis G(kkIs, I:ormt: It.'. . O 1 i.. .. ... !. i rice 01 " . ' v.tii.-v All Wool Small Check, Former Price 415 cents now Small Check All Wool, runner Price '7yt cents now Novelty Dress Patterns, Former Price 81 per yard now 75 cents. Dress Ducks, Former cents. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Umbroidcricd Chemise Drawersftrimmed with " " " Ladies' Niht Gowns VANDUYN VENESS & INDEPENDENCE R O JL 1 u K Ji, M I LL S, I.envtH Ilulmiok, Pi'oprietor. Mill Feed on Hand and to Order. ,ndependence, Near the S. P. Depot.) Oregon Harvest Dcerlng anHcCormic Hindira, nnd Mowt-rs, tire the only two tnm-liluM iim.le tlmt art anhl lu every nation on the gloln?; wlu-u you buy it la Economy to get the best. Don't In- liuluci'.l to liny nn Inferior niiicliliit-Hlniple to Huve a ft-wilollara, aa you will soon .fiy out twioethnUniount for rt piilrw. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store, SCHOOL BOOKS and Alexander-Cooper Drug Co, Here's Soap! Ymi probably wnnt the vry tlmwt nnd beat when you , iwe It on the dwllrnto aktn of your wlfn or bnby. We linveiill klnda of Toilet Hon pa. Thi-y are dt-llghtnnly Pifliint!diidiiri-maiIiofpuioHmti.rlulii, VeepicliiHy cull your attention to the Moxlcfui 8oap tKt soap, which la purely veg. tnble. Come nnd not a FREE anuiple. Patterson Bros., The Druggists. it. iiis now ''lA r.nw ) cents. 27 lA cents. Price If) cents now 2lA 50 cents each. embroidery 35c per pr. 5()c per pr. 75c per pr. SI. 00 per pr. cmbroideried 70 cents. 81.00. SI. 25. WILCOX. Coming;! Harvesters, R. M. Wade & Co. rrJ STATIONERY